HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC232545_FRO Submitted_20230823 c.��NTY.,t, APPLICATION FOR PERMIT FOR A File# ' , LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITY z Wit. Under the conditions set forth by LD Fee Review Fee <( 04114`. _o �. Till' �2 The New Hanover County Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance Date Pd Date Pd Engineering Department Andy Mueller Applicant or Applicant's Agent: Mailing Address: 3240 Torringdon Way, Suite 210 Telephone Number: 301-922-3962 Fax Number: Charlotte, NC 28277 Email Address: amueller@blcompanies.corn Total Acres of Land Disturbance: 46.07 ac Purpose of Development: Industrial Park Description of Land Disturbance: 4 Proposed warehouse buildings with associated parking/utilities/infrastructure. Address of Land Disturbance 2830 US Highway 421 Latitude:34.277 Longitude: -77.958 Wilmington, NC STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Land owner(s)of record: Person or firm(s)financially responsible for the land disturbing activity. If not a North Carolina resident,von MUST have a N.C.agent.(List Below) Name: 2830 Highway 421 Owner, LLC Name: Corporation Service Company Address: 200 Garden City Plaza, Suite 325 Address: 2626 Glenwood Ave Suite 550 City/State: Garden City, NY city/state: Raleigh, NC 3 Zip Code: 11530 Zip Code: 27608 Telephone Number: 516-837-8000 Telephone Number: 516-837-8000 Email daniel.schor@treelineFaxNumber Email: daniel.schor@treeline FaxNumber: comLocation pdeed(s)or instrument(s): County: New Hanover County ofrn book: 6954 Page: 2359 The above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and was provided by me while under oath. (This form must be signed by the financially responsible person if an individual and by an officer,director,partner, attorney-in- fact, or other person of authority to execute instruments for the financially responsible person if not an individual.) I agree to provide corrected information should there be any change in the information provided herein. Date: l 1-1-2 ,- Name 1JUI(J �✓ TitleA M j gtke dvai Signat e I1,0 , �/a rp/ an a Notary Public of the County of f State of t•'lit t.}'"` hereby certify that (.. 'J'�o r- appeared personally before me this day and being duly sworn acknowledged that the above form was executed by him. Witness my hand and t seal,al' .1_L___day of 1-W- ,20�3 . , � �4 commission expires g'3/Zk, . Notary y p CAROL KANTOR SEAL Notary Public,State of New York No.01 KA4732765 Qualified in Nassau County _ Commission Expires August 31,20 Permission to Enter on Land I certify that I am authorized to grant and do in fact grant permission to the Erosion Control Inspector and his agents to enter on the 1 in quesionati connection related to this permit application. fs11,3 A lication SignAtur and Date PLEASE COMPLETE ALL PORTIONS OF APPLICATION „n,t APPLICATION FOR PERMIT FOR A File# •` LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITY z ..,' Under the conditions set forth by LD Fee Review Fcc OAs The New Hanover County ��' r la am/ Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance Date Pd Date Pd Engineering Department Andy Mueller Applicant or Applicant's Agent: Mailing Address: 3420 ToringdonTelephone Way,Suite 210 Tele hone Number: 301-922-3962 Fax Number: Charlotte,NC 28277 Email Address: amueller@blcompanies.com Total Acres of Land Disturbance: 7.61 ac Purpose of Development: Industrial Park 1 proposed warehouse building with associated parking/utilities/infrastructure Description of Land Disturbance: Address of Land Disturbance 2830 US Highway 421,Wilmington,NC 28401 Latitude:34.277 Longitude:-77.958 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Land owner(s)of record: Person or firm(s)financially responsible for the land disturbing activity. If not a North Carolina resident.von MUST have a N.C.agent.(List Below) Name: NN Bleeker NC LLC Name: Corporation Service Company Address: 111 Great Neck Road,Suite 301 Address: 2626 Glenwood Ave, Suite 550 City/State: Great Neck,NY City/State: Raleigh, NC Zip Code: 11021 Zip Code: 27608 Telephone Number: (516)837-8000 Telephone Number: 704-994.5400 Email: daniel.schor@treelinecompanies.comFaxNumber Email:danlel.schorMeelinemmpanies,00m 1~a\Number: Location of deed(s)or instrument(s):County: New Hanover County Book: 6613 page: 1790-1794 The above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and was provided by me while under oath. (This form must be signed by the financially responsible person if an individual and by an officer,director,partner,attorney-in- fact, or other person of authority to execute instruments for the financially responsible person if not an individual.) I agree to provide corrected information should there be any change``� in the information provided herein. c Date: 2r��Z Name �lil!l 'sj✓ Title m �°��° `, Signatu I, (�} / 4,..rhy a Notary Public of the County of tig=�- -t State of �''p tltl arr hereby certify that nth_ 0 ( appeared personally before me this day and being duly sworn acknowledged that the above form was executed by him.Witness my hand an ota seal. is day of A t 20 23 3 l-2, Notary r My commission expires SEAL CAROL KANTOR Notary Public,State of N3WYork No.01KA4732765 Qualified in Nassau County Commission Explres August 3l,202P Permission to Enter on Land I certify that I am authorized to grant and do in fact grant permission to the Erosion Control Inspector and his agents to enter on the t uestio • ngection relate to this permit application. g zl 113 Applation Signa re d Date PLEASE COMPLETE ALL PORTIONS OF APPLICATION ,,,T,. APPLICATION FOR PERMIT FOR A File# LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITY z 3• ;_ Under the conditions set forth by LD Fee Review Fee `, - The New Hanover County H. ,g 41 . Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance Date Pd Date Pd Engineering Department Andy Mueller Applicant or Applicant's Agent: Mailing Address: 3420 Toringdon Way,Suite 210 Telephone Number: 301-922-3962 Fax Number: Charlotte,NC 28277 Email Address: amueller@blcompanies.com 24.21 ac Industrial Park Total Acres of Land Disturbance: Purpose of Development: 2 proposed warehouse buildings with associated parkinglutilitieslinfrastructure,water main extension Description of Land Disturbance: Address of Land Disturbance 2830 US Highway 421,Wilmington,NC 28401 Latitude:34.277 Longitude:-77.958 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Land owner(s)of record: Person or firm(s)financially responsible for the land disturbing activity. If not a North Carolina resident.you MUST have a N.C.agent.(List Below) Name: Piedmont Developers LLC Name: Corporation Service Company Address: 200 Garden City Plaza,Suite 325 Address: 2626 Glenwood Ave, Suite 550 City/State: Garden City,NY City/State: Raleigh, NC Zip Code: 11530 zip Code: 27608 Telephone Number: (516)837-8000 Telephone Number: 704.994-5400 Email: daniel.sct orItreelinecompanies.com FaxNumber Email:daniel.arhorareellnecompanles.com FaxNumber: New Hanover County6610 1720-1723 Location of deed(s)or instrument(s):County: Book: Page: The above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and was provided by me while under oath. (This form must be signed by the financially responsible person if an individual and by an officer,director,partner, attorney-in- fact, or other person of authority to execute instruments for the financially responsible person if not an individual.) I agree to provide corrected information should there be any change in the information provided herein.Date: 6q-441--;" 1 Name ti CI i� Title AvArt.;krA CIS114761 Signre t } rt.)/ 1 rrft-7 a Notary Public of the County of )Zct u- State of Nert �` P� ma,hereby certify that_ 2 n►0 __... v)( appeared personally before me this day and being duly sworn acknowledged that the above form was executed by him. 1 n 2pvsf 2023 Witness my hand an. •tary seal, is . day of J Notary ,t /ice My commission expires 9-31-2‘ • ,- CAROL KANTOR SEAL Notary Public,State of New York No.01KA4732765 Qualified in Nassau County Commission Expires August 31,20? ' Permission to Enter on Land I certify that I am authorized to grant and do in fact grant permission to the Erosion Control Inspector and his agents to enter on the d in que .on Jn connection related to this permit application. gi7, II; A plication gnat e and Date PLEASE COMPLETE ALL PORTIONS OF APPLICATION