HomeMy WebLinkAbout20190211 Ver 2_U-5875 Allen Road PCN Support Doc 08-22-2023 FINAL_20230822STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Roy COOPER GOVERNOR August 22, 2023 J. ERIC BOYETTE SECRETARY Tom Steffens Garcy Ward US Army Corps of Engineers NC Division of Water Resources Washington Regulatory Field Office Washington Regional Office 2407 West 5th Street 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 Washington, NC 27889 SUBJECT: Application for Regional General Permit 50 Widening of SR 1203 (Allen Road), Pitt County TIP U-5875, WBS No. 44677.1.1 Dear Mr. Steffens and Mr. Ward, The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to widen and upgrade SR 1203 (Allen Road) for approximately 2.3 miles from SR 1467 (Stantonsburg Road) to US 13 (Dickenson Avenue Extension) to a four -lane, divided facility with a raised median and curb and gutter with an at -grade railroad crossing near SR 1276 (Landfill Road) in Greenville, Pitt County, NC (Figure 1). The coordinates of 35.591942°,-77.428315° generally correspond to the center of the site. The project is currently funded. The project was previously authorized under a Regional General Permit 31, 401 Water Quality Certification and Buffer Authorization (SAW- 2016-01862, NCDWR 20190211). The purpose of this application is to request a permit re -issuance for the above referenced project. There is no change to the project as previously proposed and the proposed impacts are the same as those presented in the previous application. In addition to this cover letter, the following has been included to assist your review: • Appendix A — SEPA Documentation • Appendix B — Stormwater Management Plan • Appendix C — Permit Drawings and Buffer • Appendix D — Field Verified Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination • Appendix E — Archaeological and Historic Resources Review Forms • Appendix F — Previous 404\401 and Buffer Authorization Permit Approvals Mailing Address: Telephone: (252)-439-2812 Location: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Customer Service: 1-877-368-4968 1037 W.H. SMITH BLVD DIVISION 2 GREENVILLE, NC 27834 PROJECT DEVELOPMENT UNIT Website: ncdot.gov PO BOX 1587 GREENVILLE, NC 27835-1587 PURPOSE AND NEED The purpose of the proposed project is to increase capacity and improve mobility through intersection improvements, the addition of new travel lanes and the installation of access control measures throughout the corridor. The proposed project is needed to increase capacity and improve mobility along Allen Road between Dickinson Avenue Extension and Stantonsburg Road. This section of Allen Road between Dickinson Avenue Extension and Stantonsburg Road is currently at or approaching capacity and therefore mobility is suffering. In order to provide for the development along the proposed project corridor as well as in the surrounding area, NCDOT needs to make improvements such as adding new travel lanes and implementing access control measures. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Allen Road project will widen and upgrade SR 1203 (Allen Road) for approximately 2.3 miles from SR 1467 (Stantonsburg Road) to US 13 (Dickinson Avenue Extension). The project will widen Allen Road to a four lane, median divided roadway. The project includes curb and gutter along its entirety and an at -grade railroad crossing just south of Landfill Road. Bicycle and pedestrian improvements will also be included with the project. The median width varies but would be 23-feet wide in most locations. INDEPENDENT UTILITY The U-5875 project is a single and complete project. This project exhibits the following characteristics of independent utility of a project: 1) The project connects logical termini and is of sufficient length to address environmental matters on a broad scope. 2) The project is usable and a reasonable expenditure, even if no additional transportation improvements are made in the area. 3) The project does not restrict consideration of alternatives for other reasonably foreseeable transportation improvements. SEPA DOCUMENT STATUS An EA/FONSI was completed to satisfy the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) documentation requirements, approved August 11, 2017. RESOURCE STATUS The project is located entirely in the Tar -Pamlico River Basin [U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) 03020103]. SUMMARY OF IMPACTS Proposed impacts have not changed from those previously permitted in 2019. The NCDOT is committed to incorporating all reasonable and practicable design features to avoid and minimize jurisdictional impacts, and to provide full compensatory mitigation of all remaining, unavoidable jurisdictional impacts. Avoidance measures were taken during the planning and SEPA compliance stages, and minimization measures were incorporated as part of the project design. Proposed permanent impacts to jurisdictional total 0.01 acre of permanent riparian wetland impacts and 683 linear feet of permanent stream impacts. Buffer impacts for the project include 54,447 square feet in Zone 1 and 28,512 square feet in Zone 2. IMPACTS TO JURISDICTIONAL RESOURCES Proposed impacts to Waters of the U.S. or riparian buffers have not changed from those previously permitted. The project will result in 0.004 acre of permanent impacts to jurisdictional wetlands due to the proposed mechanized clearing shown as Impact Site 4 on the corresponding permit drawings. Tables 1 and 2 summarize the proposed impacts to jurisdictional streams and riparian buffers. Site numbers correspond with the permit (hydraulic) drawings included with this application. Table 1. U-5875 Proposed Impacts to Jurisdictional Streams Site/Sheet No. Existing Channel Impacts Permanent (ft) Existing Channel Impacts Temp. (ft) Impact Type lA 33 24 Bank Stabilization 1 B 70 0 Culvert 1B 28 0 Bank Stabilization 1 B 0 12 Dewatering 1 C 49 0 Culvert 1C 111 0 Bank Stabilization IC 0 23 Dewatering 2 70 0 Culvert 2 139 0 Bank Stabilization 2 0 40 Dewatering 3 106 0 Culvert 3 78 0 Bank Stabilization 3 0 13 Dewatering TOTALS 683 113 Table 2. U-5875 Proposed Impacts to Tar River Basin Riparian Buffers Allowable Allowable Allowable Allowable with with Site/Sheet Upon Upon Mitigation Mitigation Impact Type No. Authorization Authorization Upon Upon Zone 1 (SF) Zone 2 (SF) Authorization Authorization Zone 1 SF Zone 2 SF IA 4,255 646 0 0 Bank Stabilization 113 1 0 0 4,950 3,048 Culvert 113 0 0 777 458 Roadway Construction IC 0 0 9,109 4,975 Culvert 1C 0 0 4,472 2,103 Roadway Construction 2 0 0 13,926 7,416 Culvert 2 0 0 3,695 2,053 Roadway Construction 3 0 0 9,557 5,836 Culvert 3 0 0 3,706 1,977 Roadway Construction Totals 4,255 646 50,192 27,866 SUMMARY OF MITIGATION The original request and acceptance letter were for stream and buffer impacts. The 404 permit was issued in April 2019 and the 401 certification was issued in January 2020. The USACE did not require any stream mitigation for this project and the DWR only required buffer mitigation. Payment for buffer mitigation payment was processed in April 2022. A copy of the acceptance is attached to the PCN. FEDERALLY PROTECTED SPECIES The United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) Information Planning and Consultation tool (IPaC) lists the following federally protected species within the study area, under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) (Table 3). Table 3. ESA federally protected species within the study areal Scientific Name Common Name Federal Status Habitat Present Biological Conclusion lligator mississippiensis American alligator T(S/A) Yes Not Required yotis septentrionalis Northern long-eared bat E No MA-LAA erimyotis subflavus Tricolored bat PE No Unresolved ecturus lewisi Neuse River waterdog T Yes A-NLAA* usconaia masoni Atlantic pigtoe T Yes E* arvaspina stienstansana Tar River spinymussel E Yes E* 1 IPaC data checked on July 11, 2023 E - Endangered T - Threatened PE — Proposed Threatened T(S/A)- Threatened due to similarity of appearance. MA-LAA - May Affect — Likely to Adversely Affect MA-NLAA- May Affect — Not Likely to Adversely Affect NE — No Effect *Aquatic surveys completed 2022 - 2023 American Alligator USFWS optimal survey window: Year-round (only warm days in the winter) Biological conclusion: Not required Species listed as threatened due to similarity of appearance do not require Section 7 consultations with the USFWS. Suitable habitat in the form of Green Mill Run was observed for American alligator. A review of NHP records on July 11, 2023, indicates no known occurrences within 1.0 mile of the study area. Northern long-eared bat (NLEB) USFWS Optimal Survey Window: Structure Checks: April 15 — September 15 Biological Conclusion: May Affect — Likely to Adversely Affect The US Fish and Wildlife Service has developed a Programmatic Biological Opinion (PBO) in conjunction with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), and NCDOT for the northern long-eared bat (NLEB) (Myotis septentrionalis) in eastern North Carolina. The PBO covers the entire NCDOT program in Divisions 1-8, including all NCDOT projects and activities. The programmatic determination for NLEB for the NCDOT program is "May Affect, Likely to Adversely Affect". The PBO provides incidental take coverage for NLEB and will ensure compliance with Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act for five years for all NCDOT projects with a federal nexus in Divisions 1-8, which includes Pitt County, where the project is located. Tricolored bat USFWS optimal survey window: May 15-August 15 Biological Conclusion: Unresolved On September 14, 2022, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced a proposal to list the tricolored bat (Perimyotis subflavus - PESU) as endangered under the Endangered Species Act. Given the proposal to list PESU as Federally Endangered, NCDOT and its federal partners, FHWA and USACE are initiating a conference programmatic consultation to address impacts to this species. USFWS has not provided an official effective listing date, but it is anticipated to occur in the second half of 2023. Upon listing, USFWS is expected to provide habitat descriptions and an area of influence/distribution range for PESU. When this information is provided, it will help to inform NCDOT's determinations on habitat that could be impacted by NCDOT actions. Neuse River Waterdog USFWS optimal survey window: November 15 — March 15 A survey for the Neuse River waterdog was conducted by Chris Sheats (ES Permit # 22- ES00558, 22-SF00249) and Tori Fowler from January 16 — 20, 2023. No designated critical habitat is located within the project study area. A review of NHP records on February 9, 2023, indicates no known occurrences within 1.0 mile of the study area. The project is applicable under the Programmatic Conference Opinion (PCO) Bridge and Culvert Replacement/Repair/Rehabilitation Effects on Carolina Madtom and Neuse River Waterdog In NCDOT Divisions 2, 4, 5, and 7. Atlantic pigtoe USFWS optimal survey window: March 1 — November 1 A survey for the Atlantic pigtoe was conducted by Chris Sheats (ES Permit # 22- ES00558, 22-SF00249) and Tori Fowler on July 27, 2022. No designated critical habitat is located within the project study area. A review of NHP records on February 9, 2023, indicates no known occurrences within 1.0 mile of the study area. Tar River spinymussel USFWS optimal survey window: March 1 — November 1 A survey for the Tar River spinymussel was conducted by Chris Sheats (ES Permit # 22- ES00558, 22-SF00249) and Tori Fowler on July 27, 2022. No designated critical habitat is located within the project study area. A review of NHP records on February 9, 2023, indicates no known occurrences within 1.0 mile of the study area. HISTORIC RESOURCES There are no historic architectural resources that would be affected by the proposed project. The Historic Review Form completed by NCDOT is included the appendices. FEMA COMPLIANCE Final approval/determination was for the project was completed as a Type 2b Memorandum of Agreement on a non -inventory DOT culvert. REGULATORY APPROVALS In consultations with relevant agencies, it was noted that in addition the Regional General Permit, the project is also applicable under a Section 401 General Water Quality Certification (WQC) and Neuse Riparian Buffer Authorization from the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDEQ). If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Philip Harris at ext-psharris(cr�,ncdot.gov or 252-439-2824. Sincerely, Philip S. Harris, III, PE, CPM Division 2 Environmental Engineer Transystems (NCDOT Representative) Appendix A — SEPA Documentation U-5875 ALLEN ROAD (SR 1203) WIDEN TO MULTI -LANES FROM STATONSBURG ROAD (SR 1467) TO DICKINSON AVENUE EXTENSION (US 13) PITT COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA STATE CLEARINGHOUSE #17-E-4220-0115 ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT 0„10[lll Cli O J»M1R Gi Ix x 0 991M�`'0[nNs[ NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION 2 8/11/2017 Date Betty Ann Caldwell, PE Division Project Manager Division of Highways — Division 2 North Carolina Department of Transportation Prepared By: 8/11/17 Date Susan Westberry, AICP, PWS, CPESC, LSSIT Senior Environmental Planner SEPI Engineering & Construction, Inc. Submitted Pursuant to the North Carolina State Environmental Policy Act of 1971 (N.C. Gen. Stat. 113A- 1 et seg.) U-5875 ALLEN ROAD (SR 1203) WIDEN TO MULTI -LANES FROM STATONSBURG ROAD (SR 1467) TO DICKINSON AVENUE EXTENSION (US 13) PITT COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA SUMMARY OF ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITMENTS 1. As currently designed, the proposed project would not have any impacts to the Noah Forbes, Sr. House property (eligible for listing in NRHP). If a drainage structure is recommended after hydraulic analysis is complete that would require a permanent drainage easement, NCDOT will notify SHPO for a reevaluation of effects. 2. The proposed project includes the crossing of Greens Mill Run. To ensure NCDOT compliance with EO 11988 and 44 CFR, The Hydraulics Unit will coordinate with the NC Floodplain Mapping Program (IMP), to determine the status of the project with regard to applicability of NCDOT'S Memorandum of Agreement. 3. This project involves construction activities on or adjacent to FEMA-regulated stream(s). Therefore, the Division shall submit sealed as -built construction plans to the Hydraulics Unit upon completion of project construction, certifying that the drainage structure(s) and roadway embankment that are located within the 100-year floodplain were built as shown in the construction plans, both horizontally and vertically. 4. The proposed project falls within the protection area afforded by the Tar -Pamlico Buffer Protection Rules. Buffer mitigation requirements were determined during the jurisdictional determination field verification meeting and will be applied to project impacts. 5. NCDOT will coordinate with the Pitt County School System prior to letting the project to construction. 6. NCDOT will coordinate with the Pitt County School System and local emergency response officials at least one month prior to construction to allow time for any possible alternate route planning. - Pitt County Schools: 252-830-4200 - Pitt County Emergency Services: 252-902-3950 - Pitt County Fire Marshal: 252-902-3954 - City of Greenville Fire Department: 252-329-4390 7. NCDOT will coordinate with local media during the construction of the project to alert the public of traffic restrictions and construction related activities. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TYPE OF ACTION This document is a State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Environmental Assessment (EA) and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI). The proposed project is included in the 2016-2025 NCDOT State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) as U-5875. INTRODUCTION The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) is currently studying a proposed project that would widen and upgrade Allen Road (S.R. 1203) for approximately 2.3 miles from Stantonsburg Road (S.R. 1467) to Dickinson Avenue Extension (U.S. 13) on the western edge of the City of Greenville in Pitt County. The proposed project would widen Allen Road to a four -lane, median divided roadway. The proposed project would include curb and gutter along its entirety and an at -grade railroad crossing just south of Landfill Road. Bicycle and pedestrian improvements will also be included with the proposed project. The median width varies, but would be 23 feet wide in most locations. The proposed project is included in the 2016-2025 NCDOT STIP as U-5875. Allen Road is currently a three -lane roadway, consisting of two travel lanes and a continuous center turn lane. There is currently no control of access and it is classified as a minor arterial roadway. There are no bicycle or pedestrian facilities present. Stantonsburg Road is a five -lane roadway, consisting of four travel lanes and a continuous center turn lane. Stantonsburg Road is classified as an other principal arterial roadway. Dickinson Avenue Extension is a two-lane roadway classified as an other principal arterial to the east of the intersection with Allen Road and a five -lane roadway consisting of two travel lanes and a continuous center turn lane to the west of the intersection with Allen Road. West of Allen Road, Dickinson Avenue Extension is classified as a minor arterial. Traffic signals are present at the intersections with Stantonsburg Road and Dickinson Avenue Extension. No other signals are present along the proposed project. Allen Road is a north -south commuter corridor to the hospital and medical facilities along Stantonsburg Road. It is located on the western edge of the City of Greenville and includes land both within and outside the City of Greenville's jurisdictional boundary. PURPOSE AND NEED The purpose of the proposed project is to increase capacity and improve mobility through intersection improvements, the addition of new travel lanes, and the installation of access control measures throughout the corridor. The proposed project is needed to increase capacity and improve mobility along Allen Road between Dickinson Avenue Extension and Stantonsburg Road. This section of Allen Road between Dickinson Avenue Extension and Stantonsburg Road is currently at or approaching capacity and therefore mobility is suffering. In order to provide for the development along the proposed project corridor as well as in the surrounding area, NCDOT needs to make improvements such as adding new travel lanes and implementing access control measures. Environmental Assessment ES-1 ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS Three alternatives were considered for the Proposed Project. These include: • No Action Alternative Alternative 1 — widen Allen Road primarily to the east o Alternative 1 has been chosen as the preferred alternative Alternative 2 — widen Allen Road primarily to the west PREDICTED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS The proposed project is not anticipated to result in any substantial negative direct, indirect, or cumulative impacts to the environment. The proposed project would increase capacity of a roadway in an area currently under development as a result of surrounding growth and changes in land uses. Adjacent growth and changes in land use would continue with or without the construction of the proposed project. SUMMARY OF IMPACTS Preferred Alternative 1 EATURE IMPACT Length (miles) 7 2.3 Cost Utility Cost ($) Power $ 1,500,000.00 Utility Cost $ Gas $ 325,000.00 Utility Cost $ Water $ 2,900,000.00 Right -of -Way Cost ($ $ 2,900,000.00 Construction Cost $ $ 13,100,000.00 Total Cost $ $ 20,725,000.00 Permanent Property Impacts Residential #, Acres 23, 1.76 Business #, Acres 19, 2.66 Non -Profit #, Acres 1, 0.15 Total Impacts (#, Acres) 43, 4.57 Anticipated Proximity Impacts (#) 3 Natural Resources Stream Length ft 209 Wetland (ac) 0 T&E Species 0 Environmental Assessment ES-2 MITIGATIVE MEASURES Alternatives were developed asymmetrically to utilize as much of the existing right of way as possible. Alternatives were shifted to minimize impacts to utilities and personal property. Alternatives were shifted to avoid any impact to the NRHP-eligible Noah Forbes, Sr. House. PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT A public meeting was held on Monday, March 27, 2017 from 4:00pm to 7:00 pm at Lakeforest Elementary School (3300 Briarcliff Drive) in Greenville and a local officials meeting was held earlier in the day on March 27, 2017 from 10:00am to 11:30pm at the Pitt County Government Office in the Commissioners Conference Room. Alternative 1 was the preferred alternative based on comments received at the public and local officials meetings. AGENCY COORDINATION The proposed project was submitted for SEPA Environmental Review through the North Carolina State Clearinghouse on August 23, 2016. Start of Study notifications were also sent to officials from the City of Greenville and Pitt County as well as the US Fish and Wildlife Service and US Army Corps of Engineers on August 23, 2016. PERMITS REQUIRED Section 401/404: The proposed project would require a Water Quality Certification (WQC) from the NCDWR under Section 401 and Nationwide Permit (NWP) 14 from the USACE under section 404. In addition, the proposed project falls within the protection area afforded by the Tar -Pamlico Buffer Protection Rules. Buffer mitigation would also be required. Stormwater and Erosion and Sediment Control: The proposed project will use protective sediment and erosion control BMPs in accordance with NCDWQ Design Standards. Stormwater runoff will be designed using best management practices as detailed in the most recent version of NCDWQ Stormwater Best Management Practices. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Additional information concerning the proposed project and this State EA/FONSI can be obtained by contacting: Betty Ann Caldwell, PE Division 2 Project Manager Division of Highways — Division 2 North Carolina Department of Transportation 252-439-2808 bacaldwell&ncdot.gov Environmental Assessment ES-3 FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT Based upon a study of the impacts of the proposed project as documented in this State Environmental Assessment and comments received from federal, state, and local agencies, it is the finding of the NCDOT that this project will not have a significant impact upon the quality of the human or natural environment. The proposed project is consistent with local plans and has been coordinated with state and local agencies. This Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) has been prepared and is being submitted in conjunction with the Environmental Assessment (EA) for the proposed project to document environmental review and evaluation in compliance with the North Carolina (State) Environmental Policy Act. Environmental Assessment Table of Contents 1.0 Project Description..........................................................................................................................1 2.0 Purpose and Need for Proposed Project...........................................................................................1 2.1 Purpose of Proposed Project........................................................................................................1 2.2 Need for Proposed Project...........................................................................................................2 3.0 Alternatives Analysis....................................................................................................................... 2 3.1 No Action Alternative................................................................................................................. 2 3.2 Study Alternatives....................................................................................................................... 2 3.2.1 Alternative 1 - Preferred Alternative.................................................................................. 2 3.2.2 Alternative 2....................................................................................................................... 3 4.0 Existing Environmental Characteristics........................................................................................... 3 4.1 Topography..................................................................................................................................3 4.2 Soils............................................................................................................................................. 4 4.3 Land Use...................................................................................................................................... 4 4.4 Wetlands...................................................................................................................................... 4 4.5 Prime and Unique Agricultural Lands......................................................................................... 5 4.6 Public Lands and Scenic, Recreational, and State Natural Areas ................................................ 5 4.7 Areas of Archaeological or Historical Value............................................................................... 5 4.8 Air Quality................................................................................................................................... 5 4.9 Noise Levels................................................................................................................................ 5 4.10 Water Resources (Surface Water and Groundwater)................................................................... 6 4.11 Forest Resources.......................................................................................................................... 6 4.12 Shellfish and/or Fish and their Habitats....................................................................................... 6 4.13 Wildlife and Natural Vegetation.................................................................................................. 7 4.13.1 Wildlife............................................................................................................................... 7 4.13.2 Natural Vegetation..............................................................................................................7 Maintained/Disturbed........................................................................................... 7 Mesic Mixed Hardwood Forest (Coastal Plain Subtype) .......................................... 7 Coastal Plain Bottomland Hardwoods (Blackwater Subtype)....................................7 Mesic Pine Flatwoods...........................................................................................7 4.13.3 Threatened and Endangered Species.................................................................................. 7 Bald Eagle and Golden Eagle Protection Act .......................................................... 9 4.13.4 Federal Species of Concern/State-Protected Species........................................................10 4.13.5 Significant Natural Heritage Areas...................................................................................10 5.0 Predicted Environmental Impacts of the Proposed Project............................................................11 5.1 Topography................................................................................................................................11 5.2 Soils...........................................................................................................................................11 5.3 Land Use....................................................................................................................................12 5.4 Wetlands....................................................................................................................................12 5.5 Prime and Unique Agricultural Lands.......................................................................................12 5.6 Public Lands and Scenic, Recreational, and State Natural Areas..............................................12 5.7 Areas of Archaeological or Historical Value.............................................................................12 5.8 Air Quality.................................................................................................................................13 5.9 Noise Levels..............................................................................................................................13 5.9.1 Traffic Noise Impacts and Noise Contours.......................................................................13 5.9.2 No -Build Alternative........................................................................................................14 5.9.3 Traffic Noise Abatement Measures..................................................................................14 5.9.4 Noise Barriers...................................................................................................................15 5.9.5 Summary...........................................................................................................................15 Environmental Assessment ii 5.10 Water Resources (Surface Water and Groundwater).................................................................16 5.11 Forest Resources........................................................................................................................16 5.12 Shellfish and/or Fish and their Habitats.....................................................................................16 5.13 Wildlife and Natural Vegetation................................................................................................16 5.14 Introduction of Toxic Substances..............................................................................................16 6.0 Mitigative Measures......................................................................................................................17 6.1 Alternative Development...........................................................................................................17 6.2 Cultural Resources.....................................................................................................................17 7.0 Public Involvement........................................................................................................................17 8.0 Agency Coordination.....................................................................................................................17 9.0 State and Federal Permits Required...............................................................................................17 10.0 References......................................................................................................................................18 List of Tables Table 1. Soils in the project area..................................................................................................................4 Table 2. Water resources in the project area................................................................................................6 Table 3. Federally protected species listed for Pitt County......................................................................... 8 Table 4. Federal Species of Concern Listed for Pitt County......................................................................10 Table 5. Summary of Impacts for Preferred Alternative 1.........................................................................11 Table 6. Traffic Noise Impact Summary for Build Condition...................................................................14 Table 7. Preliminary Noise Wall Evaluation Results.................................................................................15 List of Appendices Appendix A: Figures Figure 1: Project Vicinity Figure 2: Environmental Features and Project Constraints Figure 3: USGS Topographic Quadrangle — Greenville SW Figure 4: Jurisdictional Features Appendix B: Conceptual Design Plans Appendix C: Scientific Names Identified in the Report Appendix D: Noise Study Areas (NSAs) Appendix E: SHPO Effects Determination Appendix F: Public Meeting Summary Appendix G: Agency Coordination Environmental Assessment iii 1.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) is currently studying a proposed project that would widen and upgrade Allen Road (S.R. 1203) for approximately 2.3 miles from Stantonsburg Road (S.R. 1467) to Dickinson Avenue Extension (U.S. 13) on the western edge of the City of Greenville in Pitt County (Appendix A, Figure 1). The proposed project would widen Allen Road to a four -lane, median divided roadway. The proposed project would include curb and gutter along its entirety and an at -grade railroad crossing just south of Landfill Road. Bicycle and pedestrian improvements will also be included with the proposed project. The median width varies, but would be 23 feet wide in most locations. The proposed project is included in the 2016-2025 NCDOT State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) as U-5875. Allen Road is currently a three -lane roadway, consisting of two travel lanes and a continuous center turn lane. There is currently no control of access and it is classified as a minor arterial roadway. Current daily traffic is 16,200 vehicles. There are no bicycle or pedestrian facilities present. Stantonsburg Road is a five - lane roadway, consisting of four travel lanes and a continuous center turn lane. Stantonsburg Road is classified as an other principal arterial roadway. Dickinson Avenue Extension is a two-lane roadway classified as an other principal arterial to the east of the intersection with Allen Road and a five -lane roadway consisting of two travel lanes and a continuous center turn lane to the west of the intersection with Allen Road. West of Allen Road, Dickinson Avenue Extension is classified as a minor arterial. Traffic signals are present at the intersections with Stantonsburg Road and Dickinson Avenue Extension. No other signals are present along the proposed project. Projected 2040 daily traffic is 35,100 vehicles. Allen Road is a north -south commuter corridor to the hospital and medical facilities along Stantonsburg Road. It is located on the western edge of the City of Greenville and includes land both within and outside the City of Greenville's jurisdictional boundary. Land outside the jurisdictional boundary is part of the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ). The project area is largely rural -agricultural land with residential/subdivision infill (Appendix A, Figure 2). It contains a mixture of residential, commercial, forested, and agricultural land. Large tracts of agriculture are present, but rapidly converting to residential and retail/commercial uses. 2.0 PURPOSE AND NEED FOR PROPOSED PROJECT Allen Road is an important north -south connector route for local commuters to and from other major corridors and the medical district on the north side of Allen Road. It is a known commuter route for hospital users and employees. It also experiences school traffic associated with Lake Forest Elementary School located off Briarcliff Drive on the east side of Allen Road, and truck traffic using the Pitt County Transfer Station on Landfill Drive on the west side of Allen Road. The Allen Road corridor is a rapidly developing area. There are a number of large, high -density housing developments present now and much of the agricultural land in the area is being converted to residential, medical office, and commercial uses. Traffic along the corridor is expected to increase over the next several years. 2.1 PURPOSE OF PROPOSED PROJECT The purpose of the proposed project is to increase capacity and improve mobility through intersection improvements, the addition of new travel lanes, and the installation of access control measures throughout the corridor. The proposed project would provide a facility in compliance with the Greenville Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (GUAMPO) 2040 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (2014), the GUAMPO Comprehensive Transportation Plan (2011), and the City of Greenville's Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan (2011). Environmental Assessment 2.2 NEED FOR PROPOSED PROJECT The proposed project is needed to increase capacity and improve mobility along Allen Road between Dickinson Avenue Extension and Stantonsburg Road. This section of Allen Road between Dickinson Avenue Extension and Stantonsburg Road is currently at or approaching capacity and therefore mobility is suffering. In order to provide for the development along the proposed project corridor as well as in the surrounding area, NCDOT needs to make improvements such as adding new travel lanes and implementing access control measures. Capacity will be increased through the addition of new travel lanes. Mobility is considered the ability to move unimpeded, safely, and efficiently using a reliable transportation system. Currently, there is no control of access along Allen Road between Dickinson Avenue Extension and Stantonsburg Road. Within this 2.3- mile section, Allen Road is a two- to three -lane (one travel lane in each direction and a two-way center turn lane in most areas) minor arterial road with more than 30 driveways and eight cross streets. The lack of access control, coupled with numerous street and driveway connections, substantially reduces the mobility of this corridor. 3.0 ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS The following information summarizes the alternatives considered to widen Allen Road. Conceptual design plans are located in Appendix B. 3.1 NO ACTION ALTERNATIVE The No -Action alternative normally includes short-term, minor restoration types of activities (safety and maintenance improvements, etc.) that maintain continuing operation of the existing roadway. With the exception of routine maintenance, no changes will take place along the existing project corridor. The No - Action alternative also serves as the baseline comparative alternative for the design year (2040). The No -Build alternative would not increase capacity or improve mobility along the proposed project corridor. Both capacity and mobility would continue to worsen over time. 3.2 STUDY ALTERNATIVES Two study alternatives were evaluated to widen Allen Road. Both alternatives propose to widen Allen Road and include the addition of a median and bike lanes. 3.2.1 ALTERNATIVE 1— PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE Alternative 1 would widen Allen Road primarily to the east, with the right of way limits on the west side of the road remaining in place in most locations. The existing right of way is 100 feet wide and the proposed is 110 feet wide. Alternative 1 would require an additional 4.15 acres of right of way and 0.42 acres of permanent drainage easement. The proposed typical section consists of a four -lane divided section with a 23-foot raised grass median and curb and gutter. There are two 12-foot travel lanes in each direction with a five-foot dedicated bike lane on each side. The berm width is ten feet, measured from the face of the 2- foot, six-inch curb and gutter to the back of the berm. The design speed is 50 miles per hour. This widening shifted in the vicinity of Landfill Road based on design constraints associated with the right turn lane onto Landfill Road and near the Holly Glen apartment complex just north of Landfill Road in order to minimize impacts to the apartment complex. The proposed design was also shifted to minimize impacts to a property deemed eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). This property is discussed in Section 4.7. Environmental Assessment 2 3.2.2 ALTERNATIVE 2 Alternative 2 would widen Allen Road primarily to the west, with the right of way limits on the east side of the road remaining in place in most locations. The existing right of way is 100 feet wide and the proposed is 110 feet wide. Alternative 2 would require an additional 3.67 acres of right of way and 0.41 acres of permanent drainage easement. The typical section consists of a four -lane divided section with a 23-foot raised grass median and curb and gutter. There are two 12-foot travel lanes in each direction with a five- foot dedicated bike lane on each side. The berm width is ten feet, measured from the face of the 2-foot, six- inch curb and gutter to the back of the berm. The design speed is 50 miles per hour. This widening shifts to minimize impacts to the NRHP-eligible property discussed in Section 4.7, but would impose impacts to the Holly Glen apartment complex. 4.0 EXISTING ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS An assessment of the existing environmental characteristics of the proposed site was conducted on August 24, 2016. Walking surveys were undertaken to determine natural resource conditions and to document social, economic, cultural, and physical conditions. During the field assessment, wildlife identification involved a variety of observation techniques, including active searching, visual observations, and observing the characteristic signs of wildlife (sounds, scat, tracks, and burrows). The presence of jurisdictional wetlands was evaluated using the three -parameter approach prescribed in the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual (Environmental Laboratory, 1987) and the Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region (Version 2.0) (Environmental Laboratory, 2010). Scientific names for species described in this report are located in Appendix C. 4.1 TOPOGRAPHY The project area lies in the coastal plain physiographic region of North Carolina. Topography in the project vicinity is comprised large, flat interstream divides with scattered stream systems. According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS) Greenville SW, North Carolina 7.5 minute topographic quadrangle, elevations within the project area range from ±15 feet above mean sea level (msl) to ±25 above msl, with the highest elevations located in the central portion of the project area near Landfill Road (Appendix A, Figure 3). According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) panel number 4667 (map no. 3720466700K), the project area contains two areas of mapped flood zones along Greens Mill Run and North Fork Greens Mill Run (Appendix A, Figure 2). Greens Mill Run is part of a Detailed Study with an available model on the North Carolina Flood Risk Information System (FRIS) website. North Fork Greens Mill Run is not studied at the crossing with Allen Road. Environmental Assessment 4.2 SOILS The Pitt County Soil Survey identifies thirteen soil types within the project area (Table 1). Table 1. Soils in the project area Soil Series Mapping Unit Drainage Class Hydric Status Bibb complex Bb Poorly Drained Hydric Bladen fine sandy loam Bd Poorly Drained Hydric Coxville fine sandy loam Co Poorly Drained Hydric Craven fine sandy loam, 1 to CrB2 Moderately Well Drained Non-Hydric 6 percent slopes, eroded Exum fine sandy loam, 0 to ExA Moderately Well Drained Non-Hydric 1 percent slopes Goldsboro sandy loam, 0 to GoA Moderately Well Drained Hydric* 1 percent slopes Goldsboro sandy loam, 1 to GoB Moderately Well Drained Non-Hydric 6 percent slopes Lynchburg fine sandy loam, Ly Somewhat Poorly Drained Hydric* 0 to 2 percent slopes Norfolk sandy loam, 0 to 1 NrA Well Drained Non-Hydric percent slopes Norfolk sandy loam, 1 to 6 NrB Well Drained Non-Hydric percent slopes Ocilla loamy fine sand, 0 to OcB Somewhat Poorly Drained Hydric* 4 percent slopes Rains fine sandy loam, 0 to Ra Poorly Drained Hydric 2 percent slopes Wagram loamy sand, 0 to 6 WaB Well Drained Non-Hydric percent slopes * - Soils which are primarily non-hydric, but which may contain hydric inclusions Soil types are scattered along the project area, with the most common type being Lynchburg fine sandy loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes. 4.3 LAND USE Land use in the project vicinity consists primarily of agricultural fields with scattered rural residences. Infill development is present in small portions and contains higher density residential and commercial uses. There are a limited number of small, forested areas concentrated mainly adjacent to stream features. Within the project area, land use consists of a mixture of rural residential properties and subdivisions interspersed with agricultural uses. Small areas of woodland are present. Commercial properties are present at each end of the project area at Dickinson Avenue Extension and Stantonsburg Road and at Woodridge Park Road (Appendix A, Figure 2). 4.4 WETLANDS One jurisdictional wetland was identified within the project area. This wetland has been designated Wetland WB (Appendix A, Figure 4). Wetland WB occurs within the coastal plain bottomland hardwood community type. Dominant species include red maple, American elm, water oak, willow oak, sweetgum, and loblolly pine. Poison ivy and muscadine grape were present in the herb layer. Environmental Assessment 4.5 PRIME AND UNIQUE AGRICULTURAL LANDS Three categories of important farmlands are recognized in North Carolina — prime, unique, and statewide importance. Criteria used for prime and unique farmlands were published on January 31, 1978 in the Federal Register and amended on June 17, 1994. These criteria are also in the General Manual, title 310- Land Use, Section 403.3 and Section 622 of the Natural Resources Conservation Service (MRCS) National Soil Survey Handbook (Title 430). Criteria for farmland of statewide importance were developed in 1988 by the North Carolina NRCS State soils staff in consultation with soil survey cooperators, resource conservationists, and key soil survey customers. The NRCS, in cooperation with state and local agencies, has developed a listing of Prime and Statewide Important Farmland of North Carolina by county. Approximately 91 percent of the project area contains soils that are considered prime or of statewide importance. Of the 98.8 acres within the project area, 6.9 acres are farmland of statewide importance, 31.1 acres are prime farmland, and 52.0 acres are prime farmland if drained. The remaining 8.8 acres are not considered farmlands. 4.6 PUBLIC LANDS AND SCENIC, RECREATIONAL, AND STATE NATURAL AREAS There are no public lands or scenic, recreational, or state natural areas within or in the vicinity of the project area. 4.7 AREAS OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL OR HISTORICAL VALUE A request for archaeological and historic architectural review of the proposed project was submitted to NCDOT's Environmental Tracking and Coordination System (ETRACS) on June 29, 2016. On July 25, 2016 it was determined that no archaeological survey would be required due to the previously disturbed nature of the proposed project corridor. On July 20, a search of NC HPOWEB GIS Service revealed that the Area of Potential Effect (APE) for the proposed project contains a number of properties over 50 years of age and it was determined that a survey would be required for Historic Architecture. The proposed project was assigned tracking number 16-07- 0001. The survey revealed that the Noah Forbes, Sr, House (PT0047) and Red Oak Christian Church (PT0050) could be impacted by the proposed project, but that the Red Oak Christian Church has been destroyed. In a letter dated October 13, 2016 the NC State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) stated that the Noah Forbes, Sr. House is eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places under Criterion C and Consideration B. 4.8 AIR QUALITY The current Section 107 attainment status designations for areas within the State of North Carolina are summarized in 40 CFR 81.334. The proposed project is located in Pitt County, which has been determined to comply with the federal National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). The proposed project is located within an attainment area; therefore, 40 CFR Parts 51 and 93 are not applicable. 4.9 NOISE LEVELS In accordance with Title 23 Code of Federal Regulations Part 772, Procedures for Abatement of Highway Traffic Noise and Construction Noise (Title 23 CFR 772) and the North Carolina Department of Transportation Traffic Noise Abatement Policy, each Type I highway project must be analyzed for predicted traffic noise impacts. In general, Type I projects are proposed State or Federal highway projects for construction of a highway or interchange on new location, improvements of an existing highway which substantially changes the horizontal or vertical alignment or increases the vehicle capacity, or projects that involve new construction or substantial alteration of transportation facilities such as weigh stations, rest stops, ride -share lots or toll plazas. Traffic noise impacts are determined through implementing the current Traffic Noise Model (TNM) approved by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and following procedures detailed in Title 23 Environmental Assessment CFR 772, the NCDOT Traffic Noise Abatement Policy and the NCDOT Traffic Noise Analysis and Abatement Manual. When traffic noise impacts are predicted, examination and evaluation of alternative noise abatement measures must be considered for reducing or eliminating these impacts. Temporary and localized noise impacts will likely occur as a result of project construction activities. Construction noise control measures will be incorporated into the project plans and specifications. A copy of the unabridged version of the full technical report entitled `Traffic Noise Report. SR 1203 (Allen Rd) Widening. WBS Element No. 44677.1.1. TIP Project No. U-5875. SR 1203 (Allen Road) from SR 1467 (Stantonsburg Road) to US 13 (Dickinson Avenue Extension)' can be viewed in the Environmental Analysis Unit, Century Center Building B, 1020 Birch Ridge Drive, Raleigh. The TNR documents the Existing (2016), No -Build (2040), and Design Year (2040) Build noise levels associated with the proposed project. Noise monitoring was performed during typical, weekday conditions at six locations. For reporting purposes, the proposed project was divided into six noise study areas (NSAs), as shown in Appendix D. 4.10 WATER RESOURCES (SURFACE WATER AND GROUNDWATER) Water resources in the project area are part of the Tar -Pamlico River basin [U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Hydrologic Unit 03020103]. Six streams were identified in the project area (Table 2). Table 2. Water resources in the project area Stream Name Map ID NCDWR Index Number Best Usage Classification UT to Greens Mill Run Stream SA 28-96 QNSW UT2 to Greens Mill Run Stream SB 28-96 C;NSW UT3 to Greens Mill Run Stream SC 28-96 C;NSW Greens Mill Run Green Mills Run 28-96 C;NSW UT4 to Greens Mill Run Stream SD 28-96 QNSW UT5 to Greens Mill Run Stream SE 28-96 C;NSW There are no designated Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW), High Quality Waters (HQW), or water supply watersheds (WS-I or WS-II) within 1.0 mile downstream of the project area. There are no designated anadromous fish waters or Primary Nursery Areas (PNA) present in the project area. Greens Mill Run does not appear on the North Carolina 2014 Final 303(d) list of impaired waters. 4.11 FOREST RESOURCES Forested areas are extremely limited within the project area (approximately 13 percent), and those present are not being used to produce forest products. Most the project area consists of existing infrastructure, agriculture, and residential development. Scattered natural/forested areas are present, mostly along stream features. The limited forest community types are discussed in Section 4.13.2. 4.12 SHELLFISH AND/OR FISH AND THEIR HABITATS The aquatic community in the project area consists of portions of five perennial stream systems. These streams could support Eastern mosquitofish, largemouth bass, grass carp, chain pickerel, gizzard shad, bowfin, flathead catfish, various darters, various shiners, and various sunfish. Waters within the project area are considered inland waters. There are no primary nursery areas or spawning areas designated within or near the project area. Environmental Assessment 6 4.13 WILDLIFE AND NATURAL VEGETATION 4.13.1 WILDLIFE Terrestrial communities in the project area are comprised of both natural and disturbed habitats that may support a diversity of wildlife species. Mammal species that commonly exploit the small forested habitats, wetlands, and stream corridors found within the project area include species such as eastern gray squirrel, gray fox, striped skunk, white-footed mouse, eastern cottontail, raccoon, Virginia opossum, and white- tailed deer. Birds common to the area include turkey vulture, red -shouldered hawk, red-tailed hawk, American robin, northern cardinal, eastern towhee, American crow, eastern bluebird, northern mockingbird, Carolina wren, song sparrow, white -throated sparrow, rock dove, pileated woodpecker, mourning dove, blue jay, American goldfinch, northern flicker, European starling, and tufted titmouse. Reptile and amphibian species that may use terrestrial communities located in the project area include the rough green snake, copperhead, rat snake, eastern box turtle, eastern fence lizard, American toad, bullfrog, green anole, gray treefrog, and five -lined skink. 4.13.2 NATURAL VEGETATION Four terrestrial communities were identified in the project area: maintained/disturbed, mesic mixed hardwood forest (coastal plain subtype), coastal plain bottomland hardwoods (blackwater subtype), and mesic pine flatwoods. Maintained/Disturbed Maintained/disturbed communities include lands in which the vegetation is periodically mowed, such as roadside shoulders and residential lawns. This community also includes agricultural fields that support soybean, tobacco, corn, and hay production. Maintained/disturbed areas are dominant in the project area and are present immediately alongside the roadway and extend down the fill slope. Within the project area, the maintained/disturbed community consist primarily of mowed grass and weedy edge species such as fescue and clover. Included in this type is also ornamental landscape plantings near churches and housing complexes as well as scattered loblolly pine trees in residential yards. Mesic Mixed Hardwood Forest (Coastal Plain Subtype) The mesic mixed hardwood forest community is scattered throughout the project area in small wooded patches. The community is dominated by sweetgum, water oak, red maple, and black cherry in both the over- and midstory. The midstory also contained Chinese privet and raspberry. The herb layer is sparse and only poison ivy and muscadine grape were observed. Coastal Plain Bottomland Hardwoods (Blackwater Subtype) The coastal plain bottomland hardwood community type occurs in two small areas associated with the larger stream systems in the project area. Dominant species include red maple, American elm, water oak, willow oak, sweetgum, and loblolly pine. Poison ivy and muscadine grape were present in the herb layer. Mesic Pine Flatwoods Mesic pine flatwoods are present in three small areas on the west side of Allen Road. This community consists of a loblolly pine overstory. The understory was sparse and contained sweetgum, red maple, and Chinese privet. 4.13.3 THREATENED AND ENDANGERED SPECIES As of March 9, 2015 the United States Fish and Wildlife (USFWS) lists four federally protected species for Pitt County (Table 3). Additionally, the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) lists the federally Environmental Assessment 7 endangered Atlantic sturgeon. A brief description of each species' habitat requirements follows, along with the Biological Conclusion rendered based on survey results in the project area. Habitat requirements for each species are based on the current best available information from referenced literature and/or USFWS. Table 3. Federally protected species listed for Pitt Count Federal Habitat Biological Scientific Name Common Name Status Present Conclusion Picoides borealisRed-cockaded woodpecker E No No Effect Trichechus manatus West Indian manatee E No No Effect cipenser oxyrinchus Atlantic sturgeon E No No Effect oxyrinchus lliptio steinstansana Tar River spinymussel E No No Effect E - Endangered T - Threatened MA-LAA — May Affect -Likely to Adversely Affect Red -cockaded woodpecker USFWS optimal survey window: year round; November -early March (optimal) Habitat Description: The red -cockaded woodpecker (RCW) typically occupies open, mature stands of southern pines, particularly longleaf pine, for foraging and nesting/roosting habitat. The RCW excavates cavities for nesting and roosting in living pine trees, aged 60 years or older, and which are contiguous with pine stands at least 30 years of age to provide foraging habitat. The foraging range of the RCW is normally no more than 0.5 miles. Biological Conclusion —No Effect: The project area does not contain any open, mature stands of pine trees. The majority of the project area is developed or in agriculture and the forested areas in and near the project area are dense and very fragmented. There is not habitat for RCW in the project area. A review of NCNHP records, performed by NCNHP staff on September 7, 2016 indicates no known RCW occurrence within 1.0 mile of the project area. West Indian manatee USFWS optimal survey window: year round Habitat Description: Manatees have been observed in all the North Carolina coastal counties. Manatees are found in canals, sluggish rivers, estuarine habitats, salt water bays, and as far off shore as 3.7 miles. They utilize freshwater and marine habitats at shallow depths of 5 to 20 feet. In the winter, between October and April, manatees concentrate in areas with warm water. During other times of the year habitats appropriate for the manatee are those with sufficient water depth, an adequate food supply, and in proximity to freshwater. Manatees require a source of freshwater to drink. Manatees are primarily herbivorous, feeding on any aquatic vegetation present, but they may occasionally feed on fish. Biological Conclusion — No Effect: The project area is more than 20 miles from any estuarine habitats and does not contain any streams large enough to support manatee. A review of NCNHP records, performed by NCNHP staff on September 7, 2016 indicates no known West Indian manatee occurrence within 1.0 mile of the project area. Tar River spinymussel USFWS optimal survey window: year round Habitat Description: The Tar spinymussel is endemic to the Tar and Neuse River drainage basins in North Carolina. This mussel requires a stream with fast flowing, well -oxygenated, circumneutral pH water. The Environmental Assessment bottom should be composed of unconsolidated gravel and coarse sand. The water needs to be relatively silt - free, and stream banks should be stable, typically with many roots from adjacent riparian trees and shrubs. Biological Conclusion — No Effect: A habitat assessment for Tar River spinymussel was performed by NCDOT biologists on May 8, 2017. It was determined through this site visit that habitat for the species is not present within the project area. The survey report states `Due to the size of the streams, this project being located too high in the watershed, degraded habitat due to rip rap on the streambanks and where the site is situated, and that there are no known occurrences of Tar River spinymussel in these streams, this project will have no effect on the species.' Additionally, a review of NCNHP records, performed by NCNHP staff on September 7, 2016 indicates no known Tar River spinymussel occurrence within 1.0 mile of the project area. Atlantic sturgeon USFWS/NMFS optimal survey window: surveys not required; assume presence in appropriate waters Habitat Description: Atlantic sturgeon spawn in freshwater in the spring and migrate to estuarine waters where they spend most of their lives. Spawning occurs in moderately flowing waters in the deep parts of large rivers between the salt front and fall line of large rivers. They occur in most major river systems along the eastern seaboard of the United States. The species prefers the near shore marine, estuarine, and riverine habitat of large river systems. Sub adults and adults live in coastal waters and estuaries when not spawning, generally in nearshore areas dominated by gravel and sand substrates. Long distance migrations away from spawning rivers are common. Large freshwater rivers that are unobstructed by dams or pollutants are imperative to successful reproduction. Biological Conclusion - No Effect: Streams within the project area do not contain suitable habitat for Atlantic sturgeon. The streams within the project area are all small and slow moving. The project area is located more than 15 miles from a large river system and more than 30 miles from estuarine waters. A review of NCNHP records, performed by NCNHP staff on September 7, 2016 indicates no known Atlantic sturgeon occurrence within 1.0 mile of the project area. Northern long-eared bat The USFWS has developed a programmatic biological opinion (PBO) in conjunction with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the USACE, and NCDOT for the northern long-eared bat (NLEB) in eastern North Carolina. The PBO covers the entire NCDOT program in Divisions 1-8, including all NCDOT projects and activities. The programmatic determination for NLEB for the NCDOT program is "May Affect, Likely to Adversely Affect". The PBO provides incidental take coverage for NLEB and will ensure compliance with Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act for five years for all NCDOT projects with a federal nexus in Divisions 1-8, which includes Pitt County, where STIP U-5875 is located. Bald Eagle and Golden Eagle Protection Act Habitat for the bald eagle primarily consists of mature forest in proximity to large bodies of open water for foraging. Large dominant trees are utilized for nesting sites, typically within 1.0 mile of open water. A desktop-GIS assessment of the project area, as well as the area within a 1.13-mile radius (1.0 mile plus 660 feet) of the project limits, was performed on August 22, 2016 using 2014 color aerials. No water bodies large enough or sufficiently open to be considered potential feeding sources were identified. Since there was no foraging habitat within the review area, a survey of the project area and the area within 660 feet of the project limits was not conducted. Additionally, a review of NCNHP records, performed by NCNHP staff on September 7, 2016 indicates no known bald eagle occurrence within 1.0 mile of the project area. Due to the lack of habitat and known occurrences, it has been determined that the proposed project will not affect this species. Environmental Assessment 4.13.4 FEDERAL SPECIES OF CONCERN/STATE-PROTECTED SPECIES Federal Species of Concern (FSC) are not legally protected under the Endangered Species Act of 1973 and are not subject to any of its provisions, including Section 7, until they are formally proposed or listed as threatened or endangered. The Endangered Species Act does not formally protect federal candidate or state - listed species. An FSC is defined as a species that is under consideration for listing for which there is insufficient information to support listing. Organisms listed as threatened, endangered, or special concern (SC) on the NCNHP list of Rare Plant and Animal Species are afforded state protection under the Endangered Species Act and the North Carolina Plant Protection and Conservation Act of 1979. The North Carolina Wildlife Resource Commission (NCWRC) and the North Carolina Department of Agriculture (NCDA) are responsible for enforcing and administering species protection. No candidate or state -listed species listed for New Hanover County were observed during field investigations. As of March 9, 2015, the USFWS lists ten FSC species for Pitt County. Habitat for each of the species was evaluated within the project area. A review of NCNHP records, performed by NCNHP staff on September 7, 2016 indicates no known FSC occurrence within 1.0 mile of the project area. Table 4. Federal Species of Concern Listed for Pitt Count Scientific Name Common Name Habitat Present Within Proposed Site Anguilla rostrata American eel Yes Noturus furiosus Carolina madtom No Ammodramus henslowd susurrans Eastern Henslow's sparrow No Lythrurus matutinus Pinewoods shiner Yes Ambloplites cavifrons Roanoke bass No Heterodon simus Southern hognose snake No Fusconaia masoni Atlantic pigtoe No Lasmigona subviridis Green floater No Lampsilis cariosa Yellow lampmussel No Sagittaria weatherbiana Grassleaf arrowhead No 4.13.5 SIGNIFICANT NATURAL HERITAGE AREAS The NCNHP compiles a list of Significant Natural Heritage Areas (SNHA) as required by the Nature Preserves Act. The list is based on the program's inventory of natural diversity in the state. Natural areas are evaluated based on the number and quality occurrences of rare plant and animal species, rare or high - quality natural communities, and special animal habitats. They represent areas of land or water important for the conservation of biodiversity. The global and statewide rarity of these elements and their quality at a site is compared with other occurrences to determine a site's significance. Sites included on this list are the best representatives of the natural diversity of the state, and therefore, have priority for protection. However, inclusion on the list does not imply that any protection or public access to the site exists. There are no SNHA within the project area; however, there is one SNHA within one mile of the project area. Harris Mill Run Slopes is located approximately 0.8 miles to the north of the intersection of Allen Road and Stantonsburg Road. Harris Mill Run Slopes is a privately -owned site. Environmental Assessment 10 5.0 PREDICTED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT The proposed project is not anticipated to result in any substantial negative direct, indirect, or cumulative impacts to the environment. The proposed project would increase capacity of a roadway in an area currently under development as a result of surrounding growth and changes in land uses. Adjacent growth and changes in land use would continue with or without the construction of the proposed project. Table 5. Summary of Impacts for Preferred Alternative 1 FEATURE IMPACT 7Lenthmiles) 2.3 Cost Utility Cost ($) Power $ 1,500,000.00 Utility Cost $ Gas $ 325,000.00 Utility Cost $ Water $ 2,900,000.00 Right -of -Way Cost ($ $ 2,900,000.00 Construction Cost $ $ 13,100,000.00 Total Cost $) $ 20,725,000.00 Permanent Property Impacts Residential #, Acres 23, 1.76 Business #, Acres 19, 2.66 Non -Profit #, Acres 1, 0.15 Total Impacts (#, Acres) 43, 4.57 Anticipated Proximity Impacts (#) 3 Natural Resources Stream Length (ft) 209 Wetland (ac) 0 T&E Species 0 5.1 TOPOGRAPHY The proposed project would have minimal direct impact on the local topography. Localized site grading will occur during construction to ensure proper drainage of the roadway and adjacent properties; however, overall topography and drainage patterns at the site would not change significantly. No increase in Base Flood Elevations would be permitted. The proposed project would have no indirect or cumulative impacts on the topography of the region. 5.2 SOILS Construction of the proposed project would involve general site grading, installation of asphalt and curb and gutter and roadway drainage facilities. Approximately 12.5 acres of paved area would be added to the project area. Thirteen different soil series are scattered along the proposed project corridor. The proposed Environmental Assessment 11 project would have no significant impacts to the existence or quantity of a particular soil series in the general project area, the City of Greenville, or Pitt County. The proposed project would have no indirect or cumulative impacts on the soils occurring in the region. 5.3 LAND USE The proposed project would not change the current land use within or around the proposed project corridor. The project corridor is already used as a north -south commuter corridor to and from the medical facilities and other commercial properties on Stantonsburg Road, and is experiencing infill development at the present time. Many of the large tracts of agricultural land along the proposed project corridor are being converted to residential and commercial uses. The proposed project and land use changes along the corridor are consistent with the current land use and zoning in the area. The GUAMPO 2040 Metropolitan Transportation Plan, GUAMPO Comprehensive Transportation Plan, and the City of Greenville Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan all identify the proposed project. The 2040 Metropolitan Transportation Plan calls for the widening of Allen Road to multi -lanes with sidewalk, bicycle, and landscaping improvements and the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan calls for a bicycle lane addition on the roadway. The future land use map shows the Allen Road corridor supporting mostly medium to high density residential on the east side of Allen Road and industrial/logistics along the northwest side of Allen Road with residential and commercial in the southwest quadrant. The proposed project is consistent with local plans. The proposed project would reduce congestion and increase capacity along the project corridor, but would not encourage indirect or cumulative changes in land use beyond what the area is already experiencing and is planned for within GUAMPO and City planning documents. 5.4 WETLANDS There would be no direct, indirect, or cumulative wetland impacts associated with the proposed project. 5.5 PRIME AND UNIQUE AGRICULTURAL LANDS Approximately 91 percent of the project area contains soils that are considered prime or of statewide importance. Of the 98.8 acres within the project area, 6.9 acres are farmland of statewide importance, 31.1 acres are prime farmland, and 52.0 acres are prime farmland if drained. The remaining 8.8 acres are not considered farmlands. However, existing infrastructure and impervious surface represents approximately 24.3 acres of the 98.8- acre project area. The proposed project would result in the disturbance and loss of 12.5 acres of prime and unique agricultural lands through conversion to pavement and roadway surface. Given the development currently underway along the proposed project corridor, it is likely that much of the remaining land containing soils considered prime or of statewide importance would be converted with or without the construction of the proposed project. The proposed project would not have substantial indirect or cumulative impacts to these soil types in the area. 5.6 PUBLIC LANDS AND SCENIC, RECREATIONAL, AND STATE NATURAL AREAS There are no public lands or scenic, recreational, or state natural areas within or directly adjacent to the project area. There would be no direct, indirect, or cumulative impacts to public lands or scenic, recreational, or state natural areas. 5.7 AREAS OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL OR HISTORICAL VALUE The Noah Forbes, Sr. House (PT0047) is present within the project area and is a resource eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places under Criterion C and Consideration B. An Effects Meeting was Environmental Assessment 12 held with SHPO on July 11, 2017 to discuss project design and request an effects determination for the proposed project. SHPO has determined that the proposed project will have No Adverse Effect on the Noah Forbes, Sr. House property. The signed determination is located in Appendix E. As currently designed, the proposed project would not have any permanent impacts to the property or structures. No additional right of way or drainage easements would be required for project construction. The proposed project would require a 10 to 15-foot temporary construction easement along the frontage of the property as well as the removal of two trees. NCDOT and SHPO agreed during the meeting that the trees would not need to be replaced. If a drainage structure is recommended within the Noah Forbes, Sr. House property after hydraulic analysis is complete, NCDOT will notify SHPO to reevaluate effects. The proposed project would have no indirect or cumulative impacts on areas of archaeological or historical value. 5.8 AIR QUALITY Vehicles are a major contributor to decreased air quality because they emit a variety of pollutants into the air. Changing traffic patterns are a primary concern when determining the impact of a new highway facility or the improvement of an existing highway facility. New highways or the widening of existing highways increased localized levels of vehicle emissions, but these increases could be offset due to increases in speeds from reductions in congestion and because vehicle emissions will decrease in areas where traffic shifts to the new roadway. Significant progress has been made in reducing criteria pollutant emissions from motor vehicles and improving air quality, even as vehicle travel has increased rapidly. The proposed project is located in Pitt County, which complies with the NAAQS. Therefore, it is not anticipated to create any direct, indirect, or cumulative adverse effects on the air quality of this attainment area. 5.9 NOISE LEVELS The TNA for the proposed project found that Design Year (2040) Build noise levels are predicted to approach or exceed the FHWA/NCDOT Noise Abatement Criteria within 5 NSAs (1, 3, 4, 5, and 6). The analysis indicated that 74 receptors representing 74 residential land uses are predicted to be impacted and warrant noise abatement consideration. Noise barriers were evaluated for all NSAs, but were not feasible in NSAs 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 due to the driveway openings and isolated impacted receptors. Noise walls in NSA 5 were determined reasonable and feasible, and the cost to construct them will be further discussed with NCDOT. 5.9.1 TRAFFIC NOISE IMPACTS AND NOISE CONTOURS The maximum number of receptors in each project alternative predicted to become impacted by future traffic noise is shown in Table 6. The table includes those receptors expected to experience traffic noise impacts by either approaching or exceeding the FHWA Noise Abatement Criteria or by a substantial increase in exterior noise levels. The maximum extent of the 71- and 66- dB(A) noise level contours measured from the center of the proposed roadway is 80 feet and 130 feet, respectively. Environmental Assessment 13 Table 6. Traffic Noise Impact Summary for Build Condition SUMMARY OF IMPACTED RECEPTORS BY ACTIVITY CATEGORY DETAILED STUDY REASON FOR NOISE ALTERNATIVE IMPACT ALL A 7BC D E F5 G6 ACTIVITY CATEGORIES Based on NAC Criteria Only' 0 74 0 0 0 0 0 74 Alternative 1 Based on Substantial Increase Criteria Only' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Based on Both Criteria' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL DSA IMPACTS4 0 74 1 0 0 0 0 0 74 Note 1: Predicted traffic noise level impacts due to design year worst hour build -condition noise levels approaching or exceeding the NCDOT Noise Abatement Criteria (NAC) Note 2: Predicted design year worst hour noise levels exceeding existing worst hour noise levels by 10 dB(A) or greater. (NCDOT Substantial Increase Criteria). Note 3: Predicted traffic noise level impacts due to both 1 and 2 above. Note 4: Only one of the Note 1 and Note 2 conditions must be met for an impact to exist. Note 5: There are no impact criteria for land use facilities in this activity category and no analysis of noise impacts is required. Note 6: There are no impact criteria for undeveloped lands but some noise levels may need to be provided to local officials to aid them in future land use planning efforts. Note 7: Values noted for Activity Category C, D, and E represent Equivalent Receptor values for these non- residential land uses. *Per TNM 2.5 and in accordance with 23 CFR Part 772 5.9.2 NO -BUILD ALTERNATIVE The Traffic Noise Analysis also considered traffic noise impacts for the "no -build" alternative. If the proposed project does not occur, 78 receptors are predicted to experience traffic noise impacts and the future traffic noise levels will increase by approximately 3 dBA. Based upon research, humans barely detect noise level changes of 2-3 dBA. A 5-dBA change is more readily noticeable. Therefore, most people working and living near the roadway will notice this predicted increase. 5.9.3 TRAFFIC NOISE ABATEMENT MEASURES Measures for reducing or eliminating the traffic noise impacts were considered for all impacted receptors in each alternative. The primary noise abatement measures evaluated for highway projects include highway alignment changes, traffic system management measures, establishment of buffer zones, noise barriers and noise insulation (NAC D only). For each of these measures, benefits versus costs (reasonableness), engineering feasibility, effectiveness and practicability and other factors were included in the noise abatement considerations. Substantially changing the highway alignment to minimize noise impacts is not considered to be a viable option for this project due to engineering and/or environmental factors. Traffic system management measures are not considered viable for noise abatement due to the negative impact they would have on the capacity and level of service of the proposed roadway. Costs to acquire buffer zones for impacted receptors Environmental Assessment 14 will exceed the NCDOT base dollar value of $37,500 plus an incremental increase of $525 (as defined in the NCDOT Policy) per benefited receptor, causing this abatement measure to be unreasonable. 5.9.4 NOISE BARRIERS Noise barriers include two basic types: earthen berms and noise walls. These structures act to diffract, absorb and reflect highway traffic noise. For this project, earthen berms are not found to be a viable abatement measure because the additional right of way, materials and construction costs are estimated to exceed the NCDOT maximum allowable base quantity of 1,000 cubic yards, plus an incremental increase of 100 cubic yards per benefited receptor, as defined in the NCDOT Policy. A noise barrier evaluation was conducted for this project utilizing the Traffic Noise Model (TNM 2.5) software developed by the FHWA. The following table summarizes the results of the evaluation. The first potential barrier location evaluated with TNM is located west of SR 1203 (Allen Road) between the southbound travel lanes Allen Road and the Holly Glen apartment complex and benefits 15 receptors in Noise Study Area (NSA) 5. Based upon criteria defined in the NCDOT Traffic Noise Abatement Policy, this barrier is preliminarily justified and is recommended for construction, contingent upon completion of the project design and the public involvement process. The second potential barrier location evaluated with TNM is located adjacent to NW 5.1 in the Holly Glen apartment complex and the Allenton Estates apartment complex provides benefit to 14 receptors in NSA 5. Based upon criteria defined in the NCDOT Traffic Noise Abatement Policy, this barrier is preliminarily justified and recommended for construction, contingent upon completion of the project design and the public involvement process. Noise barriers were evaluated for all NSAs, but were not feasible in NSAs 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 due to the driveway openings and isolated impacted receptors. Table 7. Preliminary Noise Wall Evaluation Results Square Feet per Benefited Preliminarily Alternative Length / Square Number of Receptor / Recommended (Noise Barrier Height Footage Benefited Allowable for Location) (feet) Receptors Square Feet per 1 Construction Benefited Receptor NW5.1 825 / 4-6 3,581 15 239 / 1,500 Yes NW5.2 700 / 4 2,800 14 200 / 1,500 Yes 'The recommendation for barrier construction is preliminary and subject to change, pending completion of final design and the public involvement process. 5.9.5 SUMMARY A preliminary noise evaluation was performed that identified two noise barriers meet preliminary feasible and reasonable criteria found in the NCDOT Traffic Noise Abatement Policy. A more detailed analysis will be completed during project final design. Noise barriers found to be feasible and reasonable during the preliminary noise analysis may not be found to be feasible and reasonable during the final design noise analysis due to changes in proposed project alignment and other design considerations, surrounding land use development, or utility conflicts, among other factors. Conversely, noise barriers that were not considered feasible and reasonable may meet the established criteria and be recommended for construction. This evaluation completes the highway traffic noise requirements of Title 23 CFR Part 772. Environmental Assessment 15 In accordance with NCDOT Traffic Noise Abatement Policy, the Federal/State governments are not responsible for providing noise abatement measures for new development for which building permits are issued after the Date of Public Knowledge. The Date of Public Knowledge of the proposed highway project will be the approval date of the Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI). For development occurring after this date, local governing bodies are responsible to insure that noise compatible designs are utilized along the proposed facility. 5.10 WATER RESOURCES (SURFACE WATER AND GROUNDWATER) There would be approximately 210 linear feet of direct impacts to surface waters associated with the proposed project. The culvert carrying Greens Mill Run would need to be extended, resulting in approximately 90 linear feet of impact and the culvert carrying North Fork Greens Mill Run beneath the current roadway would need to be replaced, resulting in approximately 120 linear feet of impact. Base Flood Elevations at FEMA stream crossings will need to comply with the NCDOT Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the North Carolina Floodplain Mapping Program (NCFMP). The crossing of Greens Mill Run is part of a FEMA Detailed Study while the crossing of North Fork Greens Mill Run is not a FEMA studied stream. The requirements of hydraulic design at the crossing with North Fork Greens Mills Run will require a maintained or improved level of service for roadway overtopping. Both crossings will be maintained within culverts beneath the roadway, with impacts associated with each replacement detailed above. No direct, indirect, or cumulative impacts to surface water or groundwater are anticipated as a result of the proposed project. 5.11 FOREST RESOURCES There are no forest resources within the proposed project corridor. There would be no direct, indirect, or cumulative impacts to forest resources resulting from the proposed project. 5.12 SHELLFISH AND/OR FISH AND THEIR HABITATS The aquatic community in the project area consists of portions of two perennial stream systems. These streams could support Eastern mosquitofish, largemouth bass, grass carp, chain pickerel, gizzard shad, bowfin, flathead catfish, various darters, various shiners, and various sunfish. Waters within the project area are considered inland waters. There are no primary nursery areas or spawning areas designated within or in the vicinity of the project area. There would be no direct, indirect, or cumulative impacts to shellfish and/or fish and their habitats resulting from the proposed project. 5.13 WILDLIFE AND NATURAL VEGETATION Wildlife and natural vegetation utilizing the proposed project corridor are opportunistic urbanized species that would not be impacted by the proposed project. Construction activities may temporarily relocate wildlife species, but they would be expected to return once construction is completed. No direct, indirect, or cumulative impacts to wildlife, natural vegetation, or state or federally protected species are expected as a result of the proposed project. 5.14 INTRODUCTION OF TOXIC SUBSTANCES NCDOT does not anticipate any introduction of toxic substances associated with the proposed project. Environmental Assessment 16 6.0 MITIGATIVE MEASURES As discussed in Section 5, NCDOT does not anticipate significant impacts associated with the proposed project. The following mitigative measures have already been incorporated into project design to further minimize impacts to resources. 6.1 ALTERNATIVE DEVELOPMENT During alternative development design shifts and changes were incorporated to minimize impacts to utilities and personal property. The project was not designed with symmetrical widening because the existing centerline of Allen Road is offset to the west within the existing 100-foot right of way. This was done during an earlier widening project along Allen Road as a means to provide enough right of way for any future widening to the east. The centerline of the proposed project was shifted to the east during the development of both alternatives to capture as much of the additional work within the existing 100-foot right of way. The development of Alternative 1 also included design changes to maintain a right turn lane into Landfill Road and to minimize impacts to the Holly Glen apartment complex just north of Landfill Road. 6.2 CULTURAL RESOURCES The Noah Forbes, Sr. House prompted shifts in design of both alternatives. In the vicinity of the eligible property, both alternatives shifted to the east to avoid the need for any additional right of way or permanent easements on the property. Hydraulic studies also took the property into consideration while attempting to avoid any drainage easements on the property. 7.0 PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT A public meeting was held on Monday, March 27, 2017 from 4:00pm to 7:00 pm at Lakeforest Elementary School (3300 Briarcliff Drive) in Greenville. The meeting was held to introduce the public to the proposed project, provide basic design plans, and answer questions the public had about the proposed project. Fifty- six individuals signed in to the meeting. A summary of comments received before, during, and following the meeting is provided in Appendix F. A local officials meeting was held earlier in the day on March 27, 2017 from 10:00am to 11:30pm at the Pitt County Government Office in the Commissioners Conference Room. The meeting was held to introduce local officials and stakeholders to the project and its alternatives. Thirty-one individuals signed in to the meeting. The local officials meeting is included in the summary in Appendix F. 8.0 AGENCY COORDINATION The proposed project was submitted for SEPA Environmental Review through the North Carolina State Clearinghouse on August 23, 2016. Start of Study notifications were also sent to officials from the City of Greenville and Pitt County as well as the US Fish and Wildlife Service and US Army Corps of Engineers on August 23, 2016. Agency responses are provided in Appendix G. 9.0 STATE AND FEDERAL PERMITS REQUIRED Section 401/404: The proposed project would require a Water Quality Certification (WQC) from the NCDWR under Section 401 and Nationwide Permit (NWP) 14 from the USACE under section 404. In addition, the proposed project falls within the protection area afforded by the Tar -Pamlico Buffer Protection Rules. Buffer mitigation would also be required. Environmental Assessment 17 Stormwater and Erosion and Sediment Control: The proposed project will use protective sediment and erosion control BMPs in accordance with NCDWQ Design Standards. Stormwater runoff will be designed using best management practices as detailed in the most recent version of NCDWQ Stormwater Best Management Practices. 10.0 REFERENCES City of Greenville. Horizons 2026 Greenville's Community Plan. Public Hearing Draft August 5, 2016. Conant, R. and J.T. Collins. 1991. A Field Guide to Reptiles and Amphibians (Eastern and Central North America). 3rd ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. 450 pp. Dorcas, Michael E. 2005. A Guide to Snakes of North Carolina. Davidson College. Environmental Laboratory. 1987. Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual. Technical Report Y-87-1, U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station. Vicksburg, Mississippi. Environmental Laboratory. 2010. Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region (Version 2.0). U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands Regulatory Assistance Program. ERDC/EL TR-10-20. November 2010. Greenville Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization. Greenville Urban Area Thoroughfare Plan. December 13, 2004. Greenville Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization with the North Carolina Department of Transportation Transportation Planning Branch in cooperation with the US Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration. Greenville Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization. Metropolitan Transportation Plan 2014 — 2040. Adopted August 5, 2014 Greenville Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization. Comprehensive Transportation Plan Highway Map. October 3, 2011. Greenville Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization. Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan for the Greenville Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization. 2011. Menhinick, E. 1991. The Freshwater Fishes of North Carolina. Raleigh, North Carolina: NCWRC. National Wildlife Federation. 2007. Field Guide to Birds of North America. Sterling Publishing Co., Inc. New York. N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality. 1997. Common Plants of North Carolina. Water Quality Section. Report #97-01. August 1997. N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality. 2014. Tar -Pamlico River Basin Water Resources Plan. Raleigh, North Carolina. http://deq.nc.gov/map-page/tar-pamlico-river-basin N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality. 2014. 2014 NC 303(d) List — Category 5 Final. December 19, 2014. Environmental Assessment 18 hllp://portal.ncdenr.org/c/document_librM/get file?uuid=140d4802-dc9e-4e4a-8db2- lec3a336ceca&groupld=38364 N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality. 2013. Surface Water Classifications. Tar -Pamlico River Basin. Updated December 12, 2013. htlps : Hncdenr. s3 . amazonaws. com/s3 fs- public/Water%20Quality/Planning/CSU/Surface%2OWater/River%2OBasin%2OWater%2OQualiiy%20C1 assifications%20as%20of%20Dec%209%202013/Tar-Pam_Hydro _order.pdf N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Natural Heritage Program. 2016. Natural Heritage Program Natural Areas. GIS Shapefile. Updated June 2016. N.C. Department of Transportation. 2011. TE Plant Habitat Descriptions. June 29, 2011. NCDOT, Project Development and Environmental Analysis. Natural Environment Section. N.C. Department of Transportation. 2012. TE Animal Habitat Descriptions. June 26, 2012. NCDOT, Project Development and Environmental Analysis. Natural Environment Section. N.C. Department of Transportation State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), Current Federally Approved 2016 — 2025 STIP. May 2017. hlt2s:Hconnect.ncdot. og_y/projects/planning/STIPDocumentsI/LIVE_STIP.pdf N.C. Department of Transportation. 2017. Freshwater Mussel Survey Report for the Proposed Widening of SR 1203 (Allen Rd) from SR 1467 (Stantonsburg Rd) to US 13 (Dickinson Ave Extension), Pitt County. TIP No. U-5875. WBS #44677.1.1. Matt Haney, Environmental Senior Specialist. NES, Biological Surveys Group. June 8, 2017. Radford, A.E., H.E. Ahles, and C.R. Bell. 1968. Manual of the Vascular Flora of the Carolinas. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. 1183 pp. Rohde, F.C., R.G. Arndt, D.G. Lindquist, and J.F. Parnell. 1994. Freshwater Fishes of the Carolinas, Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. 222 pp. RS&H Architects — Engineers — Planners, Inc. Draft Air Quality Report. Allen Road Widening. Pitt County. STIP Project No. U-5875. Prepared for North Carolina Department of Transportation, Project Development and Environmental Analysis Unit. July 2017. Schafale, M.P. and A.S. Weakley. 1990. Classification of the Natural Communities of North Carolina: Third Approximation. North Carolina Natural Heritage Program, Division of Parks and Recreation, NCDEHNR. Raleigh, North Carolina. 325 pp. SEPI Engineering & Construction. 2017. Preliminary Traffic Noise Analysis. SR 1203 (Allen Rd) Widening. WBS Element No. 44677.1.1. TIP Project No. U-5875. SR 1203 (Allen Road) from SR 1467 (Stantonsburg Road) to US 13 (Dickinson Avenue Extension). July 2017. SEPI Engineering & Construction. 2017. Preliminary Hydraulic Technical Report. Widening of SR 1203 (Allen Rd) from SR 1467 (Stantonsburg Road) to US 13 (Dickinson Avenue Extension), Pitt County, North Carolina. TIP U-5875, WBS Element No. 44677.1.1. January 2017. SEPI Engineering & Construction. 2016. Project Level Traffic Forecast Report. TIP Project U-5875 Widen to Multi -lanes SR 1203 (Allen Rd), Pitt County, WBS #44677.1.1. October 2016. Environmental Assessment 19 SEPI Engineering & Construction. 2016. STIP # U-5875 Pitt County Community Impact Assessment. November 30, 2016. SEPI Engineering & Construction. 2016. Natural Resources Technical Report. Widening of SR 1203 (Allen Road) from SR 1467 (Stantonsburg Road) to US 13 (Dickinson Avenue Extension), Pitt County, North Carolina. TIP U-5875, WBS Element No. 44677.1.1. The North Carolina Department of Transportation, Project Development and Environmental Analysis Unit, Natural Environment Section. December 21, 2016. SEPI Engineering & Construction. 2017. NCDOT STIP U-5875 SR 1203 (Allen Rd) Widening, Pitt County. Capacity Analysis Technical Memorandum. March 2017. United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. 2017. Web Soil Survey. Available online at https://websoilsurvey.sc.egov.usda.gov/. Accessed April 2017. United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service. 1974. Soil Survey of Pitt County, North Carolina. In cooperation with the North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station. Issued November 1974. United States Fish and Wildlife Service. 2015. Endangered Species, Threatened Species, Federal Species of Concern, and Candidate Species, Pitt County, North Carolina. Updated March 9, 2015. United States Geological Survey. 2013. Greenville SW, North Carolina, Topographic Quadrangle (7.5- minute series). Webster, W.D., J.F. Parnell, and W.C. Biggs. 1985. Mammals of the Carolinas, Virginia, and Maryland. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press. 255 pp. Environmental Assessment 20 Appendix A Figures Environmental Assessment -w"r41INME■ AA m Pittldre, nvtlk Avpo rt' y �n�r�vs k Project Vicinity r Jnhn P EaSSFw, Greernille � iomst 4 f Bell Arthur d l4th a .0rNle Btri. u: RP s � e s (i3f .p H w 9 ` - Q 4�rn n Oa`�pOrlFarrr � c x q SEPI E H G I N E E R I N G S HraFta✓ C0 HST RUC T10N Figure 1 - Project Vicinity U-5875 SR 1203 (Allen Road) from SR 1467 (Stantonsburg Road) to US 13 (Dickinson Avenue Ext.) Widen to Multilanes Pitt County, North Carolina April 2017 N 9�i y Or 7; m E MacGregor Dawns Rd ✓uha Ln :;, I`� - Jahn-"ATA.Fwy - - - _ — ! l-- -- Bunch Ln M. 0 b a Stantonsburg Rd 0 Teakwood 01 GreatLaurei sweet Bay Dr C, d 4q ,PdF Legend ��}slry n r U-5875 Project Area Srdnr�nsburgRd o ``7 St 14 '� Smith Park Rroa nhi SPrrn 9 .1 - i .a e �Da e sr � Marvin JarTr q 'Pa yore F Evan Pa o � li 4 0 hell �J rq ��an rtl4• �t�jj� C eu nary Glut, — ' arm Rd SW �e�'yf!'e Bled d Legend U-5875 Project Area d Place of Worship i• j Lake Forest Elementary School ;r. ALLEN RIDGE' d'r• Noah Forbes Sr. House PT0047 0 Historic Property Delineated Stream E _ a �� Delineated Wetland ii of a a y g` �� ' 100-Year Floodzone J ate: ; dePO = 500-Year Floodzone Pitt County Landfill 0° Vidant Medical District llaw .,, Active Agricultural Operations 1111111111111. ' - Local Roads STONEHAVEN & FIELDSTONE .r Oi NCDOT Roads -+ oc� Railroad Greenville City Limits �' •� x ` -. VILLAS AT COBBLESTONE" n_ �'' �, 1�.�=t►es ' �' - bdft 1 Q O . 1� KINSEYkCREE� �_ • r' �� 7 N .ti 1 K'8r J !„1 KARRINGTYN CROSSING $'x - h� NO - ` R Wells Chapel 4 S1 �IL� 9L ` F' - Church of God ` �� F �* 4 THE r, O q �»�" # y, v I MEDFORD'PT ''Allendale' Dry a O r +Kinonia Christiar ,� ` Lakeforest n s + � � Churchl Q' r _\ ,. Elementary '� _ Cornerstone School - ~-; Missionary's111 Baptist Church. HolidaY�Ct 13 i !' , _ R .. _ 2 . r• o� # r r.- Spring Forest Rd o ti"' l This Exhibit is for planning purposes only and shown herein does not meet 4730 Requirements therefore is not for design, construction, or recording or transfer of title. Thee Exhibit was compiled from available information obtained from the sources listed below. 1 inch = 800 feet . Figure 2Environmental Features & Project Constraints o hr sources: GRAPHIC SCALE U-5875 - SR 1203 (Allen Road) �* SEPI NCDOT, NC OneMap, ESRI, SEPI 0 400 800 1,600 SR 1467 (Stantonsbur g Road) to March 2017 Feet US 13 (Dickinson Avenue Ext.) � roarenx`r E N G 1 N E E R i N G 6 CON STRUCT ION .. / ♦ to � •, ' •do s I i one. 1 • "� ads � goo. r �/ •• i : 1 In .._ 11110* a dumb If • �• ? Ir rr s• I I� � \ an ��J • II • V / -! 10 f' •j •.• base See , • •� _ s 1, 1 ■ • ■ , f■ • f f • • • • � • - - I � -- _ /�.; - . �j � 1 � f • �11 / ! r 00900 j• � ••■ ••.baba +�i ■• � • dIII up • , �, • ' • • ' ' • a i If I I { ice.•) ■ '• '• ■ • i • W _ '-------.. • 7 , •• / / ~• f . i 4'/r • r—ram r�� SEE � I � � �'F rw ,• •� � � S/• 1 • / � ,op k 4 1: to f ] f(! R o"O- This Exhibit is for plann9gpurposes only and showherein does not meet NC4730RequireP Requirements therefore is not for design, construction, or recordingor transfer of title. The Exhibit was compiled from available information obtained from the sources listed below. . 1 inch = 025 miles Figure 3. USGS Topographic Quadrangle -Greenville SW cn „ sources: GRAPHIC SCALE U-5875 - SR 1203 (Allen Road) SEPI NCDOT, NC OneMap, ESRI, SEPI 0 0.125 0.25 0.5 SR 1467 Stantonsbur Road to ( g ) April 2017 Miles US 13 (Dickinson Avenue Ext.) ENG1 NEERi1VG 6 � Hyrare^Ksq?��r C o N STRUCT ION Legend O U-5875 Project Area Delineated Streams Delineated Wetlands 100-Year Floodzone 500-Year Floodzone VI 13 T Roads - Railroad i Lake Forest Elementary School Greenville City Limits 00 � rid - 13 .' P��e Stream SA U y L QI 'a 01 • a� a a ri-r-J i•- - .-� aa' !ANT a 0 * ;, 1 A [Stream SD Stream SB _ / `Greens Mill Run `4 �' , Greens Mill Run • 13 • r. 4 •: �'� , it J'.� %"NN1 N \ �O - i` LakeforestA� - Elementary �ScFiooll - ' ~ f Stream SE If Wetland WB �t V Stream SE y 1. ^ et/hesaa Dr Spring Forest Rd ., y o ��w • '. _ e r 0 CL does not meet e 4730 Requirements and This Exhibit isfor rdesign purposes only and recording or transfer therefore is not for design, construction, or recordin or transfer of title. The Exhibit was compiled from available information obtained from the sources listed below. 1 inch - 800 feet Figure 4. Jurisdictional Features THOxr o to „ sources: GRAPHIC SCALE U-5875 - SR 1203 (Allen Road) SEPI NCDOT, NC OneMap, ESRI, SEPI 0 400 800 1,600 SR 1467 Stantonsbur Road to ( g ) April 2017 Feet US 13 (Dickinson Avenue Ext.) � ENG1 NEERitVG 6 ��lotmw r CON STRUCT ION Appendix B Conceptual Design Plans Environmental Assessment LEGEND —•—•—• CITY LIMIT BOUNDARY I 05/ - HPL HISTORIC PROPERTY BOUNDARY 1 10' 85' F—F -- EXISTING RIGHT OF WAY (SURVEY) 1 0 2' 5' 12' 12' 2 3' 12' 12' 5' 2 of PROPERTY LINES (SURVEY) O BIKE i BIKE CL LAN E 1 LAN E EXISTING EDGE OF PAVEMENT Ow 1 d I GRADE — — — LAKES, RIVERS, STREAMS, AND PONDS POINT ORIGINAL GROUND I w EXISTING WETLAND (SURVEY) 3:7VgR' ,.02 1 .02_ M,qx 02 _ .025 _ _ .025_ GRASS MEDIAN EXISTING TRAFFIC SIGNAL ORIGINAL GROUND ,3 .� M SOUTH BOUND NORTH BOUND NOTE: 100' EXISTING RIGHT OF WAY EXISTING STRUCTURE TO BE RETAINED ROADWAY TYPICAL SECTION —••—••—••—•• PROJECT STUDY AREA PROPOSED HORIZONTAL ALIGNMENT — % ti • PROPOSED EOT • PROPOSED CURB & GUTTER PITT LAND _ DEVELOPMENT, LLC. • — PROPOSED STRUCTURES, ISLAND, AND CURB AND GUTTER ---- PROPOSED LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION SELL PROPOSED RIGHT OF WAY ' UEVELOPMINTo LLC. — PDE — PROPOSED PERMANENT DRAINAGE EASEMENT _ — _. _. �, - L DINGS, L . E PROPOSED TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT � _ MOHIN ROO - RAIN LC k& 1 DVML. LLC. . JA ES - LEON R. HARDEE I LEON R. HARDEE ' KAREN S. HARDE # H ISTOPER RYAN ME �S - _ LINDA I. HARDEE 0_ t ICHOL ' WESIM R VANISHIA . • I JO - A �FF RY D. `,S / DVML , LLC . P/ Slo 25+31.33 . ■ 1 a = 36' 4r 39.T (RT ) i y N * D= 2•02' 46.6 O WLM U I T H L= I �• 179322, I R= 2,80OAU• I �- _ _ H O D G E& � - r I� ORRIS LLC � THONY MICHAEL � J� H t HOPKINS—' - - d 1 TYSON - MICH , HOPKINS IBRENDA G - _ - T YS N - - r E - 1 . MO RIS L C. 40 . T D E LAN r C0 ANY, LL - - ' ` NA Y BEARDSWORTH y J- / MC DONALDS REAL / SON • I ` ESTATE COMPANY ELVY K. FORREST JR. / ' �a JOSEPH MIN T YSON 111 #/$A wL C.IIk- + 1FL Mir ERMIT ALLEN LY # BETTIE T. FORREST _ � - �� JOY T. CL ARK f * .IF IT ALLEN YLE - 19t INNIF .. NANCY A. BEARDSWORT I �, - ,I• . f� s ARE T AN I i ISTIAN CHURCH/ I MARGARET C. SULLIVAN I i I ARGARET CA� ti W IAM AARON C • CH STIAN CH RICH y 1DI &Q CHRIST, C. I ES ,i . M NLI E TERPR ,LLC. LLC. z� •- 1 Ha. MOYE I . md GRAPHIC SCALE '0000 0000" f BEGI U-5875 PROJECT CL —L— SR 1203 (ALLEN ROAD) 110' PROPOSED R/W .02 III I L - •* .0 L or ORIGINAL ORIGINAL GROUND IF 1� ALLEN RIDGE DR. TEAKWOOD DR. ��� WOODRIDGE PARK RD. 600 900600 800 400 300 800 �460 SR 1203 21000 500 20700 SR 1203 300 30 400900 � �4000 ALLEN RD. 34700 � �- 34600 ALLEN RD. ��� 300 � i 300 400 400 SR 1203 21000 21000 SR 1203 900 � � SR 1203 20700 / � 20700 SR 1203 ALLEN RD. 34700 34700 ALLEN RD. 900 ALLEN RD. 34600 34600 ALLEN RD. 1600 2016 ADT 2016 ADT 1800 2016 ADT 2040 ADT 2040 ADT COBBLESTONE DR. 2040 ADT 3' -c �qR � ♦ � 1 3 /� w • _ ORIGINAL GROUND . ' _Nip LEON R. HARDEE LINDA I. HARDEE =4--az. RRL ;IfIN Ak ppI III rip 40 t 1 .10 i -1•1 1 I VELOPME T, LLC. HARDEE FAMILY H DE FA LY I HOLDINGS, LLC. H DIN S, L C. ERIC TOD �� t, 0000L • E I F S_C H NE Slo 55+0702 I `i A 11 �: D = 3*Oa 56A' r = 454.3r I L I R = /.900W I I i I� I i 'L r Nip � � LEON A. HARDEE � .�""�� * - � LINDA I. HARDEE LEON R. HARDEE LINDA I. HARDEE rN Or pr FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION: ARTERIAL !� \ DESIGN SPEED: 50 MPH y, MAXIMUM SUPERELEVATION: 4% ALTERNATIVE 1 , MAINTAIN EXISTING RIGHT OF WAY ON WEST SIDE) A%¢w SR 1203 (ALLEN RD) PITT COUNTY WBS # 44677.1*1 Ccfo ]SIN NCDOT PROJECT # U-5875 MAP 1 OF 3 MARCH 27, 2017 rprT�pN NAD 83/ZOII J er f SENT CRE FARMS, LLC `RERf LEE � � ERT S. �b HEAL J \y . COREY / / US 13264A DICKINSON AVE. 21500 29500 7200 i 6900 US 264A 20900 8000 � �13500 - 21200 SR 1203 GREENVILLE BLVD. SW 25300 1000� r1600 35100 ALLEN RD. 1500 5800 10000 2016 ADT 15300 2040 ADT US 13 DICKINSON AVE. LAUREL RIDGE DR. 600 800 400 200 SR 1203 21200 600 200 21000 SR 1203 ALLEN RD. 35100 34700 ALLEN RD. 2016 ADT 2040 ADT 1 '1 1 1 �1 w 0 V) t~ W 3 Z 0 LO Q `I N �rLu _ >LLwZ�� �OQ Q�QO�W� �(D U 0 Hce �O�NCLcy) Q C 31— LL �� 00 ZN Ur- ~ ZCL c� Q x Lu Z F_ Z CREAP ,c � I , - ON V Z _D Z X 0 Z N n N� Nv �Z D0�-0NNNNNNN.GD 00 — IV r- w�N�o�rn Oar^,�`'�� DM�0> > ONN,Cr- � ZM < _ Z rn C����� v� vD 00 v o L" O v N v M V �4 pjON * ti LEGEND CITY LIMIT BOUNDARY COUNTY BOUNDARY HISTORIC PROPERTY BOUNDARY EXISTING RIGHT OF WAY (SURVEY) PROPERTY LINES (SURVEY) - - - LAKES, RIVERS, STREAMS, AND PONDS EXISTING WETLAND (SURVEY) EXISTING TRAFFIC SIGNAL EXISTING STRUCTURE TO BE RETAINED -••-••-•• PROJECT STUDY AREA PROPOSED HORIZONTAL ALIGNMENT PROPOSED EOT PROPOSED CURB & GUTTER PROPOSED CONCRETE 5' SIDEWALK - PROPOSED STRUCTURES, ISLAND, AND CURB AND GUTTER ---- PROPOSED LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION PROPOSED RIGHT OF WAY - PDE - PROPOSED PERMANENT DRAINAGE EASEMENT E PROPOSED TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT 'CHRI T iN 1141A SPA 0' EIRS �J o _ J� H EV ETT }E V MI E T T Z � - v� - U At EN ENE � EWg t ON r BRADLEY LEE HARRELL ORIGINAL GROUND 3: 7 VqR. MqX ORIGINAL GROUND 3'• THOMAS J. ANDREWS NORMA S. HARRELL / / vA .02_ CL-L- SR 1203 (ALLEN ROAD) I 85' F-F 1 2' 5' 2 4' 231 2 4' 5' 2 BIKE 1 BIKE LANE i LANE i I GRADE i POINT I I _.025 _ 02 _ _ _ 0251._ GRASS MEDIAN SOUTH BOUND NORTH BOU NOTE: 100' EXISTING RIGHT OF WAY L '■� 4W ABC F AML Y, LL, ,,. .• r. AiS ' r r fi • y Y VIA.` WE'N S- IR EY HO ' SE .ice - . �• �, s �` +ram �{` •• ` —• L, �L C K T ON PEB ALA a „. JOHN MOYE L/ r 4r I I ROCKY RUSSELL I �I DEVELOPMENT, LLC. I I i ia2l r &t p a �• - '' r 10' Lu V) O O ORIGINAL GROUND • 7 � ORIGIN L GROUND N D 1 �. i rt. _ ; - wow— `• . } 1 i Y ~ � •�- � � Syr' ' 1� 'r � I. r • � ' •�Y ti A�' it � �• � HAPPY TRAIL' FARMS, LLC. r +.=; F• 1. 4 A a , . i D - - r # � •fit' f i - I -.� R ' Sy i �Y r 1 - DANIE h JOS L - - �' B • _ HEAT ER LYN LI4 Opp rsrssz •�.�� x T t0 L SAW r F o• � IF•',�� ft���i';. `1ii �]4wf. "'f? �'{!� �Y,yf .r .{ ? 7� ilk _;..',, {,''r. •'� ��,y) jr Y 6 ' , �'�,��}' ,,t fj y Fr f 1' - � - •Yf -'Ii ' EDMO . SON PROPERTIES,- L.LC. - }- A] ._ 4liprollill vokLy . ,(MAINTAI Jim Jr V d� { WELLS CHAPEL C OF GOD IN CHRI NC. + } 4 1mrWW Mr J ' b 41•� '�Alin BYPASS PROPERTIES III, LLC. 2004 CUMBERLAN� .LC: FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION: ARTERIAL - r y ';- •J ; . I _ - { -' 1 •mil Y - y L � \ • DESIGN SPEED: 50 MPH MAXIMUM SUPERELEVATION: 4 /o ';11111111� ALTERNATIVE 1 ORS ,1111�1111i�� EXISTING RIGHT OF WAY ON WEST SIDE) SR 1203 (ALLEN RDI ,/ P I Nib elm rr.t ti = As f Tr jib hr go- mo + r r ` I (,�AN. ,ro � V U ALLEN ROAD, LLC. W. ' JW JJ, - 1 ' " , , Q LL1 ' o Lu 0 V) V) Lu Z INN- 0 Loo co Q `o CN w NN LL Z F-r-, U > Lu Z � Cie H � J � 'IT g Q �U2 Z=QO w w(DMU O JW0 V)CL 0-4 CO LL Q �C31- 0 00 ZN UN ~ ZCL to Q Lu Z I— Z y x w N } i • qb PITT COUNTY ' if - _ - i -. , • P-101 r} 44677.191 WBS # f- x% I A F/�'.:�. �• f3 ti ` J , I.1 -- 1� - 4� T� 1 I - ir �� -NCDOT PROJECT # U-5875 100' 5 0' 0' 100, 2 00' 1�. 1 •� �.�` A', ` P 1R E Ls I M IL A III Y PLANS ~ � (( J�,, �I ���-�MAP� At 2 2 f DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION ♦ F Tsir GRAPHIC SCALE � • , y _ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- LEGEND CITY LIMIT BOUNDARY COUNTY BOUNDARY HISTORIC PROPERTY BOUNDARY EXISTING RIGHT OF WAY (SURVEY) PROPERTY LINES (SURVEY) - - -' LAKES, RIVERS, STREAMS, AND PONDS EXISTING WETLAND (SURVEY) EXISTING TRAFFIC SIGNAL EXISTING STRUCTURE TO BE RETAINED -••-••-•• PROJECT STUDY AREA PROPOSED HORIZONTAL ALIGNMENT PROPOSED EOT PROPOSED CURB & GUTTER PROPOSED CONCRETE 5' SIDEWALK — PROPOSED STRUCTURES, ISLAND, AND CURB AND GUTTER ---- PROPOSED LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION PROPOSED RIGHT OF WAY - PDE - PROPOSED PERMANENT DRAINAGE EASEMENT E- PROPOSED TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT P-1 GIR-EA7' S. r � a�q v Z D Z Z Z 0O`G> vo — IV r- rn O Dm�0> > o"� C­11 70 Zm-n< _ Z M r.j,� �D Oo `- oLn O Z N to m 430 d'I 1f/ ORIGINAL GROUND 3: 7 VqR. M,qr v P�•AX ORIGINAL GROUND M' " 3 :1 10' .02_ 2' S' BIKE LAN E C'L -L- SR 1203 (ALLEN ROAD) I I 110' PROPOSED R/W 1 105' 1 85' F-F 1 2 4' 2 3' 24, i i GRADE i POINT I I _.025 _.02 - --02_ .025_ GRASS MEDIAN SOUTH BOUND NORTH BOUND NOTE: 100' EXISTING RIGHT OF WAY ROADWAY TYPICAL SECTION r�� L . , 5' 21 BIKE LAN E 10' 02 SR 1467 STANTONSBURG RD. 11100 800: 17200) �,2500 SR 1203 21200 - 5400 SR 1203 o ALLEN RD. 35100 - 10300 ALLEN RD. w 7500 2000 �. 0 13600 = 0. - 0 O f2 ORIGINAL GROUND 2 016 ADT `I Pam' 2 040 ADT 3� .7 VqR. ORIGINAL GROUND \ �X r \ E 3aLEWI STEPHEN REDD ;.: -- -,_ ALL Q*NEA'S : - SSOtfA TION, INC- 4 - ' _ - • ,- .. BOB_ _ : �4 I HA _ Ar sra •7 " L - JWp Ri. FOR INRIG Li LL M Jloop— — CN Lu .ram Z lip U w4 W-1 --r-v, I4 SR• x.j • • :- J. • j} r: Am At e, 4% ' • i 'I tiz - i t � • � - + �o , ]" - ' 'i i -- ppp- �312�11 RRD L ACE APAR T LS r • I+' + •, T N : t; • _ IC?D _ - L x �r � END PROJECT : -J 04 -- ., S T FOOD \U-5875 ` 4 ' ' - ~ _ AWL- - _ -- - _.. 4 4 � •- '+.':# ;„fir. od.� _ o If CORNERSTONE M IONA T CHURCH OF G NVILLE _ !�u Sm "ch _ . / 4' // �' ` - .. f - -• - _ � Lj h� -r i - _ •{ Yam" Jk An Pat tti in Lb ERS ONE MISSIONA. � — ►►,, r S T H U R C H O F ' .. - `"'.�.,,,�' VIL E NC, INC.• . _ T ~ •.7. .. r- r�. m CORNERSTONE MISSIONARY: I - BAPTIST CHURCH OF GREENVILLE NC, INC.4. I IL L IAM C. NKIN .- JE I I _ UDI W - SURGICENTER SERVICES OF PITT, INC. ` _ �r-- �,;} } - „�,,, xr -•-.,.. x, ENKIN. : _ 5 r a' L ------ LLIJ DI � � ,r __ ` - - � ~:tom, • _ } ' E - r 4' ''ARK INC. _ � ' � - • ► . , � ��;r - -.-_ - _ H.E. W�IICHA D 40 r IL 14 - • AIL `C - s,''' ; IN t -r KW M - - 7 t ago x t - - �,V �� DA - .. -TH E .1 114 omfi­ 4p 7 10 f 701. rub r , r, . 1 ` � 40 f ti FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION: ARTERIAL i ' .: • Ali - K- - 15.11 DESIGN SPEED: 50 MPH , Q z - a? �Q �Ir Lu 0 N V) Lu Z 0 Loo QLj cN wLLZ~� V > wZCie Q H �U2 Z=QO w �MU O JCie ce0 LnL o O Z cn V M ~ ZCL N Lu Z I- Z 55 IV,] F ' t,]1S1 9 IF `0.-Apr" i4to jib MAXIMUM SUPERELEVATION: 4%41 Lb La th - '. , fi ALTERNATIVE 1 ,,90 5 • � � 4 t� .� •yyea. r3 Y i � �i {1 ti�•+� �� �� ��• �� �0 0 y Jp%t f _ �•�+ �1% �ir ' '1 '' r+ 7 5 - -� ri_y #/ ' �•~]pi T • - _ 11�e ro '•� `r r, .'tea} r r -t� - •- }� y* , w . r x r !� • . „ -�— +aJ111, fit[ ' + ��. , ,'} r •a x _ rr 111, y i r i 5 SR 1203 ALLEN RD co TT > PITT COUNTY _ r _ r ... i s ��•�;� ''�� T ' �, _ 1 --� 4 y --.F ��T'1 - .��� �� r� - �'w4 :� «,krn -. `1R � • { Ir} 0 IL AIL- WBS # 44677*1 91 \-13 nOT PR E T �. �� 100' 5 0' 0' 100, 2 00' GRAPHIC SCALE (�MARCH 2 2 1P FTs {. Appendix C Scientific Names of Species Identified in Report Environmental Assessment Plants Common Name Scientific Name American elm Ulmus americana Black cherry Prunus serotina Chinese privet Ligustrum sinense Clover Trifolium sp. Fescue Festuca sp. Loblolly pine Pinus taeda Muscadine grape Vitis rotundifolia Poison ivy Toxicodendron radicans Raspberry Rubus sp. Red maple Acer rubrum Sweetgum Liquidambar styraciflua Water oak Quercus nigra Willow oak Quercus phellos Animals Common Name Scientific Name American crow Corvus brachyrhynchos American goldfinch Spinus tristis American robin Turdus migratorius American toad Anaxyrus americanus Blue jay Cyanocitta cristata Bowfin Amia calva Bullfrog Rana catesbeiana Carolina wren Thryothorus ludovicianus Chain pickerel Esox niger Copperhead Agkistrodon contortrix Darter Percina sp. Eastern bluebird Sialia sialis Eastern box turtle Terrapene carolina carolina Eastern cottontail Sylvilagus floridanus Eastern fence lizard Sceloporus undulates Eastern gray squirrel Sciurus carolinensis Eastern mosquitofish Gambusia holbrooki Eastern towhee Piplio erythrophthalmus European starling Sturnus vulgaris Five -lined skink Plestiodon inexpectatus Flathead catfish Pylodictis olivaris Environmental Assessment Common Name Scientific Name Gizzard shad Dorosoma cepedianum Grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idella Gray fox Urocyon cinereoargenteus Gray treefrog Hyla versicolor Green anole Anolis carolinensis Largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides Mourning dove Zenaida macroura Northern cardinal Cardinalis cardinalis Northern flicker Colaptes auratus Northern long-eared bat Myotis septentrionalis Northern mockingbird Mimus polyglottos Pileated woodpecker Hylatomus pileatus Raccoon Procyon lotor Rat snake Elaphe sp. Red -shouldered hawk Buteo lineatus Red-tailed hawk Buteo jamaicensis Rock dove Columbia livia Rough green snake Opheodrys aestivus Song sparrow Melospiza melodia Shiner Notropis sp. Striped skunk Mephitis mephitis Sunfish Centrarchidae Tufted titmouse Baeolophus bicolor Turkey vulture Cathartes aura Virginia opossum Didelphis virginiana White-footed mouse Peromyscus leucopus White-tailed deer Odocoileus virginianus White -throated sparrow Zonotrichia albicollis Environmental Assessment Appendix D Noise Study Areas (NSAs) Environmental Assessment AT 1 7.1 Appendix E SHPO Effects Determination Environmental Assessment r "jwr 1 ramug rvo. ( imci7p fit uxej 16-07-0001 HISTORIC ARCHICTECTURE AND LANDSCAPES ASSESSMENT OF EFFECTS FORM This form only pertains to Historic Architecture and Landscapes for this project. It is not valid for Archaeological Resources. You must consult separately with the Archaeology Group. PROJECT INFORMATION Project No: U-5875 County: 'itt WBS No.: 44677.1.1 Document State EA Type: Fed. Airl No: Funding: ® State LJ Federal Federal Yes ❑ No Permit NWP 14 Permits). : Typ e s): Proiect Description: The project consists of an approximately 2.3 Haile segment of SR 1203 (Allen Rd) from SR 1467 (Stantonburg Rd) to US 13 (Dickinson Ave Ext.), The goal of the project is to convert the existing roadway into a four -lane divided facility with a raised median and curb and gutter with an at -grade railroad crossing near Landfill Road. Sidewalks and bike lanes are proposed as part of the project, but the project will also investigate the possibility of replacing sidewalks and bike lanes with a multi -use path. SUMMARY OF HISTORIC ARCHICTECTURE AND LANDSCAPES REVIEW Description of review activities, results, and conclusions: On June 20, 2016 a search of NC HPOWEB GIS Service map revealed that in the Area of Potential Effects (APE) the project included a property which is over 50 years of age. An architectural historian conducted an eligibility evaluation of the property. In a letter dated October 13, 2016 the North Carolina Historic Preservation Office concurred with our finding that the Noah Forbes Sr. House (PT0047) is eligible for National Register listing under Criterion C and Consideration B. ASSESSMENT OF EFFECTS Property Name: Noah Forbes Sr, House I Status: I DE Survey Site No.: PT0047 PIX Effects ❑ No Effect ® No Adverse Effect ❑ Adverse Effect Explanation of Effects Determination: AJ6c4e� irti E2�S �7hc�, -e 1 JV _fw' 5ZAel Ni.rraric Arrklecrrrn and LamIscapes EITF.C7.7 XWNWENTfunol for hlirror Dwaparrrrrion Projects as Qrralrf ed in rJre 2001 Yrxrgrrrrrrmoeic Agreement - Page I of 2 List of Environmental Commitments: SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION ®Map(s) ❑Previous Survey Info. ®Photos ❑Correspondence ❑Design Plans FINDING BY NCDOT AND STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICE Historic Architecture and Landscapes — ASSESSMENT OF EFFECTS NCD0IT' Arehitectu al Historian Date State Historic Preservation Office Represe'atAive Date Representative, Federal Agency Date Hataric Archireclure and Landscaves !il F7sC'7S AN51-i'-TW NTform for Minor Trun.sparaiion Projeas as awlii ied lip die 2007 Programnoci it Agreement. Page 2 of 2 Appendix F Public Meeting Summary Environmental Assessment U-5875 Allen Road Widen to Multi -Lanes Public Meeting #1— March 27, 2017 Summary of Meeting and Comments 871 postcards were printed and mailed. Mailing addresses were provided by NCDOT Public Involvement. 40 were returned due to address errors — no such number or other error. 8 people requested to be added to the mailing list either before, during, or after the meeting. Pre -Meeting Comments: 7 comments were received prior to the meeting in the form of phone calls and/or emails. • 1 was from Pitt County Solid Waste and Recycling regarding their facility on Landfill Road. He expressed that trucks leaving their facility have a hard time turning left onto Allen Road and requested that a traffic signal be placed at the corner of Allen and Landfill. • 1 was from the Pitt County school system. They are concerned with restricting access at Briarcliff for the school and also at Woodridge Park Road for the new bus facility. They have requested a signal at Woodridge Park Road and Allen Road. • 1 was from the US Fish and Wildlife Service. They do not have any specific concerns for the project. • 1 is from the Property Manager for McDonalds Corporation. They will be constructing a new restaurant at 2458 Allen Road and wanted information on how the project could affect their new location. • 3 were from citizens who support the project and would like to see bike lanes and sidewalks (with appropriate crosswalks) along the entire corridor. Meeting: 56 people (including NCDOT and SEPI staff) signed in to the meeting on March 27, 2017 and 8 comment forms were collected (2 additional forms were collected during the Local Officials Meeting). No additional forms were received after the meeting mail. Notification Source: • Local Official - 2 • Newsletter — 6 • Friend/Relative — 0 • Newspaper — 2 • TV/Radio — 0 Affiliation: • Teakwood Green — 1 • Homeowners Association — 1 1 Major Issues Identified: • Access - 6 • Vehicular Safety - 4 • Pedestrian Facilities and Safety - 3 • Neighborhood Connectivity - 3 • Historic and Cultural Sites — 2 • Natural Resources — 2 • Aesthetics - 1 • Businesses - 1 Preferred Alternative: • Alternative 1 - 7 • Alternative 2 - 1 Summary of Design Comments: • Don't plant tall landscaping that could block sight for u-turns. • A continual center turn lane allows people to turn wherever they need. A grass median will limit mobility and should not be proposed. Summary of Additional Comments: • Please address the Allen Road/Dickinson Avenue intersection • Please add sidewalks • Concern with losing part of front yard on west side of Allen Road and loss of resale value • Do not want to lose center turn lane — like to be able to turn anywhere • Drainage along the road and alongside the road is a problem Post -Meeting Comments: 2 comments were received after the meeting via email. 1 comment was received after the meeting via a phone call. The comments are summarized below. • Homeowner in Teakwood subdivision unable to attend the meeting and requesting more information. Glad to hear about the project, but concerned about access. • Homeowner with a business that services large vehicles is concerned about the distance that would need to be travelled in order to turn around leaving his property. Also concerned about the ability for large vehicles to turn in the current areas. Requests that driveways be provided and one of the driveways made larger to accommodate large vehicles. • The GUC has inquired about the need and funding to relocate poles. Local Officials Meeting: 31 people signed into the Local Officials Meeting — including NCDOT and SEPI staff. 2 comment forms were collected and are summarized above. 2 Appendix G Agency Coordination Environmental Assessment Kathryn Johnston Secretary J. Brian Ratledge General Counsel State Environmental Review Clearinghouse ADMINISTRATION September 30, 2016 Ms. Betty Ann Caldwell North Carolina Department of Transportation Highway Division 2 105 Pactolus Hwy Greenville, North Carolina 27835 Re: SCH File ## 17-E-4220-0115; SC®PING; Proposed project is for the widening and upgrading of Allen Road, SR 1203, from Stantonsburg Load to Dickenson Avenue Extension in Greenville, NC. STIP U-5875 Dear Ms. Caldwell: The above referenced environmental impact information has been reviewed through the State Clearinghouse under the provisions of the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act. Attached to this letter are reviewer comments made in the review of this document. The appropriate document should be forwarded to the State Clearinghouse for compliance with State Environmental Policy Act. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at (919) 807-2425. Attachments cc: Region Q Sincerely, Crysta Best State Environmental Review Clearinghouse Nothing Compares_ State of North Carolina I Administration lib West Jones St. 11301 Mail Service Center i Raleigh, NC 27699 1301 state.clearinghouse@doa.nc.gov 1 919 807 2419 T PAT MCCRORY Govemol DONALD R. VAN DER VAART Environmental Quality MEMORANDUM To: Crystal Best State Clearinghouse Coordinator Department of Administration From: Lyn Hardison Division of Environmental Assistance and Customer Service Environmental Assistance and Project Review Coordinator RE: 17-0115 Scoping — Proposed project is for the widening and upgrading of Allen Road, SR 1203, from Stantonsburg Road to Dickerson Avenue Extension in Greenville, NC STIP U-5875 Pitt County Date: September 28, 2016 The Department of Environmental Quality has reviewed the proposal for the referenced project, Based on the information provided, several of our agencies has offered some valuable information and direction that will assist the applicant in preparing the necessary environmental documents. The comments are attached for the applicant's consideration. The Department agencies will continue to be available to assist the applicant during the environmental review process. Thank you for the opportunity to respond. Attachments State of North Carolina Envlrunmpntal Quality 943 Washington Square Mall i, Wash€ngton, North Carolina 27889 25 2-946-6481 PST McCRORY SUS 30 KLtiTTZ NCNHDE-2175 September 7, 2016 Betty Ann Caldwell, PE NCDOT, Division 2 1 D5 Pactolus Highway Greenville, NC 27835 RE: Scoping - Alien Road (SR 1203) widening and upgrades, Greenville, Pitt County; U-58751SCH 17-0115 Dear Betty Ann Caldwell, PE: The North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NCNHP) appreciates the opportunity to provide information about natural heritage resources for the project referenced above. A query of the NCNHP database, based on the project area mapped with your request, indicates that there are no records for rare species, important natural communities, natural areas, or conservation/managed areas within the proposed project boundary. Please note that although there may be no documentation of natural heritage elements within the project boundary, it does not imply or confirm their absence; the area may not have been surveyed. The results of this query should not be substituted for field surveys where suitable habitat exists. In the event that rare species are found within the project area, please contact the NCNHP so that we may update our records. The attached `Potential Occurrences' table summarizes rare species and natural communities that have been documented within a one -mile radius of the property boundary. The proximity of these records suggests that these natural heritage elements may potentially be present in the project area if suitable habitat exists and is included for reference. Tables of natural areas and conservation/managed area within a one -mile radius of the project area, if any, are also included in this report. Please note that natural heritage element data are maintained for the purposes of conservation planning, project review, and scientific research, and are not intended for use as the primary criteria for regulatory decisions. Information provided by the NCNHP database may not be published without prior written notification to the NCNHP, and the NCNHP must be credited as an information source in these publications. Maps of NCNHP data may not be redistributed without permission. The NC Natural Heritage Program may follow this letter with additional correspondence if a Dedicated Nature Preserve (DNP), Registered Heritage Area (RHA), Clean Water Management Trust Fund (CWMTF) easement, or Federally -listed species are documented near the project area. If you have questions regarding the information provided in this letter or need additional assistance, please contact Suzanne Mason at srzar;ne maw an-@. ncdcr.cov or 919.707.8637. Sincerely, NC Natura# Heritage Program 0 _a E S, w m a) ai a z� N a z L �.It3 ro a Z D- i y+ � 7 O Q co © ' _.L 'V) N L) UE N CL t C N N N � y r m ii L.[.. Q� a N CL z r �� C f3V '=z c tz Of m En r LLd -JCD CD a Q0. 0 a N a7 rn = L T zQ CIA IL CL L c CL L) NZ a N N W. N''. -'.C7 :o N a31 ¢ Of ry 7 L) CL CL O�' E� i7 C d Q o E 0) ..� o O us m C � o v W c b C y y = � N [b O m C S] o l� (D r a+ 0)- = O � U —ena r c _ a� w E. U o Lo m a .' O m d E `� L O r a O � m CD co q N m m C o c !LI - d crJ O� C] Q O iC f° a E L � ¢ m _ a. O --'.- O cn to .� `m E.Q ,� .r. d t: Wei 2QZU zcn= Z o.E to 0 N cq 0 k 2 PAT MCCROR'Y DONALD R. VAN DER VAART MICHAEL. SCOTT September 20, 2016 To: Michael Scott, Director Division of Waste Management From: Bill Hunneke, Eastern Region Compliance Supervisor, Compliance Branch, Hazardous Waste Section Subject: Hazardous Waste Section Comments on scoping document for proposed widening and upgrading of Allen Road, SR 1203, from Stantonsburg Road to Dickenson Avenue Extension in Greenville, NC. ST1P U 5875 (Pitt County) Project Number: 1.7-011.5 The Hazardous Waste Section (HWS) has reviewed. the scoping document for the proposed widening and upgrading of Allen Road, SR 1203, from Stantonsburg Road to Dickenson Avenue Extension in Greenville, NC. ST1P U 5875 (Pitt County). Any hazardous waste generated from the demolition, construction, operation, maintenance, and/or remediation (e.g. excavated soil) from the proposed project must be managed in accordance with the North Carolina Hazardous Waste Rules. The demolition, construction, operation, maintenance, and remediation activities conducted will most likely generate a solid waste, and a determination must be made whether it is a hazardous waste. 1.f a project site generates more than 220 pounds of hazardous waste in a calendar month, the HWS must be notified, and the site must comply with the small quantity generator requirements. If a project site generates snore than 2200 pounds of hazardous waste in a calendar month, the HWS must be notified, and the facility must comply with the large quantity generator requirements. The proposed project site does not currently have an existing EPA identification numbers for the generatio€i of hazardous waste. Should any questions arise, please contact me at 252-364-8977. Kind regards, i e William Hunneke Eastern Region Compliance Supervisor Stale of North Carolina; Environmental Quality; Waste Ma1Bge1110M 1646 Mail Service Center', 217 West,ioues Street 12aieigh, NC 27699-1646 919 707 820fl T PAT M.CCRORY DONALD R. VAN DER VAART MICHAEL. 5COTT Date: September 6„ 2016 To: Michael Scott, Director Division of Waste Management Through: Dave Lown, Head Federal Remediation Branch From: Harry Zinn, Federal Remediation Branch Subject: SEPA project #17-0115 - Proposed project is for the widening and upgrading of Allen Road, SR 1203, from Stantonsburg Road to Dickenson Avenue Extension in Greenville, Pitt County, NC. The Superfund Section has reviewed the proximity of CERCLIS and other sites under their jurisdiction to the construction of the Proposed project is for the widening and upgrading of Allen Road, SR 1203, from Stantonsburg Road to Dickenson Avenue Extension. One site was identified within one mile of the project as shown on the attached map and in the table below. The Superfund Section recommends that site files be reviewed to ensure that appropriate precautions are incorporated into any construction activities that encounter potentially contaminated soil or groundwater. Superfund Section files can be viewed at: C;k isiops waste- YYssk�c�. Please contact me at 919.707.8374 if you have any questions. 1D# Site Name rnmm Status Open site on the Dry -Cleaning Solvent Act Sites DC740004 BOWEN CLEANERS Inventory State of North Carolina l Gnvironme€ttat Quality ` Wasta Managenew 1646 Mail Service Centor. . 217 Wrst Jo€aes Strect i Ueigh, SIC 27699-1646 919 707 8200 Te4,,phone v - �.. C: -; a �'d �0 C, l!) t � PAT MCCRORY DONALD R. VAN DER VAART M.]CHAEL E. SCOTT TO: Michael Scott, Division Director through Sharon Brinkley FROM. Drew Hammonds, Eastern District Supervisor - Solid Waste Section Z iz,,r����nvrua� DATE: September 26, 2016 SUBJECT: Review: Project 917-0115 — Pitt County (NCDOT—Scoping - .Proposed project is for the widening and upgrading of Allen Road, SR 1203, from Stantonsburg Road to Dickenson Avenue Extension in Greenville, NC. STYP U 5875) The Division of Waste Management, Solid Waste Section (Section) has reviewed the scoping document for the proposed widening and upgrading of Allen Road, SR 1.203, from Stantonsburg Road. to Dickenson Avenue Extension in Greenville, NC. STIP U 5875. Based on the information provided. the Section sees no adverse impact on the surrounding community and likewise knows of no situations in the community, which would affect this project, During the construction of this project, the NC Department of Transportation and/or its contractors should make every feasible effort to minimize the generation of waste, to recycle materials for which viable markets exist, and to use recycled products and materials in the development of this project where suitable, Any waste generated by this project that cannot be beneficially reused or recycled must be disposed of at a solid waste management facility permitted by the Division. The Section strongly recommends that the owner require all contractors to provide proof of proper disposal for all waste generated. Permitted facilities are listed on the Division of Waste Management, Solid Waste Section portal site at: i2 �L: S ! i�i i1C.=� t"t' 117�1L I € � Cli2S=i SAC lil it tx' IE ' i C'F4 2 1C '.na _c Lsc ��Y� _�'�tICS- i:,i. .15 Questions regarding solid waste management should be directed to Mr. Ray Williams, Environmental Senior Specialist, Solid Waste Section, at (252) 948-3955. cc: Ray Williams, Environmental Senior Specialist Jessica Montie, Compliance Officer State of North Carolina', ElviForimantal Quality Waste Managemuni ravettev lle Re@ional O1Tcc j 225 Green Street. Svc 714' Faveneville, NC 28S0I 910 4'3 3300 AL 46stt Monayement ENVMONMENTAL OLJALJYY TO: Lyn Hardison, Environmental Coordinator FROM: Sylvia Newsom-Hunneke, Regional UST Supervisor COPY: Scott Bullock, Corrective Action Branch Head COPY: Sharon Brinkley, Administrative Secretary DATE: September 17, 2016 PAT MCCR.O.R.Y E.in,.'crnor DONALD R. VAN DER VAART Secrernry MICHAEL SCOTT Mrecw RE: Environmental Review — Project Number 17-0115— Proposed project is for the widening of Allen Road (SR 1203) from Stantonsburg Road to Dickinson Avenue in Greenville, Pitt County. 1 searched the Petroleum Underground Storage Tank (UST) and Nan -UST Databases and. found one Non -UST incident (UST# 931.32). located at Parcel 434809, within the project area. I reviewed the above proposal and determined that this project should not have any adverse impact upon groundwater. The following comments are pertinent to my review: 1. The Washington Regional Office (WaRO) UST Section recommends removal of any abandoned or out -of -use petroleum USTs or petroleum above ground storage tanks (ASTs) within the project area. The UST Section should be contacted regarding use of any proposed or on -site petroleum USTs or ASTs. We may be reached at (252) 946-6481. Any petroleum USTs or ASTs must be installed and maintained in accordance with applicable local, state, and federal regulations. For additional information on petroleum ASTs it is advisable that the North Carolina Department of Insurance at (919) 661-5880 ext. 239, USEPA (404) 562-8761, local fire department, and Local Building Inspectors be contacted. 3. Any petroleum spills ]rust be contained and the area of impact must be properly restored. Petroleum spills of significant quantity must be reported to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality — Division of Waste Management Underground Storage TaTik Section in the Washington Regional Office at (252) 946-6481. 4. Any soils excavated during demolition or construction that show evidence of petroleum contamination, such as stained soil, odors, or free product must be reported immediately to the local Fire Marshall to determine whether explosive or inhalation hazards exist. Also, notify the UST Section of the Washington Regional Office at (252) 946- 648 L Petroleum contaminated soils must be handled in accordance with all applicable regulations. 5. Any questions or concerns regarding spills from petroleum USTs. ASTs, or vehicles should be directed to the UST Section at (252) 946-6481. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at 252-948-3908. State of North Carolina i Ei)vironmental Quality Waste- Management LIST section Central Office j 1646 Maii Service Confer I Raleigh, NC 27699-1646 j (919) 707-817I Reviewing Office: Washington State of forth Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVIEW - PROJECT COMMENTS Project Number 17-0115 Due Date: 9/26/2016 County Pitt After review of this project it has been determined that the ENR permit(s) and/or approvals indicated may need to be obtained in order for this project n comply with North Carolina Law. Questions regarding these permits should be addressed to the Regional Office indicated on the reverse of the form, Ali applications, ir£onnation and guidelines relative to these plans and permits are available from the same Regional Office Normal Process Time PERMITS SPECIAL APPLICATION PROCEDURES or REQUIREMENTS (statutory time hrnrt) Permit to construct & operate wastewater treatment facilities, system extensions & discharging Application 90 days before begin construction or award of construction 30 days sewer sewer systems not contracts. On -site inspection.. Post -application technical conference usual. (90 days) into state surface waters. NPDES -permit To discharge into surface water andror Application 180 days before begin activity, On -site inspection. Pre- pennii to operate and constrict wastewater facilities application eanlerence usual. Additionally, obtain pemttt to construct 90-120 days discharging into stale surface waters, wastewater treatment facility -granted afterNPDES_ Reply time, 30 days after (NIA) receipt of plans or issue of NPDES permit -whichever is later. water use Permit pre -application technical conference usually necessarl; 3D days (N/A) Well Construction Permit Complete application must be received and permit issued prior to the 7 days installation ofa welt. (IS days) Application copy must be served on each adjacent riparian property owner_ Dredge and Pill Pennit On -site inspection, Pre.application conference usual. Filling may require 55 days Easement to Fill from N.C. Department of Administration and (90 days) Federal Dredge and Fill Permit. Permit to construct & operate Air Pollution Abatement Application must be submitted and permit received prior to facilities andror Emission Sources as per 15 A NCAC construction and operation of the source. if a permit is required in art 90 days (2Q.0100 tbrti 2Q.0300) area without local zoning, then there are additional requirements and timelines (2Q.01.13). ❑Permit to construct & operate Transportation Facility as per Application must be submitted at least 90 days prior to construction 90 days I SA NCAC (217,UK 2Q,0601 or ntodiftcation ofthe source. ®Any open buming associated with subject proposal must be in compliance with 15 A NCAC 2D.1900 Demolition or renovations of structures containing asbestos ©material must be in compliance with IS A NCAC 20.1 1.10 i 60 days (a) (1) which requires notification and removal prior to NIA i (90 days) demolition Contact Asbestos Control Group 91.9-707-5950, ElComplex Source Permit required under 15 A NCAC 2D.OR00 The Sedimentation Pollution Control Act of 1973 trust be properly addressed for any land disturbing activity, An erosion & sedimentation ❑ control plan will be required if one or more acres to be disturbed. Plan Filed with proper Regional Office ()-and Quality Section) At least 30 20 days days before beginning activity. A fee of S65 for the first acre or any pan of an acre, An express review option is available with additional (30 days). i fees. ®Sedimentation and erosion control must be addressed in accordance with NCDOT's approved program. Particular attention should be given (30 days) tc design and installation of appropriatc perimeter sediment trapping devices as well as stable stonnwater conveyances and outlets, On -site inspection usual. Surety bond filed With EN12 Bond amount varies ❑ Mining Yerrtit with type atone and number of acres of affected land, Any arc mined greater 30 days than one acre must be permitted. The appropriate bond must be received (60 days) before the permit can be issued. On -site inspection by N.C. Division ForestResouices if permit exceeds 4 1 day North Caroiina Burning pennii days (NSA) Special Growtd Clearance Burning Permit _ 22 On -site inspection by N.C. Division Forest Resources required "ifntore than five acres of clearing activities are Inspections be 1 day counties in coastal N_C. with organic soils ground involved should (N/A) requested at least ten days before actual bum is planned." ❑ Oil Refining Facilities NIA 90-120days (NIA) if permit required, application 60 days before begin construction Applicant must hire N C. qualified engineer W prepare plans, inspect construction. certify construction is according to ENR approved plans, May also require Dam Safety Permit permit under mosquito control program, And a 404 pennii front Corps of 30 days Engineets. An inspection of site is necessary to verify Hazard Classification. 60 days) A minimum fec of'S200.00 must accompany the application. An additional processing fee based en a percentage or the total project cost will be required upon completion_ County Pitt Project Number: 17-0115 Due Date: 9/26/2016 lvorntai Process Tune (statutory time limit) PERMITS SPECIAL APPLICATION PROCEDURES or REQUIREMENTS File surety bond ofS5,000 with ENR running to State oFNC conditional that any well i lU days ❑ Permit to drill exploratory oil or gas well opened by drill operator shad, upon abandonment, be plugged according to ENR rules NIA Geophysical Exploration Permit and regulations. ❑ Application filed with ENR at least 10 days prior to issue of permit. Application by letter, 10 days No standard application form_ NIA ❑ State Lakes Construction Permit Application fee based on structure size is charged, Must include descriptions & 15-20 days drawings of structure & proof of ownership of riparian property. N/A ® 401'Nato Quality Certification NIA 60 days (I30 days) ❑ CAMA Permit forMAJOR development $250.00 fee must accompany application 55 days (150 days) ❑ CAM. A Permit for MINOR development S50,00 fee must accompany application days (25 dav5, Several geodetic monuments are located in or near the project area, If any monument needs to be moved or destroyed, please notify: ❑ N_C Geodetic Survey, Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611 ❑ Abandonment of any wells.. if required must be in accordance with Title I5A, Suhchapter 2C_0100, ❑ Notification of the proper regional office is requested if "orpha " underground storage tanks (LISTS) are discovered during any excavation operation, ® Compliance with 15A NCAC 2Id 1000 (Coastal Stormwater Rules) is required. 45 days (NA) 0 Catawba, Jordan Laice, Randaiman, Tar Pamlico or Neuse Riparian Buffer Rules required. Plans and specifications for the construction. expansion. or alteration of a public water system must he approved by the Division of Water ❑ResourceslPuhiic Water Supply Section prior to the award of a contract or the initiation of consiruction as per 15A NCAC I SC 0300 et. seq. Plans and 30 days specifications should be submitted to 1634 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1034. All publie water supply systems must comply with state and federal drinking water monitoring requirements. Vor more information. contact the Public Water Supply Section, (919) 707-9100. if existing water lines will be relocated during the construction, plans for the water line relocation must he submitted to the Division of" Water ® Resources/Public Water Supply Section at 1534 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1634. For more infomation. contact the Public 30 days Water Supply Section,. (919) 707-9100. other cotuments (attach addtt3onal pab*es as necessary. Y)ermgl ceitan to ate comment auth(irity} Division Initials No Comments Date comment Review DAQ RMB ® No Comments 9/8/16 DWR-WARDS GW ❑ Comments on proposed improvements to Allen Road in Pitt Co., TIP U- 9/23/16 (Aquifer & Surface) ❑ 5875, State Clearinghouse Project No. 17-0115: ® A preliminary JD conducted by SEPI dated 9/9/16 indicates there are 2 i potential wetlands in the project area. The provided scoping document states there are no wetlands. • The preliminary JD also indicated the presence of 5 potential jurisdictional streams and 2 jurisdictional tributaries in the project area, The project is in the Tar -Pamlico Basin, therefore the buffer rules will apply in contrast to what is stated in the provided document. m Any impacts to wetlands and streams on the project would require a 401 Water Quality Certification and/or Buffer Authorization and be subject to avoidance and minimization measures. ® Greens Mill Run is on the current 303d list and is listed as impaired for benthos severe. Therefore, the NCDWR is very concerned with sediment and erosion impacts that could result from this project. a DWR will be coordinating with the US Army Corps of engineers and the consultant to conduct a site review of the preliminary JD. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this project....Garcy Ward DWR-PWS DEL ❑ see Above 9/23/16 DEMLR (LQ & SW) SD ❑ E&SC NCDQT program, State 5tormwater exempted 9/12/16 DWM - UST SNH ❑ see attached comments i 9/17/16 REGIONAL OFFICES Fehraary 11, 2015 Questions regarding these permits should be addressed to the Regional Office marked below. ❑ Asheville Regional Office 2090 US Highway 70 Swannanoa, NC 28778 (929)296-4500 ❑ Fayetteville Regional Office. 225 North Green Street, Suite 714 Fayetteville, NC 2830I -5043 ( 910) 433-3300 ❑ Mooresville Regional Office 610 East Center Avenue_, Suite 101 Mooresville, NC 28115 (704)663-1699 ❑ Raleigh Regional Office 3800 Barrett Drive, Suite 101 Raleigh, NC 27609 (919) 791-4200 ® Washington Regional Office 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27999 (252)946-6481 ❑ Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington. NC 28405 (910) 796-7215 ❑ Winston-Salem Regional Office 450 West Hanes Mill Road, Suite 300 Winston-Salem, NC 27105 (336)771-9900 February 11, 2015 NORTH CAROLINA STATE CLEARINGHOUSE DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVIEW COUNTY: PITT MR JOSEPH HUDYNCIA CLEARINGHOUSE COORDTNATOR DEPT OF AGRICULTURE 1001 MSC - AGRICULTURE BLDG RALEIGH NC REVIEW DISTRIBUTION F02:HIGHWAYS AND ROADS DEPT OF AGRICULTURE DEPT Or ENVIR. QUALITY - COASTAL MG DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DEPT OF NATURAL & CULTURAL RESOURCE DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION DNCR - DIV OF PARKS AND RECREATION DPS DIV OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT MID EAST COMMISSION PROJECT INFORMATION APPLICANT: NC Department of Transportation TYPE: State Environmental Policy Act Scoping STATE NUMBER: 17-E-4220-0115 DATE RECEIVED: 08/30/2016 AGENCY RESPONSE: 09/26/2016 REVIEW CLOSED: 09/29/2016 DRSC: Proposed project is for the widening and upgrading of Allen Road, SR 1203, from Stantonsburg Road to Dickenson Avenue Extension in Greenville, NC. STIP U--5875 The attached project has been submitted to the N. C. State Clearinghouse for intergovernmental review. Please review and submit your response by the above indicated date to 1301 Mail Service Center, Raleigh NC 27699-1301. If additional review time is needed, please contact this office at (919)807-2425. AS A RESULT OF THIS REVIEW THE FOLLOWING IS SUBMITTED: ° NO COMMENT ❑ COMMENTS ATTACHED SIGNED BY: DATE: u NORTH CAROLINA STATE CLEARINGHOUSE DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVIEW COUNTY: PITT F02.HIGHW27YS AND ROADS STATE NUMBER: 17-E-4220-0115 DATE RECEIVED: 08/30/2016 AGENCY RESPONSE: 09/26/2016 REVIEW CLOSED: 09/29/2016 MS CARRIE ATKINSON CLEARINGHOUSE COORDINATOR DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION STATEWIDE PLANNING - MSC 01554 RALEIGH NC REVIEW DISTRIBUTION DEPT OF AGRICUJ 7URE � DEPT OF ENVIR. QUALITY COASTAL MG DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL S,_ QUALITY � � 9r� DEPT OF NATURAL & =LTURAL RESOURCE ° DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION s . DNCR - DIV OF PARKS AND RECREATION �r DPS - DIV OF EMERGENCY MANAGE�'1ENT � MID EAST COMMISSION PROJECT INFORMATION APPLICANT: NC Department of Transportation TYPE: State Environmental Policy Act Scoping DESC: Proposed project is for the widening and upgrading of Allen Road, SR 1203, from Stantonsburg Road to Dickenson Avenue Extension in Greenville, NC. STIP U-5875 The attached project has been submitted to the N. C. State Clearinghouse for intergovernmental review. Please review and submit your response by the above indicated date to 1301 Mail Service Center, Raleigh NC 27699--1301. If additional review time is needed, please contact this office at (919)B07-2425. AS A RESULT OF THIS REVIEW SIGNED BY: SUBMITTED: ® NO COMMENT ❑ COMMENTS ATTACHED DATE; � 7 NORTH CAROLIN A STATE CLEARINGHOUSE DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATI0NF INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVIEW COUNTY: PITT F02: HIGHWAYS AND ROADS STATE NUMBER: 17-E-4220--0115 DATE RECEIVED: 08/30/2016 AGENCY RESPONSEm 09/26/2016 REVIEW CLOSED: 09/29/2016 CLEARINGHOUSE COORD REGION Q MID EAST COMMISSION 1385 JOHN SMALL AVENUE WASHINGTON NC REVIEW DISTRIBUTION DEPT OF AGRICULTURE DEPT OF ENVIR. QUALITY - COASTAL MG DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DEPT OF NATURAL & CULTURAL RESOURCE DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION DNCR - DIV OF PARTS AND RECREATION DPS - DIV OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT MID EAST COMMISSION PROJECT INFORMATION APPLICANT: NC Department of Transportation TYPE: State Environmental Policy Act Scoping DESC: Proposed project is for the widening and upgrading of Allen Road, SR 12C3, from Stantonsburg Road to Dickenson Avenue Extension in Greenville, NC. STIP U-5875 The attached project has been submitted to the N. C. State Clearinghouse for intergovernmental review. Please review and submit your response by the above indicated date to 1301 Mail Service Center, Raleigh NC 27699-1301. If additional review time is needed, please contact this office at {919)807-2425. AS A RESULT OF THIS REVIEW THE FOLLOWING IS SUBMITTED: NO COMMENT ❑ COMMENTS ATTACHED SIGNED BY: fL DATE: P NORTH CAROLINA STATE CLEARINGHOUSE :aEP 0��� DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVIEW COUNTY: PITT F02:HIGHWAYS AND ROADS STATE NUMBER: 17-E--4220-0115 DATE RECEIVED: 08/30/2016 AGENCY RESPONSE: 09/26/2016 REVIEW CLOSED3 09/29/2016 MS PAULA CUTTS CLEARINGHOUSE COORDINATOR DPS -- DIV OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT FLOODPLAIN MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 4218 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH NC REVIEW DISTRIBUTION DEPT OF AGRICULTURE DEPT OF ENVIR. QUALITY - COASTAL MG DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DEPT OF NATURAL & CULTURAL RESOURCE DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION DNCR - DIV OF PARKS AND RECREATION DPS - DIV OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT MID EAST COMMISSION PROJECT INFORMATION APPLICANT: NC Department of Transportation TYPE: State Environmental Policy Act Scoping DESC: Proposed project is for the widening and upgrading of Allen Road, SR 1203, from Stantonsburg Road to Dickenson Avenue Extension in Greenville, NC. STIP U-5875 The attached project has been submitted to the N. C. State Clearinghouse for intergovernmental review. Please review and submit your response by the above indicated date to 1301 Mail Service Center, Raleigh NC 27699-1301. If additional review time is needed, please contact this office at (919)807-2425. AS A RESULT OF THIS REVIEW THE FOLLOWING IS SUBMITTED: ❑ NO COMMENT N COMMENTS ATTACHED SIGNED BY: DA E:� r ManagementXT North Carolina Department of Public Safe B093Emergency Pat McCrory, Governor Frank L. Perry, Secretary September 8, 2016 State Clearinghouse N.C. Department of Administration 1301 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1301 Michael A. Sprayberry, Director Subject: Intergovernmental Review State Number: 17-E-4220-0115 Road Improvements along SR 1203 over Green Mill Run, City of Greenville, Pitt County As requested by the North Carolina State Clearinghouse, the North Carolina Department of Public Safety Division of Emergency Management Risk Management reviewed the proposed project for the road improvements on State Road 1203 in the City of Greenville. The proposed project includes the crossing of Green Mill Run. Please refer to Flood Insurance Rate Map Panel 4667. North Carolina Executive Order 123 directs NCDOT to coordinate with and follow the FHWA floodplain management requirements which are found in the Federal Executive Order 11988. To ensure NCDOT compliance with EO 11988 and 44 CFR the NCDOT Hydraulics Section and the NC Floodplain Mapping Program have a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA). Please coordinate with Mr. David Chang, NCDOT Hydraulics, to determine if the proposed crossings within this project are eligible to fall within the MOA. Thank you for your cooperation and consideration. If you have any questions concerning the above comments, please contact me at (919) 825-2300, by email at dan.brubakergncdps. oovv or at the address shown on the footer of this document. Sincerely, �- LIN" John D. Brubaker, P.E., CFM NFIP Engineer Risk Management cc: Tom Langan, Engineering Supervisor John Gerber, NFIP State Coordinator File MAILING ADDRESS: 4218 Mail Service Center Raleigh NBC 27699-4218 www.ncdps.gov www.nefloodmaps.com NLiIATid: CAROUNA G'I M OFFICE LOCATION: 4105 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, NC 27607 Telephone: (919) 825-2341 Fax: (919) 825-0408 NORTH CAROLINA STATE CLEARINGHOUSE DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION INTERGOVER101ENTAL REVIEW COUNTY- PITT F02:HIGHWAYS AND ROADS STATE NUMBER: 17-E-4220-0115 DATE RECEIVED: 08/30/2016 AGENCY RESPONSE: 09/26/2016 REVIEW CLOSED: 09/29/2016 MS RENEE GLEDHILL-EARLEY CLEARINGHOUSE COORDINATOR DEPT OF NATURAL & CULTURAL RESOURCE STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICE MSC 4617 -- ARCHIVES BUILDING RALRIGH NC REVIEW DISTRIBUTION DEPT OF AGRICULTURE DEPT OF ENVIR. QUALITY - COASTAL MG DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DEPT OF NATURAL L CULTURAL RESOURCE DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION DNCR - DIV OF PARKS AND RECREATION DPS - DIV OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT MID EAST COKNTTSSION PROJECT INFORMATION APPLICANT: NC Department of Transportation TYPE: State Environmental Policy Act Scoping DESC: Proposed project is for the widening and upgrading of Allen Road, SR 1203, from Stantonsburg Road to Dickenson Avenue Extension in Greenville, NC. STIP U-5875 The attached project has been submitted to the N. C. State Clearinghouse for intergovernmental review. Please review and submit your response by the above indicated date to 1301 Mail Service Center, Raleigh NC 27699-1301. If additional review time is needed, please contact this office at (919)807-2425. AS A RESULT OF THIS REVIEW THE FOLLOWING IS SUBMITTED: ❑ NO COMMENT ECOMMENTS ATTACHED SIGNED BY: VAADATE: Susan Westberry From: Aaron Errickson <erricka@pitt.kl2.nc.us> Sent: Friday, September 16, 2016 4:04 PM To: Laura Watson; Susan Westberry Cc: Matt Johnson Subject: FW: Start of Study_ WBS 44677.1.1, STIP U-5875 Attachments: Lenker_SoS Packet.pdf, Transportation Plan -Master Site Plan w-SQFT.pdf Ms. Westberry, Good afternoon. Our office has reviewed the Start of Study Package for the Widening of Allen Road (SR 1203). We have two areas of concern. The first area is the existing Lakeforest Elementary School on Briarcliff Drive. If you could confirm that the median will not restrict access to this road and school, we would appreciate it. Our other area of concern is the design related to Woodridge Park Road. At this time, Pitt County Schools is purchasing a 20 acre site at the back of this business complex. This land will be used to construct a new transportation center for the school system. Attached is the Master Site Plan for the new transportation center. This complex will be released for design -build consideration on Tuesday November 1", 2016 with a planned construction completion date of July V, 2018. Based on this Master Plan and the relocation of 325 buses to this site, we would like to request that a traffic light be considered for the intersection of Woodridge Park Road and Allen Road. The above items are the school system's only two comments at this time. Please let me know if you have any questions about these comments or the upcoming construction of the new transportation center. Sincerely, Section Coordinator Facility Services Pitt Countv Schools (252) 756-2313 Office (252) 304-0522 Mobile From: Johnson, Matt[mailto:iohnsom5(a)pitt.kl2.nc.us] Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2016 3:50 PM To: Aaron Errickson Subject: Fwd: FW: Start of Study_ WBS 44677.1.1, STIP U-5875 See below and attached. This might answer the questions we were talking about today. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Ethan Lenker <lenkereitt.kl2.nc.us> Date: Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 3:44 PM Subject: FW: Start of Study_ WBS 44677.1.1, STIP U-5875 To: Matt Johnson <JohnsoM5kpitt.kl2.nc.us> Dr. Ethan Lenker Superintendent Pitt County Schools 252-830-4265 www.pitt.kl2.nc.us From: Laura Watson[maiIto: LWatson(a)sepiengineering.corn] Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2016 3:27 PM To: lenkerE pitt.k12.nc.us Cc: Susan Westberry Subject: Start of Study_ WBS 44677.1.1, STIP U-5875 Good afternoon. You are receiving this email on behalf of Susan Westberry. Attached you will find the Start of Study Packet for the Widening and upgrading of Allen Road (SR 1203) from Stantonsburg Road (SR 1467) to Dickenson Avenue Extension (US 13) in Greenville, Pitt County; WBS 44677.1.1, STIP U- 5875. You should you receive your hard copy in the mail in just a few days. If you have any questions of concerns please email or call: Susan Westberry, AICP, PWS, CPESC, LSSIT Senior Environmental Planner Direct: 910.550.3257 1 Cell: 910.524.9404 Email: swestberrygsepien gin eerin g. com Thank you, ffirw"nMw SEPI mom i IMAd elr• Laura A. Watson I Administrative Assistant SEPI Engineering & Construction 1025 Wade Avenue I Raleigh, NC 27605 Direct: 919.747.5866 1 Main: 919.789.9977 1 Fax: 919.789.9591 1 seaienaineerina.com Connect with us: LinkedIn I Twitter I Facebook Matt Johnson Executive Director of Operations P.O. Box 1089 Winterville, NC 28590 252-756-2313 252-756-2354 (fax) 252-304-0510 (cell) Message Sent from PCS GMail Message Sent from PCS GMail Message Sent from PCS GMail 9/17/2015 OPTS Parcel Information NOTICE. Value informal 2015 year due to the Parcel: 80529 Physical Address: 975 WO Owner Nama: HARDEI LLC Owne rAddress 1: 1155 Al Owns rAddress2: Owne rAddrea43: City l Btate I Zip; OMMEF NC PIN: 466742, Subdivlslon 1 2 Section 1 Phass: Prior Legal WOOOF Description: PARK Block / Lot: is Tract: Building Number I Unit Acres: 1.91 Current Owner q7 OoedlDucument: Map Cook: MB744- DeadlDocument OW201s Date: Deed l Document SO Salas Price: Building Type I WHSE [ Use: Number of 1 Buildings; Year Built: 2005 Total Living Araa: 18000 Building Value: $316.1£ EMtra Features $17,481 Value: Land Value: 547,75E Total Current $381.4: Market Value: Total 2011 Market SO Val"; Ravaluation Year: 2012 http:l/gis.pittcountync.govlopis/ 111 Susan Westberry From: Jordan, Gary <garyjordan@fws.gov> Sent: Friday, August 26, 2016 8:44 AM To: Susan Westberry Subject: Re: Start of Study_ WBS 44677.1.1, STIP U-5875 Susan, The USFWS does not have any specific concerns for this project. Given the previously disturbed nature of the project area (suburban development and agricultural activities), impacts to fish and wildlife resources should be minimal. Gary Jordan Fish and Wildlife Biologist Liaison to NCDOT US Fish and Wildlife Service P.O. Box 33726 Raleigh, NC 27636-3726 Phone: 919-856-4520 x.32 Email: gary jordangfws.gov On Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 3:22 PM, Laura Watson <LWatson(ksepien ing eering com> wrote: Good afternoon. You are receiving this email on behalf of Susan Westberry. Attached you will find the Start of Study Packet for the Widening and upgrading of Allen Road (SR 1203) from Stantonsburg Road (SR 1467) to Dickenson Avenue Extension (US 13) in Greenville, Pitt County; WBS 44677.1.1, STIP U- 5875. You should you receive your hard copy in the mail in just a few days. If you have any questions of concerns please email or call: Susan Westberry, AICP, PWS, CPESC, LSSIT Senior Environmental Planner Direct: 910.550.3257 1 Cell: 910.524.9404 Email: swestberry(ibsepien ing eering com Thank you, e.Wr" n w.. SEPI Laura A. Watson I Administrative Assistant SEPI Engineering & Construction 1025 Wade Avenue I Raleigh, NC 27605 Direct: 919.747.5866 1 Main: 919.789.9977 1 Fax: 919.789.9591 1 seoienaineerina.com Connect with us: LinkedIn I Twitter I Facebook Susan Westberry From: Wilson, Travis W. <travis.wilson@ncwildlife.org> Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2016 9:04 AM To: Susan Westberry Subject: RE: U-5875 Allen Road Widening Project WRC did not request an in water work moratorium on this project. Travis W. Wilson Eastern Region Highway Project Coordinator Habitat Conservation Program NC Wildlife Resources Commission 1718 Hwy 56 West Creedmoor, NC 27522 Phone: 919-707-0370 Fax: 919-528-2524 Travis.Wilson cni ncwildlife.ora ncwildlife.org 13 91 n 0 From: Susan Westberry[mailto:SWestberry@sepiengineering.com] Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2016 2:27 PM To: Wilson, Travis W. <travis.wilson@ncwildlife.org> Subject: U-5875 Allen Road Widening Project Hi Travis I'm working on the Natural Resources Technical Report for this project and NCDOT asked whether or not you had made a determination regarding the possibility of construction moratoria for the project. The project crosses Greens Mill Run and several tributaries to Greens Mill Run and will include the extension of existing culverts along Allen Road. We sent the attached Start of Study information this summer. We still do not have any design plans, but stream and wetland delineations have been completed and a verification meeting with Garcy Ward and Tom Steffens was held in October. Please let me know if you need any additional information. Thanks Susan Q��1 n &e4 SEPI Eta 441F.F! i ■om§!Aji'0G1 Susan Westberry, AICP, PWS, CPESC, LSSIT Senior Environmental Planner SEPI Engineering & Construction 5030 New Centre Drive, Suite B I Wilmington, NC 28403 Direct: 910.550.3257 1 Cell: 910.524.9404 1 sepiengineering.com Connect with us: Linkedln I Twitter I Facebook Confidentiality Notice: This message is intended only for the designated recipient(s). It may contain confidential or proprietary information and may be subject to the attorney -client privilege or other confidentiality protections. If you are not a designated recipient, you may not review, copy or distribute this message. If you receive this in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete this message. Thank you. Email correspondence to and from this sender is subject to the N.C. Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. SEPI E NO IN E E R I N G & C0NSrRUCTI0N June 5, 2017 Tom Steffens Garcy Ward U.S. Army Corps of Engineers NCDEQ — DWR Washington Regulatory Field Office Washington Regional Office 2407 West 5th Street 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889-1000 Washington, NC 27889 Re: Alternative Selection for STIP U-5875 SR 1203 (Allen Road) from SR 1467 (Stantonsburg Road) to US 13 (Dickinson Avenue Ext.) Widen to Multi -lanes. Dear Mr. Steffens and Mr. Ward, SEPI Engineering and Construction (SEPI) and NCDOT have completed an alternatives analysis for the U-5875 project resulting in the selection of Alternative 1. SEPI and NCDOT evaluated two build alternatives for the project, Alternative 1 and Alternative 2. Alternative 1 would widen Allen Road primarily to the east, with the right of way limits on the west side of the road remaining in place in most locations. Alternative 2 would widen Allen Road primarily to the west, with the right of way limits on the east side of the road remaining in place in most locations. Both alternatives would consist of four 12-foot travel lanes (2 in each direction), a 23-foot raised grass median, 5-foot bikes lanes on both sides of the road, 2-foot curb and gutter section, and a 10-foot berm contained within a 100-foot right of way. The NC State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) has determined that the Noah Forbes, Sr. House (PT0047) is eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places under Criterion C and Consideration B. This property is located on the west side of Allen Road (Figure 1). Design for both alternatives was manipulated to avoid the need of any proposed right of way for the project on this parcel. A public meeting was held for the project on March 27, 2017. Comments received before, during, and after the meeting were summarized in the attached memo. Public preference was for Alternative 1. An impact matrix is included below that summarizes the impacts for each alternative. With the avoidance of the historic property referenced above, impacts are very similar for alternatives 1 and 2, with alternative 2 being slightly more expensive and impacting more residential property. Wetland impacts are not listed as they have been avoided completely. 5030 New Centre Drive I Suite B I Wilmington, NC 1 28403 1 Phone: 910.523.5715 Fax: 910.523.5716 1 sepiengineering.com I @SEPIengineers SE PI Based on the impact matrix and public comment, SEPI and NCDOT have chosen Alternative 1 as the preferred alternative to provide an alternative that would take the least amount of public property and have the least impact on the human environment. IMPACT ALTERNATIVE 1 ALTERNATIVE 2 Length (miles) 2.29 2.29 Cost Utility Cost ($) Power $ 1,500,000.00 $ 1,500,000.00 Utility Cost ($) Gas $ 325,000.00 $ 1,050,000.00 Utility Cost ($) Water $ 2,900,000.00 $ 2,000,000.00 Right -of -Way Cost ($) $ 2,900,000.00 $ 3,200,000.00 Construction Cost ($) $ 13,100,000.00 $ 13,600,000.00 Total Cost ($) $ 20,725,000.00 $ 21,350,000.00 Permanent Property Impacts Residential (#, Acres) 23,136 34,239 Business (#, Acres) 19 , 2.66 15, 1.62 Non -Profit (#, Acres) 1 , 0.15 1, 0.07 Total Impacts (#, Acres) 43 , 4.57 50, 4.08 Anticipated Proximity Impacts (#) 3 5 Streams Stream Length (ft) 209 211 U-5875 Allen Road Widen to Multi -Lanes Public Meeting #1— March 27, 2017 Summary of Meeting and Comments 871 postcards were printed and mailed. Mailing addresses were provided by NCDOT Public Involvement. 40 were returned due to address errors — no such number or other error. 8 people requested to be added to the mailing list either before, during, or after the meeting. Pre -Meeting Comments: 7 comments were received prior to the meeting in the form of phone calls and/or emails. • 1 was from Pitt County Solid Waste and Recycling regarding their facility on Landfill Road. He expressed that trucks leaving their facility have a hard time turning left onto Allen Road and requested that a traffic signal be placed at the corner of Allen and Landfill. • 1 was from the Pitt County school system. They are concerned with restricting access at Briarcliff for the school and also at Woodridge Park Road for the new bus facility. They have requested a signal at Woodridge Park Road and Allen Road. • 1 was from the US Fish and Wildlife Service. They do not have any specific concerns for the project. • 1 is from the Property Manager for McDonalds Corporation. They will be constructing a new restaurant at 2458 Allen Road and wanted information on how the project could affect their new location. • 3 were from citizens who support the project and would like to see bike lanes and sidewalks (with appropriate crosswalks) along the entire corridor. Meeting: 56 people (including NCDOT and SEPI staff) signed in to the meeting on March 27, 2017 and 8 comment forms were collected (2 additional forms were collected during the Local Officials Meeting). No additional forms were received after the meeting mail. Notification Source: • Local Official - 2 • Newsletter — 6 • Friend/Relative — 0 • Newspaper — 2 • TV/Radio — 0 Affiliation: • Teakwood Green — 1 • Homeowners Association — 1 1 Major Issues Identified: • Access - 6 • Vehicular Safety - 4 • Pedestrian Facilities and Safety - 3 • Neighborhood Connectivity - 3 • Historic and Cultural Sites — 2 • Natural Resources — 2 • Aesthetics - 1 • Businesses - 1 Preferred Alternative: • Alternative 1 - 7 • Alternative 2 - 1 Summary of Design Comments: • Don't plant tall landscaping that could block sight for u-turns. • A continual center turn lane allows people to turn wherever they need. A grass median will limit mobility and should not be proposed. Summary of Additional Comments: • Please address the Allen Road/Dickinson Avenue intersection • Please add sidewalks • Concern with losing part of front yard on west side of Allen Road and loss of resale value • Do not want to lose center turn lane — like to be able to turn anywhere • Drainage along the road and alongside the road is a problem Post -Meeting Comments: 2 comments were received after the meeting via email. 1 comment was received after the meeting via a phone call. The comments are summarized below. • Homeowner in Teakwood subdivision unable to attend the meeting and requesting more information. Glad to hear about the project, but concerned about access. • Homeowner with a business that services large vehicles is concerned about the distance that would need to be travelled in order to turn around leaving his property. Also concerned about the ability for large vehicles to turn in the current areas. Requests that driveways be provided and one of the driveways made larger to accommodate large vehicles. • The GUC has inquired about the need and funding to relocate poles. Local Officials Meeting: 31 people signed into the Local Officials Meeting — including NCDOT and SEPI staff. 2 comment forms were collected and are summarized above. 2 Susan Westberry From: Steffens, Thomas A CIV USARMY CESAW (US) <Thomas.A.Steffens@usace.army.mil> Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2017 4:01 PM To: Susan Westberry; 'Ward, Garcy' Cc: Ben Crawford; Caldwell, Betty A; 'Kincannon, William C.' Subject: RE: U-5875 Allen Road Alternative Selection Susan, I apologize for the tardy response, you're keeping us busy. The Corps is in agreement with the selection of Alternative 1 as the preferred alternative for the U-5875 Allen Road project. Thanks! Thomas Steffens Regulatory Project Manager Washington Regulatory Field Office 2407 West 5th Street Washington, NC 27889 o) (910)-251-4615 The Wilmington District is committed to providing the highest level of support to the public. We would appreciate your feedback on how we are performing our duties. Our automated Customer Service Survey is located here: http://corpsmapu.usace.army.mil/cm_apex/f?p=136:4:0 -----Original Message ----- From: Susan Westberry [mailto:SWestberry@sepiengineering.com] Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2017 11:14 AM To: Steffens, Thomas A CIV USARMY CESAW (US) <Thomas.A.Steffens@usace.army.mil>; 'Ward, Garcy' <garcy.ward@ ncdenr.gov> Cc: Ben Crawford <bcrawford@sepiengineering.com>; Caldwell, Betty A <bacaldwell@ncdot.gov>; 'Kincannon, William C.' <wckincannon@ncdot.gov> Subject: [Non-DoD Source] RE: U-5875 Allen Road Alternative Selection Tom and Garcy Just wanted to follow-up on the alternative selection for Allen Road. If neither of you have any questions, concerns or comments regarding the selection of Alternative 1 as the preferred alternative moving forward, could you please confirm that you are in agreement with the selection. We would like to have documentation to include in the EA and the project file. Thank you! Susan Susan Westberry, AICP, PWS, CPESC, LSSIT Senior Environmental Planner SEPI Engineering & Construction 5030 New Centre Drive, Suite B I Wilmington, NC 28403 Direct: 910.550.3257 1 Cell: 910.524.9404 1 sepiengineering.com <Blockedhttp://www.sepiengineering.com/> Connect with us: Linkedln <Blockedhttps://www.linkedin.com/company/sepi-engineering-&-construction-inc-> Twitter <Blockedhttps://twitter.com/SEPIengineers> I Facebook <Blockedhttps://www.facebook.com/sepiengineering/?fref=ts> Confidentiality Notice: This message is intended only for the designated recipient(s). It may contain confidential or proprietary information and may be subject to the attorney -client privilege or other confidentiality protections. If you are not a designated recipient, you may not review, copy or distribute this message. If you receive this in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete this message. Thank you. From: Susan Westberry Sent: Monday, June 05, 2017 8:55 PM To: 'Steffens, Thomas A SAW' <Thomas.A.Steffens@usace.army.miI>; 'Ward, Garcy' <garcy.ward@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Ben Crawford <bcrawford@sepiengineering.com>; Caldwell, Betty A <bacaldwell@ncdot.gov>; 'Kincannon, William C.' <wckincannon@ncdot.gov> Subject: U-5875 Allen Road Alternative Selection Tom and Garcy Please see the attached memo detailing the selection process for Alternative 1 as the preferred alternative for the U- 5875 Allen Road project. Please contact myself or Betty with any questions regarding this selection. Thank you Susan Susan Westberry, AICP, PWS, CPESC, LSSIT Senior Environmental Planner SEPI Engineering & Construction 5030 New Centre Drive, Suite B I Wilmington, NC 28403 Direct: 910.550.3257 1 Cell: 910.524.9404 1 sepiengineering.com <Blockedhttp://www.sepiengineering.com/> Connect with us: Linkedln <Blockedhttps://www.linkedin.com/company/sepi-engineering-&-construction-inc-> Twitter <Blockedhttps://twitter.com/SEPIengineers> I Facebook <Blockedhttps://www.facebook.com/sepiengineering/?fref=ts> Confidentiality Notice: This message is intended only for the designated recipient(s). It may contain confidential or proprietary information and may be subject to the attorney -client privilege or other confidentiality protections. If you are not a designated recipient, you may not review, copy or distribute this message. If you receive this in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete this message. Thank you. Susan Westberry From: Ward, Garcy <garcy.ward@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2017 4:37 PM To: Steffens, Thomas A CIV USARMY CESAW (US); Susan Westberry Cc: Ben Crawford; Caldwell, Betty A; Kincannon, William C. Subject: RE: U-5875 Allen Road Alternative Selection Susan, DWR is in agreement with the Corps in the selection of Alternative 1 as the preferred alternative for U-5875. Thanks. Garcy Ward Environmental Senior Specialist North Carolina Division of Water Resources 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 ph: 252-946-6481 -----Original Message ----- From: Steffens, Thomas A CIV USARMY CESAW (US) [mailto:Thomas.A.Steffens@usace.army.mil] Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2017 4:01 PM To: Susan Westberry <SWestberry@sepiengineering.com>; Ward, Garcy <garcy.ward@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Ben Crawford <bcrawford@sepiengineering.com>; Caldwell, Betty A <bacaldwell@ncdot.gov>; Kincannon, William C. <wckincannon@ncdot.gov> Subject: RE: U-5875 Allen Road Alternative Selection Susan, I apologize for the tardy response, you're keeping us busy. The Corps is in agreement with the selection of Alternative 1 as the preferred alternative for the U-5875 Allen Road project. Thanks! Thomas Steffens Regulatory Project Manager Washington Regulatory Field Office 2407 West 5th Street Washington, NC 27889 o) (910)-251-4615 The Wilmington District is committed to providing the highest level of support to the public. We would appreciate your feedback on how we are performing our duties. Our automated Customer Service Survey is located here: http://corpsmapu.usace.army.mil/cm_apex/f?p=136:4:0 -----Original Message ----- From: Susan Westberry [mailto:SWestberry@sepiengineering.com] Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2017 11:14 AM To: Steffens, Thomas A CIV USARMY CESAW (US) <Thomas.A.Steffens@usace.army.mil>; 'Ward, Garcy' <garcy.ward@ ncdenr.gov> Cc: Ben Crawford <bcrawford@sepiengineering.com>; Caldwell, Betty A <bacaldwell@ncdot.gov>; 'Kincannon, William C.' <wckincannon@ncdot.gov> Subject: [Non-DoD Source] RE: U-5875 Allen Road Alternative Selection Tom and Garcy Just wanted to follow-up on the alternative selection for Allen Road. If neither of you have any questions, concerns or comments regarding the selection of Alternative 1 as the preferred alternative moving forward, could you please confirm that you are in agreement with the selection. We would like to have documentation to include in the EA and the project file. Thank you! Susan Susan Westberry, AICP, PWS, CPESC, LSSIT Senior Environmental Planner SEPI Engineering & Construction 5030 New Centre Drive, Suite B I Wilmington, NC 28403 Direct: 910.550.3257 1 Cell: 910.524.9404 1 sepiengineering.com <Blockedhttp://www.sepiengineering.com/> Connect with us: Linkedln <Blockedhttps://www.linkedin.com/company/sepi-engineering-&-construction-inc-> Twitter <Blockedhttps://twitter.com/SEPIengineers> I Facebook <Blockedhttps://www.facebook.com/sepiengineering/?fref=ts> Confidentiality Notice: This message is intended only for the designated recipient(s). It may contain confidential or proprietary information and may be subject to the attorney -client privilege or other confidentiality protections. If you are not a designated recipient, you may not review, copy or distribute this message. If you receive this in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete this message. Thank you. From: Susan Westberry Sent: Monday, June 05, 2017 8:55 PM To: 'Steffens, Thomas A SAW' <Thomas.A.Steffens@usace.army.miI>; 'Ward, Garcy' <garcy.ward@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Ben Crawford <bcrawford@sepiengineering.com>; Caldwell, Betty A <bacaldwell@ncdot.gov>; 'Kincannon, William C.' <wckincannon@ncdot.gov> Subject: U-5875 Allen Road Alternative Selection Tom and Garcy Please see the attached memo detailing the selection process for Alternative 1 as the preferred alternative for the U- 5875 Allen Road project. Please contact myself or Betty with any questions regarding this selection. Thank you Susan Susan Westberry, AICP, PWS, CPESC, LSSIT Senior Environmental Planner SEPI Engineering & Construction 5030 New Centre Drive, Suite B I Wilmington, NC 28403 Direct: 910.550.3257 1 Cell: 910.524.9404 1 sepiengineering.com <Blockedhttp://www.sepiengineering.com/> Connect with us: Linkedln <Blockedhttps://www.linkedin.com/company/sepi-engineering-&-construction-inc-> Twitter <Blockedhttps://twitter.com/SEPlengineers> I Facebook <Blockedhttps://www.facebook.com/sepiengineering/?fref=ts> Confidentiality Notice: This message is intended only for the designated recipient(s). It may contain confidential or proprietary information and may be subject to the attorney -client privilege or other confidentiality protections. If you are not a designated recipient, you may not review, copy or distribute this message. If you receive this in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete this message. Thank you. Susan Westberry From: Kevin Mulligan <KMulligan@greenvillenc.gov> Sent: Friday, July 14, 2017 4:59 PM To: Ward, Garcy; Steffens, Thomas A CIV USARMY CESAW (US); Susan Westberry Cc: Ben Crawford; Caldwell, Betty A; Kincannon, William C.; Scott Godefroy Subject: RE: U-5875 Allen Road Alternative Selection Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged The City of Greenville prefers Alternative 1. It minimizes the impact to the residents who live adjacent to Allen Rd with respect to property acquisition. Additionally, it is potentially more cost effective than Alternative 2. Kevin Mulligan, PE Director of Public Works City of Greenville, NC kmulligan@greenvillenc.gov www.greenvillenc.gov 252-329-4520 * Please note that any and all correspondence to and from this email address is subject to North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. -----Original Message ----- From: Ward, Garcy [mailto:garcy.ward@ncdenr.gov] Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2017 4:37 PM To: Steffens, Thomas A CIV USARMY CESAW (US); Susan Westberry Cc: Ben Crawford; Caldwell, Betty A; Kincannon, William C. Subject: RE: U-5875 Allen Road Alternative Selection Susan, DWR is in agreement with the Corps in the selection of Alternative 1 as the preferred alternative for U-5875. Thanks. Garcy Ward Environmental Senior Specialist North Carolina Division of Water Resources 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 ph: 252-946-6481 -----Original Message ----- From: Steffens, Thomas A CIV USARMY CESAW (US) [mailto:Thomas.A.Steffens@usace.army.mil] Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2017 4:01 PM To: Susan Westberry <SWestberry@sepiengineering.com>; Ward, Garcy <garcy.ward@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Ben Crawford <bcrawford@sepiengineering.com>; Caldwell, Betty A <bacaldwell@ncdot.gov>; Kincannon, William C. <wckincannon@ncdot.gov> Subject: RE: U-5875 Allen Road Alternative Selection Susan, I apologize for the tardy response, you're keeping us busy. The Corps is in agreement with the selection of Alternative 1 as the preferred alternative for the U-5875 Allen Road project. Thanks! Thomas Steffens Regulatory Project Manager Washington Regulatory Field Office 2407 West 5th Street Washington, NC 27889 o) (910)-251-4615 The Wilmington District is committed to providing the highest level of support to the public. We would appreciate your feedback on how we are performing our duties. Our automated Customer Service Survey is located here: http://corpsmapu.usace.army.mil/cm_apex/f?p=136:4:0 -----Original Message ----- From: Susan Westberry [mailto:SWestberry@sepiengineering.com] Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2017 11:14 AM To: Steffens, Thomas A CIV USARMY CESAW (US) <Thomas.A.Steffens@usace.army.mil>; 'Ward, Garcy' <garcy.ward@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Ben Crawford <bcrawford@sepiengineering.com>; Caldwell, Betty A <bacaldwell@ncdot.gov>; 'Kincannon, William C.' <wckincannon@ncdot.gov> Subject: [Non-DoD Source] RE: U-5875 Allen Road Alternative Selection Tom and Garcy Just wanted to follow-up on the alternative selection for Allen Road. If neither of you have any questions, concerns or comments regarding the selection of Alternative 1 as the preferred alternative moving forward, could you please confirm that you are in agreement with the selection. We would like to have documentation to include in the EA and the project file. Thank you! Susan ra Susan Westberry, AICP, PWS, CPESC, LSSIT Senior Environmental Planner SEPI Engineering & Construction 5030 New Centre Drive, Suite B I Wilmington, NC 28403 Direct: 910.550.3257 1 Cell: 910.524.9404 1 sepiengineering.com <Blockedhttp://www.sepiengineering.com/> Connect with us: Linkedln <Blockedhttps://www.linkedin.com/company/sepi-engineering-&-construction-inc-> Twitter <Blockedhttps:Htwitter.com/SEPlengineers> I Facebook <Blockedhttps://www.facebook.com/sepiengineering/?fref=ts> Confidentiality Notice: This message is intended only for the designated recipient(s). It may contain confidential or proprietary information and may be subject to the attorney -client privilege or other confidentiality protections. If you are not a designated recipient, you may not review, copy or distribute this message. If you receive this in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete this message. Thank you. From: Susan Westberry Sent: Monday, June 05, 2017 8:55 PM To: 'Steffens, Thomas A SAW' <Thomas.A.Steffens@usace.army.miI>; 'Ward, Garcy' <garcy.ward@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Ben Crawford <bcrawford@sepiengineering.com>; Caldwell, Betty A <bacaldwell@ncdot.gov>; 'Kincannon, William C.' <wckincannon@ncdot.gov> Subject: U-5875 Allen Road Alternative Selection Tom and Garcy Please see the attached memo detailing the selection process for Alternative 1 as the preferred alternative for the U- 5875 Allen Road project. Please contact myself or Betty with any questions regarding this selection. Thank you Susan Susan Westberry, AICP, PWS, CPESC, LSSIT Senior Environmental Planner SEPI Engineering & Construction 5030 New Centre Drive, Suite B I Wilmington, NC 28403 Direct: 910.550.3257 1 Cell: 910.524.9404 1 sepiengineering.com <Blockedhttp://www.sepiengineering.com/> Connect with us: Linkedln <Blockedhttps://www.linkedin.com/company/sepi-engineering-&-construction-inc-> Twitter <Blockedhttps:Htwitter.com/SEPlengineers> I Facebook <Blockedhttps://www.facebook.com/sepiengineering/?fref=ts> Confidentiality Notice: This message is intended only for the designated recipient(s). It may contain confidential or proprietary information and may be subject to the attorney -client privilege or other confidentiality protections. If you are not a designated recipient, you may not review, copy or distribute this message. If you receive this in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and delete this message. Thank you. This e-mail is for the intended recipient only. If you have received it by mistake please let us know by reply and then delete it from your system; access, disclosure, copying, distribution or reliance on any of it by anyone else is prohibited. If you as intended recipient have received this e-mail incorrectly, please notify the sender (via e-mail) immediately. Appendix B — Stormwater Management Plan HIF;h4V�1}' North Carolina Department of Transportation l Highway Stormwater Program g g/ STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN (Version 3.00; Released August 2021) FOR NCDOT PROJECTS WBS Element: 44677.1.1 TIP/Proj No: U-5875 County(ies): Pitt Page 1 of 3 General Project Information WBS Element: 44677.1.1 ITIP Number: U-5875 Project Type: Roadway Widening I Date: 7/3/2023 NCDOT Contact: Catherine Hossack Meyer, PE Contractor / Designer: Jonathan T. Williams, PE Address: Highway Division 2 Address: TranSystems 1037 W.H. Smith Blvd 1 Glenwood Avenue, Suite 600 Greenville, NC 27834 Raleigh, NC 27603 Phone: 252-439-2806 Phone: 919-747-5876 Email: cahossackmever(a)ncdot.aov Email: twilliams(r)transystems.com City/Town: Greenville, NC 27835 County(ies): Pitt River Basin(s): Tar -Pamlico 1CAMA County? No Wetlands within Project Limits? Yes PEMO Project Description Project Length (lin. miles or feet): 2.411 miles Surrounding Land Use: JAgricultural fields w/ residential development; limited forested areas adjacent to streams Proposed Project Existing Site Project Built -Upon Area (ac.) 33.5 lac. 19.9 Jac. Typical Cross Section Description: The proposed crass section is 4 - 12 foot lanes with 5 foot bike lane, curb and gutter 3- 12 foot lanes with varying paved shoulder. The existing road has a shoulder section section, and grassed shoulder seperated by a raised grass median. The shoulder point to with roadway ditches. shoulder point width is 105 feet Annual Avg Daily Traffic (veh/hr/day): Design/Future: 35100 1 Year: 2040 Existing: 23517 Yearl 2020 General Project Narrative: The purpose U-5875 is to widen and upgrade SR 1203 (Allen Road) from SR 1467 (Stantonsburg Road) to US 13 (Dickinson Avenue) to a four -lane divided facility with a raised (Description of Minimization of Water median and curb and gutter in Greenville. The project replaces 3 existing crossings to Reinforced Concrete Box Culverts. There is no direct discharge to surface waters or buffer Quality Impacts) zones. The ultimate receiving water source is Green Mill Run. Existing land use in the vicinity consists primarily of agricultural fields with scattered rural residences. Opportunities for Swale treatment exist primarily on the east side of Allen Road as the west side of Allen Road has more existing development. Where practical, full treatment via swales has been provided. Where not practical, constraints to treatment are described in detail in the "Additional Comments" section of the Swales section of the Stormwater Management Plan. North Carolina Department of Transportation 4ic�rizlt�-att'r Highway Stormwater Program STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN (Version 3.00; Released August 2021) FOR NCDOT PROJECTS WBS Element: 44677.1.1 TIP/Prof No.: U-5875 County(ies): Pitt Page 2 of 3 General Project Information Waterbody Information Surface Water Body 1 : Green Mill Run NCDWR Stream Index No.: 28-96 NCDWR Surface Water Classification for Water Body Primary Classification: Class C Supplemental Classification: Nutrient Sensitive Waters NSW Other Stream Classification: Impairments: turbid' Aquatic T&E Species? Comments: Nar, AL, FW NRTR Stream ID: Stream SE Buffer Rules in Effect: Tar -Pamlico Project Includes Bridge Spanning Water Body? No Deck Drains Discharge Over Buffer? N/A Dissipator Pads Provided in Buffer? INo Deck Drains Discharge Over Water Body? I yes, provide justification in the General Project Narrative) (If yes, describe in the General Project Narrative; if no, justify in the General Project Narrative) "N/A(If (If yes, provide justification in the General Project N Surface Water Body 2 : 1 North Fork Green Mill Run NCDWR Stream Index No.: 28-96 NCDWR Surface Water Classification for Water Body Primary Classification: Class C Supplemental Classification: Nutrient Sensitive Waters NSW Other Stream Classification: Impairments: turbid' Aquatic T&E Species? Comments: Nar, AL, FW NRTR Stream ID: Stream SE Buffer Rules in Effect: Tar -Pamlico Project Includes Bridge Spanning Water Body? INo Deck Drains Discharge Over Buffer? I N/A Dissipator Pads Provided in Buffer? INo Deck Drains Discharge Over Water Body? I N/A (If yes, provide justification in the General Project Narrative) (If yes, describe in the General Project Narrative; if no, justify in the General Project Narrative) (If yes, provide justification in the General Project Narrative) Surface Water Body (3): Unnamed Tributar, to Green Mill Run NCDWR Stream Index No.: 28-96 NCDWR Surface Water Classification for Water Body Primary Classification: Class C Supplemental Classification: Nutrient Sensitive Waters NSW Other Stream Classification: Impairments: turbidity Aquatic T&E Species? I Comments: I (Nar, AL, FW NRTR Stream ID: Stream SA Buffer Rules in Effect: Tar -Pamlico Project Includes Bridge Spanning Water Body? INo I Deck Drains Discharge Over Buffer? I N/A Dissipator Pads Provided in Buffer? INo Deck Drains Discharge Over Water Body? I N/A I (If yes, provide justification in the General Project Narrative) I (If yes, describe in the General Project Narrative; if no, justify in the General Project Narrative) (If yes, provide justification in the General Project Narrative) Highwz y North Carolina Department of Transportation .......,, Highway Stormwater Program \,M1 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN �- (Version 3.00; Released August 2021) FOR NCDOT PROJECTS WBS Element: 44677.1.1 TIP/Prof No.: U-5875 County(ies): Pitt Page 3 of 3 Swale Sheet No. Line Station Location (LT,RT,CL) Latitude Longitude Surface Water Body Base Width ft Front Slope H:1) Back Slope H:1) Drainage Area (ac) Recommended Treatm't Length (ft) Actual Length (ft)cfs Q2 V2 (fps) Q10 (cfs) V10 (fps) Rock Checks Used BMP Associated w/ Buffer Rules? 4 Y 21+50 LT (3)Unnamed Tributaryto Green Mill Run 3.0 3.0 3.0 1.4 140 3003.2 k1.70% 1.9 4.1 2.1 No Yes 4 Y 25+00 LT 3 Unnamed Tributa to Green Mill Run 3.0 3.0 3.0 1.4 140 300 3.2 1.9 4.1 2.1 No Yes 4 Y 21+90 RT 3 Unnamed Tributa to Green Mill Run 0.0 3.0 3.0 0.4 40 178 1.1 1.3 1.4 1.4 No Yes 4 Y 24+00 RT 3 Unnamed Tributa to Green Mill Run 0.0 3.0 3.0 0.4 40 178 1.1 1.3 1.4 1.4 No Yes 4 Y 21+26 LT 3 Unnamed Tributa to Green Mill Run 2.0 3.0 3.0 2.6 260 255 11.4 1.8 14.8 1.9 No Yes 4 L 21+65 RT (3)Unnamed Tributary to Green Mill Run 2.0 3.0 3.0 2.6 260 255 0.50% 11.4 1.8 14.8 1.9 No Yes 5 L 24+23 RT (3)Unnamed Tributary to Green Mill Run 2.0 3.0 3.0 1.1 110 122 0.50% 4.0 1.4 5.3 1.5 No Yes 5 L 26+05 RT 1(3)Unnamed Tributary to Green Mill Run 2.0 3.0 3.0 1.1 110 122 0.50% 1.0 1.4 5.3 1.5 No Yes 5 L 26+25 RT (3)Unnamed Tributary to Green Mill Run 3.0 3.0 3.0 16.1 1610 695 0.52% 23.6 1.8 30.9 1.9 No Yes 5 L 33+76 RT (3)Unnamed Tributary to Green Will Run 3.0 3.0 3.0 16.1 1610 695 0.52% 23.6 1.8 30.9 1.9 No Yes 7 L 53+78 RT (I)Green Mill Run 3.0 3.0 3.0 9.2 920 922 0.91 % 30.2 2.0 39.6 4.0 Yes Yes 7 L 63+70 RT (I)Green Mill Run 3.0 3.0 3.0 9.2 920 922 0.91 % 30.2 2.0 39.6 4.0 Yes Yes 8 L 63+90 RT (I)Green Mill Run 3.0 3.0 3.0 10.7 1070 693 1.38% 29.1 2.0 38.2 4.0 Yes Yes 8 L 71+61 RT (I)Green Mill Run 3.0 3.0 3.0 10.7 1070 693 1.38% 29.1 2.0 38.2 4.0 Yes Yes 12 L 121+50 RT (2)North Fork Green Mill Run 4.0 3.0 3.0 4.7 470 499 1.20% 14.2 2.0 18.5 4.0 Yes Yes 12 L 127+10 RT (2)North Fork Green Mill Run 4.0 3.0 3.0 4.7 470 499 1.20% 14.2 2.0 18.5 4.0 Yes Yes 13 L 128+05 LT (2)North Fork Green Mill Run 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.6 360 500 0.30% 10.9 1.5 14.1 1.6 No Yes 13 L 134+00 LT (2)North Fork Green Mill Run 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.6 360 500 0.30% 10.9 1.5 14.1 1.6 No Yes 13 L 129+00 RT (2)North Fork Green Mill Run 0.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 200 200 0.30% 7.0 1.3 9.1 1.5 No Yes 13 L 131+00 RT (2)North Fork Green Mill Run 0.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 200 200 0.30% 7.0 1.3 9.1 1.5 No Yes Additional Comments Recommended length was calculated based on the total drainage area. Where practical, an effort was made to treat the total area on the project through grassed swales. The Swale from -Y- Sta 21+26 LT to Sta -L- 21+65 RT is 255 feet long which is not as long as the recommended length. In this area, it is deemed that 255 length of Swale treatment will be practically similar to 260 feet due to right-of-way constraints. The Swale from -L- Ste 26+25 to Ste 33+76 RT is 695 feet long. The recommended Swale length is 1606 feet which accounts for 11.07 acres of offsite agricultural drainage coming to the project via an existing Swale. The 695 feet Swale is sufficient to treat the drainage area minus the 11.07 acres of agricultural land. See Attatchment 1, aerial imagery in the area. The Swale from -L- Ste 63+90 to Ste 71+61 RT is 693 feet long which is not as long as the recommended length. In this area, it is not possible to created a longer Swale because of limitations from Parcel 44 at Ste 72+00 RT. Creating a longer Swale would require taking a business. e SPECIAL CUT 'V' DITCH SEE DETAIL 3 CONVERT t JBw/MH A JI. 16 LF SSED SWA DETAIL 11 r a I NANNIE SUE CRAWFORD BEST FIELDS T\• i y - JL �E LAND COMPANY. LLr TENTION POND i �� ► h Ov Aj }E---E _ F R — F�- • :r r i —DUE CL • f Y 11.07 ACRES OF THE (TOTAL 16.06 ACRES) .,. DRAINAGE AREA COMING TO THE PROPOSED i HEAD DITCH IS COMING FROM AN EXISTING OFFSITE DITCH WHICH CURRENTLY DRAINS DIRECTLY TO THE JURISDICTIONAL STREAM. THE EXISTING DITCH DRAINS PRIMARILY AN AGRICULTURAL FIELD. NO SUBSTANTIVE CHANGES TO THE EXISTING CONDITION ARE PROPOSED COMING TO THE HEAD DITCH AT STA. 2 9 + 00 RT. �m Wr-CIAL CUT 3-FT E GRASSED SWALE DETAIL 4 STANDARD 3-FT BASE DITCH W/CL B RIP RAP SEE DETAIL 21 GRADE- 6.96% 15- RCP, -IV NWDI DI �1 N W `- CL 'I' RIP RAP Q� EST. 7 TONS • EST. 15 SYGF R Ir r� 15" R ----- ----- „WAIL- _ SPECIAL CUT-'V' GRASSED SWALE SEE DETAIL 9 CL 'I' RIP RAP EST. 7 TONS EST. 15 SYGF i REMOVE J alp - � � [yid, ■ UUL - oc..J %- I ' - _ . ' i�•• 'B' RIP RAP-35.7 TONS 24+23 -L- TO 26+05 -L- RT STA. 26+25 -L- TO 33+76 -L- — v GEOTEXTILE=53 CF "�►. '� y _ DETAIL 9 ' SPECIAL CUT GRASSED SWALE • ' �"�/, ( Not to Scale) •• a 1 Front ~ �"` �� 4 it Ditch Natural 3'\ g( Slope Ground 3 j F\°�• \ fir Min. D=1.5 Ft. ' 50' 0' 50'. ,•�� 1 FROM -L- STA. 28 + 50 TO -L- STA. 33 + 76 RT. - ; !R J DETAIL 3 DETAIL 11 DETAIL 4 SPECIAL CUT DITCH SPECIAL CUT GRASSED SWALE SPECIAL CUT GRASSED SWALE ( Not to Scale) ( Not to Scale) ( Not to Scale) Front °t t Slop Natural o� Front Natural o< Front Ground 3•j 3F-W Grounc D �'cep Ditch Groun j D �Ditch Slope Slope Min. D= 1.0 Ft. L BMin. D = 1.5 Ft. Min. D = 2.0 Ft. B = 2.0 Ft. B = 3 Ft. FROM -L- STA. 23 + 00 TO -L- STA. 24 + 78 LT. FROM -L- STA. 24 + 23 TO -L- STA. 26 + 05 RT. FROM -L- STA. 26 + 25 TO -L- STA. 28 + 50 RT. ■ GRAPHIC SCAL FROM -L- STA. 28 + 50 (75 RT) TO STA. 28 + 82 (135 RT) e ► a. b`� s Appendix C — Permit Drawings and Buffer -64 foq z -64 -64 LL] fd�-w Y,4 :��j �-0�Q cn-6�z �-040- U/ fQ4 Lw f*fQ4 U� *� -0kqka -04_0-6� -C } -04 -�4 ti h U ;20 U PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 1 OF 26 5'1[ A'11L^ Or' NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PITT CO UNTY LOCATION: SR 1203 (ALLEN ROAD) FROM SR 1467 (STANTONSBURG ROAD) TO US 13 (DICKINSON AVENUE EXTE11tSi0111) STATE STATE PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. TOTAL SHEETS N.C. U-5875 I STATE PROD. NO. F. A. PROD. NO. DESCRIPTION 44677.1.1 PE 44677.2.1 RAW & UTILITIES NEW SIGNAL AND SIGNAL UPGRADES TYPE OF WORD: GRADING, DRAINA GE, PA VING, C UL VER TS, SIGNAL, AND SIGNAL UPGRADES WETLAND AND SURFACE WATER IMPACTS PERMIT 20 Np,D Prepared in the Office of: HYDRAULICS ENGINEERGRAPHIC SCALES DESIGN DATA PROJECT LENGTH 1025 Wade Avenue ADT 2016 = 21200T Raleigh, 89 27605 50 25 0 50 100 FaxSEPI :99-789--99T ENGINEERING & Fax:919-789-9591 ADT 2040 = 35100 C O N S T R U C T I O N License: C-2197 _ p 2018 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS PLANS K — 9 LENGTH ROADWAY TIP PROJECT U-5875 = 2.406 MILES BEN CRAWFORD, PE P.E. D = 60 /o LENGTH STRUCTURE TIP PROJECT U-5875 = 0.005 MILES PROJECT ENGINEER SIGNATURE: 50 25 0 50 100 T = 7 % * RIGHT OF WAY DATE: TOTAL LENGTH TIP PROJECT U-5875 = 2.411 MILES DANIEL W. GARDNER, JR., PE ROADWAY DESIGN V = 50 MPH APRIL 2018 ENGINEER PROFILE (HORIZONTAL) * TTST = 2% DUAL = 5% PROJECT DESIGN ENGINEER �� 0Q 10 5 0 10 2 0 F U N C CLASS = LETTING DA TE: �� � � ���� MINOR ARTERIAL OCTOBER 2020 BETTY ANN CALDWELL, PE PROFILE (VERTICAL) "REGIONAL TIER" NCDOT CONTACT P.E. 11 SIGNATURE: V) Z O w w 0_ 0_ 00 fA ffl fA ffl ff} EO fA ffl fA ff} f4 ffl fA ff} fA z fA0 �o ff} � fA� fA� W� fA cnfA �fA cnffl fAff} 69101f fAffl fAffl 69 _f q wkf ISO, PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 2 OF 26 50' 0' 50' 100, 150' GRAPHIC SCALE ®DENOTES IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER DENOTES TEMPORARY IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER 1' NANNIE SUE FIELDS DESIGN NOTE: FOR ALL MINIMUM DEPTH CATCH BASINS LABELED IN THE PLAN SET AS "MIN. DEPTH CB", SEE SPECIAL DETAIL 2C-5 �Q 7 ao NANCY A. BEARDSWORTH 9 6 RED OAK CHRISTIAN CHURCH i \ / �L REMOVE 15" RCP � j �5) NA ENTE 8DISCIPLES COI CNRIST� INUC �H C. C:f �S TE 1A SE41H_4�' I 2 JHN F. MOYE I \ ".\ RETAIN E O STI t. z4X I \ \ Tp ST�RM I SS 'I' RIP RA BANK ` PE pNi SCO HOLE STABILI TION E SEE DE IL 1 1 C_�. \� �� F EST. 48 T S gyp W', RO e L NyA EST. 89 SY TAI N %y �, \ 00 1, t II � F � `►�� � r,�o � 1 PIN c �<9 / 6 � ; 1MG R / .y0q OFFSET JOHN F. MOYE. Sr. Oo, 2 C- / ETAIN \CA\ / � ETAi _ ` y Cr r EXISTING 10+00 6• 6WM DRAIN Qi / I ' V " ETAIN Fi /g0• C � SEE SHE I, -0 .p •0* M� c 4-- F „� I5 1025 Wade Avenue Raleigh, NC 27605 SEPI Tel:919-789-9977 E N G I N E E R I N G & Fax:919-789-9591 CONSTRUCTION License:C-2197 � tiF IS 6X .00 ?s Oj\ 0041— '0p� RETAIN 4" PVC 9 24" RCP -IV 41 'ST�H RjFS s Top. PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. U -5875 4 RNW SHEET NO. ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER % INCOMPLE E PLANS DO NOT USE FOR W ACOUISITION DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED 10 DTF. LLC. �IANCY BEARDSWORTH 82 _� •�=, •SPECIAL CUT - i • �. • ��SEE DETAIL 3 Imp ��' / _ Sri 4 , �R �•� A �i►► 'PECIAL CUT #..I ra-rl JGRASSED SWALE "RAO' All 11 "0 ECI L CUT 'V' / I �p ; • SS D SW(ALE DETZ03 �s 1v11NIM REQUIRED CLEARANCE BETWEEN 'Op,�O E STING WATER LINE AND STRUCTURE 0440, OFFSET CB IS 1.5 FT. THELMA G. MIL4S J.T. MANNING ENTERPRISES. LLC. o NANNIE SUE FIELDS 3 RIP RAP AT EkABANK ( Not to 1.0'min• Grade 2-FT GEOTEXTILE Type of Liner= 80 TONS,CL I Rip -Rap Geotextile= 85 sv FROM STA. 21 +23 TO STA. 21 +34 -Y- L I-KUM JIA. Zl+,ij IU JIA. ZI+SU -Y- LI DETAIL 1 BANK & SCOUR HOLE STABILIZATION ( Not to Scale) Natural Bed Elevation atural Natural Ground ■ Ground 2 Ft. 2:1 or Flatter (TYP) Geotextile Length= 40 Ft. Type of Liner= CL Channel Bed Existing Scour Hole (Variable) I Rip -Rap - Keyed -In STA. 11 + 48 -L-; 50' LT NANN 1 Z RGARET C. SULLIVAN iP �F \ •� �:ywQOO�• �a // /� 9� C AR AND', XTEND 12 C B' EX TING 60R -IV \ `V H C SS 11' IP RAP ESTy� GSF EM�AN MENT e`SE DETA), 25 A COS 19 SPECIAL CUT ` p�/F BASE GRASSED AL SEE DETAIL 8 L� / � T CL 'B' RIP 6 �1 �? 1 2 EST.2 TONS EST. 7 SYGF CL IP RAP o EST. 7 ONS Z Za T MARGARET C. SULLIVAN � T. 15 S F � T Ze KERMIT ALL E Z � a - I Za O... �... 13Z ���...-�ai / - r6 / 82 / BZ 2 7 B2 2 DETAIL 8 SPECIAL CUT 3' BASE GRASSED SWALE ( Not to Scale) Natural 0oo t Front Groun D F�oet Ditch I � I Slope Min. D -1.5 Ft. B=3 Ft. -ROM STA. 21 + 50 TO STA. 25 + 00 -Y- Ll DETAIL 18 SPECIAL CUT 'V' GRASS SWALE ( Not to Scale Front o� Ditch Natural 3', �e� Slope Ground 3 j D Flo Min. D=1.0 Ft. FROM STA. 2 + 90 TO STA. 24 + 00 -Y- RT DETAIL 11 SPECIAL CUT 2' BASE GRASSED SWALE ( Not to Scale) Natural of Front GroundD e< Ditch � � Slope LB Min. D= 1.5 Ft. B= 2.0 Ft. FROM STA. 19 + 50 TO STA. 21 + 65 -L- RT FROM STA. 20+21 TO STA. 21 +26 -Y- RT DETAIL 3 SPECIAL CUT 'V' DITCH ( Not to Scale) Front of Ditch Natural 15'1 �e< Slope Ground 3•j D ��O D= 1.0 Ft. FROM STA. 23 + 00 TO STA. 24 + 78 -L- LT 00 50' PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 4 OF 26 0' 50' 00' GRAPHIC SCALE DENOTES IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER DENOTES TEMPORARY IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER hELDS 150' 2X ENLARGEMENT . .......... 1A p�5 1 1 1 � 1 � 2 OHN F. MOYE 1 1 1 � 1 � 1 , C�3 1 1 � 1 � NK C_ CD ON IL 1 ` S t9 c *10 TAI N \00 � V I o•(o— -wad � RETAIN / � 1 C&G 0 0020 7� 79� PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. 1025 Wade Avenue U -5875 I 4U Raleigh, NC 27605 SEPI TeL919-789-9977 RrW SHEET NO. E N G I N E E R I N G & Fax:919-789-9591 ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS C 0 N S T R U C T 1 0 N License: C-2197 ENGINEER ENGINEER I INCOMPLE rE PLANS I DO NOT USE FOR / W ACQUISITION DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED 2X ENLARGEMENT �� � RCPCF,30 �TING )RAIN RAAR.O ASCA L CUT 'V' - D S\#ALE D ETAI LaJ18 , 0 11- E. • � � •� � ��� it ��/1_4AWW, if - ) • � o0 x 66) �S9 r 9 SPECIAL CUT �9i � E GRASSED i � SEE ETAIL 8 V) Z O w w 0- 00 z w� fool PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 5 OF 26 50' 0' 50' 100' GRAPHIC SCALE DENOTES IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER DENOTES TEMPORARY IMPACTS IN SURFACE WATER 150' 2X ENLARGEMENT 1025 Wade Avenue Raleigh, NC 27605 SEPI Tel:919-789-9977 E N G I N E E R I N G & Fax:919-789-9591 CONSTRUCTION License:C-2197 PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. U -5875 I 4C RM SHEET NO. ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER HYDRAULICS ENGINEER INCOMPLE% DO NOT USE FOR E PLANS W ACOUISITION DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED 2X ENLARGEMENT `ram �� •r- � �_ . • �xWE% �1► I • a NWA opw op p . / � � . _ Lim �,�►� - All �A I'� • •� . tits i V � ' A RO �A CUT 'V' SWALE ETAILo/18 � A I � 4-0F l� 6� ,'// SEIE` DETAIi � SPE�I �CUT E%C;RXSSf , SEE TAIL 8 03 PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 9 OF 26 1025 Wade Avenue Raleigh, NC 27605 SEPI Tel:919-789-9977 E N G I N E E R I N G & Fax:919-789-9591 CONSTRUCTION License:C-2197 PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. U -5875 I 5C RiW SHEET NO. 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LLC. Era m x In i f TIE TO EXISTING rn STORM DRAIN _ _ 0 rn z 50.00' DI M BFR INVESTMENTS NORTH. LLC. 65 AIL 16 TRAPEZOIDAL GRASSED SWALE w/ROCK CHECK DAM ( Not to Scale) WATER QUALITY 6" OF FREEBOARD ROCK CHECK NATURAL GROUND LINE FLOW 10-YR. STORM EFF TIYE _ ELEVATION BASE OF SWALE CLASS B RIP -RAP 1' OF #57 STONE PROFILE 6" OF CLASS B RIP -RAP FREEBOARD 10-YR STORM EVENT NATURAL GROUND 1.0' F Min. Depth — 2.5 Ft. TYPICAL SECTION NOTES 1) DO NOT USE INSIDE CLEAR RECOVERY AREA. 2) NOT PRACTICAL TO USE ON SLOPES > 5%. 3) FOR PERMANENT STRUCTURES IN GRASS SWALE. 4) CHECK DAMS SHOULD BE SPACED SUCH THAT THE BASE OF THE UPSTREAM CHECK IS AT THE SAME ELEVATION AS THE TOP OF THE DOWNSTREAM CHECK. FROM STA. 12 5 + 50 TO STA. 12 7 + 10 -L- RT a BOBBY T. HARRIS BE TSY T. HARRIS �T O TOP= 75.64 INV= 72.34 RETAI 2SBK APT 2SBK APT 2SBK APT 2SBK APT O T O EXISITNG ORM2SBRAARIT I ' CBEP I O f7 y n EMO 2 — / Z c�CD c� 1025 Wade Avenue Raleigh, NC 27605 SEPI Tel:919-789-9977 ENGINEERING & Fax:919-789-9591 CONSTRUCTION License:C-2197 ,Z0�1 � P �PO a TOP= 73.29 INV= 63.85 II II II II II II ALLENTON ESTATES HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION, INC. II II II 67 PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. U —5875 1 /2 RW SHEET NO. ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER INCOMPLE E PLANS DO NOT USE FOR W ACQUISITION Nv 6 DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED N N II 0 A ® 1 . H II 0 II DI I TOP=69.66 INV- 66.55 SEE SHEET 12B 18' RCP II 6.7 II L FE _ IN = 63.98: W Ym OKWO S RIGHT HOLDJ�GS. LLC. ff" . i ., iky��. -I' • Ii 4 f�r�� w • • �, g t �'' '�• ><ir �r>� � •� � ar ... c.,�tL Il. ��y�'�' I ` �'�:: 1 � '�An-Ea•rs � �_afr •'�i ;Ir • V► �•`�• Apr Apr • •+� �1' • • •�:',� • • • • • '�i • • • Apr �'� • • • • • •�• • • '� • • �r • �t'11i • • � • gyp► ;1r �►`+ --� .�',' ..� .���C"�/ 1��►i���,.. �,'- � .'�• K C �._ ��1r •�Or fir • � ilr.� ce _ 4ZVc- �._ ten_ - ,r it - M• w• '-Illlllllllllllllllli � aliry .i� - - , 1 / • ' 1 / 1 ,. W Ir U E P PUE PLIE "' W C DUE K DUE— DUE r/ ,�LU CL '11' RIP RAP •EST.TONS EST. 15 TONS SPECIAL CUT 'V' DITCH SEE DETAIL 26 /1 128'STORAGE LANE -L- . . DETAIL 26 SPECIAL CUT 'V' DITCH ( Not to Scale) Front of Ditch Natural '3'1 e< Slope Ground .7 D F\a Min. D= 1.5 Ft. FROM STA. 110 + 50 TO STA. 115 + 40 -L- RT EL=71.1 STANDARD 6-FT LU BASE DITCH SEE DETAIL 15 GRADE = 0.26% DDE-18 CY DETAIL 3 SPECIAL CUT 'V' DITCH ( Not to Scale) Front o� Ditch Natural 13'1 \�e< Slope Ground Min. D = 1.0 Ft. FROM STA. 127 + 30 TO STA. 129 + 00 -L- RT DETAIL 12 SPECIAL CUT 4' BASE GRASSED SWALE ( Not to Scale) Natural of Front Groun D �\o�te< Ditch � � � Slope Min. D = 1.5 Ft. B = 4 Ft. :ROM STA. 121 + 00 TO STA. 125 + 50 -L- R1 ALLEN ROAD. LLC. 64 SPECIAL CUT 4-FT BASE GRASSED SWALE SEE DETAIL 12 67 DAL T wAINRIGHT HOLDINGS. LLC. �G07■M'�I1GIi ISBD CL 'B' RIP RAP T. 3 TO E T. 10 SYGIIF b i _Tit -1 I • I_ 9� • • f L • ► •�•'� ����: �„��/;'off . • I SITTEoIDAL'4ASSED SWALE SEE DETAIL 16 WILLIAM C. JENKINS JUDITH W. JENKINS 7.0 S E SHEET 12B IR DETAIL 6 TOE PROTECTION ( Not to Scale) O� FILL NATURAL 15%�C�`�� SLOPE GROUND d GEOTEXTILE max d =1 Ft. EST. 59 TONS Type of Liner= Class B Rip -Rap EST. 176 SYGF :OM STA. 126+56 TO STA. 127+78 -L- L DETAIL 15 STANDARD 6' BASE DITCH ( Not to Scale) Natural Natural Ground 3,� ,3.1 Groun D Min. D=1.5 Ft. I B B=6 Ft. '—� ROM STA. 115 + 50 TO STA. 115 + 50 -L- R C VERT OUTL T CH NN j CL A RIP P SEE DETAI 2D 3 72 PROPO ED 1 7'x ' CAST -IN LACE RCB1. 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ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER I HYDRAULICS ENGINEER I INCOMPLEtrE PLANS I DO NOT USE FOR R % W ACOUISITION DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED (I WETLAND AND SURACE WATER IMPACTS SUMMARY WETLAND IMPACTS SURFACE WATER IMPACTS Site No. Station (From/To) Structure Size / Type Permanent Fill In Wetlands (ac) Temp. Fill In Wetlands (ac) Excavation in Wetlands (ac) Mechanized Clearing in Wetlands (ac) Hand Clearing in Wetlands (ac) Permanent SW impacts (ac) Temp. SW impacts (ac) Existing Channel Impacts Permanent (ft) Existing Channel Impacts Temp. (ft) Natural Stream Design (ft) 1A -L- FROM STA. 11+10 BANK STABILIZATION AND < 0.01 < 0.01 33 24 TO STA. 11+48 LT SCOUR HOLE REPAIR 1 B -L- FROM STA. 16+62 60" RCP < 0.01 70 1 B TO STA. 18+90 RT BANK STABILIZATION < 0.01 28 1 B DEWATERING FOR < 0.01 12 PIPE INSTALLATION 1 C -L- FROM STA. 25+85 2@7'x6' RCBC 0.01 49 1C TO STA. 27+04 LT/RT BANK STABILIZATION 0.02 111 1C DEWATERING FOR < 0.01 23 CULVERT INSTALLATION 2 -L- FROM STA. 63+69 2@12'x9' RCBC 0.02 70 2 TO STA. 64+75 LT/RT BANK STABILIZATION 0.03 139 2 DEWATERING FOR < 0.01 40 CULVERT INSTALLATION 3 -L- FROM STA. 127+09 7'x8' RCBC 0.02 106 3 TO STA. 128+13 LT/RT BANK STABILIZATION 0.01 78 3 DEWATERING FOR < 0.01 13 CULVERT INSTALLATION 4 -L- FROM STA. 126+51 CLEARING FOR SWALE 0.004 TO STA. 126+66 RT INSTALLATION TOTALS*: 0.004 0.13 0.01 683 113 0 *Rounded totals are sum of actual impacts NOTES: Revised 2018 Feb -64 foq z -64 -64 LL] fd�-w Y,4 :��j �-0�Q cn-6�z �-040- U/ fQ4 Lw f*fQ4 U� *� -0kqka -04_0-6� -C } -04 -�4 ti h U ;20 U BUFFER DRAWING SHEET 1 OF 26 5'1[ A'11L^ Or' NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS PITT CO UNTY LOCATIO11l: SR 1203 (ALLEN ROAD) FROM SR 1467 (STANTONSBURG ROAD) TO US 13 (DICKINSON AVENUE EXTE11tSiO11l) STATE STATE PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. TOTAL SHEETS N.C. U-5875 I STATE PROD. NO. F. A. PROD. NO. DESCRIPTION 44677.1.1 PE 44677.2.1 RAW & UTILITIES NEW SIGNAL AND SIGNAL UPGRADES TYPE OF WORD: GRADING, DRAINA GE, PA VING, C UL VER TS, SIGNAL, AND SIGNAL UPGRADES BUFFER IMPACTS PERMIT low IV 20 Np,D Prepared in the Office of: HYDRAULICS ENGINEERGRAPHIC SCALES DESIGN DATA PROJECT LENGTH 1025 Wade Avenue ADT 2016 = 21200T Raleigh, 89 27605 50 25 0 50 100 FaxSEPI :99-789--99T ENGINEERING & Fax:919-789-9591 ADT 2040 = 35100 C O N S T R U C T I O N License: C-2197 _ p 2018 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS PLANS K — 9 LENGTH ROADWAY TIP PROJECT U-5875 = 2.406 MILES BEN CRAWFORD, PE P.E. D = 60 /o LENGTH STRUCTURE TIP PROJECT U-5875 = 0.005 MILES PROJECT ENGINEER SIGNATURE: 50 25 0 50 100 T = 7 % * RIGHT OF WAY DATE: TOTAL LENGTH TIP PROJECT U-5875 = 2.411 MILES DANIEL W. GARDNER, JR., PE ROADWAY DESIGN V = 50 MPH APRIL 2018 ENGINEER PROFILE (HORIZONTAL) * TTST = 2% DUAL = 5% PROJECT DESIGN ENGINEER �� 0Q 10 5 0 10 20 F U N C CLASS = LETTING DA TE: �� � � ���� MINOR ARTERIAL OCTOBER 2020 BETTY ANN CALDWELL, PE PROFILE (VERTICAL) "REGIONAL TIER" NCDOT CONTACT P.E. SIGNATURE: 00 PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 2 OF 26 50' 0' 50' 100, 150' GRAPHIC SCALE RMALLOWABLE IMPACTS ZONE 1 ALLOWABLE IMPACTS ZONE 2 ALLOWABLE WITH MITIGATION ZONE 1 ALLOWABLE WITH MITIGATION LLi�1LLLl� ZONE 2 RI SEE SHEET 4B (D DE' LUNA ENTERPRISES, LLC. DISCIPLES COF I CNRIST� INUC �H } =o NANNIE UE FIEL p95�TE lA 2 J N F. MOYE 1 \ ".\ \ RETAIN \E\ I S1 SS 11, RIP RA BANK , w ma ND SCO HOLE STABILI TION c' SEE DE IL 1 �, 1 C_F EST. 48 T S gyp W ; AC� NyA EST.89 SY TAIN Gy"�, \ 00 1.15 m � DESIGN NOTE: FOR ALL MINIMUM DEPTH CATCH BASINS LABELED IN THE PLAN SET AS "MIN. DEPTH CB", SEE SPECIAL DETAIL 2C-5 �Q �O NANCY A. BEARDSWORTH 9 / K CHRISTIAN CHURCH REMOVE 15" RCP 1 �j��� / 0 �S >RAI- ANENj F � _ 1124• RO �� ♦ • �♦ � -• ��ia �, ' • M / G 3°• C .S,REMOVE TIE TO BEXISTING 15 / DI EXISTING DRAIN o / °%Tb�{tM DRAIN MARARR SEE 6) wILLIA ARO CA ETAIN 2 ' 0 C&G Ic�l F�'A SPECIAL CUT 'V' 3 / _� pp,SSED STALE / o oDETAllu/ REPAIR DITCH %, � �� IMINIM REQUIRED CLEA NCE BETWEEN EROSION �1 `'. 'Op"O E STING WATER LINE AND RUCTURE 044 /S P / THELMA G. MIL4S ` OFFSET CB IS 1.5 �0 , , y , • J.T. MANNING ENTERPRISES. LLC. �p j / NANNIE SUE FIELDS 3 8 RIP RAP AT E BANK NANN ( Not to {{} min. ff} EO Ditch 1.0'n � 2—FT % Grade ff} ff} fA fA GEOTEXTILE fA fA f& Type of Liner= 80 TONS,CL I Rip —Rap {t} Geotextile= 85 s FROM STA. 21 +23 TO STA. 21 +34 -Y- LT EO z {}}0 i&O -6R % LLJ% �% �� STA.: / 1025 Wade Avenue Raleigh, NC 27605 SEPI Te1:919-789-9977 ENGINEERING & Fax:919-789-9591 CONSTRUCTION License:C-2197 /cc% sti s� /i tcFj, -9 I �S 6x ?s / .00 00 c� Q� f i LEE I /Ilpzz �4" RCP -IV i # FOR 00*0 V�,y,,��II✓�� r . �� s�� Am 1,11111114 r���".'>�i : a. 1� ♦ �� �.���������♦���♦♦♦� arc 7 1155 ♦ ♦ �; n PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. U -5875 1 4 RW SHEET NO. ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER INCOMPLE E PLANS DO NOT USE FOR W ACQUISITION DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED NANCY BEARDSWORTH 82 10 0 DTF. LLC. l2 EST. 7 ONS Z Ze MARGARET C. SULLIVAN T. 15 S F T� Ze KERMIT ALL E Z re GRASS SWALE DATA DA= 1.41 ACRES SLOPE= 1.7% TOTAL IMP. AREA=0.22 ACRES ADDITIONAL IMP. AREA=0.10 ACRES L REQ.- 141 FT L PRO.= 300 FT Q2= 3.17 CFS V2 - 1.93 FPS D2 - 0.62 FT Q10= 4.12 CFS V10- 2.09 FPS D10- 0.71 FT �Ifj L Za 7*8 •.. 81. 81 LENGTH OF SWALE REQUIRED DETERM ED BY TOTAL CONTRIBUTING DRAINAGE AR �T 8 2 11 + 50 TO STA. 25 + 00 -Y- LT STA. 21 + 90 TO STA. 24 + 00 1 DETAIL 8 SPECIAL CUT 3' BASE GRASSED SWALE ( Not to Scale) Natural o< Front GroundD F�oet Ditch I � I Slope Min. D -1.5 Ft. B=3 Ft. 2 DETAIL 18 SPECIAL CUT 'V' GRASSED SWALE ( Not to Scale) Front o� Ditch Natural 15* �e� Slope Ground Min. D=1.0 Ft. FROM STA. 21 + 90 TO STA. 24 + 00 -Y- RT 2 2 BZ 7 B2 2 RT STA. 20 + 50 TO STA. 21 + 26 -Y- LT STA. 19 + 2 5 TO STA. 21 + 65 -L- RI 3 DETAIL 11 SPECIAL CUT 2' BASE GRASSED SWALE ( Not to Scale) Natural ' of Front GroundD 3�,�e< Ditch � � Slope L-= ] Min. D = 1.5 Ft. B= 2.0 Ft. ROM STA. 19 + 50 TO STA. 21 + 65 -L- R ROM STA. 20 + 21 TO STA. 21 + 26 -Y- R DETAIL 3 SPECIAL CUT 'V' DITCH ( Not to Scale) Front of Ditch Natural 15'1 �e< Slope Ground 3•j D ��O Min. D= 1.0 Ft. FROM STA. 23 + 00 TO STA. 24 + 78 -L- U �� STA. 11 +48 -L-; 50' LT ZOM STA. 21 + 50 TO STA. 25 + 00 -Y- L tN z O w w 00 fA ff} EO fff ff} fA fA fA fA fA EO z {}}0 ,&O kR % LLJf& �fA (nf}} {flffX EO % 69% 69 % f0 75 PERMIT DRAWIN( SHEET 3 OF 26 DESIGN NOTE: FOR ALL MINIMUM DEPTH CATCH BA INS LABELED IN THE PLAN SET AS "MIN. DEPTH CB", SEE SPECIAL ETAIL 2C-5 �j 74 r7�1 I-, j c� s 50' 0' 50' 100, 150' \\�� s I I J /� W�l GRAPHIC SCALE ��y/\ a— J � �� ✓ \ � � ( \ I) � \ , � �� l / \ ALLOWABLE IMPACTS ZONE 1 \ \ p \ \ r ) 75 \ N ����� ALLOWABLE IMPACTS ZONE 2 / / / \ �\ �L \ c` l \ \ \� ��0�, ALLOWABLE WITH MITIGATION \ SEA -FORTH ZONE 1 NANCY A. BEAR \ ( ALLOWABLE WITH MITIGATION / / / \ — i / I LLI1LLLLd ZONE 2 _�3� \ \ �^ ( \���L J 9 / / / /72 -74� RED'OAK CHRISTIAN CHURCH — Z_ co \ I J o REMOVE 15" RCP I2 4C/ / C I TIANN CHURCH DE' LUNA ENTERPRIS .-LL f /DISCI S HRIST. INC. % \ / \ /'N/A�l� •/ / ���� 8 / FL /170� A \\\ 70 ,, ]A r__ \ /\ RETAIN 72— — -\ \\ d N F. MOYE 1 / \ SlR 4DRAI 1 / S I P RA B �I \\ \ o N6 O TABILI ION \ \ / �� " Q �� 6 6°' F _11124• R 3 �Z r I / SEE/bE IL 1 \ �� c . tv— _ — / /EST!48 T S \ — �r �r, �O \W� �g• RC� \ 15" RCP -IV / 6�Sy T.8 SY TA `��,Jv i.���♦a�� I� • �� � 1 /���/ :�!' 4 a • � . „lam+• c. �1�4 • / .n, ;1 1 ������WAI .•00 %/ 1 1025 Wade Avenue Raleigh, NC 27605 SEPI Te1:919-789-9977 ENGINEERING & Fax:919-789-9591 CONSTRUCTION License:C-2197 A,>" I � 6X s / `SO / O PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. U —5875 I 4A RW SHEET NO. ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS ENGINEER I ENGINEER I INCOMPLEIrE PLANS I DO NOT USE FOR / W ACQUISITION DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED G MC DONALDS REAL ESTATE COMPANY SPECIAL CUT 'V' DITCH SEE DETAIL 3 J o _ _ _ W �--v— —� � o y — MM\g\ /� J�w ��`Y.2G PI 6\ �� —i /7/ / E co — -� — / \'(\E5 / y ". O ♦, 2 O•n D I NORTH MOVE �I \ // Vie' SPECIAt'CUT 2T / zL / _ / / / I '' { EXISTING TJ .S TIE T9 IST\ 'EXING B S GRASSED $WALE ti� DRAIN �o�' �r � SEE DETAIL 11 � \ � I � \ � V 10'� ' , i \ 66 �. jsi\ T q W : \ \ �ti // „' 'f�Z RGARE T C. SUL1 A(7F \ \ EMO \ AND XTEND \ i \ '` MARGARE ^��p� "- .r_ a EXISTI 60" R N �i / \ L':(� \ WILLIAM // / _ S I RIP RA / S� \ / V — — — /�!• 1 / %� �66 03 `�2\ EST �I �. G�� N KM �� �� / 30• i _� Al \ 1 ��I ( // / i / \ \\ / • j SPECIAL CUT V�, 69/ \ I SSE Sy�ALE o , i / �/ `. / I ( \ D�ETAILO,3 CAINIM ° .C%LSPET�EPAIR DITCHI RUCTURE0E G6��EROSION O S IG WAT R LINE ANb 44 SEE TAIL 8 V OFFSET 0IS 1..) THELMA-G. IQ4S s \�\\\_ _ _ _ — / _// / / / _ J J.Y.MANNING ENTERPRISES. LL L12\ \ \\ \ \ \ l \\\ : / P 15 NANN�SiiE >�iE��S / / \ / / / — / ^ NANCY BEARDSWORTH \ ALL \ / DTF, LLC. L of ° RETAIN \4" PVCS 24" RCP -IV L C!i CIO, / // / Y \ \ \ \\\\ ` /w�I\KEERMIT ALLEN LYLE L IR�RAP \ \ EST. 7 ONS \ \ \ \ \ I✓� Z Z8 '2 T.15 S F / \ \ \ \ / / 1 I✓ / / /// / / Q MARGARE T C. SUL L IVAN \ —T ✓ \'� \ \ \ / \ _ \ KERMIT AL74, / 100, LENGTH F SWALE REQUIRED // DETERM ED BY00, 1-11 Q� TOTAL CO BUTING DRAINAGE AR DE IL 2 — /\ I I �< \ e o mer- - ap / Y- LT STA. 21 + 90 TO STA. 24 + 00 -Y- RT STA. 20 + 50 TO STA. 21 + 26 -Y- LT Geotextile 85 s FRO a I A. 21 + 23 TO S . 21 - LT STA. 19 + 2 5 TO STA. 21 + 65 -L- RT FROMP,STA.21+37 TO A. +50 -Y- LT DETAIL 1 BANK & SCOUR HOLE STABILIZATION ( Not to Scale) Natural Bed Elevation 6v atu /� Natural ` � Ground ■Ground � O 2 Ft. 2:1 or • OO Flatter (TYP) Geotextile Channel Bed Existing Scour Hole Length= 40 Ft. (Variable) �L Type of Liner= CL I Rip -Rap - Keyed -In STA 11 + 48 -L-; 50' LT RIP RAP AT E B C ty • / ( r� to NANNIE °p �{1 Grade 1.0'min. 2-FT � O\G � /� � �ti I� / / / A� EXTI f L' - 80 TONS CL I R R �/C` / / / STA. . FROM STA. 21 + 50 TO STA. 25 + 00 -Y- LT 2 DETAIL 18 SPECIAL CUT 'V' GRASSED SWALE ( Not to Scale) Front Ditch Natural 3', �e� Slope Ground 3 j D Q�� Min. D=1.0 Ft. FROM STA. 21 + 90 TO STA. 24 + 00 -Y- RT 3 DETAIL 11 SPECIAL CUT 2' BASE GRASSED SWALE ( Not to Scale) Natural of Front Groun D 3�`a�,�e< Ditch � � Slope LB Min. D= 1.5 Ft. B= 2.0 Ft. FROM STA. 19 + 50 TO STA. 21 + 65 -L- RT FROM STIA. 20+21 TO STA. 21 + 2 6 -Y- RT /--_ _6L —\\�\— DETAIL 3 SPECIAL CUT 'V' DITCH ( Not to Scale) Front of Ditch Natural g'1 �e< Slope Ground Min. D= 1.0 Ft. :ROM STA. 23 + 00 TO STA. 24 + 78 -L- LT tN Z 0 W w 00 EO z kR% 0 w� 69 119- Eo% 69% 69% fool PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 4 OF 26 50' 0' GRAPHIC SCALE r r r r )K' �x �x �x *x ALLOWABLE IMPACTS ZONE 1 ALLOWABLE IMPACTS ZONE 2 ALLOWABLE WITH MITIGATION ZONE 1 ALLOWABLE WITH MITIGATION ZONE 2 50' 2X ENLARGEMENT IA 2 J HN F. MOYE I I ` C C_ T) oo 10 T NG 07 In 79_° 1 o i _............. i P 100' 1025 Wade Avenue Raleigh, NC 27605 SEPI Tel:919-789-9977 ENGINEERING & Fax:919-789-9591 CONSTRUCTION License:C-2197 PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. U -5875 I 4B RW SHEET NO. ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER HYDRAULICS ENGINEER INCOMPLE DO NOT USE FOR E PLANS / W ACQUISITION DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED 2X ENLARGEMENT XIScl TIN ENS ' Cg 3(0) — RCP Cg 30 Cp_1112q„ , I � � — MM�SS\ON GREE E 6a 0 P G g\1 B\ 9 REMOVE BI TIE TO EXISTING rSTCRM D RAI N Fio MARGARE ASE WILLIAM AARO CA SPECIAL CUT 'V' - �SSED S�IALE D ETAIQoA8 . NCE BETWEEN RUCTURE 0441 \ 6 TOW of �4,ol � ♦ , J�v CB X 9 V pmzlo�' 66 .S- C SS TB. SE DE SPECIAL CUT E GRASSE SEE ETAIL 8 00 tN Z O W w PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 5 OF 26 50' 0' GRAPHIC SCALE 50' )K �k�xk�xk ALLOWABLE IMPACTS ZONE 1 ALLOWABLE IMPACTS ZONE 2 ALLOWABLE WITH MITIGATION ZONE 1 ALLOWABLE WITH MITIGATION ZONE 2 2X ENLARGEMENT • �% ]A •� . .. �1 •' TAt Oki, • • KX 111 I —ZL 0 07 00' 1025 Wade Avenue Raleigh, NC 27605 SEPI TeL 919-789-9977 ENGINEERING & Fax:919-789-9591 CONSTRUCTION License:C-2197 PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. U -5875 I 4C RW SHEET NO. ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER INCOMPLE E PLANS DO NOT USE FOR W ACQUISITION DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED 2X ENLARGEMENT ISTIN Sol ((DIDRAIE - N C co PE AN CP_III B CB 30 11124„ RC 2 . RCP � 6 MOVE _ .C. Aw INS ► c" r WA Im" w _ f SPECIAL I CUT V ��� _ ��,ii / SSED S)OIALE OTAItOJ8 NCE TWE-EN RUCTURE 044 � i Nal �J i ''//J ASS �SPE&A-L�CUT E GRASSE �� SEE TAIL 8 PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. Ll1025 Wade Avenue U —5875 5A 0 SEPI Raleigh, NC 27605 R/W SHEET NO. / < T 1 919 789 9977 fA ff} EO fA fff fA fA fA EO z 0 �O kR% O w� 69-EPX EO % 69% 69 % f19 fAfA / /l/� E N G I N E E R I N G & Fax:919-789-9591 ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS \' ^° // / ` I `�� C 0 N S T R U C T 1 0 N License: C-2197 ENGINEER ENGINEER _ / q V, co/ ! 2077 PITT LAND - INCOMPLE E PLANS J- / I l DEVELOPMENT. LLC. DO NOT USE FOR / W ACQUISITION _77— __76\ v TOP_ I / / I I� j / / / , INy_ �� 5 2 SS 8. HDp f / / I l / DFSIC;N NOTF / / \/ �� DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL / / ING 42" RCP AT`5 26+40 -L- UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED BE REPLACED BY 2 7'x6' RCBC / I / \ O �T,p S IN ORDER TO PREVENT INCREASE / LITY S OF BASE FLOOD ELEVATJONS TO NANNE\SIIE C�tAINFORD BEST FIELDS \� / / /A6 I I / / s UPSTREAM STRUCTURE AT STA. / N / 28+40 -L- LT. OVERTOPPING ON -L- / / / I, — — I J �/ l l / I iNv ` �7�38� HC 8' RAISED +/ 2 FT VEkf1CAL J 1$ 9� / I P� 25 I Pcc I i / LOWEST ADJACENT ;GRADE ELEVATION = 71.85' ��L / / / / / z) FINISHED FLO?r R ELEVATION}=75.90' � EIP 16 LVV INLET CH N / /� l/ J// \� ��� l I DVML. LLC. ,� rT � TRADE LAND COMP%t�fF." . 2 -� / / / v \\�� \ a `'� / DVML, LLC. MC DONALDS REAL ESTATE COMPANY A,/ / ,- ./ 1 �\a\ \\ FLOODPLAI B �CHA / IE EXISTING PIPE T/O / / // % �\ \ A/ \ ✓ / 1 �/ LEON R. HARDEE / / L '� 20 14 SPECIAL CUT PROPOSED CUL gRT / �� / CL P / \ ♦ ` ( �� \ LINDA I. HARDEE I // — I 'V' DITCH RETENTION PON / / / / I FD ♦ _J — ' I AV / I / SEE DETAIL 3 / i I S 6a �--/���_ I x L— CONVER to JBw/MH /�� / i / J� ) \ \— E l I I I I TIE TO EXISTING j l I% �♦ ( vg6 I I ( I I STORM D ) 1 41) aV I /AET '-ci l � REM VE ` � E / / — E 1I N ��\ N s 07 E D F — F — . q D I E I� \ - P �,6.71 — VDF �1P" E — I RC � tV— E wvzv Rlll Or- — Q—awe 74 _ CB _ DI Cy Qr � � __� � — � - ,�000� — 33 —rF —_— —___ ♦ ♦ Q I� ly - L V CB a C c — °` DUE ` L _ W D E L D E LOTTE TYWCRAWFORD / DUE DUE / <<� / ���� J� ♦ 39 _ Z — 'G t� w��► E PV e k • — SPECJ�L CUT 'V' \� — \♦ E ak v E T. 3 TONS DUE 1 J CL 'I' RIP RAP ��I� SSED SWALE / I wL��� `♦ V -CL 'B' RIP RAP \ �� EST. 7 TONS Rq C UT 2- T �^ } / I EST. 15 SYGF SEES DETAIL 9 CL 'I' RIP RAP - R POSED E T. 10 SY rr, ��7 r DOE DVE GRASSED SW G / 7'x6' RCBC / E - --�� V I 77 / / /-CST-7-TONS D �` S 11 t T LNGTH OF SWALE REQUIR [7ET RMINED �(� / EST. 15 SYGFA� \ \ CL 'B' RIP RA rn L= 7.9 TOTAL CONTRIBUTING DRAIN AREA / / — --EST, -a �� __. CL 'B' RIP RAP I EST. 10 GIF i T 3-FT EST. 2 TONS 11.07 /ACRES OF THE (TOTAL 16.06 ACRE'Sr' LOODPLAIN/BENCH BASE GRASSED SWALE EST. 7 SYGF DRAI AGE AREA COMING (� THE-PROP,0Stb KERMIT ALL LYLE / / / SEE DETAIL HEAD DITCH IS COMING FROM`/AN EXISTING— \ / o ) I �~ i BETTIE T. FORREST �� I — \ OFFSITE DITCH WHICH CURREATLY DRAINS /ELVY K. FORREST JR. JOY T. CLARK I 9L CTLY TO —THE JURISDICTIONAL STREAM. / CL 11, RIP kAP THE ST G DITCH\�DRAINS PRVVU R'LY QN / / AGRICUL �� FIELD.�10 SUBSTANTIVII \ / CULVERT OUTLET CH NET CHANGES T I`EXISTING CONDITION SEE DETAIL 2D-1 1 PROPOSED CO G TO THE JX&\DITCH AT- / 28+81 - - STA. 29+00 RT. \ �\ \� ^ — — — < ,I1 / / / ' SEE SHEE ""3 GRASS SWALE DATA % DA= 1.07 ACRES �+ �V \ / \ SLOPE = 0.5% TOTAL IMP. AREA=0.76 ACRES L RDIITTION L I P. AREA=0.39 ACRES ASEL" L PRO- 122 FT / DITCH STANDW/CL B RIP ARD 3-FT BRAP V2= 1.38 4FPSS D2 = 0.71 FT SEE DETAIL 21 Q10= 5.30 CFS GRADE = 7.06% D10= 0.81 FTS \ \ � oy DDE = 62.5 CY / NWR TON w PH\JJ/1f�S CL 'B' RIP RAP=35.7 TONS ST . 24+23 TO STA. /26+05 -L- RT STA. 26+25 TO STA. 33+76 -L- Rt�,/ \ ; J < BEN / /6L\ / \ ( / i r / L 7� GEOTEXTI LE = 53 CIF I / W, V 2 DETAIL 9 / SPECIAL CUT 'V' GRASSED SWALE I ( Not to Scale) ^ / Front ��_�Z/ J v �� \ Natural i�e� Slop � �00 / Ground D Flo \ ✓ / \a) 33 bx / Min. D=1.5 Ft. 1\1� / 1 \ / y�P FROM STA 7 +50 T)A STA_ 33 1+7A —L— RT Rr), I'1' �,(1' Inn' IRO 1 DETAIL 3 1 DETAIL 11 SPECIAL CUT 'V' DITCH SPECIAL CUT 2' BASE GRASSED SWALE ( Not to Scale) ( Not to Scale) Front o� Ditch Natural 3Mgt Slope Ground 3�\ oe Front Ground ..7 D t�\a D ��p'c� Ditch Slope Min. D = 1.0 Ft. Min. D = 1.5 Ft. B= 2.0 Ft. FROM STA 23 + 00 TO STA 24 + 78 -L- LT DETAIL 21 GRAPHIC SCALE STANDARD 3' BASE DITCH ( Not to Scale) Natural Natural Ground �',•J TD 3•:� Ground d ALLOWABLE WITH MITIGATION ZONE 1 Geotextile B Min. D=1 Ft. Max. d =1 Ft. B=3 Ft. ALLOWABLE WITH MITIGATION ZONE 2 LO FROM STA. 24+23 TO STA. 26+05 -L- RT FROM STA. 26+25 TO STA. 28+50 -L- RT \ Type of Liner- FROM STA. CL B Rip -Rap STA. 28'+ 80 -L- RT ' I I 2L— 28 + 75 TO V) Z _0 V) w w 0- 00 z w� �--64 V)-U� Eh* 69* Eo% Eo-w Eh -U� 69* PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 8 OF 26 3X ENLARGEMENT PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. 1025 Wade Avenue U -5875 I 5B Raleigh, NC 27605 SEPI Tel:919-789-9977 RV SHEET NO. E N G I N E E R I N G & Fax:919-789-9591 ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS C 0 N S T R U C T 1 0 N License: C-2197 ENGINEER ENGINEER IINCOMPLETE PLANS I DO NOT USE FOR % W ACOUISITION DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED 50/ 00< ALLOWABLE WITH MITIGATION 00< ZONE 1 ALLOWABLE WITH MITIGATION ��� ZONE 2 0- 00 V) Z _O V) LU w PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 9 OF 26 3X ENLARGEMENT 50/ GRAPHIC SCALE 1025 Wade Avenue Raleigh, NC 27605 SEPI Tel:919-789-9977 E N G I N E E R I N G & Fax:919-789-9591 CONSTRUCTION License:C-2197 50/ PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. U -5875 I 5C RV SHEET NO. 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BFR INVESTMENTS, LLC. Era m x z 0 f TIE TO EXISTING rn STORM DRAIN VN = z 0 rn z 50.00' FF-1 DI y ,Z0�1 tow' _�P �PO 1025 Wade Avenue Raleigh, NC 27605 SEPI Tel:919-789-9977 ENGINEERING 8, Fax:919-789-9591 CONSTRUCTION License:C-2197 PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. U -5875 1 /2 RW SHEET NO. ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER INCOMPLE E PLANS DO NOT USE FOR W ACQUISITION Nv '6' DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED II �0 ALLENTON ESTATES Nam' O nl I HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION. INC. IICIO Do II N II D ® N II EESHEE T 12BTOP=69S 6I INV= 66.55 II � II II S & 10. RIGHT HOLD GS. LLC. II II II II �T TOP= 75.64 0 Nrj II INV= 72.34 RETAI 2SBK APT 0 2SBK APT 2SBK APT 2SBK APT N N N �, DO Ilan O T O EXISITNG DEP ORM25BRA4PIT o �I BST IIMP I 2SB APT \ EMO 2 CB I - ILDJ=�_2. �W �m0 o- 1 DI\ DI I21G 1 ETI_ __ __ _R I' N = 2.1 - �v' =- -- = 72. -----_ CONC _ _ Tv- STOR DRAIN ^' RETAIN LT � EI 1 TOP=73.40 € COLLAR ) I INV=65.33 �LT non 0By RCP 000 00 0 000 0000 0 0000� 000000D00 00� + REMOVE I _ Oeli H4.14 I-D - - - F - R M F E E INV 72.93 E E E loll I " 00 E 71.97 2 I- _ -Tv- - 93 - - - Ion F 9 F F -IU F - - - F F --- 7_ .6 INV= 7 c r - _T_ --- --- - --�wSzMG RiwF L� F .I(� - - - - Nrl - -- - _ CIt - 15 R P-V CB 15" RCP -III - - ----- - �- W 4516 - - - - - - - - T V ( - - T V - -TV- - LU - - 1 BFR INVESTMENTS NORTH. LLC. 65 UtIAIL 16 TRAPEZOIDAL GRASSED SWALE w/ROCK CHECK DAM ( Not to Scale) WATER QUALITY 6" OF FREEBOARD ROCK CHECK NATURAL GROUND LINE FLOW 10-YR. STORM EFF ELEVATION BASE OF SWALE CLASS B RIP -RAP Y OF #57 STONE PROFILE 6" OF CLASS B RIP -RAP FREEBOARD 10-YR STORM EVENT NATURAL GROUND OR F� 5vo FRO 1.0' Min. Depth = 2.5 Ft. TYPICAL SECTION NOTES 1) DO NOT USE INSIDE CLEAR RECOVERY AREA. 2) NOT PRACTICAL TO USE ON SLOPES > 5%. 3) FOR PERMANENT STRUCTURES IN GRASS SWALE. 4) CHECK DAMS SHOULD BE SPACED SUCH THAT THE BASE OF THE UPSTREAM CHECK IS AT THE SAME ELEVATION AS THE TOP OF THE DOWNSTREAM CHECK. FROM STA. 125+50 TO STA.127+10 -L- RT a BOBBY T. HARRIS BETSY T. HARRIS TOP= 73.29 INV= 63.85 II II II II II II II II II II II ' I .R P I i + 75.00 -L- - 14 P 79.00' LT. 6.7 11 L FE \ \P II IN = 63.98. Er7 DAL TON WAYNE BAILEY. JR. LVER .00 I A LET CH W �m i BRADFORD WAYNE BAILEY ' S DETAIL 2 - II HOLIDINGS LL C. II L 'I' RIP R,�^ + 86.00 -L- 91.00 LT. oo co N + 92.00 -L- x N N 65.01' LT. Er7 v WAINRIGHT HOLDINGS. LLC. EIR 85' LT. N 2SBK APT ' EX CAV N O. I 'B' TOE Q.�i� 0 rOP= 7I.20 I S V= 64.256 E AIL 6 N 7 F• 0 •!A BST I- -t7 �V 00 - I!-------w------- --- --w-- ----- ------------w-- ----- --- - - -- -- - FO- " -I I I _ - - W 1$'� -TV FO- - -TV FO- - - V (•1 RIP I 7 = 15 I 1 k_CP�III - W Wes- w I Z' ^ _ - Fo-TV FO- - - t - T ��V F _ - -TV FT -;-V F� - - -ram• F�TV F� - - SY F�7V Fo - L FO TV FO- - - -TV FO- :7 FO- - J- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 --- ----- Ut ff F - � E F IF - - - - E ~ w - PUE P�J,E PUE PUE -pII--------� � PUE PUE -E E_� C: C VV --�--- - V E C + 3.00 -L- M - - S DUE 71.00' RT. DUES DUE DUE DUE- _ _ E Lu 64Z CL 'I' RIP RAP +43.00 -L- CL 'B' RIP RAP EST. 7 TONS 81.00' RT. EST. 2 TONS EST. 15 SYGF I EST. 7 SYGF +1 .17 -L- 64Z 71 00' RT - -- -_SI C DUE DUE M �E I 115+50 -L- l ISBD 89' RT 150' TAPER 19R' STORAGF LANE \ CL 'B' RIP RAP CL 'I' RIP RAP EST. 15 TONS EST.29 SYGF SPECIAL CUT 'V' DITCH SEE DETAIL 26 128' STORAGE LANE 115 + 55 -L- 210' RT EL = 70.7 I DETAIL 26 SPECIAL CUT 'V' DITCH ( Not to Scale) Front of Ditch Natural e< Slope Ground D Min. D = 1.5 Ft. FROM STA. 110 + 50 TO STA. 115 + 40 -L- RT EL=71.1 STANDARD 6-FT LU BASE DITCH SEE DETAIL 15 GRADE = 0.26% DDE=18 CY STA. 1 GRASS SWALE DATA DA= 4.74 ACRES SLOPE= 1.2% TOTAL IMP. AREA= 2.02 ACRES ADDITIONAL IMP. AREA=1.14 ACRES L REQ.- 474 FT L PRO .= 499 FT Q2 - 14.22 CFS V2- <2 FPS WITH ROCK CHECKS D2- 1.21 FT Q10= 18.49 CFS V10- <4 FPS WITH ROCK CHECKS D10- 1.37 FT 21 +00 TO STA 127+10 DETAIL 3 SPECIAL CUT 'V' DITCH ( Not to Scale) Front �t Ditch Natural 3'1e< Slope Ground Min. D= 1.0 Ft. FROM STA. 127+30 TO STA. 129+00 -L- RT -L- RT 1 DETAIL 12 SPECIAL CUT 4' BASE GRASSED SWALE ( Not to Scale) Natural 10� Front Groun Ditch Slope LBJ Min. D = 1.5 Ft. B = 4 Ft. :ROM STA. 121 + 00 TO STA. 125 + 50 -L- R1 ALLEN ROAD. LLC. 64 SPECIAL CUT 4-FT T. 3 TO BASE GRASSED SWALE E T. 10 SY F SEE DETAIL 12 TRAPEZOIDAL GRASSED SWALE w/ROCK CHECK DAM SEE DETAIL 16 WILLIAM C. JENKINS JUDITH W. JENKINS 7.0 IR DETAIL 6 TOE PROTECTION ( Not to Scale) OAR FILL NATURAL e5x*. SLOPE GROUND d GEOTEXTILE max d =1 Ft. EST. 59 TONS Type of Liner= Class B Rip -Rap EST. 176 SYGF :OM STA. 126+56 TO STA. 127+78 -L- L DETAIL 15 STANDARD 6' BASE DITCH ( Not to Scale) Natural Natural Groun 3•I ,5.1 Ground D Min. D=1.5 Ft. I. B.I B = 6 Ft. i ROM STA. 115 + 50 TO STA. 115 + 50 -L- R I N I MIN, I I CULVERT OUTL T CH NNE CL A RIP P SEE DETAI 2D-3 y W 72 PROPO ED 1 7'x8' CAST -IN LACE RCB i IVERSIT MEDI AL PARK.INC. tN Z O w W T (T 00 tP, fA fA z 0 �O wEI9 69-EPX EO% 69% 69% 1�19t PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. `✓� 3/� i �T�74 —173 ! -t� _� i <�,\ �ecoml 1025 Wade Avenue U -5875 12A / I l - — \�—' — Raleigh, NC 27605 TeL919-789-9977 �W SHEET NO. / / / ✓ r / \ \ — \ \£� = / — —c —�L ✓ E N G I N E E R I N G & Fax:919-789-9591 ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS — — s License: C-2197 ENGINEER ENGINEER / I- -��� _ \ �� ��-� _ �� AIL 16 CONSTRUCTION I _ � o r- 1 � \E? / I \ \ \� J TRAPEZOIDAL GRAS ED SWALE w/ROCK CHEy-K DAM 1 / / INC®1VI][�LE E IDL�NS 50 � \ 1 Abt %�q ale) I JI i / / I P� / DO NOT USE FOR / W ACQUISITION 0 50 100 150' -� 1 ' 76 �76J � n �ALI41 6" OF FREEBOARD GRAPHIC SCALE J WATER 6J�I/ _ _74� J---'—/73 ROCK —_ NATURAL ROiND LINE � — _— — • STORM �:..,EFF ELEVATION BASE OF SWALE CLASS B RIP -RAP IBM DOCUMENT NOT• I I FINAL YOF #57 STONE UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED r: FREEBOARDi A. NATURAL GROUND LID l� E NSTION J� • 7 � NOT S: DI IN • KI SE INSID LEA RECOVE OT P•I TO SLOPES- DANE SPACED SUCH TH• 11 r • . - E LO SALE HE • : . •1 1 .. ► by. 11 " INV- 2SEIK APTf A TO EXISITbLGjt;� 3 ♦� ♦, • ' ��•- ` ��� !T \li � _ �� �- 7rMill� � 00111 � y,►.,,; ..`' • 11 '7•y • �: MI • � • � t �'-1 ��,��i •j � , ���y��'�.,�'i.�."�'��1�'_� � 17� �'•� �j�"!� ILrs`--• ••a. x. �.,:. .ate :l�r • a 1fi-`+•-ate - - • �� - - -.�o► .a. -:�.yf �' YK . ! I • _ _ __ ' q,^'� �' i1' � ��� � _ ..�9 ►Ot ak ►Ot S~ MINFIV J� Ili't �1 I " ��17 ' p1{^ �'•: _ yzZ •-- '�r yr x} .� 3! I a ri. ' ►iM ►Or ►prt�gr','i' - - :?�. ' 1C • i r - n.' a ,. •' - ^, • �' a..� 9rr �Or ►Or -'- •' NOWror 0� ik►OrDi 1r aI w I..o %/� _ yJc► _ �.�-��Y ! \y I i -- �� - - fc : i� o . II �. v_r vtrwr :w �•. _=>- it[ar.Lr•.''%✓��''{p="►���� �� — iII�� —�_ism �i• �v z=z —'� _4'Y • - - \_\��%t•S��i�1a'n-�%� �,�•'�'^ - l�, /=® r ,/ • .17 CB tw1�� _-�— ��`�: r y :^--.ram ^7!„- �i♦-'% vw, '!'O%!!�%.'- •kk —TV FO— :Am1 ` MAP— da � .. . • �.. amTV » �♦f- e �� � // IYIf� LCl/�J'�iiifl�\S,� M']���\�L♦♦♦►♦♦ a w�►d' ♦ 1�♦♦♦/ • l7a! (•Safr F 1,II / tsas t7a>t V/ / �/I �.. � �I►♦♦♦�!'�' �1♦♦�CJ7♦�y�l,'�,. r ��� �� �� •i I �.■i Il1l //1 ��I►�����1L►ilfb.��;)♦♦♦♦��I%%�- ♦• • �I�.-�_ ►�..:.,. •%I .•�li Irii /�i II►�� �i),�iri .1♦♦♦L i�-.- PU LU E m� DUE 71. 00' RT. / VE + 3.00 -L- DUE DUE DUE DUE DUE DUE DU DUE ,•-I I III --— — - - — — — — s� rn - E E \ w 64Z +43.00 -L- L RIP RAP / E E i 81.00 RT. EST.2 TONS g \ I EST. 7 SYGF I +1 .17 -L- 64Z I 1 1 I 115+50 -L- 71.00 RT. �, l ISBD \ I 99 f \ E 9' R 1 150' TAPER 128 STORAGE LANE \� C 'B' RIP RAP \ 1 I ) II I 72 T. 3 TO ` BASE RA SEDUSWALE E T. 10 SY F I I 1 CA�IN EDGE RCx III III STANDARD 6-FT SEE DETAIL 12 l I I I II I .VERSI I AL P . NC. BASE DITCH / ssf�. SPECIAL CUT 'V' ✓ SEE DETAIL 15 DITCH GRADE = 0.26% SEE DETAIL 26 I I I DDE=18 CY I III 128 STORAGE LANE IIII II 1 � \� IIIIIII 1154155 -L- II: IIII 21 p' RT EL 70.7 I IIII III III✓ I STA. 1 -L- RT III LENGTH OF SWALE REQUIRED DETERMINED BY / I� III III 11 TOTAL CONTRIBUTING DRAINAGE AREA l \ 1 DETAIL 12 SPECIAL CUT 4' BASE GRASSED SWALE ( Not to Scale) Natural 1 0< Front Ground D ��a>t'cP+� Ditch Slope LBJ Min. D = 1.5 Ft. B = 4 Ft. t FROM STA. )10+50 TO STA. 115+40 -L- RT I I Ill FROM STA. 127+30 TO STA. 129+00 -L- RT III II FROM STA./I?iT50 TO STA. 125+50 -L- RT a I ALLEN ROAD. LLC. 64 z l / \ / '\\_ —0 64--- TRAPEZOIDA�/GRASSED SWALE I 1 I r / s3 n wfl-ROCK CHEC� DAM/ I �� SEE DETAIL 1 WILLIAM C. / JUDITH W. ENK NS74 I 6 N�us DETAIL 15\ STANDARD 6' BASE DITCH ( Not to Scale) Natural Natural Groun 3 ,�.1 Ground % / �/ / \✓� D Min. D=1.5 Ft. I B I / / l l // / , 62— // FROM STA. 115 + 50 TO STA. 115 + 50 L- RT FROM STA. 126+56 TO STA. 127+78 -L- LT \ \ V) Z _0 V) LU w 50011 50Co I z �o w� >_-60/ V)_U� Eh* EO* Eo% Eo-w Eh-U� E0_61� ►MA��10WA BLE WITH MITIGATION ZONE 1 OWABLE WITH MITIGATION ZONE 2 GRAPHIC SCALE 1025 Wade Avenue Raleigh, NC 27605 SEPI Tel:919-789-9977 E N G I N E E R I N G & Fax:919-789-9591 CONSTRUCTION License:C-2197 PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 18 OF 26 2X ENLAR GEMENT II - , 6-7 II LT FE II IN = 63.98.CP 6-7 DAL TON WAYNE BAILEY, JR. II L ER I LET HA BRADFORD WAYNE BAILEY U V C P� WAINRIGHT SIL DETAIL 2 - HOLDINGS, LLC. �� '1' RIP II II II II co 67 Ilm FM i WAINRIGH I HOLDINGS, LLC. EIR II 2SBK APT II Iv II II APT 24" _ C DUE s II I II � II r= 7102011 64.2511 - BST I _ i4eTpP=69�8 - l_5_3 CB - —�- F OF N Co D EXCAV, 'B' TOE -� SEE ��iAIL b � t IWANs , . I _ ;77� IVA" V— n �V - - m SEE D ETAd L 3 N ►V m ►V , m PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. U -5875 I 12B RV SHEET NO. ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER HYDRAULICS ENGINEER INCOMPL]E% DO NOT USE FOR L PLANS W ACOUISITION DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED 500' 50co I 2r h NJ 0 1, 1 IN INA V) Z O w w GRAPHIC SCALE I ALLOWABLE WITH MITIGATION � ZONE 1 2X EIVLARGE VIE.LVT ALLOWABLE WITH MITIGATION ZONE 2 1025 Wade Avenue Raleigh, NC 27605 SEPI Tel:919-789-9977 E N G I N E E R I N G & Fax:919-789-9591 CONSTRUCTION License:C-2197 PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 19 OF 26 6 7 L T T _ IIIE I I I x IN `�3.98 - l ii I T N WAYNE klfE'� II 6� Ago4 BRAAADFORD WA1INE ,ABACI Y U ER I LET CH � •\ II II I II S DETAIL 2 WAINRIGHT , , HOLDINGS, LLC. I o II L I RIP I � II �� I II rT1 I ©I / W�AINRIGHT H0411DI S, LLC. \ EIR N I �SBK APT APT ,.. i ti j EXCA/V ' B' TOE --, I 1 OP= (VOI1 1 I IV= i 64.�5 S E? AIL 6 LLTA BSTX- 1 , �►7�V c;�r�i� i C ••� ice•RINI m � 44' BST I _ — V — — MI .,M-- I . V a7• — - 1 24" t7------ c DUE I 0�' 04, M mom i%I���� �� ,,. �ti psi ���� �;�I •� ��.���'���� � �u ►,:�>�����;-�►�� � � •• ! UL .. PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. U -5875 I /2C RM SHEET NO. ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS ENGINEER I ENGINEER IINCOMPLETE PLANS I DO NOT USE FOR % W ACOUISITION DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ • ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ � '• �. lmmoo ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .......... . ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... .......■■. . ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... mon .......... .......... . . ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... / • ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■IE 10 Mr■'AL'U■■■■■■■■■■■IE IIA.'■'AL'U■■■■■■■■■■■■■ISr!'AL'■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■'.L'U■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■rMINI rAB,1■■■■■■■MOONRISE ■r,alrAk1■■mm■mMOONRISE off .rrAk1■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 1[M_1■ ■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■ 11 111 I on INNER ■■■■■■■■Gm -"IN ■I ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ I ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■Lm\I 101 I■■■■■■■MEMO■■■ 01 10I II 01 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■ EL-M\I 01■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■L��■ is or ■ IN MENEM■■■■L��■ it or ■ IF MENEMm■■■■L�;-.Rmp A \r ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■l Ir MENOMO■■■■■■■■■■EE II'■I J■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■t 10' A OF ,■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■w■' A Or ,■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■J` .=J■►J■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■J■ �J■►J■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■`.: I■�J■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■� J■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■►�i `.:I■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■LJI\.: ii.:I■■■■■■ ■■■■■■LJIL:. 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D=1.5 Ft. B=2 Ft. FROM STA. 130 + 35 TO STA. 134 + 00 -L- LT CL 'B' RIP RAP EST.2 TONS EST. 7 SYGF CL 'B' RIP RAP EST. 5 TONS EST.14 SYGF S T LE W EDD 7.3 ti is P "j r M MR-5 NO - -,- ' ��• %ice ' - • �19s�-r-=� .' i� • Jill .. Ln N UNIVERSITY MEDICAL PARK.INC. ilr Ur= tu.ls INV= 59.38 E� 1T 'V' DITCH 3 SPECIAL CUT 'V' GRASSED SWALE SEE DETAIL 9 -L 'B' RIP RAP :ST.3 TONS :ST.10 SYGF -DUE DUE DUE CL 'B' RIP RAP EST.3 TONS EST.10 SYGF SPECIAL CUT 2-FT BASE GRASSED SWALE SEE DE IL 24 - - DUE- SURGICENTER SERVICES OF PITT, INC. LENGTH OF SWALE REQUIRED DETERMINED BY TOTAL CONTRIBUTING DRAINAGE AREA DETAIL 3 SPECIAL CUT V' DITCH ( Not to Scale) Front �t Ditch Ntural Ground 3•� ��o'he� Slope Min. D= 1.0 Ft. 1 11 DA= 3.56 ACRES SLOPE= 0.3% TOTAL IMP. AREA= 1.94 ACRES ADDITIONAL IMP. AREA=1.31 ACRES L REQ.= 356 FT L PRO.= 500 FT Q2= 10.86 CFS V2 = 1.46 FPS D2- 1.15 FT 010= 14.12CFS V10= 1.57 FPS D10= 1.30 FT STA. 128 + 05 TO STA. 134 + 00 -L- LT DETAIL 8 SPECIAL CUT 3' BASE GRASSED SWALE ( Not to Scale) Natural o� Front Groun D 3�`o�,�et Ditch � � � Slope L.BJ Min. D = 1.5 Ft. B=3 Ft. STANTONSBURG ROAD 1.LLC 2 DA= 1.97 ACRES SLOPE= 0.3% TOTAL IMP. AREA=1.12 ACRES ADDITIONAL IMP. AREA=0.59 L REQ. = 197 FT L PRO.= 200 FT Q2 = 6.99 CFS V2 = 1.33 FPS D2 - 1.32 FT Q10= 9.09CFS V10- 1.42 FPS D10= 1.46 FT REBKEE PARTNERS STANTONSBURG.LLC 73A REBKEE r STA. 12 9 + 00 TO STA. 131 + 00 -L- RT DETAIL 9 SPECIAL CUT 'V' GRASSED SWALE ( Not to Scale) Front Ditch Natural 3'1 ,het Slope Ground D Min. D = 1.5 Ft. O Cf C'7 i H w cn LU I t=J I LU LU LU Z to J U PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. SEPI1025 Wade Avenue U -5875 �✓ Raleigh, NC 27605 TeL919-789-9977 RrW SHEET NO. E N G I N E E R I N G & Fax:919-789-9591 ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS C 0 N S T R U C T 1 0 N License: C-2197 ENGINEER ENGINEER I INCOMPLEWE PLANS I DO NOT USE FOR / W ACQUISITION DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 21 OF 26 ALLOWABLE WITH MITIGATION ZONE 1 ALLOWABLE WITH MITIGATION ZONE 2 FROM STA. 127+30 TO STA. 129+00 -L- RT FROM STA. 128+05 TO STA. 130+35 -L- LT FROM STA. 129 + 00 TO STA. 131 + 00 -L- RT V) Z _O V) w w 50' m EO fool �o I U�fQ9_ Co Cq 69-Epf 0fool (p fQ9_ 69_�q 69fol� o/ GRAPHIC SCALE PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 23 OF 26 1 1111'' 11111qp 11111 111111 111111 WWI 11111''111111 ►N FK20MM��WM♦ E F FOA droA droA droA droA MITIGATION ALLOWABLE WITH Mal MITIGATION ZONE 2 FOB 003X ENLARGEMENT 4RO OSED 1 @7'X8' N m 0...or"— c F O c -/ ,/ Ul I ?r .J O 1 .J S= 60.55 INV E= 60-55 -0-6 ----------------------------------- EXISTING R/W -TV- DI rt /'_50 foo 1025 Wade Avenue Raleigh, NC 27605 SEPI Tel:919-789-9977 E N G I N E E R I N G & Fax:919-789-9591 CONSTRUCTION License:C-2197 41111111kh", 00 ►���� - •• -AMIA ► MCI _ .•. _ ► VA ►' - -� -" • • 1 • D U E --t DUE DL III C_ C C PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. U -5875 I /3B RM SHEET NO. ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER INCOMPLE% E PLANS DO NOT USE FOR W ACOUISITION DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED 0- 50' co 10 EO z o 'oc�� W� >-fol) U�fQ9- Cot" 69101f fool o/ GRAPHIC SCALE PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 24 OF 26 FOB ►������♦ALLOWABLE WITF. V111111lej ALLOWABLE WITH • MITIGATION s 003X rrrr iii � � rrr rig i � , //-�ORO OSb 1@X81 N EIVLARGEA4ENT Ilk RIO r _ W rG 105/ - ----�---- --- r C / I C A IV-1.3 A/ 13 S = .55 INV - - - - - - - - - - ------------_��--------- I AN 1 z 1025 Wade Avenue Raleigh, NC 27605 SEPI Tel:919-789-9977 E N G I N E E R I N G & Fax:919-789-9591 CONSTRUCTION License:C-2197 TVJFOK TV F0' - p� I G // EXISTING R/W C — —------_ 1 C r � DU E DUE J PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. U -5875 I /3C RM SHEET NO. ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS ENGINEER I ENGINEER I INCOMPLEtrE PLANS I DO NOT USE FOR R % W ACOUISITION DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED RIPARIAN BUFFER IMPACTS SUMMARY IMPACTS BUFFER ALLOWABLE WITH TYPE ALLOWABLE MITIGATION REPLACEMENT Site Station Structure ROAD STREAMBANK PARALLEL No. (From/To) Size /Type CROSSING STABILIZATION IMPACT ZONE 1 ZONE 2 TOTAL ZONE 1 ZONE 2 TOTAL ZONE 1 ZONE 2 (ft 2 ) (ft 2 ) (ft 2 ) (ft 2) (ft 2) (ft 2) (ft 2) (ft 2) 1 A -L- 10+78 to 12+09 Lt BANK STABILIZATION AND SCOUR HOLE REPAIR X 4255 646 4901 1 B -Y- 20+66 to 22+31 Lt/Rt 60" RCP INSTALLATION X 4950 3048 7998 1 B -Y- 20+66 to 22+31 Lt/Rt ROADWAY CONSTRUCTION X 777 458 1235 1 C -L- 25+37 to 27+41 Lt/Rt 2@7'x6' RCBC INSTALLATION X 9109 4975 14084 1 C -L- 25+37 to 27+41 Lt/Rt ROADWAY CONSTRUCTION X 4472 2103 6575 2 -L- 63+14 to 65+44 Lt/Rt 2@12'x9' RCBC INSTALLATION X 13926 7416 21342 2 -L- 63+14 to 65+44 Lt/Rt ROADWAY CONSTRUCTION X 3695 2053 5748 3 -L- 126+58 to 128+70 Lt/Rt 7'x8' RCBC INSTALLATION X 9557 5836 15393 3 -L- 126+58 to 128+70 Lt/Rt ROADWAY CONSTRUCTION X 3706 1977 5683 TOTALS*: 4255 646 4901 50192 27866 78058 0 0 NOTES: SITE 3, ZONE 2 DOES NOT INCLUDE 72 SQ FT OF WETLAND IN BUFFERS Revised 2018 Feb WETLANDS IN BUFFER IMPACTS SUMMARY WETLANDS IN BUFFERS STATION ZONE 1 ZONE z SITE NO. (FROM/TO) �ri2> 3 1 -L- 126+51 to 126+66 RTI 1 1 72 TOTAL: I 0 I 72 (Revised 2018 Feb NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS 07/03/2023 PITT COUNTY U-5875 44677.1.1 SHEET 26 OF Rev. Jan 2009 Appendix D — Field Verified Jurisdictional Determination ATTACHMENT A PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION FORM BACKGROUND INFORMATION A. REPORT COMPLETION DATE FOR PRELIMINARY JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION (JD): B. NAME AND ADDRESS OF PERSON REQUESTING PRELIMINARY JD: Christopher Dustin - SEM Engineering 5030 New Centre Drive, Suite B, Wilmington NC, 28403 C. DISTRICT OFFICE, FILE NAME, AND NUMBER: D. PROJECT LOCATION(S) AND BACKGROUND INFORMATION: SR 1203 (Allen Road), Greenville NC, Pitt County (USE THE ATTACHED TABLE TO DOCUMENT MULTIPLE WATERBODIES AT DIFFERENT SITES) State: NC County/parish/borough. Pitt City: Greenville Center coordinates of site (latllong in degree decimal format): Lat. 35.591953 °N; Long. 77.428189 0W Universal Transverse Mercator: GCS_North_American_1983_NAD_19$3_StatePlane_North_Carollna_FJPS_32flp_Feet Name of nearest waterbody: Greens Mill Run Identify (estimate) amount of waters in the review area: Non -wetland waters: 1,988 linear feet: width (ft) and/or acres. Cowardin Class: R2UB4, R4SB4 Stream Flow: Perennial, intermittent Wetlands: 0.01 acres. Cowardin Class: PF001A Name of any water bodies on the site that have been identified as Section 10 waters: Tidal. N/A Non -Tidal: N/A 1 E. REVIEW PERFORMED FOR SITE EVALUATION (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY): ❑ Office (Desk) Determination. Date: Field Determination. Date(s): 11/03/2016 SUPPORTING DATA. Data reviewed for preliminary JD (check all that apply - checked items should be included in case file and, where checked and requested, appropriately reference sources below): 0 Maps, plans, plots or plat submitted by or on behalf of the applicant/consultant: FData sheets prepared/submitted by or on behalf of the applicant/consultant. Office concurs with data sheets/delineation report. ❑ Office does not concur with data sheets/delineation report. ❑ Data sheets prepared by the Corps: ❑ Corps navigable waters' study: ❑ U.S. Geological Survey Hydrologic Atlas: ❑ USGS NHD data ❑ USGS 8 and 12 digit HUC maps ❑✓ U.S. Geological Survey map(s). Cite scale & quad name: 1:24.000 Greenville SW, NC ❑✓ USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Soil Survey. Citation: 1974. Soil Survey of Pitt County, North Carolina. ❑ National wetlands inventory map(s). Cite name: ❑ State/Local wetland inventory map(s): ❑ FEMA/FIRM maps: ❑ 100-year Floodplain Elevation is: (National Geodectic Vertical Datum of 1929) ❑v( Photographs: Z✓ Aerial (Name & Date): ssai Imagery or Other (Name & Date): site Photos ❑ Previous determination(s). File no. and date of response letter: 0 Other information (please specify): LiDAR 7 1. The Corps of Engineers believes that there may be jurisdictional waters of the United States on the subject site, and the permit applicant or other affected party who requested this preliminary JD is hereby advised of his or her option to request and obtain an approved jurisdictional determination (JD) for that site. Nevertheless, the permit applicant or other person who requested this preliminary JD has declined to exercise the option to obtain an approved JD in this instance and at this time. 2. In any circumstance where a permit applicant obtains an individual permit, or a Nationwide General Permit (NWP) or other general permit verification requiring "pre -construction notification" (PCN), or requests verification for a non -reporting NWP or other general permit, and the permit applicant has not requested an approved JD for the activity, the permit applicant is hereby made aware of the following: (1) the permit applicant has elected to seek a permit authorization based on a preliminary JD, which does not make an official determination of jurisdictional waters; (2) that the applicant has the option to request an approved JD before accepting the terms and conditions of the permit authorization, and that basing a permit authorization on an approved J❑ could possibly result in less compensatory mitigation being required or different special conditions; (3) that the applicant has the right to request an individual permit rather than accepting the terms and conditions of the NWP or other general permit authorization; (4) that the applicant can accept a permit authorization and thereby agree to comply with all the terms and conditions of that permit, including whatever mitigation requirements the Corps has determined to be necessary; (5) that undertaking any activity in reliance upon the subject permit authorization without requesting an approved JD constitutes the applicant's acceptance of the use of the preliminary JD, but that either form of JD will be processed as soon as is practicable; (6) accepting a permit authorization (e.g., signing a proffered individual permit) or undertaking any activity in reliance on any form of Corps permit authorization based on a preliminary JD constitutes agreement that all wetlands and other water bodies on the site affected in any way by that activity are jurisdictional waters of the United States, and precludes any challenge to such jurisdiction in any administrative or judicial compliance or enforcement action, or in any administrative appeal or in any Federal court; and (7) whether the applicant elects to use either an approved JD or a preliminary JD, that JD will be processed as soon as is practicable. Further, an approved JD, a proffered individual permit (and all terms and conditions contained therein), or individual permit denial can be administratively appealed pursuant to 33 C.F.R. Part 331, and that in any administrative appeal, jurisdictional issues can be raised (see 33 C.F.R. 331.5(a)(2)). If, during that administrative appeal, it becomes necessary to make an official determination whether CWA jurisdiction exists over a site, or to provide an official delineation of jurisdictional waters on the site, the Corps will provide an approved JD to accomplish that result, as soon as is practicable. 3 This preliminary JD finds that there "may be" waters of the United States on the subject project site, and identifies all aquatic features on the site that could be affected by the proposed activity, based on the following information: IMPORTANT NOTE: The information recorded on this form has not necessarily been verified by the Corps and should not be relied upon for later Wrisdictional determinations. Signature and date of Regulatory Project Manager (REQUIRED) Signature and date of person requesting preliminary JD (REQUIRED, unless obtaining the signature is impracticable) 4 U-5875, PITT COUNTY NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION NOVEMBER 2016 SEPI WETLAND DELINEATIONS -COASTAL NCWAM Section Map ID Acres Cowardin Code HGM Code Waters Type Local Waterway Latitude Longitude Comments JD Review Date Reviewers Classification Wetland WA not Jurisdictional (Man PEM-PALUSTRINE, NON -TIDAL Tom Steffens/Garcy WA 0.08 EMERGENT RIVERINE RPWWN FRESHWATER MARSH Greens Mill Run 35.603175 -77.420237 Made BMP and will 11/3/2016 Ward not be shown in PJD Figures/Thrown out( U5875 Allen Road WB 0.01 PFO-PALUSTRINE, RIVERINE RPWWN BOTTOMLAND Greens Mill Run 35.603063 -77.421011 Jurisdictional Feature 11/3/2016 Tom Steffens/Garcy FORESTED HARDWOOD FOREST Ward U-5875, P1TT COUNTY NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION NOVEMBER 2016 SEPI STREAM DELINEATIONS Section Map ID Linear (ft) NCDWQ Score Classification Waters Type Local Waterway On Topo Map On Soils Map Latitude Longitude Subject to Buffers Comments JD Review Date Reviewer Stayed Intermittent Tom Steffens/Garry Stream SA 238 26.5 Intermittent RPW Greens Mill Run NO YES 35.578564 -77.432701 YES but scored a higher 11/3/2016 Ward NCDWQScore Changed from Intermittent to Tom Steffens/Garry Stream SB 8o 31.50 Perennial RPW Greens Mill Run NO YES 35.589278 -77.432943 YES Perennial. (Rip -Rap 11/3/2016 Ward to conflunce w/Greens Mill Run) Changed from Tributary/NRPW to Tom Steffens/Garry Stream SB 60 25.50 Intermittent RPW Greens Mill Run NO YES 35.589077 -77.433138 YES Intermittent Stream. 11/3/2016 Ward (Culvert outlet to Rip -rap) Changed from Tom Steffens/Garry Stream SC 206 31.S0 Perennial RPW Greens Mill Run NO YES 3S.S89411 -77.433073 YES Intermittent to 11/3/2026 Ward Perennial U5875 Allen Road Portion of Stream SC Stream SC 376 34 Perennial RPW Greens Mill Run YES YES 35.588741 -77.432733 YES at Confluence with 11/3/2016 Tom Steffens/Garry Stream SD Stayed Ward Perennial Changed from Tom Steffens/Garry Stream SD 265 30.5 Perennial RPW Greens Mill Run NO YES 35.589539 -77.433486 YES Intermittent to 11/3/2016 Ward Perennial Stream SE 766 30 Perennial RPW Greens Mill Run YES YES 35.603495 -77.421507 YES Stayed Perennial 31/3/2016 Tom Steffens/Garry Ward Changed from SF 53 N/A Tributary NRPW Greens MITI Run NO NO 3S.603653 -77.422116 NO Tributary to Linear 11/3/2016 Tom Steffens/Garry Storm Water Ward Conveyance Appendix E — Archaeological and Historic Resources Review Forms r "jwr 1 ramug rvo. ( imci7p fit uxej 16-07-0001 HISTORIC ARCHICTECTURE AND LANDSCAPES ASSESSMENT OF EFFECTS FORM This form only pertains to Historic Architecture and Landscapes for this project. It is not valid for Archaeological Resources. You must consult separately with the Archaeology Group. PROJECT INFORMATION Project No: U-5875 County: 'itt WBS No.: 44677.1.1 Document State EA Type: Fed. Airl No: Funding: ® State LJ Federal Federal Yes ❑ No Permit NWP 14 Permits). : Typ e s): Proiect Description: The project consists of an approximately 2.3 Haile segment of SR 1203 (Allen Rd) from SR 1467 (Stantonburg Rd) to US 13 (Dickinson Ave Ext.), The goal of the project is to convert the existing roadway into a four -lane divided facility with a raised median and curb and gutter with an at -grade railroad crossing near Landfill Road. Sidewalks and bike lanes are proposed as part of the project, but the project will also investigate the possibility of replacing sidewalks and bike lanes with a multi -use path. SUMMARY OF HISTORIC ARCHICTECTURE AND LANDSCAPES REVIEW Description of review activities, results, and conclusions: On June 20, 2016 a search of NC HPOWEB GIS Service map revealed that in the Area of Potential Effects (APE) the project included a property which is over 50 years of age. An architectural historian conducted an eligibility evaluation of the property. In a letter dated October 13, 2016 the North Carolina Historic Preservation Office concurred with our finding that the Noah Forbes Sr. House (PT0047) is eligible for National Register listing under Criterion C and Consideration B. ASSESSMENT OF EFFECTS Property Name: Noah Forbes Sr, House I Status: I DE Survey Site No.: PT0047 PIX Effects ❑ No Effect ® No Adverse Effect ❑ Adverse Effect Explanation of Effects Determination: AJ6c4e� irti E2�S �7hc�, -e 1 JV _fw' 5ZAel Ni.rraric Arrklecrrrn and LamIscapes EITF.C7.7 XWNWENTfunol for hlirror Dwaparrrrrion Projects as Qrralrf ed in rJre 2001 Yrxrgrrrrrrmoeic Agreement - Page I of 2 List of Environmental Commitments: SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION ®Map(s) ❑Previous Survey Info. ®Photos ❑Correspondence ❑Design Plans FINDING BY NCDOT AND STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICE Historic Architecture and Landscapes — ASSESSMENT OF EFFECTS NCD0IT' Arehitectu al Historian Date State Historic Preservation Office Represe'atAive Date Representative, Federal Agency Date Hataric Archireclure and Landscaves !il F7sC'7S AN51-i'-TW NTform for Minor Trun.sparaiion Projeas as awlii ied lip die 2007 Programnoci it Agreement. Page 2 of 2 Project Tracking No.: 16-0 /% -0001 o� NO ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY REQUIRED FORM This form only pertains to ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES for this project. It is not 0 valid for Historic Architecture and Landscapes. You must consult separately with the Historic Architecture and Landscapes Group. PROJECT INFORMATION Project No: U-5875 WBS No: 44677.1.1 F.A. No: N/A Federal Permit Required? County: Pitt Document: State EA/FONSI Funding: ® State ❑ Federal ® Yes ❑ No PermitType: NWP14 Project Description: The NCDOT is proposing to widen SR 1203 (Allen Road) from its intersection with SR 1467 (Stantonsburg Road) to US 13 (Dickinson Avenue Extension) in Pitt County. Currently, SR 1203 (Allen Road) is a 3-lane, undivided road with no sidewalks or bike lanes. As proposed, SR 1203 (Allen Road) will become a 4-lane divided facility with a raised median, with curbs and gutters and an at - grade railroad crossing near Landfill Road. Sidewalks and bike lanes or a multi -use path are also proposed as part of this project. Project length measures about 2.3 miles (12,144 feet). The width of the Study Area centered on SR 1203 (Allen Street) and its associated Y-lines measures about 300 feet. Overall, the Study Area will encompass about 114 acres, inclusive of the existing roadways. 1Y11ulu/.11MKII&*00109JAA7%Yoll]Zy9y7Ali IWAIA Brief description of review activities, results of review, and conclusions: All necessary information in order to proceed with a review of this project was received on Thursday, July 14, 2016. A map review and site file search was conducted at the Office of State Archaeology (OSA) on Friday, July 15, 2016. No archaeological survey has been conducted along SR 1203 (Allen Road); however, three (3) archaeological sites have been recorded within one-half (1/2) mile of the proposed project, all of which are historic cemetery locations. Digital copies of HPO's maps (Greenville SW Quadrangle) as well as the HPOWEB GIS Service (http://gis.ncdcr.gov/hpoweb/) were last reviewed on Monday, July 25, 2016. There are two (2) known historic architectural resources located within or adjacent to the Study Area (PT0047 —Noah Forbes, Jr. House, PT0050 —Red Oak Christian Church); however, intact archaeological deposits associated with these resources are not anticipated within the footprint of the proposed project. In addition, topographic maps, historic maps (NCMaps website), USDA soil survey maps, and aerial photographs were utilized and inspected to gauge environmental factors that may have contributed to historic or prehistoric settlement within the project limits, and to assess the level of modern, slope, agricultural, hydrological, and other erosive -type disturbances within and surrounding the archaeological APE. Brief Explanation of why the available information provides a reliable basis for reasonably predicting that there are no unidentified historic properties in the APE: This is State -funded project for which a Federal permit will be required. Temporary and/or permanent easements will be required as well as additional ROW. At this time, we are in compliance with NC GS 121-12a, since there are no eligible (i.e. National Register -listed) archaeological resources located within the project's Study Area that would require our attention. Based on the overall size of the Study Area, activities may take place beyond the NCDOT's existing ROW along SR 1203 (Allen Road). From an 'No ARCHAEOLOGYSURVEYREQUIRED "form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 200712015 Programmatic Agreement. 1 of 3 Project Tracking No.: 16-0 /% -0001 environmental perspective, the Study Area falls within a rural/agricultural setting that is becoming more residential as the City of Greenville continues to grow. The Study Area consists of the relatively level terrain typical of the Coastal Plain physiographic region, and is composed of various soil types. Although the Study Area consists of pockets of well -drained and moderately well -drained soils, overall soil conditions along the corridor have been greatly modified by development, have succumbed to erosion, and consist of somewhat poorly drained conditions along several stream crossings. Much of the area along the project corridor that may, at first, appear to hold potential for intact archaeological resources to be present has already been disturbed by land clearing/stripping for commercial and residential development. Preservation of archaeological resources would not be anticipated within such an environmental setting. In addition, the Office of State Archaeology (OSA) has reviewed several projects within the vicinity of the proposed project for environmental compliance, including cell towers (CT 12- 1300, CT 13-1565), commercial development (ER 13-2300), residential development (ER 14-0604, ER 90-7166), utilities (ER 11-0130, ER 95-0313), and road construction for the Greenville Bypass (TIP# R- 2250 [GS 93-0035]). Aside from the Greenville Bypass, which required an archaeological survey because of its environmental impacts on new location, no archaeological surveys were recommended or conducted for any of the aforementioned projects. Most importantly, the widening of SR 1203 (Allen Road) had been previously reviewed by OSA in 2007 (ER 07-1804). At that time, two (2) cemetery locations were noted, but were "sufficiently away from road to be unaffected. Given results of TRC's Greenville SW Bypass (GS 93-0035) survey, consider it unlikely that significant sites would be affected by widening project." Based on the nature of the proposed project, current soil conditions, and previous review and survey results, there is a low probability for prehistoric and/or historic archaeological materials to be present within the Study Area. OSA's (2007) recommendation for no archaeological survey to be conducted for the widening of SR 1203 (Allen Road) remains valid. Therefore, it is believed that the current Study Area, as depicted, is unlikely to contain intact and significant archaeological resources. No archaeological survey is required for this project. If design plans change or are made available prior to construction, then additional consultation regarding archaeology will be required. At this time, no further archaeological work is recommended. If archaeological materials are uncovered during project activities, then such resources will be dealt with according to the procedures set forth for "unanticipated discoveries," to include notification of NCDOT's Archaeology Group. SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION See attached: ® Map(s) ❑ Previous Survey Info ❑ Photocopy of County Survey Notes FINDING BY NCDOT ARCHAEOLOGIST NO AR CHAEOL OG Y SUR VEY REO UIRED NCDOT ARCI3 ❑ Photos ❑Correspondence Other: July 25, 2016 Date `No ARCHAEOLOGYSURVEYREQUIRED "form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 200712015 Programmatic Agreement. 2 of 3 Project Tracking No.: 16-0 /% -0001 __'-�--Y- 1 Figure 1: Greenville SW, NC (USGS 1981). lzn `No ARCHAEOLOGYSUR VEY REQUIRED "form for Minor Transportation Projects as Qualified in the 200712015 Programmatic Agreement. 3 of 3 OcB 111111l (##fill III - m Appendix F— Previous 404\401 and Buffer Authorization Permit Approvals U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMINGTON DISTRICT Action Id. SAW-2016-01862 County: Pitt County U.S.G.S. Quad: Greenville SW GENERAL PERMIT (REGIONAL AND NATIONWIDE) VERIFICATION Permittee: Jay Johnson NCDOT, Division 2 Address: Post Office Box 1587 Greenville NC, 27835 Telephone Number: Size (acres) 20 acres Nearest Town Greenville Nearest Waterway Schoolhouse Branch River Basin Pamlico USGS HUC 03020103 Coordinates Latitude: 35.591942 Longitude:-77.428315 Location description: Allen Road (SR 1203) widening between US 13 and SR 1467 in Greenville, North Carolina. Description of projects area and activity: Widen existing 2 lane road SR1203 (Allen Rd) for approximately 2.5 miles into a 4 lane median divided boulevard between SR1467 (Stantonsburg Rd) and US13 (Dickenson Ave Ext) Applicable Law: ® Section 404 (Clean Water Act, 33 USC 1344) ❑ Section 10 (Rivers and Harbors Act, 33 USC 403) Authorization: Regional General Permit Number and/or Nationwide Permit Number: GP 198200031 NCDOT Bridges, Widening Pro aects.... (Authorized 2015) SEE ATTACHED RGP or NWP GENERAL, REGIONAL AND/OR SPECIAL CONDITIONS Your work is authorized by the above referenced permit provided it is accomplished in strict accordance with the attached conditions and your submitted application and attached information dated April 9, 2019. Any violation of the attached conditions or deviation from your submitted plans may subject the permittee to a stop work order, a restoration order, a Class I administrative penalty, and/or appropriate legal action. This verification will remain valid until the expiration date identified below unless the nationwide and/or regional general permit authorization is modified, suspended or revoked. If, prior to the expiration date identified below, the nationwide and/or regional general permit authorization is reissued and/or modified, this verification will remain valid until the expiration date identified below, provided it complies with all requirements of the modified nationwide permit. If the nationwide and/or regional general permit authorization expires or is suspended, revoked, or is modified, such that the activity would no longer comply with the terms and conditions of the nationwide permit, activities which have commenced (i.e., are under construction) or are under contract to commence in reliance upon the nationwide and/or regional general permit, will remain authorized provided the activity is completed within twelve months of the date of the nationwide and/or regional general permit's expiration, modification or revocation, unless discretionary authority has been exercised on a case -by -case basis to modify, suspend or revoke the authorization. Activities subject to Section 404 (as indicated above) may also require an individual Section 401 Water Quality Certification. You should contact the NC Division of Water Resources (telephone 919-807-6300) to determine Section 401 requirements. For activities occurring within the twenty coastal counties subject to regulation under the Coastal Area Management Act (LAMA), prior to beginning work you must contact the N.C. Division of Coastal Management in Morehead City, NC, at (252) 808-2808. This Department of the Army verification does not relieve the permittee of the responsibility to obtain any other required Federal, State or local approvals/permits. If there are any questions regarding this verification, any of the conditions of the Permit, or the Corps of Engineers regulatory program, please contact Thomas Steffens at (910) 251-4615 or Thomas.A.Steffens(a,usace.army.mil. Corps Regulatory Official: Date: April 9, 2019 Expiration Date of Verification: April 30, 2020 SAW-2016-01862 A. Determination of Jurisdiction: 1. ® There are waters, including wetlands, on the above described project area that may be subject to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA) (33 USC § 1344) and/or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act (RHA) (33 USC § 403). This preliminary determination is not an appealable action under the Regulatory Program Administrative Appeal Process (Reference 33 CFR Part 331). However, you may request an approved JD, which is an appealable action, by contacting the Corps district for further instruction. Please note, if work is authorized by either a general or nationwide permit, and you wish to request an appeal of an approved JD, the appeal must be received by the Corps and the appeal process concluded prior to the commencement of any work in waters of the United States and prior to any work that could alter the hydrology of waters of the United States. 2. ❑ There are Navigable Waters of the United States within the above described project area subject to the permit requirements of Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act (RHA) (33 USC § 403) and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA) (33 USC § 1344). Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. 3. ❑ There are waters, including wetlands, within the above described project area that are subject to the permit requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (CWA) (33 USC § 1344). Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed five years from the date of this notification. 4. ❑ A jurisdiction determination was not completed with this request. Therefore, this is not an appealable action. However, you may request an approved JD, which is an appealable action, by contacting the Corps for further instruction. 5. ❑ The aquatic resources within the above described project area have been identified under a previous action. Please reference the approved jurisdictional determination issued . Action ID: SAW- B. Basis For Jurisdictional Determination: N/A. An Approved JD has not been completed. C. Remarks: D. Attention USDA Program Participants This delineation/determination has been conducted to identify the limits of Corps' Clean Water Act jurisdiction for the particular site identified in this request. The delineation/determination may not be valid for the wetland conservation provisions of the Food Security Act of 1985. If you or your tenant are USDA Program participants, or anticipate participation in USDA programs, you should request a certified wetland determination from the local office of the Natural Resources Conservation Service, prior to starting work. E. Appeals Information for Approved Jurisdiction Determinations (as indicated in A2 and A3 above). If you object to this determination, you may request an administrative appeal under Corps regulations at 33 CFR Part 331. Enclosed you will find a Notification of Appeal Process (NAP) fact sheet and Request for Appeal (RFA) form. If you request to appeal this determination you must submit a completed RFA form to the following address: US Army Corps of Engineers South Atlantic Division Attn: Jason Steele, Review Officer 60 Forsyth Street SW, Room 10M15 Atlanta, Georgia 30303-8801 Phone: (404) 562-5137 In order for an RFA to be accepted by the Corps, the Corps must determine that it is complete, that it meets the criteria for appeal under 33 CFR part 331.5, and that it has been received by the Division Office within 60 days of the date of the NAP. Should you decide to submit an RFA form, it must be received at the above address by It is not necessary to submit an RFA form to the Division Office if you do not object to the determination in this correspondence. Corps Regulatory Official: Thomas Steffens SAW-2016-01862 Date of JD: April 9, 2019 Expiration Date of JD: The Wilmington District is committed to providing the highest level of support to the public. To help us ensure we continue to do so, please complete our Customer Satisfaction Survey, located online at http://corl2smapu.usace.army.mil/cm apex/Pp=136:4:0. Copy furnished: Action ID Number: SAW-2016-01862 County: Pitt County Permittee: Jay Johnson NCDOT, Division 2 Project Name: NCDOT U-5875 SR1203 Allen Rd between SR1467 and US13 Widening Date Verification Issued: April 9, 2019 Project Manager: Thomas Steffens Upon completion of the activity authorized by this permit and any mitigation required by the permit, sign this certification and return it to the following address: US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMINGTON DISTRICT Attn: Thomas Steffens Washington Regulatory Field Office 2407 West 5th Street Washington, North Carolina 27889 Please note that your permitted activity is subject to a compliance inspection by a U. S. Army Corps of Engineers representative. Failure to comply with any terms or conditions of this authorization may result in the Corps suspending, modifying or revoking the authorization and/or issuing a Class I administrative penalty, or initiating other appropriate legal action. I hereby certify that the work authorized by the above referenced permit has been completed in accordance with the terms and condition of the said permit, and required mitigation was completed in accordance with the permit conditions. Signature of Permittee Date DocuSign Envelope ID: E9FEE F13F-F62E-4CDF-A418-24CB46536DA5 ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN .secretary LINDA CULPEPPER Director NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality January 23, 2020 Beaufort County NCDWR Project No. 20190211 TIP U-5875 APPROVAL of 401 WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION and TAR-PAMLICO BUFFER AUTHORIZATION with ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS Mr. Jay Johnson NCDOT, Division 2 1037 W.H. Smith Blvd. Greenville, NC 27835 Dear Mr. Johnson: You have our approval, in accordance with the conditions listed below, for the following impacts for the purpose of widening Allen Road (SR 1203) in Greenville in Pitt County: Wetland Impacts in the Tar -Pamlico River Basin Site Mechanized Clearing ac 4 <0.01 Total Wetland impact = <0.01 ac Stream Impacts in the Tar -Pamlico River Basin Site Type Permanent (linear ft) Temporary (linear ft) Total Stream Impact linear ft Stream Impacts Requiring Mitigation linear ft IA I 33 24 57 n/a 1B I 98 12 110 n/a 1C I 160 23 183 n/a 2 P 209 40 249 n/a 3 P 184 13 197 n/a 4 -- -- -- -- -- Total 684 112 796 n/a Total stream impact = 796 linear feet n/a= intermittent stream or < 3001f of impact, no mitigation required. North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources 512 North Salisbury Street 11611 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1611 NCRn CAROLINA k"' •� 919.707.9000 DocuSign Envelope ID: E9FEE FBF-F62E-4CDF-A418-24CB46536DA5 Riparian Buffer Impacts in the Tar -Pamlico River Basin Site Zone 1 minus = Zone 1 Zone 1 Zone 2 minus = Zone 2 Zone 2 Impact Wetlands Buffers (not Buffer Impact Wetlands Buffers (not Buffer (sq ft) in Zone 1 wetlands) Mitigation (sq ft) in Zone 2 wetlands) Mitigation (sq ft) (sq ft) Required (sq ft) (sq ft) Required (using 3:1 (using 1.5:1 ratio) ratio IA 4255 0 4255 n/a 646 0 646 n/a 1B 5727 0 5727 17,181* 3506 0 3506 5,259* I 13,581 0 13,581 40,743* 7078 0 7078 10,617* 2 17,621 0 17,621 52,863 9469 0 9469 14,204 3 13,263 0 13,263 39,789 7813 72 7741 11,612 Total 54,447 0 54,447 150,576 28,512 72 28,440 41,692 Total Buffer Impact = 82,959 square feet n/a = allowable activity or less than 1/3 ac impact, no mitigation required. * Sites I and I are on the same stream. Combined impact > 1/3 ac, mitigation required. The project shall be constructed in accordance with your application dated received February 15, 2019 and additional information received December 12, 2019. After reviewing your application, we have decided that these impacts are covered by General Water Quality Certification Number 4135. This certification corresponds to the Regional General Permit 198200031 issued by the Corps of Engineers. This approval is also valid for the Tar - Pamlico Riparian Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 2B.0259). In addition, you should acquire any other federal, state or local permits before you proceed with your project including (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion Control, Non -Discharge and Water Supply Watershed regulations. This approval will expire with the accompanying 404 permit. This approval is valid solely for the purpose and design described in your application (unless modified below). Should your project change, you must notify the NCDWR and submit a new application. If the property is sold, the new owner must be given a copy of this Certification and approval letter and is thereby responsible for complying with all the conditions. If total wetland fills for this project (now or in the future) exceed one acre, or of total impacts to streams (now or in the future) exceed 300 linear feet, compensatory mitigation may be required as described in 15A NCAC 2H .0506 (h) (6) and (7). Additional buffer impacts may require compensatory mitigation as described in 15A NCAC 213.0259. For this approval to remain valid, you must adhere to the conditions listed in the attached certification(s) and any additional conditions listed below. Condition(s) of Certification: Compensatory mitigation for impacts to 50,192 square feet of protected riparian buffers in Zone 1 and 27,794 square feet of protected riparian buffers in Zone 2 shall be required. Applying a 3:1 ratio for Zone 1 impacts and a 1.5:1 ratio for Zone 2 impacts results in a mitigation requirement of 150,576 square feet and 41,692 square feet respectively (refer to the buffer impact table for a breakdown of mitigation totals). We understand that you have chosen to perform compensatory mitigation for impacts to protected buffers through use of the North Carolina Division of Mitigation Services (DMS) (formerly NCEEP). Mitigation for unavoidable impacts to Tar -Pamlico Riparian Buffers shall be provided in the Tar -Pamlico River Basin and done in accordance with 15A NCAC .02B .0295. The DMS has indicated in a letter dated February 15, 2019 that they will assume responsibility for satisfying the compensatory mitigation requirements for the above -referenced project, in accordance with DMS's Mitigation Banking Instrument signed June 14, 2016. 2. The issuance of this certification does not exempt the Permittee from complying with any and all statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances that may be imposed by other government agencies (i.e. local, state, and federal) having jurisdiction, including but not limited to applicable buffer rules, stormwater management rules, soil erosion and sedimentation control requirements, etc. 3. The Permittee shall ensure that the final design drawings adhere to the permit and to the permit drawings submitted for approval. [15A NCAC 02H .0507(c) and 15A NCAC 02H .0506 (b)(2) and (c)(2)] 4. The outside buffer, wetland or water boundary located within the construction corridor approved by this authorization shall be clearly marked by highly visible fencing prior to any land disturbing activities. Impacts to DocuSign Envelope ID: E9FEE FBF-F62E-4CDF-A418-24CB46536DA5 areas within the fencing are prohibited unless otherwise authorized by this certification. [15A NCAC 02H.0501 and .0502] 5. During the construction of the project, no staging of equipment of any kind is permitted in waters of the U.S., or protected riparian buffers. [I 5A NCAC 02H.0506(b)(2)] 6. Unless otherwise approved in this certification, placement of culverts and other structures in open waters and streams shall be placed below the elevation of the streambed by one foot for all culverts with a diameter greater than 48 inches, and 20 percent of the culvert diameter for culverts having a diameter less than 48 inches, to allow low flow passage of water and aquatic life. Design and placement of culverts and other structures including temporary erosion control measures shall not be conducted in a manner that may result in dis- equilibrium of wetlands or streambeds or banks, adjacent to or upstream and downstream of the above structures. The applicant is required to provide evidence that the equilibrium is being maintained if requested in writing by NCDWR. If this condition is unable to be met due to bedrock or other limiting features encountered during construction, please contact NCDWR for guidance on how to proceed and to determine whether or not a permit modification will be required. [15A NCAC 02H.0506(b)(2)] 7. If multiple pipes or barrels are required, they shall be designed to mimic natural stream cross section as closely as possible including pipes or barrels at flood plain elevation and/or sills where appropriate. Widening the stream channel should be avoided. Stream channel widening at the inlet or outlet end of structures typically decreases water velocity causing sediment deposition that requires increased maintenance and disrupts aquatic life passage. [15A NCAC 02H.0506(b)(2)] 8. All work in or adjacent to stream waters shall be conducted in a dry work area. Approved BMP measures from the most current version of NCDOT Construction and Maintenance Activities manual such as sandbags, rock berms, cofferdams and other diversion structures shall be used to prevent excavation in flowing water. [15A NCAC 02H.0506(b)(3) and (c)(3)] 9. If concrete is used during construction, a dry work area shall be maintained to prevent direct contact between curing concrete and stream water. Water that inadvertently contacts uncured concrete shall not be discharged to surface waters due to the potential for elevated pH and possible aquatic life and fish kills. [15A NCAC 0213.0200] 10. All mechanized equipment operated near surface waters must be regularly inspected and maintained to prevent contamination of stream waters from fuels, lubricants, hydraulic fluids, or other toxic materials. [15A NCAC 02H.0506(b)(3)] 11. No rock, sand or other materials shall be dredged from the stream channel except where authorized by this certification. [15A NCAC 02H.0506(b)(3)] 12. All fill slopes located in jurisdictional wetlands shall be placed at slopes no flatter than 3:1, unless otherwise authorized by this certification. [15A NCAC 02H.0506(b)(2)] 13. When applicable, all construction activities shall be performed and maintained in full compliance with G.S. Chapter 113A Article 4 (Sediment and Pollution Control Act of 1973). Regardless of applicability of the Sediment and Pollution Control Act, all projects shall incorporate appropriate Best Management Practices for the control of sediment and erosion so that no violations of state water quality standards, statutes, or rules occur. [15A NCAC 02H .0506{b)(3) and (c)(3) and 15A NCAC 02B .0200] a. Design, installation, operation, and maintenance of all sediment and erosion control measures shall be equal to or exceed the requirements specified in the most recent version of the North Carolina Sediment and Erosion Control Manual, or for linear transportation projects, the NCDOT Sediment and Erosion Control Manual. b. All devices shall be maintained on all construction sites, borrow sites, and waste pile (spoil) sites, including contractor -owned or leased borrow pits associated with the project. Sufficient materials required for stabilization and/or repair of erosion control measures and stormwater routing and treatment shall be on site at all times. c. For borrow pit sites, the erosion and sediment control measures shall be designed, installed, operated, and maintained in accordance with the most recent version of the North Carolina Surface Mining DocuSign Envelope ID: E9FEE FBF-F62E-4CDF-A418-24CB46536DA5 Manual. Reclamation measures and implementation shall comply with the reclamation in accordance with the requirements of the Sedimentation Pollution Control Act and the Mining Act of 1971. d. If the project occurs in waters or watersheds classified as Primary Nursery Areas (PNAs), SA, WS-1, WS-11, High Quality Waters (HQW), or Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW), then the sedimentation and erosion control designs shall comply with the requirements set forth in 15A NCAC 04B .0124, Design Standards in Sensitive Watershed. [15A NCAC 02H.0506(b)(3) and (c)(3); GC 4135] 14. Sediment and erosion control measures shall not be placed in wetlands or surface waters or within 5 feet of the top of bank without prior approval from DWR. [15A NCAC 02H.0506(b)(3) and (c)(3)] 15. Erosion control matting in riparian areas shall not contain a plastic or nylon mesh grid which can impinge and entrap small animals. Matting should be secured in place by staples, stakes, or wherever possible live stakes of native trees. Riparian areas are defined as a distance 25 feet from top of stream bank. [15A NCAC 02B.0201] 16. If placement of sediment and erosion control devices in wetlands and waters is unavoidable, then design and placement of temporary erosion control measures shall not be conducted in a manner that may result in dis- equilibrium of wetlands, stream beds, or banks, adjacent to or upstream and downstream of the above structures. All sediment and erosion control devices shall be removed from wetlands and waters and the natural grade restored within two (2) months of the date that the Division of Energy, Mining and Land Resources (DEMLR) or locally delegated program has released the specific area within the project. [15A NCAC 02H.0506(b)(3) and (c)(3)] 17. The use of rip -rap above the Normal High Water Mark shall be minimized. Any rip -rap placed for stream stabilization shall be placed in stream channels in such a manner that it does not impede aquatic life passage. [15A NCAC 02H.0506(b)(2)] 18. Pursuant to 15A NCAC 2B.0259(6), sediment and erosion control devices shall not be placed in Zone 1 of any Tar -Pamlico Buffer without prior approval by the NCDWR. At this time, the NCDWR has approved no sediment and erosion control devices in Zone 1, outside of the approved project impacts, anywhere on this project. Moreover, sediment and erosion control devices shall be allowed in Zone 2 of the buffers provided that Zone 1 is not compromised and that discharge is released as diffuse flow. 19. All riparian buffers impacted by the placement of temporary fill or clearing activities shall be restored to the preconstruction contours and revegetated. Maintained buffers shall be permanently revegetated with non - woody species by the end of the growing season following completion of construction. For the purpose of this condition, maintained buffer areas are defined as areas within the transportation corridor that will be subject to regular NCDOT maintenance activities including mowing. The area with non -maintained buffers shall be permanently revegetated with native woody species before the next growing season following completion of construction. (I5ANCAC 213.0259) 20. All stormwater runoff shall be directed as sheetflow through stream buffers at non -erosive velocities, unless otherwise approved by this certification. (15A NCAC 2B.0259) 21. New roadside ditches that do not control for nitrogen and attenuate flow before discharging through the riparian buffer are prohibited [15A NCAC 2B.0259(6)] 22. NCDOT shall be in compliance with the NCS00250 issued to the NCDOT, including the applicable requirements of the NCGO1000. 23. Native riparian vegetation must be reestablished in the riparian areas within the construction limits of the project by the end of the growing season following completion of construction. [I 5A NCAC 02B.0506(b)(2)] 24. Discharging hydroseed mixtures and washing out hydroseeders and other equipment in or adjacent to surface waters is prohibited. [15A NCAC 02H.0506(b)(3)] 25. The permittee and its authorized agents shall conduct its activities in a manner consistent with State water quality standards (including any requirements resulting from compliance with §303(d) of the Clean Water Act) and any other appropriate requirements of State and Federal law. If the NCDWR determines that such standards or laws are not being met (including the failure to sustain a designated or achieved use) or that State or federal law is being DocuSign Envelope ID: E9FEE FBF-F62E-4CDF-A418-24CB46536DA5 violated, or that further conditions are necessary to assure compliance, the NCDWR may reevaluate and modify this certification. [ 15A NCAC 02B.0200] 26. The Permittee shall report any violations of this certification to the Division of Water Resources within 24 hours of discovery. [I 5A NCAC 02B.0506(b)(2)] 27. The NCDOT will conduct a pre -construction meeting with all appropriate staff to ensure that the project supervisor and essential staff understand the permit conditions and any potential issues at the permitted site. NCDWR staff shall be invited to the pre -construction meeting. [15A NCAC 02H.0506(b)(2) and (b)(3) 28. Upon completion of the project (including any impacts at associated borrow or waste sites), the NCDOT Division Engineer shall complete the "Certification of Completion Form" to notify the NCDWR when all work included in the 401 Certification has been completed. [15A NCAC 02H.0502(f)] 29. A copy of this Water Quality Certification shall be maintained on the construction site at all times. In addition, the Water Quality Certification and all subsequent modifications, if any, shall be maintained with the Division Engineer and the on -site project manager. [15A NCAC 02H .0507(c) and 15A NCAC 02H .0506 (b)(2) and (c)(2)] If you wish to contest any statement in the attached Certification you must file a petition for an administrative hearing. You may obtain the petition form from the office of Administrative hearings. You must file the petition with the office of Administrative Hearings within sixty (60) days of receipt of this notice. A petition is considered filed when it is received in the office of Administrative Hearings during normal office hours. The Office of Administrative Hearings accepts filings Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00am and 5:00pm, except for official state holidays. The original and one (1) copy of the petition must be filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings. The petition may be faxed -provided the original and one copy of the document is received by the Office of Administrative Hearings within five (5) business days following the faxed transmission. The mailing address for the Office of Administrative Hearings is: Office of Administrative Hearings 6714 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-6714 Telephone: (919) 431-3000, Facsimile: (919) 431-3100 A copy of the petition must also be served on DEQ as follows: Mr. Bill F. Lane, General Counsel Department of Environmental Quality 1601 Mail Service Center This letter completes the review of the Division of Water Resources under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you have any questions, please contact Garcy Ward at (252)946-648 1 or garcy.ward@ncdenr.gov. F W11.d by: 4410iYI.A 9C9886312DCD474... Linda Culpepper, Director Division of Water Resources Electronic copy only distribution: Tom Steffens, US Army Corps of Engineers, Washington Field Office Jay Johnson, NCDOT, Division 2 Beth Harmon, Division of Mitigation Services Garcy Ward, NC Division of Water Resources Washington Regional Office