HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--05018_Well Construction - GW1_20230807 11 tee' Y 44. . 1,1 ' ' e r ,-+' -,, .A uJ 4 f • a _ • i y^{` } y,-- .L 4.2 Ste$h •- S`l i Print Form _ .. . ' _ :%% ELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD(OW—D For tame'Uec Only. 1.Well Contractor fntormanom ' I ' Cameron Bazin 14.WATER 7.GN S i Weil CCI RCMN®c _[+B064 TO DESCRIPTION • _ 4518-A g y a M IL I 4i/ <L ft ' NC Well Contractor CertiEsat'wntiumha IS.OUTER CASINO(for reoldeased wells OR LINEN(d•"liroble Aqua Drill,inc. FROM I m 1 o>� 7mcxivrSS MATERIAL Ctanp10EG 2.WdIlOe 16.INNER.CASING ORTUBIN'tG(k� Gdaed-Soots) 2.Weil Consirae onPaudtf: O I q 7 1 FROM TO nuaterE4R TmC RERs MAT L List all applicable well dic npen ftr the.UIC,Comb:Daft Variance aa) C. ft. � 3.Well Use(ctlxkTreIlnse): R. fc rn I Water Supply Well: r7.SCREEN '� FROM 7D D7AllrnTfalt SLOTSIZH THrt7rhT+SS MATERaAL t-y. -cultural aMmnciprdlPublic It It I Geothermal(Beating/CootiogSupply) Residential Water Supply(single) ft ft. I Industrial/Commercial Residential Watt Supply(shared) is.mows imgatian FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENTMETEOR tS AMOUNT _ Nan-Water Supply Well: o M 71 tt t7 E Monitoring Recovery FL it b Injection well: R. rt. "::. DAquifaRechnrge atimnndwaterRnnediartitm 19.SAND/GRAVEL Pant tifsPPue bte) Aquifer Storage andRecavery LjSalinityBraier FtROM To MATERIAL 4 gAtpLA�TCaE[HOD Test aSt Drainage R. ft. Impiret.Experimental QSubsidencaControl ft. R' Geothermal(Cl Loop) �T4seer 2a.DRfI LR4c LOG t■tmeri addFaanal aheem u *Y) satin Other(explaiaunder#Z1 Remarks) FROM TD D�cnrmarr tmLr t,,,ang,,mwNel erpaarmn��) _ . t3eothetmal(H(Heating/Cooling J (7 m a lj(llrn b�^ e (i7S/2l wenIDO' R. r !t I\ .A_ $'P, 't,',r--‘• .. 4.Date Well(s)Completed: f �p `S Ov`` — '--r,.,,;b r il.,^'1. ft. n 52.Well Dilation: — .,. �. It (f-re g -'Z'GIIAI►ta�5iid sc I l(J7� �, Fat yIDS(ifapplieable) ft - S ft. lit 114t:ii , ) physical Address,Cay,and rip 4'^rt7 2L REMARKS Ccemty !V PeselldainhcaaattNo.(PIN) :'ft 5b.Latitrde and longitude in degreedrolante/seconds or decimal degrees: 22.Certification:(dwell f gild,we�S is suf;xices) 6Z4 4 2 ;t 3G ����� �o Z w Sigma=ofCetifiedWellContRdor Date i.Ware)the ereD(s} F'ermanmt or 1 1 mrpora►Y By signIeg this farm.I hereby cent&that the wrB(r)war(ware)coratntCef In accordance to existing well: ayes or o with 1SA NCAC ICC.0100 or 1SA NCAC cue.0200 Weil Constractio t Standards and that a 7.is this a repairarmattwr oplaln thetwaa a ojthe copy ofthts rerDrd has beat provided to the well .. Ijtlrit Lra rrpah:lt!!audtrrovm treA ootttoeu8ma mj ,cads undo Oil rnsmisse:don or on do boot of Mai 23.Site diagram or additional well detail; , Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well E.For Oeop cob'be/DPT or Closed-Loop de nets consnoedon details.You may also attach additional pages ifntxasasy. caashnetiaa,only1 G is needed.Indicate TOTAL NUMBER ofwells drtl1ed: SOBM1'1TAL INSTRUCTIONS Z.g (ft.) far ) 24a.For Ali Wells: Submit this m within 30 days of completion of well 9 Total well depth behave lead aTDitte� Far ardapie netts llstaildepda(ferffaatsic zner-3@200.1320226a007 construction to the following: ill Stale water level `j`' (ft) Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, limner level� casing,we+« 1617 Mal Service Cceter,Raleigh,NC 27695-1617 abase 6 11.Borehole : } 24b.For submit Wells: In thiattrition to sending the foam to the address is 24a I above,also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well 4 12.Well eoratratdion method: construction to the following i.e.anger mtary,cable,daatPobt a..) Division of Water Bourses,Untie ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center Raleigh,)Nt7 6991636 Program, FOR'WATER8UP1"LY WELLS �J 1(/ MethOd of tit: ►ll � �For Water Sanely&Joiection Wells: In addition to sending the form to 13a.Yield(Epm) the wldims(er)above,also submit tine copy of this fmm within 30 days of ---^ Atnoatt lfe'7� axlmpledon of well constraetioo m the county healdr dapattrnert of We rwmty 13b.Ohinfeci typE: whew constructed. Not h care=Department of Environmental Quality-Divishm of Water Resancec Fob GW-1 Revised 2-22-2016