HomeMy WebLinkAboutB-3186_B-5898 - Haywood County - Permit Drawings Riffle Structures (8.11.2023)(Version 3.00; Released August 2021) 38332.1, 48030.1 TIP/Proj No:B-3186 / B-5898 County(ies):Haywood Page 1 of 3 TIP Number: Date: Phone: Phone: Email: Email: County(ies): CAMA County? No Design/Future: Year:2043 Existing:Year: NCDOT STIP bridge replacement projects B-3186 and B-5898 include a total 1.3 miles of roadway and the replacement of Bridge No. 430155 and No. 430158 on US 23/74 over Richland Creek (B-3186) and Bridge No. 430168 on US 23/74 over US 19/23 (B-5898). The project proposes to upgrade the US 23/US 74 (Great Smoky Mountains Expressway). The majority of the project is located within the Lake Junaluska municipal boundaries in Haywood County, NC. The project area consists of varied land uses, including residential, recreational, and commercial. One major hydraulic structure on the project is the replacment of the US23/74 bridge over Richland Creek. Richland Creek is a Detailed Study FEMA regulated channel, effective April 2012. Bridge spans and bent locations are designed to limit disturbance to Richland Creek and placed in an effort to hydraulically model a No-Rise scenario. Bridge runoff will not directly discharge into Richland Creek. Guardrail with 2:1 and 1.5:1 side slopes, with rock plating for slopes steeper than 2:1, were incorprated through the project to minimize impacts to existing streams and structures. The temporary detour alignment does impact the existing UT to Richland Creek. The final design incorporates stream stabilization design in order to restore the stream channel after construction is complete. Rip rap pads have been placed at all pipe outlets to minimize erosion and promote diffuse flow. Deck drains are not needed to meet spread criteria for the permanent condition. Deck drains are needed on the temporary detour bridge to meet spread criteria. Deck drains have been placed on the detour bridge to avoid direct discharge to Richland Creek. Rip rap energy dissipators are to be placed below the deck drains to prevent erosion. No wetlands are present within project limits. General Project Narrative: (Description of Minimization of Water Quality Impacts) 2-12' lanes in each directions with variable shoulder widths, mostly from 2' to 4' width. 60,800 Residential, recreational, commercial North Carolina Department of Transportation Highway Stormwater Program STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR NCDOT PROJECTS Project Type: 275 Webster Rd.Address: General Project Information B-3186 / B-589838332.1, 48030.1 Address: 8/11/2023 828-586-2141 Raleigh, NC 27607 Contractor / Designer: 919-854-6200 5438 Wade Park Boulevard, Suite 200 meme.buscemi@aecom.com HaywoodLake Junaluska Project Built-Upon Area (ac.) 48,200 2-12' lanes in each direction with 4' paved inside shoulders, minimum 10' paved outside shoulders, and grassed median. 2022 gbhigdon@ncdot.gov Annual Avg Daily Traffic (veh/hr/day): Existing Site Project Length (lin. miles or feet): ac.ac. City/Town: 7.0 Typical Cross Section Description: Surrounding Land Use: No Wetlands within Project Limits? 6.7 1.30 Project Description Proposed Project French BroadRiver Basin(s): Garrett Higdon Sylva, NC 28779 WBS Element: Bridge ReplacementWBS Element: AECOM / Meme BuscemiNCDOT Contact: (Version 3.00; Released August 2021) 38332.1, 48030.1 TIP/Proj No.:B-3186 / B-5898 County(ies):Haywood Page 2 of 3 Aquatic T&E Species?Yes Comments: Yes N/A No Other Stream Classification: None Primary Classification: Class B (If yes, describe in the General Project Narrative; if no, justify in the General Project Narrative)(If yes, provide justification in the General Project Narrative) Richland Creek Buffer Rules in Effect: Project Includes Bridge Spanning Water Body? Deck Drains Discharge Over Buffer? Dissipator Pads Provided in Buffer? Impairments:fecal coliform North Carolina Department of Transportation Highway Stormwater Program STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR NCDOT PROJECTS WBS Element: Deck Drains Discharge Over Water Body?(If yes, provide justification in the General Project Narrative) NRTR Stream ID:N/A Appalachian Elktoe: NCDOT Biological Surveys Group will be responsible for habitat assesment and surveys if needed. Surface Water Body (1): Richland Creek NCDWR Stream Index No.:5-16-(11.5) General Project Information Supplemental Classification: None Waterbody Information NCDWR Surface Water Classification for Water Body (Version 3.00; Released August 2021) 38332.1, 48030.1 TIP/Proj No.:B-3186 / B-5898 County(ies):Haywood Page 3 of 3 Sheet No.Line Station Location (LT,RT,CL)Latitude Longitude Surface Water Body Base Width (ft) Front Slope (H:1) Back Slope (H:1) Drainage Area (ac) Recommended Treatm't Length (ft) Actual Length (ft) Longitudinal Slope (%) Q2 (cfs) V2 (fps) Q10 (cfs) V10 (fps) Rock Checks Used BMP Associated w/ Buffer Rules? 6 L_LT 28+77 CL 35.51701 -82.96919 Richland Creek 0.0 4.0 4.0 0.1 5 77 0.70%0.1 0.7 0.1 0.7 No No Swale WBS Element: North Carolina Department of Transportation Highway Stormwater Program STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR NCDOT PROJECTS Additional Comments DECEMBER 19, 2023 N/A MOHAMMED FALLAHA ,P.E. GREGORY COLS, P.E. HAYWOOD COUNTY GRADING, DRAINAGE, PAVING, AND STRUCTURES 25 50 10050 D T V = = = = = = 48,800 60,800 8 55 5 65 % % MPH ** ADT ADT 2023 2043 % * 3%DUAL 2%* TTST = FUNC CLASS = FREEWAY TIERSTATEWIDE DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED K 0 PROFILE (HORIZONTAL) PROJECT LENGTH RIGHT OF WAY DATE: LETTING DATE: STATE STATE PROJECT REFERENCE NO. STATE PROJ. NO.F. A. PROJ. NO.DESCRIPTION NO. TOTAL SHEETS N.C. SHEET 1 DESIGN DATA Prepared in the Office of: SIGNATURE: P.E. 2018 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS PROJECT ENGINEER PROJECT DESIGN ENGINEER GRAPHIC SCALESC204684 PLANS PROFILE (VERTICAL) HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER LOCATION: TYPE OF WORK:09/08/99B-3186/ B-5898 DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA (919) 854-6200 - (919) 854-6259(FAX) Raleigh, NC 27607 5438 Wade Park Blvd.,Suite 200 NC FIRM LICENSE No:F-0342 CONTRACT:TIP PROJECT:B-3186 / B-5898See Sheet 1A For Index of Sheets SIGNATURE: P.E. 25 50 100500 5 10 20100 VICINITY MAP (NTS) TOTAL LENGTH TIP PROJECT B-3186= 0.401 MI LENGTH STRUCTURE TIP PROJECT B-3186= 0.045 MI LENGTH ROADWAY TIP PROJECT B-3186= 0.352 MI TOTAL LENGTH TIP PROJECT B-5898= 0.240 MI LENGTH STRUCTURE TIP PROJECT B-5898= 0.025 MI LENGTH ROADWAY TIP PROJECT B-5898= 0.215 MI B-5898 END TIP B-3186 BEGIN TIP (LENGTHS BASED ON L-LT ALIGNMENT) BEGIN TIP B-5898 END TIP B-3186 GARRETT HIGDON NCDOT DIV.14 CONTACT4-L_RT- BEGIN TIP PROJECT B-3186 -L_LT-STA 6+89.01 5 -L_RT- STA 6+86.51 BEGIN CONSTRUCTION B-3186 END BRIDGE -L_RT- STA.25+46 .01 END BRIDGE -L_LT- STA.25+89.25 BEGIN BRIDGE -L_RT- STA.23+38.51 6 7 -Y 1_RT--L_RT- -L_LT- END TIP PROJECT B-5898 -L_LT- STA 40+74.50 %23%74-L_LT-TO W A Y N ESV ILLE%23%74 TO I-40/ ASHEVILLE %19 %BUS 23%19TO US-276-L_LT- STA 28+05.94 BEGIN TIP PROJECT B-5898 END TIP PROJECT B-3186 BEGIN BRIDGE -L_LT-STA 23+50.75 BEGIN DETOUR -DET01_EB- END BRIDGE -L_LT- STA.32+89.00 WETLAND AND SURFACE WATER IMPACTS PERMIT AUGUST 2023 SITE 1 SITE 2 SITE 3 INSIDE SHOULDER MEETS 55 MPH ** HORIZONTAL SSD EXCEPTION ON FLYOVER BRIDGE. ACCESS BEING LIMITED TO INTERCHANGES THIS IS A CONTROLLED-ACCESS PROJECT WITH END DETOUR END CONSTRUCTION -L_RT-STA 44+61.60 BEGIN BRIDGE -L_LT- STA.31+56.00 BEGIN CONSTRUCTION -Y1_RT- STA.13+81.45 LOCATION: B-3186, REPLACE BRIDGES 430155 AND 430158 OVER RICHLAND CREEK ON US 23/74 B-5898, REPLACE BRIDGE 430168 OVER US 19/23 ON US 23/74 LOCATION: P.E. P.E. BRNHP-0023(32) BRSTP-0019(49) 38332.1.FS1 (B-3186) 48030.1.FS1 (B-5898) C R E E K RI C H L A N D SOUTHERN RAILROADBLUE RIDGEWAYNESVILLE Industrial D r.Pepper Dr. PurcellDr.Hickory Hill Rd.TillmanRd.Crum Dr. Holston Village Rd .Woods Edge Rd .Southern Dr. %BYP 23 %BUS 23 S Lakeshore Dr Hickory Hill Rd S Lakeshore Dr 02 03 04 05 06 06 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 01 02 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 03 06 05 04 03 02 01 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 01 02 06 05 04 03 02 EX EX 06 05 04 03 EX EX 02 02 EX EX EX 050403 EX 00 04 01 01 EX 03 EX 05 EX 06 06EX 05EX 02EX EX 01 03 02 EX 04 8:102 NAD 83/ 2011 Q N " U) N " LO Natural Ground Min. D• 1 Ft. B• 2 Ft. b• 8 Ft. DETAIL A BERM BASE DITCH FROM STA. 6+45 TO STA. 6+90 LT -L LT­FROM STA. 6+90 TO STA. 7+24 LT -L:LT- -s- DETAIL E FALSE SUMP ( Not to Scale) s = Ditch Slope (i; FROM STA. 18 +45 TO STA. 18 + 64 LT -L LT­FROM STA. 22 +55 TO STA. 22 + 73 LT -rJT- DETAIL I TYPICAL ROADWAY DITCH W/RIPRAP LINING ( Not lo Scale) Natural Ground Fill Slope Min. D= 1 Ft. Type of Liner• Class B Rip-Rap, Keyed-In d • 1 Ft. FROM STA. 17 +01 TO STA. 18+40 LT -L LT­FROM STA. 18+78 TO STA. 22+50 LT -C"_LT- DETAIL N SPECIAL 'V' DITCH ( Not to Scale) Fill Slape FROM STA. 28+ 75 TO STA. 29+50 M -L_RT- Natural Ground DETAIL B BERM BASE DITCH w Min.□• l Ft. B• 2 Ft. b• 5 Ft. FROM STA. 8+80 TO STA. 9+25 LT -L LT­FROM STA. 9+25 TO STA. 9+ 78 LT -L:LT- Natural Ground DETAIL F CONCRETE DITCH BEHIND RETAINING WALL ::\ GROUND 4" FROM STA. 9+60 TO STA. 10+25 LT -L LT­FROM STA. 10+25 TO STA. 11+60 LT -CLT­FROM STA. 12 +05 TO STA. 12 +47 LT -CLT­FROM STA.12+47 TO STA. 16+49 LT -CLT­FROM STA.11+90 TO STA.12+63 RT -L""RT­FROM STA. 12+63 TO STA. 13+60 RT -CRT­FROM STA. 13+60 TO STA. 14+08 RT -CRT­FROM STA. 14+08 TO STA. 16+ 77 RT -CRT­FROM STA. 22+09 TO STA. 23+83 LT -YT RT­FROM STA. 20+54 TO STA. 20+68 LT -Yl:RT- w in. D= 1 Ft. B= 2 Ft. b= Ft. Fill Slope Natural Ground .... s- s = Ditch Slope DETAIL D SPECIAL LATERAL 'V' DITCH { Not to Scoh,) Fill Slope Ditch Grade L 0.0% To 2.0% 20' Over 4.0% To 6.0% FROM STA. 11+90 TO STA. 16+84 RT -L_RT- ver 2.0% To 4.0% 30' Over 6.0% FROM STA. 8+33 TO STA. 8+51 M -L LT­FROM STA. 11+ 74 TO STA. 11+92 M -[ LT­FROM STA.17+02 TO STA.17+19 M -CLT­FROM STA.29+47 TO STA.29+65 M -C"LT­FROM STA.37+38 TO STA.37+56 M -L:LT- DETAIL G STREAM STABILIZATION ( Not to Scale) Embedded Energy Dissipator Riffles at Interval on PSH Key Rip Rap l' Into Channel Bottom Type of Liner• Class 'I' Rip-Rap Natural / .,,- -G'round - / Min. D• 3 Ft. Max. d• 5 Ft. B• 3 Ft. b= 3 Ft. Min. *When B is < 6.0' FROM STA. 24+87 TO STA. 30+50 -L- RT EST. 440 TONS CLASS I RIPRAP; 1,375 SY COIR FIBER MATTING DETAIL K Shoulder Point DETAIL H STREAM STABILIZATION ( Not to Scale) Embedded Energy Dissipotor Riffles at Interval on PSH Key Rip Rap 1' Into Channel Bottom Type of Liner• Class 'I' Rip-Rap / Natural .,,-Gi=ound -/ Min. D• 3 Ft. B• 3 A. b= 3 Ft. Min. "When B is < 6.0' FROM STA. 30+50 TO STA. 31+50 -L-RT EST. 330 TONS CLASS I RIPRAP; 195 SY COIR FIBER MATTING SEE ROCK PLATING DETAIL ON SHEET 2G-1 DETAIL L DETAIL M SPECIAL LATERAL 'V' DITCH ( Not to Scale} SPECIAL LATERAL 'V' DITCH W/RIPRAP LINING ( Not to Scale) SPECIAL LATERAL 'V' DITCH ( Not to Scale} Natural Ground Fill Slope Natural Ground Fill Slope Min. D= 1 Ft. Natural Ground Fill Slope FROM STA. 26+35 TO STA. 28+50 LT -L_LT-FROM STA. 16+83 TO STA. 19+45 LT -Yl RT­FROM STA. 19+80 TO STA. 20+64 LT -Yl:RT- Type of Liner• Class B Rip-Rap, Keyed-In d • 1 Ft. FROM STA. 16+84 TO STA. 17+09 RT -L_RT- DETAIL 0 SPECIAL 'V' DITCH { Not to Scale) Min. D= 1 A. Fill Slope FROM STA.29+65 TO STA.31+98 M -L_RT- Shoulder Point DETAIL P STREAM STABILIZATION ( Not to Scale) Natural Ground- Ft. Embedded Energy Dissipator Riffles at Interval on PSH Key Rip Rap 1' Into Channel Bottom b• 3 Ft. Min. Type of Liner= Class 'I' Rip-Rap *When B is < 6.0' FROM STA. 31+50 TO STA. 34+77 -L-RT EST. 1,558 TONS CLASS I RIPRAP; 360 SY COIR FIBER MATTING SEE ROCK PLATING DETAIL ON SHEET 2G-1 FROM STA. 19+45 TO STA. 19+80 LT -Yl_RT- PERMIT DRAWING SHEET 2 OF 17 8-3186 /8-588820-1 15 16