HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--04954_Well Construction - GW1_20230807 WELL.CONSTRUCTION RECORD (,...,LeFor Il;ternal Uso ONLY: This-form cam be used for single or muliiple wells I.Well.Contractor Information: \\J` 't.t..WATIiRzONFS Brian Ewing FfUW1. TO DESCRt14111N ' Well Cor aractor Marne ft: ft, ' i • 4240-B ft. ft. NC Well Contractor Ccnifte,tiorvNunilct 'IS:OUTER CASING(for`inrihI;eisicdlicpsiORLiNER111'siittica6kl FROM' Tel nr.vatETER THICKNESS sIAiERIAt. SAEDACCO ft. fL' ]a CeurpourNanw•. IN.INNER CASING OR 77.IBING'4�cntber ma ckucd-IdiLe)"..,- . .. -•.- • FROM . TO OFAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 2.WdI Consttwction Permit#: 0• ft. 3 ft. 2 .n. SCH-40 PVC iisrafl applied*well pemTOe(Li..County.SJrr!e.r•nriarse,(rydb'C;a,,...J 6. • 3,Well Use(Check well tisej: • • ;t7.st;RelN Water Supply%Velh IrRltst ' TO ntAMFTKR Sr.OTS1731 . T1lICKNIIS I MATnnrAI. tJtlgrictlltura@ o titiiciplUl'twic 3 ft. 13 ft. 2 in, .010 sCH-40 PVC DGeotlrcrral(HLeatingICooling Supply} CiResideiltial-Water Supply(single) fi. R: in, 1 • • ©IudustriaUConlntcrcial °Residential Watee.Suppii•(shared) "I,' OUT :: • , :- - U M To- MATEItLVL I EMPIACThIC\TM6itIOD&AMOUNT ❑Irrigation' 0 ft. 2 ft. PORTLAND , POURED Noll-Water Supply Well: ft.- (I . • RIafonitoring DReciwcry . Injection Well: rt. •ft. DiigisiferRecharga °GroundRaterRC1ncdiati00 `191SAND;f:IfAYEL.PACKfir omit icat)to • • --" - -PROS! TO - NI ATI:Rr41. -F.SIPIACEVENt•11.1 VINO II °A heifer Storage and Recov?try' . °S linty Balmier 2,5 ft. 13 fl. FILTER SAND #.2 . . ❑Aquifer Test - ❑Storniwatcr Drtinago ft. ft, ❑LW«ritucn(nl'fcclmology' fSuhsidcncc,Cotdrul . :,2n;DRILLING4:OG`fottaed'additiontll sheets`if it-ee.:Scar-f OGeotlrennnl(Closed Limp) °Trager - FROM 1 To DRicurrrmxfwbr.bntdnc.a. master. ..in sv,:.c[c.l ❑Geoclietnlal(lilearine/Coolinc Return) ❑Oilier(explain under#21 Remarks) 0 - ft. 5 ft. FILL', GRAVEL ROCK SILT SAND 5 it. 13 it. MOIST TO WET SILT/ CLAY 4.Date Well(s)Completed: 6-28-23 Well iDNMW-1RA ft. ft. ' • 5a.Well L i Itilin: .ft. ft. • Shell Gas Station ' ft.- ft. . . Facially;ClnncrNatoc Facilill 1Dk{if3pplrablc). R rt - 202 NC-9, .Black Mountain; NC, 28711 ft, fl,. ;,r r r a C ,' • Phi sr al rlddrest.City..and 111 nd Zip 21:REMARKS . -' Buncombe 1 BENTONTIE SEAL 2-2.5' • AUG 0 7_ 2023 County Parcel Irkaditvc iiun Na.(PIN) I it• ADre.. /r:@ ' Ste.i.;ttitudc and 1.ongituile in degrees/minutcsisccottds or decimal degrees: .22.CCreifcation: D ICEloc; (it a ell f4W,Urs:lot 1oug ix srdlici<la) IVW Brian E i erg ... 7/1 2/2023_v- .Sigmtum afCertifiedWell Caitractar Dale 6.is(are)the Well(s): KiPennauent ,or ❑Temhoraty By sfgnhrg this faine,-i irereb)•...edify that the weflfs'J was(v,,en)a' ihreted it,oxen-lance with 15A NCAC 02C,O100 or 1 SA NCAC 02C.0200 Welt Cwutrrirriou Sraodaois anti r1u r a 7.Is this a repair_toallculstln,well: °Ve or pNo ropy of this ieeort1leisbcnproririrdMJhe Well owl er. . If Jlrls R.a reu air.fill(RJr krona writ cvnoJnt;laa isf'reoarhsi earl.i tpfahi the armor,'of rile rival,ruttier p i rcmarts•srrtfon or iv,the hank arthir fora:. ' - . '23.Site diagrantor additional well details: You may.use the back of this page to provide'additional well site details or Well S.Number of wells constructed: 1 • - - •cotistiuction details, You may also attack additional pages if necessan. Fur,nrlrl c.ird trlon uraon-nvr;rr sipplr wvcfls 19,14.I'with the sarrrrarlrsiruiriorl,you con �T sahoritnne farm. SLII3b1ITTAL iNST1ICfIONS - 9.Total Well depth below laud stirfacei 13. ((1.) 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days'of completion of well For in+rltlpfciri'its list lift deprhsrfdlfliYenr(c.rompre-se213O'ruat2@tarr6 construction to the following: • 10.Static water level below top of easiuyi • ((11.) Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, if wale,level it above casing,rue"+" - 1617 IFLial cin ice Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 I1.rtnrcllote diameter 8.25" (in,) 241.For dejection Nally ONLY: hi addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above.also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well • 12.Well construction method:BORED - coistnictimr to the following'. - . (i.e.anger,rotary,cable=direct push.etc.; - Division of Water Reseurces,!UutIerrroat,d Injection Control Ptrograut, . FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY:. . 1636 Mail Service Center.Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 I3:I Yield(gpm) 24e For Water Suphlv..Kc Injection.Were: Method arrest: • Also subniit one copy of this form Within 30 days ofconipletionof 13b.Disinfection,type: Amount: well constnlction to the county health department of the county where constricted. Form OW-1, NonlrCarolina Department of Eut•ilutunenl and Natural Resources-Divi;Ion of Water Regret Revised August 1013