HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC232349_FRO Submitted_20230822 https://chathamcountync.viewpointcloud.com/categories/1082 Land-Disturbing .1 1 v ��n� t ` ,� •, " Permit Application Please include all required signatures. For Office Vie, Physical Address Mailing Address 80 East St. PO Box 548 Pittsboro, NC 27312 Pittsboro, NC 27312 Phone: (919) 545-8344 Please see PERMITTING FLOW CHART to determine which permit, plan,and fee requirements rpp v to your project and then check one of the boxes below: Land-Disturbing Permit. The following items are required to obtain this permit: completed application, plans, deed, and fees. All clearing and disturbance must be included when calculating disturbed area. Fee Requirements: See attached PERMITTING FLOW CHART For fees that are rounded up to the next whole acre. Example: 1 acre or less is $500, 1.01-2 acres is $1,000, and 2.01-3 is $1,500. Plan Requirements: Design Plan: submit(I) copy of an erosion control plan completed &sealed by a professional land surveyor, professional engineer, or registered landscape architect. This plan must meet the criteria of the Chatham County Erosion Control Plan Review Checklist and include all applicable construction details. These can be found on the Chatham County Watershed Protection website,on the Erosion Control wcbLa&e. This plan must satisfy all local, state,and federal minimum plan requirements. General Plan: submit (1) copy of site plan showing proposed disturbance limits along with the Chatham County Residential General Plan. Site plan is not required to be completed by a design professional. The Residential General Plan can be found on the Chatham County Watershed Protection website, Residential Land-Disturbing Permit webpage. Complete table on sheet 1 of Residential General Plan. ® Residential Lot Permit, The following items are required to obtain this permit: completed application, site plan, and fee. Page 3 "Financial Responsibility/Ownership Form" not required. Fee Requirements: Plan Kc iuircments: $100 Flat fee Site Plan showing property boundaries and proposed disturbance limits. The l�luri required by the Environmental Health Department can be used as a base. ALA.CHECKS MADE PAYABLE TO CHA'I'HAM COUNTY Page 1 of 3 Land-Disturbing C '1 I f\ t I I.% \.1 Cs( 1 IN I'1 " ' " " I Permit Application **The mailing and street address of the principal place of business for the person/entity financially responsible and the land owner(s) must be provided.A P.O. box is NOT acceptable as an address. **If the financially responsible person/party is different from the current land owner,an agreement signed by both parties must be provided allowing the financially responsible party to conduct the land-disturbing activity on the property. PROJECT NAME: n!enrrood.lia[Ites ChaneL9idge tat 180F _ DATE: ADDRESS OF PROJECT: If t LATITUDE/LONGITUDE OF PROPERTY AT SITE ENTRANCE: J$ 70 X1 ?? xszhg PARCEL#(S): t'? /o TOTAL DISTURBED ACRES or SQUARE FEET: .4 PURPOSE OF ACTIVITY: Build New Residential Home FEE AMOUNT SUBMITTED: $100 RIVER BASIN:CAPE FEAR **I,ANDO1h/Ni:1t(S) OF RECORD (attach page to list additional owners) Please provide a complete list of partners, managing members and registered agents if the responsible entity or land owner is a group of individuals, corporate organization or entity, Name` _Woods Holdings LLC Phone: 2.1g$22.za94 Addres'oottiwany,rgaseorl3atatgtLNC„22Lit,1 E-Mail: ewoods@drbgrpup.com Signature: **FINANCIALLY RESPONSIIRI.I_: PA It FY (applicable only IIdit'Icrcnt front property owner) Name: Phone: Address: E-Mail: — — — -- ---- Signature: NORTII CAROLINA AGENT (applicable onl if owner or financially responsible party does not reside in North Carolina) Name: Phone: •----_.. Address: . .-- E-Mail: . -- — Signature: — ENGINEER/SURVEYOR EROSION CONTROL Company Name: sid.QntiaL.Ltlnsi_Spi_v es?LL -- ___.. ., Person to contact should erosion & sediment Address: „i_91.7_,Evans-fld ..GatY..LV_27,.513 control issues arise during land-disturbing activity: Contact Person: ..-Chad Kctapd___- --Contact Person: __ peal,Ah-Oo Company Name: Glenwood Homes _ Phone: - .9196596Z6l Phone: 9146.05:8502.__-____ E-Mali. _._sleari�s!snGGvru E: MailehadL'91t:nwavdhvtoes_cQuL.___- _....__ Page 2 of 3 vTICIPATED START DATE: 7/1/23 ANTICPATED END DATE: 0/31/24 Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control ('I I/\111A C O1iNei 1 " """ ' ` Financial Responsibility/Ownership Form NOT REQUIRED %O Bl s CONIPI,l '17s7) FOR RI;;$//3t N71,4.I:, 1,07'PL7RM1'/S, PLEASE RE \I)TI-IL l OL.I.OWINc INFORMATION 1)This section mail be signed in the presence of it Notary 2)All I,rtnd-I)islurbing permits are valid Alf Up to (2) years ll'att the dine 01''smmtneu. II r;lietinkyInnees tti„riutt, llae petttltl liiill her extcaxied for (2)years per the conditions of the Chatham County Nod Etosion and 'lethuire nttaitin Control tlltlin;ou;e l 1pt+u t%rivan notice. the band-Disturbing permit may he rcvoheJ fur failure to comply wish the I)arlinintee. It IIr petuat is tel„toed, all (ober Its rant: and approvals ;ate withheld mild the p rnpurty is once again in compliance with Chatham County rcltuhrlruns Akio, upon turitten notice, a city)penally(line)can he ittstigrnerl attains) the property ooncr and/or atlditroactl linum...611y responsible pally(il`,rrt t lilt t'to tilit,its uf'the Unitltam C-'nunlr Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control t lydimince.This penalty is tip ill S ittl4tt.tllt per t iolttt i It per day and is assessed daily for every day the properly is in t•icilntit+n. Interfering wittt ur hampering rm inspection eitti tes:rlt in;r viva per ity tt•ithout ttritten notice. 3)The iii brltinliun prmicietl rna Ihis form is Iroe and correct to the best(I'ow kIuur ledge and belie!'and t as pros kied by me \thine under oath, 4) 'Tins li,rua most be signed by Mu properly ot,ner Ivan intlit meal If owned by a enimpuny oret+Ilruralion,ibis loan inert be signed Ilk' an officer. tlireelor, partner, attorney-itt•th e,, or other petsun with authority to cxccit e. insirulttoi for the corporation and treeianptritted by a complete list Oran partnet's. managing inernbrts,Intl registered agents of the company or corporation. OWNER OF PROPERTY: Nantc and Title: Edwin Woods Manacling Member Company (if applicnWo ' Woods Holdings LLC Signature; ADDITIONAL FINANCIALLY RESPONSIBLE PARTY (if any): Name and Title: Company: Signature: NORTH CAROLINA AGENT(itatiy): Name and Title; Company: . Signature: ---- .**��e**y,k**************4****•�' **********************4*******tb******** L.e ill se Yet ereor- n Notary Public of_ l,l�(�t, � :___County in the slate of 00r4+) Ca.rO l•act.) clo hereby certify Mat i - +yibo C�• appeared before Inc this day and under oath acknowledged reading the information above and acknowledged that the above form was executed by him or her Witness my hand and official seal, this the 1 day of HA•l. . 211AX 060,r!rtt.r'r'��,. Notary Public avi �, •; my Coln Illissioll cx1)iic5_-_-3 /a �..Q e _ ._ �'tfO ' ' PUBLIC Page 3 of 3 ,'� . COUN1't•.`'.4+ .''ttrr,ri,tt.