HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC232511_Site Plan or Location Map_20230822 USGS U.S.DEPARTU.S.GEOLOGICALMENT OF THE INTERIORSURVEY The National May MAIDEN QUADRANGLE US Topo NORTH A 7.5-MINUTE OLIN SERIES science fora clmaging world -81.2500' -81.1250' 35.6250° 078180nE 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 35.6250° tFNu95 4l 0" i '- ft i.., rt -1.La.":: : / 42 3542aamN i 'ma y—- % yry0� .- , + "4,` ,fit, g m 0 g �S op e Pe g aa, �6 / 7<i` c'�' 41 1 . 1&._ ca 0 m t I. 41 Q e 6UNFIELD80`a g 1, ce I `�N I eR6Y t I TfN., 9 4 ED ft 40 40 MEOW 0 �e 6166 0 39 ,�po 9 `�' �,., 39 pr F3 1 e " 6 % m e Cgram.. Bus 4 Pa£ 38 - 21 &Ylm�ikmJ DYaEYf74�Gt g 38 fl g 1,a Ir3Y lr.�n1 �y 8 4e`"Hs, r d �ra>Qa=��® �� ©#� 9len� mi' CaD9'� ® 37 37 v m A, 6, _ a4 r ©� Qa� fYp R# Q � 6((yL'5� . • Q,t2�, qp_ Q BS9 r yp d °gym o % �� n r°- ® • • g 9 gQ e 36 q ©p o tj 8 E3 % ate;" 36 tY z 'J 8 � 8 Ggl�fl % aosia�am _ 3o au © 0 B 35 ® e .- si 35 N0 araawft tom` n GM) Cif'm �c� °� c9' Imo" m � mz% 34 40 110,11W '� s 34 �0 '..pt ip. ,rnin p m... L 33 a TaA eft-A= 5 � � 33 N � , CI °od s DDD�yp� ,co fl 32 `e. kf 32 rg Q- MI 6 A 8L)388 �- ea ® ta�PP`£© cA 8 Via® M. P 6 1 1,1 31 r.4 Izzls¢tm 0S / -, 4 31 <�f® L'�'tm l�`'�'4 Et�t C�at7�3 m m / 843 ®web a �m 6 Na, g crfaixoana 0 e ca r° ,,A��ggq Me 29 A �m 8 6 c�a* b� yq� Je29°°""N C py I 71JMEMEE t•.{ ee11g ¢ C4^/ �m a � .LO' 33 35.5000° 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 4880°omE 35.5000' .81.2500° 81.1250° Produced by the United States Geological Survey , SCALE 1:24 000 ROAD CLASSIFICATION __ Nor 83180815- Expressway Local Connector World Geodetic System of 1984(WGSFAh Protection and 1 0.5 0 KILOMETERS 1 2 �Gpp p /\ er gnd:Universal Transverse Mercator,Zone 178 ' ' ' Secondary Hwy Local Road TM1 Ds map is not a legal document.Boundaries may be 1000 50D 0.5 0 METERS 1000 2000 Ramp 4WD generalized for Nis map scale.Private lands wiNin government 11 reservations not be shown.Obtain permission before 2 MILS III Interstate Route 0 US Route 0 State Route may not .0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 w^osAsmc tocznon en Bring private Imagery NAIP, July 2020 July 2020 Roads U.S. Census Bureau, 2016 Names GNI5,1980-2022 DECLINATION ATCENTEROFSIEET 2Ne,.4ry Nydrography National HydrograE M1y Data et,2002•2018 1 2 3 Newton National levations Datas 2008 CONTOUR INTERVAL 20 FEET ;Catawba =gi Boundaries Multiple sources, see metzdata file 2019et• 2021 im000" q Io NORTH AMERIUN VERTICAL DATUM OF 198E 4 Ree sWlle 4 5 p Wetlands fW8 National Wetlands Inventory Not Available This map was produced used to conform with the S Denver K My National Geospetlal Program US Tapp Product Standard. 6 Lircolnton West i Q 6 7 8 7LincolntonEast MAIDEN, NC _n,0 a LDweWale -� w I a n� ADJOIN!.OIMDRAN4I£s 2022