HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230686 Ver 1_More Info Received_20230811CLearWaLer An FnviroScience Company ClearWater Environmental Consultants, Inc. www.ewenv.com August 11, 2023 Ms. Amanda Jones US Army Corps of Engineers Asheville Regulatory Field Office 151 Patton Avenue, Room 208 Asheville, North Carolina 28801 RE: Asheville Airport Parking Expansion Project Individual Permit Application Corps Comment/Responses Buncombe County, North Carolina Corps Action ID: SAW-2023-00994 Dear Ms. Jones, Regarding the Greater Asheville Regional Airport Authority's Individual Permit application for the Asheville Airport Parking Extension Project, ClearWater, an EnviroScience Company (ClearWater) provides the following responses to the Corps' comments received via email on July 10, 2023, which summarizes comments received from the public comment period. Comments received from NC DWR were addressed in a separate letter dated July 20, 2023 to Ms. Stephanie Goss (DWR# 20230686). Corps #1. Please provide a summary of parking facilities to date that the Airport utilizes (both on and off Airport Property) to include when those facilities were constructed, # of spaces provided, what/if any impacts to waters of the US were incurred and anticipated plans for changes to these areas. Response: The following parking lots near the terminal are used by travelers and employees. These provide 2,089 spaces for visitors and employees; they were constructed over a period of more than 28 years with no known impacts to jurisdictional waterways. • Primary short-term and long-term lot east of the terminal building. o Constructed at the time of airport construction. o Spaces = 613 o Impacts to jurisdictional waterways are unknown. o No anticipated plans/changes • New garage east of the terminal building o Constructed in 2017 o Spaces = 1,076 o No impacts to jurisdictional waterways o No anticipated plans/changes • Lot at Site 2 (see Figure 1) o Constructed in October 2022 o Spaces = 268 o No impacts to jurisdictional waterways o No anticipated plans/changes Lot at Site 5 (see Figure 1) o Constructed prior to 1994 o Spaces = 687 o Impacts to jurisdictional waterways are unknown. Asheville Airport IP Corps Comment/Responses SAW-2023-00994 o Anticipated plans/change: a parking deck is being planned for this site, but there first needs to be parking available in other locations to offset the temporary loss of spaces. Two parking lots at intersection of Rental Car Drive and Terminal Drive o Constructed between 1998 and 2002 o Spaces = 165 o No impacts to jurisdictional waterways o These are employee parking lots. The north lot was modified in 2020 to expand the terminal apron; this reduced the number of spaces from 204 to 119. No further changes are anticipated. Corps #2. Your Alternatives Analysis should include off -site locations to include sites currently adjacenVnear the Airport and not necessarily owned by the Airport at the time of this analysis. Response: The following sites have been added to the Alternatives Analysis considerations: • The WNC Agricultural Center is a state-owned property east of HWY 280 across from the airport. It is a well -used location that hosts many events each year; we understand they are also seeking to expand their parking availabilities. • Properties north of runway (see Figure 2): o There are several privately -owned properties that could be suitable for a parking lot; however, the airport would need to purchase these, plus there are other constraints as described further below. o The airport also owns several properties in this area; their use for parking areas would be limited due to being in the floodway or 100-year floodplain of the French Broad River, and within the airport's Runway Protection Zone, Runway Safety Area, and Runway Object Free Area (see Figure 3). o The remaining area would not be large enough to construct a suitable parking lot. Also, there is no direct connection from these properties to the terminal and any access road would have to be built. Further, this area is harder to access due to constraints from the highway, river, and airport, which would result in higher development costs and longer shuttle times. There are also several waterways that would likely have some jurisdictional impacts (see Figure 4). • Property east of runway and north of terminal building: This area is part of the AVL airport and has airfield access. It is therefore being planned for future aeronautical development, including GA expansion and aviation related development (ex. cargo and airport support facilities). This area is visible in Figure 3 (2020 Airport Layout Plan) as the area north of "H"; H is also identified as Site 1 in Figure 1 and discussed further below as an alternative. A delineation was performed for this area as part of a previously permitted action (SAW-2007- 03766-311, see Figure 4). • Properties south of runway (see Figures 5, 6 and 7): The airport owns several properties adjacent to the southern end of the runway. These properties are in the floodway or 100- year floodplain of the French Broad River and Cane Creek. There are also other smaller streams and wetlands (see Figure 4), and one of the properties has a golf course, which has several open water features. Other privately owned properties are either in the floodway/floodplain, or are too isolated for efficient shuttle service unless major road improvements were made, including potential bridge crossings. • AVL owns a property west of the southern end of runway adjacent to a Henderson County park (PIN 9643523273L0001). This area has jurisdictional waters that would need to be accounted for in any development (see Figure 8), though most were filled as part of a previous permit (SAW-2010-00036). AVL also has several improvements planned for this area, as described in the next paragraph. 2 Asheville Airport IP Corps Comment/Responses SAW-2023-00994 There are several county and private business properties west of the runway, these would need to be acquired. Also, AVL has already considered these in their 2020 Airport Layout Plan (Figure 3), which includes the following improvements: ■ Two proposed commercial and non-commercial multi -use areas; ■ Proposed air cargo development area; and ■ Proposed air traffic control tower and rotating beacon. In addition, all properties west of the runway do not have direct connection to the terminal. Therefore, traffic and shuttles would have to leave the airport property onto Ferncliff Park Drive and HWY 280, which could add significant time and cost shuttling passengers. Corps #3. Site 1 Alternatives Discussion: Please clarify if this site could be used for future parking expansion and a discussion on if this site would meet the project's purpose/need for parking regardless of the commercial/multi-use designation. Your response should note the extent of wetland/water impacts if any for development of this site. This discussion should also address/include the potential alternative of relocating the existing Marathon Gas Station/Dunkin Donuts commercial facility to Site 1. This facility was sited on property shown as potential parking alternatives in the 2013 Airport Master Plan and is on property still owned by the Airport. The construction of this commercial development eliminates the opportunity to align the primary entrance off Terminal Drive in a way that could have avoided/minimized impacts to approximately 745 linear feet of stream channel. Response: From a planning perspective, parking and access to parking are significant components to the passenger experience. For efficiency, wayfinding, and even stress reduction, the airport should consolidate the passenger parking locations to the greatest extent possible and retain the parking options along a signal loop road. AVL's plan follows this approach (see Figure 1), which is challenging as the airport is `land poor', and the terminal area is completely land- locked by state and federal highways and other surrounding development. Remote parking that is off the primary circulation route is the least desirable option for passengers (and the parking vendor), as it results in confusion, additional vehicle traffic, and the need for longer and/or multiple shuttle routes. Even with variable message signage identifying the available parking, passengers will still seek to park in the primary lots, before then traveling to the remote lots. Thus, increasing traffic congestion and time and traveler stress. Also, the south area is more desirable for parking than the north area at Site 1 because the south area does not have airfield access and is therefore better suitable for non -aeronautical development. The north area, which does have airfield access, is needed for future aeronautical development, including GA expansion and aviation related development (MRO, cargo, and airport support facilities). The 2013 Master Plan included this as an alternative (see Figure 9). The airport also wants to avoid mixing terminal area traffic with general aviation traffic to minimize signage and enable more efficient traffic flow. This precludes the opportunity to incorporate non -aeronautical businesses to this site, including relocating the Marathon Gas Station/Dunkin doughnut shop complex. Further, due to the location of Site 1 adjacent to the highway off -ramp and entrance airport, commercial properties that attract many short-term visitors, such as gas stations and restaurants, could significantly add to the congestion exiting the highway, traveling on HWY 280, and/or entering the airport, though there has been no known traffic study of this area completed. It should be noted that the airport has a lease agreement with the gas station complex, which would need to be addressed before it could be relocated. 3 Asheville Airport IP Corps Comment/Responses SA W-2023-00994 Corps #4. Site 5 Alternative — Please clarify why expansion of this parking area/conversion into a garage would not be considered practicable and why it's proximity to adjacent garages would preclude this alternative from being further considered. Response: A parking garage is anticipated for Site 5 in the future due to its proximity to the terminal (see Figure 3); it is not practical at this time, however. A surplus of parking spaces would be needed for this to be a feasible option. In order for construction to occur at this existing lot, it would need to be closed to public parking for approximately two years for construction, but temporarily eliminating those spaces would only exacerbate the airport's parking issues. Because there is no surplus of parking at the airport and closing down existing parking for construction of new parking is not practical, redevelopment of the Site 5 parking area is not the preferred practical alternative. It is expected that when the garage is built, it will be large enough to accommodate several thousand automobiles. It is also expected to have stream impacts at that time, as well. Corps #5. Site 6 Alternative: Please provide further clarification as to why moving the primary entrance to the lot further south is not practicable. It appears that there is room to have two access points without much impact/loss to the rental car facility. It is also not clear why access can't be changed/allowed to make the primary route of shuttles along Rental Car Drive versus Terminal Drive or why one access would be sufficient with proper access control points. Response: The entrances to the rental car parking lot from Terminal Drive and Rental Car Drive are gated and locked for security reasons, which prevents Rental Car Drive from being used as a pass - through for shuttle buses and visitors. At least one of the parking lot access roads must have access to Terminal Drive. This enables shuttle buses to stay on the airport property and help make round trips within a short time frame. Also, Highway 280 is also a busy road so it gives vehicles turning north access to the traffic signal. DOT will not allow a new signal to be placed at the Rental Car Drive intersection. The applicant believes the information submitted in this letter addresses the comments provided by the Corps. Should you have any further questions or comments, please contact me anytime at eromaniszyn@enviroscienceinc.com or 828-698-9800. Thank you. Sincerely, Eric Romaniszyn Senior Scientist Copy issued: Scott Jones - US Army Corps of Engineers Sue Homewood - NC Department of Environmental Quality Andrew Moore - NC Department of Environmental Quality Andrea Leslie - NC Wildlife Resources Commission Lew Bleiweis — President/Chief Executive Officer, Greater Asheville Regional Airport Authority Michael Reisman — Chief Operating Officer, Greater Asheville Regional Airport Authority James Moose — AVCON, Inc. Travis Bird - AVCON, Inc. Clement Riddle - ClearWater, an EnviroScience Company 4 c m c 0 a m a r- 0 Q M 0 C o W L as aN M V r t�: O C CL m L L i L �a c L Y L m a U- : W-6. Iftmo,w 0 sit P.- d Figure 3 PROPQ�ED TERMINAL _- I PROPOSED COMMERCII VEHICLE LANE WON gym40 — � � -- �-..�•--1 r . • . .,.� ■ �\ I Ilrr ■L �� I. • 1 O f►1 �I 11����1� •-TH APROIN _ IMISTI • �' t l t � � � ' • Irma. ../ � -•-• - `g �'�i;:- -� - - . I ' • m Ll ® -sue_ RUNWAY PROTECTION Z NE LAT: 5° 25' 47.39" IN v�->8 i VISIBILITY 3/4 MILE vG-3o - 1/ 1' - (1,000' x 1,[71] 0' x 2,500') �� ELEV: 2,1 HIGFPOINT r/lip- E O ER OR\v / / aRIP— — o MN � N VG-36 �, � RUNWAY 34 END MAGNETIC AT: 5' 33.12" N DECLINATION 2° 32' 13.85" W 6° 1 T W (12/2011) LEV: 2 0.8 LOW POINT 0° 4' W/ YR PROPOSED RUNWAY 35 END LAT: 35' 25' 32.87" N LON: 82' 32' 14.70" W ELEV: 2,117.4 [Il PROPOSED RUNWAY 35 RUNWAY PROTECTION ZONE VISIBILITY < 3/4 MILE (1,000' x 1,750' x 2,500') [I] �- RUNWAY 34 PROTECTION ZONE VISIBILITY <3/4 MILE (1,000 x 1,750' x 2,500') ' 'v i GOLF COURSE P( [V V M R 1 � AU A A6 Z j A5 «' ' �!� A4 A3 A2 Ali vG-7o- J ° Ck1 ® x I — fi � MA�S -��/�� ♦ — — — ROPOSED TRUE BEARING S20° 05' 33"E RUNWAY 17-35 8 0 ' x — _ ------- A PORT RSti Mk ti OFZ— ,4- A 8 RSA E ROAD'70iA n v TOFA TOFAEs" T FA T FAi o R MENTS & H EDNE RS N COUNTY PROPOSE <tW REHABILITATION &_3 IMPRO TS [I ■* �JNCOM OPOSED OMMERCIAL AND ERON UTICAL MULTI-rJSE 0 APR ROTATING BEACON ��■ 11■■.�■■rlll■�r,■■r i 1 •-•rim -- - - -_ - _ ��v,�R�'G•M'=- � �� lifi'�•.••rc. • •7 RUNWAY34 IL��� II1 - ,. she- � - �,-�.� � � �a� - �rr��.■► �:ry I �� � __ •V� � I -�r-- � - • • •---• ice. ��i m�� �: '-•�w►1 _ � I i - I� _ - -'- - • - . - � — =' / [ l.-''`. 11 " . 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";; 11 ;: 11 ;' I 1 ;: I 1 ;: „ I J I A GE RO 2 • L ��ti-y y y y-y-y-y y - =y F ( APPROACH SURFACE AD SE U ) ` _------------ - - tON: 82° 32' 31.34 O P PROPOSED AND RIT ALA A Z-------- i °J ; ' PRECISION INSTRUMENT 50:1 APPROACH INNER 10,000' / �� / i PROPOSED TEMPORARY F NON -AERONAUTICAL T r I I / LOCAL 'O COMMERCIAL AND ] W ( J�� I I �� i%j /%sc ) � i 1 ( ) RUNWAY 16 PART 77 LL I / r �N ' ♦ r / r I I ; \ / VAST 4 APPROACH SURFACE - V ' `\ /f //�� T?�� / \� y\\��_ Y / F1J�LRE WEST SIDE [ ]" �y� MULTI USE VISIBILITY <3/4 MILE l?� � ��\ � � G 40:1 APPROACH OUTER (40,000') PRECISION INSTRUMENT �' i i l PARALLEL TAXIWAY O [U] (1,000 x 16 000' x 50,000') :1 APPROACH INNER (10,000') / ♦ 4 tiC ��/ `' /` MI] r 40:1 PROACH OUTER (40,000') / / .'f / / �F� y 10 2 `�o. �� 6 BUNCOMBE COUNTY Vl ILITY <3/4 MILE_- ��or"� c3� i� r r�� %� �� R,, �i 1?o Q� `v °'o %�°, °,'�i'� ,� (1,000 x 16,000' x 50,000') \� 60 \/) 10 2170 PROPOSED RUNWAY/1 7 PART 77 APPROACH SURFACE PRECISION INSTRUMENT 50:1 APPROACH INNER (10,000') 40:1 APP OACH OUTER (40,000') VISIBILIT < 3/4 MILE (1,000' x 1 ,000' x 50,000') [Il I RUNWAY DATA TABLE DESCRIPTION RUNWAY 16/34 RUNWAY 17/35 EXISTING PROPOSED RUNWAY END COORDINATES (NAD 83) LATITUDE (16) 35' 26' 47.39" N (17) 35° 26' 47.14" N (34) 35° 25' 33.12" N (35) 35° 25' 32.87" N LONGITUDE (16) 82° 32' 47.19" W (17) 82° 32' 48.05" W (34) 82° 32' 13.85" W (35) 82° 32' 14.70" W APPROACH MINIMUMS (16) < 3/4 MILE (17) < 3/4 MILE (34) < 3/4 MILE (35) < 3/4 MILE PART 77 CATEGORY OTHER THAN UTILITY SAME APPROACH SURFACE SLOPE (16) 50:1 (17) 50:1 (34) 50:1 (35) 50:1 RUNWAY WIDTH 150' SAME RUNWAY LENGTH 8,001' SAME DISPLACED THRESHOLD NONE NONE SURFACE TYPE ASPHALT -GROOVED SAME PAVEMENT STRENGTH (LBS) SINGLE WHEEL 120,000 SAME DUAL WHEEL 160,000 SAME DUAL TANDEM 260,000 SAME RUNWAY LIGHTING HIRL SAME RUNWAY MARKING PRECISION SAME EFFECTIVE GRADIENT (%) 0.67 SAME MAXIMUM GRADE (%) -1.0 SAME LINE OF SIGHT VIOLATIONS NO NO WIND COVERAGE (%) IFR: (16 KNOTS) 99.91% SAME VFR: (16 KNOTS) 99.51 % SAME ALL WEATHER: (16 KNOTS) 99.56% SAME VISUAL APPROACH AIDS (16) MALSR, REILS, PAPI (P4L), CENTERLINE LIGHTING (17) MALSR, REILS, PAPI (P4L), CENTERLINE LIGHTING (34) MALSR, REILS, VASI (V4L), TDZ & CENTERLINE LIGHTING (35) MALSR, REILS, VASI (V4L), TDZ & CENTERLINE LIGHTING INSTRUMENT APPROACH AIDS (16) ILS, GPS (17) ILS, GPS (34) ILS, GPS (35) ILS, GPS AIRPORT REFERENCE CODE (ARC) C - III C-IV DESIGN AIRCRAFT BOEING 737-700 BOEING 757 RUNWAY SAFETY AREA (RSA) DIM. 500' x 10,001' SAME RUNWAY OBJECT FREE AREA (ROFA) DIM. 800' x 10 001' SAME OBSTACLE FREE ZONE (OFZ) DIM. 400' x 8,401' SAME PRECISION OBSTACLE FREE ZONE (POFZ) DIM. 200' x 800' SAME RUNWAY END ELEVATIONS (MSL) (16) 2,164.4 (17) 2,164.0 (34) 2,110.8 (35) 2,117.4 MAX. ELEVATION (MSL) 2,164.4 SAME TDZ ELEVATION (MSL) (16) 2,164.4 (17) 2,164.4 (34) 2,140.0 (35) 2,140.0 If � �`����� PROPOSED AIR CARGO �j �� (D N DEVELOPMENT AREA p D ��� HENDERSON COUNTY = LU 117 ��n/ \ 0 ` TRAFFIC CIRCLE t���' r J Z 0 A, PROPOSED Q / /( \` i mmm� } J=COMMERCIAL AND n° �\ / - NCDOT PROJECT p rm LOW LEVEL WINDSHEAR m Q0 O NON-COMM RCIAL !� 6---' -� % %' mm"mmm , - -� J ALERT SYSTEM LLWAS IVERVIEW DRl j�_ ------ ________________________ ___ �1 ° 00 00 oo ©©�� ©o FRENCH B o ROAD RIVER � BUNCOMBE COUNTY O tJ HENDERSON COUNTY LEGEND DESCRIPTION EXISTING PROPOSED ULTIMATE AIRPORT PROPERTY LINE - - — — SAME AIRPORT SURVEILLANCE RADAR (ASR) CRITICAL AREA - - - - SAME SAME RUNWAY CENTERLINE SAME PART 77 SURFACE SAME PAVEMENT ------------------- BUILDING RESTRICTION LINE (BRL) BRL BRL SAME RUNWAY SAFETY AREA (RSA) RSA RSA SAME RUNWAY OBJECT FREE AREA (ROFA) ROFA ROFA SAME RUNWAY PROTECTION ZONE (RPZ) RPZ RPZ SAME OBSTACLE FREE ZONE (OFZ) OFZ OFZ SAME TAXIWAY OBJECT FREE AREA (TOFA) %OFA TOFA SAME TAXIWAY SAFETY AREA (TSA) TSA TSA SAME PRECISION OBJECT FREE ZONE (POFZ) POFZ SAME FENCE SAME >* FLOODWAY (100-YEAR) NA NA GROUND ELEVATION CONTOURS NA NA TREE LINE NA NA NON -AERONAUTICAL DEVELOPMENT SAME GLIDESLOPE CRITICAL AREA - — — — - SAME LOCALIZER CRITICAL AREA - - - - - - - - - - - - -- SAME AIRPORT BUILDINGS L----=--------� BUILDING REMOVAL NA SAME UNUSABLE PAVEMENT NA NA WETLANDS NA NA ROTATING BEACON SAME WIND CONE/WINDSOCK / / SAME AIRPORT REFERENCE POINT (ARP) NA AUTOMATED SURFACE OBSERVING SYSTEMS (ASOS) c SAME SAME MEDIUM INTENSITY APPROACH LIGHTING SYSTEM WITH RUNWAY ALIGNMENT INDICATOR LIGHTS (MALSR) ® rD ®° SAME PRECISION APPROACH PATH INDICATOR (PAPI) ❑oo❑ ■■■■ NA VISUAL APPROACH SLOPE INDICATOR (VASI) ; SAME SAME LOW LEVEL WINDSHEAR ALERT SYSTEM (LLWAS) 0 SAME FACILITIES TABLE EXISTING PROPOSED TOP TO PST.) REF FACILITY NAME REF FACILITY NAME ELEV 3 HANGAR A TERMINAL EXPANSION [III] ± 15 MAINTENANCE OFFICE AND BUILDING * B AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL TOWER (ATCT) [III] ± (AVIATION WAY) 15A MAINTENANCE VEHICLE STORAGE * C BOX HANGARS [II] + 15B MAINTENANCE STORAGE * D CONVENTIONAL HANGARS [II] + 20 HANGAR WITH OFFICE (LINDBERGH LANE) * E AIR CARGO DEVELOPMENT [U] ± 20 T-HANGAR #3 (20-UNIT) (T-HANGAR ROW) * F GENERAL AVIATION DEVELOPMENT [III] ± 21 OFFICE BUILDING (AVIATION WAY) * G COMMERCIAL/NON-AERONAUTICAL ± DEVELOPMENT [U] 30 BULK HANGAR (LINDBERGH LANE) * H COMMERCIAL/NON-AERONAUTICAL ± MULTI -USE DEVELOPMENT [III] 31 CONVENTIONAL HANGAR (AVIATION WAY) * I PARKING, COMMERCIAL/ NON -AERONAUTICAL - + MULTI -USE DEVELOPMENT [U] 35 HANGAR WITH OFFICE (AVIATION WAY) * J COMMERCIAUNON-AERONAUTICAL ± MULTI -USE DEVELOPMENT [U] 40 FBO OFFICE BUILDING AND HANGAR * K FUEL FARM [III] -- ± (T-HANGAR ROW) 40 T-HANGAR #2 (17-UNIT) (T-HANGAR ROW) 71t 41 CARGO BUILDING (TERMINAL DRIVE) 2,165 45 HANGAR (AVIATION WAY) is 60 T-HANGAR #1 (T-HANGAR ROW) is 61 TERMINAL BUILDING (ATCT EL 2,226) 2,208 (TERMINAL DRIVE) 65 RENTAL CAR MAINTENANCE FACILITY RENTAL CAR DRIVE 67 UTILITY BUILDING (TERMINAL DRIVE) 69 AIRFIELD ELECTRICAL VAULT (TERMINAL DRIVE) 70 PARKING TOLL PLAZA (TERMINAL DRIVE) 87 RENTAL CAR MAINTENANCE FACILITY (RENTAL CAR DRIVE) 99 RENTAL CAR READY/ RETURN SERVICE BOOTH 104 HANGAR #1 AND #2 (WRIGHT BROTHERS WAY) 120 HANGAR WITH OFFICE 2,187 (WRIGHT BROTHERS WAY) 122 HANGAR (WRIGHT BROTHERS WAY) 2,186 134 OFFICE BUILDING 2,183 (WRIGHT BROTHERS WAY) 136 AIRCRAFT RESCUE & FIRE FIGHTING FACILITY (ARFF) (WRIGHT BROTHERS WAY) 140 CONVENTIONAL HANGAR #1 2,198 168 BULK HANGAR (WRIGHT BROTHERS WAY) 220 AIRPORT SURVEILLANCE RADAR 240 FBO OFFICE BUILDING AND HANGAR is 311 FUEL FARM is 312 RENTAL CAR FUEL FARM 313 TERMINAL PARKING DECK 71C * ELEVATIONS NOT AVAILABLE PROPOSED RUNWAY 35 PART 77 APPROACH SURFACE PRECISION INSTRUMENT 50:1 APPROACH INNER (10,000') 40:1 APPROACH OUTER (40,000') VISIBILITY < 3/4 MILE (1,000' x 16,000' x 50,000') [I] MODIFICATIONS OF DESIGN STANDARDS NO. STANDARD MODIFIED FAA STANDARDS EXISTING CONDITION PROPOSED ACTION DATE APPROVED AERONAUTICAL STUDY 1 RUNWAY LONGITUDINAL GRADE <0.5% 1ST QUARTER >0.5% 1ST QUARTER RELOCATE RUNWAY AUGUST 16, 1978 ATL - 603: 7268: 8-07-78 2 RUNWAY TO TAXIWAY SEPARATION 400' 325' RELOCATE RUNWAY AUGUST 16, 1978 ATL - 603: 7268: 8-07-78 NON-STANDARD CONDITIONS NO. NON-STANDARD CONDITION EXISTING CONDITION FAA STANDARD 1 RUNWAY LONG GRADE -1.0% 1ST QUARTER (RW 34) <0.8% 1ST QUARTER 2 RUNWAY TO TAXIWAY SEPARATION 325' 400' ir NOTES 1. FAA'S APPROVAL OF THIS AIRPORT LAYOUT PLAN (ALP) REPRESENTS ACCEPTANCE OF THE GENERAL LOCATION OF THE FUTURE FACILITIES DEPICTED. DURING THE PRELIMINARY DESIGN PHASE, THE AIRPORT OWNER IS REQUIRED TO SUBMIT FOR APPROVAL THE FINAL LOCATIONS, HEIGHTS AND EXTERIOR FINISHES OF STRUCTURES. FAA'S CONCERNS ARE OBSTRUCTIONS, IMPACT ON ELECTRONIC AIDS AND ADVERSE EFFECT ON CONTROLLER VIEW OF AIRCRAFT APPROACHES AND GROUND MOVEMENTS, WHICH COULD ADVERSELY AFFECT THE SAFETY, EFFICIENCY OR UTILITY OF THE AIRPORT. 2. ALL ELEVATIONS ARE IN FEET ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL (MSL). 3. ALL ELEVATIONS ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH NATIONAL MAP ACCURACY STANDARDS. SPOT ELEVATIONS AND GROUND CONTOURS ARE DERIVED FROM AERIAL PHOTOGRAMMERTY AND ARE APPROXIMATE. GROUND SURVEYS ARE RECOMMENDED TO VERIFY ACCURACY. 4. ALL LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE COORDINATES ARE NAD 83. 5. TOPOGRAPHY AND PLANIMETRICS FROM AERIAL SURVEYS OBTAINED FROM WOOLPERT, INC., SURVEY DATE: NOVEMBER 29, 2011. 6. WETLANDS FROM ASHEVILLE REGIONAL AIRPORT, RUNWAY RECONSTRUCTION AND NEW PARALLEL TAXIWAY ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT DRAFT, THE LPA GROUP AVIATION CONSULTANTS, MAY 2011. 7. THERE ARE NO KNOWN OFZ OBJECT PENETRATIONS. 8. THERE ARE NO KNOWN THRESHOLD SITING SURFACE (TSS) PENETRATIONS. 9. ALL FUTURE DEVELOPMENT MUST MEET THE FULL DESIGN STANDARDS LISTED IN FAA AC 150/5300-13. 10. THE BUILDING RESTRICTION LINE (BRL) SHOULD BE LOCATED ON AN AIRPORT LAYOUT PLAN TO IDENTIFY SUITABLE LOCATIONS FOR BUILDING AREAS ON AIRPORT PROPERTY. THE BRL IS DEPICTED BASED ON FAR PART 77 SURFACE FOR A GIVEN DISTANCE FROM THE RUNWAY CENTERLINE. SPECIFIC SITE DEVELOPMENT MUST BE FURTHER EVALUATED BASED ON TOP ELEVATION OF PROPOSED STRUCTURE. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT THE BRL ENCOMPASS THE RUNWAY PROTECTION ZONES, THE RUNWAY VISIBILITY ZONE, AND AREAS REQUIRED FOR AIRPORT TRAFFIC CONTROL TOWER CLEAR LINES OF SIGHT. 11. LEGEND ELEMENTS REPRESENT DEPICTIONS ON DRAWING, BUT MAY VARY IN SIZE DUE TO SCALING ON DRAWING. 12. GEOMETRICS DEVELOPED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO THE PUBLICATION OF ADVISORY CIRCULAR 150/5300-13A. AIRPORT DATA TABLE AIRPORT DATA EXISTING PROPOSED AIRPORT ELEVATION (MSL) 2,165' SAME AIRPORT REFERENCE POINT (NAD 83) LATITUDE 35' 26' 10.30" N 35' 26' 09.99" N LONGITUDE 82° 32' 30.50" W 82° 32' 31.34" W MEAN MAX. TEMPERATURE HOTTEST MONTH 83.2° F SAME AIRPORT TERMINAL AREA NAVAIDS ROTATING BEACON, SEGMENTED CIRCLE, LOCALIZER, GLIDE SLOPE SAME NPIAS SERVICE LEVEL PRIMARY - SMALL -HUB COMMERCIAL SERVICE SAME STATE SERVICE LEVEL AIR CARRIER SAME AIRPORT REFERENCE CODE (ARC) C-III SAME TAXIWAY LIGHTING MITL SAME TAXIWAY MARKING ENHANCED SAME ANY USE OR REUSE OF ORIGINAL OR ALTERED CADD DESIGN MATERIALS BY CLIENT, AGENT, OR OTHER PARTIES SHALL BE AT THE SOLE RISK OF THE USER. FURTHERMORE, THE USER AGREES TO DEFEND, INDEMNIFY, AND HOLD DESIGN PROFESSIONAL HARMLESS FROM ALL CLAIMS, INJURIES, DAMAGES, LOSSES, EXPENSES, AND 500 0 500 1000 ATTORNEY'S FEES ARISING OUT OF THE MODIFICATIONS OR REUSE OF THESE MATERIALS. SCALE: 1"=500' FEET NO. REVISIONS 1 UPDATED TERMINAL BUILDING RECONSTRUCTION CHA MAR 2020 AIRPORT LAYOUT DRAWING 2 LAND RELEASED FOR NCDOT 1-26 / NC 280 CHA MAR 2020 INTERCHANGE ROAD IMPROVEMENTS (PENDING) 3 PROPERTY ACQUISITION INRPZ(GARAAFUNDS) CHA MAR 2020 ASHEVILLE REGIONAL AIRPORT 4 RELOCATED LOW LEVEL WINDSHEAR ALERT SYSTEM CHA MAR 2020 ASHEVILLE, NORTH CA RO L I N A UPDATED PROPOSED RUNWAY END 5 CHA MAR 2020 SHEET COORDINATES AND ELEVATION RELOCATED AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL TOWER AND • 6 ROTATING BEACON CHA MAR 20203 sheV��lle' 'E F. 4 I O N A L AIRPORT OF DRAWN BY: RWW SCALE: 1" = 500' 21 CHECKED BY: RGL DATE: MARCH 2O20 DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM PHASE I DEVELOPMENT [ I ] PHASE II DEVELOPMENT [ II ] PHASE III DEVELOPMENT [III ] ULTIMATE DEVELOPMENT [ U ] ASHEVILLE REGIONAL AIRPORT APPROVED DATE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIVISION OF AVIATION APPROVED DATE FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION APPROVED DATE Asheville AirDort Wetland RU Stream RX -A Wetland RV Stream RY Stream RN Wetland RY G 9 o�Q'n Q6p �o°cfp �/ �c "0 d o� o' °a � •o Stream RH .ti {ail#✓' i °r1`y's'1;';-a,',. x•1.,''c,.��.t,••,, 4 �i +-� � , fM��%'r!' '�' �>l. .ter• ..�, - f+ T ? z 1' • rkr { i, ��i'' , '0, Legend Property Boundary Previously Verified Previously Permitted Area Not Delineated Culvert Stream Open Water Linear Wetland Wetland NWI Wetlands SW Basin Drawn by: RLN 02.01.11 0 500 1,000 2,000 3,000 Feet Buncombe County, North Carolina O dp j s 39C' o �'i Wetland RZ !� .1 -s' �y-. Wetland CY Wetland CA Wetland RC CLearWaLer 224 South Grove Street, Suite F Hendersonville, North Carolina 28792 Jurisdictional wetlands and waters identified on this map have been located within sub -meter accuracy utilizing a Trimble mapping grade Global Positioning System (GPS) and the subsequent differential correction of that data. GPS points may demonstrate uncorrectable errors due to topography, vegetative cover, and/or multipath signal error. Note: The illustrated wetland and stream locations are approximate. These areas have been flagged in the field; however, they have not been surveyed. Although C1earWater Environmental Consultants, hic. (CEC) is confident in our assessment, the US Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) is the only agency that can make final decisions regarding jurisdictional wetland and waters of the US delineations. Therefore, all preliminary determinations are subject to change until written verification is obtained. CEC strongly recommends that written verification be obtained from the Corps prior to closing on the property, beginning any site work, or making any legal reliance on this determination. This map was prepared by CEC using the best information available to CEC at the time of production. This map is for informational purposes only and should not be used to determine precise boundaries, roadways, property boundary lines, nor legal descriptions. This map shall not be construed to be an official survey of any data depicted. Source Data: Buncombe and Henderson County, Avcon, field collected data. x, ' i e Stream CW r L -1 Stream RK t Stream RA Wetland RD Figure 4 Stream and Wetland Map lei wpm AL '"--•r }+� i y ' f •' rt ry 4.' f F I +'IL Figure 6: AVL South Flood map Henderson Co August 9, 2023 THIS IS NOT ASURVEY. All information or data provided, whether subscribed, purchased or otherwise distributed, whether in Local Roads hard copy or digital media, shall be at the user's own risk. Henderson County makes no warranties or guarantees, including the warranties of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose. Map data ❑ Parcels is not appropriate for, and is not to be used as, a geodetic, legal, or engineering base system. The data is not intended as a substitute for surveyed locations such as can be determined by a registered Public Land Surveyor, and does not meet the minimum accuracy standards of a Land Information System/Geographic Information System Survey in North Carolina (21 NCAC 56.1608). 1:33,046 0 0.2 0.4 0.8 mi 0 0.35 0.7 1.4 km Highway 280 Automotive (+/- 8.0 AC) Jurisdictional wetlands and waters identified on this map have been located within sub -meter accuracy utilizing a Trimble mapping grade Global Positioning System _ N (GPS) and the subsequent differential correction of that data. GPS points may demonstrate uncorrectable errors due to topography, vegetative cover, and/or multipath signal error. Note: The illustrated wetland and stream locations are approximate. These areas have been flagged in the field; however, they have not been surveyed. Although ClearWater Environmental Consultants, Inc. (CEC) is confident in our assessment, the US Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) is the only agency that can make final decisions regarding jurisdictional wetland and waters of the US delineations. Therefore, all preliminary determinations are subject to change until written . verification is obtained. CEC strongly recommends that written verification be obtained from the Corps prior to closing on the property, beginning any site work, or making any legal reliance on this determination. - - 4 This map was prepared by CEC using the best information available to CEC at the time of production. This map is for informational purposes only and should not be used to determine precise boundaries, roadways, property boundary lines, nor legal descriptions. This map shall not be construed to be an official survey of any data depicted. Source Data: Topo - NC One Map Geospatial Portal (Henderson County, 2021) Parcel Boundary - NC One Map Geospatial Portal (Henderson County, 2021) Potentially Jurisclictional Waters of the US Wetland Acres W1 0.979 Total 0.979 e Project Boundary Potential Waters of the US W 1 - 0.979 Ac Delineation stopped a i at Project Boundary. ! Wetland may continue. L_ Wetland • Culvert _ I Project Boundary QHunter Auto Group Parcel 2 ft. Contours 0 75 150 300 Feet Henderson County, aearWaLer Wetland Map Delineated July 07, 2021 North Carolina --- Figure 7 145 7th Avenue W, Suite B g Hendersonville, NC 28792 Asheville Airport Location E 465 If Legend Linear Wetland Stream Wetland Study Area Drawn by: RLN 11.17.09 Buncombe County, North Carolina a Location A 885 If i w Location B 375 If Note: The illustrated wetland and stream locations are approximate. These areas have been flagged in the field; however, they have not been surveyed. Although C1earWater Environmental Consultants, Inc. is confident in our assessment, the US Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) is the only agency that can make final decisions regarding jurisdictional wetland and waters of the US delineations. Therefore, all preliminary determinations are subject to change until written verification is obtained. C1earWater Environmental Consultants, Inc. strongly recommends that written verification be obtained from the Corps prior to closing on the property, beginning any site work, or making any legal reliance on this determination. Location F 0.10 ac Location D 0.04 ac N Location D 720 If 0 250 500 1,000 1,500 Miiiiiiiiiiiiii Feet Clearwater Environmental Consultants, Inc. Figure 8 Stream and Wetland 718 Oakland Street Hendersonville, North Carolina 28791 Delineation Map I v < J D w L a a �.. wd LL a � Y J J 0 z r LL d r- _ rn L❑f - } ❑ ❑ W — a m � a d J —j M Ct d mum M B Ma BIF J i16N B16 AD mom 99 Q < w L.L z 0 _ ❑ U Mie 0110 �e aee d -- �� A #8 AA 0 �.❑❑❑❑ 5 4 I H aD t Q M 0 N 0 0 .y CL C K M wa c L 0 d M N Q �Q 0 � 0 = 0 a� > M c L Q r