HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181148 Ver 3_Kelford Solar Restoration Project_Baseline Monitoring Report_20230815L. Kelford Solar Restoration Project Baseline Monitoring Report Bertie County, NC Roanoke River Basin (Cataloging Unit #03010107) Prepared for: SunEnergyl 192 Raceway Drive Mooresville, NC 28117 Prepared by.• LMG LAND MANAG EM ENT GROUP - E,O'o-ell0f co, f010-f% Wilmington, N.C. May 2017 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY............................................................................................................1 2.0. PROJECT OVERVIEW...............................................................................................................1 3.0 MONITORING REQUIREMENTS............................................................................................2 A. WETLAND RESTORATION SUCCESS CRITERIA.....................................................................2 4.0 MONITORING RESULTS (Baseline)....................................................................................3 A. VEGETATION MONITORING.......................................................................................................3 5.0 CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................5 Figure 1. Figure 2 Table 1 . Table 1A Appendix A Appendix B LIST OF FIGURES, TABLES, AND APPENDICES ................................................................. Impact Map ............................................... Planting Area/Plot Map .. Annual Monitoring Data Sheets, Baseline — Planted Annual Monitoring Data Sheets, Baseline — Volunteer .......... Site Photographs Agency Correspondence 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY On behalf of SunEnergyl, Land Management Group (LMG) has completed baseline monitoring of the Kelford Solar Site (-270.9 acres) located approximately 0.15 miles north of the intersection of SR 1134 (Griffins Quarter Road) and NC Highway 308 (Governors Road) near the town of Kelford, Bertie County, NC. The Kelford Solar Site restoration project consists of five (5) areas totaling 38 acres of land consisting of a wet hardwood flat wetland system in the Roanoke River Basin (USGS 8-digit Hydrologic Unit 03010107; DWQ Subbasin 03-02-10). The following Baseline Monitoring Report (AMR) is specific to the 38 acres that were impacted via mechanized land clearing. Planting of these areas was completed on March 3rd, 2017. Restoration work included planting of characteristic non -riparian wet hardwood flat tree seedlings. Per the approved restoration plan and correspondence with the NC Division of Water Resources (DWR) and the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), monitoring of the site includes the assessment of vegetative conditions over the course of a three year monitoring period. Following the completion of the site planting, a total of eight (8) permanent 0.10 acre plots were established throughout the planted 38 acre restoration areas. Baseline monitoring was conducted over two days in April 2017 at each of the eight (8) plots. A total of 352 individuals of the planted species were counted throughout the eight (8) plots, which correlates to an average of 440 stems/acre within the project area (Table 1). Site photographs documenting the site planting and baseline monitoring are included in Appendix A. 2.0 PROJECT OVERVIEW On April 28th, 2015, SunEnergyl received a Notice of Violation and Recommendation for Enforcement (NOV-2015-PC-0078) from the North Carolina Division of Water Resources (DWR) for a Wetland Standard Violation and failure to secure a 401 Water Quality Certification. Unauthorized activities included the excavation, grading, grubbing, and clearing of jurisdictional wetlands during the on -site land clearing for the installation of a solar facility. On June 10, 2015, a written response and Restoration Plan was submitted to NCDWR as a follow-up to address Kelford Solar Restoration Project 1 Baseline —Monitoring Report unauthorized impacts to jurisdictional wetlands. On July 17th, 2015, NCDWR issued a letter approving the Restoration Plan and set a date of January 1, 2016 as the deadline for restoration completion. Due to project delays, bad weather, and lack of acceptable tree stock, the completion date was granted an extension until March 15th, 2017. On June 7th, 2016 a letter was written to Kyle Barnes to notify the US Army Corps of Engineers of the redistributing of the graded stumps and establishment of groundcover. Site planting of the 38 acre restoration area was initiated on March 3rd, 2017. Refer to Figure 1 for a depiction of the five (5) restoration areas. Restoration activities included planting of characteristic non -riparian wet hardwood flat trees. Planting was completed on March 4th, 2017. Relevant agency correspondence is included in Appendix B. 3.0 MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Annual monitoring is being conducted near the end of each growing season for a period of three years. This monitoring includes only a vegetative component per the approved restoration plan. The vegetative component for the Kelford Solar site includes an assessment of the conditions within each of the eight (8) permanent monitoring plots that have been established throughout the project area (Figure 2). A. Wetland Restoration Success Criteria The wetland restoration effort is evaluated based upon performance criteria related to vegetative density. As is typical for restoration sites, stems of non -planted species tend to volunteer within a restored site. Volunteers of characteristic wetland species (i.e. "suitable" or "desirable" species) serve as indicators of appropriate hydrologic regimes and provide increased diversity. This diversity in plant species enhances niche microhabitat and is an important aspect of wetland restoration. Therefore, suitable volunteers may be counted towards the established success criteria upon discretion of the agencies. The proposed success criteria for the restored areas of the Kelford Solar project area are: Kelford Solar Restoration Project 2 Baseline —Monitoring Report 1. Demonstrated density of planted species to meet or exceed 320 trees per acre at the end of three years (post -planting). The agencies may allow for the counting of acceptable volunteer species toward the 320-tree per acre density upon the review and evaluation of the annual monitoring data. As stated in the restoration plan, a mixture of oak species and understory tree species were planted as part of the restoration effort. Planted trees include species of: (1) swamp chestnut oak (Quercus michauxii), (2) cherrybark oak (Quercus pagoda), (3) laurel oak (Quercus laurifolia), (4) river birch (Betula nigra), and (5) ironwood (Carpinus caroliniana). 4.0 MONITORING RESULTS (Baseline) A. Vegetation Monitoring A total of 352 individuals of the planted species were counted throughout the eight (8) plots, which correlated to an average of 440-stems/acre within the project area (Table 1). The observed number for Baseline monitoring is well above the required 320-stems/acre at the end of the third year (post - planting). Cherrybark oak (Quercus pagoda) was the most abundant woody species, with a total of 111 individuals. Other planted species such as swamp chestnut oak (Quercus michauxii), and river birch (Betula nigra) were also prevalent within the monitored plots. In addition to the planted species, numerous volunteers were also observed within each plot. A majority of these individuals were representative of the target vegetative communities, including river birch, sweet pepper bush (Clethra alnifolia), and highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum). Table 1 and Table 1A provide species composition by plot for both planted and volunteer species, respectively. Overall, the vegetative composition (including planted and observed volunteers) is characteristic of the target wet hardwood flat wetland community. Kelford Solar Restoration Project 3 Baseline —Monitoring Report TABLE 1. ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET (Baseline) - PLANTED SPECIES PLOT 1 PLOT 2 PLOT 3 PLOT 4 PLOT 5 PLOT 6 PLOT 7 PLOT 8 TOTAL Betula nigra 1 10 0 11 22 5 31 1 81 (River Birch) Quercus laurifolia 6 14 7 2 6 5 0 6 46 (Laurel Oak) Quercus pagoda 23 12 27 6 0 24 5 14 ill Cherr bark Oak Quercus michauxii 21 4 2 22 6 4 3 28 90 (Swamp Chestnut Oak) Carpinus caroliniana 0 1 10 3 2 2 4 2 24 Ironwood TOTAL 51 1 41 1 46 1 44 1 36 1 40 1 43 1 51 1 352 TABLE IA. ANNUAL MONITORING DATA SHEET (Baseline) — VOLUNTEERS* SPECIES PLOT 1 PLOT 2 PLOT 3 PLOT 4 PLOT 5 PLOT 6 PLOT 7 PLOT 8 TOTAL Betula nigra 0 0 0 0 33 0 0 0 33 (River Birch) Quercus laurifolia 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 (Laurel Oak) Quercus pagoda 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 (Cher bark Oak) Cyrilla racemiffora 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 (Titi) Magnolia virginiana 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 3 (Sweet Bay) Clethra alnifolia 0 0 0 5 1 40 0 0 46 (Sweet Pe erbush) Vaccinium corymbosum 1 0 7 12 1 12 2 25 60 Hi hbush Blueberry) Ulmus alata 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 (Winged Elm Salix nigra 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 (Black Willow) Liquidambar styraciflua 0 9 8 4 4 0 2 15 42 (Sweet Gum) Pinus taeda 0 16 43 1 15 0 1 0 76 Lobloll Pine Rhus copallinum 0 6 8 3 0 0 0 0 17 (Winged Sumac Baccharis halimifolia 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 (Grounseltree) Acer rubrum 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 5 (Red Maple) TOTAL 1 2 1 34 67 1 28 1 57 52 1 10 1 42 1 292 * grey squares represent acceptable volunteer species / white squares represent unacceptable volunteer species. Acceptable species will be included when determining if the minimum density success criteria has been met on an annual basis Kelford Solar Restoration Project 4 Baseline —Monitoring Report Of particular note during Baseline monitoring was the sustained densities of facultative wet (FACW) and obligate (OBL) herbaceous vegetation within the plots. Herbaceous species composition was dominated by characteristic wetland species such as beakrush (Rhynchospora spp.), soft rush (Juncus effusus), sedge (Carex spp.), spike-rush (Eleocharis spp.), and bulrush (Scirpus cyperinus). Refer to Appendix A for site photos of the restoration area and site planting. The combination of planted species and acceptable volunteers suggest that the site is posed well for successful restoration of the target community. During the Baseline monitoring event, each of the 8 plots readily exceeded the minimum density success criterion (i.e. equal to 320 stems after three years). The overall density and composition of planted and desirable volunteer species is consistent with the target wetland community type. This diversity of species will likely continue through the duration of the project due to the abundant native seed source and natural dispersal patterns. 5.0 CONCLUSION Based on the data collected in conjunction with the Baseline monitoring event, the site appears to be progressing well towards the target wet hardwood flat community. Baseline plot monitoring within the restored wet hardwood flat areas indicate that the trees have bud -burst and are acclimating to their new planting areas. Average stem densities on all of the plots are sufficient to meet the applicable success criteria. The vegetative component of the project appears to be progressing well as evidenced by the enumerated number of planted species and the recruitment of characteristic volunteer species. Each of the eight (8) plots exceeded the minimum success criteria during the Baseline monitoring event. Kelford Solar Restoration Project 5 Baseline —Monitoring Report FIGURES r►r U I�EN �R C� Y1 KELFORD SOLAR, LLC WETLAND IMPACT MAP TOTAL IMPACTED AREA = 37.96 ACRES i r i y r i y ri ri r y y PINEY WOODS RD WETLAND AREA 5 ACRES IMPACTED = 0.56 Pi r� y' i WETLAND AREA 4 ACRES IMPACTED = 0.11 i/ i WETLAND AREA 3 r ACRES IMPACTED = 14 Yi it y i Y r i i i WETLAND AREA 6 ACRES IMPACTED = 0.49 tii y r i l�n i iy \r } r WETLAND AREA 2 ACRES IMPACTED = 22.52 GOVERNORS RD� NOTE: REMEDIATION WILL BE PERFORMED IN ALL CLEARED AND GRUBBED AREAS LEGEND PROPERTY LINE RIGHT-OF-WAY - - -- TREE LINE - - - - - - - DELINIATED WETLAND CLEARED AND GRUBBED AREA cnvl®c uu.�-ter Figure 1 TR. � t ® - Planting Areas (-38-acres) O - Plot Location (8- (0.10 ac) Plots) Map Source: 2016 NC OneMap Aerial Photography SCALE 1" = 800' Kelford Solar LMG County, NC LANBertie E__, :,,�, Tt",n" E n v,D MA "AGE coN I; O U Figure 2 www.lmgroup.net Planting Areas w/ April 2017 3806 Wrightsville Avenue Plot Locations LMG # 40-17-111 Wilmington, NC 28403 Phone:910.462.0001 Fax:910.462.0060 APPENDIX A - SITE PHOTOS i L, View of planting crew loading trees View of planting crew planting trees Kelford Solar LMG Restoration Project IA KA MANAGEM.ENYGAi7Gi' Bertie Count NC — Appendix A: Y� www.LMGroup.net Site Photographs 40-17-111 Phone: 910.452.0001 • Fax: 910.452.0060 April 2017 3805 Wrightsville Ave Wilmington, NC 28403 Wow 0"- M-M&A View of planting crew planting trees View of planting crew planting trees Kelford Solar LMG Restoration Project IANDMANAUEM�NTGROUP- Bertie County, NC — .... Appendix A: 40-17-111 www.LMGroup.net Site Photographs Phone: 910.452.0001 • Fax 910.452.0060 April 2017 3805 Wrightsville Ave Wilmington, NC 28403 Baseline monitoring: Plot 1 Baseline monotoring: Plot 2 Kelford Solar LMG Restoration Project IA NA MANAUEMEN:GROUT' Bertie Count NC — Appendix A: Y� www.LMGroup.net Site Photographs 40-17-111 Phone: 910.452.0001 • Fax: 910.452.0060 April 2017 3805 Wrightsville Ave Wilmington, NC 28403 View of Ironwood in Plot 3 View of swamp chestnut oak in Plot 4 Kelford Solar LMG Restoration Project IhKAMANAUEMEN:GROUP �- ,-mtnralionudrner, Appendix A: Bertie County, NC �www.LMGroup.net 40-17-111 Phone: 910.452.0001 • Fax: 910.452.0060 Site Photographs April 2017 3805 Wrightsville Ave Wilmington, NC 28403 View of FACW/OBL herbaceous vegetation in Plot 6 � 1 ! View of cherrybark oak in Plot 7 Kelford Solar LMG Restoration Project IhKAMANAUEMEN:GROUP �- ,-mtnlalionudrne!! Appendix A: Bertie County, NC �www.LMGroup.net 40-17-111 Phone: 910.452.0001 • Fax: 910.452.0060 Site Photographs April 2017 3805 Wrightsville Ave Wilmington, NC 28403 View of cherrybark oak bud -burst and inundation in Plot 7 View of Plot 8 Kelford Solar LMG Restoration Project IA NA MANAUEMEN:GROUT' Bertie Count NC — Appendix A: Y� www.LMGroup.net Site Photographs 40-17-111 Phone: 910.452.0001 • Fax: 910.452.0060 April 2017 3805 Wrightsville Ave Wilmington, NC 28403 APPENDIX B - AGENCY CORRESPONDENCE U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WILMiNGTON DISTRICT ORM ID. SAW-2015-00691 County: Bertie NOTIFICATION OF UNAUTHORIZED ACTIVITY PERMIT NONCOMPLIANCE Responsible Party: SUNENERGYI c/o Eric Schudt Address: 192 Raceway Drive Mooresville North Carolina 28117 Telephone Number: (704) 662-0375 Size and location of property (include waterbody, road name/number, town, etc.). The subject property identified as Kelford Solar is a 73_acre portion of a 315 acre parcel located on the north side of NC 308, 3.5 Wailes west of the town of Lewiston Woodville in Bertie County, North Carolina. Description of Unauthorized Activity/Permit Noncompliance: Unauthorized mechanized land clearin and filling of jurisdictional wetlands in preparation of construction of a solar farm. Indicate which of the following apply: X Unauthorized Activity _ Rivers and Harbors Act, Section 10 (33 USC 403) Permit Noncompliance X Clean Water Act, Section 301 (33 USC 1311) Unless you have a valid Department of the Army permit for the above described activity, it may be a violation of federal law as specified above. We are currently working with your consultant to determine the extent of the unauthorized work and to pursue options to bring your project into compliance. We recommend that you immediately cease activities within jurisdictional areas until the existing work can be brought into compliance with federal law. As you have been notified that the prior work is potentially a violation of federal law, any further unauthorized work in waters or wetlands may be considered an intentional violation of federal law. If you continue to work in waters and wetlands without the required authorization, and/or fail to perform the requested remedial action, the Corps may take further administrative action and may request the U.S. Attorney to file suit against you. If you have an questions regarding this action or would like further information on the Corps of Engineers Regulatory Program, please contact Me Barnes at (910) 251-4584. Remedial Action Requested Identifyjurisdictional areas and develop a plan to restore im acted resources or pursue after the fact permits. Your signature acknowledges receipt of this notification Property Owner/ Responsible Party Corps Regulatory Official Kk Date April 9, 2015 Pat McCrory Donald R. van der Vaart Governor Secretary April 28, 2015 CERTIFIED MAIL'##7014 0150 0000 7802 0401 SunEnergy 1, LLC Attn: Mr. Kenny Habul 192 Raceway Drive Mooresville, North Carolina 28117 Subject: NOTICE OF VIOLATION and RECOMMENDATION FOR ENFORCEMENT NOV-2015-PC-0078 Kelford Solar Failure to Secure 401 and Wetland Standard Violation Bertie County Dear Mr. Habul: This letter is to notify you that the Washington Regional Office of the Division of Water Resources (DWR) is considering taking an enforcement action for violations observed during recent site visits by staff from the DWR Washington Regional Office. On April 8, 2015, Anthony Scarbraugh of the DWR and Kyle Barnes of US Army Corps of Engineers met with Jay Keller of Keller Environmental, David Harris, Tim Turner, Joe Sossamon and Eric Schudt with SunEnergy 1, LLC and Bob Denton, contractors for Duke Energy Renewables at the subject property located approximately 0.15 miles north.of intersection of SR 1134 (Griffins Quarter Road) and NC Highway 308 (Governors Road) near the town of Kelford, Bertie County. An initial inspection was conducted on February 23, 2015 by Mr. Scarbraugh and David May and a follow-up inspection was conducted on April 1, 2015 by Robert Tankard and Mr. Scarbraugh of DWR. Messrs. Barnes, Keller, Schudt of US ACE, Keller Environmental, and SunEnergy 1 were also onsite during the April 1, 2015 inspection. During the most recent site inspections, the investigator observed impacts to jurisdictional wetlands from the excavation, grading, grubbing, and clearing from land clearing activities resulting in approximately 30 aces of 401 wetland impacts. As a result of the site inspections and file review, the following violations, detailed below, are noted: (1) Failure to Secure a 401 WQC (2) Wetland Standard violation 1) Failure to Secure 401 WQC Division of Water Resources — Water Quality Regional Operations Section — Washington Regional Office 943 Washington Square Mall, Washington, NC 27889 Phone: 252-946-6481 1 Fax: 252-975-37161 Internet: w m.ncdenr,gov An Equal OpportunitylAffirmative Action Employer — Made in part by recycled paper Kelford Solar Bertie County Page 2 of 3 The impacts to the wetlands require permits from both the Army Corps of Engineers and the Division of Water Resources DWR site visits and file review confirmed that impacts occurred without a 404 Permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. A file review indicates that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) has not authorized use of a 404 Permit for this activity nor has notification been provided to the COE for this activity. The file review confirmed that a Pre -construction Notification has not been received by the Division of Water Resources for this project and that a 401 Water Quality Certification has not been issued. A Pre -Construction Notification submitted to DWR is required prior to the above -mentioned impacts pursuant to 15A NCAC 2H .0500. 2) Wetland Standard Violation (15A NCAC 02B .0231) The excavation, grading, grubbing and clearing of jurisdictional wetland during the on -site land disturbing activities represents violations of 15A NCAC 02B .0231 (b) (1) Liquids, fill or other solids or dissolved gases may not be present in amounts which may cause adverse impacts on existing wetland uses; (5) Hydrological conditions necessary to support the biological and physical characteristics naturally present in wetlands shall be protected to prevent adverse impacts on: (C) The chemical, nutrient and dissolved oxygen regime of the wetland; (D) The movement of aquatic fauna; (F) Water levels or elevations. Requested Response This Office requests that you respond to this letter in writing within 30 calendar days of receipt of this Notice. Your response should be sent to this Office at the letterhead address. Your response should address the following items: 1. Please explain when construction (excavation, grading, grubbing, and clearing) began at the site. 2. Please clearly explain why appropriate 401 Water Quality Certification and a 404 Permit were not secured. 3. Please provide documentation (including a detailed site map/survey) depicting all jurisdictional water features (e.g. streams, wetlands and/or waters) on the site. This documentation should describe and quantify the impacts to those jurisdictional features, and should include plans to avoid further unauthorized impacts on the site. 4. Please submit a Restoration Plan to this Office for review and approval. You are encouraged to secure a consultant to assist you with your plan development and with obtaining any permit, certification, and/ or authorization necessary to achieve compliance. This plan should include the following: a.) Permit Application — If you wish for any impacts to remain in place, you must contact the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACOE) for information on the type(s) of permit required. Depending on the type of permits USACOE requires, application for a 401 Water Quality Certification to DWR will also be required. b.) Wetland Restoration Plan (Wetland impacts) — The restoration plan must detail how the unauthorized impacts to wetlands that cannot be permitted will be removed and how the wetlands will be restored. This information must be clearly depicted on a map that you provide as a part of this response. This map should also indicate all of the wetlands locations on the tract as well as the wetland areas that have been impacted. Kelford Solar Bertie County Page 3 of 3 Satisfactory wetland restoration requires the replanting of at least 2 native hardwood wetland species and the maintenance of a stem density/survivorship of at least 320 trees per acre at the end of 3 years. This plan will also require an herbaceous wetland seed mix for all wetlands that are disturbed; c.) Please indicate in your response a schedule with dates detailing when the restoration will be accomplished. This schedule should include a three-year monitoring plan to ensure that the wetlands and stream are restored. it is the expectation of this Office that the restoration will be completed by January 1, 2026. 5. Finally, you should include in your response an explanation of how you propose to prevent these problems from reoccurring on this project and on future projects. ****You are encouraged to secure a consultant to assist you with your plan development, permit, certification, and authorization necessary to achieve compliance. **** Thank you for your attention to this matter. DWR requires that the violations, as detailed above, be abated immediately and properly resolved. This Office is considering sending a recommendation for enforcement to the Director of the Division of Water Resources and/or an injunction request to the Attorney General's Office regarding the ongoing violations on your site. Pursuant to G.S. 143-215.6A, the above mentioned violations and any future violations are subject to a civil penalty assessment of up to a maximum of $25,000.00 per day for each violation. Pursuant to G.S. 143-215.6C, DWR can request injunctive relief through the courts to obtain compliance on the site. Your above -mentioned response to this correspondence, the degree and extent of harm to the environment and the duration and gravity of the violation(s) will be considered in any further process that may occur. This Office appreciates your attention to this matter and efforts to resolve the above noted concerns. Should you have any questions regarding these matters, please contact Anthony Scarbraugh at (252) 948- 3924 or myself at (252) 948-3921. Sincerely, Robert Tankard, AssistaYRgional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Division of Water Resources, NCDENR cc: Shelton Sullivan — 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit WaRO Files Kyle Barnes — US ACOE- Washington Office (via e-mail) Pat McClain — DELMR WaRO (via e-mail) Jay Keller — Keller Environmental, LLC, 7291 Haymarket Lane, Raleigh, NC 27615 Eric Schudt — SunEnergy 1, LLC (via email) KE KELLER ENVIRONMENTAL ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS Mr. Robert Tankard Assistant Regional Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Division of Water Resources, NCDENR 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 Re: Kelford Solar Bertie County, North Carolina Notice of Violation Remediation NOV-2015-PC-0078 Dear Mr. Tankard and Mr. Barnes: Mr. Kyle Barnes Regulatory Specialist Washington Regional Office US Army Corps of Engineers 2407 West Fifth Street Washington, NC 27889 June 9, 2015 Thank you for meeting with us on April 1 and 8, 2015. 1 am responding on behalf of Duke Energy Renewables and SunEnergy1 concerning remediation of the impacted jurisdictional wetland areas. As a result of our site meetings and subsequent communication and correspondence, we have outlined the recommended course of action below. Jurisdictional Wetland Remediation and Plantings: There are five (5) jurisdictional wetland areas (WA) that were impacted by non - authorized mechanical grubbing activities. They include part of WA-3 and all of WA-2, WA-4, WA-5, and WA-6. Keller Environmental staff recommends conducting the following activities this summer and fall to remediate these areas. • Carefully spread the grubbed material evenly over the impacted areas utilizing mechanical equipment. • Install approximately 16,500 bare -root hydrophytic tree species in the approximately 38-acre impact area. These 500 trees per acre should achieve the required 320 trees per acre at 5-years. • Since there is an abundant seed source of tree species immediately to the south, this should further contribute to the vegetative success. Kelford Solar NOV Remediation June 6, 2015 Page 2 of 3 • Tree species will include the following native terminal forest species. 0 1 oak species 0 1 understory tree or shrub o No red maple (Ater rubrum) or sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua) • Install the trees/shrubs randomly to mimic a natural forest. • At least five (5) species will be used with no species compromising more than 35% of the trees planted. • Tree/shrub species will be obtained from a similar physiographic region. Jurisdictional Wetland Seedin KE staff will uniformly broadcast the following wetland seed mix at an approximate rate of 10# per acre throughout the 38-acre jurisdictional wetland area. KE staff will monitor the germination to ensure that it properly germinates. Additional seeding will be conducted, if needed, after communication with involved parties concerning subsequent seeding modifications. Botanical Name Common Name Percent Elymus riparius Riverbank wild rye 20 Agrostis stolonifera Creeping bentgrass 15 Carex vulpinoidea Fox sedge 12 Panicum virgatum Switchgrass 15 Poa palustris Fowl bluegrass 15 Dichanthelium clandestinum Deer tongue 8 Bidens aristosa Bidens 7 Juncus effusus Soft rush 4 Sagittaria latifolia Duck potato 2 Saururus cernuus Lizards tail 2 100 Kelford Solar NOV Remediation June 6, 2015 Page 3of3 Planting Schedule The plantings will be conducted in the first half of November of 2015, weather permitting. risdictional Waters Monitori To ensure the success of these jurisdictional waters restoration, KE staff will monitor the restoration areas at least quarterly during 2015 and annually during 2016-19. An annual photographic record report will be provided to involved parties in November of 2015-18 and final in 2019. A final site inspection will be conducted in September 2019 with involved parties. We recommend reconvening when these proposed remediation activities are successfully completed. Upon successful remediation, we are requesting written approval of the corrective measures and being in compliance with the violated water quality rules. If you should have questions or require additional clarification during the review please feel free to contact me immediately at (919)749-8259 or email- jA)t@-kellerenvironmental.com Sincerely, Keller Environmental, LLC Jay Keller Principal Cc: Vanessa Goff; Duke Energy Renewables Kenny Habul, CEO; SunEnergyl Attachments: • April 28, 2015 NCDENR NOV • June 9, 2015 Jurisdictional Survey • June 9, 2015 Wetland Impact Exhibit DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENGINEERS Washington Regulatory Field Office 2407 West 5"' Street Washington, North Carolina 27889 9�f0 STATES O� ��PIN REPLY REFER'62 July 13, 2015 Regulatory Division Action ID: SAW-2015-00691 Mr. Eric Schudt SUNENERGY 1 192 Raceway Drive Mooresville, North Carolina 28117 Dear Mr. Schudt: Please reference the Notification of Unauthorized Activity Permit Noncompliance correspondence issued to you on April 9, 2015, for the unauthorized mechanized land clearing and filling activities you undertook within jurisdictional waters and wetlands on your property identified as Kelford Solar located on the north side of NC 308 approximately 3.5 miles west of the town of Lewiston Woodville in Bertie County, North Carolina. This letter also confirms our April 1, 2015 and April 8, 2015 meeting and subsequent receipt of your restoration plan entitled, SunEnergyl Solar Site Near Kelford, NC (Restoration Plan), dated June 10, 2015. The subject activities you have undertaken within waters and wetlands on your property without the prior approval of this office in the form of a Department of the Army permit, constitute violations of Section 301 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC 1311). As you agreed, you are to cease and desist from any further unauthorized work within waters and wetlands. Review of the subject Restoration Plan and jurisdictional determination revealed that you have made the requested revisions and it is now acceptable. Accordingly, you are to begin the remedial actions as described in the Restoration Plan. Prior to beginning the implementation of the restoration plan you must contact Mr. Kyle Barnes of my staff at telephone (910) 251- 4584 to schedule a prescribed preconstruction meeting. Failure to comply with this directive may result in referral to the United States Attorney with a recommendation for appropriate action. Thank you for your time and cooperation. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Barnes at the Washington Regulatory Field Office, telephone (910) 251-4584. The Wilmington District is committed to providing the highest level of support to the public. To help us ensure we continue to do so, please complete the Customer Satisfaction Survey located at our website at http://regulatory.usacesurvey.com/. Sincerely 7/13/2015 x Kyle W. Barnes Kyle W. Barnes Kyle W. Barnes Regulatory Specialist Washington Regulatory Field Office E copies Furnished: Mr. Robert Tankard, NCDENR-DWR Mr. Anthony Scarbraugh, NCDENR-DWR Mr. Patrick McClain, NCDENR-LQS P C *4E North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Pat McCrory Governor July 17, 2015 CERTIFIED MAIL. #7015 0640 0007 2358 9147 SunEnergy 1, LLC c/o Mr. Eric Schudt 192 Raceway Drive Mooresville, North Carolina.28117 Subject: Restoration Plan NOV-2015-OP-0078 Kelford Solar Failure to Secure 401 and Wetland Standard Violation Bertle County Dear Mr. Schudt: Donald R. van tier Vaart Secretary On June 10, 2015, the Division of Water Resources (DWR) received a written response to NOV-2015-OP- 0078 for subject property located approximately 0.15 miles north of intersection of SR 1134 (Griffins Quarter Road) and NC Highway 308 (Governors Road) near the town of Kelford, Bertie County. The response outlines a proposed plan of action to address unauthorized impacts to jurisdictional wetlands associated with onsite development. activities. As part of this response, a wetland restoration plan was provided for approval. The restoration plan indicated that grubbed material will be carefully spread evenly over the impacted areas utilizing mechanical equipment and 16, 500 bare. root hydrophytic tree species (WI th a minimum of S species) will be planted on the 38-acres of impacted wetlands. In addition, the plan Indicates that a wetland seed mix will be spread over the impacts area at a rate of 10 pound per acre. The plan also indicates that monitoring will occur on at least a quarterly basis for the remainder of 2015 and annually during 2016-2019. By copy of this letter, your restoration plan is approved and wetland restoration acthdtles should be completed by January 1, 2016. Please note, a written annual monitoring report shall be submitted on June 1 of each year for a three-year period after the restoration to document that the trees have survived Please contact the DWR personnel indicated below after completing the above -mentioned scopes of work so a site visit can be scheduled to verify that restoration is complete. This Office appreciates your attention to this matter and efforts to resolve the above noted violations. Should you have any questions regarding these matters, please contact Anthony Scarbraugh at (252) 948' 3924. Division -of Water Resources- Water Quality Regional Operations Section - Washington Regional Office 943 Washington Square Mail, Washington, NG 27689 Phone: 252-946-64811 Fax: 252-975-37161 Internet: www,nrdenr.goov An Equal Opport=4 tAfflnnaflve Aallan Employer— Made in part by renyded paper Kelford solar Bertie County Page 2 of 2 Sincerely, Robert Tankard,_ Assistant egional.Supervisor Water Quality Regional Operations Section Division of Water Resources, NCDENR cc: ' WaRO Files Shelton Sullivan -- 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit Kyle Barnes — USACE Washington Office Pat McClain -- DEMLR WaRO Scarbrau h, Anthon From: Eric Schudt <eric.schudt@sunenergyl.com> Sent: Friday, July 01, 2016 4:16 PM To: Scarbraugh, Anthony Subject: Kelford planting delay Attachments: Kelford ACOE planting delay letter(1).pdf Anthony, Attached is the letter I sent to Kyle. As we discussed yesterday, we are asking for a delay until November so that the stock will be available and the trees are more likely to survive. Thanks and have a good weekend. Eric Schudt i-vivw>f�Naa Ii-1 4:4:�H r-1€=rxc; rf-ii._ fi"-."V4 Eric Schudt I Environmental Civil Engineer 0: (252) 825-1731 1 F: (252) 825-0018 1 M: (980) 225-6665 6750 NC Highway 30 East, Bethel, NC 27812 www.sunenergyl.com I Eric.Schudt@sunenergyl.com CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email message and any attachments are intended only for the person ore ntity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient of this email, please contact the sender by reply email and delete the original and any copy of this email. If you are the intended recipient but do not wish to receive communications by email, please so advise the sender immediately. 5UME=—hlL--1- 1 June 7, 2016 Mr. Kyle Barnes U.S. Army Corp of Engineers Washington Regional Office 2407 West Fifth St. Washington, NC 27889 RE: SunEnergyl Solar Site near Kelford, NC. Mr. Barnes, REGENEDINCDENRloWR JUL Y Z016 Water ouality R99to"' Ww1146,n flogtonei oSiio4 As you are aware, SunEnergyl has been trying to rectify and mitigate the problems at our site near Kelford. Unfortunately, the initial step of redistributing the stumps was delayed due to the unusually wet conditions and a desire to not impact the area more by moving heavy machinery across the soft, wet ground. The work is now complete as you saw during your site inspection. Ground cover has been established. The delay, however, has made it extremely difficult to find sufficient quantities of vegetation to finish the planting. The nurseries are recommending we don't move forward until November and won't warranty their work or stock. We would like to delay planting until November, 2016. We realize that extends the date that monitoring would be required. Please let us know how you would like us to proceed. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Eric Schudt (980) 225.6665 eric.schudt@sunenergyl.com 192 Ftacewa Dri a MOOT ail 28 • P o4.fiB2.o 7& •info nSurtPnergyl.com Scarbraugh, Anthony From: Scarbraugh, Anthony Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2016 8:52 AM To: 'Eric Schudt' Cc: Kyle Barnes, Tankard, Robert Subject: RE: Kelford planting delay Mr. Schudt, Per your extension request received via email on July 1, 2016, this Office will extend the restoration deadline till November 30, 2016 due to potential for high mortality from replanting within the growing season. Thanks, Anthony Scarbraugh Anthony Scarbraugh Environmental Senior Specialist Division of Water Resources — Water Quality Regional Operations Department of Environmental Quality 252 948 3924 office anthony.scarbraugh@ncdenr.gov 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 Nothing Compares Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Eric Schudt[mailto:eric.schudt@sunenergyl.com] Sent: Friday, July 01, 2016 4:16 PM To: Scarbraugh, Anthony <anthony.scarbraugh@ncdenr.gov> Subject: Kelford planting delay Anthony, Attached is the letter I sent to Kyle. As we discussed yesterday, we are asking for a delay until November so that the stock will be available and the trees are more likely to survive. Thanks and have a good weekend. Eric Schudt surrr� ��Irt LiP°ID�R+�--� Inl �gMM�RGr-�1.. �i[al-..Rli Eric Schudt ( Environmental Civil Engineer 0: (252) 825-1731 J F: (252) 825-0018 j M: (980) 225-6665 6750 NC Highway 30 East, Bethel, NC 27812 www.sunener yp 1.com j Eric.Schudt@sunenergyl.com CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email message and any attachments are intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient of this email; please contact the sender by reply email and delete the original and any copy of this email. If you are the intended recipient but do not wish to receive communications by email, please so advise the sender immediately. From: Scarbrauah, Anthony To: Wes Fryar Cc: "Eric.schudt(absunenerayl.com"; Rob Moul; Kyle Barnes Subject: RE: SunEnergy - Amended Kelford Planting List Date: Wednesday, December 21, 2016 3:10:41 PM Attachments: imaae002.ioa imaae003.ona imaae004.ona Wes, After review of the amended planting plan, this Office approves plan with the modifications. Please note, the required planting will need to be completed on or before March 15, 2017. Thanks, Anthony Scarbraugh Anthony Scarbraugh Environmental Senior Specialist Division of Water Resources — Water Quality Regional Operations Department of Environmental Quality 252 948 3924 office anthony.scarbraugh@ncdenr.gov 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Wes Fryar [mailto:wfryar@lmgroup.net] Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2016 3:03 PM To: Scarbraugh, Anthony <anthony.scarbraugh@ncdenr.gov> Cc:'Eric.schudt@sunenergyl.com' <Eric.schudt@sunenergyl.com>; Rob Moul <rmoul@lmgroup.net>; Kyle Barnes <Kyle.W.Barnes@usace.army.mil> Subject: SunEnergy - Amended Kelford Planting List Hi Anthony, Thanks for the feedback. After our talk this afternoon I have amended the planting list to replace the bald cypress and black gum with cherrybark oak and have replaced the wax myrtle with Ironwood (see amended list below). My initial thoughts on including the bald cypress and black gum were to plant these in the lower inundated areas because we know oaks will typically show high mortality in inundated areas. If next year is a wet year these inundated areas could die out and will just have to rely on natural species recruitment. I plan on getting the trees ordered today or tomorrow and will confirm when we have a planting date secured with the planters (likely late Feb to first week in March). All planting work will be completed prior to the March 15th, 2017 deadline. Thanks and Merry Christmas! River Birch (Betula nigm) — 4,000 Laurel Oak (Quercus laurifolia) —4,000 Cherrybark Oak (Quercus pagoda) —4,000 Swamp Chestnut Oak (Quercus michauxii) — 3,000 Ironwood (Carpinus caroliniana) — 2,000 (*understory species) Total Stems — 17,000 Wes Fryar I Environmental Scientist — Project Manager Direct: 452-0001 x 1927 1 Cell: 910.471.0018 1 Fax: 910.452.0060 Email: wfryarCaD.lmgroup.net I Website: www.lmgroup.net Land Management Group, Inc I Environmental Consultants 3805 Wrightsville Ave I Suite 15 1 Wilmington, NC 28403 From: Scarbraugh, Anthony [maiIto: anthony.scarbraugh(a) ncdenr.gov] Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2016 7:39 AM To: Wes Fryar Cc: 'Eric.schudt@sunenergyl.com'; Rob Moul; Kyle Barnes Subject: RE: SunEnergy - Proposed Kelford Planting List Wes, After reviewing the plant list, this Office request that Black Gum (Nyssa biflora), Bald Cypress (Taxodium distichum) and Wax Myrtle (Morelia cerifera) be removed. Supplement these plants with more of the remaining species on the list. If you have any questions I will be glad to discuss the project further. Thanks, Anthony Scarbraugh Anthony Scarbraugh Environmental Senior Specialist Division of Water Resources — Water Quality Regional Operations Department of Environmental Quality 252 948 3924 office anthony.scarbraugh @ricdenr.gov 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Wes Fryar [mailto:wfryar(@Im.Qroup.net] Sent: Monday, December 19, 2016 5:47 PM To: Scarbraugh, Anthony <anthony.scarbrau.QhPncdenr..Qov>; Kyle.W.Barnespusace.army.mil Cc: Rob Moul <rmoul(@Imgroup.net>; Eric.schudt(@sunenergvl.com Subject: SunEnergy - Proposed Kelford Planting List Hi Anthony & Kyle, I have formulated a proposed planting list for the Kelford Solar site based upon my findings at my site evaluation and general wetland type (i.e. non-riverine wet hardwood forest). This list fulfils the planting criteria set forth in the approved restoration plan. Please review and let me know of your thoughts and if you are OK with this mix. I would like to get the order placed this week. Thanks! River Birch (Betula nigra) —4,000 (*natural specimens observed on -site) Laurel Oak (Quercus laurifolia) —4,000 Swamp Chestnut Oak (Quercus michauxii) — 3,000 Black Gum (Nyssa biflora) — 2,000 (Please remove This is not an appropriate species for the site) Bald Cypress (Taxodium distichum) — 2,000 (to be planted in lower/inundated areas) Wax Myrtle (Morelia cerifera) — 2,000 (*understory species) Total Stems — 17,000 Wes Fryar I Environmental Scientist — Project Manager Direct: 452-0001 x 1927 1 Cell: 910.471.0018 1 Fax: 910.452.0060 Email wfryar(a).lmgroup.net 1 Website: www.lmgroup.net Land Management Group, Inc I Environmental Consultants 3805 Wrightsville Ave I Suite 15 1 Wilmington, NC 28403 ❑® From: Scarbraugh, Anthony To: Lindsey Hesch; Barnes. Kyle W SAW Cc: Kelly Hoyt; Wes Fryar; Denton Jr. Bob; Sullivan. Shelton; Tankard. Robert; May, David Subject: RE: Kelford Wetland Seed Mix Date: Friday, April 21, 2017 3:31:55 PM Attachments: imaae001.Dna Ms. Hesch, This Office has no objection to the proposed seed mix and application rate for the Wetland Area #6. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me. Regards, Anthony Scarbraugh Environmental Senior Specialist Division of Water Resources — Water Quality Regional Operations Department of Environmental Quality 252 948 3924 office anthony.scarbraugh@ncdenr.gov 943 Washington Square Mall Washington, NC 27889 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Lindsey Hesch [mailto:lindsey.hesch@sunenergyl.com] Sent: Friday, April 21, 2017 9:16 AM To: Scarbraugh, Anthony<anthony.scarbraugh@ncdenr.gov>; Barnes, Kyle W SAW <Kyle.W.Barnes@usace.army.mil> Cc: Kelly Hoyt <kelly.hoyt@sunenergyl.com>; Wes Fryar <wfryar@lmgroup.net>; Denton Jr, Bob <Bob.Denton @duke-energy.com> Subject: Kelford Wetland Seed Mix Good morning, Anthony and Kyle. Thank you for your time and review of the Kelford site on Tuesday. I know that you will be following up with SE1 on next steps with the site overall. However, in the interim, I was hoping to get your approval of a seed mix for the small wetland area by the front gate (approximately 0.5-acre in size) that is currently dominated by early - successional, upland species so that we may get it seeded as soon as possible prior to the weather heating up. Our consultant has advised us that the mix listed below would be appropriate. He recommended 8-10 lbs. to be seeded as soon as possible with a hand spreader and before a rain event. NC Coastal Plain FACW Mix Item #: ERNMX-302 Cost: $60.19/lb Categories: Wet Meadows & Wetlands Please advise if you concur with the seed mix and recommendation, or if you have any other suggestions to ensure the successful establishment of hydrophytic vegetation. Thanks again and have a great weekend! Lindsey 0 Lindsey Hesch ISenior Environmental Specialist 0: (252) 825-1731 x607 C: (984) 960-8099 6750 NC Hwy 30 E Bethel, NC 27812 www.SunEnergyl.com lindsev.hesch(aSunEnergwLcom CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email message and any attachments are intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient of this email, please contact the sender by reply email and delete the original and any copy of this email. If you are the intended recipient but do not wish to receive communications by email, please so advise the sender immediately.