HomeMy WebLinkAbout20231085 Ver 1_Duke dredge app_20230809Duke Energy Excavation Permit Application Form FOR DLIKF ENFRGV t1SE ONLY Duke File No. Application Fcc S__ __ ___ Security Drywsit S___ ___ Check it Date Recv,d Initials hate of Duke FnclZ I ikc Se►vices. applicant an&or contractor on -site inspections Date Initials Date Final N im-tion AN oidame Area hlatkings Field - Verified Initials .J�Ppr%n ri to Start NVoli, lty ' : Date (ltinr) (Sign) Date Completion Rcqutrwl Date of Any Approved Extension Initials NI.- Pas�,cv Cleacout Inspection• Initials r\ S_,(• \%ori, haler or SMG Violations•? (check one) ❑Yes ❑No (,y Yes. explain in PART V) D. -.c Drw,.rt Refunded Initials Datc Permit Database Updated Initials • Fornsrd copy of approved application (all pages, plus any attachments that Duke Energy changed) back to applicant with ApproN al Letter and highlight any changes. File copies of Approval and Close-out Checklists and any Stop Work Ordmytithspplication. Part 1. Applicant Information (Please Print) Name Daniel J. Muxie Telephone 617-678-7819 Email address: dan.muxie@gmail.com Lake Address 109 Bantam Place Mooresville , Nc 28117 Contractor Company CTC Grading Contractor Contact Person Tina Little Mailing Address (if different) Contractor Email Address: tinalittle1117@gmail.com LAKE LOT INFORMATION Lake Norman County Irdell Subdivision The Farms Telephone 828468-7175 City Mooresville State NC Tax Map No. 4626 Lot / Section No. 563 Lot Size 1.267Acres Duke Energy I'age 4 of 13 rcv 11/22/21 Excavation ProErarn Duke Enerev E.xcavntlon Permit Application Form Security Deposit Refund Informntion The security deposit Nvill he iefunded aver the excavation permit has expired if no violations of the appmval occurred. The applicant will receive the security deport refund at the mailing address in Peal I unless an altenvitive reeipictlt is identified. Sens the security dcposit Io au alternative recipient? (check one) ❑Yes 00 (if Yes, mclude Wid m,+ilirig ad./v ss below. Name: Mailing Address: Tax ID: q2 j� y g % 7 Il AT them any t'o-Applicants"" (cheek wie) ❑Yes ONo (If Yes, include names, street .;,]•Iresse s or lot numbs-rc, pier numbers, phone numhers, and email addresses in Part V — .-kdditional Information) . G>-Applicants exist when the proposed work is being done under a single application, will be perfo hied h-N• a single contractor as one continuous project, and is done to benefit multiple owners lc:Lse holders of Project -front properties within a single development. There can be no more than 4 co -applicants in addition to the lead applicant on any application. Do not continue the application until an on -site inspection has been conducted between a Duke Energy Lake Representative and the applicant and/or the excavation contractor. _VOTE: Initialling this portion of the application by a Lake Representative in no way constitutes approval or eminent approval of the excavation or any other lake use permitting activity. Date of on -site inspection 81 18 Z3 Initials (Duke Energy) (applicant/contractor) A.L.•s #44 Duke LucrEry Page 5 of 13 rev It/L'CI F.xcuvatiun i'rugraln Duke laaem-ExcttvtttipnPermit Application Form Part 11. Description of Project A. Buic Infen alien 1. T)re Of excavation: (check one) 0 New excavation O Maintenance excavation .', Nt}K•%e of excavation: (chn k one) ❑ ©oat Access Channel 0 Water Intake Channel O Wastewater Discharge Channel 0 Other (sJkYf6'): Tn hAwn host Arrp4a to d ck ?. Lake weer category: (check one) ®Private ❑Residential Marina ❑Commercial Marina ❑Public 00ther (spec '): d. %tax. Excavation Area Dimensions (ft): Length 30' Width 50' Depth 5' Note: include additional area dimensions if necessary so response to #S below equals max. area daRcnsions in #4) 5. Volume of Excavated Material (TOTAL for the project): 6, Tvrc of material removed (applicant determines Silt / day 277.77 Cubic yards 7. Excavation Site area: •034 Acre (s) Disposal Site area: 9.83 Acre (s) 8. Total Disturbed Area (including equipment staging area): .034 Acre (s) 9. Does the project meet the requirements of the applicable General Permit? (check one) ®Yes ONO 10. Do you claim title to the disposal area? (check one) ❑Yes ONO 11. Do you claim title to the equipment staging area? (check one) ❑Yes ®No 12. Are there any water -treatment facilities within 50 feet of the proposed excavation area? (check one) OYes ONO (if Yes, specify): 13. How will the excavated material be entrapped and the erosion controlled? (e.g. see attached erosion control plan and disposal area desien): Material will be barged to Waterside loaded on trucks and trucked to Amity Mill stump Dump an approved dump site with the state. Dukc Gncrgy Page 6 of 13 rev I U2221 Excavation Program Duke Fnern- EAep •ntion Perntlt Applicutlon Form 14. T% s of excavation equipment to be umi:__ — -- Barpe. Long Reach EXCAV.110r nn(t Dump Trucks 15. WIII..atrt. of N%rflaml. he missed in trnnsporting quipmcni to or from the site? 1. Awl 4W) WYC'. ❑Nu -- 1 a Will rrtum .% atcr re-enter the reservoir? (Check one) ❑Yes _ ttr 1'ec y+n_LA-LAc fre-e►ttn, and show on E rcavation Area Dra avo ON/A i ' Is therr an existing facility (e.g. pier) that access is being maintained to by conducting the cx:s%anon° Yes ❑No Ur ) es. prtrviJe the existing permit number. If No, include a scaled drawing of the proposed Permit rs 11327 16. Total planned duration of the work (Include first equipment mobilization, excavation ttrvugh final mitigation measures complete): START 11 / 2023 FINISH 11 / 2023 (Month) (Year) (Month) (Year) DULL 1-Imsey Nige 7 of 13 rcv 11122JI-1 f-xce►�t,uu f't��vn » t �q c « I R � E I [ � < 2� \ jE � 2 ) c 2 # / / $ / z [ q<� 5� \ ƒ k \ Q k ® � 5 \ 77 0 � ; 5 % Q §y�_ \ G ƒ \ m \/ §\ ; / \ /\ _\ $ \ Q )\ ,88 � / 3 to }ƒ a§ e \ c 6 2 0 G / 2 5 } m� % [ Q § a § Q | fn 0 00 04 § D c r • S x C G Q a z z it r, v� L 1 n 'ram G ^7 � l C Q � u 4; t eL 3 E > ro u T O a3 CO 3 � Y u- o°A 'L7 � C � CZcJ U 0 3 ro a3 U CC >, Ca U S_ O E ro U o o w � a Q o c o o U -o L ro O Y C aCi "d 'd .0 a a, o 'O 'O U ro Q O O v Li. U o G V en Duke Enerey Exeayation Permit Application Form Comments: r ,aWksat Name (print) Apoleast Sgnature• Date ' Ce-Applicant Name (print) Co -Applicant Signature* Ce-Applicant Name (print) Co-Appiicant Signature* Co -Applicant Name (print) Co -Applicant Signature* Co -Applicant Name (print) Co -Applicant Signature* Date Date Date Date 'Per my signature, the information provided in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge. Duke Energy Page 10 of 13 rcv 11122/2021 F_xcavation Program Excavation Project User's Agreement Letter (Please fill in the blanks. Please Print) Date 7/30/2023 TO: Duke Energy c/o Lake Services - EC 12Q 526 S. Church Street Charlottc, NC 28202 RE: Excavation For (Subdivision and Lot Ws or Other Project Name) The Farms L o+ SO (LakelCounty/City) Norman / Iredell Mooresville (Applicant's full name) Daniel J. Muxie hereby agrees to comply with all recommendations, requirements and/or conditions of Duke Energy, General Permit(s) (if applicable) and other federal, state and local agency requirements pertaining to the application to excavate for the purpose of a Access dock by boat In addition, ]Ave have read and agree to comply with Duke Energy's current Shoreline Management Plan (SMP) or other applicable guidelines, much of which is repeated herein, and understand that written authorization must be obtained from Duke Energy prior to beginning any activity within the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) project boundary or on Duke Energy property associated with a reservoir, collectively referred to as Project Boundary. The excavation will be completed as described in the approved application and within eighteen (18) months from the date of written approval by Duke Energy, unless specifically noted otherwise in the application or unless 1/we obtain approval for a single, time extension (maximum of one year) in writing from Duke Energy. Ywe understand that if the SMP or other applicable guidelines or rules change during any extension period, I/we will be expected to comply with the new requirements to the maximum extent practicable. 1/we also recognize that failure to complete the excavation within this build -out period will require the filing of a new application within the then - current SMP or other applicable guidelines and the new application must include any applicable fees and security deposits. 1/we attest to be the owner(s) or lease holder(s) of the land immediately adjoining the Project Boundary where the excavation activity is to take place, or if not the owner or lease holder, Utive have included proof of title to the property and written authorization from the owner(s) or lease holder(s) to carry out the proposal within the Project Boundary adjacent to their land. 1/we attest to be the owner(s) or lease holder(s) of the land that will be used for equipment staging and disposal of excavated material or if not the owner or lease holder, IlIve have included proof of title to the property and written authorization from the owner(s) or lease holder(s) to carry out the work on their land. fW (Wly Page I Rey: 4/6/1020 I Nir undct--tand that till e\e;►vation wrnk must be done directly in front of my/our property and as .lx�. ifiod in Duke l:nrrgy's approval. I/trd- c►Iso understand that access channels must run perrendicular to the .hotvline while within the third of the cove area that is nearest no'/rmr pmpert � 1)Ir undcmand that I'm proposed excavations, I/►re must notify the appropriate local, state and fc%lonal agencies in adv;utce of the activity by sending them it completed copy of Duke Energy's f�ca� atton Perntit :\pplication horn► and other required information. I/►ve understand that Ws1113011 autlit, ritatitill and/or other pennits may be required by some of these agencies and such nVuttn\t authotirations must be obtained before I/we submit the final application to Duke I nct,"). :\t FERC-licensed tvservoin, Fire understand that except for maintenance excavalions, any cW.tvation exceeding 2000 cubic yards of material removed or any excavation or shoreline .tahth,%tlion N\ork needed to support an application that requires FERC review does itself require sp:Zrtic rr\ iew and approval by the FERC before Duke Energy can issue any approvals. I ire acree that unless specifically approved otherwise in the application, explosives will not be uNed as part of this excavation activity. I -stie understand that every reasonable effort must be made to minimize any adverse impact on fish, wildlife and other natural resources. I t+ e understand that applicants in South Carolina proposing excavations that are not covered under the General Permit, or are greater than 150 cubic yards, must receive prior written authorization from the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control I SCDHEQ or the US Army Corps of Engineers (as applicable) before submitting the completed application to Duke Energy. Inge agree that excavation activities will not occur during the months of March, April, May and June because of the potential impacts to fish spawning areas. Inge understand that trees and vegetation growing within or adjoining the lake play an important role in its overall environmental condition, and the ecological benefit the vegetation has on fish and wildlife habitat directly supports a sound and healthy lake environment. I/rre also understand that unauthorized removal of shoreline vegetation (e.g. button bushes, willows, cattails, etc.) and/or disturbance of the shoreline buffer may result in suspension or denial of lake use permitting requests, forfeiture of security deposits and require re-establishment of vegetation at my/our expense, particularly if the disturbance is found to be in violation of state or local ordinances or impacts FERC project buffers. IlA e agree all excavated material will be placed in upland areas, landward of the Project Boundary, and confined to prevent erosion and sedimentation back into the lake or nearby streams. t.A. I.-p Vage 2 R— 4.612020 I "r r.cme to %tabtlire all excavated material rind all disturbed shoreline to prevent MA1071 An41 tim"IT Into 1110 lake. I Mr iimlc tvan,l that the double handling of excavated material will not be allowed; therefore, all e % k A%A;k%1 III AloIAI III; 1•t be plAced nlxne the Project Boundary in one handling. hA% r Jo%i ;ned the hN-drauhc exca %ation process (if any will be used) so that return water re- vpic ♦ The lake 1n the'aallc };Coles) Vicinity and clove as the excavation, to the maximum extent IVisto.;NC ; wv aj-r» that the ptrpxlccd excavation will not be for the purpose of creating additional %ho-Irlane. » 111 not alter the Project Boundary or the full pond contour, and will not impact thwiton,N] of endangered species, historic properties, or environmentally -important areas, unless ,;xvaal public entity previsions were made in the application. I wr rt%-%); ltrc that it is ►n.vlour responsibility to clearly locate in the field and label on my/our ,&xvi arcs drawings any areas that require specific protection or avoidance during this excavation *%wk. Examples of these protection/avoidance areas include but are not limited to, any Em-ironmcntal Areas, Natural Am -as or Impact Minimization Zones as identified by Duke En,.Ty�. Iun>dictional wetlands; historic properties; rare or threatened species; and buried gas, w atcr, scH cr, electric or communications lines.11we agree to provide my/our contractor with a cop) of these work area drawings showing these areas to stress the necessary protection measures. i "a agmv that if any archaeological resources (e.g. pottery shards, Indian artifacts, etc.) are diNco%cred during the excavation, work shall be halted immediately. Ywe will then notify Duke Flncrgy and the State Historic Preservation Office to determine what measures, if any,11we must pursue to protect or salvage the archaeological resources. 1 �%e agrce that any excavation from within the Project Boundary will not exceed the volume as outlined in the application and will remove and disturb only what is absolutely necessary to achieve the project's stated purpose. 1,Ae agree to be fully responsible for the permitted lake use and Uwe understand that this responsibility is considered to transfer automatically along with ownership and leases of the adjoining tract. 114e understand Duke Energy representatives may issue Stop Work Directives for violations of the SMP or other applicable guidelines and other consequences may result from such violations, inOLAing but not limited to suspension or cancellation of approved permits, increases in fees, mudifacation or removal of non -complying structures and restoration of disturbed areas at my/our own expense or loss of any consideration for future lake use permits. 1/we agree to immediately wmply with any Stop Work Directives, to fully cooperate with Duke Energy and other agencies as necessary, and to perform the necessary remedial actions within the specified time frame. 1n . 1-1, Page 3 Rv 41"20 Par agree to develop any required mitigation plans and to complete any required mitigation activities at mttiuur own expense within the specified time frames. 1/we recognize that the excavation work is not considered complete and deposits will not be refunded until the mitigation trquitrmcnis (if any) have been satisfactorily fulfilled. 'lue gme to notify nuke Energy by phone when the excavation is initiated and to ensure that durine ihr excavation period. Ave will post Duke Energy's approval letter in a clear waterproof tmt; at the rob site and visible from the water's edge. 1 c agree to notify Duke Energy in writing when the excavation is completed (including any nNuircd mitigation measures) and that the excavation was completed per the approved application, so a close-out inspection can be performed. 1we recognize security deposits will not be refunded if any violations of the SMP, other applicable guidelines, or this user's agreement occur. Live understand there will be no change in hydro project operations as a result of the excavation and'or utilization of the excavated area. "-e agree to maintain the work area in a safe condition and to fully indemnify and save Duke Energy harmless from any and all claims, liability, loss or damage that may arise from this excavation project. "-e understand that this user's agreement does not, in any way, constitute the transfer of any rights in real property and that my/our use and enjoyment of FERC project and Duke Energy lands and waters shall not hinder the general public's lawful use an enjoyment of the same. Sincerely. // // Co -Applicant's Name (Print) Co -Applicant's Name (Print) Co -Applicant's Name (Print) CirApplicant's Name (Print) Co -Applicant's Signature Co -Applicant's Signature Co -Applicant's Signature Co -Applicant's Signature GWa 1—gy Page 4 Rt, 4d2020 1; rv. Ott orq- rwe-wo, IT 4e11h 1*r► to Jfminrk►nt for par& Oro" t► If" 0161— rl fir' be rw I,Ito Iv M.HeIt htp►vo theft ill fend/ Normal WAlVr tivvpl PIwalIon t Ira &,, H tic to., tv fr1 10 1w NM rqt twl.rw th* lull Pond/ Normal Warr Irvr+l rlwalion A Ira a rl l•a06rd Ong lurrI Suit M b+nlife nR%, Irtalning wall%, (lock I, rrtt. * to%~ of wasmilIam ot *vOty bolow the FYN Pond/ Normal Water Urwl glevstlon Plan lake [m 1A F\-w%V Nga"wWaller IPWO i Magi. r 1 E AMPLE Flan View rt Aril Page 3 of 4 DREDGE SPOIL DISPOSAL FORM Project Name/address: DnA) el M; C. -. County: I2c e dl Location Address: 7774 Hudson Chopol RD, Catawba NC 28609 Parcel p: 470104747078 A.. 2.42 Acres Disposal area required (sq ft and/or acreage) J D,X S� Ack-nowledgement of Notification I, & K-A-i ►4; i' , am aware that the site must adhere to all state regulations and rules regarding sediment and erosion control and water quality. And give permission for Ckt•S y(.-y 0T(L Gam►�'�h Name of Individuaf and Company to dispose of their dredge material at the above stated location Owner: G Randy Keith ertL /l Q Print Si ature Date: �� '%9- aa23 Along with form, please provide: Aerial of parcel/lot (County GIS) Photo of proposed spoil site Identified proposed spoil site �r1 m 1• r�r _ . i •21 : ci : tt:7•! t:'.:`:•t�t': tl''t t t f Ilc:•;:s�::•c�cscc'i:scsiccs:,cccscs 1�11l IIIIt1111111tl111 .1Y•t,YYI 1 n catawba county Geospatial Real Estate Search ••- Information Sorvicos 1 in=100ft Parcel: 470104747078, 7774 HUDSON CHAPEL RD CATAWBA, 28609 Owwrlers: WATERSIDE MARINA LLC, Ouner Address: 762 BRAWLEY SCHOOL RD Values - Bullding(s): $152,000, Land: $737,900, Total: $889,900 Trua nw;yrelsx1 lr Aua we► Ixepareo Ifpfn pre Catawba County, NC Geospatral Information Services. Catawba County has made substantial efforts to efHbu*e pm ar r ura' y ull kx at w ono Idbehr.,j information wntduied on this map or data on this report. Catawba County promotes and recommends pie tnLr atojn of dny date wntduwd on tfub maplrupoll product by the user. The County of Catawba, its employees, agents, and W V-4.r•el a.vad�n,, a+d zrwu WA I.e held hdble fol arty dr,r1 aljl ddrndrgas, kss or liability, whether direct, indirect or consequential which arises or may Anse lion pub md;'MbVirt prrAuct br ttw ose tl,ernrd by any {WIMJn of enlily. Gupyrnjhl 7U7"! Catawba County NC 07y30/2023 DREDGE SPOIL DISPOSAL FORM Project Name/address: b-, -j r (h��•� 10 8A14 I-0).n Nolte County: location Address: 3776 Amity I lill Rd, Slalosvillo NC, 28677 Parcel W. 47S1935674 Parcrvlot Lire 9.83 Acros Diciposal arra required (sq It and/or acreage) AcA„oN-)edptment of Notification i ! I );y 01; 11 s , am aware that the site must adhere to all state regulations and rules rrgardm'g sediment and erosion control and water quality. And give permission for Name of individual and Company to cispose of their dredge material at the above stated location Owner. c Print date: Q 731- :)3 Ajcng with form, please provide: Aerial of parcel/lot (County GIS) Photo of proposed spoil site identified proposed spoil site -- I-)" , A l /YLj4 c� a n5� lrle be-r- Am;4Y �;11 L.6Dj 1-Le RO) Cf-Vi"ER A��'lt1Ct C RfG�N k0clOxt SCOU BMJIVy Mills Amity Hill LCID, LLC 254 Barfield Road Mooresville. NC 28115 r NOR1F1 CAROL INA [nrfroainrntaf Quality May 9, 2019 Re: Land Clearing 8 Inert Debris Notification for Site Less than Two Acres in Size Amity Hill LCID, LLC Notified LCID Landfill 3776 Amity Hill Road Statesville, Iredell County Latitude: 35.697222, Longitude:-80.820307 Recordation: Book 2616 Pages 820-828 File ID No. N1095 Dear Mr. Mills: The Solid Waste Section (Section) has received your recorded Land Clearing and Inert Debris (LCID) landfill notification for the above referenced facility on May 7, 2019. The notification was received due to a name and ownership change to the existing Ozark Avenue LCID approved in 2018 and recorded in the Iredell County Register of Deeds, Book 2517 Pages 1201-1211. Nothing in this letter provides for the establishment of a new disposal activity at this location. Please be aware that the notification process does not satisfy the conditions for an individual LCID permit greater than two acres in size. In accordance with 15A NCAC 13B .0563(1), facilities larger than two acres must comply with more stringent requirements for an individual permit. Please be avrare that the land owner and facility operator will be subject to enforcement action if the facility is in vioiation of any of the requirements in North Carolina Solid Waste Management Rules 15A NCAC 13B Sections .0563, .0564, and .0566. 1) When the property is sold, leased, conveyed or transferred, the deed or other instrument of transfer shall contain in the description section a statement that clearly states the property was used as a Land Clearing and Inert Debris landfill and shall reference the above noted deed book and page for the Notification form. The statement shall be in type that is no smaller than the size used in the body of the deed or instrument. 2) Amendments or revisions to the Solid Waste Management Rules or the violation of groundwater standards may necessitate modification of the construction, operation, or closure of this facility. 3) This notification is not transferable. Any changes in ownership require that a new notification be submitted. North Carolina Drwitnu•nl of Environmental Qulity I Division of Waste Managemelit 217 West tunes Slrect 11646 Mail Service Center I Ralcigh, North 0rohna 27699-1646 919.707.82O0 Bradley Mills Amity Hill LCID LLC Landfill May 9, 2019 Page 2of3 4) Aland clearing and inert debris landfill as defined In Rule .0101(22) means a facility for the land disposal of land clearing waste, concrete, brick, concrete block, uncontaminated soil, gravel and rock, untreated and unpainted wood, and yard trash. a) Land Clearing Waste as defined In Rule .0101(23) as solid waste which is generated solely from land -clearing activities, limited to stumps, trees, limbs, brush, grass, and other naturally occurring vegetative material. b) Yard Trash as defined in Rule .0101(55) means solid waste resulting from landscaping and yard maintenance such as brush, grass, tree limbs, and similar vegetative materials c) As provided under North Carolina General Statute 130A-309.09E (a)(1), used asphalt or used asphalt mixed with dirt, sand, gravel, rock, and concrete may also be accepted for disposal. 5) Site preparation and construction shall be in accordance with 15A NCAC 13B .0564, Siting Criteria for LCID Landfills. Buffers to property lines, water bodies, wells, and structures must be maintained in perpetuity unless otherwise approved by the Division. 6) The facility must be operated in accordance with 15A NCAC 13B .0566, Operational Requirements for LCID Landfills. 7) The facility must comply with the sedimentation and erosion control requirements contained in 15A NCAC 4, Sedimentation Control. Construction and operations involving sedimentation and erosion control activities greater than one acre typically require approval from the Land Quality Section. You should contact the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources (DEMLR) at (919) 707-9220 to determine whether your disposal activities require approval. Please note that some local governments have delegated authority by DEMLR to require permits for land disturbing activities less than one acre in size via local ordinance. 8) Groundwater quality at this facility is subject to the classification and remedial action provisions of 15A NCAC 2L, Classifications and Water Quality Standards. Please contact the Division of Water Resources at (919) 707-9000 for additional information. 9) Closure of the facility shall be in accordance with 15A NCAC 13B .0566(5). The closure requirements stipulate that at least one foot of suitable soil cover be applied within 120 calendar days after completion of any phase of disposal operations or upon revocation of the authorization. The soil cover must be sloped to allow surface water runoff in a controlled manner. Please note that the regulations give the Solid Waste Section the authority to require further actions if needed to correct any adverse condition. Be aware that the state rules governing solid waste management (15A NCAC 13B), including the rules applicable to land clearing and inert debris landfills mentioned above, are currently undergoing a rule readoption process which may result in changes to some rules. Updates on the readoption process and draft rule changes will be posted on the Solid Waste Section's Rule E 1C North LJ1uhIli I1rliJrtnIt- III Il 1.IIVII IIIIII It' 111.11 tluilny 1111vttilutl ul Waste N,ut.tgenlent 217 Wr,t Tulare %item 1 I t,M16 M a I I ic, vl(r CrnlerI I(alctgh, North Caruhna 27699-1646 919.707.0200 Bradley Mills Amity Hill LCID LLC Landfill May 9, 2019 Page 3 of 3 Readoption webpage here: https://deg.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/solid-waste- section/rules-review. If you have not been in contact already, please contact Kim Sue, Environmental Senior Specialist with the Section, at 704-235-2163, kim.sue ncdenr. ov to discuss the site review prior to beginning operations. Should you have any questions or need additional assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at (336) 776-9674, la son,watkins@nedenr.gov. Sincerely. Digitally signed by Jason M. Watkins Date: 2019.05.09 10:16:14 -04'00' Jason M. Watkins Field Operations Branch Head Div. of Waste Management — Solid Waste Section cc: Jessica Montie, Compliance Officer, SWS Deb Aja, Western District Supervisor, SWS Kim Sue, Environmental Senior Specialist, SWS North Carulnw Drpartrnrnt of EnvlrurunentaI Quality I Divislon of Waste Management 217 West Iones Siren 1 1646 Mad Setvke Center I Italelgh, North Carolina 27699-1646 919.707.11200 Iredell County, North C,jroljn�j July 31, 2023 1-7 .. ; ., V ram' Rd c.n,al ua• ,I. � a a ter__— :,�.. r• _ u.. �. �.11 i 1" = 259.1374432081079 ft r �-- -w� Print map scale is approximate. •�=1��7.D� Critical layout or measurement •Ac[.4.,n1. AL.I.1 WIA75 activities should not be done using • T., f .1w AW.TV n.1 LUL LLC this resource. • War.y AOaI.w 1FI iIIhGlfiL NL ✓.;t tsrL lc. Wr 26115 MAP FOR REFERENCE ONLY ('9L ... AUIrV "&-L LLO LLc NOT A LEGAL DOCUMENT L..• r.lv ibt+:11 - IMr 201W371 • T.. AI+.. k Y3 N- k1 CUurdy NUM CwUYw makes W C{NIIS"IIU • LAA • ( MW fWd.b CIWVC bt;d UI ,IIV.'d, IVIKCMIIU 010 VAJAY W • D.►taw CLAN/ Ahl"Ut LL! 1q�•_11y ,. cwa..y W Ula 6IS Ua(, yl"w a-d.II thq Ilion. • LLIIY.y FA (,qtl v y IlydAwd 0&KYa+Y011 • Wa Fein, liVWAO-4A+AUri U.I. IPLLAW DIUM2023 • b.a y V.a., W • 6 C As V.+w W • La..• V.t... S141.'rW • T✓t.l ..lu, 9141,UW • ENAr nu.•• ►0 • Tu D.►'aI& ALLLN! T HK SA �{jl Map �//OrMROrrRKalmrlrnM^OarV raYltK 2ltn or,•at•xrr �,-R oe 4► ..+,�• ..` • rnis..n f •1 .�-.-) f n • �` -�- V)"' _ �.`IJy-- --- ,.:: ; -- - - . _ _ — - - _ _ - _. __.yr — -" . 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Lot a 1 warranues, expressed or implied, concernny the vaidiry, or • Dascnptx n ODUtY A.ILruUE LLC PB66-110 accuracy of the GIS data presented on this map. • 2or•m9 PA Geometry updated 06105I2023 • oW P.rul • lYf.H000UGI.U3L Data updated 0712712023 • 1l169 v.1u8 sU • Lena v.7ue $142.5A0 • Total Y.lua s142 .W • Delis V.Iua SO •Tu DulrKts-ALLLNTY FIRE- - FOX ClURVEYING COMPANY, P.C. - t�e r c'mb~v r wvrr *z' rJL-`- t flat. %mb w Full � •M\ • w•„ � tlO Y t Tr rwu�rT � Im lad& . T dbi N W A M46 Ie.rAroYw.r AND lrTLm rrrr.waLYlf AL�ALL Y•� Y..IA1 A �olA•� Wf OrI�. I / GiR.IfAT.P--Pm mm 9.99 ACR —5 (OW ACRE IN RIGHT -OF -NAY) � G Lomm I I AMiL Wwwl• I I.NM Po"Nop rm J I 1�•� -r' —..�� o•i 1 � �I�.i1 - K w-r��—r7�rwr�r YYw -rri�wwr�wt—wAwn �.rY\lam LOrARH .YI W �ALp .��—.. 1�•--w.ra� Mas �1�•'p !� SWTZ