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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230767 Ver 2_USACE Correspondence_20230716 (2)Baker, Caroline D From: Coleman, Amber <> Sent: Sunday, July 16, 2023 8:05 PM To: Stygar, KRYSTYNKA B CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) Cc: Ruiz, Melissa; Homewood, Sue Subject: [External] RE: SAW-2022-02515: Stover Data Center Additional quick question from submittal Attachments: rpt_microsoft_clt17_phi_ae_fin_reduced_20230316.pdf Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Report suspicious emails with the Report Message button located on your Outlook menu bar on the Home tab. Krysta, Here's the last attachment. Thanks! Amber From: Coleman, Amber Sent: Sunday, July 16, 2023 8:04 PM To: Stygar, KRYSTYNKA B CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <> Cc: Ruiz, Melissa <>; Homewood, Sue <> Subject: RE: SAW-2022-02515: Stover Data Center Additional quick question from submittal Krysta, See below for responses. I will follow up with another email with the Phase I Archaeological survey report so I don't max out the email limit. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks! Amber Amber Coleman, LSS, PWS Senior Associate Stantec 801 Jones Franklin Road Suite 300 Raleigh NC 27606-3394 Phone: (919) 865-7399 Cell: (919) 457-8230 (she/her) The content of this email is the confidential property of Stantec and should not be copied, modified, retransmitted, or used for any purpose except with Stantec's written authorization. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete all copies and notify us immediately. ® Please consider the environment before printing this email. From: Stygar, KRYSTYNKA B CIV USARMY CESAW (USA)<> Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2023 12:43 PM To: Coleman, Amber <> Cc: Ruiz, Melissa <>; Homewood, Sue <> Subject: SAW-2022-02515: Stover Data Center Additional quick question from submittal Amber, Good morning, I am in the process of reviewing the IP submittal for Stover North Data Center for completeness and have found some information to be lacking, and requires further explanation. 1. Page 8. The LEDPA indicates that the impacts will be 1826 LF -Permanent to streams, 73 LF temporary impacts to stream, and 0.032 acres of wetland impacts. Page 50: for the mitigation requirement the table indicates that the total amount of impacts is 1689 ( missing 137 LF of impacts, which does not match the Rip -Rap Permanent no net loss number that is captured which amounts to 50 LF) please revise to which is the correct number, and if needed revise the mitigation requirement and acceptance letter. On the acceptance letter, Page 699, indicates that the impact quantity is 1746 LF??? Where is this number coming from???the acceptance letter is Dated May 3, 2023. The total on that table was inadvertently not updated. The impact total should be 1826 and a new NCDMS acceptance letter with our revised total impacts has been requested and is attached to this response. 2. Page 54: Cultural Resources. "NO previously recorded archaeological or architectural sites are located within the Project Area" NOTE: According to the North Carolina SHPO Historic Resources Website, while there are no listed eligible historic sites within the project boundary, there is a site that is potentially listed immediately adjacent to the property. This listing is CT0950 : Rhoney House Only individual resources, informal consultation with the NCSHPO will occur —visibility concerns and potential degradation, the RHONEY CHAPEL CEMETARY is also immediately adjacent, I will reach out to our contacts for additional guidance. In Appendix F, there are indications that the applicant did additional survey work (can a copy of the survey results be sent as additional information ?) A Phase I Archaeological Survey Report and Phase I Architectural Survey Report have been prepared by Stantec and will follow in a separate email due to file size. 3. A.Threatened and Endangered Species: Page 172 : The tricolored bat has been proposed as Endangered and is expected to be officially listed Fall 2023. Roosting habitat is present across the site in the form of forested areas. Acoustic surveys are scheduled in 2023 for this species and further analysis and recommendations will be provided at that time. NOTE: In the other DATA CENTER SUBMITTALS, acoustic surveys indicated a MAY timeframe. It is now Mid-JULY, what are the survey results, and the applicant's path forward? Has any consultation been completed with USFWS? Acoustic Surveys were undertaken in July due to delays with USFWS survey plan approvals. The field work has been completed and the results are currently being processed. Consultation has not yet been completed with USFWS. b. "March 20, 2023 Stantec Biologists surveyed this potential habitat during the approved survey window MARCH —MAY) and no specimens were found (Dwarf -flowered heartleaf), due to no individuals being located it has been determined that this project will not affect this species. NOTE: in order for USACE to obtain a "no effect determination" we would need the survey results and all additional information to provide to the USFWS under Section 7. (With suitable habitat present, informal consultation is required, the survey results, and additional information/ site photographs, etc would be beneficial to provide once this is initiated.) In the following letter from the USFWS dated 06/06/2023 the USFWS has determined that a BA should be completed. Is there a BA available? The USFWS letter contains automated language as part of the official species list information. A BA has not been completed and we believe consultation for Dwarf -flowered heartleaf can be covered under informal consultation. We can provide additional details related to the DFHL survey findings. c. the map provided to the USFWS on page 176, does not match the project boundary provided for the LEDPA, please correct the map to show the correct project boundary. The official list has been re -requested using the up to date boundary for the site and is attached to this request. 4. Page 199: project description indicates that the there are 6 properties that are in the process of recombination/rezoning and the entire site is 160.1 acre site. Yet, on Page 7, and multiple other pages throughout the document, the site property totals is 159.77 acres. Which is correct? It is imperative that numbers and amounts are exact and match throughout the submittal. The project site is listed as 159.77 as per Catawba County parcel data and that acreage should be used. 5. 401- Pre -file. Since the submittal for the 401 was withdrawn it is required that a submittal be re -done with the correct impacts for the IWQC. (please provide the email notification that this pre -file was sent) As per conversation with Sue Homewood on 7/12/23 she indicated that we can use our original pre -file request for this resubmittal. 6. The standard application for the Individual Permit is the EN4345. After a thorough search for this document in the 799 page submittal I could not find it. Please provide for a complete application package. The application is on page 63 of the PDF. It is a scanned version of EN4345 — I have attached a non -scanned version to this request. 7. The adjacent landowners list in excel format is not attached. I know that the USACE requested hardcopies of mailing labels, please provide the list as well. Excel version of the adjoining property owners table is attached. 8. Please provide the agent authorization form, indicating that Microsoft Corporation has assigned documentation to work on their behalf for this Standard permit to Stantec Consulting. Updated agent authorization is attached. Thank you for your expeditious response in advance. Regards Krysta 3