HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0083887_More Information (Received)_20230807=0 August 4, 2023 Charlotte Douglas International Airport (CLT) 5601 Wilkinson Boulevard Charlotte, North Carolina Attention: Mr. Josh Eller Joshua.ElIer@cltairport.com Reference: Supplemental Surface Water PFAS Sampling (2"d Quarter 2023) Charlotte Douglas International Airport 5501 Josh Birmingham Parkway, Charlotte, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 22350274 Dear Mr. Eller: S&ME, Inc. (S&ME) submits this letter report summarizing supplemental Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) sampling activities conducted at the Charlotte Douglas International Airport (CLT) on June 12, 2023. This letter documents the field activities performed and presents the laboratory analytical data of surface water quality from selected outfalls sampled around the perimeter of the CLT property. The sampling services were performed in general accordance with the Agreement for Professional Services with the City of Charlotte c/o Aviation Department contract No. 2022000941 dated August 12, 2022 ("the Agreement"). Project Background Based on information provided to S&ME on May 5, 2023, we understand that CLT is required to conduct quarterly National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) monitoring. S&ME completed the second quarter 2023 NPDES discharge sampling on June 12, 2023, and issued the report to CLT on July 25, 2023. In addition to the quarterly NPDES sampling, CLT requested the collection of additional samples to be submitted for laboratory analysis for PFAS from select outfalls 001, 004, F, H, and K. A sample location map depicting the outfalls as provided by CLT is included as Figure 2. Summary of Sampling Activities On June 12, 2023, S&ME personnel visited CLT and collected grab surface water samples from outfalls 001, 004, F, H, and K for laboratory analysis for PFAS by Draft EPA Method 1633 via isotope dilution. The samples were collected in general accordance with the sampling protocols established by the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ). North Carolina regulatory authorities have not issued or promulgated standard surface water sampling practices for PFAS. Outfall surface water samples were collected in laboratory -provided sample containers, labeled with site identification (location, sample time, requested analysis, etc.), recorded on a laboratory provided chain -of -custody, S&ME, Inc. 12016 Ayrsley Town Boulevard, Suite 2A I Charlotte, NC 28273 1 p 704.523.4726 1 www.smeinc.com Supplemental Surface Water HAS Sampling (2nd Quarter 2023) Charlotte Douglas International Airport 5501 Josh Birmingham Parkway, Charlotte, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 22350274 and placed in a cooler with ice. The samples were shipped via Fed Ex under chain -of -custody protocols to Enthalpy Analytical in Wilmington, North Carolina on June 12, 2023. Analytical Results The analytical results indicated the presence of PFAS in the samples collected from Outfall 4 and Outfall H, as follows: Outfall 4: Perfluoro-n-hexanoic acid (PFHxA) — 10.9 nanograms per liter (ng/L) or parts per trillion (ppt) Outfall H: Perfluoropentanoic Acid (PFPeA) — 47.5 ng/L PFHxA — 41 ng/L Perfluorohexanesulfonic acid (PFHxS) — 44.9 ng/L Perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) — 84.5 ng/L 1 H, 1 H, 2H, 2H-perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (6:2 FTS) — 186 ng/L It should be noted that the laboratory analyzed the samples using a lower sample volume due to matrix interference from particulate matter present in the samples. Due to the lower sample volume, the laboratory Limit of Quantifications (LOQs) were elevated for the five primary samples and duplicate sample. The analytical results from the laboratory analysis are summarized in the attached Table 1. A radar plot showing the relative distribution for PFAS compounds detected above the LOQs (PFPeA, PFHxA, PFHxS, PFOS and 6:2 FTS) using the data from Outfall H is provided as Chart 1 for comparison purposes in subsequent sampling events. The laboratory analytical reports are attached. Quality Assurance S&ME collected additional samples for quality assurance / quality control (QA/QC) purposes in support of the PFAS data results. Additional sample volume was collected during the sampling of Outfall K, which was submitted for laboratory analysis by Draft EPA Method 1633 via isotope dilution under the sample identification "DUP". The analytical results reported by the laboratory for sample "DUP" were consistent with the analytical results for sample "K" from the Outfall K location. S&ME collected an equipment rinsate blank sample through the high -density polyethylene (HDPE) and silicone tubing used in conjunction with the peristaltic pump used to collect the PFAS samples under the sample identification "EB". PFAS were not detected above the LOQs in this QA/QC sample. August 4, 2023 Supplemental Surface Water HAS Sampling (2nd Quarter 2023) Charlotte Douglas International Airport I5501 Josh Birmingham Parkway, I E Charlotte, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 22350274 Summary and Discussion S&ME collected stormwater discharge/surface water samples from five outfalls (001, 004, F, H, and K) on June 12, 2023. The samples were submitted to a certified laboratory to be analyzed for PFAS by Draft EPA Method 1633 via isotope dilution. The analytical results showed concentrations of PFAS above the laboratory LOQ in the samples collected from Outfall 4 and Outfall H. Closure S&ME appreciates the opportunity to be of service to CLT. If you have any questions concerning this report, please contact us at your convenience. Sincerely, S&ME, Inc. �PG John L. Sherrill, . Project Geologist (919) 418-0287 jsherrill@smeinc.com Lucas Barroso-Giachetti Senior Project Manager (786) 877-4363 Ibarroso@smeinc.com Senior review conducted by Stanford Lummus, P.E., Technical Principal Attachments: Table 1 — Summary of PFAS Sampling Analytical Results Chart 1 — Outfall H Radar Plot Sample Location Map, Figure 2 Enthalpy Analytical Report August 4, 2023 Attachments Table 1 Summary of PFAS Sampling Analytical Results Charlotte Douglas International Airport 5501 Josh Birmingham Parkway Charlotte, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 23350274 1H1H, 2H, 2H- , PFAS Perfluorohexanesulfonic Perfluoropentanoic Acid Perfluoro-n-hexanoic acid Perfluorooctanesulfonic acid perfluorooctane sulfonic Parameter acid (PFPeA) (PFHxA) (PFHxS) (PFOS) acid Total nanograms of PFAS Outfall ID (6:2 FTS) above LOQ 001 <66.7 <33.3 <30.5 <30.9 <127 ND 004 < 20.0 10.9 < 9.14 < 9.28 < 38.0 10.9 F <33.3 <16.7 <15.2 <15.5 <63.3 ND H 47.5 41 44.9 84.5 186 403.9 K <66.7 <33.3 <30.5 <30.9 <127 ND Notes: Concentrations are shown in nanograms per liter (ng/L) Concentrations greater than the laboratory limit of quantification (LOQ) are shown in bold. Only compounds detected in at least one sample are included in this table. The full analytical laboratory report is included in the attachments. ND = Not Detected LOQ - Laboratory Limit of Quantitation CHART 1 SAMPLE OUTFALL H JUNE 12, 2023 Perfluoropentanoic Acid (PFPeA) 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 1H, 1H, 2H, 2H-perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (6:2 FTS) 60 ••40• 20 0 Perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) Perfluoro-n-hexanoic acid (PFHxA) Perfluorohexanesulfonic acid (PFHxS) SME Environmental Services - S&ME 2724 Discovery Drive Suite 120 Raleigh, NC 27616 CDIA 2Q23 Client Project# 23350284 Samples Received: 6/13/2023 Analytical Report 0623-785 EPA Method 1633 (non -potable water) DOD Table B-24 PFAS - M1633 List Report Issue Date: 7/21/2023 I certify that to the best of my knowledge all analytical data presented in this report have been checked for completeness, accuracy, errors and legibility in addition to having been conducted in accordance with approved protocol, and that all deviations and analytical problems are summarized in the appropriate narrative(s). This analytical report was prepared in Portable Document Format (.PDF) and contains 3 I pages. This report shall not be reproduced except in full without approval of the laboratory. This will provide assurance that parts of the report are not taken out of context. Signature: Laura Boivin, QAAssociate Addendum: �► Enthalpy Analytical, LLC — Ultratrace Mark Hager, Project Manager 0: 910-876-6894/ F: 910-212-6886 ENTHALPY mark.hager@enthalpy.com / www.enthalpy.com A N A L Y T I C A L 2714 Exchange Drive, Wilmington, NC 28405 Table of Contents CaseNarrative........................................................................................................................................4 General Reporting Notes ........................................................................................................................ 7 PFASAcronym List...................................................................................................................................10 Results.........................................................................................................................................................12 Summaryof Results................................................................................................................................13 Detailed Results 14 ...................................................................................................................................... QC Data 21 ....................................................................................................................................................... 22 Method Blank.......................................................................................................................................... LCS...........................................................................................................................................................26 Sample Custody 28 Chain of Custody ..................................................................................................................................... 29 Shipping Documents ............................................................................................................................... 30 EU# 0623-785 Page 2 of 31 �) 1 ENTHALPY A N A L Y T I C A L Narrative Summary EU# 0623-785 Page 3 of 31 Enthalpy Analytical Narrative Summary Company SME Environmental Services - S&ME Job No. 0623-785-1 DOD QSM Table B-24 (EPA 1633) - non -potable water Client ID. 23350284 Site: CDIA 2Q23 1. Custody John Sherrill collected the samples on June 12, 2023 for SME Environmental Services. Bryan Johnson relinquished to FedEx for shipment to Enthalpy Analytical, LLC on June 13, 2023. Christina Kurnath received the samples on June 14, 2023 at 4.3°C. The samples were received in good condition. Sample EB, collected on 6/12/23 at 14:30 per the bottle label, was received but not documented on the COC. Client approved the analysis of this sample. Prior to, during, and after analysis, the samples were kept under lock with access only to authorized personnel by Enthalpy Analytical, LLC. Table 1 - Sample Inventory EU Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Matrix 0623-785-001-2 001 AQ 0623-785-002-2 004 AQ 0623-785-003-2 F AQ 0623-785-004-2 H AQ 0623-785-005-2 K AQ 0623-785-006-2 DUP AQ 0623-785-007-2 EB AQ Table 2 - Sample Inventory — not reported EU Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID 0623-785-001-1 001 0623-785-002-1 004 0623-785-003-1 F 0623-785-004-1 H 0623-785-005-1 K 0623-785-006-1 DUP 2. Methods and Analytes A list of analytes of interest and corresponding methods of analysis is shown in Table 3. Abbreviations are defined in the listed Appendices. Table 3 - Methods and Analytes EU Method Analytes Cleanup Method EU-062 PFAS - M1633 List N/A 3. Analysis The samples were analyzed using Waters Acquity UPLC equipped with Xevo TQ MS (LC/MS/ MS "Pippin"). EU# 0623-785 Page 4 of 31 Enthalpy Analytical Narrative Summary Company SME Environmental Services - S&ME Job No. 0623-785-1 DOD QSM Table B-24 (EPA 1633) - non -potable water i Client ID. 23350284 Site: CDIA 2Q23 Samples were initially screened by direct inject analysis to determine extraction volume. For aqueous samples with an observable amount of PM in the sample container a total suspended solids (TSS) test is performed to determine PM content is >_ 50mg. After homogenizing and allowing to settle, unless otherwise indicated by a screening analysis or observed matrix, the sample is measured gravimetrically and spiked with extraction standards (ES). Sample pH is verified to be 6.5 ± 0.5, adjusted with 5% formic acid or 3% NH4OH as needed. Each sample is extracted via SPE, transferred to a clean collection tube, spiked with internal standard (IS), and vortex prior to analysis. Client approved subsampling due to sample turbidity where necessary to facilitate extraction. 4. Calibration In the initial calibration, the reported analytes exhibited R12 of >_ 0.99. The reported analytes in the calibration standards, continuing calibration (concal) and Initial Calibration Verification (ICV) met the accuracy criterion for native analytes. 5. QC Notes The QC sample analyses passed all method criteria. MB2-15570-PFAS was prepped to accompany samples prepped with a lower sample volume (subsampling) using a different manifold system than samples prepped with MB1 -1 5570-PFAS. The ion ratios for all compounds were within tolerance. The samples were extracted within the 28-day from collection holding time and analyzed within the 28-day from extraction to analysis holding time required by the method. 6. Reporting Notes I These analyses met the requirements of the DoD QSM 5.4. Any deviations from the requirements of the reference method or the QSM have been stated above. The following samples had manual integrations on one or more peaks. The associated comments are included below. 0623-785-001-2- "ii", 0623-785-002-2- "ii", 0623-785-003-2- "ii", 0623-785-004-2- "ii", 0623-785-005-2- "ii", 0623-785-006 -2- "ii", 0623-785-007-2- "ii", 0623-812-003-1 MS- "ii", 0623-812-003-1 MSD- "ii", LLOPR-15570-PFAS- "ii", MB-15570-PFAS- "ii", MB2-15570-PFAS- "ii", OPR-15570-PFAS- "ii" Shaded areas in the chromatograms display the peak integration used for the final results. Dashed lines show the original integration, and solid lines show the final integration. Enthalpy Analytical, LLC in Wilmington NC is accredited by ANAB to perform testing to the DOD ELAP QSM 5.4 standards under certificate number ADE-2835. EU# 0623-785 Page 5 of 31 Enthalpy Analytical Narrative Summary Company SME Environmental Services - S&ME Job No. 0623-785-1 DOD QSM Table B-24 (EPA 1633) - non -potable water Client ID. 23350284 Site: CDIA 2Q23 The results presented in this report are representative of the samples as provided to the laboratory. EU# 0623-785 Page 6 of 31 � General Reporting Notes — Data Qualifiers ENTHALPY ANALYTICAL The following are general reporting notes that are applicable to all Enthalpy Analytical, LLC - Wilmington, NC data reports, unless specifically noted otherwise. General Data Qualifiers • B — The analyte was found in the method blank, at a concentration that was at least 10% of the amount in the sample. • Cxx — Two or more congeners co -elute. In EDDs, C denotes the lowest IUPAC congener in a co - elution group and additional co-eluters for the group (`xx') are shown with the number of the lowest IUPAC co-eluter. • E — The reported concentration exceeds the calibration range (upper point of the calibration curve). For HRMS data, this condition does not imply additional measurement uncertainty. For LC-MS/MS data, these values should be considered as having measurement uncertainty higher than values within the calibration range. • EDL — Estimated Detection Level: The EDL is unique to isotope dilution methods and reflects the conditions of analysis at the time of analysis, including the equipment used. Where the MDL is a static value, the EDL is a dynamic value. • EMPC — Estimated Maximum Possible Concentration: EMPC is specific to Dioxin/Furan tests to indicate the determined ion -abundance ratio was outside the allowed theoretical range (usually due to being near the detection limit, although it can very rarely be caused by a co -eluting interference). The EMPC concentration is adjusted to reflect the value at the theoretical ion - abundance ratio. • IR — The ion ratio between the primary and secondary ions was observed to be outside the method criteria. The analyte concentration may be inaccurate due to interference. • J — The analyte has a concentration below the minimum calibration level (LOQ value) but greater than the LOD. These values should be considered as having measurement uncertainty higher than values within the calibration range • L - Indicates that an analyte has a concentration below the Minimum Detection Limit (MDL). The reported concentration is not recommended for regulatory use as the analyte signal may have a signal-to-noise ratio less than the criteria deemed necessary to be considered a detected analyte. • LOD — Limit of Detection: For reports conforming to the DOD ELAP QSM, this is the QSM- defined LOD. For reports conforming to TNI requirements (but not DOD ELAP QSM requirements), this value is the minimum detection limit (MDL). The LOD is adjusted for sample weight or volume. • LOQ — Limit of Quantitation: For reports conforming to the DOD ELAP QSM, this is the QSM- defined LOQ. For reports conforming to TNI requirements (but not DOD ELAP QSM requirements), this value is the reporting limit (RL). The LOQ is adjusted for sample weight or volume. EU116 v6 (General Reporting Notes -Data Qualifiers) Enthalpy Analytical, LLC — Wilmington, NC EU# 0623-785 Page 7 of 31 � General Reporting Notes — Data Qualifiers ENTHALPY ANALYTICAL • <LODQ — Analyte was not found at a concentration high enough to be reported as detected. It is reported as less than the LOD, and the LOD is given in the parentheses. • <LOQQ — Analyte was not found at a concentration high enough to be reported as above the QSM-defined LOQ or TNI defined Reporting Limit. It is reported as less than the LOQ, and the LOQ is given in the parentheses. • ND — Indicates a non -detect. • NR — Indicates a value that is not reportable due to issues observed in sample preparation or analysis. • PR — The associated congener(s) is(are) poorly resolved. • QI — Indicates the presence of a quantitative interference. • RL — Reporting Limit. Lowest reportable value. The level is higher than the MDL. • SI — Denotes "Single Ion Mode" and is utilized for PCBs where the secondary ion trace has a significantly elevated noise level due to background PFK. Responses for such peaks are calculated using an EMPC approach based solely on the primary ion area(s) and may be considered estimates. • U — The analyte was not detected. • V / Q — The labeled standard recovery is not within method control limits. • X — Indicates the result is from re-injection/repeat/second-column analysis. Lab Identifiers/ Data Attributes • AR — Indicates use of the archived portion of the sample extract. • CU — Indicates a sample that required additional clean-up prior to HRMS injection/processing. • D — Dilution Data. Result was obtained from the analysis of a dilution. The number that follows the "D" indicates the dilution factor. • DE — Indicates a dilution performed with the addition of ES (Extraction Standard) solution. • DUP — Designation for a duplicate sample. • MS — Designation for a matrix spike. • MSD — Designation for a matrix spike duplicate. • R — Indicates a re -extraction of the sample. • RJ — Indicates a reinjection of the sample extract. EU116 v6 (General Reporting Notes -Data Qualifiers) EU# 0623-785 Page 8 of 31 Enthalpy Analytical, LLC — Wilmington, NC � General Reporting Notes — Data Qualifiers ENTHALPY ANALYTICAL • S — Indicates a sample split. The number that follows the "S" indicates the split factor. SAT — Indicates an analyte saturated the detector. EU116 v6 (General Reporting Notes -Data Qualifiers) EU# 0623-785 Page 9 of 31 Enthalpy Analytical, LLC — Wilmington, NC F. r, a PFAS Compound Acronym List Acronym CAS # Compound Name Analyte is not accredited for SOP EU047 #Method 537.1 Accredited A Method 533 Accredited PFBA 375-22-4 Perfluorobutanoic Acid PFPeA 2706-90-3 Perfluoropentanoic Acid PFHxA 307-24-4 Perfluorohexanoic Acid PFHpA 375-85-9 Perfluoroheptanoic Acid PFOA 335-67-1 Perfluorooctanoic Acid PFNA 375-95-1 Perfluorononanoic Acid PFDA 335-76-2 Perfluorodecanoic acid PFUnA (PFUnDA) 2058-94-8 Perfluoroundecanoic acid PFDoA (PFDoDA) 307-55-1 Perfluorododecanoic acid PFTrDA (PFTriA) 72629-94-8 Perfluorotridecanoic acid PFTeDA (PFTA) 376-06-7 Perfluorotetradecanoic acid PFBS 375-73-5 Perfluorobutane sulfonic acid PFPeS 2706-91-4 Perfluoropentane sulfonic acid PFHxS 355-46-4 Perfluorohexane sulfonic acid PFHpS 375-92-8 Perfluoroheptane sulfonic acid PFOS 1763-23-1 Perfluorooctane sulfonic acid PFNS 68259-12-1 Perfluorononane sulfonic acid PFDS 335-77-3 Perfluorodecane sulfonic acid 4:2 FTS 757124-72-4 4:2 fluorotelomer sulfonic acid 6:2 FTS 27619-97-2 6:2 fluorotelomer sulfonic acid 8:2 FTS 39108-34-4 8:2 fluorotelomer sulfonic acid PFOSA(FOSA) 754-91-6 Perfluorooctane sulfonamideN-McFOSAA 2355-31-9 N-methyl perfluorooctane sulfonamido acetic acid N-EtFOSAA 2991-50-6 N-ethyl perfluorooctane sulfonamido acetic acid HFPO-DA 13252-13-6 2,3,3,3-Tetrafluoro-2-(1,1,2,2,3,3,3-heptafluoropropoxy)-propanoic acid (Gen-X) 11CI-PF30UclS 763051-92-9 11-chloroeicosafluoro-3-oxaundecane-l-sulfonic acid 9CI-PF30NS 756426-58-1 9-chlorohexadecafluoro-3-oxanonane-l-sulfonic acid ADONA 919005-14-4 4,8-dioxa-3H-perfluorononanoic acid PFEESA 113507-82-7 Perfluoro(2-ethoxyethane)suIphonic acid PFMOBA (PFMBA) 863090-89-5 Perfluoro-4-methoxybutanic acid NFDHA 151772-58-6 Nonafluoro-3,6-dioxaheptanoic acid PFMOPrA (PFMPA) 377-73-1 Perfluoro-3-methoxypropanoic acid PFMOAA 674-13-5 Perfluoro-2-methoxyacetic acid PF02HxA 39492-88-1 Perfluoro (3,5-dioxahexanoic) acid PF030A 39492-89-2 Perfluoro (3,5,7-trioxaoctanoic) acid PF04DA 39492-90-5 Perfluoro (3,5,7,9-tetraoxadecanoic) acid PF05DA 39492-91-6 Perfluoro(3,5,7,9,11-pentaoxadodecanoic) acid Nafion Byproduct 1 29311-67-9 Nafion Byproduct 1 Nafion Byproduct 2 749836-20-2 Nafion Byproduct 2 PEPA 267239-61-2 Perfluoro-2-ethoxypropanoicacid PMPA 13140-29-9 Perfluoro-2-methoxypropanoic acid 10:2 FTS 120226-60-0 Fluorotelomer sulfonate 10:2 N-EtFOSA 4151-50-2 N-ethylperfluoro-l-octanesulfonamide N-EtFOSE 1691-99-2 2-(N-methylperfluoro-l-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol N-McFOSA 31506-32-8 N-methylperfluoro-l-octanesulfonamide N-McFOSE 24448-09-7 2-(N-methylperfluoro-l-octanesulfonamido)-ethanol PFECA-G 801212-59-9 4-(Heptafluoroisopropoxy)hexafluorobutanoic acid PFHxDA 67905-19-5 Perfluorohexadecanoic acid R-PSDA (Nafion Byproduct 4) 2416366-18-0 Perfluoro-4-(2-sulfoethoxy)pentanoic acid ypl,_ ENT ALI'Y 4N I LT: I l Ll EU# 0623-785 Page 10 of 31 PFAS Compound Acronym List Acronym CAS # Compound Name Target Analytes EEL— * Analyte is not accredited for SOP EU047 # Method 537.1 Accredited A Method 533 Accredited Hydrolyzed PSDA (Nafion Byproduct 5) 2416366-19-1 2-fIuoro-2-[1,1,2,3,3,3-hexafluoro-2-(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-2-suIfoethoxy) pro poxy]-acetic acid R-PSDCA (Nafion Byproduct 6) 2416366-21-5 1,1,2,2-tetrafluoro-2-[1,2,2,3,3-pentafIuoro-1-(trifIuorom ethyl) propoxy] ethanesulfonic acid EVE Acid 69087-46-3 2,2,3,3-tetrafluoro-3-((1,1,1,2,3,3-hexafluoro-3-[(1,2,2-trifluoroethenyl)oxy]propan-2- yl]oxy)propionic acid FBSA 30334-69-1 Perfluorobutylsulfonamide Hydro-EVE Acid 773804-62-9 2,2,3,3-TetrafI uoro-3-([1,1,1,2,3,3-hexafI uoro-3-(1,2,2,2-tetrafI uoroethoxy)pro pa n-2- yl]oxy}propanoic acid R-EVE Acid 2416366-22-6 4-(2-carboxy-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)-2,2,3,3,4,5,5,5-octafluoro-pentanoic acid NVHOS 1132933-86-8 Perfluoroethoxysulfonic acid PFDoS 79780-39-5 Perfluorododecane sulfonic acid PFODA 16517-11-6 Perfluorooctadecanoic acid 3:3 FTCA 356-02-5 2H,2H,3H,3H-Perfluorohexanoic acid 5:3 FTCA 914637-49-3 2H,2H,3H,3H-Perfluorooctanoic acid 7:3 FTCA 812-70 4 2H,2H,3H,3H-Perfluorodecanoic acid N-AP-FHxSA 50598-28-2 N-(3-(Dimethylamino)propyl)tridecafluoro-l-hexanesulfonamide N-CMAmP-6:2 FOSA 34455-29-3 N-(Carboxymethyl)-N,N-dimethyl-3-(((3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,8- tridecafluorooctyl)sulfonyl)amino)1-propanaminium r� 71OU EN T HALPY 4 N I LT: I l L l EU# 0623-785 Page 11 of 31 �) 1 ENTHALPY A N A L Y T I C A L Results EU# 0623-785 Page 12 of 31 Enthalpy Analytical Job No.: 0623-785-1 DOD QSM Table B-24 (EPA 1633) - non -potable water SME Environmental Services - S&ME Client Proj: 23350284 Site: CDIA 2Q23 Summary Compound CAS 001 004 F H K DUP EB ng/L ng/L ng/L ng/L ng/L ng/L ng/L Acids PFBA 375-22-4 <LOQ (133) U <LOQ (40.0) U <LOQ (66.7) U <LOQ (66.7) U <LOQ (133) U <LOQ (133) U <LOQ (7.24) U PFPeA 2706-90-3 <LOQ (66.7) U <LOQ (20.0) U <LOQ (33.3) U 47.5 <LOQ (66.7) U <LOQ (66.7) U <LOQ (3.62) U PFHxA 307-24-4 <LOQ (33.3) U 10.9 <LOQ (16.7) U 41.0 <LOQ (33.3) U <LOQ (33.3) U <LOQ (1.81) U PFHpA 375-85-9 <LOQ (33.3) U <LOQ (10.0) U <LOQ (16.7) U <LOQ (16.7) U <LOQ (33.3) U <LOQ (33.3) U <LOQ (1.81) U PFOA 335-67-1 <LOQ (33.3) U <LOQ (10.0) U <LOQ (16.7) U <LOQ (16.7) U <LOQ (33.3) U <LOQ (33.3) U <LOQ (1.81) U PFNA 375-95-1 <LOQ (33.3) U <LOQ (10.0) U <LOQ (16.7) U <LOQ (16.7) U <LOQ (33.3) U <LOQ (33.3) U <LOQ (1.81) U PFDA 335-76-2 <LOQ (33.3) U <LOQ (10.0) U <LOQ (16.7) U <LOQ (16.7) U <LOQ (33.3) U <LOQ (33.3) U <LOQ (1.81) U PFUnDA 2058-94-8 <LOQ (33.3) U <LOQ (10.0) U <LOQ (16.7) U <LOQ (16.7) U <LOQ (33.3) U <LOQ (33.3) U <LOQ (1.81) U PFDoA 307-55-1 <LOQ (33.3) U <LOQ (10.0) U <LOQ (16.7) U <LOQ (16.7) U <LOQ (33.3) U <LOQ (33.3) U <LOQ (1.81) U PFTrDA 72629-94-8 <LOQ (33.3) U <LOQ (10.0) U <LOQ (16.7) U <LOQ (16.7) U <LOQ (33.3) U <LOQ (33.3) U <LOQ (1.81) U PFTeDA PFBS 376-06-7 375-73-5 <LOQ (33.3) U <LOQ (29.6) U <LOQ (10.0) U <LOQ (8.87) U <LOQ (16.7) U <LOQ (14.8) U <LOQ (16.7) U <LOQ (14.8) U <LOQ (33.3) U <LOQ (29.6) U <LOQ (33.3) U <LOQ (29.6) U <LOQ (1.81) U <LOQ (1.61) U Sulfonates PFPeS 2706-91-4 <LOQ (31.4) U <LOQ (9.41) U <LOQ (15.7) U <LOQ (15.7) U <LOQ (31.4) U <LOQ (31.4) U <LOQ (1.70) U PFHxS 355-46-4 <LOQ (30.5) U <LOQ (9.14) U <LOQ (15.2) U 44.9 <LOQ (30.5) U <LOQ (30.5) U <LOQ (1.66) U PFHpS 375-92-8 <LOQ (31.8) U <LOQ (9.53) U <LOQ (15.9) U <LOQ (15.9) U <LOQ (31.8) U <LOQ (31.8) U <LOQ (1.73) U PFOS 1763-23-1 <LOQ (30.9) U <LOQ (9.28) U <LOQ (15.5) U 84.5 <LOQ (30.9) U <LOQ (30.9) U <LOQ (1.68) U PFNS 68259-12-1 <LOQ (32.1) U <LOQ (9.62) U <LOQ (16.0) U <LOQ (16.0) U <LOQ (32.1) U <LOQ (32.1) U <LOQ (1.74) U PFDS 335-77-3 <LOQ (32.2) U <LOQ (9.65) U <LOQ (16.1) U <LOQ (16.1) U <LOQ (32.2) U <LOQ (32.2) U <LOQ (1.75) U PFDoS 79780-39-5 <LOQ (32.3) U <LOQ (9.70) U <LOQ (16.2) U <LOQ (16.2) U <LOQ (32.3) U <LOQ (32.3) U <LOQ (1.76) U 4:2 FTS 757124-72-4 <LOQ (125) U <LOQ (37.5) U <LOQ (62.5) U <LOQ (62.5) U <LOQ (125) U <LOQ (125) U <LOQ (6.79) U 6:2 FTS 27619-97-2 <LOQ (127) U <LOQ (38.0) U <LOQ (63.3) U 186 <LOQ (127) U <LOQ (127) U <LOQ (6.88) U 8:2 FTS PFOSA 39108-34-4 754-91-6 <LOQ (128) U <LOQ (33.3) U <LOQ (38.4) U <LOQ (10.0) U <LOQ (64.0) U <LOQ (16.7) U <LOQ (64.0) U <LOQ (16.7) U <LOQ (128) U <LOQ (33.3) U <LOQ (128) U <LOQ (33.3) U <LOQ (6.95) U <LOQ (1.81) U Sulfonmides N-McFOSA 31506-32-8 <LOQ (33.3) U <LOQ (10.0) U <LOQ (16.7) U <LOQ (16.7) U <LOQ (33.3) U <LOQ (33.3) U <LOQ (1.81) U N-EtFOSA 4151-50-2 <LOQ (33.3) U <LOQ (10.0) U <LOQ (16.7) U <LOQ (16.7) U <LOQ (33.3) U <LOQ (33.3) U <LOQ (1.81) U N-McFOSE 24448-09-7 <LOQ (333) U <LOQ (100) U <LOQ (167) U <LOQ (167) U <LOQ (333) U <LOQ (333) U <LOQ (18.1) U N-EtFOSE ADONA 1691-99-2 919005-14-4 <LOQ (333) U <LOQ (126) U <LOQ (100) U <LOQ (37.8) U <LOQ (167) U <LOQ (63.0) U <LOQ (167) U <LOQ (63.0) U <LOQ (333) U <LOQ (126) U <LOQ (333) U <LOQ (126) U <LOQ (18.1) U <LOQ (6.84) U Other 9CI-PF30NS 756426-58-1 <LOQ (125) U <LOQ (37.4) U <LOQ (62.3) U <LOQ (62.3) U <LOQ (125) U <LOQ (125) U <LOQ (6.77) U N-McFOSAA 2355-31-9 <LOQ (33.3) U <LOQ (10.0) U <LOQ (16.7) U <LOQ (16.7) U <LOQ (33.3) U <LOQ (33.3) U <LOQ (1.81) U 11CI-PF3OUdS 763051-92-9 <LOQ (126) U <LOQ (37.8) U <LOQ (63.0) U <LOQ (63.0) U <LOQ (126) U <LOQ (126) U <LOQ (6.84) U N-EtFOSAA 2991-50-6 <LOQ (33.3) U <LOQ (10.0) U <LOQ (16.7) U <LOQ (16.7) U <LOQ (33.3) U <LOQ (33.3) U <LOQ (1.81) U PFEESA HFPO-DA 113507-82-7 13252-13-6 <LOQ (59.3) U <LOQ (133) U <LOQ (17.8) U <LOQ (40.0) U <LOQ (29.7) U <LOQ (66.7) U <LOQ (29.7) U <LOQ (66.7) U <LOQ (59.3) U <LOQ (133) U <LOQ (59.3) U <LOQ (133) U <LOQ (3.22) U <LOQ (7.24) U PFECAs PFMBA 863090-89-5 <LOQ (66.7) U <LOQ (20.0) U <LOQ (33.3) U <LOQ (33.3) U <LOQ (66.7) U <LOQ (66.7) U <LOQ (3.62) U PFMPA 377-73-1 <LOQ (66.7) U <LOQ (20.0) U <LOQ (33.3) U <LOQ (33.3) U <LOQ (66.7) U <LOQ (66.7) U <LOQ (3.62) U NFDHA 3:3 FTCA 151772-58-6 356-02-5 <LOQ (66.7) U <LOQ (167) U <LOQ (20.0) U <LOQ (50.0) U <LOQ (33.3) U <LOQ (83.3) U <LOQ (33.3) U <LOQ (83.3) U <LOQ (66.7) U <LOQ (167) U <LOQ (66.7) U <LOQ (167) U <LOQ (3.62) U <LOQ (9.05) U FTCAs 5:3 FTCA 914637-49-3 <LOQ (167) U <LOQ (50.0) U <LOQ (83.3) U <LOQ (83.3) U <LOQ (167) U <LOQ (167) U <LOQ (9.05) U 7:3 FTCA 812-70-4 <LOQ (167) U <LOQ (50.0) U <LOQ (83.3) U <LOQ (83.3) U <LOQ (167) U <LOQ (167) U <LOQ (9.05) U EU# 0623-785 Page 13 of 31 Enthalpy Analytical Job No.: 0623-785-1 DOD QSM Table B-24 (EPA 1633) - non -potable water SME Environmental Services - S&ME Client Project: 23350284 Site: CDIA 2Q23 Enthalpy ID 0623-785-001-2 Prep Batch EU15570 Sample Vol (mL) 30 Sample Name 001 Prep Date 2023-07-05 08:30 Extract Vol (mL) 5 Matrix AQ Analysis Date 2023-07-06 06:50 Split Factor N/A Sampling Date 2023-06-12 11:30 Analyst wicleve Method Code Eu-062 Received Date 2023-06-14 Instrument Pippin Sample Type Sample Compound CAS Formatted Peak LOD LOD Spike Recovery Recovery Flags Result Flags ng/L ng/L Amt. Limits ng/L (ng) Acids PFBA 375-22-4 <LOQ MM; it 120 133 U PFPeA 2706-90-3 <LOQ MM; it 60.0 66.7 U PFHxA 307-24-4 <LOQ bb; it 30.0 33.3 U PFHpA 375-85-9 <LOQ MM-; ii 30.0 33.3 U PFOA 335-67-1 <LOQ MM-; ii 30.0 33.3 U PFNA 375-95-1 <LOQ 30.0 33.3 U PFDA 335-76-2 <LOQ MM-; it 30.0 33.3 U PFUnDA 2058-94-8 <LOQ 30.0 33.3 U PFDoA 307-55-1 <LOQ MM-; ii 30.0 33.3 U PFTrDA 72629-94-8 <LOQ MM-; ii 30.0 33.3 U PFTeDA PFBS 376-06-7 375-73-5 <LOQ <LOQ MM-; ii 30.0 26.6 33.3 29.6 U U Sulfonates PFPeS 2706-91-4 <LOQ 28.2 31.4 U PFHxS 355-46-4 <LOQ MM; it 27.4 30.5 U PFHpS 375-92-8 <LOQ 28.6 31.8 U PFOS 1763-23-1 <LOQ MM; it 27.8 30.9 U PFNS 68259-12-1 <LOQ 28.9 32.1 U PFDS 335-77-3 <LOQ 29.0 32.2 U PFDoS 79780-39-5 <LOQ 29.1 32.3 U 4:2 FTS 757124-72-4 <LOQ 112 125 U 6:2 FTS 27619-97-2 <LOQ 114 127 U 8:2 FTS PFOSA 39108-34-4 754-91-6 <LOQ <LOQ MM; it 115 30.0 128 33.3 U U Sulfonmides N-McFOSA 31506-32-8 <LOQ 30.0 33.3 U N-EtFOSA 4151-50-2 <LOQ 30.0 33.3 U N-McFOSE 24448-09-7 <LOQ 300 333 U N-EtFOSE HFPO-DA 1691-99-2 13252-13-6 <LOQ <LOQ 300 120 333 133 U U PFECAs PFMBA 863090-89-5 <LOQ 60.0 66.7 U PFMPA 377-73-1 <LOQ 60.0 66.7 U NFDHA 3:3 FTCA 151772-58-6 356-02-5 <LOQ <LOQ 60.0 150 66.7 167 U U FTCAs 5:3 FTCA 914637-49-3 <LOQ 150 167 U 7:3 FTCA ADONA 812-70-4 919005-14-4 <LOQ <LOQ 150 113 167 126 U U Other 9CI-PF30NS 756426-58-1 <LOQ 112 125 U N-McFOSAA 2355-31-9 <LOQ 30.0 33.3 U 11 CI-PF30UdS 763051-92-9 <LOQ 113 126 U N-EtFOSAA 2991-50-6 <LOQ 30.0 33.3 U PFEESA M4PFBA 113507-82-7 <LOQ bb 53.4 59.3 100 20-150% 86.4% U ES M5PFPeA bb 50.0 20-150% 89.8% M5PFHxA bb 25.0 20-150% 84.5% M4PFHpA bb 25.0 20-150% 106.8% M8PFOA bb 25.0 20-150% 92.1% M9PFNA bb 12.5 20-150% 82.7% M6PFDA bb 12.5 20-150% 88.7% M7PFUdA bb 12.5 20-150% 85.3% M2-PFDoA bb 12.5 20-150% 75.9% 13C2-PFTeDA bb 12.5 20-150% 76.9% M3PFBS bb 23.3 20-150% 99.7% M3PFHxS bb 23.7 20-150% 81.4% M8PFOS bb 24.0 20-150% 79.5% M24:2 FTS bb 46.9 20-150% 94.5% M2-6:2 FTS bb 47.6 20-150% 84.8% M2-8:2 FTS bb 48.0 20-150% 73.4% M8PFOSA bs 25.0 20-150% 75.2% d3-N-McFOSA bb 25.0 20-150% 72.2% d5-N-EtFOSA bb 25.0 20-150% 72.4% d3-N-McFOSAA bb 50.0 20-150% 85.7% d5-N-EtFOSAA bs 50.0 20-150% 81.6% d7-N-McFOSE bb 250 20-150% 75.5% d9-N-EtFOSE bb 250 20-150% 80.1% M3HFPO-DA M3PFBA bb bb 100 50.0 20-150% >30% 107.8% 94.5% JS M2-PFHxA bb 25.0 >30% 99.7% M4-PFOA bb 25.0 >30% 82.5% M5-PFNA bb 12.5 >30% 88.6% M2-PFDA bb 12.5 >30% 88.2% 1802PFHxS bb 23.7 >30% 99.3% M4-PFOS bb 24.0 >30% 100.2% Meaning: I FP, the integrated peak is a false positive result based on the retention time, Idb, the peak starts or ends on the baseline or drop line EU# 0623-785 Page 14 of 31 Enthalpy Analytical Job No.: 0623-785-1 DOD QSM Table B-24 (EPA 1633) - non -potable water SME Environmental Services - S&ME Client Project: 23350284 Site: CDIA 2023 Enthalpy ID 0623-785-002-2 Prep Batch EU15570 Sample Vol (mL) 100 Sample Name 004 Prep Date 2023-07-05 08:30 Extract Vol (mL) 5 Matrix AD Analysis Dale 2023-07-06 07:12 Split Factor N/A Sampling Date 2023-06-12 12:10 Analyst U_ Method Code Eu-062 Received Date 2023-06-14 Instrument Pippin Sample Type Sample Compound CAS Formatted Peak LOD LOQ Spike Recovery Recovery Flags Result Flags ng/L ng/L Amt. Limits ng/L (ng) Acids PFBA 375-22-4 <LOQ MM; ii 36.0 40.0 U PFPeA 2706-90-3 <LOQ MM; ii 18.0 20.0 U PFHxA 307-244 10.9 bb 9.00 10.0 PFHpA 375-85-9 <LOQ MM; ii 9.00 10.0 U PFOA 335-67-1 <LOD MM; ii 9.00 10.0 U PFNA 375-95-1 <LOQ MM; ii 9.00 10.0 U PFDA 335-76-2 <LOQ bb 9.00 10.0 U PFUnDA 2058-94-8 <LOD MM-; ii 9.00 10.0 U PFDOA 307-55-1 <LOD MM; ii 9.00 10.0 U PFTeDA 72629-94-8 <LOQ 9.00 10.0 U PFTeDA PFBS 376-06-7 375-73-5 <LOQ <LOQ MM; ii 9.00 7.98 10.0 8.87 U U Sulfonates PFPeS 2706-914 <LOQ 8.47 9.41 U PFHxS 355464 <LOQ MM; ii 8.23 9.14 U PFHpS 375-92-8 <LOQ 8.58 9.53 U PFOS 1763-23-1 <LOQ MM; ii 8.35 9.28 U PFNS 68259-12-1 <LOQ 8.66 9.62 U PFDS 335-77-3 <LOQ 8.68 9.65 U PFDoS 79780-39-5 <LOQ 8.73 9.70 U 4:2 FTS 757124-724 <LOQ 33.8 37.5 U 6:2 FTS 27619-97-2 <LOQ 34.2 38.0 U 8:2 FTS PFOSA 39108-34-4 754-91-6 <LOQ <LOQ MM; ii 34.6 9.00 38.4 10.0 U U Sulfonmides N-MCFOSA 31506-32-8 <LOQ 9.00 10.0 U N-EtFOSA 4151-50-2 <LOQ 9.00 10.0 U N-MCFOSE 24448-09-7 <LOQ 90.0 100 U N-EtFOSE HFPO-DA 1691-99-2 13252-13-6 <LOQ <LOQ 90.0 36.0 100 40.0 U U PFECAs PFMBA 863090-89-5 <LOQ 18.0 20.0 U PFMPA 377-73-1 <LOQ 18.0 20.0 U NFDHA 3:3 FTCA 151772-58-6 356-02-5 <LOQ <LOQ 18.0 45.0 20.0 50.0 U U FTCAs 5:3 FTCA 91463749-3 <LOQ 45.0 50.0 U 7:3 FTCA ADONA 812-70-4 919005-144 <LOQ <LOQ 45.0 34.0 50.0 37.8 U U Other 9CI-PF30NS 756426-58-1 <LOQ 33.7 37.4 U N-McFOSAA 2355-31-9 <LOQ 9.00 10.0 U 11CI-PF3OUdS 763051-92-9 <LOQ 34.0 37.8 U N-EtFOSAA 2991-50-6 <LOQ 9.00 10.0 U PFEESA M4PFBA 113507-82-7 <LOQ bb 16.0 17.8 100 20-150% 83.9% U ES M5PFPeA bb 50.0 20-150% 82.2% M5PFHxA bb 25.0 20-150% 91.8% M4PFHpA bb 25.0 20-150% 85.7% M8PFOA bb 25.0 20-150% 88.2% M9PFNA bb 12.5 20-150% 88.0% M6PFDA bb 12.5 20-150% 67.4% M7PFUdA bb 12.5 20-150% 76.6% M2-PFDoA bb 12.5 20-150% 59.7% 13C2-PFTeDA bb 12.5 20-150% 64.7% M3PFBS bb 23.3 20-150% 99.9% M3PFHxS bb 23.7 20-150% 81.2% M8PFOS bb 24.0 20-150% 77.5% M2-4:2 FTS bb 46.9 20-150% 100.0% M2-6:2 FTS bb 47.6 20-150% 87.4% M2-8:2 FTS bb 48.0 20-150% 77.9% M8PFOSA bb 25.0 20-150% 67.2% d3-N-McFOSA bb 25.0 20-150% 35.4% d5-N-EtFOSA bb 25.0 20-150% 28.5% d3-N-McFOSAA bb 50.0 20-150% 73.4% d5-N-EtFOSAA bb 50.0 20-150% 73.6% d7-N-McFOSE bb 250 20-150% 48.4% d9-N-EtFOSE bb 250 20-150% 48.0% M3HFPO-DA M3PFBA bb bb 100 50.0 20-150% >30% 108.5% 95.3% JS M2-PFHxA bb 25.0 >30% 83.1 M4-PFOA bb 25.0 >30% 85.0% M5-PFNA bb 12.5 >30% 72.7% M2-PFDA bb 12.5 >30% 89.9% 1802PFHzS bb 23.7 >30% 93.4% M4-PFOS bb 24.0 >30% 95.6% Code Meaning: the peak was FP, the integrated peak is a false positive result based on the retention time, db, the peak starts or ends on the baseline or drop line qualifier ratios, or other criteria EU# 0623-785 Page 15 of 31 Enthalpy Analytical Job No.: 0623-785-1 DOD QSM Table B-24 (EPA 1633) - non -potable water SME Environmental Services - S&ME Client Project: 23350284 Site: CDIA 2023 Enthalpy ID 0623-785-003-2 Prep Batch EU15570 Sample Vol (mL) 60 Sample Name F Prep Date 2023-07-05 08:30 Extract Vol (mL) 5 Matrix AD Analysis Date 2023-07-06 07:35 Split Factor N/A Sampling Date 2023-06-12 14:25 Analyst U_ Method Code Eu-062 Received Date 2023-06-14 Instrument Pippin Sample Type Sample Compound CAS Formatted Peak LOD LOQ Spike Recovery Recovery Flags Result Flags ng/L ng/L Amt. Limits ng/L (ng) Acids PFBA 375-22-4 <LOQ bb 60.0 66.7 U PFPeA 2706-90-3 <LOQ bb 30.0 33.3 U PFHxA 307-244 <LOD bb 15.0 16.7 U PFHpA 375-85-9 <LOD MM; ii 15.0 16.7 U PFOA 335-67-1 <LOD MM; ii 15.0 16.7 U PFNA 375-95-1 <LOD MM; ii 15.0 16.7 U PFDA 335-76-2 <LOD MM-; ii 15.0 16.7 U PFUnDA 2058-94-8 <LOD 15.0 16.7 U PFDOA 307-55-1 <LOD 15.0 16.7 U PFTeDA 72629-94-8 <LOD MM-; ii 15.0 16.7 U PFTeDA PFBS 376-06-7 375-73-5 <LOD <LOD MM; ii 15.0 13.3 16.7 14.8 U U Sulfonates PFPeS 2706-914 <LOD 14.1 15.7 U PFHxS 355464 <LOD MM; ii 13.7 15.2 U PFHpS 375-92-8 <LOD 14.3 15.9 U PFOS 1763-23-1 <LOD MM; ii 13.9 15.5 U PFNS 68259-12-1 <LOD 14.4 16.0 U PFDS 335-77-3 <LOD 14.5 16.1 U PFDoS 79780-39-5 <LOD 14.6 16.2 U 4:2 FTS 757124-724 <LOD 56.2 62.5 U 6:2 FTS 27619-97-2 <LOD 57.0 63.3 U 8:2 FTS PFOSA 39108-34-4 754-91-6 <LOD <LOD 57.6 15.0 64.0 16.7 U U Sulfonmides N-MCFOSA 31506-32-8 <LOD 15.0 16.7 U N-EtFOSA 4151-50-2 <LOQ 15.0 16.7 U N-MCFOSE 24448-09-7 <LOQ 150 167 U N-EtFOSE HFPO-DA 1691-99-2 13252-13-6 <LOQ <LOQ 150 60.0 167 66.7 U U PFECAs PFMBA 863090-89-5 <LOQ 30.0 33.3 U PFMPA 377-73-1 <LOQ 30.0 33.3 U NFDHA 3:3 FTCA 151772-58-6 356-02-5 <LOQ <LOQ 30.0 75.0 33.3 83.3 U U FTCAs 5:3 FTCA 91463749-3 <LOQ 75.0 83.3 U 7:3 FTCA ADONA 812-70-4 919005-144 <LOQ <LOQ 75.0 56.7 83.3 63.0 U U Other 9CI-PF30NS 756426-58-1 <LOQ 56.1 62.3 U N-McFOSAA 2355-31-9 <LOQ 15.0 16.7 U 11CI-PF3OUdS 763051-92-9 <LOQ 56.7 63.0 U N-EtFOSAA 2991-50-6 <LOQ 15.0 16.7 U PFEESA M4PFBA 113507-82-7 <LOQ bb 26.7 29.7 100 20-150% 87.0% U ES M5PFPeA bs 50.0 20-150% 91.1% M5PFHxA bb 25.0 20-150% 90.5% M4PFHpA bb 25.0 20-150% 82.9% M8PFOA bb 25.0 20-150% 73.9% M9PFNA bb 12.5 20-150% 85.4% M6PFDA bb 12.5 20-150% 83.3% M7PFUdA bb 12.5 20-150% 67.6% M2-PFDoA bb 12.5 20-150% 63.9% 13C2-PFTeDA bb 12.5 20-150% 68.6% M3PFBS bb 23.3 20-150% 97.0% M3PFHxS bb 23.7 20-150% 75.5% M8PFOS bb 24.0 20-150% 86.6% M2-4:2 FTS bb 46.9 20-150% 99.3% M2-6:2 FTS bb 47.6 20-150% 90.1% M2-8:2 FTS bb 48.0 20-150% 95.6% M8PFOSA bb 25.0 20-150% 77.6% d3-N-McFOSA bb 25.0 20-150% 75.2% d5-N-EtFOSA bb 25.0 20-150% 71.1% d3-N-McFOSAA bb 50.0 20-150% 84.4% d5-N-EtFOSAA bb 50.0 20-150% 78.7% d7-N-McFOSE bb 250 20-150% 72.9% d9-N-EtFOSE bb 250 20-150% 72.7% M3HFPO-DA M3PFBA bb bb 100 50.0 20-150% >30% 112.3% 97.4% JS M2-PFHxA bb 25.0 >30% 92.0% M4-PFOA bb 25.0 >30% 99.1 M5-PFNA bb 12.5 >30% 78.5% M2-PFDA bb 12.5 >30% 92.5% 1802PFHzS bb 23.7 >3 100.2% M4-PFOS bb 24.0 >300%% 93.1% Code Meaning: the peak was FP, the integrated peak is a false positive result based on the retention time, db, the peak starts or ends on the baseline or drop line qualifier ratios, or other criteria EU# 0623-785 Page 16 of 31 Enthalpy Analytical Job No.: 0623-785-1 DOD QSM Table B-24 (EPA 1633) - non -potable water SME Environmental Services - S&ME Client Project: 23350284 Site: CDIA 2023 Enthalpy ID 0623-785-004-2 Prep Batch EU15570 Sample Vol (mL) 60 Sample Name H Prep Date 2023-07-05 08:30 Extract Vol (mL) 5 Matrix AD Analysis Dale 2023-07-06 07:58 Split Factor N/A Sampling Date 2023-06-12 14:55 Analyst U_ Method Code Eu-062 Received Date 2023-06-14 Instrument Pippin Sample Type Sample Compound CAS Formatted Peak LOD LOQ Spike Recovery Recovery Flags Result Flags ng/L ng/L Amt. Limits ng/L (ng) Acids PFBA 375-22-4 <LOQ MM; ii 60.0 66.7 U PFPeA 2706-90-3 47.5 bb; ii 30.0 33.3 PFHxA 307-244 41.0 bb 15.0 16.7 PFHpA 375-85-9 <LOQ MM; ii 15.0 16.7 U PFOA 335-67-1 <LOD MM; ii 15.0 16.7 U PFNA 375-95-1 <LOQ MM; ii 15.0 16.7 U PFDA 335-76-2 <LOQ MM-; ii 15.0 16.7 U PFUnDA 2058-94-8 <LOQ MM-; ii 15.0 16.7 U PFDOA 307-55-1 <LOQ MM-; ii 15.0 16.7 U PFTeDA 72629-94-8 <LOQ MM-; ii 15.0 16.7 U PFTeDA PFBS 376-06-7 375-73-5 <LOQ <LOQ bb 15.0 13.3 16.7 14.8 U U Sulfonates PFPeS 2706-914 <LOQ bb 14.1 15.7 U PFHxS 355464 44.9 MM; ii 13.7 15.2 PFHpS 375-92-8 <LOQ MM; ii 14.3 15.9 U PFOS 1763-23-1 84.5 MM; ii 13.9 15.5 PFNS 68259-12-1 <LOQ 14.4 16.0 U PFDS 335-77-3 <LOQ 14.5 16.1 U PFDoS 79780-39-5 <LOQ 14.6 16.2 U 4:2 FTS 757124-724 <LOQ 56.2 62.5 U 6:2 FTS 27619-97-2 186 bb 57.0 63.3 8:2 FTS PFOSA 39108-344 754-91-6 <LOQ <LOQ MM; ii 57.6 15.0 64.0 16.7 U U Sulfonmides N-MCFOSA 31506-32-8 <LOQ 15.0 16.7 U N-EtFOSA 4151-50-2 <LOQ 15.0 16.7 U N-MCFOSE 24448-09-7 <LOQ 150 167 U N-EtFOSE HFPO-DA 1691-99-2 13252-13-6 <LOQ <LOQ 150 60.0 167 66.7 U U PFECAs PFMBA 863090-89-5 <LOQ 30.0 33.3 U PFMPA 377-73-1 <LOQ 30.0 33.3 U NFDHA 3:3 FTCA 151772-58-6 356-02-5 <LOQ <LOQ 30.0 75.0 33.3 83.3 U U FTCAs 5:3 FTCA 91463749-3 <LOQ 75.0 83.3 U 7:3 FTCA ADONA 812-704 919005-144 <LOQ <LOQ 75.0 56.7 83.3 63.0 U U Other 9CI-PF30NS 756426-58-1 <LOQ 56.1 62.3 U N-McFOSAA 2355-31-9 <LOQ 15.0 16.7 U 11CI-PF3OUdS 763051-92-9 <LOQ 56.7 63.0 U N-EtFOSAA 2991-50-6 <LOQ 15.0 16.7 U PFEESA M4PFBA 113507-82-7 <LOQ bb 26.7 29.7 100 20-150% 86.8% U ES M5PFPeA bs 50.0 20-150% 88.9% M5PFHxA bb 25.0 20-150% 88.1% M4PFHpA bb 25.0 20-150% 100.3% M8PFOA bb 25.0 20-150% 89.3% M9PFNA bb 12.5 20-150% 74.7% M6PFDA bb 12.5 20-150% 76.2% M7PFUdA bb 12.5 20-150% 77.9% M2-PFDoA bb 12.5 20-150% 58.4% 13C2-PFTeDA bb 12.5 20-150% 60.3% M3PFBS bb 23.3 20-150% 85.7% M3PFHxS bb 23.7 20-150% 68.6% M8PFOS bb 24.0 20-150% 83.0% M2-4:2 FTS bb 46.9 20-150% 111.8% M2-6:2 FTS bb 47.6 20-150% 77.3% M2-8:2 FTS bs 48.0 20-150% 81.3% M8PFOSA bb 25.0 20-150% 71.4% d3-N-McFOSA bb 25.0 20-150% 43.5% d5-N-EtFOSA bb 25.0 20-150% 40.9% d3-N-McFOSAA bb 50.0 20-150% 79.5% d5-N-EtFOSAA bb 50.0 20-150% 77.2% d7-N-McFOSE bb 250 20-150% 52.6% d9-N-EtFOSE bb 250 20-150% 46.3% M3HFPO-DA M3PFBA bb bb 100 50.0 20-150% >30% 112.0% 88.0% JS M2-PFHxA bb 25.0 >30% 95.2% M4-PFOA bb 25.0 >30% 80.7% M5-PFNA bb 12.5 >30% 74.2% M2-PFDA bb 12.5 >30% 82.7% 1802PFHxS bb 23.7 >3 99.7% M4-PFOS bb 24.0 >300%% 83.7% Code Meaning: the peak was FP, the integrated peak is a false positive result based on the retention time, db, the peak starts or ends on the baseline or drop line aualifier ratios, or other criteria EU# 0623-785 Page 17 of 31 Enthalpy Analytical Job No.: 0623-785-1 DOD QSM Table B-24 (EPA 1633) - non -potable water SME Environmental Services - S&ME Client Project: 23350284 Site: CDIA 2023 Enthalpy ID 0623-785-005-2 Prep Batch EU15570 Sample Vol (mL) 30 Sample Name K Prep Date 2023-07-05 08:30 Extract Vol (mL) 5 Matrix AD Analysis Dale 2023-07-06 08:21 Split Factor N/A Sampling Date 2023-06-12 15:30 Analyst U_ Method Code Eu-062 Received Date 2023-06-14 Instrument Pippin Sample Type Sample Compound CAS Formatted Peak LOD LOQ Spike Recovery Recovery Flags Result Flags ng/L ng/L Amt. Limits ng/L (ng) Acids PFBA 375-22-4 <LOQ bb 120 133 U PFPeA 2706-90-3 <LOQ MM; ii 60.0 66.7 U PFHxA 307-24-4 <LOQ MM-; ii 30.0 33.3 U PFHpA 375-85-9 <LOQ MM-; ii 30.0 33.3 U PFOA 335-67-1 <LOQ MM-; ii 30.0 33.3 U PFNA 375-95-1 <LOQ MM-; ii 30.0 33.3 U PFDA 335-76-2 <LOQ MM-; ii 30.0 33.3 U PFUnDA 2058-94-8 <LOQ 30.0 33.3 U PFDOA 307-55-1 <LOQ 30.0 33.3 U PFTeDA 72629-94-8 <LOQ 30.0 33.3 U PFTeDA PFBS 376-06-7 375-73-5 <LOQ <LOQ 30.0 26.6 33.3 29.6 U U Sulfonates PFPeS 2706-914 <LOQ 28.2 31.4 U PFHxS 355-464 <LOQ MM; ii 27.4 30.5 U PFHpS 375-92-8 <LOQ 28.6 31.8 U PFOS 1763-23-1 <LOQ MM; ii 27.8 30.9 U PFNS 68259-12-1 <LOQ 28.9 32.1 U PFDS 335-77-3 <LOQ 29.0 32.2 U PFDoS 79780-39-5 <LOQ 29.1 32.3 U 4:2 FTS 757124-72-4 <LOQ 112 125 U 6:2 FTS 27619-97-2 <LOQ 114 127 U 8:2 FTS PFOSA 39108-34-4 754-91-6 <LOQ <LOQ 115 30.0 128 33.3 U U Sulfonmides N-MCFOSA 31506-32-8 <LOQ 30.0 33.3 U N-EtFOSA 4151-50-2 <LOQ 30.0 33.3 U N-MCFOSE 24448-09-7 <LOQ 300 333 U N-EtFOSE HFPO-DA 1691-99-2 13252-13-6 <LOD <LOD 300 120 333 133 U U PFECAs PFMBA 863090-89-5 <LOQ 60.0 66.7 U PFMPA 377-73-1 <LOQ 60.0 66.7 U NFDHA 3:3 FTCA 151772-58-6 356-02-5 <LOQ <LOQ 60.0 150 66.7 167 U U FTCAs 5:3 FTCA 914637-49-3 <LOQ 150 167 U 7:3 FTCA ADONA 812-704 919005-144 <LOQ <LOQ 150 113 167 126 U U Other 9CI-PF30NS 756426-58-1 <LOQ 112 125 U N-McFOSAA 2355-31-9 <LOQ 30.0 33.3 U 11CI-PF3OUdS 763051-92-9 <LOQ 113 126 U N-EtFOSAA 2991-50-6 <LOQ 30.0 33.3 U PFEESA M4PFBA 113507-82-7 <LOQ bb 53.4 59.3 100 20-150% 82.8% U ES M5PFPeA be 50.0 20-150% 81.3% M5PFHxA bb 25.0 20-150% 93.5% M4PFHpA bb 25.0 20-150% 83.8% M8PFOA bb 25.0 20-150% 86.1% M9PFNA bb 12.5 20-150% 78.0% M6PFDA bb 12.5 20-150% 88.0% M7PFUdA bb 12.5 20-150% 80.7% M2-PFDoA bb 12.5 20-150% 71.2% 13C2-PFTeDA bb 12.5 20-150% 61.2% M3PFBS bs 23.3 20-150% 94.8% M3PFHxS bb 23.7 20-150% 74.4% M8PFOS bb 24.0 20-150% 79.8% M24:2 FTS bs 46.9 20-150% 72.3% M2-6:2 FTS bb 47.6 20-150% 95.2% M2-8:2 FTS bb 48.0 20-150% 94.1% M8PFOSA bb 25.0 20-150% 69.5% d3-N-McFOSA bb 25.0 20-150% 45.7% d5-N-EtFOSA bb 25.0 20-150% 36.2% d3-N-McFOSAA bb 50.0 20-150% 80.8% d5-N-EtFOSAA bs 50.0 20-150% 81.7% d7-N-McFOSE bb 250 20-150% 61.8% d9-N-EtFOSE bb 250 20-150% 49.8% M3HFPO-DA M3PFBA bb bb 100 50.0 20-150% >30% 114.0% 63.1% JS M2-PFHxA bb 25.0 >30% 52.4% M4-PFOA bb 25.0 >30% 55.0% M5-PFNA bb 12.5 >30% 53.8% M2-PFDA bb 12.5 >30% 54.9% 1802PFHxS bb 23.7 >301 65.3% M4-PFOS bb 24.0 >30% 60.2% Code Meaning: the peak was FP, the integrated peak is a false positive result based on the retention time, db, the peak starts or ends on the baseline or drop line qualifier ratios, or other criteria EU# 0623-785 Page 18 of 31 Enthalpy Analytical Job No.: 0623-785-1 DOD QSM Table B-24 (EPA 1633) - non -potable water SME Environmental Services - S&ME Client Project: 23350284 Site: CDIA 2023 Enthalpy ID 0623-785-006-2 Prep Batch EU15570 Sample Vol (mL) 30 Sample Name DUP Prep Date 2023-07-05 08:30 Extract Vol (mL) 5 Matrix AD Analysis Dale 2023-07-06 08:44 Split Factor N/A Sampling Date 2023-06-12 00:00 Analyst U_ Method Code Eu-062 Received Date 2023-06-14 Instrument Pippin Sample Type Sample Compound CAS Formatted Peak LOD LOQ Spike Recovery Recovery Flags Result Flags ng/L ng/L Amt. Limits ng/L (ng) Acids PFBA 375-22-4 <LOQ MM; ii 120 133 U PFPeA 2706-90-3 <LOQ MM; ii 60.0 66.7 U PFHxA 307-244 <LOQ MM-; ii 30.0 33.3 U PFHpA 375-85-9 <LOQ bb 30.0 33.3 U PFOA 335-67-1 <LOD MM; ii 30.0 33.3 U PFNA 375-95-1 <LOQ 30.0 33.3 U PFDA 335-76-2 <LOQ MM-; ii 30.0 33.3 U PFUnDA 2058-94-8 <LOQ 30.0 33.3 U PFDSA 307-55-1 <LOQ 30.0 33.3 U PFTeDA 72629-94-8 <LOQ 30.0 33.3 U PFTeDA PFBS 376-06-7 375-73-5 <LOQ <LOQ 30.0 26.6 33.3 29.6 U U Sulfonates PFPeS 2706-914 <LOQ 28.2 31.4 U PFHxS 355464 <LOQ MM; ii 27.4 30.5 U PFHpS 375-92-8 <LOQ 28.6 31.8 U PFOS 1763-23-1 <LOQ MM; ii 27.8 30.9 U PFNS 68259-12-1 <LOQ 28.9 32.1 U PFDS 335-77-3 <LOQ 29.0 32.2 U PFDoS 79780-39-5 <LOQ 29.1 32.3 U 4:2 FTS 757124-724 <LOQ 112 125 U 6:2 FTS 27619-97-2 <LOQ 114 127 U 8:2 FTS PFOSA 39108-344 754-91-6 <LOQ <LOQ 115 30.0 128 33.3 U U Sulfonmides N-MCFOSA 31506-32-8 <LOQ 30.0 33.3 U N-EtFOSA 4151-50-2 <LOQ 30.0 33.3 U N-MCFOSE 24448-09-7 <LOQ 300 333 U N-EtFOSE HFPO-DA 1691-99-2 13252-13-6 <LOQ <LOQ 300 120 333 133 U U PFECAs PFMBA 863090-89-5 <LOQ 60.0 66.7 U PFMPA 377-73-1 <LOQ 60.0 66.7 U NFDHA 3:3 FTCA 151772-58-6 356-02-5 <LOQ <LOQ 60.0 150 66.7 167 U U FTCAs 5:3 FTCA 914637-49-3 <LOQ 150 167 U 7:3 FTCA ADONA 812-704 919005-144 <LOQ <LOQ 150 113 167 126 U U Other 9CI-PF30NS 756426-58-1 <LOQ 112 125 U N-McFOSAA 2355-31-9 <LOQ 30.0 33.3 U 11CI-PF3OUdS 763051-92-9 <LOQ 113 126 U N-EtFOSAA 2991-50-6 <LOQ 30.0 33.3 U PFEESA M4PFBA 113507-82-7 <LOQ bb 53.4 59.3 100 20-150% 85.5% U ES M5PFPeA bb 50.0 20-150% 84.3% M5PFHxA bb 25.0 20-150% 85.9% M4PFHpA bb 25.0 20-150% 72.7% M8PFOA bb 25.0 20-150% 73.2% M9PFNA bb 12.5 20-150% 78.0% M6PFDA bb 12.5 20-150% 75.9% M7PFUdA bb 12.5 20-150% 88.9% M2-PFDoA bb 12.5 20-150% 67.7% 13C2-PFTeDA bb 12.5 20-150% 62.3% M3PFBS bb 23.3 20-150% 82.2% M3PFHxS bb 23.7 20-150% 75.6% M8PFOS bb 24.0 20-150% 79.4% M24:2 FTS bs 46.9 20-150% 79.4% M2-6:2 FTS bb 47.6 20-150% 89.2% M2-8:2 FTS bb 48.0 20-150% 85.6% M8PFOSA be 25.0 20-150% 64.8% d3-N-McFOSA bb 25.0 20-150% 39.3% d5-N-EtFOSA bb 25.0 20-150% 28.6% d3-N-McFOSAA bb 50.0 20-150% 77.1% d5-N-EtFOSAA be 50.0 20-150% 74.4% d7-N-McFOSE bb 250 20-150% 49.4% d9-N-EtFOSE bb 250 20-150% 44.2% M3HFPO-DA M3PFBA bb bb 100 50.0 20-150% >30% 107.6% 93.4% JS M2-PFHzA bb 25.0 >30% 91.0% M4-PFOA bb 25.0 >30% 90.2% M5-PFNA bb 12.5 >30% 79.9% M2-PFDA bb 12.5 >30% 91.5% 1802PFHxS bb 23.7 >30% 93.2% M4-PFOS bs 24.0 >30% 95.2% Code Meaning: the peak was FP, the integrated peak is a false positive result based on the retention time, db, the peak starts or ends on the baseline or drop line qualifier ratios, or other criteria EU# 0623-785 Page 19 of 31 Enthalpy Analytical Job No.: 0623-785-1 DOD QSM Table B-24 (EPA 1633) - non -potable water SME Environmental Services - S&ME Client Project: 23350284 Site: CDIA 2023 Enthalpy ID 0623-785-007-2 Prep Batch EU15570 Sample Vol (mL) 552.25 Sample Name EB Prep Date 2023-07-05 08:30 Extract Vol (mL) 5 Matrix AD Analysis Dale 2023-07-06 09:06 Split Factor N/A Sampling Date 2023-06-12 14:30 Analyst U_ Method Code Eu-062 Received Date 2023-06-14 Instrument Pippin Sample Type Sample Compound CAS Formatted Peak LOD LOQ Spike Recovery Recovery Flags Result Flags ng/L ng/L Amt. Limits ng/L (ng) Acids PFBA 375-22-4 <LOQ bb 6.52 7.24 U PFPeA 2706-90-3 <LOQ bb 3.26 3.62 U PFHxA 307-244 <LOD bb 1.63 1.81 U PFHpA 375-85-9 <LOD bb 1.63 1.81 U PFOA 335-67-1 <LOQ MM-; ii 1.63 1.81 U PFNA 375-95-1 <LOQ MM-; ii 1.63 1.81 U PFDA 335-76-2 <LOQ 1.63 1.81 U PFUnDA 2058-94-8 <LOQ MM-; ii 1.63 1.81 U PFDSA 307-55-1 <LOQ MM-; ii 1.63 1.81 U PFTeDA 72629-94-8 <LOD MM-; ii 1.63 1.81 U PFTeDA PFBS 376-06-7 375-73-5 <LOD <LOD 1.63 1.45 1.81 1.61 U U Sulfonates PFPeS 2706-914 <LOQ 1.53 1.70 U PFHxS 355464 <LOQ MM; ii 1.49 1.66 U PFHpS 375-92-8 <LOQ 1.55 1.73 U PFOS 1763-23-1 <LOQ MM; ii 1.51 1.68 U PFNS 68259-12-1 <LOQ 1.57 1.74 U PFDS 335-77-3 <LOQ 1.57 1.75 U PFDoS 79780-39-5 <LOQ 1.58 1.76 U 4:2 FTS 757124-724 <LOQ 6.11 6.79 U 6:2 FTS 27619-97-2 <LOQ 6.19 6.88 U 8:2 FTS PFOSA 39108-34-4 754-91-6 <LOQ <LOQ 6.26 1.63 6.95 1.81 U U Sulfonmides N-MCFOSA 31506-32-8 <LOQ 1.63 1.81 U N-EtFOSA 4151-50-2 <LOQ 1.63 1.81 U N-MCFOSE 24448-09-7 <LOQ 16.3 18.1 U N-EtFOSE HFPO-DA 1691-99-2 13252-13-6 <LOQ <LOQ 16.3 6.52 18.1 7.24 U U PFECAs PFMBA 863090-89-5 <LOQ 3.26 3.62 U PFMPA 377-73-1 <LOQ 3.26 3.62 U NFDHA 3:3 FTCA 151772-58-6 356-02-5 <LOQ <LOQ 3.26 8.15 3.62 9.05 U U FTCAs 5:3 FTCA 91463749-3 <LOQ 8.15 9.05 U 7:3 FTCA ADONA 812-704 919005-144 <LOQ <LOQ 8.15 6.16 9.05 6.84 U U Other 9CI-PF30NS 75642658-1 <LOQ 6.10 6.77 U N-McFOSAA 2355-31-9 <LOQ 1.63 1.81 U 11CI-PF3OUdS 763051-92-9 <LOQ 6.16 6.84 U N-EtFOSAA 2991-50-6 <LOD 1.63 1.81 U PFEESA M4PFBA 113507-82-7 <LOQ bb 2.90 3.22 100 20-150% 81.4% U ES M5PFPeA bb 50.0 20-150% 86.1% M5PFHxA bb 25.0 20-150% 94.3% M4PFHpA bb 25.0 20-150% 86.0% M8PFOA bb 25.0 20-150% 83.6% M9PFNA bb 12.5 20-150% 89.7% M6PFDA bb 12.5 20-150% 90.9% M7PFUdA bb 12.5 20-150% 87.7% M2-PFDoA bb 12.5 20-150% 79.2% 13C2-PFTeDA bb 12.5 20-150% 82.7% M3PFBS bb 23.3 20-150% 91.9% M3PFHxS bb 23.7 20-150% 74.3% M8PFOS bb 24.0 20-150% 86.3% M24:2 FTS bb 46.9 20-150% 88.9% M2-6:2 FTS bb 47.6 20-150% 88.3% M2-8:2 FTS bb 48.0 20-150% 87.8% M8PFOSA bb 25.0 20-150% 70.2% d3-N-McFOSA bb 25.0 20-150% 52.5% d5-N-EtFOSA bb 25.0 20-150% 46.4% d3-N-McFOSAA bb 50.0 20-150% 83.8% d5-N-EtFOSAA bs 50.0 20-150% 81.2% d7-N-McFOSE bb 250 20-150% 72.5% d9-N-EtFOSE bb 250 20-150% 71.6% M3HFPO-DA M3PFBA bb bb 100 50.0 20-150% >30% 124.2% 114.9% JS M2-PFHxA bb 25.0 >30% 101.7% M4-PFOA bb 25.0 >30% 103.5% M5-PFNA bb 12.5 >30% 88.6% M2-PFDA bb 12.5 >30% 101.0% 1802PFHxS bb 23.07>3300 1 7.3% M4-PFOS bb 24 186% Code Meaning: the peak was FP, the integrated peak is a false positive result based on the retention time, db, the peak starts or ends on the baseline or drop line Qualifier ratios, or other criteria EU# 0623-785 Page 20 of 31 1 ENTHALPY A N A L Y T I C A L QC Data EU# 0623-785 Page 21 of 31 Enthalpy Analytical Job No.: 0623-785-1 DOD QSM Table B-24 (EPA 1633) - non -potable water SME Environmental Services - S&ME Client Project: 23350284 Site: CDIA 2023 Enthalpy ID MB-15570-PFAS Prep Batch EU15570 Sample Name MB-15570-PFAS Prep Date 2023-07-05 08:30 Matrix Aqueous Analysis Date 2023-07-0605:19 Sampling Date Analyst Ueve Received Date Instrument Pippin Sample Vol (mL) 500 Extract Vol (mL) 5 Split Factor N/A Method Code Eu-062 Sample Type Blank Compound CAS Formatted Peak LOD LOD Spike Recovery Recovery Flags Result Flags ng/L ng/L Arm. Limits ng/L (ng) Acids PFBA 375-224 <LOQ bb 7.20 8.00 U PFPeA 2706-90-3 <LOQ bb 3.60 4.00 U PFHxA 307-244 <LOD bb; ii 1.80 2.00 U PFHpA 375-85-9 <LOD bb 1.80 2.00 U PFOA 335-67-1 <LOD MM-; ii 1.80 2.00 U PFNA 375-95-1 <LOD 1.80 2.00 U PFDA 335-76-2 <LOD MM-; ii 1.80 2.00 U PFUnDA 2058-94-8 <LOD 1.80 2.00 U PFDSA 307-55-1 <LOD MM-; ii 1.80 2.00 U PFTeDA 72629-94-8 <LOQ MM-; ii 1.80 2.00 U PFTeDA PFBS 376-06-7 375-73-5 <LOQ <LOQ MM-; ii 1.80 1.60 2.00 1.77 U U Sulfonates PFPeS 2706-914 <LOQ 1.69 1.88 U PFHxS 355464 <LOQ MM; ii 1.65 1.83 U PFHpS 375-92-8 <LOD 1.72 1.91 U PFOS 1763-23-1 <LOQ MM; ii 1.67 1.86 U PFNS 68259-12-1 <LOQ 1.73 1.92 U PFDS 335-77-3 <LOQ 1.74 1.93 U PFDoS 79780-39-5 <LOQ 1.75 1.94 U 4:2 FTS 757124-724 <LOQ 6.75 7.50 U 6:2 FTS 27619-97-2 <LOQ 6.84 7.60 U 8:2 FTS PFOSA 39108-34-4 754-91-6 <LOQ <LOQ 6.91 1.80 7.68 2.00 U U Sulfonmides N-MCFOSA 31506-32-8 <LOQ 1.80 2.00 U N-EtFOSA 4151-50-2 <LOQ 1.80 2.00 U N-MCFOSE 24448-09-7 <LOQ 18.0 20.0 U N-EtFOSE HFPO-DA 1691-99-2 13252-13-6 <LOQ <LOQ 18.0 7.20 20.0 8.00 U U PFECAs PFMBA 863090-89-5 <LOQ 3.60 4.00 U PFMPA 377-73-1 <LOQ 3.60 4.00 U NFDHA 3:3 FTCA 151772-58-6 356-02-5 <LOQ <LOQ 3.60 9.00 4.00 10.0 U U FTCAs 5:3 FTCA 91463749-3 <LOQ 9.00 10.0 U 7:3 FTCA ADONA 812-70-4 919005-144 <LOQ <LOQ 9.00 6.80 10.0 7.56 U U Other 9CI-PF30NS 756426-58-1 <LOQ 6.73 7.48 U N-McFOSAA 2355-31-9 <LOQ 1.80 2.00 U 11CI-PF3OUdS 763051-92-9 <LOQ 6.80 7.56 U N-EtFOSAA 2991-50-6 <LOQ 1.80 2.00 U PFEESA M4PFBA 113507-82-7 <LOQ bb 3.20 3.56 100 20-150% 90.8% U ES M5PFPeA bb 50.0 20-150% 85.4% M5PFHxA bb 25.0 20-150% 86.8% M4PFHpA bb 25.0 20-150% 90.7% M8PFOA bb 25.0 20-150% 72.6% M9PFNA bb 12.5 20-150% 97.8% M6PFDA bb 12.5 20-150% 87.4% M7PFUdA bb 12.5 20-150% 95.1% M2-PFDoA bb 12.5 20-150% 77.5% 13C2-PFTeDA bb 12.5 20-150% 76.9% M3PFBS bb 23.3 20-150% 83.2% M3PFHxS bb 23.7 20-150% 77.0% M8PFOS bb 24.0 20-150% 76.0% M2-4:2 FTS bb 46.9 20-150% 94.7% M2-6:2 FTS bb 47.6 20-150% 80.1% M2-8:2 FTS bb 48.0 20-150% 85.0% M8PFOSA bb 25.0 20-150% 71.7% d3-N-McFOSA bb 25.0 20-150% 44.1% d5-N-EtFOSA bb 25.0 20-150% 38.5% d3-N-McFOSAA bb 50.0 20-150% 81.2% d5-N-EtFOSAA bs 50.0 20-150% 74.5% d7-N-McFOSE bb 250 20-150% 72.2% d9-N-EtFOSE bb 250 20-150% 68.9% M3HFPO-DA M3PFBA bb bb 100 50.0 20-150% >30% 120.1% 92.5% JS M2-PFHxA bb 25.0 >30% 88.4% M4-PFOA bb 25.0 >30% 95.5% M5-PFNA bb 12.5 >30% 68.3% M2-PFDA bb 12.5 >30% 81.5% 1802PFHzS bb 23.7 >30% 101.0% M4-PFOS bb 24.0 >30% 99.8% Code Meaning: the peak was FP, the integrated peak is a false positive result based on the retention time, db, the peak starts or ends on the baseline or drop line qualifier ratios, or other criteria EU# 0623-785 Page 22 of 31 Enthalpy Analytical Job No.: 0623-785-1 DOD QSM Table B-24 (EPA 1633) - non -potable water SME Environmental Services - S&ME Client Project: 23350284 Site: CDIA 2023 Enthalpy ID MB2-15570-PFAS Prep Batch EU15570 Sample Name MB2-15570-PFAS Prep Date 2023-07-05 08:30 Matrix Aqueous Analysis Date 2023-07-0605:41 Sampling Date Analyst Ueve Received Date Instrument Pippin Sample Vol (mL) 500 Extract Vol (mL) 5 Split Factor N/A Method Code Eu-062 Sample Type Blank Compound CAS Formatted Peak LOD LOD Spike Recovery Recovery Flags Result Flags ng/L ng/L Amt. Limits ng/L (ng) Acids PFBA 375-224 <LOQ bb 7.20 8.00 U PFPeA 2706-90-3 <LOQ MM; ii 3.60 4.00 U PFHxA 307-244 <LOQ bb 1.80 2.00 U PFHpA 375-85-9 <LOD MM-; ii 1.80 2.00 U PFOA 335-67-1 <LOD MM-; ii 1.80 2.00 U PFNA 375-95-1 <LOD MM-; ii 1.80 2.00 U PFDA 335-76-2 <LOD 1.80 2.00 U PFUnDA 2058-94-8 <LOD MM-; ii 1.80 2.00 U PFDSA 307-55-1 <LOD 1.80 2.00 U PFTeDA 72629-94-8 <LOQ 1.80 2.00 U PFTeDA PFBS 376-06-7 375-73-5 <LOQ <LOQ MM-; ii 1.80 1.60 2.00 1.77 U U Sulfonates PFPeS 2706-914 <LOQ 1.69 1.88 U PFHxS 355464 <LOQ MM; ii 1.65 1.83 U PFHpS 375-92-8 <LOD 1.72 1.91 U PFOS 1763-23-1 <LOQ MM; ii 1.67 1.86 U PFNS 68259-12-1 <LOQ 1.73 1.92 U PFDS 335-77-3 <LOQ 1.74 1.93 U PFDoS 79780-39-5 <LOQ 1.75 1.94 U 4:2 FTS 757124-724 <LOQ 6.75 7.50 U 6:2 FTS 27619-97-2 <LOQ 6.84 7.60 U 8:2 FTS PFOSA 39108-34-4 754-91-6 <LOQ <LOQ 6.91 1.80 7.68 2.00 U U Sulfonmides N-MCFOSA 31506-32-8 <LOQ 1.80 2.00 U N-EtFOSA 4151-50-2 <LOQ 1.80 2.00 U N-MCFOSE 24448-09-7 <LOQ 18.0 20.0 U N-EtFOSE HFPO-DA 1691-99-2 13252-13-6 <LOQ <LOQ 18.0 7.20 20.0 8.00 U U PFECAs PFMBA 863090-89-5 <LOQ 3.60 4.00 U PFMPA 377-73-1 <LOQ 3.60 4.00 U NFDHA 3:3 FTCA 151772-58-6 356-02-5 <LOQ <LOQ 3.60 9.00 4.00 10.0 U U FTCAs 5:3 FTCA 91463749-3 <LOQ 9.00 10.0 U 7:3 FTCA ADONA 812-70-4 919005-144 <LOQ <LOQ 9.00 6.80 10.0 7.56 U U Other 9CI-PF30NS 756426-58-1 <LOQ 6.73 7.48 U N-McFOSAA 2355-31-9 <LOQ 1.80 2.00 U 11CI-PF3OUdS 763051-92-9 <LOQ 6.80 7.56 U N-EtFOSAA 2991-50-6 <LOQ 1.80 2.00 U PFEESA M4PFBA 113507-82-7 <LOQ bb 3.20 3.56 100 20-150% 75.0% U ES M5PFPeA bb 50.0 20-150% 77.0% M5PFHxA bb 25.0 20-150% 82.4% M4PFHpA bb 25.0 20-150% 78.5% M8PFOA bb 25.0 20-150% 76.8% M9PFNA bb 12.5 20-150% 73.4% M6PFDA bb 12.5 20-150% 79.5% M7PFUdA bb 12.5 20-150% 63.2% M2-PFDoA bs 12.5 20-150% 68.1% 13C2-PFTeDA bb 12.5 20-150% 63.7% M3PFBS bs 23.3 20-150% 76.9% M3PFHxS bb 23.7 20-150% 72.7% M8PFOS bb 24.0 20-150% 67.4% M2-4:2 FTS bb 46.9 20-150% 84.0% M2-6:2 FTS bb 47.6 20-150% 70.8% M2-8:2 FTS bb 48.0 20-150% 85.0% M8PFOSA bb 25.0 20-150% 65.3% d3-N-McFOSA bb 25.0 20-150% 63.4% d5-N-EtFOSA bb 25.0 20-150% 64.2% d3-N-McFOSAA bb 50.0 20-150% 74.1% d5-N-EtFOSAA bb 50.0 20-150% 78.3% d7-N-McFOSE bb 250 20-150% 65.3% d9-N-EtFOSE bb 250 20-150% 65.8% M3HFPO-DA M3PFBA bb bb 100 50.0 20-150% >30% 90.4% 113.8% JS M2-PFHxA bb 25.0 >30% 105.9% M4-PFOA bb 25.0 >30% 106.6% M5-PFNA bb 12.5 >30% 94.0% M2-PFDA bb 12.5 >30% 110.3% 1802PFHzS bb 23.7 >30% 121.5% M4-PFOS bb 24.0 >30% 114.4% Code Meaning: the peak was FP, the integrated peak is a false positive result based on the retention time, db, the peak starts or ends on the baseline or drop line Qualifier ratios, or other criteria EU# 0623-785 Page 23 of 31 Enthalpy Analytical Job No.: 0623-785-1 DOD QSM Table B-24 (EPA 1633) - non -potable water SME Environmental Services - SBME Client Project: 23350284 Site: CDIA 2023 Enthalpy ID 0623-812-003-1MS Prep Batch EU15570 Sample Vol(mL) 60 Sample Name 0623-812-003-1 MS Prep Date 2023-07-05 08:30 Extract Vol (mL) 5 Matrix Aqueous Analysis Date 2023-07-06 14:25 Split Factor N/A Sampling Date Analyst wicleve Method Code Eu-062 Received Date Instrument Pippin Sample Type MS Parent Sample ID 0623-812-003-1 Compound CAS Formatted Peak LOD LOQ Spike Recovery Recovery Flags Result Flags ng/L ng/L Amt. Limits ng/L (ng) Acids PFBA 375-22-4 850 bb 60.0 66.7 50.0 40-150% 99.9% PFPeA 2706-90-3 418 bb; ii 30.0 33.3 25.0 40-150% 95.4% PFHxA 307-24-4 243 bb 15.0 16.7 12.5 40-150% 104.6% PFHpA 375-85-9 191 bb 15.0 16.7 12.5 40-150% 90.1% PFOA 335-67-1 203 bb 15.0 16.7 12.5 40-150% 89.9% PFNA 375-95-1 188 bb 15.0 16.7 12.5 40-150% 90.1% PFDA 335-76-2 209 bb 15.0 16.7 12.5 40-150% 100.4% PFUnDA 2058-94-8 175 bb 15.0 16.7 12.5 40-150% 84.2% PFDOA 307-55-1 226 bb 15.0 16.7 12.5 40-150% 108.3% PFTrDA 72629-94-8 220 bb 15.0 16.7 12.5 40-150% 105.5% PFTeDA PFBS 376-06-7 375-73-5 194 167 bb bb 15.0 13.3 16.7 14.8 12.5 11.1 40-150% 40-150% 93.3% 87.9% Sulfonates PFPeS 2706-91-4 180 bb 14.1 15.7 11.8 40-150% 92.1% PFHxS 35546-4 184 MM; ii 13.7 15.2 11.4 40-150% 95.2% PFHpS 375-92-8 190 bb 14.3 15.9 11.9 40-150% 95.8% PFOS 1763-23-1 184 MM; ii 13.9 15.5 11.6 40-150% 94.0% PFNS 68259-12-1 195 bb 14.4 16.0 12.0 40-150% 97.3% PFDS 335-77-3 187 bb 14.5 16.1 12.1 40-150% 93.0% PFDoS 79780-39-5 180 bb 14.6 16.2 12.1 40-150% 89.3% 4:2 FTS 757124-72-4 668 bb 56.2 62.5 46.9 40-150% 85.5% 6:2 FTS 27619-97-2 688 bb 57.0 63.3 47.5 40-150% 86.9% 8:2 FTS PFOSA 39108-34-4 754-91-6 719 197 bb bb 57.6 15.0 64.0 16.7 48.0 12.5 40-150% 40-150% 89.8% 88.2% Sulfonmides N-MCFOSA 31506-32-8 175 bb 15.0 16.7 12.5 40-150% 84.0% N-EtFOSA 4151-50-2 188 bb 15.0 16.7 12.5 40-150% 90.1% N-MCFOSE 24448-09-7 1850 bb 150 167 125 40-150% 89.0% N-EtFOSE HFPO-DA 1691-99-2 13252-13-6 1710 727 bb bb 150 60.0 167 66.7 125 50.0 40-150% 40-150% 82.0% 87.2% PFECAs PFMBA 863090-89-5 387 bb 30.0 33.3 25.0 40-150% 92.9% PFMPA 377-73-1 393 bb 30.0 33.3 25.0 40-150% 94.3% NFDHA 3:3 FTCA 151772-58-6 356-02-5 421 810 bb bb 30.0 75.0 33.3 83.3 25.0 62.5 40-150% 40-150% 101.1% 77.7% FTCAs 5:3 FTCA 914637-49-3 903 bb 75.0 83.3 62.5 40-150% 86.7% 7:3 FTCA ADONA 812-70-4 919005-14-4 856 599 bb bb 75.0 56.7 83.3 63.0 62.5 47.3 40-150 % 40-150% 82.2 % 76.1% Other 9CI-PF30NS 756426-58-1 784 bb 56.1 62.3 46.8 40-150% 100.6% N-McFOSAA 2355-31-9 209 MM; ii 15.0 16.7 12.5 40-150% 100.5% 11CI-PF3OUdS 763051-92-9 551 bb 56.7 63.0 47.3 40-150% 69.9% N-EtFOSAA 2991-50-6 225 MM; ii 15.0 16.7 12.5 40-150% 108.0% PFEESA M4PFBA 113507-82-7 335 bb bb 26.7 29.7 22.3 100 40-150% 20-150% 90.3% 88.0% ES MSPFPeA bb 50.0 20-150% 87.4% MSPFHxA bb 25.0 20-150% 83.7% M4PFHpA bb 25.0 20-150% 94.5% M8PF0A bb 25.0 20-150% 92.4% M9PFNA bb 12.5 20-150% 88.6% M6PFDA bb 12.5 20-150% 85.4% M7PFUdA bb 12.5 20-150% 94.7% M2-PFDoA bb 12.5 20-150% 81.9% 13C2-PFTeDA bb 12.5 20-150% 78.9% M3PFBS bb 23.3 20-150% 94.9% M3PFHxS bb 23.7 20-150% 77.3% M8PF0S bb 24.0 20-150% 78.5% M2-4:2 FTS bb 46.9 20-150% 92.0% M2-6:2 FTS bb 47.6 20-150% 88.3% M2-8:2 FTS bb 48.0 20-150% 84.9% M8PF0SA bb 25.0 20-150% 73.4% d3-N-M6FOSA bb 25.0 20-150% 84.1 % dS-N-EtFOSA bb 25.0 20-150% 77.4% d3-N-McFOSAA bb 50.0 20-150% 82.1% dS-N-EtFOSAA bs 50.0 20-150% 72.6% d7-N-McFOSE bb 250 20-150% 78.6% d9-N-EtFOSE bb 250 20-150% 81.9% M3HFPO-DA M3PFBA bb bb 100 50.0 20-150% >30% 126.8% 98.3% JS M2-PFHxA bb 25.0 >30% 99.7% M4-PFOA bb 25.0 >30% 96.2% M5-PFNA bb 12.5 >30% 87.5% M2-PFDA bb 12.5 >30% 90.2% 18O2PFHxS bb 23.7 >30% 103.5% M4-PFOS bb 24.0 >30% 108.8% !Code Meaning: ! NI, the peak was not integrated by the software MM. the oeak was manually integrated FP, the integrated peak is a false positive result based on the retention time, db, the peak starts or ends on the baseline or drop line oualifier ratios. or other criteria EU# 0623-785 Page 24 of 31 Enthalpy Analytical Job No.: 0623-785-1 DOD QSM Table B-24 (EPA 1633) - non -potable water SME Environmental Services - S&ME Client Project: 23350284 Site: CDIA 2Q23 Enthalpy ID 0623-812-003-1 MSD Prep Batch EU15570 Sample Vol (mL) 60 Sample Name 0623-812-003-1 MSD Prep Date 2023-07-05 08:30 Extract Vol (mL) 5 Matrix Aqueous Analysis Date 2023-07-0614:48 Split Factor N/A Sampling Date Analyst wide- Method Code Eu-062 Received Date Instrument Pippin Sample Type MSD Parent Sample ID 0623-812-003-1 Compound CAS Formatted Peak LOD LOQ Spike Recovery Recovery RPD RPD Flags Result Flags ng/L ng/L Amt. Limits Limits ng/L (ng) Acids PFBA 375-22-4 851 bb 60.0 66.7 50.0 40-150% 100.0% 0-30% 0.1% PFPeA 2706-90-3 435 bb; it 30.0 33.3 25.0 40-150% 99.4% 0-30% 4.1% PFHxA 307-24-4 245 bb 15.0 16.7 12.5 40-150% 105.3% 0-30% 0.6% PFHpA 375-85-9 195 bb 15.0 16.7 12.5 40-150% 92.2% 0-30% 2.2% PFOA 335-67-1 214 bb 15.0 16.7 US 40-150% 95.2% 0-30% 5.1% PFNA 375-95-1 245 bb 15.0 16.7 12.5 40-150% 117.4% 0-30% 26.3% PFDA 335-76-2 197 bb 15.0 16.7 12.5 40-150% 94.7% 0-30% 5.9% PFUnDA 2058-94-8 228 bb 15.0 16.7 12.5 40-150% 109.5% 0-30% 26.1% PFOSA 307-55-1 222 bb 15.0 16.7 12.5 40-150% 106.4% 0-30% 1.7% PFTrDA 72629-94-8 236 bb 15.0 16.7 12.5 40-150 % 113.3 % 0-30% 7.1 % PFTeDA PFBS 376-06-7 375-73-5 221 172 bb bb 15.0 13.3 16.7 14.8 12.5 11.1 40-150 % 40-150% 106.1 % 90.5% 0-30% 0-30% 12.8 % 2.9% Sulfonates PFPeS 2706-91-4 180 bb 14.1 15.7 11.8 40-150% 91.9% 0-30% 0.2% PFHxS 355-46-4 202 MM; ii 13.7 15.2 11.4 40-150% 104.6% 0-30% 9.4% PFHpS 375-92-8 195 bb 14.3 15.9 11.9 40-150% 98.4% 0-30% 2.7% PFOS 1763-23-1 186 MM; ii 13.9 15.5 11.6 40-150% 95.2% 0-30% 1.3% PFNS 68259-12-1 194 bb 14.4 16.0 12.0 40-150% 96.8% 0-30% 0.5% PFDS 335-77-3 188 bb 14.5 16.1 12.1 40-150% 93.5% 0-30% 0.4% PFDoS 79780-39-5 179 bb 14.6 16.2 12.1 40-150% 88.6% 0-30% 0.8% 4:2 FTS 757124-72-4 785 bb 56.2 62.5 46.9 40-150 % 100.5 % 0-30% 16.2 % 6:2 FTS 27619-97-2 817 bb 57.0 63.3 47.5 40-150 % 103.3 % 0-30% 17.2 % 8:2 FTS PFOSA 39108-34-4 754-91-6 725 214 bb bb 57.6 15.0 64.0 16.7 48.0 12.5 40-150 % 40-150% 90.6 % 95.9% 0-30% 0-30% 0.8 % 8.5% Sulfonmides N-MCFOSA 31506-32-8 187 bb 15.0 16.7 12.5 40-150% 89.9% 0-30% 6.8% N-EtFOSA 4151-50-2 194 bb 15.0 16.7 12.5 40-150% 93.3% 0-30% 3.5% N-MCFOSE 24448-09-7 1820 bb 150 167 125 40-150% 87.3% 0-30% 1.9% N-EtFOSE HFPO-DA 1691-99-2 13252-13-6 1930 671 bb bb 150 60.0 167 66.7 125 50.0 40-150% 40-150% 92.4% 80.6% 0-30% 0-30% 12.0% 7.9% PFECAs PFMBA 863090-89-5 405 bb 30.0 33.3 25.0 40-150% 97.2% 0-30% 4.5% PFMPA 377-73-1 391 bb 30.0 33.3 25.0 40-150% 93.7% 0-30% 0.6% NFDHA 3:3 FTCA 151772-58-6 356-02-5 433 845 bb bb 30.0 75.0 33.3 83.3 25.0 62.5 40-150% 40-150 % 103.9% 81.2 % 0-30% 0-30 % 2.8% 4.3 % FTCA. 5:3 FTCA 914637-49-3 886 bb 75.0 83.3 62.5 40-150 % 85.0 % 0-30 % 2.0 % 7:3 FTCA ADONA 812-70-4 919005-14-4 906 636 bb bb 75.0 56.7 83.3 63.0 62.5 47.3 40-150 % 40-150% 87.0 % 80.8% 0-30 % 0-30% 5.7 % 6.0% Other 9CI-PF3ONS 756426-58-1 737 bb 56.1 62.3 46.8 40-150% 94.6% 0-30% 6.2% N-MCFOSAA 2355-31-9 240 MM; ii 15.0 16.7 12.5 40-150% 115.0% 0-30% 13.5% 11CI-PF30UdS 763051-92-9 590 bb 56.7 63.0 47.3 40-150% 74.9% 0-30% 6.9% N-EIFOSAA 2991-50-6 237 MM; ii 15.0 16.7 12.5 40-150% 114.0% 0-30% 5.4% PFEESA M4PFBA 113507-82-7 349 bb bb 26.7 29.7 22.3 100 40-150% 20-150% 94.2% 94.5% 0-30% 4.2% ES MSPFPeA bs 50.0 20-150% 93.7% MSPFHxA bb 25.0 20-150% 91.0% M4PFHpA bb 25.0 20-150% 103.2% MBPFOA bb 25.0 20-150% 92.2% M9PFNA bb 12.5 20-150% 80.4% M6PFDA bb 12.5 20-150% 82.6% M7PFUdA bb 12.5 20-150% 73.7% M2-PFDoA bb 12.5 20-150% 71.4% 13C2-PFTeDA bb 12.5 20-150% 64.4% M3PFBS bb 23.3 20-150% 98.6% M3PFHxS bb 23.7 20-150% 85.0% MBPFOS bb 24.0 20-150% 85.4% M2-4:2 FTS bb 46.9 20-150% 95.0% M2-6:2 FTS bb 47.6 20-150% 84.0% M2-8:2 FTS bb 48.0 20-150% 87.0% MBPFOSA bb 25.0 20-150% 76.8% d3-N-McFOSA bb 25.0 20-150% 71.5% d5-N-EtFOSA bb 25.0 20-150% 69.4% d3-N-McFOSAA bb 50.0 20-150% 80.3% d5-N-EtFOSAA bb 50.0 20-150% 78.4% d7-N-McFOSE bb 250 20-150% 73.7% d9-N-EtFOSE bb 250 20-150% 69.6% M3HFPO-DA M3PFBA bb bb 100 50.0 20-150% >30% 112.2% 95.5% JS M2-PFHxA bb 25.0 >30% 96.3% M4-PFOA bb 25.0 >30% 91.8% M5-PFNA bb 12.5 >30% 88.8% M2-PFDA bb 12.5 >30% 105.1% 1802PFHxS bb 23.7 >30% 101.6% M4-PFOS bb 24.0 >30% 103.7% Code Meaning: NI, the peak was not integrated by the software MM. the FP, the integrated peak is a false positive result based on the retention time, db, the peak starts or ends on the baseline or drop line aualifier ratios, or other criteria EU# 0623-785 Page 25 of 31 Enthalpy Analytical Job No.: 0623-785-1 DOD OSM Table B-24 (EPA 1633) - non -potable water SME Environmental Services - S&ME Client Project: 23350284 Site: CDIA 2023 Enthalpy ID LLOPR-15570-PFAS Prep Batch EU15570 Sample Name LLOPR-15570-PFAS Prep Date 2023-07-05 08:30 Matrix Aqueous Analysis Date 2023-07-0606:27 Sampling Date Analyst Ueve Received Date Instrument Pippin Sample Vol (mL) 500 Extract Vol (mL) 5 Split Factor N/A Method Code Eu-062 Sample Type Control Compound CAS Formatted Peak LOD LOD Spike Recovery Recovery Flags Result Flags ng/L ng/L Amt. Limits ng/L (ng) Acids PFBA 375-224 12.9 bb 7.20 8.00 8.00 40-150% 80.7% PFPeA 2706-90-3 6.17 bb; ii 3.60 4.00 4.00 40-150% 77.2% PFHxA 307-244 3.34 bb 1.80 2.00 2.00 40-150% 83.5% PFHpA 375-85-9 3.21 bb 1.80 2.00 2.00 40-150% 80.3% PFOA 335-67-1 2.92 bb 1.80 2.00 2.00 40-150 % 72.9% PFNA 375-95-1 3.25 bb 1.80 2.00 2.00 40-150% 81.2% PFDA 335-76-2 2.85 bb 1.80 2.00 2.00 40-150% 71.3% PFUnDA 2058-94-8 2.59 bb 1.80 2.00 2.00 40-150% 64.7% PFDOA 307-55-1 2.76 bb 1.80 2.00 2.00 40-150% 69.0% PFTeDA 72629-94-8 2.69 bb 1.80 2.00 2.00 40-150% 67.3% PFTeDA PFBS 376-06-7 375-73-5 3.11 2.76 bb bb 1.80 1.60 2.00 1.77 2.00 1.77 40-150% 40-150% 77.7% 77.8% Sulfonales PFPeS 2706-914 2.94 bb 1.69 1.88 1.88 40-150% 78.2% PFHxS 355-464 2.93 MM; ii 1.65 1.83 1.83 40-150% 80.0% PFHpS 375-92-8 2.61 bb 1.72 1.91 1.91 40-150% 68.5% PFOS 1763-23-1 2.75 MM; ii 1.67 1.86 1.86 40-150% 74.1% PFNS 68259-12-1 2.90 bb 1.73 1.92 1.92 40-150% 75.4% PFDS 335-77-3 2.73 bb 1.74 1.93 1.93 40-150% 70.8% PFDoS 79780-39-5 2.29 bb 1.75 1.94 1.94 40-150% 59.0% 4:2 FTS 757124-724 8.12 bb 6.75 7.50 7.50 40-150% 54.2% 6:2 FTS 27619-97-2 11.9 bb 6.84 7.60 7.60 40-150 % 78.3% 8:2 FTS PFOSA 39108-344 754-91-6 9.49 2.81 bb bb 6.91 1.80 7.68 2.00 7.68 2.00 40-150 % 40-150% 61.8% 70.4% Sulfonmides N-MCFOSA 31506-32-8 2.91 bb 1.80 2.00 2.00 40-150% 72.8% N-EIFOSA 4151-50-2 2.92 bb 1.80 2.00 2.00 40-150% 72.9% N-MCFOSE 24448-09-7 26.6 bb 18.0 20.0 20.0 40-150% 66.6% N-EtFOSE HFPO-DA 1691-99-2 13252-13-6 25.9 12.6 bb bb 18.0 7.20 20.0 8.00 20.0 8.00 40-150% 40-150% 64.8% 78.7% PFECAs PFMBA 863090-89-5 5.72 bb 3.60 4.00 4.00 40-150% 71.5% PFMPA 377-73-1 5.86 bb 3.60 4.00 4.00 40-150% 73.2% NFDHA 3:3 FTCA 151772-58-6 356-02-5 6.43 11.7 bb bb 3.60 9.00 4.00 10.0 4.00 10.0 40-150% 40-150% 80.4% 58.7% FTCAs 5:3 FTCA 914637-49-3 13.2 bb 9.00 10.0 10.0 40-150% 65.9% 7:3 FTCA ADONA 812-704 919005-144 11.9 10.8 bb bb 9.00 6.80 10.0 7.56 10.0 7.56 40-150% 40-150% 59.3% 71.1 % Other 9CI-PF30NS 756426-58-1 10.7 bb 6.73 7.48 7.48 40-150% 71.7% N-McFOSAA 2355-31-9 3.05 MM: ii 1.80 2.00 2.00 40-150% 76.2% 11C1-PF30UdS 763051-92-9 9.74 bb 6.80 7.56 7.56 40-150% 64.4% N-EtFOSAA 2991-50-6 2.88 MM: ii 1.80 2.00 2.00 40-150% 72.0% PFEESA M4PFBA 113507-82-7 4.96 bb bb 3.20 3.56 3.56 100 40-150% 20-150% 69.6% 88.0% ES M5PFPeA bs 50.0 20-150% 87.7% M5PFHxA bb 25.0 20-150% 95.5% M4PFHpA bb 25.0 20-150% 96.9% M8PFOA bb 25.0 20-150% 86.7% M9PFNA bb 12.5 20-150% 80.5% M6PFDA bb 12.5 20-150% 77.7% M7PFUdA bb 12.5 20-150% 82.8% M2-PFDoA bb 12.5 20-150% 76.6% 13C2-PFTeDA bb 12.5 20-150% 60.7% M3PFBS bb 23.3 20-150% 84.1% M3PFHxS bb 23.7 20-150% 74.6% M8PFOS bb 24.0 20-150% 75.7% M2-4:2 FTS bb 46.9 20-150% 96.7% M2-6:2 FTS bb 47.6 20-150% 76.3% M2-8:2 FTS bb 48.0 20-150% 78.8% M8PFOSA bb 25.0 20-150% 69.0% d3-N-McFOSA bb 25.0 20-150% 43.6% d5-N-EtFOSA bb 25.0 20-150% 40.3% d3-N-McFOSAA bb 50.0 20-150% 75.6% d5-N-EtFOSAA bb 50.0 20-150% 73.1 % d7-N-McFOSE bb 250 20-150% 55.6% d9-N-EtFOSE bb 250 20-150% 58.5% M3HFPO-DA M3PFBA bb bb 100 50.0 20-150% >30% 93.1 % 104.1% JS M2-PFWA bb 25.0 >30% 94.1 % M4-PFOA bb 25.0 >30% 93.4% M5-PFNA bb 12.5 >30% 88.9% M2-PFDA bb 12.5 >30% 106.0% 1802PFHxS bb 23.7 >30% 111.3% M4-PFOS bb 24.0 >30% 114.6% Meaning: the peak was FP, the integrated peak is a false positive result based on the retention time, db, the peak starts or ends on the baseline or drop line qualifier ratios, or other criteria EU# 0623-785 Page 26 of 31 Enthalpy Analytical Job No.: 0623-785-1 DOD OSM Table B-24 (EPA 1633) - non -potable water SME Environmental Services - S&ME Client Project: 23350284 Site: CDIA 2023 Enthalpy ID OPR-15570-PFAS Prep Batch EU15570 Sample Name OPR-15570-PFAS Prep Date 2023-07-05 08:30 Matrix Aqueous Analysis Date 2023-07-0606:04 Sampling Date Analyst Ueve Received Date Instrument Pippin Sample Vol (mL) 500 Extract Vol (mL) 5 Split Factor N/A Method Code Eu-062 Sample Type Control Compound CAS Formatted Peak LOD LOD Spike Recovery Recovery Flags Result Flags ng/L ng/L Arm. Limits ng/L (ng) Acids PFBA 375-224 98.9 bb 7.20 8.00 50.0 40-150% 98.9% PFPeA 2706-90-3 50.1 bb; ii 3.60 4.00 25.0 40-150% 100.3% PFHxA 307-244 23.8 bb 1.80 2.00 12.5 40-150% 95.4% PFHpA 375-85-9 24.8 bb 1.80 2.00 12.5 40-150% 99.3% PFOA 335-67-1 26.0 bb 1.80 2.00 12.5 40-150 % 103.8 % PFNA 375-95-1 26.7 bb 1.80 2.00 12.5 40-150% 106.8% PFDA 335-76-2 23.0 bb 1.80 2.00 12.5 40-150% 91.8% PFUnDA 2058-94-8 23.0 bb 1.80 2.00 12.5 40-150% 92.1% PFDOA 307-55-1 25.1 bb 1.80 2.00 12.5 40-150% 100.4% PFTeDA 72629-94-8 25.6 bb 1.80 2.00 12.5 40-150 % 102.4% PFTeDA PFBS 376-06-7 375-73-5 23.5 20.3 bb bb 1.80 1.60 2.00 1.77 12.5 11.1 40-150 % 40-150% 93.9% 91.6% Sulfonates PFPeS 2706-914 21.8 bb 1.69 1.88 11.8 40-150% 92.5% PFHxS 355-464 25.3 MM; ii 1.65 1.83 11.4 40-150% 110.6% PFHpS 375-92-8 25.1 bb 1.72 1.91 11.9 40-150% 105.2% PFOS 1763-23-1 22.2 MM; ii 1.67 1.86 11.6 40-150% 95.5% PFNS 68259-12-1 23.3 bb 1.73 1.92 12.0 40-150% 96.9% PFDS 335-77-3 23.3 bb 1.74 1.93 12.1 40-150% 96.6% PFDoS 79780-39-5 21.8 bb 1.75 1.94 12.1 40-150% 89.8% 4:2 FTS 757124-724 87.8 bb 6.75 7.50 46.9 40-150 % 93.6% 6:2 FTS 27619-97-2 91.3 bb 6.84 7.60 47.5 40-150 % 96.1 % 8:2 FTS PFOSA 39108-344 754-91-6 34.9 22.9 bb bb 6.91 1.80 7.68 2.00 48.0 12.5 40-150 % 40-150% 88.4% 91.8% Sulfonmides N-MCFOSA 31506-32-8 23.2 bb 1.80 2.00 12.5 40-150% 92.6% N-EIFOSA 4151-50-2 22.7 bb 1.80 2.00 12.5 40-150% 90.8% N-MCFOSE 24448-09-7 227 bb 18.0 20.0 125 40-150% 90.9% N-EIFOSE HFPO-DA 1691-99-2 13252-13-6 243 81.4 bb bb 18.0 7.20 20.0 8.00 125 50.0 40-150% 40-150% 97.4% 81.4% PFECAs PFMBA 863090-89-5 48.0 bb 3.60 4.00 25.0 40-150% 96.0% PFMPA 377-73-1 43.6 bb 3.60 4.00 25.0 40-150% 87.2% NFDHA 3:3 FTCA 151772-58-6 356-02-5 52.3 101 bb bb 3.60 9.00 4.00 10.0 25.0 62.5 40-150% 40-150% 104.7% 80.5% FTCAs 5:3 FTCA 914637-49-3 106 bb 9.00 10.0 62.5 40-150% 84.7% 7:3 FTCA ADONA 812-704 919005-144 103 78.6 bs bb 9.00 6.80 10.0 7.56 62.5 47.3 40-150% 40-150% 82.2% 83.2% Other 9CI-PF30NS 756426-58-1 95.5 bb 6.73 7.48 46.8 40-150% 102.1% N-McFOSAA 2355-31-9 27.8 MM; ii 1.80 2.00 12.5 40-150% 111.1% 11C1-PF30UdS 763051-92-9 72.3 bb 6.80 7.56 47.3 40-150% 76.5% N-EtFOSAA 2991-50-6 24.9 MM; ii 1.80 2.00 12.5 40-150% 99.6% PFEESA M4PFBA 113507-82-7 43.4 bb bb 3.20 3.56 22.3 100 40-150% 20-150% 97.6% 89.7% ES M5PFPeA be 50.0 20-150% 86.3% M5PFHxA bb 25.0 20-150% 82.7% M4PFHpA bb 25.0 20-150% 77.8% M8PFOA bb 25.0 20-150% 80.3% M9PFNA bb 12.5 20-150% 87.7% M6PFDA bb 12.5 20-150% 75.1% M7PFUdA bb 12.5 20-150% 74.2% M2-PFDoA bb 12.5 20-150% 70.5% 13C2-PFTeDA bb 12.5 20-150% 63.2% M3PFBS bb 23.3 20-150% 92.0% M3PFHxS bb 23.7 20-150% 72.1% M8PFOS bb 24.0 20-150% 74.5% M24:2 FTS bb 46.9 20-150% 80.0% M2-6:2 FTS bb 47.6 20-150% 74.1 % M2-8:2 FTS bb 48.0 20-150% 78.5% M8PFOSA bb 25.0 20-150% 66.8% d3-N-McFOSA bb 25.0 20-150% 44.9% d5-N-EtFOSA bb 25.0 20-150% 42.1 % d3-N-McFOSAA bb 50.0 20-150% 74.0% d5-N-EtFOSAA bb 50.0 20-150% 72.5% d7-N-McFOSE bb 250 20-150% 55.8% d9-N-EtFOSE bb 250 20-150% 53.7% M3HFPO-DA M3PFBA bb bb 100 50.0 20-150% >30% 106.3% 108.4% JS M2-PFWA bb 25.0 >30% 111.7% M4-PFOA bb 25.0 >30% 110.5% M5-PFNA bb 12.5 >30% 88.2% M2-PFDA bb 12.5 >30% 114.4% 1802PFHxS bb 23.7 >30% 112.5% M4-PFOS bb 24.0 >30% 120.7% Code Meaning: the peak was FP, the integrated peak is a false positive result based on the retention time, db, the peak starts or ends on the baseline or drop line qualifier ratios, or other criteria EU# 0623-785 Page 27 of 31 �) 1 ENTHALPY A N A L Y T I C A L Sample Custody EU# 0623-785 Page 28 of 31 n l 1 n- '] V .. to - '. Special Handling: ErStandard Turn Around Time Opi= Chain of Custody Record El Rush Turn Around Time -- Date Needed .ai, • AIYVst TATs Subject to Approval by Enthalpy Analytical, LLC EN H LPY • All Samples Disposed of After 6 months Unless Otherwise Instructed. Enthalpy Analytical-wBmington. NC has added enhan ents to standard methods to improvecuracy, precision Enthalpy Ultratraee Job#: COC Page I of I and permit an assessment of laboratory performance in the context of your specific data needs Client Name: 7 1,0 C 7l/7 Project Number: 73 j5C z-5—f PO#: This Chain of Custody is applicable to ` V ) I _ _+Yt I� `; G� Project Manager: J �X I i M �S Site Name: ��� RN Telephone#: Non -Air samples. Standard TAT differ per analysis and are provided by Report To: Location: Email: :it)l Q SMGYIL..(C'h request Client Special Instructions: Sample Containers Y r ..,' Analyte list selections for PFAS by Isotope Dilution o 0 d N - M a o °�,° Matrix: GW-Groundwater, WW-Wastewater, NW -Non -Potable Water, DW-Drinking Water, S- PF = PFOA/PFOS L24 = Legacy 24 + GenX Soil, SL-Sludge, BT-Biological Tissue, O-Other o M ^ o a P49 = PFAS 49 List Type: G=Grab C=Composite Q=Qualo Control N a O if N it « =_ a O d w � C C 3 Ur _2 O SAMPLED BY: G4- (ke flf : CL = custom list attached ++ o ` T ME LL LL 2 T O Analyte List Sample p o 0 0 o " LL a Q - N o N o a 2 E and Notes: Sample ID Date Time Volume Type Matrix # a o o a ° j(3��l,�c,l_ Cr mow` a Q0�-I IZjG� 3. F - 1Li z5 S� 0 G ('h t WILAIL -�l l530 1L 3t!,L 3 ✓ 0 �'l 1 -It-Z3 G i3 z3 �9 zf Iced ❑ Ambient OC d ❑ Iced ❑ Ambient °C --� ► sts /3 r t�- �- �l9 Iced ❑ Ambient °C ' Ship samples to: 2712A Exchange Drive • Wilmington, NC 28405 Office: 2714 Exchange Drive • Wilmington, NC 28405 • (910) 212-5858 • www.enthalpy.com EU# 0623-785 Page 29 of 31 ORIGIN ID:FKNA (804) 358-8295 SHIP DATE:13JUN23 ENTHALPY ANALYTICAL ACTWGT: 45.00 LB CAD: 10837707811NET4535 1941 REYMET RD 09 N. CHESTERFIELD, VA 232.37 BILL SENDER UNITED STATES US TO SAMPLE RECEIVING ENTHALPY ANALYTICAL WILMINGTON 2714 EXCHANGE DRIVE iµ�• li, ; ti WED - 14 JUN 10:30A TRK# 7724 3714 7990 PRIORITY OVERNIGHT 0201 28405 XG ILMA NC -US RDU EU# 0623-785 Page 30 of 31 This Is The Last Page �) 1 ENTHALPY A N A L Y T I C A L Of This Report. EU# 0623-785 Page 31 of 31