HomeMy WebLinkAbout20050732 Ver 32_1st Submittal Documents to DWR.Boyd Devane_20150617vJMCIQM&LEEEll TO: NCDENR - Division of Water Resources 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit 512 N. Salisbury St. Archdale Building - 9th floor Raleigh, NC 27604 ATTENTION: Mr. Boyd Devane LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL DATE: June 17, 2015 PROJECT NO: 2735 -0113 I TASK NO: EXP RE: Briar Chapel - Phase 15 North TRANSMITTAL NO: 1 PAGE 1 OF 1 WE ARE SENDING: ❑ Originals ® Prints ❑ Shop Drawings ❑ Samples ❑ Specifications ® Calculations ❑ Other - Quantity Dwg Rev. Description Status No. 1 Cover Letter Requesting Stormwater Management Plan Approval G 2 Stormwater Design Plans G 2 Narrative & Supporting Calculations G 2 BMP #23 Design Supplement G 2 BMP #23 O &M Agreement G Issue Status Code: A. Preliminary B. Fabrication Only C. For Information D. Bid E. Construction F. For Review & Comments G. For Approval H. See Remarks REMARKS: Boyd, Please find the enclosed documents for your review and approval. Please let us know if you have any questions or comments. Thank you. Cc: 1730 Varsity Drive, Suite 500 Raleigh, NC 27606 919/233 -8091 Fax 919/233 -8031 McKIM & CREED, INC. Signed Gareth Avant, PE �► CKA4 &CRE FT-rD E N G I N E E R 5 `;1�— ��11V14 1�EJ J 5U RVEY ©RS P L A N N E R 5 June 17, 2015 Mr. Boyd Devane 512 N. Salisbury St. Archdale Building - 9th floor Raleigh, NC 27604 RE: Briar Chapel Phase 15 N Mr. Devane, Please find enclosed the plans, caclulations, supplement forms and operation and maintenance agreements for the Phase 15 North subdivision at Briar Chapel. This letter is to formally request approval of the stormwater management plan for the enclosed plans in accordance with Water Quality Certification as issued by the Division of Water Resources on January 11, 2008. Please let me know if you have any questions on this. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, McKIM & CREED, INC. Venture IV Building 4�9 avm-3e— S u i t e 500 Gareth Avant, PE Project Engineer 1730 Voraity 6rire Raleigh, NC 27606 919.233.8091 Fax 919.233.8031 w ..mckimcreed.—m Red triangles at the upper right hand corner indicate design comments Please complete the yellow shaded items. AVit—AA NCDENR Project name Contact person Phone number Date Drainage area number Permit No. (to be provided by DWQ) r% 6 `C STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM 401 CERTIFICATION APPLICATION FORM WET DETENTION BASIN SUPPLEMENT This form must be filled out, printed and submitted. The Required Items Checklist (Part 111) must be printed, filled out and submitted along with all of the required information. 919.233.8091 17- Jun -2015 1 - Wet Pond #23 II. DESIGN INFORMATION Site Characteristics Drainage area 754,858 ft2 Impervious area, post - development 338,602 ft2 % impervious 44.86 % Design rainfall depth 1.0 in Storage Volume: Non -SA Waters Minimum volume required Volume provided Storage Volume: SA Waters 1.5" runoff volume Pre - development 1 -yr, 24 -hr runoff Post - development 1 -yr, 24 -hr runoff Minimum volume required Volume provided Peak Flow Calculations Is the pre /post control of the lyr 24hr storm peak flow required? 1 -yr, 24-hr rainfall depth Rational C, pre - development Rational C, post - development Rainfall intensity: 1 -yr, 24 -hr storm Pre - development 1 -yr, 24 -hr peak flow Post - development 1 -yr, 24 -hr peak flow Pre /Post 1 -yr, 24 -hr peak flow control Elevations Temporary pool elevation Permanent pool elevation SHWT elevation (approx. at the perm. pool elevation) Top of 1 Oft vegetated shelf elevation Bottom of 1 Oft vegetated shelf elevation Sediment cleanout, top elevation (bottom of pond) Sediment cleanout, bottom elevation Sediment storage provided Is there additional volume stored above the state - required temp. pool? Elevation of the top of the additional volume Briar Chapel - Phase 15N Gareth Avant, PE 28,541 ft3 OK 29,861 ft3 OK, volume provided is equal to or in excess of volume required. ft3 ft3 ft3 ft3 ft3 Y (Y or N) 3.0 in 0.40 (unitless) 0.68 (unitless) 0.13 in /hr OK 12.87 ft3 /sec 47.65 ft3 /sec 34.78 ft3 /sec 449.00 fmsl 447.50 fmsl fmsl 448.00 fmsl 447.00 fmsl Data not needed for calculation option #1, but OK if provided. 442.00 fmsl 441.00 fmsl Data not needed for calculation option #1, but OK if provided. 1.00 ft Y (Y or N) 449.0 fmsl OK Form SW401 -Wet Detention Basin- Rev.8- 9/17/09 Parts I. & II. Design Summary, Page 1 of 2 Permit No. II. DESIGN INFORMATION Surface Areas Area, temporary pool 21,437 ft2 Area REQUIRED, permanent pool 16,909 ft2 SAIDA ratio 2.24 (unitless) Area PROVIDED, permanent pool, Aperm_ pool 17,183 ft2 OK Area, bottom of 1 Oft vegetated shelf, Abet shelf 14,194 ft2 Area, sediment cleanout, top elevation (bottom of pond), Abot_pond 7,260 ft2 Volumes Volume, temporary pool Volume, permanent pool, Vpsnpool Volume, forebay (sum of forebays if more than one forebay) Forebay % of permanent pool volume SAIDA Table Data Design TSS removal Coastal SAIDA Table Used? Mountain /Piedmont SAIDA Table Used? SAIDA ratio Average depth (used in SAIDA table): Calculation option 1 used? (See Figure 10 -2b) Volume, permanent pool, Vpertnyool Area provided, permanent pool, Ape--,-i Average depth calculated Average depth used in SAIDA, deV, (Round to nearest 0.5ft) Calculation option 2 used? (See Figure 10 -2b) Area provided, permanent pool, Ape,m_poa Area, bottom of 1 Oft vegetated shelf, Abet shelf Area, sediment cleanout, top elevation (bottom of pond), Abot_p°nd "Depth" (distance b/w bottom of 1Oft shelf and top of sediment) Average depth calculated Average depth used in SAIDA, deV, (Round to nearest 0.5ft) Drawdown Calculations Drawdown through orifice? Diameter of orifice (if circular) Area of orifice (if- non - circular) Coefficient of discharge (CD) Driving head (H °) Drawdown through weir? Weir type Coefficient of discharge (CW) Length of weir (L) Driving head (H) Pre - development 1 -yr, 24 -hr peak flow Post - development 1 -yr, 24 -hr peak flow Storage volume discharge rate (through discharge orifice or weir) Storage volume drawdown time Additional Information Vegetated side slopes Vegetated shelf slope Vegetated shelf width Length of flowpath to width ratio Length to width ratio Trash rack for overflow & orifice? Freeboard provided Vegetated filter provided? Recorded drainage easement provided? Capures all runoff at ultimate build -out? Drain mechanism for maintenance or emergencies is: Form SW401 -Wet Detention Basin- Rev.8- 9/17/09 29,861 ft3 OK 67,374 ft3 13,949 ft3 20.7% % OK 90 % N (Y or N) Y (Y or N) 2.24 (unitless) Y (Y or N) 67,374 ft3 17,183 ft2 3.92 ft OK 4.0 ft OK N (Y or N) 17,183 ft2 14,194 ft2 7,260 ft2 5.00 ft ft ft Y (Y or N) 2.75 in in 0.60 (unitless) 0.50 ft N (Y or N) (unitless) (unitless) ft ft 11.52 ft3 /sec 38.95 ft3 /sec 0.09 ft3/sec 2.47 days OK, draws down in 2 -5 days. (to be provided by DWQ) 3 :1 OK 10 :1 OK 10.0 ft OK 3 :1 OK 1.5 :1 OK Y (Y or N) OK 1.5 ft OK N (Y or N) OK Y (Y or N) OK Y (Y or N) OK 8" DIP with gate valve and /or pump provided by owner Parts I. & II. Design Summary, Page 2 of 2 Permit No. III. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST (to be provided by DWQ) Please indicate the page or plan sheet numbers where the supporting documentation can be found. An incomplete submittal package will result in a request for additional information. This will delay final review and approval of the project. Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met. If the applicant has designated an agent, the agent may initial below.lf a requirement has not been met, attach justification. Pagel Plan Initials Sheet No. GCA C3.3 -C3.7 1. Plans (1" 50' or larger) of the entire site showing: Design at ultimate build -out, Off -site drainage (if applicable), Delineated drainage basins (include Rational C coefficient per basin), Basin dimensions, Pretreatment system, High flow bypass system, Maintenance access, Proposed drainage easement and public right of way (ROW), Overflow device, and Boundaries of drainage easement. GCA D4.1 -D4.3 2. Partial plan (1" = 30' or larger) and details for the wet detention basin showing: Outlet structure with trash rack or similar, Maintenance access, Permanent pool dimensions, Forebay and main pond with hardened emergency spillway, Basin cross - section, Vegetation specification for planting shelf, and Filter strip. GCA D4.1 -D4.3 3. Section view of the wet detention basin 0" = 20' or larger) showing: Side slopes, 3:1 or lower, Pretreatment and treatment areas, and Inlet and outlet structures. GCA C3.3 -C3.7 4. If the basin is used for sediment and erosion control during construction, clean out of the basin is specified on the plans prior to use as a wet detention basin. GCA Calc Booklet 5. A table of elevations, areas, incremental volumes & accumulated volumes for overall pond and for forebay, to verify volume provided. GCA C3.3 -C3.7 6. A construction sequence that shows how the wet detention basin will be protected from sediment until the entire drainage area is stabilized. GCA Calc Booklet 7. The supporting calculations GCA Included 8. A copy of the signed and notarized operation and maintenance (0 &M) agreement. GCA N/A 9. A copy of the deed restrictions (if required). N/A 10. A soils report that is based upon an actual field investigation, soil borings, and infiltration tests. County soil maps are not an acceptable source of soils information. Form SW401 -Wet Detention Basin- Rev.8- 9/17/09 Part III. Required Items Checklist, Page 1 of 1 Permit Number: (to be provided by DWQ) Drainage Area Number:_ Wet Detention Basin Operation and Maintenance Agreement I will keep a maintenance record on this BMP. This maintenance record will be kept in a log in a known set location. Any deficient BMP elements noted in the inspection will be corrected, repaired or replaced immediately. These deficiencies can affect the integrity of structures, safety of the public, and the removal efficiency of the BMP. The wet detention basin system is defined as the wet detention basin, pretreatment including forebays and the vegetated filter if one is provided. This system (check one): ❑ does ® does not incorporate a vegetated filter at the outlet. This system (check one): ❑ does ® does not incorporate pretreatment other than a forebay. Important maintenance procedures: - Immediately after the wet detention basin is established, the plants on the vegetated shelf and perimeter of the basin should be watered twice weekly if needed, until the plants become established (commonly six weeks). — No portion of the wet detention pond should be fertilized after the first initial fertilization that is required to establish the plants on the vegetated shelf. — Stable groundcover should be maintained in the drainage area to reduce the sediment load to the wet detention basin. — If the basin must be drained for an emergency or to perform maintenance, the flushing of sediment through the emergency drain should be minimized to the maximum extent practical. — Once a year, a dam safety expert should inspect the embankment. After the wet detention pond is established, it should be inspected once a month and within 24 hours after every storm event greater than 1.0 inches (or 1.5 inches if in a Coastal County). Records of operation and maintenance should be kept in a known set location and must be available upon request. Inspection activities shall be performed as follows. Any problems that are found shall be repaired immediately. BMP element: Potential problem: How I will remediate the problem: The entire BMP Trash /debris is present. Remove the trash/ debris. The perimeter of the wet Areas of bare soil and /or Regrade the soil if necessary to detention basin erosive gullies have formed. remove the gully, and then plant a ground cover and water until it is established. Provide lime and a one -time fertilizer application. Vegetation is too short or too Maintain vegetation at a height of long. approximately six inches. Form SW401 -Wet Detention Basin O &M -Rev.4 Page 1 of 4 Permit Number: (to be provided by DWQ) Drainage Area Number: BMP element: Potential problem: The inlet device: pipe or The pipe is clogged swale The pipe is cracked or otherwise damaged. Erosion is occurring in the swale. The forebay Sediment has accumulated to a depth greater than the original design depth for sediment storage. The vegetated shelf The main treatment area Erosion has occurred. Weeds are present. Best professional practices show that pruning is needed to maintain optimal plant health. Plants are dead, diseased or dying. Weeds are present. Sediment has accumulated to a depth greater than the original design sediment storage depth. Algal growth covers over 50% of the area. Cattails, phragmites or other invasive plants cover 50% of the basin surface. How I will remediate the problem: Unclog the pipe. Dispose of the sediment off -site. Replace the pipe. Regrade the swale if necessary to smooth it over and provide erosion control devices such as reinforced turf matting or riprap to avoid future problems with erosion. Search for the source of the sediment and remedy the problem if possible. Remove the sediment and dispose of it in a location where it will not cause impacts to streams or the BMP. Provide additional erosion protection such as reinforced turf matting or riprap if needed to prevent future erosion problems. Remove the weeds, preferably by hand. If pesticide is used, wipe it on the plants rather than spraying. Prune according to best professional practices Determine the source of the problem: soils, hydrology, disease, etc. Remedy the problem and replace plants. Provide a one -time fertilizer application to establish the ground cover if a soil test indicates it is necessary. Remove the weeds, preferably by hand. If pesticide is used, wipe it on the plants rather than spraying. Search for the source of the sediment and remedy the problem if possible. Remove the sediment and dispose of it in a location where it will not cause impacts to streams or the BMP. Consult a professional to remove and control the algal growth. Remove the plants by wiping them with pesticide (do not spray). Form SW401 -Wet Detention Basin O &M -Rev.4 Page 2 of 4 Permit Number: (to be provided by DWQ) Drainage Area Number: BMP element: Potential problem: How I will remediate the problem: The embankment Shrubs have started to grow Remove shrubs immediately, on the embankment. Evidence of muskrat or Use traps to remove muskrats and beaver activity is present. consult a professional to remove beavers. A tree has started to grow on Consult a dam safety specialist to the embankment. remove the tree. An annual inspection by an appropriate professional shows that the embankment needs repair. (if applicable) Make all needed repairs. The outlet device Clogging has occurred. Clean out the outlet device. Dispose of the sediment off -site. The outlet device is damaged Repair or replace the outlet device. The receiving water Erosion or other signs of Contact the local NC Division of damage have occurred at the Water Quality Regional Office, or outlet. the 401 Oversight Unit at 919 -733- 1786. The measuring device used to determine the sediment elevation shall be such that it will give an accurate depth reading and not readily penetrate into accumulated sediments. When the permanent pool depth reads 4.50 feet in the main pond, the sediment shall be removed. When the permanent pool depth reads 4.50 feet in the forebay, the sediment shall be removed. BASIN DIAGRAM (fill in the blanks) V Permanent Poo] Elevation 447.50 Sediment Remova\0o 42.00 � Pe maven Poo] ---- - - - - -- - - -- Volume Sediment Removal Elevation 442.00 Volume BottomElev441.00 # -ft Min. -------------------------------------- - -` - -- ------ Sediment Bottom Elevation 441.00 1 -ft n. Storage Sediment Storage FOREBAY MAIN POND Form SW401 -Wet Detention Basin O &M -Rev.4 Page 3 of 4 Permit Number: (to be provided by DWQ) I acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for the performance of the maintenance procedures listed above. I agree to notify DWQ of any problems with the system or prior to any changes to the system or responsible party. Project name:Briar Chapel - Phase 15 North BMP drainage area manber:I - Wet Detention Pond #23 Print name:Laurie Ford Title:Vice President, Operations Address: 16 Windy Knoll Circle. Chapel Hill. NC 27516 Phone:(919) 951 -0700 Signa Dat� —� S Note: The legally responsible party should not be a homeowners association unless more than 50% of the lots have been sold and a resident of the subdivision has been named the president. I, G, Leo" l7 6 wvko w . a Notary Public for the State of /V County of A J-1 , do hereby certify that L4 k'I C. F:;ra( personally appeared before me this 4 day of _J 'vt v% L , and acknowledge the due execution of the forgoing wet detention basin maintenance requirements. Witness my hand and official seal, S rAOTAR), 3 � z UBLIG Cs f r��yyHllICj1 j}1jS14``�`�ka SEAL My commission expires l � (0/ 11 Form SW401 -Wet Detention Basin O &M -Rev.4 Page 4 of 4 401 NARRATIVE & SUPPORTING CALCULATIONS Briar Chapel Development Phase 15 North Chatham County, North Carolina June 17, 2015 Prepared for: BRIAR_ V7CHAPEC by Newland COMMUNITIES NNP Briar Chapel, LLC 16 Windy Knoll Circle Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27516 Prepared By: vJ MCKIM&CREED 1730 Varsity Drive, Suite 500 Raleigh, North Carolina 27606 Phone: (919) 233.8091 Fax: (919) 233.8031 M &C Project No. 02735-0113 O \A ... CARp''' %, pFESS10,y4 -��'��� 036348 06/ W2015 ,, �iF. fpGINE.E�.•�Q -.� PROJECT DESCRIPITON The purpose of the project is to construct water, sewer and roadway infrastructure to support 50 residential lots in the Phase 15 North section of the overall Briar Chapel Development. Based on the conditions of the approved 401 Water Quality Certification, NCDENR -DWR will require runoff from the roads to be captured and treated for 85% TSS removal before being discharged into existing stream buffers. To meet this requirement, the runoff from the general area of all Phase 15 North construction will be directed to Wet Detention Pond #23. Calculations for these new facilities are included in this package. Upon completion of the project's construction, the proposed public roads will be turned over to and maintained by NCDOT. SITE DESCRIPTION The project area is approximately 20.32 acres located within the BC West development area, which is west of the intersection of Granite Mill Boulevard and Briar Chapel Parkway. The site slopes away from a ridge located near the center of the project area, and drains to the southeast and southwest and into adjacent buffered streams. Slopes on the site range from 5 to greater than 20% in localized areas. SOILS According to the Chatham County Generalized Soil Survey, the soils located on the site are classified as Helena sandy loam, 6 to 10 percent slopes (HeC); Wedowee sandy loam, 2 to 15 percent slopes (WeB, WeD); and Wedowee sandy loam, 15 to 35 percent slopes, bouldery (WdC, WdE) The following soil descriptions are associated with the soils found on the site: HeC - Helena sandy loam soils are often found in piedmont uplands, along ridges and drainageways. Permeability is slow and the soils are moderately well drained. Soils have a high shrink /swell potential. The seasonal high water is perched at a depth of 1.5 to 2.5 feet. We(X) - Wedowee sandy loam soils are often found in piedmont uplands, along ridges and side slopes. Permeability is moderate and the soils are well drained. Soils have a low shrink /swell potential. The seasonal high water is generally more than 6.0 feet below the surface. Wd (X) - Wedowee sandy loam, bouldery soils carry the same characteristics of Wedowee We(X) soils, listed above, with the exception that large boulders are more commonly found. WET DETENTION DESIGN The wet detention pond on this site has been designed to remove 90% of the total suspended solids entering from the surrounding impervious drainage areas before discharging into the adjacent stream buffer. The calculations provided with this package include all projected future drainage areas that might be captured by the pond. Treated runoff will be dissipated by a riprap outlet protection device before entering any stream buffers. Design parameters were taken from the BMP manual and from DWQ's design supplement forms. MAINTENANCE CONSIDERATIONS The property owner shall be responsible for periodic inspection and maintenance of all permanent stormwater management devices and shall adhere to conditions agreed upon by the executed Operation and Maintenance agreements included with this submittal. Any measure that fails to function as intended shall be repaired immediately. Precipitation Frequency Data Server Page 1 of 3 NOAA Atlas 14, Volume 2, Version 3 jr Location name: Chapel Hill, North Carolina, US* Latitude: 35.8280 °, Longitude: - 79.1077° e NX Elevation: 505ft* ? * source: Google Maps POINT PRECIPITATION FREQUENCY ESTIMATES G.M. Bonnin, D. Martin, B. Lin, T. Parzybok, M.Yekta, and D. Riley NOAA, National Weather Service, Silver Spring, Maryland PF tabular I PF graphical I Maps & aerials PF tabular PDS -based point precipitation frequency estimates with 90% confidence intervals (in inches /hour)' 1 Average recurrence interval (years) C 1 11 2 11 5 11 10 11 25 11 50 11 100 11 200 11 500 11 1000 5 -min (4. 59845) (5. 8$6.43) 1 (6.20-7.40) (6. 248.15) 1 (74418.93) (7.8769.48) (8.24-9.98) (8.54-10.4) (8.83-10.9) 1 10.3 (9.04 -11.2) 10 -min 3.98 4.69 5.42 5.96 6.52 6.92 7.27 7.55 7.87 8.09 (3.64 -4.35) (4.30 -5.14) 1 (4.96 -5.93) (5.45 -6.52) (5.93 -7.12) (6.27 -7.55) (6.55 -7.93) (6.77 -8.26) (6.98 -8.60) (7.12 -8.85) 15 -min (3. 333.62) (3. 094.31) 11 (4.1855.00) (4. 005.49) 1 (505156.02) (5. 966.37) (5.5216.68) (5. 936.94) (5.86'6022) 1 6.77 (5.96 -7.40) 30 -min (2. 822.48) (2. 972.97) 1 (z.97?3.55) (3. 363.98) 1 (37404.45) (3. 944.80) (4.23-5.12) (4.43-5.40) (4. 6?5.74) I 5.48 (4.82 -6.00) 60 -min (1. 0455) (1.56710.87) 1 (1.91.0828) (2.12732.59) 1 (242772.97) (2. 09825) (2.323.53) ( (3. 574.12) (3. 204.38) 2 -hr 1(0.766-0.925)11 (0.928-1 .12)11 (1.142538) (1.31414.58) 1 (1.51-1.83) (1.6762.03) (182102.23) (1.96-2.42) (2.1442.67) 1 2.61 (2.27 -2.87) 1 3 -hr 11(0.544-0.655)11(0.660-0.792)11(0.814-0.979)11 0.595 0.720 0 (0.93803.13) 1 (1.921.32) (1.21-1.48) (1.33-1.63) (1.45-1.78) (1.60-2.00) 1 1.98 (1.71 -2.17) 1 6 -hr (0.329 -03 92) (0.398 0 474)1(0.49150 587) (0.56700 678)1(0.663-0.797)11(0.740-0.895)11(0.815-0.994)11(0.890-1 0 .10) (0.988'3.23) (1.07235) 1 12-hr 1 (0.194 -02 30) (0.234 0 278)1(0.290 -03 45) (0.3 630 402)1(0.39 40.476) (0.446 -0537) (0.495 0 601) (0.544 - 0.668) (0.609 04 62)1 62-0. (0.662- 0.841) 24 -hr 0.123 0.148 0.186 0.215 11 0.254 0.285 11 0.317 0.350 11 0.395 0.431 (o.115- 0.131) (0.139 - 0.159) (0.174 - 0.198) (0.201 - 0.229) (0.237 - 0.272) (0.265 - 0.305) (0.294- 0.340) (0.323- 0.376) (0.363 - 0.425) (0.394- 0.464) 1 2 -day 0.072 077) (0.08100 093)1(0.100 -0 115) (0.1105, 0.3132)1(0.135- 0.5155) (0.15110.2174) (0.166 - 0.0193) (0.182, 02 12) (0.204 -0 239) (0.221? 0 260) 1 3-day 1 (0.0470 - 01054) (0.0570 - 0.1065)11(0.0700 0 080) (0.08100 092)1(0.095 -0. 09) (0.10510.122) (0.1106 0..135) (0.12710.8149) (0.102 -00. 67)1 54-0. (0.154- 0.182) 1 4 -day 0.040 0.048 0.059 0.068 0.080 0.089 0.099 0.109 0.122 0.133 (o.038- 0.043) (0.045 - 0.051) (0.055 - 0.063) (0.063 - 0.073) (0.074 - 0.085) (0.083 - 0.096) (0.091- 0.106) (0.100 - 0.117) (0.112- 0.132) (0.121 - 0.144) 1 7 -day (0.02 5 0 028) (0.0 30 - 010 3 4)1(0.036 0 041) (0.04100 046)1(0.048 0 054) (0.00.057 0 061) (0.058 0 067) (0.064 0 074) (0.070100 083) (0.07070 -0 090) 1 10 -day 0.021 0.025 0.030 0.034 0.039 0.043 0.048 110,052 0.058 0.062 (0.020- 0.022) (0.024 - 0.027) (0.028 - 0.032) (0.032 - 0.036) (0.037 - 0.042) (0.041 - 0.046) (0.044- 0.051) (0.048-0.055)11(0.053-0.062)11(0.057-0.067)1 1 20-day 1 (0.01) 0 0 015) (0.0106 0 018)1(0.0109 0 021) (0.02100 023)1(0.0 400 027) (0.026-0.02 9) (0.028-0.032)11(0.031-0.035)11(0.034-0.039)11(0.036-0.042)1 1 30 -day (0.010100 012) (0.010.014 014)1(0.010 5 0 017) (0.01'70 019)1(0.0109 0 021) (0.020 0 023) (0.02 -0 025) (0.00.025 0 027) (0.026 0 029) (0.0270 -0 031) 1 45-day 1 (0.009 0 010) (0.010100 012)11(0.01' 3 0 014) (0.01400 015)1(0.015 0 017) (0.010700 018) (0.0108 0 020) (0.0109 0 021) (0.020 - 0.023)1 21-0. 0.010 (0.021- o.oza) 1 60 -day 0.009 0.010 0.012 0.013 110,014 0.015 0.016 0.017 0.018 0.019 (0.008-0.009)11(0.010-0.011)11(0.011-0.012)11(0.012-0.013 ) (0.013 - 0.015) (0.014 - 0.016) (0.015- 0.017) (0.016 - 0.018) (0.017- 0.019) (0.018 - 0.020) t Precipitation frequency (PF) estimates in this table are based on frequency analysis of partial duration series (PDS). Numbers in parenthesis are PF estimates at lower and upper bounds of the 90% confidence interval. The probability that precipitation frequency estimates (for a given duration and average recurrence interval) will be greater than the upper bound (or less than the lower bound) is 5 %. Estimates at upper bounds are not checked against probable maximum precipitation (PMP) estimates and may be higher than currently valid PMP values. Please refer to NOAA Atlas 14 document for more information. Back to Top PF graphical http: / /hdse.nws.noaa.gov/hdse /pfds /pfds printpage .html ?lat - 35.8280 &lon = - 79.1077 &data =... 9/2/2014 Precipitation Frequency Data Server Page 1 of 3 NOAA Atlas 14, Volume 2, Version 3 jr Location name: Chapel Hill, North Carolina, US* Latitude: 35.8282 °, Longitude: - 79.1072° e NX Elevation: 508ft* ? * source: Google Maps POINT PRECIPITATION FREQUENCY ESTIMATES G.M. Bonnin, D. Martin, B. Lin, T. Parzybok, M.Yekta, and D. Riley NOAA, National Weather Service, Silver Spring, Maryland PF tabular I PF graphical I Maps & aerials PF tabular PDS -based point precipitation frequency estimates with 90% confidence intervals (in inches)' PF graphical http: / /hdse.nws.noaa.gov/hdse /pfds /pfds printpage .html ?lat - 35.8282 &lon = - 79.1072 &data =... 9/8/2014 Average recurrence interval (years) C 1 11 2 11 5 11 10 11 25 11 50 11 100 11 200 11 500 11 1000 1 5 -min --0 0.829 0.856 (0.3709 0 454) (0.448 - 0536)1(0.51'7 617) (0.5 860.1679)1(0.620 -0. 44) (0.656 - 0.4790) (0.687 0 832) (0.7102 0 868) 0 906)1 (0.753- 0.936) 53-0. 10 -min 0.663 0.782 0.904 0.994 1.09 1.15 11 1.21 11 1.26 11 1.31 1.35 1 (0.606 - 0.725) (0.717 - 0.856)1(0.827- 0.989) (0.908 -1.09) (0.989 -1.19) (1.05 -1.26) (1.09 -1.32) (1.13 -1.38) (1.16 -1.43) (1.19 -1.48) 15 -min - 114.25) 1 1 1.69 (0.758 -0906) (0.9098308)11 (1.05 (1.1521.37) (1. 5318.50) (1.32416.59) (1.38513.67) (1.4251.74) (1.476580) (1.49 -1.85) 30 -min - 114.24) 1 1 2 7 (1.04 (1.25318.49) (1. 9612.78) (1.67$199) (1.86-2.23) (1. 92040) (2.12.35 2.56) (2.22-2.70) (2. 362.87) (2.41-3.00) 60 -min 1 1 (1. 0455) (1. 67087) (1.91.0828) (2.12732.59) (242772.97) (2. 09825) (2.323.53) ( (3. 574.12) (3. 204.38) 2 -hr 1 1 1 5.23 (1. 3018.85) (1. 602.23) (2.29-2.76) (2.618816) (3.02-3.67) (3. 374.07) (3.62-4.45) (3.9144.84) (4.2785.34) (4.55 -5.75) 3 -hr 12.38) 11 1 1 5.94 (1.647197) (1. 8- (2.45-2.94) (2. 203.39) (3.28-3.96) (3.6404.43) (3.99-4.89) (4.3495.36) (4. 945.99) (5.15 -6.52) 6 -hr 12.35) 1 1 (1.97- (2. 852.84) (2. 423.51) (3. 074.06) (3.9734.77) (4.43-5.36) (4.88-5.95) (5.306.56) (5. 27939) (6. 948.10) 12 -hr 1 1 1 9.37 (2. 352.77) (2.20635) (3.49-4.16) (4.054) (4.78-5.73) (5. 896.47) (5. 6870.24) (6. 548.05) (7. 449.18) (7.98 -10.1) 24 -hr 1 15.50) 1 1 1 10.3 (2. 693.15) (3.345681) (4.744.76) (4. 2- (5.68-6.52) (6.37875.33) (7. 608.16) (7. 649.02) (8.24 0.2) (9.46 -11.1) 2 -day 14.44) 1 - 15.51) 1 (3.23-3.69) (3. 9- (4.82 (5. 396.34) (6.49-7.46) (7. 378.34) (7.98-9.26) (8.74-10.2) (9.78-11 .5) (10.6-12.5) 3 -day 1 1 1 (3.42-3.90) (4,14.3869) (5.0745.79) (5.8126.66) (6.8137.83) (7. 818.76) (8.3709.71) (9.10790.7) (103712.1) (11.1 -1.1 -1 3.1) 4 -day 1 1 1 12.8 (3.6184.12) (4.3304.94) (5.3206.08) (6. 956.98) (7.1308.20) (7.9359.17) (8.76-10.2) (9.60 - 141.2) (10.77 2.6) (11.6 -13.8) 7 -day 1 1 (4.1844.72) (4. 825.63) (6. 546.84) (6. 937.81) (8:859.12) (8. 050.2) (9.80 -15.2) (10.7112.4) (119313.9) (129415.1) 10 -day 11 1 4.1) 1 14.9 (4. 605.36) (5. 596.37) (6. 8170.65) (7. 518.65) (8.82-10.0) (9.73-11 (10 6112.2) (11.6-13.3) (12 8314.8) (13.8 -16.0) 20 -day 11 1 1 (6. 8775.14) (7.5398.42) (8. 849.94) (9.95-11 .2) (114?12.8) (125314.1) (136415.4) (14.7516.8) (16.2718.7) (17.4 -2.4 -2 0.1) 9.8 30 -day (7.9438.85) (9 0.4) 1 (10.8-12. 1) (12.0- 3.4) 1 (13.5-15. 1) (14.7516.5) (15 86187.8) (16 9$19.2) (18.4-21 .0) (19.5-22.4) 45 -day 11 1 1 (10.2-11 .2) (11.9-13. 1) (13 6415.0) (14.9-16.5) (16.6-18.4) (17 9619.9) (19.21621.3) (20.3-22.8) (21.9-24.7) (23.1 -26.2) .1 -2 60 -day 12.8 14.9 16.8 18.3 20.2 21.7 23.0 24.4 26.1 27.5 (12.2 -13.4) (14.2 -15.6) (16.1 -17.6) (17.5 -19.2) (19.3 -21.2) (20.6 -22.7) (21.9 -24.2) (23.1 -25.7) (24.7 -27.6) (25.9 -29.0) Precipitation frequency (PF) estimates in this table are based on frequency analysis of partial duration series (PDS). Numbers in parenthesis are PF estimates at lower and upper bounds of the 90% confidence interval. The probability that precipitation frequency estimates (fore given duration and average recurrence interval) will be greater than the upper bound (or less than the lower bound) is 5 %. Estimates at upper bounds are not checked against probable maximum precipitation (PMP) estimates and may be higher than currently valid PMP values. Please refer to NOAA Atlas 14 document for more information. Back to Top PF graphical http: / /hdse.nws.noaa.gov/hdse /pfds /pfds printpage .html ?lat - 35.8282 &lon = - 79.1072 &data =... 9/8/2014 Maps fir` {i r 1 Y � J � J �, �• � BRIAR,tHA4'EL OVERALL PR.OPERTY_3 NDARY �. 10 BC WEST N 5 ORAGE POTLO. ` r ' of w < Dj ��frJ 11 : \ •l. • �J () V PHASE N \ / I 8 �/ l_ + J_ SRIA HA NWT ,l \ I \ i 4F BC PHASE SE E UR 0 If✓ i 1 r I: Web GK WeB 1 532 -� m VV HeB UdC WeC''- W WeE WeD eB UdC WeB � W � W WeE yaa VaB v HeB WeD WeC VaB fy WeB a m WdC �� /L n WeC HeB WeB WeD WeD 1V1 vv W WeB ¢ W c) WdC WeC U WdC HeB VaB — WeD Q �o WdC WeC - VV N /eC WeC WeB = WeC VVeC W � VaB WdE WeC VaB WeB wed �QG G) WeC WeE WeE WdC � WeD W WeB WdC 1530 W. WeE WeD VaB � m WeB WeC - We WeB e� WeD WeD We[ m� - VVaC _ 39 67 WeD e� VaB WeC 1721 35 °50'00„ WeC WdC QW � s 'D S� WdC m WeE �s> i WeB . WeD t WeC WeB WeC s WeE WeD VaB WeC WeC ChA eD eC VVeD WdC WeC WdC WeE VaB WeE WeD Di WdE WeE Web m WeC ez WOC WeD WdC Vr WeD m WeE S 3966-, WdC WeC Bennett W WeE © m Mountain y � WeB WeC WeC WeB HeC WeC VV WeD � WeB n 4 We p - WeC WeB UV elr N! WeE UdC WdE W� WdC WdE WdC) ChA, WdE HeB WeE WeC WeC WeC WeE WeB WeB WeB WeD / W WeD WeD asg6- A WeB .WeC m - WeE ^UdC- 1526 - v 1717 W 0 Q VaB t WeD WeC 0 W HeB C� WeE WdE WeC VaB VaB �Cyi WeB 4 WdC W WeC p WeE WeD WeB GkD WeC � m WeC E WdE W VaB 528 Ja �� WeB (D WeB CrC � m ca WdC CD WeC WeB WeC WeE WeD W c CD CD WeD WeB W WeC HeB CrB WdE 3964 4 \" 3967 35° 50'00" 3966 3965 Wet Detention Pond #23 Design WATER QUALITY POND #23 CALCULATIONS Project Name Briar Chapel - Phase 15 North Project Number 02735 -0113 Date June 17, 2015 3rd revision 2nd revision 1 st revision Water Quality Pond Drainage Area Data Project Briar Chapel - Phase 15 North Project No. 02735 -0113 Date June 17, 2015 Total site area 754,858 square feet = 17.33 acres Drainage area to pond Other Drainage Area Existing Proposed Change Existing Proposed Impervious areas [sf] [sf] [sf] [sf] [sf] On -site buildings (BUA) 0 183,700 183,700 0 0 On -site streets 0 103,720 103,720 0 0 On -site alleys 0 0 0 0 0 On -site sidewalks 0 20,400 20,400 0 0 On -site future (open space) 0 0 0 0 0 On -site future (Amenity) 0 0 0 0 0 Off -site future development 0 0 0 0 0 10% Contingency 0 30,782 30,782 0 0 Total Impervious 0 338,602 338,602 0 0 Drainage area to pond Other Drainage Area Existing Proposed Change Existing Proposed Non - impervious areas [sf] [sf] [sf] [sf] [sf] On -site grass /landscape 0 298,394 298,394 0 0 On -site woods 754,858 117,862 - 636,996 0 0 Other undeveloped 0 0 0 0 0 Total off -site non - impervious 0 0 0 0 0 Total non - impervious 754,858 416,256 - 338,602 0 0 Total Drainage Area 754,858 754,858 0 Percent Impervious I 0.0 I 44.9 I 44.9 na I / na I / Notes: 2015.06.01.Wet Detention Pond #23.xls Site Drainage Area Data Page 2 of 18 Printed 6/23/2015 10:44 AM Water Quality Pond Surface Area Calculations Project Briar Chapel - Phase 15 North Project No. 02735 -0113 Date June 17, 2015 Total on -site drainage area to pond 754,858 Total impervious area in drainage area 338,602 Average water depth of basin at normal pool Location of site Site region % Impervious cover Chatham County Piedmont 44.9 percent square feet square feet 4.0 feet If the site is in a coastal area, will a vegetative filter be used? n/a Surface Area /Drainage Area Ratios: For a site in the Piedmont (85 %) 1.58 percent For a site in the Piedmont (90 %) 2.24 percent For a site in a Coastal County w/ Vegetative Filter 2.94 percent For a site in a Coastal County w /out Vegetative Filter 3.89 percent Required surface area of pond: For a site in the Piedmont (85 %) 11,900.0 square feet For a site in the Piedmont (90 %) 16,940.0 square feet For a site in a Coastal County w/ Vegetative Filter 22,200.0 square feet For a site in a Coastal County w /out Vegetative Filter 29,360.0 square feet Notes: 2015.06.01.Wet Detention Pond #23.x1s Pond Surface Area Calcs Page 3 of 18 Printed 6/23/2015 10:44 AM Water Quality Pond Stormwater Runoff Volume Calculations Project Project No. Date Drainage area Impervious area Rainfall depth Briar Chapel - Phase 15 North 02735 -0113 June 17, 2015 754,858 square feet 338,602 square feet 1.00 inches Percent Impervious 44.9 percent R(v)= 0.05 +0.009 *(Percent impervious) Runoff coefficient - R(v) 0.14 in /in Runoff volume = (Design rainfall) *(R(v)) *(Drainage area) Runoff volume 28,540.4 cubic feet Notes: 2015.06.01.Wet Detention Pond #23.xls Runoff Volume Calcs Page 4 of 18 Printed 6/23/2015 10:44 AM Water Quality Pond Volume Calculations Stage- Storage Data for Pond - Temporary Pool Project Briar Chapel - Phase 15 North Project No. 02735 -0113 Date June 17, 2015 2015.06.01.Wet Detention Pond #23.x1s Stage Storage (Temp Pool) Page 5 of 18 Printed 6/23/2015 10:44 AM Incremental Incremental Incremental Incremental Cumulative Cumulative Contour ID Stage Area Area Area Area volume volume volume volume [sq. ft.] [acres] [sq. ft.] [acres] [cu. ft] [acre -ft] [cu. ft] [acre -ft] 447.5 0 17,183.0 0.394 17,183.0 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 448 0.5 19,795.0 0.454 19,795.0 0.1 9,244.5 0.2 9,244.5 0.2 449 1.5 21,437.0 0.492 21,437.0 0.0 20,616.0 0.5 29,860.5 0.7 450 2.5 23,136.0 0.531 23,136.0 0.0 22,286.5 0.5 52,147.0 1.0 451 3.5 24,892.0 0.571 24,892.0 0.0 24,014.0 0.6 76,161.0 1.1 452 4.5 26,704.0 0.613 26,704.0 0.0 25,798.0 0.6 101,959.0 1.1 453 5.5 28,573.0 0.656 28,573.0 0.0 27,638.5 0.6 129,597.5 1.2 454 6.5 30,498.0 0.700 30,498.0 0.0 29,535.5 0.7 159,1310 1.3 2015.06.01.Wet Detention Pond #23.x1s Stage Storage (Temp Pool) Page 5 of 18 Printed 6/23/2015 10:44 AM Water Quality Pond Volume Calculations Stage- Storage Data for Pond - Permanent Pool Project Briar Chapel - Phase 15 North Project No. 02735 -0113 Date June 17, 2015 2015.06.01.Wet Detention Pond #23.x1s Stage Storage (Perm Pool) Page 6 of 18 Printed 6/23/2015 10:44 AM Incremental Incremental Incremental Incremental Cumulative Cumulative Contour ID Stage Area Area Area Area volume volume volume volume [sq. ft.] [acres] [sq. ft.] [acres] [cu. ft] [acre -ft] [cu. ft] [acre -ft] 441 0 6,124.0 0.141 6,124.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 442 1 7,260.0 0.167 1,136.0 0.0 6,692.0 0.2 6,692.0 0.2 443 2 8,481.0 0.195 1,221.0 0.0 7,870.5 0.2 14,562.5 0.3 444 3 9,793.0 0.225 1,312.0 0.0 9,137.0 0.2 23,699.5 0.4 445 4 11,186.0 0.257 1,393.0 0.0 10,489.5 0.2 34,189.0 0.5 446 5 12,651.0 0.290 1,465.0 0.0 11,918.5 0.3 46,107.5 0.5 447 6 14,194.0 0.326 1,543.0 0.0 13,422.5 0.3 59,530.0 0.6 447.5 6.5 17,183.0 0.394 2,989.0 0.1 7,844.3 0.2 67,374.3 0.5 2015.06.01.Wet Detention Pond #23.x1s Stage Storage (Perm Pool) Page 6 of 18 Printed 6/23/2015 10:44 AM Water Quality Pond Volume Calculations Stage- Storage Data for Pond - Forebays Project Briar Chapel - Phase 15 North Project No. 02735 -0113 Date June 17, 2015 2015.06.01.Wet Detention Pond #23.x1s Stage Storage (Forebays) Page 7 of 18 Printed 6/23/2015 10:44 AM Incremental Incremental Incremental Incremental Cumulative Cumulative Contour ID Stage Area Area Area Area volume volume volume volume [sq. ft.] [acres] [sq. ft.] [acres] [cu. ft] [acre -ft] [cu. ft] [acre -ft] 441 0 854.0 0.020 854.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 442 1 1,169.0 0.027 315.0 0.0 1,011.5 0.0 1,011.5 0.0 443 2 1,528.0 0.035 359.0 0.0 1,348.5 0.0 2,360.0 0.1 444 3 1,935.0 0.044 407.0 0.0 1,731.5 0.0 4,091.5 0.1 445 4 2,383.0 0.055 448.0 0.0 2,159.0 0.0 6,250.5 0.1 446 5 2,866.0 0.066 483.0 0.0 2,624.5 0.1 8,875.0 0.1 447 6 3,388.0 0.078 522.0 0.0 3,127.0 0.1 12,002.0 0.1 447.5 6.5 4,398.0 0.101 1,010.0 0.0 1,946.5 0.0 13,948.5 0.1 2015.06.01.Wet Detention Pond #23.x1s Stage Storage (Forebays) Page 7 of 18 Printed 6/23/2015 10:44 AM Water Quality Basin Dewatering Time Calculations Project Briar Chapel - Phase 15 North Project No. 02735 -0113 Date June 17, 2015 Water quality treatment volume 28,540 cubic feet Total treatment volume 29,861 cubic feet Maximum head of water above dewatering hole 1.50 feet Driving head 0.50 feet Orifice coefficient 0.60 Diameter of each hole 2.75 inches Number of holes 1 Cross sectional area of each hole = 0.041 square feet Cross sectional area of each hole = 5.9 square inches Cross sectional area of dewatering hole(s) = 0.041 square feet Cross sectional area of dewatering hole(s) = 5.9 square inches Dewatering time for water quality volume = 2.36 days 56.7 hours Dewatering time for total volume = 2.47 days 59.4 hours Notes: Dewatering time formula: t (days) = V / (Cd *A *Sgrt (2 *32.2 *H) *86,400) t = drawdown time V = treatment volume Cd = orifice coefficient A = cross sectional area of orifice H = driving head (1/3 max. head) Water Quality Pond Summary Information Project Briar Chapel - Phase 15 North Project No. 02735 -0113 Date June 17, 2015 Drainage area to pond Impervious area in drainage area 754,858 square feet = 338,602 square feet = 17.33 acres 7.77 acres Bottom of pond elevation 441.00 feet Normal pool elevation 447.50 feet Pond volume at normal pool 67,374 cubic feet Forebay volume at normal pool 13,949 cubic feet Forbay % of total volume 20.7% Required volume for design rainfall 28,540 cubic feet Required surface area for pond 16,940 square feet Volume provided for storage of design rainfall = 29,861 cubic feet at elevation 449 Surface area provided at normal pool 17,183 square feet Average Depth 3.92 feet 2015.06.01.Wet Detention Pond #23.xls Summary Data Page 10 of 18 Printed 6/23/2015 10:44 AM Pre - Development Post - Development 0 Z3P m SubCat Reach Pon Link Routing Diagram for 2015.06.17.BMP #23.GCA Prepared by McKim & Creed, Printed 6/23/2015 HydroCADO 10.00 s/n 04927 © 2011 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC 2015.06.17.BMP #23.GCA Type Il 24 -hr 1 -Inch Rainfall = 1.00" Prepared by McKim & Creed Printed 6/23/2015 HydroCADO 10.00 s/n 04927 © 2011 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 9 Summary for Pond 3P: BMP #23 Inflow Area = 17.330 ac, 44.84% Impervious, Inflow Depth > 0.13" for 1 -Inch event Inflow = 3.11 cfs @ 12.05 hrs, Volume= 0.189 of Outflow = 0.09 cfs @ 20.00 hrs, Volume= 0.051 af, Atten= 97 %, Lag= 477.2 min Primary = 0.09 cfs @ 20.00 hrs, Volume= 0.051 of Secondary = 0.00 cfs @ 5.00 hrs, Volume= 0.000 of Routing by Stor -Ind method, Time Span= 5.00 -20.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Peak Elev= 447.83' @ 20.00 hrs Surf.Area= 18,920 sf Storage= 6,001 cf Plug -Flow detention time= 261.0 min calculated for 0.051 of (27% of inflow) Center -of -Mass det. time= 138.4 min ( 983.7 - 845.3 ) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storaqe Description #1 447.50' 159,133 cf Custom Stage Data (Prismatic)Listed below (Recalc) Elevation Surf.Area Inc.Store Cum.Store (feet) (sq -ft) (cubic -feet) (cubic -feet) 447.50 17,183 0 0 448.00 19,795 9,245 9,245 449.00 21,437 20,616 29,861 450.00 23,136 22,287 52,147 451.00 24,892 24,014 76,161 452.00 26,704 25,798 101,959 453.00 28,573 27,639 129,598 454.00 30,498 29,536 159,133 Device Routinq Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 444.25' 30.0" Round Culvert L= 53.8' RCP, square edge headwall, Ke= 0.500 Inlet/ Outlet Invert= 444.25'/444.00' S=0.0046'/' Cc= 0.900 n=0.013 Concrete pipe, bends & connections, Flow Area= 4.91 sf #2 Device 1 447.50' 2.7" Vert. Orifice /Grate C= 0.600 #3 Device 1 449.00' 36.0" W x 9.0" H Vert. Orifice /Grate X 2.00 C= 0.600 #4 Device 1 451.00' 48.0" x 48.0" Horiz. Orifice /Grate C= 0.600 Limited to weir flow at low heads #5 Secondary 452.00' 40.0' long x 22.0' breadth Broad - Crested Rectangular Weir Head (feet) 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 Coef. (English) 2.68 2.70 2.70 2.64 2.63 2.64 2.64 2.63 Primary OutFlow Max =0.09 cfs @ 20.00 hrs HW= 447.83' (Free Discharge) t--1 =Culvert (Passes 0.09 cfs of 32.17 cfs potential flow) P4=Orif = Orifice/Grate (Orifice Controls 0.09 cfs @ 2.26 fps) = Orifice /Grate ( Controls 0.00 cfs) ice /Grate ( Controls 0.00 cfs) Secondary OutFlow Max =0.00 cfs @ 5.00 hrs HW= 447.50' (Free Discharge) L5= Broad -Crested Rectangular Weir( Controls 0.00 cfs) 2015.06.17.BMP #23.GCA Type 1124 -hr 1 -Inch Rainfall= 1.00" Prepared by McKim & Creed Printed 6/23/2015 HydroCADO 10.00 s/n 04927 © 2011 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 10 Pond 3P: BMP #23 Hydrograph 1 ❑ Inflow 3.11 cfs ❑ outflow �InflowlArea= 17.330 ac ❑ Primary ❑ Secondary Peak Elev= 447.83' 3 Storage =6,001 cf y 2—/ LL 0.09 cfs � � � %/ lid' J' l�'/' J'/ l�l�// �iiy1' l��il//%-';:; �������������•����������r�������.� 2015.06.17.BMP #23.GCA Type 1124 -hr 1- YrRainfall= 2.96" Prepared by McKim & Creed Printed 6/23/2015 HydroCADO 10.00 s/n 04927 © 2011 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 11 Time span= 5.00 -20.00 hrs, dt =0.05 hrs, 301 points Runoff by SCS TR -20 method, UH =SCS Reach routing by Stor- Ind +Trans method - Pond routing by Stor -Ind method Subcatchment1S: Pre - Development RunoffArea= 17.330 ac 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth >0.61" Tc =20.0 min CN =70 Runoff =11.52 cfs 0.880 of Subcatchment2S: Post - Development Runoff Area = 17.330 ac 44.84% Impervious Runoff Depth >1.36" Tc =10.0 min CN =84 Runoff =38.95 cfs 1.969 of Pond 3P: BMP #23 Peak Elev= 449.56' Storage= 42,198 cf Inflow =38.95 cfs 1.969 of Primary =8.41 cfs 1.248 of Secondary =0.00 cfs 0.000 of Outflow =8.41 cfs 1.248 of Total Runoff Area = 34.660 ac Runoff Volume = 2.850 of Average Runoff Depth = 0.99" 77.58% Pervious = 26.890 ac 22.42% Impervious = 7.770 ac 2015.06.17.BMP #23.GCA Type 1124 -hr 1- YrRainfall= 2.96" Prepared by McKim & Creed Printed 6/23/2015 HydroCADO 10.00 s/n 04927 © 2011 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 12 Summary for Subcatchment 1S: Pre - Development Runoff = 11.52 cfs @ 12.15 hrs, Volume= 0.880 af, Depth> 0.61" Runoff by SCS TR -20 method, UH =SCS, Time Span= 5.00 -20.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Type II 24 -hr 1 -Yr Rainfall= 2.96" Area (ac) CN Description 17.330 70 Woods, Good, HSG C 17.330 100.00% Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) Oft) (ft /sec) (cfs) 20.0 Direct Entry, Subcatchment 1S: Pre - Development Hydrograph , , . r . , 10 11 11.52 cfs U _ — Tye Ii -24-�r - I- -+ ��I�ai- ifalliE2.� " - Runoff Area =17.330 lac LRupo� Vo�ump= 0.1880Laf R� n 6 99 t e Tc =204 min &N=710 - L I 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Time (hours) ■ Runoff 12� 10 9- 8 a 7- / 0 6 -T LL 4 =� L _L _11 3- 2- 5 6 7 8 9 , , . r . , 10 11 11.52 cfs U _ — Tye Ii -24-�r - I- -+ ��I�ai- ifalliE2.� " - Runoff Area =17.330 lac LRupo� Vo�ump= 0.1880Laf R� n 6 99 t e Tc =204 min &N=710 - L I 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Time (hours) ■ Runoff 2015.06.17.BMP #23.GCA Type 1124 -hr 1- YrRainfall= 2.96" Prepared by McKim & Creed Printed 6/23/2015 HydroCADO 10.00 s/n 04927 © 2011 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 13 Summary for Subcatchment 2S: Post - Development Runoff = 38.95 cfs @ 12.02 hrs, Volume= 1.969 af, Depth> 1.36" Runoff by SCS TR -20 method, UH =SCS, Time Span= 5.00 -20.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Type II 24 -hr 1 -Yr Rainfall= 2.96" Area (ac) CN Description 6.850 74 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG C 7.770 98 Paved parking, HSG C 2.710 70 Woods, Good, HSG C 17.330 84 Weighted Average 9.560 55.16% Pervious Area 7.770 44.84% Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft /ft) (ft /sec) (cfs) 10.0 Direct Entry, Subcatchment 2S: Post - Development Hydrograph 42 � � � � 3$.95 cfs � � — — — — �_ -_ � Runoff 40 36 / 71"" li�4C - 34'z- 32 - / p y. 30 Rinf1 Ate -'17.330 �C+ 28 Ru off Volump-1 989- of 26 4 22 - �- -F - " -ono# Bepth�1.36�� 20 - -c=40 min LL 18 16 6N =84 14 L 12 8' 6 4 2 4/7/7// o- - 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Time (hours) 2015.06.17.BMP #23.GCA Type// 24 -hr 1- YrRainfall= 2.96" Prepared by McKim & Creed Printed 6/23/2015 HydroCADO 10.00 s/n 04927 © 2011 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 14 Summary for Pond 3P: BMP #23 Inflow Area = 17.330 ac, 44.84% Impervious, Inflow Depth > 1.36" for 1 -Yr event Inflow = 38.95 cfs @ 12.02 hrs, Volume= 1.969 of Outflow = 8.41 cfs @ 12.27 hrs, Volume= 1.248 af, Atten= 78 %, Lag= 15.2 min Primary = 8.41 cfs @ 12.27 hrs, Volume= 1.248 of Secondary = 0.00 cfs @ 5.00 hrs, Volume= 0.000 of Routing by Stor -Ind method, Time Span= 5.00 -20.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Peak Elev= 449.56' @ 12.27 hrs Surf.Area= 22,393 sf Storage= 42,198 cf Plug -Flow detention time= 143.3 min calculated for 1.248 of (63% of inflow) Center -of -Mass det. time= 69.2 min ( 860.0 - 790.8 ) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storaqe Description #1 447.50' 159,133 cf Custom Stage Data (Prismatic)Listed below (Recalc) Elevation Surf.Area Inc.Store Cum.Store (feet) (sq -ft) (cubic -feet) (cubic -feet) 447.50 17,183 0 0 448.00 19,795 9,245 9,245 449.00 21,437 20,616 29,861 450.00 23,136 22,287 52,147 451.00 24,892 24,014 76,161 452.00 26,704 25,798 101,959 453.00 28,573 27,639 129,598 454.00 30,498 29,536 159,133 Device Routinq Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 444.25' 30.0" Round Culvert L= 53.8' RCP, square edge headwall, Ke= 0.500 Inlet/ Outlet Invert= 444.25'/444.00' S=0.0046'/' Cc= 0.900 n=0.013 Concrete pipe, bends & connections, Flow Area= 4.91 sf #2 Device 1 447.50' 2.7" Vert. Orifice /Grate C= 0.600 #3 Device 1 449.00' 36.0" W x 9.0" H Vert. Orifice /Grate X 2.00 C= 0.600 #4 Device 1 451.00' 48.0" x 48.0" Horiz. Orifice /Grate C= 0.600 Limited to weir flow at low heads #5 Secondary 452.00' 40.0' long x 22.0' breadth Broad - Crested Rectangular Weir Head (feet) 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 Coef. (English) 2.68 2.70 2.70 2.64 2.63 2.64 2.64 2.63 Primary OutFlow Max =8.35 cfs @ 12.27 hrs HW= 449.56' (Free Discharge) t--1 =Culvert (Passes 8.35 cfs of 47.63 cfs potential flow) P4=Orif = Orifice/Grate (Orifice Controls 0.27 cfs @ 6.72 fps) = Orifice /Grate (Orifice Controls 8.08 cfs @ 2.40 fps) ice /Grate ( Controls 0.00 cfs) Secondary OutFlow Max =0.00 cfs @ 5.00 hrs HW= 447.50' (Free Discharge) L5= Broad -Crested Rectangular Weir( Controls 0.00 cfs) 2015.06.17.BMP #23.GCA Type 1124 -hr 1- YrRainfall= 2.96" Prepared by McKim & Creed Printed 6/23/2015 HydroCADO 10.00 s/n 04927 © 2011 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 15 Pond 3P: BMP #23 Hydrograph 4— / ' 38.95 cfs I ❑ inflow Inflow t4rea= 17.330 ac ❑ El Primary 42 40� i , �— ❑ Secondary (Peak Elev= 449.56' 38 � tcrage= 341 / i � - - - 42,198 d 32 �-z j - - - - 28V y 26V v 24 / / / - - 22; 0 20 U- 18: 14 12 / / 8.41 cfs - 10 8' 6- / 0.0 cfs 0= 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Time (hours) 2015.06.17.BMP #23.GCA Type 1124 -hr 10 -Yr Rainfall = 5.17" Prepared by McKim & Creed Printed 6/23/2015 HydroCADO 10.00 s/n 04927 © 2011 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 16 Time span =5.00 -20.00 hrs, dt =0.05 hrs, 301 points Runoff by SCS TR -20 method, UH =SCS Reach routing by Stor- Ind +Trans method - Pond routing by Stor -Ind method Subcatchment 1 S: Pre - Development Runoff Area = 17.330 ac 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth >1.96" Tc =20.0 min CN =70 Runoff =40.81 cfs 2.836 of Subcatchment2S: Post - Development Runoff Area = 17.330 ac 44.84% Impervious Runoff Depth >3.19" Tc =10.0 min CN =84 Runoff =88.25 cfs 4.608 of Pond 3P: BMP #23 Peak Elev= 451.33' Storage= 84,373 cf Inflow =88.25 cfs 4.608 of Primary=40.34 cfs 3.856 of Secondary=0.00 cfs 0.000 of Outflow =40.34 cfs 3.856 of Total Runoff Area = 34.660 ac Runoff Volume = 7.445 of Average Runoff Depth = 2.58" 77.58% Pervious = 26.890 ac 22.42% Impervious = 7.770 ac 2015.06.17.BMP #23.GCA Type// 24 -hr 10 -Yr Rainfall = 5.17" Prepared by McKim & Creed Printed 6/23/2015 HydroCADO 10.00 s/n 04927 © 2011 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 17 Summary for Subcatchment 1S: Pre - Development Runoff = 40.81 cfs @ 12.14 hrs, Volume= 2.836 af, Depth> 1.96" Runoff by SCS TR -20 method, UH =SCS, Time Span= 5.00 -20.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Type II 24 -hr 10 -Yr Rainfall = 5.17" Area (ac) CN Description 17.330 70 Woods, Good, HSG C 17.330 100.00% Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) Oft) (ft /sec) (cfs) 20.0 Direct Entry, Subcatchment 1S: Pre - Development Hydrograph �40.81 cfs I ' _ _ _ _� ■Runoff -i - - Tyke I i -24 1h--- r - 44= / 1Y I�a+rif�115.1" - - 42= — nQep- h ��'6 _ 40= ; - 6]- LO - =1 1 - — 38=',, 36� T _T : D E - 34= 10 11 12 13 Time (hours) 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 32- 30' 28 26-/ — 24 =' :E 1 :1 22 =�� 0 a 20 18 -_' 14 12_' 1g Z Z 6 =' 4-Z 2- 5 6 7 8 9 Hydrograph �40.81 cfs I ' _ _ _ _� ■Runoff -i - - Tyke I i -24 1h--- r - - - - 1Y I�a+rif�115.1" - Ranoff Area =1-7.330 lc - -LRugoff11 Vollump=2.1636t-af - nQep- h ��'6 _ T _I T� c=:20AY mm - - 6]- LO - =1 1 - — — — — — — 1—- T _T : D E - 10 11 12 13 Time (hours) 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2015.06.17.BMP #23.GCA Type// 24 -hr 10 -Yr Rainfall = 5.17" Prepared by McKim & Creed Printed 6/23/2015 HydroCADO 10.00 s/n 04927 © 2011 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 18 Summary for Subcatchment 2S: Post - Development Runoff = 88.25 cfs @ 12.01 hrs, Volume= 4.608 af, Depth> 3.19" Runoff by SCS TR -20 method, UH =SCS, Time Span= 5.00 -20.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Type II 24 -hr 10 -Yr Rainfall = 5.17" Area (ac) CN Description 6.850 74 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG C 7.770 98 Paved parking, HSG C 2.710 70 Woods, Good, HSG C 17.330 84 Weighted Average 9.560 55.16% Pervious Area 7.770 44.84% Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft /ft) (ft /sec) (cfs) 10.0 Direct Entry, Subcatchment 2S: Post - Development Hydrograph 95 90 85-- - 80 75 70 65 60 55 U 50 4 � 2 45 — — — — 40--' -k- 4 35: _ 30 � -k- 4 25- 20 -� 4 15� — 10z-/ 5 6 7 8 9 10 ■Runoff � 88.25 cfs T e 124- r 41 0�Yl-kainfal lL-5. f7" 4- Runoff Area #1.330 ac _Rules, off VQllum� =4.1608. of 4 R�nof �e1p#h 3.'f 17- - -Tc= 40. -0- min - 4 $4 _. +- -I- 1II�- 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Time (hours) 2015.06.17.BMP #23.GCA Type// 24 -hr 10 -Yr Rainfall = 5.17" Prepared by McKim & Creed Printed 6/23/2015 HydroCADO 10.00 s/n 04927 © 2011 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 19 Summary for Pond 3P: BMP #23 Inflow Area = 17.330 ac, 44.84% Impervious, Inflow Depth > 3.19" for 10 -Yr event Inflow = 88.25 cfs @ 12.01 hrs, Volume= 4.608 of Outflow = 40.34 cfs @ 12.15 hrs, Volume= 3.856 af, Atten= 54 %, Lag= 8.5 min Primary = 40.34 cfs @ 12.15 hrs, Volume= 3.856 of Secondary = 0.00 cfs @ 5.00 hrs, Volume= 0.000 of Routing by Stor -Ind method, Time Span= 5.00 -20.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Peak Elev= 451.33' @ 12.15 hrs Surf.Area= 25,483 sf Storage= 84,373 cf Plug -Flow detention time= 91.2 min calculated for 3.856 of (84% of inflow) Center -of -Mass det. time= 43.2 min ( 815.3 - 772.1 ) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storaqe Description #1 447.50' 159,133 cf Custom Stage Data (Prismatic)Listed below (Recalc) Elevation Surf.Area Inc.Store Cum.Store (feet) (sq -ft) (cubic -feet) (cubic -feet) 447.50 17,183 0 0 448.00 19,795 9,245 9,245 449.00 21,437 20,616 29,861 450.00 23,136 22,287 52,147 451.00 24,892 24,014 76,161 452.00 26,704 25,798 101,959 453.00 28,573 27,639 129,598 454.00 30,498 29,536 159,133 Device Routinq Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 444.25' 30.0" Round Culvert L= 53.8' RCP, square edge headwall, Ke= 0.500 Inlet/ Outlet Invert= 444.25'/444.00' S=0.0046'/' Cc= 0.900 n=0.013 Concrete pipe, bends & connections, Flow Area= 4.91 sf #2 Device 1 447.50' 2.7" Vert. Orifice /Grate C= 0.600 #3 Device 1 449.00' 36.0" W x 9.0" H Vert. Orifice /Grate X 2.00 C= 0.600 #4 Device 1 451.00' 48.0" x 48.0" Horiz. Orifice /Grate C= 0.600 Limited to weir flow at low heads #5 Secondary 452.00' 40.0' long x 22.0' breadth Broad - Crested Rectangular Weir Head (feet) 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 Coef. (English) 2.68 2.70 2.70 2.64 2.63 2.64 2.64 2.63 Primary OutFlow Max =40.07 cfs @ 12.15 hrs HW= 451.32' (Free Discharge) t--1 =Culvert (Passes 40.07 cfs of 57.03 cfs potential flow) P4=Orif = Orifice/Grate (Orifice Controls 0.37 cfs @ 9.27 fps) = Orifice /Grate (Orifice Controls 30.18 cfs @ 6.71 fps) ice /Grate (Weir Controls 9.52 cfs @ 1.85 fps) Secondary OutFlow Max =0.00 cfs @ 5.00 hrs HW= 447.50' (Free Discharge) L5= Broad -Crested Rectangular Weir( Controls 0.00 cfs) 2015.06.17.BMP #23.GCA Type 1124 -hr 10 -Yr Rainfall = 5.17" Prepared by McKim & Creed Printed 6/23/2015 HydroCADO 10.00 s/n 04927 © 2011 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 20 Time (hours) ❑ Inflow ❑ outflow ❑ Primary ❑ Secondary Pond 3P: BMP #23 Hydrograph 88.25 cfs � — i Inflow Area= 17.330 ac 95JI/ 90/ �_ C C E E E E Peak Elev= 451.33' 85/ 80/ -�Stgrage =84, 73 cf 70 60 - 55 . — 50�lz / i _ 40.34 cfs _ LL 40/ 35=Z 30� / — — 25 20 15j� % 0.00 cfs Time (hours) ❑ Inflow ❑ outflow ❑ Primary ❑ Secondary 2015.06.17.BMP #23.GCA Type 1124 -hr 100 -Yr Rainfall= 7.62 " Prepared by McKim & Creed Printed 6/23/2015 HydroCADO 10.00 s/n 04927 © 2011 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 21 Time span= 5.00 -20.00 hrs, dt =0.05 hrs, 301 points Runoff by SCS TR -20 method, UH =SCS Reach routing by Stor- Ind +Trans method - Pond routing by Stor -Ind method Subcatchment1S: Pre - Development RunoffArea= 17.330 ac 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth >3.81" Tc =20.0 min CN =70 Runoff =79.29 cfs 5.497 of Subcatchment2S: Post - Development Runoff Area = 17.330 ac 44.84% Impervious Runoff Depth >5.37" Tc =10.0 min CN =84 Runoff = 143.98 cfs 7.750 of Pond 3P: BMP #23 Peak Elev= 452.48' Storage= 114,982 cf Inflow= 143.98 cfs 7.750 of Primary =62.44 cfs 6.602 of Secondary =35.87 cfs 0.369 of Outflow =98.31 cfs 6.970 of Total Runoff Area = 34.660 ac Runoff Volume = 13.247 of Average Runoff Depth = 4.59" 77.58% Pervious = 26.890 ac 22.42% Impervious = 7.770 ac 2015.06.17.BMP #23.GCA Type 1124 -hr 100 -Yr Rainfall= 7.62" Prepared by McKim & Creed Printed 6/23/2015 HydroCADO 10.00 s/n 04927 © 2011 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 22 Summary for Subcatchment 1S: Pre - Development Runoff = 79.29 cfs @ 12.13 hrs, Volume= 5.497 af, Depth> 3.81" Runoff by SCS TR -20 method, UH =SCS, Time Span= 5.00 -20.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Type II 24 -hr 100 -Yr Rainfall= 7.62" Area (ac) CN Description 17.330 70 Woods, Good, HSG C 17.330 100.00% Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft /ft) (ft /sec) (cfs) 20.0 Direct Entry, Subcatchment 1S: Pre - Development Hydrograph 85- 80 _ L Type II 24 -hr 75- 7- 7 -7 1 70= — 1 Runoff Depth >3.81" - 65_ -_ 1— � CN =70 - 60- 55- I- 1 N 50- 3 45- - -° 40- LL 35- 30- 25- 20 _ /- 15 0 5 6 7 8 9 79.29 cfs - 1 Type II 24 -hr 100 -Yr Rainfall-7.62' t Runoff Area = 17.330 ac — 1 Runoff. Volume= 5.497 of — 1 Runoff Depth >3.81" - Tc =20.0 min - -_ 1— � CN =70 - 10 11 Time (hours) 17 18 ❑ Runoff 2015.06.17.BMP #23.GCA Type 1124 -hr 100 -Yr Rainfall= 7.62" Prepared by McKim & Creed Printed 6/23/2015 HydroCADO 10.00 s/n 04927 © 2011 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 23 Summary for Subcatchment 2S: Post - Development Runoff = 143.98 cfs @ 12.01 hrs, Volume= 7.750 af, Depth> 5.37" Runoff by SCS TR -20 method, UH =SCS, Time Span= 5.00 -20.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Type II 24 -hr 100 -Yr Rainfall= 7.62" Area (ac) CN Description 6.850 74 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG C 7.770 98 Paved parking, HSG C 2.710 70 Woods, Good, HSG C 17.330 84 Weighted Average 9.560 55.16% Pervious Area 7.770 44.84% Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft /ft) (ft /sec) (cfs) 10.0 Direct Entry, Subcatchment 2S: Post - Development Time (hours) Hydrograph / -, 160- — — ❑Runoff 50-:/ 143.98 cfs 140: / Type 11 24-hr 130 =/I L 1 -1 100 -Yr Rainfall= 7.62" 120 =i1— Runoff Area = 17.330 ac 110 100 =/ -4 I Runoff Vc- lume =7.7 -50 a_f 90 U Runoff Depth >5.37" 3 80= /I LL 70_/ Tc =10.0 min 60 rt — — — - CN =8 -4 50= / — + _4 — — — — 4 --1 — 40- / 30 =/ _ / 10_ o���f/ - - - / /I P . 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Time (hours) 2015.06.17.BMP #23.GCA Type 1124 -hr 100 -Yr Rainfall= 7.62" Prepared by McKim & Creed Printed 6/23/2015 HydroCADO 10.00 s/n 04927 © 2011 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 24 Summary for Pond 3P: BMP #23 [82] Warning: Early inflow requires earlier time span Inflow Area = 17.330 ac, 44.84% Impervious, Inflow Depth > 5.37" for 100 -Yr event Inflow = 143.98 cfs @ 12.01 hrs, Volume= 7.750 of Outflow = 98.31 cfs @ 12.11 hrs, Volume= 6.970 af, Atten= 32 %, Lag= 5.8 min Primary = 62.44 cfs @ 12.11 hrs, Volume= 6.602 of Secondary = 35.87 cfs @ 12.11 hrs, Volume= 0.369 of Routing by Stor -Ind method, Time Span= 5.00 -20.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Peak Elev= 452.48' @ 12.11 hrs Surf.Area= 27,600 sf Storage= 114,982 cf Plug -Flow detention time= 72.6 min calculated for 6.970 of (90% of inflow) Center -of -Mass det. time= 38.2 min ( 798.3 - 760.1 ) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storaqe Description #1 447.50' 159,133 cf Custom Stage Data (Prismatic)Listed below (Recalc) Elevation Surf.Area Inc.Store Cum.Store (feet) (sq -ft) (cubic -feet) (cubic -feet) 447.50 17,183 0 0 448.00 19,795 9,245 9,245 449.00 21,437 20,616 29,861 450.00 23,136 22,287 52,147 451.00 24,892 24,014 76,161 452.00 26,704 25,798 101,959 453.00 28,573 27,639 129,598 454.00 30,498 29,536 159,133 Device Routinq Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 444.25' 30.0" Round Culvert L= 53.8' RCP, square edge headwall, Ke= 0.500 Inlet/ Outlet Invert= 444.25'/ 444.00' S=0.0046'/' Cc= 0.900 n=0.013 Concrete pipe, bends & connections, Flow Area= 4.91 sf #2 Device 1 447.50' 2.7" Vert. Orifice /Grate C= 0.600 #3 Device 1 449.00' 36.0" W x 9.0" H Vert. Orifice /Grate X 2.00 C= 0.600 #4 Device 1 451.00' 48.0" x 48.0" Horiz. Orifice /Grate C= 0.600 Limited to weir flow at low heads #5 Secondary 452.00' 40.0' long x 22.0' breadth Broad - Crested Rectangular Weir Head (feet) 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 Coef. (English) 2.68 2.70 2.70 2.64 2.63 2.64 2.64 2.63 Primary OutFlow Max =62.37 cfs @ 12.11 hrs HW= 452.46' (Free Discharge) L' = Culvert (Inlet Controls 62.37 cfs @ 12.71 fps) =2= Orifice /Grate (Passes < 0.42 cfs potential flow) -3= Orifice /Grate (Passes < 38.05 cfs potential flow) -4= Orifice /Grate (Passes < 92.62 cfs potential flow) Secondary OutFlow Max =34.18 cfs @ 12.11 hrs HW= 452.46' (Free Discharge) 5= B road-C rested Rectangular Weir (Weir Controls 34.18 cfs @ 1.84 fps) 2015.06.17.BMP #23.GCA Type 1124 -hr 100 -Yr Rainfall= 7.62" Prepared by McKim & Creed Printed 6/23/2015 HydroCADO 10.00 s/n 04927 © 2011 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 25 Pond 3P: BMP #23 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Time (hours) Hydrograph F F F F F F F zz xz--� 143.98 cfs I Inflow Area= 17.330 ac ❑ Inflow ❑ outflow ❑ Primary 160= 150 / - ❑ Secondary Peak Elev= 452.48' 140 — 130- / Sto�agp= 114,982 cf 120- / 98.31 cfs 110 100-/ go- / 80 / { 62.44 cfs — — .2 70�/ / — — 60� — — 50 35.87 cfs 40 / 30� 20= / , 10 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Time (hours) PROJECT NAME: Briar Chapel - Phase 15 North PROJECT LOCATION: Chatham County, NC Pond Name= BMP #23 Riser Outer Width = 5 ft Riser Outer Length = 5 ft Riser Inner Width = 4 ft Riser Inner Length = 4 ft Riser Height = 7.25 ft Concrete Base Length = 7 ft Concrete Base Width = 7 ft Concrete Base Depth = 15 in DATE: 06/17/2015 PROJECT NO: 02735 -0113 Riser Resisting Force = Base Resisting Force = Total Resisting Force = Riser Buoyant Force = Base Buoyant Force = Total Buoyant Force = Factor of Safety DESIGNED BY: GCA CHECKED BY: GML 9,788 lb 9,188 lb 18,975 lb 11,310 lb 3,822 lb 15,132 lb 1.25 Design Acceptable rKwtU i NAIVit: tsnar cnapei - rnase .i oiv PROJECT LOCATION: Chatham County, NC Storm Outlet Structure Structure= HW -BMP #23 Size= 30 in Q10 = 40.34 cfs Qfull = 45.16 cfs Vfull = 6.39 fps From Fig. 8.06.b.1: From Fig. 8.06.b.2: 3 Length Zone D50 DMAX Riprap Class Apron Thickness Apron Length Apron Width = 3 x Dia DATE: 06/12/2015 DESIGNED BY: BSS PROJECT NO: CHECKED BY 02735 -0113 GCA Q10 /Qfull = 0.89 V /Vfull = 1.29 V = 9.03 fps = 3 = 10 in 15 in 1 = 24 in 20.0 ft = 8.0 ft