HomeMy WebLinkAbout20020730 Ver 4_More Info Received_20220817 (11)GEOTECHNICAL SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION •; USS BATTLESHIP NORTH CAROLINA LIVING WITH WATER IMPROVEMENTS FEBRUARY 17, 2021 MOFFATT & NICHOL PROJECT NO. 10258/01 CATLIN PROJECT NO. 220161 PREPARED BY: CATLIN ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS 220 OLD DAIRY ROAD WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28405 910-452-5861 PREPARED FOR: MOFFATT & NICHOL 4700 FALLS OF NEUSE ROAD SUITE 300 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27609 CORPORATE LICENSURE NO. FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES C-0585 CORPORATE LICENSURE NO. FOR GEOLOGY SERVICES C-118 CAT N Engineers and Scientists TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 2.0 SCOPE OF INVESTIGATION 1 3.0 FIELD EXPLORATION 1 4.0 LABORATORY TESTING 3 5.0 REGIONAL, LOCAL, AND SITE GEOLOGY 4 6.0 SUMMARY RECOMMENDATIONS 5 6.2 PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE END BENTS FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS - DRIVEN PILE 7 6.3 EARTHWORK OPERATIONS 9 7.0 LIMITATIONS 12 8.0 REFERENCES 12 FIGURES FIGURE 1 SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION SOIL AND ROCK LEGEND, TERMS, AND ABBREVIATIONS FIGURE 2 SITE PLAN AND PROFILE LAYOUT FIGURE 3 PROFILE THROUGH BORINGS PROJECTED ALONG A - A' FIGURE 4 PROFILE THROUGH BORINGS PROJECTED ALONG B - B' FIGURE 5 PROFILE THROUGH BORINGS PROJECTED ALONG C - C' APPENDICES APPENDIX A CONE PENETRATION TESTING AND DIRECT PUSH TECHNOLOGIES SOUNDING AND BORING LOGS APPENDIX B GEOTECHNICAL LABORATORY RESULTS Battleship NC - Living with Water - Geotech CATLIN Engineers and Scientists CATLIN Project No. 220161 February 2021 GEOTECHNICAL SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION FOR USS BATTLESHIP NORTH CAROLINA LIVING WITH WATER IMPORVEMENTS FEBRUARY 17, 2021 1.0 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this project is to provide geotechnical information pertaining to activities proposed on the Battleship United States Ship (USS) North Carolina (Battleship) Living with Water Master Plan (Master Plan) dated April 7, 2020. The project site is located in New Hanover County along to the Cape Fear River in Wilmington, North Carolina north of the intersection of USS North Carolina Road and Battleship Road. The USS Battleship project is to construct a service park to provide parking and walking access to the USS battleship. This project includes a parking lot at the east section, a future parking lot at the west section, walkway access to the USS Battleship, and a pedestrian bridge above a proposed tidal creek between the parking lots. Currently, the project site is partially developed and covered with asphalt pavement, grass and trees. 2.0 SCOPE OF INVESTIGATION The Project Scope included the following tasks. • Coordinate subsurface utility locate by NC 811 and Battleship personnel at proposed testing locations. • Advance 19 Cone Penetration Test (CPT) soundings. • Advance four (4) Direct Push Technology (DPT) soil borings. • Collect two (2) bulk samples. • Survey CPT, DPT, and bulk sample locations. • Conduct laboratory testing. • Geotechnical engineering analysis, recommendations, and reporting 3.0 FIELD EXPLORATION Catlin Engineers and Scientists (CATLIN) conducted the field exploration for this project between December 11t" and the 291"2020. Battleship NC - Living with Water - Geotech CATLIN Engineers and Scientists CATLIN Project No. 220161 1 February 2021 Coordinates of proposed testing locations were determined using a georeferenced site plan provided by Moffatt and Nichol. Coordinates were input into a mapping grade (less than three horizontal feet accuracy) global positioning system (GPS) which was utilized by CATLIN personnel to physically mark the proposed testing locations. NC ONECALL associates and Battleship personnel were contacted to "clear" the proposed testing sites with relevance to underground utilities. Subsequent to completion of the testing, the ground surface elevation and location of each boring was collected using a real time kinematic (RTK) GPS. All units are recorded to the nearest foot horizontally using the North Carolina State Plane (NCSP) North American Datum 1983 (NAD83) coordinate system and one tenth of a foot vertically on the North American Vertical Datum 1988 (NAVD88). Testing locations are presented on Figure 2. Testing location NCSP NAD83 coordinates and NGVD88 elevations are presented on sounding and boring logs included in Appendix A. 3.1 Cone Penetration Testing Sixteen CPT probes were advanced in general accordance with the American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM) Method D-5778 with a track -mounted CPT rig equipped with a Vertex electronic piezocone tip. The cone was pushed at a rate of 0.8 inches per second (in/sec). The piezocone had a base area of 1.6 square inches, a diameter of 1.4 inches, and a height of 1.2 inches corresponding to a 60' apex angle. The friction sleeve to which the cone was attached had a 1.4-inch diameter. Data collected from the CPT soundings includes cone tip resistance, sleeve friction resistance, and pore water pressure. Soundings were advanced to the proposed target depths or until equipment refusal occurred. Equipment refusal (CPT refusal) was encountered when the reaction force of the CPT (approximately nine (9) tons) was determined to be less than the force applied on the tooling string resulting in a physical "lift" of the CPT machinery. Data generated during the soundings was processed by CATLIN personnel using Coneplot CPT Processing software (Version 2.6.3) then post processed using gINT Geotechnical and Geoenviron mental software (Connect Edition Version to facilitate generation of Sounding Reports and Subsurface Profiles. Testing locations are presented on Figure 2 and CPT Sounding Logs are presented in Appendix A. 3.2 Direct Push Technology Borings Four (4) DPTs were advanced by CATLIN personnel immediately (within three horizontal feet) adjacent to four (4) existing CPT locations. The DPT borings were advanced to facilitate soil sample collection for physical descriptions and laboratory analysis to corroborate CPT software soil behavior type (SBT) interpretation. Direct push borings were advanced with a Geoprobe sampling system mounted on CATLIN's CPT machine. Samples were collected in four -foot intervals by advancing the dual tube sampling tooling Battleship NC - Living with Water - Geotech CATLIN Engineers and Scientists CATLIN Project No. 220161 2 February 2021 using a combination of a percussion hammer, machine reaction force, and hydraulics. Subsequent to each four -foot tooling advancement, the inner rods and sample collection tube (acetate liner) was removed, labeled, and stored for processing and logging at CATLIN's Wilmington office. DPT Boring Logs are presented in conjunction with the adjacent CPT soundings in Appendix A. 3.3 Bulk Sample Collection Two (2) bulk samples were collected within the limits of the proposed parking area. These soils were collected using a manual auger, sealed in labeled 5-gallon buckets, and transported to CATLIN's Soil Laboratory in Wilmington, North Carolina forfurther analysis. 3.4 Groundwater Measurement and Borehole Abandonment Groundwater levels across the project site were estimated from pore pressure readings obtained during the advancement of the CPT soundings and measured, where possible, in the open boreholes subsequent to advancement of the CPT. Estimated and measured depth to water ranged from 1.3 to 4.3 feet BLS which roughly corresponds to the observed levels of the Cape Fear River during the investigation. It is likely that these water levels will be tidally influenced and fluctuate relative to the water level of Cape Fear River. Observed groundwater depths are presented on the CPT Sounding Logs in Appendix A and the subsurface profiles on Figures 3 through 5. 4.0 LABORATORY TESTING Ten soil samples were collected from the DPT borings and submitted to CATLIN's Geotechnical Laboratory in Wilmington, North Carolina for one or more of the following analysis: Test Description Test Method Engineering Soil Classification ASTM D 2487 Sieve Analysis ASTM D 6913 Atterberg Limits (Multi Point) ASTM D 4318 Soil Moisture Content ASTM D 2216 Organic Content ASTM D 2974 Two (2) bulk samples were collected from the subject site and submitted to CATLIN's Geotechnical Laboratory for the following analysis: Battleship NC - Living with Water - Geotech CATLIN Engineers and Scientists CATLIN Project No. 220161 3 February 2021 Test Description Test Method California Bearing Ratio (1 Point) ASTM D 1883 The results of the geotechnical laboratory analyses were utilized to refine the visual classifications of the site soils, correlate the CPT interpreted soil type with site soils, and provide geotechnical characteristics of the soils. Results of the laboratory testing performed during this investigation are included in Appendix B. 5.0 REGIONAL, LOCAL, AND SITE GEOLOGY According to the Geologic Map of North Carolina (1985), the project site lies within the Coastal Plain Physiographic Province of North Carolina. According to Horton and Zullo in The Geology of the Carolinas (1991), the Coastal Plain is comprised of a seaward thickening wedge of post -Triassic, primarily unconsolidated, siliciclastic sediments and carbonate rocks that extend from the Fall Line to the continental shelf break. Coastal Plain sediments were deposited in a number of different environments including but not limited to, off -shore marine, near -shore marine, lagoonal, and deltaic. The eustatic rise and fall of sea level has resulted in numerous sedimentary packages of transgressive and regressive sequences deposited throughout the Coastal Plain. According to the USGS Online Spatial Data website, the primary geologic formations found in New Hanover County, North Carolina include: • Undifferentiated Coastal Plain deposits (Quaternary) - Comprised primarily of alluvial, eolian, fluvial, and lacustrine deposited marine sediments consisting of gravel, sand, silt, and clay. • Castle Hayne Formation (Tertiary) - limestone with solution cavities common. New Hanover Member exhibits phosphate -pebble conglomerate with micritic thin layers. • Peedee Formation (Cretaceous) - primarily unconsolidated greenish gray to olive black, clayey sand and clay which may be locally fossiliferous and calcareous Land surface at the site is covered with asphalt pavement and grass with elevations at the testing locations ranging from 1.7 to 4.4 feet. Data generated during this investigation identified three (3) primary strata extending to an elevation of approximately minus 20 feet. Material encountered from land surface to an average elevation of zero was identified as "recent" fill likely emplaced shortly prior to the construction of the battleship facility. The recent fill was described as light brown to gray consisting of fine to coarse sand and silty sand. A substantial amount of CPT SBT interpretation through this stratum was reported Battleship NC - Living with Water - Geotech CATLIN Engineers and Scientists CATLIN Project No. 220161 4 February 2021 as "Out of Range" which along with increased tip pressure readings indicates that this material is likely to consist of dense coarse sand and gravel. Sand, gravelly sand, and silty to clayey sand interbedded with moderately to highly organic silt and clay rich layers extends from beneath the recent fill to elevations ranging from roughly -4 to -10 feet. The origin of this material is unclear as it appears to be a mixture of "historical fill" that may have been emplaced during the early periods of the development of Wilmington and the associated riverfront industries and alluvial overwash which has likely occurred during the many flooding events that have occurred through the site's history. CPT and DPT refusal was encountered at elevations ranging from approximately -3 to -8 feet in soundings and borings advanced adjacent to the river indicating that large fill debris may exist in the subsurface in this vicinity. Highly organic (organic content values ranging from 28.5% to 49.1 %) alluvial silt and clay with wood fragments was encountered beneath the historical fill to an average elevation of minus 20 feet. This organic material appeared to be very soft with little to no tip or sleeve resistance indicated in the CPT data. Sands and sand mixtures with thin layers of clays and organics (as indicated by the CPT SBT) extend from below the highly organic silts and clays to elevations ranging from -31.6 feet and -34.2 feet where CPT refusal was encountered in soundings CPT-09 and CPT-08, respectively. Based on relatively rapid increase in tip resistance noted in the CPT soundings, the refusal is likely due to the presence of limestone. Subsurface profiles are presented on Figures 3 through 5. CPT and DPT logs are included in Appendix A. 6.0 SUMMARY RECOMMENDATIONS The conclusions and preliminary recommendations presented in this report are based on the project description and soil data obtained from our field and laboratory testing, CPT sounding data, assumed continuity of the soils between borings, and generally accepted geotechnical engineering practices. The borings/soundings performed at this site represent subsurface conditions at the location of the borings/soundings only; therefore, undisclosed subsurface conditions requiring special preparation may be revealed during construction, especially for those proposed structures located significant distances from our soil borings. Battleship NC - Living with Water - Geotech CATLIN Engineers and Scientists CATLIN Project No. 220161 5 February 2021 6.1 Pavement Design 6.1.1 California Bearing Ratio Testing The California Bearing Ratio (CBR) test is a penetration test used to evaluate the subgrade strength of roads and pavements. A total of two (2) composite soil samples were obtained from approximately 0 feet to 4 feet BLS at four (4) boring locations within the proposed parking lot and driveway areas. These soil samples were brought to the CATLIN Soil Laboratory for testing in accordance with the 1-point CBR test procedures outlined in ASTM D 1883. In the 1-point CBR test, the soil samples will be compacted using 56 blow counts per layer. The CBR test results are shown in the Table 1 below and included in Appendix B. The results of these tests are used with the curves to determine the thickness of pavement and its component layers. Typically, CBR of soils decreases as moisture content increases above the optimum moisture content. Soil types have different effects on CBR as well, often related to their particle size; sandy soils generally have high CBR, while saturated fine-grained soils (clays and silts) have low CBR. Table 1— CBR Test Results BORING POINT ID Blows Per Layer Corrected CBR @ 0.1" (%) Corrected CBR @ 0.2" (%) CBR 01 — CBR-01-01 56 9.2 11.2 CBR-01-02 56 9.2 11.2 CBR-01-03 56 11.9 14.8 CBR-01-04 56 7.8 10.6 CBR 02 CBR-02-01 56 7.8 8.9 CBR-02-02 56 12.5 16.2 CBR-02-03 56 9.9 9.5 Refer to the laboratory results in Appendix B for more detail on the results of the CBR testing. 6.1.2 Pavement Thickness Recommendations Based on the subsurface information and anticipated vehicle loads at the site, we recommend the following minimum thickness for the parking lots: Heavv Dutv Bituminous Concrete Pavement Section (Driveways) • 1.5 inches NCDOT HMA Surface Course Type S9.5C • 2.5 inches NCDOT Intermediate Course Type 19.00 • 8 inches NCDOT Aggregate Base Course • Stabilization Geotextile (AASHTO M288 Class 1 Woven, elongation <50%, Battleship NC - Living with Water - Geotech CATLIN Engineers and Scientists CATLIN Project No. 220161 6 February 2021 seams overlap 24" min.) Light Duty Bituminous Concrete Pavement Section (Parking Stalls) • 3 inches NCDOT HMA Surface Course Type S9.5C • 8 inches NCDOT Aggregate Base Course • Stabilization Geotextile (AASHTO M288 Class 1 Woven, elongation <50%, seams overlap 24" min.) Concrete Walkway Pavement Section • 4 inches Portland Cement Concrete • 4 inches NCDOT Aggregate Base Course 6.2 Pedestrian Bridge End Bents Foundation Recommendations — Driven Pile 6.2.1 Driven Pile Capacities Based on the current site conditions and anticipated structural loading, CATLIN recommends that the proposed end bents of the pedestrian bridge be supported on either HP 12x53 Piles or 10-inch to 12-inch diameter timber piles. The pile vertical and lateral capacities and estimated settlement under loadings equal to the allowable compressive capacities are shown in Table 2 below: Table 2 — Driven Pile Capacities Pile Penetration Depth, BLS (Tip Elevation) (ft) Allowable Compressive Capacity (kips) Allowable Uplift Capacity (kips) Settlement (in.) Allowable Lateral Capacity, Fixed Head Pile Top Deflection = 1/4 in. (kips) HP 12 x 53 25 10 5 <0.5 17 HP 12 x 53 30 18 7 <0.5 17 HP 12 x 53 35 22 9 <0.5 17 HP 12 x 53 40 27 10 <0.5 17 HP 12 x 53 45 32 12 <0.5 17 HP 12 x 53 50 41 14 <0.5 17 10" Timber 25 9 3 <0.5 7 10" Timber 30 19 4 <0.5 7 12" Timber 25 13 3 <0.5 11 12" Timber 30 27 5 <0.5 11 The ultimate vertical capacities and settlements of the driven piles were calculated using APILE program and the US Army Corps of Engineers Method, the Federal Highway Method, and the API RP-2A Method. The capacity values provided by the US Army Corps of Engineers Method were selected as the design ultimate capacities. A factor of safety (FS) of 2.0 was used for the allowable compressive capacity determination and a factor of Battleship NC - Living with Water - Geotech CATLIN Engineers and Scientists CATLIN Project No. 220161 7 February 2021 safety of 3.0 was used for the allowable uplift capacity determination. Lateral capacities for the piles were calculated utilizing LPILE analysis. The allowable lateral capacities were determined under the criteria that the allowable horizontal fixed head deflection is'/4 inch. The axial thrust utilized in the lateral analysis is equal to the allowable axial compressive load corresponding to the pile length used (see previous table for values). Larger axial thrust values may reduce lateral capacities. 6.2.2 Driven Pile Spacing The individual pile capacities within a pile group will be reduced if the piles are installed too close to each other since the stress that transmitted from pile to the soil will overlap. In order to prevent a reduction in axial capacity due to "group effect", piles should be installed with a minimum center -to -center spacing of 3 times of pile side dimensions. 6.2.3 Construction/Installation Considerations It is recommended that two overlength test piles (at least 5 feet longer than anticipated production piles), or indicator piles, be driven to establish pile driving criteria, production pile lengths, and the need to auger pilot holes prior to driving for production piles. Test piles may be used as production piles if the required pile capacity is reached. Production piles should not be ordered until the length estimates have been determined and verified; however, the overlength test piles can be driven in the locations for production piles. Pile driving criteria and actual pile penetration depths shall be established during driving through dynamic testing with a Pile Driving Analyzer (PDA) and by applying the North Carolina State Building Code. All pile driving operations and static and dynamic testing should be observed by a soil technician working under the direction of a registered professional engineer. Static testing of the pile should be in accordance with ASTM D1143. The engineer should develop driving criteria for the project using both a wave equation analysis (once the contractor has designated the pile hammer to be utilized for driving) and results from dynamic monitoring of test piles with signal matching analyses (CAPWAP). The potential exists that the recommended pile penetration depths may not meet the respective minimum criterion in some areas, due to the generation of excessive pore pressures within the clay and/or silt strata during driving, causing a temporary loss of shear strength. Once these large pore pressures have dissipated (assumed to take 3 to 7 days), the soil should regain strength and the piles should gain bearing capacity, a phenomenon known as pile "set-up". Dynamic testing with a PDA should be performed during restrike of the test piles after a sufficient waiting period for pile "set-up" to occur. It is recommended that pile restrikes be performed 3 days after initial driving. Battleship NC - Living with Water - Geotech CATLIN Engineers and Scientists CATLIN Project No. 220161 8 February 2021 6.3 Earthwork Operations 6.3.1 Site Drainage Due to the occurrence of shallow standing water in soils in some areas on site and their sensitivity to moisture arising from their fine texture, earthwork operations will be hampered by a tendency for exposed surfaces to degrade under traffic. Much of this degradation and the consequent need for subgrade repair or replacement can be obviated by the implementation of a system of overall site subgrade drainage. Standing water levels recorded in boreholes located near existing site drainage features suggest that ditching may be effective in depressing the level of shallow groundwater. Temporary site drainage ditches should follow the approximate routing of the designed stormwater drains and roadway swales. They should be deep enough to drain the in -place soils to a depth of at least two and one-half feet below the deepest cuts occurring in the grading scheme. It is possible that some additional and/or alternative temporary dewatering measures, such as well points or sumps, will need to be implemented for the foundation construction since some excavations may have to be maintained below the water table. 6.3.2 Site Preparation and Grading Site preparation should be initiated by clearing and grubbing the root systems of any trees occurring within the limits of construction and stripping surficial organic laden soil and surface vegetation. Surface stripping of up to approximately 6 inches over the undeveloped portion. Site preparation in areas of existing pavement to be demolished should consist of removal of pavement and aggregate base course (depending on plans for new parking/drive areas). To the extent possible, pneumatic -tired vehicles should be kept off areas exposed after stripping or exposed in cut. Where fill is placed, it should be end - dumped and spread with a bulldozer. Areas should be shaped to drain at the end of each workday or when rain is anticipated, as the on -site clays will readily degrade when saturated. Prior to backfilling, the exposed subgrade in these areas should be proof rolled with a heavy smooth -drum roller or a loaded tandem -axle dump truck to identify regions of yielding soil. Where such regions occur, the soils should be undercut to firm material and backfilled with controlled structural fill. Proof rolling should be observed by a qualified geotechnical engineer or his designated representative so that appropriate judgments as to the depth and extent of subgrade repair can be made. In areas that require undercut of Battleship NC - Living with Water - Geotech CATLIN Engineers and Scientists CATLIN Project No. 220161 9 February 2021 soft, loose, saturated, yielding, and/or otherwise unsuitable soils, the horizontal dimensions of any removal and replacement measures should typically extend beyond the edge of the foundation (on all sides) a minimum of one half the depth of the excavation below the bottom of foundation. 6.3.3 Placement and Compaction of Fill As indicated above, structural fill should be end -dumped and spread with tracked equipment to avoid pneumatic -tire traffic on the sensitive on -site soils. In areas of deep cut or undercut, it may not be possible to effectively compact structural fill in lifts of ordinary thickness without degrading the underlying native soils. Accordingly, in these areas, placement of an initial "bridge" lift ranging from 12 to 18 inches in loose thickness will likely be necessary to provide a firm base for further placement and compaction of fill soils. This bridge lift should be compacted on its surface in accordance with the project specifications governing degree of compaction but should not be expected to meet those compaction requirements at a depth greater than four inches. Except as indicated above, structural fill should be placed in lifts not exceeding 8 inches in loose thickness and compacted to a minimum of 98 percent of their maximum dry density as determined by the Standard Proctor Method (ASTM D698) except where more stringent UFC or NCDOT compaction requirements govern. For this project, we recommend that structural fill consist of a relatively clean sand falling within USCS Soil Group "SP", "SP- SM", or "SP-SC". Soils falling within this classification when placed and compacted as outlined above are referred to herein as "controlled structural fill". 6.3.4 Utility Trench Backfill Trench backfill for underground utilities and piping should consist of crushed rock for pipe bedding material followed by quarry screenings or coarse sand in the remaining pipezone backfill (Type A). As a second option (Type B), crushed rock may be placed as bedding and extend to springline of pipe, followed by quarry screenings or coarse sand in the remaining pipezone backfill. For pipes and utilities within wet soils or below the water table, backfill should consist of a minimum of 6 inches of crushed rock below and to the sides of pipe, extending a minimum of 12 inches above the top of pipe, and encased in geotextile fabric (Type C). All trench backfill should be placed and compacted as recommended in Section 3.6.3 above. Native soils may be used to backfill the remainder of the trench, unless utility or pipe is to traverse beneath or within the influence zone of any foundations, in which case controlled structural fill shall be placed and compacted as stated below. Battleship NC - Living with Water - Geotech CATLIN Engineers and Scientists CATLIN Project No. 220161 10 February 2021 For utility structures bearing in very soft clay or other unsuitable materials, the material should be undercut to a suitable depth as determined by the geotechnical engineer (anticipate 12 to 18 inches below pipe bearing elevation) and replaced with controlled structural fill or crushed/washed stone. Where crushed/washed stone is used and conventional compaction testing is not practical, material should be mechanically compacted until no further yielding is observed. If sand bedding material is to be used above crushed/washed stone, the stone layer should be wrapped in a non -woven geotextile separation fabric. All controlled structural fill should be placed and compacted to 95% of the ASTM D-1557 maximum dry density. 6.3.5 Suitability of On -Site Soils for Re -Use The native, near surface granular soils, such as the sand (SP), clayey sand (SC) or silty sand (SM) in the upper stratum, are considered suitable for re -use as foundation subgrade material, provided they are moisture conditioned to placed/compacted in accordance with the recommendations provided herein. The native, near surface fine-grained soils, such as fat clay (CH), sandy clays (CL) or sandy silts (ML) in the upper stratum, are generally not suitable for re -use as foundation subgrade material due to their poor strength characteristics and sensitivity to moisture. It is recommended that they be used within landscaped or other non-structural areas. In addition, any high plasticity clays/silts (CH, MH) or organic materials such as peat (PT, OL, OH), with liquid limits greater than 50 and plasticity indices greater than 20, should not be re -used as backfill placed directly below or against foundations or retaining walls. 6.3.6 Stability of Excavations Temporary slopes in shallow, open excavations above the water table may be adequately maintained at inclinations of no steeper than 1(H):1(V), although they should be evaluated by a geotechnical engineer during construction due to the relatively unconsolidated nature of Coastal Plain soils. The crests of all slopes should also be maintained at least 5 feet from any building or other structure limits. Temporary shoring or bracing of excavation sidewalls should be maintained for excavations that will extend below the water table, such as in the case of removing obstructions deeper than four feet BLS. Dewatering devices and/or site drainage techniques capable of maintaining a stable and surface -dry trench bottom should be provided. Battleship NC - Living with Water - Geotech CATLIN Engineers and Scientists CATLIN Project No. 220161 11 February 2021 7.0 LIMITATIONS This report and the subsurface investigation on which it is based in made for the purpose of study, planning, and design, and not for construction or pay purposes. General soil and strata descriptions and the indicated boundaries are based on a geologic interpretation of the available subsurface data and may not necessarily reflect the actual subsurface conditions between the test borings or between the sample intervals. The laboratory data and data collected in -situ is only as reliable as is inherent to the standard test method. Water levels and/or soil moisture conditions are reported as they were observed at the time of the investigation. These conditions can vary considerably from season to season and during times of extreme weather events. 8.0 REFERENCES Horton, J. Wright Jr., and Zullo, Victor A., 1991, An Introduction to the Geology of the Carolinas in Horton J. W., Jr., and Zullo, V.A., eds., The Geology of the Carolinas; Carolina Geological Society Fiftieth Anniversary Volume, pp. 58 - 59. Soller, David R., and Mills, Hugh H., 1991, Surficial Geology and Geomorphology in Horton J. W., Jr., and Zullo, V.A., eds., The Geology of the Carolinas; Carolina Geological Society Fiftieth Anniversary Volume, pp. 58 - 59. USGS MapView online database: https://ngmdb.usgs.gov/ngmdb/ngmdb_home.html USGS Online Spatial Data: https://mrdata.usgs.gov/geology/ Battleship NC - Living with Water - Geotech CATLIN Engineers and Scientists CATLIN Project No. 220161 12 February 2021 FIGURES Battleship NC - Living with Water - Geotech CATLIN Engineers and Scientists CATLIN Project No. 220161 February 2021 SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION LEGEND (SOIL AND ROCK LEGEND, TERMS, SYMBOLS, AND ABBREVIATIONS) Group UNIF Major Divisions Symbols Ym Typical Names D r W Well -graded gravels, gravel -sand mixtures, o >= little or no fines RN O)C C N N� a C Poorly -graded gravels, gravel -sand mixtures, y ob 0J GP little or no fines N o 0 N O o N c�a= c w a g d GM* Silty gravels, gravel -sand -silt mixtures JZ N :5 122 02 o U O = 21 O w 0 N - > O.'0 g E GC Clayey gravels, gravel -sand -silt mixtures Z 2) C9 m u We ll-graded sands, gravelly sands, little or no W'c _ o a N N v E =� SSW".• fines Q w .0 'a.•fta. ' ' ' ' Poorly -graded sands, gravelly sands, little or N ° w a m y o a ID '•' SP'•' no fines c �`Z in2:5s= N N N w u SM*,1. a Silty sands, sand -silt mixtures a 0 0 2! E 00 3 w 0 = M N c a E rn M , SC : :%r.. Clayey sands, sand -clay mixtures I I I Inorganic silts and very fine sands, rock floor, N ML silty or clayey fine sands or clayey silts with y y slight plasticity 0 Inorganic clays of low to medium plasticity, 6 CL gravelly clays, sand y clays, silty clays, lean N 6 N J y clays i i I i i Organic silts and organic silty clays of low U) C (n o i iOLi i I I I I plasticity Lu Z E MH Inorganic silts, micaceous or diatomaceous a ° fine sandy or silty soils, organic silts C0m M'•C uid OEm E E c CH Inorganic clays of high plasticity, fat clays d C. d ',OH .' Organic clays of medium to high plasticity, Y m organic silts Laboratory Classification Criteria s C = D00 greater than 4; C = ( D30) between 1 and 3 u D10 c D10 x D, N O y Not meeting all gradation requirements for GIN 2.0 �iN n0 N N o E N w Atterberg limits below "A" E r m line or P.I. less than 4 Above "A" line with P.I. a1 " v 2°= v' between 4 and 7 are border- = i c line cases requiring use of co oE ° L Atterberg limits above "A" dual symbols c � line or P.I. greater than 7 5.2 >V)> >U) N De0 6; ( D30)2 between 1 3 rnm� U y �' v Ca9O C = greater than C = and u D10 c D10 x Dw � .0. :2 o, o � m° Not meeting all gradation requirements for SW 01_ O. N 2 c 4j, 0� E 02 = `o, ,a" ' Atterberg limits below "A" HARD ROCK IS NON -COASTAL PLAIN MATERIAL THAT WHEN TESTED, WOULD YIELD SPT REFUSAL. AN INFERRED ROCK LINE INDICATES THE LEVEL AT WHICH NON -COASTAL PLAIN MATERIAL WOULD YIELD SPT REFUSAL. SPT REFUSAL IS PENETRATION BY A SPLIT SPOON N C) SAMPLER EQUAL TO OR LESS THAN 0.1 FOOT PER 60 BLOWS. IN NON -COASTAL PLAIN MATERIAL, THE TRANSITION BETWEEN SOIL AND ROCK IS OFTEN REPRESENTED BY A o 0 o ZONE OF WEATHERED ROCK. V ROCK MATERIALS ARE TYPICALLY AS FOLLOWS: FINE TO COARSE GRAIN IGNEOUS AND METAMORPHIC ROCK THAT WOULD BEDROCK YIELD SPT REFUSAL IF TESTED. ROCK TYPE INCLUDES GRANITE, GNEISS, GABBRO, SCHIST, ETC. SAPROLITE IN -SITU CHEMICALLY WEATHERED ROCK. TYPICALLY DOES NOT YIELD SPT REFUSAL IFTESTED. E O E p N o 0 o a o a V � O N 0 o d = c d line or P.I. less than 4 Above "A" line with P.I. 0 � o n between 4 and 7 are border- '= v o E E w 2 o line cases requiring use of `p c o m 0 2. Atterberg limits above "A" dual symbols '—' In O 0 a') w line or P.I. greater than 7 fn 8C 7C 6C g 3C a 2C FOR CLARIFICATION OF FINE-GRNNED SOIL AND FINE-GRNNED FRACTION OF COARSE -GRAINED SOILS / •�P 01, 0111 / / O\' 0 MH oR OH / C�" CL-ML ML °e OL 10 7 00 210 P Peat and other highly organic soils O Division of GM and SM groups into subdivisions of d and u are for roads and airfields only. Subdivision is based on Atterberg Limits: suffix d used when L.L. is 23 or less and the P.I. is 6 or less; the suffix u is used when L.L. is greater than 26. RELATIVE VALUES PRESENTED ON FIELD LOGS IMTH UNCORRECTED N-VALUES. FOR CLASSIFICATION ONLY, NOT FOR DESIGN COARSE -GRAINED SOILS (major portions retained on No. 200 sieve) Descriptive Terms Relative Density SPT Blow Count Very loose 0 to 15 % < 5 Loose 16 to 35 % 5 to 10 Medium dense 36 to 65 % 11 to 30 Dense 66 to 85 % 31 to 50 Very dense 86 to 100 % > 50 FINE-GRAINED SOILS (major portions passing on No. 200 sieve) Unconfined Compressive Descriptive Terms Strength kPa SPT Blow Count Very soft < 25 < 3 Soft 25 to 50 3 to 4 Firm 50 to 100 5 to 8 Stiff 100 to 200 9 to 15 Very stiff 200 to 400 16 to 30 Hard > 400 > 30 PERCENTAGE OF MATERIAL ORGANICS GRANULAR SILT/CLAY OTHER MATERIAL SOILS SOILS TRACE <5% TRACE 2-3% 3-5% FEW 5-10% LITTLE 4-5% 6-12% LITTLE 15-25% MODERATELY 6-10% 13-120% SOME 30-45% HIGHLY >10% >20% MOSTLY 50-100% 10 1620 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 E LIQUID LIMIT (LL) •� N `� ° o '0 Plasticity Chart it LL U m Borderline classifications used for soils possessing characteristics of two groups are designated by combinations of groups symbols. For example; GW-GC, well -graded gravel -sand mixture with clay binder. PI RANGE DRY STRENGTH NON -PLASTIC 0 NONE: CRUMBLES WITH MERE PRESSURE LOW PLASTICITY 1 - 10 LOW: CRUMBLES WITH SOME FINGER PRESSURE MED. PLASTICITY 11 - 20 MEDIUM: BREAKS INTO PIECES OR CRUMBLES WITH CONSIDERABLE PRESSURE HIGH PLASTICITY 21 - 40 HIGH: CAN'T BE BROKEN WITH FINGER PRESSURE VERY PLASTIC >40 VERY HIGH: CAN'T BE BROKEN BETWEEN THUMB AND HARD SURFACE GROUNDWATER E WATER LEVEL AT END OF DRILLING, OR AS SHOWN V WATER LEVEL AFTER 24 HOURS, OR AS SHOWN ESTIMATED WATER LEVEL FROM PORE PRESSURE SOIL MOISTURE - CORRELATION OF TERMS SOIL MOISTURE SCALE FIELD MOISTURE GUIDE FOR (ATTERBERG LIMITS) DESCRIPTION FIELD MOISTURE DESCRIPTION - SATURATED - USUALLY LIQUID; VERY WET, USUALLY FROM BELOW THE GROUND WATER LL LIQUID LIMIT (SAT) TABLE (USE ONLY WITH LAB RESULTS) ILASTIC - WET- VISIBLE FREE WATER, USUALLY IN COARSE - RANGE SOILS BELOW WATER TABLE. SEMISOLID; (PI) pL PLASTIC LIMIT (W) NEEDS DRYING TO FOR OPTIMUM MOISTURE - MOIST - DAMP BUT NO VISIBLE WATER. SOLID; OM OPTIMUM MOISTURE (M) AT OR NEAR OPTIMUM MOISTURE SL SHRINKAGE LIMIT - DRY - ABSENCE OF MOISTURE, DRY TO THE TOUCH REQUIRES ADDITIONAL WATER TO ATTAIN (D) OPTIMUM MOISTURE. LIMESTONE MAY NOT YIELD SPT REFUSAL. ROCK TYPE INCLUDES LIMESTONE, SANDSTONE, CEMENTED SHELL BEDS, ETC. WEATHERED WEAKLY TO NON CEMENTED COASTAL PLAIN SEDIMENTS FORMERLY LIMESTONE - CEMENTED INTO ROCK, BUT DOES NOT YIELD SPT REFUSAL. SAMPLES FRESH ROCK FRESH, CRYSTALS BRIGHT, FEW JOINTS MAY SHOW SLIGHT STAINING. ROCK RINGS UNDER HAMMER IF CRYSTALLINE. VERYSLIGHT ROCK GENERALLY FRESH, JOINTS STAINED, SOME JOINTS MAY SHOW THIN CLAY (V. SLI.) COATINGS IF OPEN, CRYSTALS ON A BROKEN SPECIMEN FACE SHINE BRIGHTLY. ROCK RINGS UNDER HAMMER BLOWS IF OF A CRYSTALLINE NATURE. SLIGHT ROCK GENERALLY FRESH, JOINTS STAINED AND DISCOLORATION EXTENDS INTO (SLI.) ROCK UP TO 1 INCH. OPEN JOINTS MAY CONTAIN CLAY. IN GRANITOID ROCKS SOME OCCASIONAL FELDSPAR CRYSTALS ARE DULL AND DISCOLORED. CRYSTALLINE ROCKS RING UNDER HAMMER BLOWS. MODERATE SIGNIFICANT PORTIONS OF ROCK SHOW DISCOLORATION AND WEATHERING (MOD.) EFFECTS. IN GRANITOID ROCKS, MOST FELDSPARS ARE DULL AND DISCOLORED, SOME SHOW CLAY. ROCK HAS DULL SOUND UNDER HAMMER BLOWS AND SHOWS SIGNIFICANT LOSS OF STRENGTH AS COMPARED WITH FRESH ROCK. MODERATELY ALL ROCK EXCEPT QUARTZ DISCOLORED OR STAINED. IN GRANITOID ROCKS, ALL SEVERE FELDSPARS DULL AND DISCOLORED AND A MAJORITY SHOW KAOLINIZATION. ROCK (MOD. SEV.) SHOWS SEVERE LOSS OF STRENGTH AND CAN BE EXCAVATED WITH A GEOLOGISTS PICK. ROCK GIVES "CLUNK" SOUND WHEN STRUCK. IF TESTED, WOULD YIELD SPT REFUSAL. SEVERE ALL ROCKS EXCEPT QUARTZ DISCOLORED OR STAINED. ROCK FABRIC CLEAR AND (SEV.) EVIDENT BUT REDUCED IN STRENGTH TO STRONG SOIL. IN GRANITOID ROCKS ALL FELDSPARS ARE KAOLINIZED TO SOME EXTENT. SOME FRAGMENTS OF STRONG ROCK USUALLY REMAIN. IF TESTED, YIELDS SPT N VALUES > 100 BPF VERY SEVERE ALL ROCK EXCEPT QUARTZ DISCOLORED OR STAINED. ROCK FABRIC ELEMENTS (V. SEV.) ARE DISCERNIBLE BUT THE MASS IS EFFECTIVELY REDUCED TO SOIL STATUS, WITH ONLY FRAGMENTS OF STRONG ROCK REMAINING. SAPROLITE IS AN EXAMPLE OF ROCK WEATHERED TO A DEGREE SUCH THAT ONLY MINOR VESTIGES OF THE ORIGINAL ROCK FABRIC REMAIN. IF TESTED, YIELDS SPT N VALUES < 100 BPF COMPLETE ROCK REDUCED TO SOIL. ROCK FABRIC NOT DISCERNIBLE, OR DISCERNIBLE ONLY IN SMALL AND SCATTERED CONCENTRATIONS. QUARTZ MAY BE PRESENT AS DIKES OR STRINGERS. SAPROLITE IS ALSO AN EXAMPLE. VERY HARD CANNOT BE SCRATCHED BY KNIFE OR SHARP PICK. BREAKING OF HAND SPECIMENS REQUIRES SEVERAL HARD BLOWS OF THE GEOLOGISTS PICK. HARD CAN BE SCRATCHED BY KNIFE OR PICK ONLY WITH DIFFICULTY. HARD HAMMER BLOWS REQUIRED TO DETACH HAND SPECIMEN. MODERATELY CAN BE SCRATCHED BY KNIFE OR PICK. GOUGES OR GROOVES TO 0.25 INCHES HARD DEEP CAN BE EXCAVATED BY HARD BLOW OF A GEOLOGISTS PICK. HAND SPECIMENS CAN BE DETACHED BY MODERATE BLOWS. MEDIUM CAN BE GROOVED OR GOUGED 0.05 INCHES DEEP BY FIRM PRESSURE OF KNIFE OR HARD PICK POINT. CAN BE EXCAVATED IN SMALL CHIPS TO PIECES 1 INCH MAXIMUM SIZE BY HARD BLOWS OF THE POINT OF A GEOLOGISTS PICK. SOFT CAN BE GROVED OR GOUGED READILY BY KNIFE OR PICK. CAN BE EXCAVATED IN FRAGMENTS FROM CHIPS TO SEVERAL INCHES IN SIZE BY MODERATE BLOWS OF A PICK POINT. SMALL, THIN PIECES CAN BE BROKEN BY FINGER PRESSURE. VERY CAN BE CARVED WITH KNIFE. CAN BE EXCAVATED READILY WITH POINT OF PICK. SOFT PIECES 1 INCH OR MORE IN THICKNESS CAN BE BROKEN BY FINGER PRESSURE. CAN BE SCRATCHED READILY BY FINGERNAIL. DESCRIPTIVETERM DESCRIPTIVETERM KLY EMEN R MBLE R B TH HA R LITTLE APPROX. - APPROXIMATELY BLS - BELOW LAND SURFACE BPF - BLOWS PER FOOT BT - BORING TERMINATED CALC.- CALCAREOUS CBR - CALIFORNIA BEARING RATIO CONSOL. - CONSOLIDATION CPT - CONE PENETRATION TEST CPTu - CPT WITH PORE PRESSURE CSE. - COARSE D -D-DRY DCP - DYNAMIC CONE PENETROMETER DPT - DIRECT PUSH TECHNOLOGIES DTW - DEPTH TO WATER DIRK. - DARK ELEV. - ELEVATION F. - FINE FIAD - FILLED IMMEDIATELY AFTER DRILLING FOSS. - FOSSILIFEROUS FRAC. - FRACTURED FRAGS.- FRAGMENTS IGM - INTERMEDIATE GEOMATERIALS LL - LIQUID LIMIT (%) LS. - LIMESTONE LT. - LIGHT MED. - MEDIUM MOD. - MODERATELY 1000 U7 LU 0L w z O U in N 10 J Q O Z M or MOI - MOIST N/A- NOT APPLICABLE NES - NOT ENOUGH SAMPLE NM -NOT MEASURED ORG. - ORGANIC PERM. - PERMEABILITY PL - PLASTIC LIMIT (%) PLAST.- PLASTICITY PI - PLASTICITY INDEX (%) REF - REFUSAL SAA - SAME AS ABOVE SAT. - SATURATED SBT - SOIL BEHAVIOR TYPE SCPTu - SEISMIC CPTu SEDS. - SEDIMENTS SOILS - SURFICIAL ORGANIC LADEN SOIL SPT - STANDARD PENETRATION TEST ST - SHELBY TUBE TR. - TRACE UCP - UNDIVIDED COASTAL PLAIN. UU - UNCONSOLIDATED UNDRAINED W/- WITH WET VERY VERY VST - VANE SHEAR TEST WOH or W - WEIGHT OF HAMMER WOR or W - WEIGHT OF ROD ROBERTSON ET AL. 1990 7 1 = 1.31 8 9� 1 1 3 2 W EA C TED C U S O REAKS W I NDLING O FINGER PRESSURE 0.1 1 10 MODERATELY CEMENTED OR BREAKS WITH CONSIDERABLE FINGER NORMALIZED FRICTION RATIO, F PCRUMBLES RESSURE r STRONGLY CEMENTED WILL NOT CRUMBLE OR BREAK WITH FINGER PRESSURE ZONE # DESCRIPTION SYMBOLS 1. SENSITIVE, FINE GRAINED L TEST BORING SPT N-VALUE 2. ORGANIC SOILS-PEATS ROADWAY EMBANKMENT °s °,'- 3. CLAYS; CLAY TO SILTY CLAY L WITH SOIL DESCRIPTION 4. SILT MIXTURES; CLAYEY SILT TO SILTY CLAY SOIL SYMBOL AUGER BORING REF SPT REFUSAL 5. SAND MIXTURES; SILTY SAND TO SANDY SILT X ARTIFICIAL FILL OTHER THAN CORE BORING 6. SANDS; CLEAN SANDS TO SILTY SANDS X ROADWAY EMBANKMENTS 7• GRAVELLY SAND TO SAND 8. VERY STIFF SAND TO CLAYEY SAND* CONE PENETROMETER TEST SHELBY TUBE SAMPLE ® 9. VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED* STSAMPLE DESIGNATION 0 PIEZOMETER * = OVERCONSOLI DATED OR CEMENTED INSTALLATION GENERAL NOTES OR SPT SAMPLE SOUNDING ROD ®BULK S OR SS SAMPLE DESIGNATION SLOPE INDICATOR 1. Classifications are based on the United Soil Classification System and include consistency, O INSTALLATION moisture, and color. Field descriptions have been modified to reflect results of laboratory tests MODIFIED CALIFORNIA SAMPLE where deemed appropriate. ro nate. e OR CPT SBT OUT OF RANGE 2. Descriptions on these boring logs apply only at the specific boring locations and at the time the NOTE: BORING SYMBOLS MAY BE USED IN COMBINATION WITH ADDITIONAL SYMBOLS TO borings were made. They are not guaranteed to be representative of subsurface conditions at DEPICT COMPANION BORINGS (BORING INSTALLED WITHIN FIVE HORIZONTAL FEET) other locations or times. OR BORINGS WITH CORE, ETC. PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. MUMMERS CATLIN 220161 2 A• ,y .;� 'e� Engineers and Scientists SITE PLAN AND Wilmington, North Carolina PROFILE LAYOUT ..7r�fry ir•s.'t.:'�� �l�•. a "S' •' 1.+y t,'•: ' � , ,. _► v e NO �% . . r y a � '•yam �� .r •r•11F I I IMIfT - 6 s «< ` • fi mu a� m 4 , i • ice• 0 r c �p . t •� - - -� _ - .any � n� a _ B t F x • e ' 4 au.t' � — rurvruex 4 ' • a -� ,•y 1 r � � • _—i_ •� ` � nsaxr..r rnvrucxr • Si + F . C++rr OLINA ROAD RTH - -- -- — — i+. r ,i'i i rr• ! �• - �r ° �' ' . - USS NO _ --- ---- ---- _ - ' qPP FOOT R WR ASPHALT PAVEMENT ARENT 60 AS = r NOTES: j ,•_ 9 AERIAL IMAGERY OBTAINED FROM NC ONE MAP SITE PLAN AND CONTOURS PROVIDED BY MOFFATT AND NICHOL IN DRAWING• 03200962 MOFFATT NICHOL USS NC SOUTH LOT TOPO 12-18-2020 FINAL SS.DWG PROFILE THROUGH BORINGS PROJECTED ALONG A - Al A 30 CPT-13 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 APPROXIMATE CONE WATER SURFACE FRICTION RESIST. 0 0 1 3 1.5� 0 12/20.......................... CLAYS m CPT-11 CPT-10 CPT-03 CPT-01 CPT-19 In 30 CONE APPROXIMATE FRICTION RESIST. LAND SURFACE CONE CONE FRICTION RESIST. FRICTION RESIST. CONE CONE ( ) yo) o ( ) ( ) (m) (m) FRICTION RESIST. FRICTION RESIST. 3 1S 0 '� ^o �o (�1) (�1) 3 1.5 0 _ - 3 1.5 0 . yp - - - --��__ -.�v ... A ------------- ..... .................... 12/20 B — — — _ _ 12/20 i ------------ BT BT m BT O LIGHT BROWN TO GRAY, RECENT FILL CONSISTING OF FINE TO COARSE SAND AND SILTY SAND. APPROXIMATELY 50% PAVEMENT COVERED GRAY TO BROWN, HISTORIC FILL AND ALLUVIAL OVER WASH CONSISTING OF SAND AND GRAVEL WITH INTERBEDDED THIN SILT AND CLAY RICH LAYERS O GRAY, LOW TO MODERATELY ORGANIC ELASTIC/PLASTIC SILTS, CLAYS, AND SAND MIXTURES (ALLUVIAL) . .. .. .. NOTES. .... GROUNDPROFILE ALONG --GENERATED Q DARK BROWN, HIGHLY ORGANIC SILT, AND SAND WITH WOOD FRAGMENTS. (ALLUVIAL) FROM 03200962_MOFFATT_NICHOL_USS_NC_SOUTH_ LOT_TOPO_12-18-2020_FINAL_SS.dgn DATED 12/18/2020 INFERRED STRATIGRAPHY IS DRAWN THROUGH THE BORINGS WITH BOTH PROJECTED ONTO PROFILE. DEPTH TO WATER ESTIMATED FROM CPT PORE PRESSURE. 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 PROFILE THROUGH BORINGS PROJECTED ALONG B - B' 30 20 10 0 0 d CPT-14 CPT-12 SOIL TEST RESULTS 30 CPT-18 BORE SAMPLE DEPTH USCS % PASSING SIEVES MOISTURE I ORGANIC ID. ID. INTERVAL CLASS. L.L. P.L. P. I. 10 I 40 I 200 CONTENT CONTENT CPT-08 CPT-09 CPT-05 .................................................................... ............................... .... EXISTING LAND SURFACE............................................................................... 10 CONE. FRICTION RESIST. CONE CONE ISO5 430 FRICTION RESIST. CONE FRICTION RESIST. CONE 3 10 4p (1� (� CONE FRICTION RESIST. (�, (� FRICTION RESIST. 0 FRICTION R(S�InST. (� (o p / �1��`�_3 1 0 4p 'gyp �� 3 1 0 ^p. p 3j0sp 4 / O 1��J �31 — — — s06 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —— _ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 12/2 12/20 -sPSM�. 7/20 — _ _ _ . . 12/20---^��.t S-05 7ls2/:,C 0 © ----- 12/20 ©OH— ---------- SP ----- ORG 10 -10 ........... 0 �s I BT BT -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 — — CLAYS_ — — .......................... BT REF .................................... 1f LARGE FILL DEBRIS NDS AND SAND MIXTURES.............................................................................................. . SANDS --------- D MIXTURES, CLAYS, AND ORGANICS.............................................................................................. . REF REF SANDS TO GRAVELLY SAND O LIGHT BROWN TO GRAY, RECENT FILL CONSISTING OF FINE TO COARSE SAND AND SILTY SAND. APPROXIMATELY 50% PAVEMENT COVERED GRAY TO BROWN, HISTORIC FILL AND OVERWASH CONSISTING OF SAND AND GRAVEL WITH INTERBEDDED THIN SILT AND CLAY RICH LAYERS OC GRAY, MODERATELY ORGANIC ELASTIC SILT WITH WOOD FRAGMENTS ALLUVIAL .. .. .. .. .. .. (ALLUVIAL) NOTES: GROUNDLINE PROFILE ALONG -- GENERATED Q DARK BROWN, HIGHLY ORGANIC SILT, AND SAND WITH WOOD FRAGMENTS. (ALLUVIAL) FROM 03200962_MOFFATT_NICHOL_USS_NC_SOUTH_ LOT_TOPO_12-18-2020_FINAL_SS.dgn DATED 12/18/2020 INFERRED STRATIGRAPHY IS DRAWN THROUGH THE BORINGS WITH BOTH PROJECTED ONTO PROFILE. DEPTH TO WATER ESTIMATED FROM CPT PORE PRESSURE. 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 PROFILE THROUGH BORINGS PROJECTED ALONG C - Cl c 30— CPT-1 5 20 ..... .. 10 CPT-16 CPT-07 CPT-06 CPT-04 CPT-02 cl CPT-17A 30 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 0 EXISTING LAND SURFACE CONE FRICTION' RESIST. FRICTION M M M o CONE RESIST. M o FRICTION .CONE () CONE FRICTION RESIST CONE RESIST., FRICTION (p) .p M 'l' l CONE RESIST. M o CONE FRICTION RESIST. ' M M o ^o 3 1.5 03�1.5 0 ^o "� 3 1.5 FRICTION RESIST. (m).i��� 0 �- 3 1.5 0 yo "� ^o 3 1.5 0 "P --_ ----------- n r ---__ 12/20 O•--- . � !/ 12/20 ------ - 2/20 12/210- .... . . . . . .- __ . . . . . . . _ -----_-_-__. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 12/20_ O-- �===r- --- 2/20---- �: 12 -- 9 ---- LARGE FILL DEBRIS -10 .... BT -20 .... -30 . . . . . ... -40 .... -50 -60 Em BT 01111111 BT BT ------___ REF ................ .............................. E@ O LIGHT BROWN TO GRAY, RECENT FILL CONSISTING OF FINE TO COARSE SAND AND SILTY SAND. APPROXIMATELY 50% PAVEMENT COVERED GRAY TO BROWN, HISTORIC FILL AND OVERWASH CONSISTING OF SAND AND GRAVEL WITH INTERBEDDED THIN SILT AND CLAY RICH LAYERS O GRAY TO BROWN, LOW TO MODERATELY ORGANIC ELASTIC/PLASTIC SILTS, CLAYS, AND SAND MIXUTRES (ALLUVIAL) .. .. .. NOTES: GROUNDLINE PROFILE ALONG --GENERATED Q DARK BROWN, HIGHLY ORGANIC SILT, AND SAND WITH WOOD FRAGMENTS. (ALLUVIAL) FROM PO-1 62_M 020—FI _ L—SS.d_ICHOL UDA_SS NC_SOUTH_ LOT_TOPO_12-18-2020_FINAL_SS.dgn DATED 12/18/2020 INFERRED STRATIGRAPHY IS DRAWN THROUGH THE BORINGS WITH BOTH PROJECTED ONTO PROFILE. DEPTH TO WATER ESTIMATED FROM CPT PORE PRESSURE. 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 APPENDICES Battleship NC - Living with Water - Geotech CATLIN Engineers and Scientists CATLIN Project No. 220161 February 2021 APPENDIX A CONE PENETRATION TESTING AND DIRECT PUSH TECHNOLOGIES SOUNDING AND BORING LOGS Battleship NC - Living with Water - Geotech CATLIN Engineers and Scientists CATLIN Project No. 220161 February 2021 CONE PENETRATION TEST CATLIN NO.: 220161 1 CITY, STATE: WILMINGTON, NC I COUNTY: NEW HANOVER LOGGED BY: S. V. HUDSON SITE DESCRIPTION: USS BATTLESHIP NORTH CAROLINA - LIVING WITH WATER GROUND WTR (ft) BORING NO.: CPT-01 STATION: N/A =AJOFFSET: N/A ALIGNMENT: N/A EST. 0 HR. 1.3 COLLAR ELEV.: 3.2 ft TOTAL DEPTH: 20.5 ft NORTHING: 178,531 EASTING: 2,316,528 24 HR. N/A CPT RIG/MAX. DOWN PRESSURE: CATLIN CPT/DPT-01 / -9 TONS - NON -ANCHORED CONE TYPE: Type II Piezo. / 60' / 2.33 in CONE ID: DSG1156 DRILLER: EDDIE SWAIN OPERATOR: EDDIE SWAIN START DATE: 12/17/20 COMP. DATE: 12/17/20 SURF. WATER DEPTH: N/A ELEV (ft) DEP. (ft) FRICTION CONE RESISTANCE (tsf) (tsf) ]F 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 50 100150200250300350 FRICTION RATIO (*/.) 0 2 4 6 8. PORE PRESSURE (tsf) ,_1 0 1 2 3. EQUIVALENT SPT N_/. .0 2.5 5.0 7.5 SOIL BEHAVIOR TYPE (QT) (1990) 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 L O r_ SUMMARY OF INTERPRETED SOIL DESCRIPTION i 3.2 LAND SURFACE 0.0 OUT OF RANGE (SM) -SAND MIXTURES -1.s 4.8 -3.0 (ML) - SILT MIXTURES 6.2 (SP-SM) - SANDS AND SAND MIXTURES SM) -SAND MIXTURE; (OH) - CLAYS Boring Terminated at Elevation -17.3 ft CATLIN NO.: 220161 CITY, STATE: WILMINGTON, NC COUNTY: NEW HANOVER LOGGED BY: S. V. HUDSON SITE DESCRIPTION: USS BATTLESHIP NORTH CAROLINA - LIVING WITH WATER GROUND WTR (ft) BORING NO.: CPT-02 STATION: N/A OFFSET: N/A ALIGNMENT: N/A EST. 0 HR. 1.7 COLLAR ELEV.: 3.5 ft TOTAL DEPTH: 20.5 ft NORTHING: 178,286 EASTING: 2,316,536 24 HR. N/A CPT RIG/MAX. DOWN PRESSURE: CATLIN CPT/DPT-01 / -9 TONS - NON -ANCHORED CONE TYPE: Type II Piezo. / 60' / 2.33 in' CONE ID: DSG1156 DRILLER: EDDIE SWAIN OPERATOR: EDDIE SWAIN START DATE: 12/11/20 COMP. DATE: 12/11/20 SURF. WATER DEPTH: N/A ELEV (ft) DEP. (ft) FRICTION CONE RESISTANCE (tsf) (tsf) 20 40 60 80 100120140 FRICTION RATIO (9/6) 0 2 4 6 8 PORE PRESSURE (tsf) .-1 3. EQUIVALENT SPT N,% .0 50 7 SOIL BEHAVIOR TYPE (QT) (1990) 4 L O G SUMMARY OF INTERPRETED SOIL DESCRIPTION 5 0 : 3.5 LAND SURFACE 0.0 O 5 ; :...:....:.. : :...:..: ..:...: :..:...:... =... :.. :....:... .:....: ........ :....:...:....:....: :....: . ..:....:....: ............... ::: : .....:. . ....:....: ..... ....:....:....: : : ::. .:....:.... :....: : ...:... ...:..... .:. .:.:.. . :. ...:..:.:. :.:..:.. .:.:.:..:..:.: :. :..:.. ..:..:..:.:... OUT OF RANGE 1.6 1.9 (GW-S ) - GRAVELLY SAN TO SAND 5 •,•,• OUT OF RANGE 10 15 20 (SP) -SANDS (GW-SPD- GR AVELLY SAN TO SAND 10 (SP) -SANDS 8.4 11.9 9.4 (MH) SILT MIXTURES 12.9 -15 (PT) CLAYS WITH ORGANIC SOIL LAYERS -17.0 20.5 Boring Terminated at Elevation -17.0 ft CONE PENETRATION TEST SOUNDING REPORT CATLIN NO.: 220161 CITY, STATE: WILMINGTON, NC COUNTY: NEW HANOVER LOGGED BY: S. V. HUDSON SITE DESCRIPTION: USS BATTLESHIP NORTH CAROLINA - LIVING WITH WATER GROUND WTR (ft) BORING NO.: CPT-03 STATION: N/A =AJOFFSET: N/A ALIGNMENT: N/A EST. 0 HR. 3.7 COLLAR ELEV.: 4.0 ft TOTAL DEPTH: 20.3 ft NORTHING: 178,493 EASTING: 2,316,236 24 HR. M CPT RIG/MAX. DOWN PRESSURE: CATLIN CPT/DPT-01 / -9 TONS - NON -ANCHORED CONE TYPE: Type II Piezo. / 60' / 2.33 in CONE ID: DPG1563 DRILLER: D.T. CHALMERS OPERATOR: K. SWAIN START DATE: 12/29/20 COMP. DATE: 12/29/20 SURF. WATER DEPTH: N/A ELEV (ft) DEP. (ft) FRICTION CONE RESISTANCE (tsf) (tsf) 016 0 4 012 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 FRICTION RATIO (%) 0 2 4 6 8. PORE PRESSURE (tsf) _1 y I3. EQUIVALENT SPT N., .0 50 7P SOIL BEHAVIOR TYPE (QT) (1990) 4 L O G SUMMARY OF INTERPRETED SOIL DESCRIPTION 5 0 4.0 LAND SURFACE 0.0 0 :...:......... ;... ... ... :...:..:...:. ...:..:...:.. ;...:..:...:. ......}.......}..{... g... ......p... ...........; ..i..:...i...i...i..:...i...: ..:.......:...:..:...:... :..:...:...:...... :. ..p............: :....i. :.... ....; :....• ...:.... :.. ........: :..... . OUT OF RANGE SP -SANDS 5 10 i / i i i i i (OL-OH) - CLAYS AND L AYERS OF SILT MIXTURES -16.3 20.3 -10 15 -15 2i) Boring Terminated at Elevation -16.3 ft CATLIN NO.: 220161 CITY, STATE: WILMINGTON, NC COUNTY: NEW HANOVER LOGGED BY: S. V. HUDSON SITE DESCRIPTION: USS BATTLESHIP NORTH CAROLINA - LIVING WITH WATER GROUND WTR (ft) BORING NO.: CPT-04 STATION: N/A OFFSET: N/A ALIGNMENT: N/A EST. 0 HR. 2.6 COLLAR ELEV.: 3.9 ft TOTAL DEPTH: 20.5 ft NORTHING: 178,256 EASTING: 2,316,252 24 HR. N/A CPT RIG/MAX. DOWN PRESSURE: CATLIN CPT/DPT-01 / -9 TONS - NON -ANCHORED CONE TYPE: Type II Piezo. / 60' / 2.33 in' CONE ID: DSG1156 DRILLER: EDDIE SWAIN OPERATOR: EDDIE SWAIN START DATE: 12/17/20 COMP. DATE: 12/17/20 SURF. WATER DEPTH: N/A ELEV (ft) DEP. (ft) FRICTION CONE RESISTANCE (tsf) (tsf) 151005 1 20 40 60 80100120140 FRICTION RATIO (%) 0 2 4 6 8 PORE PRESSURE (tsf) ._1 3. EQUIVALENT SPT N,% .0 50 7P SOIL BEHAVIOR TYPE (QT) (1990) 7 4 L O G SUMMARY OF INTERPRETED SOIL DESCRIPTION 5 0 3.9 LAND SURFACE 0.0 0 ....:....:...:. . ............. ... :...:....:...:. :...:....:...:.. :...:....:....... : : : : ...:...:. :...:...:...:...:.... ...... ................. .:...:......:........ ..:.......... ... :...:...:...: ...:...:..:...:...:...:... . ...:...:..:...:...:...:...:...: . . . . ................... . • .... .............. .... ........ ..:....:....: ....: ...:.... .:....:....: .: •.........: :.. ...:....:....:....: :....:....:....:....: ....:....:....:....: :.:..:..:.:.:. ' :.:..:..:.:.:.' :.:.:..:.:.:.. (SC) - OUT OF RANGE AND V. TIFF CLAYEY S SAND .._os (SP) - GRAVELLYSAN D as TO SANDS 10 15 20 -2.s (MH) SILT MIXTURES s.s AND CLAYS 5 -10 :....:....:... ....: :. _ (S - GE P) AOND SANDSN (SM MH) CLAYS WITH SAND MIXTURE LAYER (PT) - OUT OF RANGE, CLAYS, ORGANIC YS AND OR SOILS -16.6 20.5 -15 Boring Terminated at Elevation -16.6 ft CONE PENETRATION TEST SOUNDING REPORT DIRECT PUSH TECHNOLOGY BORING REPORT CATLIN NO.: 220161 CITY, STATE: WILMINGTON, NC COUNTY: NEW HANOVER LOGGED BY: S. V. HUDSON SITE DESCRIPTION: USS BATTLESHIP NORTH CAROLINA - LIVING WITH WATER GROUND WTR (ft) BORING NO.: CPT-05 STATION: N/A OFFSET: N/A ALIGNMENT: N/A EST. 0 HR. 2.4 COLLAR ELEV.: 3.9 ft TOTAL DEPTH: 20.5 ft NORTHING: 178,379 EASTING: 2,316,388 24 HR. N/A CPT RIG/MAX. DOWN PRESSURE: CATLIN CPT/DPT-01 / -9 TONS - NON -ANCHORED CONE TYPE: Type II Piezo. / 60' / 2.33 in CONE ID: DSG1156 DRILLER: EDDIE SWAIN OPERATOR: EDDIE SWAIN START DATE: 12/17/20 COMP. DATE: 12/17/20 SURF. WATER DEPTH: N/A ELEV (ft) DEP. (n) FRICTION CONE RESISTANCE (tsf) (tsf) 151005 0 50100150200250300350 FRICTION RATIO (%) 0 2 4 6 8 PORE PRESSURE (tsf) .11 3. EQUIVALENT SPT Nwl .0 0 7P SOIL BEHAVIOR TYPE (QT) (1990) T Y 4 L 0 G SUMMARY OF INTERPRETED SOIL DESCRIPTION 5 0 : 3.9 LAND SURFACE 0.0 0 5 ...... : ...:......: :...:...:...:.. :...:...:...:.. :...:.......:..............................; .... .......................... ... ... :...:.... ♦ ...:...:...:...:...:...:...: ...:...:...:...:...:...:...: .................... ....:....:....:....: .... ..... ........ . :.... :....:....: ............. ....... :........:....:....: ...... ........... :....:.. .....:..... .... :.. :....:....:... .............. ....... ............. OUT OF RANGE (SP) SANDS AND GRAVELLY SAND -s.7 ss 5 10 15 20 -10 (OH) -CLAYS -16.6 20.5 15 Boring Terminated at Elevation -16.6 ft CATLIN NO.: 220161 CITY, STATE: WILMINGTON, NC COUNTY: NEW HANOVER LOGGED BY: L.PUGH SITE DESCRIPTION: USS BATTLESHIP NORTH CAROLINA - LIVING WITH WATER GROUND WTR (ft) BORING NO.: CPT-05-GEO STATION: N/A OFFSET: N/A ALIGNMENT: N/A 0 HR. N/A COLLAR ELEV.: 3.9 ft TOTAL DEPTH: 12.0 ft NORTHING: 178,379 EASTING: 2,316,390 24 HR. FIAD DRILL MACHINE: CATLIN CPT/DPT-01 DRILL METHOD: Direct Push HAMMER TYPE: N/A DRILLER: D.T. CHALMERS START DATE: 12/28/20 COMP. DATE: 12/28/20 SURFACE WATER DEPTH: N/A ELEV (ft) 5 SAMP. ELEV. TOP (ft) SAMP. DEPTH TOP (ft) w 0 w v o ~ �� J U F~ Q- J J a } x w U))� Z 0- PERCENT PASSING SIEVES 10 40 200 w o Z �w O Z 2 O U Za Z Ow Z 0 0 w j wU) w O 2 SAMP. NO. & USCS L 0 G SOIL AND ROCK DESCRIPTION LAND SURFACE 0 X. SURFICIAL ORGANIC LADEN SOIL ARTIFICIAL FILL (SP) - LIGHT BROWN, F. SAND 4.1 8.0 NO RETURN - LITHOLOGY INFERRED 56 9 5 5 FROM SISTER BORING CPT-05 DATA J — — NO RETURN-LITHOLOGY INFERRED -8.1 FROM SISTER BORING CPT-05 DATA 12.0 -5 NP NP NP 100 70 4 S=05 SP -10 Boring Terminated at Elevation -8.1 ft -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 -45 -50 -55 -60 -65 -70 75 CONE PENETRATION TEST SOUNDING REPORT CATLIN NO.: 220161 CITY, STATE: WILMINGTON, NC COUNTY: NEW HANOVER LOGGED BY: S. V. HUDSON SITE DESCRIPTION: USS BATTLESHIP NORTH CAROLINA - LIVING WITH WATER GROUND WTR (ft) BORING NO.: CPT-06 STATION: N/A =AJOFFSET: N/A ALIGNMENT: N/A EST. 0 HR. 4.3 COLLAR ELEV.: 2.4 ft TOTAL DEPTH: 20.5 ft NORTHING: 178,194 EASTING: 2,316,174 24 HR. M CPT RIG/MAX. DOWN PRESSURE: CATLIN CPT/DPT-01 / —9 TONS - NON -ANCHORED CONE TYPE: Type II Piezo. / 60' / 2.33 in CONE ID: DPG1563 DRILLER: D.T. CHALMERS OPERATOR: K. SWAIN START DATE: 12/29/20 COMP. DATE: 12/29/20 SURF. WATER DEPTH: N/A ELEV (ft) DEP. (ft) FRICTION CONE RESISTANCE (tsf) (tsf) p 20 40 60 80 100120140 FRICTION RATIO (%) 0 2 4 6 8 PORE PRESSURE (tsf) . 1 y I 3. EQUIVALENT SPT N_/. .0 50 7 SOIL BEHAVIOR TYPE (QT) (1990) 4 L O G SUMMARY OF INTERPRETED SOIL DESCRIPTION 5 0 2.4 LAND SURFACE 0.0 0 5 :...:........ :...:... ...:... :...:... ...:... :...:...: ...:... :...:...: ...:... ..... ...: ...: ...:... ... :... }...;...,� }...: ..:...: ...�............... :....;... ....... ..... ....: :....: .. ;....: '....I....I....I....: :...;.... :.;..:..:..:.:.. (GW) - GRAVELLY SAND, OUTOFRANGE,AND -0.5 VERY STIFF CLAYEY 2.9 SAND 5 10 .. ..}...;... �...}.. r. ..:...}...;...q...i..r. ..:...;...;...;...;...;..;...: ..:..:...:...:...:..:... .. ....: ......... ..i..:....;...,...:..:........ (CL) -CLAYS -4 (SC-SM) -SANDS, SAND 7 1 MIXTURES, AND CLAY AN RE D SILT MIXTU LAYERS -10 15 (PT) CLAYS WITH THIN LAYERS OF SILT MIXTURES AND ORGANIC SOILS -18.1 20.5 -15 20 Boring Terminated at Elevation -18.1 ft CATLIN NO.: 220161 CITY, STATE: WILMINGTON, NC COUNTY: NEW HANOVER LOGGED BY: S. V. HUDSON SITE DESCRIPTION: USS BATTLESHIP NORTH CAROLINA - LIVING WITH WATER GROUND WTR (ft) BORING NO.: CPT-07 STATION: N/A OFFSET: N/A ALIGNMENT: N/A EST. 0 HR. 2.3 COLLAR ELEV.: 1.7 ft TOTAL DEPTH: 20.3 ft NORTHING: 178,170 EASTING: 2,315,996 24 HR. M CPT RIG/MAX. DOWN PRESSURE: CATLIN CPT/DPT-01 / -9 TONS - NON -ANCHORED CONE TYPE: Type II Piezo. / 60' / 2.33 in' CONE ID: DPG1563 DRILLER: D.T. CHALMERS OPERATOR: K. SWAIN START DATE: 12/29/20 COMP. DATE: 12/29/20 SURF. WATER DEPTH: N/A ELEV (ft) DEP. (ft) FRICTION CONE RESISTANCE (tsf) (tsf) 151005 50100150200250300350 FRICTION RATIO (%) 0 2 4 6 8 PORE PRESSURE (tsf) ._1 3. EQUIVALENT SPT N,% .0 50 7P SOIL BEHAVIOR TYPE (QT) (1990) 7 4 L O G SUMMARY OF INTERPRETED SOIL DESCRIPTION 5 0 1.7 LAND SURFACE 0.0 0 5 10 :...:...:..:... i...:. .. :...:...:...:.. ...........:.. ...:...:....... ...:...:...:......:..:...:...:...:..:...:...; :..........:.. ...:...:..' .y............., :..:...:...:...:..:...:...� ....:...:....... :..:...:...; ......�...� ...:... ..:...:...: .......................; ... .... ..:............... ...• ;.........:....:...., ;....;.... �....... ..� ;.... • ......• ,... ...:....:..... _ _•••• ••••!••••:••••_ }.......... ...:....{ ....,.... •....... .........• ..... ...�....�...., _ •.... �.... �.... �....• .:.:.... ..:.:....... 0.6 (GW) - GRAVELLY SAND 1.1 VERY STIFF AND FINE -1.5 GRAINED 3,2 -2.8 OUT OF RANGE AND a.s GRAVELLY SAND (GW)- GRAVELLY SAND -10 6.3 (SP) SANDS ANDS D e.0 - - AN MIXTURES _ AORGANIC INTERBEDDEDSOILS -18.6 20.3 15 20 1 5 Boring Terminated at Elevation -18.6 ft CONE PENETRATION TEST SOUNDING REPORT CATLIN NO.: 220161 CITY, STATE: WILMINGTON, NC COUNTY: NEW HANOVER LOGGED BY: S. V. HUDSON SITE DESCRIPTION: USS BATTLESHIP NORTH CAROLINA - LIVING WITH WATER GROUND WTR (ft) BORING NO.: CPT-08 STATION: N/A =AJOFFSET: N/A ALIGNMENT: N/A EST. 0 HR. 3.3 COLLAR ELEV.: 2.3 ft TOTAL DEPTH: 36.5 ft NORTHING: 178,382 EASTING: 2,315,958 24 HR. N/A CPT RIG/MAX. DOWN PRESSURE: CATLIN CPT/DPT-01 / —9 TONS - NON -ANCHORED CONE TYPE: Type II Piezo. / 60' / 2.33 in' CONE ID: DPG1563 DRILLER: D.T. CHALMERS OPERATOR: K. SWAIN START DATE: 12/29/20 COMP. DATE: 12/29/20 SURF. WATER DEPTH: N/A ELEV (ft) DEP. (ft) FRICTION CONE RESISTANCE (tsf) (ts, p 50100150200250300350 FRICTION RATIO (%) 0 2 4 6 8.-1 PORE PRESSURE (tsf) y 1 3. EQUIVALENT SPT Nw/ .0 0 7P SOIL BEHAVIOR TYPE (QT) (1990) T Y 4 L O G SUMMARY OF INTERPRETED SOIL DESCRIPTION 5 0 : 2.3 LAND SURFACE 0.0 O 5 :...:...:..:. :...:...:.. ... : :...:...:..:. . :...:.....:.. ........:...... :...:...:...... :...:...:...:......:...:...:...:... :...:...:...:. : : .......:...:. :...:...:...:.....:...:...:... :............... :. ... ...:.... ..:...:...:...:. ..:...: ...:.... :...:...:...:...:... ...:......:...:...:...:...:...: ...i...:...c...:...;...:........ ................................ ............:...: ...:...:...:...: :...:...:...: :...:...:...:...:...:...: :...:...:...: ...:. .:...:... :...:...:...:...: . . . . ..................:...:...: ...:........ ...........: :...:....:....:....: : ...:....:....:....: .............. ........... :....:.... "' ice`" :....:....:....:....: .. .:....:....:..... :...:....:....:....: : . :. ........:....: : ... ...:....:....: :.... :....:....: ...... .. .....:... ....:.. .....:.... :....:.. :....:....: ...... ............ :....:.. :....:....: :....:....:... : :••••:•••• ••••:•••.: :....:... :........:.... ...:.... ....:....:....:....: .. ................. :...:....:.... • ••�••••�♦♦♦♦�••••• •••;••••�•••• :..... :.:.:..:.:.:. ••,•�♦♦� � ♦�♦^♦•�• ..:.:..:..:. (SP) - SANDS a.2 OUT OF RANGE AND 2.1 GRAVELLY SAND -5 (SP)- GRAVELLY SAND AND SANDS 10 15 20 25 30 35 10 LAYS AND 6.1 (CL ML C 8.4 SIL MIXTURES _ _ (SP) SANDS (PT) CLAYS, ORGANIC SOILS, OUT OF LS, AND OU RANGE -18.3 20.6 -15 -20 / (OH) OUT OF RANGE AND CLAYS -21.1 23.4 -25 - SANDS AND SAND MIXTURES (CL) - CL AYS -30 (SP) - SANDS -2s.1 31.4 -36.s (SM) SAND MIXTURES 33.2 i � i (OH) CLAYS, ORGANIC 34 32.4 LS, AND OU .7 SOI ORGANIC RANGE (SM) - SAND MIXTURES (SP) - SANDS Boring Terminated WITH CPT REFUSAL at Elevation -34.2 ft PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK CONE PENETRATION TEST SOUNDING REPORT DIRECT PUSH TECHNOLOGY BORING REPORT CATLIN NO.: 220161 CITY, STATE: WILMINGTON, NC COUNTY: NEW HANOVER LOGGED BY: S. V. HUDSON SITE DESCRIPTION: USS BATTLESHIP NORTH CAROLINA - LIVING WITH WATER GROUND WTR (ft) BORING NO.: CPT-09 STATION: N/A OFFSET: N/A ALIGNMENT: N/A EST. 0 HR. 4.3 COLLAR ELEV.: 3.0 ft TOTAL DEPTH: 34.6 ft NORTHING: 178,402 EASTING: 2,316,097 24 HR. N/A CPT RIG/MAX. DOWN PRESSURE: CATLIN CPT/DPT-01 / -9 TONS - NON -ANCHORED CONE TYPE: Type II Piezo. / 60' / 2.33 in' CONE ID: DPG1563 DRILLER: D.T. CHALMERS OPERATOR: K. SWAIN START DATE: 12/29/20 COMP. DATE: 12/29/20 SURF. WATER DEPTH: N/A ELEV (ft) DEP. (ft) FRICTION CONE RESISTANCE (tsf) (tsf) p 50100150200251300350 FRICTION RATIO (%) 0 2 4 6 8. PORE PRESSURE (tsf) 1 y I 3. EQUIVALENT SPT Nwl .0 0 7 SOIL BEHAVIOR TYPE (QT) (1990) 4 L O G SUMMARY OF INTERPRETED SOIL DESCRIPTION 5 0 3.0 LAND SURFACE 0.0 0 5 ;,,,;,,,;,,,,;,,, :...:...:... .. :...:...:.. ........:..... :...:...:........ ... ...... .:... :...:...:......... . :...:...:....:.. :...:...:... ... ................. :...:...:........ :...:...:.. '... ,,,:„• :,,,;,,,: ...' .....:...:...:...:. ..:...: ............ :...:...:...:... :...:.... . ...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...: ... :...:....... :...: :...:...: ...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...: ...:...:.......:...:...:...:... : .......:.......:...: ...:...:...:...:...:...:...:... . . . :...:....... :... .. ...:.......:... :...:...:... ... ............: : .... ..... :... ............ ................. :..... .... :....:.... :....:.. :....:. ....:....: ...:....:....: .. :.. '............: : :.... ....:.... ..... ............ : :....:...... .:....: :.... :....:. ... ...:... . ........ ....... .:.... ' :...:....:....:.... :....:....: .................... :.:.:..:.:.:. (SP-SM) - GRAVELLY 0.9 SAND, SANDS, AND OUT 2.1 OF RANGE 5 ANDS GRAVELLY 4.2 S AND GRA Y SAND 10 -5.1 _ _ ML) CLAYS AND (CLCLAYS (CL SILT MIXTURES 8.1 -1 0 (OH) CLAYS AND SILT MIXTURES WITH THIN LAYERS OF SAND AND OUT OF RANGE (28.5 % ORG) 15 20 15 (SC-CL) -VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED (AMD-SIL T MIXTURES N SAND MIXTURES -20 (PT) - CLAYS WITH LAYERS OF ORGANIC -18.6 SOILS 21.6 25 30 (SP-SM) - SAND -z1 s MIXTURES AND SAND 2a.s -25 • (SP) - SANDS -28.9 31.9 -30 (SM) SAND MIXTURES 31.0 34.0 (GW) - GRAVELLY SAND Boring Terminated WITH CPT REFUSAL at Elevation -31.6 ft CATLIN NO.: 220161 CITY, STATE: WILMINGTON, NC COUNTY: NEW HANOVER LOGGED BY: L.PUGH SITE DESCRIPTION: USS BATTLESHIP NORTH CAROLINA - LIVING WITH WATER GROUND WTR (ft) BORING NO.: CPT-09-GEO STATION: N/A OFFSET: N/A ALIGNMENT: N/A 0 HR. N/A COLLAR ELEV.: 3.0 ft TOTAL DEPTH: 20.0 ft NORTHING: 178,402 EASTING: 2,316,098 24 HR. FIAD DRILL MACHINE: CATLIN CPT/DPT-01 DRILL METHOD: Direct Push HAMMER TYPE: N/A DRILLER: D.T. CHALMERS START DATE: 12/28/20 COMP. DATE: 12/28/20 SURFACE WATER DEPTH: N/A ELEV (ft) 5 SAMP. ELEV. TOP (ft) SAMP. DEPTH TOP (ft) w~~ p� w v o �� J U Q� 01 J a >_ � x w v~i� Z 0- PERCENT PASSING SIEVES 10 40 200 w o w Z �w O Z O U za Z Ow Z 0 0 w w o wU) w O 20 SAMP. NO. & USCS L 0 G SOIL AND ROCK DESCRIPTION 3.0 LAND SURFACE 0.0 0 NP NP NP 100 82 12 - SP-SM ARTIFICIAL FILL (SP) - LIGHT BROWN TO GRAY, F. SAND -4.0 7.0 5 NP NP NP 100 82 12 S=01 SP-SM _ NA NA NA 83 74 66 28.5 S=02 �-17.0 ALLUVIAL (OL) - DARK BROWN, ORGANIC SILT, WITH WOOD FRAGMENTS 20.0 -10 NA NA NA NA NA 45.5 S 03 -15 NA NA NA NA NA 49.1 S 04 -20 Boring Terminated at Elevation -17.0 ft -25 -30 -35 -40 -45 -50 -55 -60 -65 -70 -75 CONE PENETRATION TEST SOUNDING REPORT CATLIN NO.: 220161 CITY, STATE: WILMINGTON, NC COUNTY: NEW HANOVER LOGGED BY: S. V. HUDSON SITE DESCRIPTION: USS BATTLESHIP NORTH CAROLINA - LIVING WITH WATER GROUND WTR (ft) BORING NO.: CPT-10 STATION: N/A =AJOFFSET: N/A ALIGNMENT: N/A EST. 0 HR. 4.1 COLLAR ELEV.: 2.1 ft TOTAL DEPTH: 20.4 ft NORTHING: 178,559 EASTING: 2,316,094 24 HR. M CPT RIG/MAX. DOWN PRESSURE: CATLIN CPT/DPT-01 / -9 TONS - NON -ANCHORED CONE TYPE: Type II Piezo. / 60' / 2.33 in CONE ID: DPG1563 DRILLER: D.T. CHALMERS OPERATOR: K. SWAIN START DATE: 12/29/20 COMP. DATE: 12/29/20 SURF. WATER DEPTH: N/A FRICTION CONE RESISTANCE FRICTION PORE EQUIVALENT SOIL BEHAVIOR L SUMMARY OF INTERPRETED ELEV DEP. (tsf) (tsf) RATIO (%) PRESSURE (tsf) SPT Nwl TYPE (QT) (1990) O SOIL DESCRIPTION (ft) (ft) p 20 40 60 80 100120140 0 2 4 6 8 -1 3. .0 0 7 G 5 0 2.1 LAND SURFACE 0.0 0.5 (SC) - VERY STIFF SAND s 0 ... ..............: p.. .:.... OUT OF RANGE AND . . ........:...:...:...: -1.a GRAVELLY SAND 3.5 (GW-SP) - GRAVELLY 5 :...:..:...:. . : L.- SAND AND SANDS ..... ?.... •:• -4.7 68 SP SANDS WITH SAND ( MIXTURE LAYERS 10 -7.2 9.3 (MIXTUR , , ...:..:...:.. :...:...:...:...:...:... :...F F....:....• i• MIXTURES, SILT -10 :... .............. ;....: . MIXTURES - CLAYS WITH LAOH YERS OF ORGANIC 15 :......:...:.. ..............................: ;... ......... :.......... .......p c i i � i SOILS AND SAND MIXTURES 15 :...:..:...: . '............ :...:...... ... _ � i -14.4 16.5 STIFF ...:..:.. ..•.• : 7V 1...........a.5 16.4 GRAINED RFINE IXTU(ML) -SILT M20:••••••••:••• 20.3 18.2 ;... ••..•.•.•:;•••;••• •••:.......: :..... .....: . ;..... • .......... : (OH) - CLAYS AND ORGANIC SOILS onng ermina ei a Elevation -18.3 ft CATLIN NO.: 220161 CITY, STATE: WILMINGTON, NC COUNTY: NEW HANOVER LOGGED BY: S. V. HUDSON SITE DESCRIPTION: USS BATTLESHIP NORTH CAROLINA - LIVING WITH WATER GROUND WTR (ft) BORING NO.: CPT-11 STATION: N/A OFFSET: N/A ALIGNMENT: N/A EST. 0 HR. 2.3 COLLAR ELEV.: 2.1 ft TOTAL DEPTH: 20.5 ft NORTHING: 178,511 EASTING: 2,315,897 24 HR. N/A CPT RIG/MAX. DOWN PRESSURE: CATLIN CPT/DPT-01 / -9 TONS - NON -ANCHORED CONE TYPE: Type II Piezo. / 60' / 2.33 in' CONE ID: DSG1156 DRILLER: EDDIE SWAIN OPERATOR: EDDIE SWAIN START DATE: 12/17/20 COMP. DATE: 12/17/20 SURF. WATER DEPTH: N/A FRICTION CONE RESISTANCE FRICTION PORE EQUIVALENT SOIL BEHAVIOR L SUMMARY OF INTERPRETED ELEV DEP. (tsf) (tsf) RATIO (%) PRESSURE (tsf) SPT Nwl TYPE (QT) (1990) O SOIL DESCRIPTION (ft) (ft) 115 110 015 20 40 60 80 100120140 0 2 4 6 8 -1 3. .0 0 7 G 5 0 2.1 LAND SURFACE 0.0 SC (CLAYEYSANDF 0 :,,...... ' .. ......: ,;,,,:, 71 (SP) - GRAVELLY SAND 5 :...:....:....:....: 5 5.4 7.5 ;......:..... .. .......... .............:...p ... SP SANDS 10 10 :..:....:. .:..:...:...:...:..: o.0 12.1 1.1 (SM) SAND MIXTURES 13.2 it it (CL) - CLAYS 15 :.......:... : ........................ :.. ....:.. � _1�j :...:..:....: ............:..............c c....:...... -14.9 17.0 -15.9 18.0 (OH) CLAYS AND ORGANIC SOILS 20 ...:..:...,.. ........................; :.... .. .........p p....:.. .. .:....; -18.a (CL) CLAYS 20.5 Boring Terminated at Elevation -18.4 ft CONE PENETRATION TEST SOUNDING REPORT CATLIN NO.: 220161 CITY, STATE: WILMINGTON, NC COUNTY: NEW HANOVER LOGGED BY: S. V. HUDSON SITE DESCRIPTION: USS BATTLESHIP NORTH CAROLINA - LIVING WITH WATER GROUND WTR (ft) BORING NO.: CPT-12 STATION: N/A =AJOFFSET: N/A ALIGNMENT: N/A EST. 0 HR. 3.2 COLLAR ELEV.: 3.5 ft TOTAL DEPTH: 20.5 ft NORTHING: 178,394 EASTING: 2,315,745 24 HR. N/A CPT RIG/MAX. DOWN PRESSURE: CATLIN CPT/DPT-01 / -9 TONS - NON -ANCHORED CONE TYPE: Type II Piezo. / 60' / 2.33 in CONE ID: DSG1156 DRILLER: EDDIE SWAIN OPERATOR: EDDIE SWAIN START DATE: 12/17/20 COMP. DATE: 12/17/20 SURF. WATER DEPTH: N/A ELEV (ft) DEP. (ft) FRICTION CONE RESISTANCE (tsf) (tsf) p 50 100150 200 250 300 350 FRICTION RATIO (%) 0 2 4 6 8.-1 PORE PRESSURE (tsf) y I 3. EQUIVALENT SPT N., .0 50 7 SOIL BEHAVIOR TYPE (QT) (1990) 4 L O G SUMMARY OF INTERPRETED SOIL DESCRIPTION 5 0 3.5 LAND SURFACE 0.0 0 : ............ ... :...:...:... :.. :...:...:...:.. :...:...:...:......:...:...:...:...:...:...: .......:...:. :.......:...:.... ...:...:...:...:...:...:... : ...: ...:...:...:...:...:...:...: ....:.......... .:....: . ...:....:....:....: :....:... .....:....: .... ...:....:....: .... .... :....:.... .............. :....: ...:... :....:.. .:....:....: :....' .:. ...:....: . ... :.: OUT OF RANGE 1.4 2.1 0.0 (SC) - VERY STIFF a.s -5 -2.2 (SP) -SANDS 5.7 10 15 20 (OH) SILT MIXTURES SP -GRAVELLY SAND 91 10 72 (OL-OH) - SILT MIXTURES 107 I Nl/l (OH ) - CLAYS -17.0 20.5 -15 Boring Terminated at Elevation -17.0 ft CATLIN NO.: 220161 CITY, STATE: WILMINGTON, NC COUNTY: NEW HANOVER LOGGED BY: S. V. HUDSON SITE DESCRIPTION: USS BATTLESHIP NORTH CAROLINA - LIVING WITH WATER GROUND WTR (ft) BORING NO.: CPT-13 STATION: N/A OFFSET: N/A ALIGNMENT: N/A EST. 0 HR. 2.1 COLLAR ELEV.: 2.7 ft TOTAL DEPTH: 20.6 ft NORTHING: 178,514 EASTING: 2,315,589 24 HR. N/A CPT RIG/MAX. DOWN PRESSURE: CATLIN CPT/DPT-01 / -9 TONS - NON -ANCHORED CONE TYPE: Type II Piezo. / 60' / 2.33 in' CONE ID: DPG1563 DRILLER: D.T. CHALMERS OPERATOR: K. SWAIN START DATE: 12/30/20 COMP. DATE: 12/30/20 SURF. WATER DEPTH: N/A ELEV (ft) DEP. (ft) FRICTION CONE RESISTANCE (tsf) (tsf) 15 10 05 1 20 40 60 80100120140 FRICTION RATIO (%) 0 2 4 6 8 PORE PRESSURE (tsf) ._1 3. EQUIVALENT SPT N_/. .0 50 7P SOIL BEHAVIOR TYPE (QT) (1990) 7 4 L O G SUMMARY OF INTERPRETED SOIL DESCRIPTION 5 0 2.7 LAND SURFACE 0.0 0 :"':"":"" " ............ :...:....:...:.. :.......... ' ""':"""':"' ...........:..:...: .................: ..:...:...:..............: .....:. ............ ..................: :.. ...... ...:....:....: :. ..:....:....:....: (SC) - VERY STIFF SAND :.:...... _ (SM)-SAND MIXTURES o.s AND SANDS a.o . (OH) - CLAYS WITH2.0 4.7 O...............:....(SP) L1O 15 20 SANDS AND -5.s GRAVELLY SANDS g,g -10 (OH) -CLAYS -15 Boring Terminated at Elevation -17.9 ft CONE PENETRATION TEST SOUNDING REPORT DIRECT PUSH TECHNOLOGY BORING REPORT CATLIN NO.: 220161 CITY, STATE: WILMINGTON, NC COUNTY: NEW HANOVER LOGGED BY: S. V. HUDSON SITE DESCRIPTION: USS BATTLESHIP NORTH CAROLINA - LIVING WITH WATER GROUND WTR (ft) BORING NO.: CPT-14 STATION: N/A OFFSET: N/A ALIGNMENT: N/A EST. 0 HR. 3.7 COLLAR ELEV.: 4.4 ft TOTAL DEPTH: 20.5 ft NORTHING: 178,352 EASTING: 2,315,654 24 HR. N/A CPT RIG/MAX. DOWN PRESSURE: CATLIN CPT/DPT-01 / -9 TONS - NON -ANCHORED CONE TYPE: Type II Piezo. / 60' / 2.33 in' CONE ID: DSG1156 DRILLER: EDDIE SWAIN OPERATOR: EDDIE SWAIN START DATE: 12/17/20 COMP. DATE: 12/17/20 SURF. WATER DEPTH: N/A ELEV (ft) DEP. (n) FRICTION CONE RESISTANCE (ts0 (tsft 151005 0 50100150200250300350 FRICTION RATIO (IPRESSURE 0 2 4 6 8 PORE (tsft .1 3. EQUIVALENT SPT N�.� .0 0 7 SOIL BEHAVIOR TYPE (QT) (1990) 4 L O G SUMMARY OF INTERPRETED SOIL DESCRIPTION 5 0 4.4 LAND SURFACE 0.0 0 5 . ;...;...;.. .. :...:.....:......:...;..' ;...;...;...,. ................ : : : : : : ..;...}...:...:...:... i... .......:...: ..:.... ...;...;...:...:...:...;.. :... : . : : .................... : : : : .... : : : : : : �""�""; ...... ............:... : ;'�">'�" (SP) - OUT OF RANGE 16 AND GRAVELLY SAND 0.7 3.7 SAND MIXTURES 5.3 -5 10 - SILT CLAYS AND -3.1 MIXTURES 7.5 • SP (SP) - SANDS -10.9 15.3 10 15 15 20 (OH) -CLAYS 5.4 19.8 (PT) - CLAYS AND ORGANIC SOILS Boring Terminated at Elevation -16.1 ft CATLIN NO.: 220161 CITY, STATE: WILMINGTON, NC COUNTY: NEW HANOVER LOGGED BY: L.PUGH SITE DESCRIPTION: USS BATTLESHIP NORTH CAROLINA - LIVING WITH WATER GROUND WTR (ft) BORING NO.: CPT-14-GEO STATION: N/A OFFSET: N/A ALIGNMENT: N/A 0 HR. N/A COLLAR ELEV.: 4.4 ft TOTAL DEPTH: 8.0 ft NORTHING: 178,352 EASTING: 2,315,655 24 HR. FIAD DRILL MACHINE: CATLIN CPT/DPT-01 DRILL METHOD: Direct Push HAMMER TYPE: N/A DRILLER: D.T. CHALMERS START DATE: 12/28/20 COMP. DATE: 12/28/20 SURFACE WATER DEPTH: N/A ELEV (ft) 5 SAMP. ELEV. TOP (ft) SAMP. DEPTH TOP (ft) w 0 p w v p ~ 0 J 0 ~ U) J J a } � x w v~i� Z 0- PERCENT PASSING SIEVES 10 40 200 w o Z U)w O Z O U Za Z Ow Z 0 0 w j w� w O 2 SAMP. NO. & USCS L 0 G SOIL AND ROCK DESCRIPTION LAND SURFACE 0 TOPSOIL ARTIFICIAL FILL 0.4 (SP-SM)SA D14 -HTO SIILLTY WNSANDND CSE. 4.0 NP NP NP 96 56 5 S=06 SP-SM -5 16 ALLUVIAL 6.0 2 6 WOOD DEBRIS 7,0 73 46 27 99 93 89 S=07 MH NP NP NP 100 78 4 (MH) -GRAY, ELASTIC SILT S-08 SP (SP) - GRAY, F. SAND -10 Boring Terminated at Elevation -3.6 ft -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 -45 -50 -55 -60 -65 -70 75 CONE PENETRATION TEST SOUNDING REPORT CATLIN NO.: 220161 CITY, STATE: WILMINGTON, NC COUNTY: NEW HANOVER LOGGED BY: S. V. HUDSON SITE DESCRIPTION: USS BATTLESHIP NORTH CAROLINA - LIVING WITH WATER GROUND WTR (ft) BORING NO.: CPT-15 STATION: N/A =AJOFFSET: N/A ALIGNMENT: N/A EST. 0 HR. 4.1 COLLAR ELEV.: 3.5 ft TOTAL DEPTH: 20.6 ft NORTHING: 178,231 EASTING: 2,315,581 24 HR. N/A CPT RIG/MAX. DOWN PRESSURE: CATLIN CPT/DPT-01 / -9 TONS - NON -ANCHORED CONE TYPE: Type II Piezo. / 60' / 2.33 in CONE ID: DPG1563 DRILLER: D.T. CHALMERS OPERATOR: K. SWAIN START DATE: 12/30/20 COMP. DATE: 12/30/20 SURF. WATER DEPTH: N/A FRICTION CONE RESISTANCE FRICTION PORE EQUIVALENT SOIL BEHAVIOR L SUMMARY OF INTERPRETED ELEV DEP. (tsf) (tsf) RATIO (%) PRESSURE (tsf) SPT N_/. TYPE (QT) (1990) O SOIL DESCRIPTION (ft) (ft) 151005 0 50100150200250300350 0 2 4 6 8 .1 y I 3. .0 50 1P 4 G 5 0 : 3.5 LAND SURFACE 0.0 1.9 OUT OF RANGE 1.6 GW-SP -GRAVELLY 0 :...:...:..... ...:. :...:...:...:...:...:...: : . :.... 5 .• 0.2 SANDS 3.7 . SP -SANDS -3.s (SM) SAND MIXTURES 71 :...:...: :....:. ..:... ... ....:.... ... :.. :....:....:....: :.:..:..:.. . (CL)_ CLAYS 5.4 8.9 5 10 :...:...:...:.. ...:...:...:...:...:...:...:...: .....: ......:....: ....:....: ................ ............... (SP) -SANDS -7.5 11.0 (PT) CLAYS WITH : :....:.... ...:....: :....: ... ....:....: : ............. :... -10 :...:...:... :.. ...:...:...:...:...:...:...:... LAYERS OF ORGANIC SOILS 15 -15 20 : 17.1 20.6 Boring Terminated at Elevation -17.1 ft CATLIN NO.: 220161 CITY, STATE: WILMINGTON, NC COUNTY: NEW HANOVER LOGGED BY: S. V. HUDSON SITE DESCRIPTION: USS BATTLESHIP NORTH CAROLINA - LIVING WITH WATER GROUND WTR (ft) BORING NO.: CPT-16 STATION: N/A OFFSET: N/A ALIGNMENT: N/A EST. 0 HR. 3.2 COLLAR ELEV.: 3.5 ft TOTAL DEPTH: 20.6 ft NORTHING: 178,231 EASTING: 2,315,737 24 HR. N/A CPT RIG/MAX. DOWN PRESSURE: CATLIN CPT/DPT-01 / -9 TONS - NON -ANCHORED CONE TYPE: Type II Piezo. / 60' / 2.33 in CONE ID: DPG1563 DRILLER: D.T. CHALMERS OPERATOR: K. SWAIN START DATE: 12/17/20 COMP. DATE: 12/17/20 SURF. WATER DEPTH: N/A ELEV (ft) DEP. (ft) FRICTION CONE RESISTANCE (tsf) (tsf) 510 10015020025030 0350 FRICTION RATIO (%) 0 2 4 6 8.-1 PORE PRESSURE (tsf) 3. EQUIVALENT SPT N,% .0 50 7P SOIL BEHAVIOR TYPE (QT) (1990) 7 4 L O G SUMMARY OF INTERPRETED SOIL DESCRIPTION 5 0 : 3.5 LAND SURFACE 0.0 0 : : :...:............ :...:....:........ : ................... ...:...:..:...:...:...:... :...: ...:...:...... ...........:..... ....:... ..:....: ..... ..... ............: .................... .... :....:....:....: ........ . :. :..:..:.:.:. 1 y OUT OF RANGE 1.6 - SANDS -0.5 (SP) 4.0 -5 • CL CLAYS -z.2 5.7 10 15 20 (SP) - SANDS -7.4 0.9 10 - (PT) CLAYS WITH LAYERS OF ORGANIC SOILS 7.1 20.6 -15 Boring Terminated at Elevation -17.1 ft CONE PENETRATION TEST SOUNDING REPORT CATLIN NO.: 220161 CITY, STATE: WILMINGTON, NC COUNTY: NEW HANOVER LOGGED BY: S. V. HUDSON SITE DESCRIPTION: USS BATTLESHIP NORTH CAROLINA - LIVING WITH WATER GROUND WTR (ft) BORING NO.: CPT-17 STATION: N/A =AJOFFSET: N/A ALIGNMENT: N/A EST. 0 HR. 2.1 COLLAR ELEV.: 3.5 ft TOTAL DEPTH: 6.6 ft NORTHING: 178,287 EASTING: 2,316,745 24 HR. N/A CPT RIG/MAX. DOWN PRESSURE: CATLIN CPT/DPT-01 / -9 TONS - NON -ANCHORED CONE TYPE: Type II Piezo. / 60' / 2.33 in CONE ID: DSG1156 DRILLER: EDDIE SWAIN OPERATOR: EDDIE SWAIN START DATE: 12/11/20 COMP. DATE: 12/11/20 SURF. WATER DEPTH: N/A FRICTION CONE RESISTANCE FRICTION PORE EQUIVALENT SOIL BEHAVIOR L SUMMARY OF INTERPRETED ELEV DEP. (tsf) (tsf) RATIO (%) PRESSURE (tsf) SPT Nw/ TYPE (QT) (1990) 0 SOIL DESCRIPTION (ft) (ft) 4 0 50100150200250300350 0 2 4 6 8 -1 3. .0 0 7 G 5 0 3.5 LAND SURFACE 0.0 ARTIFICIAL FILL : :. ..:....:....:....: :.. ..:.... 0.8 OUT OF RANGE 2.7 0 5 :...:.....:.. ... :...........:... : :. .. .... ......... : :.... ...:....:....: :...:....:....:....: ....... 1.0 4.5 ( SAND ANDRSAVNDSY 2.2 OUT OF RANGE AND 5.7 VERY STIFF, FINE GRAINED j(=GW-SP)AVELLYANDS OUT OF RANGE Boring Terminated WITH CPT REFUSAL at Elevation -3.1 ft CATLIN NO.: 220161 CITY, STATE: WILMINGTON, NC COUNTY: NEW HANOVER LOGGED BY: S. V. HUDSON SITE DESCRIPTION: USS BATTLESHIP NORTH CAROLINA - LIVING WITH WATER GROUND WTR (ft) BORING NO.: CPT-17A STATION: N/A OFFSET: N/A ALIGNMENT: N/A EST. 0 HR. 2.3 COLLAR ELEV.: 3.5 ft TOTAL DEPTH: 11.5 ft NORTHING: 178,294 EASTING: 2,316,738 24 HR. N/A CPT RIG/MAX. DOWN PRESSURE: CATLIN CPT/DPT-01 / -9 TONS - NON -ANCHORED CONE TYPE: Type II Piezo. / 60' / 2.33 in' CONE ID: DSG1156 DRILLER: EDDIE SWAIN OPERATOR: EDDIE SWAIN START DATE: 12/11/20 COMP. DATE: 12/11/20 SURF. WATER DEPTH: N/A ELEV (ft) DEP. (ft) FRICTION CONE RESISTANCE (tsf) (tsf) 4 50100150200250300350 FRICTION RATIO(%) 0 2 4 6 8 PORE PRESSURE (tsf) -1 3. EQUIVALENT SPTNwl .0 0 7 SOIL BEHAVIOR TYPEQT 1990 ( )( ) L O G SUMMARY OF INTERPRETED SOIL DESCRIPTION 5 0 3.5 LAND SURFACE 0.0 0 5 :...:....:...:.. : :...:........ : ............ .. .....................:...: ..:...:..:... :.. .:....:....:....: . :.... ....:.... :.. . : :.. :....:....:....: :.: :....:.:. OUT OF RANGE o.s 2.s 5 (SP) SANDS -1.5 5.0 10 -2.7 (SC) - VERY STIFF SAND 6.2 T CLAYEY O(SP) SANDSND (ML) - SILT MIXTURES 8.0 OUT OF RANGE 11.5 Boring Terminated WITH CPT REFUSAL at Elevation -8.0 ft CONE PENETRATION TEST SOUNDING REPORT DIRECT PUSH TECHNOLOGY BORING REPORT CATLIN NO.: 220161 CITY, STATE: WILMINGTON, NC COUNTY: NEW HANOVER LOGGED BY: S. V. HUDSON SITE DESCRIPTION: USS BATTLESHIP NORTH CAROLINA - LIVING WITH WATER GROUND WTR (ft) BORING NO.: CPT-18 STATION: N/A OFFSET: N/A ALIGNMENT: N/A EST. 0 HR. 2.8 COLLAR ELEV.: 3.3 ft TOTAL DEPTH: 11.0 ft NORTHING: 178,409 EASTING: 2,316,671 24 HR. N/A CPT RIG/MAX. DOWN PRESSURE: CATLIN CPT/DPT-01 / -9 TONS - NON -ANCHORED CONE TYPE: Type II Piezo. / 60' / 2.33 in CONE ID: DSG1156 DRILLER: EDDIE SWAIN OPERATOR: EDDIE SWAIN START DATE: 12/11/20 COMP. DATE: 12/11/20 SURF. WATER DEPTH: N/A ELEV (ft) DEP. (ft) FRICTION CONE RESISTANCE (tsf) (tsf) 4 0 5,0 100150 200 250 300 350 FRICTION RATIO (%) 0 2 4 6 8.-1 PORE PRESSURE (tsf) y I 3. EQUIVALENT SPT N_/. .0 50 7 SOIL BEHAVIOR TYPE (QT) (1990) 4 L 0 G SUMMARY OF INTERPRETED SOIL DESCRIPTION 5 0 3.3 LAND SURFACE 0.0 0 5 10 e...:..:...:.. �......:...:... .......:...... ; ...:......:... ...: .....:...:...:...:.......i .:...:...........:...:.......: ......:....... :....... iL c ...L p... c... ...............c c :.... OUT OF RANGE as z 7 —5 SP ( )— SANDS —3.0 6.3 (SM ML) SAND 7.3 -4.0 MI ILT e.4 MIXTURES AND S MIXTURES _�.� (SP) -SANDS 11.0 (SC-CL) - VERY STIFF SAND TO CLAYEY SAND AND VERY STIFF FINE GRAINED Boring Terminated WITH CPT REFUSAL at Elevation -7.7 ft CATLIN NO.: 220161 CITY, STATE: WILMINGTON, NC COUNTY: NEW HANOVER LOGGED BY: L.PUGH SITE DESCRIPTION: USS BATTLESHIP NORTH CAROLINA - LIVING WITH WATER GROUND WTR (ft) BORING NO.: CPT-18-GEO STATION: N/A OFFSET: N/A ALIGNMENT: N/A 0 HR. N/A COLLAR ELEV.: 3.3 ft TOTAL DEPTH: 2.0 ft NORTHING: 178,409 EASTING: 2,316,672 24 HR. FIAD DRILL MACHINE: CATLIN CPT/DPT-01 DRILL METHOD: Direct Push HAMMER TYPE: N/A DRILLER: D.T. CHALMERS START DATE: 12/28/20 COMP. DATE: 12/28/20 SURFACE WATER DEPTH: N/A ELEV (ft) 5 SAMP. ELEV. TOP (ft) SAMP. DEPTH TOP (ft) S w a p� v p �~ O� J U ~ Q2 JJ a } x w �o gZ a PERCENT PASSING SIEVES 10 40 200 w o � Z U)w OZ 25 O � U a Z Ow �Z 00 w j w� w0 2 SAMP. NO. & USCS L 0 G SOIL AND ROCK DESCRIPTION 3.3 LAND SURFACE 0.0 0 NP NP NP 99 80 20 S=09 SM UNDIVIDED COASTAL PLAIN 1.3 (SM) - LIGHT BROWN, SILTY, F. SAND 2 0 Boring Terminated WITH DPT REFUSAL at Elevation 1.3 ft -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 -45 -50 -55 -60 -65 -70 75 CONE PENETRATION TEST SOUNDING REPORT CATLIN NO.: 220161 CITY, STATE: WILMINGTON, NC COUNTY: NEW HANOVER LOGGED BY: S. V. HUDSON SITE DESCRIPTION: USS BATTLESHIP NORTH CAROLINA - LIVING WITH WATER GROUND WTR (ft) BORING NO.: CPT-19 STATION: N/A =AJOFFSET: N/A ALIGNMENT: N/A EST. 0 HR. 3.4 COLLAR ELEV.: 3.5 ft TOTAL DEPTH: 20.5 ft NORTHING: 178,541 EASTING: 2,316,689 24 HR. N/A CPT RIG/MAX. DOWN PRESSURE: CATLIN CPT/DPT-01 / -9 TONS - NON -ANCHORED CONE TYPE: Type II Piezo. / 60' / 2.33 in' CONE ID: DPG1563 DRILLER: D.T. CHALMERS OPERATOR: K. SWAIN START DATE: 12/29/20 COMP. DATE: 12/29/20 SURF. WATER DEPTH: N/A FRICTION CONE RESISTANCE FRICTION PORE EQUIVALENT SOIL BEHAVIOR L SUMMARY OF INTERPRETED ELEV DEP. (tsf) (ts, RATIO (%) PRESSURE (tsf) SPT Nwl TYPE (QT) (1990) O SOIL DESCRIPTION (ft) (ft) p 50100150200250300350 0 2 4 6 8 -1 3. .0 0 7P 4 G 5 0 3.5 LAND SURFACE 0.0 (SC-SM) - VERY STIFF :...:..... ... ... ' ..:...:...:...........: ;....: SAND INTERBEDDED 0 • :...:...:...........: :. :.... .....:.... WITH SANDS, GRAVELLY SAND,OF 5 :.... : -1.5 5.0 (SM ML) SAND :...: :.. ....:....: :.:.:..' �= -3.3 MIXTURES AND 5'8 MI SILT -5 10 ................ ..:............ ...:...:...:...: :...:....:....:....: ...... .............. :.......... ...:... MIXTURES (SP) - SANDS 6.9 10.4 i (OH) - CLAYS WITH ....... ........ ...:...:...:...:...:... LAYERS RS OR ORGANIC -10 15 :.............. :...:...:...:...:...:...:...: :....:.... ...:....' . :....:...: ...:..... ... %, SOILS -15 20 .......:....... : : ...:...:...:...:...:...:... % 20.5 Boring Terminated at Elevation -17.0 ft PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK APPENDIX B GEOTECHNICAL LABORATORY RESULTS Battleship NC - Living with Water - Geotech CATLIN Engineers and Scientists CATLIN Project No. 220161 February 2021 Sheet 1 of 1 Borehole Depth Sample Id. Liquid Limit Plastic Limit Plasticity Index Maximum Size (mm) %<#200 Sieve Class - fication Water Content N Organic Content N Other CPT-05-GEO 4.0 S-05 NP NP NP 4.76 4 SIP CPT-09-GEO 0.0 S-01 NP NP NP 9.51 12 SP-SM CPT-09-GEO 3.0 S-01 NP NP NP 9.51 12 SP-SM CPT-09-GEO 7.0 S-02 9.51 66 28.5 CPT-09-GEO 12.0 S-03 45.5 CPT-09-GEO 16.0 S-04 49.1 CPT-14-GEO 3.0 S-06 NP NP NP 9.51 5 SP-SM CPT-14-GEO 6.0 S-07 73 46 27 4.76 89 MH CPT-14-GEO 7.0 S-08 NP NP NP 4.76 4 SIP CPT-18-GEO 0.0 S-09 NP NP NP 4.76 20 SM CATLIN Engineers and Scientists GEOTECHNICAL LABORATORY Wilmington, NC SUMMARY OF LABORATORY RESULTS PROJECT NAME: LISS BATTLESHIP NORTH LIVING WITH WATER CITY, STATE: WILMINGTON, NC PREPARED FOR: MOFFAT NICHOL CAROLINA - CATLIN NAME: USS BATTLESHIP NORTH CAROLINA- LIVING WITH WATER CATLIN NUMBER: 220161 U.S. SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES U.S. SIEVE NUMBERS I HYDROMETER 6 4 3 2 1.5 1 3/4 1/2 3/8 3 6 810 14 16 20 30 40 50 60 100 140 200 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 x 2 60 W >- 55 m rY W 50 z FL z 45 W 40 W a 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND SILT OR CLAY coarse fine coarse medium fine U.S. SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES U.S. SIEVE NUMBERS I HYDROMETER 6 4 3 2 1.5 1 3/4 1 /2 40 3 6 810 14 16 20 30 40 50 60 100 140 200 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 x 2 60 w >- 55 m W w 50 Z LL z 45 w Of 40 w a 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND SILT OR CLAY coarse fine coarse medium fine U.S. SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES I U.S. SIEVE NUMBERS I HYDROMETER 6 4 3 2 1.5 1 3/4 1 /2 3 6 810 14 16 20 30 40 50 60 100 140 200 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 x 2 60 w >- 55 m W w 50 Z LL z 45 w Of 40 w a 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND SILT OR CLAY coarse fine coarse medium fine U.S. SIEVE OPENING IN INCHES U.S. SIEVE NUMBERS I HYDROMETER 6 4 3 2 1.5 1 3/4 1/2 3/8 3 6 810 14 16 20 30 40 50 60 100 140 200 100 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 x 2 60 w >- 55 m W w 50 Z LL z 45 w 40 w a 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0— T.... �TFT 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS COBBLES GRAVEL SAND SILT OR CLAY coarse fine coarse medium fine COMPACTION TEST (Standard Proctor ASTM D 698, Method B) Project: Battleship NC Job No.: 220161 Location of Project: Camp Lejeune, NC Sample No.: CBR-01 Boring No.: Description of Soil: Light brown to light gray poorly Tested By: MDMASON graded SAND, SP Date of Testing: 1/29/2021 Natural Moisture Content (ASTM D 2216) Mcws Mcds Mc Mw Ms w% 628.04 569.15 237.67 58.89 331.48 17.77 Blows/layer: 56 Mold Dimensions: Diam.: 6 in Water Content Determination No. of Layers: 3 Wt. of Hammer: 5.5 Ibs Ht. in. Vol. 0.075 ft.' Sample No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Can No. P67 P203 P25 P302 Mcws 299.67 322.70 422.48 287.18 Mcds 294.42 309.68 396.31 273.44 Mw 5.25 13.02 26.17 13.74 Mc 237.20 208.14 234.52 205.21 Ms 57.22 101.54 161.79 68.23 w% 9.18 12.82 16.18 20.14 Density Determination Ave. w% 9.18 12.82 16.18 20.14 Mms 17.16 17.52 17.845 18.025 Mm 9.18 9.19 9.17 9.18 Ms 7.98 8.33 8.68 8.85 Wet Den. 106.40 1 111.07 1 115.67 1 117.93 Dry Den. 97.46 1 98.44 1 99.56 1 98.17 CATLIN Engineers Scientists Geotechnical Laboratories 135 130 125 120 110 105 100 95 MOISTURE -DENSITY RELATIONSHIP ASTM D698 - Standard Proctor - Method C Project: Battleship NC Location: Wilmington, NC Project No : 220161 Sample No.: CBR-01 Description: Lt brown to Lt gray poorly graded SAND (SP) Date: 1 /29/2021 Tested By: MDMASON TEST RESULTS Maximum Dry Density = 99.6 pcf Optimum Water Content = 16.2 % . 100% Saturation Curves for specific gravity equal to: 2.65 V, 2.70 Water Content, % CATLIN Engineers Scientists Geotechnical Laboratories Client Project Name Project Location Project Number POINT ID Test Type Molding Method Mold ID Wt. Of Mold (Ibs) Mold Volume (ft) Piston Area (in2) Surcharge (Ibs) Sample Height (in) Sample Conditions Blows per Layer Water Contents ASTM D 1883 CBR TEST Moffit Nichol Boring No. CBR-01 Battleship NC Depth (ft) 0'-4' Wilmington, Nc Sample No. CBR-01 220161 Visual Description i LG poorly graded SANE CBR-01-02 Date 1/29/2021 Stnd Before After C Density Measurement Soaking Soaking CBR-Mold15 Wt. Mold & Wet Soil (Ibs) 9.17 Wt. Wet Soil (Ibs) 0.0749 Sample Volume (ft3) 17.52 18.00 8.35 8.83 0.0749 0.0749 3 15 4.59 Soaked Wet Density (pcf) 117.8 56 Dry Density (pcf) P11.5 99.0 98.2 As Beginning After Before After Top 1" Rec'd Compaction Compaction Soaking Soaking After Soak Can No. P58 P203 P5 P5 P28 P13 Wt. Of CWS (gm) 628.04 322.7 453.62 453.62 937.36 1293.94 Wt. Of CDS (gm) 569.15 309.68 429.02 429.02 819.49 1115.87 Wt. Of Can (gm) 237.67 208.14 233.28 233.28 231.23 236.43 MC (%) 17.8 12.8 12.6 12.6 20.0 20.2 Piston Dial Load Penetration Diplacement (in.) Reading (Ibs) Stress (psi) 0.000 1 9.7 3.2 0.025 5 48.5 16.2 0.050 10 97 32.3 0.075 17 164.9 55.0 0.100 23 223.1 74.4 0.125 30 291 97.0 0.150 37 358.9 119.6 0.175 42 407.4 135.8 0.200 48 465.6 155.2 0.250 58 562.6 187.5 0.300 69 669.3 223.1 0.350 77 746.9 249.0 0.400 83 805.1 268.4 0.450 87 843.9 281.3 0.500 92 892.4 297.5 0.600 99 960.3 320.1 Swell Measurement Elapsed Dial Percent Time Gauge Swell (hrs) (Div) N 0 0.215 0 96 0.215 0.00 Final Swell CBR Results @ 0.1" 7.4 @ 0.2" 10.3 CATLIN Engineers and Scientists Geotechnical Laboratory 350 300 250 Q. 200 (A w 41 ------------------- .2 ... ........... 150 W 100 Load -Penetration Curve 1 50 CBR at 0.1-in Penetration 1 CBR at 0.2-in Penetration Corrected 0.1-in CBR Value Corrected 0.2-in CBR Value 0 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 Penetration (in) PENETRATION STRESS vs. PENETRATION Geotechnical Project Name: Battleship NC CATLIN Laboratory Project Location: Wilmington, Nc I Engineers and Scientists Wilmington, Prepared For: Moffit Nichol Project Number: 220161 Date: 1/29/2021 Sample Number/Depth: CBR-01 / 0'-4' CBR VALUES -Sample Point ID: CBR-01-02 CBR (0.1"): 7.4% 1 CBR (0.2"): 10.3% IDescription: LB to LG poorly graded SAND (SP) Corr. CBR (0.1"): 9.2% 1 Corr. CBR (0.2"): 11.2% CATLIN Engineers and Scientists Geotechnical Laboratory Client Project Name Project Location Project Number POINT ID Test Type Molding Method Mold ID Wt. Of Mold (Ibs) Mold Volume (ft) Piston Area (in2) Surcharge (Ibs) Sample Height (in) Sample Conditions Blows per Layer Water Contents ASTM D 1883 CBR TEST Moffit Nichol Boring No. CBR-01 Battleship NC Depth (ft) 0'-4' Wilmington, Nc Sample No. CBR-01 220161 Visual Description i LG poorly graded SANE CBR-01-02 Date 1/29/2021 Stnd Before After C Density Measurement Soaking Soaking CBR-Mold15 Wt. Mold & Wet Soil (Ibs) 9.17 Wt. Wet Soil (Ibs) 0.0749 Sample Volume (ft3) 17.52 18.00 8.35 8.83 0.0749 0.0749 3 15 4.59 Soaked Wet Density (pcf) 117.8 56 Dry Density (pcf) P11.5 99.0 98.2 As Beginning After Before After Top 1" Rec'd Compaction Compaction Soaking Soaking After Soak Can No. P58 P203 P5 P5 P28 P13 Wt. Of CWS (gm) 628.04 322.7 453.62 453.62 937.36 1293.94 Wt. Of CDS (gm) 569.15 309.68 429.02 429.02 819.49 1115.87 Wt. Of Can (gm) 237.67 208.14 233.28 233.28 231.23 236.43 MC (%) 17.8 12.8 12.6 12.6 20.0 20.2 Piston Dial Load Penetration Diplacement (in.) Reading (Ibs) Stress (psi) 0.000 1 9.7 3.2 0.025 5 48.5 16.2 0.050 10 97 32.3 0.075 17 164.9 55.0 0.100 23 223.1 74.4 0.125 30 291 97.0 0.150 37 358.9 119.6 0.175 42 407.4 135.8 0.200 48 465.6 155.2 0.250 58 562.6 187.5 0.300 69 669.3 223.1 0.350 77 746.9 249.0 0.400 83 805.1 268.4 0.450 87 843.9 281.3 0.500 92 892.4 297.5 0.600 99 960.3 320.1 Swell Measurement Elapsed Dial Percent Time Gauge Swell (hrs) (Div) N 0 0.215 0 96 0.215 0.00 Final Swell CBR Results @ 0.1" 7.4 @ 0.2" 10.3 CATLIN Engineers and Scientists Geotechnical Laboratory 350 300 250 Q. 200 (A w 41 ------------------- .2 ... ........... 150 W 100 Load -Penetration Curve 1 50 CBR at 0.1-in Penetration 1 CBR at 0.2-in Penetration Corrected 0.1-in CBR Value Corrected 0.2-in CBR Value 0 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 Penetration (in) PENETRATION STRESS vs. PENETRATION Geotechnical Project Name: Battleship NC CATLIN Laboratory Project Location: Wilmington, Nc I Engineers and Scientists Wilmington, Prepared For: Moffit Nichol Project Number: 220161 Date: 1/29/2021 Sample Number/Depth: CBR-01 / 0'-4' CBR VALUES -Sample Point ID: CBR-01-02 CBR (0.1"): 7.4% 1 CBR (0.2"): 10.3% IDescription: LB to LG poorly graded SAND (SP) Corr. CBR (0.1"): 9.2% 1 Corr. CBR (0.2"): 11.2% CATLIN Engineers and Scientists Geotechnical Laboratory Client Project Name Project Location Project Number POINT ID Test Type Molding Method Mold ID Wt. Of Mold (Ibs) Mold Volume (ft) Piston Area (in2) Surcharge (Ibs) Sample Height (in) Sample Conditions Blows per Layer Water Contents ASTM D 1883 CBR TEST Moffit Nichol Boring No. CBR-01 Battleship NC Depth (ft) 0'-4' Wilmington, Nc Sample No. CBR-01 220161 Visual Description i LG poorly graded SANE CBR-01-03 Date 1/29/2021 Stnd Before After C Density Measurement Soaking Soaking CBR-Mold16 Wt. Mold & Wet Soil (Ibs) 9.18 Wt. Wet Soil (Ibs) 0.075 Sample Volume (ft3) 17.85 18.06 8.665 8.88 0.075 0.075 Soaked Wet Density (pcf) 115.5 118.4 56 Dry Density (pcf) 99.5 99.1 As Beginning After Before After Top 1" Rec'd Compaction Compaction Soaking Soaking After Soak Can No. P58 P25 P69 P69 P37 P209 Wt. Of CWS (gm) 628.04 422.48 617.02 617.02 863.24 1208.03 Wt. Of CDS (gm) 569.15 396.31 564.55 564.55 761.18 1044.83 Wt. Of Can (gm) 237.67 234.52 237.76 237.76 237.04 206.47 MC N 17.8 16.2 16.1 16.1 19.5 19.5 Piston Dial Load Penetration Diplacement (in.) Reading (Ibs) Stress (psi) 0.000 1 9.7 3.2 0.025 6 58.2 19.4 0.050 15 145.5 48.5 0.075 24 232.8 77.6 0.100 32 310.4 103.5 0.125 40 388 129.3 0.150 48 465.6 155.2 0.175 55 533.5 177.8 0.200 64 620.8 206.9 0.250 80 776 258.7 0.300 90 873 291.0 0.350 100 970 323.3 0.400 111 1076.7 358.9 0.450 117 1134.9 378.3 0.500 120 1164 388.0 0.600 128 1241.6 413.9 Swell Measurement Elapsed Dial Percent Time Gauge Swell (hrs) (Div) N 0 0.394 0 96 0.391 -0.07 Final Swell CBR Results @ 0.1" 10.3 @ 0.2" 13.8 CATLIN Engineers and Scientists Geotechnical Laboratory 450 400 350 300 Q. H 250 41 c O 200 ar c a� a 150 100 Load -Penetration Curve CBR at 0.1-in Penetration PENETRATION STRESS vs. PENETRATION Geotechnical Project Name: Battleship NC Laboratory Project Location: Wilmington, Nc ATLINPrepared For: Moffit Nichol Engineers and Scientists Wilmington, NC Project Number: 220161 Date: 1/29/2021 Sample Number/Depth: CBR-01 / 0'-4' CBR VALUES Sample Point ID: CBR-01-03 CBR (0.1"): 10.3% CBR (0.2"): 13.8% Description: LB to LG poorly graded SAND (SP) Corr. CBR (0.1"): 11.9% Corr. CBR (0.2"): 14.8% CATL/N Engineers and Scientists Geotechnical Laboratory CATL/N Engineers and Scientists Geotechnical Laboratory Client Project Name Project Location Project Number POINT ID Test Type Molding Method Mold ID Wt. Of Mold (Ibs) Mold Volume (ft) Piston Area (in2) Surcharge (Ibs) Sample Height (in) Sample Conditions Blows per Layer Water Contents ASTM D 1883 CBR TEST Moffit Nichol Boring No. CBR-01 Battleship NC Depth (ft) 0'-4' Wilmington, Nc Sample No. CBR-01 220161 Visual Description i LG poorly graded SANE CBR-01-04 Date 1/29/2021 Stnd Before After C Density Measurement Soaking Soaking CBR-Mold10 Wt. Mold & Wet Soil (Ibs) 9.19 Wt. Wet Soil (Ibs) 0.075 Sample Volume (ft3) 18.03 18.12 8.835 8.93 0.075 0.075 Soaked Wet Density (pcf) 117.8 119.0 56 Dry Density (pcf) 100.3 100.5 As Beginning After Before After Top 1" Rec'd Compaction Compaction Soaking Soaking After Soak Can No. P58 P302 T5 T5 P214 P501 Wt. Of CWS (gm) 628.04 287.18 833.64 833.64 1109.86 1125.88 Wt. Of CDS (gm) 569.15 273.44 740.79 740.79 969.68 981.81 Wt. Of Can (gm) 237.67 205.21 207.03 207.03 205.74 232.71 MC N 17.8 20.1 17.4 17.4 18.3 19.2 Piston Dial Load Penetration Diplacement (in.) Reading (Ibs) Stress (psi) 0.000 1 9.7 3.2 0.025 4 38.8 12.9 0.050 7 67.9 22.6 0.075 12 116.4 38.8 0.100 18 174.6 58.2 0.125 24 232.8 77.6 0.150 30 291 97.0 0.175 36 349.2 116.4 0.200 43 417.1 139.0 0.250 55 533.5 177.8 0.300 68 659.6 219.9 0.350 80 776 258.7 0.400 92 892.4 297.5 0.450 103 999.1 333.0 0.500 113 1096.1 365.4 0.600 128 1241.6 413.9 Swell Measurement Elapsed Dial Percent Time Gauge Swell (hrs) (Div) N 0 0.521 0 96 0.520 -0.02 Final Swell CBR Results @ 0.1" 5.8 @ 0.2" 9.3 CATLIN Engineers and Scientists Geotechnical Laboratory 450 400 350 300 Q. 250 41 O M 200 4" ar 150 ..... ..... 100 --4-- Load -Penetration Curve CBR at 0.1-in Penetration 50 CBR at 0.2-in Penetration Corrected 0.1-in CBR Value Corrected 0.2-in CBR Value 0 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 Penetration (in) CATLIN Engineers and Scientists Geotechnical Laboratory PENETRATION STRESS vs. PENETRATION PENETRATION STRESS vs. PENETRATION Geotechnical Project Name: Battleship NC C ATLIN Laboratory Project Location: Wilmington, Nc Engineers and Scientists Wilmington, NC Prepared For: Moffit Nichol Project Number: 220161 Date: 1/29/2021 Sample Number/Depth: CBR-01 / 0'-4' CBR VALUES Sample Point ID: CBR-01-04 CBR (0.1"): I 5.8% 1 CBR (0.2"): 9.3% Description: LB to LG poorly graded SAND (SP) Corr. CBR (0.1"): 7.8% 1 Corr. CBR (0.2"): 10.6% COMPACTION TEST (Standard Proctor ASTM D 698, Method B) Project: Battleship NC Job No.: 220161 Location of Project: Camp Lejeune, NC Sample No.: CBR-02 Boring No.: Description of Soil: Dark gray to brown Clayey Tested By: ODAYNES SAND, SC Date of Testing: 1/29/2021 Natural Moisture Content (ASTM D 2216) Mcws Mcds Mc Mw Ms w% 589.08 539.30 208.47 49.78 330.83 15.05 Blows/layer: 56 Mold Dimensions: Diam.: 6 in Water Content Determination No. of Layers: 3 Wt. of Hammer: 5.5 Ibs Ht. in. Vol. 0.075 ft.' Sample No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Can No. P58 P315 P319 P24 Mcws 521.07 455.29 483.19 450.81 Mcds 500.70 433.50 453.37 423.04 Mw 20.37 21.79 29.82 27.77 Mc 237.65 205.75 206.27 232.73 Ms 263.05 227.75 247.10 190.31 w% 7.74 9.57 12.07 14.59 Density Determination Ave. w% 7.74 9.57 12.07 14.59 Mms 18.33 18.76 18.950 18.725 Mm 9.19 9.19 9.17 9.18 Ms 9.14 9.57 9.78 9.55 Wet Den. 121.87 1 127.53 1 130.40 1 127.27 Dry Den. 113.11 1 116.40 1 116.36 1 111.06 CATLIN Engineers Scientists Geotechnical Laboratories MOISTURE -DENSITY RELATIONSHIP ASTM D698 - Standard Proctor - Method C Project: Battleship NC Location: Wilmington, NC 135 Project No.: 220161 Sample No.: CBR-02 Description: Lt brown to Lt gray poorly 130 graded SAND (SP) Date: 1 /29/2021 Tested By: ODAYNES TEST RESULTS 120 U CL 1 1 A V 100% Saturation Curves for specific gravity equal to: 2.65 115 2.70 01 110 105 100 Water Content, % CATLIN Engineers Scientists Geotechnical Laboratories Client Project Name Project Location Project Number POINT ID Test Type Molding Method Mold ID Wt. Of Mold (Ibs) Mold Volume (ft) Piston Area (in2) Surcharge (Ibs) Sample Height (in) Sample Conditions Blows per Layer Water Contents ASTM D 1883 CBR TEST Moffit Nichol Boring No. CBR-02 Battleship NC Depth (ft) 0'-4' Wilmington, NC Sample No. CBR-02 220161 Visual Description to Brown Clayey SAND CBR-02-01 Date 1/29/2021 Stnd Before After C Density Measurement Soaking Soaking CBR-Molds Wt. Mold & Wet Soil (Ibs) 9.19 Wt. Wet Soil (Ibs) 0.075 Sample Volume (ft3) 18.33 18.81 9.14 9.62 0.075 0.075 3 15 4.59 Soaked Wet Density (pcf) 121.9 128.2 56 Dry Density (pcf) 113.1 112.7 As Beginning After Before After Top 1" Rec'd Compaction Compaction Soaking Soaking After Soak Can No. P400 P58 P17 P17 P311 P501 Wt. Of CWS (gm) 589.08 521.07 531.59 531.59 1003.28 1258.45 Wt. Of CDS (gm) 539.3 500.7 510.14 510.14 907.26 1134.63 Wt. Of Can (gm) 208.47 237.65 233.66 233.66 208.24 232.2 MC (%) 15.0 7.7 7.8 7.8 13.7 13.7 Piston Dial Load Penetration Diplacement (in.) Reading (Ibs) Stress (psi) 0.000 1 9.7 3.2 0.025 6 58.2 19.4 0.050 12 116.4 38.8 0.075 17 164.9 55.0 0.100 21 203.7 67.9 0.125 26 252.2 84.1 0.150 31 300.7 100.2 0.175 35 339.5 113.2 0.200 39 378.3 126.1 0.250 47 455.9 152.0 0.300 55 533.5 177.8 0.350 62 601.4 200.5 0.400 68 659.6 219.9 0.450 74 717.8 239.3 0.500 81 785.7 261.9 0.600 91 882.7 294.2 Swell Measurement Elapsed Dial Percent Time Gauge Swell (hrs) (Div) N 0 0.628 0 0.068 96 0.632 0.09 Final Swell CBR Results @ 0.1" 6.8 @ 0.2" 8.4 CATLIN Engineers and Scientists Geotechnical Laboratory 350 300 250 Q. 200 AOOO/ e0000x (A (A 41 0 co 150 - W 100 - Load -Penetration Curve 50 CBR at 0.1-in Penetration CBR at 0.2-in Penetration Corrected 0.1-in CBR Value Corrected 0.2-in CBR Value 0 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 Penetration (in) PENETRATION STRESS vs. PENETRATION Geotechnical Project Name: Battleship NC C AT L I Laboratory N Project Location: Wilmington, NC I Engineers and Scientists Wilmington, Prepared For: Moffit Nichol Project Number: 220161 Date: 1/29/2021 Sample Number/Depth: CBR-02 / 0'-4' CBR VALUES ,Sample Point ID: CBR-02-01 CBR (0.1"): 6.8% 1 CBR (0.2"): 8.4% IDescription: DG to Brown Clayey SAND (SC) Corr. CBR (0.1"): 7.8% 1 Corr. CBR (0.2"): 8.9% CATLIN Engineers and Scientists Geotechnical Laboratory Client Project Name Project Location Project Number POINT ID Test Type Molding Method Mold ID Wt. Of Mold (Ibs) Mold Volume (ft) Piston Area (in2) Surcharge (Ibs) Sample Height (in) Sample Conditions Blows per Layer Water Contents ASTM D 1883 CBR TEST Moffit Nichol Boring No. CBR-02 Battleship NC Depth (ft) 0'-4' Wilmington, Nc Sample No. CBR-02 220161 Visual Description to Brown Clayey SAND CBR-02-02 Date 1/29/2021 Stnd Before After C Density Measurement Soaking Soaking CBR-Mold6 Wt. Mold & Wet Soil (Ibs) 9.19 Wt. Wet Soil (Ibs) 0.0749 Sample Volume (ft3) 18.76 18.96 9.565 9.77 0.0749 0.0749 3 15 4.59 Soaked Wet Density (pcf) 127.7 130.4 56 Dry Density (pcf) 116.5 115.8 As Beginning After Before After Top 1" Rec'd Compaction Compaction Soaking Soaking After Soak Can No. P400 P315 P22 P22 P19 P202 Wt. Of CWS (gm) 589.08 455.29 451.47 451.47 1006.1 1335.43 Wt. Of CDS (gm) 539.3 433.5 432.4 432.4 919.38 1211.62 Wt. Of Can (gm) 208.47 205.75 234.7 234.7 234 207.48 MCN 15.0 9.6 9.6 9.6 12.7 12.3 Piston Dial Load Penetration Diplacement (in.) Reading (Ibs) Stress (psi) 0.000 1 9.7 3.2 0.025 6 58.2 19.4 0.050 15 145.5 48.5 0.075 24 232.8 77.6 0.100 34 329.8 109.9 0.125 42 407.4 135.8 0.150 52 504.4 168.1 0.175 60 582 194.0 0.200 70 679 226.3 0.250 87 843.9 281.3 0.300 104 1008.8 336.3 0.350 119 1154.3 384.8 0.400 133 1290.1 430.0 0.450 145 1406.5 468.8 0.500 152 1474.4 491.5 0.600 163 1581.1 527.0 Swell Measurement Elapsed Dial Percent Time Gauge Swell (hrs) (Div) N 0 0.554 0 0.110 96 0.550 -0.09 Final Swell CBR Results @ 0.1" 11.0 @ 0.2" 15.1 CATLIN Engineers and Scientists Geotechnical Laboratory 600 500 400 •N Q. N (Aa) L 41 300 c co L a 200 — ' Load -Penetration Curve 100 _ CBR at 0.1-in Penetration - - CBR at 0.2-in Penetration ---- Corrected 0.1-in CBR Value •--- Corrected 0.2-in CBR Value 0 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 Penetration (in) PENETRATION STRESS vs. PENETRATION Geotechnical Project Name: Battleship NC C AT L I NProject Laboratory Location: Wilmington, Nc Engineers and Scientists Wilmington, NC Prepared For: Moffit Nichol Project Number: 220161 Date: 1/29/2021 Sample Number/Depth: CBR-02 / 0'-4' CBR VALUES Sample Point ID: CBR-02-02 CBR (0.1"): 11.0% 1 CBR (0.2"): 15.1% Description: DG to Brown Clayey SAND (SC) Corr. CBR (0.1"): 12.5% 1 Corr. CBR (0.2"): 16.2% CATLIN Engineers and Scientists Geotechnical Laboratory Client Project Name Project Location Project Number POINT ID Test Type Molding Method Mold ID Wt. Of Mold (Ibs) Mold Volume (ft) Piston Area (in2) Surcharge (Ibs) Sample Height (in) Sample Conditions Blows per Layer Water Contents ASTM D 1883 CBR TEST Moffit Nichol Boring No. CBR-02 Battleship NC Depth (ft) 0'-4' Wilmington, Nc Sample No. CBR-02 220161 Visual Description to Brown Clayey SAND CBR-02-03 Date 1/29/2021 Stnd Before After C Density Measurement Soaking Soaking CBR-Mold9 Wt. Mold & Wet Soil (Ibs) 9.17 Wt. Wet Soil (Ibs) 0.0749 Sample Volume (ft3) 18.95 19.01 9.78 9.84 0.0749 0.0749 3 15 4.59 Soaked Wet Density (pcf) 130.6 131.4 56 Dry Density (pcf) 116.9 116.7 As Beginning After Before After Top 1" Rec'd Compaction Compaction Soaking Soaking After Soak Can No. P400 P319 P26 P26 P34 P215 Wt. Of CWS (gm) 589.08 483.19 444.1 444.1 1206.18 1193.9 Wt. Of CDS (gm) 539.3 453.37 422.17 422.17 1097.62 1083.1 Wt. Of Can (gm) 208.47 206.27 234.82 234.82 236.47 208.1 MC N 15.0 12.1 11.7 11.7 12.6 12.7 Piston Dial Load Penetration Diplacement (in.) Reading (Ibs) Stress (psi) 0.000 1 9.7 3.2 0.025 3 29.1 9.7 0.050 6 58.2 19.4 0.075 10 97 32.3 0.100 15 145.5 48.5 0.125 20 194 64.7 0.150 26 252.2 84.1 0.175 31 300.7 100.2 0.200 37 358.9 119.6 0.250 49 475.3 158.4 0.300 62 601.4 200.5 0.350 74 717.8 239.3 0.400 85 824.5 274.8 0.450 97 940.9 313.6 0.500 110 1067 355.7 0.600 136 1319.2 439.7 Swell Measurement Elapsed Dial Percent Time Gauge Swell (hrs) (Div) N 0 0.483 0 0.049 96 0.478 -0.11 Final Swell CBR Results @ 0.1" 4.9 @ 0.2" 8.0 CATLIN Engineers and Scientists Geotechnical Laboratory 500 450 400 350 300 Q. N N L 41 N 250 r 0 M i GJ C 200 a 150 100 Load -Penetration Curve CBR at 0.1-in Penetration PENETRATION STRESS vs. PENETRATION '00-=n= Geotechnical Project Name: Battleship NC TLIN Laboratory Project Location: Wilmington, Nc Prepared For: Moffit Nichol Engineers and Scientists Wilmington, NC Project Number: 220161 Date: 1/29/2021 Sample Number/Depth: CBR-02 / 0'-4' CBR VALUES Sample Point ID: CBR-02-03 CBR (0.1"): 4.9% CBR (0.2"): 8.0% Description: DG to Brown Clayey SAND (SC) Corr. CBR (0.1"): 6.9% Corr. CBR (0.2"): 9.5% CATL/N Engineers and Scientists Geotechnical Laboratory CATL/N Engineers and Scientists Geotechnical Laboratory