HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0023191_Remission (Request) LV-2023-0126_20230601May 31, m-3 Sub*(- Nod = of ViolaGaa and AS �jn+mt of Civil B oalty for Vjolatiims of North Camhoa Gcncral Statlrte (G-5-) 143-215-](a)(6) aftd NPDI?S WW Permil No- N 3l9L 1)avid L. Wlimps S,Lvea Ccdm Mobilc F1omv_ Park V4"WIP Case No. L 126 Iv -dell C.trumy Mr. Pitnar, Thank you for ails ig Sc,-wcn Ccdws MoMIc hoaac F'arkthe OAxn-temity ki ri d to she Notick: of Violation dawd May 4, 2023, r :ivud May 9, =. Char respow.: Wow is reprdinf,- tbLc (]) ' ;S "iy im-um cm�u edax: eat tbal cc47,urrpd dry bg the Janus 2023 moniumu g pmio-d- On January 27, 2Q3, the plamc mccived a -I'SS result of alb mo-, -ex,c:uLAIng the daily maxim wn limit of 45 m�VL. by 2.2 o- f u aEr , dam, a rain cnt dbal distwJ}cd solids in thL pti t, wbieh 9Gd a temporary iricF:czL : in tle cOmcL-ntrjtiry„ of TSS in the li]cnF- The pl mt rawmed to compllaucc aftclward, and'[SS kwels rcWm,od to nowmaJ. lbe- plant was oumpl moat for dw cn#irc march trf Pubruary following. It iti a]way5 our goat to retain is oomplia= With "lation-- wt f( h by the J-XV15iOil Of W gLr Re,N«urcOi-'11W facuxk QwWbOng to this-'i,olatitm haw, [fin add ,% d CaTy fully Icy pnLvC"t futures nonWmplianuL. evunLy, lE i,% cur TCgticti� rhai (mr CMperadon and 9LQti(m in thA-V. matt+ be faker inW a!wUM l y tt c ))FyEsion Whim pnkxxd-Fng wi [h Lmfim.Lcmcni. *ilrbL=ly- T David Mil kaps S;LVun -(Lm ars Mot)i I-, I ionic: Elwk CC: I)aruL:l Qatew>L4 12mvirolink, frc, "Todd Robinson bivirt)Ik k4 Inc- C&-ie Nam lrtir_ ALs�'ess-ed PsM'_ Permit ]�fa_ L };tt•'vtl I . �7 it imp.; NOD02 L : 0 1 ('"rrvnrv_ i1we I I A mouat ALmcN-s-ctl! IFi Pffi uwt thr ik= VOwn r� ;4itgg iasir t v'1_ ii►it Peel l[x_ ro an _arfr7l11�tirh�{jt r lfr q, a■ed 5itr��frm in mgpca remmnn of chi,, �rvsh �*Its',:fia�c I :}te �NMW allcb acn'' dIDMUMMIZ shA VOU ltic! ueti a :�uTI�acrr< }ter r'qwst and: aiv fear the Oirecicw Ln t:.m hikr in ti-•:.LttL�Lrrrr4 }tour r c UC-1 tnr,-C'i75 iSsilu5_ !'f��kc bti z;}aru 1E1ZL a mq• u t l fur remi�iwt i:i lizui -d to cvasidc aGun t f TILu t kwq: f.,%:i o. hsltd k-1mv as thc% Mav rriaw L* Lh4 rux-tMONLOUSs Lld th-; WTIO M ;)t• 1J3;: t'i V; r t fWlty asSt-hRd. Rcq ucs u) n�-itLJs i�. nCyt (hc prtyprs pTOL:ti`&r-tr f+A' ti',. -rite si ink WhOl7cr thr a iOlXrinr� R) CO,-CUMd lLr 7]7c 3tic irrar-Y ;Yt anV ref ahc t3r-=l Moil s ccrn Lam-nd in :hc cia'aJ penalty :::.,L:• ,- 2ML do6.,r.r ugt, Purswint to N.C_Q.S. f 1] (61 f=issico) rxf 3L c ivi I RC314I,V ::q;ry FWT V M=Xi on1v whm mr. Or Ll L.M c t)f LEA i'�11 lv-10r' i lvC iaC[Ors appl ,. P1v?w -cK cach facts '2uc v-eu h41; 4 ti c ;Ipplat� to your ;as.r and TM)%' Ck a Jqurltd 4 .Vlznxtron. MQ113dM2- C4V-c� &f'.0 vf4T �ineuMMYL ti, 2.r. *0 T4f t:— !! o,� Ltc t a� rJx addt�i trn�l '` is� �w3c .F I ai cwbc itr Frumt Lpf 1hC C4*ij pLjral!} a -,:Sj 'rr #bixm�' ire ti_�'.(1_5h_ I ti[ -7. _ I (b) -A---im 1x7muf:11►' 3pplietl W dx deu-=k Cfthc ptiKi6OrLr.r (alw r;.r't•)t.,F r]p.- Ijst,•rj in n1he ciurf jkTpM4.y � cwrrrrrr:_ (b i Lhe v.arawr prmnp[ty �L�- wd c nvirorrmcmt z1 damage rc%u I LLR-., fe m Lht Vio IaLiun "I. e.. CSplam dic' sl(',ru 1hal V%Ou Ri?j k rr.0 -'t)rrv4l 0 12 V W rii{r!e{+ri {jrwIPT.,V. - w. f2i; are' acL- W7r'1lC.'.��• X - (4) the Viol a60EL W.6 3'3ij �veri-�,'nr err a rcw It off auidert a__ exPL rr wilI ri.kt• ,•: e 1iuf.-oP-. it u3 vnv k'rrid�jbld- -ejr .ixnaW1A. , 3RU -'ICJ MR IW-014.'fit 4 IF�-krt',•gr.- f,7l_ {d) dc Tr Af had ab► be= ao-!k-�sctl ;'ri ptylri GtK c :cw anti PMN-IiNLS �iChL i ti f cl �u wwnt of Ehe rnzI pcnalx' u•iti pry wL4ii M mcm r v the mwininR r&`ettLIMM-�- .::::: _.:.:..: .,- -._� riLC _ t v'iP1,r n }vjV,''Mk L Hit reef ryf fh 'ri-VI P'mall v WJ' j P.F.0V4. -kr}M fri u.N fh-.7fF AIgr tfa- ard4'&jes n2ri ,nc ri,,-vi FXPJ_A'%.3,T1ON_ On Janvary 2-7, �rW'3, tEw plant rucived a TSS MsulLof 46 Mel., L!%cording the daily maximum limit cvf 4� u g(L by 2-2%. On this Jah a WD cvcxit that diqmrhbd trlid in the plant, which cauwd a tcInpofary iacru&w in dw wmmntzation cf TS S in Lk c1 fluent The pant rcftimod to comi-A a ftrward. and TSS I�,WLLl.S ftl=Cd ro manual_ 'I- : plant -44w comp] iant kw t k, Mire mcmth -uf Fubruary follo+ving. 57� "rk (�1- ?v(7 'J'E L }� �- € A DF-PA R 9 M k, I i A i,-%ZV ER [ N %11:.N E AL WALFTY M\ i1q' ? .kTTEL-K fW A%,N E_SW f\T } IV -AB -ER OF R �GIFU FIT) AN r ` STIPULATION Of FACUS sEwn ('edars Mobilt Home Fork %VW'JY ? IT NO- NI C60 3 i Q I i [ "ASE' NO. LV -?(C-141126 k min, btv n a:.— },xf L i+ I L lxrQ for ti i;-�l s) as sci wt-h M the a�wksMC= drxuFFx-ni of iik Of W : � dw;d ,% �?q .2 smdkrsigwd de-sir-Tu SM�k mmu,ism ofrh+: -;:itiil penalty, dchcs hcrrb} waii•q� :lSe ra t an :r5r�ini �citi c Tarsrrmr in ' � a'bMnM—Aal-od mfttt4z7 w d d�� �:;�+I•N:- LEr�I 1� I��t+� arc a� a�Ec��ai � dw Pffnai�% mu -SE be 4PhMMCJ 1-� D;M 1rV �F klkC L>+VISi Dq r,f 1;'a�cr Ft �. c� �+al�ifl ,#� cfa1N A:f MCCip% *fthc nowc of r,��Mrkeni Ni+) .nM ail w-t)rA--6 Of a rtrn;asioa rt Wi!i be alkrwai after i A) da►-, From the r;%L* of tk newitc of _ This Lhe _ jb ;AkEURESS 7 l?'Y,+'� I 701/- 90- q�Qy ----