HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090049 Ver 2_Pre-Construction Meeting Minutes_20150707MEETING MINUTES Project: Glade Creek II Restoration Project Meeting Date: July 2, 2015 SCO Project ID 07- 07088 -04A Alleghany County, NC Attendees: see attached sign -in sheet. Discussion Items: 1. SCO pre - construction conference meeting agenda covered. 2. Notice to proceed executed 7/7/15 a. Start date 7/20/15; 75 day schedule b. Completion date 10/3/15 3. Dormant season bioengineering may necessitate suspension of schedule after completion of grading and before dormant plant materials are available. 4. Installation of brush materials in brush mattresses and geolifts involves first building stone toe to base flow water surface, and in the case of geolifts, building first lift, all while base flow is diverted away from work area. Work on these measures will then be suspended until the dormant season. DEMLR will visit site and review approach to completing these measures during the dormant season, possibly absent a pump - around if suitable BMPs are employed. Consideration will be given to NCWRC trout moratorium requirements. 5. Emphasis on re -use of on -site dogwood, ninebark, willow and alder for bioengineering and transplanting will require strategic staging of clearing and stockpiles so as to limit disturbance and make on -site materials available for use in the project. 6. Contractor submitted a project schedule (attached). 7. Contractor will use GPS on their grading equipment in lieu of stakeout. 8. Contractor may complete an as -built survey of all grading work once this item is complete in order to support pay application with the grading item prior to completion of the project. 9. Weekly meetings will be scheduled for Wednesdays at 1:00 PM unless all parties agree to an alternate day and time. 10. Monthly progress meetings will be held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 1:00 PM. Respectfully Submitted: Andrew Bick, PE Attachments: SCO Preconstruction Agenda Meeting Sign -In Sheet Notice to Proceed July 7, 2015 Submittal Date Page 2 of 2 Clyde Carl PROJECT MONITOR PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE MEETING REQUIREMENTS AND AGENDA July 2, 2015 07- 07088 -04A Alleahanv CONFERENCE DATE PROJECT ID NO. COUNTY NCDENR Division of Mitisation Services — Glade 2 Restoration Wildlands En2ineerin2 AGENCY NAME AND PROJECT TITLE PROJECT DESIGNER FIRM NAME Andrew Bick, PE 828- 606 -0306 DESIGNER'S REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE PHONE NO. OFFICE FAX NO. abick(cwildlandsene. corn EMAIL ADDRESS: OFFICE EMAIL ADDRESS: Harry Tsomides 828 -545 -7057 OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE PHONE NO. OFFICE FAX NO. Harrv.tsomides(&,,ncdenr. goy EMAIL ADDRESS: Carolina Environmental Contracting, Inc. GENERAL CONTRACTOR Marty Taylor 919- 427 -6408 SAFETY OFFICER OFFICE PHONE NO. OTHER CONTRACTOR SAFETY OFFICER OFFICE PHONE NO. IaLTJMIWADIDIRaL&I Alvin Taylor (site superintendent) CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE FAX NO. EMERGENCY PHONE NO. Wayne Taylor, Proiect Manager; 336 -341 -6489 wavnet( acarolinaenvironmentalcontractine_ .com EMAIL ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE FAX NO. EMERGENCY PHONE NO. OTHER CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATIVE SAFETY OFFICER OFFICE PHONE NO. OFFICE FAX NO. EMERGENCY PHONE NO. EMAIL ADDRESS: Collect and Ell -in the data required above for files and computer input. Turn the data in after attendance of the pre - construction conference. (3/29/99, REVISED ON 8/2/2001, 8/11/2003, 3/26/2007) 1 STATE CONSTRUCTION AGENDA: Designer Schedule: The contract(s) require a coordinated schedule prior to the covered first monthly meeting. This schedule is to be reviewed and updated with signed Yes x_ approval of all prime contractors on a monthly basis. The owner and designer No _ have given a starting date for the project construction as Julv 20, 2015 allowing 75 days for completion with a completion date without adjustment as October 3, 2015. Adjustment(s) to the completion of a project will only be allowed by a justifiable change order approved by the designer, the owning agency and the State Construction Office. Designer A project Construction Schedule shall be developed by the project contract covered expediter from data and information from all the prime contractors. The schedule Yes x_ shall be acceptable, by signed approval of, to all prime contractors in accordance No _ with the contract(s). Three approved copies are to be submitted to the design architect within thirty days from the date of the notice to proceed. One copy of the approved schedule is to be posted at the project site and marked daily showing actual progress of the work. The schedule shall be revised jointly by all primes on a monthly basis in accordance with contracts and per progress of the construction. Designer The submission of an approved schedule and schedule of values to the designer shall covered occur prior to submitting the first request for payment. The schedule of Values shall Yes x include dollar value of each subcontractor and shall identify MBE subcontract work. No Designer State that a list of subcontractors and material suppliers are to be provided to the designer covered with a copy for the State Construction Office within 14 days of the notice to proceed in Yes x_ accordance with article 16 of the general conditions. No Designer The general conditions states the contractual method by which the contractors were to use covered to establish the expected number of weather days to include in the contract(s). For Yes x_ weather impact greater than what is in the contract, the contract is due to be adjusted. No _ The contractors' project administrators should develop a daily log on construction events covering construction progress and daily weather conditions that affect the construction progress. Copies of the logs should be directed to the designer's representative on a weekly basis for his initial. Copies of the logs should be turned in to the designer on a monthly basis with a request for weather time extensions if justifiable. The requests will be evaluated and approved by the designer, owning agency and State Construction Office if deemed valid. The designer shall keep a running total of time of weather relating delays for granting one change order per prime contract at the end of the project for contract adjustment to the date of completion of the project. Designer The contract contains a clause allowing an assessment of a sum of $1,000 dollars covered per day as liquidated damages for each calendar day the project construction is delayed Yes x_ beyond the adjustment scheduled completion date. No 2 Designer It is important all prime contractors become familiar with the general and the covered supplementary general conditions of the contract(s). Yes x No Designer Progress meetings (monthly meetings), with all contractors and designers covered representatives in attendance, shall be scheduled with the owning agency and the State Yes _ Construction Office on the third Wednesdav of each month at 1:00 pm. No _ Additional meetings may be scheduled as needed by request throughout the construction period. Prime contractors shall be represented by office and project representatives having the authority to make bindings contractual decisions on the contract. The meetings are open to subcontractors, material suppliers and others that may contribute to the progress toward project completion. The meetings are to enhance coordination, to enhance cooperation, to assist the support of the project schedule, to facilitate in the resolution of problems, and to review pending changed conditions. Designer Changed conditions (change orders): A change in the construction from the contract covered will not be permitted unless a change order has been prepared and approved by the State Yes x_ Construction Office except in case of an emergency as covered in the general conditions, No article 19. Designer Change orders are to be prepared substantially in the format of the form contained within covered the construction manual submit five copies with original signatures from designer to the Yes x_ owner for signature and transmittal to the State Construction Office. Change orders must No _ have a complete breakdown including a detailed calculation of cost with a written explanation and justification for the change. Change orders submitted without this important data will result in the return of the document to the designer for data completion by the contractor with resubmittal to the State Construction Office for approval. Designer Requests for payment: Contractors' requests for payment, with applicable MBE data covered are to be submitted to the designer for approval. The deadline for submittal of requests Yes x_ will be the 5' day of the month. The designer shall certify the request for No _ payment as required by the general conditions, article 32, before directing the request to the owning agency for payment. Designer Prior to the submittal of final pay requests, the designer shall have, a copy of consent of covered surety to the contractor, certificates of inspections, release and waiver of claims, Yes x warranties and guarantees, operating manuals and affidavits certifying that all bills for No _ labor and materials, including subcontractors, have been paid in full. A contractor's false submittal of the data is a fraudulent act and may result in a contractor being disapproved for bidding on further State contracts. Designer Decorum on the construction site: It is illegal for any person to have firearms at the covered project site, any type of alcoholic beverages, or drugs other than prescribed by a Yes x_ physician. No 3 Designer Everyone at the project site is expected to exhibit proper behavior. Indecent language, covered acts or dress will not be accepted. Anyone in violation of proper behavior will be ejected Yes x_ from the construction site by the proper authorities. No Designer Restroom facilities are to be: covered installed at locations to be coordinated with the landowners Yes x_ No Designer Parking for vehicles by contractors' personnel is to be: covered _located within the limits of disturbance. Yes x No Designer Project working schedule: Normal working hours are to be from 7:00 am until covered 7:00 pm on Mondav through Saturday. Other hours may be permitted by Yes x_ proper notification to the project expediter's representative who shall coordinate with the No _ owning agency's security personnel as needed. Owning agency approval will be required in writing. Designer Special requirements of the owner: covered Install job box or mailbox with permits. Keep record drawings on site. Install rain aaae in conspicuous location. Yes x No Designer Final inspection of projects: Contractors are to notify the designer when the project is covered complete. Upon receipt o notification, the designers are to perform inspections of the Yes x_ construction to verify completion. From the inspection, a list of discrepancies (punch No _ list) shall be given to the contractor. Upon correction by the contractor and verification by the designer that the work has been completed, a formal final inspection shall be coordinated and performed by the designer in cooperation with the contractor in the present of the owning agency and the State Construction Office. The designer shall coordinate and notify all parties of the time and date of the formal final inspection. Designer Record Drawings: A complete set of working drawings are to be provided at the covered construction site by the designer. The drawings are to be entrusted to the care of the Yes x_ project expediter contractor. Any changes or deviations from the drawings made in the No _ construction by any contractor, that contractor is to show the deviation on the drawings by the use of red colored pencils or pens. Designer Safety Regulations: Contractors shall familiarize themselves with article 11 of the covered general conditions. The requirements are a mandatory part of the contract. Yes x No 12 Designer Minority Business Contractors: In order to monitor the MBE guidelines in the covered contract, prior to receiving first payment and at the completion of the contract, each Yes x_ contractor shall provide a list of MBE subcontractors who participated in the No _ construction to the designer for submittal to the State Construction Office. This list shall indicate the dollar amount of each MBE subcontractor's work. MBE Documentation for Contract Payment (Appendix E) shall be attached to all pay applications. Designer State Construction Office Requirements: Show project ID on all correspondence. covered Provide a copy of all designers' weekly inspection reports to the project monitor. Yes x No Designer Verify that permit requirements, inspection responsibilities and utility tap fees are covered explained. Yes x_ No Designer Verify that temporary power, telephone and construction water has been discussed. Covered No temporary utilities are anticipated to be needed Yes x No Designer State that completed tax forms are to accompany pay requests for all material purchased covered in the State of North Carolina and show the county in which the material was purchased Yes x_ with the amount of county sales and use tax paid on the material. Provide the tax forms No _ to the contractors. 5 ID Task Name Duration Start Finish Predecessors Resource Names Jul 19,'15 Jul 26 '15 S M T W T F S S M T W 1 Mobilization 2 days Mon 7120/15 Tue 7/21/15 2 Erosion Measures 2 days Mon 7/20/15 Tue 7121/15 3 Glade Creek 2 days Wed 7/22/15 Thu 7/23/15 2 7/23 4 10 +00 to 11 +50 2 days Wed 7/22/15 Thu 7/23/15 2 5 UT to Glade 6 days Fri 7/24/15 Fri 7131/15 6 11 +29 to 14 +61 4 days Fri 7/24/15 Wed 7/29/15 4 7 Wetland Restoration 2 days Thu 7130/15 Fri 7/31/15 6 8 Glade Creek 12 days Mon 8/3/15 Tue 8/18/15 9 11 +51 to 15 +00 6 days Mon 8/3/15 Mon 8/10/15 7 10 15 +01 to 20 +50 6 days Tue 8/11/15 Tue 8/18/15 9 11 Haul Route 3 days Wed 8/19/15 Fri 8121/15 12 Lower Section 3 days Wed 8/19115 Fri 8/21/15 10 13 Glade Creek 13 days Mon 8/24/15 Wed 9/9/15 14 20 +51 to 26 +00 6 days Mon 8/24/15 Mon 8/31115 12 15 26 +01 to 31 +52 7 days Tue 9/1/15 Wed 9/9/15 14 16 Final Scopes 15 days Thu 9/10/15 Wed 9/30/15 17 Livestakes 4 days Thu 9/10115 Tue 9/15/15 15 18 Planting /Bio Engineering 10 days Thu 9/10/15 Wed 9/23/15 15 19 Herbicide Treatment 4 days Thu 9/24/15 Tue 9/29/15 18 20 Easment Markers 2 days Thu 9/24/15 Fri 9/25/15 19SS 21 As -Built 4 days Thu 9/24/15 Tue 9/29/15 19SS 22 Site Clean -Up/ Punch List 5 days Thu 9/24/15 Wed 9/30/15 21SS Task Milestone ♦ r External Tasks Project. Glade Il.mpp Date: Thu 7/2/15 Split Summary External Milestone Progress Project Summary Deadline Page 1 n LA F1 LA Auq 2. '15 Auq 9, '15 Auq 16, 15 Auq 23. 15 , Auq W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S 7/31 A Project. Glade Il.mpp Date Thu 7/2/15 1w Task Milestone Split Summary Progress Project Summary Page 2 8 /18 8/21 1 External Tasks External Milestone Deadline A Project. Glade Il.mpp Date Thu 7/2/15 1w Task Milestone Split Summary Progress Project Summary Page 2 8 /18 8/21 1 External Tasks External Milestone Deadline 0, '15 'Sep 6, '15 Sep 13. 15 Sep 20, 15 Sep 27, 15 M T W. T F S, S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F PVI I �i �t Task Milestone ♦ External Tasks Project. Glade Il.mpp Split Date Thu 7/2/15 Summary External Milestone Progress Project Summary Deadline Page 3 9/30 Pre - Construction Meeting Sign -in Sheet Name I ,�'1AISNON Ct�ly `� �`D -70" S I" , 4___�dvetv Glade Creek II Restoration Project SCO Project Number 07- 07088 -04A DMS Project Number 92343 July 2, 2015; 1:00 PM Organization YUCl)cN&- 0cIX L_ f, N c.�,y7v1— D p-A S wi II lA ^I c�it�3�CC -Ir� w, C d (,&,�es n Best Contact Phone # 33(-, i/Y �13-7.s6� 7b ,+- (,Ief -1 4_7� f zt -- 0306 Toy- 355 -a ?sy NOTICE TO PROCEED TO: Carolina Environmental Contracting, Inc. DATE: July 6, 2015 PROJECT: Glade Creek 11 Restoration Project; SCO # 07- 07088 -04A You are hereby notified to commence WORK in accordance with the Agreement dated Mav l 1.2015, on or before Julv 20, 2015 and you are to complete the WORK within 75 consecutive calendar days thereafter. The date of completion of all WORK is therefore October 3, 2015. CONSULTANT /DESIGNER Wildlands //Engineering, Inc. By: TITLE: a- dlle ket t G - ACCEPTANCE OF NOTICE Receipt of the Ia�bove NOTICE TO PROCEED is hereby acknowledged by �Ak1V C Iti IJI-�1Mhc day of _1 --.20 (�. . GEN "CONT'R 1TOR BY: -