HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0011313_Monitoring - 05-2023_20230721Monitoring Report Submittal Permit Number#* WQ0011313 Name of Facility:* Peppertree Resort WWTP Month: * May Year: * 2023 Report Information Type* Upload Document* NDMR, NDAR-1, NDAR-2, NDMLR Peppertree NDMR May 2023.pdf 4.3MB PDF Only Please upload one PDF containing all applicable monitoring reports (i.e., NDMR, NDAR-1, NDAR-2, NDMLR, GW-59). Confirmation Email Address: * fortin.contract@yahoo.com Name of Submitter: * Robert C. Howard Signature: Date of submittal: 7/21/2023 This will be filled in automatically Initial Review Reviewer: Wanda.Gerald Is the project number correct?* WQ0011313 Is the monitoring report accepted?* Yes No Regional Office* Wilmington Reviewer: _anonymous Review Date: 8/3/2023 NDAR-2 ICON -DISCHARGE APPLI ATiO REPORT (NDAR-2)" FIFr; nit No.: Vi,100011313 F €'its Nav-i-e: Peppertree Resat VVVVTF' County: Carteret Month: May Year: 2023 Did d Infiltration occur at this facIfity? YES i ] Site I4arne; 1 Site N2Frre: ` 2 � Sits Narne : - Site Name, rya iacne :c . + Rate (GPDOft): � Rate (GPUItt 6 Rate �1.3P 21: I - Ratc- ILGPDIft): Weather Freeboard Site Infiltrated? '-- No Site infiltrated? N"1 Sit -a Infiftra4ed?! WF; j raa S�t� L�tiltr�t�d'� -YES !lw F! C�] _ ,4 At-i . e 0 L > 4 m c -LL = J - fo� gar 4 rnin C -Gpayft# fa � ILLCL p a� .. I � Q ILL fa ¢F en ft ft gal min 1k 0a1 min Gpmfe ft fitga i rrrirt GPOe ft 1 2 - - - 5.793 0.46 5.793 0.46 5 ,V0 0.42 5,270 0.42 3 i 5.06 0.40 5 035 0.40 _. 4 $,281 0.34 a.34 5 6,494 0.51 94 0.51 6 !9.577 0.76 9 877 10.101 6,077 0 78 7 10.101 0.50 6,077 0.45 0 48 9 $, 0.51 6.428 0.51 0.61 0,150 10 111 7�vC> 7F5S5 0.61 -0• 7.596 7.-SH 1 2 6,34G f 2.035 0. 50 0-D5 6, 0.50 13 14 1 T.3;3 0.90 11.313 0.90 15 6,824 0.54 _ 6,524 0.54---- 16 - 6,857 0.54 6,$57 0.�A 17 8,224 0 65 8224 0.55 t8 5.096 - 040 5,096 0.40 Q �9 6,627 �- 0,52 6,7 0.52 20 3.447 0.27 3,447 0.27 21 13.974 1.11 13.974 11t 22 7,500 0-59 7,500 23 vv-a t-1 627 0.05 627 CM 24 7,995 0.63 7.995 0.63 25 4.953 0.30 4.963 0.39 28 7,1 19 0. `r6 7,119 0.56 -- - Z7 11,285 0.59 f 1, 285 2B y 13,6EA 1.01� 13,664 1.08 29 I 10,874 0.86 10874 0.66 M1 - AVALU E ! 30 9,368 0.74 0,36a 0.74 _ 31 Monthly Laadini 3PIDIf1d), 6,897 0-55 0.60 6,657 0.55 4.6-D #VALUE! 1 Year to Date Loading GPWLr ; 57.66 57.66 PORK1- NDAFZ-2 05-16 NON -DISC HAR E APPLICATION REPORT INDAR-2) Page of Did the application rates exceed thi+ limits in Attachment 8 of you r permit? C,i If not a basin, were the sites kept free of vegetation and raked? 0 "w-o� if riot a basin, were there any a nstances of efiluent pond ing in or runoff from the sites �plLPM If a basin, were there any irlstances of brsakout from the berms? ;J KDnCvnplidnt Was the on s ite automatically activated standby power source tested and operati o na I? If ih-e fa-dity Is rton-ccrripl:ara, please explain ifn the spade belong the reasons) the facility was not in compliance. Provide in your okplanallon the date(s) of the non-com oiavice and desc-ribe the corre tiwo or-tiorl(s) k;aken. Attach addi LiDn al s heets if necessa ry. O.Perato r in Red por1si bl& ciiarga [C R-C) -Co rtiftation Penwi ttee Certfflulon rRavert C. Howard Permitkve: Peppeltree Atlar7ti o Beach O1NIle is Associ at inn, I nc_ DortJfication No.: 64h Sfaninij Offi-cial_ Daniel E. Fortin Grade: i WW III Phone Number; 252-393-872-0 Signin g -C lal, Title' Operator Respon S ib Ie in Charge _. HaS the 0RC changed since the previous NDAR•2? i__i Yes :. No Ptkooee Number; 52-393-8720 IPermit �x�.= G+4f1 C23 �-� y .4" 8 ignatsare I Date -Sign ature Date By Na signature, I c4vtHl Thai k+rls repcd is arrcurridwMW M"S t*tMe tg or my krW:rWlMge. — _ C cwrfy, en*ar pony cditr, dial Rhis docwnarx"all at7adr-nenis w*rb mph under rnydkedibn arsupemmn IA atr;trdawa v h a syslam deslpnod 10 aswa trial all quallned personnel pr4perl' g}vherW wd wakmaLed Um crormerkm s&miiwd BOW on rY ixNkv yr the pmon rat pmsum wto manage the -9peterr•, -Dr ihme f n!s dlrWly rmqmnatle Far WMarN the k1t mPRA Ift xrformaaon wbmRled is, iv ck bust of mg kijoWedge and baf. Lrua, accurat#_ &%d cwVW& L E m ewai a tharL lhero ore aigdfflCAM penetiee for subrr hwg f Www irkrrriallm, inr;wdcg thoe pass bilfly of llrw$ V4 IrnprlsaamenL for kncw;ng AoWiorrs. Ma i I Original a in d Two Copleo to: — Division of Water Re -sources Inforrmaljolt Pr easing Unit1617 I0.0 Service Center Rt9leig h, N orth Ca rolina 27609-1617 F:U�PP1 %IDMR 05,16 NOWUSCRARGE PAGNITCRIN REPORT- �NOL R) Rerrna No.' WQ0011313 :,.3Ctitty Name: �-;eppaf#ree Resod. 'AMTP Dung: ark�r k Month: May 'Year: 2023 PPI: 001 How Measuring Point: .:•,:uE�t Eff.L r 64D ftw gnmr4wo Pararrl-cr Monitoring Point; EFPuert Gricrazer wa r parametert -c--I- �Oaw 00310 OWWO 50060 3161-5 00870 ..[ 00625 00620 00600 0=0 om6� 7030q ODS30 00w 00615 r '4 �' I7F a] a5 M 23 y ~ F� �' " 4 Lft Z 44C, tJ L Cl LL 7 '= z z m M in 01 (A 7 Ir 0 u f:C k- 24-her hr-. 43PD rngJL rnqIL .T mgiL X100 rnL rnWL mgiL mg1L mWL Sk1 mg;L I g)L TFgA- mgIL 1 , U 00 11,58 5 2 t 00 10,541 10,041 16 16 10 1 D ] 6-25 36.77 4a.0 � B --- 9-96 0.03 3 10.00 4 10:15 10 r d 5 11:1 S _ 12. 088 _ 10 $ .--- .6 10.1 S 19r754 " 13330 20,203 8 10:00 12,1 S4 _ 10 7.9 9 1 R00 12,857 1o:15 _ 7.8 1D 11 10:30 15,170 1.0 10 1 U 1 6.56 39.2 45.78 8 .5.32 3.6 39,E <0.02 12 t10:00 12,1 10 7.9 1 12-45 24,071 14 12-.12 22,627 15 O0:00 _ 7.8 1 10: 34 1 1 ,�, 714 5 L- 1 _ -6.59 - _ 43 3 7.9- 17 11:r.0 16,5 1 10 8 18 10-DO 10.193 13 10 41 D.12 50.29 7.5 8.52 3 43.3 -Q0.02 19 ,1 13F254 _ 7.-9 20. 21 14:20 27-949 _ 22 11.15 15.01 8 _ 22 10:40 Y11AS�D 1,2$5 10 -- _w 241 t0-00 15,991 S .. a 2S 09,50 0.906 <2.0 8 <1 0_24 3.46 41,6 45.08 8.1 8,74 3.3 1.50.O12 26 1 Q_3o 14.239 1 $ 27 11:00 22,571 2-a 13:4 5 27.36a 29 9,15 21.749 6 3h11.00 13.7D5 76 10 41 0. . . , . 3.9 0. 2 Avcrage: 15-650 1092 120.00 5.� 1.D0 0-12 5.73 4096 46.69 7 D.O{l 3.06 0. 1 .0 i 0.03 18-00 120 DD 10.00 1.00 0- 6.99 .43.90 50.29 8.10 9.36 52D, 5.20 O.OU �. lDalIy MoximtJm' 27.94� Daily u 1nim u m: 1,255 200 120.0D 5.00 I. DD 1 3A6 36.77 43.05 7.80 6 37 $20.00 2.50 315 M 13.02 0. Da Sampling Type: Rocoroer Composite ioesi.e 'r-F3 Grab ComvAiW Cornpos.te Cunpos..e Compasw Grao Ccnpusi'r I COrnO0s0.f. ' amposite - Morrthty Lim it: 80,600 i0 14 4 20 Da%r Llmit: 3--- - 3 x Ye-w - - - Sce 'erii'. , Sart3p1 Fr+a r� nCy; C rtialr��,ou 5e Permit 3 '��ar 5 x Week See Pernit ,ee P�iit 6eQ Fe MO See Permr Se$ Pur,r)iL .5 X week ' � Perrlit i 9 rCRNI- N DIAR 05.16 N ON -DI SD HARGE MO N ITO RING P.E PORT � NDMR) Peg* Df Sampling Person(s) Certified fsboratorbes Narno, Robert C. Howard. Kevin Stanley Name: Envilren ment 1, Inc Name; Marna: Does a I I mo n itori ng data and same I i n g fre q uencies m eet the t'eq ui real enta i n AEI c hment A of you r perm it'd If the facility is nDn,curnpkanl, plane explain in the space f ewm khe reascr;(s) the fac7ity was rkok En wenpilanc*. Provide sn your explariation the lake{si of the ron-compliance and dewrbe ihd corrective action(s) #aken- Adach add Itionai sheets d newss-ary. 1 t Op-aratcr i In RespensibFe C harga (0 RC I CortlficatiDn Plerm ittee C rti ticatlon Robert C_ Howard Pormittee: i Reppartree Atlantic Beach Owner's Assooiatien, Inc. rtiffcati-on No,; 9 013 Signi11g Off ICIal. Daniel E. Foftin Grade: WVV IN Phone Nunn bar: 252,393-B7 b SIgnIng Offlclial's Title; Operator Responsible in ChaTge Aas the OFfC charlgod since the in NDMR? Phone Nmbew: 252-393-8720 Permit Expiration: 411312023 d signatu re Date Sig nakum Date $y i% !Rgnelur% I wry M Ih15 r$per•, rs accurrate and r,OrLpla% 10. M'e terwi. d rrry krrmie Jge. 1 owfff-under penidtV of low, M tt4 docLmenl end at altaMrnorgs Ymfe papares ur-aar my < *r er,perriaion In ammiance wllh a sysLern dw#rwd I0"ture nEA all qu0f4ed p.:rz Qn rwI Prop" gathered anderakmwd IheinFa maMn submiLcoa Rased on" krgwyad RIw p"to or persona who manaQelho s . 16m, or Lhcse persons d�r cRy fewmLiule 1cr- VIhering 1h,e inior'"T an, the IrADFrnatkn s-jhrrdrled i�, Lc .he msi et mykr* wkwi andbe%r, vue, accual-9, asld oomplaia. I am am"M thdLll*ra am rgrift-ant penOws Far RrtrNKing Mae nfbrmallon, Inducting the pcselbrlrlyof Ar$sandWW&arrrrre',tzr. rJ wdallor'5 Mail Original and Two OP103 W, a I visl on of Waier Resources Information Processing Unit _ 1617 Mail Service Center Ra IeI h, North Carolina 2769-1617