HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150637 Ver 1_09-007 Anderson Civil Set 6-25-15_20150630LOCATION MAP; Not to Scale Site LAKE POINT DRIVE� wl HUNTERS FOREST n M ° 3 Z BRIAR LAKE ROAD Z Z D W = > HUNTINGTON WOODS COURT ° 0 0 Y U 0 J ,ON�4 ROPO v02 Fs �O �o 9Q �o J� Cz e� Q� 0 OHO .Z. I (ANOM pRNE PVT EARTHWORK NOTES 1. General: Earthwork shall include the loosening and removal, transporting, storage, backfilling, grading and all handling of natural soil, deposited soils, or rock for construction of all work on the site. 2. Strippinq and stockpiling of topsoil: Strip all topsoil to its entire depth in the areas to be graded and pile in approved or designated areas before any grading or filling is begun. Soil shall be free from clay, large stones and debris. The topsoil shall be used primarily in areas without future infrastructure installations and for final finish grading outside of the right -of -way or roadway areas. 3. Excavation for structures: Conform to elevations and dimensions shown within a tolerance of plus or minus 0.10'. 4. Removal of unsatisfactory soil materials: Excavate existing fill material and unsatisfactory natural soil materials encountered that extend below required elevations to depth directed by the soils engineer. Lateral dimensions, depth and volume shall be determined by soils engineer. Payment shall not be made for materials removed if the soils engineer is not present at the time of removal. 5. Rock excavation: A). General rip -able excavation is any material which can be excavated with a single -tooth ripper drawn by a crawler tractor having a draw bar pull rated as not less than 65,000 pounds (Caterpillar D8K or equivalent) or excavated by a front -end loader with a minimum bucket breakout force of 30,000 pounds (Caterpillar 973 or equivalent). B). Trench rip -able excavation is an material which canbe excavated with a backhoe having a bucket curling force rated at not less than 42 000 pounds (Caterpillar 325BL orequivalent). C . Non -Ri able excavation is where Y 9 9 p ( P ) p explosives are used, work shall be done by licensed and bonded contractors small charges in strict accordance with all regulations governing this work. Blasting will not be permitted without special authorization of the owner, the engineer, and local authorities. The contractor shall be responsible for any damage or injury to any persons, property, or structures as a result of his blasting operations. Payment will be made for rock excavation in an amount per cubic yard indicated on the bid form. 6. Proof - rolling: Following the stripping and necessary undercutting, the exposed subgrade shall be proof - rolled under the observation of the soils engineer before new fill is placed or after cuts are made to evaluate the subgrade stability. The proof - rolling evaluation shall be performed using a heavily loaded dump truck or similar pneumatic -tired vehicle with a minimum loaded weight of 50,000lbs. The soils engineer will provide recommendations for treatment if unstable soils are observed during the proof - rolling operations. 7. Subqrade maintenance: water from storm runoff shall be controlled during earthwork and construction activities by intercepting and draining the runoff away from the site to prevent water from ponding on or saturating the soils within the excavations or on final grades. 8. Fill material: The general contractor shall furnish all fill required to bring the grades to level as shown on the drawings. Fill material shall be compacted by an approved method to the requirements listed in note #6. In no case shall fill contain trash, demolition debris, oversized material ( >3 "), or organic material of any kind. In addition, high plasticity silt and clay (plasticity index >30) shall only be used as common fill. No fill shall be placed until the soil has been checked by a laboratory and approved by the soils engineer. The moisture in the soil shall not vary more than 3% above or 3% below the optimum when it is being installed in the fill. 9. Installation of fill: All fill shall be formed of approved material laced in successive layers of not more than 8" in depth. Each successive lift shall be thoroughly compacted with approved mechanical pp p Y p 9 Y p pp tampers to the required density and tested i and approved by the soils engineer prior to placement of the next layer. All fill shall be at optimum moisture content when compacted as follows in accordance with ASTM D698: Structural Areas Top 12" 100% (Building Pads) Remainder 95% Common All Depths 92% Streets and Drives Top 24" 98% Remainder 95% The Owner shall furnish and pay for all fill testing. CITY OF WINSTON SALEM CONSTRUCTION NOTES General: 1. Contractor is responsible for locating all existing utilities prior to start of construction. p 9 9 p 2. All erosion control devices shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with the most current standards of the Land Quality Section of the NCDENR. 3. Stabilization stone under piping to be placed as required by City Inspector when conditions warrant. 4. As a minimum requirement, all graded areas not under pavement and within the right-of-way and /or easements shall be prepared, fertilized and limed, seeded, and mulched immediately upon completion of construction as follows (Application rate PER 1,000 SQUARE FEET): Type I Seeding (Lawns or other focal areas) 100 lbs. of lime 20 lbs. of 10 -20 -20 or 20 lbs. of 10 -10 -10 in combination with 4 lbs of 0 -46 -0 5 lbs. of tall fescue, containing a blend of 2 or more tall fescues 1 lb. of Kenblue or Kentucky Bluegrass Blue 9 1 lb. of winter annual e 1 to March 1 rY (November ) Type II Seeding (General or low maintenance areas) 100 lbs. of lime 15 lbs. of 10 -20 -20 or 15 lbs. of 10 -10 -10 in combination with 3 lbs. of 0 -46 -0 4 lbs. of tall fescue, containing a blend of 2 or more tall fescues 1 lb. of sericea lespedeza (use unscarified seed August 15 to February 1) ❑ lb. of German millet (May 1 to August 15) 1 lb. of rye grain (prior to May 1 or after August 15) Seeding mixtures other than those listed above must be approved by the City Inspector prior to seeding. 5. Prior to requesting a final inspection, the Owner must submit Record Drawings and Engineer s Certification to the Engineering Divisions Record Center. The Owner must also submit the construction checklist to the City Inspector. 6. All work must carry a one -year warranty to cover all defects in materials and workmanship. 7. Prior to beginning any work within NCDOT right -of -way, the Contractor must have a copy of the three -party encroachment agreement on the job site. 8. Prior to beginning any work, the contractor must notify the Engineering Field Office (727 -2362) to arrange for construction inspection. Water and /or Sanitary Sewer: 1. The most current edition of the The City of Winston -Salem Technical Specifications and Detail Drawings for Water Line and Sanitary Sewer Line Construction will govern all water and sanitary sewer construction. 2. Water and sewer connections shall be beside each other at the center of each lot. Connections are to be spaced not more than 30" center to center and have wooden stakes placed on each side. Stakes should be flagged or painted for visibility. 3. For standard curb and gutter streets: Hydrants, water meters and sewer cleanouts shall be placed 1 -foot, 2- inches behind back of curb (measuring to center of hydrant, meter box and cleanout). Placement must be totally out of all sidewalks. 4. For valley curb and gutter streets: Hydrants, water meters and sewer cleanouts shall be placed 5 feet behind the curb. Placement must be totally out of all sidewalks. 5. For ribbon pavement streets: Hydrants, water meters and sewer cleanouts shall be placed 5 feet inside of the right -of -way. Placement must be at least 2 feet away from all ditches. 6. Sewer tail pieces shall extend to the back of the 10' utility easement regardless of cleanout location. 7. Density tests by an independent testing lab are to be made as directed by the City Inspector at the Owner s expense. Roadway: 1. The most current editions of The North Carolina Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Roads and Structures and The North Carolina Department of Transportation Roadway Standard Drawings will govern all roadway construction unless otherwise specified herein. 2. All storm sewer pipe shall be reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) (15 min. diameter) unless otherwise noted. RCP shall be minimum Class III and joints must have 0-rings or flexible joint material. Metal pipe shall be corrugated aluminum pipe (CAP). CAP must have Hugger band connectors with flat gaskets. AASHTO M197 and /or ASTM B744 must be clearly marked on all CAP. 3. All drainage structures must meet NCDOT standards. Solid wall, precast concrete structures conforming to NCDOT 840.45 are acceptable (no waffle walls). All pipe openings in precast structures must be cast or cored. Catch basins for curb and gutter must conform to NCDOT 840.01 or 840.02 and NCDOT 840.03. NCDOT approved precast concrete manholes are accepted as substitutes for catch basins. 4. Frames, grates and hoods shall be manufactured by one of the following: (A) East Jordan Iron Works, Inc. Catalog Numbers V- 4066 -1 (E Grate); V- 4066 -3 (F Grate); V- 4066 -4 (G Grate) (B) U.S. Foundry & Manufacturing Corp. Catalog Numbers 5181 6420 (E Grate); 5181 -6425 (F Grate); 5181 -6430 (G Grate) The number 840.03 and the name of the manufacturer must be permanently cast on the frame and on the grate. 5. Double catch basins shall be two separate basins with RCP between the basins. The RCP shall be greater than or equal to the size of the outlet pipe. 6. If a driveway location conflicts with a catch basin, the following frame and grate shall be used: East Jordan Iron Works, Inc. Catalog Number V -4510 7. All subgrade under paved areas, curb and gutter, sidewalk, and roadway shoulders shall be compacted to at least 95% of the maximum dry density as determined by AASHTO T99 and the NCDOT. The final 12 of subgrade shall be compacted to 100 %. Density tests by an independent testing lab are to be made as directed by the City Inspector at the Owner s expense. The subgrade shall be proof rolled (min. 25 tons) and witnessed by the Inspector prior to placement of stone or asphalt base. The proof roll shall provide a non - yielding surface (pumping, rutting, saturated soil, etc. are unacceptable). 8. All stone base shall be compacted to 100% ( ❑ 1.5 %) of the maximum dry density as determined by AASHTO T180 and the NCDOT. The unit weight and optimum moisture content will be the latest numbers on file at the quarry from which the ABC stone is obtained. On -site tests (at Owner s expense) may be required to verify the unit weight and moisture numbers. Stone from different quarries shall not be mixed. Density will be tested with a nuclear density gauge by the City Inspector. The Inspector s results are final. Moisture content (as tested by the Inspector) must be no more than ❑ of the optimum moisture content prior to paving. The stone base shall also be proof rolled (min. 25 tons) and witnessed by the Inspector prior to paving. The proof roll shall provide a non - yielding surface (pumping, rutting, saturated stone, etc. are unacceptable.) 9. The City Inspector reserves the right to test asphalt by core sampling or by nuclear methods at the Owner s expense. 10. Tack coat to be applied to all existing asphalt surfaces prior to placing new asphalt. 11. Final lift of asphalt to match gutter (maximum I above gutter). Asphalt below gutter is unacceptable. 12. Sub - drains to be constructed as required by City Inspector to stabilize the subgrade. Method to be determined by Owner s testing lab or Owners Engineer. 13. Existing curb and gutter and pavement to be replaced or repaired as required to tie to sound material. 14. Wheelchair ramps are required for standard curb and gutter intersections and at locations shown on the construction drawings. Each ramp shall have a 24 x 48 area of detectable warning domes. This area shall be a one piece panel (no concrete blocks or stamped concrete). Cast -in -place composite panels shall be ADA Solutions, Armor -Tile, or approved equal. Color shall be black. Painting of the products will not be allowed. See NCDOT Standard Drawings 848 for ramp construction details. 15. Guardrail to be installed (per NCDOT Standard Drawings) as required by City Inspector and at locations shown on the construction drawings. Reflective end of road markers shall be installed (per NCDOT 1264) behind guardrail at turnarounds and dead end streets. 16. All expansion joints for concrete to be sealed per NCDOT specifications. Any sealant spilled on concrete must be removed. 17. Sidewalks shall be installed in the thicknesses as follows: a. Residential: 4 thick 6 thick from PC to PT at intersections including HCR. 6 thick across all driveways b. Commercial: 6 thick c. Industrial: 6 thick 8 thick across all driveways Roadway Final Inspection Procedure: 1. Owner puts down 2 asphalt and raises structures to final grade (including concrete collars 1 below final grade). Asphalt is to be placed around structures to prevent damage. 2. Owner submits Record Drawings and Engineer s Certification to the Engineering Divisions Record Center. 3. Upon approval by the Record Center, Owner may request final inspection for water and /or sanitary sewer. Owner shall then submit the construction checklist for water and /or sanitary sewer to the City Inspector. 4. Prior to the placement of the final 1 of asphalt, the following must occur: 100 % of houses must be built or one year has lapsed since the approval of the 2 asphalt. 5. The final asphalt must be placed after two (2) years have lapsed since approval of the 2 asphalt layer. Surety must be approved by the City to cover the 2 year period. 6. After placement of the final asphalt, the Owner may request final inspection for the roadway. Owner must also submit the construction checklist for roadway to the City Inspector. SITE DATA PIN NO.(S) DEED INFORMATION (Deed Book - Page) TOTAL SITE ACREAGE TOTAL DISTURBED /CONSTRUCTION ZONING CLASSIFICATION LANDSCAPE BUFFERS STREAM BUFFERS 6803 -57- 7451.00 2657 -2333 1.622 j Acres 0.69 - Acres RS9 None Required 30' Minimum from Top of Bank; Flagged prior to Work SEEDING SPECIFICATIONS (Temp. & Permanent) 1. Apply agricultural lime at the rate of 90 lbs/1000 sq.ft. 2. Apply 10 -10 -10 commercial fertilizer at the rate of 20 lbs/1000 sq.ft. 3. Seed in accordance with the following schedule and application rates: DATES TYPE AUG. 15 - NOV. TALL FESCUE NOV. 1 - MAR. 1' TALL FESCUE and ABRUZZI RYE MAR. 1 - APR. 15 TALL FESCUE APR. 15 - JUL 30 MULLED COMMON and BERMUDAGRASS JUL 30 - AUG. 15 TALL FESCUE &BROWN TOP MILLET OR SORGHUM SUDAN HYBRIDS Heavily mulched during January - March period. 4. Mulch with straw applied at the rate of 751 -100 lbs/1000 sq.ft GENERAL ENGINEERS NOTES PLANTING RATE 300 LBS /AC. OR 7 LBS /1000 SQ.FT. 300 LBS /AC. OR 7 LBS /1000 SQ.FT. 25 LBS /AC OR 1/2 LBS /100 SQ.FT. 300 LBS /AC. OR 7 LBS /1000 SQ.FT. 30 LBS /AC OR 1 LBS /1000 SQ.FT. 300 LBS /AC. OR 7 LBS /1000 SQ.FT. 30 LBS /AC OR 3/4 LBS /1000 SQ.FT. 1. Benchmark locations and elevations will be verified by the contractor prior to beginning construction. 2. All work to be done in strict accordance with City/County ules Laws and Ordinances or NCDOT or NCDEMLR rules and requirements when specifications are in conflict the stricter specification shall be held. Y Y q p � p 3. Existing utilities are shown in their approximate location only. any damage done to existing utilities (shown or not shown not this plan) shall be the responsibility of the contractor. The contractor shall verify the location of all shown or not shown utilities prior to construction. To insure proper location of the utilities, the contractor shall contact NC One Call at 1- 800 - 632 -4949, at least 48 -hours prior to construction. Non - subscribers or private locations shall be contacted directly. 4. The contractor shall provide appropriate barricades, warning lights, and warning signs to ensure the safety of the public at all times. 5. Boundary survey provided by Beeson & Carter, P.A., dated Jan. 29, 2015 (See Forsyth County Plat Book 63, Page 39). Topographic survey provided by Beeson & Carter, P.A. dated Oct. 7, 2014. 6. The Engineer has made no examination to determine whether an hazardous or toxic materials are resent or contained in under, or on the subject property or its waters or if an hazardous or toxic materials have contaminated 9 Y p � J p p Y � Y this or other properties or its waters in an way whatsoever. No subsurface examination of an type has been made b the Engineer and accordingly, no opinion is expressed or inferred. Further, no opinion is rendered as to an p p Y Y Y Yp Y 9 9 Y, p p � p Y violation of an environmental laws or regulations, either federal state or local related to the information shown on this Ian and the engineer is in no way liable for an violation of such environmental laws should the exist. 9 p 9 Y Y Y 7. The contractor agrees that he shall assume sole and complete responsibility for job site conditions during the course of construction of this project, including safety of all persons and property, that this requirement shall apply continuously and not be limited to normal hours, and that the contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold the city /county, the owner's representative and the engineers harmless from any and all liability, real or alleged in connection with the performance of work on this project, excepting for liability arising from the sole negligence of the city /county, the owner's representative or the engineer. 8. Contractor shall verify property lines, building dimensions, and all other site conditions prior to construction. any significant variations shall be reported to the engineer immediately. 9. Beeson & Carter, P.A. hereby reserves its common law copyright and other property rights in these plans and designs in any form or manner whatsoever, nor are they to be assigned to any third party without first obtaining expressed written permission from Beeson & Carter, P.A. 10. Written dimensions on these drawings shall have precedence over scaled dimensions on the job and Beeson & Carter, P.A. shall be notified in writing of any variations from the dimensions, conditions, and specifications shown by these drawings. UTILITY CONNECTIONS Water and /or Sanitary Sewer: 1. The most current edition of The City of Winston -Salem Technical Specifications and Detail Drawings for Water Line and Sanitary Sewer Line Construction will govern all water and sanitary sewer construction. 2. Acceptable working conditions of sanitary sewer structures and piping shall be verified by the contractor and all conditions found to be unacceptable shall be reported to Utilities Construction and Maintenance at 336- 727 -8000, prior to any connections, extensions, or structures being installed. The Contractor shall be responsible for cleanup and repair of unacceptable conditions that result from failure to report such conditions prior to commencing work or that result from work being performed. 3. Sanitary Sewer connections shall be service weight cast iron soil pipe with 4 -inch cleanouts and shall meet City of Winston -Salem specifications. 4. Water connection shall be 3/4" standard connection and shall meet the City of Winston -Salem specifications. LINE AND SYMBOL LEGEND W W Public Water Line ss» SS­ Public Sanitary Sewer Line UE UE Underground Power Line OF OF Overhead Power Line GAS GAS GA+ Underground Gas Line PH PH Underground Phone Line C -2.5 Site and EC Details Fence DL­ DL­ Ditchline WL WL Wetlands Boundary Buffer Buffer Buffer Stream or Creek Buffer 100 100 FEMA 1 % Annual Chance Flood (100 Yr) 500 500 FEMA 0.2% Annual Chance Flood (500 Yr) FW FW FEMA Floodway Approximate Location Stream or Creek TD » TD » Temporary Diversion Limit Construction Limits D D Drainage Limits SF SF Silt Fence FG FG Finished Ground EG EG Existing Ground ..................... .. . . .;,,,.;,;,,,;,..ls00000000- Hedgerow - -- - - -- - - - -- -- - - -- - - - - - - -I Stone Wall Treeline ----- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - Proposed Topo Minor Proposed Topo Major ® Existing Topo Minor ® Existing Topo Major Boundary or Property Line ------ - - - - -- Easement Line Adjacent Property Line - - - - - - - - - - - - Proposed Storm Sewer Line - - - Proposed Centerline - - - - - - Proposed Right of Way Line • ............ • • • MBL ............ • • • Minimum Building Line • Pt. Calculated Point (As Shown) IPS Iron Pin Set (3/4" conduit) 0 IP / IR Existing Iron Pin /Rebar (As Shown) O PKF; PK Nail Found Z . Stone (Found) (3 NCGS or NCDOT Monument/Disc cO-D UP /PP; Utility Pole / Power Pole LP; Decorative Light Pole GW; Guy Wire FH; Fire Hydrant � WV; Water Valve � GV; Gas Valve - - RCP; Rigid Concrete Pipe CC Control Corner FG FG Flush with ground AG AG x.xx' Above ground (Distance in ft.) UG UG x.xx' Underground (Distance in ft.) �S SMH; Sanitary Sewer Manhole Electrical Pedestal Wetlands Specimen Tree (symbols vary) © Tel Ped; Telephone Pedestal ® Electrical Transformer Box O WM; Water Meter Q CO; Cleanout CB; Catch Basin D or S; Drainage or Storm MH BM; Elevation Benchmark 1 -1 Tee; Waterline Tee 1 _ 1 Cross; Waterline Cross T Plug; Waterline Plug LP; Utility Light Pole Well; Existing Water Well WCR Wheel Chair Ramp IS Inside OS Outside RW Retaining Wall PROJECT INFORMATION JURISDICTION WATERSHED /NPDES PHASE II WATER SYSTEM PROVIDER SEWER SYSTEM PROVIDER ELECTRICAL PROVIDER GAS PROVIDER CONTACTS OWNER /APPLICANT OWNER'S ADDRESS OWNER'S PHONE OWNER'S EMAIL PROJECT CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR'S REPRESENTATIVE CONTRACTORS ADDRESS CONTRACTOR'S PHONE CONTRACTOR REP'S EMAIL CIVIL ENGINEER CIVIL ENGINEER NC FIRM LICENSE ENGINEER ENGINEER NC LICENSE CIVIL ENGINEER ADDRESS CIVIL ENGINEER PHONE ENGINEER MOBILE ENGINEER EMAIL ARCHITECT FIRM ARCHITECT ARCHITECT ADDRESS ARCHITECT PHONE ARCHITECT EMAIL MUNICIPALITY PLANNING PHONE EMAIL ENGINEERING PHONE EMAIL TRANSPORTATION PHONE EMAIL CITY STREETS PHONE EMAIL STORMWATER PHONE EMAIL EROSION CONTROL PHONE EMAIL UTILITIES PHONE EMAIL SHEET LIST City of Winston Salem Muddy Creek; Ph II City Forsyth County /City of Winston Salem Forsyth County /City of Winston Salem Duke Energy Piedmont Natural Gas Joseph and Grace Anderson 2615 Sparkling Place Winston Salem, NC 27103 (336) 414 -7958 josephlanderson @gmail.com TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD Beeson & Carter, P.A. C -4017 Alex Carter, PE 038574 503 High Street, Winston Salem, NC 27101 336- 748 -0071 336- 345 -4964 acarter @beesonengineering.com DMA Architecture PLLC Craig Dishner 1404 Brookstown Ave Winston Salem NC 27101 (336) 723 -6360 x101 craig@dishnermoore.com City of Winston Salem Aaron King 336- 747 -7068 aaronk @cityofws.org Al Gaskill 336- 747 -6846 albertcg @cityofws.org Connie James 336- 747 -6872 conniej @cityofws.org Ryan Newcomb 336- 734 -1550 ryancn @cityofws.org Joe Fogarty 336- 747.6961 josephf @cityofws.org Matthew Osborne 336- 747 -7453 matthewo @cityofws.org Jack Fitzgerald 336- 747 -7499 mikep @cityofws.org Sheet Number Sheet Title C -0 Cover Sheet C -1 Existing Conditions C -1.1 Demolition Plan C -2 General Site Grading C -2.1 Site Grading Elevation Details C -2.2 Storm Drainage Plan and Profile C -2.3 Roof Leader Plan C -2.4 Storm Drainage Details C -2.5 Site and EC Details BEFORE yon N), Oi Z 0��6' w �9 �9�oC ANA ONE GP�� SEAL BEES0118 CARTER, PR. CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS LAND PLANNING 503 HIGH STREET, WINSTON- SALEM, NC 27101 OFFICE:(336) 748 -0071 FAX:(336) 748 -0470 WEB: www.beesonengineering.com Corp #: C-4017 uun tiI i t � t CARp/''' %�% ��. S/ iL,�•9 s 4 ; G• ❑ Preliminary for Review Only; Not for Construction X Final for Approval; Not for Construction ❑ Approved and Released for Construction on: m aD UJ E >_ =z o � E A-0 a) o� d � o UJ� � Y C: J y O Q O d CLIENT/ PREPARED FOR: JOSEPH and GRACE ANDERSON 2615 Sparkling Place Winston Salem, NC 27103 Phone: 336.414.7958 Email: jnderson @andersonpangia.com DATE: 04.08.2015 DRAWN BY: TBC /PE /ATC JOB NO.: 09 -007 REVISIONS: 05.19.2015 Notes revised SHEET TITLE: COVER SHEET © Beeson & Carter, P.A. SHEET NO: O IMPORTANT NOTES: 1. All elevations shown are based on NAVD88. Data was collected with a Topcon GRS -1 on the NC RTK/VRS network. 2. Benchmark elevation for use with site work is top of SMH at T -Turn. 3. Edge of pond shown under "normal" conditions. Normal is the point of minimal water flow through the principal riser spillway system. 4. Streams shown have not been field located in the last 12 months. Buffering of streams should follow current top of bank. All permitting requirements apply prior to any construction work in a stream area. 5. Wetlands shown have not been field located in last 12 months. All permitting requirements apply prior to any construction work in a wetland area. 6. All utilities shown are approximate locations. Contractor is responsible for calling 811 to mark for field location prior to any work. 7. Bore locations show correspond to the Soils Report. See report by John Riley, PE; ET Engineering PA for additional details Joseph L. Anderson PIN: 6803 -57 -8589 TL 8E, Blk 3900 DB 2355, PG 4929 Joseph L. Anderson Approximate location of jurisdictional a/w Grace L. Anderson intermittent stream per DWQ 3/13/2012. A PIN: 6803 -57 -4651 15' buffer is required on either side of top of bank. All permitting requirements apply prior ` TL'S 8F & 306, Blk 3900 DB 2730, PG 3862 to any construction work in a stream area. I ftft Normal Pond: 741.80' - - - �-+-2 �� I \ ` � Normal Waterlines- �-+ >4 _ � I cn ftft - #- _ _ -- !rJ� -i —� , Mum now aftm _ MW i I Cn I0' IIyEaaemeW - -- V Bore 2 -'� / t N89 46'13"E — 269.54' \ — N89 45'39 "E \ 182.66' I I / - - -- \ ------- - -,�1� BM: 748.63' o�ti \ Abandone JL//� / / / •.•.•. /��• /� /� �/- / // •- .- �ti 6 I \_ %� 5 Gravel /Dirt Path / .�. - i _ _ o o � Top of SMH \ >4 j — — — — — —\ pre 3 744 — �1— �/ / / - - / / • / / 10' Utility Easement _ -1 INV: 742.96' �C /� - - - / �E� / = / L / �- - - - - - •bra • i� f/ �� ,� .i / -y� /! - - - I I I \ \ o \ �gA �/ ✓ i j/' - �— Ab �-• • . . . . . - - . . . . . . . �� // /�. //• / / "I LAKE POINT DRIVE i I `,ono �\ \ \\ >4s �O\ / �- _ _ '�/ / r /��! / /?` i� jam/ Wt _ _ -- , �.— - �fln 1M • . 30' Private Access and I O ; Bore 1 \ - / / /- j • - _•� - �• _ Public Utility Easement I I — _ - ! ,, 1- / f - -- _ - . . . . . . . . . . I New test box set at end of l / \ / o \ . . _� / /. �, • — — — ��. Existing 20' Sanitary Sewer Easem pt . . �l I I gas line. DO NOT disturb. \ \ \ _ ' % - �/ . % / / • . • • M �� Abandoned in PB63, Pg 39 - > i ,� /• W w W w \ /GAS GINV: 74 -r - - - / /f /" ,� ! /! i / . . . . . . . . �,. . `® • i / - I - GAS rGAS- GA S GAS GAS GAS �\�� " - ! '/ ' % / / / � COWS Proj# 11224 ' ) � � ,1 `,� . -. ... . • /� -/i /,� . //- . • . _ • . � 14° Sycamore >M . • . - .I- /! i / -fr 10' Utility Easement I I 0 5 Gas and Elec lin s abandone n / \ \ Bore 5 i . • . / U ! /� / _ . . - • 1 _ 141 . . . . . . f / \ ------------ - - - - -- i II CO n' - -\ place. Lines are dead and may be \\ \\ 1 \ / / // �� ZOO x' removed during excavation work. Wetlands shown have not been delineated nd I New transformer location. Future — II connection to home from here. Y _ 1 \ - - I uE — ul — \ �E� \ / / / // / / mapped b the NC DEMLR Or US Corp f \ I \ 75o I ul=_ uE I \ � / _ \_ _ — � \ r� / / / , // /� / pp Y p � I I / Engineers. All permitting requirements apply \ I \ — 751 10' Utility Ea ent prior to any construction work in a wetland area. Cam- _L A 7521 — \\ \� �/ r' � \ \ I \ \ \ \\ — \ �\ \ // / t/ // �`� Poplar \ I ,�; � T ` — 7754 ; _\ \ \ \ \ \ �\ ��a \ / 755 \ \ \ \\ \ \ �� \�/ I // 1 \ `o�Qore6 _ \ \\ \ \ \ >4$ / \ O tore 4 r \ \ a M f I / -- \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ _ — — — �/ , ,^ �/ // , Approximate location of jurisdictional I I 10 U) M � co W \ I I I-C}- \ \ \\ \ \ \ Existing Sanitary Sewer Easement intermittent stream per DWQ 3/13/2012. A I qt N n �- — Abandoned in PS 63, Pg 39 a / I m m I­ cfl �, \1\ \ 1 \ \\ \ \\ \ \ Q COWS Proj# 10106 4. R — — �\ / // , /, ,/ // / 15' buffer is required on either side of top of I I \ I \ \ \\ \ — bank. All permitting requirements apply prior I M M ° I \ \ ` Soil Stock ile to any construction work in a stream area. i I J a° o z co o U \ I \\ A \ \ \ \ ,' / — \\ \� — - — --\ — — — — �,� i 20' Public San. Sewer Easement «SS I — I ss \ <SS / <<SS <<SS \ ,/ �.- j N — _--- - - - - -J 30" Hickory __ - -- _ 30" White Oak 14" White Oak _ ,69 _ — /-------------- - - - - -- — 24" White Oak INV: 752.95' 15" Cedar \ \ \ \ \ — ��--� — — — \ \ / / / / —� L 2' f S89 39'27"W 90.01' f S89 51'47 "W 149.01' i— S89 43'05 "W \ 130.16' f S89 43'05 "W 18" Red Oak , 65 0 11 ------------------ Andrew A. Cortessis PIN: 6803 -57 -8155 TL 38, Blk 3900A DB 1655, PG 2954 Walter H. Willis a/w Alice B. Willis PIN: 6803 -67 -1449 TL 27, BLk 4010 DB 833, PG 189 r, LU 24 HDPE °o ------------------------ -� ^��- - s, - -- ---------------------- LO l� I I Raymond Lester Corriher \ \ a/w Kathy W. Corriher U Z PIN: 6803 -67 -1331 I � I TL's 12H & 12L, Blk 3900 \ DB 1664, PG 914 Robert Evans Creel I I \� \\ David S. Barnes a/w Nancy Dowell Creel I cU I LU LV \ \ a/w Mary Helen Barnes PIN: 6803 -57 -4244 Aseez A. Aileru I I C _ la- \ PIN: 6803 -57 -7272 TL 42, Blk 3900A PIN: 6803 -57 -5254 I I Bobby R. McCarty / \ / 2 , \ \ TL 39, Blk 3900A DB 1859, PG 3122 TL 41, Blk 3900A I � I a/w Brenda S. McCarty / / \ \ A S \ DB 2144, PG 1142 I CC I PIN: 6803 -57 -6264 \ I .0 li I TL 40, Blk 3900A / \ A / DB 1782, PG 2471 // 0 co ------------------ Andrew A. Cortessis PIN: 6803 -57 -8155 TL 38, Blk 3900A DB 1655, PG 2954 Walter H. Willis a/w Alice B. Willis PIN: 6803 -67 -1449 TL 27, BLk 4010 DB 833, PG 189 r, LU °o 0 0 LO l� 1 M Raymond Lester Corriher C) a/w Kathy W. Corriher U Z PIN: 6803 -67 -1331 O TL's 12H & 12L, Blk 3900 DB 1664, PG 914 LJL DB 1871, PG 780 SEAL: BEESOR S CARTER, PA. CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS LAND PLANNING 503 HIGH STREET, WINSTON- SALEM, NC 27101 OFFICE:(336) 748 -0071 FAX:(336) 748 -0470 WEB: www.beesonengineering.com Corp #: C -4017 s 4 ; G• '• FN6i(dE�;� q�FX •T .0 :IS ❑ Preliminary for Review Only; Not for Construction X Final for Approval; Not for Construction ❑ Approved and Released for Construction on: PROJECT: W LU °o O LO 00 ti 0 �- U Z ' Ln O Z O LJL O (1) 0— U) Q LV O O Z 1 U) Q _J U) >>— > C _ la- CLIENT/ PREPARED FOR: JOSEPH ANDERSON 2615 Sparkling Place Winston Salem, NC 27103 Phone: 336.414.7958 Email: janderson @andersonpangia.com Of N S NC Grid - NAD83 (2011) DATE: 04.08.2015 DRAWN BY: TBC / PE / ATC JOB NO.: 09 -007 REVISIONS: 05.19.2015 Revised gas /elec line info SCALE: 1" = 20' E 10 0 5 10 20 41 SHEET TITLE: EXISTING CONDITIONS © Beeson & Carter, P.A. SHEET NO: C -1 Future property line; to be deeded from adjacent Anderson tract (PIN: 6803 -57 -4651) by metes and bound. ' ` ♦ 16.18' Silt Fence stone outlet. See details for specifications. F- _ _ amft now owl low _ _ _ _ � SF--- ._' - - -1 MOM ftft s 30.6\0' \ \ \ \ _� . - - ` - - — � I O N89 45'39 "E 182.66' SP � � • - ` � � � 746 J� Abando 745 or 4 Remove existing culvert. Pipe is located inside of house foundation and future driveway. I �O 748 I I I 45.34' — 1 \ \ 3: . I I I 1 New test box set at end of w w w w I gas line. DO NOT disturb. I S cA9 d GA: ! I ) GAS GAS- AS AS G S 1 \�% \ ' ,�h• � — I Gas and Elec lines abandoned in CO �_ place. Lines are dead and may be New transformer location. Future _ connection to home from here. Joseph L. Anderson a/w Grace L. Anderson PIN: 6803 -57 -4651 TL'S 8F & 306, Blk 3900 DB 2730, PG 3862 IMPORTANT NOTES: 1. Erosion control permitting shall be in place prior to disturbing more than 20,000SF of area for a residential site. 2. Contractor is responsible to ensure site is secure and erosion control is installed prior to any grading or other operations that could release sediments into the adjacent pond area or off site. 3. Contractor is responsible for proper disposal of all materials taken off -site including soils, pipe, vegetation grubbed, etc. 4. Contractor is responsible to ensure all utilities are located. The removal of any private utilities shall be coordinated with that utility in order to stub the gas and power shown on this plan back to the T -Turn area. These utilities will be used for the future home. 5. No basement excavation shall begin until gas and power are handled per note #4. Should any abandoned sanitary sewer pipe be encountered, the pipe shall be removed and disposed of properly. Consult soils engineer to proper trench backfill procedures and materials. Joseph L. Anderson PIN: 6803 -57 -8589 TL 8E, Blk 3900 DB 2355, PG 4929 I/ N89 46'13 "E — 269.54' ` %K�' // r� . �. . . . . . . . . . — — — Abandoned I�. . . . . . . _ -. —.- . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . / ! -WL WL� . . . . . . . . . . - • ... . . . . . . j r — . . . . lf�f� lM • - ..... . - . . T . . . . . . /. f � l . . . . i . . . . . - 14" Sycamore ! , rn v v Z/ // �/ ,/ 12" Poplar I I A I C/) I I I / <<S S 15" Cedar 90.01' S89 51'47 "W 149.01' f S89 43'05 "W — , 130.16' S89 43'05 "W — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — � s\ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — I I Storm drainage piped from adjacent \ \ I I property /street to be carried through \ \ I I site. See Sht C -2.1 for details. \ I I \\ \\ Robert Evans Creel I I I s \ David S. Barnes a/w Nancy Dowell Creel I I \ \ a/w Mary Helen Barnes PIN: 6803 -57 -4244 Aseez A. Aileru I I / \\ PIN: 6803 -57 -7272 TL 42, Blk 3900A TL 39, Blk 3900A PIN: 6803 -57 -5254 I Bobby R. McCarty / \ DB 1859, PG 3122 DB 1648, PG 2381 TL 41, Blk 3900A I a/w Brenda S. McCarty / \ \ \ \ \ DB 2144, PG 1142 I I PIN: 6803 -57 -6264 I I TL 40, Blk 3900A I I DB 1782, PG 2471 I _ I . «S S <<SS U «SS I 30" Hickory ------- - - - - -- J _ — — — — 14" White Oak 24" White Oak 30" White Oak .02' f S89 39127 "W 18" Red Oak 65 _r ----------------- ] Andrew A. Cortessis PIN: 6803 -57 -8155 TL 38, Blk 3900A DB 1655, PG 2954 C o') 0 0 1 ih 0 0 Walter H. Willis a/w Alice B. Willis PIN: 6803 -67 -1449 TL 27, BLk 4010 DB 833, PG 189 Raymond Lester Corriher a/w Kathy W. Corriher PIN: 6803 -67 -1331 TL's 12H & 12L, Blk 3900 DB 1664, PG 914 DB 1871, PG 780 SEAL: BEESOR S CARTER, PA. CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS LAND PLANNING 503 HIGH STREET, WINSTON- SALEM, NC 27101 OFFICE:(336) 748 -0071 FAX:(336) 748 -0470 WEB: www.beesonengineering.com Corp #: C -4017 NNXtittu C) Z� s 4 ; G• '• FN6i(dE�;� q�FX •T .0 :IS ❑ Preliminary for Review Only; Not for Construction IX Final for Approval; Not for Construction ❑ Approved and Released for Construction on: PROJECT: W \ Cb uU'_ ut I \� �� —I 751 \ \. O — "N 752 \ \ � A \ LO 0) 753 _ 754 \ \ \ ti \ ` 755 \ \ !, _� ti co f I � /b6 ct3 c6 4 CV Z 57 _ \ \ ( 758 \ \\ \ mm�10 LJL u>� .�OmCV M 35 Z\ cn 00 C) J C4 "- U) C: Y Z _J m LIJ p U) o V) -- �: \ � I I s mss \ \ «SS \ Joseph L. Anderson a/w Grace L. Anderson PIN: 6803 -57 -4651 TL'S 8F & 306, Blk 3900 DB 2730, PG 3862 IMPORTANT NOTES: 1. Erosion control permitting shall be in place prior to disturbing more than 20,000SF of area for a residential site. 2. Contractor is responsible to ensure site is secure and erosion control is installed prior to any grading or other operations that could release sediments into the adjacent pond area or off site. 3. Contractor is responsible for proper disposal of all materials taken off -site including soils, pipe, vegetation grubbed, etc. 4. Contractor is responsible to ensure all utilities are located. The removal of any private utilities shall be coordinated with that utility in order to stub the gas and power shown on this plan back to the T -Turn area. These utilities will be used for the future home. 5. No basement excavation shall begin until gas and power are handled per note #4. Should any abandoned sanitary sewer pipe be encountered, the pipe shall be removed and disposed of properly. Consult soils engineer to proper trench backfill procedures and materials. Joseph L. Anderson PIN: 6803 -57 -8589 TL 8E, Blk 3900 DB 2355, PG 4929 I/ N89 46'13 "E — 269.54' ` %K�' // r� . �. . . . . . . . . . — — — Abandoned I�. . . . . . . _ -. —.- . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . / ! -WL WL� . . . . . . . . . . - • ... . . . . . . j r — . . . . lf�f� lM • - ..... . - . . T . . . . . . /. f � l . . . . i . . . . . - 14" Sycamore ! , rn v v Z/ // �/ ,/ 12" Poplar I I A I C/) I I I / <<S S 15" Cedar 90.01' S89 51'47 "W 149.01' f S89 43'05 "W — , 130.16' S89 43'05 "W — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — � s\ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — I I Storm drainage piped from adjacent \ \ I I property /street to be carried through \ \ I I site. See Sht C -2.1 for details. \ I I \\ \\ Robert Evans Creel I I I s \ David S. Barnes a/w Nancy Dowell Creel I I \ \ a/w Mary Helen Barnes PIN: 6803 -57 -4244 Aseez A. Aileru I I / \\ PIN: 6803 -57 -7272 TL 42, Blk 3900A TL 39, Blk 3900A PIN: 6803 -57 -5254 I Bobby R. McCarty / \ DB 1859, PG 3122 DB 1648, PG 2381 TL 41, Blk 3900A I a/w Brenda S. McCarty / \ \ \ \ \ DB 2144, PG 1142 I I PIN: 6803 -57 -6264 I I TL 40, Blk 3900A I I DB 1782, PG 2471 I _ I . «S S <<SS U «SS I 30" Hickory ------- - - - - -- J _ — — — — 14" White Oak 24" White Oak 30" White Oak .02' f S89 39127 "W 18" Red Oak 65 _r ----------------- ] Andrew A. Cortessis PIN: 6803 -57 -8155 TL 38, Blk 3900A DB 1655, PG 2954 C o') 0 0 1 ih 0 0 Walter H. Willis a/w Alice B. Willis PIN: 6803 -67 -1449 TL 27, BLk 4010 DB 833, PG 189 Raymond Lester Corriher a/w Kathy W. Corriher PIN: 6803 -67 -1331 TL's 12H & 12L, Blk 3900 DB 1664, PG 914 DB 1871, PG 780 SEAL: BEESOR S CARTER, PA. CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS LAND PLANNING 503 HIGH STREET, WINSTON- SALEM, NC 27101 OFFICE:(336) 748 -0071 FAX:(336) 748 -0470 WEB: www.beesonengineering.com Corp #: C -4017 NNXtittu C) Z� s 4 ; G• '• FN6i(dE�;� q�FX •T .0 :IS ❑ Preliminary for Review Only; Not for Construction IX Final for Approval; Not for Construction ❑ Approved and Released for Construction on: PROJECT: W LU °o O LO U p ti 0 �-- U Z ' Ln O Z f A LJL O (1) 0— U) Q LIJ p U) O Z V) _J �: LL CLIENT / PREPARED FOR: JOSEPH ANDERSON 2615 Sparkling Place Winston Salem, NC 27103 Phone: 336.414.7958 Email: janderson @andersonpangia.com Of N S NC Grid - NAD83 (2011) DATE: 04.08.2015 DRAWN BY: TBC / PE / ATC JOB NO.: 09 -007 REVISIONS: E 05.19.2015 Revise notes for gas /elec lines SCALE: 1" = 20' 10 0 5 10 20 41 SHEET TITLE: DEMOLITION PLAN © Beeson & Carter, P.A. SHEET NO: C -1.1 HORIZ. SCALE: 1" = 20' 10 0 5 10 20 40 Normal Pond: 741.80' was \ \ MAN 000 "00 — — — _ — _ — 744 �-r 1 \ % ` _ _ °O \ 1 \ \ �a� 743 744 -- - - -��\ - -- - -- �\ BM: Top ofS/IH p� \ \ Elev: 748.63' 1� / \� \ \ ° 1h� 750 ��`� 55» SS» 55» 55» I I n \ \\ \\ \\ \\ I \\ LAKE POINT DRIV I I I\ \\ \ 1 1 j / \ I l \ \. 30' Private Access an I� / \ \ I T \- \ \ \ \ \ Public Utility Easemenll I ' \ \ \ \ w w w w F�, I III \I I I I I 1 � a � .`,.':.;,�;,.- ,tl,.�..;,,:� •,j -. - �, � N (�O t M (CO Cc I N CO m m r co 00 U J � o N Y Z co Robert Evans Creel a/w Nancy Dowell Creel PIN: 6803 -57 -4244 TL 42, Blk 3900A DB 1648, PG 2381 1 Segmented ck \ Wall ; 3' Ma \ I \ 1 15" Cedar\ I Y Aseez A. Aileru PIN: 6803 -57 -5254 TL 41, Blk 3900A DB 2144, PG 1142 IMPORTANT NOTES: 1. See cover sheet for detailed specifications on soil compaction for site grading. The contractor shall be responsible to ensure any subcontracted grading services are capable of meeting these specifications and requirements. The Owner shall be responsible for testing of soils compaction with a soils engineer. 2. Detailed grades around home, along driveway and at garage are shown on Sht C -2.1. Grading volume as shown on this plan are 3495 CY of net import. This grading quantity also does not include any shrink or swell factor. These soils would need to be select soils suitable for structural fill areas. This grading quantity does not account for soils generated in excavating the basement area as these soils may not be suitable for structural areas. A Soils Engineer shall be consulting prior to using any soils on site for suitability. HORIZ. SCALE: 1" = 40' 20 0 10 20 40 80 VERT. SCALE: 1"=4' 2 0 1 2 4 8 Walter H. Willis a/w Alice B. Willis Joseph L. Anderson Approximate location of jurisdictional I PIN: 6803 -67 -1449 a/w Grace L. Anderson intermittent stream per DWQ 3/13/2012. A I TL 27, BLk 4010 PIN: 6803 -57 -4651 15' buffer is required on either side of top of i DB 833, PG 189 TL'S 8F & 306, Blk 3900 bank. All permitting requirements apply prior DB 2730, PG 3862 to any construction work in a stream area. I Cn I I I . • • . . - . - _ - _ /i ! . . . . . kIll." 850± SF or 0.0195 ± Acres�� � / / of wetlands impacted. f/WL . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . - j/ /' l /" �� Existing 20' Sanitary Sewer Easement. - / f % , %A�- /. �/ / i •/ �M �� Abandoned in PB63, Pg 39 . . . . COWS Proj# 11224 . . . . . . . • • . • . 14" Sycamore / Wetlands shown have not been delineated and I mapped by the NC DEMLR or US Corp of I I Engineers. All permitting requirements apply I I prior to any construction work in a wetland area. I I / � I I \ I I \\ I I \ I I \ I I I I i I I I Bobby R. McCarty B M I I / I I a/w Brenda S. McCarty / I I PIN: 6803 -57 -6264 / I I TL 40, Blk 3900A / I I DB 1782, PG 2471 / I I / ' 760 756 752 ca a� W 7 748 744 E CO CO r� 11� 00 00 r 7 «ss <<SS ` I «ss «ss «SS O co C M (1 r_ LO + I- 4h 0 U U > ---- -------- - - -- 14" White Oak 24" White Oak 30" White Oak m m1 A I Raymond Lester Corriher // ,� �` // /� , • I I a/w Kathy W. Corriher 12" Poplar I PIN: 6803 -67 -1331 i , I TL's 12H & 12L, Blk 3900 DB1664,PG914 Approximate location of jurisdictional I I DB 1871, PG 780 intermittent stream per DWQ 3/13/2012. A 15' buffer is required on either side of top of I bank. All permitting requirements apply prior I I co to any construction work in a stream area. I I I DRIVEWAY PVI STA: 1 +30.00 PVI ELEV: 753.10 K: 20.72 LVC: 110.01 HIGH PT. STA: 1 +41.65 HIGH PT ELEV: 752.40 0o rn 00 LO r LLj co > m M PROFILE PVI STA: 242.50 PVI ELEV: 750.37 K: 18.87 LVC: 115_00 LOW PT. STA: 2 +36.67 LOVN PT ELEV: 751.24 7 77 0 0 O M O N o LO M > w w �C- Z/ ca 760 744 Ln Ln t7 `I CO CO r� 11� 00 00 r 7 «ss <<SS ` I «ss «ss «SS I d' N N Ln Lr) - --J ------------- - - - - -- 30" Hickory — —_ ---- -------- - - -- 14" White Oak 24" White Oak 30" White Oak - - M O (D U (D U 0 U (D U ti N N LO LO 18" Red Oak co M LO LO -- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — O O LO 00 00 It (O (9 ti�t LO LO I David S. Barnes LO LO It It rl- - - - - - - ti�t CO U C7 U (D U CO (i (D U 0 (i w w w w w w w w a/w Mary Helen Barnes `\ PIN: 6803 -57 -7272 V) LIJ LOU") \ TL 39, Blk 3900A ti Q _ ti \ \ DB 1859, PG 3122 \ Andrew A. Cortessis \ w w w w w w w w w w w w PIN: 6803 -57 -8155 \ \ TL 38, Blk 3900A \ \ DB 1655, PG 2954 w LL. w LL. w LL. \ \ w LL. w LL. I PROFILE PVI STA: 242.50 PVI ELEV: 750.37 K: 18.87 LVC: 115_00 LOW PT. STA: 2 +36.67 LOVN PT ELEV: 751.24 7 77 0 0 O M O N o LO M > w w �C- Z/ ca 760 744 Ln Ln t7 `I CO CO r� 11� 00 00 r 7 0o Oo r- rl 00 bo M M i�_- (D (O O a) M M d' N N Ln Lr) :;I- ;t 00 00 Ln If) N N r � Ln Ln b CD 7 7 0o 0o 00 co - - M O (D U (D U 0 U (D U ti N N LO LO 00 00 V) co M LO LO - - O O LO LO O O LO �- LO LO O O LO 00 00 It (O (9 ti�t LO LO I 't 't It It LO LO It It rl- - - - - - - ti�t CO U C7 U (D U CO (i (D U 0 (i w w w w w w w w V) LIJ LOU") O Z ti Q _ ti C: a- w w w w w w w w w w w w w LL. w LL. w LL. w LL. w LL. w LL. w LL. w LL. w LL. w LL. w LL. w LL. w LL. w LL. w U_ -1 +00 + L°+n + 0 +00 N L°n 1 +00 N LLnn r- 2 +00 N LLnn r- 3 +00 N Lon 4 +00 N Lon r- 5 +00 O o O i , i + O + O + O + r + r + r + N + N + N + co + + + + + co M Station SEAL: BEESOR S CARTER, PA. CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS LAND PLANNING 503 HIGH STREET, WINSTON- SALEM, NC 27101 OFFICE:(336) 748 -0071 FAX:(336) 748 -0470 WEB: www.beesonengineering.com Corp #: C -4017 s i 4 ' • i • ❑ Preliminary for Review Only; Not for Construction X Final for Approval; Not for Construction ❑ Approved and Released for Construction on: PROJECT: W LU °o > > O _ LO 00 ti 0 I— U Z ' L0 O Z LL O (1) -Fo 0C:) 0 0— U) Q LIJ p cn O Z ��� VJ Q _ >� > C: a- CLIENT / PREPARED FOR: JOSEPH ANDERSON 2615 Sparkling Place Winston Salem, NC 27103 Phone: 336.414.7958 Email: janderson @andersonpangia.com Of N S NC Grid - NAD83 (2011) DATE: 04.08.2015 DRAWN BY: TBC / PE / ATC JOB NO.: 09 -007 REVISIONS: 04.10.15 Revised note SCALE: AS NOTED ON PLANS E SHEET TITLE: GENERAL SITE GRADING © Beeson & Carter, P.A. SHEET NO: C -2 ----------------------------------------------------------- - ----- �.I _ I -- 748 \ `\ ----------------------- - - ---- 749 DofSMH ro 48.63' \ \ \ \ wl_ — XL I -9.6/0 W \ \ e 1 e • ,� \ + I I 1 \ I L'♦ I d d I I I 1 1 I I I I 1 1 1 I I I I �- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I w \ ....... \ \ �5 \ r \ \ 755.00 Segmented Block wall \ 754.50 by Others. 3' Max. A ,t '_1. ,-`• _ -� ,d� °- : mod; / e 752.30 °' ! 4 ♦ °' -A- 1.110 e / / 0 3�j0 8' , ♦ A' B a Il e` �'" �! +� ° \ \\ \ \ \\ + i ,•' -,A • ,4 Q,- �, Q'e ",rte .. e 9 -d'. `•'`° I ' � J ' \ • °' '53.13 i �. I ., 4 \ \\ \\ e • °•% e ! r .- a, ly ",,y^, I a '`513a • A-% \ \ \ It/ • ° �, e „ ., 1 ♦ I ,, _ , ♦ =� a a ;aid', • d'S3'4pa 0 +8 I' ✓° - \ ,A, ! ♦ • a 1 \\ \ \\ / : de I e • ° e d o d� •I a'; , \\ +` 751.29 r 1 \ \\ \ A. ! 368 •' I • A I 1 Q 4 " • (2 "jai ��53e3 G , �, a : ` a� < e da c , e ♦. ' i r , a < " / ° , s _ 751.24 "d ° P " ° A °� °' 'e as :•,d • ° a _ ° 1 :O''•y, y,, ,• a ,_ ,I - ,� -. °. X'_..°� ^gyp,` , = ds . 'd• ° . C� - , -� ♦- Ar �Sa O �2 "Rise �53.g3 ° I • I age P SU , I f / t ° • e i ♦' A I 1 d, I •, / a ,d, •. } I 1 3+58 I / _ 751-25 1 I I 166 • ?. �y d , 1 •' ♦ e i� Garage FFE: '°• - - / 754.00' / ' °; ° 4 / I / / / 1 d -' ! ? 751.59,•d • ' e • /l I / I •. - / / I AA A. / • ° j, IMPORTANT NOTES: 1. Spot elevations along the proposed drive shown in 10' increments. 2. Slope indicators are for fine grading of site to ensure positive drainage around and away from the home. 3. Typical 4" threshold changes shown at home doorways except for patio door is shown as 2" due to tight grades approaching rear of home. Close inspection of grades at time of construction may allow for addition threshold drop. SEAL: BEESOR SCAR"I"ER, PA. CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS LAND PLANNING 503 HIGH STREET, WINSTON- SALEM, NC 27101 OFFICE:(336) 748 -0071 FAX:(336) 748 -0470 WEB: www.beesonengineering.com Corp #: C -4017 s i 4 ' S s • ••••46I(dE�'.� %Fx ❑ Preliminary for Review Only; Not for Construction X Final for Approval; Not for Construction ❑ Approved and Released for Construction on: PROJECT: W LU °o C -2.1 O LO 00 ti 0U Z /' L J 0 Z CY)O LJL O O 00 0— U) Q LV O U) O Z U) a– CLIENT / PREPARED FOR: JOSEPH ANDERSON 2615 Sparkling Place Winston Salem, NC 27103 Phone: 336.414.7958 Email: janderson @andersonpangia.com Of N NC Grid - NAD83 (2011) DATE: 04.08.2015 DRAWN BY: TBC / PE / ATC JOB NO.: 09 -007 E SCALE: 1" = 8' 4 0 2 4 8 16 SHEET TITLE: GRADING ELEVATION DETAILS © Beeson & Carter, P.A. SHEET NO: C -2.1 HORIZ. SCALE: 1" = 20' Joseph L. Anderson 10 0 5 10 20 40 a/w Grace L. Anderson I PIN: 6803 -57 -4651 TL'S 8F & 306, Blk 3900 Outlet pmtection; 'W x1.5'D(or2' beyond waterline) ' DB 2730, PG 3862 / Class B Ripr m size decorative river rock. ` All stone Cp ad over filter fabric. See details - Normal Pond: 741.80' r� Outlet protection; 6'Lxum size decor 2' beyond river waterline) Q�( I Class 6 to be or medium size decorative river rock. I \ ` " f' tftt� All stone to be placed over filter fabric. See details. low ovill BMW ago 1111111111111110 1 11101110 \ \ \\ � Will � - AW:7-4151 - - - - - - - - - - - - - � , \ \ I I• tftR(a � i 44.87' o .8 DW HD E 1.00% Site Drain #3 � - 'r ----- \--- - - - - -- J BM: Top ofS�/IH \\ - -- �� \\ \ \ yV r / / / / /� i •fig. . \ , \ ___ _ \ - /- Outlet protection; 121 x 10'W x 1.5'D / \ \ EI ev: 748.63 �' \ \ .i - - \ \ / Class B Riprap or medium size decorative river rock. - \ All stone to be placed over filter fabric. See details. - \ - - +44.870F:0`: 0\\ \ \ \ { , \ \ \ \ \ y• / �� RIM :746.00 \ \ \ / I SUMP:743,96' \ / \Site Drain #1 \ \ \' ��. /� �/ % • /. ....... `"' . .......... . IP'V I :743.96 8" DW HDPE \ \ / \ \ IV: 743'.,,42 � / j ` �� // i � � � . . . LAKE POINT DRIVE / l . /. ! � . . . . �. - . . . . . . . . . . . 30' Private Access and I IINV C)U :�4� .96 8" DW HDPE I \ \ \ \ \ •\ - \• r / �,'/ /% / . . . . . . . • • • • . ' . ' ' . . . . _ _ . _ • . . . 1 \ \ \ \ \ // i /�• Public Utility Easement I I I / \ \ \ \ I \ \ \ \ / ✓/' % • . . . . . . . . . ,� . - •' W W W W ; ff I 1 1 1 \ I \ I I I \I I _ ix ,? � =;: . f;',•.* ,, ':, t '' :=•s •' : t" • i .\ \\ \ \ \ \ \ i %/ Q ab . / �. • � / / ' _ I i f -In 1570 3 PX0 _ 57.94' bf 1 LL 1 9.6 \ N Site Drain #2 / . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - I I •;;is• -i'.. :,. • yg:: / / � Inn I; I I I � •-:• •, •"�• . / '• A:6+45 / / .Outlet Protection: ,;�;'�° : •• '; ,, ,•,,. RIM:751.59 / / 24'L x 28'W x 2.5'D Wetlands shown have not been delineate : °:.�' ` ' / // , Rip rap mapped by the NC DEMLR or US Corp o ::.'•..j' 102. 1 IOFF'0 0 � ,. �. -.�,.- �,. : -,'�•� „ - _ �.y,�...;�;, UMP:748.02 / Class B Ri ra or ma I I �- �RW:7 "2�5� \ '� >" 0 i . t V IN:748.35 8" DW HDPE / / // Large Decorative River Engineers. All permitting requirements al . • is •'- :::: �•:. \ _ `• '•" p a( V IN:748.35 8" DW HDPE / / �/ Stone as substitute prior to any construction work in a wetlanl S h P!7 X54\ / 1, ' r- r ,. \ A / / ` ' OUT:748.02 12" D DP NV OU 719`t5� 8 W I PL \ \ .� ;`:: 6� �:'pi"$'"DW'1IWD 94% 00 S` •�'.ir +e a :-w .,y�..n D /,-•. •. O <.•ro May A O �•�p y' : r• / /� / �".•�N t�r •V•:. �c...•s v a o-,.• <;��'':i • . • f:t' ... •r A' J / / / / t/ / / / / ° 12" Poplar \ I \ \ I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I #3 `�. "::,�: ",r;.:.;j;. "• `.- :L•.ti•; x;• •s I x� / / / , // / m p \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ STA'0+71.1�5 OFF: 6. .;•� :,, I :.•:? ;f,,._f•_ I Q7 RIM:753. M \ \ \ \ T:75 DW\HDPE I V OU : , Approximate location of jurisdictional .:•- <n r� co \ :� '.:.':.'.. \ \ \ / \ \ \ / I INV: 747.80 , / / / , intermittent stream per DWO 3/13/2012. A is ri IV \ I \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ / I o ;.'• `;- �,'�?c / / / ,/ , / / / 15' buffer is required on either side of top of m CO \\ \ \ \ \ I � bank. All permitting requirements apply p ril .92' of co CO - rn 7. to any construction work in a stream area. 00 CD Nt N \ / _ STA:0 +92. 6 OFF. Z m I \ I \ :..'. Y - STA:0 +90.29 OFF:0.00 \ / \ \ \ RIM:751.80 RIM:751.0Q m d SUMP:748.8 SUMP:748.0 \ \ - - - - -- INV IN:748.1224 "DWHDP ------- - - - - -- INV OUT:7g8T0-8' _- -__ - -- / - ::' •!: < L__ / ----------------- --P -1 -_ -- 82.92'of24 "DW HDPE@ 1.00% // /// /� // // // ------- - - - - -- 30 15" Cedar - - - - - -_ / - - - - -- 00.00 o CB# 2 \ \ STA:0 +09.35 OFF:0.00 \ L9 \ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I SUMP:748.95 I \ Full length and slope of pipe I INV IN:752.95 24 "DW HDPE Storm By Pass l \ unknown. Shown for connection INV OUT:748.95 24" DW HDPE I\ and invert purposes only I \ \ I Robert Evans Creel I 9.35' of 24 "DW HDPE @ 5.00% \� s \ \ David S. Barnes a/w Nancy Dowell Creel I I I \ a/w Mary Helen Barnes PIN: 6803 -57 -4244 Aseez A. Aileru I I PIN: 6803 -57 -7272 TL 42, Blk 3900A TL 39, Blk 3900A DB 1648, PG 2381 PIN: 6803 -57 -5254 I I Bobby R. McCarty / � TL 41, Blk 3900A I a/w Brenda S. McCarty / \ DB 1859, PG 3122 DB 2144, PG 1142 I PIN: 6803 -57 -6264 I I TL 40, Blk 3900A I I I DB 1782, PG 2471 Storm By Pass PROFILE 756 CE# 1 STA:0 +92.26 OFF:O.00 754- RIIA•751 M 9.35' of 24 "DW HDPE @ 5.100% I �SL MP:748.12 752 INV: 752.E \ % INV IN:748.12 24" DW HDPE 0�� Inni OUT:7aR 19 ?a" DAN HDPP EG 31.92' of 24" DN HDPE @ 1.00% 0 750- R2 Q'2' of 24" u✓! HDPE > E @ 1.00%.- o LU o 748 Y i CB# ►' INV: 747.80 rcLim 744 STA:0 +09.35 0- F:0.00 RIM:755.45 SUMP:748.95 INV IN:752.95 24 "DW HCPE INV OUT:748.9: 24" DW HDPE 756 752 748 744 O r_ ED � C7 N O N O Lq V N M N (7 U CD U CD C� CD U CD C� r_ r_ r- o (D U (D U (D b CD d CD d 0 U 0 U (D 0 ti� LU LL w LL w LL w LL w LL r` ti w LL w LL w LL LU LL w LL w LL w LL w LL C� U C1 U C� U C� C� LU LL w LL w LL w LL LO -1 +00 + to + LO 0 +00 N to r- LO 1 +00 N ° ti 2 +00 N ° 3 +00 O O O + , � , O + O + O + + + + + + N N N Z Ln 754 00 INV IN:718.35 8" DW HDPE _ Station IMPORTANT NOTES: 1. The storm by pass work is to re -route storm drainage from the adjacent residential subdivision around the new home site. The existing 24" RCP pipe will remain as set. A new NCDOT 840.04 box (pre -cast or hand bricked is to be set in place to drop the proposed pipes below grade. Grades may need to be modified over the pipe area to ensure adequate cover. 2. CB #2 lid is concrete slab, no grate. CB #1 lid is 840.16 frame and drop inlet grate. 3. Pipe shall be Double wall HDPE or RCP. All joints to be water and soil tight. 4. Outlet protection is required. See details for specifications. HORIZ. SCALE: 1" = 40' 20 0 10 20 40 80 VERT. SCALE: 1"=4' 2 0 1 2 4 8 YI #1 STA:0 +90.29 OFF:0.00 Site Drain #1 PROFILE RIM-.751.80 SUMP:748.80 752 INV OUT:748.80 8" DW HDPE 3 750 / r 45.29' of 12" DW HDPE @ 10.1.5% 748 INV: 7 .35 o 00 / 45.00' of • DW HDPE @ 1.00% 746 LU EGG 744 744 INS: 743.42 YI #2 STA:C +45.29 OFF:0.00 742 RIM.751.59 SUMP:748.02- 740 INV IN:74f .35 8" DW HDPE 740 INV 11\1:74f35 8" DW HDPE INV OUT:748.02 12" DW HDPE N N N M ;t i�_ ;;, O ,it � rn O 0D to to M LU U_ LU Iii LU U_ LU LPL ti� r- r ~ r I,- LU LUL w U_ w U_ LU U_ w LL _11+00 + In + 0 +00 N pro) � 1+00 0 0 0 + + + 0 0 0 Station IMPORTANT NOTES: 1. All YI structures to be ADS STD -401 or equal. See specifications and details. 2. All YI's to have drop inlet tops. Use Neenah R- 4380 -8 frame and grate or equal. See specifications and details. 3. All YI's to have 4 " -6" local sump around drop inlet area for positive drainage to grate. 4. Pipe shall be Double Wall HDPE or SCH 80 PVC. All joints to be water and soil tight. 5. Roof leader pipes shall be connected to YI structures with a non -shink grout ring poured in place around the connection port. 6. Outlet protection is required. See details for specifications. SEAL: BEESOR S CARTER, PR. CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS LAND PLANNING 503 HIGH STREET, WINSTON- SALEM, NC 27101 OFFICE:(336) 748 -0071 FAX:(336) 748 -0470 WEB: www.beesonengineering.com Corp #: C -4017 _�. Sl s i S 4 ❑ Preliminary for Review Only; Not for Construction X Final for Approval; Not for Construction ❑ Approved and Released for Construction on: PROJECT: 756 754 p 752 750 - / I­ O 748 c� O 0 LU 756 YI #2 756 746 Q (D 0 744 742 LU LL LU LL 740 SEAL: BEESOR S CARTER, PR. CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS LAND PLANNING 503 HIGH STREET, WINSTON- SALEM, NC 27101 OFFICE:(336) 748 -0071 FAX:(336) 748 -0470 WEB: www.beesonengineering.com Corp #: C -4017 _�. Sl s i S 4 ❑ Preliminary for Review Only; Not for Construction X Final for Approval; Not for Construction ❑ Approved and Released for Construction on: PROJECT: Site Drain #3 PROFILE Y144 STA:0 +44.87 0= F:0.00 RI M:746.00 SUMP:743.96 ' NV IN:743.96 8" DW HDPE N-' INV OUT:743.96 8" DW HDPE 4L.87' of 8" IDW HDPE @ 1.00% EG ✓ i c INV: 743 51 EG YI #5 STA:1 +02.81 OFF:0.00 / RIM:752.54 S U M P:749.54 INV OUT:749.54 8" DW HD13E IL 57 -94' of 8" DW 4-IDPE @ 9_63% UJJ p M- C� d (D U (D b (D U \W / / I­ O O Site Drain #2 PROFILE O LO 756 YI #2 756 U Q (D 0 � ST,C:0 +45.29 OFF:0.00 LU LL LU LL U LU LL RIM:751.59 - 61.85' of 8" DW HDPE @ 2.94% SU M P:748.02 -i N 7 Z Ln 754 00 INV IN:718.35 8" DW HDPE _ + O L _ + O + + + r r r 752 INV IN:718.35 8" M HDPE 752 O O (1) 00 INV OUT:743.02 12" C'AIV HDPE LL (o (0 0- W C g / W .. 75C > j 0 U) O Z LU 748 748 INV: 743'x`; �_ C:_ EG 749 STA:0 +71.15 OFF:56.18R 744 744 RIM:753.17- SUMP:750.17 CLIENT/ PREPARED FOR: INV OUT:750.17 8" DW HDPE JOSEPH ANDERSON 2615 Sparkling Place � ai C0 ° Lq �o Winston Salem, NC 27103 o (3 d (D d 0 C� t to It LO It� LU LL LU LL LU LL LU LL ~ r_ r- r1_ ~ r� LU LL LU LL Email: Phone: 336.414.7958 janderson @andersonpangia.com -11+00 + + + 0 +00 N Ur) r- 1+00 0 0 o O O O Station N Site Drain #3 PROFILE Y144 STA:0 +44.87 0= F:0.00 RI M:746.00 SUMP:743.96 ' NV IN:743.96 8" DW HDPE N-' INV OUT:743.96 8" DW HDPE 4L.87' of 8" IDW HDPE @ 1.00% EG ✓ i c INV: 743 51 EG YI #5 STA:1 +02.81 OFF:0.00 / RIM:752.54 S U M P:749.54 INV OUT:749.54 8" DW HD13E IL 57 -94' of 8" DW 4-IDPE @ 9_63% Of S NC Grid - NAD83 (2011) DATE: 04.08.2015 DRAWN BY: TBC / PE / ATC JOB NO.: 09 -007 REVISIONS: 05.19.2015 Revised pipe label SCALE: AS NOTED ON PLANS E SHEET TITLE: STORM DRAINAGE PLAN AND PROFILE © Beeson & Carter, P.A. SHEET NO: C -2.2 M- C� d (D U (D b (D U CO M rl- O I­ O 00 N 0 U LU LL LU LL LU LL LU LL LL LU LL LU LL LU LL LU LL (� (D CD (D (D (D 0 (D CD LU LU LL LU LL W LL LU LL -1 +00 + to + 0 +00 N L0 ti 1 +00 N � � 2 +00 0 0 0 + O + O + O + + + r r r Station Of S NC Grid - NAD83 (2011) DATE: 04.08.2015 DRAWN BY: TBC / PE / ATC JOB NO.: 09 -007 REVISIONS: 05.19.2015 Revised pipe label SCALE: AS NOTED ON PLANS E SHEET TITLE: STORM DRAINAGE PLAN AND PROFILE © Beeson & Carter, P.A. SHEET NO: C -2.2 IMPORTANT NOTES: 1. All roof drain leaders carrying water to Yard Inlet Structures shall be 4" Sch40 PVC or 4" double wall HDPE. NO 4" corrugated single wall pipe is to be used Outlet protection; 101 x 8'W x 15D (or 2' beyond waterline) I in the roof drainage system. Class B Riprap or medium size decorative river rock. 2. All leader lines to be sloped at 1 % min. All stone to be placed over filter fabric. See details. I 3. All bends shown are long radius bends unless otherwise indicated. Outlet protection; 6'L x 6'W x 1.5'D or 2' beyond waterline 4. When a 4" Sch40 PVC roof leader connects to another 4" Sch40 PVC leader, a Normal Pond: 741.80' p ( i ) - 4" x 4" Wye and cleanout is to be installed for the connection. Class B Riprap or medium size decorative river rock. 5. All pipe to pipe connections to be soil and water tight. I p�p pP 9 All stone to be placed over filter fabric. See details. , 6. All pipe to structure connections to be sealed with a non - shrinkable grout collar. ■ See details. INV:743.51 ------------------ - - - - -- — - -- - -- I ` ft O � O > -_ e \\ 0- --- - - - - -- - - - - - -- �� // ti VC 211LF01 4 „Sch40P N / - Outlet protection; 121 x 10'W x 1.5'D Class B Riprap or medium size decorative river rock. All stone to be placed over filter fabric. See details. 7.5 LF of 4” Sch40 PVC I 'INV: 43.4 I \ \ \ I 0.9 LF of 4" Sch40 PVC A. \ 1 ° \ I I l I \ \ \ I ss \ \\ \ / ./ . /- LU4. I I I 1 I I I I = / c. Qom\ \ \ �\ - N, 2.8 LF of 4" Sch40 PV(' T 4, ;:I ' ; - ' I . , s I I I I I I I I f 3.6 LF of 4" Sch40 PVC a - ;• f . / ' d • I I I I I I °' �' I `!. .• 'dam• / • d. •._yI:.i . / j,'/ ��';:. \ \ / / / / / I A '\ I z,/ Outlet Protection: / ..'.'....'. I I I I I I I ,/ ., , : • :: d \ / 241 x 28'W x 25D • .-A • \ \ \ — Class B Riprap or / ,:; • : • = d ,l ;,,; _ O YI #2 : \\ \ \ Large Decorative River ' ` ' I. ' • \ \ / Stone as substitute / 1.7 LF of 4" Sch40 PVC <�= . �r•=�- •— : ; \ \ \ / / / / \ / YI #3 / = E 2.94 %P•p• "'. .'.' '. '. '. '. I I I \ \ \ •t �d 61.85' of 8 W ; \ o° .• ~ :. \ \ \ / / 14.6 LF of 4" Sch40 PVC I . ' ,: , . OF \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I 8.9 LF of 4" Sch40 PVC • ~ d •,•, 1 ;, s ` \ S a l• : ,.; _A A. \ \ \ \ .' . \ \ \ \\ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ I s I 30 Lon Radius Bend .. _ :.d. % a'; \ \ \ A 4 / \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ :. '. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 8.0 LF of 4" Sch40 PVC ° �, • d_ , a ' -a 7o _ .. a INV: 747.80 _.•', `• < , ' \\ \ \\ \ \\ \ YI #1 -d. : J d;, AM ''''' . . . . ........... . \ / 5.0 LF of 4" Sch40 PVC \\ \\ .... ..'.'..... .. \\ 45 Long Radius Bend '. '. '. '..'.'.'.... CB# 1 . . \ \ \ \ ........ .'.'.'.'.'.' '. '. '. '. '.:.. . ............................... .. \ \ \ :... . .... . . . .. \ \ . . .................. . \ \ \ \ \ \ / ................... . . . . ...'.' .:.......... . • . . . •• '.. ................ .: '. '. . ................'.. ............ . ... . \ / ........... .. '......'............ .........'........ ................. ............ P� @ �. \ \ \ O Np \ ...... / / 1 / / SEAL: REESOR S CARTER, PR. CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS LAND PLANNING 503 HIGH STREET, WINSTON- SALEM, NC 27101 OFFICE:(336) 748 -0071 FAX:(336) 748 -0470 WEB: www.beesonengineering.com Corp #: C -4017 s i 4 ' ❑ Preliminary for Review Only; Not for Construction X Final for Approval; Not for Construction ❑ Approved and Released for Construction on: PROJECT: w w > > o O LO 00 ti 0 �-- U Z ' L �i O Z 00 LJL O W ti./ 0— V i Q w p U) O Z ��� V J Q _ >— > C _ a- CLIENT / PREPARED FOR: JOSEPH ANDERSON 2615 Sparkling Place Winston Salem, NC 27103 Phone: 336.414.7958 Email: janderson @andersonpangia.com Of N ,J NC Grid - NAD83 (2011) DATE: 04.08.2015 DRAWN BY: TBC / PE / ATC JOB NO.: 09 -007 SCALE: 1" = 10' E 5 0 2.5 5 10 20 SHEET TITLE: ROOF LEADER PLAN © Beeson & Carter, P.A. SHEET NO: C -2.3 LID & FRAME DESIGNED BY ENGINEER FOR FRAME & GRATE ANTICIPATED LOADS (BY OTHERS) LID &FRAME MUST BE SUPPORTED FIELD ADJUST RISER HEIGHT BY CONCRETE PRECAST RING OR COLLAR FINISH GRADE CONCRETE PRECAST RING \�\� \\ \\ \\"\- (BY OTHERS), REINFORCING �j AS SPECIFIED BY DESIGN ENGINEER IL WIDTH OF BACKFILL FINAL BACKFILL MIN. AS SPECIFIED 1 ' ) 8 " -24" 0 HDPE PIPE BY BUT NOOT LESS ) 12" MINIMUM \ \ \ \ \ \ \4 THAN 12" (300mm) ;� 30 " -60" PJ HDPE PIPE 18" MINIMUM MAXIMUM HDPE RISER I 1 CLASS I OR II BACKFILL, PER ASTM 2321, HDPE PIPE STUB t COMPACTED IN 8" (200mm) MAX. LIFTS \ TO A MIN. OF 90% STANDARD PROCTOR SPECIFY DIAMETER I I & LOCATION DENSITY °' •i•r ' . , .. J. VARIES l 4 lAA4 • • f ' A • A� -.•I . . y ,+ " a *� a_ REINFORCED CONCRETE BASE SIZE VARIES - (BY OTHERS) 1 UPDATED DRAWING TJR 01123/07 CKS J ©2007 ADS, INC. REV. DESCRIPTION BY MM /DD /YY CHK'D ADVANCED DRAINAGE SYSTEMS, INC. ( "ADS -) HAS PREPARED THIS DETAIL BASED ON INFORMATION PROVIDED TO ADS. THIS °°- ° K.M.J _)RAWING IS INTENDED TO DEPICT THE COMPONENTS AS REQUESTED. ADS HAS NOT PERFORMED ANY ENGINEERING OR DESIGN ■I I° ° 5 -7 -99 SERVICES FOR THIS PROJECT, NOR HAS ADS INDEPENDENTLY VERIFIED THE INFORMATION SUPPLIED. THE INSTALLATION DETAILS RISER INSTALLATION S 4640 TRUEMAN BLVD 1�,„ PROVIDED HEREIN ARE GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS AND ARE NOT SPECIFIC FOR THIS PROJECT. THE DESIGN ENGINEER SHALL D � HILLIARD, OHIO 43026 REVIEW THESE DETAILS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. IT IS THE DESIGN ENGINEERS RESPONSIBILITY TO ENSURE THE DETAILS I� • 7 'ROVIDED HEREIN MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE APPLICABLE NATIONAL, STATE, OR LOCAL REQUIREMENTS AND TO ENSURE THAT THE ADVANCED DRAINAGE SYMEM3. INC. NTS )ETAILS PROVIDED HEREIN ARE ACCEPTABLE FOR THIS PROJECT. I DRAWING NUMBER: STD -401 I-°' 1 OF 1 NEENAH XIV F O U N D R Y R -4380 Series Flat Bar Drainage Grate Light Duty PW/ N r//.,A r//,/A 0 W M n IN CONCRETE OR CLAY PIPE IN SOIL PIPE IN CONCRETE ■ Angle frame as shown can be furnished with many grates, as noted. ■ Special frame anchors furnished on request. Catalog Number Grate Type Round Feet Open Weir Perimeter lineal Feet R- 4380 -A E 3.7 sq.in. 1.1 R- 4380 -A1 E 6.0 sq.in. 1.2 R- 4380 -B1 E 4.8 sq.in. 1.3 R- 4380 -1 E 5.4 sq.in. 1.4 R- 4380 -3 E 6.0 sq.in. 1.6 R- 4380 -4 E 0.1 2.1 R- 4380 -4A1 E 0.1 2.2 R- 4380 -4A E 0.2 2.6 R- 4380 -6 G 0.2 2.8 R- 4380 -7 G 0.3 3.1 R- 4380 -8 E 0.3 3.3 R- 4380 -9 E 0.4 3.7 R- 4380 -10 E 0.5 3.9 R- 4380 -11 E 0.5 3.9 R- 4380 -12 E 0.6 4.0 R- 4380 -13 G 0.7 4.2 R- 4380 -13A E 0.9 4.7 R- 4380 -14 E 0.7 4.7 v v r" H z 70000 ro„ -4 mz -1=> = -nyDm =3 Z 0 H0Or-I • G) I--I �DDD cn �' z N O _ M p M G) � H H = Z to r = v M � v -n z G D _ tnmv v 00a� 0 z G7 Z > 0 v X 00m O N SHEET 1 OF 1 840.16 v vM F-I � H z 7000° r O -n Cn "z�=D = -nZDm =00° z " -0 r- m n =�z DDD Cn0 H 0 z N m Ci Z 0 t7 Z `A/ _ N M c ° v D mo CA) 0 =�v -U = H � M Z z ry O r0 SHEET 1 OF 1 840.14 i.-1'l-1' Li Li ti i Lj s. TYPE ' =:501L -TIGHT JSING NON-SHRINK GROUT AND CORRUGA -ED PIPE _L .1 _ _ _ I .'..IL _ I _�_ L 11 -'s_ PL' l.- . " II : SAN:STFI,IC7IIqF5 HDPE PIPF I urr,�-_:= aAxrNCaTaa caa?rJr c,�a RI'>•gaA�S, Iti = I R?J_ CEs�RI�TICN 9Y MMiLDIY'✓ :HH7} I t, :. �•. , : Wly PREPARED THIS DETAIL EML_,ED 314 NFOaI,aTIOF, F+ MIDEC '-4 .+QY-,'. THIS `-- E+;'r I FuNEN-_ AS RED..E.7ED. AJS FAS NDT PERFORMS- ANY ENCNEERNL 04 'ENCM1 Tom- -•'•. _.r I %0E- EMDEvT.r 's,ERiIETi T -E I%FORNS.TCN S, k' LIE:. T-C I % "TA -LA DETALS 9071. -TIGHT 1T11J[TfJ]tTS �vs;. T4U I:.AN I. ',n '� _NWLN:AIIOh15 AND AIL SCI EF'_.IFIG FOR IHI5 'FAJ_Cl. -HL DLSI::N L4CNLLH "!-4AL HL_Ib1t_.+.rIF *.�JU I I -II' Tao "TC:N. IF IS THE wF:JQ% FFI. KFF;K RFF. .1OtiSRI.W TO FNFJIRF THE .'.FT.41 5 GOh- M84TLAr{ TYPE I. UF.TI"LLLIi • - -- I .L.. I_::,N M: _..y. _._ [HL AP'LGA2 -LL NAHOK , 5 "AIL. OR LC AL 4FJ]LIRLNI.NIS A4U I'D LMaV4L. IH41 IHL W "M WAWA Iffm W. N.15 :FTNF PRCVI:FM HFRk IN AR. W_C..FPTARLF FOR -HIS PRC.JFa-.T. n4A.,l1N.i N'Mr4- 5TD -2024 . aCc1 - r 112 3' -6" n 1" D 4 DEPRESSION � ,�III�~ _1'- 75/8111 -7j7811 r I F 7- H I I G E E N I NI ' '�► i SECTION G -G H " �\ I T 1' -41/2" 1' -41211 Fes' PLAN OF FRAME 1'- 75/811 1' -79/8 CAST IRON 1 PLAN OF IRON 2 -3/4 , CAST 1/811 -/g" 118" _ -1/811 3' -3� � " " - 2' -3� 1%s11 F211 - �81I 1/811 Qi 11 �iN I - I �3/1, 3� N 41 SECTION H - H r 3' -211 ~� I I _ 2' -2" _ I ! II� 21/811 1 21/8 r 31 -13 /Ir N N 2'-13x/ CSI N 3' -6" 2' -6" - - 1 SECTION E -E SECTION F -F Y 2" WEEP HOLES I I I X I I I X I - = I I;I I Y ' PLAN WITH GRATE & FRAME REMOVED GENERAL NOTES: USE CLASS "B" CONCRETE THROUGHOUT. PROVIDE ALL DROP INLETS OVER 3' -6" IN DEPTH WITH STEPS 12" ON CENTER. USE STEPS WHICH COMPLY WITH STD. DRAWING 840.66. OPTIONAL CONSTRUCTION - MONOLITHIC POUR 2" KEYWAY OR H4 BAR DOWELS AT 12" CENTERS AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. USE FORMS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE BOTTOM SLAB. IF REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE IS SET IN BOTTOM SLAB OF BOX, ADD TO SLAB AS SHOWN ON STD. NO. 840.00. CONSTRUCT WITH PIPE CROWNS MATCHING. SEE STANDARD DRAWING 840.25 FOR ATTACHMENT OF FRAMES AND GRATES NOT SHOWN. INSTALL 2" WEEPHOLES AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. INSTALL STONE DRAINS, OF A MINIMUM OF 1 CUBIC FOOT OF NO. 76M STONE IN A POROUS FABRIC BAG OR WRAP, AT EACH WEEP HOLE OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER CHAMFER ALL EXPOSED CORNERS 1 ". DRAWING NOT TO SCALE. BRICK COPING(INCIDENTAL) TOP ELEVATION STD. 840.16 FRAME & GRATE r 6" a 6„ I I = I �' I I roi SEE NOTE-/ ` DOWEL(SEE NOTE) MAX. PIPE THIS SIDE - 18" fO� SECTION X -X SECTION Y -Y I DIMENSIONS AND QUANTITIES FOR DROP INLET(BASED ON MIN. HEIGHT, H) DIMENSIONS OF BOX & PIPE CUBIC YARDS DEDUCTIONS FOR PIPE SPAN WIDTH MIN- HEIGHT CONC. IN BOX ONE PIPE BOTTOM WALL PER TOTAL D A B H CONCRETE C. M. R. C. SLAB FT. HT. FOR MINIMUM HEIGH . H I 12" 3' -0" 2' -0" 2' -0" 0.222 0.222 0.592 0.015 0.026 I 15" 22' ' --36" / / 0.648 0.023 0.036 0.703 0.033 0.049 24" 3' -0" / 0.814 0.059 0.085 I 30" 3' -0" 2' -0" 3' -6" 0.222 0.222 0.925 0.092 0.127 #4 BAR s" DOWEL U a Q N a 0 u? N 0 00 N 0 x 0 0 J x 0 J m z LU w F- v z 00 �a Q FZCOV LL _j CL 0065= °C z F <<0F0_, H COHLL OJ 0 0 a) z I-I c 1 > CL T w° ,r o L0 T W00 cc 0 z LL C'3 Q CD � z Q T �z0 <Q"t O c oWrn c C7 Q � z L D LLI = J CO H Z = J M F- H z a 'S w o co ID v Cr O LL SHEET 1 OF 1 840.16 z O O H � Q Q �0~COU LLJc-I -IZ O O O = LU °C z QU =0CD H CnH0� U_ o °C~n� z ,j 1 LUH '- w ° r 0 c O LL cis J �Z -IZw CL Cc a. ° co o � z W x a) s- W_ = CC N 0 V r F-4 Z J 0 z V W SHEET 1 OF 1 840.14 ROOF LEADER FACE OF BUILDING -� "Y" CONNECTION ROOF LEADER SURCHARGE PIPE SPLASH BLOCK 90 DEGREE ELBOW ROOF DRAIN LEADER MATERIAL MAY VARY (PVC, HDPE, SCH40, ETC.) INSERTA TEE I PO BOX 714 CORNELIUS, OR 97116 PH:(503) 357 -2110 FAX:(503) 359 -5417 SALES @INSERTATEE.COM INSERTA TEE FITTINGS MEET THE FOLLOWING ASTM SPECIFICATIONS: FIELD PERFORMANCE - C969, F1417, F2487, F2946 WATERTIGHT CONNECTION - D3212 (10.8 psig) RUBBER SLEEVE AND GASKETS - F477 SCALE: NTS DATE: 2 -11 -13 DRAWN BY: S.A.M. EXISTING SURFACE TREATMENT (VARIES) I I I= 11 11- EXISTING MAINLINE PIPE, DIAMETER AND MATERIAL MAY VARY (PVC, HDPE, RCP, DIP, ETC.) INSERTA TEE CONNECTION DESIGNED TO CONNECT 2" (51 mm) THROUGH 30" (750 mm) SERVICES TO ALL KNOWN SOLID WALL, PROFILE, CLOSED PROFILE AND CORRUGATED PIPE MANUFACTURED TODAY. INSERTA TEE - ROOF DRAIN LEADER SEAL: REESOR S CARTER, PR. CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS LAND PLANNING 503 HIGH STREET, WINSTON- SALEM, INC 27101 OFFICE:(336) 748 -0071 FAX:(336) 748 -0470 WEB: www.beesonengineering.com Corp #: C -4017 O• `I _ S 4 s j •••A. GI(d`t �.� ❑ Preliminary for Review Only; Not for Construction X Final for Approval; Not for Construction ❑ Approved and Released for Construction on: PROJECT: W LU °o O LO U p ti �- U Z ' Ln O Z O LJL O (3) 0- U) Q LIJ 0 U) O Z ��� V J Q _ >- > C _ 0- CLIENT/ PREPARED FOR: JOSEPH ANDERSON 2615 Sparkling Place Winston Salem, NC 27103 Phone: 336.414.7958 Email: janderson @andersonpangia.com Of N 'J NC Grid - NAD83 (2011) DATE: 04.08.2015 DRAWN BY: TBC / PE / ATC JOB NO.: 09 -007 SCALE: NOT TO SCALE (N.T.S.) E SHEET TITLE: STORM DRAINAGE DETAILS @ Beeson & Carter, P.A. SHEET NO: C -2.4 Joseph L. Anderson Outlet protection; 101 x 8'W x 1.5'D (or 2' beyond waterline) ` a/w Grace L. Anderson Approximate location of jurisdictional intermittent stream per I v -- Class B Ri ra or medium size decorative river rock. v Rip rap DWQ 3/13/2012. A 15' buffer is required on either side of top of I All stone to be placed over filter fabric. See details. ' PIN: 6803 -57 -4651 bank. All permitting requirements apply prior to any construction TL'S 8F & 306, Blk 3900 work in a stream area. i DB 2730, PG 3862 ftft r Silt Fence Stone Outlet Outlet protection; 61 x 6'W x 1.5'D (or 2' beyond wa erlin-e) JL �- ti All stop Rto be plaeddover filter dfabric.tlSee details. \ Class B woo _ - Normal on _ _ _ - -- 744 — - - _�� \ � ,� i \ U) ` _ = '- 'L�— \ — �_ " "� ► Silt Fence Stone Outlet / \=U1 — \ 745 745 — _ T = \ nJit � I I v — -- _– - – I \\ � \ \ 745 � � I . . . . . . . . ' .� /• •/ . \ °s BM: loofSMH I / > �9 \ \ `\ — — — — `\ \ '� \ \ \ ^ I X / // // / ,/ // // // �/ /`./�g . . . . _ • . _ . - /• / �/ // �/ /% / /� // f/ / Elev: 748.63' I LL �,1�0 \ SO \ \ \ I \ \ T AL /. / x // // // . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . /''% / / / ,,� ! •/• �� . 750 \ �\ \ \� /! .,_ /Ei / Nn� /� / .. . . .ova / ,• �>( ./ /� /• \ / _ a \ y 850 SF or 0.0195 Acres of wetlands impacted. NO WORK - % I 55» 55» 55» 55» — n %� \ \ - / �.� MAY BE PERFORMED IN THIS AREA UNTIL USACE /DENR - LAKE POINT DRIVE u) I _ / /� % \ \ \ \\ \\ j� I \\ \\ \\ // ,� %� / / ,� PERMITTING IS OBTAINED. CONSULT WITH ENGINEER - _ . . . . - . . . . • • /, /� OR EC INSPECTOR IF UNSURE OF PERMIT STATUS. • . 1M �- 30 Private Access and I IV / \ \ \ \ \ (� ,r / ,! �� . . . . . . . . .... Public Utility Easement I I I I / / \ \ \ \ \ I/ \ \ - ,, ./ /I / . . . . . . . . / - / ,� ., • /• / —. 7qn Existing 20' Sanitary Sewer Easement % /f , / /, w w w w - / " \ \ /• / - 1M �� Abandoned in P663, Pg 39 > j , _ / / / I I I I I \l \ I I 755 .f �� I _ f /' /f / / �i COWS Proj# 11224 77 I I I III /I LO LO 14" Sycamore � � ' I I I I I'I� I � I I I I / � �/ I ,I 1 • . i�-iy. /! / x/ ,/ •,i >,i7 . -I. / /� ��- !I / , /� �� Wetlands shown have not been delineated and mapped by the NC Outlet Protection: DEM LR or US Corp of Engineers. All permitting requirements apply I I `SF 4 /� / y / / 24'L X 28'W X 2.5'D prior to any construction work in a wetland area. yY • u c to ut et I / / I �6 it / / I I \ Q `1 I 1 / I I �� I — -.I \ i // // / Class B Riprap or I \ I I 1 I \ 1 I \ I % 747 I 1 \\ I ) \ \ \ �� / �/ y Large Decorative River I I CE \ \ I 1 \ \ /� \ Stone as substitute \ \\ \ \ \\ \� 1 1 1 \ �\ \ 1 / �4s I— _ \ _ I _ 1 \ ,� /�/ / ,/ �/ I n C 12" Poplar I U) U) Ch co LAC) M \ \' \ /I — — \ \ \ \ `\ 754.0 Approximate location of jurisdictional intermittent stream per I Co (B � N \I \ \ \ — — —j `\ \ /` \ V \ \ J - �— \ / l , / / / , / / DWQ 3/13/2012. A 15' buffer is required on either side of top of I I mm Ur \ \ \ \ �\ I \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ / / >/ I �� / / / /7 , / / / bank. All permitting requirements apply prior to any construction I i _ n \ y y \ \\ �\ \ / \ �\ 1 / I / \ \ , / /j / , / work in a stream area. n .moo CO N I I��� \/ I `0 I mEL 1 Segmented Block _ \ \\ / / — — — — — — — — — I / Wall; 3'Max. \ \ �— __— / \ \� / / / / / _ - - - -- - - -- I - - - - -- \\ / r— — \ \ � \ «SS 21 � - / / / «SS 30" Hickory ----------------- - - - - -J 14" White Oak 1 15" Cedar � \ - - - - -. . - -- a � 24" White Oak 30" White Oak \ \ 18" Red Oak — — — — — — — — — — — — — — -\ S' — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — I I \ \ I I \\ I � Robert Evans Creel I \� s �\ David S. Barnes a/w Nancy Dowell Creel a/w Mary Helen Barnes PIN: 6803 -57 -4244 Aileru PIN: 6803 -57 -7272 \ Aseez A. TL 42, Blk 3900A I I / \ TL 39, Blk 3900A DB 1648, PG 2381 PIN: 6803 -57 -5254 I I Bobby R. McCarty / � �\ DB 1859, PG 3122 Andrew A. Cortessis TL 41, Blk 3900A I I a/w Brenda S. McCarty / / \ � \ \ DB 2144, PG 1142 I I PIN: 6803 -57 -6264 / / \ \ PIN: 6803 -57 -8155 TL 40, Blk 3900A TL 38, Blk 3900A I I / / \ \ � \ DB 1655, PG 2954 I I DB 1782, PG 2471 / \ \ EROSION CONTROL CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE EROSION CONTROL MAINTENANCE PLAN 1. Obtain grading /erosion control plan approval and permit from City of Winston - Salem. 1. Inspect all sedimentation and Erosion Control devices for stability and function each IMPORTANT NOTES: 2. Contact Erosion Control Inspector to establish a pre- construction conference and week and following each rainfall event. inspection schedule. 2. Remove silt /sediment from temporary devices when accumulated volume has reached 1. NOT A BOUNDARY SURVEY. Boundary shown from recorded Deeds and /or Plats. 50% capacity. Adjacent property lines from Forsyth County GIS parcel data. Self Inspection Effective October 1, 2010, persons conducting land- disturbing 3. Maintain stone in temporary berms throughout construction of each section. 2. This plan is to grade the site as shown for a proposed home construction that will activities, larger than one (1) acre, must inspect their project after each phase of the Re- grade /repair berms as required. exceed 20,000 SF in disturbed area and require a grading permit (owner to permit). project, and document the inspection. The phases are as follows: 4. Contractor shall appoint an on -site inspector and maintain records of inspections in 3. This map is a compilation of information from scaled utility plans, county tax A. Installation of perimeter Erosion and Sediment Control measures. accordance with the provisions of the general NPDES Stormwater discharge permit information, structures and topographic information collected on site. B. Clearing and grubbing of existing ground cover. for construction activities. See http: / /portal.ncdenr.org for additional details and forms. 4. This site is located in Muddy Creek / Yadkin -Pee Dee watershed. C. Completion of any phase of grading of slopes or fills. D. Installation of storm drainage swales. E. Completion of construction or development. F. Establishment of permanent ground cover sufficient to restrain Erosion. 3. Install Erosion Control Measures as follows: a. Temporary Construction Entrance b. Temporary Silt Fence and Stone Outlets c. Temporary Settling Basins Permanently seed all disturbed areas upon completion of grading work. See Ground Stabilization Criteria below for more information. Ground Stabilization Criteria SITEAREA STABILIZATION STABILIZATION DESCRIPTION TIMEFRAME TIMEFRAME EXCEPTIONS Perimeter dikes,swales, 7days None ditches, & slopes Slopes steepr than 3:1 7 days If slopes are 10' or less in U Z ' Lo length & are not steeper Z than 2:1, 14 days allowed Slopes 3:1 or flatter 14 days 7 days for slopes > 50 feet in length All otherareas with 14 days None slopes flatterthan 4:1 p U) O Z 4. Prior to the Contractor demobilizing from the site, the Financially Responsible Party (or their designee) will notify the designated Erosion Control Inspector of their anticipated date to leave the site. An on -site inspection will be conducted prior to the leave date by the designated Erosion Control Inspector to make certain all action items have been addressed by the Contractor. 5. Continue to maintain Erosion Control measures until vegetative cover has been established over all disturbed areas and site has been stabilized. Remove Erosion Control measures ONLY after final inspection and approval by Inspector. NATURE AND PURPOSE OF GRADING ACTIVITIES: The proposed residential home location will be generally situated near the lake frontage with the site grades to be raised to allow for positive drainage in all directions. Activities to accomplish this end result include: • Grading of a proposed building location for acceptable home elevations and buffering /planting berm. • Installation of additional drainage features to accommodate re- routing adjacent existing drainage, roof leaders and on -site drainage for the proposed building location. 5. The site will be phased in order to allow work to begin outside of the wetland area shown on the map. The grading and storm drain work in the wetland area on the plan shall not be performed until USACE /DENR permitting is obtained. 6. Disturbed limits are shown on plan and do not encompass the entire site. SITE/ EROSION CONTROL INFORMATION: County of Site: Forsyth County Watershed: Yadkin -Pee Dee River from the Muddy Creek River Basin Stormwater: Phase II (Delegated City /County) Total Acreage: 1.622 Ac. Disturbed Area: 0.65 Ac. Soils: RaC - Rasalo Fine Sandy Loam, SmF - Siloam Sandy loam Walter H. Willis a/w Alice B. Willis PIN: 6803 -67 -1449 TL 27, BLk 4010 DB 833, PG 189 Raymond Lester Corriher a/w Kathy W. Corriher PIN: 6803 -67 -1331 TL's 12H & 12L, Blk 3900 DB 1664, PG 914 DB 1871, PG 780 EC LEGEND Silt Fence Construction Entrance /Exit Construction Limits Temporary Diversions Drainage Area Limits Inlet Protection REF ORE y0 Oi o 6 w 9Q co ANA ONE Gp��, SEAL- BEESOR MUM PA. CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS LAND PLANNING 503 HIGH STREET, WINSTON- SALEM, NC 27101 OFFICE:(336) 748 -0071 FAX:(336) 748 -0470 WEB: www.beesonengineering.com Corp #: C -4017 \\`��II I I 11111111I1!!Il j/ �� ��`�`\\\p`��N • .... 7% V/ 4 ;6•% /S . F ' NGlNti .•' ❑ Preliminary for Review Only; Not for Construction X Final for Approval; Not for Construction ❑ Approved and Released for Construction on: PROJECT: LU LU °o O LO 00 ti 0 I— U Z ' Lo O Z O LJL O (1) 0— U) Q LIJ p U) O Z ��� V) Q _ >� > C: la- CLIENT/ PREPARED FOR: JOSEPH ANDERSON 2615 Sparkling Place Winston Salem, NC 27103 Phone: 336.414.7958 Email: janderson @andersonpangia.com Of N ,J NC Grid - NAD83 (2011) DATE: 05.14.2015 DRAWN BY: TBC / PE / ATC JOB NO.: 09 -007 REVISIONS: E 04.10.15 Revised note 06.10.15 Revised Inlet Protection on Legend 06.16.15 Revised EC plan to phase work in order to avoid wetland area until permitting is obtained. 06.18.15 Revised EC plan to remove drain system flowing to wetland until permitted SF / / /CE ///1 SCALE: 1" = 20' TD >> 10 0 5 10 20 40 D Wire / Block and Stone SHEET TITLE: EROSION CONTROL EC PLAN PLAN APPROVED © Beeson & Carter, P.A. SHEET NO: Grading Permit Required _ Prior To Land Disturbing C3 TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE /EXIT Fence N.T.S. 1' -6" Min. 25' Min. Silt fence or construction fence returns each side. PLAN VIEW 1 . ost 1 Z DEFINED CHANNEL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS: Course Aggregate I I 1" Silt Fence Stone (2 -3" Stone) Existing 1. Stone - use course aggregate (2 -3 inch Pavement stone) l A co 2. Length - As effective, but not less than 100 IIII II.1h feet A _J 3. Thickness - Not less than eight (8) inches 25' Mi �LjIILIII � 73 4. Width - Not less than full width of all points NOTES: 011111 II 0 co of in ress ore ress 9 9 I i I I I 1. La is the length of the riprap apron. 5. Washing - When necessary, wheels shall Existing zo N be cleaned to remove sediment prior to Ground 0� entrance into public right -of -way. When diameter, but not less than 12 ". O washing is required, it shall be done on an area stabilized with crushed stone which = drains into an approved sediment trap or 3. In a well - defined channel, extend the b sediment basin. All sediment shall be 100' Min OR 4X Circumference of largest tire. Whichever is greater. prevented from entering any storm drain, ditch or watercourse through the use of SIDE ELEVATION the bank. sand bags, gravel, boards or other approved methods. 100' Min. I Existing 4" Min Pavement MAINTENANCE: The entrance shall be maintained in a condition =1 = I which will prevent tracking or flowing of 1= III =III= I I =1 I I =I I =I I -11 Ed I I= I I= - - sediment onto public right -of -way. This may 4" Min. require periodic top dressing with additional Existing Filter stone as conditions demand and repair and /or Ground Cloth cleanout of any measures used to trap sediment. All sediment spilled, dropped, washed or tracked onto public right -of -way must be removed immediately. SEDIMENT FENCE (SILT FENCE) (6.62) N.T.S. CONSTRUCTION: 1. Construct the sediment barrier of standard strength or extra strength synthetic filter fabrics. 8' max, standard strength fabric with wire fence 2. Ensure that the height of the sediment fence does 'b' max. extra str"th fabric without wire fence not exceed 24" above the ground surface. (Higher fences may impound volumes of water steel sufficient to cause failure of the structure). post 3. Construct the filter fabric form continuous roll cut to Plastic or the length of the barrier to avoid joints. When joints wire ties are necessary, securely fasten the filter cloth only at a support post with 4 feet minimum overlap to wire �s 24 fence the next post. Natural 4. Support standard strength filter fabric by wire mesh ground fastened securely to the up slope side of the posts. Extend the wire mesh support to the bottom of the trench. Fasten the wire reinforcement, then fabric S' dawn d4• on the up slope side of the fence post. Wire or 24„ fth`at'drh"g Filter plastic zip ties should have minimum 50 pound fabric tensile strength. 5. When a wire support fence is used, space posts a maximum of 8 feet apart. Support posts should be driven into the ground a minimum of 24 inches. wire 6. Extra strength filter fabric with 6 foot post spacing fence 9 p p 9 Cross- Section does not require wire mesh support fence. view Securely fasten the filter fabric directly to posts. Filter Wire or plastic zip ties should have minimum 50 steel fabric Band c trench Natural p p post / and compact ground pound tensile strength. t_ th °r °"ghly 7. Excavate a trench approximately 4 inches wide and 8 inches deep along the proposed line of the ' • ° : • ::': i; •• • , pslage posts and up slope from the barrier (See figure below). •••. min.•. 8. Backfill the trench with compacted soil or gravel mill placed over the filter fabric. 9. Do Not attach filter fabric to trees. ' MAINTENANCE: Inspect sediment fences at least once a week and after each rainfall. Make any require repairs immediately. Should the fabric of a sediment fence collapse, tear, decompose, or become ineffective replace it promptly. Replace burlap every 60 days. Remove sediment deposits as necessary to provide adequate storage volume for the next rain and to reduce pressure on the fence. Take care to avoid undermining the fence during clean out. Remove all fencing materials and unstable sediment deposits and bring the area to grade and stabilize it after the contributing drainage area has been properly stabilized. SILT FENCE STONE OUTLET (6.63) N.T.S. TOP VIEW Silt UJ Fence 1' -6" Min. f PIPE OUTLET TO WELL - 2 1 . ost 1 Z DEFINED CHANNEL 3' Max. Structural I 1" Silt Fence Stone UJ CROSS SECTION Silt Fence - - Silt Fence III III -III= I I III III -1111 Min. _ NOTE: 1. Structural stone shall be (Class "B ") stone for erosion control purposes. 2. Sediment control stone shall be No. 5 or No. 57 stone. PIPE OUTLET TO FLAT AREA - NO WELL- DEFINED CHANNEL do ■ PLAN OUTLET STABILIZATION STRUCTURE La La 4. A filter blanket or filter fabric should be installed between the riprap and soil foundation. d d FILTER FILTER SECTION AA BLANKET BLANKET SECTION AA CONSTRUCTION: 1. Ensure that the subgrade for the filter and riprap follows the required lines and grades shown in the plan. compact any fill required in the subgrade to the density of the surrounding undisturbed material. low areas in the subgrade on undisturbed soil may also be filled by increasing the riprap thickness. 2. The riprap and gravel filter must conform to the specified grading limits shown on the plans. 3. Filter cloth, when used, must meet design requirements and be properly protected from punching or tearing during installation. repair any damage by removing the riprap and placing another piece of filter cloth over the damaged area. all connecting joints should overlap a minimum of 1 ft. if the damage is extensive, replace the entire filter cloth. 4. Riprap may be placed by equipment, but take care to avoid damaging the filter. 5. The minimum thickness of the riprap should be 1.5 times the maximum stone diameter. 6. Riprap may be field stone or rough quarry stone. it should be hard, angular, highly weather - resistant and well graded. 7. Construct the apron on zero grade with no overfall at the end. make the top of the riprap at the downstream end level with the receiving area or slightly below it. 8. Ensure that the apron is properly aligned with the receiving stream and preferably straight throughout its length. if a curve is needed to fit site conditions, place it in the upper section of the apron. 9. Immediately after construction, stabilize all disturbed areas with vegetation. MAINTENANCE: Inspect riprap outlet structures after heavy rains to see if any erosion around or below the riprap has taken place or if stones have been dislodged. Immediately make all needed repairs to prevent further damage. TEMPORARY DIVERSIONS N.T.S. Compacted Soil 3:1 Max. * Flow Slope I 18" Min. Temporary Earthen Diversion Dike Coarse Aggreg -,0 3:1 3:1 Max. Flow I 00�g0 Slope 18" Min. 9' Typical Temporary Gravel Diversion Dike for Vehicle crossing CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS: 1. Remove and dispose of all tress, brush, stumps and other objectionable material. 2. Ensure that the minimum constructed cross - section meets all design requirements. q 3. Ensure that the to of the dike is not lower at an point than the design elevation plus the specified settlement. P any 9 P p 4. Provide sufficient room around diversion to permit machine regrading and cleanout. 5. Vegetate the ridge immediately after construction, unless it will remain in place less than 30 days. MAINTENANCE: Inspect temporary diversions once a week and after every rainfall. Immediately remove sediment from flow area and repair the diversion ridge. Carefully inspect outlets and make timely repairs as needed. When the area protected is permanently stabilized, remove the ridge and channel to blend with the natural ground surface and stabilize appropriately. SETTLING BASIN N.T.S. FLOW __ El I 1E1 I I- PLAN `T Length Equals 2 Times Width FLOW - -> - g q 3' Min. PROFILE TEMPORARY CHECK DAM (6.83) N.T.S. L =THE DISTANCE SUCH THAT POINTS A AND B ARE OF EQUAL ELEVATION A^ L AT CROSS SECTION VIEW CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS: 1. Place stone to the lines and dimensions shown in the plan on a filter fabric foundation. 2. Keep the center stone section at least 9 inches below natural ground level where the dam abuts the channel banks. Min. 6" #57 Washed Stone 3. Extend stone at least 1.5 ft. beyond the ditch banks to keep overflow water from undercutting the dam as of re- enters on Face of Riprap the channel. 4. Set spacing between dams to assure that the elevation at the top of the lower dam is the same elevation as the toe Class B Rip Rap; elevation of the upper dam. 2' H x 4'L x Width of Basin 5. Protect the channel downstream from the lowest check dam,considering that the water will flow over and around the dam. 6. Make sure that the channel reach above the most upstream dam is stable. 1 -1 i I -I i I -I i I- 7. Ensure that channel appurtenances, such as culvert ent- rances below check dams are not subject to damage or II= III =III =III =1 pp subject blockage from displaced stones. MAINTENANCE: Inspect check dams and channels for damage after runoff event. Anticipate submergence and deposition above the check dam and erosion from high flows around the edges of the dam. Correct all damage immediately. If significant erosion occurs between dams install a protective riprap liner in that portion of the channel. Remove sediment accumulated behind the dams as needed to prevent damage to vegetation, allow the channel to drain through the stone check dam, and prevent large flows from carrying sediment over the dam. Add stones to dams as needed to maintain design height and cross section. STANDARD CATCH BASIN INLET PROTECTION (N.T.S.) STANDARD METAL POSTS s 2' -0" IN GROUND GALVANIZED HARDWARE WIRE EXTENDS TO TOP OF BOX V. y >> # 57 WASHED STONE PLACED TO A HEIGHT OF 12 " -18" MINIMUM ABOVE TOP OF BOX CONSTRUCTION: 1. Drive standard T -posts a minimum of 2.0' into ground at each corner of catch basin. 2. Careful) fit hardware cloth or comparable wire mesh with 1/2 inch openings around posts to hold ravel in lace. Y P P 9 p 3. Use DOT # 57 washed stone, placed 12 -18" above the catch basin rim. Flatten and smooth it to an even grade. MAINTENANCE: • Inspect the barrier after each rain and make repairs as needed. • Remove sediment as necessary to provide adequate storage volume for subsequent rains. • When the contributing drainage area has been adequately stabilized, remove all materials and any unstable soil, and either salvage or dispose of it properly. Bring the disturbed area to proper grade, then smooth and compact it. Appropriately stabilize all bare areas around the inlet. For Late Winter and Sprinq TEMPORARY SEEDING USpecies Rate Rye (Grain) 120lbs /ac Annual Lespedeza 50lbs /ac (Kobe in Piedmont and Coastal Plain, Korean in Mountains) Omit annual lespedeza when duration of temporary cover is not to extend beyond June. SEEDING DATES Mountains - -Above 2500 feet: Feb. 15 - May 15; Below 2500 feet: Feb. 1- May 1 Piedmont - -Jan. 1 - May 1 Coastal Plain- -Dec. 1 -Apr. 15 SOIL AMENDMENTS Follow recommendations of soil tests or apply 2,000 lb/acre ground agricultural limestone and 750 lb/acre 10 -10 -10 fertilizer. MULCH Apply 4,000 lb/acre straw. Anchor straw by tacking with asphalt, netting, or a mulch anchoring tool. A disk with blades set nearly straight can be used as a mulch anchoring tool. MAINTENANCE Refertilize if growth is not fully adequate. Reseed, refertilize and mulch immediately following erosion or other damage. For Summer Species Rate German Millet 40lbs /ac In the Piedmont and Mountains, a small- stemmed Sudangrass may be substituted at a rate of 50 lb/acre. SEEDING DATES Mountains - -May 15 - Aug. 15 Piedmont - -May 1 - Aug. 15 Coastal Plain- -Apr. 15 - Aug. 15 SOIL AMENDMENTS Follow recommendations of soil tests or apply 2,000 lb/acre ground agricultural limestone and 750 lb/acre 10 -10 -10 fertilizer. MULCH Apply 4,000 lb/acre straw. Anchor straw by tacking with asphalt, netting, or a mulch anchoring tool. A disk with blades set nearly straight can be used as a mulch anchoring tool. MAINTENANCE Refertilize if growth is not fully adequate. Reseed, refertilize and mulch immediately following erosion or other damage. For Fall Species Rate Rye (Grain) 120lbs /ac SEEDING DATES Mountains - -Aug. 15 - Dec. 15 Coastal Plain and Piedmont - -Aug. 15 - Dec. 30 SOIL AMENDMENTS Follow soil tests or apply 2,000 lb/acre ground agricultural limestone and 1,000 lb/acre 10 -10 -10 fertilizer. MULCH Apply 4,000 lb/acre straw. Anchor straw by tacking with asphalt, netting, or a mulch anchoring tool. A disk with blades set nearly straight can be used as a mulch anchoring tool. MAINTENANCE Repair and refertilize damaged areas immediately. Topdress with 50 lb/acre of nitrogen in March. If it is necessary to extent temporary cover beyond June 15, overseed with 50 lb/acre Kobe (Piedmont and Coastal Plain) or Korean (Mountains) lespedeza in late February or early March. Dewatering Concrete Block L 2:1 Slope, Gravel Filter INLET PROTECTION N.T.S. Temporary Sediment Pool 1' Min. 2' Max. f Sediment Temporary Sediment Pool - -�- 1' Min. r 2' Max. i lir Wire Screen Dewatering 1. C � Drop Inlet w/ Grate SEAL: BEE80118 CRRTER. PR. CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS LAND PLANNING 503 HIGH STREET, WINSTON- SALEM, NC 27101 OFFICE:(336) 748 -0071 FAX:(336) 748 -0470 WEB: www.beesonengineering.com Corp #: C -4017 CA Rt \ r ; so- El Preliminary for Review Only; Not for Construction X Final for Approval; Not for Construction ❑ Approved and Released for Construction on: PROJECT: UJ N.T.S. O� U p PIPE OUTLET TO WELL - 0 Z DEFINED CHANNEL Wire Screen LL (optional) I UJ l A co �A J _J A _J 0 3do do o NOTES: T T %W o ° 1. La is the length of the riprap apron. ___lo`_N 2. d =1.5 times the maximum stone diameter, but not less than 12 ". PLAN 3. In a well - defined channel, extend the apron up the channel banks to the top of the bank. La La 4. A filter blanket or filter fabric should be installed between the riprap and soil foundation. d d FILTER FILTER SECTION AA BLANKET BLANKET SECTION AA CONSTRUCTION: 1. Ensure that the subgrade for the filter and riprap follows the required lines and grades shown in the plan. compact any fill required in the subgrade to the density of the surrounding undisturbed material. low areas in the subgrade on undisturbed soil may also be filled by increasing the riprap thickness. 2. The riprap and gravel filter must conform to the specified grading limits shown on the plans. 3. Filter cloth, when used, must meet design requirements and be properly protected from punching or tearing during installation. repair any damage by removing the riprap and placing another piece of filter cloth over the damaged area. all connecting joints should overlap a minimum of 1 ft. if the damage is extensive, replace the entire filter cloth. 4. Riprap may be placed by equipment, but take care to avoid damaging the filter. 5. The minimum thickness of the riprap should be 1.5 times the maximum stone diameter. 6. Riprap may be field stone or rough quarry stone. it should be hard, angular, highly weather - resistant and well graded. 7. Construct the apron on zero grade with no overfall at the end. make the top of the riprap at the downstream end level with the receiving area or slightly below it. 8. Ensure that the apron is properly aligned with the receiving stream and preferably straight throughout its length. if a curve is needed to fit site conditions, place it in the upper section of the apron. 9. Immediately after construction, stabilize all disturbed areas with vegetation. MAINTENANCE: Inspect riprap outlet structures after heavy rains to see if any erosion around or below the riprap has taken place or if stones have been dislodged. Immediately make all needed repairs to prevent further damage. TEMPORARY DIVERSIONS N.T.S. Compacted Soil 3:1 Max. * Flow Slope I 18" Min. Temporary Earthen Diversion Dike Coarse Aggreg -,0 3:1 3:1 Max. Flow I 00�g0 Slope 18" Min. 9' Typical Temporary Gravel Diversion Dike for Vehicle crossing CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS: 1. Remove and dispose of all tress, brush, stumps and other objectionable material. 2. Ensure that the minimum constructed cross - section meets all design requirements. q 3. Ensure that the to of the dike is not lower at an point than the design elevation plus the specified settlement. P any 9 P p 4. Provide sufficient room around diversion to permit machine regrading and cleanout. 5. Vegetate the ridge immediately after construction, unless it will remain in place less than 30 days. MAINTENANCE: Inspect temporary diversions once a week and after every rainfall. Immediately remove sediment from flow area and repair the diversion ridge. Carefully inspect outlets and make timely repairs as needed. When the area protected is permanently stabilized, remove the ridge and channel to blend with the natural ground surface and stabilize appropriately. SETTLING BASIN N.T.S. FLOW __ El I 1E1 I I- PLAN `T Length Equals 2 Times Width FLOW - -> - g q 3' Min. PROFILE TEMPORARY CHECK DAM (6.83) N.T.S. L =THE DISTANCE SUCH THAT POINTS A AND B ARE OF EQUAL ELEVATION A^ L AT CROSS SECTION VIEW CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS: 1. Place stone to the lines and dimensions shown in the plan on a filter fabric foundation. 2. Keep the center stone section at least 9 inches below natural ground level where the dam abuts the channel banks. Min. 6" #57 Washed Stone 3. Extend stone at least 1.5 ft. beyond the ditch banks to keep overflow water from undercutting the dam as of re- enters on Face of Riprap the channel. 4. Set spacing between dams to assure that the elevation at the top of the lower dam is the same elevation as the toe Class B Rip Rap; elevation of the upper dam. 2' H x 4'L x Width of Basin 5. Protect the channel downstream from the lowest check dam,considering that the water will flow over and around the dam. 6. Make sure that the channel reach above the most upstream dam is stable. 1 -1 i I -I i I -I i I- 7. Ensure that channel appurtenances, such as culvert ent- rances below check dams are not subject to damage or II= III =III =III =1 pp subject blockage from displaced stones. MAINTENANCE: Inspect check dams and channels for damage after runoff event. Anticipate submergence and deposition above the check dam and erosion from high flows around the edges of the dam. Correct all damage immediately. If significant erosion occurs between dams install a protective riprap liner in that portion of the channel. Remove sediment accumulated behind the dams as needed to prevent damage to vegetation, allow the channel to drain through the stone check dam, and prevent large flows from carrying sediment over the dam. Add stones to dams as needed to maintain design height and cross section. STANDARD CATCH BASIN INLET PROTECTION (N.T.S.) STANDARD METAL POSTS s 2' -0" IN GROUND GALVANIZED HARDWARE WIRE EXTENDS TO TOP OF BOX V. y >> # 57 WASHED STONE PLACED TO A HEIGHT OF 12 " -18" MINIMUM ABOVE TOP OF BOX CONSTRUCTION: 1. Drive standard T -posts a minimum of 2.0' into ground at each corner of catch basin. 2. Careful) fit hardware cloth or comparable wire mesh with 1/2 inch openings around posts to hold ravel in lace. Y P P 9 p 3. Use DOT # 57 washed stone, placed 12 -18" above the catch basin rim. Flatten and smooth it to an even grade. MAINTENANCE: • Inspect the barrier after each rain and make repairs as needed. • Remove sediment as necessary to provide adequate storage volume for subsequent rains. • When the contributing drainage area has been adequately stabilized, remove all materials and any unstable soil, and either salvage or dispose of it properly. Bring the disturbed area to proper grade, then smooth and compact it. Appropriately stabilize all bare areas around the inlet. For Late Winter and Sprinq TEMPORARY SEEDING USpecies Rate Rye (Grain) 120lbs /ac Annual Lespedeza 50lbs /ac (Kobe in Piedmont and Coastal Plain, Korean in Mountains) Omit annual lespedeza when duration of temporary cover is not to extend beyond June. SEEDING DATES Mountains - -Above 2500 feet: Feb. 15 - May 15; Below 2500 feet: Feb. 1- May 1 Piedmont - -Jan. 1 - May 1 Coastal Plain- -Dec. 1 -Apr. 15 SOIL AMENDMENTS Follow recommendations of soil tests or apply 2,000 lb/acre ground agricultural limestone and 750 lb/acre 10 -10 -10 fertilizer. MULCH Apply 4,000 lb/acre straw. Anchor straw by tacking with asphalt, netting, or a mulch anchoring tool. A disk with blades set nearly straight can be used as a mulch anchoring tool. MAINTENANCE Refertilize if growth is not fully adequate. Reseed, refertilize and mulch immediately following erosion or other damage. For Summer Species Rate German Millet 40lbs /ac In the Piedmont and Mountains, a small- stemmed Sudangrass may be substituted at a rate of 50 lb/acre. SEEDING DATES Mountains - -May 15 - Aug. 15 Piedmont - -May 1 - Aug. 15 Coastal Plain- -Apr. 15 - Aug. 15 SOIL AMENDMENTS Follow recommendations of soil tests or apply 2,000 lb/acre ground agricultural limestone and 750 lb/acre 10 -10 -10 fertilizer. MULCH Apply 4,000 lb/acre straw. Anchor straw by tacking with asphalt, netting, or a mulch anchoring tool. A disk with blades set nearly straight can be used as a mulch anchoring tool. MAINTENANCE Refertilize if growth is not fully adequate. Reseed, refertilize and mulch immediately following erosion or other damage. For Fall Species Rate Rye (Grain) 120lbs /ac SEEDING DATES Mountains - -Aug. 15 - Dec. 15 Coastal Plain and Piedmont - -Aug. 15 - Dec. 30 SOIL AMENDMENTS Follow soil tests or apply 2,000 lb/acre ground agricultural limestone and 1,000 lb/acre 10 -10 -10 fertilizer. MULCH Apply 4,000 lb/acre straw. Anchor straw by tacking with asphalt, netting, or a mulch anchoring tool. A disk with blades set nearly straight can be used as a mulch anchoring tool. MAINTENANCE Repair and refertilize damaged areas immediately. Topdress with 50 lb/acre of nitrogen in March. If it is necessary to extent temporary cover beyond June 15, overseed with 50 lb/acre Kobe (Piedmont and Coastal Plain) or Korean (Mountains) lespedeza in late February or early March. Dewatering Concrete Block L 2:1 Slope, Gravel Filter INLET PROTECTION N.T.S. Temporary Sediment Pool 1' Min. 2' Max. f Sediment Temporary Sediment Pool - -�- 1' Min. r 2' Max. i lir Wire Screen Dewatering 1. C � Drop Inlet w/ Grate SEAL: BEE80118 CRRTER. PR. CIVIL ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS LAND PLANNING 503 HIGH STREET, WINSTON- SALEM, NC 27101 OFFICE:(336) 748 -0071 FAX:(336) 748 -0470 WEB: www.beesonengineering.com Corp #: C -4017 CA Rt \ r ; so- El Preliminary for Review Only; Not for Construction X Final for Approval; Not for Construction ❑ Approved and Released for Construction on: PROJECT: J Ilt Q 3" Stone, -1 rop n e Zine gravel face w /Grate v) J (1' Min. thickness) CONSTRUCTION: 1. Lay one block on each side of the structure on its side in the bottom row to allow pool drainage. The foundation should be excavated at least 2 inches below the crest of the storm drain. Place the bottom of blocks against the edge of the storm drain for lateral support and to avoid washouts when overflow occurs. If needed, give lateral support to subsequent rows by placing 2 x 4 wood studs through block openings. 2. Carefully fit hardware cloth or comparable wire mesh with 1/2 inch openings over all block openings to hold gravel in place. 3. Use clean gravel, 3/4 to 1/2 inch in diameter, placed 2 inches below the top of the block on a 2:1 slope or flatter and smooth it to an even grade. DOT # 57 washed stone is recommended. 4. If only stone and gravel are used, keep the slope toward the inlet no steeper than 3:1. Leave a minimum 1 -ft. wide level stone area between the structure and around the inlet to prevent gravel from entering inlet. On the slope toward the inlet, use stone 3 inches in diameter or larger. On the slope away from the inlet use 1/2 -3/4 -inch gravel (NCDOT #57 washed stone) at a minimum thickness of 1 ft. MAINTENANCE: • Inspect the barrier after each rain and make repairs as needed. • Remove sediment as necessary to provide adequate storage volume for subsequent rains. • When the contributing drainage area has been adequately stabilized, remove all materials and any unstable soil, and either salvage or dispose of it properly. Bring the disturbed area to proper grade, then smooth and compact it. Appropriately stabilize all bare areas around the inlet. PERMANENT SEEDING SPECIFICATIONS N.T.S. 1. Ground stabilization shall occur within 7 days on perimeter areas and slopes greater than 3:1. Ground stabilization shall occur with 14 days on all other areas. 2. Rip the area to be seeded to a minimum depth of 4 -6 inches. 3. Remove all loose rock, roots, etc. leaving surface smooth and uniform. 4. Apply seed, agricultural lime, fertilizer, and superphosphate uniformly and mix with topsoil. Application rates below *. 5. Seed on a freshly prepared seedbed and cover the seed lightly with seeding equipment or "Cultipack" after seeding. 6. Mulch immediately after seeding and anchor mulch. * Application Rates: Aqricultural Limestone - 2 Tons /Acre Fertilizer - 10:10:10 at 800 -1000 Lbs /Acre Superphosphate - 500 Lbs. /Acre of 20% Analysis Superphosphate Mulch - 1.5 Tons Small Grain Straw /Acre (Approximately 60 Bales) Anchor - Crimp Straw into soil with Machine or tack with liquid Asphalt at 400 Gallons /Acre or Emulsified Asphalt at 300 Gallons /Acre Plants % Mixture Plantinq Rates /Acre Plantinq Dates Tall Fescue 80 -150 Lbs /Acre Aug. 15 thru Oct. 15 Tall Fescue 100 Lbs /Acre Feb. 15 thru May Tall Fescue 50 Lbs /Acre Feb. 15 thru Apr. 30 Scar. Tall Fescue 60 Lbs /Acre July thru August Tall Fescue & 70 Lbs /Acre Nov. 1 thru Jan. Rye (Grain) 25 Lbs /Acre Common Bermuda Grass 8 -12 Lbs /Acre (Hulled) Apr. 15 thru June 30 15 -20 Lbs /Acre (Unhulled) Feb. 1 thru March EROSION CONTROL PLAN APPROVED Grading Permit Required Prior To Land Disturbing 0 LID U ' Z LO _ i CIO E c) N CC) O p U) Z CLIENT / PREPARED FOR: JOSEPH ANDERSON 2615 Sparkling Place p 9 Winston Salem, NC 27103 Phone: 336.414.7958 Email: janderson @andersonpangia.com W N NC Grid - NAD83 (2011) DATE: 05.14.2015 DRAWN BY: TBC / PE / ATC JOB NO.: 09 -007 E REVISIONS: 04.10.15 Revised note 06.10.15 Added Inlet Protection - Wire and Stone SCALE: 1 " = 20' 10 0 5 10 20 40 SHEET TITLE: EROSION CONTROL DETAILS © Beeson & Carter, P.A. SHEET NO: C -3 -1 UJ \W U O� U p p 0 Z O0 Wire Screen LL (optional) UJ 3" Stone, -1 rop n e Zine gravel face w /Grate v) J (1' Min. thickness) CONSTRUCTION: 1. Lay one block on each side of the structure on its side in the bottom row to allow pool drainage. The foundation should be excavated at least 2 inches below the crest of the storm drain. Place the bottom of blocks against the edge of the storm drain for lateral support and to avoid washouts when overflow occurs. If needed, give lateral support to subsequent rows by placing 2 x 4 wood studs through block openings. 2. Carefully fit hardware cloth or comparable wire mesh with 1/2 inch openings over all block openings to hold gravel in place. 3. Use clean gravel, 3/4 to 1/2 inch in diameter, placed 2 inches below the top of the block on a 2:1 slope or flatter and smooth it to an even grade. DOT # 57 washed stone is recommended. 4. If only stone and gravel are used, keep the slope toward the inlet no steeper than 3:1. Leave a minimum 1 -ft. wide level stone area between the structure and around the inlet to prevent gravel from entering inlet. On the slope toward the inlet, use stone 3 inches in diameter or larger. On the slope away from the inlet use 1/2 -3/4 -inch gravel (NCDOT #57 washed stone) at a minimum thickness of 1 ft. MAINTENANCE: • Inspect the barrier after each rain and make repairs as needed. • Remove sediment as necessary to provide adequate storage volume for subsequent rains. • When the contributing drainage area has been adequately stabilized, remove all materials and any unstable soil, and either salvage or dispose of it properly. Bring the disturbed area to proper grade, then smooth and compact it. Appropriately stabilize all bare areas around the inlet. PERMANENT SEEDING SPECIFICATIONS N.T.S. 1. Ground stabilization shall occur within 7 days on perimeter areas and slopes greater than 3:1. Ground stabilization shall occur with 14 days on all other areas. 2. Rip the area to be seeded to a minimum depth of 4 -6 inches. 3. Remove all loose rock, roots, etc. leaving surface smooth and uniform. 4. Apply seed, agricultural lime, fertilizer, and superphosphate uniformly and mix with topsoil. Application rates below *. 5. Seed on a freshly prepared seedbed and cover the seed lightly with seeding equipment or "Cultipack" after seeding. 6. Mulch immediately after seeding and anchor mulch. * Application Rates: Aqricultural Limestone - 2 Tons /Acre Fertilizer - 10:10:10 at 800 -1000 Lbs /Acre Superphosphate - 500 Lbs. /Acre of 20% Analysis Superphosphate Mulch - 1.5 Tons Small Grain Straw /Acre (Approximately 60 Bales) Anchor - Crimp Straw into soil with Machine or tack with liquid Asphalt at 400 Gallons /Acre or Emulsified Asphalt at 300 Gallons /Acre Plants % Mixture Plantinq Rates /Acre Plantinq Dates Tall Fescue 80 -150 Lbs /Acre Aug. 15 thru Oct. 15 Tall Fescue 100 Lbs /Acre Feb. 15 thru May Tall Fescue 50 Lbs /Acre Feb. 15 thru Apr. 30 Scar. Tall Fescue 60 Lbs /Acre July thru August Tall Fescue & 70 Lbs /Acre Nov. 1 thru Jan. Rye (Grain) 25 Lbs /Acre Common Bermuda Grass 8 -12 Lbs /Acre (Hulled) Apr. 15 thru June 30 15 -20 Lbs /Acre (Unhulled) Feb. 1 thru March EROSION CONTROL PLAN APPROVED Grading Permit Required Prior To Land Disturbing 0 LID U ' Z LO _ i CIO E c) N CC) O p U) Z CLIENT / PREPARED FOR: JOSEPH ANDERSON 2615 Sparkling Place p 9 Winston Salem, NC 27103 Phone: 336.414.7958 Email: janderson @andersonpangia.com W N NC Grid - NAD83 (2011) DATE: 05.14.2015 DRAWN BY: TBC / PE / ATC JOB NO.: 09 -007 E REVISIONS: 04.10.15 Revised note 06.10.15 Added Inlet Protection - Wire and Stone SCALE: 1 " = 20' 10 0 5 10 20 40 SHEET TITLE: EROSION CONTROL DETAILS © Beeson & Carter, P.A. SHEET NO: C -3 -1 Grading Permit Required Prior To Land Disturbing 0 LID U ' Z LO _ i CIO E c) N CC) O p U) Z CLIENT / PREPARED FOR: JOSEPH ANDERSON 2615 Sparkling Place p 9 Winston Salem, NC 27103 Phone: 336.414.7958 Email: janderson @andersonpangia.com W N NC Grid - NAD83 (2011) DATE: 05.14.2015 DRAWN BY: TBC / PE / ATC JOB NO.: 09 -007 E REVISIONS: 04.10.15 Revised note 06.10.15 Added Inlet Protection - Wire and Stone SCALE: 1 " = 20' 10 0 5 10 20 40 SHEET TITLE: EROSION CONTROL DETAILS © Beeson & Carter, P.A. SHEET NO: C -3 -1