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GW1--04742_Well Construction - GW1_20230724
• .., :r<.:. v o w -..; ,. x, . i iv u vxil i i;.1 . W=1) Y �r< or'Intemal Use Only; 1.Wlee1CContractor Information: . sgk(14/- 6 r,hdtdh rr4r 14rJVA1ER'zQ1vCS . ;• ` FROM TO DESCRIPTION Wen Contractor Narita / �` - /0 ft,. 6, ' 'i6i1 I15.a// .5/.>L. ft, rL N `cllConlmetoct'edrficationNumber . '15.;OUTERCASING.(for multi-cased welts)OR'LINEt (ifap livable)`•--' - �/ jA ,n I/ / 1 ,^ FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL (/t/PJ( /fit./ (�. Company Name. //e/� 0 /�. ft ,/ in, S��T© r,v , _ ���////// its ' ' IAMM tTE iho"rm'THICKNESS.loop) fitie57- 16-INNER,CASING.2.Well ConstrucdotiPertitlt# Q �'" �� 7 FROMTO- DIAMETER FSS. MATERIAL List till'applirtihle'iirlicdtistruciionpermits'(I.e Uic:Count);State,Variance.etc.). ft. ft., In,. 3:Well Use(check,.well use): ft. ft., in. . . Water Supply Well; Ffi O 1 iti_o DIAMETER �/SLOT 17.E TIUCKN'ESS MATERIAL Agricultural DMunicipa1/Public / R: it: .. In. ! �Zv �G�,�Gr �Gcotbermal(Hcating/Cooling Supply) • Residential Water Supply(single) ///// ft `✓ ft in Industrial/Commercial Residential Water Supply(shared) Itt GROUT;" „ _ Irrigation FROM TO Is••ijTERIAL EMPLACE,11&NTJ;IETIIOD&AMOUNT T on-Water.Supply Well:. - - (I. t J ft. f 2)/65 Monitoring f Recovery ft, ' ft, ���"` b injection Well:. It. rt. Aquifer Recharge .DGroundstater Remedialion I9:SAND)GRAVEL.PACK Of-applicable) -''„" Aquifer Storage and Recovery ,QSalinity Barrier FROM TO' - MATERi a EMPLACEMENT METHOD. Aquifer Test DStormwater Drainage /)�ft. / ,e II. �i ,,,�//a' it f j v,a Experimental Technology 0 Subsidence Control ft. ft. Geothermal(Closed Loop) DTrticcr 20..DRILGINGiLOG_tattrich additional'sheets if necessary)" FROM 'TO DESCRIPTION(color,hardness,soitlrock type grain sire,eiW Geothermal,(Heating/Coalu)g Return) (Other(explainAtnder:121Remarks) 3 3 "fl, ft; /7 ' (� 4.Date Wells Completed:.-! Kl 23 Well IDS ft. rt. 1 '°:!`: , ft, 5a,Well Location: II 2 a 2023 _ (i/1 1 (t e rJJ/d ft. ft. . JUL- tr Facility/Owner Name Facility IOU(if R n Infdrii" a�a Pr;Tc Ur /1I'/(" , ;dii (d/a1Y�� itiv,ysical dress,C't and Zip fL pi.,. �� (o / 31:-REMARKS.,,. County Parcel Identification No,(PIN) - -- 5b.Latitude and longitude in.degrees/niinutes/seconds or decimal degrees;. - Owell Geld,oneaatilong is sufficient) 2 erlitie: i n: • -1 °3 7 t q t, N -�.,fib. ` i .6 r, . �� .. JJ 17W,2 3 6.Is(are)the well(s) Permanent' ,o) ora Tem ry lure of Certified We I Contractor Oa c . P ty signing this Jrnn l herrbj rrtifv that the,nYl!(s)_n•as(acre)constructed-ire areordanee- - • 7.Is this a repair to an existing Well: DYes or No" 1". tritlr/SA iv C'IC Q2C 0100 o IS lWC.'r1G 02C.0300 Dell constructionstandards and drat a If this is a repair„fill out Rnunrt'n'ell'consrnrcilon;infprnrufion and •.rJ{lui»the ofnc� copy:of this recwd has-been protided to tiw hell owner. repair under Yell mantas section or on the Back of this form. - 23,.Site diagram or additional well details: 3.For Geoprobe/DPT.or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use he back of.this page to provide additional well site derails Or well :` constRiction,"only 1 OW-1 is needed.•Indicatc,TOTAL.NUMBER.ofIvells construction details. You may also:attach additional pages if necessary. drilled: SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS -9.Total well depth below land surface: 1 gj UG® .(ft) 24a. For An Wills: Submit this"form within,30 days of completion of well For multiplamlis list all dipilts Ifd rent(r ramplet3@200''and:Cu110U:) conatnlcuo)i,to the.followin s; 10.Static Water level below top of casing; . i 0 • (ft.) Division of Water,Resources,'Infornlaiion Processing Unit, .lf smear level is above eatilrg,use"+" , ` - 1017.'Vial:Serie Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617. I1.Borehole.diameter:. 7 'Ll "(in:) 24b.For-lnleetion'Wclls:'In addition to sending,dm form to the address in 24a fi (,,t• above,aLeo submit.one copy ofthis form within 30 days of completion of well 12 Well construction method: VVI.UI't.- .irU I f' construction.to:the'following- - .(ie auger,rotary table direct push,etc.) . - ' DivIsionofWater tesouiccs,Underground Injection Control Program, ' FOR WATER.SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: iv , 1636 ManSenice.Ccntcr;Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 ' 13a Yield(gpm) 30 Method of test: 'Pt 11 24c,For Water Supply.&Infection Wells:: In addition to.sebding.tht-form to ' . the address(cs) above; also submit one copy of this form within 30 days .of 13b Disinfection type: ('1L� I'y' . . , Amount: )_ ' Q,(/ .-... 'completion.of'well..conslruction to the county health department of the county 'Where contra ted. Fonn OW-1 North Carobna'Departmentof En'ironmelital Quality•Division of Water Resources, ---.Revised 2-21 2016