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GW1--04721_Well Construction - GW1_20230721
r--- \ill _ q - ';x T1s •eg q ".'"imill —D---'1."Aci .• ' - , • tPinf !;;;;i,}'� as i%I , *' A - ..j' - - fit'• iA # t..f r'f, _ - sitritift wELLCoNSTRUcni"'+. a?ii) IY(ei':ti ,,. f ,..._ 1.Wei Contractor i OT:nation: Cameron Bazin It WA8ER7.t31+�`-+ WcliComcxctarNamt PROM TO DL tatto$ Ti0 R n• 2_G am-, 4518-A a R. NCWe➢Contactor tkaifrcationNumba i17F1t CASs� iw eI1 ORLNRR(d bit) Aqua Drill,Inc. rimls.O TO NG(formatti Dt�a RnaLINNE MATERIAL CompuryNa� I(‘-) II. ii D' k `n" pri, g�I t 16.IN CASING Oft•rus NG(geothermalr p)eel-loe ' Z.WtWellCoostraettan Ferffiit#I -From TO DU ns6ZEtt TRIMNESS MATERIAL Idea!appl able well contraction permtis(Le.(IIC,Caw*:State.Yarianc4 eta) ft. f. la - 3.11re11 USE Peek WEll we): ft. IL Minter Supply Well: 17.5CREEN ' .._—Y! �� FROM TO DYABR.i;tt MOTS= TRIMNESS MATEMAL Municipal/Public fti it in. FROM (Heating/Cooling Supply) Reeideatial Water Supply(single) tt. It in. °Industrial/Cotnmenaal Resid®sal Water Supply(shared) 1&GROti �hrigation FROnY To MATETtIAL FnIItrA�r61L�[FLOD$AFIOltNr Non-Water Supply Well: 0f' _2, l ft. ,-, VJ 5 [�Monitoting r3Recovcry R. ft. f Injection Well: Ac iferReeharge iDGrom dwaaaRemediatitm i 19.SAND/GRAVEL PAM Rf Mill=NO - i 'e r Storage and Recovery ©ISalinity Barrier FROM TO MMA'[EMMAL t{lSRr ACFMMe nlEIHOD 'ferTest QStamrwaterDminage g tL Expt�mental Technology DSubsideace Contmi it ft. Geothermal(Closed Loop) JTracer 29.DRILLING LOG(attach ad,fiHaaalsheets if necessary) jGeothotmal(Hcating/CootmgReam) jOher(explain uadef#2mRemnrks) FRom in DESCRIPTIONtmim:h4 *. tyv''rntamta»ae) yJ Q ink ytMv 4.Date-Well(s)Completed: 7/3/2' Well M# �p cj R �d S R Res Sa.WeEl location: I( i_ Ef'9 c��n�+ RR h� Fn3Gty/n7wmrtaame FaahyMg(if epplicable) R. ft. n�n� 19 inG 4 il Q, rM,064- ViT if (t ft. JUL d L U L J FhyticelAddees.Cny.a�Zip [t re, ,,...AA:... „ t'J'>n.+.,rw:_ t'(&t /�i, 21.RE47ARI(S _ �,Ji 6rvaZjcav city t panel ro,mifntioaNa(PIN) Sb.Lntibade and longitude in degceeimiautes/eecands or decimal degrees:r (ifwen Bold.mmIstioagi nuRe af) 22.Certlfipdoa: K /4. 1),,t, 0 -53 )1 t1 `T `1_- 4.1s(are)the vre?(s) ermaneat or IOTemparmy Sigmmte oFCtttitial Well cant actor �t By st�+e thisfans,i hereby meter that the wags)MU(atra)eonrnuusd la aacmdanso 7. Is this a repair an saleting well: GYes or No +cub ISM NOW 02C.0100 or ISAMCAC 02C.0200 Well Canes Standards and that a IJflrhlsarepafr,JlilotaknonaweBma#+acwnlrjfwaatlan - asplalnthenatmxoflhe �P1aJthtrrewrdharbamprmtdedtaIInxrllomae repairuadvft2t sttura,/a sesilw or on the back oJddrjamr. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: S.For GeaprobelDFT or Qosed I aop Gen Wells having rho same You may use dues back of this page to movuit:additional veil site details or well tmctian,only1GW-lisneeded.LndumteTOTALNUMBEROEwcIfs construction details You May also aitantt additional pages ifar.eee«uy, Milled: ,9U1301f1TALJNSTRUCT(ONS Fa Total well ra,ntuptem, andeptla 1ge as ttmrsm�s( v 3@ 2C �i ( ) 24n.you All Welts: Submit this fart within 30 days of completion of well depth heber land surf= construction to the following: Ie.Static water level below tap ofcasing: Se (ft.) Division ol Water Reso urces,information Preettssing Unit, ' IJwater/net it ahem enTIng.use+/" 1617 Mall Strvice Center,Raia�h,NC 27�9-161/ lydiameter:ge diameter: !� OD-) 24b.For Irtiection Waste la addition to sending the farm to the:address in 24a O above,also submit one copy of this farm within 30 days of completion of well 12.Well oanstratllea method: 6 construction to the following: Chi SIP.ems.oblq dtrostmsb.cit.) ilivieloa of Water burns,IIad:gioand Injection Control Fragrant, FOR WATERSUPPLY WELLS ONLY: ___5•Leil- ib3u Mm41 Sea vlce Center,Ralgla,NC 27649-1b36 or 13a.Yield(gpm) Method of tact 24e. Wa Sev etdian W In addition to sending the fawn to II- the o ( )above,also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b.1)isinfectionnype: �"" ff compl an f construction to the ty health department of the comity constru FoxmGW.t ] tt[CataniaDepaimeatofEaviromomMQtuIty_Division ofWaterRemeoms Revised 2-22 2016 ®