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Draft Stormwater Management Plan Town ofMorrisville NCS000465 March 2, 2023 Table 6: Non-Stormwater Discharges.....................................................................................................10 Table 7: Summary of Target Pollutants and Sources............................................................................11 Table 8: Summary of Responsible Panties...............................................................................................13 Table 9: Shared Responsibilities...............................................................................................................14 Table 10: Co-Permittee Contact Information........................................................................................14 Table 11: Program Administration BMPs....................................................... ....:..................................15 Table 12: Summary of Target Pollutants and Audiences...................3 ;.........................................17 Table 13: Public Education and Outreach BMPs ............18 ......................�..,.,.. ......... ................. Table 14: Public Involvement and Participation BMPs......::::::::......................... : f : ,........................22 Table 15: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination BM"Ps ......................................;.:..::.................24 Table 16: Qualifying Alternative Program Components;for Construction Site..............................29 Table 17: Construction Site Runoff Control BMPs..........: :........................... ..29 Table 18: Qualifying Alternative Programs for Past-Construction Site Runoff Control Program ..................................................................... .. ....................... ..........................................................................................31 Table 19: Summary of Existing Post-Constr fiction Prog amm Elemerfts.......................... Table 20: Post Construction Site,Runoff Control BM Rs............. .. .....34 Table 21: Pollution Prevent an 09od Housekeeping BM Ps.......................................................42 Figures Figure 1 ToWn Limts;,'ETJ, and River Basins............................................................................................3 Figure ;Town of Morrisville Rece Waters......................................................................................5 Fig u'ro F Town of Morrisville:Organizational Structure............... Figure 4:`T n of Morrisvilt, ',Post-Construction Programs...............................................................32 a y0 Part 2: Certification By my signature below I hereby certify, under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting falsformation, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. I am also aware that the contents of this document shall become an `oforceable part of the NPDES M54 Permit, and that both the Division and the Ed Ironmental Pr6t,' on Agency have NPDES MS4 Permit compliance and enforcement authorFfy. ❑ I am a ranking elected official. ® ! am a principal executive officer for the permitted M% ❑ I am a duly authorized representat.iye for the perrini 0 MS4 and have attached the authorization made in writing by a principal:executive officer ranking elected official which specifies me as (check one): ❑ A specific individual having overall: -esponsil lFt - or prmwater matters. ❑ A specific positionitaviQg.overall re:5por7s`ibility for stormwater matters. Signature: -� Print Name: Nfarfa'Paige Title: Town Manager Signed this day of 202,3_. oPAP i NCS000465 SWMP-NMS Town of Morrisville March 2, 2023 Page 2 3.2 Existing MS4 Mapping Runoff from most of the earlier development(prior to 1999) in the Town flows directly to surface waters without any form of treatment. For developments since implementation of the Town's 1999 stormwater ordinance and first Phase II permit in 2005, runoff flows to various detention systems and other structural Stormwater Control Measures (SCMs) prior to entering the receiving streams. The current MS4 mapping program includes the location of system cprrponents (including inlets, outfalls, pipes, and culverts), SCMs, waterbodies, major basins, an subbasins. Pipe Condition, flow direction, and pipe size are also included. This Publicly avo)lakle information can be found online on the Town of Morrisville Stormwater Map. Mapping of the Town's storm system was updated in 2021. The Toyvr estimates that approximately 99% of the MS4 area is mapped. Table 1: Summary of Curren# MS4 Mapping Percent of MS4 Area Mapped >9 / No. of Major Dutfalls Mapped 74 total** *An outfall is a point where the MS4 dischargeslfram':a p['pe•:nr other conveypnpe(e.g.,a ditch) directly into surface waters. Major outfalls are required to be mapped'a: eet pern requirements:} Major outfal[is a 36-inch diameter pipe or discharge from a drainage area > 50-acres;end for industrial zoned areas a 12-inch diameter pipe or a drainage area > 2-acres. F� DRAFT NCS000465 SWMP-NMS Town of Morrisville March 2, 2023 Page 4 Table 2: Summary of MS4 Receiving Waters Receiving Water Name Stream Index/AU Water Quality 303(d) Listed Parameter(s) Number Classification of Interest Haw - Cape Fear River Basin (Jordan Lake) Kit Creek 16-41-1-17-2-(0.3) C; NSW N/A Kit Creek 16-41-1-17-2-(0.7) WS-IV; NSW N/A Upper Neuse - Neuse River Basin Brier Creek 27-33-4 C; NSW rv�?CB (Advisory, FC, NC) Stirrup Iron Creek 27-33-4-2 C; NSW, N/A Coles Branch 27-33-3 C;.f s1N N/A Crabtree Creek 27-33-(1) P NSW Benthos4xr, AL, )=W) C: Class C(Fishable/Swimmable Waters) NSW: Nutrient Sensitive Water ' ' WS-IV:Water Supply Watershed, Class IV �� PCB: Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) Fish Tissue Advisory FC, NC: Fish Consumption, North Carolina $fc1ndard Benthos: Impaired Benthic Microorganism &mrr_ ity Nar: Narrative Standard ' AL:Aquatic Life FW: Fresh Waters s The above Data is from 2022`NC Category 5 A,�sessments "2022 Final 303(d) List" and NC Surface Water Classifica `ons Map.`;Frt�m the 260 303(d) Listing and Delisting Methodology for: • Benthos: "Narrative criterion Narrative criterion: Waters shall be suitable for aquatic life propagation and rriaintenatof biolagicaf Int egrity. NC uses benthic and fish community data to assess biolog(c' l i itegrity. ?Bio(, cal integrity means the ability of an aquatic ecosystem:to sp,port aid: maintain a balanced and indigenous community of organisms having species com,positiori! :diversity, population densities and functional organization similar to that ofieence conditions." • Fish Consumption: :`Fish consumption was assessed based on site-specific fish c sumption advisor3:es developed using fish tissue data. Advisories and advice are dev6i.oped by DHHS. using fish tissue data collected by DWR and others. See http://fie �.publichealfh.nc.gov/fish/current.html for all advice and advisories." The Town of MorI'i§uElle utilizes Public Education and Outreach BMPs 5-8 to provide information on water quality impairments in the Neuse River Basin and PCBs and nitrogen are target pollutants. The Neuse River Subbasin Plan for Crabtree and Brier Creeks and Protecting Water Quality supplement are used to guide BMPs. DRAFT NCS000465 SWMP-NMS Town of Morrisville March 2, 2023 Page 6 3.6 Endangered and Threatened Species and Critical Habitat Significant populations of threatened or endangered species and/or critical habitat may be identified within the regulated MS4 urbanized area. Based upon a review of the Endangered and Threatened Species and Species of Concern by County for North Carolina Map (no longer available online)and Listed species believe to or known to occur in North Carolina list as provided by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the species listed in Table 4 have the potential to occur within the regulated MS4 urbanized area. Of those species listed,Table-summarizes the species that may be significantly impacted by the quality of surface waters vilin their habitat. Table 4: Potential Federally Listed Species/Habitat Impact6&by Sdrface Water Quality Scientific Name Common name Species Group Federal ListingStatus Haliaeetus leucocephalus Bald eagle 'Vertebrate BGPA Noturus furiosus Carolina madtom Vertebr$`O ARS Neuse River Necturus lewisi Vertebrate ARS waterdog Fusconoia mosoni Atlantic;pigtoe Invertebrate ARS Dwarf Aiasmidonto heterodon Inverteb"r ye E wedgemu�sel Lasmigona subviridis Green flog er iny.-e— rate ARS Lindera subcoriacea d .Bog spiceb�& Vascular Plant ARS BGPA: Bald And Golden EagleProtection Act ARS:At Risk Species . E: Endangered x' � ��«sue `•�`. 3.7 Industrial Far ility Discharges The Town' of Morrisvi116 M54 jurisdkt onal area includes the following industrial facilities which hold`I 'zDES Industrial Stormwater Pefmits, as determined from the NCDE Maps & Permit Data web page. Table 5: NPDES Stormwater Permitted Industrial Facilities Permit Number Facility Name NCG060408 Amazon.com Services LLC - DRT9 NCG070104 Adams Products Co- Morrisville NCG080147 Waste Management of Raleigh Durham NCGO80391 Averitt Express Inc - Morrisville NCGO80476 XPO Logistics Freight, Inc. - NRD NCGO80601 Triangle Transit Authority - Bus Maintenance Facility DRAFT NCS000465 SWMP-NMS Town of Morrisville March 2, 2023 Page 8 Wash water associated with car washing that does not contain detergents or does not discharge directly into the MS4 is considered incidental. However, these types of non-stormwater discharges that do contain detergents have been evaluated by the Town of Morrisville to determine whether they may significantly impact water quality. They were determined to be a possible cause of water quality impacts and will be addressed through Public Education and Outreach BMPs. 5-8. Street sweeping in Morrisville utilizes a dry street sweeper and therefore street wash water is not considered a possible water quality impact. The Division has not required that other non-stormwater flows,.b�ically controlled by the Town of Morrisville. v:>. Table b: Non-Stormwater Discharges ,N��. Non-Stormwater Discharge Water Quality Impacts Water Line And Fire Hydrant Flushing Incidental Landscape Irrigation Incidental Diverted Stream Flows Incidental Rising Groundwater Incidental Uncontaminated Groundwater lnfl(� ioh Incidental Uncontaminated Pumped Groundvua�er Incidental Uncontaminated Potable.Water Sou?d— Incidental Fours aeon Drains Incidental Air Condit:criing Condensate n Incidental Irrigato Waters Incidental Incidental Wbter From Crawl Space Pumps Incidental Footing,Drain8 Incidental Lawn Watering Incidental Residential And Ciarty Car Washing Possible Flows'$'.NT Riparian Habitats And Wetlands Incidental DechloMq d Svv aiming Pool Discharges Incidental Street'Wash Water Incidental Flows From Firefighting Activities Incidental DRAFT NCS000465 SWMP-NMS Town of Morrisville March 2, 2023 Page 10 Part 4: Stormwater Management Program Administration 4.1 Organizational Structure The Town of Morrisville Stormwater Program is implemented through the Engineering Department overseen by the Town Engineer. The Stormwater Engineering Manager is responsible for day-to-day implementation of the Program. Figure 3 sh_ows the organizational structure of the City and Table 8 provides a summary of the respons w positions for specific SWMP-NMS components. a:6 :4 T—pT Nerrin31. :71PD>"Y rh—IE Starnrr',IaFerrell "w Orsudarien C'bsit y4 MryarBCauncll ,�4 Town 1[IW.0 To ?Janaeer Y"a Ckd '•t�` .—ftst rm Mmager ' EntErreeYng Pu6ACWor1s ' 6epartm.errt �P� (Town CIlrgnee.�j { 1 Storm..ter �nd^eerinC Manager (SW Admh W# rj Program Emmm tw l Shrrmva➢er Engulear I 1mWane I�ticn 8e Spe[iaEs[ Puessmrn[ Pu6tc EAao[on& Ouveach 9 � �CIeen Water Cdacat:on 'y Cartl leM*(CWEP) .. .vutlic Ir a.—M 6 Pardo pmtlon ...................... MESC Cum natee lildt DIKWge 9eteCtion 6 ' EFimMa[crt Con#ri;ctiwr Sde Run.H C-Lrds Wa.County Erae. 15pdhrxnt Conlral Prni�rrstrssGion�e FWnoHCcn[rots PNI.d}.Pr.*ntw Good Nmr 6.p:rg fur VunkOM OPeraGwrS RV.UECNrn Figure 3: Town of Morrisville Organizational Structure DRAFT NCS000465 SWMP-NMS Town of Morrisville March 2, 2023 Page 12 4.2 Program Funding and Budget In accordance with the issued permit, the Town of Morrisville shall maintain adequate funding and staffing to implement and manage the provisions of the SWMP-NMS and comply with the requirements of the NPDES MS4 Permit. The budget includes the permit administration and compliance fee, which is billed by the Division annually. The stormwater program is funded by a stormwater utility fee. 1 e annual budget is approximately $830,000. 4.3 Shared Responsibility The Town of Morrisville will share the responsibility to implement the following minimum control measures, which are at least as stringent as the correspondirig NPDES MS4 Permit requirement. The Town of Morrisville remains responsible for coMpri hce if the other entity fails to perform the permit obligation and may be subject to enforcement action if neither the Town of Morrisville nor the other entity fully performs the permit obligation. Table 9 below summarizes who will be implementing the component, what the component program i `called, the specific SWMP-NMS BMP or permit requirement that is being met by the sharedlresponsibility, and whether or not a legal agreement to share responsibility is in. place. Table 9:`Shared Responsibilitie!` SWMP-NMS BMP or Permit Implementing Entity and Legal Agreement Requirement Program Name (Y/N) 3.2.2 and 3.2.4 Outreaehl'to" rget ;Clean Water Education Audiences, 3.3.2 Volunteer Y Opport€_Wes Partnership (CWEP) 3.5.1 - 3.5.4 W kl e'.County Wake'County Sedimentation Y Delegated SPCA Program 'and Erosion Control 4.4 Co-Permittees The are no other entities ap [ying for co-permittee status under the NPDES MS4 permit number NCS000465.,for the Town of'Morrisville. Table 10 summarizes contact information for each co- permittee. :Table 10: Co-Permittee Contact Information Co-Petee MS4 Contact Person Phone and E-Mail Interlocal Agreement Nam (Y ) N/A DRAFT NCS000465 SWMP-NMS Town of Morrisville March 2, 2023 Page 14 Table 11: Program Administration BMPs Permit Neuse Local Program:Adequate Funding and Staffing Ref. Local Program activities to determine and maintain adequate funding and staffing to implement and manage the provisions of the Local Program and meet all requirements of the Neuse Stormwater Rules. BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Annual Reporting Implementation Metric Funding and Staffing Evaluation Review of Annual Self- 2• Determine Assessment to determine if whether additional 3. funding or staff time more funding or staffing is are required to meet ?Annually- Perr 1 Yes/No needed to implement the '`gears 1 - 5 SWMP-NMS or the Neuse BMPs and if Neuse Local Program Local Program changes are needed 2.2.2 Minimum Control Measures Permit The Permittee shall maintain, and make available to the Division upon request, written procedures for Ref. implementing the six minimum control measures.Written procedures shall identify specific action steps, schedules, resources, and responsibilities for implementing the MCMs. Written procedures can be free standing or,where appropriate, integrated into the Stormwater Management Plan A B C D BMP No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Annual Reporting Minimum Control Measures k.._.. .._ Implementation Metric Create written prgoZr res for � �Create all:required 1. Permit Year 1 1. Yes/No , :. implementing the 5 minimum ;Written proc0d' res control measures The;.y shall . , V. 4. identify specific action stgpst 2. Revie w�'f''�written schedules,resources, and 2. Annually - Permit programs and 2. Yes/No resppnsbilities for Years 2-5 irplerrienting the MCMs update as needed DRAFT NCS000465 SWMP-NMS Town of Morrisville March 2, 2023 Page 16 Table 13: Public Education and Outreach BMPs 3.2.2 and 3.2.4:Outreach to Targeted Audiences Measures to identify the specific elements and implementation of a Public Education and Outreach Program to share educational materials to the community or conduct equivalent outreach activities Permit about the impacts of stormwater discharges on water bodies and how the public can reduce pollutants Ref. in stormwater runoff.The permittee shall provide educational information to identified target audiences on pollutants/sources identified in Table 12 above and shall document the extent of exposure of each media, event, or activity, including those elements implemented locally or through a cooperative agreement. BMP A B C. D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Annual Reporting Implementation Metric Partnership with Clean Water Education Partnership;(CWEP) 1. Maintain legal. , agreement with CWEP and review 01, compliance with 1.Yes/No/Status permit requirements ",Annually -- Permit and report if revision as well as reviewing Years l-- 5 is required to determine'# target�,p llutant5-6V audienc*s,,should be, revised " l Continue to engage'v",kh .. CWEP for education and 22 Monitor CWEP outreach initiatives t"ili be. bctivitles to eilsUre 5. administered by CWEP:, partnership,: 2. Annually - Permit Initiatives,will,fQrus on commitments are Years 1 - 5 2• Yes/No residential, commercial, and :met during annual school audiences.Target self-assessment pc l chants will include th se I"isted in Tables 7 and 12 3. Provide public education about yard 3. Annually - Permit 3. Yes/No waste/leaf litter as a Years 1 - 5 target pollutant DRAFT NCS000465 SWMP-NMS Town of Morrisville March 2, 2023 Page 18 Table 13: Public Education and Outreach BMPs 2. Prepare educational materials for developers specific to the requirements of Nutrient Management Strategy implementation. ?24Permit Year 2 '`2.Yes/No Include information on nutrient calculation guidgfibb, minimum onsite stormwater requirements, nutriertt;targets, and nutrient offsets procedures 3. Post education and information reSD[3rGES��r ` Property Owners r-. <Associations and the ;general public 3. Permit Year 2 3. Yes/No regarding BUA limits and the need for adequate SCM maintenance on the stormwater web page DRAFT NCS000465 SWMP-NMS Town of Morrisville March 2, 2023 Page 20 Part 6: Public Involvement and Participation Program This SWMP-NMS identifies the minimum elements and implementation of a Public Involvement and Participation Program that complies with applicable State, Tribal and local public notice requirements. The Town of Morrisville will manage, implement, and report the following public involvement and participation BMPs. Table 14: Public Involvement and Participation BMPs Permit 3.3.1: Public Input Ref. Mechanisms for public involvement that provide for input on stormwater issues and the stormwater program. BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Annual Reporting Implementation Metric Stormwater Pages on Town Website Continue to maintain the stormwater web pages with information regarding relevant ordinances, post-construction requirements, design 1. Maintain the web 10. standards,and resident- pages - update any 1.Annually - Permit specific resources/programs. broken links, upload 1. Yes/No Provide a link to the MS4 new educational Years 1 5 permit and SWMP and hotline material number. Update ordinances and post-construction requirements with Local Neuse Program Rules (see BMP 8) Stormwater Hotline Maintain the stormwater hotline for citizens to ask stormwater questions and 1. Continue to report stormwater issues.Train publicize hotline in 11 the hotline operator and materials developed 1. Annually - Permit identify and train after-hours for the stormwater Years 1 - 5 1. Yes/No personnel to direct stormwater program and posting calls.The hotline number will on stormwater web be advertised on the page stormwater webpage(see BMP 9) DRAFT NCS000465 SWMP-NMS Town of Morrisville March 2, 2023 Page 22 Part 7: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Program The Town of Morrisville will develop, manage, implement, document, report and enforce an Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Program which shall, at a minimum, include the following illicit discharge detection and elimination BMPs. Table 15: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination BMPs 3.4.1:MS4 Map Permit Measures to develop, update and maintain a municipal storm sewer system map including stormwater Ref. conveyances, flow direction, major outfalls and waters of the United States receiving stormwater discharges. BMP A B c D No Schedule for Annual Reporting Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Implementation Metric Update MS4 Map Continue to maintain the MS4 map with information including stormwater conveyances, 1. Maintain a current 13. outfalls,and receiving waters. map showing major 1.Annually - Permit Update the map annually with outfalls and receiving Years 1 - 5 1. Yes/No newly identified or constructed streams stormwater infrastructure. Update the map with Local Neuse Program requirements 3.4.2: Regulatory Mechanism Permit Measures to provide an IDDE ordinance or other regulatory mechanism that provides legal authority to Ref. prohibit,detect,and eliminate illicit connections and discharges,illegal dumping,and spills into the MS4, including enforcement procedures and actions. BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Annual Reporting Implementation Metric Maintain Legal Authority The Town's stormwater ordinance(UDO Sec. 7.6.2 & 7.6.4) provides legal authority 14 to prohibit, detect, and 1. Maintain and 1.Annually - Permit eliminate illicit connections and review IDDE 1.Yes/No discharges, illegal dumping, and ordinance Years 1 - 5 spills into the MS4, including enforcement procedures and actions DRAFT NCS000465 SWMP-NMS Town of Morrisville March 2, 2023 Page 24 Table 15: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination BMPs Annual IDDE Plan Evaluation 1. Evaluate the plan with Town Stormwater Engineering Perform an annual evaluation Manager. Review 18 of IDDE Plan implementation IDDE reports and 1. Annually - Permit and effectiveness. Review inspections to 1. Yes/No documentation to identify identify chronic Years 1 - 5 chronic violators violators, issues, and/or"hot-spot" areas according to the criteria identified in the IDDE Plan 3.4.4: IDDE Tracking Permit Measures for tracking and documenting the date(s) an illicit discharge, illicit connection or illegal Ref. dumping was observed,the results of the investigation,any follow-up of the investigation,the date the investigation was closed, the issuance of enforcement actions, and the ability to identify chronic violators. BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Annual Reporting Implementation Metric Track and Document IDDE Investigations 17. Maintain the existing IDDE 1. Continue to track 1. Number of illicit tracking database violations in the 1. Continuously discharges identified database DRAFT NCS000465 SWMP-NMS Town of Morrisville March 2, 2023 Page 26 Table 15: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination BMPs Stormwater Hotline Maintain the stormwater hotline for citizens to ask stormwater questions and 1. Continue to report stormwater issues. Train publicize hotline in 20 the hotline operator and materials developed 1. Annually - Permit identify and train after-hours for the stormwater Years 1 - 5 1. Yes/No personnel to direct stormwater program and posting calls.The hotline number will on stormwater web be advertised on the page stormwater webpage (see BMP 9) :mod ��._•.,:.•.:•. fit."' F k r' �c DRAFT NCS000465 SWMP-NMS Town of Morrisville March 2, 2023 Page 28 Table 1.7: Construction Site Runoff Control BMPs Stormwater Hotline and Alternative Reporting Methods 1. Continue to publicize hotline in Continue to provide and materials developed promote the Stormwater for the stormwater 1. Annually - Permit 1. Yes/No Hotline and link to the Wake Years 1 - 5 program and posting 22. County sedimentation and on stormwater web erosion control hotline to page provide a method to notify the appropriate authorities of 2. Publicize Wake observed erosion and County's sediment sedimentation problems hotline on 2. Permit Year 1 2. Yes/No stormwater web page 3.5.5:Waste Management Permit Measures to require construction site operators to control waste such as discarded building materials, Ref. concrete truck washout, chemicals, litter, and sanitary waste at the construction site that may cause adverse impact to water quality. BMP A B C D No. Schedule for Annual Reporting Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Implementation Metric The requirements are fully met by the Wake County Sedimentation and Erosion Control Program. DRAFT NCS000465 SWMP-NMS Town of Morrisville March 2, 2023 Page 30 FIN, Legend IZ3Morrisville Limits ETJ WaterSupply Watersheds Protected(P)or Critical(C) 6' Area- P Nutrient ON Sensitive aters-Upper 100,010,00, N ise-Neuse River Basin Haw-Cape Fear River Basin OAIO Streams OF, 04 011 0 0. OAF 'F4 OF, Z—A 0 ................................. ......... ...... 0 0.25 0.5 1.5 2 Mile VRE,Gammin �.if The annual reporting metrics for the post construction program are provided in Table 20: Post Construction Site Runoff Control BMPs below. Table 20: Post Construction Site Runoff Control BMPs Permit 3.6.5(a),3.6.5(b),and 4.1.3: Minimum Post-Construction Reporting Requirements Ref. Measures to document activities over the course of the fiscal year (.July 1 - June 30) including appropriate information to accurately describe progress status,and results. BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Annual Reporting Implementation Metric Standard Reporting 1. Track number of 1. Continuously - 1. Number of plan low-density plan permit Years 1 - 5 reviews performed reviews performed for low density 2. Track number of 2. Continuously - 2. Number of plan low-density plans permit Years 1 - 5 approvals issued for approved low density Implement standardized 3. Maintain a current tracking, documentation, inventory of projects 3. Number and type inspections, and reporting and constructed 3. Continuously - of SCMs added to mechanisms to compile SCMs including SCM Permit Years 1 - 5 the inventory 23 appropriate data for the annual type, location, and self-assessment process. Data last inspection date shall be provided for each Post-Construction/ Qualifying Alternative Program being 4. Track number of 4. Continuously - 4. Number of SCM implemented as listed in Tables SCM inspections permit Years 1 - 5 inspections 18 and 19 performed 5. Track number of 5. Number of low- low-density 5. Continuously - density projects inspections Permit Years 1 - 5 inspected performed 6.Track number of 6. Number of low-density 6. Continuously - enforcement actions enforcement actions Permit Years 1 - 5 issued taken 24. Standard Nutrient Management Strategy Reporting DRAFT NCS000465 SWMP-NMS Town of Morrisville March 2, 2023 Page 34 Table 20: Post Construction Site Runoff Control BMPs 3.6.2: Legal Authority Measures to maintain adequate legal authorities through ordinance or other regulatory mechanism to: (a) review designs and proposals for new development and redevelopment to determine whether Permit adequate stormwater control measures will be installed, implemented,and maintained, (b) request Ref. information such as stormwater plans, inspection reports, monitoring results,and other information deemed necessary to evaluate compliance with the Post-Construction Stormwater Management Program,and (c) enter private property for the purpose of inspecting at reasonable times any facilities, equipment, practices,or operations related to stormwater discharges to determine whether there is compliance with the Post-Construction Stormwater Management Program. BMP A B C D No Schedule for Annual Reporting Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Implementation Metric Nutrient Management Strategy Requirements Specified in Ordinance Adopt a Neuse Nutrient 1. Establish nutrient 26• Management Strategy through targets through the Town's Unified ordinance 1• Permit Year 1 1.Yes/No Development Ordinance revision Authority to Review Federal,State,and Local Government Plans 1. Revise code to require Federal, Ensure local ordinance State, and local specifically requires government projects 27. compliance with Nutrient to comply with post Management Strategy by construction 1. Permit Year 1 1. Yes/No Federal,State,and Local requirements unless government projects subject to its own NPDES MS4 permit or qualifying alternative program DRAFT NCS000465 SWMP-NMS Town of Morrisville March 2, 2023 Page 36 Table 20: Post Construction Site Runoff Control BMPs Review Federal,State,and Local Government Development Plans Ensure development plans are reviewed for any Federal, 1. Ensure review 30. State,and Local government process includes projects within the jurisdiction, Federal, State, and 1. Permit Year 1 1. Yes/No unless entity has its own MS4 Local Government permit Review Plans for Compliance with Nutrient Management Strategy Conduct site plan reviews of all new development and development expansions for compliance with the 1. Establish 31. stormwater treatment and application intake nutrient reduction 1. Permit Year 1 1. Yes/No requirements in 15A NCAC and review procedures 0213 .0711 or.0731, including reviews of nutrient calculations using a DWR-approved calculation tool Require Recordation of BUA Limits on Deeds or Plats Ensure that for lots in developments with a Common 32 Plan of Development that a 1. Establish legal BUA limit, based on the authority through 1. Permit Year 1 1.Yes/No approved stormwater plan, is code revision recorded with either the deed or plat Plan Review Staff Training on Nutrient Calculator Tool 1.All current plan review staff 1. Number of review participate in live 1. Permit Year 1 staff that attended Ensure all plan review staff online training for live online training 33. have gone through DWR- calculator tool provided plan reviewer training for the approved nutrient calculator 2. Plan review staff who were unable to 2. Number of review attend live online 2.As Needed staff that viewed workshop view recording of training recording of training that year DRAFT NCS000465 SWMP-NMS Town of Morrisville March 2, 2023 Page 38 Table 20: Post Construction Site Runoff Control BMPs 3.6.5: Documentation Measures to maintain adequate documentation and standardized inspection and tracking mechanisms Permit to: (a) Maintain an inventory of post-construction SCMs and low-density projects, (b) Document,track Ref. and maintain records of inspections and enforcement actions.Tracking shall include the ability to identify chronic violators,and(c) Make available to developers all relevant ordinances, post- construction requirements, design standards,checklists,and/or other materials. BMP A B C D No. Schedule for Annual Reporting Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Implementation Metric Inventory of Low-Density Projects 36. Develop an inventory of low- 1. Establish list of 1. Number of low- density projects to be utilized existing low-density 1. Permit Year 4 density projects for inspections and tracking projects inventoried Inventory of Developments and Lots with BUA Limits Develop and maintain a 1. Establish a list of comprehensive inventory of developments with 1. Permit Year 4 1. Yes/No projects that have BUA limits BUA limits tied to their stormwater management or nutrient loading requirements to be used when reviewing new 2. Establish a list of 37• development plans. Develop and maintain a database BUA Parcels or lots with 2. Permit Year 4 2.Yes/No BUA limits limits on developments and individual lots within, with BUA limits based on their approved 3.Add developments stormwater plans.Actual BUA and lots within to 3. Total number of amounts are updated as new the list when project 3. Permit Years 4-5 developments and development is approved for as-builts are lots and occurs on individual lots approved Inspection Tracking 1. Establish 38 inspection tracking mechanism for low- 1. Permit Year 4 1.Yes/No density/BUA ti acking DRAFT NCS000465 SWMP-NMS Town of Morrisville March 2, 2023 Page 40 Part 10: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping Programs This SWMP-NMS provides a comprehensive pollution prevention and good housekeeping strategy for the Town of Morrisville municipal facilities and operations. Pollution prevention and good housekeeping is accomplished through the implementation of seven required programs, which collectively address the ultimate goal of preventing or reducing pollutant runoff from municipal operations such as parks and open space maintenance, fleet and,building maintenance, new construction and land disturbances, and municipal storm sewer system maintenance. Pollution prevention and good housekeeping for municipal oper4to s includes the following programs: 1. Municipal Facilities O&M Program ®r 2. Spill Response Program $ 3. MS4 O&M Program 4. Municipal SCM O&M Program ti 5. Pesticide, Herbicide and Fertilizer Managem°et;Program. 6. Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance Program ' 5 ' ' 7. Pavement Management Program The Town of Morrisville will manage, implement, and report bherpollution prevention and good housekeeping BM Ps as specified in Table 21 below for each required program. Table 21: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPs 3.7.1: Municipal Facilities Operation and Maintenance Program Measures to manage facilities that are owned and operated by the permittee and have the potential for Permit generating polluted stormwater runoff. The permittee shall maintain a current inventory of municipal Ref, facilities; perform facility inspections and routine maintenance; establish specific frequencies, schedules, and standard documentation; provide staff training on general stormwater awareness and implementing pollution prevention and good housekeeping practices BMP A B C D No. Schedule for Annual Reporting Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Implementation Metric Inventory of Municipal Facilities Maintain an up-to-date 1. Maintain and 40. update inventory as inventory of municipal faciiities 1.Annually - Permit with potential to generate needed when Years 1 - 5 1. Yes/No polluted runoff facilities are added or closed DRAFT NCS000465 SWMP-NMS Town of Morrisville March 2, 2023 Page 42 Table 21: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPs Spill Response SOP 1. Train staff at facilities with Maintain spill response potential for high 1.Annually - Permit 1. Training date,and procedures as part of the hazard spills in first Years 1 - 5 number of attendees PPGH Plan and train staff on response actions and 44. procedures as well as have an reporting procedures organized vehicle spill cleanup response to prevent pollutants 2. Annually review from vehicular accidents from and update spill entering the storm drain response SOP to 2.Annually - Permit system identify new Years 1 - S 2. Yes/No polluting materials or processes 3.7.3. MS4 Operation and Maintenance Program Permit Measures to minimize pollutants in the stormwater col.lection system. The permittee shall provide Ref. operation and maintenance staff training on stormwater awareness and pollution prevention, perform MS4 inspections,maintain the collection system including catch basins and conveyances; and establish specific frequencies, schedules,and standard documentation. BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Anneal Reporting Implementation Metric MS4 System Operation and Maintenance Plan 1. Develop an SOP that includes proactive inspection Develop and maintain a schedules, standard 1 permit Year 1 1.Yes/No proactive plan for MS4 system documentation, staff maintenance, requiring regular responsibilities, and 45• inspections and maintenance. proper maintenance Verify, document,and training prioritize maintenance activities identified by 2. Perform regular 2. Following schedule established 2. Number of inspections or citizen reports inspections in accordance with the in SOP, once SOP inspections SOP and tracking system documented are established DRAFT NCS000465 SWMP-NMS Town of Morrisville March 2, 2023 Page 44 Table 21: Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping BMPs 3. Maintain a list of certified contractors 3. Annually - Permit 3. Number of and update annually Years 1 - 5 certified contractors to track certifications 3.7.6:Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance Program Measures to prevent and minimize contamination of stormwater runoff from areas used for municipal Permit vehicle and equipment maintenance and/or cleaning. The permittee shall ensure that municipal Ref. industrial facilities subject to NPDES industrial permitting comply with those permit requirements, provide routine pollution prevention training to staff,perform routine inspections,and establish specific frequencies, schedules,and documentation. BMP A B C D No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Annual Reporting Implementation Metric Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance Facility Inspection 1. Review industrial Ensure NPDES industrial NPDES facilities facilities comply with annually for 48 permitting requirements. industrial permit 1. Annually -- Permit 1. Yes/No and any Determine if Spill Prevention, compliance and note Years 1 - 5 changes required Control, and Countermeasure if any changes to the (SPCC) Plans are required for industrial plans or any facility processes are required 3.7.7: Pavement Management Program Permit Measures to reduce pollutants in stormwater runoff from municipally owned streets, roads,and parking Ref. lots within the permittee's corporate limits. The permittee shall implement measures to control litter, leaves, debris, particulate and fluid pollutants associated with vehicles, and establish specific frequencies,schedules, and documentation. BMP A B C D No. Schedule for Annual Reporting Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Implementation Metric Street Sweeping Maintain an agreement that 1. Develop an SOP, includes street sweeping including a schedule 1. Permit Year 1 1. Yes/No 49. following a regular schedule in and plan to order to reduce pollutants from document Town maintained streets and 2. Implement SOP 2. Annually - Permit 2. Total tonnage or parking lots and documentation Years 2 - 5 miles swept Leaf Collection Monitor leaf collection 1. Monitor leaf 1. Total number of 50. activities by a public works .1 Annually - Permit collection contractor collections by contractor and provide public Years 1 - 5 education about yard waste activities contractor DRAFT NCS000465 SWMP-NMS Town of Morrisville March 2, 2023 Page 46