HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0049204_Affidavit_20230731 Beaufort Gazette The Herald-Rock Hill el Nuevo Herald-Miami Sun News-Myrtle Beach
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Account# Order Number Identification Order PO Amount Cols Depth
19489 432988 Print Legal Ad-IP101271080-IPL0127108 $694.70 1 73 L
Attention: Wren Thedford STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA
1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER Before the undersigned,a Notary Public of Dallas
RALEIGH,NC 276991617 County,Texas,duly commissioned and authorized to
administer oaths,affirmations,etc.,personally
meagen.benton@ncdenr.gov appeared Tara Pennington,who being duly sworn or
affirmed,according to law,doth depose and say that he
Public Notice or she is Accounts Receivable Specialist of the News&
North Carolina Environmental Man- Observer Publishing Company,a corporation organized
a16ement 17 Mal Service
center Unit and doingbusiness under the Laws of the State of North
1 s17 Mail Service Center
Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 Carolina,and publishing a newspaper known as The
Notice of Intent to Issue a NPDES
Wastewater Permit NC0049204 for News&Observer,Wake and State aforesaid,the said
Selma Terminal 1,NC0088218 for Sel-
ma Terminal 2,and NC0076457 Selena newspaper in which such notice,paper,document,or
Terminal 3 legal advertisement was published was,at the time of
The North Carolina Environmental
Management Commission proposes each and every such publication,a newspaper meeting
to issue a NPDES wastewater dis-
charge permit to the person(st listed q qualifications of the requirements and of Section 1
below written comments regarding 597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina and was a
the proposed permit will be accepted
until 30 days after the publish date of qualified newspaper within the meaning of Section 1-597
this notice.The Director of the NC Di- of the General Statutes of North Carolina,and that as
vision of Water Resources(DWR)may
hold a public hearing should there such he or she makes this affidavit;and is familiar with
be a significant degree of public in-
terest.Please mail comments and/or the books,files and business of said corporation and by
Irfformation requests to DWR at the reference to the files of said publication the attached
above address. Interested persons
may visit the DWR at 512 N.Salisbury advertisement for DEPARTMENT OF WATER RESOURCES-
Street Raleigh, NC to review infor-
mation RALEIGH was inserted in the aforesaid newspaper on
on file. Additional information
on NPDES permits and this notice dates as follows:
may be found on our website:http//
deq.nc.gov/about/d Nislons/water-re-
sources/water-resources-permits/ 1 insertion(s)published on:
wastewate r-branch/npdes-wastewa-
ter/public-notices,or by calling (919) 06/15/23
707-3601.Kinder Morgan Southeast
Terminals LLC 14064 Winters Chap-
el Road: Doraville,GA 303601 has
requested renewal of NPDES per-
mit NC0049204 for Selma Terminal
1,located in Johnston County. This
permitted facility discharges treated
wastewater to a UT to Mill Creek a
class WS-V;NSW water in the Neuse i
River Basin. Some of the parameters
in the permit are water quality limited.This discharge may elect tuturc allo- t"l' RernrAdkrr4))%liZtre/cations in this segment of Mill Creek.
Kinder Morgan Southeast Terminals
LLC [4064 Winters Chapel Road: I certify(or declare)under penalty of perjury that the
Doraville,GA 30360)has requested
renewal of NPDES permit NC0088218 foregoing is true and correct.
for Selina Terminal 2.located In John-
ston County. This permitted facility
discharges treated wastewater to a UT
to Mill Creek a class WS-IV:NSW wa-
ter in the Neuse River Basin. Some of ��-
r3 ,1
the parameters in the permit arc water S t. I '}1"•4,9 G'��t,-C? Cw"1 ,�
quality limited.This discharge may a1-
fect future allocations in this segment
01 Mill Creek. Kinder Morgan South- Notary Public in and for the state of Texas,residing in
east Terminals LLC 14064 Winters Dallas County
Chapel Road:Doraville,GA 303601
has requested renewal of NPDES per- "+ -
mit NC0076457 for Selma Terminal
3,located in Johnston County. This i l'I'4"7, STEPHANIE HATCHER
permitted facility discharges treated
wastewater to a UT to Mill Creek.a '.; My Notarj IU> 133.534406
class WS-N:NSW water in the Neuse i'i -e•
River Basin. Some of the parameters or it`' Expire' January 14,2026
in the permit are water quality limited.
This discharge may affect future allo — ` " �
cations in this segment of Mill Creek. Extra charge for lost or duplicate affidavits.
IJun15 202 Legal document please do not destroy!
Jun 15 2023 Ba