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GW1--04615_Well Construction - GW1_20230714
WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For!Menial Use ONLY: This form can to used for single or tnultipk wells 1.Well Contractor Information: ' =ii.WATER-ZONES- , ' Rich Lemire mom ; TO DFSC'sat'rlON Well Contractor Nam It. ft. 2593A It. fL j • NC Well Cotumctor Con fiaition Thurber OTTER CASING tfoF."tuuhi-cased'eells)''OR E.INER of an Beal:IRV, . FROM - TO DIAArETER '- THICKNESS MATERIAL SAEDACCO Inc . ft. ft to, Cntrsp:ut}Nome 16.iNNRR:CASiNG ORTVBING:(ipotherm31 dusedaoop►. .' FROM TO ' DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERL%L 2.Well Construction Permit#: W20700459 0 ft. 8 ' ft. 4 ut. SCH-40 " PVC' ' List all applicable we.Npenirilr(ix.County.Star.drariarrce.Ir)t2L6icrt err.) - ft. ft. ht, 3.Well Use(chccksydl use): 17:SCREEN _ Water Supply Well: FROM TO DIAMETER SLOTSI7.F: TH1cKNriS 1 MATERIAL ❑Agricultural DhfunicipaUFuhiic 8 ft. 18 ft. 4 •in .010 scli-4o PVC ®G rm eotheal(fH ®eatingtCooling Supply) Residential Water Supply(single)- ft. , ft. ia' . ©IndustriaUnu Conenial ©Residential Water Supply(slated) L.m GROUT' TO AfhTERtkL Lr1tPLAC£htf VT1tIEft16D Shh10tNT ❑Irrigation '0 ft. 4 ft. PORTLAND POURED ' Non-Water Supply Well: 17Monitvring . .ORccovety ft. ft, . injection Welt: n. ft. - . D Aquifer Recharge GIGroundw:ttcr RI;nicdi:ttiou '19c'SAND/GRAVELIACK(ifaaplieabrel : _:,.: .,. - FROM TTJ MATw,RIAI. " EMPI.ACr%TENT sic-noon IJAtjuifcr Storage and Recovery• ElSalinity Barrier 6 ft. 18 ft.' SAND. #2 ❑Aquifer Test • I7Stonmvatcr Drainage -rt.. rt. ❑Experimental Technology • ❑Stibsideincc Control:. ' -10.'DRILLiNG'LOG(attnch additionkil.sheetSif necessarvt - ' ❑Geotltemnal(Closed Loop), ❑Tracer FROM TO DESCRIFTION(c*br.hardocrr,willniekhnc.e alms e.de.) • ❑Geaodiem al(Heatiirg'Cooliue Return} ®Other(explain under#21 Retuatl s) 0 (L 12 ft, DARK CLAY/SILT 12 ft. 18 f. BLUISHSAND/SILT 4.Date Well(s)Completed: 5-31-2023 Weil lDIl III-13 ft. iL Sa.Well Location: ft.. r4 ;' ^7.—.:i s''y"-::" ' WEST PHARMACEUTICAL _ ft, ft, t .� •h.."' ..-i i,.' fi %,, Facu7ii},itvocrNantc Facility IDtclfapplrable) ft. ft, II II A lt 2�23 . ,2525 Rouse Rd. Exd. , KINSTON, NC, 28504 rt.- f. - • J J1 - Physical Address.City.Hid Zip :.2I.REMARKS'• IFS3ci'F. i1^,"1 ''..7-G•*:14Y:;.)iiIii= LENOIR BENTONITE FROM 4 TO 6'. ,R,W% '811+ci CoUntl' Parcel Idemlifieoliou No,(PIN) 56,Latitude and laingitude in di.greeslminutcsfsecnnds or decimal degrees: 22.Certification:- • (it svett rsald,obi:Totten Is sufficient) N �y +--FJi't+,t:n.t. 6/4/2023. Signuure of'CO.Well Contractor Dale 6.Is(are)the well(s): %IPertnanent or .❑Temporary Es'signbig thi:farm,I hereby certif'Oar the 114l0l tssts(twee(cvratnrered is mconlmtc' with I NCAC OW,0100 or 1SA NCAC 02C.0200 well ll Constrrwr(oo Standards and Akira 7.Is this a repair to an existing well: bites or ®No copy of this rcconi rues been pmriskd et itr.'aril muter, if rids Is a repair.fill nett krtnirw Well CONSrtifellca itrfororall9rr aid explain the rurrure of the repair render PI remarks section grew the bark of this form. ' 23.Site diagram or additional well details: . You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or welt 8.Number of wells constructed: 1 construction details. You!nay also attach additional pages if necessary. For multiple Infection or tiro(-inter supply wells ONLY whh the same construction,yakcaa saburit one form. - - SUBMITTAL INSTUCTIONS , 9.Total well depth below land surface: 18 (IL) 2da. For Aft Wells:- Submit this form within 311 days of completion of well For nuthiple wetls list oil depths If deinent(e.rarnpie-3@200'and 26,WO - constnictipnto the following: - 10.Static water level below top of casing; 4.5 . • (ft..) - Division of Water Roou rives,Information Prneessing Unit, If uusor level is above easing,its,.•"+" 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 11,Borehole diameter:18 5/8" (in,) 24b.For iDIlectior 'j fly ONLY: in addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit a copy of this foam within-330 days of completion of well 12.Well construction method:AUGERS consiruc►ian to the following_ - (Le.auger.rotary,cable direct push etc.) ' Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY:- 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 13a Yield(I ern) Method of test: 24e.For Water Supply&Injection Welts: Also submit olio copy of this farm within 30 days of completion of 13h.Disinfection type: - Amount: weft construction to the county health department of the county where • constricted. Bann GW-1 - . North Carolina Deponent of Envirtuurs ui and Neutral Resources-DM; of Miler ft ou es Revised August )I:i