HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--04587_Well Construction - GW1_20230714 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD • For beerrtalUseONLY: This form can iv used Fur single at multiple netts 1.Well Contractor Information: , . `14.WATER ZONES, Rich Lemire FROM TO DESCRIPTION IPTION Well Contractor Name ft. It, ! I 2593A ft. rt. • NC Well Contractor Ccrtiftcation Number "15�OUTER CASING tfoc�uii ised'n-efns1 OR LiNER(if ap fleal)lel-, FROM TO DIAMETER; THICKNESS MATERIAL SAEDACCO Inc fG rt. in. - Company Name 16:INNER'CASING.OR TUBINGygeoiiermal closed-loop);. ' FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 2.Well ConstrTrctihn Permit a WI0700459 0 ft. 8 ft, 4 'M. SCH-40 PVC • LIU all applirabIr'rel.(jsaimits(Le..Camay.State,lrarianre.1031) (tc.) n. .ru- it.. • 3.Well Use(Chad:well use): IT:SCREEN Water Supply Welk • FROM TO _ DIAMETER st.OTSIZE TIITCNNF S 1 MATERTAT. , - tJAgicultuml .E1Municipal/P(iblic 8 R. 18 • ft. 4 ill, O10 SCH-40 PVC DGeothe111tal(Heating Cooling Supply) ®Residential Water Supply(single) iG ft. in, ❑lndustrialiConuncrcial ®Residential Water Supply(shared) o KOUT. To MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD fi AMOUNT • ❑Irrig,•rtion • 0 ft, 4 ft. PORTLAND POURED - Non-Water Supply.Well: I:Monitoring . I:Recovery ft tt Injection Well: . .ft. ft. DAgatiferRcchatgc. DDGiroundwatcrRccntcdiation .,I9.SANDJGItAVELFACK(ifuttplieabtel'- - ..... FROM TO MATERIAL ESIFI.ACKIIENT NF.rlrtrn DAquifcr Storage and Rccovcty I:Salinity Harrier ' 6 ft. 18 ft, SAND #2 . El Aquifer Test ❑SlormwatcrDrainage ' ❑1 x ierimental Technology ❑Subsidence Control'. . i0.DRILLiNGLOG(attach additioria dices ifncccssaryl • OGeodiennal(Closed Loop) ❑Tracer FROM TO - DESCRIPTION(robr.haninea,w0.Mtchn,t.prain,5ra.dr} ❑Geotltemial(FIeatittgtCooline Return) . ®Outer(explain under#21 Reitma1ks) 0 ft 12 ft, DARK CLAY/SILT 12 ft. 18 ft. BLEISHSAND/SILT 4.Date Weil(s)Completed: 5-31-2023 Well IftIW-14 • ft. ft. , 34,Wdl Location: p� . WEST PHARMACEUTICAL ft; « i v •,. .�'l..i ` y� am.. ..r ' Faeilap,+t]tvocr iJarire Facility iOt(if applicable) «. ft,, JUL J I f_ ?0 Z 3 2525 Rouse Rd. Exd., KINSTON,. NC, 28504 . . • O. ft,•` •Physical Address.City-and Zip ..2t REMARKS- ll:f�c:,- s:,'t "'.":.f ti L.:,r LENOIR BENTONITE FROM 4 TO 6,. L .A`^•'?8;.---°a C 4' i• t'an;et trieniir itiuu No,(PIN) fib.Latitude Longitude in dcg tes/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: ' Z2,Ccrtifieatiga: (If%en Rohl,one 1.•rt40ug is stdfieicrd) j` W �.P/Av'.d^„ 6/4/2023 Sigrutnie ofCcrti -Well Contractor Date • 6.Is(are)fhe.well(s)r %Permanent or I:Tentporaiy . . ityrivihre.drir limn,1 hereby crrh s that the n•dl x)wets• Kent amitnrcred hr nrconlmice with 1M NCAC 02C,0100 ar 1M NCAC 02C,0200114'1J Construction Standards and Am O 7.Is this a repair to an existing well; ElYes or ElNo ropy ofrliif re(orrNheslx'ra provided roar'urn mow, - if th(s is it repair.fill oat krioitvi 1veltcoasmrcrioa inform rkur gad rapralit the nature of rite repair water 021 remarks srclian ar to the hack of this farm 23.Site diagram or additional well details: You•may use the back of this page to provide additional well she details or well 8.Numberof wells constructed: 1 consttuctiolt details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. For mulrlpke Irderrlon or unit-xsirar.sirft*.meals ONLY mtrui the some coustruetlon,yiu+coo sa ode one form. - ' SUBMITTAL,iNSTUCTIONS • 9.Total well depth below land surface: 18 (ff.) 24a. Fur All Wells: Subirdt this form within 3U days of completion'of well For multiple wells list alldepthr if stifferwt7(ex wipte-J@200'atul 2@ W0) • ' construction to the following: 10.Static Water level below top of easing 4.5 - - -- (ft) Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, if Water level is above cvts(itp,.use"+" 1617 Masi Service Center,Ralei;h,NC-27699-1617 IL Borehole dianicter:18 5/8" (in.) 2-lb.for infection Wellq.@NLY: In addition to sending the foul to the address in 244above,also submit a copy of this fonts within 30 days of completion of well 12•Well construction method:AUGERS • construction to the following_ 1 (i.e.auger.rotary,cable.direct posh.etc:) Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 17699,1636 13a Yield Wpm) Method of test: 2dc,For Water Supply&Injection.WelLs: Also submit one copy of this ferns Within 30 days of completion of 13h.Disinfection type: , Amount: well construction to the county health department of the county where constitictcd. I Form GW-t North Catalina Dcpenntern of Erwirarmkr i and Natural Resources—Diva;Ion of Water Reroute, Revised August 2013