HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--04532_Well Construction - GW1_20230713 WELL CONSTRUCTION [tECOitl) vx,� FijaNcnalUsct)N4Y:. This•form cam bo•U ed frir.single Or ntultipk wells• I.WeIt.Coutritctor inforutation: `� \ 1.I.ATER ZONES.. John Eisenman t'tO0 ' 10 oyso'Mss o t�'cli Coirxracior Name ft: ft. ft. • • it. 4439 - NC Well Con1ractorCertification Nunllcr "tS.IOUTER CASING(GO iaultt-caved dellsl'ORLiNER:firt ppIicabfcl. -. PROfil TO • DIAMETER THICKNESS - MATERIAL •SAEDACCO Inc ft. IL In Contp;un-Naine. ,IG."1NNER CASING ORr1'il®1NG,ti;,errskerit at duud-lolly)'° .- FROU i TO DW:METER TIIiCKNESS MATERLAL 2.Wctl Construction Permit-#: WM0501555 0 R. 10 It. 2 in, sal-40 PVC Lireallelp,JicablcNeatpear.itsfi:c.County.Stuts,l'iriance.lty'a7i&irIetr:.) f{. ft, in 3.Well Use(e,heck.w'cll tise)d I7:SC;REEN .• . . . Water Well: EfltEI I' 10 UTAM.TER cI0TSIPZ TIIICKNI_xS 1 MATRRIAI. t CJrl�:ulttlral DbitinicipaliPitblic 10 II. 20 ft. 2 in. .010 SCH-90 PVC EIGeoth:mlal(HeatingICoolitlg'Supply') ©Residential•WaterSupply(single) ,II • ' ft.: in. • DTndustrialiConmtcrcial °Residential Water.Supply(shared) •t8;t;ROUT _ . ... . .: ... .. . FnOh1 Tt?. MATERIAL i EMPLACEMENT AIErr1OD&..C110UNT ❑lrripatian . . . 0 ft. 7 . ft. Portland Pour N to-Water Supply Nell: R. R. ldhfonitoring- . fRccovery _ , • Injection Well: h. ft. ! °Aquifer Recharge ElOround'rwrRentediation • -19:SANINGIt VELIACK(1r:atrplicible ' . -- . , - "vs0;t1 10 . NI.tTFRrAI. - NSIPLACENlENT fiii:rtirin • 17 Ai)tlifcr Storage arbi Recover', ❑Salinity Barriee. 9 • R. 20 IL . Sand • #2 ❑Aquifer Test- ❑Stotiiiwatee Drainage ft, ft. ❑Eylcdmcntnl Tccllncltortt GlSnhsidcrtcc.(rordml 211.DRILLING'LOG(attach additional streets 1f ncet sart't ' . . - - . t7Cr.'olltennal(Closed Loop) ' ' ❑Tr-ecer FROM -- TO DESCRIPTION(tVtcr.hardneti,tn4'rck OK.:s+dnwe,de.t • ❑Geotheitual(IleatinioCoolingReturn) ❑Other(explain wader.#2I Rettturls) 0 .it.. 20 ' ft, silt/sand/clay . tr. It. 1.DatoWcll(s)comlpleted: 6-27-23 Vt{l.iD1/Mla-14 54.Well Li,eatinn: .ft. tt, 1 'L ..,,,‘..e 3....t v 4— Former Catsburg Country Store .ft. ft. - j1 i 2023. Fa,i]it}'rV3ntxrNalao Facility 117k(ifappli ablcY. ft. ft, 1110 Old Oxford Rd.,.Durham, NC, 27704 Ply scat Addiess,City..and Zip :2 c RlML%RhS . . . . Durham bentonite seal from 7-9' County Parcel ld•_rditioailouNo,(PIN) . 51t,Latitude anidLongitude in dcgiecslminutcsisccnndsor dechilaldegreei: 22,Certifcatioa: • Of Mel'had,oao latfloug is.mairei<rd) h W yy —r-_-. -- 6/27/2023 • Sigmtwtu 1: ••••0...i. :.:;: —=- r' ... : .—Dale 6.is(are)the tvell(s); ZIPetnnattent. or ❑Tetnportr} `,r'vr !: ,fa 1. �.�fa lir si ni ••'kir for,6• ari.r,..:.:::E ..5.rt n::... at runytnicied In rrceon&rricr ti'ith I5a NGtC 02C x-•: -'1,:i •t'n4 vai. O200 We fl Cr uct t rrnn crnrvlcrads'and:1. r rr 7.is this a rgfiair tit ati cf:istinl;tvelii ❑Ve_v .o'r :1 NIB 4.6.11r fdike'rM•urrl Ws/steal(?»rid d c?7hc%I V/if/mien if 0;4107 repel'.fill tear kr?.rrual rrrlf c+r;tu'ulrctioo lrtfgrrtr.7doll ilia,_tii'tabi(be,tl,taut'of rue repair under 02l rern,,rLs scztl m area ncu ticrc of Mir form 23:Site diagram or.additiouat well details.: Yon may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details:or Well S.Mnulierof;veils coustructed: 1may,'details. Youmay,'also attactiadditional pages if mcessan. For retdrlltrc-irtieer)on or mewl-''seer supply n'ils ONLY n'!rh rAe.sarrtrsoasITIMIO r,yoo,tint srbnrirnnc f,an.•a. EJIDMiTTAI.iNSTUCTIONS' 9.Total Well depth Moil-laud serfrice. 20 (ft.) 24a.•Fur All Wells: Submit this farm within 30 days of completion of welt • For nrulriplcii'Urlestial 1eprhsiftittN•rt r:(i•.ratiipre-•,r€s•2110'ard2@1OO') constnictionta the follotsing: Ill.Static water level Imlow top of easing; 11 (fit.) Division of Water Rcr(Itroces,Information Processing Unit, if wait'?Ire,/is itbove.cask:,;tit'"+" 1017 Mai[Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 ilk 13archritc diameter:6" 'OIL) ,2111:Fir wow Weill ONLY: in"addition ro•sendingllle form to the address in 24a above, also submit a.copy of this fount within +(1'days'of completion of Well 12.Well construction method:Air - . cottstmctioil todhe following:' (i.e.auger,rotary.cable.direct gush.eidl • Dtvisl(nt of Water Resources,Underground rejection Control Proglaul, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY .1636 Mull Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 I3a,b icld'(grfm) hlccflad of rest: 2-;c_For Water Supply&(njiefton.«'ells: Also submit one"copy of this form Within'�0'daysofcotnpletion.of 13h.Disinfection type: Amount: well canstniction to the calmly health depngment of the county wheie constructed. Faun OW-1 NonitCarulina[kpanmcltt.of£oyirflrinrm and Natural Resources-Division of Wale;Rnotrct Revised release 1013