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GW1--04528_Well Construction - GW1_20230713
.i. WELL-CONSTRUCTION RECORD � Foy trramalUsc.ONLY: ' T]tis form egn.bc uscil fin single ar rnhltipk netts• ➢.�lCLI•CIIntI:IINC Information: \\..A. . , , ta::\YAt tltZONES - Stefan Smith rtt011 • TO beiCitt rlft\ Well Coritmctor Nam ft. ft. i . ' I . 3576A ft. ft, NCWc19CmnmciorCcrtiftcalionNutrltcr CS:OUTER CASING'tfuriiiintartaseil-nclIsi'URLiN R'titan teable).. .. FROM TO • DIAMETER 1REICKNF.SS MATERIAL. SAEDACCO Inc 0 (1.. 5 tL 1" I ' in. SCH-40 PVC Company-Name _16s1NNER.CASINGORTVBtNG'f.enthennaldusad-toiijr•<-" .,-. ..- FROM TO . DIAMETER TirICKNESs MATERIAL T.Well ConsU Action Pettit#; . R, rt. ia. Lin'dicppilieybirv.•cifpeimits(Le.Coolty,:Stme..hitrionre,ii ecti err-, rt. o. 6e. 3.Well Use(chccl:w•dl use): Al:SCREEN Water Supply Well: - FIRMSi 1 TO brAM T):R sr.Or5nx; TIICKSrtis I u.►Tnnrnt. C1tl8ricul[i1ral• D]GIulllcipallt'itbtic 5 IL 15 fL 1" ih. .010 SCH-40 I PVC PRE-P•CH ©Geotltem aI(HcatingiCooling Supply) DResidential Water Supply(single) ft. . fL .ih, I 0ludustrialrCotnotercial ©Residential Water Supply(shared) '--ttUGROUT _ -. .: , _. _.. FRQSi TO. ?,1ATERIAL 1 IWLACEIIENT METHOD MOUNT ❑Irrinatioti . . . . ft. ft, NInt Water Supply liYetC: ft. ft. 6-Ott:mitoting' I]Rceurety • injection Well: R. it. CLAquifer Recharge . DGromidtlatcr Reiticdiatiaa .•r9 SAN2ICRAVEL,PACI ff uiyruuihte►:-=_•. .-.:- ^- - - ,FRi)M . .10 - A LATERrAL NSit't.ACi:\trir mErrrnit DAgitifcrStorelge and Rccovety E3Salinfty Barrier R. ft. • DAgnifcrTcst ❑Stoinnn;ttee f}rainagc' ' ft.. (L ❑E perinicnial Teehnolot' USnhsidcncc Control :2fl BRCLLi\G'1.0G(attach additional sheets if neeessan•) - • - OGeanthenna1 Closed Loop) OTF.tcer short TO DF,SCn.4PTIONlwbr.lrrntncay.taaVItn&Mx,vuuww.ctrtl DGcodteunat(Heating+Cooling Return) DOther(explain under#2 t Retuatks) 0 . .IL. 15 'ft. Fill - it. f. O, ) 6-8-2023 TMW-1 riP.r ,-'C "' �.Date Welts Completed: Well OD# rt. ft. j{f r-- 1 yy n`Ik --• t 5a.Well Location: • •4- ft. Morrisette Paper . . it. It.' JUL 1 2023 Facility,'tlico:.i-Namc Facility!DR iifappliarbie) ft. ft, Pc.^^s Una 5922 Summit Ave., Browns Summit, NC, 27214. . ft. ft. Phy skid Addivss.City_and Zip :lc.REhlhttt+S . -, Guilford Temporary well; used '10' pre-pack screen County Parcel kieiit ticullou No,(PIN) Sb,Liritudc and Longitude in degrecaiminutcstscconds or decimal dcgrccs: 22.Ccrtitication- (if tt ell Rend,ulri LOWS ig srdlie)cnu) • 36.174039 1., 79.717185 Wr _ 6/27/2023 Signnf c...t1ied Wcl Coati-actor Daic 6.,E9(are)the 1veII(s): Llfi'ertnatient ar SITCtn&lorall By aigtung thin fey im,.1 herrh}•e•crt{fe•Ow thr wells)ma(isrn)cur-tingled iir;rt unhrnir with 154 t1'Ci1C 02C,OI(19 or 1,t4•NC4IC(JdC.tr:00 Well Causer rtr.rr Srcumtards and sluts(t 7.Is this-a repair 0 art Oistinti welt: iVes Or ;IND ' 'teprofslur rrroniha..faun ill i ided 0)4,e cn-1i oitne•r, 1f t.'tr'cai 17 retNi)r.fill trait kiz(irvi u'tlf catu-nra(oti btPru-rtotr mil ee_tplahr the tatrare.if Me rcaairaridrr P21 remcrtv:avian at-tui the back of this fornr. 23:Site diagram or additional w'eLl details: You may use the back of this page to ptovicte additional well site details:or Well 8.Number of wells constructed: 1 constiuctiau details. You may also attach additional pales if necessary. For tiralrl a mjeeriOn or owI-sour r supply wells ONLY with thr.Sirrrte M1Qrs(rw tlwt.yrtt cent sihterirnnc faun. SUBMITTAL INSTIJCTIONS 9.Total welt depth below land surface: 15 (ft.) 21a. For All Wcllm Submit this fonn within 30 days'of completion of welt For iirol(iplc ire*Hst rtfr dclvlts(fdlf,,i•runt to xeraip(e-3 213 T a10.2@ tilD) conSintr lion to the cottoning: 10.Static water level heluw top of easing: 6 (t.) t)ivisiuu.af Water Resources,Information Processing Unit., if unbar ward Is • 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 11.Bhrchofc diamcter.2.25" . (in.) 244.For Ittlecttq 9 Weill ONLY; in addition to sending ttte form to the address in 2-#a`aL �•e.also submit a copy of this forte within 30 days of completion of%ell - 12.Well consuuctioii method:DPT eousttuct1mt to•tlid following!• (i.e.auger.snooty,cable_direct push.etc.! Division of Water.Resourecs,Uudcrrauted Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: L636 MALA Ser Lice Center.Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 C3;i old(ggim} Method of test: '-lc.On:,«':itch Supply&Injection Welly:. Also submit one copy of this faint4ithitt 30 days ofcoulpletiott.of ➢Jh.Disinfection ante: Amount: nvell constriction to the county health department of the county w•heie contracted. •Fanu GW-1 Noah Carolina tkpanmem of Envituamciu and Natural Resources-Division of Water€tinatrtti Revised.Aagust.20I3