HomeMy WebLinkAboutRobeson_Well Abandonment_20230724 (4) WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD For biter t1 liqo ONLY. This foitn can be used for single or multiple iv;fls 1,WcR Contractor Information: WELL ABANDONMENT DETAIL:, I Scott Hunt, Jr 7a.Number ofnclsbein);abandoned. i %VclfC dMCtorNante(or%wito%vrcrpcaomilyabiniarthre%%ctlanhisllwrpropeny) Far Midopie rrtpcucur or r.Vin-11-citer svpf# wills ONLY virb Me smi rise►rrrrcnwua 6omlwunc�ir,iron cvor mbuur(Wie fr,nn 4561-A NC tYctl CoplractorConift+(Uoii Number 7b..Apprommate volume of ivak&remaining in wellwo (,r►L) SAEDACCo FOR WATFR SUPPLY HELLS ONLY: CADRVany Name 7c.Type of disintlkeunt used: 2.Well Construction Permit b Lrsrcd1 rrpli&wble aeNpumftr tie.Cwah,Srate.J urfoxce,h5'ecu011,eft'.}Ifknuwn 7d rlmotttiA of dlsinf east usiw: 3.Well use(check:well use): Water Supply Well- 7c.Scaling materials used(cheek:all that apply); ClAgricudtttr it 13m niicipal/Public 0 Ncat Cement Grout M l3cmonitc Chips or Pellets ❑ =11icamal(heath;Kaolin„Supply) 1311csidw4d Water Supply(single) ❑.Sand Cement Gmut ❑Dry Clay ❑IndusirialiCotvtncicial ❑Rcsidentlt►l Water Supply(sivored) ❑CO"creteGroul ❑ Drill Cuttings 131nit2tion ❑Specialty Grunt ❑ Gravel Noa Watci Supply`Nell: '0 Bentoltite Slurry ❑Other(explain under 7g) Mmouitoring ❑Recover_• injection Well: 7f.For each material selected'above,provide amount of materials used: ❑Aquifer Recharge ❑Grotmdiiater Renudiation ❑Aquifer Storage and Recor•ery OS:diWty Barricr ❑Aquifcr'Test ❑Stoninvater Drain age Bentonite.:201b ,Wtr:gal.. ❑Eyrerimental Technology ❑Subsidence Contiol -79.Proside a brief description of the abandonment pn)cidure: OC1901hermal(Closed Loop) OTracer Pulled DPT tooling and abandoned borehole w/ hydrated OGeotheimal(HeatinitlCoolin Return) ®Other(es lain under 7s} bentonite chips. 4.Date elf(s)abandoned: 6-27-23 t`° �� ��" �-IP I 5a.Well location: t t t t DPT Site Investigation '� L Fatilhyi(hvmr Name Facility IDA,(ifapplicablc) $•CerAiRcaAi®u: 1FFidn1'.ri•.dEil R7^w ',3 I)Tiii 2767 Rearic Rd. Lumberton, NC 28358 ��� �` 7/4/2023 Physical Addres.City.mid Zip Siptimm,of Coif ified 1Vett Cn .ietor or Wetl Chvrx.-r Dim Robeson By:sipmlrig this farm, I hereby certify thin the irell(s) was(here}abiuidaned in county Parcel Idenlft6flou No.(PIN) ac nlance ivi6 1?414'C.:fC 02C;,0)00.ur 2C,0200 rMell Cunsinictiuo Stanrkirels and their a crptcoffids record lrm•been provided to the well owner. 5b.Latitude and longitude in degreesta tinotes/seconds or decimal degrees: tutu cu E>kl,Ulu Lultnrtg is Stttiit iCr1) 9.Site diagram or additional well details: You utay use the back of this pale to provide additional hell site derails or well K W abaudouinetu details. You tuay also attach additional pages if necessary. CONSTRTiCTION DETAILS OF WELI-1S)BEING ABANDONED StIRNfiTTAT.iNSTRUCTTONS :tfrrul7 tlrll.GrifLSififClfUa RGrl![ItSJ'IJIYY1.IIiLrJIL Far mulhplr iiltcrirm cu•rairn•u>urer suppl} u gilts ONLY tr1tL roe a,riin raustner�torvaLmrthumyrnr,i+�a cnu s�rbmit are tiintr. Ma. Fnr All Wells• Submit this form within 30 days of corriplction of tall 6a,Well IDg:B"4 abandonment to the folioiving; Divisiun of Water Resources,Info notation Prperosing Unit, 6b.Total ivell depth: 10 (ft.) 1617 Mail Scrvice Center,Raleigh,NC"27699-1617 10b.J7 n Tnicctio Wells: Iu addition to sending the foam to the addtess in 10a fie.Boo,Lltole diameter.z.zs (io.) above,also submit one ropy of this iorm within.30 days of completion of well abandonmerU to Elie following: Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Conitvl Pirogram, lid.Water[cvc!bclrrn•ground surface: 5 (ft) 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,K 27699-.1636 6e.outer casin I 10c.Fnr Water S We upnfv&Tufectlan Wells: In addition to sending(lie form e fo to >; eropph(if (fL) the address(es) above. also submii one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well abandonmeni to the county health department of the county 6f.Inner casing/tubing ErnyKh(if lmoii•u): (ft.) ivhcrc abandoned. 6g,Screen length(if hnoott):4 0 ) Farr GtS'-3o North CaroUm Depanincoi of Esiviroonient aad-Natural Resomms-DIvision of Miter Rcsaumes Revised August 20 B