HomeMy WebLinkAbout_External_ RE_ SAW-2021-01424 (Fairhaven Glen) - Notice of Incomplete Application & Request for InformationBaker, Caroline D From: Kate Hefner <Kate.Hefner@timmons.com> Sent: Monday, July 24, 2023 5:29 PM To: Pitner, Andrew; Doug.J.Perez@usace.army.mil Cc: Amanda Johnson; Lauren Norris -Heflin Subject: [External] RE: SAW-2021-01424 (Fairhaven Glen) - Notice of Incomplete Application & Request for Information CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Report suspicious emails with the Report Message button located on your Outlook menu bar on the Home tab. Doug/Andrew, Good afternoon! We are working on providing responses to the questions in the below RAI to you both soon. We are waiting on some information from our engineers about design changes to complete the RAI response. Could we obtain a 30-day extension from the due date, 07/28/2023? So the new due date would be 8/28/2023? Please let me know if that won't work. Thanks! Kate Hefner, WPIT, ISA-CA (she/her) Environmental Scientist II . 91;906 TW. ' CLANS GROUP 1.0GINEERN#C. I DESIGN 17ECKNOl4GY TIMMONS GROUP I www.timmons.com 5410 Trinity Rd, Suite 102 1 Raleigh, NC 27607 Office: 919.866.4953 1 Cell: 828.455.4636 Kate. Hefner@timmons.com Your Vision Achieved Through Ours To send me files greater than 20MB click here. From: Kate Hefner <Kate.Hefner@timmons.com> Sent: Monday, July 3, 2023 10:51 AM To: andrew.pitner@ncdenr.gov Cc: Amanda Johnson <Amanda.Johnson@timmons.com>; Lauren Norris -Heflin <Lauren.Norris-Heflin@timmons.com>; Doug.J.Perez@usace.army.mil Subject: FW: SAW-2021-01424 (Fairhaven Glen) - Notice of Incomplete Application & Request for Information Good morning Andrew! We received a Request for Additional Information (RAI) from the USACE on 06/28/2023 for the Fairhaven Glen project, which has DWR ID# 20230773 Ver 1. I don't think you were on the email chain so I wanted you to be aware of the request. We will be compiling a response soon, but I wanted to make sure you did not have any additional comments that we could address at the same time. Please let me know if you have any questions/concerns. Thanks! Kate Hefner, WPIT, ISA-CA (she/her) Environmental Scientist II * .0000 • Tir-a, OBIS GROUP ENGINEERMG I DESIGNI TECHN4l4GY Cefebraffng LGBTQ+ Pride Wnth TIMMONS GROUP I www.timmons.com 5410 Trinity Rd, Suite 102 1 Raleigh, NC 27607 Office: 919.866.4953 1 Cell: 828.455.4636 Kate. Hefner@timmons.com Your Vision Achieved Through Ours To send me files greater than 20MB click here. From: Jolly, Karanda M CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <K.M.Jolly@usace.army.mil> Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2023 3:00 PM To: Kate Hefner <Kate.Hefner@timmons.com> Cc: Perez, Douglas J CIV (USA) <Doug.J.Perez@usace.army.mil> Subject: SAW-2021-01424 (Fairhaven Glen) - Notice of Incomplete Application & Request for Information CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Ms. Hefner, On May 30, 2023, the Corps received the Pre -Construction Notification (PCN) you submitted on behalf of Jonathan Nesburg of Fairhaven Glen, LLC for the above -referenced project in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. This letter serves as notification to you that I have determined the application is incomplete, and additional information is required before your request can be processed. Please provide the information requested below in one consolidated response within 30 days of this correspondence; if not received within 30 days of this correspondence, the application will be withdrawn. 1. Please provide an overall site plan showing all proposed residential structures. 2. Please explain in detail the need for the two proposed road crossings for Doverdale Lane (proposed permanent impacts 1c and 3b). It isn't clear from you application why the site cannot be redesigned with the road connection shifted further west in the project area, outside of jurisdictional waters. 3. It isn't clear to me what the below highlighted area represents, but it appears to be a sidewalk. Please explain in detail why the proposed stream realignment cannot be avoided entirely by eliminating the southern sidewalk (i.e., the highlighted area below) and shifting the proposed cast -in -place headwall closer to the roadway. ` f f - ��� r r �� PERMANENT STREAM IMPACT 1c 'rf FOR ROAD FILL >� - - LF 589 SF f PROPOSED BYPASS STORM LINE FER TO SHEETS GWI 2.1 & 2.2 STORM SEWER TO OUTFALL AT HEAD OF STREAM ALIGNMENT AND EXISTING INTERMITTENT STREAM CHANNELTIONS) IN ORDER TO AVOID INDIRECT STREAM LOSSES!ffF PERMANENT NO -LOSS STREAM IMPACT is FOR RIP RAP APRON 12 LF 24 SF - - 1ti�t4�_ r-1 STREAM REALIGNMENT ;, , ♦ t 4 ti `1 _ �� y , OAST -IN -PLACE TEMPORARY STREAM IMPACT 1b `� ♦t ti r r { RETAIN INGWALL 10' WALL CONSTRUCTION BUFFER 53LF106SF f TEMPORARY STREAM IMPACT 3a _ I + } 10' WALL CONSTRUCTION BUFFER r f :,. + {{rf f 10LF36SP r }~ PERMANENT NO -LOSS STREAM IMPACT 26- FOR RIP RAP APRON 4. If the proposed stream realignment cannot be avoided, I have serious concerns with the proposed location of the realigned channel. Based on my measurement, it appears the stream would be relocated to within two feet of the cast -in -place headwall. With no indication of natural channel design indicated or explained in detail in the Pre -Construction Notification, the Corps will require 1:1 mitigation for the total reach of streambed subject to realignment. This mitigation requirement would act as a safeguard against potential short- and long-term stability issues. 5. Please itemize and differentiate which impacts are proposed for verification under a Nationwide Permit 18 and a Nationwide Permit 29. Mr. Doug Perez, cc'd on this email, will be the USACE point of contact for this project moving forward. Please ensure he is included on all future correspondence. Thank you, and don't hesitate to reach out with questions. Meagan Jolly Regulatory Specialist U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Charlotte Regulatory Field Office Mobile: (704) 578-4506 K.M.Jolly@usace.army.mil 3