HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG021017_Application_20230724 AlCoIO2 Io 1 _4 ■ BARNHILL CONTRACTING COMPANY /� �/� 800 Tiffany Blvd.,Suite 200 REGE�`� D Rocky Mount, North Carolina 27804 g 252-823-1021 phone _ LULJ www.barnhilicontracting.com DEMI.R-�t�rm July 20, 2023 Mr. Bradley Bennett Stormwater and General Permits Unit Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Re: Mitchell Pit NPDES Permit Application Dear Mr. Bennett, I am respectfully submitting an application for an NPDES discharge permit for a borrow pit in Martin County.An on-site determination of potential jurisdictional features was performed by the Davey Resource Group.The location of the wetlands and the proposed buffers are also shown on the enclosed site plan. Barnhill Contracting Company proposes to pump water from a rim ditch into the dewatering basin as shown on the mine map during the initial start of the excavation.This basin has been designed for a 1,000 gallons per minute pump and a detention time of 2 days. Once this area is mined of its material, it will then be used for storage of dewatering from the next phase of the mining area. Water will be pumped into the basin and pond utilizing a 6" submersible pump (Thompson Pump Model 46HST) at an average rate of approximately 650 gallons per minute. This pit will be operated for Barnhill Contracting projects only and will not be run on a continual basis. Use will be determined by demand for sand for local projects. Because of the nature of this work, withdrawal rates and discharge will vary greatly from month to month. We intend to dewater only when we are actively mining sand and not on a continuous basis. During times of mining we will typically work 12 hour days and pump during those times. Therefore,any discharges will be kept to a minimum. We have also applied for a CCPCUA withdrawal permit through division of Water Resources since this site is within Martin County. Erosion control measures will be installed onsite prior to any land disturbance taking place. Please reference the site plan for a more detailed depiction of these measures. Any water within the mining area will be directed to drain towards the pit. 800 Tiffany Blvd.,Suite 200 Rocky Mount, North Carolina 27804 252-823-1021 phone www.barnhillcontracting.com Please find enclosed one (1)original and two (2) copies of the NPDES Notice of Intent Permit Application and supporting documents. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Yours Very Truly, Barnhill Contracting Company 9uSCzn,. �c�w�trvoit Mine Manager Enclosures /UC D 210 FOR AGENCY USE ONLY Datc Received Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources / Yea Moth I Day Land Quality Section—Stormwater Permitting Program Certificate or Covemp N National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Check n I Amount Environmental Quality NCG020000 pert Aast�� NOTICE OF INTENT— General Permit Application .. 1 aazn National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System application for coverage under General Permit NCG020000: I'VLR Qt0rl1tt*rPf 9MM STORMWATER AND/OR WASTEWATER DISCHARGES associated with activities classified as: SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) Code - 14XX Mineral Mining Industry(except as specified below) and like activities The following activities are included: • Active or inactive mining operations (including borrow pits—except for NCDOT borrow pits)that discharge stormwater contaminated with or that has come in contact with, any overburden, raw material, intermediate products, finished products, byproducts or waste products located on the site of such operations; • Stormwater from vehicle maintenance activities (VMA) at mining operations; Overflow from facilities that recycle process wastewater; and/or • Mine dewatering (wastewater) The following activities are specifically excluded from coverage under this General Permit: • Stormwater discharges associated with peat mining, coal mining, and metal mining; • Stormwater discharges from mining operations which are intermixed on site with stormwater from concrete operations; Stormwater discharges associated with oil and gas extraction operations; and Stormwater discharges associated with tourist gem mines • NCDOT borrow pits (covered under individual permit NCS000150) The following discharges are covered by NPDES general permit NCG520000 instead of NCG020000: Point source discharges of stormwater and wastewater from in-stream sand mining operations (sand dredging or dipping operations)are covered instead by NPDES General Permit NCG520000, administered by the Division of Water Resources NPDES Wastewater Permitting Program. Please contact DWR for more information. Please print or type all entries in this application form. 1) Mailing address of owner/operator(official address to which all permit correspondence will be mailed): Legal Owner Name BARNHILL CONTRACTING COMPANY (Attach the most recent Annual Report to the NC Secretary or State showing the current legal name of the corporation or entity. Alternatively this permit can be given to an individual or government authority. This name must be the same name as appears on the Division of Energy,Mineral, and Land Resources'Mining Permit.) Signee's Name (as signed for in question 41. at end) SHANNON K.DOUGLAS Street Address 841 SUN GRO DR City ELIZABETH CITY State NC ZIP Code 27909 Telephone No. 252 384-2122 E-mail SDOUGLAS@BARNHILLCONTRACTING.COM Alternate Contact Name* DUSTIN FAULKNER E-mail (if different) Alternate Contact Telephone (if different) 252 384-2126 DFAULKNER@BARNHILLCONTRACTING.COM *Alternate contact should be affiliated with the Owner/Operator. Consultant information can be provided in question 5. Page 1 of 12 SWU-NCG02-NOI Last revised 9/10/2015 NCG020000 N.O.I. 2) Location of facility_producing discharge: Facility Name MITCHELL PIT Facility Street Address 1404 GRAND CANYON RD Facility City WILLIAMSTON State NC ZIP Code 27892 Facility County MARTIN COUNTY Facility Contact DUSTIN FAULKNER Telephone No. 252 384-2126 Fax: 252 335-7452 Contact E-mail DFAULKNER@BARNHILLCONTRACTING.COM 3) Physical Location Information: Please provide a narrative description of how to get to the facility(use street names, state road numbers, and distance and direction from a roadway intersection)). FROM WILLIAMSTON,HEAD SOUTH ON HWY 17 FOR +/-4.0 MILES. THEN TAKE A LEFT ON MILL INN RD FOR+ -1.2 MILES THEN TAKEA RIGHT ON GRAND UMMUNIUMU.THE DESTINATION,MITCHELL PIT,WILL BE ON YOUR LEFT&RIGHT+/-0.5 MILES DOWN GRAND CANYON RD. 4) Facility Location Coordinates: Latitude 35.774211 N Longitude -77.047600 W (degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees) 5) Consultant Information (if applicable): Consultant: Consulting Firm: (Optional) Mailing Address: Staple Business Card Here - City.-- - -- - --- --- -- State: Zip Code: Phone: ( Fax: ( E-mail: Permits: 6) This NPDES Permit Application applies to which of the following: 0 New or Proposed Facility Date operation is to begin: WINTER 2026 ❑ Existing Date began mining: 7) Standard Industrial Classification: Provide the 4 digit Standard Industrial Classification Code(SIC Code)that describes the primary industrial activity at this facility SIC Code: 1 4 4 2 8) Provide a description of the types of minerals mined at this facility: SAND,CLAY,AND EARTHEN MATERIALS 9) Is this a PROCESSING-ONLY facility for materials mined elsewhere? 0 No ❑ Yes 10) Is this an inactive mine site? ❑✓ No ❑ Yes If yes, have you certified to the Stormwater Permitting Program that all portions of the site where clearing, grading, and/or excavation activities have occurred have been stabilized? ❑ No ❑ Yes (If yes, the site may be eligible for"Dormant Status"and reduced BMP inspections. See the General Permit.) Page 2 of 12 SWU-NCG02-NOI Last revised 9/10/2015 NCG020000 N.O.I. 11) Does this facility already have a valid Mining Permit from DEMLR's Land Quality Section? APPLICATION CURRENTLY UNDER 0 No If no, please indicate the status of the Mining Permit application: REVIEW-SUBMITTED 6/9/23 ❑ Yes If yes, please provide the Mining Permit number: Also provide a copy of the DEMLR Mining Permit with this NPDES application. 12) Does this facility have any other NPDES permits? 0 No ❑ Yes If yes, list the permit numbers for all current NPDES permits for this facility: 13) Are you applying for a discharge permit in the same location as a previously permitted mine? 0 No ❑ Yes If yes, specify permit number and mine name if known: 14) Does this facility have any Non-Discharge permits from DWR(e.g., recycle permits)? 0 No ❑ Yes If yes, list the permit numbers for all current Non-Discharge permits for this facility: 15) Does total area of this mine site include ready-mixed concrete plant and/or asphalt plant areas? I7 No ❑ Yes If yes, do they have separate NPDES stormwater permits? ❑ No ❑ Yes (provide permit number(s) ) —If not owned-by the-same-company,-who-is-the-owner? Development Activities and Buffers: 16) Will this mining operation precede development activities at this site? s❑ No ❑ Yes 17) Is this mine located within one of the 20 Coastal Counties, and will it add more than 10,000 ft2 of impervious surface? ❑ Yes(to both) ❑ No, this mine site IS in one of the 20 Coastal Counties but will NOT add 10,000 11:2 of impervious surface. 0 No, this mine site is NOT in any of the 20 Coastal Counties. If this site is in one of the 20 Coastal Counties,you may be required to apply for an additional State Stormwater Permit. Check with your local Regional Office (see contact information and checklist below). 18) Is this mine located the Neuse,Tar-Pamlico, or Catawba River Basins, or the Randleman or Jordan Water supply Watersheds? 0 No ❑ Yes If yes, what size stream buffers are included on site? ft. You must show buffers on site plans. Also include information and plans showing diffuse flow through buffers as required. Page 3 of 12 SWU-NCG02-NOI Last revised 9/1 012 01 5 NCG020000 N.O.I. Discharge Points, Receiving Waters & Wetlands: 19) Receiving waters: What is the name of the body or bodies of water(creek, stream, river, lake, etc.)that the facility stormwater and/or wastewater discharges will end up in? FROM SOURCE TO ONSITE WETLANDS,FROM ONStTE WETLANDS TO SMITHWICK CREEK To find the waterbody, please see the NC Surface Waterbody Classifications map at https:Hdeq.nc.gov/about/divisions/water-resources/water-resources-science-data Receiving water classification(s)for the waters: C If the site will discharge to a separate storm sewer system, name the operator of the separate storm sewer system (e.g. City of Raleigh municipal storm sewer). N/A Discharge of wastewater to receiving waters classified as WS-11 through WS-V, or SA, must be approved by the Division of Water Resources (DWR) or Division of Marine Fisheries (DMF). DEMLR cannot grant coverage under NCG020000 without that approval. Also be advised that no new discharges Of wastewater are permitted in receiving waters classified as WS-1 or freshwater ORW. Wastewater discharges to saltwater ORW will not be approved under General Permit NCG02 but may be eligible for an individual permit. 20) Will this mine site discharge wastewater or stormwater to waters classified as High Quality Waters (HQW), Primary Nursery Areas (PNA), Trout(Tr)waters, or a class with a symbol like `W1 or"@"that denotes a special management strategy is in place? 8 No ❑ Yes, HQW* ❑ Yes, includes "+" or ❑ Yes, PNA* ❑ Yes, Trout jr) 21) Will this mine site discharge wastewater or stormwater to waters classified as Shellfish (SA) waters? ❑O No ❑ Yes, SA* *For questions 19-20, be advised that the NCG02 General Permit limits the discharge volume of total combined wastewaters to 50 percent of the receiving water in-stream flow under 7Q 10 conditions in HQW waters (PNA and SA waters are considered HQW by definition). You maybe required to contact USGS to obtain a 7Q10 flow. 22) Will this mine site discharge wastewater or stormwater to impaired waters, or to waters with an approved "Total Maximum Daily Load" (TMDL)? To find impaired waters &TMDLs, please see the Impaired Waters Map & TMDL map on https://deq.nc.gov/about/d ivisions/water-resources/water-resources-science-data ❑ No ❑ Yes, these waters are impaired for(list pollutants): ❑ Yes, these waters have a TMDL for(list pollutants): Page 4 of 12 SWU-NCG02-NOI Last revised 9/10/2015 NCG020000 N.O.I. 23) List discharge points (outfalls)that convey discharge from the mine site (both on-site and off-site)and location coordinates. Attach additional sheets if necessary, or note that this information is specified on the site plan. Include proposed maximum daily flow rate for each wastewater outfall. You must show all discharge points clearly on the submitted site plan. Be advised that NCDEQ may require you to apply for an individual permit, based on proposed discharge rates and receiving stream conditions (low flows, impairments, etc.) Stormwater Stormwater Outfall No. Latitude (degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees): N Longitude (degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees): W Stormwater Outfall No. Latitude(degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees): N Longitude(degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees): W Stormwater Outfall No. Latitude(degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees): N Longitude(degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees): W Stormwater Outfall No. Latitude(degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees): N Longitude (degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees): W Stormwater OuSall No. Latitude(degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees): N Longitude (degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees): W Stormwater Outfall No. Latitude (degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees): N Longitude (degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees): W Mine Dewatering Mine Dewatering(Wastewater) Outfall No. 1 Proposed maximum flow rate: 650 GAL/MIN Latitude(degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees): 3S.773709 N Longitude(degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees): -77.045312 W Mine Dewatering(Wastewater) Outfall No. Proposed maximum flow rate: Latitude(degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees): N Longitude (degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees): W Process Wastewater Process Wastewater Outfall'No. Wastewater Description: Proposed maximum flow rate: Latitude (degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees): N Longitude (degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees): W Process Wastewater Outfall No. Wastewater Description: Proposed maximum flow rate: Latitude (degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees): N Longitude(degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees): W Page 5 of 12 SW U-NCG02-NOI Last revised 9/10/2015 NCG020000 N.O.I. 24) Help us understand what will happen to the dewatering water at this mine site: ❑ N/A—this mine is not dewatering at all and will not dewater in the future. a) Will this mine be dewatering and discharging to waters of the state? (Answer only if dewatering) ❑ No 0 Yes If yes,where to? 0 Surface Waters and/or Wetlands (on-site or off-site) ❑ Other(on-site or off-site) Describe: b) Will this mine be dewatering but not discharging to waters of the state? (Answer only If dewatering) I7 No ❑ Yes If yes, explain how you are dewatering, and where that water will be directed: 25) Are there wetlands or surface waters within 400' of the mine pit perimeter? ❑ No l Yes If yes, what distance are they from the mine pit perimeter? s0 feet. 26) Will mining operations require dewatering near wetlands or other waterbodies, and will dewatering potentially impact any wetlands or other waterbodies? ❑ No, dewatering will not occur near(within 400')of wetlands or other waterbodies (e.g., streams, lake, etc.) 0 Yes, dewatering will be near wetlands or other waterbodies Wetlands must be CLEARLY DELINEATED on the site plan. Mine dewatering activities that have the potential to drain wetlands or otherwise impact surface water or groundwater MUST develop and implement a Pumping Operation and Monitoring (POM) Plan that has been approved by the Department. For sites that may drain wetlands—approval of a POM Plan may be required prior to coverage under this permit. The POM Plan should be submitted to the appropriate Regional Office and in all cases must be approved prior to operation. The plan shall include, but is not limited to: (1) Groundwater monitoring strategies to demonstrate the effect of pumping and to establish any pumping regime necessary to reduce impacts, and (2) Detailed plans to maintain surrounding hydrology and respective monitoring to demonstrate compliance. See checklist at the end of the application. Contact the Regional Office for questions speck to your mine. 27) Have you been required to obtain 404/401 Certification permits? VI No ❑ Yes If yes,please briefly describe below(include information such a required mitigation, BMPs, setbacks, and/or O&M plans for on or off-site wetlands or other pertinent information). Attach other sheets as necessary. BARNHILL CONTRACTING COMPANY HAS NOT BEEN REQUIRED TO OBTAIN 404/401 CERTIFICATION,HOWEVER WE HAVE GOTTEN AN ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION TO LOCATE AND DELINEATE 404 WETLANDS AND JURISDICTIONAL WATERS OF THE US. THIS REPORT IS ENCLOSED FOR YOUR REFERENCE.DISCHARGING INTO WATERS OF THE STATE WILL BE LIMITED.ONCE EXCAVATION HAS MADE ENOUGH PROGRESS BARNHILL WILL PUMP INTO EXCAVATED AREAS ONSITE. Page 6 of 12 SWU-NCG02-NOI Last revised 9/10/2015 NCG020000 N.O.I. **SEE ENCLOSED ENVIRONMENTAL** EVALUATION WE HAD PERFORMED 28) Have you been required to obtain a wetland delineation certified by the US Army Corps of Engineers? ❑O No ❑ Yes If yes, please attach to application submission. Stormwater BMPs and Vehicle Maintenance: 29) Does this facility employ best management practices for stormwater control? ❑ No 0 Yes If yes, please briefly describe: DIVERSION DITCHES WILL BE INSTALLED,ALONG THE HAUL ROAD,TO DIRECT THE STORMWATER RUNOFF THROUGH CHECK DAMS. BERMS&DIVERSION DITCHES WILL BE CONSTRUCTED AROUND THE PERIMETER OF THE MINING AREA TO CONTAIN ALL WATER INSIDE THE MINING AREA AND ALL WATER WILL BE DIRECTED TOWARDS THE BASIN. 30) Does this facility have a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan? 0 No ❑ Yes If yes, when was it implemented? 31) Are vehicle maintenance activities (VMA) occurring or planned at this mine site? 0 No ❑Yes, If yes, will VMA area runoff discharge into the wastewater treatment system(s)? ❑ No, VMA runoff will discharge separately through a stormwater outfall ❑ Yes, VMA runoff will drain back to the mine pit or other wastewater system Wastewater Treatment Facilities: 32) Will mine dewatering occur? (Yes,we are asking about dewatering again.) ❑ No 0 Yes If yes, will the mine discharge this water? YES 33) Will this facility wash mined materials? 0 No ❑ Yes If yes, will the mine discharge this water? 34) Will discharges of process wastewater treatment systems occur(including possible recycle system overflows)? ❑✓ No ❑ Yes If yes, describe what kind of systems: 35) Will this facility employ chemical additives to flocculate suspended solids? 0 No ❑ Yes If yes, provide the name, manufacturer, and the quantity of average daily usage of the chemical additive (if known): Note: Please see our website for a list of evaluated polyacrylamide (PAMS) products for use in North Carolina: https://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/energy-mineral-land-resources/energy-mineral-land-permits/stormwater-permits/ construction-sw 36) Will any of the wastewater treatment facilities at this mine overflow only during rainfall events that exceed the 10-yr, 24-hr rainfall event? ❑ Yes If yes, which treatment systems are those? 0 No, all wastewater treatment facilities will discharge more frequently(i.e., during smaller rain events) Page 7 of 12 SWU-NCG02-NOI Last revised 9/10/2015 NCG020000 N.O.I. 37) Are wastewater treatment facilities(including recycle systems) planned in the 100-year flood plain? 0 No ❑ Yes 38) wastewater treatment w tpi O (2) or any now orexpandgatepollut on control facility discharges n North Carolina. You may attach additional sheets. List the types of wastewater this mine site will discharge: 8 Mine Dewatering ❑ Process Wastewater(such as washing or recycle system overflows, other mining activity wastewater) a) What wastewaters were considered for this alternatives review? 0 Dewatering ❑ Process WW b) Connection to a Municipal or Regional Sewer Collection System: i) Are there existing sewer lines within a one-mile radius? ..................................... ❑Yes M No (1) If Yes, will the wastewater treatment plant(WWTP) accept the wastewater? .... ❑ Yes 0 No (a) If No, please attach a letter documenting that the WWTP will not accept the wastewater. (b) If Yes, is it feasible to connect to the WWTP? Why or why not?* c) Closed-loop Recycle System (meets design requirements of 15A NCAC 2T .1000): i) Are you already proposing a closed-loop recycle system (CLRS)? ......................... ❑ Yes ® No (1) If Yes,for what type of wastewater at this mine site? ❑ Dewatering ❑ Process W W (2) If No, is this option technologically feasible (possible)? Why or why not?* A CLRS IS NOT TECHNOLOGICALLY FEASIBLE BASED ON THIS SITE IS IN A RURAL COUNTY WITH LIMITED RESOURCES. (3) If No, is it otherwise feasible to build a CLRS at this site? Why or why not?* A CLRS IS NOT FEASIBLE BECAUSE IT WOULD BE TO COSTLY FOR THE AMOUNT OF DISCHARGE THAT WILL TAKE PLACE. SINCE THE AMOUNT OF WATER THAT WILL BE DISCHARGED WILL SOLELY BE BASED ON THE AMOUNT OF DEVELOPMENT IN THE SURROUNDING AREA,OUR NEED TO DISCHARGE WILL VARY GREATLY. (4) What is the feasibility of building a CLRS compared to direct surface water discharge?* AS STATED ABOVE.THE NEED TO DISCHARGE WILL VARY GREATLY FROM MONTH TO MONTH. BARNHILL CONTRACTING COMPANY WILL ONLY BE PUMPING WHEN WE ARE ACTIVELY MINING. d) Surface or Subsurface Disposal System (e.g., spray irrigation): i) Is a surface or subsurface disposal technologically feasible (possible)? ..................... ❑ Yes 121 No Why or Why not?* SINCE THE PIT IS LOCATED IN EDGECOMBE COUNTY,WHICH IS A RURAL AGRICULTURAL BASED COUNTY,IT WOULD NOT BE TECHNOLOGICALLY FEASIBLE DUE TO THE COST AND THE VARIANCE IN THE NEED TO DISCHARGE BASED OFF OF THE NEED. ii) Is a surface or subsurface disposal system otherwise feasible to implement?*............ ❑ Yes ® No Why or Why not?*BECAUSE OF THE SURROUNDING LAND ACTIVELY BEING USED AS FARM LAND, BARNHILL CONTRACTING COMPANY WOULD IMPACT MORE LAND IMPLEMENTING A SPRAY IRRIGATION SYSTEM THEN PUMPING INTO A DEWATERING BASIN AND THE WATER SPILLING OUT THROUGH A RIP RAP SPILLWAY INTO AN ONSITE DITCH. Page 8 of 12 SWU-NCG02-NOI Last revised 9/10/2015 NCG020000 N.O.I. iii) What is the feasibility of employing a subsurface or surface discharge as compared to a direct discharge tosurfaoe waters?* BECAUSE THE'NEED"TO-DISCHARGEWILI VARY-GREATLY,IT IS-NOT- FEASIBLE TO EMPLOY A SUBSURFACE OR SURFACE DISCHARGE BECAUSE SOME MONTHS WE MAY NOT DISCHARGE AT ALL. OUR DISCHARGE SOLELY DEPENDS ON THE FUTURE DEVELOPMENT IN THE SURROUNDING AREA. e) Direct Discharge to Surface Waters: Is discharge to surface waters the most environmentally sound alternative of all reasonably cost-effective options for the wastewaters being considered?* El Yes ❑ No f) If this review included all wastewater discharge types,would excluding some types (e.g. mine dewatering) make any of the above non-discharge options feasible for some of the wastewaters? ❑ Yes RI No *Feasibility should take into account initial and recurring costs. You may be asked to provide further information to support your answers to these questions after the initial review. Other: 39) Hazardous Waste: a) Is this facility a Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, or Disposal Facility? ❑� No ❑ Yes b) Is this facility a Small Quantity Generator(less than 1000 kg. of hazardous waste generated per month)of hazardous waste? s❑ No ❑ Yes c) Is this facility a Large Quantity Generator(1000 kg. or more of hazardous waste generated per month)of hazardous waste? El No ❑ Yes d) If you answered yes to questions b. or c., please provide the following information: Type(s) of waste: How is material stored: Where is material stored: How many disposal shipments per year: Name of transport/disposal vendor: Vendor address: 40) Is your facility providing appropriate secondary containment for bulk storage of liquid materials? (See permit text for secondary containment requirements.) RI No ❑ Yes r 41) Does your site have an active landfill within the mining permit boundary? s❑ No ❑ Yes If yes, specify type: ❑ LCID (Land Clearing and Inert Debris) ❑ Other: Page 9 of 12 SWU-NCG02-NOI Last revised 9/10/2015 NCG020000 N.O.I. Final Checklist: *0This application will be returned as incomplete unless all of the following items have been included and 1 initialed for. Please show that the following required information has been included by initialing in each space below. O Fee of$100 made payable to NCDEQ. 91 F Completed application and all supporting documents. -O-E_ Copy of the valid approved mining permit(MP)for the facility or indication of MP application status. _QF Copy of a county map or other general location map that shows the mining site and nearest major roads. OF Copy of USGS topographic map showing the mining site and surrounding areas, or other map that clearly shows site location in relation to nearby streams,wetlands, and other waters, etc. OF 2 copies of large-scale (minimum 24" x 36") site plan with topographical lines with all outfalls, applicable buffers and wetlands clearly delineated, receiving waters, and 100-year flood plain line if applicable. A copy of your US Army Corps-approved wetland delineation if you marked"yes"to question 27 above. A line drawing of the water flow through the facility or block flow diagram. A pictorial description of the nature of any sources of water and any collection and treatment measures. If mine site is in one of the 20 Coastal Counties: • Applicant has checked with the appropriate regional office to verify the need for a Coastal State Stormwater permit. Indicate the Regional Office Contact: • Applicant has included a detailed list of impervious surface areas and percentages, sub-drainage areas, and total drainage area. O If the mine is dewatering and near wetlands, or may otherwise impact surface waters or groundwater, include the following and contact your local regional office about a Pumping Operation and -- Monitoring(POM)-Plan. An apnroved-POM Plan may be required priorto NCG02 issuance. _or- 2 copies of detailed Full Size Plans (at least 24" x 36") delineating areas on the plans and listing acreage (including: wetlands, ditches, well-placements, pits, borrow areas, overburden storage, stormwater controls/BMPs, vehicle maintenance areas, settling basins, product process (such as screening, stockpiles, waste plies), total drainage area, impervious surface percentages (if state SW programs apply), applicable buffers, and access and/or haul roads). OF Pump dewatering size and information on its specifications. _()F Well information (design, depths, maintenance). (OP Physical monitoring for the wetlands areas. Settling pond sizing information, if applicable. o[&,Level spreader design, if applicable. A0 Details about dewatering method. Of of influence calculations. J�[-_Description of measures to prevent erosion and flooding. _OF Description and information about 4011404 permits that have been obtained. N�Copy of US Army Corps of Engineers wetland delineations or approved wetland delineation (if applicable). AEI have contacted my local regional office about a POM Plan. CALLED AND EMAILED ON 7/20/23. Regional Office Contact: SCOTT GRABOSKI Date contacted:HAVE NOT RECEIVED A REPONSE. -OR- I will not impact any nearby wetlands,surface waters, or groundwaters by dewatering. Page 10 of 12 SW U-NCG02-NOI Last revised 9/10/2015 NCG020000 N.O.I. Certification: North Carolina General Statute 143-215.6 b (I) provides that: Any-person`who knowingly makes any false statement,representation;or certfcatio`n in any application,record,report,plan,or other document filed or required to be maintained under this Article or a rule implementing this Article;or who knowingly makes a false statement of a material fact in a rulemaking proceeding or contested case under this Article;or who falsifies,tampers with,or knowingly renders inaccurate any recording or monitoring device or method required to be operated or maintained under this Article or rules of the [Environmental Management]Commission implementing this Article shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor which may include a fine not to exceed ten thousand dollars($10,000). 41) Signatory Requirements (per 40 CFR 122.22) All applications,reports,or information submitted to the Director shall be signed and certified. a.All notices of intent to be covered under this General Permit shall be signed as follows: (1)For a corporation: by a responsible corporate officer. For the purpose of this permit,a responsible corporate officer means:(a)a president, secretary,treasurer or vice president of the corporation in charge of a principal business function,or any other person who performs similar ` policy or decision making functions for the corporation,or(b)the manager of one or more manufacturing production or operating facilities employing more than 250 persons or having gross annual sales or expenditures exceeding 25 million(in second quarter 1980 dollars),if authority to sign documents has been assigned or delegated to the manager in accordance with corporate procedures. (2)For a partnership or sole proprietorship: by a general partner or the proprietor,respectively;or (3)For a municipality,state,federal,or other public agency: by either a principal executive officer or ranking elected official. I hereby request coverage under the referenced General Permit. I understand that coverage under this permit will constitute the permit requirements for the discharge(s)and is enforceable in the same manner as an individual permit. I agree to abide by the following as a part of coverage under this General Permit: 1. I agree to abide by the approved Mining Permit_fo_r this mining activity. (A copy of the valid mining permit must be attached to this request.) 2. 1 agree to not discharge any sanitary wastewater from this mining activity except under the provisions of another NPDES permit specifically issued therefore. 3. 1 agree that bulk storage of petroleum products and other chemicals shall have adequate protection so as to contain all spills on the site. 4. 1 agree that solid wastes will be disposed of in accordance with N.C. statutes and rules governing solid waste disposal. 5. 1 agree that maintenance activities for vehicles and heavy equipment will be performed so as to not result in contamination of the surface or ground waters. I agree to abide by the provisions as listed above and recognize that the provisions are to be considered as enforceable requirements of the General Permit. I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in this application and that to the best of my knowledge and belief such information is true, complete, and accurate. Printed Name of Person Signing: SHANNON K DOUGLAS Title: 11' VICE PRESID 7/20/2023 nature of Applicant) (Date Signed) Notice of Intent must be accompanied by a check or money order for$100.00 made payable to NCDEQ. Page 11 of 12 SWU-NCG02-NOI Last revised 9/1 012 01 5 NCG020000 N.O.I. Mail the entire package to: DEMLR- Stormwater Program Dept. of Environmental Quality 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1612 Note The submission of this document does not guarantee coverage under the NPDES NCG02 General Permit. Upon review of the submittal, the Division may determine that coverage under an individual permit is more appropriate. Also be advised that renewed and continued coverage under NCG02 may be dependent upon the permittee's compliance success and/or status of the receiving waters. For questions, please contact the DEMLR/Land Quality Section Regional Office for your area. DEMLR/Land Quality Section Regional Office Contact Information: Asheville Office ...... (828) 296-4500 Fayetteville Office ... (910)433-3300 Mooresville Office ... (704) 663-1699 Raleigh Office ........ (919) 791-4200 t Muargs ,I . Washington Office ...(252) 946-6481 Wilmington Office ... (910) 796-7215 Winston-Salem ...... (336) 776-9800y Central Office .........(919) 707-9220 Wv Im Page 12 of 12 SWU-NCG02-NOI Last revised 9/10/2015 Mitchell Pit - NPDES Aerial Map JANKi�yui r 'k sir x�' w, 17�1R R„ t.JJWM s r[ . w Y r' ry n r' 7/1912023,4.14:22 PM 1:15,703 Surface Water Classifications 0 0.15 0.3 -' NC Counties 0 025 0.5 l�Major River Basins NG Gf�,Mew Mitchell Pit - USA Topo Map ..�. .... .. . .. ..,. y�,. ` i I • MITCHELL PIT �.. .. LOCATION 1 y 7119'2023. 4 7 -1 J1 R1,1 1.20.288 0 02 0.4 0sm 0 0.33 0.65 1.31un CM119m0 2013 NXW.M r,Kq�Son<ty.11U NOTE This is not a survey. All boundaries and distances are considered approximate. This represents a preliminary sketch prepared from field notes. A survey of delineated areas and review and approval by the U.S Army Corps of Engineers is recommended prior to specific site planning. :.f Legend l QApproximate Project Area — 19 acres �• Identified uplands — 19 acres b ri,• y Weiland boundary flagged (off-site for setbacks) • Approximate data sheet locations Picture locations L:\wetlands\2023\DRGCW23.175\maps\1404 Grand Canyon Rd_prellminary sketch.mxd 6oundanes are approximate :and not meant to Inc! ahsolute. 0 150 300 600 Map Source: 2020 NC OneMap ft 1404 Grand Canyon Rd Martin County, INC DA,lV G iCv - Resource Group Section 404/401 Delineation Map Date: 4/7/23 3805WrightsvilleAvenue Preliminary Sketch DRGNCW23.175 Wilmington,NC 28403 (910)452-0001 -j l Ptr r�' { ,{y:a� � tom„ ...+r �" .'�' ht�t - ter; ... 'r�•�'x+� "".i r r Picture 2. Typical field area uplands(note no ditches present) re „k U.S. Army Corps of Engineers OMB Control#:0710-0024,Exp.,1113012024 WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA SHEET—Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region Requirement Control Symbol EXEMPT: See ERDC/EL TR-10-20;the proponent agency is CECW-CO-R (Authority AR 335-15,paragraph 5.2a) Project(Site: 1404 Grand Canyon Road City/County: Martin Sampling Date: 4/11/23 Applicant/Omer: Barnhill State: NC Sampling Point: wefiand Investigator(s): Paul Farley Section,Township,Range: Landform(hillside,terrace,etc.): rivedne drain Local relief(concave,convex,none): concave Slope(%): 1-2 Subregion(LRR or MLRA): LRR T.MLRA 153A Let: 35.773863 Long:.-77.044927 Datum: NAD 83 Soil Map Unit Name: Bonneau NWI classification: uplands Are climatic/hydrologic conditions on the site typical forthis time of year? Yes x No_ (If no,explain In Remarks.) Are Vegetation Soil or Hydrology_significantly disturbed? Are'Normal Circumstances"present? Yes x No_ Are Vegetation_,Soil or Hydrology_naturally problematic? (If needed,explain any answers In Remarks.) SUMMARY OF FINDINGS—Attach site map showing sampling point locations,transacts, important features,etc. Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes X No_ Is the Sampled Area Hydric Soil Present? Yes X No within a Wetland? Yes X No_ Weiland Hydrology Present? Yes X No Remarks: HYDROLOGY Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Secondary IndicatorsYminlmum of two.redujred) Primary Indicators(minimum of one is reouired:check all that apply\ _surface Soil Cracks(86) Surface Water(Al) Aquafic Fauna(B13) _Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surface(BB) X High Water Table(A2) —Marl Deposits(1315)(LRR U) _Drainage Pattems(B10) _Saturation(A3) _Hydrogen Sulfide Odor(Cl) _Moss Trim Lines(816) —Water Marks(131) _Oxidized Rhizospheres on Living Roots(C3) _Dry-Season Water Table(C2) _Sediment Deposits(B2) —Presence of Reduced Iron(C4) _Crayfish Burrows(C8) —Drift Deposits(B3) _Recent Iron Reduction in Tilled Soils(C6) Saturation Visible on Aerial Imagery(C9) _Algal Mat or Crust(B4) _Thin Muck Surface(C7) x Geomorphic Position(D2) _Iron Deposits(85) _Other(Explain in Remarks) Shallow Aquitard(133) _Inundation Visible on Aerial Imagery(B7) X FAG-Neutral Test(135) -Water-Stained Leaves(B9) _Sphagnum Moss(D8)(LRR T,U) Field Observations: Surface Water Present? Yes No x Depth(inches): Water Table Present? Yes , x No_ Depth(inches): 1 Saturation Present? Yes_ No_ Depth(inches): 1 Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes X No_ includes capillarypfringe) Describe Recorded Data(stream gauge,monitoring well,aerial photos,previous inspections),if available: Remarks: Surface water is visible just not in sample area ENG FORM 6116-2,JUL 2018 Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain—Version 2.0 VEGETATION (Four Strata) -Use scientific names of plants. Sampling Point: wetland so ute Dominant indicator Tree Stratum (Plot size: 30 ) %Cover Species? Status Dominance Test worksheet: 1.Nyssa sy/vatica 40 Yes FAC- Number of Dominant Species 2. Acer rubrum 40 Yes FAC That Are OBL, FACW,or FAC: 7 (A) 3. Total Number of Dominant 4. Species Across All Strata: 8 (B) 5. Percent of Dominant Species 6. That Are OBL, FACW,or FAC: 87.5% (A/B) 7. _ Prevalence Index worksheet: B. Total%Cover of: Multiply by: 80 =Total Cover OBL species 25 x 1 = 25 50%of total cover. 40 20%of total cover: 16 FACW species 10 x 2= 20 Sapling/ShrubStratum (Plot size: 30' ) FAC species 124 x3= 372 1. Ligustrum sinense 5 No FAC FACU species 4 x 4= 16 2. Acerrubrum 20 Yes FAC UPL species - 0 x5= 0 3. Ilex opaca 15 Yes FAC Column Totals: 163 (A) 433 (B) 4. Prevalence Index =B/A= 2.66 5. _ Hydrophytic Vegetation Indicators: 6. _1 -Rapid Test for Hydrophytic Vegetation 7. X 2-Dominance Test is>50% 8. X 3-Prevalence Index is 53.0' 40 =Total Cover _Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation (Explain) 50%of total cover: .20 20%of total cover. 8 Herb.Stratum (Plot size: 30' j 1. Woodwardra areo/ata 25 Yes OBL 'Indicators of hyddc soil and wetland hydrology must 2. Osmunda cinnamonea 8 Yes FACW be present,unless disturbed or problematic. 3. Arisaema triphyllum 2 No FACW Definitions of Four Vegetation Strata: 4. Tree-Woody plants,excluding vines,3 in.(7.6 cm)or 5, - _ more in diameter at breast height(DBH),regardless of 6 height. 7. Sapling/Shrub-Woody plants,excluding vines,less 8• _ _ than 3 in.DBH and greater than 3.28 ft(1 m)tall. 9. 10. - Herb-All herbaceous(non-woody)plants,regardless 11, _ of size,and woody plants less than 3.28 ft tall. 12. 35 =Total Cover Woody Vine-All woody vines greater than 3.28 ft in 50%of total cover: _ 18 20%of total cover: 7 height. Woody Vine Stratum (Plot size: 30'r ) 1. Toxicodendron radicans 4 Yes FAC 2. Parthenocissus quinquefolia 4 Yes FACU 3. 4. 5' Hydrophytic 8 =Total Cover Vegetation 50%of total cover: 4 20%of total cover: 2 Present? Yes X No Remarks: (If observed,list morphological adaptations below.) ENG FORM 6116-2,JUL 2018 Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain-Version 2.0 SOIL Sampling Point: wetland Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of indicators.) Depth Matrix _ Redox Features (inches) Color(moist) % Color(moist) % Type Loe Texture Remarks 0-18 10YR 2/2 100 Mucky Loam/Clay 'Type: C=Concentration,D=Depledon,RM=Reduced Matrix, MS=Masked Sand Grains. 'Location: PL=Pore Lining,M=Matdx. Hydric Soil Indicators:(Applicable to all LRRs,unless otherwise noted.) Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soile: _Histosol(Al) _Thin Dark Surface(Sg)(LRR S,T,U) _1 cm Muck(A9)(LRR O) _Histic Epipedon(A2) _Barrier Islands 1 cm Muck(S12) _2 cm Muck(A10)(LRR S) —Black Histic(A3) (MLRA 153B,153D) _Coast Prairie Redox(A16) —Hydrogen Sulfide(A4) —Loamy Mucky Mineral(F1)(LRR O) (outside MLRA 150A) _Stratified Layers(A5) _Loamy Gleyed Matrix(F2) _Reduced Vedic(F18) _Organic Bodies(A6)(LRR P,T,U) —Depleted Matrix(F3) (outside MLRA 150A,150B) X 5 cm Mucky Mineral(A7)(LRR P,T,U) _Redox Dark Surface(176) —Piedmont Floodplain Soils(1`19)(LRR P,T) _Muck Presence(A8)(LRR U) —Depleted Dark Surface(F7) _Anomalous Bright Floodplain Soils(F20) _1 cm Muck(A9)(LRR P,T) _Redox Depressions(F8) (MLRA 153B) _Depleted Below Dark Surface(A11) —Marl(F10)(LRR U) —Red Parent Material(F21) _Thick Dark Surface(Al2) —Depleted Ochdc(F11)(MLRA 151) —Very Shallow Dark Surface(F22) _Coast Prairie Redox(A16)(MLRA 150A) Iron-Manganese Masses(F12)(LRR 0-P,T) (outside MLRA 138;152A in FL,154) _Sandy Mucky Mineral(S1)(LRR O,S) _Umbric Surface(F13)(LRR P,T,U) _Barrier Islands Low Chroma Matrix(TS7) _Sandy Gleyed Matrix(S4) _Delta Ochric(F17)(MLRA 151) (MLRA 153B,153D) _Sandy Redox(S5) _Reduced Vertic(F18)(MLRA 150A, 150B) _Other(Explain in Remarks) _Stripped Matrix(S6) _Piedmont Floodplain Soils(F19)(MLRA 149A) _Dark Surface(S7)(LRR P,S,T,U) _Anomalous Bright Floodplain Soils(F20) _Polyvalue Below Surface(S8) (MLRA 149A,153C,153D) 31ndicators of hydrophytic vegetation and (LRR S,T,U) —Very Shallow Dark Surface(F22) wetland hydrology must be present, (MLRA 138,152A in FL,154) unless disturbed or problematic. Restrictive Layer(if observed): Type: Depth(inches): - Hydric Soil Present? Yes X No. Remarks: ENG FORM 6116.2,JUL 2D18 Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain-Version 2.0 ,< . k.�"ww�- Kt �S ATLL T' �q A �{ • p I- A gg e E R .^4 4 p d U.S. Army Corps of Engineers oMS Control 9.0710-0024,Exp:11/30no2a WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA SHEET-Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region Requirement Control Symbol EXEMPT: See ERDC/EL TR-10-20;the proponent agency is CECW-CO-R (Authority:AR 335-15,paragraph 5-2a) ProjecttSite�1404-Grand-Canyon"Road City/CoLn : Martin Sampling Date:471923 ApplicantfOwner: Barnhill State: NC Sampling Point: wetland Invesbgator(s): Paul Farley Section,Township,Range: Landform(hillside,terrace,etc.): riverine drain Loral relief(concave,convex,none): concave Slope(%): 1-2 Subregion(LRR or MLRA): LRR T,MLRA 153A Lal: 35.773863 Long:-77.044927 Datum: NAD 83 Soil Map Unit Name: Sonneau 1, NWI classification: uplands Are climatic/hydrologic conditions on the site typical for this time of year? Yes x No_ (If no,explain in Remarks.) Are Vegetation_,Soil —.or Hydrology_significantly disturbed? Are"Normal Circumstances"present? Yes x No Are Vegetation Soil or Hydrology_naturally problematic? (If needed,explain any answers in Remarks.) SUMMARY OF FINDINGS-Attach site map showing sampling point locations, transects, important features, etc. Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes X No_ Is the Sampled Area Hydric Soil Present? Yes X No_ within a Wetland? Yes X No— Welland Hydrology Present? Yes X No Remarks: HYDROLOGY Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Secondary Indicators(minimum of two required) Primany Indicators(minimum of one is reiiuired:.check all that apply) _Surface Soil Cracks(B6) Surface Water(Al) _Aquatic Fauna(B13) —Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surface(B8) X High Water Table(A2) —Marl Deposits(B15)(LRR U) _Drainage Patterns(B10) _Saturation(A3) _Hydrogen Sulfide Odor(Cl) _Moss Trim Lines(B16) —Water Marks(B1) —Oxidized Rhizospheres on Living Roots(C3) _Dry-Season Water Table(C2) _Sediment Deposits(B2) _Presence of Reduced Iron(C4) _Crayfish Burrows(C8) _Drift Deposits(B3) _Recent Iron Reduction in Tilled Soils(C6) Saturation Visible on Aerial Imagery(C9) _Algal Mat or Crust(B4) _Thin Muck Surface(07) x Geomorphic Position(D2) _Iron Deposits(B5) —Other(Explain in Remarks) Shallow Aquitard(D3) _Inundation Visible on Aerial Imagery(B7) X FAG-Neutral Test(135) Water-Stained Leaves(B9) _Sphagnum Moss(D8)(LRR T,U) Field Observations: Surface Water Present? Yes= No x Depth(inches): Water Table Present? Yes x No_ Depth(inches): 1 Saturation Present? Yes_ No_ Depth(inches): 1 Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes X No_ (includes capillary fringe) Describe Recorded Data(stream gauge,monitoring well,aerial photos,previous inspections),if available: Remarks: Surface water is visible just not in sample area ENG FORM 6116-2,JUL 2018 Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain-Version 2.0 VEGETATION (Four Strata)—Use scientific names of plants. sampling Point: wetland bsomte Uormnant indicator Tree Stratum (Plot size: 30 ) %Cover Species? Status Dominance Test worksheet: 1. Nyssa sylvatica 40 Yes FAC Number of Dominant Species 2. Acerrubrum 40 Yes FAC That Are OBL,FACW,or FAC: 7 (A) 3. Total Number of Dominant 4, Species Across.All Strata: 8 (B) 5, Percent of Dominant Species 6, That Are OBL,FACW,or FAC: 87.5% (A/B) 7, Prevalence Index worksheet: 8, Total%Cover of: Multiply by: 80 =Total Cover OBL species 25 x 1 = 25 50%of total cover. 40 20%of total cover: 16 FACW species 10 x 2= 20 Sapling/Shrub Stratum (Plot size: 30' ) FAC species 124 x 3= 372 1. Ligustrum sinense 5 No FAC FACU species 4 x 4= 16 2. Acerrubrum 20 Yes FAC UPL species 0 x5= 0 3. Ilex opaca 15 Yes FAC Column Totals: 163 (A) 433 (B) 4, Prevalence Index =BIA= 2.66 5. Hydrophytic Vegetation Indicators: 6, _1-Rapid Test for Hydrophytic Vegetation 7, X 2-Dominance Test is>50% 8, X 3-Prevalence Index 1s s3.01 40 =Total Cover _Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation (Explain) 50%of total cover: 20 20%of total cover: 8 Herb Stratum (Plot size: 30' ) _ 1. Woodwardia areolata 25 Yes OBL 'Indicators of hydric soil and wetland hydrology must 2. Osmunda cinnamonea 8 Yes FACW be.present,unless disturbed or problematic. 3. Adsaema tdphyllum 2 No FACW Definitions of Four Vegetation Strata: 4. Tree—Woody plants,excluding vines,3 in.(7.6 cm)or 5, - - more in diameter at breast height(DBH),regardless of 6 height. 7. Sapling/Shrub—Woody plants,excluding vines,less 8, than 3 in.DBH and greater than 3.28 It(1 m)tall. 9. 10. Herb—All herbaceous(non-woody)plants,regardless 11. _ _ of size,and woody plants less than 3.28 ft tall. 12. 35 =Total Cover Woody Vine—All woody vines greater than 3.28 it in 50%of total cover: 18 20%of total cover. 7 height. Woody Vine.Stratum (Plot size: 30'r ) 1. Toxicodendron radicans 4 Yes FAC 2. Parthenocissus quinquefolia 4 Yes FACU 3. 4 5• Hydrophytic 8 =Total Cover Vegetation 50%of total cover. 4 20%of total cover. 2 Present? Yes X No Remarks: (If observed,list morphological adaptations below.) ENG FORM 6116-2,JUL 2018 Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain—Version 2.0 SOIL Sampling Point wetland Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of indicators.) Depth Matrix Redox Features. (Inches). Color(moist) % Color(moist) % Type Loc` Texture Remarks 0-18 10YR 2/2 100 Mucky Loam/Clay 'Type: .C=Concentration,D=Deplefion.RM=Reduced Matrix.MS=Masked Sand Grains. Location: PL=Pore Linin M=Matrix. Hydric Soil Indicators:(Applicable to all LRRs,unless otherwise noted.) Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils: _Histosol(At) _Thin Dark Surface(S9)(LRR S,T,U) _1 cm Muck(A9)(LRR O) Histic Epipedon(A2) _Barrier Islands 1 cm Muck(S12) _2 cm Muck(A10)(LRR S) —Black Histic(A3) (MLRA 153B, 153D) _Coast Prairie Redox(A16) —Hydrogen Sulfide(A4) —Loamy Mucky Mineral(Ft)(LRR O) (outside MLRA 150A) _Stratified Layers(A5) _Loamy Gleyed Matrix(F2) _Reduced Vertic(F18) Organic Bodies(A6)(LRR P,T,U) —Depleted Matrix(F3) (outside MLRA 150A,150B) X 5 cm Mucky Mineral(A7)(LRR P,T,U) _Redox Dark Surface(F6) _Piedmont Floodplain Soils(F19)(LRR P,T) _Muck Presence(A8)(LRR U) _Depleted Dark Surface(F7) _Anomalous Bright Floodplain Soils(F20) _1 cm Muck(A9)(LRR P,T) _Redox Depressions(F8) (MLRA 153B) _Depleted Below Dark Surface(A11) —Mad(F10)(LRR U) —Red Parent Material(F21) _Thick Dark Surface(Al2) _Depleted Ochric(F11)(MLRA 151) —Very Shallow Dark Surface(1722) _Coast Prairie Redox(A16)(MLRA 150A)_Iron-Manganese Masses(F12)(LRRO,P,T) (outside MLRA 138,152A in FL,154) _Sandy Mucky Mineral(S1)(LRR O,S) _Umbdc Surface(1713)(LRR P,T,U) _Barrier Islands Low Chrome Matrix(TS7) —Sandy Gleyed Matrix(S4) _Delta Ochre(F17)(MLRA 151) (MLRA 153B, 153D) —Sandy Redox(S5) _Reduced Vertic(F18)(MLRA 150A,150B) _Other(Explain in Remarks) —Stripped Matrix(S6) —Piedmont Floodplain Soils(F19)(MLRA 149A) —Dark Surface(S7)(LRR P,S,T,U) _Anomalous Bright Floodplain Soils(F20) Polyvalue Below Surface(SB) (MLRA 149A, 153C,153D) alndicators of hydrophytic vegetation and (LRR S,T,U) _Very Shallow Dark Surface(F22) wetland hydrology must be present, (MLRA 138,152A in FL,154) unless disturbed or problematic. Restrictive Layer(if observed): Type: Depth(Inches): Hydric Soil Present? Yes X No. Remarks: ENG FORM 6116-2,JUL 2018 Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain—Version 2.0 POR } lip r � � OL t .. l 5