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SW8040836_Historical File_20120313
4 WNW North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Charles Wakild, P. E. Dee Freeman Governor Director Secretary March 13, 2012 Julie Wilsey, Deputy Director, Wilmington International Airport New Hanover County Airport Authority 1740 Airport Boulevard, Suite 12 Wilmington, NC 28405 Subject: Approved Plan Revision Taxiways Pave shoulders and Tapers Stormwater Project No. SW8 040836 New Hanover County Dear Mrs. Wilsey: On March 7, 2012, the Wilmington Regional Office received a complete plan revision for Stormwater Management Permit Number SW8 040836. The revisions include the addition of baved shoulders and tapers on taxiways B, C, J, and G. These additions result in a net increase of 7.74 acres of built -upon -area (BUA). The increased BUA reduces the allowable future BUA from 225.6 acres to 218.71 acres. It has been determined that a formal permit modification is not required for the proposed changes. We are forwarding you an approved copy of the revised plans for your files. Please replace the old approved plan set with the new enclosed plan Set. Please be aware that all terms and conditions of the permit issued on November 24, 2004, remain in full force and effect. Please also understand that the approval of this revision to the approved plans for the subject State Stormwater Permit is done on a case -by -case basis. Any other changes to this project must be submitted to and approved through the Division of Water Quality prior to construction. The issuance of this plan revision does not preclude the permittee from complying with all other applicable statutes, rules, regulations or ordinances which may have jurisdiction over the proposed activity, and obtaining a permit or approval prior to construction. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to call me at (910) 796-7215. Sincerely, Gh�►. � �►.csr., Chris Baker Environmental Engineer II GDS,csb: S:1WQS1StormwateAPertiiits & Projects120121040836 HDi2012 03 permit_pr 040836 cc: Amy McLane, P. E., Talbert & Bright Engineering & Planning Consultants New Hanover County Building Inspections Wilmington Regional Office Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension, Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 One Phone: 910-796-72151 FAX: 910-350-20041 Customer Service:1-877-623-6748 NOrthCarolina Internet: wuvw.ncwaterquality.org � 1���r���� An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer !//�/ L I Date Received Fee Paid (express only) Permit Number State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT PLAN REVISION APPLICATION FORM This f orm may be photocopied for use as an original I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Stormwater Management Permit Number. SW8 040836 2. Project Name: Taxiways B, C, I, and G Paved Shoulders Tapers and Taxiway Lights and Airfield Lighting & Vault Modifications 3. Permit Holder's name (specify the name of the corporation, individual, etc.): New Hanover County Airport Authority 4. Print Owner/Signing Official's name and title (person legally responsible for permit): Julie Wilsey, Deputy Director, Wilmington International Airport 5. Mailing Address for person listed in item 2 above: 1740 Airport Blvd. Suite 12 City: Wilmington State:NC Zip:28405 Phone: (910 ) 341-4333 X 1002 Email:jwilsgy@flyilm.com II. PLAN REVISION INFORMATION Fax: (910 ) 341-4365 1. Summarize the plan revision proposed (attach additional pages if needed): Construction of 20' paved shoulders and taper widening on Taxiway B C 11 and G at Wilmington International Airport and removal of temporary concrete batch plant This project will add 7.74 acres of impervious area and remove 0.85 acres of impervious area III. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Only complete application packages will be accepted and reviewed by the Division of Water Quality (DWQ). A complete package includes all of the items listed below. The complete application package should be submitted to the DWQ Office that issued the permit. 1. Please indicate that you have provided the following required information by initialing in the space provided next to each item. • Original F31 copy of the Plan Revision Application Form riff �(I�u,' �/t// Is • Two (2) copies of revised plans (must be revisions of original approved plan sheet(s)) If applying for Express review (only available in 20 coastal counties): • Application fee of $500.00 (made payable to NCDENR) VI. APPLICANT'S CERTIFICATION - '�'n,,' V JCs,t.J JAN 2012 Plan Revision Form Rev 13Ju1S2010 Page 1 of 2 BY I, (print or type name of person listed in General Information, item 3) .Julie Wilsey cer,* that I have authorized these plan revisions and that the information included on this plan revision application isM fly best�of,my knowledge, correct and complete. Signature: Date:// lZ Ao- -C.1. V G�J JAN 2 0 2012 BY: Plan Revision Form Rev 13July2010 Page 2 of 2 TALBERT & BRIGHT, INC. ENGINEERING & PLANNING CONSULTANTS LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL To: NCDENR — Division of Water Quality Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 WE ARE SENDING YOU: ® Attached ❑ ❑ Shop Drawings ❑ Prints ❑ ❑ Copy of Letter ❑ Change Order ❑ Date: 3{6►2012 Pro'. No. 3301-1004 Attention: Chris Baker Re: Wilmington International Airport Taxiway B,C,J, & G Paved Shoulders, Tapers, and Taxiway Lights Stormwater Permit Application — SW8 040836 (A) Revision Under Separate Cover via Plans Other the following items: ❑ Specifications I ITEM I DATE I NO. I DESCRIPTION 11 1 1 Full Size Plan Set 1 1 1 Full Size Overall Proiect Map for Storm Water Permit Revision THESE ARE TRANSMITTED, as checked below: ® For Approval ❑ ❑ For your Use ❑ ❑ For Review and Comment ❑ ® As Requested ❑ ❑ FOR BIDS DUE ON No Exception taken ❑ Resubmit Copies for Approval Make Corrections Noted ❑ Submit Copies for Distribution Amend and Resubmit ❑ Return Corrected Prints Rejected — See Remarks ❑ Prints Returned After Loan to Us ❑ Other REMARKS Attached is a full size plan set and overall project map for the above referenced project. The overall project map shows the overall locations of the impervious surfaces. The G sheets within the plan set show the proposed impervious surfaces at greater detail. Tk,2 nire i COPY TO Julie Wilsey SIGNED Amy McLane, PE ENGINEERING & PLANNING CONSULTANTS 4810 Shelley Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 910.763.5350 FAX 910.762.6281 Charlotte, North Carolina - Wilmington, North Carolina - Richmond, Virginia TALBERT & BRIGHT, INC. ENGINEERING & PLANNING CONSULTANTS LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL To: NCDENR — Division of Water Quality Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 WE ARE SENDING YOU: ® Attached ❑ ❑ Shop Drawings ❑ Prints ❑ ❑ Copy of Letter ❑ Change Order ❑ Date: 3/1 /2012 Proi. NO, 3301-1004 Attention: Chris Baker Re: Wilmington International Airport Taxiway B,C,J, & G Paved Shoulders, Tapers, and Taxiway Lights Stormwater Permit Application — SW8 040836 (A) Revision Under Separate Cover via Plans Other the following items: ❑ Specifications ITEM DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 1 Full Size Plan Set 1 Full Size Overall Project Map for Storm Water Permit Revision THESE ARE TRANSMITTED, as checked below: ® For Approval ❑ ❑ For your Use ❑ ❑ For Review and Comment ❑ ❑ As Requested ❑ ❑ FOR BIDS DUE ON No Exception taken Make Corrections Noted Amend and Resubmit Rejected — See Remarks ❑ Resubmit Copies for Approval ❑ Submit Copies for Distribution ❑ Return Corrected Prints ❑ Prints Returned After Loan to Us ❑ Other REMARKS Attached is a full size plan set and overall project map for the above referenced project. The overall project map shows the overall locations of the impervious surfaces. The G sheets within the plan set show the proposed impervious surfaces at greater detail. ft COPY TO Julie Wilsey SIGNED Amy McLane, PE ENGINEERING & PLANNING CONSULTANTS 4810 Shelley Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 910.763.5350 FAX 910.762.6281 Charlotte, North Carolina • Wilmington, North Carolina • Richmond, Virginia 7 AftGonw A FCDET�IR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Charles Wakild, P. E. Governor Director February 14, 2012 Julie Wilsey, Deputy Director, Wilmington International Airport New Hanover Airport Authority 1740 Airport Blvd., Suite 12 Wilmington, NC 28405 Subject: Request for Additional Information Stormwater Project No. SW8 040836 Taxiways and Vault Modifications New Hanover County Dear Mrs. Wilsey: -Dee Freeman Secretary The Wilmington Regional Office received a Stormwater Management Permit Application for Taxiways and Vault Modifications on January 20, 2012. A preliminary review of that information has determined that the application is not complete. The following information is needed to continue the stormwater review: Please provide a full sizes (24" x 36") plan set showing the proposed plan revisions for this project. Be sure to dimension the increased/decreased impervious surfaces. Also be sure to provide any plan sheets in which the current revisions would be shown. An example would be additional plan sheets scaled up to show greater detail than the overall site plan. Please note that this request for additional information is in response to a partial, preliminary review. The requested information should be received by this Office prior to March 14, 2012, or the application will be returned as incomplete. The return of a project will necessitate resubmittal of all required items, including the application fee. If you need additional time to submit the information, please mail, email or fax your request for a time extension to the Division at the addres&and fax number at the bottom of this letter. The request must indicate the date by which you expect to submit the required information. The Division is allowed 90 days from the receipt of a completed application to issue the permit. The construction of any impervious surfaces, other than a construction entrance under an approved Sedimentation Erosion Control Plan, is a violation of NCGS 143-215.1 and is subject to enforcement action pursuant to NCGS 143-215.6A. Please reference the State assigned project number on all correspondence. Any original documents that need to be revised have been sent to the engineer or agent. All original documents must be returned or new originals must be provided. Copies are not acceptable. If you have any questions concerning this matter please feel free to call me at (910) 796-7215 or email me at chris.baker@ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, Gh, & �> a� Chris Baker Environmental Engineer II GDS/csb: S:\WQS\Storrnwater\Permits & Projects\2012\040836 HD\2012 02 permit 040836 Amy B. McLane, P. E., Talbert & Bright, Inc. Wilmington Regional Office Stormwater File 1fice \sion, Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 One M: 910-350-2004 \ Customer Service:1-877-623-6748 Nofffi fC�afrrAyolina rquality.org f1A�irmativeAction Employer Nato d Completeness Review Checklist Project Name: °jJalQ.RSfL1 Received Date: Project Location: N%k Ouawl-4 Accepted Date: "u Paperwork Emailed Engineer on: MSupplement(s) (1 original per BMP) BMP Type(s): A l �(q(�•L MO&M with correct/original signatures (1 original per BMP except L5/VF5 and swales) ®Application with correct/original signatures Corp or LLC: Sig. Auth. per SoS or letter Note to Reviewer: ®$505 (within 6mo) , 7 -149-(q 17 gla-)lot (Irjkvn I1UIS«yJ ®Soils Report with SHWT ®Calculations (signed/sealed) ®No obvious errors Density includes common areas, etc Deed Restrictions, if subdivided: & Notarized LJUorrect template (Comm/Res & HD/LD) or Dec Covenants & Rest Plans 712 Sets ®Details (roads, cul-de-sacs, curbs, sidewalks, BMPs, Buildings, etc) Grading ®Wetlands: Delineated or No Wetlands Vicinity Map ❑Layout (proposed BUA dimensions) Legend 0DA Maps Project Boundaries Infiltration Wet Pond Offsite Soils Report ❑Soils Report �PE Cert for Master Lot #: SHWT: SHWT: Deed Rest for Master ®Lot # Matches Master Bottom: PP: BUA Permitted (Master): sf Visited: BUA Proposed (Offsite): sf Additional Information: Permitted 912ah% Proposed: Proposed: Proposed: BUA (so DA (sf) PP (el) SHWT (el) Depth (ft) SA (sf) TALBERT & BRIGHT, INC. ENGINEERING & PLANNING CONSULTANTS LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL To: NCDENR Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 Date: 1/19/2012 Pro'. No. 3301-1004 Attention: Kelly Johnson Re: Wilmington International Airport axiway c,C,J, & G Paved Shoulders, Tapers, and Taxiway Lights Stormwater Permit Application — SW8 040836 (A) Revision WE ARE SENDING YOU: ® Attached ❑ Under Separate Cover via ❑ Shop Drawings ❑ Prints ❑ Plans ❑ Copy of Letter ❑ Change Order ❑ Other ITEM DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 2 Stormwater Management Permit Revision Application Form THESE ARE TRANSMITTED, as checked below: ® For Approval ❑ ❑ For your Use ❑ ❑ For Review and Comment ❑ ❑ As Requested ❑ ❑ FOR BIDS DUE ON _ the following items: ❑ Specifications No Exception taken ❑ Resubmit Copies for Approval Make Corrections Noted ❑ Submit Copies for Distribution Amend and Resubmit ❑ Return Corrected Prints Rejected — See Remarks ❑ Prints Returned After Loan to Us ❑ Other REMARKS Kelly — attached is the permit revision application for the above -referenced project. Please let me know if you have any questions or need additional information. Thanks! COPY TO Julie Wilsey SIGNED Amy McLane, PE ENGINEERING & PLANNING CONSULTANTS 4810 Shelley Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 910.763.5350 FAX 910.762.6281 Charlotte, North Carolina - Wilmington, North Carolina - Richmond, Virginia Johnson, Kelly From: Johnson, Kelly Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2012 8:21 AM To: 'amclane@tbiilm.com' Subject: Wimington Airport Stormwater, SW8 040836 Amy, I received your package. I do not see either the Plan Revision application (I think that this is intended to be a plan revision?). ran you send that over? Also, there is a lot of data here, and I haven't gone through it all. But, the most recent plan revision showed the following. August 22, 2011 Plan Revision — Rehabilitate Taxiways A, D, F, and H Net Additional 0 Net Reduction (-)0.31 Remaining for Future 210.81 I am just looking for the bottom line on what the proposal is. What are the "new" numbers to go in the next revision? It looks like you are removing 0.85ac and adding 7.741ac. Such that you are proposing: Net Additional: 7.741 Net Reduction: 0.85 Remaining for Future: 203.919 is that correct? Thanks, KJ *** My email has changed to kellv.o.iohnsonc®ncdenr.eov KtLLIWokV1SOVk, Kelly Johnson Environmental Engineer Division of Water Quality Stormwater Permitting 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 Office: 910.796.7331 Fax: 910.350.2004 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. 1 TALBERT & BRIGHT, INC. ENGINEERING & PLANNING CONSULTANTS LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL To: NCDENR Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 WE ARE SENDING YOU: ® Attached ❑ ❑ Shop Drawings ❑ Prints ❑ Copy of Letter ❑ Change Order ❑ Date: 1/6/2012 Proi. No. 3301-1004 Attention: Linda Lewis Re: Wilmington International Airport Taxiway S,C,J, & G Paved Shoulders, Tapers, and Taxiway Lights Stormwater Permit Application — SW8 040836 (A) Modification Under Separate Cover via the following items: Plans ❑ Specifications Other ITEM DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 2 Plan Sheet SW-1 showing existing and proposed pavement 2 Narrative including detail plans 1 Table showing change in impervious surface 1 Permit Summary Table dBy:. THESE ARE TRANSMITTED, as checked below: ® For Approval ❑ ❑ For your Use ❑ ❑ For Review and Comment ❑ ❑ As Requested ❑ ❑ FOR BIDS DUE ON No Exception taken Make Corrections Noted Amend and Resubmit Rejected — See Remarks ❑ Resubmit Copies for Approval ❑ Submit Copies for Distribution ❑ Return Corrected Prints ❑ Prints Returned After Loan to Us ❑ Other REMARKS Linda — the airport recently received a grant for the work shown in this permit application. We anticipate that the work will start in the summer of 2012 The permit application also includes an impervious surface 'credit' for removal of the temporary concrete batch plant associated with the completed GA Apron rehabilitation project Sediment and erosion control permit application has been sent under separate cover to Carol Miller. Please let me know if you have any questions or need additional information COPY TO Julie Wilsey SIGNED Amy McLane, PE ENGINEERING & PLANNING CONSULTANTS 4810 Shelley Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 910.763.5350 FAX 910.762.6281 Charlotte, North Carolina. 0 Wilmington, North Carolina • Richmond, Virginia a) O N Q Q D w � rn U N N a OCR M 00 V CO M N 00 O ;4l o U O M N O 7 J + O Ca E N c Z N tea)- '- a) O U IL a 0 C O p 0 L~ EL cc C_ a 0 O =i a O Q O w N r '_ C '+'U vi S N l0 m L 0 � a fA O t i � a y L 0 @ n 0 aYEi cZ 3 E as 20 d cc C O O E> 0 0 >0'S o O c m a) m rn rn Z U_ m � SEE CD a) z3 in N ao'w Cl) JAN 0 9 2012 ss � L CD o >� co w N 0 �- r o oaQaoaooaoaao mm m m U Z Z Z J Z W W Z W Z Z W a Z a Z a Z a Z L 3 = o J O CD L L t L L J o J Z 2 Z 2 2 Z 2 J J m J Z J J J J a) > O O O O O O� 00 T T C A CO W CO CO OLL T O r O r O r O) T O T O r CA Cn 00 M 0 0 0 tO O C4 Cfl CO C4 Co r 00 00 (3 (3 Cn LO l() lC) LO LL) Ln LL) CCI • � 7 r M CO LO LO LnP aU 0 O O O O OD N O LO O O N O O O O O O LC) f� CO I� +- O T LO Cp CA T O Ln N ' r T N N m � a y N> U (O(OCO(AOItC)0) O O00OMLOLnO V) V N0 � Ln N Ln N m T T h (0 O O CO a 0NNNNlvcd mmmCOm000O1�ntim C mw0v 0 co 0 co LO 00 IT co co co T rn N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N E Q`U C O �p 0 000'MOgtnOCOOOr 0 00 CD n N O CV) (0 00 OD LO 0p O r r N L<) 00 CO (V OOOr.O.r c} LC) O O 9 9 Y mQ w Co = (� E2 N O _ — O J CY,d C r J O C C a) C O Ca �~ C a T LJ LQ a C YmFO i 03m aQ 2 LL i .0 a. C> 7 N ccca Ca �� w m 0 CL � C J NL UO W a� U J L C N��„ OI V m O C uJ W C C It a a m m C — 'p Ln a O of m C m O cwO O w O EN lON :�() O O.a?di Q)�M N y,= 0+0. N L ]+(nOJa o a) EQS�Q� c— m c� 0Y E Q�— < �� ca�Q ca D0cL @.0 to n� o c C) m )w�� OR a) a ��`ma �a._a5 a�2ao�xLnO�rm0¢oa�n3mcta� d cn(L0FLW0<WHW(L000W NM2NF-W00W►-a mQwo V O V O a v O LO O O CO O CO O CO O CO O 1h O m O m O CA O O T r r T r r T O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N O N a) CY N V N LnOtoNhf�00r00[r T M r r N r M T r O) r M N W C� Q r a) N 0 r`-�Oc�C�Oa�O��L_C T r T r F-LO T O T M I I I EI I! I I o �I a a I Q22 oolol a g a a a a CD .2 0 CO C+M OOOO (() T t0 N M O f- IT T O wM O N LC) N v 0 T OwOw O M M T 0 T co co w 1- � (4 M Co Co M 00 CO m CO C f) C O Z O O O r 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O 00 O 00 O a) v v v W LO In CO O O 8 (0 O Iq O LO O 7 O Op=OOOMOOOOO E coo co 00wwwwmwmm m aD co m a �aco00c�CO ncoCD cnciccn co Wilmington International Airport Taxiways 'B', 'C', T and'G' Paved Shoulders, Tapers and LED Lights and Airfield Lighting & Vault Modifications Impervious Surface Removed New S.F. ACRES S.F. ACRES Pavement Tapers & Fillets -- -- 23,949 0.550 Paved Shoulders -- -- 313,257 7.191 Remove Batch Plant 37,026 0,85 TOTAL 37,026 0.95 337,206 7.741 �o Y R019 0v \ a O o C / AERO ' NORTH / Ql \ U.!L CUSTOMS RAMP / O FBD / NR F M I /, / J3 ILDING GENERAL AVIATION A• 11 RAMP w o \\ eo 0 a € e - e o 7 --• o OB 1 ry'3a I� • . � 4 TERMINAL BURRING r e I/� / \ AIR CARRIER n / O \ O� 0 / 4 RAMP 1 rn - / T1VY 'B• TWY B \ / / 7WY B 1YtY 5 PROPOSED TAPER J I OR FI (TYP-) BIB PROPOSED PAVED _ — — R — — SHOULDERS (TYP.) �, `% RUNWAY B-24=-;l �) ♦ I 0 3. 1 L 1 r � • �^ • • ExlsnNc �+ ♦ : ` FENCE (TYP.) r I \\1 • �< \ EXISTING SMITH CREEK CATWALK FOR AIRPORT PROPERTY RUNWAY 35 MALSR LINE (APPROXIMATE) O EXISTING 16• GRAVE PERIMETER ROAD i ❑❑ 0 Mg0 a ❑ ❑Q❑ a o ° g O p o0 0 500 250 0 500 1000 1500 SCALE IN FEET 1'= 500' LEGEND AIRPORT PROPERTY LINE NEW PAVEMENT TAPERS do FILLETS = 0.55 AC NEW PAVED SHOULDERS = 7.19 AC REMOVE BATCH >t.:1Pl i = 0.85 AC TOTAL IMPERVIOUS = 6.89 AC V, a Z SW PERMIT REVISION SW8 040836(A) a In o � z w 0 V7 z Z Oa0 a¢ crz Z U — H J ¢ 02 O= < -, 0� I--F- 0 � LL- <. _ Z:< z 0 _ ¢ > Ct 2 wz N AdQ� � LLJ Z WC7 0- O V U Is c F w 5- En 0 9 QD m� e \ ° �00 D_ X J -i N0Ld LL— 2Q� D o oo� V1a M CET i T M •� '� RECEIVED JAN 0 9 2012 1 BV: Date DUNE 2011 Dann LTC Checked ABM Project No. 3301-1004 sh..t N. SW-1 lo ROpO v / 00 � �•°�a r � � � _lam , — ' ILM HERO NORTH / /Cl\ U.- _� °RAS NPg / y ca ® o �o a � O D P r O ACORNS 6 I 0 "�7 0 I �0 0 /`0 • o o a a es "1� I lERA9NA BUILDING ♦ 'e AIR CARRIER y,, / / Q `0® +• — m ----- _ RAMP 'rY, / • `� ___ _ _- ... _____.v_... _.._... - C PROPOSED TAIr ivy= OR FILLET (TYr.) B/ PROPOSED PAVED ' SHOULDERS (TYP.) d WIN r w J\ I B a.. q / EXISTING �x 2 FENCE (TYP.) ♦ K\ i o O 41 1 ° K 1 � EXISTING 16' GRAVEL PERIMETER ROAD O n . ' EXISTING SMITH CREEK CATWALK '; i•. j' FOR ♦ F AIRPORT PROPERTY RUNWAY r"''9�x ♦ \V+� 35 MALSR LINE (APPROXIMATE) /// ♦ O r p oQo o ° 0� 13 o ao �°a B 5DO 250 D 50D 1DOD 1500 SCALE IN FEET 1"= 500' LEGEND - AIRPORT PROPERTY LINE NEW PAVEMENT TAPERS do FILLETS = 0.55 AC NEW PAVED SHOULDERS Fyn = 7,19 AC REMOVE 3dTCB-0 PLANT 85 AC TOTAL IMPERVIOUS = 6.89 AC SW PERMIT REVISION SW8 040836(A) - � r x � \ I 9 o G o oc e p SOIL a rF • C'Itia ,Q vo oc JAN 0 9 2012 z 6 5; c � O N Z Z 0<0 Q w z ° 0- 00 p C7 = 0 I-- N �Q o2 V5 oU Z-i QO� hF 0� LLB z Q> wZ -tn Qffi �o dui �a z .'O-Z 1— U' m ~ = L1.1 Ii 7 71 a of �a� 00 X J J F¢- = L� OCC V)a JI1NE 201 i Scale 1'=500' Dram LTC Chocked ABM ProJKc! No 3301-10D4 Sheet No. Sw Permit Application Sedimentation and Erosion Control and Stormwater Management (Revision) For Taxiways B, C, J and G Paved Shoulders, Tapers and Taxiway Lights and Airfield Lighting & Vault Modifications Wilmington International Airport Wilmington, NC Prepared For: New Hanover County Airport Authority Talbert & Brieht. Inc. Engineering & Planning Consultants Wilmington, NC 3301-1004 December 2011 Table of Contents Sedimentation and Erosion Control And Stormwater Management Permit Application Wilmington International Airport Wilmington, North Carolina Taxiway `B' & `C' Paved Shoulders, Tapers, and Taxiway Lights, & Airfield Lighting & Vault Modifications Project Description Land Disturbance Drainage Soils Erosion Control Measures Maintenmce of Frosion Control Measures Sequence of Construction Appendix Erosion and Sediment Control Specifications Selected Half Size Construction Plans USGS Map Subsurface Exploration Soils Map Pages �1 1-2 2-3 3 3 3-4 4-6 Section n C 0 E Wilmington International Airport Wilmington, North Carolina Taxiways 'B', ', '-' C'and 'v' Paved Shoulders, 'Papers and T axiway Lights and Airfield Lighting & Vault Modifications Proiect Description This project consists of constructing 20' paved shoulders on Taxiways B, C, J, and G at the Wilmington International Airport, Wilmington, North Carolina. Currently, the shoulders of Taxiway B, C, J, and G are not paved as recommended by FAA's Airport Design A/C to reduce the possibility of jet blast erosion for taxiways that accommodate Group III aircraft. For those taxiway sections wider than the 60' required for Group III critical aircraft (Taxiways B South, B North, and G), the existing taxiway pavement will be used to provide paved shoulders by re -marking the taxiway edge location. In addition, taper widening will be constructed in six locations. The existing fillets/lead-ins (tapers) at several intersections along Taxiway B and C do not meet FAA standards for Group III aircraft. Group IV and V aircraft, while not the critical aircraft, do occasionally use the airport or are future users and require taper widening along Taxiway B. Taxiway shoulder pavement will include construction of 34,809 SY of new bituminous pavement. The taper widening will consist of 2,661 SY of new bituminous pavement. The project will include replacing all existing taxiway lights within project areas with new lights, and replacing airfield lighting regulators and panels (as an add alternate). This project will improve FOD control with the construction of paved shoulders, and allow safer passage of larger aircraft from the taper widening. The project is divided into ten phases of work to minimize disruptions to air traffic. Sheet A2 shows the project phases. Erosion and sediment control measures to be used include temporary rock inlet protection, temporary block and gravel inlet protection, temporary seeding and mulching, permanent seeding and mulching, and the* use of the existing grassed shoulders. This permit application also updates the impervious surface record to reflect the removal of approximately 0.85 acres of impervious area constructed for a Concrete Batch Plant for the GA Apron Rehabilitation project under permit SW8 040836 (Ay N: Land Disturbance �K4119.9 �1 Land disturbing operations will be limited to constructing new taxiway tapers, and 2p�<p constructing new paved shoulders, trenching for airfield lighting and sign circmits, and contractor staging areas. The earthen taxiway shoulders will be re -graded upon completion of paving operations. The total land disturbance for the project will be 14.0 1 acres. Existing paved/graveled access roads will be used to provide access to the project area. On the existing shoulders to be paved and graded, sediment and erosion control measures to be used include the existing dense grassed areas between the disturbed limits and the existing grass lined swales. Runoff from the pavement and disturbed shoulders will flow overland across the existing dense grassed areas to the existing swales. The dense grass will provide adequate removal of any sediment before reaching the existing ditches. The disturbed areas will be seeded and mulched as work is completed in each phase of work for the project. FAA regulations will not allow measures such as silt fence to be placed at the edge of the disturbed limits along the pavement edges because it would be located in the runway/taxiway safety areas. Locations of these sediment and erosion control measures are shown on the Layout and Finish Grade Plans on Sheets G1 to G7. Existing and proposed contours are also shown on these sheets. Sediment and erosion control details and general notes are shown on Sheet ECDL These select sheets are included as half size sheets with this application package and are located in Appendix `B'. All areas disturbed by grading operations will be seeded and mulched in accordance with the project specifications and the seeding schedule shown on Sheet ECD1. The seeding mixture, fertilizer, and liming applications rates included in the specifications are based on requirements contained in the North Carolina Sedimentation and Erosion Control Design Manual. The required mixture and application rates have been previously used successfully at the airport. Drainage This stormwater application is requesting a revision to the existing low density permit SW8 040836 (A) to include the improvements proposed under this project and to reflect the removal of impervious surface. The original low density permit included 1620.8 Acres of which 486.2 acres of Overall Low Density Built -Upon Area Limit (30%) are included. As of the date of Original Permit Issuance (November 24, 2004), the Existing Built Upon areas was 260.6 acres. Subsequent projects have increased the impervious surface to 284.71 acres. The proposed project will add 7.74 acres of impervious area and reflect the removal of 0.85 acres of impervious surface which will make the total impervious area 291.60 acres. This impervious area is 18.0% of the total drainage area, less than the 30% maximum impervious area included in the original permit. Drainage patterns on the runway and taxiways will .remain the same as existing conditions. Runoff will be drained by sheet flow over the pavement and onto the existing grassed shoulders into the existing grassed swales which run parallel to the runway and 7 taxiways. The shoulders of the taxiways will be graded to provide a 1.5 inch drop-off from the pavement edge and to allow positive drainage away from the pavement. No closed drainage systems will be constructed with this project. All drainage will be conveyed through grass lined swales and sedimentation and erosion control practices will be used until a good stand of grass is established in the swales. Soils A subsurface investigation was conducted for the project by GeoTechnologies, Inc., of Raleigh, North Carolina. The subsurface investigation was completed by performing a total of thirty (30) pavement borings located approximately every 400 feet and within 20 feet of existing Taxiways `B', `C', `J' and `G. The borings extended to approximately 5 to 10 feet below the existing surface or hand auger refusal. At each boring location, the consistency of the subsurface soils was evaluated using a dynamic cone penetrometer. Several bulk samples were obtained for laboratory testing. The subgrade soils mainly consist of firm to stiff sandy silts, loose to medium dense silty sands, and some medium dense clayey and silty sands with Unified Soil Classifications of ML, SM, and SC. Results from these various observations and tests are included in the Subsurface Investigation report located in Appendix "D". Also a Soils Map is located in Appendix "E„ Erosion Control Measures The proposed measures to be used in sedimentation and erosion control on this project include: 1. Temporary Rock Inlet Protection will be used around existing culvert end sections located within or adjacent to the project area. 2. Temporary Block and Gravel Inlet Protection will be used around existing drop inlet structures located in the grassed infield areas adjacent to the project area. 3. Temporary Seeding and Mulching will be utilized to stabilize disturbed areas as necessary based on planting dates. 4. Permanent Seeding and Mulching -will be used to stabilize all disturbed areas after construction is completed in each area. 5. Existing Grassed Shoulders will be used to remove any sediment as a result of runoff from the existing pavement surfaces and shoulder grading areas where silt fence cannot be used per FAA safety requirements. Maintenance of Erosion Control Measures The Contactor shall install and maintain all temporary control measures during the course of construction. The Owner (or his designated representative) shall, in addition, periodically inspect all measures and should they appear to be in unsatisfactory working condition, shall instruct the Contractor to repair such measures. This requirement shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility to inspect and maintain all measures. Specific requirements include: 1. Following every rain, the Contractor shall inspect and repair as necessary all damaged erosion control measures. 2. Following completion of any phase of land disturbing activities, establishment of temporary or per ground cover stall take place within 21 calendar days. 3. Upon stabilization and establishment of permanent ground cover, any temporary control measures shall be removed. The Contractor will be encouraged to minimize the amount of exposed/disturbed area. As the construction is completed in one area, the Contractor will be required to restore grades, seed, mulch, and clean up prior to disturbing additional areas. All areas disturbed during the construction operations will be seeded and mulched in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and the North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual. All erosion and sedimentations control measures shall be maintained until an acceptable stand of permanent vegetation is established. Seauence of Construction The following sequence of construction has been developed to help the contractor understand the operational needs of the airport and 'help ensure minimal closure time to Runways 6-24 and 17-35 and Taxiways '13% 'C', T, and 'G'. In accordance with the specifications the contractor shall provide a schedule of construction to the engineer for review and approval prior to commencing construction. Prior to beginning project and contract start time: 1. Develop detailed schedule to ensure construction can be completed within construction time allotted for the project. 2. Mobilize equipment and set up staging and stockpile areas for the project. Location of staging and stockpile areas shall be coordinated with the Airport. 3. Contractor may complete required survey work on taxiway pavement prior to construction start time. Scheduling for the survey work will be required to be approved by Airport Management. See Project Special Provisions. General Sequence of Construction for Overall Project: 1. See Electrical Plans for Airfield Lighting Vault Rehabilitation Sequence of Construction. 2. Establish construction staging area and set up Engineer's Trailer. 3. Locate project area utilities. 4. Construct haul/access road as required. 12 5. Install sediment control and erosion measures as shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer. 6. Complete necessary surveys required to establish layout and horizontal and vertical control_. 7. Replace homeruns per Sheet LH1 in Plans. 8. There are ten phases or work (1, 2A, 213, 3, 3A, 4A, 413, 5, 6, and 7). Complete work in each phase separately. Only one phase may be constructed at a time. See "Sequence of Construction in Each Phase". 9. After all phases of work are complete, remove all equipment, stockpiles, debris, etc. from project area and staging area. 10. Restore all disturbed areas and complete seeding and mulching operations on all disturbed areas throughout the project. 11. Monitor erosion control devices weekly and after storms. 12. After a good stand of permanent grass has been established, remove erosion control devices and perform final cleanup. Sequence of Construction in Each Phase: 1. Place all lighted barricades and traffic cones necessary to close work areas. When working in runway safety area, Contractor shall place runway and mobile lighted runway closure crosses at locations shown on Project Safety Plans. 2. In phase work area, take existing taxiway lights and signs out of service and provide jumpers to maintain operation of lights/signs outside phase work area. 3. Perform lighting demolition and sign relocation (Phases 3 and 5) and remove pavement marking as indicated in the existing conditions and lighting plans. 4. Install new conduit and counterpoise for taxiway lighting system under proposed paved shoulders and in grassed shoulders. 5. Complete excavation for taxiway fillets/taper widening and paved shoulders. Prepare and compact subgrade, including dewatering as required. 6. For Taxiway B South approximate Sta. 1+00 to 6+00 (Phase 1). Taxiway G approximate Sta. 1+00 to 4+00 (Phase 5), and Taxiway B North approximate Sta. 1+00 to 8+00 (Phase 6), install new conduit, counterpoise, and handholes outside existing pavement edge and perform trenching and coring through existing pavement to install new taxiway lights in pavement. Install lighting circuits. 7. Raise existing m.anholes/handholes as shown on the Plans (Phases 1, 2, 4, 6, and 7). 8. Place aggregate base course, fine grade, and compact for tapers/fillets and paved shoulders. Confirm lighting conduit is intact and has not been damaged by compaction. Excavate and replace damaged conduit as needed prior to paving. 9. Contractor to place test strip for bituminous pavement to confirm job mix formula, roller pattern, etc. 5 10. Complete paving operations. Where paved shoulders are contiguous with new fillets/tapers, place final surface course over both areas in one 2" lift. See paving details in Plans. 11. In new paved shoulders, core through pavement section, intercept new conduit, and install base cans and complete installation of taxiway lights and lighting circuit. 12. Complete shoulder grading operations. Complete seeding and mulching operations. 13. Complete taxiway marking as shown on the Plans. 14. Test lighting circuit and bring lighting/sign circuit into operation. 15. Remove barricades and traffic cones; re -open phase area to aircraft operations. 2 Appendix `A' Erosion and Sediment Control Specifications ITEM P-156 TEMPORARY AIR AND WATER POLLUTION, SOIL EROSION, AND SILTATION CONTROL DESCRIPTION 156-1.1 This item shall consist of temporary control measures as shown on the plans or as ordered by the ENGINEER during the life of a contract to control water pollution, soil erosion, and siltation through the use of silt fence, mulches, grasses and other erosion control devices or methods. The temporary erosion control measures contained herein shall be coordinated with the permanent erosion control measures specified as part of this contract to the extent practical to assure economical, effective, and continuous erosion control throughout the construction period. Temporary control may include work outside the construction limits such as borrow pit operations, equipment and material storage sites, waste areas, and temporary plant sites. MATERIALS 156-2.1 GRASS. Grass that will not compete with the grasses sown later for permanent cover shall be a quick -growing species (such as ryegrass, Italian ryegrass, or cereal grasses) suitable to the area providing a temporary cover. 156-2.2 MULCHES. Mulches may be hay, straw, fiber mats, netting, bark, wood chips, or other suitable material reasonably clean and free of noxious weeds and deleterious materials. 156-2.3 FERTILIZER. Fertilizer shall be a standard commercial grade and shall conform to all Federal and state regulations and to the standards of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. 166-2.4 TEMPORARY SILT FENCE. Silt fence shall consist of metal fence posts, wire fence, filter fabric, staples and wire. The wire fence shall be "hog wire", minimum 14 gauge, with maximum mesh of 6 inches. The wire is used to attach the wire fence to the posts. The filter fabric shall be a synthetic geotextile stapled . to the top of the wire fence. Refer to the approved erosion control plan for location, extent and specifications. 156-2.5 OTHER. All other materials shall meet commerciai grade standards and shall be approved by the ENGINEER before being incorporated into the project. 3301-1004 P-156-1 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS 156-31 GENERAL. In the event of conflict between these requirements and pollution control laws, rules, or regulations of other Federal, state, or local agencies, the more restrictive laws, rules, or regulations shall apply. The Contractor shall be responsible for assuring compliance to the extent that construction practices, construction operations, and construction work are involved. 156-3.2 SCHEDULE. Prior to the start of construction, the Contractor shall submit schedules for accomplishment of temporary and permanent erosion control work, as are applicable for clearing and grubbing; grading; construction; paving; and structures at watercourses. The Contractor shall also submit a proposed method of erosion and dust control on haul roads and borrow pits and a plan for disposal of waste materials. Work shall not be started until the erosion control schedules and methods of operation for the applicable construction have been accepted by the ENGINEER. 156-3.3 AUTHORITY OF ENGINEER. The ENGINEER has the authority to limit the surface area of erodible earth material exposed by clearing and grubbing, to limit the surface area of erodible earth material exposed by excavation, borrow and fill operations, and to direct the Contractor to provide immediate permanent or temporary pollution control measures to minimize contamination of adjacent streams or other watercourses, lakes, ponds, or other areas of water impoundment. 166-3.4 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS. The Contractor will be required to incorporate all permanent erosion control features into the project at the earliest practicable time as outlined in the accepted schedule. Except where future construction operations will damage slopes, the Contractor shall perform the permanent seeding and mulching and other specified slope protection work in stages, as soon as substantial areas of exposed slopes can be made available. Temporary erosion and pollution control measures will be used to correct conditions that develop during construction that were not foreseen during the design stage; that are needed prior to installation of permanent control features; or that are needed temporarily to control erosion that develops during normal construction practices, but are not associated with permanent control features on the project. Where erosion is likely to be a problem, grading operations should be scheduled and performed so that grading operations and permanent erosion control features can follow immediately thereafter if the project conditions permit; otherwise, temporary erosion control measures may be required between successive construction stages. 3301-1004 P-166-2 The ENGINEER will limit the area of excavation, borrow, and embankment operations in progress, commensurate with the Contractor's capability and progress in keeping the finish grading, mulching, seeding, and other such permanent control measures current in accordance with the accepted schedule. Should seasonal limitations make such coordination unrealistic, temporary erosion control measures shall be taken immediately to the extent feasible and justified. In the event that temporary erosion and pollution control measures are required due to the Contractor's negligence, carelessness, or failure to install permanent controls as a part of the work as scheduled or are ordered by the ENGINEER, such work shall be performed by the Contractor at his/her own expense. The ENGINEER may increase or decrease the area of erodible earth material to be exposed at one time as determined by analysis of project conditions. The erosion control features installed by the Contractor shall be acceptably maintained by the Contractor during the construction period. Whenever construction equipment must cross watercourses at frequent intervals, and such crossings will adversely affect the sediment levels, temporary structures should be provided. Pollutants such as fuels, lubricants, bitumen, raw sewage, wash water from concrete mixing operations, and other harmful materials shall not be discharged into or near rivers, streams, and impoundments or into natural or manmade channels leading thereto. 156-3.5 The Contractor shall be required to inspect all erosion control features installed on the project in accordance with the requirements of the approved plans and permit. The Contractor shall maintain and/or repair all installed erosion control items as required or as directed by the ENGINEER. After site is stabilized, Contractor shall remove all temporary measures and install permanent vegetation on any additional disturbed or failed areas. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT i56-4. 1 Temporary erosion and pollution control work required which is not attributed to the Contractor's negligence, carelessness, or failure to install permanent controis will be performed as scheduled or ordered by the ENGINEER. Payment shall include all costs for labor, materials, installation, inspection, maintenance throughout the life of the project and 3301-1004 P-166-3 upon stabilization of the site, restoration and removal of items. Completed and accepted work will be measured as follows: a. Temporary seeding and mulching will be measured by the acre. b. Temporary silt fence will be measured by the linear foot, complete and installed. c. Temporary Rock Inlet Protection will be measured on a per each basis. d. Temporary Drop Inlet Protection will be measured on a per each basis. 166-4.2 Control work performed for protection of construction areas outside the construction limits, such as borrow and waste areas, haul roads, equipment and material storage sites, and temporary plant sites, will not be measured and paid for directly but shall be considered as a subsidiary obligation of the Contractor with costs included in the contract prices bid for the items to which they apply. BASIS OF PAYMENT 156-5.1 Accepted quantities of temporary water pollution, soil erosion, and siltation control work ordered by the ENGINEER and measured as provided in paragraph 156-4.1 will be paid for under: Item P-156-5.1 Temporary Seeding and Mulching - per Acre Item P-156-5.2 Temporary Silt Fence - per Square Foot Item P-156-5.3 Temporary Rock Inlet Protection - per Each Item P-156-5.4 Temporary Drop Inlet Protection - per Each Where -other directed work falls within the specifications for a work item that has a contract price, the units of work shall be measured and paid for at the contract unit price bid for the various items. Temporary control features not covered by contract items that are ordered by the ENGINEER will be paid for in accordance with Section 90-05. END OF ITEM P-156 3301-1004 P-156-4 ITEM T-901 SEEDING DESCRIPTION 901-1.1 This item shall consist of soil preparation, seeding, fertilizing, and liming the areas shown on the plans or as directed by the ENGINEER in accordance with these specifications. MATERIALS 901-2.1 SEED. The species and application rates of grass, legume, and cover -crop seed furnished shall be those stipulated herein. Seed shall conform to the requirements of Fed. Spec. JJJ-S-181. Seed shall be furnished separately or in mixtures in standard containers with the seed name, lot number, net weight, percentages of purity and of germination and hard seed, and percentage of maximum weed seed content clearly marked for each kind of seed. The Contractor shall furnish the ENGINEER duplicate signed copies of a statement by the vendor certifying that each lot of seed has been tested by a recognized laboratory for seed testing within 6 months of date of delivery. This statement shall include: .name and address of laboratory, date of test, lot number for oach kind of seed, and the results of tests as to name, percentages of purity and of germination, and percentage of weed content for each kind of seed furnished, and, in case of a mixture, the proportions of each kind of seed. The seed mixture shall be applied as follows: Permanent Seedin Seeding Mixture Rate of Application Iblacre planting Dates Common Bermudagrass (Hulled) 50 March 1 —July 31 y Common Bermudagrass (Unhulled) 70 August 1 — February 28 Temaorary Seedina Rye (Grain) Kobe Lespedeza 120 50 January 1 — March 31 Rye (Grain) ! 120 1 August 15 — December 30 Temporary seeding shall be grass which will not compete with the grasses sown later for permanent cover and shall be a quick -growing species suitable to the area providing a temporary cover. 3301-1004 T-901-1 901-2.2 LIME. Lime shall be ground limestone containing not less than 85% of total carbonates, and shall be ground to such fineness that 90% will pass through a No. 20 mesh sieve and 50% will pass through a No. 100 mesh sieve. Coarser material will be acceptable, providing the rates of application are increased to provide not less than the minimum quantities and depth specified in the special provisions on the basis of the two sieve requirements above. Dolomitic lime or a high magnesium lime shall contain at least 10% of magnesium oxide. Lime shall be applied at the minimum rate of 3,000 Ibs{acre. All liming materials shall conform to the requirements of ASTM C 602. The target pH for warm season grasses is 6.0 fqr grasses such as Bermuda. Apply lime according to soil test recommendations to achieve target pH. 901-2.3 FERTILIZER. Fertilizer shall be standard commercial fertilizers supplied separately or in mixtures containing the percentages of total nitrogen, available phosphoric acid, and water-soluble potash. They shall be applied at the rate and to the depth specified herein, and* shall meet the requirements of Fed. Spec..0-F-241 and applicable state laws. They shall be furnished in standard containers with name, weight, and guaranteed analysis of contents clearly marked thereon. No cyanamide compounds or hydrated lime shall be permitted in mixed fertilizers. The fertilizers may be supplied in one of the following forms: A. A dry, free -flowing fertilizer suitable for application by a common fertilizer spreader; B. A finely -ground fertilizer soluble in water, suitable for application by power sprayers; or C. A granular or pellet form suitable for application by blower equipment. Fertilizers shall be 10-10-10 commercial fertilizer and shall be spread at the rate of 500 lb/acre. 901-2.4 SOIL FOR REPAIRS. The soil for fill and topsoiling of areas to be repaired shall be at least of equal quality to that which exists in areas adjacent to the area to be repaired. The soil shall be relatively free from large stones, roots, stumps, or other materials that will interfere with subsequent sowing of s ce.1, VVIIIrJacting, and establishing toll, and shall uv approved by the ENGINEER before being placed. 3301-1004 T-901-2 CONSTRUCTION METHODS 901-3.1' ADVANCE PREPARATION AND CLEANUP. After grading of areas has been completed and before applying fertilizer and ground limestone, areas to be seeded shall be raked or otherwise cleared of stones larger than 2 inches in any diameter; sticks, stumps, and other debris which might interfere with sowing of seed, growth of grasses, or subsequent maintenance of grass -covered areas. If any damage by erosion or other causes has occurred after the completion of grading and before beginning the application of fertilizer and ground limestone, the Contractor shall repair such damage. This may include filling gullies, smoothing irregularities, and repairing other incidental damage. An area to be seeded shall be considered a satisfactory seedbed without additional treatment if it has recently been thoroughly loosened and worked to a depth of not less than 5 inches as a result of grading operations and, if immediately prior to seeding, the top 3 inches of soil is loose, friable, reasonably free from large clods, rocks, large roots, or other undesirable matter, and if shaped to the required grade. However, when the area to be seeded is sparsely sodded, weedy, barren and unworked, or packed and hard, any grass and weeds shall first be cut or otherwise satisfactorily disposed of, and the soil then scarified or otherwise loosened to a depth not less than 5 inches. Clods shall be broken and the top 3 inches of. soil shall be worked into a satisfactory seedbed by discing, or by use of cultipackers, rollers, drags, harrows, or other appropriate means. 901-3.2 DRY APPLICATION METHOD. A. Liming. Lime shall be applied separately and prior.to the application of any fertilizer or seed and only on seedbeds which have previously been prepared as described above. The lime shall then be worked into the top 3 inches of soil after which the seedbed shall again be properly graded and dressed to a smooth finish. B. Fertilizing. Following advance preparations and cleanup fertilizer shall be uniformly spread at the rate which will provide not less than the minimum quantity stated in paragraph 901-2.3. C. Seeding. Grass seed shall be sown at the rate specified in paragraph 901-2.1 immediately after fertilizing, and the fertilizer and seed shall be raked within the depth range stated in the special provisions. Seeds of legumes, either alone or in mixtures, shall be inoculated before mixing or sowing, in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturer of the inoculant. When seeding is required at other than the seasons shown on the plans or in the 3301-1004 T-901-3 special provisions, a cover crop shall be sown by the same methods required for grass and legume seeding. D. Rolling. After the seed has been properly covered, the seedbed shall be immediately compacted by means of an approved lawnroller, weighing 40 to 65 pounds per foot of width for clay soil (or any soil having a tendency to pack), and weighing 150 to 200 pounds per foot of width for sandy or Ilght soils. 901-3.3 WET APPLICATION METHOD. A. General. The Contractor may elect to apply seed and fertilizer (and lime, if required) by spraying them on the previously prepared seedbed in the form of an aqueous mixture and by using the methods and equipment described herein. The rates of application shall be as specified in the special provisions. B. Spraying Equipment. The spraying equipment shall have a container or water tank equipped with a liquid level gauge calibrated to read in increments not larger than 50 gallons over the entire range of the tank capacity, mounted so. as to be visible to the 'nozzle operator. The container or tank shall also be equipped with a mechanical power -driven agitator capable of keeping all the solids in the mixture in complete suspension at all times until used. The unit shall also be equipped with a pressure pump capable of delivering 100 gallons per minute at a pressure of 100 pounds per square inch. The pump shall be mounted in a line which will recirculate the mixture through the tank whenever it is not being sprayed from the nozzle. All pump passages and pipe lines shall be capable of providing clearance for 5/8 inch solids. The power unit for the pump and agitator shall have controls mounted so as to be accessible to the nozzle operator. There shall be an indicating pressure gauge connected and mounted immediately at the back of the nozzle. The nozzle pipe shall be mounted on an elevated supporting stand in such a manner that it can be rotated through 360 degrees horizontally and inclined vertically from at least 20 degrees below to at least 60 degrees above the horizontal. There shall be a quick -acting, three-way control valve connecting the recirculating line to the nozzle pipe and mounted so that the nozzle operator can control and regulate the .amount of flow of mixture delivered to the nozzle. At least three different types of nozzles shall be supplied so that mixtures may be properly sprayed over distance varying from 20 to 100 feet. One shall be a close -range ribbon nozzle, one a medium -range ribbon nozzle, and one a long-range jet nozzle. For 3301-1004 T-901-4 ease of removal and cleaning, all nozzles shall be connected to the nozzle pipe by means of quick -release couplings. In order to reach areas inaccessible to the regular equipment, an extension hose at least 50 feet in iength shall be provided to which the nozzles may be connected. C. Mixtures. I ,imP, if required, shall be applied separately, in the quantity specified, prior to the fertilizing and seeding operations. Not more than 220 pounds of lime shall be added to and mixed with each 100 gallons of water. Seed and fertilizer shall be mixed together in the relative proportions specified, but not more than a total of 220 pounds of these combined solids shall be added to and mixed with each 100 gallons of water. All water used shall be obtained from fresh water sources and shall be free from injurious chemicals and other toxic substances harmful to plant life. Brackish water shall not be used at any time. The Contractor shall identify to the ENGINEER all sources of water at least 2 weeks prior to use. The ENGINEER may take samples of the water at the source or from the tank at any time and have a laboratory test the samples for chemical and saline content. The Contractor shall not use any water from any source which is disapproved by the ENGINEER following such tests. All mixtures shall be constantly agitated from the time they are mixed until they are finally applied to the seedbed. All such mixtures shall be used within 2 hours from the time they were mixed or they shall be wasted and disposed of at locations acceptable to the ENGINEER. D. Spraying. Lime, if required, shall be sprayed only upon previously prepared seedbeds. After the applied lime mixture has dried, the lime shall be worked into the top 3 inches, after which the seedbed shall again be properly graded and dressed to a smooth finish. Mixtures of seed and fertilizer shall only be sprayed upon previously prepared seedbeds on which the lime, if required, shall already have been worked in. The mixtures shall be applied by means of a high-pressure spray which shall always be directed upward into the air so that the mixtures will fall to the ground like rain in a uniform spray. Nozzles or sprays shall never be directed toward the group �d in such a manner as might produce erosion or runoff. Particular care shall be exercised to insure that the application is made uniformly and at the prescribed rate and to guard against misses and overlapped areas. Proper predetermined quantities of 3301-1004 T-901-5 the mixture in accordance with specifications shall be used to cover specified sections of known area. Checks on the rate and uniformity of application may be made by observing the degree of wetting of the ground or by distributing test sheets of paper or pans over the area at intervals and observing the quantity of material deposited thereon. On surfaces which are to be mulched as Indicated by the plans or designated by the ENGINEER, seed and fertilizer applied by the spray method need not be raked into the soil or rolled. However, on surfaces on which mulch is not to be used, the raking and rolling operations will be required after the soil has dried. 901-3.4 ESTABLISHMENT OF SEEDED AREAS. The Contractor is required to establish a good stand of grass of uniform color and density to the satisfaction of the ENGINEER. After seeding has been completed, the Contractor shall water the seeded area as required to establish a good stand of grass. During germination period, the Contractor shall inspect the seeded area regularly and water as required. TVnical anolications for water would be %" to 3/" of water every three or four days. In all cases, watering shall be done in a manner that will avoid erosion from the application of excessive quantities and will avoid damage to the finished surface. The Contractor will be responsible for identifying and providing a water source. The Airport will not supply water. All costs for water shall be included in cost of items bid upon. 901-3.6 MAINTENANCE OF SEEDED AREAS. The Contractor shall protect seeded areas against traffic or other use by warning signs or barricades, as approved by the ENGINEER. Surfaces gullied or otherwise damaged following seeding shall be repaired by regrading and reseeding as directed. The Contractor shall mow, water as needed or directed, and otherwise maintain seeded areas in a satisfactory condition until final inspection and acceptance of the work. When either the dry or wet application method outlined above is used for work done out of season, it will be required that the Contractor establish a good stand of grass of uniform color and density to the satisfaction of the ENGINEER. If at the time when the contract has been otherwise completed it is not possible to make an adequate determination of the color, density, and un-1for n-ilt"Y of siici i stand of grass, payment for l.lie unaccepted portions of the areas seeded out of season will be withheld until such time as these requirements have been met. 3301-1004 T-901-6 METHOD OF MEASUREMENT 901-4.1 The quantity of seeding to be paid for shall be the number of acres measured on the ground surface, completed and accepted. BASIS OF PAYMENT 901-6.1 Payment shall be made at the contract unit price per acre or fraction thereof, which price and payment shall be full compensation for furnishing and placing all material and for all labor, equipment, tools, and incidentals necessary to complete the work prescribed in this item. Payment will be made under: Item 901-5.1 Seeding - per Acre MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS ASTM C 602 Agricultural Liming Materials ASTM D 977 Emulsified Asphalt Fed. Spec. JJJ-S-181 B Fed. Spec. 0-F-241 D Agricultural Seeds Commercial Mixed Fertilizer END OF ITEM T-901 3301-1004 T-901-7 ITEM T-905 TOPSOILING DESCRIPTION 905-1.1 This item shall consist of preparing the ground surface for topsoil application, removing topsoil from designated stockpiles or areas to be stripped on the site or from approved sources off the site, and placing and spreading the topsoil on prepared areas in accordance with this specification at the locations shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer. MATERIALS 905-2.1 TOPSOIL. Topsoil shall be the surface layer of soil with no admixture of refuse or any material toxic to plant growth, and it shall be reasonably free from subsoil and stumps, roots, brush, stones (2 inches or more in diameter), and clay lumps or similar objects. Brush and other vegetation that will not be incorporated with the soil during handling operations shall be cut and removed. Ordinary sods and herbaceous growth such as grass and weeds are not to be removed but shall be thoroughly broken up and intermixed with the soil during handling operations. The topsoil or soil mixture, unless otherwise specified or approved, shall have a pH range of approximately 5.5 pH to 7.6 pH, when tested in accordance with the methods of testing of the association of official agricultural chemists in effect on the date of invitation of bids. The organic content shall be not less. than 3% nor more than 20% as determined by the wet -combustion method (chromic acid reduction). There shall be not less than 20% nor more than 80% of the material passing the 200 mesh sieve as determined by the wash test in accordance with ASTM C 117. Natural topsoil may be amended by the Contractor with approved materials and methods to meet the above specifications. 905-2.2 INSPECTION AND TESTS. Within 10 days following acceptance of the bid, the Engineer shall be notified of the source of topsoil to be furnished by the Contractor. The topsoil shall be inspected to determine if the selected soil meets the requirements specified and to, determine the depth to which stripping will be permitted. At this time, the Contractor may be required to take representative soil samples from several locations within the area under consideration and to the proposed stripping depths, for testing purposes as specified in 905-2.1. CONSTRUCTION METHODS 905-3.1 GENERAL. Areas to be topsoiled shall be shown on the plans. If topsoil is available on the site, the location of the stockpiles or areas to be stripped of 3301-1004 T-905-1 topsoil and the stripping depths shall be shown on the plans. Suitable equipment necessary for proper preparation and treatment of the ground surface, stripping of topsoil, and for the handling and placing of all required materials shall be on hand, in good condition, and approved by the Engineer before the various operations are started. 905-3.2 PREPARING THE GROUND SURFACE. Immediately prior to dumping and spreading the topsoil on any area, the surface shall be loosened by discs or spike -tooth harrows, or by other means approved by the Engineer, to a minimum depth of 2 inches to facilitate bonding of the topsoil to the covered subgrade soil. The surface of the area to be topsoiled shall be cleared of all stones larger than 2 inches in any diameter and all litter or other material which may be detrimental to proper bonding, the rise of capillary moisture, or the proper growth of the desired planting. Limited areas, as shown on the plans, which are too compact to respond to these operations shall receive special scarification. Grades on the area to be topsoiled, which have been established. by others as shown on the plans, shall be maintained in a true and even condition. Where grades have not been established, the areas shall be smooth -graded and the surface left at the prescribed grades in an even and properly compacted condition to prevent, insofar as practical, the formation of low places or pockets where water will stand. 905-3.3 OBTAINING TOPSOIL. Prior to the stripping of topsoil from designated areas, any vegetation, briars, stumps and large roots, rubbish or stones found on such areas, which may interfere with subsequent operations, shall be removed using methods approved by the Engineer. Heavy sod or other cover, which cannot be incorporated into the topsoil by discing or other means shall be removed. When suitable topsoil is available on the site, the Contractor shall remove this material from the designated areas and to the depth as directed by the Engineer. The topsoil shall be spread on areas already filled and smooth -graded, or stockpiled in areas approved by the Engineer. Any topsoil stockpiled by the Contractor shall be rehandled and placed without additional compensation. Any topsoil that has been stockpiled on the site by others, and is required for topsoiling purposes, shall be removed and placed by the Contractor. The sites of all stockpiles and areas adjacent thereto which have been disturbed by the Contractor shall be graded if required and put into a condition acceptable for seeding. When suitable topsoil is secured off the airport site, the Contractor shall locate and obtain the supply, subject to the approval of the ENGINEER. The Contractor shall notify the ENGINEER sufficiently in advance of operations in order that necessary measurements and tests can be made. The Contractor 3301-1004 T-905-2 shall remove the topsoil from approved areas and to the depth as directed. The topsoil shall be hauled to the site of the work and placed for spreading, or spread as required. Any topsoil hauled to the site of the work and stockpiled shall be rehandled and placed without additional compensation. 905-3.4 PLACING TOPSOIL. The topsoil shall be evenly spread on the prepared areas to a uniform depth of 2 inches after compaction, unless otherwise shown on the plans or stated in the special provisions. Spreading shall not be done when the ground or topsoil is frozen, excessively wet, or otherwise in a condition detrimental to the work. Spreading shall be carried on so that turfing operations can proceed with a minimum of soil preparation or tilling. After spreading, any large, stiff clods and hard lumps shall be broken with a pulverizer or by other effective means, and all stones or rocks (2 inches or more in diameter), roots, litter, or any foreign matter shall be raked up and disposed of by the Contractor. After spreading is completed, the topsoil shall be satisfactorily compacted by rolling with a cultipacker or by other means approved by the Engineer. The compacted topsoil surface shall conform to the required lines, grades, and cross sections. Any topsoil or other dirt falling upon pavements as a result of hauling or handling of topsoil shall be promptly removed. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT AND BASIS OF PAYMENT 905-4.1 Topsoil obtained on the site shall be measured by the number of cubic yards of topsoil measured in its original position and stripped or excavated as "Unclassified Excavation." No separate measurement will be made for Topsoil. TESTING MATERIALS ASTM C 117 Materials Finer than 75-µm (No. 200) Sieve in Mineral Aggregates by Washing END OF ITEM T-905 3301-1004 T-905-3 ITEM T-908 MULCHING DESCRIPTION 908-1.1 This item shall consist of furnishing, hauling, placing, and securing mulch on surfaces indicated on the plans or designated by the ENGINEER. MATERIALS 908-2.1 MULCH MATERIAL. Acceptable mulch shall be the materials listed below or any approved locally available material that is similar to those specified. Low grade, musty, spoiled, partially rotted hay, straw, or other materials unfit for animal consumption will be acceptable. Mulch materials, which contain matured seed of species that would volunteer and be detrimental to the proposed overseeding, or to surrounding farm land, will not be acceptable. Straw or other mulch material which is fresh and/or excessively brittle, or which is in such an advanced stage of decomposition as to smother or retard the planted grass, will not be acceptable. a. Hay. Hay shall be native hay, sudan grass hay, broomsedge hay, legume hay, or similar hay or grass clippings. b. Straw. Straw shall be the threshed plant residue of oats, wheat, barley, rye, or rice from which grain has been removed. c. Hay Mulch Containing Seed. Hay mulch shall be mature hay containing viable seed of native grasses or other desirable species stated in the special provisions or as approved by the ENGINEER. The hay shall be cut and handled so as to preserve the maximum quantity of viable seed. Hay mulch that cannot be hauled and spread immediately after cutting shall be placed in weather -resistant stacks or baled and stored in a dry location until used. d. Manufactured Mulch. Cellulose -fiber or wood -pulp mulch shall be products commercially available for use in spray applications. e. Asphalt Binder. -Asphalt binder material shall conform to the requirements of ASTM D 977, Type SS-1 or RS-1. 908-2.2 INSPECTION. At least 14 business days prior to mulching, the ENGINEER shall be notified of sources and quantities of mulch materials available and the Contractor shall furnish him with representative samples of the materials to be used. These samples may be used as standards with the approval of the ENGINEER and any materials brought on the site that do not meet these standards shall be rejected. 3301-1004 T-908-1 CONSTRUCTION METHODS 908-3.1 MULCHING. Before spreading mulch, all large clods, stumps, stones, brush, roots, and other foreign material shall be removed from the area to .be mulched. Mulch shall be applied immediately after seeding. The spreading of the mulch may be by hand methods, blower, or other mechanical methods, provided a uniform covering is obtained. Mulch material shall be furnished, hauled, and evenly applied on the area shown on the plans or designated by the ENGINEER. Straw or hay shall be spread over the surface to a uniform thickness at the rate of 2 to 3 tons per acre to provide a loose depth of not less than 1-1/2 inches nor more than 3 inches. Other organic material shall be spread at the rate recommended by the manufacturer. Mulch may be blown on the slopes and the use of cutters in the equipment for this purpose will be permitted to the extent that at least 95% of the mulch in place on the slope shall be 6 inches or more in length. When mulches applied by the blowing method are cut, the loose depth in place shall be not less than 1 inch nor more than 2 inches. 908-3.2 SECURING MULCH. The mulch shall be held in place by light discing, a very thin covering of topsoil, small brush, pins, stakes, wire mesh, asphalt binder, or other adhesive material approved by the ENGINEER. Where mulches have been secured by either of the asphalt binder methods, it will not be permissible to walk on the slopes after the binder has been applied. The Contractor is warned that in the application of asphalt binder material he must take every precaution to guard against damaging or disfiguring structures or property on or adjacent to the areas worked and that he will be held responsible for any such damage resulting from his/her operations. If the "peg and string" method is used, the mulch shall be secured by the use of stakes or wire pins driven into the ground on 5-foot centers or less. Binder twine shall be strung between adjacent stakes in straight lines and crisscrossed diagonally over the mulch, after which the stakes shall be firmly driven nearly flush to the ground to draw the twine down tight onto the mulch. 908-3.3 CARE AND REPAIR. a. The Contractor shall care for the mulched areas until final acceptance of the project. Such care shall consist of providing protection against traffic or other use by placing warning signs, as approved by the ENGINEER, and erecting any barricades that may be shown on the plans before or immediately after mulching has been completed on the designated areas. b. The Contractor shall be required to repair or replace any mulching that is defective or becomes damaged until the project is finally accepted. When, in the judgment of the ENGINEER, such defects or damages are 3301-1004 T-908-2 the result of poor workmanship or failure to meet the requirements of the specifications, the cost of the necessary repairs or replacement shall be borne by the Contractor. However, once the Contractor has completed the mulching of any area in accordance with the provisions of the specifications and to the satisfaction of the ENGINEER, no additional work at his/her expense will be required, but subsequent repairs and replacements deemed necessary by the ENGINEER shall be made by the Contractor and will be paid for as additional or extra work. c. If the "asphalt spray" method is used, all mulched surfaces shall be sprayed with asphalt binder material so that the surface has a uniform appearance. The binder shall be uniformly applied to the mulch at the rate of approximately 8.0 gallons per 1,000 square feet, or as directed by the ENGINEER, with a minimum of 6.0 gallons and a maximum of 10 gallons per 1,000 square feet depending on the type of mulch and the effectiveness of the binder securing it. Bituminous binder material may be sprayed on the mulched slope areas from either the top or the bottom of the slope. An approved spray nozzle shall be used. The nozzle shall be operated at a distance of not less than 4 feet from the surface of the mulch and uniform distribution of the bituminous material shall be required. A pump or an air compressor of adequate capacity shall be used to insure uniform distribution of the bituminous material. d. if the "asphalt mix" method is used, the mulch shall be applied by blowing, and the asphalt binder material shall be sprayed into the mulch as it leaves the blower. The binder shall be uniformly applied to the mulch at the rate of approximately 8.0 gallons per 1,000 square feet or as directed by the ENGINEER, with a minimum of 6.0 gallons and a maximum of 10 gallons per 1,000 square feet depending on the type of mulch and the effectiveness of the binder securing it. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT 908-4.1 Mulching shall be measured in acres on the basis of the actual surface area acceptably mulched. BASIS OF PAYMENT 908-6.1 Payment will be made at the contract unit price per acre for mulching. The price shall be full compensation for furnishing all materials and for placing and anchoring the materials, and for all labor, equipment, tools, and incidentals necessary to complete the item. Payment will be made under: Item T-908-5.1 Mulching - per Acre 3301-1004 T-908-3 MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS ASTM D 977 Emulsified Asphalt END OF ITEM T-908 3301-1004 T-908-4 Appendix `B' Select Half Size Construction Plans p 1, 1 7 IB ) T 1 C'. Jr T� A r AIRFIELD 1,11 VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE C ON STRU WILMING WILMIN N PLANS FOR ULD ERS, T'A,,,-PERS 111 ; Al 10 N AIRPORT O LINA AIP 3-3 7-0084-44 (CONSTRUCTION) &. 9°l2 PREPARED FOR NEW HANOVER COUNTY AIRPORT AUTHORITY, OWNER IN COOPERATION WITH FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION AND BID SCHEDULE I (BASE BID) INCLUDES TAXIWAYS B, C EAST, J, AND G NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (PHASES 1, 2A, 2B, 3, 3A, 4A, 4B, 5, AND 6) BID SCHEDULE II INCLUDES TAXIWAY C WEST (PHASE 7) DIVISION OF AVIATION BID SCHEDULE III INCLUDES AIRFIELD LIGHTING VAULT REHABILITATION TAXIWAY B. C, J AND G PAVED SHOULDERS TAPERS, AND TAXIWAY LIGHTS LIST OF DRAWINGS DRAINING TITLE OF DRAWING DATE Al 7rRE.SHEET JUNE 2011 A2 PROJECT SAFETY PLAN (SHEET 1 OF 2) JUNE 2011 A3 PROJECT SAFETY PLAN (SHEET 2 OF 2) JUNE 2011 A4 PHASING PLAN - PHASE 1, 2A. AND 20 AM 2011 AS PHASING PLAN - PHASE 3 AND 3A JUNE 2011 AS PHASING PLAN - PHASE 4A AND 48 JUNE 2011 A7 PHASING PLAN - PHASE S JUNE 2011 A6 PHASING PLAN - PHASE 6 AND 7 JUNE 2011 51 SURVEY LAYOUT PLAN (SHEET 1 OF 3) JUNE 2011 92 SURVEY LAYOUT PINT (SHEET 2 OF 3) JUNE 2011 93 SURVEY LAYOUT RAN (SHEET 3 OF 3) JLNE 2011 EXI paSTING CONDITIONS AND REMOVAL PLAN -'PHASE 1 JUNE 2011 Ed EXISTING MOTIONS AND REMOVAL PLAN - PHASE 2A AND 2B JLNE 2011 D CLI EXISTING CONDITIONS AND REMOVAL PLAN - PHASE 3 JUNE 20 11 EX3.2 EXISTING CONDITIONS AND REMOVAL RAN - PHASE 3A I NRE 2011 U14.1 OUSTING CONDITIONS AND REMOVAL PLAN - PHASE 4A AND 48 (SHEET 1 OF 2) JUNE 2011 EX4.2 EDOSTNG CONMTIOS AND R IADVA. PLAN - PHASE 4A (SHEET 2 OF 2) NINE 2011 EX5 E 0STNG CONDITIONS AND REMOVAL PLAN - PHASE S JUNE 2011 EX9 E)a61NG CONDITIONS AND REMOVAL PLAN - PHASE 6 NINE 2011 EK7 EXISTING CONDITIONS AND REMOVAL PLAN - PHASE 7 JIJNE 2011 G1 LAYOUT AND FINISH GRADE PUN - PHASE 1 JUNE 2011 02 LAYOUT AND FINISH GRACE PLAN - PHASE 2A AND 2B NINE 2011 G3 LAYOUT AND FINISH GRADE PLAN - PHASE 3 11UNE 2011 G&I LAYOUT AND FINISH GRADE PLAN - PHASE 4A AND 48 (SHEET 1 OF 2) JUNE 2011 OL2 LAYOUT AND FINISH GRADE PLAN - PHASE 4A (SHEET 2 OF 2) JUNE 2011 GB LAYOUT AND FINISH GRADE: PLAN - PHASE 5 JUNE 2011 GB LAYOUT AND FINISH GRADE RAN - PHASE 6 JUNE 2011 67 LAYOUT AND FLASH GRADE PLAN - PHASE 7 JUNE 2011 ECD1 FROSON AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTES AND DETAILS JUNE 2011 D1 TYPICAL SECTIONS AND PAVING DETAILS DUNE 2011 "I MARKING PLAN - PHASE i JUNE 20ii M2 MARKING PLAN - PHASE 2A AND 28 JUNE 2011 MS MAUONG PLAN - PHASE 3 JUNE 2011 MA1 MARLING PLAN - PHASE 4A AND 4B(SHEET 1 OF JUNE 2011 M4.2 MARIONC PLAN - PHASE 4A (SHEET 2 OF 2) JUNE 2011 M5 MARKING PLAN - PHASE 8 JUNE 0011 NB A1A100 0 PLAN - PHASE 5 JUNE R01I 1.f7 MARKING PLAN - PHASE 7 XNE 2011 DRAWING TITLE OF DRAWNG DATE l>. LIGHTING LAYOUT AND CIRCUIT PLAN - PHASE 1 JUNE 20N L2 U(iMNO LAYOUT AND CIRCUIT PLAN - PHASE 2A AND 213 JUNE 2011 L3.1 LIGHTING LAYOUT AND CIRCUIT PLAN - PHASE 3 JUNE 2011 L3.2 LIGHTING LAYOUT AND CIRCUIT PLAN - PHASE 3A JUTE 2011 L4.1 LIGHTING LA)VUT AND CIRWTT PLAN - PHASE 4A AND 48 (SHEET 1 OF 2) JUNE 2011 L4.2 LIGHTING LAYOUT AND CIRCUIT PLAN - PHASE 4A AND. 484WEET-2 OF 2) ' JUNE 2011 L.5 LIGHTING LAYOUY AND CLRWIT'PLAN - PHASE 5 JUNE 20M LB LIGHTING LAYOUT AND CIRCUIT PLAN - PHASE 8 JUNE =1 L7 LIGHTING LAYOUT AND CIRWIT PLAN - PHAsi: 7 JUNE 2011 LHI LIGHTING HOIAERUN LAYOUT JUNE 2011 LCI LIGHTING SCHEMATIC - CNROJIT 'B-WEST AND 'f ME 2011 LC2 LIGHTING SGEIRATIC - CIRCUIT 'A-C' JJNE 2011 LC31 LIGHTING SCHEMATIC - CIRWR'8---G-L-N' JUNE 2011 LD1 LIGHTING DETAILS (SHEET T OF 2) JLJNE 2011 LD2 LIGHTING DETAILS (SHEET 2 OF 2) JUNE.2011 X1 CROSS SECTIONS - TAXIWAY-6 SOUTH (SHEET 1 OF 2) uNE 2011 X2 CROSS SF_CTIONS - TAXIWAY B SOUTH (SHEET 2 OF 2) JNE 2011 X3 CROS4 SECTIONS - TAXIWAY 9 NORTH (SHEET 1 OF 3) JLUE 2011 X4 CROSS SECTIONS - TAXIWAY 8 NORTH (SHEET 2 OF 3) Jl1NE 2DII XB CROSS SECTIONS - TAXIWAY B NORTH (SLEET 3 OF 3) JUNE 2011 XS CROSS SECTIONS - TAXIWAY C (SHEET 1 OF 21 JUNE 2011 X7 CROSS SEGTIOS - TAXIWAY C (SHPFT 2 OF 2) ' JUKE 2011 XS CROSS SECTIONS - TAXIWAYS J AND G JUNE 2011 AIRFIR n I lr.WTIAIG VAIII T RFHARII ITATIm—Rill 4zi m YI II F in LIST OF DRAWINGS DRAWING TITLE OF DRAWING DATE E-1 ELECTRICAL NOTES, LEGENDS, SCHEDULES JUKE 2DN E-2 ELE=iOAL VAULT PLANS JIVE 2011 E-3 ELECTNICAL FIBER & COMMUNICATIONS PLAN JUNE =1 E-4 ELECTRICAL 1,17E PLAN TUNE 2911 E- 6 EECTRC.L FIBER COMMUNICATIONS DETAILS JUKE 2011 E-6 I ELECTRICAL 6LOLX DIAOKAM OF VAULT EOUIPMEM JUNE 2011 E-7 ELECTRICAL BLOCK DIAGRAM OF ATCT ECUPMENT JUNE.2011 E-S ELECTRICAL RCN & MCMM#ll WIRING DIAGRAM .JUNE 2011 E-9 ELECTRCAL - DETALS & CCR RISER DUNE 2011 E-10 ELECTRICAL - TdJCNBCREEN LAYOUT ,UNE 2DII E-11 ELECTRICAL TOWER ENCLOSURE ASSEMBLY JUNE 2011 M-1 AIRFIELD JJGHTINC & VAULT REHMiLITATION JUNE 20.11 z 0 V) 5;LJ C of LLi o ¢ O� 0Z N(=� Z Z¢ p U' Q to z2 Qz Z I-- Q f= o Z z� Unf Ld Jcis CL X N %k C 0/ SS } 07997� I _ g `. JUKE 2011 Style NONE 0 arm f0c Checked ABM Project Na 3301-taG4 Al HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL CONTROL 9� CONTRACTOR SHALL USE NORTH CAROUNA GEODETIC SURVEY MONUMENT 'ILM A' AS PRIMARY CONTROL POINT FOR THE PROJECT. CONTRACTOR SHALL USE TEMPORARY BENCH MARKS AS SHOWN IN THE TABLE THIS SHEET AND ON SURVEY CONTROL PLAN SHEETS S1 TO S3. PROJECT SAFETY PLAN NOTES: ec 500 250 0 500 1000 1500 O ' O 1. SEE SHEET A3 FOR SAFETY PLAN NOTES, LIGHTED BARRICADE AND RUNWAY CLOSURE CROSS DETAILS, i L] SCALE IN FEET 2. SEE SHEETS A4-A8 FOR PHASING SAFETY PLANS c` AND LOCATIONS OF LIGHTED BARRICADES 1 500' 3. ACCESS TO AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL TOWER IS ' CONTROLLED BY AND SHALL BE CLOSELY COORDINATED WITH FAA. WACLOSURE CROSS TO BE r D 4. PAVEMENT REHABILITATION, TAPER/FILLET WIDENING, RUNYPLACED DU NO PHASE 3a. 4A..LB. , 7 AND ASSOCIAIEU LIGHTING/SIGN MODIFICATIONS MAY i �Z RUNWAY CLOSURE PERIOD. BE OCCURRING SIMULTANEOUSLY WITH THIS PROJECT /•/ 4 z e`-T ON TAXIWAYS A. D, H, AND F. SEE PROJECT SPECIAL PROMSIONS. �,I g0W T O e u (7 3 P. i14 U � c I 0 O Q' J / 4 r ' CONTROL POINT NORTHING EASTING ELEVATION TYPE NCGS ILM 'A° 189757.08 2332699.40 26.29 MONUMENT RWY 6 END 1=11.87 2329268.29 21.06 PK NAIL # 4128 TBM 2 188154.42 2329053.07 17.33 REBAR & CAP #29 TBM 3 188884.27 2328876.17 22.69 REBAR & CAP #17 TBM 4 189260.54 2329291.05 26.01 REBAR & CAP #18 TBM 5 189944.86 2330084.12 25.46 REBAR & CAP #19 TBM 6 190248.91 2330515.12 2B.10 REBAR & CAP #20 TT9M 7 190733.46 2330945.62 28.18 REBAR & CAP 021 TBM 8 191018.04 2331438.88 27.12 REBAR & CAP #22 TBM 9 191790.49 2332348.82 23.04 REBAR & CAP #23 TBM 10 192468.91 2333133.18 20.10 REBAR & CAP #24 TEM 11 193115.76 2333580.05 15.42 REBAR & CAP #25 TBM 12 194D28.47 2334525.98 15.78 REBAR & CAP #4128 RWY 24 END 193503.95 2335200.U8 2U.15 PK NAIL #5i23 TBM 14 191083.85 2331302.00 26.72 REBAR & CAP #14 TBM 15 192266.22 2330888.57 27.08 REBAR & CAP #13 78M 16 1 191266.68 1 2330231.24 1 28.60 IRS #8 z In Z O ILL a �5 o t a BARRICADES FOR WORK 6! AREA 7.. J� Y NO CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC SHALL NOVE THRU THE � TERMINAL AREA c fr, f �• i i I o w oo AWa fl '' ff i I o C5 RAM •� .Ads �` �� % 6JBM 1� ° D Qd 0 ON • CL CONTRACTOR'S ACCESS PONT i r \ ® 0 ¢ ¢ W } / PHASE 7 GATE AS • J' \ \ca 8 ° O CJ Q Q LL J / �� o a Q / • ! r. rU i �' ` }� 1 IDOS LNG Z Ix Q. X ILL. O ��' • F ' �. f �/" a, GRAVEL U' ODNTHACMWS ACCESS PGWT - DOr f O ACCESS ROwD d (--• TERMINAL BUILDInC c ! frf �"� \r� / j PERIMETER M Z F LLI S,a PHASE 1, 2, 3, AND 3A SI NOT AREA % ✓___ ' , • C `� �I ? Z Q p W GATE A3 ANY TIME AIR CARRIER RAMP _. ____ -_ F �l /' - - _ _ - _ _ _ O U _ , ,, _ M _' j________________ TOM 12� ' -7 '3--"'_____ "-'r"-' __"_--------- l - ri C B TWY I U' g U \ e i ° _- -- _�BM 10 a M i / Z 7 Li1 M L © ( LEASTING OCALIZER I a pSTWG MALSR C' J }Fa- --_-ROFA_.--.-� _ .__. ._�. S e _-.-N"i)tS�•-•--" _ - - ' --'-----------------RSA----'---- - -------------��--------- . -----RSA ---------; ------ ---�--;---��--ly- --------------P.SA---- _ -- -- -- ------ I T' X EASTING/ ___ �� --cam^ _ END ' Q ANTENNA `� _... ..... -.__. .:�/ ___ !r - - -- -_ - SP- �' % 1 I ��C _.-."Ys�. _.. L,- +�+ �-,� J-•RUNWAY8-14-'- r r -f�J ` T ,.,,,. -. r � .� �'...- ..^ ..LER AND w ' �.� � , �� 4 CONTRACTOR'S STAGING MAREA -.-.,..-.-,.._...�-.--w. -,-. �. , r � 1 /J �RWY i END-_----_---L _J __-� __----_ ,� SEE PRDOJECT ----------- - -___J .1-_ _ r.-1-___ ____ --..-_.___PSa___-�__.-__- ___ ____________- __ ___ ,�p�__..- _______.._ --7;RITC•AL�AREr u ' \ LOCALTZER CRITICAL _ ( oSN RtY _ _ _ _r_ Y __ CONTRACTOR'S ACCESS AREA --._ _._-._ _.__.- _._ -J- 1 _-Fr_ '.--._-. -.- _-.--.--.-_.ROFA-_.--.----__-.- _.--. - __ -- _._-._--n00FAP-.-_.--.--.J ,.•A, GLIDE SLOPE ( POINT PHASE 4A, 4B, SS! •9 °\ 1 R'.iA---•-•«-� -- _ --.- % ! � [�l �� "- - CAmC6tFR�A 5. AND 6 THROUGH 5 �NN�'/ 49. AND 7 EXI571N0 GATE. ,1 I�¶D`•^'- A / =;J'�3 3A AY CLOSURE CROSS Y L PLACED HOD. PHASE RUNWAY CLOSURE CROSS TOO BE PLACED DURING PHASE 1 I RUNWAY CLOSURE PERIOD. q _ I 1 rd4 7 1 / if AIRFIELD ELECTRICAL VAULT - REPLACE t. u S. AND s RUNWAY CLOSURE PERIOD. > O A° c9✓'// RUNWAY CLOSURE CRO58 TO BE I` f � AIRFIELD LIGHTING REGULATORS AND PAANS. O e o 0 0 0 6 • s��`yGI P PLACED DURING PHASE 1. l i f -J \\�(,,�\ q ( dL& RUNWAY CLOSURE PEWOO. 1 ^- r ` ILM 'A' 'i:'ii �r _ \ 1 NORTH KFRR AVF- \ %f r�i, ; p \ ❑ O ❑r?C11O D Uo'D 11 Oct ATCT - REPLACE AIRFIELD \v/ S.M. �4,1.r' LIGHTING CONTROL PAFEY. SEE NOTE 3. p Orcvm VA PCC ACCESS ROUTE 70 VAULT - `o_ l LEGEND cn.d°.a aIw ' :``GYA% . . . . . . CONTRACTORS HAUL ROUTE Project Na \ " AGATE 3301-1C04 ®.__ CONTROL. PONT Shoe! N. � a �T� DRlVE °____.____J PHASE AREA ALTERNATE ACCESS ROUTE TO WORK ri11HW RUNWAY SAFETY AREA A 2 VAULT UPON APPPRROVAL\`BY' \ PHASE SHEET LOCATIONS 1 A4, EX1, G7, Mt, L1 2A & 20 A4, EX2, G2, M2, L2 3 A5, EX3.1, G3, M3, L3.1 3A A5, EX3.2, L3.2 4A AS, EX4.1, EX4.2, G4.1, G4.2, M4.1, M4.2, L4.1, L4.2 4B AS. EX4.1, EX4.2, G4.1, G4.2, M4.1, M4.2, L4.1, L4.2 5 A7, EX5, G5, M5, L5 fi AS, EX6, G6, MS. L6 7 AS, EX7, G7, M7, L7 — RSA -1.5% GRADE ALIGNMENT: B-Sou -- • • • " ' • ' _ ALIGNMENT:B-Sou SHOULDER STA12+35.39 •d , , r STA:9+45.16 TA%I�W�Ya nR FrT FREE AREA _ OFF: 0'L _ 24.0 '••.+ v M/c?ON'• STiNG'GR¢OE ai r 2 . ..� cam'; & - s r.. •'' - a �.: �:�,1 - gcB4`'0 ti '..a°s �3_ 25.0 -._� • 25.5 -LGN T. ut ` —-_�- TAXIWAY B `OBJECT FREE ARE. ALIGNMENT.B-South__ £TA'.7• Zn' --M7+3 OFF- 3783' 9 33R ALIGNMENT.B-South OFF:54.64'R TRANSITION FROM -2% TO STA:10+85.99 -1.5% GRADE -1.5% STA. 10+50-11+00 R OFF.57.50'R SHOULDER .Al InUUm .o-e-Ak SHOULDER STA:7+38.04 OFF. 74 5B'R PROPOSED HANDHOLE. SEE SHEET L1 AND LD2 RUNWAY 6-24 OBJECT FREE AREA •:: '.';'r "; - AUGNMENT:B-South STA:3+82.82 1 j i pJ• lIN -;,•R,' : RSA o RUNWAY 6-R2S4ASAFETY AREA UGNMENT:B-South STA:2+21A5 OFF:74.85'R •+;,�`•=, EXISTING ELECTRICAL MANHOLE TO '•:''. .:o - '-'1,,' ` BE RAISED. SEE DETAIL A ON N:. SHEET LDi. ' 0.8% GRADE SHOULDER .., .:' •�: '• .• s"• MATCH EXISTING GRADE (TYP.) R: 126' AIJGNMENT:B-South OFF:I'64.65'R . .I.•.:5-- ,�.'"' _ �_ - yr• T. n�3 GENERAL NOTES, 1. PROPOSED CONTOURS ARE FINISHED GRADE CONTOURS AFTER COMPLETION OF ALL PAVING. 2. SEE SHEETS L7-L7 AND LD7-LD2 FOR TAXIWAY LIGHTING LAYOUT AND DETAILS. 3. SEE SHEET D7 FOR TYPICAL SECTIONS AND PAVING DETAILS. 4, FOR CROSS SECTIONS SEE SHEETS X1-X& 5. SHOULDER/TAPER GRADES SHOWN ARE PERPENDICULAR TO TAXIWAY EDGE. LEGEND EXISTING CONTOUR 25.0 PROPOSED CONTOUR 25.0 EXISTING CONCRETE PAVEMENT n a. EXISTING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT .'' �'••"': - EXISTING ELECTRICAL BOX ©. EXISTING DUCT EXISTING HANDHOLE PROPOSED HANDHOLE RUNWAY SAFETY AREA RSA LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE — — — — — — PROPOSED SHOULDER PAVEMENT PROPOSED TAPER WIDENING PAVEMENT EXISTING TAXIWAY PAVEMENT TO BE USED AS SHOULDER PAVEMENT 40 20 0 40 80 120 SCALE IN FEET 1 "= 40' to 0 � 0 z (Z 0 O_ O z v jQ Q FF a3 �r zO VQ i� Z ~ 0ZS p ¢Z 0 O to a Z o m Ui Q ? -j W F- 3E do- 0 �i Q Fa ?r J X F ll a 01997�jX, j Mt. JUNE 2D11 W. V-40' lrowA PCC :hacked ABM �rojee! Nn 3701-1004 G1 L_ L_ 81. Z ul GENERAL NOTES- 1. PROPOSED CONTOURS ARE FINISHED GRADE CONTOURS AFTER COMPLETION OF ALL PAVING. 2. SEE SHEETS L1-L7 AND L01-LD2 FOR TAXIWAY LIGHTING LAYOUT AND DETAjLS. 3, SEE SHEET DI FOR TYPICAL SECTIONS AND PAVING DETAILS. 4. FOR CROSS SECTIONS SEE SHEETS XI-X8. Q$ 5. SHOULDER/TAPER GRADES SHOWN ARE PERPENDICULAR TO TAXIWAY EDGE. v.ve ce Z7. w d b 7 Q9. �7_f Jo 6, cl. E. TAXIWAY B STA*4+61.49 OFF:85.00'L RUNWAY 6-24 OBJECT FREE OFF.8&OO'L RUNWAY 6-24 SAFETY AREA RSA 4 4. -"INN' _"It"IN STORM DRAIN 18" MANHOLE RIM MP EL 21.40 INV. EL 16.74 TEMPORARY DROP INLET )aSTING INLET PROTECTION GRATE EL 22.03 INV. EL. 18.42 F-1 RSA —EXISTING HANDHOLE TO BE RAISED. STA. 2+25.00 OFF.85.00'R EXISTING HANDHOLE TO BE RAISED. - R: 13V LEGEND EXISTING CONTOUR __25.0 PROPOSED CONTOUR _25.0— EXISTING CONCRETE PAVEMENT a. EXISTING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT EXISTING ELECTRICAL BOX EXISTING DUCT EXISTING HANDHOLE RUNWAY SAFETY AREA RSA LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE PROPOSED SHOULDER PAVEMENT PROPOSED TAPER WIDENING PAVEMENT 40 20 0 40 80 120 SCALE IN FEET 1'- 40' 0 7 Date AINIF. 2011 S-1. Drawn Pcc Checked AaW Protest Na 3MI-1004 G2 e •�- ' v .:v a ..v ,. a'I m°.. '-q 'vv .. a• •, •. > b b. y _ V -1.5% GRADE SHOULDER STA:21+8221 .v, v� . a. .. ' •y .27.0 •��.. . '�'�e:':r:i .. .. _�`� T.G Amy _ — r ix iaGla �a . ER7STT Er "•TAXLV Y:� . N�. ! r W i• s :F. T• �}D��J•' �••, '`' "1• A f i- �.Z0.'Y�" � 2 -• dI t'1 �� 5 Y. A6GNMIENOt TAXIWAY B OBJECT FREE AREA - STA:18+88.24 -1.5% GRADE OFF:57.50`R TRANSITION FROM -1.5% TO -259: GRADE SHOULDER -2.5% STA. 19+00-20+00 R SHOULDER SHOULDER f1-5ou46: .'' RUNWAY 8-24 OBJECT FREE AREA GENERAL NOTES: 1. PROPOSED CONTOURS ARE FINISHED GRADE CONTOURS AFTER COMPLETION OF ALL PAVING. 2. SEE SHEETS L1-L7 AND LDI-LO2 FOR TAXIWAY LIGHTING LAYOUT AND DETAILS. 3. SEE SHEET D1 FOR TYPICAL SECTIONS AND PAVING DETAILS. 4. FOR CROSS SECTIONS SEE SHEETS Xt-X8. 5. SHOULDER/TAPER GRADES SHOWN ARE PERPENDICULAR TO TAXIWAY EDGE. LEGEND EXISTING CONTOUR -25.0 PROPOSED CONTOUR 25.0 EXISTING CONCRETE PAVEMENT EXISTING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT EXISTING ELECTRICAL BOX O EXISTING DUCT EXISTING HANDHOLE RUNWAY SAFETY AREA, RSA LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE — — — — — — PROPOSED SHOULDER PAVEMENT PROPOSED TAPER WIDENING PAVEMENT 40 20 0 40 80 is SCALE IN FEET 1"_ 40• vi Of o i as = Z to a a � C3 w a < ocr � x {9 Q S LLI Z t7 I- _ Q Z Qz li Z CZ) Z �a Z Z Q Z -j lyj H J x ta- :^ 2 'Gsl. a •µ0`,P .e.N.un. Dote JIINE 2011 Scale t��qp• _ D— Pre Checked AU Project No 3307-7U04 r 7 ." I�' •� : f '. .a, .... a,'1 : '��` LIGNMENT:C-East R: 36 STA:53+12.74 ' OFF 6&BeR •.h;�y GENERAL NOTES: M -'.k%:',:,:-.':..:.i::'.;-.:• t+ •, :,:... . GDIMENT:O-East h•=•1 i n o A'"• -•'• ,.,., -�(+ ry'SiA:52+91.19 1. PROPOSED CONTOURS ARE FINISHED GRADE CONTOURS AFTER COMPLETION OF ALL PAVING. OFF 57.50'R LJ a ,j._+•i•:'fi' .'':p! •. '">•' : ':.' } ,� 2 SEE SHEETS L1-L7 AND LD1-CD2 FOR TAXIWAY LIGHTING LAYOUT AND DETAILS. ' '.fir'.. Poi z •.''.• - / 3, SEE SHEET Dl FOR TYPICAL SECTIONS AND PAVING DETAILS. PM�•Q�'•} 8 a ..•. - - •...SNa• \ :�• \ EXISTING HANDHOLE TO BE RAISED. 4, FOR CROSS SECTIONS SEE SHEETS Xl-X8. C) 3 - SHOWN :' O: :• S WN PERPENDICULAR TO TAXRV ti 5. SHOULDER)TAPER GRADES AREAY EDGE x 5'- R SUNG HANDHOLE TO BE RASED_ _ w B Ll T Q zy W y �y� i4 W 51: F'�y 7 d ((`[I ro r \ ZR GR E . •5 �- F •O I C7 UI i. SH- OUL R I..J r y- A / L x• r r- 0 MENT AucN . 52 6.64 / 2 sra+2 0 • 57 60'L - FF. ar 's 1— i, GNMENT:C-East VAIJ _ STA:52+56.58 Q: OFF 85.28'L \ �• . , _ .;/ , �. + ' - EXISTING \ S 5 _ -c9 HA OLE 7O NDH s , E RAISED. 0 s ;'i , ,i . •:' � � \ _ _ .�' k 4 �. _ 28 -2R GRADE � vi 5s •,y •'i .' SHOULDER I.0 fP ' e. -S T a ,y Q *a '•i s Q 3• I� W .'•r-• Q. It Y, i . �:5 '• 40 20 0 40 BO 120 n 4� GRADE Ld SHOULDER \ "\ • _ - i a3• `� 0 u T S+ `` SCALE IN FEET C4 •':'•:; 3 Eli e-'~': _ _ o O '- `\ �• .. •' ` S, ' = b.-.' \ ALJG MENT�East \ �`�� ¢ of W w '! •3 ` 3.. 2 \ _ ``.. _ ':,� • p,' STA: ;45•F40.� Z �\r r.. •' J �i5- '?�- Y.s. -,�C :5 .50 F i'� Lj a 3 co to :,. .�v, Wit' � / -'4' 'r. •:4.- _ _ \ ` 1 _z,.D �-� z Z "� Iml: °�° �• \ \, ti _ \ �� T �o Z z zo o TEMPORARY S z ROCK INLET \ F Q +!. / PROTECTION + s •a' \ \\ z U '� 0 O Z • i.::,.;� :B-North ALIGNMENT:C-E.uj Q Q a+ ILIALIGNMENT STA:46+2&34\ \ i c� U •d' �,;' • STA:52+39.24 .''P' SSE 48. LOUTS':._- `3 ..•-wit.::.: •iY J W 1- OFF16&73R OFF:57.50'L '\ -:'?�' _ \ '//\\\ ? EXISTING 30" FES _ - ?AA 4A• WAt1T$' "''" - - \ � `/--\ g � m d � W uj INV. EL. 2522 }.:.'. ; :: R• Q O R: 85' �r a- -1.5R GRADE 1.', i / ti .��, X �✓ :'•:•.tt;•' : - \ �1 ALIGNMENT. - _ �a.� SHOULDER STING 30' RCP WITH / / - •""'"'._ \ .) .J E� T / / • �. � �:-�•r. •Li:•" ;+ •.'3: .. `+.•:r-'•-'S•S-.•i \ Q -6 A51+5&39 G AXIWAY B OBJECT FREE AREA _ F- FIBER LASS -OTTER R: 73' :57 - OFF ,5 ALI Xw._ _� 0 V •48 3 - /�- �9 STa +49.2 dy 57 -.50' � ..lA • a BFF• R K. _ 1 (()) Ht i .• •, :x ., a .. ..� • 6 •: jJ- 4 .yam: - I - S' I :3 .. t• i i - r .�t _ 5 - S>• .- } .5 { C� 0�y974 _ t -: �t• _ o / l .0 st 0: i P 0 _ ?•C 6 E Ri 5 1. ,, .};.. •_ _. :. ':•. ..' : >• ; _, . • :.•. T' 1:1 TiNG'' • "•T'YP.�r � �.'• -. Ct'f` 5 P • i. s' 5W-'0 �. 5 ----+�; , - I rti pp .}r o - f - o •.r. t- Oate "r. W IU E 1 pppp N Za 1 '•4 U f.: o� 't f1O •` `k'r . I - ' •PdA '•i TC4{• . cR _ -0 .o .r }3} i. ` v. - / Oro :Y PCC , I _ A? VE: Nr • 1 8 - - : ur`. - 5 ' •i -' ABM 0 T�q - _ IIN��X � NCR P {{ _ :t C w � 3 Q5• b Pry Nav k et - W .� 3 —7 ort 0 z.; r s 301 004 G MEN r8=N .� N 30. y 1, ;e, �,.,.-• _ �52+18.14 � .0 � �v,�'4• — � � � — � / � ,^ �5' - F�14 - _ i 7.��_--" .i• ax5.�, sheet No. i ' • .° 2?' DFPo57.50'L-1.5ZGR � /I l_.� .• •' � AU MENT:B-North S ULDER--EEypnCAL-1lLL7tL G. ELECTRICAL MANHOLE TO ` ti , � .._ — a�5 � - 7 FIBERGLASS LINER TAXIWAY 8 � � G 4.1 LEGEND EXISTINGCONTOUR EXI 25.0 PROPOSED CONTOUR 25.0 EXISTING CONCRETE PAVEMENT EXISTING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT EXISTING ELECTRICAL BOX EXISTING DUCT EXISTING HANDHOLE RUNWAY SAFETY AREA RSA LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE — — — — — — PROPOSEO SHOULDER PAVEMENT ';.+,;.': ': GENERAL NOTES: 1. PROPOSED CONTOURS ARE FINISHED GRADE CONTOURS AFTER COMPLETION OF ALL PAVING. 2. SEE SHEETS 1.1-1-7 AND LDt—LD2 FOR TAXIWAY LIGHTING LAYOUT AND DETAILS. 3. SEE SHEET D1 FOR TYPICAL SECTIONS AND PAVING DETAILS. 4- FOR CROSS SECTIONS SEE SHEETS XI-XB. 5- SHOULDER/TAPER GRADES SHOWN ARE PERPENDICULAR TO TAXIWAY EDGE. TAXIWAY B. OBJECT FREE AREA _ _TAXIWAY B OBJECT FREE AREA _ RUNWAY 6-24 OBJECT FREE AREA LEGEND EXISTING CONTOUR 25.0- PROPOSED CONTOUR 25.0 EXISTING CONCRETE PAVEMENT EXISTING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT -; ''•: ""." EXISTING ELECTRICAL BOX LEA EXISTING DUCT EXISTING HANDHOLE RUNWAY SAFETY AREA RSA LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE — — — — — — PROPOSED SHOULDER PAVEMENT " 40 20 0 40 60 120 SCALE IN FEET 1"= 40' V) K W N � aQ 0, JN � V1O 0_ LL O� �J WO Z V � - Q � 0 X W zo c9a =r W Z O~ �v Z F QQ W Z 0 C7 U� QQ z -j ma F-a X Q F I DV3 �// j NE� r 9 �CV )ate JUNE 2011 Icole >rawn PCC ;hocked ABM Poj i N0. 3701-1004 ;heat Na A G4. 2 STA: 9j SHOULDER -110 �/a `\ -s`+ TAXIWAY B OBJECT FREE AREA ---------- :�: -;: rN _ '�.•. 3:3Z.5;•r.•-` - '-K•. .k!-' di•: i•" r-• 'INV. EL"15. �•'.+• '•.- - _ - .-0,8_ - - -�•:.: to _ M12 �#Q ALIGNMENT:B No •.• -.• ' ti ' -• � ` STA. 20B ...B EX.STIN . i - . J!., I. • :-aL'f�' ::TA)4WA�.,� ' �,r' ? • : e s ~ OFF .28'R EL 18.57 - .i.. - 'L' - :�3!•--•.�, :-,+,NMEf•{$- AMPORARY v r, - S� �- - - to • .. NGTH' - FF`: 3f.02'L: , `' :' : •r .z Qy+, " :•' m :y :FJ-P 7Aa1CM;ESp5i1NGJ¢Bl ��iYp: ALIGNMENT:B Nor1 + _ 4� STA:28+2395-°ROCK IN r ; �.,: - ' N TAPER.N DENING;T•`:-_ PROTECTION • �`: • •.• :•:': •':.�. . • - ., OFF:7225'R TRANSITION FROM -5% TO �--; y,- •: •' "4'; -:e. • �+ "g;0 ' -3% STA. 29+5D-31+00 R r • • ` - SHOULDER -3% GRADE -5% GRADE TWAY B �/ -�- •:: •• s' SHOUTAER ALIGNMENT:B-North SHOULDER / •'•.: ::•:L.'. ALIGNMENT:B - - OBJECT FREE AREA _ O` _ .. __ '28.5_'`M -•�<+ 2ri8.�.- $ _• ","�tqq' '•`•''• .- . MATCH :E`XISTNG .-• -.:. < /'/- /• 180' STA:23+7D.2 STA:30+39.89 OFF:53.23'L 4 AUGNMENT:B-No FF:57.50R®� R.2DO' STA: 21+Ok46 2Q0 E T: - orthOFF: 57.501 GRADE VARIESW. STA 25+14.72 GNMENT:B-North -1% TO 0.8% OFF.73.55L STA:23+70.96 . , .. RBI cTucNrru -- -- --.. 222 ' • • .' ._r. ,J::u"`. -t 1Qd •19'�•' / - orth �' • R;:- � ALIGNMENT: B N ' ... (y - STA:25+15.•59 YMEN3`B,=Nbr3h'.'.,,,..-' . x .; M T.B-North 5 A �'M'B_N' s,R•:200'• q7 . A 26+76.06 OFF:53.56L .- t IINAY;B. ' :' , fi; •: ,:.: r'•: R3782'R: .a 2�'R ': ,.•s•'• TRANSITION FROM -5% TO -2% STA. 24+50-26+50 L :, 7 R - y :•' ,', - g SHOULDER •-TLC ' ii ti 9 6 x • ATCIi: EXISTING?GR.E' •: Q t.L s• O •IL G E o AU NM NT:B-N rth i - 33' - •1� •MEN • G - '4;.. OFF:57. L `,; "+•L: - 'r`' :.OFFe 34'L• - -2% GRADE - R: BO _ in SHOULDER ..�•._ -cam. -~. .;n: GNNIENT G TAXIWAY B OBJECT FREE AREA ALIGNMENT: B-N .q''-Y' •: 511'-3+58.85 RUNWKY� 24 OBJECT FREE AREA �1'A:36 £6.09 • '^'=• ` OFFc6D.52'R _ _ T RUNWAY 8-. 4 OBJECT FREE AREA w TEMPORARY -4% GRADE EXISTI 24' P .x..w; : '•: 'o DROP INLET SHOULDER INV. EL 14.66 PROTECTION EXISTING 24" PVC l..y+it ...,r• ':. INV. EL. 14.80 - • _ .''� _' • , '� EXISTING INLET • GRATE EL 17.60 R. 167 ":• ' tii- \\ INVMT INACCESSIBLE TEMPORARY SILT `+1,c •� . ,J R: ¢7QQ \\ FENCE t;, ?>:,,•°, ''-'.'- - \ � \ RUNWAY 6-24 SAFETY AREA RSA RSA RSA RSA RiA \ \� RSA ALIGNM T: \\\\ STA:2+ .75 x.'•+, AUGNMEERP{T G OFF:79 70'L r • .:'::. �.:, ":' STA:2+2.9�96 :`Y�'- o• :1' OFFi87.37'RR ;o -4-'^ '•.ems-='rt.:.< _ _ '.1iS�'� •-�•-,�_"%`�:.a• s�73�G:-rd-.r�•^u'�'•:.axs- 'R WA i• - .ts ,. • GENERAL NOTES: 1. PROPOSED CONTOURS ARE FINISHED GRADE CONTOURS AFTER COMPLETION OF ALL PAVING. 2. SEE SHEETS L7 L7 AND LD7 LD2 FOR TAXIWAY LIGHTING LAYOUT AND DETAILS, 3. SEE SHEET D1 FOR TYPICAL SECTIONS AND PAVING DETAILS. 4. FOR CROSS SECTIONS SEE SHEETS X1-X8. 5. SHOULDER/TAPER GRADES SHOWN ARE PERPENDICULAR TO TAXIWAY EDGE. LEGEND EXISTING CONTOUR 25.0 - PROPOSED CONTOUR 25.0 EXISTING CONCRETE PAVEMENT .- J EXISTING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT L-" J'•-''': • ` EXISTING ELECTRICAL BOX LEJ EXISTING DUCT EXISTING HANDHOLE RUNWAY SAFETY AREA RSA LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE - - - - - - PROPOSED SHOULDER PAVEMENT PROPOSED TAPER WIDENING PAVEMENT EXISTING TAXIWAY PAVEMENT TD BE USED AS SHOULDER PAVEMENT 40 20 0 40 BD 120 SCALE IN FEET 1._ 4.0' N 0: jI Z d Q =F J Ir 7 rn CL �o o� w QU >� Q O d- �N oc c� a = w ix� L7~ Z6 Zzo¢ as C9 0 0 z ME vI Q ? -I w F 0] a J X F = O2a974f r i a"'y'561✓bNEIIF�vi� Iat. DUNE 2011 pawn -� ACC :hwkee Ram ro Nb- 330I-1004 :hest Na I TAXIWAY B OBJECT FREE AREA-- i Wµ hfrl 1~ 17ti: T9+bo fQ 'o . � 4 r� -DLL. • . ' Yi+ r -acsf F aiAo I?YP w- Y 7 a ------------ � 55 �_- - -17.0 _ _ _ _ _AIIGN-N.0 . TAXIWAY B OBJECT FREE AREA STA:11+05.61 � •� OFF.37:14'r GNMEN B-North- _1 STA:11+00.80 -5% GRADE OFF:57.50'L ALIGNMENT B-North SHOULDER STA:8+44.80 R. 165'J OFF:54.27L R: 145' EXISTING INV. EL. 4.21 TEMPORARY I EXISTING INV. EL 4.20 ROCK INLET EXISTING INV. EL 4.74 PROTECTION -5X GRADE vnm SHOULDER TAXIWAY B OBJECT FREE AREA EXISTING 7.0 • T • E ONG•- DE • TYP.' ' • FAXt �-"-5 -ice--`. • t �oli', a . :2D 'u• 'S-1s+o0 •i8+ QQ +i7 pp m' t - -n in°, • '-, .CkI�EXIShNG •�RAOE't;TYPAK ..-r- •� _�`_' ';ITB„�i^+r-� _ .-r __ mn �T ems.. a. _ ;�S �--- 5 ,.ash 1 .5 �-----•-17.0 - -��_ - -� TAXIWAY B OBJECT FREE AREA - - -5X GRADE SHOULDER EXISTING INV. EL. 3.83 EXISTING INV. EL. 4.53 EXISTING CONTOUR 25.0 PROPOSED CONTOUR EXISTING CONCRETE CONCRETE PAVEMENT EXISTING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT EXISTING ELECTRICAL BOX EXISTING DUCT EXISTING HANDHOLE 0 EXISTING RUNWAY/TAXIWAY SIGNAGE RUNWAY SAFETY AREA RSA LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE - - - - - PROPOSED SHOULDER PAVEMENT PROPOSED TAPER WIDENING PAVEMENT EXISTING TAXIWAY PAVEMENT TO BE USED AS GENERAL NOTES: 1. PROPOSED CONTOURS ARE FINISHED GRADE CONTOURS AFTER COMPLETION OF ALL PAVING. 4. SEE SHEETS 1-7-1-7 AND LD7-LD2 FOR TAXIWAY LIGHTING LAYOUT AND DETAILS. 3. SEE SHEET D1 FOR TYPICAL SECTIONS AND PAVING DETAILS. 4. FOR CROSS SECTIONS SEE SHEETS X1-XB. 5. SHOULDER/TAPER GRADES SHOWN ARE PERPENDICULAR TO TAXIWAY EDGE. 40 20 0 40 80 120 SCALE IN FEET 1'- 40' STA'8+46.11 ALIGNMENT:B-North OFF, 74.231 STA: 8+14.12 OFF:59.22'L SHOULDER G=GR rTlit k• t� t �'• A EN ^rm ' - N1 8. •.5. I.. �.7 - GNMENTB- STA:6+6Y.62 _ _ r �' .`' :• ; :•A>. --�... . OFF:103.62'L R: 147' - .'-7.536GR•'DE,. ••." t AUGNMENT:B-Nor '•SNOUfD - - STA:4+80.52 OFF,74.47Li 1 - '1•' '• . ' 7 . RUNWAY 6-24 OBJECT FREE AREA - i •�• u 7. ! - i - ALIGNMENT:B-North : r r•= STA:2+22.53 AREA OFF.74.18'L ::, -" ' .•_, EXISTING ELECTRICAL MANHOLE TO . BE RAISED. I - -1.5% GRADE -:' •t--'F.': ALIGNMENT:B-North-'1 SHOULDER - ••..:''..• STA:1+00 21•,c `• = is OFF. 165.17E ': •'� _ ,i' ''lK � .S �• y r: S✓�:•:: �:.• YI. ..---'.-.:. c-^-'N'<•?Y^"w.�ta- _ ._s�._a ,�:n^I-ir-.x���:,=- _ - ''_l'.'.Z',c�k3 r' to I O N 0_ W F O¢ Op Q 0 x J o- _ -i x a N 0 J Q W = C3 U Q F F O_ C9 tO X oQ N W 0_ Z ~ _ Z OU Q Z z � V� zQ W ?1 J X F i 029974 uov i Date JUNE 2011 Scale Urmoa PCC Checked ABM Proleet Na 3301-1004 G6 ;:,• �: ► ram` � / ' MENT: C-west c •61+88.72 Q . i.� a• t r TiF Q a z$' •.I _ - ` TAPER WIDEN] N¢ (BY OTHERS) TEMPORARY DROP INLET k:. sl \ PROTECTION EXISTING INLET t _•i \ GRATE EL 26.76 . Q " ,-5st' $1 .,'', •: c . . �,.' ` NIp.TCH EXI TING GRADE (TYP.) U+ •' e;: ;' '.',�.,• .> : � ISTING ELECTRICAL MANHOLE ;• .~; r•'. BX RAISED. 's• SHOULDER / MAT EXISTING GRADE 0 II Al 00 :Z OFF: 5 -2% GRADE SHOULDER'' J 3_ ALIGNMENT.C-West�� 4/ ENT:C-West / • ' GNMFNT: C=Weisf � � �' , '•' oFF:9293'R.'. '�: ti !r EXISTING- "TOljN1PFI0LE';:: :.c STA 54+60.83'::' , ..''• . •�, .).: . OFF: 84.99'L ..tDK - .�: • o.' •t:^ 4• .•• GENERAL NOTES- 1. PROPOSED CONTOURS ARE FINISHED GRADE CONTOURS AFTER COMPLETION OF ALL PAVING. 2. SEE SHEETS 1-1-1-7 AND LD1-LD2 FOR TAXIWAY LIGHTING LAYOUT AND DETAILS. 3. SEE SHEET D1 FOR TYPICAL SECTIONS AND PAVING DETAILS. 4. FOR CROSS SECTIONS SEE SHEETS X7-X8. 5. SHOULDER/TAPER GRADES SHOWN ARE PERPENDICULAR TO TAXIWAY EDGE. LEGEND EXISTING CONTOUR 25.0 PROPOSED CONTOUR 26.0 EXIS7ING P CONCRETE PAVEMENT - a '.• O EXISTING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT EXISTING ELECTRICAL BOX EXISTING DUCT EXISTING HANDHOLE RUNWAY SAFETY AREA RSA LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE — — — — — — PROPOSED SHOULDER PAVEMENT PROPOSED TAPER WIDENING PAVEMENT EXISTING TAXIWAY PAVEMENT TO BE USED AS SHOULDER PAVEMENT 40 20 0 40 80 12D SCALE IN FEET 1 40' JUKE 2011 Scale Drorvn PCC Checked ABM Project Na 9301-1004 C7 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTES: . 1. ALL TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES NECESSARY FOR RETAINING SEDIMENTS ON THE CONSTRUCTION SITE SHALL BE INSTALLED AT THE LOCATIONS AS SPECIFIED ON THE PLANS PRIOR TO ANY LAND CLEARING, GRUBBING, GRADING OR EARTH MOVING -ACTIVITIES. - 2. CRITICAL EROSION AREAS SHALL BE GIVEN SPECIAL ATTENTION PRIOR TO AND DURING CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROJECT AND UNTIL SUCH TIME AS STABILIZATION OF THE PROJECT HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED. 3. PERIODIC SITE INSPECTIONS WILL BE MADE OF THE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES TO DETERMINE THEIR CONDITION AND PERFORMANCE. SHOULD ANY ADJUSTMENTS OR REPAIRS NEED TO BE MADE, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL RESPOND IMMEDIATELY IN MAKING NECESSARY REPAIR, ADJUSTMENT AND/OR REPLACEMENT. ANY SEDIMENT WHICH HAS BEEN TRANSPORTED BEYOND THE PROJECT LIMITS SHALL BE REMOVED AND/OR STABII.IZFD AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. 4. TOPSOIL AND AGGREGATE STOCKPILES SHALL BE PLACED AT THE LOCATION AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. SILT FENCE SHALL BE ERECTED AT THE TOE OF THE STOCKPILES. SILT FENCE SHALL BE MAINTAINED THROUGHOUT THE DURATION OF THE PROJECT. 5. WHERE CONSTRUCTION VEHICLE ACCESS ROUTES INTERSECT PAVED ROADS, PROVISIONS SHALL BE MADE TO MINIMIZE THE TRANSPORT OF SEDIMENT BY VEHICLES TRACKING ONTO •'THE PAVED SURFACE: WHERE SEDIMENT IS TRANSPORTED ONTO A PUBLIC ROAD SURFACE, THE ROAD SHALL BE CLEANED 11i0ROUGHLY AT THE END OF EACH DAY. SEDIMENT SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE ROADS BY SHOVELING OR SWEEPING AND TRANSPORTED TO A SEDIMENT CONTROL DISPOSAL AREA. STREET WASHING SHALL BE ALLOWED ONLY AFTER SEDIMENT IS REMOVED IN THIS MANNER. 6. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN AND REPAIR EXISTING OR PROPOSED AGGREGATE -BASE ON ACCESS ROADS, PARKING AREAS AND/OR OTHER VEHICLE TRANSPORTATION ROUTES AS REQUIRED OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. 7. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES INTENDED TO TRAP SEDIMENT SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AS A FIRST STEP IN ANY LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITY AND SHALL BE MADE FUNCTIONAL BEFORE UPSLOPE LAND DISTURBANCE TAKES PLACE. THE MEASURES ARE TO BE KEPT CLEAR OF DEBRIS AND SEDIMENTS SHALL BE CLEANED OUT PERIODICALLY DURING AND AFTER CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. ALL OTHER STORM WATER MANAGEMENT FACILITIES SHALL BE INSTALLED AND MADE OPERATIONAL AS SHOWN OR REQUIRED BY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. B. PERMANENT OR TEMPORARY SEEDING AND MULCHING SHALL BE APPLIED TO DISTURBED AREAS IN ACCORDANCE WITH SPECIFICATIONS OR AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER AFTER FINAL GRADE IS REACHED ON ANY PORTION OF THE SITE. TEMPORARY SEEDING AND MULCHING SHALL BE APPLIED AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER TO DISTURBED AREAS THAT MAY NOT BE A FINAL GRADE BUT WILL REMAIN DORMANT (UNDISTURBED) FOR LONGER THAN 21 DAYS. PERMANENT STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPLIED TO DISTURBED AREAS THAT ARE TO BE LEFT DORMANT FOR MORE THAN ONE YEAR. TEMPORARY VEGETATIVE COVER MAY BE ELIMINATED IN FAVOR OF THE PERMANENT VEGETATIVE COVER IF SITE CONDITIONS PERMIT AND THE ENGINEER SO DIRECTS. 9. A PERMANENT VEGETATIVE COVER SHALL BE ESTABLISHED ON DISTURBED AREAS NOT OTHERWISE PERMANENTLY STABILIZED. PERMANENT VEGETATION SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED ESTABLISHED UNTIL A GROUND COVER IS ACHIEVED THAT IS UNIFORM, MATURE ENOUGH TO SURVIVE AND WILL INHIBIT EROSION. PERMANENT VEGETATIVE COVER SHALL CONSIST OF LIMING, FERTILIZING, SEEDING, AND MULCHING TO ASSURE A FIRM STAND OF GRASS. TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL MEASURES ARE TO BE REMOVED ONLY WHEN STABILIZATION HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED. 10. CONCENTRATED RUNOFF SHALL NOT FLOW DOWN CUT OR FILL SLOPES UNLESS CONTAINED WITHIN AN ADEQUATE TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT CHANNEL, FLUME OR SLOPE DRAIN STRUCTURE. 11. MAINTENANCE OF ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES SHALL BE SCHEDULED ON A WEEKLY BASIS AND AFTER EACH RAINFALL PRODUCING RUNOFF. NECESSARY REPAIR, ADJUSTMENT AND/OR REPLACEMENT SHALL BE PERFORMED IMMEDIATELY. RAINY SEASONS OR WET PERIODS WILL BE OF PARTICULAR CONCERN AND THE PROJECT SHALL BE INSPECTED DAILY. 12. AIRBORNE SEDIMENTS (DUST) SHALL BE CONTROLLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH REQUIREMENTS OF THE SPECIFICATIONS OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. 13. ALL TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE REMOVED WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER FINAL SITE STABILIZATION OR AFTER THE TEMPORARY MEASURES ARE NO LONGER NEEDED, UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. TRAPPED SEDIMENT AND' THE DISTURBED SOIL AREAS RESULTING FROM THE DISPOSITION OF TEMPORARY MEASURES SHALL BE PERMANENTLY STABILIZED TO PREVENT FURTHER EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION. 14. A GROUND COVER MUST BE PROVIDED ON ALL GRADED SLOPES WITHIN 14 CALENDAR DAYS FOLLOWING COMPLETION OF ANY PHASE OF GRADING. A PERMANENT GROUND COVER MUST BE PROVIDED FOR ALL DISTURBED AREAS WITHIN 14 CALENDAR DAYS, FOLLOWING LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITY.- 15. THE ANGLE FOR GRADED SLOPES AND FILLS SHALL BE NO GREATER THAN THE ANGLE THAT CAN BE RETAINED BY VEGETATIVE COVER OR OTHER ADEQUATE EROSION -CONTROL DEVICES OR STRUCTURES. IN ANY EVENT, SLOPES LEFT EXPOSED WILL, WITHIN 14 CALENDAR DAYS OF COMPLETION OF ANY PHASE OF GRADING, BE PLANTED OR OTHERWISE PROVIDED WITH TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT GROUND COVER, DEVICES, OR STRUCTURES SUFFICIENT TO RESTRAIN EROSION. 16. ALL SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL DEVICES SHALL BE INSPECTED EVERY SEVEN (7) DAYS OR AFTER EACH RAINFALL OCCURRENCE THAT EXCEEDS ONE-HALF (1/2) INCH. DAMAGED OR INEFFECTIVE DEVICES SHALL BE REPAIRED OR REPLACED, AS NECESSARY. 17. ALL EROSION CONTROL DEVICES SHALL BE PROPERLY MAINTAINED DURING ALL PHASES OF CONSTRUCTION UNTIL THE COMPLETION OF ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES AND ALL DISTURBED AREAS HAVE BEEN STABILIZED. ADDITIONAL CONTROL DEVICES MAY BE REQUIRED DURING CONSTRUCTION IN ORDER TO CONTROL EROSION AND/OR OFFSITE SEDIMENTATION. ALL TEMPORARY CONTROL DEVICES SHALL BE REMOVED ONCE CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETE AND THE SITE IS STABILIZED. 18. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLYING WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE NORTH CAROLINA SEDIMENTATION CONTROL LAW AND THE RELATED REGULATIONS, INCLUDING IMPLEMENTATION OF THE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN AND THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE NPTES. GENERAL PERMIT. 19. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN ON SITE AT ALL TIMES A COPY OF THE NORTH CAROLINA EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLANNING AND DESIGN MANUAL, DATED JUNE 1, 2005. 20. SEE SHEETS A4 THROUGH A8 FOR SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION. BERI L, INLET PROTECTION WILL BE MEASURED AND PAID FOR ON A PER EACH BASIS. COST SHALL INCLUDE ALL MATERIALS, LABOR, TOOLS, AND EQUIPMENT FOR A COMPLETE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE DURING CONSTRUCTION AND REMOVAL. DEWATERING CONCRETE BLOCK 0 0 00 o a o 8 O' a m O g 8 00 0 0 0 0 o $ _ 3'-0" RIP RAP (CLASS B) WASHED STONE I VARIES 2'-0" MIN � 2:1 SLOPE SEDIMENT O STORAGE AREA 1.5, SECTION A -A MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS: 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSPECT ROCK INLET PROTECTION AT LEAST WEEKLY AND AFTER EACH SIGNIFICANT (1/2 INCH OR GREATER) RAINFALL EVENT AND REPAIR IMMEDIATELY. REMOVE SEDIMENT AND RESTORE THE SEDIMENT STORAGE AREA TO ITS ORIGINAL DIMENSIONS WHEN THE SEDIMENT HAS ACCUMULATED TO ONE-HALF THE DESIGN DEPTH OF THE TRAP. PLACE THE SEDIMENT THAT IS REMOVED IN THE DESIGNATED DISPOSAL AREA AND REPLACE THE CONTAMINATED PART OF THE GRAVEL FACING. 2. CHECK THE STRUCTURE FOR DAMAGE. ANY RIPRAP DISPLACED FROM THE STONE HORSESHOE MUST BE REPLACED IMMEDIATELY. 3. AFTER ALL SEDIMENT PRODUCING AREAS HAVE BEEN PERMANENTLY STABILIZED, REMOVE THE STRUCTURE AND ALL THE UNSTABLE SEDIMENT. SMOOTH THE AREA TO BLEND WITH THE ADJOINING AREAS AND PROVIDE PERMANENT GROUND COVER. TEMPORARY ROCK INLET PROTECTION NOT TO SCALE Seeding Mixture Rate or Application Rate PlantingDates Common Bennudagress (Hulled) 50 March 1-July 31 Common Bermudegrass (Unhulled) 70 August 1- February 28 Temporary Seeding Rya (Gram) Kobe rallneza 120 5D January 1-March 31 Rye (Grain) I August 15 - Dec�nber 3D TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT SEEDING SCHEDULE TEMPORARY SEDIMENT SLOPEGRAVEL FILTER POOL zzZIRE SCREEN DEWATERING 1' MIN 2' MAX 1fi" SEDIMENT DROP INLET WITH GRATE CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS 1. LAY ONE BLOCK ON EACH SIDE OF THE STRUCTURE ON ITS SIDE IN THE BOTTOM ROW TO ALLOW POOL DRAINAGE. THE FOUNDATION SHOULD BE EXCAVATED AT LEAST 2" BELOW THE CREST OF THE STORM DRAIN. PLACE THE BOTTOM ROW OF BLOCKS AGAINST THE EDGE OF THE STORM DRAIN FOR LATERAL SUPPORT AND TO AVOID WASHOUTS WHEN OVERFLOW OCCURS. IF NEEDED, GIVE LATERAL SUPPORT TO SUBSEQUENT ROWS BY PLACING 2x4 WOOD STUDS THROUGH BLOCK OPENINGS. Z CAREFULLY FIT HARDWARE CLOTH OR COMPARABLE WIRE MESH WITH 1/2-INCH OPENINGS OVER ALL BLOCK OPENINGS TO HOLD GRAVEL IN PLACE. 3. USE CLEAN GRAVEL, 3/4 TO 1/2-INCH IN DIAMETER, PLACED 2 INCHES BELOW THE TOP OF THE BLOCK ON A 2:1 SLOPE OR FLATTER AND SMOOTH IT TO AN EVEN GRADE. D.O.T #57 WASHED STONE IS RECOMMENDED. MAINTENANCE NOTE: INSPECT, CLEAN, AND PROPERLY MAINTAIN THE DROP INLET PROTECTION UNTIL THE CONTRIBUTING DRAINAGE AREA HAS BEEN PERMANENTLY STABILIZED. TEMPORARY DROP INLET PROTECTION NOT TO SCALE STEEL POST FABRIC AND WI4FENCE(IF RBEXTEND FABRIC INTO MIN AND BACKFILL EMBEDMENT AND POST DETAIL 5'-0" MAX (EXTRA STRENGTH FABRIC, NO WIRE FENCE) 8'-0' MAX (STANDARD STRENGTH FABRIC, WITH WIRE FENCE) 19" TO 24" 24" MIN Z Q 1i) F O Z J O Z 0, U J H Z Z W W � W N O Z Q Z O to O W �7J ELEVATION TEMPORARY SILT FENCE NOTES, TEMPORARY SILT FENCE QtN , R04;y, NDT TO SCALE:• 1. FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 38" IN IMDTH AND SHALL BE FASTENED ADEQUATELY TO POST IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATION. 2. STEEL POSTS SHALL BE A MINIMUM 4'-0" IN HEIGHT AND BE OF THE SELF FASTENER ANGLE STEEL TYPE. WOOD POSTS SHALL = NOT BE USED. - MAINTENANCE REOUIREMEN7� '••y94/).'B. MrLA,+' y.uun 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSPECT SILT FENCE AT LEAST ONCE A WEEK AND AFTER EACH RAINFALL. MAKE ANY REQUIRED REPAIRS IMMEDIATELY. Dale 2 SHOULD THE FABRIC OF A SEDIMENT FENCE COLLAPSE, TEAR, DECOMPOSE OR BECOME INEFFECTIVE, REPLACE IT PROMPTLY. JUNE 2011 3. REMOVE SEDIMENT DEPOSITS AS NECESSARY TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE STORAGE VOLUME FOR THE NEXT RAIN AND TO REDUCE Scale PRESSURE ON THE FENCE. TAKE CARE TO AVOID UNDERMINING THE FENCE DURING CLEANOUL 1"-40' Drawn 4. REMOVE ALL FENCING MATERIALS AND UNSTABLE SEDIMENT DEPOSITS AND BRING THE AREA TO GRADE AND STABILIZE IT AFTER POD THE CONTRIBUTING DRAINAGE AREA HAS BEEN PRDPERLY STABILIZED. Checked ABM Project No. 3301-1004 ECD1 Apwoendix T' USGS Map f� .� 3 :� : E - � �.§3 :.� �- �- may` i 'k��e�"'" �.. �.l i �i r^, ��' i r�'•t' ;v, ;'Y: ' � �' �..:�• ��. 4 != � . wi rp 1 ra.• - y — yew f -2, b1 •.0: •' of ••1 i �: _ lF ='v:C .• 3�F� -• � `•= Y3' ji r 4�"�M� f ._ - .� xii..' '�'i"�. :r;. r���lB'�-•j":.r.-.��ti...... ji �F��C- . -.: tea.:. a � ..�• _r+�. :� .. i '�'4��-. '+,,�_ 1. `:�`1.^. � � � .., • _ Y�• IV 77 Lo 14 LA Ile a. f - ti .� y _ .....-.. - Appendix `DI Subsurface Exploration Wilmington Airport Boring Locations Project No. 1-10-0667-EA Taxiway B & C Shoulders Scale: NTS Wilmington, NC JFigure: 2 - L-- -. L-- -. ---- A TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF BORINGS Wilmington Airport Rehab Taxiway "B" and "C" Wilmington, North Carolina GeoTechnologies Project No. 1-10-0667-EA Dynamic Cone DEPTHPenetrometer Depth�17 BORING (in.) DESCRIPTION In. Topsoil Red Tan & Brown Fine to Medium (FM) Sandy SILT 12 36 15 14-9-10 B-1 0-4 4-84 84-90 Gray Slighty Silty FM SAND 60 5-6-5 Water @ 84" 84 4-4-5 Cave @ 90" B-2 0-6 Topsoil 12 36 3-2-3 8-12-12 6-30 Tan & Brown FM Sandy SILT 60 12-15/1.5 30-48 Light Brown FM Silty SAND - Sandy SILT 48-84 Tan & Brown FM Sandy SILT 84 12-12-15 84-90 Black Silty FM SAND 120 15/1 90-120 Gray Tan Slighty Silty FM SAND B-3 0-4 Topsoil 12 36 15 10-12-15 4-24 Tan Light Brown Silty FM SAND 24-60 Tan & Brown FM Sandy SILT Water @ 4" (perched) Cave @ 48" B-4 0-6 Topsoil 12 10-15 6-30 Red Tan & Light Brown Fine Sandy Clayey SILT 36 11-15 30-60 Tan & Light Brown Silty FM SAND 60 15/1.5 60-66 Red Tan & Light Brown FM Sandy SILT 84 8-9-9 66-96 Black Silty FM SAND 120 11-11-14 96-108 Gray Tan FM Sandy SILT 108-114 Gray Tan & Light Brown Silty FM SAND 114-120 Black FM Sandy SILT B-5 0-6 Topsoil 12 9-10-15/1.5 6-30 Gray & Light Brown Sandy Clayey SILT 36 9-5-5 30-84 Light Brown Gray Silty FM SAND - Sandy SILT 60 5-5-4 84-120 Gray & White Slightly Clayey FM SAND 84 15 120 8-9-10 B-6 0-6 Topsoil 12 36 15 9-12-13 6-24 Tan Silty FM SAND 24-72 Light Orange to Tan FM Sandy SILT 60 8-15 72-78 Orange Slightly Silty Fine SAND 84 15/1 78-120 Gray White Slightly Silty FM SAND 120 15 TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF BORINGS Wilmington Airport Rehab Taxiway "B" and "C" Wilmington, North Carolina GeoTechnologies Project No. 1-10-0667-EA Penetrometer DEPTH Depth Blows 1 BORING (in.) DESCRIPTION in_ 1.75" 12 10-12 -12 B-7 0-4 4-78 Topsoil Red Tan Light Brown FM Sandy SILT 36 5-6-88 78-90 Gray Tan Silty FM SAND 60 84 3-2-4 7-9-10 Water @ 6" (perched) Cave @ 90" 12 15/1.25 B-8 0-5 5-32 Topsoil Black & Light Brown Silty FM SAND 36 4-6-6 32-96 Orange Gray & Tan FM Sandy Clayey SILT 60 8-9-7 96-120 Gray Fine Sandy Clayey SILT 84 120 5-5-6 8-10-10 Water @ 60" B-9 0-6 Topsoil 12 36 15/1.5 15 6-36 White Orange & Tan Silty Fine SAND 36-54 Black Silty FM SAND 54 1-11and Auger Refusal - Old Root B-10 0-4 Topsoil 12 36 13-15/1.5 4-3-4 4-18 Tan Light Brown Slighty Silty FM SAND 18-24 Topsoil 60 4-2-3 24-36 Black Silty FM SAND 36-78 Orange Tan & Light Brown FM Sandy SILT - Silty SAND Water @ 66" Cave @ 66" B-11 0-4 Topsoil 12 36 6-7-14 12-15 4-48 Gray Silty FM SAND 60 6-7-8 48-66 Black Silty FM SAND Water @ 48" Cave @ 54" B-12 0-6 Topsoil 12 36 15 11-15 6-54 Black Silty Fine SAND 60 12-6-10 54-66 Gray Tan Silty Fine SAND Water @ 60" Cave @ 60" B-13 0-4 Topsoil 12 36 15 15/1.5 4-54 Gray Slightly Silty FM SAND 60 15 54-84 Black Silty Fine SAND 84 8-9-11 Water @ 78" Cave @ 84" TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF BORINGS Wilmington Airport Rehab Taxiway "B" and "C" Wilmington, North Carolina GeoTechnologies Project No. 1-10-0667-EA DEPTH Dynamic cone Penetrometer Depth=1.7,s, BORING {in.) DESCRIPTION in. 12 10-10-9 B-14 0-4 Topsoil 36 9-15 4-114 Gray Slightly Silty FM SAND 60 11-15 84 15/1.25 114 15/1 B-15 0-6 Topsoil 12 36 7-12-14 7-5-10 6-42 Black Slightly Silty FM SAND Water @ 42" Cave @ 42" B-16 0-2 Topsoil 12 36 15/1 15 2-42 Tan Black Brown Silty FM SAND 42-54 Gray White Slightly Silty FM SAND Water @ 42" Cave @ 48" B-17 0-6 Topsoil 12 36 15 15 6-66 Gray Black Silty FM SAND 66 Hand Auger Refusal - Root 60 15 B-18 0-4 Topsoil 12 36 15 9-8-5 4-60 Brown Black Slightly Silty FM SAND 60-72 Gray Slightly Silty FM SAND 60 7-6-8 72-84 Black Brown Silty FM SAND 84 4-6-6 84-96 Orange Tan Gray Silty SAND Water @ 96" Cave @ 96" B-19 0-6 Topsoil 12 36 1511 1511 6-36 Brown Black Silty FM SAND 36-48 Tan Gray Silty FM SAND 60 15 48-60 Brown Black Silty FM SAND 84 2-2-3 60-108 Gray Silty FM SAND Cave @ 102" B-20 0 o Topsoil 12 36 15 11-11-15 6-36 Black Silty Fine SAND 60 10-15 36-60 Gray & Black Silty FM SAND 60-78 Gray Silty FM SAND Water @ 72" Cave @ 72" TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF BORINGS Wilmington Airport Rehab Taxiway "B" and "C" Wilmington, North Carolina GeoTechnologies Project No. 1-10-0667-EA Dynamic Cone Penetrometer DEPTH Depth Blows BORING (in.) DESCRIPTION In, 1.75" 12 7-8-10 B-21 0-6 Topsoil 36 8-12-15 6-30 Black Brown Silty FM SAND 60 4-5-4 30-54 Gray Silty FM SAND 5.4-72 Brown Black Silty FM SAND Water @ 54" Cave @ 54" B-22 0-6 Topsoil 12 36 15 15 6-32 Black Silty FM SAND 60 8-11-1 1 32-78 Black Brown Silty FM SAND Water @ 60" Cave @ 60" B-23 0-6 Topsoil 12 15/1.5 15 6-24 Black Silty FM SAND 36 60 11-12-13 24-72 Brown. Black Gray Silty FM SAND Water @ 54" Cave @ 72" B-24 0-6 Topsoil 12 8-15/1 6-48 Brown Black Silty Fine SAND 36 15/1.5 48-108 Gray Silty Fine SAND 60 10-15/1.5 Water @ 90" 84 3-2-3 Cave @ 102" B-25 0-6 Topsoil 12 10-11-15 6-32 Black Brown Gray Silty FM SAND 36 15/1.5 32-60 Black Silty FM SAND 60 15/1.5 60-120 Orange Gray Silty Fine SAND 84 15 120 4-3-4 TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF BORINGS Wilmington Airport Rehab Taxiway "B" and "C" Wilmington, North Carolina GeoTechnologies Project No. 1-10-0667-EA Dynamic Cone Penetrometer DEPTH Depth Blows 1 BORING (in.) DESCRIPTION in. 1.75" 17 15 C-1 0-4 4-12 Topsoil Gray Slightly Clayey FM SAND 36 9-10-1 12-60 Black Slightly Silty FM SAND 60 8-10-15 60-66 Gray Silty FM SAND Cave @ 66" C-2 0-6 Topsoil 12 36 11-15 10-9-12 6-60 Black Slightly Silty Fine SAND 60-72 Brown Gray Silty FM SAND 60 3-2-1 Water @ 66" Cave @ 72" C-3 0-2 Topsoil 12 9-7-2 2-42 Tan Gray Silty FM SAND 42 Hand Auger Refusal - Rock C-4 0-6 Topsoil 12 15 6-48 Black Slightly Silty FM SAND 36 11-12-10 48-60 White Gray Silty FM SAND 60 2-3-4 Water @ 54" Cave @ 60" C-5 0-6 Topsoil 12 9-11-13 6-48 Slack Silty FM SAND 36 9-12-15/1.5 48-54 Gray Silty FM SAND 60 4-6-8 Water @ 54" Cave @ 66" N LU J m F- to N 7 O L cq Q U u1 c to (0 (o m m o N .0 T 5 3 � r z O a) C Z 'O EL O a Q N C O O O C C 'C E D C O C N O � cm C •p yj m cA N to c cA V U V � Co 0000 J ° (oNON m o M N J V p M 'd NNNLO e o cyi .Jm O <.i NNCMN m C O _ •H O d cM � (O o ((o V rN R � N a o 0 p. a.00 OO z z 6 M 66 c O O O U ._ NEE fig ZZGOti Z Z �-- r uOof M r J a 'g aava Om r J Z Z N N r J 0 rGl-� MOIo(o y{ C CL ��NN tQ d .► a-- r r r E� O N O O CO W' o (V N r N WI •O V CL r r r T O V � _ c Lm C N O U rz rA Y J J J L o N $ » > M m m m m C r N M IT 1� O O m TABLE 3 SUMMARY OF MOISTURES AND ORGANICS Viilmington Airport Rehab Taxiway "B" and "C" Wilmington, North Carolina GeoTechnologies Project No. 1-10-0667-EA Moistures Boring Depth % B-1 2 18.6 B-2 3 13.0 B-2 7.5 45.6 B-3 3 20.6 B-4 3 13.6 B-5 7 14.4 B-5 2.5 13.0 B-6 2 13.0 B-7 1 21.8 B-8 1 14.1 B-8 5 22.7 B-10 1 17.0 B-10 4.5 24.7 B-11 1 19.3 B-12 1 23.4 B-13 3 16.1 B-14 1 17.6 B-14 7.5 13.4 B-15 1 18.8 B-16 1 19.9 B-17 1 13.2 B-18 5 12.2 B-19 1.5 8.9 B-19 5 21.8 B-19 3 8.6 B-20 1 14.6 B-21 4.5 31.6 B-21 1 19.8 B-22 1 12.5 B-23 3 18.5 B-24 1 13.8 B-25 10 24.3 B-25 5.5 16.5 B-25 1 18.1 C-1 1 10.9 C-2 1 14.8 C-3 1 19.6 C-4 4.5 27.3 C-5 I 4.5 28.6 Or anic Contents Boring Depth % C-5 ` 1 6.11 S-1 BULK 2.45 LABOR-ATORY DATA GeoTechnologles, Inc. JOB #: 1-10-0667-EA DATE: 1 /25120/1 NOTES: PROCTOR DATA: Opt. Moisture = 12.2% SOIL DESCRIPTION: JOB NAME: SAMPLE I.D. CBR DATA SHEET Wilmington Airport Rehab T/W B & C S-1 DEPTH: TEST PROCEDURE: ASTM D 1557 Max. Dry Density = 116.3 PCF Black Silty Fine Sand CBR SPECIMEN DATA Swell Data MOISTURE CONTENT 11.8% Initial Reading 0.165 WET DENSITY 129.7 lbs./cu.fL Final Reading 0.172 DRY DENSITY 116.0 Ibs./Cu.ft. Mold Height 4.569 % COMPACTION 99.8 % % Swell 0.15 LOAD CELL 5000 LB. 1400.0 1200.0 1000.0 800.0 RATE OF DEFORMATION .05 Wmin. SURCHARGE USED 10 Ibs. 400.0 200.0 0.0 0.000 0.100 0.200 0.300 0.400 0.500 0.600 CBR @ 0.1" 21.2 CBR @0.2" 31.5 % SWELL 0.2 GeoTechnologles, Inc. JOB #: 1-10-0667-EA DATE: 1 /25/2011 MOTES: PROCTOR DATA: Opt. Moisture = 12.0% SOIL DESCRIPTION: CBR DATA SHEET JOB NAME: Wilmington Airport Rehab T/W B & C SAMPLE I.D. S-2 DEPTH: TEST PROCEDURE: ASTM D 1557 Max. Dry Density = 117.0 PCF Gray Silty Fine Sand CBR SPECIMEN DATA Swell Data MOISTURE CONTENT 11.60/0 Initial Reading 0.396 WET DENSITY 130.3 lbs./cu.ft Final Reading 0.396 DRY DENSITY 116.8lbs./Cu.R Mold Height 4.560 % COMPACTION 99.8 % % Swell 0.00 LOAD CELL 5000 LB. RATE OF DEFORMATION .05 in./min. SURCHARGE USED 10 lbs. 900.0 300.0 700.0 600.0 500.0 400.0 300.0 200.0 100.0 0.0 0.000 0.100 0.200 0.300 0.400 0.500 0.600 CBR @ 0.1" 23.2 CBR @ 0.2" 33.2 HIV SWELL 0.0 Geo'Technologies, Inc. JOB #: 1-10-0667-EA DATE: 1 /25/2011 NOTES: PROCTOR DATA: Opt. Moisture = 11.0% SOIL DESCRIPTION: CBR DATA SHEET JOB NAME: Wilmington Airport Rehab T/W B & C SAMPLE I.D. S-3 DEPTH: TEST PROCEDURE: ASTM D 1557 Max. Dry Density = 122.5 PCF Brown Fine Sandy Clayey Silt CBR SPECIMEN DATA Swell Data MOISTURE CONTENT 11.6% Initial Reading 0.200 WET DENSITY 136.7 Ibs./Cu.ft. Final Reading 0.217 DRY DENSITY 122.5 Ibs./Cu.ft. Mold Height 4.584 % COMPACTION 100.0 % % Swell 0.37 LOAD CELL 5000 LB. [1400.0 1200.0 1000.0 W13111 RATE OF DEFORMATION .05 in./min. SURCHARGE USED 10 Ibs. 0.100 0.200 0.300 0.400 0.500 0.600 CBR Q 0.1- 31.2 CBR @ 0.2- 40.0 % SWELL 0.4 GeoYechnologles, Inc. JOB #: 1-10-0667-EA DATE: 1 /25/2011 NOTES: PROCTOR DATA: Opt. Moisture = 12.8% SOIL DESCRIPTION: CBR DATA SHEET JOB NAME: Wilmington Airport Rehab T/W B & C SAMPLE I.D. S-4 DEPTH: TEST PROCEDURE: ASTM D 1W Max. Dry Density = 120.5 PCF Brown Silty Fine Sand CBR SPECIMEN DATA Swell Data MOISTURE CONTENT 13.4% Initial Reading 0.237 WET DENSITY 136.6 Ibs./cu.ft. Final Reading 0.241 DRY DENSITY 120.5 Ibs./cu.ft Mold Height 4.594 % COMPACTION 100.0 % % Swell 0.09 LOAD CELL 5000 LB. 1200.0 1000.0 Fd �. 200.0 RATE OF DEFORMATION .05 in./min. SURCHARGE USED 10 Ibs. 0.100 0.200 0.300 0.400 0.500 0.600 CBRQ0.1^ 21.5 CBR @ 0.2" 29.2 % SWELL 0.1 135 1 0 115 U. U .Q 3 V N U, 110 a c 0 a Z 105 w c a 100 ■i■i0ii■\1Elk, .. , ,Date: ONE M No WW 1 k Job ■i■■■iii■■►\EEk Boring . ■■i■■■■i■■\■1\\Sample No: ii■■ii■■ ERR Depth: ■■■i■■i■■■■NNs mmm@Moll�mmm,ILIL, TEST RESULTS Method of Test: ASTM D 1557A Maximum Dry Density: 116.3 PCF Optimum Moisture Content: — Natural Moisture Content: Atterberg Limits: — LL PL__ Soil Description: , Black Silty Fine Send _.__ — CURVES OF 100% SATURATION FOR SPECIFIC GRAVITY EQUAL TO: WATER CONTENT (Percent Dry Weight) MOISTURE -DENSITY RELATIONSHIP GeoTechnologies, Inc. Raleigh, NC 27615 2.80 2.70 2.60 No ON M Job No: 1-10-0667-EA Date: I No ■■■■■■■1� ► .. ■■■■■■■■■\ OI .. .. Boeing No: ■■■■■■■■■■�1■ ■■■■■■■■■\\MEMO ON liski Sample No: S-2 MEN Imw= Depth: BULK ��► ::iiiiiiiii�►1EiiTEST RESULTS 1 5 115 w 110 z 105 W 0 80 Method of Test: ASTI'ii1 D 1557A Maximum Dry Density: 117.0 PCF Optimum Moisture Content: 12 0/a Natural Moisture Content: __--%.-------- Atterberg Limits: Soil Description: Gray Silty Fine_Sand CURVES OF 100% SATURATION FOR SPECIFIC GRAVITY EQUAL TO: WATER CONTENT (Percent Dry Weight) MOISTURE -DENSITY RELATIONSHIP GeoTechnologies, Inc. Raleigh, NC 27615 2.80 2.70 2.60 0115 100 8 80 Aso MEEN OEM on MW ONE OEM Milk Job No: 1-10-0667-EA Date: 1L26/11 7 ■■N MEN 0111% NONE 1111\11■ OMEN MEMO1111\IRO► M Sample No: uiknluL Depth: TEST RESULTS Method of Test: ASTM D 1557A Maximum Dry Density: 122.5 PCF Optimum Moisture Content: 11.0% Natural Moisture Content: % Atterberg Limits: LL 24.0 PI 6.0__ Soil Description: Brown Fine Sandy Clayev Silt ---- — CURVES OF 100% SATURATION FOR SPECIFIC GRAVITY EQUAL TO: 5 20 25 WATER CONTENT (Percent Dry Weight) MOISTURE -DENSITY RELATIONSHIP GeoTechnologies, Inc. Raleigh, NC 27615 2.80 2.70 2.60 I ■■■■ MEN ■\1■n\ .. .. ■MOON■■■\IvEl MEN JobWilmington ' MEMO ■%N■n�■� ..Location: NONE ■E■■■■■■■■\\nO1 Boring GONE■■■■E■\\I\\ Sample No: S-4 ■■■■■■N■■■■►1►1n, Depth: ■E■■E■■NSE W..► ■■■■■■■■E■_��1i�TEST RESULTS 120 011 LL u a V 4 d 1 A v r 0 IL r z 1c w e a Method of Test: ASTM D 1557A 6jaximum Dry Density: 120.5 PCF Optimum Moisture Content: Natural Moisture Content: % -- Atterberg Limits: LL 20.0 PI 3.0 Soil Description: Brown Silty Mediu n tq Fine Sand CURVES OF 100% SATURATION FOR SPECIFIC GRAVITY EQUAL TO: 5 20 25 WATER CONTENT (Percent Dry Weight) MOISTURE -DENSITY RELATIONSHIP GeoTechnologies, Inc. Raleigh, NC 27615 2.80 2.70 2.60 G N A 0 o N w m 0 0 N a m r G N v m N f m - o r N a m 0 eOf m f00 LO d' C9 0 N O O r w z LL W N g to W N J CO) W O v W Z LL J W W I� O I — DM !bl w Lul • N a O A � w -0 CC O O A O M T Y O � , = T O ir C 0 Z R 0 OI a a � J a 0 d L � V R z �2S •O m O V c ' 1 C 00 c m W Z f�) C_ C d co•E �E c o r �O _ CL 14010M R8 Maui j ;uaoaad 0 i N o 0 d d U) O t0 4t C 0 N N 0 r ,.8!£ ..Z/4 ..4/£ m -- r O O C N m m 0 N v -- m _ r 0 N a m m r N a m - - -- -- o r N a m e m o0o n CD C2 ov m v M N r LO 0, F W z LL co W N y g w w N W J W z LL 2 7 O w a W N W Z LL J W fll, �00 8 M� i L • 4 W C C � G LL �_ 0 u InF Z rn C7 i � IL � Ot IL 4 J � O C1 i y iso L) C z m V o. d F' 0 ill = m s_ 0 .O cm 0 C C d Z n' .• C C 'O G C m w a` 99 44BIaM As jawd IUGOJad 0 0 9 tq M NON aR A T m 0 0 N a m m S 0 a co m T 0 N a m m T N a m r N a -- m m o o m m 0 OT I- m In v 0 N � N W z LL g N O w Z LL r cn Es Q1 A � 0 !0 V tG � O r p � r at N _C LL P O Z p p n 40 d 9 J a a m .J e O d .0 CA v tu Z i m QQ+mac/ W 5 c C r C�1 C C d Z •�rn •O m U) T Iy6lam A13 could Iuaaiad a O 9 m m r — o 0 N a �o r O C N a --- O N v m m N v m m O r N m O O Q O O O r N O r j4diaM A9 -Iauld )ua2Jad W _9 LL W N U) g U) y H J U) w _Z LL 2 2 G w 2 w O V C) m• o N c ca w U CD o g co � r U) O S W m 0 cc �� a � d � ' J e O d s N 3 m V al C ca Z mS m L cc m am O i e i n 02 V C C .� d z rn e O �O 0 0 N # w w N N g W ig U- 2 2_ O W 2 W N O V 14010M n8 Jeui j;ua;J.od G 0 N N N 0 0 01 _d U) C L. R � a CO) v/ a A/C ..M m m o _ _ 0 N m m s 0 N _u a m m C N a m m N a -m m 0 N a -- m o Off co ti C CL) N O W Z LL W N co L g N LU cn J y w LL a W w V w 9 LL w O U O 3 LU • I Q W •y O A O r ,r. L ' C m N 01 � C 0 U: Z �I 0 a z .J e d N J e J 0 U � m U rd 2 OdC m0 �s a C O7IL 0 O I N Q +t+ a+ o Z d . rn �O _ m m a` WSIGM Ag could Iua.Ousd � 60 A s T 50 1 C 1 40 T Y 1 30 N D X 20 Specimen Identification LL PL 1 B-7 3.5 - 40 35 I BA 2 19 19 5-3 BULK 24 18 S4 BULK 20 17 LIQUID LIMIT (LL) PI Fines Classification 5 75.8 Flne Sandy SIR NP 25.3 Silty Fine Sand 6 60.2 Broom Fine Sandy Clayey Silt 3 45.0 Brown Silty Medium to Fine Sand Wilmington A/P - TIW B & C ShoUlders - .,vo PAW. _. Wilmington, North Carolina DATE 1 ATTERBERG LIMITS' RESULTS GeoTechnologies, Inc. Raleigh, NC 27615 Appendix `E' Soils Map Soil Map —New Hanover County, North Carolina 10 34" 16' 58" 34' 15 31" a i c Map Scale: 1:13.200 if printed an B size (11" x 17'y sfi 'rt. i� N -Meters (V A 0 200 - — 800 1,200 ti /�' \V - Feet � 0 500 1,000 2,000 3,000 34" 1 T 3" 34" 15' 36" USDA Natural Resources iO Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 6/28/2011 Page 1 of 3 Soil Map -New Hanover County, North Carolina Map U,nft Legend New Hanover County, North Carolina (NC129) Map Unit Symbol Map Unit Name Acres in AOI Percent ofAOI Be Baymeade fine sand, 1 to 6 percent slopes 92.8 8.2% Bp Borrow pits 4.0 0.4% DO Dorovan soils 16.8 1.5% JO Johnston soils 10.6 0.9% La Lakeland sand, 1 to 8 percent slopes 9.0 0.8% Le Leon sand 249.5 22.0% Ls Lynchburg fine sandy loam 51.6 4.5% Ly Lynn Haven fine sand 5.0 0.4% Mu Murville fine sand 4.4 0.4% No Norfolk fine sandy loam, 0 to 4 percent slopes 48.1 4.2% Pn Pantego loam 170.1 15.0% Ra Rains fine sandy loam 39.1 3.4% Se Seagate fine sand 55.1 4.9% St Stallings fine sand 310.8 27.4% To Torhunta loamy fine sand 22.0 '1.9% Wr Wrightsboro fine sandy loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes 46.9 4.1 % Totals for Area of Interest 1,136.0 100.0% _ _ Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 6/28/2011 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 3 of 3 m c z us. ILL m M w J O 00 0.p m 01 C 00 E N mca �n f0 N 7 m E c ca C N m U U 07 Z m a m C N> O a) O C N cu m (n co y-' O m CD O O C O E _ 44 a) n n m a oui m U U N O `omE N O X a) aj T CO U L O Q CO f0 - +: w m a)p W Z zo N t c cn V O _ N O n E C= Q U N Z ❑ ,�,'. 7 N "O L N t 3` m N Q N O z C0 O .O U m n C a Q43 DO cci mar° � W a c wzz c 3 0 o E am m m aa) w .Q o m y oN fir— o o r c _.9 a� E n Q E w m � �a 3 m `m aw E "- U m 7 m J ..0. m 0 N> Z 3 y nay N w N L C N p O @ -O Z 'D — a7 N O N O [6 C7 M'u � � •E (TO O O a0 Z C T O Co CO U a T m m L C y .O m N E 2o m -0 .o Z Q a s N `tea O j Co 1.21 L m n a) m m a E 7 O co N Z w N Fes- I=-L; ruin 0 F-- co E o N O a C N _W o. 16 O U c In y U v rn y CL N .°c ° w : 0 0 tq ° m m c E m o Of N N L L W U C •la w N U > O e (7 U O U O M O G -0i J LL Es e d } O CL oo. Q o m o_ m w E m` m m A to o ° -, . 0 ° v m _wOm °ai om o> a w> )aO UC2 oo2m on m o oaO cn Q w C > Y C i¢ m '-O m m U U C7 (7 -i J � G a d' U U] fn U En U) couJ � o. c � ap Q CL ca r cl) CD N O N 00 N N CO N IL m z m cf m � t� m O C ayi y m 2. ca of 7 C IO O z U