HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--04364_Well Construction - GW1_20230707 „,,:i,',"-!-;ZVIii,"}:4'.,•”-,,F,'e,„,P;W:::',i,',..1.:_::,,"--:‘::::C7,.=..,1,-,-,,•;• ',:.., . :,„:.-. :- -,,':. .., ,,,0 .,:::•,..-,,,, , . „ .. ,,,_ 4;PlanAt,.-..;..,'!c!V-,'"''''.''''''''''-.1i.-'":-.':„.,-,-;,4;_';',:,_i, ,.-: f 1.. .-,1'4,,_i,-:,',.=,-..,-,,:,,,:--',.•:',; ,; „.,,.!-, -_ ,,,...(,,, J.. c.,,,,,,„:„,-, , ._ : :„,:2 ,:•.,,t,•.,:::4;,..7„,:.:!.,A!„.4,; ,.i. .,),..1.,;::.,..„,,,: ,„,,,,.:,:,—,...„,..,,,, ,:.,:„....1„.:.. ..........,., , ,,,...;.„ ,_,.. ,..„:....r.:;‘,,:,:„..,,,;.1.„_,,:,:,:„..:-: „:"...,,...:,,. .,-;„....:2.,,,;,..: :,... .„„i.,..,,:,,,, . ..._ ,,,,,...„.:4; Fo tnl .. ... ..-......,..4.-.44,2-•‘,.,.,. .. .4 WELL CONSTRFelliON RECORD itGW4.) r latental he Oy: :: :1 " ' ! 1 1.1Rfoll Contractor Information: -_ Cameron Bazin 14.WATER 2014IES . . Well Connecta:Warne FROM TO DCOPUOI " t 4518-A " cie.,5 ft' , '' ft' -41e2^ NC'Well CcuaramorCedificationNmnber . , IS.ODIER CASINO(fermalti-ressed wells)ORLINETt 6 •• _ )•' :,_ - Aqua Drill,hie. FROM TO DIAMETER i THICKNESS , MA ' ComposyName 0 ft. 75 fr. : ,.‘ la ' ' rkc- • 2,Well Consiaftetion Permit& 31/..72 4. 16.INNER CASING OR 710MTIG gstothermal dosed•fortn) _ FRoist' TO DIADIECER THICKNESS " MATERIAL ,..... 7 .___ List an stplteable tea aatettetton prate(La.WC Caw*:Stale Variahoe etc) ft. . * ft ID. .‘... 3.Well Use(elteekwell use): ft. ft. '" 03- . ..'- Water Sup*Well: 17.SCREW 1, FROM To T - ' DIAMETER ,MAWS= HICKN MATER/AL ESS DAgricultural OmtmicipallPablic ft .ft le. , -Geothermal(Mating/Cooling Supply) 31tesidential Water Supply ft. it (single) i - in.' ; •-.' - ., IndustriallCommen ) tial friltesidentiU1 Water Supply(shared) Ia.GRour , Inigation. FROM- TO • MATERTAL EMPLACEMENT METHOD&AMOUNT Nort-Water&apply Well: e) ft' 9-g. ft, e.:./rikr Monitoring CliRecovery ft ' ft: Injection Well: ft • Tiller Recharge OGroundwaberRemediation 19:SAPSINGRAVRI.PACK ftermenbt.1 - . 1%clam Storage stld Recovery E3Salinity Barrier FREW TO ALATEIVAI. PHIRLACEMENTMEIBOD 11!Aquifei Test EDStismsvater Drainage it ft. t : ill • .....,...,": Technology Osnbsidence Control ft. it. _ ii Geothermal(Closed Loop) :]Tracer 20.DRILLING 1.0‘C(ettieb additional Sheets If necessary) - • , . 1:1 __•Geothenna oleatinwcomitm Remo rlother(=plain wider gm Remiuks) FROM. To, nastsunton„ _ ream taxcee3;:enneektmeareue rure.ere) .,: . , 0 ft. 6/S i!' 4zisa. , ,,, ..•'i 4.Date Well(s)Completed: 7.g7'2 3 WelliODB ft• ,,45 ft' R:pijk t. ft. ft.-1 Sa.Well IfAcation: • . . i 1 64-(1/15 A/0*Zr— ft. ft. • . '1 froditylOwnerNante Facility IDS(it'appliesbie) ft. it. .r „ -,,',77_i'-Fr_fil fc.n 35./ ft ft. f l D. ft Physical Addless,City.and Tip I! I p 7 211?1 Ailfhtmy si.REMARKS ,i • County Ruud kifsnificationNo.(PIN) 111,-;,- -%f.ir"71 7)r!"•t.7!Fyla..?..1 liri _ 5b /7:30G.Latitude and longitude In degreesbniontesiseconds or decimal degrees: DV,f0 i (if well field,4mc loitung is sufficient) 2,?-Certiffeallon: ! 3452619? N So- 73518 syr2 Signature ofCertified Well Contractor 6.Is(are)the well(seramment or E3Temporary I; . au 7 ' ' to an existing welk DYcs or No By signing thtt farm.I hereby etrtZ that the=gm t (wars)atitttneeted kJ cteertniance with 1.54 NCAC 02C.0102 or MA RICAC°mow Weli Construction Steam&anti that a .Is this a repofitiri aid awe well . worm°• wid mod,tha wiw„phe COpy oft*record Inis Feenplovide to dieted 1 owner.jlepaIrigt:der 12,1 mark t section arca the back of thief You Site diagram er additional wen detsult! . 0.For Ge be!DPT or Chned-Loop GeothermalWells baying the same maY.use the backof page to provxdF.addiattonal wellil site details or well cti G on,only 1 W-1 is nets:led.kuhcate TOTAL NUMBER°fusels onyouumyoko drilled; 60 5• SUBMITIM.INSTRUCOONS 9.Total well depth below lan.dl surface: re_30260.and201003 00 2411.For 411 Wellm Sem*this item within 30 days of completion of well For mahlpte walls Ho all deptlit ifiriffleett(romp consttnethm to the following: 10-Shift water level below te2puf casing: /00 (ft) Division of Water Retources,Information Processing Unit, fluster level is abuse cask%ere + 1617 Mall Service Center,/Raleigh,NC 2769407 11 Borehole diameter ti CIO 24b.For Infection Wells: In addition to sending the toms to the address in 24a . - C01-09/' above,also submit one copy of this Dam within 30 days of completion of well 12.Well construction od construction to the following • meth -_ os,..mgr .....ro..._,,cable,diftstPtlisk dea • DitirSion of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Prognnn, 17---VV 166 Whila Seicery daidzr,Raleigb,NC 27699-1636 -- -EaTORyieAl:tgrrn:nt:____PL—Y WELla ONLYpigethort of haste /2'414?-4— 24e-EEL Supply&Inlection WaslIn In addition to sending the farm to 13n. wthletereaddress(constnesmed.)above,also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of /49 completion of well construction to Me county health departmem of the count 1 worth cthotEaa Ogroutment of Envininntentst Quality-Divisin'n of water Resources Revised 2-22-2016 Form GW-I