HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0020793_Monitoring - 07-2023_20230718Monitoring Report Submittal Permit Number#* Name of Facility:* Month:* July Report Information Type * GW-59 WQ0020793 Tyson Farms, Inc. Hays Hatchery Year:* 2023 Upload Document* Wells July 23.pdf PDF Only 1.47MB Please upload one PDF containing all applicable monitoring reports (i.e., NDMR, NDAR-1, NDAR-2, NDMLR, GW-59). Confirmation Email Address: * james.s.brown@tyson.com Name of Submitter: * James Brown Signature: 0,14.-tr otlewww Date of submittal: 7/18/2023 This will be filled in automatically Initial Review Reviewer: Wanda.Gerald Is the project number correct?* WQ0020793 Is the monitoring report accepted?* Yes No Regional Office* Winston-Salem Reviewer: _anonymous Review Date: 7/19/2023 0 Tyson July 1 S, 2023 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT & NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WA*rFR QUALITY -INFORMATION PROCESSING UNIT 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER, RALE•IGH, NC 27699-1617 Phone: (919) 733-3221 Subject: Ground Water Quality Monitoring Tyson Farms, Inc. Hays Hatchery Compliance Report — July, 2023 To whom it may concern: Enclosed is the quarterly Groundwater Compliance report for Hays Hatchery. Please contact me at 336- 651-3836, should you have any questions. Sincerely. C)t'7� �V� James Brova-n Complex Environmental Manager T�xcm Farms Inc. Fi"h Retail Dkision Toy Fack— iti-MM43M, N.C. 28697 336-651.3836 Tg6.83.2LP F-W 38.651.3867 vw-w ysonfcwdsmrn GW-59A COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM Tyson i•'arms, Inc. Permit 4 W00020793 (.Submit mrr each onorthoMs.- peeiemt with GW-59 forms,) Enter date monitoring results were due, ( l Will this monitoring report (GW-59 and GW-59A) YES be submitted after the establishod due date? 2 1 Was any required information 3 4 x on the (;W,59 report to IF the answer to question 1 or 2 is 'YES'; fist in the space provided below the well explain the problems ermoountered in obtaining the required information, numbers) and Are any of the monitor wells in need of repair or maintenance (damaged casing, unlocked or missing cap, missing YES identification plate. area overgrown, etc.)? ffthe waxer is "Yrs contact Ilse Regimvii' Othee forguidar e- Are any monitored constituents to or above: the established sta If the answer to queshoh 4 is NO', skip to section 8. N the answer to question 4 Is "YES" fist the affected Lvells indMduoy vAh consRuent(s) and concentrafion(s) exceedYng standards in the space provided below 710123 PH 6.5- a 5 Arrnrrrcviia 1 5 Aldrale 10 Feel Aral- i PH - d 4 MW-2 PH-6.0 616m04 Mw-3 PH-54 VW-4 PH- 5.6 For the constituents identified in question 4 above, have standards been exceeded previously for the same constituent(s) in the same well In the last two years? If the answer to westion 5 is -NO'. Dop to section 8. If the answer to question 5 is "YES", list in the space provided below, each well with consfituent(s) exceeding standards. concentra(Ion(s) reported, and sample WOCtion date for each occurrence (for the last two years). GW Standards Nitrate 10 GW Standards ammonia 1.5 If, , 2 T-S.23 616 M04 MV2 3-223 5.6mpf M*2 tt,3.22 4.14 mpf V*2 7-7-22 4 46 mryt IMAt2 3.3-22 4 G3 mo i"4 1141-2r 4U2moo Are the monitoring wells listed in section S located at or beyond the review boundary? tf the answer is "YES", a groundwater quality problem maybe occurring. CONTACT THE REGIONAL OFFICE IMMEDIATELY FOR GUIDANCE. if the answer is "NO'; monitoring welts may be improperly located; contact the Regional Office. Is the permittee implementing previously approved actions required by the Division Involving groundwater quality problem? I the ansrfer to question 7 is 'YES", desctihe (hose actk= in the space provided below. If the answer to question 7 is "NO", contact the Regional Office within 90 days: an evaluation may be reouired to determine the Impact the waste disposal system is having at the review and compllan _e boundarles surro ending this facility, Failure to do so may sublect the permittee to a Notice of Viola le fines. and/or penalties. The person completing this portion (GW-59A) of the Monitoring report should sign below and submit form with G W-59 forms for required wells to the address provided at the top of the current G W-59 forn hereby acknowledge that the above information was evaluated and the information submitted in this report (Compliance Report GW-59A) is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. Signature otPo (or /p Sato YES 911f NO 'r W Cale 1't.Yil n'.I Worksheet i 4b Completed by Tyson Ferns, Inc. SrdNn Thto : CFIA Data: 18-Jul-23 No. or Wells to be Salnp�cd 4 Has Hatchory OhndWfl %vw "1j*v'jvA KrA 14*xt*y cc�.a-r.- !vfrl�..}�(�,�1 f) :• ftC+f 110 f>ratabfeQ :IaMa,�u Nays 1 er "ODML 500 m .1 250 m r 1.5 m 1I 10 m ll NA 6.5-8.5 Wells ID. Fecal TDS Chloride Tctal NH3 Nitrate Phosphours PH July-' -«rL� i h1W -1 <1 265 <10 <0.5 5.45 <0.1 6.0 MW :1- 8 162 19-6 Sao 1-78 <0.1 6.3 MW-3 0 64 <10 <0 5 6-06 <0.1 4.9 161W - 4 <1 134 19.6 <0.5 7.17 <O.1 I 5A Nov-11-2021 MW - 1 <1 204 <10 <0.1 4.61 <0,1 6.3 14W - 2 <1 143 14.0 4.82 1.03 <O.1 6.4 MW-3 <1 53 14.8 <0 1 5.93 <O.1 5.0 IAW - 4 <1 96 21.1 <0.1 6,49 <O.1 5.5 Ida-3-2022 PAW - 1 <1 243 <10 <0.1 2.54 <O.1 6.0 MW-2 <1 1FA 13.3 4.03 0.84 <O.1 6.3 5.0 5.7 MW-3 <1 75 11.5 <0.1 6.10 <0.1 MW - 4 <1 115 18.6 <O.1 3.13 <O.1 July-7-2022 MIA, - 1 <1 272 <10 <0.1 2.01 <0.1 6,3 WN - 2 < 1 72 20.4 4.48 1.06 <0.1 6.3 M1P4 - 3 <1 177 11,5 0.11 5.29 <0. 0.2 MW-4 <1 124 i 21.3 <0,1 3.08 -CO'1 5.6 Nov-3-2022 MW -1 <1 196 <10 <0.1 2.68 <0.1 62 MW • 2 <1 _ 155 16.5 4.14 145 <0-1 64 MW • 3 <1 <1 57 113 11.3 0.34 1 478 <0.1 53 MW - 4 200 1.12 226 <O.1 1 58 Mar-2.2023 Mw - 1 <1 342 <10 <01 1 3.06 <0.1 6.4 MW - 2 <1 ' 74 18.7 5.60 2-63 <0.1 1 6.5 14W - 3 'Cl 57 11.1 <0 1 5.04 <0.1 5.5 PAW - 4 <1 96 19.6 <01 1.55 <O.1 6.0 Iv)'-7-2023 MW - 1 -=1 <1 f 1 246 11.9 <0.1 4.55 <O.1 6.4 MW - 2 239 21.3 6.16 4.68 0.11 6.0 MW - 3 81 10.2 0.11 4.74 <O. t 5.4 PAIN - 4 •=1 1 CO 17.9 1 <0.1 1.12 <0,1 5.6 Maximum 8 331 43 6 8 2 6 Minimum <1 53 1 11 0 1 0 5 SUBMIT FORM ON YELLOW PAPFR ONLY r . • OF-PARTMFNT OF ENVIRONMENT & NATURAL RESOURCES GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: DIVISION OFwATERowiITY-wFORMATIONPROCESSINGIJNrT COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM 1617 MALL SERVICE CENTER, RAJ- EI;,N, NC 21699-161 It Phorac: (919) 7333221 FACILITY INFORMATION Raawepe.::rC;eatiyew7yp, PERMIT Number: W00020793 E)qMratinn Dift: 07;31i2026 Facifit Nanw: ryBorl Fjrms. Inc. Non -Discharge 'A'00020793 UIC Permit Name (if dllferenl): NPDES Othcr FacAdy Awress_ P_O. Box 93613649 Airpart Road TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED NORTH WILKESBORO NC 2865A C<rdnty 4Vilkr- ❑ Layuurt ❑ Remediation: Inrilt7aUa1 Galley; ❑ Sfu;ty Fig,Al ❑ Remediation: C:unL-1c) Pe f-011 James Brown To; -phone* (336;651-3836 ❑ Rolary [Nslrilrulor ❑ Land A:)V!caton of Sludgy. rill I ccalioWSitc Name: H. Hatr..hctry No. of viells to be samaed: 4 ❑ Watcr Source Heat Pump Omer. F'%irl)4ration%Infiltration Pon 11�rt Ihnl[.' --- V1ELL Ill NU1J8ER (from Permit): bltih' Date sample collectoci 7;&12023 Y: ell Dep1h: 40 ft, Well Diameter 2 in_ Uea1h to Water Le'lel 9!S4u: 26 n below measuring pant Scrernr:d InIcrval- 21 ti 1`0easuring Pant is 2 It, atxwe I,nd surface Re trvtr M.P. Flcv,tion: 1340.85 Volume of waler punljx;do'baded tx tore sampling: 6.&1 gallons Samples to metals %%we rollrch-d unfiltered: ❑YES ® NO :teed field ,cidt iod: ❑ YES to 4j; ft. ft_ NO I ARORATORY INFORMATION Date =-ample analyzed:71,7.023 Laboralory Name: Sin' -villcAralyiliral PARAMETERS NOTE: Values should rrflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. COD ra17f l,uy;L Nitme (NO,) :as N rtws ntr�;L Coldorm: h1F Feca l attitF ..1 100nit Nllrate (NO,) w. N n.1Ft:L'I 4.$j rnyt Golifami: LIF Tot.V a15na 1 OOrnL Phosphorus: Tolol as P O}if+i <0.1 mgt ;pox nr! yn+ „rtoc w r+�r lr net+; ss,rvr i Orlhclflhw;ph,IC 7W7 mwL -lisp:ulvrrd SOW% Tidal 703joa 246 mgll Al - Aluminum OnCo mall - pit Rab) 004-33 units Ba - Barium oiew uglL TOC vAso nuyL Ca - Calc•um m9tu rrVL Chloride "- o 11.9 nxti't Cd - Cadrnum utu27 ugrt Arsenic owv2 ugfL Chromium: Total uia3c ugft. Grease and Oils uav2 rn(I;L Cu - Copper 01,342 rnrl, L Phenol :l27:lu ug'L Fe - Iron oio45 uglL Sulfate au!wi my L Fig - Mercury 71%0 uflJL - aeatic Conductance DD39s µMhos K - Potassium 00937 mg,L Total Ammonia owio <01 ,ngl- Mg - Magnesium corm mg'L jArw, ma Nlrmgm: NI I, M N. Anwww a Mt•pJM. T0.d11 Lin - MArlyantze OIC66 ug; L TKN as N o%7s mWL Ni . Nickel wo? uyi l- If WFLL FIELD ANALYSES: pH wfc:Pj: 6-4 units Spec. Cond. ccco% 0+30.1' DDu85: nwe chf rk A��rlrtncc; d ar lhere-11 Temp, Onpsb 15,9 °C DRY;il uhehas time of Certirrcalion No. 44G'3775 Pb - Lead cio-=1 ug)L Zn - 'Zinc n! rri rn3,T. Officr (Slwcify Compounds and Concentration Units) - ORGANICS: Iby GC, GG-VS, HPL::;, (Specify test and method 9. ATTACH I_AS REPORT.) Lab Report Attached? ❑ You (1) © No (0) VOC 7s7:12. nvlhcd 4 rrlothod # method a method tt For Remediation Systems Only lAttach Lab Rcport:1: Influent Total VOCs: rnylL E%jont Total VOCs: rrIL4'1 VOC Removal% James afo n Corn *x ErivirUrtnicri'al Manager Pamrncw;of Aulkni nd Agan1� Name Red Till@ - Pk., se Gnnt cr r,ve f3w-59 Rvi- Z12010 SUBMIT FORM ON YELICAfo FADER ONLY GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM EPARIMENT OF ENVIRONMENT A NATURAL RESOURCES IVISION OF WATER QUALIfY•INFORMATION PROCESSING UNIT 617 MAIL SLRVICE CENTER, RALEK;H, NC 270W1617 Phorw: f9191 733-3221 FACILITY INFORMATION �-wnrCi0atvrervfw F ERMIT Number: Vi060i17793 Eviraliun Data: U713111026 Facility Name: Tj.un Fwrnn, Ir,r,.. 'Jun-Bin;:harge Vt�)I J20793 UIC _ Permit Name (it different) 'JPC=S '"Itior Facility Address: P.0 Box 93Gf3649 AlrPort Rued TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED NDRTH'A'ILK.ESSORO NC 2-8659 C(xinty Viilke: ❑ Lagoon ❑ Rcmediator: Infiltration Gallery ❑ Spray Feld ❑ Rcmediatmon: :urd lc) Pw!;nn: Bro.vn TeIepIx)nc - (33051-3836 ❑ Rolary Dlslributix ❑ Land Application of Sludge 'dell kx*-ifti(7n S1C Name: Hess Hatchery No, of wells to be samNed: 4 ❑ Water Source He -al Purnp MIJ Other_ Evaporaticwx0rifiltratior Pond Pt ING INFORMATION L ID NUMBER (frorn Permit): Death: 3" - ft. h to Water Level 6256b; 28 Mv. - 2 to 36 tt, Measur• ag Point is: 2 `t. aboone lark Surf wm- Relative M,P, Elrwtifion: 1329-59 ft. 'Vroli,me Of walr..r purnpcd Cailed before sampling 3.91 gallons S3Inples for metals verse collaJ.ed unfiltered: ❑ YG! IN NO and Grtd acidified ❑ YES NO ft- below meacsuiirm) point Date sample collerted: 7,'A'2023 Well Diamrlcr 2 in_ Screened Inkrral- 21 ft_ FIELD ANALYSES: pH CKU00 6.0 units Stxx;. Cond. wJk:w Odoo006s none A3pearance clear If WELL Temp. coffin. 19-0 C DRY al iildhcs time of I-- -.:- )atc sample analj2ed: ?Nj,2023 Laboratory Name: Statesville A.nal,,tcal Certification No. d4(3,3775 'ARAMETERS NOTE: Values should rellect dissolved and colloidal concentrations, CUO 00335 mg'L Nitrite (NO; I as N co;is mg1L Pb - Lead 01o5i ugiL Coliform: LIF FeCAI m616 .-1 -110 ml- Nitrate (NOs) as N ccf,2f,, 4.68 rng,L 7n - Zir>Zo1092 mg,'L Coldorm: 1v1F Total 31;tiM 110ml- Phosphorus: Total as P CC665 0,11 nx;:l_ rW14 Ortllophospt►:Ite 70607 rnglL Other ?Specify Com;xiunds and Cor-.entration Units): solved Solx!-;:Total 70c w 239 rng.'L At - Aluminum 0l 1 J5 rnh L pH (Lab) ccaca unds B;1 - Barium o1w., ug,'L TOC uul;eu mg't C;i - Calcium 009%; mg1l Chloride w9co 21_3 mgL Cd - Cadmium olor ugiL Arsenic 01-002 ug1L Chrcrnium: Total owm ugiL Grease ana Oils ooss2 ri g,'L Cu - Copper CIC47 rrg,.L ORGANICS: 11-,y GC, GCrMS, Hi'LC;) Phenol 3z73o ugiL Fe - Iron ucua, ug(L tSpecify test and method 0. ATTACH LAB RFPORT.) Sulfate comas mg L Hg - IlAercuri Tim ugfL Lab Report Attached? ❑ Ye-: (1) [ xiofic Conductance crcrs Jildhos K - Potassium M337 mgt'L VOG '.8732: rltPthnd u Total Ammonia nar;t0 6.16 myt Mg - Magnesium o0927 M91 me4hnd it ;a—mts Yrroq rr \N, JS K: llnrrgr�� ri4u v-, Tcr,d;. Mn - Manganew o1056 u L # 9� . mc,Khod .. TKN :1s N !►1625 rng,I- Ni - Nickel oir,*7 ug L rnctllod For Remediation Systems Only (Attach Lab Reports): InOurnl Total VOCs: rnq,'L Effluent Total VQG : _ n1g:L VOC Rr:moval°+; James Brown Cum;Aux Environmental Manager g .� % e�2 — ` r7� F'errntLce for AulMrvnA C. „.•�}; A3rne yno ' Uo •Pleasenl rr trY.9 S,;rvturc a rrdtrta p:r Ar.,•[��. Ow-59 Rev.2'2010 here ❑ i:ry Y-t1W Y YrYLK U NLY GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM F'1 -! L! TY INFORMATION F1 •:a•�- F'r,nl i r^]�y' c: ry}? Faciily Narlle: Ty:un rwr,!;, ir,: nit Name (if difierr,nl): i AL . ly Arse s%: P CJ ©ox 91GI.VA9 Airy: rrl Haad NORTH'A'ILKESSORC 28659 County VI •e xl Person: Jarnrs gown Telephoneft. (3361651-3836 Locationo'Ssle Name: Hay= Hot0mery No. of wells to be sampled: 4 SANPUNG INFORMATION WELL ID NUMBER Itrcxn Permit): 4Yell Death: 36 ft. Cale -:ample cclr'ected: 71v",'2023 'A ell Dameter. 2 in. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMFNT A NATURAL RESOURCES DNIStON Of WATLR CVALITY-INFORMATION PROCESSING UNIT 1017 MAIL SERViCr_ CENTER, RALEIGH, NC 27699-1617 Phone: (919) 733,3221 PER1611T Number: V:0032,^.'793 Expirllio n Dalm U/•'31i2026 Non -Discharge k', .10G20793 UIC Depth to Water Level VS45: 15 M. below measuring point Screenec Interval: 21 h. Io 3ft `t. Ideasurrig Pn'•11 x 2 It. above land surface Relative M.P. Elevation: 1306AO R. "!'olivriv ea walcr purrFed1'."iled before sampleig- 10.27 gallons Saarnpleti lur matals c+err, rnllec'.M unfiltered: ❑ YES E NO anC field at(diLed ❑ YES 0 NO PDES other YPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED ❑ Lagoon ❑ Rcmc4iation: Infiltration Gallery ❑ Spray Field ❑ Remodiation: ❑ Rotary Distritxrtor ❑ Lanc Application of Sludge ❑ Wale( Source Heal Pump O Other: Pond FIELD ANALYSES: PH "W: 5.4 It uts Spec. Cond. uta:94: Odor W:►95: none Appeararlr:e dear Temp. ca»a 16.4 C 1t ),1hos ate samNe anw vzed: ,i•ll: 3 LatKlratofy Na'ne: :iwesnlle Anelly- al Certification No. 440 3775 ARAMETERS NOTE: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations. Coo 00335 mgrL Nilrilc (NO;) as N ccc1�, mg'L Pb - Lead owsl ugiL Colilarm: / IF Fecal 3i o 6 < 1 i 100ml- Nilratc (NO) as N ccC,20 4.14 nVL Zn - Zinc 01092 Gulilcirrn: ME Total 31534 11 DDmI. Pl,osphofus: Total as P cvaicn- <0.1 mg1L (?/ar VA uv►t r.aroa *a •:}hv ruG:J syrau.; Orthophospnate ; oaa? rrWL Other (Seer-ily Co-npor!roz;s a-ic Concentration Units): sso YW Solids -Total MXt 81 nx•,.L Al - Aluminum ottas mg,'L PH (Lab) oo w _ units @a - BAriull► 01037 ugiL _ TOC a.>�t: mg, L Ca - Glk;iuni W916 mg'L Chloride r c mu 1 U.2 r ig L C:d - Cadmium Olin? ugiL Arsenic atcu2 ugIL Chromium To171 o10d1 ug1L Grease and Oils un!is2 rng'L Cu - Cc,TJper 0ir?12 rrxa l_ ORGANICS: (by CC_ GC NiS, HPL,r, l Phenol 32�33 uglL Fee - Iron 01045 ugiL (Specify test and metitod A- ATTACK LAB REPORT ! Sulfate oxus nVL K: - Mercury ? 1900 ugiL Lab Report Attached? E] Yes (1 1 xNc f i ; ! :ecihc Corlductanc* wixes K - Potassium W931 rnntL VOC rNra:: method s: Total Ammcania rAx10 D.11 rng1L F,1a - L1ilgrsium W927 rnyt rnplhr..0 9 I Airew , lJ 1, bjM: NN, S V /✓.;,p� J �V lur.>`: u T cl;i; Mn - Manganese oloss ugtL .._. method :: TKN as N ref,25 ,yr! Ni - Nickel one' ug L method # For Kenledlation Systems Only (Attach Lab Reports): Influent Tool VOCs mall- Etflrrenl Tnial VO--s: rny-L VOC Remov il`. , James Brown Complex Environmental Manage, Pwn1i11Rn in A4:11+,Xw«f A,;Nrt( fY.-...Y+ Toe • ylcasc Prix oe G'.V-59 Rev.212010 tL'c r; If 4'i[Ll DRY Al Oil(, of sampling, check ht-rr_.' a SUHNIIT r-GWa ON YE)1d,1' PAPER ONLY GROUNDWATER QUALITY MONITORING: COMPLIANCE REPORT FORM FACILITY INFORMATION T`^ ty Nan,-. 7ysDn Farms. In;.. ilit Narne (it diffCrVet): FactMy Address: P n. BOX 430:3649 Aircor• RL; atj NORTH WILKESBORO r;;, Gla'li Cr Tyne 28659 CounK' Vi i ­- aG Person- Jernrs Wooer Telephone#. (336)651.3916 LocalionlSite Name: Ha•,s HaG::k,ei; No. cad wft&, to be sampled SAMPLING INFORMATION WELL ID NUMBER (from Permit): btu'! -4 Datc sample collected: 716.23 ','f ell L\ ;lth. 27 R. Well D ameter. 2 in, Depth to Wa:l--r La•ml s7s46: 10 h. bek7w measurirxl point Screenec Interval: 12 R, t.le:arurriny Pc int ir; 2 `t. above land surface. Relative hLP. Ele':alion: 1324.13 .+oll�mc of �tiatF pumped'bailed Cefc>re san I,rty 8.31 gallons �i:DRILkr: tnr mctal5 'r_.rr_. rnllet'ed unfiltered- ❑ YES NO and taetd acidified. ❑ YES DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT 8 NATURAL RESOURCES DNI=N OF WATER QUALITY -INFORMATION PROCESSING UNIT 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER, RALEIGH, NC 27699-1617 Prone: (•919)733-3221 PERMIT Number: WOD020793 Expiration Da;c: 07;31i2G26 Non -Discharge 'A100020793 _ UIC NPDES ()thrr TYPE OF PERMITTED OPERATION BEING MONITORED I_� Layoian ❑ Remecation: 1n9it•ation CaIWiy ❑ Spray Field ❑ RemeCa;ion: ❑ %mry Dislnwtor ❑ Land Application of Sludge. ❑ bValer Source Heal Pump © Coher. Evap<xaGnn+lnfiltration Pond FIELD ANALYSES: pH cbxco: 5.6 units Temp, cis i,, 15.1 °C to 27 It. Spec. Cond. Manna: I.Alhas R. Odor 00,395: rtvnl.• AppearanCe ::laar E NO Date sample an:ilyzr_:y. ! tiQJ23 1 atmralcry Name: Statesville Anah,tv;jI PARAMETERS NOTE: Values should reflect dissolved and colloidal concentrations- 201) wins ng.'L Ni;ritc (NO I a3 N ccG'S rl►g'L Pb - Lead D1n51 Culikirrw MF Feral 3%16 <1 M00mL Nitrate (NO3,, as N Cc62n 1.12 nxa't_ Zn - Zovc oia-a2 Coliforrn MF Total 31604 11MmL Prtosphorus: Total as P na"s <0.1 rrg'L I47te Use &P% et'mw fir 6;14)y lubal "nptu: Certiticatiun Nn, 4406775 ug1L Ingot Orthophosphate -,nsD- rig; L Olhin (Spcxity Compounds and Concenlra:ion Units). ssdvcd Sclids:Toial T0@ c 99-5 mg-1 Al - Aluminum o,,os rig; L pH (Lab) CC40 unls is - Bauiurn 010)? uy!L TOC Drlcsu mg'L Ca - Calcium 0G016 ny t Chloride Dowi 17.9 mgL Cad - C;utrnium 01027 uglL Arsenic maD2 ugtL Chromium Total 01034 uglL Gcease and Oils oww n>yrL Cu - Capper 0r042 nxx't ORGANICS: (bi GC Phei01 3T7i4 ugiL Fc - Iron oI ugrL (Specify test and method,@_ ATTACH LAB REPORT.i Sulfate ccc6v; Mgi'L I'k; - Mercury!t9:►D ugfL Lab Report Attached? ❑ Yas (11 BE No i i 11 �aecilic Uadui3ai e- elves utdhos K - Potassium w937 mq L VOC !s7- 2: mclnod 4 Total Amninnia e0t0 '=0.1 mylt Mil - Magrv_Sium o0927 mg�t method >~ �,,rrr.>•N tifyOgCri fJi,m'i: A . ua NuuoFn, roll} - Mn - Manganese oicss _ ugrL method it TKN as N 00625 rng't Ni - Nickel oir.F7 ugrL method it For Remediation Systems Only (Attach Lab Reportsi: Influctrll Tct;al VOCs: n1g.1 Fiflttin! Total VOCs: nh+I_ VOC Removal;o Jamas Br(rvvn Complex Env ircrlmeraal Mar_3yrr r'«nnillN« ;rr A,Iliuriteo Ant nt) Name *yn I sic - FFICa:c Fray ix CmA G'A'-59 Rev.212010 rCr ri1:-r�•v'C4 Agnn11 (Uatcl If WFIA ;al Of here: ❑ Analytical Results Tyson Foods -Wilkesboro 704 Factory Street Wilkesboro, NC 28697 Receive Date Reported; For: Comments: 07.'06,'2023 07i 1412023 Hays Hatchery STATESVILLE t ANALYTICAL Sample Number Parameter Sample ID Result Unit Method Analyzed Analyst 230706-26-01 AmmantaNilrogon !.1':t1 e0.1 rng;L , ;; 10 .2023 LE 230706-26-01 Chloride Mwi 11.9 mg. L e'4kX0C1c.2ti' 1 0 7, 0712023 MD 230706-26-01 Fecal CoKorms MWI <1 CFU100 t.11 SWVJ220.2"' 0T0W2023 'AC 230706-26-01 Nitrate 1vPPM 4.55 mg1L vou�ab?'! s.0, 0711ao'2023 CL Sato:,Na��2:nc 230706-26-01 T. Phosphcro•✓s Moll -0.1 nvoL sauw:''C T'" 07/07�7023 CL 230706.26.01 Total Dissolved A4W 1 246 mgot w 2MO c•;o's 07t07t7023 R10 Sobs 2307C6-26-02 Arnmonla Nitrogen RS1412 6_',6 rrS#L 0711a'2023 LE 2307C6-26-02 Chloride MW2 21.3 mg;t `"'emsoare•zoll 07W12023 MD 230706-26-02 Fecal C ollkxms NVU2 el CFU100 A!L sun2220.2015 07i0612023 WC 230706-26-02 Nitrate l.1Y12 4.68 mgtL 1, 45 07i 1312023 CL a�i 230706-26-02 T. Phosphhorous M'W2 0.11 mg-1 SWWWE.25'1 07107;2023 CL 230706-26-02 Total Dissolved MW2 239 mgtL SN250C•201S 0VOU2023 MD Solids M706-26-03 Ammonia Nitrogen MW3 (I.11 07110r2023 LE 230705-26-03 Chlunde h!1r113 10.2 n-al Z#A-0 42411 07107.12023 td0 2307C6-26-03 Fecal Coliforms 41-W3 e 1 CFU 1 CO MI. SIM22 0•21115 07)MI023 WC 2307C6-26-03 Nitrate i,1W3 4.74 mg:L :W2 - 07A 3,12023 CL holwSw45,oa107•F2016 230706-26-03 T. Phosphorous MY:3 <0.1 r1g L s►us (ft.ay.1 07; 0712023 CL 230706-26-03 Total Dissolved MW3 81 m9 L Su25L-,'�4CJS 07?071'2023 MD Solids 230706-26-04 CN*r4a MW4 17.9 mg4L 'aeo:et2:a+ 07107Q023 htD n0706-26-0•1 Fecal Coliforms MW4 <; CFU10D MI. 0VO&'2023 WC 230706-26-04 Nitrate MW4 1.12 m3A. ��F� Nr�` 07,' 3,1023 CL 1d � :J.aSOI.AC $F2;18 230706.26.04 Total0issolved MW4 99-5 n-goL em-,% C.201$ 07M7.Q023 410 Sods PO Box 228 • Statesville, NC 28687 • 704/872/4697 Pa.3e 1 Cl 6 Sample Number Parameter Sample ID Result Unit Method Analyzed Analyst 23,D706.26-04 Ammonia Nitrogen r%4W4 t mgrL 07110t2023 LE 230706-26-04 T. Phosphcrous MW4 {0.1 Respectfully submitted, Melissa Myers NC Cert #440, NCDW Cert #37755, EPA NNCOD909 mg L SOMW_r-f-WI, 0710712023 CL PO Box 228 • Statesville, NC 28687 • 704/872/4697 Page 2 ct 6 Condition of Receipt Sample Number 230706.26-01 Temp on Arrival: 3.0 Parameter Schedule: Total Dissolved Solids Received on Ice Parameter Schedule: Fecal Coliforms Sodium Thiosulfate Received on toe Chemicals in containers, lab Parameter Schedule; Nitrate Sulfuric Acid Received on Ice Chemicals in containers, lab Parameter Schedule: T. Phosphorous Sulfuric Acid Received on Ice Chemicals in rontainers, tab Parameter Schedule: Ammonia Nitrogen Sulfuric Acid Received on Ice Chemicals in containers, lab Parameter Schedule: Chloride Received on Ice Sample Number 2307OC-26-02 Temp on Arrival: 3.0 Parameter Schedule: Total Dissolved Solids Received on Ice Parameter Schedule: Fecal Coliforms Sodium Thiosuffate Received on Ice Chemicals in containers, lab Parameter Schedule: Nitrate Sulfuric Acid Received on Ice Chemicals in containers. lab Parameter Schedule: T. Phosphorous Sulfuric Acid Received on toe Chemicals in containers, lab PO Box 228 • Statesville, NC 28687 • 704/872/4697 Page 3 of 6 Parameter Schedule: Ammonia Nitrogen Sulfuric Acid Received on Ice Chemicals in containers. lab Parameter Schedule Chloride Recei.-ed on Ice Sample Number 230706-26-03 Temp on Arrival: 3.0 Parameter Schedule: Total Dissolved Solids Received c n Ice Parameter Schedule: Fecal Coliforms Sodium Thiosulfate Received on Ice Chemicals in containers. lab Parameter Schedule: Nitrate Sulfuric Acid Received on Ice Chemicals in containers, lab ParameterSoedule: T. Phosphorous Sulfuric: Acid Reccivcd on Ice Chemicals in containers, lab Parameter Schedule: Ammonia Nitrogen Sulfuric Acid Received on Ice Parameter Schedule: Chloride Rucelved on Ice Sample Number 230706-26-04 Temp on Arrival. 3.0 Parameter Schedule: Total Dissolved Solids Received on Ice Parameter Schedule: Fecal Coliforms Sodium Th:osjlfate Received 0:1 Ice Chemicals in containers, lab Parameter Schedule: Nitrate Sulfuric Acid Received on Ice PO Box 228 a Statesville, NC 28687 a 704/872/4697 P: 3o 4 of 6 Parameter Schedule- T. Phosphorous Sulfuric Acid Received on Ice Parameter Schedule-, Ammonia Nitrogen Sulfuric Acid Received on Ice Parameter Schedule: Chloride Re:;vived cn Ice PO Box 228 • Statesville, NC 28687 • 704/872/4697 P198 5 of 6 o w C c 3 3 I` h I I z 4 0 j z { IMOa PO Box 228 • Statesville, NC 28687 • 704/872/4697 Page 6 of 6