HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC232145_Site Plan or Location Map_20230718 9s I: ( �,i)/ R 00 " ti . 4W VI 0 0 0 A��� MEAD DRVE _ Al All e e -v° MN SITE - IIP Qo� 0, P *Ir4."r-1. 0 NORF VT O KERN Rq41. G�OOG ��RO D ER IVE X PUBLIC 20 GAS& I I- ii-- / / L J \ / i I�-�I I 11NFTYPF LEGEND WATER SYMBOLS UTILIN SYMBOLS ELECTRIC EASEMENT / N I /lam '1 j -PB 42 P 187-188 - - • - • - • - • - • / .. -� _/ /-I /^ \ G G EEIBSINC GAS LINE EXISTING ARE HYDRANT 0 EXISING POWER POLE —// T /i I /g o —8'rW EXISING STORM SEWER LINE Jo- EXISTING VALVE EXISING GUY WIRE ———G —G———G——— i // 1) ———6"05S EXISTING SANITARY SEWER DNE 0 _ G—— G�——G———G———G—>_�_—�6 —O —��——C——— r® I I OW EXISTING WATER METER EXI511NG LIGHT POLE G---G-- G---G---G--/ ----C----C— EXISTING CABLE TELEASION CABLE % — EXISTING CAN PEDESTAL / Nf€ _ / / I' --T---T - EXISTING TELEPHONEIBoPn CABLE 1 BFP EXISTING BACK-FLOW PREVENTER e DOCREYN LLC �/ :.,-II I I -FOC EXISTING FIBER OPTIC CABLE m EXISING TELEPHONE PEDESTAL DB 2743 P 461 /- I -ONE EXISTING OVERHEAD ELECTRIC 0 EXISTING ELECTRICAL PEDESTAL LOT/J3- PRIVATE ROADI PIN: 3702-67-3663 - / Y` I I I� —UGE EXISTING UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC [q DOSING GAS VALVE PHASE -SECTION ONE HERITAGE CORNER EX ZONE: GCI p�j (NOTE:NUMBER IN LINE DENOTES (PB 42 P 187-188) _=- -\ PIPE SIZE IN INCHES) ) ' Y1aT I I © EXISTING GAS METER I DESIGNATED AS INGRESS/EGRESS, // EX ENCLOSURE P I UTILITY&DRAINAGE EASEMENT) // w/BFP&FDC iw /A If II I SURVEY SYMBOLS G 1 / IImI _——— — / 0 NEW IRON(5/8 UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE) - _ Lo---G---G \c---s-I*-o --c- - r �L STORM SEWER SYMBOLS (SIZE NOTED) ----�� La X 1r�CONC SIDEWALK _ _ _ _ " I I� 0 COMPUTED POINT SANITARY SEWER SYMBOLS \ ---� - -/ ,fET©��Ex ELECTRIC TRANSFORMER---y,L----��----8�----4WL 46�27'13' 313.28' --- ----ram G 0 EXISTING CATCH BASIN 318.29;awE--- r _[_-ra-- B'V�E • DOSING CONCRETE MONUMENT �- ,I} A EXISING STORM DRAIN MANHOLE E%ISTNG MANHOLE EX PRIVATE 10'DRAINAGE A •^• r- r 01, ❑ NEW CONCRETE MONUMENT &UTILITY EASEM€ T I I i I VI EXISTING FLARED END SECTION A DOSING PK NAIL 0 EASING SEWER SERVICE _=(TB_42 P-187- ) __ / / m I CB E EXISING DROP INLET A NEW PK NAIL E%ISTNG SEWER CLEAN-OUT I I I I I EXISTING AERIAL I W I I TOP 150.13 INV" UTILITY EASEMENT 1 46.43 I\ DB 2236 PG 890'r M O E \ ----14B- / \ / ^ I 1 \ --- EXISTING JOINT M1 M -- - - s,/ I I DRIVEWAY - 'Y[p I� {., DB 1770 PG 56 N I -'II � I r E� TING GAS EASEMENT / L II 1 ( DB_298 PG 315 / I /��l CO I laa _ // a V� =-149--— — TOP 148,34 -- "—\r — _ —` / I I INV 145.14 ---- _ u 77.7- \ \`/77)/ ouMPST�R / __tA9-- -- /�� i, 1 II AREA // W 7g —. III / \ // 00 I I II� 1 �-v1-J II 7 N. vro•"' I II E ti m / /� TNN / ---I g I1..7 SITE DATA / r / I I III 1 LOT AREA 1.831 ACRES II ZONE GC & GC-CUP \I\ / ea I---�i/ I I I r- / _---� I ;, CI EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA . . . 1.12 AC (61.1%) I / 1 O I •' PROPERTY ADDRESS 3601 RALEIGH ROAD PARKWAY WEST I 1 I / I 1 I ! PARCEL ID NUMBER 3702-67-7745 & 3702-47-9494 I -----I 11 '..� I 1 PROPERTY REFERENCE DB 2691 PG 907 & DB 2743 PG 461 / 1 1 I 1 I I1 al is I I l // oI III III I f1 SETBACK REQUIREMENTS \ �IZTT-n _---J pI III I CA A I I \ BLO I STORY o w FRONT 30' u I \ (vncelNTj �111 LLJ / �" III $ \--- SIDE 10' Iv IL., I \ I / <RIVE Be PARKING ----7CONCRETE I SIDE STREET 30' y 6 I \ / I I :ER 30' --- I Iro I I I� : a A'�'11 � \V / I I DOCREYN, LLC ___ ___ 248 EVANS STREET WOODLAND WILSON 1 LLC N sw-/ AV A A -H I I FLORENCE, SC 29501 DB 2881 P 315 L J I I I (� ATTN: REYNOLDS WILLIAMS PIN: 3702-67-5515 0" 4- \ / I I _--- EX ZONE: GC o:� BAr ,�ASH 1 / \ ill a \ 1p I I-\ / __i j/ i I \\ 1 JFIL SUBJECT SITE NOTES: 9\ I %�--LOADING ZONE / • \ • \III V THIS PROPERTY IS NOT LOCATED IN A FEMA DESIGNATED FLOOD HAZARD AREA m ACCORDING TO MAP NUMBER 3720370200K DATED APRIL 16, 2016. /�L --J '.I III 1 A PORTION OF THIS PROPERTY IS LOCATED WITHIN A WS4-P WILSON COUNTY 1p I i J \'1 // N. III 1 PROTECTED WATERSHED AREA. / / l / / N I', / I Q // DITCH DITCHES ON SITE MAY BE SUBJECT TO THE NEUSE BUFFER REGULATIONS. N9 / ) 3-- I j/ ' I I// DITCH/DITCHES �° / / /-/ LIGHT �h ,,ql, I/ / THERE ARE NOT WETLANDS DELINEATED AT THIS TIME. F / / I/ I /�/ POLE NO I i��A / 1 / / / TMP),� + 1 EXISTING Pueuc NY0 EASEMENT-I '" \- // .P1' I / // I B z vs P a -=-flrW= arw / EXISTING PERMANENi7 1 1 Y / \— \\ -- \\ /, a oB 2236PG866 IOHE T --OHE----P1E1— -- CHEf --ONE-/ —OHE ---ORE,--#qIE----ONE---- / ,I /DIE---_OHE -_ �„`- j� / // -ONE----_��I,f/ 1 .• / I CB �/ I �© ..o 2•0w— �—2•0W I TOP 146.60 \ I BFP J C• 25.11' -_-16.64' ,-' INV 143.29 a v i� I S50'21'09"W 548'15'21"W _ �ca �11'RCP S48'15'21"W„ 197.03'_- _ - r. 16"0SS 149.52 I \ 6"PSS—— —6"PSS \ 6"065—— —fi"s55/1—— 6"055— L ,---=c—— — —_ _ _ _-/_ r TOP 146.76 _t.9" I>_IL \ TOPC147.23 CB . •ADOPT-A-HWY 11 , ——/ INV 144.88f q -- to--c IN�143.817� P` INV 145.78 TOP 147.00 r4g\ 9ON /� -- I f ——c ___ _ q TOT-146.59 •SP®umr —/ -----�--- ---- INV I=I.ST=-_ ���— INV 141.29 d- �i 1 1 I 24�RCP -/- —__— — ta>-_— SIGN fl RC ICJ 3p'RC� !18REP--=-V ____ '"--__ I i_ 30'RCP - CB 10 CB TOP 147.62 <= g I ¢-I // 'nl-i INOP V 141.70 / vI 146.39 W I INV 142.03 - I I / I %`/ Io 13Ivi — — --- s __..--2-)2I- ___-- "----_ _,Ik-_-----._ -- DI Di DI TOP 146.85 I DI NV 143.59 z1 AIRPORT BLVD (SR 1158) NOV 143.86 I I TOP 147.31 _ I INV 144.07 — — — - - — (EX PUBLIC R/W VARIES) Loon 1 - - - - - - - - - - - — — — - I I 20' 0' 20, 40' 80, .SN' �,,, TRC Stamp: City Council Stamp: Revision Date By Date: May 2022 P.A. 0utparcel #4 W--;;4 Herring—Sutton & Associates, Heritage Corner Shopping Center Seale: 1" = 20' Map No. 1, r Existing Conditions Drawn by: th 1871V-0P4 I ?off 9f-4e Engineers — Surveyors — Planners / Firm License #C-2310 City of Wilson N.C.%ytiIvl '`'��:.°'' Y , Topographic ;e�."s�,.• 2201 Nash Street NW * Wilson, North Carolina 27896 • (252) 291-8887 Survey Sheet No. TP-1 JINFTYPF IEGEND --G---G EXISTING GAS LINE 8'•W EXISTING WATER UNE NG STORM SEWER UNE /// \\\ i -` j S it CUSS EXISTING SANITARY SEWER UNE 8'•W PROPOSED WATER LINE L ^ ,� ®® I PROPOSED STORM SEWER UNE NSF / , et in I 60OB PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER UNE DOCREYN LLC TOTAL DISTURBED I / i 1 ----c----c- EXISTING CABLE TELEVISION CABLE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE DB 2743 P 461 - a'1 ---T---T EXISTING TELEPHONE CABLE 2.2 ACRES AREA 2.2ACRES - I ---FOC EXISTING FIBER OPTIC CABLE PIN: 3702-67-3663 i ' -01E EXISTING OVERHEAD ELECTRIC EX ZONE: GC _ - -- 1I -UGE EXISTING UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC - U ° _ ' ^III (NOTE:NUMBER IN UNE DENOTES '' `,,• ••` /� �' I PIPE SIZE IN INCHES) SILTFENCE A miff -I III a'j II SYMBOLS LEGEND r�T r n7 7 r r l • s�-`` , •^• •'• // "SF7" -L�r�,1 _ - yil PROPOSED TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE -imi11�: : N48'27'13"E 318.29' ,� ,��� _•,� J�� VA Ir� ,LLG,IR,IkANS,UkMEH INLET 313.28' ��ik♦i I II Sjp� PRaPogD STOCKPILE J�'•' PROTECTION CB #3 '�♦�0 TEMPCONC t\ did TOP 147.89 ;c 1��°�•a IIWASHPIT I TO NOTE: - mN (TYP.) INV 144.74 �iO�♦,(11II 1 w TOP 150.13 my 1as--;\ 148 .a3 ALL NON-IMPERVIOUS AREAS ARE TO BE I I PROPOSED TEMPORARY SKIMMER // -____ Ip�,f t in o ,A �- STABILIZED WITHIN 14 DAYS. ( J BASIN/1 W/BAFFLES \ IIII - - "' �•°,♦ 11:-CO ALL DEMOLITION DEBRIS TO BE DISPOSED OF IN AN i \ TEMP DIVERSION#i I 7 �'M♦�• 1 6..• APPROPRIATELY APPROVED FACILITY OR LOCATION. iHpl• /� ' \ LINED WITH NAG S75 // %,°.•P 4 (ii h \ .- _ Ag/ �"MP( 1 ' UPON COMPLETION OF GRADING, CONTRACTOR TO Il-�'-�D I PROPOSED FAIRCLOTH SKIMMER Ir \ \ - _-�- 1 1/ \\ � �°�` TER... •- 2 '� ENSURE ALL EXISTING AND NEWLY INSTALLED "I'I� - �/v \ -It�� CONSTRUC ON 1 PIPES ARE CLEAN OF SEDIMENT. PROPOSED CONCRETE WASH PIT ci • 8 • ll . •• . • Co / a J )p,♦�,*AO 25'x100'X6 1 C\/ -0 PROPOSED RIP RAP ENERGY DISSIPATION PAD �\ 1 5 s 0* I - ®0 `♦,° SILT FENCE - I I PROPOSED RIP-RAP STONE 0 EME /SPILLWAY _� /')- 2 \` SITE BOUNDARY/PROPERTY LINE ' p • t 1 W "1 PROPOSED SEDIMENT FENCE _ II 7p' p,♦L ♦a o I I9 •'Off PROPOSED SEDIMENT FENCE WHET OUTLETS ' rv�1, PROPOSED UMI15 OF DISTURBANCE n� - I I I 1� ^� 150 PROPOSED CONTOUR LINE r ,� I v\ 1� I IJ ry' - PROPOSED TEMPORARY DIVERSION LINED WITH NAG S75 1Ag 1 M -- -- 10" HDP ROOF DRAIN �� - - _ _ N �� .o i\ / CB /{ j wB•R 6"RDA 1111 il y I"I PROPOSED CONCRETE WASHOUT PIT TOP 148.50 I - 1 III Q� 9� \\ / INV 144.24 I S'P� / 'IIII \\\\\ 1 111 III ' N, PROPOSED INLET PROTECTOR L----,I I 1 SIFT FENCE �AREAM Amel ! 461 �p Fs� "�„ TI 1 - 1 1Y, I I I I n,8 B 11 (Qy TEMPORARY SKIMMER SEDIMENT BASIN SCHEDULE I I I I _ N o 1 I ^y STRUCTURE TOP OF LENGTH 0 WIDTH 0 INVERT SKIMMER ORIFICE SKIMMER EMERGENCY EMERGENCY DRAWDOWN // _ = - f) TB I I I� I BERM (SPILLWAY (SPILLWAY OF SIZE DIA(IN) INVERT SPILLWAY SPILLWAY TIME // p 1 n) I [� INVERT) INVERT) BASIN WIDTH INVERT \\-�/ lInFT �, m �FFE 150.30I ♦ A III ^I '� (FT) FT (FT) (FT) (IN) (IN) (FT) (FT) (Fr) (DAYS) z - 1 A PROPOSED BUILDING i 8 o I I �) 1 148.0' 135.0' 16.0' 143.0' 1.5" 1.5" 143.0' 8' 147.0' 1.98 a i w C I ❑o0 4,694 SF \ O 1 m III 0 2 a a co - I•a o rn CONSTRUCTION NOTES: o � 8, 1 I Lb N . N I� a, y 1. A PRE-CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE WILL BE REQUIRED OA 1 f H TEMP DIVERSION#2 1 BEFORE COMMENCING LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITIES WITH 1 ► O, VIED WITHNAG S75 _ CITY OF WILSON EROSION CONTROL INSPECTOR. WOODLAND NILSON 1 LLC v `m - TN(R0) ' f�' CB 'I P Il c� 2. STREET IN FRONT AND BESIDE PROJECT SHALL BE KEPT PIN: 6P 735515 TOPCB#148.35 8 ._ a -TOP 148.50 OPE ROOF CB #5ORA I� NV 1TOP 144.819 ,�/ !r� ^I CLEAN AT ALL TIMES OR A WASH STATION WILL BE EX ZONE: GC INV 144.85 i5" RCP II INV 143.74 6" t1 III-_ I 1 REQUIRED. 5.0% VaXm Ql49 3. MAXIMUM CUT OR FILL SLOPES ON PROJECT 3:1. A I1 IP1� i�I ,( I CONCRETE WASHOUT NOTE: I SP. K li 1/J 1. SITE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLING CONCRETE J / WASHOUT PIT. 0 - TEMP SKIMMER Jr. N \ l / 2. SITE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR CONCRETE WASHOUT PIT 1 s TOP*6 BASIN 1148.11I SILTFENCE DETAIL PER co. I / POLT 01,h Qo 1/l Lf MAINTENANCE FOR SITEWORK CONCRETE. BAFFLES 6 c'! INV 143.42 '� (Td \ / 3. BUILDING CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR CONCRETE WASHOUT .,® 1"TEMPORARY A ry.. \ */ 1- PIT MAINTENANCE FOR BUILDING CONCRETE. • e TEMPORAR ,AB I f5 HOPE yg //- 4. SITE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR REMOVING CONCRETE 1 CB /2 Ory -// WASHOUT PIT. B , -- ', 148 _,I TOP 14:.a // Site Sedimentation-Erosion Control 1 N INV 1 .07 // // 1. Prior to commencing any land disturbing activity whose limits of disturbance are ym ym ym--►ro tag 1 eJ DI p7 � // greater than 1.0 acre in area, the Contractor shall have in his possession a copy of --{m~m REMOVE EX CB -STD �o // the approve Sedimentation-Erosion Control plan and notified the approving authority \ . CB TOP 146.70 t P SILT FENCE �/ of his intent to commence land disturbing activities. Contractor shall conduct a TOP 1a6.6o 0 INV 143.30 SF3" / pre- land disturbance conference on-site if so required by the approving authority nn. wir limv143.29 A....____(EXTEND 24" // 25.11' .16.64' F--_ � ��I�� / prior to commencing land disturbing activities. RCP TO DI S50'21'023' 'y0 =~ S48'15'21"W 197.03' Allr i 2. All land disturbing activities shall be performed in accordance with the approved ---„, _ ,_� 7 Sedimentation-Erosion Control Plan unless prior approval is obtained from either the - _--_-- 14T -- �� CB EMERGENCY SPILLWAY �%�-- Project Engineer or Approving Authority. - _ -; " " Irvnn48'1 s 3. The Contractor is responsible for Self- Monitoring and Self-Inspection of the _----4_ �24'RCP - ------ '•' -.r'-+--� . _ • • • x - SILT FENCE land disturbing construction activities on the site as follows: The focus of the SITE DATA - - - - - - - = _-_ _ - --- - _ _ __ _ _�_ --__ Self-MonitoringProgram is the installation and maintenance the erosion control and DISTURBED AREA . : . 2.2 ACRES e' 30"RCP 3o'PteP- td -1• CO OUTLET (TYP.) sedimentation controlmeasures accordingto the approvedplan. The inspections PROPERTY ADDRESS . 3601 RALEIGH ROAD PARKWAY W CO TEMP FAIRCLOTH TOP 147.62 DP P TOP 146.39 SILT WINDOW / SKIMMER INV 142.03 shall be conducted after each phase of the project and continue until permanent PARCEL ID NUMBER 3702-67-7745 & 3702-47-9494 �I� B, INV 141.70 SUMP (TYP.) I - ground cover is established in accordance with NCGS 113A-54.1 and 15A NCAC PROPERTY REFERENCE . . . DB 2691 PG 907 & DB 2743 PG 461 a: L=5' - - - - - - �I 4B.0131. The self-inspection report form is available as an excel spreadsheet at the W=3' following: HTTP//WWW.DLR.ENR.STATE.NC.US/PAGES/SEDIMENTATION_JEW.HTML. If you h e I °IUPROPERTY OWNER: DEVELOPER: D=2' c, have questions concerningthe form or cannot access the form, please contact the _ _ _ /� Raleig Regional Office o the Department of Environmental Qualit at DOCREYN, LLC WOODHAVEN DEVELOPMENT GROUP _ - - 919-791-4200 or the office of the approving Sedimentation-Erosion Control Plan 248 W. EVANS STREET 6000 FAIRVIEW RD, STE 1530 _ _, _ ,_ FLORENCE, SC 29501-3428 CHARLOTTE, NC 28210 Authority. ATTN: ZACK KOSOFSKY DI DI DI D� 4. All sites subject to approved Sedimentation-Erosion Control Plan are required to TOP 146.85EJ AIRPORT BLVD (SR 1 158) TOP 147.46 fill out inspection sheets for ESC measures weekly and within 24 hours of rainfall DI INV 143.59 INV 10.3.86 eventsgreater than 0.5 inches cumulative within the preceding24 hour time period. TOP 147.31 INV 144.07 - - - - - - - - - - - Inspection sheets are to be kept in on site in a water proof enclosure or on-site E1 (EX PUBLIC R/W VARIESJ construction office throughout the duration of the project. A copy of the approved Sedimentation-Erosion Control Plan as amended should also be kept in the same _ _ _ _ _ _ _ location. A rain gauge shall be provided by the Contractor on kept on the site. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5. Silt fence/silt socks; wetland protective fencing and tree protection fencing are C used to delineate limits of disturbance and shall be installed inside limits of _ disturbance. 20' 0' 20' 40' 60' - .jN'-a TRC Stamp: City Council Stamp: Revision Date By • • Date: January 2023 •••••• `" Herring-Sutton & Associates P•A• Outparcel #4 Scale: 1" = 20' Map No. . FL g Heritage Corner Shopping Center Sedimentation & Erosion 1?06-9_ Engineers - Surveyors - Planners / Firm License #C-2310 Drawn by: th 1871V-OP4 . , 5- , City of Wilson, N.C. Control Plan •,,,F L. s,,,. 2201 Nash Street NW • Wilson, North Carolina 27896 (252) 291-8887 Sheet No. SE-1 LINETYPE LEGEND --G---G EXISTING GAS UNE 651W EXISTING WATER UNE _ _ EXISTING STORM SEWER UNE A /// \\ -- - " III 6"05S EXISTING SANITARY SEWER UNE V - L \ -/ H ED DA I I 6'0W PROPOSED WATER UNE PROPOSED STORM SEWER UNE /\ N/F ^"Mi I --- 4'.88 PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER UNE h\`1 DOCREYN LLC TOTAL DISTURBED /.,', -C----C- EXISTING CABLE TELEVISION CABLE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE DB 2743 P 461 a AREA 2.2 ACRES /'4, ,<._1 II -�-F0c T EXISTING EXISTING TTELEPHONE CABLE LEE 2.2 ACRES /- 1i I _- PIN: 3702-67-3663 EX ZONE: GC 5�G ' -ONE EXISTING OVERHEAD ELECTRIC _ i31I -USE EXISTING UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC U ji ' � .I (NOTE:NUMBER IN UNE DENOTES /f� \ ,,,• ••� w I PIPE SIZE IN INCHES) 1� 1� i i�- \\\'.,, iII� , SILT FENCE M,*. 2 �, // svt° -L �b 1 'a1 I SYMBOLS LEGEND rll T T n7 T TEl , . J11 m \\ 1 1 1 1 1 I I Id I I !. _ r ------_ ' Nj�r(,�,�( �_',) {' gW PROPOSED TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE _ -f7.YXELE:H kA.s,KM n INLET 1 f algi I 1, V \ J Y )\ PROTECTION Y imei 0 III TEMP CONC O PROPOSED STOCKPILE \\ 8 oo� ,P 7 II WASH PIT I ce I I ��a (TYP.) 1����,C ., TOP 150.13 / 5/�� I \ 148 AIM* ` II 1 � I INV 146.43 / LJ 10 _ _ --- 1��e. II �,. • • C ,0.44 I• • • I PROPOSED TEMPORARY SKIMMER / um - a BASIN#1 W/BAFFLES /// \ fLINEOWITHNAGS?5I :SS( ``` rI NO 'mmilli •,,�( K 011 D) PROPOSED FAIRCLOTH SKIMMER \ \\ - II o` a T ♦-0-- V \I11q.� ) ` w�� CONSTRUC ON I CD G Mi 0 • W 1E1 PROPOSED CONCRETE WASH PIT I ) e•C 25'x100'X6' C� I e / \ / -- --- _- I PROPOSED RIP RAP ENERGY DISSIPATION PAD / 1 SILT FENCE / _ - SF2 PROPOSED RIP-RAP STONE 0 EMERG/SPILLWAY L 1)I t a z U SITE BOUNDARY PROPERTY UNE 0 7 q \ 4 IF - PROPOSED SEDIMENT FENCE I ram, '/] .-•-�f PROPOSED SEDIMENT FENCE OUTLET OUTLETS r 1� I III_ I I I I vl ^�V ------PROPOSED OMITS OF DISTURBANCE 50-PROPOSED CONTOUR E 1A9 I 1I v ro 1ti - PROPOSED TEMPORARY DIVERSIONLINED WITH NAG 575 1 ---\ / 4I I I -- - 'i I!� ^ I II y"ro PROPOSED CONCRETE WASHOUT PIT _ z L__ L PROPOSED INLET PROTECTOR 1 TI----� t- S2F4TFONCE El AREA LAYDOW ' i� II I� �l I ag -, II II ,II II Q 111 _ Q _ No 1 I :Nm N O CLI IO `I•-�i// 1 IFFE 150.301 ® 1 II III q 0.1 PROPOSED BUILDING III Qi i w � ❑oc 4,694 SF � _� � e 1 \\ III I �< _ C - I I n/o \�� I I TEMP DIVERSION#2 ` `�, NSF P L�OWITH NAG S25 ■ '.-1I WOODLAND WILSON 1 LLC '" 1 1 'Y DB 2881 P 315 Iti � _- �������� �� A �i �r ■ PIN: 3702-67-5515 '� 1 1I 3 ` 1 �- r NOTE: EX ZONE: GC I , 0rl \ Ilii = - -1a9--- - �� �I ALL NON-IMPERVIOUS AREAS ARE TO BE STABILIZED WITHIN 14 DAYS. ' '1 1 J L ALL DEMOLITION DEBRIS TO BE DISPOSED OF IN AN Ng,/ V APPROPRIATELY APPROVED FACILITY OR LOCATION. .\I•` \ �� I I UPON COMPLETION OF GRADING, CONTRACTOR TO 11\� d' I ENSURE ALL EXISTING AND NEWLY INSTALLED 1 I j I PIPES ARE CLEAN OF SEDIMENT. 1 1,/ C1 1 �// d TEMP SKIMMER 1 ^p SILT FENCE �- BASIN PERC.O.W.I LIGHT �`S\" ill CONSTRUCTION NOTES: ill; HD \\\ TEMPORARY POL '�QL'p• � \ - - BAFFLES 6 ,T„� 1� I 1. A PRE-CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE WILL BE REQUIRED DETAIL 352.03 d"J -.® 1( \ */ 1- BEFORE COMMENCING LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITIES WITH „ / CITY OF WILSON EROSION CONTROL INSPECTOR. 1� 15 HOPE '/1- • J', 148 1 T/ 2. STREET IN FRONT AND BESIDE PROJECT SHALL BE KEPT _ '-I f // CLEAN AT ALL TIMES OR A WASH STATION WILL BE • 1 - �-- & /// Site Sedimentation-Erosion Control REQUIRED. '1' «� / 3. MAXIMUM CUT OR FILL SLOPES ON PROJECT 3:1. • "STD-•m-"ETD-.m-•TD..yin 149 ' aniummaiiiill Jr, /'.,-- // 1. Prior to commencing any land disturbing activity whose limits ss disturbance are \ : --►TD-►TD--0 To-•m / / greater than 1.0 acre in area, the Contractor shall have in his possession a copy of CB = - SILT FENCE ;// the approve Sedimentation-Erosion Control plan and notified the approving authority TOP 1466o j47 ` =_Q�,W� sFs" of his intent to commence land disturbing activities. Contractor shall conduct a _ - my t43.ze �'i �� ��� pre- land disturbance conference on-site if so required by the approving authority CONCRETE WASHOUT NOTE: A - ///� prior to commencing land disturbing activities. 2. All_ _=_____,-_-_ ''',2___ ®EME PILLW CO - a ^ i �-' - priorapproval is obtained from either the 1. WASHOUT PIT.CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLING CONCRETE ____ - ----G__-_- ._=_ • • , y • _.., 14129 - ��-- _ _ _ _ _ _alfli47A land activities shall be performed in accordance with the approved _ __ r-r-- Sedimentation Erosion Control Plan unless ' - _ _ _ P1 Nv ', - `�- Project Engineer or Approving Authority. 24"RCP - -+ " v-+ ' - - . . e - 3. The Contractor is responsible for Self- and Self-Inspection of the 2. SITE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR CONCRETE WASHOUT PIT - --- ---I„ - 1n.00 --- ------ -- e _ SILT FENCEMonitoring �' -30'iteP- tid -1: WI ' OUTLET TYP. land disturbing construction activities on the site as follows: The focus of the MAINTENANCE FOR SITEWORK CONCRETE. 30"RCP CB CB TEMPFAIRCLOTH TOP 14762 Self-Monitoring Program is the installation and maintenance the erosion control and TOP 146.39 SILT WINDOW / SKIMMER INV 142.03 sedimentation control measures according to the approved plan. The inspections 3. BUILDING CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR CONCRETE WASHOUT �I& hlca, INV 141.70 SUMP (TYP.) AIw I - PIT MAINTENANCE FOR BUILDING CONCRETE. / shall be conducted after each phase of the project and continue until permanent _ a: L=5' - �° _ ground cover is established in accordance with NCGS 113A-54.1 and 15A NCAC W=3' 4B.0131. The self-inspection report form is available as an excel spreadsheet at the 4. SITE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR REMOVING CONCRETE p=2' h�¢ I �IU WASHOUT PIT. �� following: HTTP//WWW.DLR.ENR.STATE.NC.US/PAGES/SEDIMENTATION_NEW.HTML. If you .____k_ _ _ _ have questions concerning the form or cannot access the form, please contact the Raleigh Regional Office of the Deportment of Environmental Quality at 919-791-4200 or the office of the approving Sedimentation-Erosion Control Plan -- DIOP 146.85 DI D1 DI Authority. AIRPORT BLVD (SR 1 158) ElINV 13,06 SITE DATA DI INV ta3.s9 INV 143.86 4. All sites subject to approved Sedimentation-Erosion Control Plan are required to DISTURBED AREA . . . 2.1 ACRES TOP 147.31 fill out inspection sheets for ESC measures weekly and within 24 hours of rainfall INV 144.07 - - - - - - - - - - - PROPERTY ADDRESS . . . . 3601 RALEIGH ROAD PARKWAY W events greater than 0.5 inches cumulative within the preceding 24 hour time period. 1 ] (EX PUBLIC R/W VARIES) Inspection sheets are to be kept in on site in a water proof enclosure or on-site PARCEL ID NUMBER 3702-67-7745 & 3702-47-9494 construction office throughout the duration of the project. A copy of the approved PROPERTY REFERENCE . DB 2691 PG 907 & DB 2743 PG 461 - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - Sedimentation-Erosion Control Plan as amended should also be kept in the same _ _ _ location. A rain gauge shall be provided by the Contractor on kept on the site. PROPERTY OWNER: DEVELOPER: C - 5. Silt fence/silt socks; wetland protective fencing and tree protection fencing ore DOCREYN, LLC WOODHAVEN DEVELOPMENT GROUP _ - _ used to delineate limits of disturbance and shall be installed inside limits of 248 W. EVANS STREET 6000 FAIRVIEW RD, STE 1530 20' 0' 20' 40' 80' disturbance. FLORENCE, SC 29501-3428 CHARLOTTE, NC 28210 ATTN: ZACK KOSOFSKY .jN' a TOO stamp: City Council Stamp: Revision Date By Outparcel #4 Date: January 2023 . Herrin Sutton & Associates, P.A. Scale: 1• = 20' Map No. g- Heritage Corner Shopping Center Sedimentation & Erosion ?06 19111 2'. Engineers - Surveyors - Planners / Firm License #C-2310Drawn by: th 1871V-OP4 �. 1 .4== City of 'Wilson, N.C. Control Plan .-„P-�,-svg•'O 2201 Nash Street NW • Wilson, North Carolina 27896 • (252) 291-8887 Sheet No. SE-2 mre i III a Q n a L. . II �®n - ---� /r t°°A RI pi ai a �_„_ „\ SKIM i(y. r� i I41 )-----_-1:1- . - . - . . -141.- )1 , 1 - il I+ "i nInr•.• IIII I -\) 01 II �11,1-z21 p Q �« 7,rth. a Q I 1 flr,,,,,„,...2, I I ' V -. V �or j ����- �) SILT FENCE DRAINAGE AREA CALCULATIONS I i \ --,-1 - ` ` ri I n' ) �/ i PROJECT Heritage Corner Shopping Center-Ou rparcel N4 I-1 II ' I _ �L VA i a 11 L�.�� / �" ��� w al LOCATIO HERITAGE CORNERS SHOPPING CENTER I 1 ��, w���, I I DATE: 28-Feb-23 V � I( 1 > -s pa - 3 - N �'b' _ NI J I >. I / �ti A 11 I I, t, DRAINAGE MAX.ALLOWABLE ACTUAL REM:151LT PROVO.SILT MEETS DRAINAGE L=- r � gt ) II a f�\) Il (� " -_ I 1 �j AREA No. DRAINAGE AREA(SF) DRAINAGEAREA(SF)FENCE LENGTH FENCE LENGTH AREATEST COMMEMTS I }.+ ./ I' V IJ •j i SF0A-1 10000/100LF-SF 1,351 14 237 V \I IJ TEMP DIV #/ I 4 l I) ~ •-- r _ fl II C SFDA-2 10000/100LF-SF 3,539 35 198 Y �/i DA1 = 0.98 ACRES �II� - Si ® I �I� a SSFDA-4 l000wwo�sF 2,573 89 e Y gg N••«. IAn 0- C 1� I R 1 III o 1 kg �, "/ \'a6a"vv Fat xm o - 4 F : NOTE:ABOVE BASED UPON A SLOPE OF 2%OR LESS AND 100 LF OF SILT PER 10,000 SF AREA MAX. B ,II \i 4 ww�•� 1e„ �! R SEE SHEET No.SE-3 FOR DRAINAGE AREAS ® ,I Inl«E a TEMP DIV #2 �� m,°x. @:,, °' • III " �I l n n DA = 0.74 ACRES j� II 4 ram- � \., ! q � Ii, NOTE: i �J II (________ a 88 �' I %� I \\�� -//- _ - I 1 v r«� Ir /// r YOOI-riEl / // a Y-mJ' . 1111 I / // .- /i _ e o r /�� 1- AIL -146.8= _ :c;,,......_Ig.__TDD,A:igh., -- = a ----- -INV 142.13 a _ - _- -Dqg��ro7um LAIRPORT BLVD1158) 41� :;:1 �8,� '"' AIRPORT BLVD (SR 1158) �ll�~°Y.':1 (sx POBLIc R/ s) )- SKIMMER BASIN DRAINAGE AREA -SKDA TEMPORARY DIVERSION DRAINAGE AREA -Tome 1. I N a D:u. I": I- -_-` - - - - _ - - - ""°'xe"" a _ DA#9 71 1 STORM DRAINAGE DESIGN DATA SHEET-CITY OF WILSON oow uoI a a � 65, iIII PROJECT: Heritage Comer Shopping Center(Cctcacl, DESIGDED BY RLS DATE _3/12023 Final Rev 0020230207 m a I _ I5 LOCATION Airport Bld.8 Raleigh Road Parkway CHECKED BY-DP DATE Hentage Corner Shoppng Center n„a.cnx nm o xw )a zoxz.« Ail �TT i STOM.1 FREgENCY_10.yr m m 1 r-' I �/I R' •v� 4 ILOCATION ARAA(ACRES) INLEINTENSITY PIPE DATA REMARKS �� TTm r8 r'-a�q - - _ - _ _ C v I r 'II IJ - �'•°-�1µ Q PIPE T H L To I aqA TYPE N 5 DTIfO SIZE LENGTH SEG. CI AVAIL. UPPER Linter /f ,R ��rr1 l U TIhE PIPE TIME(MN.) C (C.F.S. (FlA1) y�'- , ' \ - RUN PIPE TIDE INVERT INVERT \\ I I \ ' , ' FROM TO NFRAREA TOTAL(MIN REOD) ) (FTISEC /yl- - r , , , Gp -- J-- _1Fi) (FT.) (MIN.)ON/HR) (FT/FT) (IN) (IN 1 (FT) (MN.) (CFS) (FT.) (FT) /(/ \ \ R CB#1 CB#2 0 62 0.42 ALTO=5Dtinubs 7.55 OAR 254 RCP 0.012 0.02000' 8.99 15.00 8.09 87.00 0.18 9.82 144.81 143.07 OK i / N CB#2 EriatCB 026' O68 _AL 7'C 5M nuOs 7.54 0.90 4.82 RCP 0.012 0.02000' 11.26 15.00 &08 5200' 0.11 9.82 143.07 142.03 OK -__ _ --- CB#3 CB#d017 0.72 - - AE 1C=5 Mnules 7.55 0.75 &11 RCP 0.012 0.00500' 12.60 15.00 4.04 81.50 0.39 4.88 144.74 144.24 OK \ •J° I�i r«-I� I CBp4 COOS 017 0.72 AI TF S Dex,bs 7.55 0.85 Ltl RCP 0.012 0.00500 16.61 15.00 A04 90.OD 0.37 1.88 144.24 743.76 OK • ' ' :t.a2pC. 11\ 4 CB#8 COG 0.12' 0.12 Al 5Mnrbs 7.55 0.85 0,77 RCP 00120.05000' 4.84 15.00 12.79 90.00' 012 15.138 144.02 14374 OK _ - iCL. re- - / -1 1 1 • � To a � �I � � I -� �+ ` ' CB115 CB#6 0.12' 0.96 Al TC SMnubs 7.55 0.80 &80 RCP 0012 0.00500' 15.90 18.00 A67 51.00' 019 8.07 1/3.74 143.42 OK h )I \\\�V I C CM DIG (Le 1.18 Al ICY 5 Moots 7.55 0.80 7.01 RCP 0.012 0.0[600' 18.50 18.00 5.00 WOO' 0.05 8.84 143.42 143.30 OK -- ir�� « J. ,'� 1n1 _.I V OA 1 C DI#7 EX.CB 0.04 V 7.20 AL TCo 5 Morin 7.55 0.80 736 RCP 0.012 0.08000' 10.28 24.00 22.12 24.00' 0.02 0A8 143.30 141.51 OK �l . Sid =I� + C III �.,.- V Q I h s II f- 1t�y n c _ _ r ` C-RUNOFF COEFFICIENT III L ■ 1.- Li=I `III 4, j - z a � ry ` • _ t # 1, III a H-FEIOR ABOVE INLET CF MOST REMOTE PONT �/i _ I i 11111 IIIIIIII Ehit. err:,,oAoI ,, S 9 w DAi 8 DFMINAGE AREA - , \ II Rom" - of oN E6) NDE. . 61G�I Q ` 01 AC-. I ND. DATE DESCRIPTION N-COEFIGENT OF F10CTION -. ' vmmsm•amar _ C # ` III I i ' R'cd t« ����N m I I -_ S SLOP(%) . ` FM yo f O-FLOeV C.F.S.) F il y w .""e , .; r „� - �L\OV .,, 0.' l�� � J )0111r7 n III APPROVAL SIC114TI E DATE nx. oE,�„ Il n DA#6 al J ` Y III o M 0.26 AC. \� Pi 4 i . -J \ III ` . - r / Oro e � C vi�iun / 4110.1 4 w :411 gilli ,..4.0kVerli \ I ..24 / // .sue /® ® // `-a=a I � � L, ~� a� �� �� - ."o :- - - .,I X Fr ., ,'' SILT FENCE a _ z_.._ w T DA1 = 1351 SF w _ __ 4 :ti.,'Zm - .r,,.,N DA2 = 3539 SF _- _ - 1 a� it DA3 _ 8911 SF r°; - J I a.0 DA3 2573 SF 'T AIRPORT BLVD (SR f168 .za,,,,, i --= i 1_--__1_-_- --, (EX PUBLIC R/M VARIES) �I SILT FENCE DRAINAGE AREA -SFDA STORM DRAIN DRAINAGE AREA 40' 0' 40' 80' 120' Date: January 2023 TRC Stamp: City cnunma Stamp: Revision Date By Outpareel #4 s /"-..: g- Herita a Corner Shopping Center Q,:.,d7. Herrin Sutton & Associates, P.A. g pp g Sedimentation Se Erosion scale: 1" = 4D Map No. ?06 lily z, Engineers - Surveyors - Planners / Firm License #C-2310 Drawn by: th 1871V-OP4 cit' e.;(4",= City of Wilson, N.C. Control Plan , L. S.... 2201 Nash Street NW • Wilson, North Carolina 27896 • (252) 291-8887 Sheet No. SE-3 Deter:is Provided by APPIAN Consulting Engineers-www.appianengineers.com 06/07/2010-3:17:41 PM Details Provided by APPIAN Consulting Engineers-eex.appianengineers.eom 06/07/2010-3:14:10 PM Details Provided by APPIAN Consulting Engineers-www.appionengineers.eom 06/07/2010-3:13:59 PM _ PARABOLIC CROSS-SECTION U - _ _ = MIN.0.5 FREEBOARD -.I ENTRANCE PONT-CA r• - - COMPACTED SOIL .it W �j SEE NOTE 3 L_ Ee 4 _ _ - m i letIrS: FILTER FABRIC. • ALLOW wfFiGENT RADIUS I. / __ TM-. �yq4,.f1 ' TO ENwRE TRULK rEas ',eV/�°,4. STAY ON ME STONE 'T'/2 '+• '•- �•A4.i r$4 6'MAX WITH EXTRA STRENGTH 6`a'� / \:�♦ I 4- ���'ifz��e$/?�?'',. FABRIC.WIG WIRE FENCE. /� \ _ -r W W -Y`\��PI`vi Ai. �\ 2'MIN. r•P:z x F'MAX.WITHTHRE STRENGTH �✓ \ '\ W �-0.0/.05f.: FABRIC WITH WIRE FENCE. �5� �i'"i`..`�•`\\ \ \\ 6'TYPICAL Y W W \<<.•S??�jA,t� po `�\ ` \\\\ LONGER ALON100 LF MIN.G C/L W W �,•,rl:,,ag.7.III �' •\\\'N ,'\,- LracmONGER ENTRANCE W W W W .//JJ 'ItifY l� �'',':,:„...6... -e,,\ PANT(BUT TRAPEZOIDAL CROSS-SECTION «. W mac.,', ,, SO CX T TO KEEP y. W 4 ,1, b ,,,� \�`50 ` SEDIMENT ON SITE) ` - ` \ \ __ `-.`��\ __ Jr W W `����??'1'Ay a • - '9 _-- .__ -_ MIN.0.5 FREEBOARD ,,. .v ,y, w .,. .J�4h A. to 25'OR WOTH OF W W v W '/)4 %f"<•.•7,: WIRE IS REQUIRED FOR STANDARD ENTRANCE PROPOSED STREET, W W �i^Jr/:J 1 LI11 STANDARD STRENGTH SEE NOTE I yeeCHEbte IS(HEATER -I Ij �'t-- O z- + ,' , 11 iII FENCING.SEE NOTE 5. O 3 _ i A 4 W J. I'i. 11 To PREVENT SNORT CIRCUITING ENTRANCE.EITHER T" _ - - - - - 2 1 - - - - - •Y �� INSTALL FENCE(SILT FENCE/TREE PROTECTION) 4A 3:1 IF TO BE MOWED-.-1 L J -I_ I NIL 1-WII . 2 W wAv 4.4..40 W u •i/`: II SIDESCREME FREE BARRIER ENTRANCE ON BOTH Z •. •B•rI r,.. 2'MIN. b' W W ! '��. I NOTES 50E5 AS APPl1LABlE. f� I +.5t\'�111,-II 111 6'TYPICAL I' NOTE I •u. Iz 1. Toe in backflll into trench and compact the soil firmly to anchor the bottom W w ? 44 4. .i =_7E SELF-FASTENING STEEL of the silt fence so that the runoff is forced to go through the fence. No _ pp LF MIN. CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIIONS: %!4 III 1 111 POSTS OR EQUIVALENT.DRIVE g EXISTING ROADWAY e5 LE MIN. 15•MIN. 1.All trees, brush, stumps" obstructions, and other objectionable material shall be W vw� so, W W M �`O POSTS 24`INTO GROUND, runoff is to flow under the fence. a'MIN - removed and disposed of so as not to interfere with the proper functioning of ,;,Q y MA Av :a II III IL SEE NOTE 2. 2. Posts for sediment fences are to be 1.33 Ih/LF steel with a minimum length 2x SLOPE(SEE NOTE 2) 7-- the diversion. .1••ea‘r '' W W a W W IvI�L of 5 ft. Make sure that steel posts have projections to facilitate fastening ,�• '.r..FT 2.The diversion shall be excavated or shaped to line, grade, and cross section as '+' 4' N. 'Da,. 11 the fabric. Filter fabric may be attached using wire or plastic zip ties that - -.-._. required to meet the criteria specified herein, and be free of irregularities _'"JS "W�' 'Y '' '� IL have a minimum 50 lb tensile strength. ACE I O c� STONE To eE uss0(LARGE PILE which will impede normal flow. _ 3. Total drainage area flowing to silt fence may not exceed 1/4 acre per 100 Ft. 11-p111-u-. _ R SECTION A A S,ONE OR RALROAD BALLAST RECOMMENDED) 3.Fills shall be compacted as needed to prevent unequal settlement that would -11,,,EE4�,. -I - \ of fence. IF CANNOT MAINTAIN CONSTRUCTON 9P 11=11= c _ 11 ° L 4. Silt fences should not be used at pipe outlets or in areas of concentrated flow m ENTRANCE WASH STONE WILL BE REWIRED. cause damage in the completed diversion. II IEI�I�1 All:5'^ 1- I_ - - -II1-II1-IL- 4. All earth removed and not needed in construction shall be spread or disposed of I-I I4111 .I -�II ' %i �i (creeks, dltchllnes, swales etc.) CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS: so that it will not Interfere with the functioning of the diversion. le ;��I 5. Construct the silt fence sediment barrier with either Standard Strength or Extra 1. Clear the entrance/exit area of all vegetation,roots.and other objectionable material. 5.Stabilization shall be done according to the seeding and ground cover IL 90'TYPICAL Strength synthetic filter fabrics, If Standard Strength fabric (TerraTex SF 90 2. Grade the road foundation so that the entrance/exit will have a cross slope. Specifications. Where design velocities exceed 2 fps, a channel liner is necessary110'MAX. P9 P ,II or equiv.) is used, wire mesh support IS required. If Extra Strength fabric 3. Stone size-Use 2"to 3"stone or surge pile stone. on new diversions to prevent erosion. The maximum permitted channel velocities 510 1 �/ (Mirefl 100% or TerraTex SFD or equiv.) is used, NO support is required. '4. Maintain the gravel pad in a condition to prevent mud or sediment from leaving the site onto the public for unprotected soils in existing channels shall not exceed those prescribed in II\ IL right-of-way.This may require periodic top dressing with additional stone as conditions demand repair and/or II I! e -I -III--421 ��,-T;4 6. Standard Strength fabric (TerraTex SF 90 or equiv.) with 8 ft max poet Table B.OSd of the North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Planning and Design .N _ -11- -III-' removed of any measures used to trap sediment.Shoua mud be backed or washed onto road,it must be I� spacing DOES require support by wire mesh fastened securely to the upslope maximum removed immediately. Manual unless a temporary, permanent grassed, or armored lining is provided .II, _ _- side of the posts. Use wire fence with a minimum 14 gauge and a maximum 5. If construction on the site is such that the mud is not removed by the vehicle traveling over the stone.then the •based upon the permitted vegetated velocities (Table 8.05a) or tractive force for - .-DRIVE STEEL POSTS mesh spacing of 6 inches. Extend the wire mesh support to the bottom of ' tires of the vehicle must be washed before entering the existing roadway.When necessary,wheels shall be temporary or permanent lining - (Table 8.05g), as applicable. The Engineer =1'i. F MIN.24'(EXTRA DEPTH the french. Fasten wire reinforcement, then fabric on the upslope side of the cleaned to remove sediment prior to entrance onto public right-of-way.r.Men washing is required.a shall be shall determine the diversion ditch flow and velocities, assign a corresponding i REQUIRED FOR UNSTABLE strength. done on an area stabilized with crush stone which drains to an approved sediment trap or sediment basin.All lining, and annotate on his/her plans. l i SOILS) fence post using wire or plastic zip ties that have a minimum 50 lb tensile 4, sediment shall be prevented from entering any storm drain,ditch,or watercourse through use of sand bags, NOTES 7. Extra Strength Filter Fabric (Miroff 100% or TerraTex SFO or equiv.) with 6 ft gravel,boomc,ortreeproPctionroved fencemeteto max. past spacing DOES NOT require wire mesh support. Securelyfasten H. Install sat fence or tree protection to ensure construction entrance is used. 1. May be used to divert water away from the site, prevent excess runoff from P 9 q PP _ concentrating over large areas of the site, prevent surface water runoff over steep �I U U filter fabric directly to posts. Wire or plastic zip ties that hove a minimum 50 .gC`-°`'-i"r+ny ,,PM N�nnG wm.5ao.,o CITY of WILSON, N.C. F°LX ra slopes, or divert stormwater to sediment basins or slope drains. lb tensile strength. y PuMic Services DeP.Kmanh Vole(252)399-2485 Public Servlme Departments Make p52)3SFNe5 *".4.,. P• PubYc s.ol®D.P.xm.b Yam(252)3BD2Ae5 ( = a°STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION An=� Nara` . ,3sl::o, , ,BOOHeMgAem./Po.Bmro CITY of WILSON, N.C. PAx2 ,39B2L3 ev :IL', CITYEofPWILSON, N.C. FWr1523g92163 B00HamgA. .,/P�.Bm,O CITY ofWILSONN.C. FAx 13Ri2LS9 _ ENTRANCE DETAIL REviNoe w'h Wit=on Nor.Ca4tlim Zr894 uSE wail THE em,of wnsal STAHnwa Hares aNLV �•1C sonncwe 'L. WIL NOrreloln.2Ta9V Use WTH ME CITY OF WLSON STANDARD sxcIFlCiMmns ONLY Nun ma nary 'A': WNm,Nero el*.27504 USE WmI 1NE CITY OP WILSON STANDARD ONLY W r1.oWlc oN J4'm° DIVERSION CONSTRUCTION No Te6 W ,35a".oa TYPICAL NaTafime =35+:0+ ;'• TYPICAL NetTo&de .SCALE 35+.0+ � ' SPECIFICATIONS DETAIL REVISION SHEETS z SILT FENCE ,�.o o SHEETS SILT FENCE A:..�o z"�;z Detail.Provided by APPIAN Coneulting Engineers-cex.appionengineers.cam 06/07/2010-3:20:49 PM Details Provided by APPIAN Consulting Engines-eex.appianenginews.com 06/07/2010-3:39:52 PM Details Provided by APPIAN Consulting Engineers-eww.appiunongineers.cum 06/07/2010-3:23:39 PM Details Provided by APPIAN Consulting Engineer.-wew.appienengineers.com 06/07/2010-3:13,47 PV II - WIRE FENCE IS REQUIRED SELF-FASTENING HARDWARE CLOTH STEEL POSTS OR -ETEQUIVALENT,SEE -TRENCH- III- - F�oW -�-L i (,... .) ON WIRE FENCE NOTE 3 -II' UPSTREAM ENDFLOW SILT FENCE FABRI a -,•1\' --11 T > HARDWARE CL07HC8�12" LAP ry OF STORM DRAIN -o'� + UPSTREAM ENO OF STORM DRAIN D T � "• \ -M'' - -OVERFLOW (SEE ISOMETRIC VIEW) ,r ;,-.4,!:- - A j i'.. \� DIi !/ STONE FILTER OF 1 INCH •''� z �� '• �� T T SI DNA.NC00T/57 WASHED I i�{�C�tI� y _, 11/3 PIPE DIA. p pILEEN �� DIA.N rt{ il, SIDE VIEW •T r III Llp'M eyllAROwi N pw .It_.... .. �} rL Ir' Ili 1- -•1=• iz. 9 1- die 2 '4,n"i' tl--=w .. iQdi m II -- h �Mf I h IO •I- B.I: BURY THE TOP ENDOF THE TAMP THE TRENCH FULL OF SOIL. _ E 1T,,'' 4, 1 DRIVE STEEL POSTS MATTING STRIPS IN A TRENCH SECURE WITH ROW OF STAPLES, . .4- I �•ry FOR UNSTABLE A 8 INCHES OR MORE IN DEPTH. 10 INCH SPACING,4 INCHES DOWN NOTE 1 MINA i DEPTH REQUIRED FROM THE TRENCH. .-i 11 phi M1R u SOILS) TYPICAL STAPLER Fs M' w� ,m. .,ILA L J`BURY BOTTOMftOF pPL�YW00D -� PLYWOOD EXTERIOR e?,s o��1\ M kFW�Mp�p�N( ‘,1,, 't, .wiT/'' i •AIL „p ,ik Lr4 lie OPTION A ': i t ;\`1I T An s T -I- u. ,III, ILLUSTRATION OF PLYWOOD INLET PROTECTION "K• , �'% 'FF °`o1 T vEc .Yu. 0 u� �'ll-: >� a°4/�1 lr wiii� �. 31 T FOR STORM DRAIN UNDER CONSTRUCTION. :0 0% .o. \ 1 35�Dt/ .., wu �ab f, Jg , K ilS ,Ety�`ti��.oao.,. o. \ i Tp SIT li ei y a g, '�b!' d ptil NOT TO SCALE REV.9-I-92 ` 1 1 $4 000..0� d aAfE,: 4a. • 1 • •N . ......O�.O O.. Ffl C ai 4 ..O..Od.. 0yp,F p apt Allc fi�e�, r7•�41��5IT, ,•,, i iF.iui�..,�'I, TVt CAR STEEL FENCE POST LI f•11T a-lea_1 . r J, oU.i0...01•\. Y f �E ,l wo•1�ri. �\ B '(RpwC *•_T�Ertki tOstei"r►r, ,:0 a o6&. .Noo`I 12. F bo z ov^w )pr' r. 1 •TI 1 I ..•r �A.00O••ww "" PRESS ENDS 6 e TITS ��s .,7 ee sI tliV4N�. INCHES INTO THE SOIL , -,- 1 - �� NOTES Ilene, fertilizer and seed before laying the net Or mat. ENO OFUPSTRE /3OVERFPIOPE DIA. NCDOTD#57 WAS 115 STONE A� r4 t�•.'l 4,isi 1� AROUND STRUCTURES AND `- " .... � -0 "`/ - 1 1 .... pply SEE NCDOT 7 WASHED Tit k!.c4l 1 1 w� ,, • 7 �/II s• • • s• r•STAPLE SECURELY + ,//f'-,•^'- 1- �.��y� > �� WHEN USING NETTING IN CHANNELS.ROLL + 2. Start laying the net from the top of the channel or slope and unroll it down the �P!' STORM t70101 F It tititi.'�I1 ` OUT STRIPS OF NETTING PARALLEL'TO THE \°, - " - grade. Allow nettingto laylooselyon the soli but without wrinkles - do not 3 ISOMETRIC VIEW • DIRECTION OF FLOW AND OVER THE '5 F. B g - type product shouldprovide at least 30X coverage of 0 Ili ': DRAIN f�OA •lit M'_./H__4',, i5!,i"W E PROTECTIVE MULCH. ' - stretch. Mat or blanketg r �, �j✓ 4' �t•, e ROW I� the surface where if is applied. „ j,ti 1 e / t� 2x2 MESH 2T NOTES: `� ":�1 :'•14J I �1t`r + -,- fg7"1ln" 3. To secure the net. bury the u slo a end In a slot or french no less than 6 s ° ¢ WIRE �u •- •s V.1" ,.•� y - ' / �I I- l_ t�"," rY P P .r4 L 4 FABRIC OR 1. Toe in backiill Into trench and compact 'l^.,, inches deep, cover with sofa, and tamp firmly as shown. Staple the net every Where e-� , 3 - EQUAL �'s b -- r " .,,,•.y,l�.,a•..s_ "'0°°°= the soil firmly to anchor the bottom of the r �rl tt a inches across the top end and every 3 foot around the edges and bottom. Where "�,e•, i _ T T the n cloth & overlapping alit fence so that•,, '� • .•.veyyu,.. ,w- 2 inches of net ore hayed side by side, the adjacent edges should be overlapped II WASHED PIP STONE FLIER • �.; �•gfs -- " U R NRLAP 3 Inches and stapled together. Each strip of nettingshould also be stapled down ACROSS PIPE INLET I m- r. HARDWARE the runoff is od to go through the fence. - BURY UPPER END OF LOWER P g P P I I I I I. 1' CLOTH No runoff is to flow under the fence or the relief point.SEE NOTE 1 -„ a-"Ig... the center, every 3 foot. Do not stretch the net when applying staples. U u u STRIP AS IN°A"AND'B'. - 2. Use silt fence outlets only when drainage area does not exceed 1/4 acre and n"_I- ;,1- -II_I OVERLAP END OF TOP STRIP 18 4. To loin two strips, Cu} a trench and anchor the end to the new net. Overlap the 1.SSxPIPE DIA. I;!,Ithere is a low area. Use as a repair of silt fence failures. INCHES AND STAPLE. end of the h s roll 18 Inches, as shown, and staple every 12 inches just OPTION B 3. Posts for sediment fences are to be 1.33 Ib/LF steel with a minimum length 0. EROSION STOP below the anchor slot. FOLD OF MATTING BURIED IN 5. Maintenance: Inspect all mulches periodically, after rainstorms To check for rill of 5 ft. Make sure that steel posts have projections to facilitate fastening SLIT TRENCH AND TAMPED erosion, dislocation. or(allure. wen erosion Is observed, apply additional munch. ILLUSTRATION OF ATONE FILTER INLET PROTECTION the fabric. Filter fabric may be attached using wire or plastic zip ties that DOUBLE ROW OF STAPLES- ��� If washout occurs, repair the slope grade, reseed, and reinstall mulch. Continue FOR STORM DRAIN UNDER CONSTRUCTION. have a minimum 50 lb tensile strength. inspections until vegetation is firmly established. 4. See detail 351.01 for Silt Fence construction standards. • PubXCB.vb.'"'"'.Ib CITY of WILSON vamp52,3ae21&5 , '',Z`sra"'-°"` CITY of WILSON 1h-P°4%"°' - , PLOWSorvb.DePMtrnwld CITY of WILSON Yoke ('D2'a '°' „ P'°'°°'""'°'""°"` CITY of WILSON "°'m"S2', a 1 EOp Honing Avenue,/P.O.Bm 10 , N.C. F 052)13.2459 _ ,90p HoniryArlir.P.O.Bm 10 , N.C. FAX(l�alte1® 1. 1I00 HeMryA,wnue,/P.O.Bm IO , N.C. Feelea399-24rg 1500 Meeks Avenue. Box 10 , N.C. F.�6213WrC a5 WI.m,NOT Carolina use WITH THEcrOF wluoN aTWowOePEOFx:MKHSONLY xlleonnc.ag / Wls,m,NOT Cralrr 21e94 USE wm1 NNE clry aP wASgN aTWOVmaPEaRrwnONSOAY _.Yernoug 10.<1' WMm,NoM GmIIn.21EB/ USE WV THE CITY OF WILSON STANDARD SPECIFlGDONS ONLY .xllnnno aqti t\1yYm,N°4E,OMI.ZIa94 USE wmI ENE C4ry OF WIISw eTANO,RoeFEClnCwmnsaAY WAw.'A4v4I<up STABILIZING NaTo6aMe .SCALE 3530, STABILIZING Naw Yea. DETAILS �I a PIPE INTLET NaaToao.M .ass:0+ SILT FENCE OUTLET NaToea. e35+.0a f. CHANNELS REVISION DATEMEET. CHANNELS 1EYV1OMe1E °Hats ) PROTECTION BXEETe RELIEF POINT �"a°E "�" J4ew,2MD i s 2 June Flo 2 z ��'..-/ June 1 a f .tuns�10 1 a 1 .jN' ... TRC Stamp: City Council Stamp: Revision Date By Date: March 2029 °'' Herring-Sutton & Associates P.A. Outparcel #4 Scale: Nose g Heritage Corner Shopping Center Sedimentation & Map No. �: 12, Engineers - Surveyors - Planners �T Drawn by: th 2021-1871V-OP4B ,ci cheat 2201 Nash Street NW, Wilson, North Carolina 27896 (252) 291-8887 City of Wilson, 1\. . Erosion Control Details ..,F C:'s, Sheet No. DT-1A • • aWG�DM7n WI CLOTH WMDD C�G�WMC EL O LC 4 PG�04C C�4OOa STANDARD 5'METAL POSTS 2'-0'IN GROUND SEE NOTE2 19 GA.HARDWARE CLOTH 4'APART MAX. WITH 1/4"MESH OPENINGS SEE NOTE 2 SEE NOTE 3 wiA WA FILTERED WATER .' tIMO Mi Tk Y Nbt j �� ��/��� Ih. NOTES: .I. �, I. This method of inlet protection is applicable where flows are light to moderate. '11 `� a Construction Specifications �� �' 1.Uniformly grade a shallow tlepression apOroachirlg the Inlet. 2.Drive 5-foot steel T posts(T.25 tea 2 R into ground surtounding iha inlet,4 9 aped max. HARDWARE CLOTH, ' , ili* 3.Surround steel posts with wire mesh hardware Gatti(19-gauge hardware cloth w/'/."mesh GROUND,AND STONE CUT AWAY `awn . � openings).Secure the wire mesh to steel posts at the top,middle and bottom.Placing a 2-ft flap of FROM VIEW TO SHOW DETAIL q i the wire mesh under the gravel for anchoring is recommended.Total height of wire mesh t0 be 2 9 n0 min STANDARD 5'METAL POSTS 4.Place clean gravel(NCDOT#5 0r#57 stone)on a 2:1 slope with a height of 16 inches around the 2'-0-IN GROUND SEE NOTE 2 - wire,and smooth loan even grade. OVERFLOW 5.Once the contributing drainage area has been stabilized,remove accumulated sediment and #5 OR#57 WASHED STONE establish final grading elevations. PLACED TO A HEIGHT OF 16" t 'aABOVE TOP OF BOX \ n 6.Compact area properly and stabilize with groundcover. Maintenance RUNOFF Inspect inlets at least weekly and after each significant(1/2'or greater)rainfall.Clear mesh wire of WATER WITH any debris or other objects to provide adequate flow for subsequent rains.Take care not to SEDIMENT damage or undercut the wire mesh during sediment removal.Replace stone as needed. DROP INLET WITH GRATE .IIII. Remove sediment as necessary to provide adequate storage volume for subsequent rains. When the contributing drainage area has been adequately stabilized,remove all materials and any SEE NOTE 1 (SEE SHEET 2 OF 2 FOR NOTES) unstable soil,and either salvage or dispose of it pr0pedy.Bring the disturbed area to proper grade, then smooth and compact it.Appropriately stabilize all bare areas around the inlet. OeAmnxu Vuo,(xe2)aebzlae PubYc aervicn oapenmentx Vokn lx52)Dae2496 tPapO HarWB Awnw.I PO.Bw 1e CITY of WILSONu N.C. FAx Sx xo� A na�:ral.,`"M.,. CITY of WILSON, N.C. FAXnip52 mrs• Neilson,Nonn Crtdkw MBA us¢wi rxecnvK w,sDxsrxxp.wp sv[ziH oxs 0 INLET PROTECTION DETAILS °D aDx..NU no5wM DETIVIA .962.oa �= INLET PROTECTION DETAILS SCALE. easzlie (OPTION A) R j�;xp,aR d (OPTION A) AA,,D;¢` 1_al z - : - SAMNA Fra,'ded by APPH1 Crr,ut'ng Ergneer--weoynnivnengnee.•:om LAM - --- - PLAN VIEW VELCRO TOP TO SIDE FASTENERS . CONCRETE WASHOUT DETAIL NOTES '-� -- PLAN VIEW Concrete washouts are used to contain concrete and liquids when the chutes of concrete mixers and hoppers of concrete .�&6 iy (ABOVE GRADE) \ pumps are rinsed out after delivery.The washout facilities consolidate solids for easier disposal and prevent runoff of REVERSIBLE WASHOUT PLACARD (BELOW GRADE) liquids.The wash water is alkaline and contains high levels of chromium.which can leach into the ground and 1 (ON OPPOSITE SIDE) contaminate groundwater It can also migrate to a stone drain,which can increase the pH of area waters and harm IIIP 1 �:o- aquatic life.Revised NPDES and NC General Construction Permits require me use of concrete washout areas on all saes STAPLES,(2)PER BALE • - HINGED 0 DOMED F �" "�.O- sing concrete. 1 1 RAIN FLY '� ^ as _ 1 PRODUCT VIEW a' '41 o" D +.No concrete or cement slunysnanbe discharged 9ommesae. \ ♦_ �' 9 2.Any hardened concrete residue shall be disposed of.or recycled on site,in accordance with local and state solid 1 • (ABOVE GRADE) waste regulations. �,�1 1 /� \ \ TENT POLES ' 0,3 3 Concrete washout area to be minimum 50'from storm drain inlets end surface waters Ire,tletenbon pond,ditches, eAl0 to \ y �, Pint \ • 11 �®,,e, 4.Prefabricated washoutwniainer or pit equal detailpmvldetl may be usetl ilaPproved by Engineer WOOD OR METAL ' 5 ItRion: OUTBACK ALL-WEATHER WASHOUTSTAKES(2 PER ' * \ 45%,45•W,16"H OR a.Contractor to check all wnore.washout facilNes daily to determine if they have bean filled to 75%capacity, BALE) Neasir 1 / . 75"la JS"H,12•H \® _ / which is when materials need to be removed 10 MR.PLASTIC LINING 1 As NEEOEO ® �?• 4b.Both above-and below-ground self-installed washouts should be inspected daily to ensure that plastic linings (SHOWN wTH OJT AWAY FOR CLARITY) 1 10 MiL.PLASTIC - are Intact and sidewalls have not been damaged by construction activities Contractor to repair plastic lining as NATIVE MATERIAL(OPTIONAL) POLYETHYLENE •• uNING needed. STRAW SEWN IN LINER �• ANCHOR PLASTIC 'q c.Prefabricated washout containers should be inspected daily as well to ensure the container is not leaking or 5'-0"MIN.DO'MIN.TOTAL) BALES 2'-0" BAC �� LINER WITH 057 nearing 75 percent Capacity vELCRO TOP I� 10'-0"(20'-0'TOTAL)STONE d.Inspectors should also note whether the facilities are being used regularly. O TO SIDE }'_p• 8.Material Removal STAPLES, 2 PER BALE 1tyri FASTENERS a.Concrete washouts are designed to to eve iron where feasible However,N stored liquids have not U 1 (6'-D"TOTAL eonoM) z'-o" r-o" z'-o' z'-o" gee promo pore qm BINDING wRE O 6• ,•_p• B• evaporated and the washout is nearing capacity,vacuum and dispose of them in an approved manner-check .S''A I I I with the local sanitary sewer authority to determine if mere are special disposal requirements for concrete wash LIFTING STRAPS I 05 0.5 water. r ,1 OPE b.Remove liquids or cover the structures before predicted rainstorms to prevent overflows.Companies that offer 0 STAKE DOWN I t� ,.`% prefabricated and wateNgnt washout containers generally otter a vacuum service to rertav¢me liquid material 10 MIL.PLASTIC LINING 5,,5�p1'E , LOOPS I 10 MIL. 1 ` J, [.Convector[o remove hardened solids or reuse onsite or haul them away for recycling. LI-III III IIL-',il_il._I:IJII II-lil_.il :I _:li J, III PO YPROP ENE EX ERIOR I LI11 NGC / ANCHOR ��E d When removing materials from the concrete washout building H11-'- 4' IIl=1i''l - - �w'F BAG W/COROPLAST .-li-�l:-- PLASTIC LINER a new I1 CIF II=1- III-I-"- - \ structure or rime previous slrunure is still Imm�. PLYW000 4e•.24•- 0 _ , r WALLS SENN INSIDE W X#5]STONE Contractor is to inspect the structure for signs of weakening PAINTED WHITE CONCRETE y_ Z=,7r or damage and make any necessary repairs Line the BLACK LETTERS 0-WASHOUT? T I I-Ill-IIIcII�I�1gIIL-I I I -1 SECTION A A structure wrth new plastic that is free of hole:or tears and o ? WOOD OR METAL - - SECTION C-C m vas c s•HEIGHT m / STAKES(2 PER BALE) OPTION*2 (1/2 SECTION) replace signege it necessary Ilrsvery important at new ,d (1/2 SECTION) plastic is used after every cleaning because pumps and SCREWS WASHOUT CONTAINMENT BAG OR EQUAL concrete removal equipment can damage me existing liner SCREWS OPTION*1 NOT TO SCALE OPTION*3 7 General Contractor is to educate concrete subcontractors,post slgnage indicating the location and designated use of these areas.and provide WOUU POST EXCAVATED PIT WITH STONE SUPPORT r,r.e' ELEVATED PIT WITH STRAW BALE DETENTION WALLS NOTES: careful oversight inspecttoinspectfor evidence of mproper dumping or concrete NOT TO SCALE waste and wash water.Contractor should include requirements in contracts a NOT TO SCALE 1. Washout shall be installed prior to using materials that require washout on with concrete delivery companies that dnvers must use designated the project. Install on a Law surface area. 2. The concrete washout" sign shall be Installed within 30 ft of the temporary concrete washout facilities. NOTES; concrete washout facility. NOTES: 1. Actual layout to be determined in field. 3. Washout to be replaced as necessary to maintain capacity for liquid waste. 1. Actual layout to be determined in field. 2. The "concrete washout" sign shall be installed within 30 ft of the temporary 4. Do not washout Into storm drains, open ditches, streets or streams. 2. The "concrete washout" sign shall be installed within 30 ft of the temporary concrete washout facility. 5. Locate per plans. Locate of least 50' from a storm drain, open ditches, or concrete washout facility. 3. Pit capacity is minimum of 6 cu ft per 10 cu yd of concrete. water bodies. 3. Pit capacity is minimum of 6 cu ft per 10 cu yd of concrete. SIGN DETAIL 4. Contractor to coordinate with usage contracting officer for proper disposal of 8. Washout shall be used for non-hazardous wastes. 4. Contractor to coordinate with usage contracting officer for proper disposal of concrete. 9. Let washout set or evaporate before lifting. Do not move when wet. concrete. (OR EOUIVILANT) P.n.s=" Der," 1, CITY of WILSON, N.C. :xa ',1W�' Tr, 7=-.t."�,D.�n vMva621�a4e6 Pars °.D.,. ma CITY of WILSON, N.C. sex(27.4 z4�a m„ Pam s."moan M. CITY of WILSON, N.C. FAx`a'6#2'asWi spa °''4Dy, ,are He,,.e A..n•r, Pgew,q a° a.as,p CITY of WILSON, N.C. Ax a6JlgesiNsa,aaH. aA.en ,Poea,D ,aroHemnaA.enn,,tAoaa.,Dww.,alar lsonNo.Cn ., ,act «.. ,ww,.,dN�i �,� w,r ,N as, e,.,, ,. .,.,,.= wWnNmGo :]atero«aa.. M.n2aa °� yAHanNmnG.,nn,:,aN „,.. ,. ,s:,-.,N..,P¢<uo�DN,Y �a,a ma SCALE :369.01 \ H 1 CONCRETE WASHOUT Wiese.,,3s:n, I CONCRETE WASHOUT �kan��, CONCRETE WASHOUT SCALE ,ass":o, CONCRETE WASHOUT NdTes.. 369 A \ asss:i, PIT DETAILS(Option#1) -WallsSHEET.. ` PIT DETAILS(Option#2) a¢v 2p;ge SHEET; PIT DETAILS(Option#3) AA,p„ , M; /. PIT DETAILS(Notes&Signage) ,u„2010 4 TRC Stamp: City Council Stamp: Revision Date By Date: March 2023 °`' ' °- Herrin Sutton & Associates, P.A. Outparcel #4 g- Heritage Corner Shopping Center Scale: None Map No. ��3 Engineers - Surveyors - Planners e pp Sedimentation & Drawn by: th 2021-1871V-OP4B 10160 2e +7.........•"�•�,,. 2201 Nash Street NW, Wilson, North Carolina 27896 (252) 291 8887 City of Wilson, N.C. Erosion Control Details F L. s,,,. Sheet No. DT-1B Details Fray,.>y APGi4N ern,uu Ins Ea.insrs- .NAv_adoionenorer,Boon - '-=J.:c LM f, w H 63 ' i u; Details Provided by APPIAN Consulting Engineers - www.appianengineers.corn 03/05/2020 - 11:53:28 AM ��� �� k� mm P �m Mg 1. Area under embankment shall be cleared, grubbed, and stripped of any \ vegetation and root material. The basin area shall be cleared. �� �" �� 1 \ 2. The fill material for the embankment shall be free of roots or other woody �♦��b�♦� PLAN VIEW a vegetation le well as oversized stones, rocks, organic material or other �� ♦r..♦ O I objectionable material. The embankment shall be compacted by traversing with MM t■ \ _ I equipment while being constructed. Spillways should not be constructed through ��, \ - fill sections. All spillways should be lined and/or riprapped. �/ t� ■ WATER \ _ 3. Sediment shall be removed and trap restored to its original dimensions when the ■■uN TY \ w I sediment has accumulated to depth shown on standard. Removed sediment shall A / :1IIIIIIII�IIf..�w�,\i\TILT A • • _ __ _■ O II` be de deposited in a suitable area in such a manner that it will not erode and I ./\!��,I \\ must be stabilized. ISOMETRIC VIEW1IIIIIII1\I! ��, _! ' • ■ ■ u• ' I 4. The trap shall be inspected after each rain and repairs made as necessary. SCH 40 PVC .. " S TOP OF 5. Construction operation shall be carried out in such a manner that erosion and END cAP M- " -- INFLOW �Op wafer pollution Is minimized. PVC 40 �,_�_'� STRUCTURE(S) _ \F ■ ■ ■ "LENGTH" EMBANKMENT 6, All cut and fill slopes shall be 2:1 or flatter, unless certified by registered PVC PIPE \ \ goo}ethnical engineer. ,M�M, A - ` • • in A Sediment basin embankments should be provided with erosion control and PLAN VIEW stabilization. N 10 _ 1O _ eE / B. Storage area may be constructed In any shape provided the minimum storage L c - .• )� ■ MIN. • MIN. ■ 7✓ _--� T volume requirement is met. The basin should also be oriented such that the KNT40 PVC PIPE L _ C J filter and the main flow of water and sediment are on opposite ends on the ► J longer basin dimensions. SPVCCH PIPE FLOW 9. The length of the stone outlet(spillway) is to be based on a 10 year storm. "C ENCLOSURE' SEE BAFFLE ■ ■ ■\\ \1.17 SEE NOTE 3 9 (P y) III' to. Whenever topography allows, the basin length should be twice (2X) the basin • • WATER LEVEL 191 t{ ���DETAIL width, to allow for settling. Baffles shall be installed in all basins. ' [ �\352.06 ■ ■ ■ SKIMMER 11. cleanout stakes shall be placed In all sediment basins at the low point in the IMI ' 5CH40Pvc BEND, ` i • basin. The stakes shall be marked showing the half full, cleanout point, of the ANGLE BASE ON 'ION'. PIVOT - ►R� ■ \ DEWATERING basin . ANGLE 0' ., . PIVOT POINT OF ■ ■ ■ UJ p 10.• DEVICE 12. For design of sediment basins, refer to the North Carolina Department of v SCH 40 PVC I �, "C ENCLOSURE" EL +Keel 4• , Environment and natural resources, Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and 'WATER'ENTRY UNIT' ,�• ORIFICE PLATE ■ ■ ■ - , 44461414, l III 1/2'DIA.HOLES IN UNDERSIDE �' SCH 40 PVC TEE - 4'�i l Design Manual. �yv EMERGENCY / 13. For slopes greater than 10' in length and protected by slit fence at the toe of SEE PIPE MANUFACTURER ,• 5(71 40 PVC PIPE SPILLWAY W/ the slope, slope terracing will be required. FOR APPROVED LLI - 14. The berm On sediment basins shall be seeded Once final grade has been CONNECTION TRANSITION . "ARM ASSEMBLY Y- S 12"CLASS'A' ENERGYDISSIPATORQ �� 'ANGLE 9"(MAX.45'AT .EAR A.* 0_ - 1��Op reached. The silt fence may be removed if permission has been granted by the END OF CURET PIPE FLEXIBLE AVARAGE WIDTH = LtNGFi l o �Y�` STONE ON TOP City inspector otter the grass has germinated and stable ground has been 2 x4'x to TNK(1 soul HOSE/PIPE MAX.POOLELEVATION) (n �+b established. CIASs'A'sTONE ON TOP \ SEE NOTE 16 352.02) OF FABRIC A �1111,11 15. Washed stone and wire backing shall be used with silt fence whenever slit fence OF FABRIC • . * AREA OF BASIN WATER I Is place at the toe of a slope >10' vertical or along any channel or water 11(11111\���\\ I, ' SURFACE AT TOP OF _ course where 50' of buffer is not provided. - - • PRIMARY SPILLWAY SEE SHEET 2 OF 4 FOR DATA BLOCK` 16. Provide a foot pad on the bottom of the settling point for the skimmer. Foot pad to be 12" thick rip rap. Keep toot pad clear of silt. SECTION A-A .,.. of BASIN 17. Use slit bag (Detail 359.02) for draining basin. CITY of WILSON, N.C. F°"m'2�"B0.1B6 �". °° �"�°°"° " CITY of WILSON, N.C. °�(""""� SKIMMER SEDIMENT BASIN DESIGN CRITERIA Peon Wrea.�Pm"r ao.ewro Ax 52)3e 10,,, ,MaLNm,7.°07. ,",:T.,0 Ax R1le42.51 = Mum.Ns.C"Nim PS], USE W.NEC.OP WPSaNerAlaWOSPEORCA LY .mNanrN.ory J N,Imn.Nv.G.*27. USE Y.m,*nEuns w,SCN sa.pAAo spec.cAno,vs crv,. .wasonneu,y DRAINAGE AREA MIN.LENGTH TO MAX.LENGTH TO 9:, Ta s� ,3eiez (!. i SKIMMER N".o Sole .352.01 (ACRES) WIDTH RATIO_ WIDTH RATIO MIN.VOLUME REQUIRED SURFACE AREA REQUIREDGENERAL NOTES ONDA�SEDIMENT BASINS .Nh;.,o,a T a , DETAIL e.2010 ;'o ; <10 Ac. 2:1 6:1 1800 CU.FT.PER AC.DISTURBED 325 SQ.FT.PER CFS Q10 - 0 cr 0 Li Details Provided byAPPIAN Caneultin Engineers w o 0fi 07 2910-3:10:33 PM Details Provided byAPPIAN Consulting Engineers wee. 06 0]2010-3:10:16 PM 1 Li g gneers-"w.pp Onang neere.cam / / g geese- oaP,rnccpin""r Y.ccn / / 6" MAX. DEPTH OF Lu "Z" (5' MAX.) FLOW OVER u_ EMERGENCY SPILLWAY-, "W" (5' MIN.) CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION r 1. Grade the basin so that the bottom Is level front to back and aide to side. "S" SEDIMENT STORAGE ZONE 1' MIN.-. EMBANKMENT 2. Install posts or saw horses across the width of the sediment trap(Practice 6.62,Sediment Fence). .� '� 3. Steel posts should be driven to a depth of 24 Inches,spaced a maximum of 4 feet apart,and installed up - _, - the side of the basin as well.The top of the fabric should be 6 inches higher than the invert of the spillway. INFLOW STRUCTURE F I _ "T" (1.5' MIN.) Tops of baffles should be 2 inches lower than the top of the berms. _- 4 nlengl I mayt three affles between the Inlet and outlet disc rg p0 nt. BeSlns less than 20 feet mw3 o b � � he e i ' __ _ _ _ In 2 baffles __� .1. 1 5, Whenusing posts,add a support wire or rope across the Woof the measure to prevent sagging. DEWATERING ZONE 1 =i III- )I-T R 6. Wrap porous material(wire mesh,700 plm2 corrosion control blanket or tree protection fence doubled). b -I -ITT-1 - ,- - - EMERGENCY SET TOP ELEVATION OF BAFFLE FABRIC 6" Over a sawhorse orthe top wire. Hammer rebar into the sawhorse legs for anchoring.The Tabnc should � _ SPILLWAY FOR BAFFLE.USE COIR MESH,700 GM CDR HIGHFl!MAN INVERT OF have five th ten percent openings in the weave.Attach fabric to a rope and a support structure WIth zip FILTER FABRIC EROSION CONTROL BLANKET.STAPLE OR TRENCH F� SPILLWAY R 2 LOWER ties,wire,or staples. I_ II _11- INTO BOTTOM OR SIDE.DO NOT SPLICE FABRIC- J�/� THAN TOP OF CREST f- III- - -III USE A CONTINUOUS PIECE ACROSS THE BASIN. 7. The bottom end Sides of the fabric should be anchored in a trench or pinned with 9-inch erosion control SEE BAFFLE } T=1I= II= II�T ANTI-SEEP COLLAR matting staples. l f SUPPORT POSTS 24" Ps wI >' iNTO BOTTOM oq B. Oo not splice the fabric,but use a continuous piece across the basin. DETAIL SEE NOTE 11 ON INLET ZONE / SV J516 OF SURFACE AREA s SIDES-TYPICAL 352.06 DETAIL 352.02 MAINTENANCE: BAFFLE SUPPORT ROPE TO WIRE Inspect baffles at least once a week and after each rainfall.Make any required repairs immediately. CROSS-SECTION VIEW SEE NOTE 3 +: TO PREVENT SAGGING FIRST ',' • "�����'C Be sure to maintain access to the baffles.Should the fable of a baffle collapse,leer,decompose,or become CHAMBER :r ......,. ineffective,replace it promptly, 25X OF SURFACE y'. AREA BAFFLE , INSTALL STAKE TO T .y' Remove sediment deposits when n reaches half full to provide adequate storage volume for the next rain and to SECOND "'1' �/! /� ,1, SUPPORT HIRE SEE SHEET 2 O F 4 FOR NOTES' CHAMBER ! f/' . i ..N reduce pressure on the baffles. Take rare to avoid damaging the baffles dung cleanout.Sediment depth 25X OF a.. d+t' should never exceed half the designed depth. SURFACE AREA �4'MAX '4' ,1. y OF w7f Public Services Departments BAFFLE ,'y I-pART l '• ', After the Contributing drainage area has been properly Stabilized,remove all baffle materials and unstable _ CITY of WILSON N.C. Voice(252)399-2465 ; xr s 9 7 FAX(252)399-2453 OUTLET r '.?!s%Ssf % ySy ___- „,,1 sediment deposits,bring the area to grade,an stabilize it. `�ti O 1800 Herrin Avenue,/P.O.Box 10 • y Wilson,Norlh Carolina 27894 USE WITH THE CITY OF VVILSON STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS ONLY V,rwvv.WilsonnC.Org w w SURFA SKIMMER SEDIMENT BASINS Nat To Scale z352.03 iiit/ d y J z n•rsig �5 CREST'MOTH .q. k1/41....... � Cp- (UNDER 10 ACRES) DETAIL 4 REVISION DATE SHEET#: r ;0*0 �. TOOT• • •� ,j-"ii 44 fh•'i 009 i RIP.RNP ':`s EARTHEN) �� EMBANKMENT ® TO BE USED IN TEMPO ARY SEDIMENT TRAP, ROCK DAM, SKIMMER BASIN, OR SEDIMENT BASIN TEMPORARY SKIMMER SEDIMENT BASIN SCHEDULE STRUCTURE TOP OF LENGTH O WIDTH 0 INVERT SKIMMER ORIFICE SKIMMER EMERGENCY EMERGENCY DRAWDOWN # BERM (SPILLWAY (SPILLWAY OF SIZE DIA(IN) INVERT SPILLWAY SPILLWAY TIME INVERT) INVERT) BASIN WIDTH INVERT (FT) (FT) (Fr) (FT) (IN) (IN) (Fr) (Fr) (PT) (DAYS) a- Pabua swYl®.DePedmen" V*os pa2)38BZ4ee s P,el'n:s.Y AaePvlmWih van pat)3Ix,S46a 1 148.0' 135.0• 18.0' 143.0' 1.5" 1.5" 143.0 a• 147.R 1.99 ,, wHam .0,C,0a.rT!04 ,a CITY ofWILSON, N.C. FAwnw(25113W-24Is ;40''' dnpAwnue,PA.aw,O CITY of WILSON, N.C. FAX lass: '�' Wilson NwTCerollna2TFB/ 9 ITN C,OP WILSON eTW1aW0aPECIF1GTlaia ONLY .x0 r, ( 1': WMm,NOT Caroline 27894 Wl. srMA]1839PECIFIGTIONaaKr wwwYonnaoa a BAFFLE AL-VISION ao To SCALE x352.06 c F BAFFLE WALE ,ssz.ia DETAIL CAE' aNEETA \ _' DETAIL AVM.WE: "88T• � j/" Jun.,2a,D ,_a 2_ Jue,20,o 2 N jN' e,,, TRc stamp: City Council stamp: Revision Date By Date: March 2023 /4...•.. ' Herring-Sutton & Associates P.A. Outparcel #4 Scale: None :. ',` gHeritage Corner Shopping Center Sedimentation & Map No. Engineers - Surveyors - Planners . e Drawn by: th 2021-1871V-OP4B = Y42 1 City of Wilson N.C e Erosion Control Details P'', rre,:,,.• 2201 Nash Street NW, Wilson, North Carolina 27896 (252) 291-8887 Y f Sheet No. DT-1C TYPICAL SEEDING SCHEDULE SEEDING (PERMANENT) SEEDBED PREPARATION SUMMFR MARCH 1-AUGUST 31 RNTFR SEPTFMBFR 1-FFBRUARY 28 SEEDING M%IURE SEDIMENTATION - EROSION CONTROL NOTES SEEDING REEVES RAWILD/A 1 moms. RATE I LB/acRF1 (PERM.) BERmuDA CRASS(HULLER) 35 BERMUDA GRAss(UNHULLED) 35 1. THE DISTURBED AREA/CONSTRUCTION LIMITS FOR THIS PROJECT IS 3.3+/-ACRES. SEEDBED PREPARATION CENTIPEDE 10 TALL FESCUE 50 GERMAN/BROWINTOP MILLET GRAIN 10 ANNUAL RYE 10 2. ALL CUT AND FILL SLOPES WILL BE STABILIZED WITHIN 14 CALENDAR DAYS OF ANY PRIOR TO THE SEEDING,THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CUT AND SATISFACTORILY DISPOSE OF PHASE OF THE GRADING UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON THESE PLANS AND DETAILS. WEEDS AND OTHER UNACCEPTABLE GROWTH ON THE AREAS TO BE SEEDED. UNEVEN AND SEEDING (TEMPORARY) ROUGHAREAS,AND OTHER MINOR IRREGULAMIIES WHICH CANNOT BE OBLITERATED BY 3. A PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE WITH THE CITY OF WILSON SEDIMENTATION EROSION NORMAL SEEDBED PREPARATION OPERATIONS,SHALL BE SHAPED AND SMOOTHED AS SUMMFR MARCH 1-AUGUST 31 WINTER SEPTEMBER 1-FEBRUARY 28 CONTROL INSPECTOR IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO COMMENCING GRADING OPERATIONS. DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER TO PROVIDE FOR MORE EFFECTIVE SEEDING AND FOR EASE OF SEEDING MIXnIRE SUBSEQUENT MOWING OPERATIONS 4. ALL STREETS IN FRONT OF OR ADJACENT TO THIS PROJECT WILL BE KEPT CLEAN AT THE SOIL SHALL THEN BE SCARIFIED OR OTHERWISE LOOSENED TO A DEPTH OF NOT LESS ePFaFs DGISJIB/AaEI SQEBEB RAZE fto/AcxFl ALL TIMES OR A WASH STATION WILL BE REQUIRED. THAN 5 INCHES EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE PROVIDED BELOW OR OIHERWWSE DIRECTED BY THE GERMAN/BRO0MTOP MILLET GRAIN 00 ANNUAL RYE w 5. TREE PROTECTION FENCING WILL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO COMMENCING GRADING ENGINEER. CLODS SHALL BE BROKEN AND THE TOP 2 TO 3 INCHES OF SOIL SHALL BE OATS 5O OPERATIONS IF APPUCABLE. WORKED INTO AN ACCEPTABLE SEEDBED BY THE USE OF SOIL PULVERIZERS,DRAGS,OR HARROWS OR BY OTHER METHODS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. ALL ROCK AND DEBRIS 2 toll AMFNDMFNIS B. ALL SLOPES ON THIS PROJECT SHALL HAVE A SLOPE OF 3:1 OR FLATTER. INCHES OR LARGER SHALL BE REMOVED ON CUT CUT OR FlLL SLOPES WHICH ARE 3:1 CR FLATTER,MEDIANS,SHOULDERS,AND DITCH SLOPES PRIOR TO THE APPLICATION OF SEED APPLY UNE AND FERTILIZER ACCORDING TO SOIL TEST PROVIDED TO ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL,OR APPLY A000 LB/ACRE GROUND 7. ALL TEMPORARY SEDIMENTATION-EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE REMOVED AND FERTILIZER. AGRCULTu AL LIMESTONE AND 500 LB/ACRE 10-10-10 FERTILIZER FOR SUMMER SEEDING FOR WINTER SEEDING APPLY LIME AND BY THE CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO RECEIVING FINAL RELEASE OF PIETA NAGS. FERBuzER OU PRoviDED To �p woo LB/ACRE°Roma,AOmcuLTURAL SEEDBED PREPARATION WITHIN 2 FEET OF THE EDGE OF ANY PAVEMENT SHALL BE UNITED Fat APPRovAL oR APPLY UMESttNIE AND TOO LBS/ACRE OF 10-10-10 FERTILIZER TO A DEPTH OF 2 TO 3 INCHES. APPLY 4,000 LB/Acre_GRAN STRAW OR EQUIVALENT COVER OF ANOTHER SUITABLE Mulo1.ANa0OR STRAW'BY TACKING NTH ASPHALT, THE PREPARATION OF SEEDBEDS SHALL NOT BE DONE WHEN THE SOIL IS FROZEN,EXTREMELY NETTING OR ROVING OR BY CRIMPING ROTH A MULCH ANQIOtING TOOL TACKING RATE TO BE 0.10 GALLONS PER SQUARE YARD.A DISK WET,OR WHEN THE ENGINEER DETERMINES THAT IT IS IN AN OTHERWISE UNFAVORABLE NTIH BLADES SET NEARLY STRAMHT CAN BE USED AS A MULCH ANCHORING TOOL IF CRIMPING IS USE THE ABOVE STRAW APFUCARON RATE SHALL BE DOUBLED. WORKING CONDITION. MNNTENANCE: IF GROWTH IS LESS THAN FULLY ADEQUATE,REFERTUZE IN THE SECOND YEAR ACCORDING TO SOIL TESTS OR TOPOIESS WITH 500 LB/AOE( ow AS NEEDED WIE FERTILIZE,N SERICEA IS°mom Nem THE MIXNRE.REEFED, AND mut. DAMAGED AREAS IMMEDIATELY.M CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR MOWING.RESEEDING.FERTIUBNG AND AMINO IF ADEQUATE GROUND COVER IS NOT OBTAINED AT NO COST TO OWNER. PART III PART III PART III GROUND STABILIZATION AND MATERIALS HANDLING PRACTICES FOR COMPLIANCE WITH EQUIPMENT AND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE SELF-INSPECTION,RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING SELF-INSPECTION,RECORBKEKPINGANDREPORIING SELF-INSPECTION,RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING THENCG01 CONSTRUCTION GENERAL PERMIT 1. Maintain vehicles and equipment to prevent discharge of flulds. srlaxTwE Vlre 0000 Implementing the details and specifications on this plan sheet will result in the construction 2. provide drip pans under any stored equipment. _ __ g SELTDN A:SEWANSPECRON SELIION B:REWROEEEPING SECTION C:REPORTING activity being considered compliant with the Ground 5tabinzationaed Materiels Handling 3. Identify leaks and repair as soon es feasible,or remove leaking equipment from the `•es Self-irspectians are required during normal business hours in accordance with the-able L MSC Plan Documentation 1.Occurrences that Most be Reported sections of the NCGOU Construction General Permit(Sections E and F,respectively).The •I ly ,',H _ The approved E&SC Iwell as an approved deviation shall be lee he site.The Perm shall re ttee shall coin with Erosion and Sediment Control approved he Protect. AP+Y�o 1 1 re "'reo;r below.When adverse weatherwsite conditions would cause the safety of the inspection pproye pan as any kept on port the following occurrences) permi comply plan by dispose ,•_•.,-•, �� H_.•_fj J� i",` personnel to be in jeopartl the inspection be delayed until the next business day on 4. Collect all spent fluids,More in separate COntainers and properly dls C_ Y. may approved otMo lam must be kept up-to-date throughout be the coverage under permi[, deposition delegated authority having jurisdiction.All details and specifications shown On this sheet p (a) Visible sediment de Hon lnanream or wetland. I de ng on site can g authority having hazardous waste)recycle when possible). greater han1.s safe 0Iphoccursoorrn the inspection.onormal businesswhen urs,th storm event of equal to or The following dams Lathe EgSC 1 shall Ate and available for may not apply pendi conditions the delegated authod hev,n jurisdiction. _ g•Ige grea[erthan1.01nch occurs outsi,ie of normal business hours,the uH-inspection be at Pertaining ssh kept on s' 5. Remove leaking vehicles and construction equipment from service until the problem - �"""-•-' bspxllOn eta)times during normal business hourz has been corrected. :�� �'-•�"e' ���� performed laedshllbenotedncemeInpf the new Record. day.Anytime when inspections (b) OiThey K: SECTION E:GROUND STABILIZATION • � li Rm' were delayed shall be noted In the Inspection Remd. _ ItemmLsowmem fzoammiatbn R,spgmnmb • They are 25 gallons or more, Required Ground Stabilization Tmefnmes 6. Bring used fuels,lubricants,coolants,hydraulic fluids and other petroleum products u •.b•Y m f�,g r•p•wy (al Each Pg..measure has been instal. Initial and date each EaSC measure on a copy Stabilize within this toe recycling or disposal renter that handles these materiels. ��° `•� Etas'-`� insert Iaw.nenwmw ln,penwn.rnore.mwv mina.. atd does not significant deviate from the of the approved E4SC plan or complete,dale • They are less than 25 gallons but cannot be cleaned up within 24 hours, many calendar ..Sliern me n.. asrv'w,Sgygur e,n.wa _ _- M^ 'brat ._. bmtbrn,dimensions and relative elevations and sign an inspebon report that lists each • They muse sheen on surface waters(regardless of volume),or Site Area Description Tlmefrome variations n"v It/Rauoce mite ass miAainr°ilamnwn,. shown on Me.Pp.wd Lgx Pbn. Fg The days afteruasing LITTER,BUILDING MATERIAL AND LAND CLEARING WASTE ceo.w SCmeasere shown on the approved EBu y are within 100feet of surface waters(regardless of volume). Ian.disturbance 1. Never bury or burn waste.Place litter and debris In approved wastecontainers. good Waninr helidav anted,and no Maniacal Pay rainfall information 3 plan.This dommentanon is required upon the or it (a) Perimeter dikes 2. Provide a sufficient number and size of waste containersum ter,trash ix°" avant.,record Ine coma..tai.measurement lot Mtn,In ialss creaseres installation lare Com the bed atemessurential of wales,ditches,and 7 None (e.gleg dumps., CONCRETE discharge leoha S (cl of the lean Water hazardous substances(Ret:40 CFR R GGD.3 n r000CRb1eG3anllleci Section CERCLG n 311 perimeter sloes receptacle) at lleast 50eei away fromstorc wastes, 2. Do nosof,or recycle s.0Adete or hardened dotnoement slurry rete reshe idue e•mthw.,.memo awry stalrslddarion. ofU:e0lCFR Water Act G3.14-15.SS,.3 and 00 CFR 13T.3Ior5ection 102 of CERCLA p p - operated 3. locate waste containers at alternatives are away from storm drain Inlets end surface 2. Dispose of, recycle settled,hardanatat appt rosldw In acmrdanu with localnnwe ....entwine IUI Aphax of grading has been completed. Iniliarand dateawpy 0 Me go arosee aMSC otw (Ref:40 CFR 30Z.4)or G3.303-Z35.g5. (b)High Quality Water waters unless no other alternatives are reasonably available. and mate solid waste regulations and at a^approved facility, N easc qe"mwa,uo •in ,.e planar complete,..and sign an,nspecoon (HQW)Zones 7 None 4. Locate waste containers on areas that do not receive substantialamounes of runoff 3. Manage washout from mortar mixers In accordance with the above item and In nr.s Ocheim`ectCCn,� to Indicate compkhonnr the from upland areas and does not drain directly to a norm drain,stream or wetland. addition he mixer and associated materials on impervious barrier and within 'nPh.. Id) Anticipated bypasses and unanticipated bypasses. If slopes are 10'or less in lengthard are place pervrous u Id) Slopes steeper than 7 not steeper than 2:1,14 days 5. Cover waste containers at the end of each workday and before storm events or be perimeter silt fence. nun en wh.w.dr.m.,,w,""`..pw,nmg (q Ground is inznlled m approved lS 3:1 Ys are pe _ iceq Inn and move an In Noncom with the conditions of this It that may dam health or the allowed provide secondary containment.in Lste containe Repair or rs wdag agedtime waste highrod.containers. A Install temporary hoots 1,con requirements,veal Cut applicable.if an z+own naupr accordance wlmthe aPProweEgsC planamoon to date andman approved (e) pent. perm yen gar • ry concrete was per eau pp nonagon.eaaemana mretn.,mnnru^pn own plan. rtrt ibekate compliance with approved environment. -7 days for slopes greater than 50'In 6. Anchor all lightweightltemsin waste containers during time:of high winds. alternate method or product is tubeused,mntam your approval authority for length and with slopes steeper than 0:1 7. Empty waste ontainers as needed to prevent ovwflow.Clean up immediately Ifnd review a approval.Ifloral standard details are not available,use one of the two us,nsnnee, Ipourdcmrm ions. -7 days for perimeter dikes,swales, containers overflow. types of temporary concrete washouts provided on this.tail. n„u,rll lsvnsl (e)The maintemrreard repair compete,date and sen an inspection report. 2,peyorung TimNromes and Other Requirements (d)Slopes 3:1 to4:1 14 ditches,perimeter slopes and HOW R. Dispgse waste off-site et en approved disposal facility. 5. Do not use concrete washouts for dewatering or storing defective curb or sidewalk Lowe. n requeemens MSCear all SC measures Chace permITs.becomes aware of an occurrence that mustberepoet concontactaa ed,he shall nta Zones 9. 0n business days,clean up and dispose ofwaate in designated waste containers. sections.Stormwaor accumulated within the washout may not be pumped Into or I eek m•.Nan5.Indigene,.enable selimein leaving the site. have been performed -10 days for Falls Lake Watershed discharged to the storm drain system or receiving surface waters.Liquid waste must (el Corrective actions have been taken nA date a move the applwed SLOW obeapPropretentt DMA. below.Occurrences ousidenormaa business may also be pumped out tel removed fromproiOct. to ER.G measures. complete...and inspection then requirements listed below.Occurrences outside normal business hours may alsobe -days for perimeter dikes,swain, PAINT AND OTHER LIQUID WASTE ,r,nr.ar sle.w"wok,,uw,,.ew. to indicate the completion of the reported to the Department's Environmental Emergency Center personnel at(800) (e) areas with slopes ditches,perimeter slopes and HQW Zones 1. Do not dump paint and Other liquid waste into storm drains,streams or wetlands. 6. ...washouts at least 50feetfrom storm drain inlets and surface waters unless It Cleana. Acrians taken TO up w saeliee me t•dieenr.hat harlot corrective action. 856-0368. 30 -10 days for Falls Lake Watershed unlace 2. Locate hoots at least SC feet from storm drain Inlets and surface can be shown That no otberakernaNmsare reasonably available.Ataminimum, hours tibe made.shelimits. - report Natter than 4,1 m paint was Y Install protection of storm draininlet(s)closest to the washout which could receive event,1.0 WOin me 2.Additional Documentation to be Kept onslte oaurrwe RepmttT2aOennes Afar Discovery)anoBMer Regdrers.. there is zero slope waters unless no other alternatives are reasonably available. spills or overflow. Ca own Len ar m me enlein nkmra central hewn In additionand ta the E85C plan documents above,the following items shall be kept On the aaeesoa sediment •with.70 hours.an xai oretemranc notify Note:After the permanent cessation of construction activities,any areas with temporary 3, Contain liquid wastes In a controlled area. 7, locate washouts in an easily accessible area,on level ground and install a stone • mime, • site and available for nspect t all times during normal businesshou unless the eop.n1en Ina •wit.T Mendardrysa ground stabilizChun shall be converted to permanent ground stabilization as soon as 4. Containment must be Nbeled,sized and placed appropriately for the needs of site. • �'"f 0r• " Division rovides a site- ecific exem tion based on uni ue site conditions that make Memr et wetlaml sediment and anion:taken to add cops the cane of the deposition. eptrovinpadinfront of the washotd.Atldkional controls maybe requred by the owOlrr,eRm be made no P ac P 9 practicable but In no case longer than 90 calendar days after the last land disturbing 5. prevent the discharge of soaps,solvents,detergents and other liquid wastes from approving authority. this requirement notprociral: Division man may waive the repuuemem sore written rcpon one activity.Temporary ground stabilization shall be maintained in a manner to render the _construction sites. 8, Install at least one sign directing concrete trucks to the washout within the project seeby.se basis. surface stable against accelerated erosion until permanent ground Habilitation is achieved, limits.Post sine he washout itself t identify this location. rN`I (a) This General Permit as well as the Certifinte of Coverage,after ll is received. • the stream is ham a NC 303d10H asmpairee thr sediment PORTABLE TOILETS 8 8e ont -w __ _ -,nl^tloe Ilc,_umpll•LL'sp ^m related causes,the permit..may be repulred t redone adeivorel GROUND STABILIZATION SPECIFICATION 9. Remove leavings from the washout when at approximately 79.capacity to limit �n!Oeswlebn of pwi^me,Eau (b) Records of Inspections nbmatle during the previous twelve months.The permktee shall monx..Inspections or apply more stringent practices M stall 1. Install portable toilets on level ground,at least 50 feet away from storm drains, overflow events.Replace the tarp,sand bags or other temporary structural a• a cord the required observations on the Inspection Record Form rovlded the determine That additional requirements are need.e t aSSOre compliance Stabilize the ground sufficiently so that rain will not dislodge the soil.Use one of the wetlands unless there is no alternative reasonably available.If 50 foot g po p M with Thefeeerwor date imvairedwaten znddons. techniques In the table below: _ onsetisnot attainable,provide relocation of stable toilet Aft or place components whenmlorlgerfurc[Tor.I.When utilizing alternative or proprietary gru ,mmrt wonwre�epevapoimrnt pe vnw,mr Division or a similar Inspection form that Includes all the required elements.Use of Po products,follow manufacturer's instructions, covert In Oil spilis and •withron ies.anso.or election notification.The nmifkatbn 10.At the completion of the concrete work,remove remainingleavings dip i elettronkal ly available records In lieu of the required paper moles will be allowed H Temporary StablemOon Permanent SleMllsUen On a gravel pad and surround with send bags. release of hallrncwee ln.m,aeon about the eau,time,nature miume one Corny grass seed covered with straw or ginscovered with straw or 2. Provide staking or anchoring°fportable toilets during periods of high winds or in high p 8 pupae shownro DrovdeB equal Isemneess and teaility as the hard-copy records. Inrauon oft p .release mulches...Rem matches and tacxinen foot traffic areas causedan disposal facility.Fill pit,it applicable,and stabilize any disturbance Voleframe oralaid npce Char m will be p,ovsa.as hazardous Other by removal of washout. ,inn Rnn, 3.Documentation to be Retained for Three Years ubstarHo Per Loin above •Hydroseeding eutenile Mbriasuchas permanent oil 3. Monitor portable toilets for leaking and properly dispose ofany leaked material, All data used to complete the e.N01 and all inspection records shall be maintained for a period llb)-IrIowe •Rolled el Oslgnmmtl producb with of re,rrbr,ement matting Utilize a licensed sanitary waste hauler to remove leaking portable toilets and replace NOTE:The rain inspection resets the required 7 calendar day inspection requirement of three years after project completion and made available upon regwst IQ CFR 122.61] lbclgntlumue •anporrmuapr fen deyr BOaiO sae eau of the bypass,0510051111 and without temporary toss seed •HvtlroseedUg with In masses tea aR •The remit shall nude an evaluation of the anbamted quality and •Approarktel applied strew or other mukh •Shrubs or other pemm�ent plantings properly operating - _ 22 u(m)131I Hea.2the bypass. Yepp p 8 HERBICIDES,1. Storeand apply he ANDRODENicidesS (a)Unanticipated •Within E4 hours,an oral er electronic nolgkatbn. •PIartksheHing wlNmulch 1. Store Coda herbicides,pesticides and redenticides In accordance with label PART II,SECTION G,f1FM(Q d4yA a.0nthat.dudes.,evaluation h the Bowe rover apply WPassesIM CFR •WiMNn7,olenear •unilgrmandweniyekbieutea EARTHEN STOCKPILE MANAGEMENT CRAW DOWN OFSWIMEM BASINS FOR MAINTENANCE DROWSE OUTrestri ( •quaky a.effect oft bypass. I sufficient to restrain erosion 1. Show stockpile locations on plans.Locate earthen-material stockpile areas at least Store herbs s lel Noncompliance n. •Structural methods such as concrete,asphaltot 50 feet awe from storm drain Inlets,sediment basins,perimeter sediment controls 2. Stare herbicides,pesticides and 0e,llrode redles In their Original containers with the wth Me conditions •Ware,enn 0oe.rdaurs,an yai aremrtromtnouins ad Y label,Which lists directions for use,ingredients and first ale steps In case of Sedimen[basinsantl traps 000A receive runoff from drainage areas of one acregh1115 shall BILietleIthdra resterhat Brew wider from the surface when these timesde withneedrobe drawn weather)) m,Me mrotlal 01000Cm,.sodam,arepon The wnuinsadesuiptkn of the rem..v.. and surface waters unless it can be shown no other alternatives are reasonably accidental poMoning, for maintenance Cl close out unless this is Infeasible.The circumstances In which It Is not feasible to withdraw water from the surface shall be rare(for example, with extended cold weather), of This permit that wed of noncompliance, •Rolled erosion control periods win5,ass seed available. Non-surface withdrawals from sediment basins shall be allowed only when all of the following criteria have been met: may endanger act dates and times,end lithe noncompliance has not 3. Do net store herbicides,pesticides and rodenticides In areas where(tootling is 2. Protect stockpile with slit fence Installed along toe of slope with a minimum offset of nmgfened,the anticipated Time noncanrpiiance h expected to POLYACRYIAMIDFS IPAMS)AND FLOCNIANTS five leer from the toe of stockpile. possible or where they may spill or leak Into wells,Normwater drains,ground water en lao men0nue;and sum Mkenmptanneeco retlu..elimina..and 1. Select flocculants that are eppn000ela forth soils being exposed during 3. Provide stable stone access point when feasible, o surface water.If a spill occurs,clean area immediately. la) The E&5[plan authority has been provided with documentation of the non-surface wkhtlrawal and the spxlNc time periods or conditions In which occur.Thenonsurface whhtlreWal RR 22A311N711 noncompliance_140 CCPeTeoC(IRR). 8 p° 4. DO not stockpile these materials omite. shall not commence until thewal se been plan authority has approved these nms, prevent of requirement construction,selecting from the NC OWR List of Approved PAMS/FlocculonLS. 4. Stsbll,ie stckple within the tlmefremes provided on this sheet and In accordance p WWI.staff basis waive the (orawrltun repot one 2. Apply flocculants at or before the Inlets n Erosion and Sediment Control Measures. with the approved plan and any additional requirements.Soil stabilization is defined (c) Thwaterirg dacearges areteatdwithonROlt tominim an ze anticipated bypass in pomrdatice wt ttoT water Section remoem ed f)rom the s MI)of ediment caste-W ore Basis. 3. Apply fl^cculants at she concentrations specified in the NC OWR List of Approved vegerative,physical or chemical coverage techniques that will restrain accelerated () Dewarexng dischargesare[reated with dswaOs minimize discharges of pollutants from srormwater that is removed from the sediment basin.Examples Al appropriate controls include PAMS/FI°eculonts and In accordance with the manufacturer's Instructions. erosion on disturbed soils for temporary or permanent control needs. HAZARDOUS5. Create designated TOXIC WASTE properly sited,designed and malted old dewatering bolas,weee podnks,and filtrationthe extent 4. Provide pending area for containment of treated Otormwater before discharging 1. Create designated hazardous waste collection areas on-site. let) Vegetated,upland areas of the sites or a properly designed stone pad is used to the extent feasible at the outlet of the dewatering treatment devices described In kern(c)above, offsite. a 2. Place hazardous waste containers under cover of in secondary containment. (e) Velocity dissipation dedus such as check darns,sediment traps,and riprap are provided at the discharge points of all dewatering devices,and 4NORTHCAeROLINA S. Storefloc<ulenb in leek- fcontafners that are keptuMerstorm resistan[cover r'6I NORTH CAROLINA 3. Do rrot store hazardow chemkeM,droms or bagged materiels dbectly Pn the ground. I (Q Sediment removed from the dewandng treament tleviirxs described Item(c)above is dbpasetl ofina manner ihrt roes not cause tleposRbnat sediment into waters of the Unintl States. \3 Envtronmental Qudity p`°° Environmental Quality - - pt Store byaemndar of c containment that are kept Q Y NCGO1 GROUND STABILIZATION AND MATERIALS HANDLING EFFECTIVE:04/01/19 NCGOl SELF-INSPECTION,RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING EFFECTIVE:04/01/19 S ",,,,,, • TRC Stamp: City Council Stamp: Revision Date By . • . Outpareel #4 Date: March 2023 elyHerring-Sutton & Associates, P.A. Herlta�re Corner Shopping Center scale: None Map No. `„.... i0(8 Engineers - Surveyors - Planners b Pr Sedimentation 8E Drawn by: th 2023-1871V-OP4B .,,. City of Wilson N.C. Erosion Control Details e ( ,,,,•� 2201 Nash Street NW, Wilson, North Carolina 27896 (252) 291-8887 Y a„c L;'s,„ Sheet No. DT-1D