HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG140043_EPA Correspondance_20230713 NcGl+ 00 LI3 WILLIAMS MULLEN Ethan R.Ware Direct Dial: 803.567.4610 eware@william5mullen.com July 3, 2023 RECEIVED VIA E-MAIL & U.S. MAIL JUL 12 2023 Mark Robertson DEMLR-Stormwater Program Water Enforcement Branch Enforcement and Compliance Assurance Division United States Environmental Protection Agency, Region 4 61 Forsyth Street, S.W. Atlanta, Georgia 30303-8960 Robertson.Mark(i4ena.eov Danny Smith Supervisor, Stormwater Program Division of Energy, Minerals, and Land Resources North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1612 Danny.Smith@mcdenr.gov Re: Necessary Quarterly Monitoring Concrete Supply Company, LLC, South Plant Administrative Order on Consent, Docket No. CWA-04-2022-03I0 Charlotte,North Carolina Dear Mr. Robertson and Mr. Smith: Please find enclosed a copy of the quarterly monitoring at permitted outfalls of Concrete Supply Company, LLC, South Plant, in accordance with Part 111. Par. 35.a of the above-referenced Administrative Order on Consent("Order"). Monitoring occurred unless there was no qualifying rain event causing a discharge of storm water during this time,as evidenced by rain gauge readings. Feel free to call if there are any questions. Sincerely, ERW/ct Enclosures Ethan R. Ware 1230 Main Street,Suite 330,Columbia,SC 29201 1 P.O.Box 8116 Columbia,SC 29202 T 803,567.4600 F 803.567.4601 1 williamsmullen.com 1 A Professional Corporation a ` m 0 Waypoint. 449 Springbrook Rd, Charlotte,NC 28217 Main 704.529.6364 ANALYTICAL www.waypointana lytical.coni 6/28/2023 Concrete Supply Company Johnnie Alexander 3823 Raleigh Street Charlotte, NC,28206 Ref: Analytical Testing Lab Report Number:23-167-0024 Client Project Description: South Plant Facility Dear Johnnie Alexander: Waypoint Analytical, LLC (Charlotte) received sample(s)on 6/16/2023 for the analyses presented in the following report. The above referenced project has been analyzed per your instructions. The analyses were performed in accordance with the applicable analytical method. The analytical data has been validated using standard quality control measures performed as required by the analytical method. Quality Assurance, method validations, instrumentation maintenance and calibration for all parameters were performed in accordance with guidelines established by the USEPA(including 40 CFR 136, Method Update Rule May 2021) unless otherwise indicated. Certain parameters (chlorine, pH, dissolved oxygen, sulfite...)are required to be analyzed within 15 minutes of sampling. Usually, but not always,any field parameter analyzed at the laboratory is outside of this holding time. Refer to sample analysis time for confirmation of holding time compliance. The results are shown on the attached Report of Analysis(s). Results for solid matrices are reported on an as- received basis unless otherwise indicated.This-report shall not be reproduced except in full and relates only to the samples included in this report. Please do not hesitate to contact me or client services if you have any questions or need additional information. Sincerely, 6 %% -� Jamie Corporeal Laboratory Project Manager Laboratory's liabilily in any claim relating to analyses performed shall be limited to,at laboratory's option, repeating the analysis in question at laboratory's expense, or the refund of the charges paid for performance of said analysis. Page 1 of 9 Q � � t. 449 Springbrook Rd,Charlotte, NC 28217 Main 704.529.6364 ANALYTICAL www.waypointanalytical.com Certification Summary Laboratory ID: WP CNC: Waypoint Analytical Carolina, Inc.(C), Charlotte, NC State Program Lab ID Expiration Date North Carolina State Program 37735 07/31/2023 North Carolina State Program 402 12/31/2023 South Carolina State Program 99012 07/31/2023 South Carolina State Program 99012 12/31/2022 Page 1 of 1 00016/23-167.0024 Page 2 of 9 a �W kY 449 5pringbrook Rd, Charlotte, NC 28217 e1�' Main 704.529.6364 ANALYTICAL www.waypointanalytical.com Sample Summary Table Report Number: 23-1.67-0024 — --• Client Project Description: South Plant Facility Lab No Client Sample ID Matrix Date Collected Date Received 98650 01 Aqueous 06/16/2023 13:22 06/16/2023 13:50 Page 3 of 9 Q �{�j ®� 449 Springbrool< Rd, Charlotte,NC 28217 rNS� Main 704.529.6364 ANALYTICAL www.waypointinalytical.com Client: Concrete Supply Company CASE NARRATIVE Project: South Plant Facility Lab Report Number: 23-16(-0024 Date:6/28/2023 Oil and Grease Method 1664B QC Batch No:V34595 Low recovery was found for the matrix spike. All other quality control is within acceptable limits. Sample interference is suspected. Page 4 of 9 ® a .� �, 449 Springbrook Rd,Charlotte, NC 28217 (E] Main 704529.6364 ANALYTICAL www.waypointanaly6cal.com 01058 Concrete Supply Company Project South Plant Facility Johnnie Alexander Report Date: 06/28/2023 3823 Raleigh Street Information: Received:06/16/2023 Charlotte, NC 28206 —«-- Report Number:23-167-0024 REPORrOFANALYSIS Lab No: 98650 Matrix: Aqueous Sample ID:01 Sampled: 6/16/2023 13:22 Test Results units MOL DF Date/Time By Analytical Analyzed Method HEM:Oil and Grease <5.4 mg/L 5.4 1 06/22/23 13:09 EKF 1664B pH 8.9 S.U. 1 06/1612313:22 FLD FIELD Total Suspended Solids 23.7 mg/1. 6.2 1 06/20/23 09:36 EKF 2540D-2015 Qualifiers/ OF Dilution Factor MQL Method Quanbtation Limit Definitions -�--- Page 5 of 9 o O 449 Springbroak d,Charlotte, 28217 pon Main 704.529.6364 ANALYTICAL www.waypointaiialytical.com Shipment Receipt Form Customer Number:01058 Customer Name: Concrete Supply Company Report Number: 23-167-0024 Shipping Method Q Fed Ex Q US Postal 0 Lab Q Other: 1 p UPS Q Client d Courier Thermometer ID: IRT15 2.7C Shipping container/cooler uncompromised? Q Yes Q No Number of coolers/boxes received 1 Custody seals intact on shipping container/cooler? Q Yes Q No Q Not Present Custody seals intact on sample bottles? 0 Yes 0 No Q Not Present Chain of Custody(COC) present? * Yes 0 No COC agrees with sample label(s)? Q Yes Q No COC properly completed Q Yes Q No Samples in proper containers? 0 Yes O No Sample containers intact? d Yes Q No Sufficient sample volume for indicated test(s)? Q Yes d No All samples received within holding time? Q Yes 0 No Cooler temperature in compliance? Yes Q No Cooler/Samples-arrived at the laboratory on ice. Q Yes Q No Samples were considered acceptable as cooling process had begun. Water-Sample containers properly preserved (9)Yes Q No Q N/A Water-VOA vials free of headspace O Yes Q No Q NIA Trip Blanks received with VOAs 0 Yes O No QQ N/A Soil VOA method 5035—compliance criteria met Q Yes Q No Q N/A High concentration container(48 hr) F Low concentration EnCore samplers (48 hr) (— High concentration pre-weighed (methanol -14 d) Low conc pre-weighed vials (Sod Bis-14 d) Special precautions or instructions included? O Yes Q No Comments: Signature: [Angelo Norvell Date&Time: 6/16/2023 15:58:14 Page 6 of 9 CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORD IR Waypoin t PAGE OF QUOTE TO[NSURE PROPER BILLING:. ...,.. .. � p p SalP:ez INTACT epen arrnaR I_ ANALYTICAL Project Name:_-tj �"F11_i -__-- Receuzd IN ICE7 NC Phone 7041529--6364 • Faxr17041525.04097 Short-Hold Analysis (Yes) (No) UST Project: (Yes) PROPER PRES'RVATIVESedica:ed7 4_ - -Please ATTACH any project specific reporting(QC LEVEL 111111 IV) Reeeived WITHIN HOLDING TIMES' T✓ Client Company Name:_. provisions andlor QC Requirements CUSTODY SEALS INTACT? Report To/Contact Name:-,,,,-,_-_,__-.__,___-_—,•,_.,,, tGVDlce 7o: VOIAT!LES reed WiOUT HEADSPACc7 Reporting Address:-, PROPER COt3TAI:JER 7 k_ Address: .Y C- q TEMP: ThcnnlO� O ser+adL 'j.'C:i,n r.{,' 'C Phone:_-__.-.—_ Fax(Yes)(No): purchase Order No.113I1ing Reference TO BE FILLED IN BY NT/SAMPLING PERSONNEL Email Address _._ _ Rr Incc Due.Owe J 1 Day J 2 Days J 3 D.� J 4 Days J 5 Dave Certification: NC_-_ SC EDD Type: PDF Excel Other "Working Drys" J 69 Day; J Staadard 10 drys J Rush Wark Me Be Site Location Name -_ &dmp esn ecdanar 1503 will be placessed re.1 tin-ncss day proms Other_ NIA__ Site Location Physical Address Tumarw:d trine 15 Dosed on buanCcS days.vcWdn9 .Lekends and hcndays I Water Chlorinated: YES—NO REVERSE FOR TERMS&CONDITIONS REGARDING SERVICES RENDERED BY WAYPOINr ANALYTICAL.LLC M CLIENT) i Samples iced Upon Collection: YES 6 NO— I— CLIENT ! MATRIX MATx I SAMPLE CONTAINER —� ANALYSIS REQUESTED ) j DATE COLLECTED (SOIL. (__.--___T PRESERVA-TIVES' REMARKS I ID O. SAMPLE DESCRIPTION ; COLLECTED MILRARY WATER,OR I -TYPE I ,�v� ' J HOURS SLUDGE) SEE BELOW NO. I SIZE / r7 / / / / 1 ---ok -- I Co-16 33 .3:3 ''iilf i C.�a I I:vea.zl Na�rY i j • I i +I _ I 1 ( I I llllllil�llllllllllllH11111iI IIIIIIJIIII1IIIIIIIIII�IIII�IIIIi 23-167-0024 _ ! — IIIII II If III 19111 ItII I II II )II I III Ipll it 1 it I)III°�05�2c_; CINVIMIC•5.0.iv Cmnlmry 15 57 40 r SOIdh Plant F;IcAty t 1 I Samplers Signature ly�a .__I Sampled By(Print Name) _ *5 n Ic'r kll-S Affiliation "c.7 drtEc S�OL�� Upon relinquishing,this Chain of Custody is your authorization for Waypoint Analytical to proceed with ilia analyses as requested above.Any changes must be submitted in writing to the Waypoint Analytical Project Manager.There will bebe charges for any changes after analyses have been Initialized. le Site AmvdT-rme n < I /w1,1 inn t Heys Additional Comments., T lrrL.� -! �) �/S( Site Depanere Time: He F Ya Y -qr /23 ' -1 xc dB me us csr I C� Field Tech Fee: /f I L='X l �.."'e•�n,^...'a NY h�/ O. . i Mileage: Hc'aOdC S!;4TR.^.1 SAMPFOTELES COOLERS SHOULOBE iE DAEd SNOT COO UNTIL SEALSFORI THE TION TO THE LABORATORY � Cd;xn Nb SAMPLES ARE NOT AC EPiID AND VERIFIED AGWNR COO UNPL RECEIVED FT THE LABORATORY ! , JFey Fx JUPB JHytbde:rzd • ulytfll FwLSnu. JOne, _... _�n!,T�Jrm' ! • • • NPOES: UST: ^ I GRO DWATERI DRINKING WATER: I SOLID WASTE: !! RCRA; I BRWNFLD LANDFILL OTHER: NC J SC �J NC JSC )JN JSC fJNC JSC JNC JSC ( J NC JSC ) JNC JSC IJNC JSC IJNC JSC ORIGIptaL 'CONTAINER TYPE CODES: A=Ambor C=Claar G=Glass P=Plastic TL=Teflon-Lined Cap VOA=Volatile Organics Analysis(Zero Head Space) IIII III�i Hill ll�l�11111!11lll11 COE% �,M1 Cannela Sumdv Camnnry 155]�e PCSmrl h KIM F'ImhN uaf rrlf<1' (,uni,rr Storm water Disebarge Outfall (SDO) Qualitative Monitoring Report For,Eliidunce a; nlrl r1is/urre./dense vrrit hops:iideq.ne.eoc'o6ou141kismns'Cut"\-nl incrd-Im+d-resources' n piles-sl m'nl+vater-gps Permit No,: N1C/ / i 1 or Cellilicatc ofCovermge No.: N/CK_i _ ; -- Cuunh: ..aj�ti�-ci'a�td�-�—,,,----Pltnne Vu. .�03-�•�7 =.�,,,2��_..._..---.____.. Inspector: _ Dale of Inspection: _..--- iTinlcotlnspection: �;da- — j iblal Event Precipitation(incbes): I j i All permits require quatimik c monitoring.to he pertormed during a"measurable storm event" A "measurable srm'm event"is 8 storill event that resltlls In an act unl discharge from the permitted site outfall. The previous measurable storm event must have been al least 72 hours prior. The 72-hour storm interval does not apply it Lite per-mittec is able to document that a shorter intcryal is representative IM I local storm events during_the samphoe period.and the pernlittee obtains approval Iionl the local Dp\•ILR I Re_ional 011 icc. By this;ignattur. I certify that this report is accurate and complete 10 the best orpr» knn++ledge: I Signature of Pcrmitlec or ticsignee) -- I. Outrall Description: Ottitall No. 01 „__ Stt'ucture(pipe.ditch,etc.): --- Rcceivilll Stream: .._..__.....__.._.,..— Descri bet he industrial netivities that occur++ithiit the out Cal drainage area: page I of 2 �2,1 aN mod 16M ur.rr 1,2a1 A Page 8 of 9 2. Cotor: Describe the colon of t�he/d_is�charge using basic colors fired. brmcn. hhm etc.)and tint flight medium, dark)as descriptors:�< 3. Odor: Describe any distinct odors that the discharge may have fix..smells mrongly of oil, weak chlorine odor- etc.): /Jose J. Clarity: Choose the number which best describes The clarnv Who discharec. "here 1 is clear and 5 is vey cloudy: 0 5. bloating SOWS: Choose the number which best desa•ibe.ihe amount of floating solids in the surnnwatcr digthar�_c. where I is no solids and 5 is the surface covered i%ith Iloatitr_solids: G 2 3 4 5 G. Suspended Solids: Choose the number which best describes the amount of suspended solids in the stprnwmer discluugc, where I i�s-tno solids and 5 is cmme"muddy: C,L.� ' 3 •1 5 Is there any foam in the sionrtwoter discharg? o Yes No. 8. k there an oil sheen in dw stornnvaler discharge? oyes No. 9. Is there evidence of erosion or deposition at the outfal I? O Ycs No. 10. Other Obvious Indicators of Stormwnter Pollution: List and describe \ole: Low clarity, high solids, and/or the Iu•csence or foam,oil sheen,or erosion/deposition may be indicative of polluwnt exposure. These conditions warraut further inves�tigation. I�IIIII���P�I��1 il1``V Ill INI I,"I IlI11,I111,1I1II1II11 11111 006300J4 COn M10S.MCm -11. 15.5740 SOW610M FaoLly rtre�.lpt:� SK'l=�d2 i na mod�iic re.'0(.gal% Page 9 of 9 STORIWWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN QUARTERLY - GOO® HOUSKEEPING/PM/I MP INSPECTION PLANT LOCATION: DATE/T-IME: WEATHER: 0-leaf (inspection frequency: MUST be perfonnerl QUARTERL/YYw en facility is active) NAME: SIGNATURE: --SIGNATURE: �r AREAS TO CHECK: Raw maturiai storage areas with water sprirndershnis:era,Truck rinse/wash and drum washout areas, Truck Hash chemicals and Admix`.arks,Oil tank/sheds p-or'i,ct st wage,Catch basins and pipes, Outfalls,Yard for spillage/debris. Baseline BMPS Inspection: Good House Keeping, Equipment, Preventive Maintenance/Inspections,Spill Control Kits Inspection, Emplo ee Training(please use additional sheets if necessary Good Housekeeping/PM Inspection Checklist Remarks What Action is Needed _ (S ttsfactory) (cleanup/repair/replace/none) Is trash bin lid closed?&Is the,Lid in working condition? YES NO Is trash removed from the site on a timely basis? YES lu Is the site swept"As Needed Basis"at a minimum Quarterly'? S� NO Is there any debris on the yard? F_S No Are outside areas kept in a neat and orderly condition? 1'ES i 9C Is the maintenance chap ^ivarty iu t-.e c-y_:in:m=n; mztedat= aid tanks/drums//totes? I `E" ! •' Is there an evidence of drips/ieaks from Trucks/Equipment/ I YES NO Tanks/Drums/Totes? _ Fines scraped up/removed from equipment areas? YES j 111)C: Are the secondary containments in goad conditions with NO leaks/ YES ,,,L, Cracks/settlement? Is the secondary containment discharge pipe closed and locked? Yw 1 NO i Are traffic areas free from aqu;µment, ma.larials, and ollher objects? Are chemicalsloils/fuels stored in proper containers? Es MC? Are any storage containers leaking or deteriorating with rust? YES mo Are stone/sand areas kept neat and orderly manner? YkS ?•,'.'7 Do you see any leaks from the baghouses? I— Are admix tanks in good ronditi C)n and did you see any Peaks? Are Admix tanks located it^id,i s a<condap/cn.ntainment? Are sediment traps/stone dams in good condition ' YF_C 44 Are ditches, pipes,swales and catch basins in good condition? j YE Y—'r� Is there a vegetation growth in the ,ends? Are ponds cleaned regularly for acr...imulr tad sediment? YF." Are washwater recycling basins are cleaned for accumulated sediment? Does the facility required to do BIOP feasihliity(te hnicai and I YE'' N -- economic)study? 6'' , Do you hear any unusu�.l noise in the equipment? '��^ �'•:: i Page 112 QUARTERLY — GOOD HOUSKEEPIN G/PM/BiMP INSPECTION Good Housekeeping/PMInspectionChecklistRemarks What Action is Needed _ . factary) (cleanup/repair/replace/none) Are washwater recycling basins pumps working properly? YES No Check effects of return concrete and slurry drying areas on the YES NO outfall? Are equipment(pH and abler)in washwater recyrilnq hasins working property? Are effective cleanup procedures used for spilled materials? YEis i10 Are spill control kits in good condition with all the required ., „ j materials? 'E ''i Are there any unauthorized discharges from the facility YES N0 Is process water from truck washing,drum cleaning going to ouffalls? i YES t1U Are there any signs cf aroA)n on stores,Ponds, sitns;' 4'ES aaJ Could any new BlvIPs imptemerred to protect stormwa[er qualify? I ytz:r raU Have all new employees received Good Housekeeping Training? -J ! Did you provide at a minimum annual Stormwater Training to all employees that could affect the stonnwat€r quality - Check for any changes in the Plant operation that could affe.:t tJU SWPP Plan Update? Check pH readings from lab report to the pH at process water pas P:i . Check if any other area no'm n n d above nears attendon - _ �flJfP-:Ta3NC$iDii a'^.$]tGdL31y Z'm'3r'R' What Action is Needed 4! yp (cieanupfrepair/replacefnone) Are oil pumps in working order wit?:no leaks?Are dust collectors are working,properhi?Are compressor bleed is contained?Are ail secondary containment dikeslwaiis in good conditiivaAre all stone and sand barriers oruerly Is sediment in warm pits.or.r�;y arl :en:vii'de � .rAre riprap/hay bales/berms•rocrkirg prope-P� Is there site e re Is sediment nt fromm the return concrete storage areas contained?Are there any leaky egmpraent'e hicWs on tqe nrq:erh/? •`: '� i Is SWPP Ad�lit'ona Remarkst'Rprrmi -r•,: rC//�- SvJe�-4- r Plan Manager Sigrs,7una:_ ? -_ Data NOTES:Use the add.ionat r mae' s;reeernrncnUadiun:;section to xscribEe 4:afickmcies in Housekeeoinn Measures, a;a[I aee a_.?a,re r.4'•i t�;n�ry tl<_,^thou ?�„i`uddttio' spac• needed. Page 2/2 Concrete Supply Co LLC Certification I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Signature: Tel: (704) 372-2930 Name: Johnie Alexander Date: 3�2} Title: Environmental Manager