HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--04212_Well Construction - GW1_20230706 I.w coatraeto Itaform •
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WellCentraeterName - To Diae�emmiv -
NC Well Coma CetSHaUonNaaber
I OUTEL�CAID ti'{tila eaVel6 Olt:IM!*Rttf•_.. 'fret,.. ::
p o c IL)& l am_ Sert14C e M �., .lumi NFSS sta
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:1i��fiarertlfllNG herw:►:ers j...cp. .e.r. ,tit
2.Well ConetruetlonPerndtd: / 3 9 .2. FROM TO D7i.3l fER 'ma MITvnrAr
LfudlappiimbtexelIw rwerienpemduita UICCom%Sum Yam*eta)- t tit:•
3.Well the(ehecktwel use): ft. a tn.
treSQt8EH =i _.: s .7.'.--'"_=' • .wuerSapplyven - FROM To numni� SLT26—ItumepSs—MkiRL+Agricultural QM ip8VPabIiC 0 R h. ia.
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Geothermal tiny/Cooling Supply) eatiel Water Supply(sue) m IL In. -
_Industrial/Commercial _ Re deiulal Water Supply(shaird) __ _ _
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FROM To ','M URIA/ tutru tatomi' oD&Aiintos'
Non water Supply Welk - ('j a- ,7o f. , b 4•e
Maiming ❑Re covety - i N `M- �A.r, mt.
Injection Well: R.
• _ Aquifer Recharge El Gmundt terRemediatimn '
Aquifer Steno and Recovery DSalurity8eariee t TO's[sPACKftedFdultcn47,.=F. 4:� P:
_Aquifer Test . "- . riatannwaterDrainage - ft. tit: .• -
• S*-p-,y -,�T�*1oogY DSubsidence Control d rR. Wes,' �` �;�—
Geothe (Closed Loon." labour - s p•1IR oI G. lat1C�IItidlii dilfeer i}}_onfgt-. tt
_Geathamel(Rratin ICooling/enan) !mother(exttainunder021 Remad a) FROM tr. TO DESCRIPti(clot tsido wsaWtecitAgytr+,simile)
4.Date Walks)Completed: r a_0/91 1D1f We11 . 0 /rJG `C 2'a✓ Cl41'
lam/ G/� M 6.-ii"..c,7
Se WeB Loco Korn //G ft d AS ft ar r,.—e/-7--e.._
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Fata'liylOweerName Pac9ieymd(ifapptlrabb) re R a--. .a ..•
Ptryairal City,ear* / ft. 4. •
G6 /`1 S(i L 20- -.:;terMr: ... ::_.:=
Camay PamalUenti6 nNo.(PIN)
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Sit.Latitude and lohgllnde in degretslmioutey:aonds or decimal degrees: r•+a•s�•%.W1"s
(ifwall Bald.on?faalmtgisseSda* 22 Cerflaatioo: " .,6 g- i
• a 5.7 3`/G N 'l,l el Y G . w ,,„ V- •eetvj /..--(- 3
6.Is(are)the well(s)61Permnnent or[Temporary Sigar,maoCe?eni6edw►enCtinaacror Date
By al,1rbl,this farm I hereby aertb rimy the wB(t)uttr kre)ceOMtrcred,hi madams
e 7.Is Ms a repair to an existing well: DYes or EINo ,rid,"UMWinC.OI00 or Lit!RUC 01C.0100 Well Co tonS idardi and thins
VI;(rorept:IVtadbrauavdlrantrtacuantnfaaotion end elplatn the calve ofdre con'oJrhtr mod haBanpro:tdrdrothetxpowl=
rapairunetere2I rrron lea action months hack gl,Msforet.
23.Site diagram or additional well details: •
8.For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed.Loop Geothermal Wells having the came " You may use ute back of this page to provide arldidmal well site details or well
construction,only I OW-I is needed.Indicate TOTA4 NUMIER of vas construction debits.You may also attach additional pages if necessary.
9.Total well depth below land surfaces oe (ft.) 2ta.For All Neva; Submit this form within 30 days of completion of wall
For mrdapkxdls hoed!el rfdJ/etanr(e e• 00•ami2 100) constmetiM ladle Wowing •
• 10.StaticSucherlavabelow top ofcasing: t R
: Jfuaterleasttrabmrcastswa+ ( ) Milan ofWatervlctCceesr Raltlgl,,NC roetsslugUnik
1d17 Mail Service Confer,Raleigh,NC276994617
11.Borehole diameter: 47 I/� (ht.)
ti / 24b.For Inlectlon Well: to addition to sending the Eamwthe address in 29a
. 12.Well contiruNlon method: PO l '( above,also submit one copy of ids form within 30 days of completion of well
f.Ma:REM�1e,dueetpat%da) �onspuetioatorhofollowing
FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS t)IYLY: Dlvisionof Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program.
cll� 1efl6 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 276991636
c P .,6Zda
13rt.Yield(gpm) 0 Method dreg: j�.j}r.. For Water Sunk&TDlecdon Wells: In addition to sending the form to
13b.Dialnfeetldn types Amount: �` C G the addresses)above,also submit one copy of this farm within 30 days of
completion of well consttuction to the cowtty health departmeat of the county
Form GW l "NertbCmormiDepautel tatEav tanmased Qoaliry-DivisionafWetcrllwetam Revlsed2.22-2016'
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