HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--04200_Well Construction - GW1_20230706 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For imntalUse NIN: This(but-loan be 115a far single of multiple.1t'Ctts 1.Welk Contractor Information: \\(--V\\ — 1&{ F i John Eisenman i tftwm f 1D ! nrtsctttorma I t l4'4at Cntstiny,+ar Nangft, ft, i ft. fl 9439 NC Well Cnntnctor Certification Nastier t.tS.OfiT&( CA.SL Gi€rirrnuitiodotrtocticl:OR INERtif'W Dcablett i FROM I TO • DIAMETER TRIWNICESS MATERIAL i SAEDACCO Inc ii. I ft. In. Voavoy Nom i ff.0(8.81CC".r tPiG;Oft 1G tNCd indlie-taalif>frstil l4ti,J?D ._ ...:, f imoi1 TO al,L1t€`TCt{ TIIIC'CiNI %1AT1 Ritl I 2.Well Construction Permit'4: I 0 ;ft, 5 ft. 2 in- SCB-40 PVC u K Epp fairarldnejnli,ofaf.•u•rtPyrn.^.Vr(r.e.t'rn_ulf•.,.St:!r.tiarr£arcs+.i'}'A'�Gll !rri. "' 1 R !t III, 3.Writ li5c(cheek well use): - v:.. , Water Supply Well: I FROM I TO I nt%'WTER I SLOT DUX 11111 Ii iIN.0 I NIATE llAl, 1 5 ft. l0 ft, 12" in, . .010 SCH-40 1 PVC 1 CI tgficllitttril Olvltudair tlfPoblic r Ia 0Geotitountil tilooting,Coolin;;Supply'( rLtResitlentittl Water Supply.(single) ft it , y Clittdnstrialicoumtcrcial URes;idential WaterSipply (shared) r Font, l 1a IIATC.aFa4 i ES1PLACEAIEVT411. 'I4li5&,1.SH1L1T1 ❑!rrtontan 0 ft. i 3 ft. Portland Pour i ifort-Water Supply Welk ft. f 33 • ' g f f I IttjecainnWell: • • �, �..w.: .� �. ,..... i'JAquifer Recharge Otikoinidit.iler Itt:ntedi:ttian "v•SANti'tcdytst�t:L:l*l.Ctetifit i1tiesaitel • 1 FRf4ht t la, NIATrttfMG FMMPf_Attatrs tlf,`rttan °Aquifer Stomp and Recovery f.�Salinity Harrier 4 ft. 110 ft. I Sand .#2 °AgttiferTest CDStannwatcrDrainage ft. I ft r- L]Fxlscntucatal Technology p5u41Nckaisc Comm! •.1t:111111tLING LOG=1att.tcttallifit70n.tI fiteFt ifttL'vtsaril r It eothettn:il(Closed Loop) CITracer 1 1:nnst TO DRICRIPTi0\twt;r.tranlncoi.Au litrtli Ow.;,rph;err.itt I OGi:atileMP.at i11eptLiitg1COobuI Return) OOltitf toVstaiit under#2 t Reittat ) 0 ft. 10 ft. Silt/sand/clay • 10 ft. ft. rock 4.Date Welt(s)Completed: 6-14-23 Well IDt#'f4W-1 tt ft. s n • ! Sa Well lunation: j if, ' ftr t--- 03 2 Residential Property i ft. fl JUL� � 0 6 1 Fc, iliWKIIIT.1 OM radii')Rix{if Pplizahlc5 _. . —lfaiva.i'atta. ...9-r.'7 ri i,? --YDZI-0-•- .,,----.h. --•'a 89 Rattlesnake Branch Rd., Canton, NC, 28716 1 [t. ft. Gt�3�ti3 a Pinsicat,Addr ss.city.aril Zip I .gl.RtItIAttKs _ ..�..-. • w Haywood _ , € bentonite seal 3-4ft 1 Cann!, 1*tree)ltlra"trl'IX.IUD Na MP:ft 51%Latitude and I.omdtttite in ticgil.'exfmintfteslsc,;ands or decimal dL trcest ly.t`et lificatitin: Of wen Ikid,OM I:W101.t iti Si flCt;n I N 6/15/2023 L.r.. 5igroutie of ii fat.9,,;i'i.l{i'::,,:tr:<i; =_. - bear G.Es fare)the /cll(s): $NLrnrnent Cr 7retfNtatti .f'''' , _..la# ."fJ ;e t ' Jr,+r,r4:',...--- ID svihr gar Po fir` . rr,Ift•Ir, a n 1„e,.f£z+:ontcrttl:tt r warstra3ty OA 1*.I•WAC U?C,'s -t---,••-6,3.:A..-f;.'t..020 Writ(`raitiu tt rfea statkidetit.art{that A 7.Is this a repair to an misting well: Vies or l0 No eoin.;ithh rcrrnt3 bay l c,,frrt;ridit'd to riv..n'N rrrcar.'r. obi.,35 0 te{rr,fiti r .;lar.19-117.1 P.Vii Cr':40ftlIo lino tliii-oheihti area,,e.re4wrt rh'R0Uttf,3.1 r(ir rr'IL?I!wart P:1 n'!inack.5..i.Ilion or 0,1 fhr bark at ads prim 23.Site+lla rant or additional well details: You only use t11a bock of this(qv to provide additional well.site details or well 3.number of shells constructed: 1. ti. construction details, You may Mist.+ttftacft additional pages of ne .ss iny. For.warn f.:Riee'ribli sae rttav-tn.rrt'r 0.0ph tvetfs ONLY omit Mr trtk t.pm coo srrcnut one fi rrt. SURNI IT TA*,IC+rSTIIC"PIONS 9.Total%%eil depth beton laud surftl e; 3.0 (ft,1 24a. fur AU Wells: Submit this form withitt e daps of completion of well Pre.'ti,Mht+rfe r..tilq,4ib ufiflopr}atf,fe.C,'r'rprlf tnknpi+£^-lim?(,rr)tram'a'frktt constntellan to the Following. tt).Static water level belay cup of casing: M.) Division of Water Resource,Information Processing,Lull. Ovals,: tetr. ,„i.c+r,•.usfn .trs£•" 1617 Mail Service Center.Raleigh.NC 276I9-16L7 11.Borehole diameter.:8.25" tin.) 2-0h.For fulatut VI I ONC let In addition to 5til1ditu:the fain]to tt =a+tdress in 2sa above. also submit a com or this faint within 30 days of completion of well 12,Well ent.Stf•Itetiau n'iQtliu t BSA c0ns1WWCtion to the following. d I.C.anger.rotary.cable.di cct past.etc-1 Division of Water Heyatirecs.Underground Injection Control W rogfant. FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center.Raleigh.NC 27499-1636 2 k,.For Wafer Supple&Inleellitn Welts: teach lrtrld(gout - Method of rest: _,_ _ - Also submit owe copy Of this'afana withinit) days of-completion of 13b.Disinfection type:... ...... ... . Amount: . c tctctl. the , e tltlt department of the counts wham. well construction to county 1 con Firrni OW-I Nonli Carobiut E:'Attutu^in of Eel;itnrrotsfrt Old Natural ltexosees- Dtcaipr of Water a.r_tttrcr 1-10 sett August:9)13