HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--04167_Well Construction - GW1_20230623 `WELL.CONSTRUCTION RECORD Far tr2entai Use ONLY: lids form can 1 used far single or multiple wells• 1.Welt.Contractor Information: I:i.LW1TER ZONES . .- . • Stefan Smith PRIM 1 To Dt+SCIt1Pru1N Well Contractor Name R. ft. 1 R. rt. 3576-A NC Well Contractor Certification Nulrber `IS.OUTER CASING(fiir`iiiuht�ciiscrllictI t OR LiNER'tit-ao'Ikabkl` FROM ! To DIAMETER TOICRICESS atATERAL SAEDACCO Inc 44 fL' 1 la Compaq'Name t6:-INNER CASING'OR-TUBING Imsli en:d et 44 iiip0;' '• FROST TO DIAMETER TITICKNF.SS MATERIAL ' 2.Well Construction Permit le: WIO 600241 _ R. ft, ia. Lis'all applicable well penults li_c.County.Salve,tria,rce,fr}rera'c4 t'sr_l ft. H, ht. 3.'Wcllilsc(checkwell100 -t7.SCREEN . . . . - Water Supply WelkFROM• TO DIAMETER , SIOTSIZE TRle.KNI.s 1 NAtrnrar. t'Jrlgtieulntra[ ClilitinicipaUlltblic R It. tit I ClGeotitemutl(Heating/Cooling Supply) ®Residential Water Supply(single) R. rt. ln. I ❑ludustrialiConmtereial ©Rcsideatial Water Supply'(shared) t9 GROUT_. .._. FRlTS1 TO. MATERIAL I EMPLACEMENT METHOD 1 AMOUNT El irrigation ft. rt. Non-Water Supply'SVell:' . . It. ft. oMonitoring IRecovery • „_ injection Well: ft. ft. i DAquifcrRechar,e QGroundw;itcrRentediatien °14:SANI);RAVEL'PACK'llydp)dicubttr'-..1-- •PROai Ti) • MATtattat. ' NSIP1Ar:1-AllIVI ML'TIIUII Elpquifcr-Storagc and Rceovety ❑Salinity Barrier R, rt. ❑Aquifer Test ❑Stvrmvatee 1}rlbinage h. it. ❑Exp rinicntal Tcihnotoir ElSttbsidcncc Control :211.DRILLiNGLOG tnitjeh additioniil iherls if Itcee'ssan'1- ❑Geothetnial(ClusedLoop) ❑Tr.icer FRO31 • TO • I DESCRIPTION Dolor.haribieu,itd nn4hroe.irl:ire,dm ❑Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Return) ®C)ther(explain under 1k2I Rernaths) .iL rt. 1 1 • rt.- fL I d:Date Wet(s)Completed: 5/19/23 Well IN IP-1 - IP-32 (Odd Nteaber )1 IL � ^ti is Well Location: IL- ft. I"A C L ! �° E�61 Robbin Heights Grocery ft.• ft. JUN 2 3 2023 Factlity.OtcacrNaruc Facility MN(ifappli.able) R. U. 503 E. 7th Ave., Raeford, NC, 28376 ft. - ft, in#t''fe' - Ur1e Pla sietil Address_City:and Zip ' `2 G REMARKS' . .. . Hoke DPT injections through drill rods County Pon;e1 Identificallon No,(PIN) 5b,t iltitude'and Longitude in degtreslrniitutcstseeonds or dceiliull degrees; 22,certification:. (it u en held.ois 1:n,7ol.a is stdficktd) N W ?i ke iL-1:49 5/30/2023 Si ilfofCedlVcllContractora Date 6.is(are)the N'Cll(s): .[IPeniiAltent or S➢Teinporuiy ay signing this-farm,1 Inerrhy evrrifv Tract the u•dl(sl t;.es(Hera)c'or_rmicird in accordance. with 154 NCAC 02C,0100 fir I54 NCAC 02 C.0200 R iell Cl?ltstrilrrio1i Sfangaois told Awl a 7.IN this a repair to all CCistlnt;well: OYes Or END rOgfof rills rrarlrr hiiy film provided ra the snrll rimier, !f rh('s li a wart.fill rnu krona i ell touit cliar'Hrjortaarkn and 1.;.6piaht nit'1 N1rnre of rhr re pair raider021 rrmarkr..acrirm ar cvr the bank ire Mils form. 23i Site.diagruni or additional well details: Yea may use the bad:of this page to'ptovide addiuotrat well site details.or Well 8.Nlnulter of wells constructed: 16 • construction details, You may also attach additional pages if necessary. For ntaiiiple hrj€erh?n or room-wirer smpp))'1vvllt ONLY'Nth the metric carrstrirwfion,you attar srr6mirr>rie form. St11111iITTAL INSTUCTIONS 9.Total Welt depth below land surface 31 (ft,) 21a..For AR Welly: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well For imailrlplelctelklisrrrlideprhstfdiffi'royte..trioipte-.?n200 titiri.2@MY) constmctionto the following: 1(1.Static water level below tap of easing: (ft,) Mishit'of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, ifmlhv reeve/is. hove easing.ire"+" I617.RLail.Sen'ice Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 it.'Borehole diameter:2.25" (in.) Herb.For if kliAtliQII Wells ONLY: hi addition to•sending.t a form to the address in 24a above-also submit a.copy of this Nutt within 30 days of completion of will 12.Well construction method:DPT colutmetiau tothe following) (Le.anger,(e4a1y,cable;direct push etc:} Division of Water.Resources,Underggrouttd Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Malt Service Center.Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 I3a Yield kip]) of tot: 1'fe.For Water Supply&Injection.Wells:. Also submit one copy of this farm within 30.Oily sofcoulpletion.of lib.Disinfection hoe: Amount: well constntclinn to the county health depanurent of the county where constnictcd. Faun OW-I IN i li Carolina D eganl¢etu of Enr'iroaakiu and Natumi Resources-Division of Water R.4trc Revised August NO