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HomeMy WebLinkAboutRE_ Updates Needed_ Old Beatty Ford Road DMS Invoice _ Corps Action ID 2022-01822 and DWR Project # 20230048 (2)Baker, Caroline D
From: Jennifer Robertson <>
Sent: Sunday, July 9, 2023 4:23 PM
To: Scheller, Roberto; Hopper, Christopher D CIV (USA)
Cc: Williams, Kelly; Ryan Beadle (
Subject: FW: [External] RE: Updates Needed: Old Beatty Ford Road DIMS Invoice / Corps Action
ID 2022-01822 and DWR Project # 20230048
Attachments: SAW-2022-01822 STR MRTF_revised20230605.pdf, 20230048 Ver 1-Approval Letter_
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button located on your Outlook menu bar on the Home tab.
Kelly still needs a MRTF form from you to the 52.452 stream credits Ryan will be purchasing from DMS.
All your stream credits will be handled through RES. Your wetland credits will be handled through DMS. The
only thing that needs to be revised on the 401 is that the stream credits are coming from RES.
Thank you,
Jennifer L Robertson, President
ATLAS Environmental, Inc.
338 S. Sharon Amity Road #411
Charlotte, INC 28211
(704) 512-1206 office
(828) 712-9205 mobile
Offices in Asheville and Charlotte
From: Jennifer Robertson
Sent: Friday, June 30, 2023 4:14 PM
To: Hopper, Christopher D CIV (USA) <>; Pitner, Andrew
Cc: Ryan Beadle ( <>
Subject: FW: [External] RE: Updates Needed: Old Beatty Ford Road DMS Invoice / Corps Action ID 2022-01822 and DWR
Project # 20230048
See below from Kelly Williams. She will need the mitigation that will be purchased through DMS on revised
Thank you,
Jennifer L Robertson, President
Environmental, Inc.
338 S. Sharon Amity Road #411
Charlotte, NC 28211
(704) 512-1206 office
(828) 712-9205 mobile
Offices in Asheville and Charlotte
From: Williams, Kelly <I<>
Sent: Friday, June 30, 2023 10:27 AM
To: Jennifer Robertson <>
Subject: RE: [External] RE: Updates Needed: Old Beatty Ford Road DMS Invoice
I can handle this like the Norman one- Chris needs to put the DMS stream on the DMS form and have
a separate form for the bank. Likewise the DWR will need to correct the 401.
1 have it set up (see below)- will set it to expire 8/30
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From: Jennifer Robertson <>
Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2023 3:30 PM
To: Hopper, Christopher D CIV (USA) <>; Pitner, Andrew
Cc: Williams, Kelly <>; Ryan Beadle (
<rbeadle@iacksonshaw. com>
Subject: [External] RE: Updates Needed: Old Beatty Ford Road DMS Invoice
N: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Report suspicious emails with the Report Message
ocated on your Outlook menu baron the Home tab.
I think you already have the wetland MRTF but in case you do not have it see attached. Since time is of the
essence, I have added NCDMS to the attached stream MRTF. We need 7.452 stream credits. Thanks!
Thank you,
Jennifer L Robertson, President
ATLAS Environmental, Inc.
338 S. Sharon Amity Road #411
Charlotte, NC 28211
(704) 512-1206 office
(828) 712-9205 mobile
Offices in Asheville and Charlotte
From: Jennifer Robertson
Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2023 3:18 PM
To: Hopper, Christopher D CIV (USA) <>; Pitner, Andrew
Cc: Williams, Kelly <>; Ryan Beadle (
Subject: FW: Updates Needed: Old Beatty Ford Road DMS Invoice
Importance: High
RES does not have enough mitigation credits so Ryan Beadle will need to purchase 7.452 stream credits from
DMS. Will you please revise the attached STIR MRTF to add DMS?
The 401 does not include the private bank credits. See the attached SOA from RES. Please revised the
update to reflect that stream credits will be purchased from both RES and DMS.
Thank you,
Jennifer L Robertson, President
ATLAS Environmental, Inc.
338 S. Sharon Amity Road #411
Charlotte, NC 28211
(704) 512-1206 office
(828) 712-9205 mobile
Offices in Asheville and Charlotte
From: Williams, Kelly <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2023 2:37 PM
To: Jennifer Robertson <>
Subject: Updates Needed: Old Beatty Ford Road DIMS Invoice
Importance: High
I have only the attached MRT form for DMS mitigation. The stream is not included on it. Can you
request an updated MRT from the Corps please. Also, the 401 assigned all of the mitigation to DMS
(no mention of a bank). Please request that DWR update the 401 to reflect the mitigation providers.
From: Jennifer Robertson <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2023 11:12 AM
To: Williams, Kelly <>
Subject: [External] Old Beatty Ford Road DIMS Invoice
CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Report suspicious emails with the Report Message
button located on your Outlook menu bar on the Home tab.
Attached is the 401, 404, and DMS acceptance letter. This client is purchasing 1235.548 stream credits from
RES. We need an invoice for 7.452 stream credits and 0.79 wetland credits.
Thank you,
Jennifer L Robertson, President
ATLAS Environmental, Inc.
338 S. Sharon Amity Road #411
Charlotte, NC 28211
(704) 512-1206 office
(828) 712-9205 mobile
Offices in Asheville and Charlotte
Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties by an authorized
state official.