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Farmstead (Dairy Production. Area on Tract 4471) Content A) Maps of Production Area B) Production Area Conservation Practices and Operation and Maintenance a. 'Farmstead Conservation Practices — Record of Decisions b. Operation and Maintenance Plan; Mortality Plan & Chemical Handling Plan C) Waste Production D) Waste Management Overview E) Waste Storage Ponds F) Manure Solid Separation and Storage G) Sand Lanes and Sand Storage 411 Clean Water Exclusion Waste Nutrient Volumes Pipeline to application fields and Waste Pond #5 K) Nutrient Computations L) Information for Existing, Designed and Planned Practices A. Map of Production Area See "Waste Management System View" below. cd IA Waste Pond •,� w Top ofDarn 616,5 �- -� pump ❑ut Mn er - 06Rmid I ....i t 7. 11 ,, kzl 'r ------------ti ;- nnure" 5eparatlon Facllft, � - ff 4 Manure Storage Area r • • mot#, Waste Pond. #1 . 't ESW& IX Below TOP �} - Over aw 2.4. below TOO Waste Pond #2 �"G g £SW - V Betow TOO — Q-Vtle.t Pipe - 2.5' Bel w TOB Pipetina. and Sludge Hose "�• -a For • Drag Rase and West - Trgrssfer to Pond Its ---- and Lorb and Sand ,i A Storage Ar�B4 - - k . •a - _ ''$ rf. Waste Pond #3 w � : s TOO Spillway - 666.3 " pyerflow and ESW to ° n #4,7 665.3 k�•� � �p � - —6 ed0. 1 pL.-_. Waste Pp .04 �. \ Top or -Da 663•0 :. ❑rner trfF.0 ESW: - 663 i Y^, - at W Elev, 67 2 Pur* Out arkcr - 65945 Roopman Ijaineq, in j omU, '"' `�'� Waste Management ste View 'I Rw,"Ph county. worth _,-whm ' -• _—•- • -• '� _-.-•- B. Production Area Conservation Practices and Operation and Maintenance Plans Farmstead Conservation Practices — Record of Decisions are based on the results of the Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan evaluations. Some of the first practices applied to control animal waste and protect water quality were installed around 1990 to meet NC 0.200 water quality requirements. The last waste storage pond constructed was completed in October 2018. Waste storage and transfer practices include the following. 1) Roofs and gutters on freestall barns and buildings, 2) Underground clean water outlets, 3) Collection alleys, transfer pipe and pump, 4) Five waste storage ponds, 5) Transfer pipe from waste ponds to application field for drag hose applicator and to waste pond #5, 6) Sand lane and sand storage for settling sand from freestall barns and storing for reuse and 7) Solid manure storage near sand storage area. , The waste storage ponds operate as a single waste source. All waste is pumped from pond #1, #3 and #5 when applying waste to cropland Computations for storage period and quantity for this waste source are found attached. Manure solids are collected in ponds #11, #2 and #3 by pumping or gravity from the end of sand lane. As land application starts, wastewater is pumped from the lower ponds into the upper ponds via the freestall barn. Waste reports show similar test results from all ponds likely due to the extreme mixing while removing sand hydraulically from the waste stream. Waste pond #5 will be filled by truck haul or pipeline. See pipeline design and installation requirements in Section I below. Planned pipeline is shown as a planned waste transfer item in conservation practices planned and applied section below.. A storage area for manure solids is located uphill of sand lane. Presently a solid separator for solids has not been installed. Since nutrient content for manure solids will be about the same as wastewater, this volume will be included in the single waste source used in the plan. As the dairy cow capacity increases at dairy, it will become necessary to remove manure solids in order to harvest cleaner sand from the sand lane_ a, Farmstead Conservation Practices — Record of Decisions Objective —To manage animal waste to protect water quality on the farm by storing manure, other wastewater and all polluted runoff and the 25ryear runoff from the unroofed feedlot areas, waste transfer and storage areas. The 25 year clean rainfall and runoff from roofs at freestall barns and surrounding areas is diverted around the waste management system. This plan supplements work completed by NRCS and Randolph County Soil and Water Conservation District. The Conservation Plan shows conservation practices that :meet the resource concerns at the farmstead (Dairy Production Area) determined in this Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan. See Operation and Maintenance Plan for recommendations for maintaining practices. Also, see the Normal Mortality and Mass Mortality Plan and Chemical Handling, Storage and Disposal Plan in O&M section. See Waste Management System plans completed on 10/7/2013, 3/10/2016 and 1.0/5/2017 for other documentation. See Older Waste Management Plans in Randolph County NRCS Office. Waste Storage Facility (Code 313) - A waste storage facility is an agricultural waste storage impoundment/containment made by constructing an embankment and/or excavating a pit or dugout or fabricating a structure. Tract Land Unit Planned Amount Planned Date Applied Amount I Applied Date 4471 Farmstead 5 10/2017 5 I Pond #5 in 10/2018 Pond Sealing or Lining (Code 520 or 521A) — Pond sealing or Lining is for waste storage facility (ponds #4 and #S). Pond Lining will control seepage from impoundment by constructing an impermeable liner. Tract Land Unit Planned Amount Planned Date Applied Amount Applied Date 4471 Farmstead Z job 10/2017 2 1 Pond #5 in 10/2018 Diversion (Code 362) — Diversion is a structure to prevent clean water from entering the waste storage facility by constructing a channel around the uphill of side of structure. All waste ponds have diversions to divert 25-year runoff around the structures. Tract Land Unit I Planned Amount Planned Date Applied Amount Applied Date 4471 Farmstead 1 job 10/2017 All Last diversion installed in 10/2018 Crltkal Area Planting (Code 324) — A critical area planting will stabilize and prevent erosion around the waste storage facility, underground outlets, grass waterway, diversions, etc. Seeding and mulching of all disturbed areas is required. Tract Land Unit Planned Amount Planned Date Applied Amount Applied Date 4471 Farmstead 1 job 10/2017 All Critical Area Seeding completed in 11/2018 Waste Transfer (Code 634) — Waste transfer of manure and wastewater from freestall barns to sand lane, from sand lane to waste pond and from waste pond to waste pond involves constructing structural items such as concrete transfer ditches, sand lanes, concrete chutes and pipelines. Tract Land Unit Planned Amount Planned Date Applied Amount Applied Date 4471 Farmstead 1 job 10/2017 All Waste transfer items completed in 10/2018 Pumping Plant (Code 533) - A pumping plant will transfer wastewater at waste ponds #3 or #4 to freestall barn manure collection ditches. The pumping plant design involves transferring enough water to provide water velocity of 7 to 10 fps to move sand and manure solids to sand lane. Traci' Land Unit Planned Amount Planned Date Applied Amount Applied Date 4471 Farmstead I 1 job All Several years back Underground Outlet (Code 620) - An underground outlet to provide transfer of clean water by the wastewater collection area near milk parlor and freestall barns by installing pipe, junction boxes and drop inlets. Clean water is mainiv from farm roads and roofs. Tract Land Unit Planned Amount Planned [late Applied Amount Applied Date 4471 Farmstead 1 job All Several Years back Waste Storage Facility (Code 313) - A waste storage facility is an agricultural waste storage impoundment/containment made by constructing an embankment and/or excavating a pit or dugout or fabricating a structure. The solids manure storage area will be located between the access road to commodity storage area and sand lane. Concrete slab will be used for storage area and runoff is collected and stored in waste storage ponds. Tract I Land unit Planned Amount Planned Date I AI)Plied Amount Aoolied Date 4471 f Fa Waste Transfer (Code 634) — Waste transfer of manure and wastewater from waste ponds at freestall barns to. Waste Pond #5 and hose drag system. Gra-Mac Distributing Specialist or equal will design and certify installation of system. Pipeline installed in 1998 by Gra-Mac Distribution will be extended to waste Pond #5 with new underground line and sludge hose. Tract Land Unit Planned Amount Planned Date I Applied Amount Applied pate 4471 Farmstead 1 job 12/2o1s All NRCS conservation practices shall be installed, operated and maintained Lspecifications.-- cording to NRCS conservation practice standards and associated technical b. Operation and Maintenance Plan, Mortality Plan & Chemical Handling Plan Operation and Maintenance Plan for Koopmans Liberty dairy provide details for managing practices at the farmstead. See the attached: Operation and Maintenance Plan which includes EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN. EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN (Pipeline & Hose Drag System) Operation and Maintenance (Pipeline & Hose Drag) Application. Guide Hose Drag Field Calibration Procedure for Hose Drag Application System Field Calibration Procedure for Simi -Solid Animal Waste Application Equipment Odor Control Checklist Insect Control Checklist Mortality Checklist Normal Mortality and Mass Mortality Plan Chemical Handling, Storage and Disposal Plan Operation and Maintenance Plan for a Waste Management System Prepared for Koopman Dairies, Inc. Liberty Farm Randolph County, North Carolina By Samuel C. Bingham, PE 845 Baber Road Rutherfordton, NC 28139 K111iVA I Table of Contents OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE PLAN System Overview Waste Storage Ponds Solid Separation System Collection Flush Ditch, Sand Lane & Sand Storage Waste Handling Equipment Clean Water Collection System Vegetated Diversions Livestock Exclusion Filter Area Planting Stock Trails General Comments Additional Considerations and Responsibilities EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN (Pipeline & Hose Drag. System) Operation and Maintenance (Pipeline & Hose Drag) Application Guide Hose Drag Field Calibration Procedure for Hose Drag Application System Field Calibration Procedure for Semi -Solid Animal Waste Application Equipment Odor Control Checklist Insect Control Checklist Mortality Checklist 2 SYSTEM OVERVIEW This Animal Waste Management System consists of the following major components: 1. FIVE WASTE STORAGE PONDS 2. SOLIDS SEPARATION SYSTEM 3. COLLECTION FLUSH DITCH, SAND LANE AND SAND STORAGE 4. WASTE HANDLING EQUIPMENT 5. CLEAN WATER COLLECTION SYSTEM All waste is scraped or flushed from the freestall barns and stored in the waste storage ponds and solids separation area. Liquid waste is hauled and hard hose pull applied from the waste storage ponds and spread at agronomic rates. The waste storage ponds are designed to provide liquid storage for the wastes produced by 5,000 milk cows. Solid waste is hauled and spread at agronomic rates or removed from farm by a Manure Hauler. Also, all contaminated runoff flows into the waste storage ponds. The waste storage ponds are designed to provide storage for normal runoff from the drainage areas and waste water from the milk parlor and provide storage space for the twenty-five (25) year, twenty-four (24) hour storm runoff from the drainage areas. This Animal Waste Management System is designed to prevent discharge of Animal Waste Contaminates to surface waters from the twenty-five (25) year, twenty-four (24) hour storm, as required under the Non -discharge regulations. 1. WASTE STORAGE PONDS OVERVIEW The waste storage ponds are designed to store manure, runoff and wastewater. Additional storage space is included to contain the twenty-five (25) year, twenty- four (24) hour storm runoff from around bams, sand lanes., sand storage and solid separation storage area. A post will be. installed with the level of the top of post indicating the level of storage available prior to infringing on the 25 year, 24 hour storm capacity. All the 25 year storm is stored in waste pond #4. The waste storage ponds consist of earthen dams and concrete chutes or pipes for discharging contaminated water and manure. into the structures. The maximum storage level below the emergency spillway elevation is shown below for each pond. The design storage period is also shown. Max. level below ESW Design Storage Period Waste Storage Pond #1 Liquid Transferred to Storage in all ponds Pond #3 by gravity 4 months daily Waste Storage Pond #2 Liquid Transferred Storage in all ponds to Pond #2 by pump 4 months daily. Max. pump out level 1.5' below ESW Waste Storage Pond #3 Liquid Transferred to Storage in all ponds Pond #4 by gravity4 months Waste Storage Pond #4 2.09 Storage in all. ponds 4 months Waste Storage Pond #5 0.5' Storage in all ponds 4 .months OPERATION The service life of the waste storage ponds will be determined by the level of management for the entire system. Once the manure and bedding materials have reached the waste storage pond, how effectively the waste is agitated will determine the amount of solids which remain in thewaste storage pond. Over time it is expected that some solids will accumulate in the waste storage pond. Poor management will result in the rapid accumulation of solids, which will reduce the usable capacity of the waste storage pond to the point that some form of dredging will be required. If a large volume of solid waste is allowed to wash from the lot and/or if inadequate agitation is performed, this dredging operation could be required in a very short period of time. MAINTENANCE The concrete in the waste storage ponds should be inspected periodically for major cracks. Vegetation on the dams should be inspected periodically and reseeded as needed to maintain a vigorous stand. The dams should be mowed at least annually to prevent woody growth. Mowing operations must take place only when the soil of the dam is dry, and vegetation should not be mowed to a height of less than four (4) inches at any time. See vegetative specification for further requirements. Any evidence of sloughing or seepage should be reported to the Randolph Soil & Water Conservation District office. 2. SOLIDS SEPARATION SYSTEM OVERVIEW Manure solids are removed from all waste at end of sand lane. Slurry is collected in collection box and pumped into solids separator. Manure solids are stacked and stored on a concrete area located near manure separator. The storage period is 2 months for manure solids. All runoff from manure solids storage area is diverted to waste storage ponds. MAINTENANCE The concrete should be inspected periodically for major cracks. All mechanical equipment should be maintained as recommended by manufacturer of separator. 3. COLLECTION FLUSH DITCH, SAND LANE AND SAND STORAGE OVERVIEW The milking parlor wastewater and manure from freestall barns and parlor will be transferred to sand settling areas in flush ditch. A concrete channel, sand lane, is constructed to transfer sand laden manure and milking parlor wash water. The sand lane will settle sand_ Sand will need to be removed daily from the settling channel. Sand in the lower leg should be moved to the upper leg to rewash. The sand storage area will be used to store sand removed from the sand lane. Sand trap is not 100% effective. MAINTENANCE Inspect the concrete components for cracks or other damage, and make repairs or replace as needed. Inspect the structure regularly and remove accumulated solids. 4. WASTE HANDLING EQUIPMENT OVERVIEW The waste handling equipment consists of spreading slurry using slurry manure tank and hard hose pull. Slurry tanks and hard hose pull. are loaded with an agitator pump system. Manure spreading should be initiated prior to the liquid level reaching the full storage level marker in waste storage ponds #4 and #5. When the liquid level in the waste. storage pond reaches the marker, Waste must be removed for land application. Do not spread in such a manner as to cause runoff or erosion.. Do not spread on frozen or saturated soils. The initial. step in each spreading operation is to properly agitate the waste in the waste storage ponds Slurry waste will be hard hose spread to the fullest extent possible. At waste storage ponds #1 and #2, sand accumulations will be mechanically removed each year if necessary. MAINTENANCE Soil tests the application fields every three years or as required by permit. Vegetation in the fields should be inspected periodically and reseeded as needed to insure a vigorous stand. Fields may also need to be limed and fertilized annually. 5. CLEAN WATER COLLECTION SYSTEM OVERVIEW Clean water collection and piping consists of piping clean water under stock trails and diverting clean water around lounging and.feedlot areas and waste storage ponds. MAINTENANCE Inspect the components of the clean water collection and piping system annually for cracks or other damage, and make repairs or replace as needed. Inspect annually and remove accumulated sediment. 6. VEGETATED DIVERSION OVERVIEW Vegetated diversions are located above the waste storage ponds and will convey non -contaminated runoff around the structures. Diversions will also be located around the feed areas to divert clean water. MAINTENANCE The vegetation in the diversion should be inspected periodically and reseeded as needed to insure a vigorous stand. It is essential that neither vehicles nor livestock be allowed to create travel lanes within the diversion. The diversion should be mowed at least annually to prevent woody growth. The diversion may be control grazed or mowed for hay. Grazing and mowing operations must take place only when the soils are dry, and vegetation should not be grazed or mowed to a height of less than four (4) inches. If sedimentation has reduced the capacity of the channel, contact the Randolph Soil and Water Conservation District for technical assistance in correcting this problem. See vegetative specification for further requirements. 7. LIVESTOCK EXCLUSION OVERVIEW Livestock exclusion is installed at locations as indicated on plan maps. MAINTENANCE Inspect the Livestock exclusion periodically for mechanical damage or rot. If fencing wire becomes loose, re -tighten. If fence posts are rotted or damaged in any way, replace damaged posts. 8. FILTER AREA PLANTING OVERVIEW Filter area planting applies to seeding 100' of grass below the lounging areas and seeding diversions. MAINTENANCE Fertilizer and lime should be applied either during September -October or February -March. Vegetation should be inspected periodically and reseeded as needed to insure a vigorous stand. The filter area may be control grazed or mowed for hay. Grazing and mowing operations must take place only when the soils are dry, and vegetation should not be grazed or mowed to a height of less than four (4) inches. All filter area planting should be mowed at least annually to prevent woody growth. Mowing operations must take place only when the soil is dry and vegetation should not be mowed to a height of less than four (4) inches at any time. Do not mow cool season grasses during periods when plants are showing signs of drought stress. The number of cattle allowed on lounging area/pastures is critical to success of the filter areas. Cattle housed exclusively an pasture should be limited to a lower stocking rate during wet winter months. A stocking rate of 4 cows per acre during the winter is suggested as an acceptable rate. Actual stocking rate should be based on how well vegetation is maintained in pasture especially near drainage ways. 9. STOCK TRAILS OVERVIEW Stock trails are located as indicated on plan maps in Randolph Field Office.. MAINTENANCE Inspect the stock trails periodically for damage and wear. If gravel layer becomes thin, gravel shall be replaced to maintain a minimum of 4" of cover over the filter cloth. Manure accumulations in broad -based dips on stock trail shall be removed at regular intervals to prevent overtopping. GENERAL COMMENTS PESTICIDE USE Extreme care should be exercised with the use of all herbicides so that desirable vegetation, especially that of the filter area, diversion and dam, is not adversely affected. It is a violation of law to use any pesticide in a manner not permitted by its labeling. To protect yourself, never apply any pesticide in a manner or for a purpose other than as instructed on the label or in labeling accompanying the pesticide product that you purchase. Do not ignore the instructions for use of 8 protective clothing and devices and for storage and disposal of pesticide wastes, including containers. Notify the Randolph Soil and Water Conservation District if repairs or major modifications are required for any of the components of this Waste Management System. Additional Considerations and Requirements The collection, treatment and storage facilities shall be properly maintained and operated at all times; this also includes the land application equipment and sites. 2. A suitable vegetative cover shall be maintained on all land application sites and buffers in accordance with the Waste Utilization Plan. No waste may be applied on fields not approved by or prepared in accordance with the Waste Utilization Plan. 3. An acceptable pH of the soil shall be maintained on all land application sites to insure an optimum yield for the crop(s) being grown. 4. The plant available nitrogen (PAN) application rates and hydraulic loading rates identified in the Waste Utilization Plan shall not be exceeded. 5. Application of animal waste on land which is used to grow crops for direct human consumption (e.g., strawberries, melons, lettuce, cabbage., etc.) shall not occur within 30 days prior to or during the planting of the crop or at any time during the growing season, or in the case of fruit bearing trees, 30 days prior to breaking dormancy. For fiber and food crops, which undergo further processing, application of animal waste shall not occur within 30 days of harvesting. If waste is to be applied to bare soil, the waste shall be incorporated into the soil within 24 hours after the application on land. 6. Domestic wastewater from showers, toilets, etc. shall not be discharged into the animal waste management system. Wash vats required to be connected to the animal waste management system by the Grade A Pasteurized Milk Ordinance Fart 11, Section 7, Item 5r are exempt from this requirement. Wash -down of stock trailers owned by and used on the dairy only will be permissible as long as the design accommodates the 9 .additional wastewater and as long as detergents and disinfectants are used which have been labeled as readily biodegradable by the manufacturer. 7. Disposal of dead animals shall be done in accordance with the North Carolina Department of Agriculture (NCDA) regulations and the Waste Utilization Plan, 8. Grazing of animals on application sites shall be controlled in accordance with USDA -Natural Resources Conservation Service Standards. 9. Solid materials such as, but not limited to, bottles, gloves, syringes, silo covers or any other solid waste from the dairy operation shall be prevented from entering the waste management system and shall be disposed of properly. 10. The facility must have either adequate animal waste application and handling equipment on site, a lease for the use of necessary equipment, a contract with a third party applicator or a contract for the purchase of the equipment. In all cases, the equipment must be capable of applying the waste on sites specified in the Waste Utilization Plan and at rates not to exceed agronomic and hydraulic loading for the sites. 11. Animal waste shall not be applied to wetlands_ or surface water or shall not reach wetlands or surface waters of the state. by runoff, drift, manmade conveyances (pipes or ditches), direct application, or direct discharge during operation or land application. Any discharge of waste, which reaches surface water, is prohibited. Illegal discharges are subject to the assessment of civil penalties of up to $10,000 per day per violation by the Division of Water Quality for every day the discharge .continues. 12. Animal waste shall be applied on land eroding at less than -5 tons per acres per year. Waste may be applied to lard that is eroding at 5 or more tons but less than 10 tons per acre per Year providing grass filter strips are installed where runoff leaves the field. 13. Animal waste shall not be applied to saturated soils, during rainfall events, or when the soil surface is frozen. When animal waste is to be applied on acres subject flooding, it will be soil incorporated on conventionally tilled cropland. When applied to conservation -tilled crops or grassland,. the waste may be broadcast, provided the application does not occur during a season prone to flooding. 14. Animal waste shall not be applied closer than 25 feet to surface water. This distance may be reduced for waters that are not perennial provided adequate vegetative filter strips are present. 10 15. Animal waste shall not be applied closer than 100 feet to wells. 16. Animal waste shall not be applied closer than 200 feet to dwellings other than those owned by the landowner. 17. Waste shall not be applied on other property or public right-of-ways. 18. Animal waste applied on grassed waterways shall be at agronomic rates and in a manner that causes no runoff or drift from the site. 19. Waste shall be tested within 60 days of utilization and soil shall be tested at least every three years at crop sites where waste products are applied. Nitrogen shall be the rate -determining element. Zinc and copper levels in the soils shall be monitored and alternative crop sites shall be used when these metals approach excess levels. Soil test and waste analysis records shall be kept for 5 years or as required by permit. 20. Liquid waste shall be applied at rates not to exceed the soil infiltration rate. No ponding shall occur. 21. Records of waste application shall be maintained to establish actual application rates. The records will include date of application, amount of waste applied per acre by tract number and field number, most recent waste analysis and soil test report, and the realistic yield expectation (RYE) nitrogen rate. Waste application records shall be maintained for 5 years. 22. Proper calibration of application equipment should be done to ensure uniformity and accuracy of spreading rates. 23. Animal waste should be applied on actively growing crops in such a manner that the crop is not covered with waste to a depth that would inhibit growth. The potential for salt damage from animal waste should be considered also. 24. It is the responsibility of the owner of the dairy to secure an update of the waste utilization plan when there is a change in the operation, number of animals (increase), method of utilization or available land. 1.1 EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN This plan will be implemented in the event that wastes from your livestock operation are leaking, overflowing or running off of the site. You should not wait until wastes reach surface waters or leave your property to consider that you have a problem. You should make every effort to ensure that this does not happen. This plan should be posted in an accessible location for all employees at the dairy facility. The following are some action items you should take 1. Stop the release of wastes. Depending on the situation, this may or may not be possible. Suggested responses to some possible problems are listed below. A. Solid manure stacking facility solutions may be: a. Add soil to form a berm around the structure. b. Remove waste from the structure and transport to the field. c. Stop all flows to the wastewater tank immediately. d. Call a contractor to remove waste from the structure. e. Make sure no surface water is entering the structure. 2. Assess the extent of the spill and note any obvious damages. A. Did the waste reach any surface waters? . B. Approximately how much waste was released and for what duration? C. Was any damage observed, such as an employee injury, fish kill or property damage? D. Did the spill leave the property? E. Does the spill have the potential to reach surface waters? F. Could a future rain event cause the spill to .reach surface waters? G. Are potable water sources such as wells in danger (either on or off of the property)? H. How much reached the surface waters? '12 3. Contact the appropriate agencies. A. Contact the North Carolina Department of Environment Quality - Division of Water Resources at the Winston-Salem Regional Office. PHONE: (336) 776-9800 Hours: 8:00am - 5:00pm Monday through Friday IF OUTSIDE NORMAL BUSINESS HOURS: Contact the North Carolina Department of Crime Control and Public Safety - Division of Emergency Management's ENVIRONMENTAL EMERGENCY HOTLINE (24 hours) PHONE: (800) 662-7966 B. If the spill leaves your property or enters surface waters, instruct Emergency Management personnel to contact the local Health Department. C. Contact the Randolph Soil and Water Conservation District D. Contact the USDA - Natural Resources Conservation Service 4. If none of the above works or if there is an immediate danger to human life, call 911 or the Randolph County Sheriffs Department. Explain your problem to them and ask that person to contact the proper agencies for you. 5. Contact the contractor of your choice to begin repair of the problem to minimize off -site damage. Contractor's Name: Scott Lan , lcleeY Contractor's Address: Contractor's Phone: 336-215-6095 6. Implement procedures as advised by the Division of Water Resources and technical assistance agencies to rectify the damage, repair the system and reassess the waste management plan to prevent future releases of animal waste. iZI #14 a In Case of an Emergency Leak or Failure of Pipeline or Hose Crag System Implement the following first containment steps: a. Stop all other activities.to address the spill. b. Use skid loader or tractor with blade to contain or divert spill or leak, if possible. c. Call for help and excavator if needed. d. Complete the clean-up and repair the necessary components. e. Assess the extent of the emergency and request additional help if needed. Emergency Contacts Department / Agency Phone Number Fire 1911 Rescue Services i 911 Local authority 1911 Available equipment/supplies for resnondina to emeraenev Equipment Type Contact Person Phone Number Nearest excavation a uipment Ard Koopman 704-929-0659 Scott Langley Grading Scott Langley 336-251-6095 contacts to be made by the owner or operator within 24 hours Organization Phone Number Div. of Water Resources, Winston 336-776-98.00 Salem Environmental Emergency Hotline 800-662-7956 Technical Specialist 336-629-4449 x3 Be prepared to provide the following information: a. Your name and contact information. b. Farm location and other pertinent identification information. c. Description of emergency. d. Estimate of the amounts, area covered, and .distance traveled. e. Whether manure has reached surface waters or major field drains. f. Whether there is any obvious damage: employee injury, fish kill, or property damage. g. Current status of containment efforts. Operation and Maintenance Pipeline & Hose -Drag See Emergency Response Plan in case of an emergency leak or failure of hose drag system. Field Calibration See "Field Calibration Procedures for Animal Wastewater Application Equipment" for Hose - Drag Wastewater Equipment for step by step procedure for calibration. Also, see application guide for recommended tractor speeds for applying varying amounts of slurry waste. Safety Precautions See safety precautions provided in operators manual or available from manufacture of the Cadman manure boom applicator. This system requires a large tractor to pull hose and system operates under high pressure. An experienced operator is required to operate system. Working or standing near hose drag system and pumps could be life threating. Shut down system when near supply lines, hoses and applicator. Monitoring during Pumping Activities Slurry waste is pumped through pipeline to waste pond #5 or to the manure boom applicator mounted to a tractor. Pumping activities shall be monitored closely especially during the start- up phase to insure no spills or discharges occur. Each time pipeline is used or hose -drag system is started, a four wheeler or vehicle will be used to check all hydrants and the pipeline to insure that everything is working properly. Agitation Agitation is the most critical operation in maintaining available storage capacity in waste storage ponds. Agitation of manure solids re -suspends settled solids and ensures that most or all of the manure will flow to the pump inlet. Additionally, the agitation homogenizes the manure mixture and provides a more consistent nutrient content. Samples shall be obtained for nutrient analysis after waste pond is well mixed. Prior analysis will be used to estimate the present analysis. Agitation of manure storage facilities releases gases that may increase odor levels and present a health hazard. Consideration shall be given to weather and wind conditions, time of day, and day of week to minimize the possibility of odor conflicts while agitating. Svstem Start Up for Hose Drag Hook-up hose to applicator on tractor and pull to end of field. Crack valve at pump and slowly remove air from supply lines. Once air is removed, bring system up to operating pressure and flowrate. See monitoring during pumping activities above and manufacture operator manual recommendations of hose -drag applicator for safety precautions. Svstem Shut Down for Hose Draa Tractor operator will let pump operator know to close off system. Approximately 5 minutes before field is completely covered with waste, the pump operator shall be shut-off pump. Flow from applicator should stop within 5 minutes. Start up and Shut Down Procedure for Pipeline to Waste Pond #5 Start up and Shut Down procedures for pipeline will be provided by designer of pipeline. Before pump is started, sludge hose is laid from waste pond to underground pipeline. Sludge pipe will be securely connected at all joints and at hydrant at end of pipeline. The valve at hydrant will be opened fully. To start waste transfer, crack valve at pump and slowly remove air from supply lines_ Once air is removed, bring system up to operating pressure and flowrate. Once pumping is complete, stop pump and close valve at the underground pipeline hydrant. Disconnect sludge hose from from underground pipeline. Use clean -out ball or bullet to force remaining waste in sludge hose into the waste pond. Use hose caddy to collect and store sludge hose. APPLICATION GUIDE KOOPMAN DAIRY HOSE DRAG By: SC Bingham, PE 7/7/2015 Flowrate — 450 gat/min, Application width -- 28' Tractor Speed _ Mph 0.5 Application Depth inches 0.59 Gallons/acre 16,020 1.0 0.29 7,875 1.5 0.19 5,159 2.0 _ 0.15 4,073 2.5 0.12 3,258 Note: 1.0 mph =100 feet in 68 seconds Field CAllbration, Procedures for.Animal `.. �- .~ , Ho � 'North.- Carolina CooDerative. -�� � Field Calibration Procedures for Animal Wastewater Application Equipment HOSE -DRAG Hose -drag -type equipment has gained popularity in recent years for land Wastewater application of wastewater' in North Carolina. It offers several advantages Equipment over traditional irrigation systems including odor reduction, nitrogen conservation, and a relatively high flow rate that cuts the application time. Hose -drag systems may also be used to apply wastewater to areas not ac- cessible by traditional irrigation equipment. For more details on hose drag systems including tables of application depths for various tractor speeds and equipment widths refer to Extension publication AG-634, Hose Drag Systems for Land Application of Liquid Manure and Wastewater. State law requires field calibration of all land application equipment used on animal production farms. Specialists certifying animal waste manage- ment plans must also certify that operators have been provided calibration and adjustment guidance for all land application equipment. 1 Wastewater in this publication refers to both liquid manure and municipal and industrial wastewater. General Guidelines their discharge points. Since these two basic types Several factors determine the distribution of liquid of hose -drag units should be operated with different wastewater from hose -drag land application equip- overlap, application rates will differ depending upon ment: the overlap or "effective application width" chosen by the operator. • flow rate • operating pressure • the speed of the tractor pulling the unit • overlap of adjacent passes made by the equip- ment This publication explains calibration procedures for the "low -profile -type" discharge system (Figure 1) and a "boom -type" system. (Figure 2). The two systems have different spread patterns. The low - profile -type units discharge close to the ground either through hooded shrouds or splash plates and do not spread much beyond their physical width. They are normally run "edge to edge" in adjacent passes. Boom -type units discharge from a slightly higher elevation under slightly more pressure. Wastewater goes substantially beyond 2 Figure 1. Hose drag application unit (low -profile - type). Figure 2. Hose drag (boom -type) unit is shown in these two photos. The calibration of hose -drag -type equipment involves: 1. Verifying tractor speed. 2. Measuring flow rate to the equipment. 3. Establishing the effective application width. 4. Measuring the wetted width of a single pass, and of two adjacent passes for boom -type units in order to establish an effective width. The wetted width of boom -type units can vary with boom height, nozzle pressure, and with adjustment of splash -plate angle if so equipped. 5. Figuring the average application depth. 6. Comparing the average application depth to the depth allowed in the waste utilization plan. Vari- ables (usually tractor speed) are adjusted as needed so that actual application depth does not exceed the allowed depth in the approved plan. HOSE -DRAG WASTEVVATER EQUIPMENT Average application depth in inches can be ob- tained using: Equation 1: Depth = Flow rate in gallons per minute 54.9 x Effective width in feet x Tractor speed in miles per hour The effective width is the distance between the centerlines of adjacent passes of the unit. For "low - profile -type" units, the effective width is essentially the advertised size of the hose drag systems. Typical widths for these systems are 8, 10, 12, 15, and 20 feet. Tables showing applied depth for low -profile -type units of the above listed widths can be found in Table 1. For boom -type units, the effective width is deter- mined in the field by measuring the distance between centerlines of adjacent passes of the unit. Convert depths obtained from the equation above or to gal- lons per acre by multiplying by 27,154. Once the application depth has been determined, the tractor speed may need to be adjusted to meet requirements in the waste utilization plan. To find the tractor speed in miles per hour required to apply a desired application depth, use: Equation 2: Speed = Flow rate in gallons per minute 54.9 x Application depth in inches x Effective width in feet While application depths up to 1 inch are allowed in some waste utilization plans, do not apply more than 0.75 inch during any given application. Limits set by the waste utilization plan and existing soil moisture conditions will determine maximum ap- plication depths. Flow rates are determined from a flow meter that may be permanently mounted on the hose -drag unit upstream of the distribution box or manifold, or temporarily placed inline with the hose supplying the hose -drag unit. If using a hose reel with a temporar- ily placed meter, position the flow meter between the hydrant and the reel. Field Procedure The field procedure consists of 1) measuring tractor speed, 2) measuring flow rate, and 3) for boom -type systems, measuring effective width. Enter collected in- formation into the appropriate field data sheet (Figure 5 for low -profile type units and Figure 6 for boom -type units). Determining Tractor Speed, S (See Figure 3) (You will need flags, a stop watch or watch with sec- ond hand, and a tape measure or measuring wheel). Repeat steps 2 through 4 below and average the two measured speeds. 1. Measure a distance over a relatively flat area where application will occur. A minimum distance of 100 feet is recommended. Set flags at each end. 2. Operate tractor with unit and hose attached, but no wastewater being discharged, to establish a targeted speed. Record gear range and gear, throttle setting (rpm), and speedometer reading (if tractor has a speedometer). 3. Record the time is takes for the unit to cover the distance established in step 1. Make sure to start and stop your watch at either end of the run at a common point of reference on the unit, such as when the front axle of the tractor passes the flag. 4. Calculate tractor speed. Tractor speed in miles per hour can be calculated by using: I TT l:J Equation 3: Distance in feet Seconds it takes to cover distance x 1.47 If you use a distance of 100 feet, get tractor speed by dividing 68.18 by the seconds it takes to cover 100 feet. Determining Flow Rate, Q: (You will need a flow meter and a stop watch or watch with a second hand.) Determine flow rate by either 1) recording the in- stantaneous flow rate or 2) by using the flow totalizer and elapsed time. Measure flow rate with the unit in motion to avoid over -application and after determin- ing tractor speed as outlined in the previous section. 1. Run the system in motion until all air is out of the mainline and hose, and the flow rate has been stabilized as shown by the flow rate needle or the digital readout on flowmeter. If a hose reel is used to supply wastewater, record the pressure at the reel. If a reel is not used, record the pressure at the PUMP. 2a. Record instantaneous flow rate in gallons per min- ute (gpm). OR 2b. Subtract beginning flow totalizer reading from ending flow totalizer reading for a time period not less than 15 minutes. Convert to gpm by dividing gallons by elapsed time in minutes. When reading Record time (T), sec. to travel distance (L) ft. I Figure 3. When determining tractor speed, travel distance (L) should be at least 100 feet. the totalizer, make sure to note the value of the last (farthest right) digit. Often this digit indicates hundreds of gallons, in which case the totalizer number needs to be multiplied by 100. Note: Step 2b should be used rather than 2a if the instantaneous flow rate varies by more than 10 percent after all the air has been purged from the sys- tem and the flow has stabilized. For flow meters with needles (normally propeller -type), this is indicated by a "bouncing" needle. Determining Effective Width, We (See Figures 4a, 4b, and 4c): (You will need flags and a tape measure or measur- ing wheel.) Low -profile -type units For "low -profile" -type units (Figure 1 and Figure 4a) operated with little to no overlap (edge -to -edge), simply record the advertised width. This width is roughly the width of the unit. Boom -type units It is not as easy to determine the effective width for boom -type units (Figures 2, 4b, and 4c). To achieve consistent application uniformity between adjacent passes, the distance between the nozzles in adjacent passes should be the same as the fixed dis- tance between the nozzles on the boom. This requires a tractor pass spacing equal to the number of nozzles on the boom times the distance between the nozzles ("N" in Figure 4b) . For the case with two nozzles the effective width should be 2 x N . If the field mea- sured effective width calculated in the following steps differs by more than 15 percent of this target value, adjust the pass distance. For boom -type units, the wetted widths measured in step 2 will depend upon nozzle pressure, boom height, and angle of the splash plates. If boom height and splash plate angle are adjustable, make note of these settings as an adjustment will alter the wet- ted width and, therefore, the calibration. Boom -type units may also be subject to drift, so calibration of these units should be done in wind speeds of 5 mph or less. HOSE -DRAG WASTEWATER EQUIPMENT 1. Measure the distance between the fixed nozzles. Multiply this distance by the number of nozzles on the boom to obtain the target effective width. 2. For boom -type units (see Figure 2 and Figure 4b) that spread wastewater an appreciable distance from the nozzle: a. Measure the wetted width of a single pass (Wm ) b. (M��//��eJJasure the wetted width of two adjacent passes (W1. ) Repeat steps 2a. and 2b. twice for a total of three measurements each. Take these measurements at least 25 feet from each other, and average both wetted width measurements. The effective width (We) is: Equation 4: We = W2m - Wm The tractor speed, flow rate, and effective width measurements are used to calculate application depth in the field data sheet or with Equation 1. Data from the field data sheet may be used with Equation 2 to determine the target tractor speed to achieve a desired application depth. Interpretation and Adjustments Compare the calculated application depth against the depth allowed in the animal waste utilization plan, and against any problems observed in the field. If either the application depth measured in the field is greater than the limit in the waste utilization plan, or runoff occurs on the field, the application rate is too high. To reduce the application rate, increase the tractor speed. The target tractor speed may be calcu- lated from Equation 2 using the system flow rate and effective width determined in the field procedure. If the application rate is less than desired (and under the permitted limit), reduce tractor speed to increase the application rate. After adjusting the trac- tor speed, verify the new speed using the procedure previously described. In no case should the applica- tion rate allow ponding or runoff, regardless of the permitted limit. a. C. W2m i' A (target We = 2 x N) Figure 4. Determination of a.) effective width (We) for low -profile -type hose drag units; b.) target effective width for a 2 nozzle boom example, and c.) field -determined effective width for boom -type hose drag units. To achieve consistent application uniformity, boom -type units should be driven such that the dis- tance between nozzles in adjacent passes is about the same as the distance between the fixed nozzles on the boom (see Figure 4). In this case the target effective width (target W), the distance between the centerline of the tractor in two adjacent passes, is equal to the number of nozzles on the boom times the distance between the fixed nozzles (N). If the field -measured effective width (W) calculated in Equation 4 differs by more than 15 percent from the target value, adjust the pass width. HOSE -DRAG WASTEWATER EQUIPMENT Hose Drag System Calibration Data Sheet for "low -profile" units Date: Land Owner: 1. Determine Tractor Speed, S: a. Distance ft Farm No. Trial Trial Average b. Elapsed time sec. sec. (a) c. Tractor speed = - (b) X 1.47 2. Determine Flow Rate, Q Pressure (Pump) psi Reel psi g. Instantaneous flow rate gpm or... d. Ending totalizer reading gallons n 3'ri rr � rr e. Beginning totalizer reading gallons f. Elapsed time between odometer readings min. Ending odometer reading (d)— beginning odometer reading (e) mph g. Flow rate = = gpm Elapsed time (f) Effective Width, K Low -profile units (see Figures 1 and 4a) h. Effective width ft. (g) gpm Application Depth, D = = inches 54.9 X (h) We X (c) speed Figure 5. Field Data Sheet for "low -profile" units FA Hose Drag System Calibration Data Sheet for "boom -type" units Date: Land Owner Farm No. 1. Determine Tractor Speed, S: a. Distance ft Trial Trial Average b. Elapsed time sec. sec. (a) c. Tractor speed = = (b) X 1.47 2. Determine Flow Rate, Q Pressure (Pump) psi Reel psi g. Instantaneous flow rate gpm or... d. Ending totalizer reading gallons e. Beginning totalizer reading gallons f. Elapsed time between odometer readings min. Ending odometer reading (d) — inning odometer reading (e) g. Flow rate = Elapsed time (f) Effective Width, K Boom -type units (see Figures 2, 4b, and 4c) In. Distance between nozzles (N) ft. i. Number of nozzles Target We = (i) X (h) = ft. Distance boom to ground in. Splash plate angle from horizontal Trial Trial Trial Average j. Wetted Width of 1 pass (Wm), ft. k. Wetted Width of 2 passes (WZm) ft. I. Measured We = W2m (k) - (WZm) = ft. Application Depth, D = - (g) gpm 54.9 X (I)We X (c) speed Figure 6. Field Data Sheet for "boom -type" units 8 degrees inches - _ mph gpm HOSE -DRAG WASTEWATER EQUIPMENT Table 1. Application depths (inches) for 8-foot hose drag waste application systems by discharge and tractor speed Note: To obtain gallons per acre, multiply application depth (inches) in table by 27,154. Application depths to 1.00 inch are shown but applications greater than 0.75 inch are not recommended. Tractor Speed (mph] Discharge m] 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.S 3 IS 4 200 0.91 0.46 0.30 0.23 0.18 0.15 0.13 0.11 225 0.51 0.34 0.26 0.21 0.17 0.15 0.13 250 0.57 0.38 0.28 0.23 0.19 0.16 0.14 275 0.63 0.42 0.31 0.25 0.21 0.18 0.16 300 0.68 0.46 0.34 0.27 0.23 0.20 0.17 325 0.74 0.49 0.37 0.30 0.25 0.21 0.19 350 0.90 0.53 0.40 0.32 0.27 0.23 0.20 375 0.85 0.57 0.43 0.34 0.28 0.24 0.21 400 0.91 0.61 0.46 0.36 0.30 0.26 0.23 425 0.97 0.65 0.48 0.39 0.32 0.28 0.24 450 0.68 0.51 0.41 0.34 0.29 0.26 475 0.72 0.54 0.43 0.36 0.31 0.27 500 0.76 0.57 0.46 0.38 0.33 0.29 525 0.80 0.60 0.48 0.40 0.34 0.30 550 0.84 0.63 0.50 0.42 0.36 0.31 575 0.87 0.66 1 0.52 0.44 0.37 0.33 600 0.91 0.68 0.55 0.46 0.39 0.34 625 0.95 0.71 0.57 0.47 0.41 0.36 650 0.99 0.74 0.59 0.49 0.42 0.37 675 0.77 0.62 0.51 0.44 0.38 700 0.80 0.64 0.53 0.46 0.40 725 0.83 0.66 0.55 0.47 0.41 750 0.85 0.68 0.57 0.49 0.43 775 0.98 1 0.71 0.59 0.50 0.44 800 0.91 0.73 0.61 0.52 0.46 825 0.94 0.75 0.63 1 0.54 0.47 850 0.97 0.77 0.65 0.55 0.48 875 1.00 0.80 0.66 0.57 0.50 900 0.82 0.68 1 0.59 1 0.51 Table 2. Application depths (inches) for 10-foot hose drag waste application systems by discharge and tractor speed Note: To obtain gallons per acre, multiply application depth (inches) in table by 27,154. Application depths to 1.00 inch are shown but applications greater than 0.75 inch are not recommended. Tractor Speed (mph) Discharge m 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 200 0.73 0.36 0.24 0.18 0.15 0.12 0.10 0.09 225 0.82 0.41 0.27 0.21 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.10 250 0.91 0.46 0.30 0.23 0.18 0.15 0.13 0.11 275 1.00 0.50 0.33 0.25 0.20 0.17 0.14 0.13 300 0.55 0.36 0.27 0.22 0.18 0.16 0.14 325 0.59 0.39 0.30 0.24 0.20 0.17 0.15 350 0.64 0.43 0.32 1 0.26 0.21 0.18 0.16 375 0.68 0.46 0.34 0.27 0.23 0.20 0.17 400 0.73 0.49 0.36 0.29 0.24 0.21 0.18 425 0.77 0.52 0.39 0.31 0.26 0.22 0.19 450 0.82 0.55 0.41 0.33 0.27 0.23 0.21 475 0.87 0.58 0.43 0.35 0.29 0.25 0.22 500 0.91 0.61 0.46 0.36 0.30 0.26 0.23 525 0.96 0.64 0.48 0.38 0.32 0.27 0.24 550 1.00 0.67 0.50 1 0.40 0.33 0.29 0.25 575 0.70 0.52 0.42 0.35 0.30 0.26 600 0.73 0.55 0.44 0.36 0.31 0.27 625 0.76 0.57 0.46 0.38 0.33 0.28 650 0.79 0.59 0.47 0.39 0.34 0.30 675 0.82 0.62 0.49 0.41 0.35 0.31 700 0.85 0.64 0.51 0.43 0.36 0.32 725 0.88 0.66 0.53 0.44 0.38 0.33 750 0.91 0.68 0.55 0.46 0.39 0.34 775 0.94 0.71 0.57 0.47 0.40 0.35 800 0.97 0.73 0.58 0.49 0.42 0.36 825 1.00 0.75 0.60 0.50 0.43 0.38 850 0.77 0.62 0.52 0.44 0.39 875 0.80 0.64 0.53 0.46 0.40 900 0.82 0.66 0.55 1 0.47 1 0.41 Table 3. Application depths (inches) for 12-foot hose drag waste application systems by discharge and tractor speed Note: To obtain gallons per acre, multiply application depth (inches) in table by 27,154. Application depths to 7.00 inch are shown but applications greater than 0.75 inch are not recommended. Discharge jgpm Tractor 5 ead (mph) 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 300 0.91 0.46 0.30 0.23 0.18 0.15 0.13 0.11 325 0.99 0.49 0.33 0.25 0.20 0.16 0.14 0.12 350 0.53 0.35 0.27 0.21 0.18 0.15 0.13 375 0.57 0.38 0.28 0.23 0.19 0.16 0.14 400 0.61 0.41 0.30 0.24 0.20 0.17 0.15 425 0.65 0.43 0.32 0.26 0.22 0.18 0.16 450 0.68 0.46 0.34 0.27 0.23 0.20 0.17 475 0.72 0.48 0.36 0.29 0.24 0.21 0.18 500 0.76 0.51 0.38 0.30 0.25 0.22 0.19 525 0.80 0.53 1 0.40 0.32 0.27 0.23 0.20 550 0.84 0.56 0.42 0.33 1 0.28 0.24 0.21 575 0.87 0.58 0.44 0.35 0.29 0.25 0.22 600 0.91 0.61 0.46 0.36 0.30 0.26 0.23 625 0.95 0.63 0.47 0.38 0.32 0.27 0.24 650 0.99 0.66 0.49 0.39 0.33 0.28 0.25 675 0.68 0.51 0.41 0.34 0,29 0.26 700 0.71 0.53 0.43 0.35 0,30 0.27 725 0.73 0.55 0.44 0.37 0.31 0.28 750 0.76 1 0.57 0.46 0.38 0.33 0.28 775 0.78 0.59 0.47 0.39 0.34 0.29 800 0.81 0.61 0.49 0.41 0.35 0.30 825 0.84 0.63 0.50 0.42 0.36 0.31 850 0.86 0.65 0.52 0.43 0.37 0.32 875 0.89 0.66 O.S3 0.44 0.38 0.33 900 0.91 0.68 0.55 0.46 0.39 0.34 925 0.94 0.70 0.56 0.47 1 0.40 0.35 950 0.96 0.72 0.58 0.48 OA1 0.36 975 0.99 0.74 0.59 0.49 1 0.42 0.37 1,000 0.76 0.61 0.51 1 0.43 0,38 Table 4. Application depths (inches) for 15-foot hose drag waste application systems by discharge and tractor speed Note: To obtain gallons per acre, multiply application depth (inches) in table by 27,154. Application depths to 7.00 inch are shown but applications greater than 0.75 inch ore not recommended. Discharge m Tractor 5 ead (mph) 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 IS 4 300 0.73 0.36 0.24 0.18 0.15 0.12 0.10 0.09 325 0.79 0.39 0.26 0.20 0.16 0.13 0.11 0.10 350 0.85 0.43 0.28 0.21 0,17 0.14 0.12 0.11 375 0.91 0.46 0.30 0.23 0.18 0.15 0.13 0.11 400 0.97 0.49 0.32 0.24 0.19 0.16 0.14 0.12 425 0.52 0.34 0.26 0.21 0.17 0.15 0.13 450 0.55 0.36 0.27 0.22 0.18 0.16 0.14 475 0.58 0.38 0.29 0.23 0.19 0.16 0.14 500 0.61 0.41 0.30 0.24 0.20 0.17 0.15 525 0.64 0.43 0.32 0.26 0.21 0.18 0.16 550 0.67 0.45 0.33 0.27 0.22 0.19 0.17 575 0.70 0.47 0.35 0.28 0.23 0.20 0,17 600 0.73 0.49 0.36 0.29 0.24 0.21 0.18 625 0.76 0.51 0.38 0.30 0.25 0.22 0.19 650 0.79 0.53 0.39 0.32 0.26 0.23 1 0.20 675 0.82 0.55 OA1 0.33 0.27 0.23 0.21 700 0.85 0.57 0.43 0.34 0.26 0.24 0.21 725 0.88 0.59 0.44 0.35 0.29 0.25 0.22 750 0.91 0.61 0.46 0.36 0.30 0.26 0.23 775 0.94 0.63 0.47 0.38 0.31 0.27 0.24 800 0.97 0.65 0.49 0.39 0.32 0.28 0.24 825 1.00 0.67 0.50 0.40 0.33 0.29 0.25 850 0.69 0.52 0.41 0.34 0.30 0.26 875 0.71 0.53 0.43 0.35 0.30 0.27 900 0.73 0.55 0.44 0.36 0.31 0.27 925 0.75 0.56 0.45 0.37 0.32 0.28 950 0.77 0.58 0.46 0.38 0.33 0.29 975 0.79 0.59 0.47 0.39 0.34 0.30 1,000 0.81 0.61 0.49 0.41 0.35 0.30 10 HOSE -DRAG WASTEWATER EQUIPMENT Table 5. Application depths (inches) for 20-foot hose drag waste application systems by discharge and tractor speed Note: To obtain gallons per acre, multiply application depth (inches) in table by 27,754. Application depths to 7.00 inch are shown but applications greater than 0.75 inch are not recommended. Tractor $ eed hj Discharge (m)l O.S 1 1.5 2 2.5 1 3 3.S 4 500 1 0.91 0.46 0.30 0.23 0.18 0.15 0.13 0.11 525 0.99 0.48 0.32 0.24 0.19 0.16 0.14 0.12 550 1.0 0.50 0.33 0.25 0.20 0.17 0.14 0.13 575 - 0.52 0.35 0.26 0.21 0.17 0.15 0.13 600 - 0.55 0.36 0.27 0.22 0.18 0.16 0.14 625 - 0.57 0.38 0.28 0.23 0.19 0.16 0.14 650 - 0.59 0.39 0.30 0.24 0.20 0.17 0.15 675 - 0.62 0.41 0.31 0.25 0.21 0.18 0.15 700 - 0.64 0.43 0.32 0.26 0.21 0.18 0.16 725 - 0.66 0.44 0.33 0.26 0.22 0.19 0.17 750 - 0.68 0.46 0.34 0227 0.23 0.20 0.17 775 - 0.71 0.47 0.35 0.28 0.24 0.20 0.18 800 - 0.73 0.49 0.36 0.29 0.24 0.21 0.18 825 - 0.75 0.50 0.38 0.30 0.25 0.21 0.19 850 - 0.77 0.52 0.39 0.31 0.26 0.22 0.19 875 - 0.80 0.53 0.40 0.32 0.27 0.23 0.20 900 - 0.82 0.55 0.41 0.33 1 0.27 0.23 0.21 925 - 0.84 0.56 0.42 0.34 0.28 0.24 0.21 950 - 0.87 0.58 0.43 0.35 0.29 0.25 0.22 975 - 0.89 0.59 0.44 0.36 0.30 0.25 0.22 1,000 - 0.91 0.61 0.46 0.36 0.30 0.26 0.23 1,025 - 0.93 0.62 0.47 0.37 0.31 6.27 0.23 1,050 - 0.96 0.64 0.48 0.38 0.32 0.27 0.24 1,075 - 0.98 0.65 0.49 0.39 0.33 0.28 0.24 1,100 - 1.00 0.67 0.50 0.40 0.33 0.29 0.25 1,125 - - 0.68 0.51 0.41 0.34 0.29 0.26 7,150 - - 0.70 0.52 0.42 0.35 0.30 0.26 1175 - - 0.71 0.54 0.43 0.36 0.31 0.27 1200 - - 0.73 0.55 0.44 0.36 0.31 0.27 11 Prepared by Garry Grabow, Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist, Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering Karl. Shaffer, Extension Associate, Department of Soil Science and Sanjay Shah, Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist, Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering Figure 1 shows an AerWay unit with Hydro Engineering manifold, and Figure 2 shows a Cadman two nozzle boom with splash plate kit. 7,750 copies of this public document were printed at a cost of $3,991.00 or $0.52 per copy. Published by NORTH CAROLINA COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE C O L L E G E O P AGRICULTURE LIFE SCIENCES ACADEMICS • RESEARCH • EXTENSION AG-553-8 12/07-7.75M JMG E08-5025 7 M1^.��,�/\J�'trd�I�lrw•r4.tr♦y\1+. ..'.._\� a,q'tJ.,, "`+i♦_,nlFYJ�/1;�: tw\t -iti'_\� tJ��1J/ltrl-1J,`\r�rJ,J L Iti l5 t�t�ltl. f,`rltrlrJy° i �10\rtill+\r I♦, t,trl�_°f-f�,\Ir\art lJ�rt's�\�1 `l�rl �ylrJlt\IY1+-t` l`ylrti +'.``I-�tr, �rdjrY;tt_lsrtr��t•�f/Irla_f�t_-trtF- t/1�<-t-lil"\�Y�i-�Y.SI� •r♦r Jt-frlr�f vit`��•r�`♦1\rJ`Ir-S�\/. 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J\•._\r`�\IttlYf\rl',tJlt_ "Ik w\J N. ri`�..._\ t / �[.'• ''tr /PYr/• \/\rt J\!�r`-\1P/Yl-f-I�`�ltrJ/titr.l�J�f��lr�1r\,✓�♦1 •t�rtj/L!5 r\J\'�Il=1r 5J`fti�t!i��ltt: rlf`Ititlt�\rY/ _I '/` r_�r�l`,♦♦ i�._t a_♦ ...•_`c�f,♦r.--,\t-►w_i�l_.r �_I/�/tt�. Field Calibration Procedures for Semi -Solid Animal Waste Application Equipment LOAD -AREA Information presented in manufacturer's charts are based on average operat- METHOD ing conditions for relatively new equipment. Discharge rates and application SPREADER SYSTEM rates change over time as equipment gets older and components wear. For pump and haul application equipment, application rates and patterns may vary depending on forward travel and/or PTO speed, gear box settings, gate openings, operating pressures, spread widths, and overlaps. Equipment should be calibrated on a regular basis to ensure proper appli- cation rates and uniformity. Calibration is a simple procedure involving col- lecting and measuring the material being applied at several locations in the application area. Calibration helps ensure that nutrients from animal waste are applied efficiently and at proper rates. Pump and Haul Application Systems Liquid applicators and tank spreaders are an alterna- tive to irrigation systems for transporting and apply- ing liquid lagoon effluent, liquid manure slurries, and lagoon sludges. Proper location and design of pump- ing and loading pads are necessary to protect equip- ment and operators and avoid damaging the lagoon dike or embankment. Care should be taken to mini- mize spills during loading and transport. Semi -solid (slurry) applicators can be calibrated by one of two methods: load -area method, and weight - area method (see AG-553-4). Liquid applicators are best calibrated by the load -area method. Load -Area Method To use the load -area method, you must know the spreader capacity. Spreader capacity is normally rated by the manufacturer and often is indicated on the application equipment. Liquid spreaders are normally rated in gallons while semi -solid spreaders are rated in either bushels or cubic feet. As the name implies, the load -area method involves applying a full load to a measured area. For ease of measurement, it is best to use a rectangular field pattern. For PTO -driven spreaders, application rate is dependent on ground speed so a uniform speed must be maintained throughout the swath length. Ground -driven applicators apply reasonably uniform rates independent of ground speed. Load -Area Method Calibration Procedure Spread at least one full load of manure in a rectangular field pattern. 2. Measure the length and width of coverage. Do not include the outer fringe areas of the coverage which receive much lighter applications than the overlapped areas. 3. Multiply the length (feet) by the width (feet) and divide by 43,560 to determine the coverage area in acres. 4. Divide the weight or volume of load of manure in the spreader by the acres covered to determine the application rate in tons or gallons per acre. 5. If the application rate (Item 4) is not acceptable, repeat the procedure at different spreader settings, speeds, or both until the desired application rate (tons or gallons per acre) is achieved. LOAD -AREA METHOD SPREADER SYSTEM CALIBRATING LIQUID MANURE SPREADERS USING THE LOAD -AREA METHOD 1. Determine the capacity of the manure spreader. a. gallons 2. Spread at least one full load using the regular spreading patterns of the applicator. Trial Trial Trial b. Forward speed, gear, or throttle setting c. PTO speed or setting d. Spreader gate setting 3. Measure the area of spread. e. Spread area width' f. Spread area length g. Spread area (e x 0 h. Spread area (g _ 43,560) 4. Compute the manure application rate. i. Number of loads spread j. Capacity per load (a) k. Total manure spread (i x j) I. Application rate (k - h) 5. Compute the nutrient application rate. m. Manure analysis N P 2 0 5 K 2 0 ft ft ftz acre gallons gallons gal/acre Ibs/1000 gallons Ibs/1000 gallons Ibs/1000 gallons n. Application rate N Ibs/acre (I x manure P 2 0 5 Ibs/acre analysis number 1000) K 2 0 Ibs/acre 6. If the application rate is not acceptable, repeat the procedure at different spreader settings, speeds (Item 2), or both, until the desired application rate is achieved. Prepared by l.C. Barker, Biological and Agricultural Engineering Extension Specialist R.O. Evans, Biological and Agricultural Engineering Extension Specialist D.A. Crouse, Soil Science Extension Specialist 2,500 copies of this public document were printed at a cost of $577, or $.23 per copy. Published by NORTH CAROLINA COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE Distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8 and June 30, 1914. Employment and program opportunities are offered to all people regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. North Carolina State University, North Carolina A&T State University, U.S. Depart- ment of Agriculture, and local governments cooperating. 7/97-2.5M—JMG/KEL AG-553-5 E97 31963 Dairy Farm Waste Management Odor Control Checklist Source Cause BMPs to Minimize Odor Site S]pecific.Practices Farmstead • Dairy ,production I Vegetative or wooded buffers N( .Recommended best management practices dGood judgment and common sense Paved. lots or barn • Wet manure -covered 5r Scrape or flush daily alley surfaces surfaces.omote drying with proper ventilation Routine checks and maintenance on waterers, hydrants, pipes, stock tanks Bedded areas • Urine Promote drying with proper ventilation • Partial microbial, 17" Replace wet or manure -covered. bedding decomposition Manure dry stacks • Partial microbial Provide liquid drainage for stored manure decomposition . Storage tank or basin • Partial microbial CW Bottom or mid -level loading surface decomposition 0 Tank covers • Mixing whale filling 0 Basin surface mats of solids • Agitation when emptying 63� Minimize lot.runoff and liquid additions mr:Agitate only prior to. manure removal 0 Proven biological additives or oxidants Settling basin • Partial microbial surfaces decomposition 10 Liquid drainage from settled solids L( Remove solids regularly • Mixing while filling • Agitation when emptying Manure, slurry, or • Agitation when spreading 0 Soil injection of slurry/sludges sludge spreader . Volatile gas emissions d Wash residual manure from spreader after use outlets © Proven biological additives or oxidants Dairy Farm Waste Management Odor Control Checklist Source Cause BMPs to Minimize Odor Site SI)ecific Practices Uncovered manure, • Volatile gas emissions while 0 Soil injection of slurry/sludges slurry, or sludge on drying 17 Soil incorporation within 48 hours field surfaces 21 Spread in thin uniform layers for rapid drying C3 Proven biological additives or oxidants Flush tanks • Agitation of recycled lagoon liquid while tanks are filling 0 Flush tank covers C9 Extend fill lines to near bottom of tanks with anti -siphon vents Outside drain : Agitation during wastewater C3 Box covers collection or conveyance function boxes Lift stations • .Agitation during sump tank C] Sump tank covers filling and drawdown End of drainpipes at • Agitation during wastewater Extend discharge point of pipes underneath lagoon conveyance lagoon liquid level Lagoon surfaces • Volatile gas emission • Biological mixing • Agitation 0 Proper lagoon liquid capacity CI Correct lagoon startup procedures 0 Minimum surface area -to -volume ratio 7 Minimum agitation when pumping © Mechanical aeration C] Proven biological additives Irrigation sprinkler . High pressure agitation CI Irrigate on dry days with little or no wind 1-.1*+e : i 11�1-e:d 4�.a,rcr� i 1 iw� nozzles . Wind drift C] Minimum recommended operating procedure ~► A';` t, 4o C] Pump intake near lagoon liquid surface t3 r 4" k �� ' �' l t'Ns 110 CI Pump from second -stage lagoon Flush residual manure from pipes at end of i" 5 slurry/sludge pumpings Dairy Farm Waste Management Odor Control Checklist Source Cause BMPs to Minimize Odor Site Specific Practices Dead aaimals • Carcass decomposition Proper disposition of carcasses Standing. crater • Improper .drainage Grade and landscape such that water drains away around facilities o Microbial decomposition of from facilities organic matter Mud tracked. onto • Poorly maintained access 5r Farm access road maintenance public roads from roads farm access Additional Information: Available Froim Cattle Manure Management; .0200 Rule/B.MP Packet NCSU, County Extension Center Dairy Educational Unit Manure Management System- Lake Wheeler Road Field Laboratory; EBAE 209-95 NCSU BA.E Lagoon Design and Management for Livestock Manure Treatment and Storage; EBAE 103-83 NCSU=BAE Management of Dairy Wastewater; EBAE 106-83 NCSU--BAE Calibration of Manure and Wastewater Application Equipment; EBAE Fact Sheet NCSU—BAE Nuisance Concerns in Animal ManureManagement: Odors and Flies; PRO107, 1995 Conference Proceedings Florida Cooperative Extension Insect Control Checklist for Animal Operations Source Cause BMPs to Control Insects Site S veeific Practices Liciuid Svstems Flush gutters • Accumulation of solids 51 Flush system is designed and operated sufficiently to remove accumulated solids from gutters as designed 931"Remove bridging of accumulated solids at dischar.-e Lagoons and pits • Crusted solids Maintain lagoons, settling basins and pits where pest breeding is apparent to minimize the crusting of solids to a depth of no more than 6 to S inches over more than 30 percent of surface Excessive vegetative . Decaying vegetation VI Maintain vegetative control along banks of growth lagoons and other impoundments to prevent accumulation of decaying vegetative matter along water's edge on. impoundment's perimeter. Dry SN!stems Feeders • Feed spillage 0 Design, operate, and maintain feed systems (e.g., bunkers and troughs) to minimize the 1 accumulation of decaying wastage ® Clean up spillage on a routine basis (e.g., 7- to 10- day interval during summer; 15- to 30-day interval during winter) Insect Control Checklist for Animal Operations Source Cause BMPs to Control Insectss Site Specific Practices Feed.storage • Accumulations of feed M9 Reduce moisture accumulation within and around residues .immediate perimeter of feed storage areas by ensuring drainage is away from site and/or providing adequate containment (e.g., covered bin for brewer's grain and similar high moisture grain products) 'inspect for and remove or break up accumulated. solids in filter strips around .feed stora a as needed Animal holding • Accumulations of anirrial Eliminate low areas that trap moisture along fences areas wastes and feed wastage and. other locations where waste accumulates and disturbance by animals is: minimal Maintain fence rows and filter strips around animal holding areas to minimize accumulations of wastes (i.e., inspect for and remove or break up accumulated solids as needed) Drymanure. . Accumulations of animal C1 Remove. spillage on a routine basis (e.g., handling systems wastes 7- to I0-day interval during summer; l5- to 30-day interval during winter) where manure is loaded for land application or disposal Id Provide for adequate drainage around manure stockpiles .Inspect for and remove or break up accumulated wastes in filter strips around stockpiles and manure handling areas as needed For more information contact: Cooperative Extension. Service, Department of Entomology, Box 761.3, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695-7613. Mortality Management Methods (check which method(s) are being implemented) Burial three feet beneath the surface of the ground within 24 hours after knowledge of the death. The burial must be at least 300 feet from any flowing stream or public body of water. a/ Rendering at a rendering plant licensed under G.S. 106-168.7 Q Complete incineration Q In the case of dead poultry only, placing in a disposal pit of a size and design approved by the Department of Agriculture 5� Any method which in the professional opinion of the State Veterinarian would make possible the salvage of part of a dead animal's value without endangering human or animal health. ( en approval of the tate Veterinarian must be attached) See ►'now t11 Ynct"I.ey"n �n December 18, 1996 Animal Mortality Management Plan for Normal and Mass Mortality Koopman's Liberty Dairy Randolph County, NC November 2018 The dairy is responsible for disposal of normal mortality and mass/catastrophic mortality. The difference in normal and catastrophic mortality plan is the farmer can choose to go ahead and dispose of normal mortality by the methods shown below. Catastrophic loss mortality must be reported to the State Veterinarian and the proposed method of disposal must be approved prior to disposal. The State Veterinarian considers catastrophic mortality to be greater than ten (10) head of cattle. Disposal management options for normal and mass/catastrophic mortality shown below are all acceptable. Koopman Diary prefers to use the rendering option when available. The second option is burial and the third option is landfills. Method Description Rendering. Rendering is a preferred off -site option. Mortality is picked up during the weekday at a designated area at the dairy out of pubic view. Rendering is completed at a rendering plant licensed under G.S.106-168.7. Leeway Farm Rendering @ 704-873-2072 is current farm Burial It is the duty of the owner to bury dead animals at least 3 feet below the surface of the ground within 24 hours. Considerations: Locate burial pit over 300 feet from surface water and wells. Locate burial pit at least 2' above seasonal high water table or bedrock. Locate away from neighboring residencies, public areas and property lines Landfills The Great Oak Landfill at 3597;O1d Cedar Falls Road, Randleman, NC 27317 (336-628-6026) will accept normal mortality. The landfill indicates that one or two at a time is all they will accept. Resources needed and contacts The rendering company provides transport of mortality. Burial site for catastrophic. mortality is evaluated on a .site by site basis. Heavy equipment needed for carcass movement and burial. Leak -proof transport for carcasses (liner could be used if truck is not leak proof). Equipment to load carcasses into transport vehicle and tipping fees at landfill. Chemical Handling, Storage and Disposal Plan Koopman liberty Dairy November 2018 THIS OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE PLAN IS FOR CHEMICALS PRIMARILY USED AROUND THE DAIRY MILK CENTER. NOTE: CHEMICALS USED FOR CROP PRODUCTION ARE NOT STORED ON THE FARM. THE DAIRY CONTRACTS WITH OTHER FARMERS TO MANAGE PEST IN CROP FIELDS. A. RESPONSIBILITY While it is the intent of this plan to provide for a convenient means of meeting the requirements of the 1992 EPA Worker Protection Standard and other Federal, State and local laws and regulations regarding storage, handling and application of chemicals, it is the operator's responsibility to manage his/her operations in,accordance with these regulations and all applicable chemical labels. The operator shall take the necessary measures to stay alert to changes in laws and regulations and to make the changes in the operation and maintenance of this facility so that it continues to function as an effective means of handling chemicals safely and legally. It is the responsibility of the operator to insure that all persons who are involved in the handling of chemicals at this facility are adequately trained in the normal operating procedures of the facility and all emergency procedures. B. GENERAL PROCEDURES 1. The storage facility shall be kept clean at all times, and shall be kept free of items not necessary for storing, loading and clean-up operations. The facility shall not be used for purposes other than storing, mixing, cleaning and maintenance of materials and equipment used for chemical application. 2. Thoroughly inspect the storage facility on a regular basis. The inspection should include, but is not limited to the roofs, doors, access roads, tanks, related plumbing material, backflow prevention devices and safety equipment. Complete any needed repairs and replacements prior to using the storage facility. 3. Check to be sure all chemical containers are correctly labeled. C. STORAGE ROOM OPERATION 1. Store dry chemicals above liquid chemicals to prevent liquid spills from soaking into dry chemical bags. Where bulky bagged products are to be stored at floor level they shall be stored off the floor on suitable pallets. 2. When working with chemicals, personnel should take time to protect themselves with proper attire. Chemical use is dangerous at any time but particular hazardous when chemical is in a concentrated form. All employees should wear protective attire (e.g., eyewear, coveralls, rubber gloves, respirators, footwear, etc.). Chemicals and personnel protective equipment are stored in separate areas. 3. Remove all unwanted and Put -of -date chemicals from the dairy and dispose of them according to federal regulations. Farmers and commercial pesticide users generally cannot dispose of chemicals in household hazardous waste programs. North Carolina run a pesticide disposal program specifically for farmers. Occasionally, once a year or so, farmers are given a chance to dispose of chemicals no longer needed on the farm. 4. All empty chemical containers will be shall be placed into the storage receptacle for disposal by recycling or otherwise in accordance with applicable regulations. Always follow the manufacturers' instructions for proper storage and disposal of chemicals and containers. 5. Cross mixing of various chemicals must be avoided except where allowed by the chemical label. Acids and alkalis should be clearly labeled and distinguished from each other. They should never be mixed together because mixing risks a violent reaction. 6. To reduce the potential for exposure to chemicals and damage to the facility, access is restricted by children, pets, livestock, inexperienced personnel and unauthorized people. 7. Any spills, leaks, accidents, or normal operational procedures which result in chemical or chemical contaminated water coming in contact with the floor shall receive immediate attention. Mop -up materials such as sand, soil and Drysorb are available at dairy. 8. Pouring chemicals from a drum or tank risks. spills and splashing. Pumps, siphons or gravity taps shall be used when possible. 9. Water is provided near where detergents are decanted and can be used for removing chemicals from the eyes. D. INVENTORY OF CHEMICALS The dairy only stores and utilizes chemicals related to dairy barn milk production. A typical list of chemicals found at dairy is shown below. Most of the chemicals are produced by Thatcher Company of New York.. 1. Excel Final Oxy 275g—One step acid cleaner 2. TProx 260 g — Pre teat dip 3. SL110 260 g — Post teat dip 4. Liquid laundry 55g — Laundry detergent 5. TChlor 1g—sanitizer Occasionally a restricted use chemical or chemical in concentrated form is particularly hazardous is used on the dairy. This chemical is stored in a locked storage area. Veterinary chemicals that require.refrigeration are kept in a separate refrigerator that in not used for drinks or food. E. EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN The emergency response plan developed by the landowner contains information about the local fire department and the local emergency preparedness authorities. The plan shall be maintained up-to-date and shall be in accordance with all federal, state and` local laws and regulations relating to the storage and handling of chemicals. 2 The emergency response plan is shown below. A copy of the plan shall be maintained at an off - site location where it can be obtained readily in the event of an emergency such as a fire. Emergency Response Plan Storage Facility FACILITY NAME Koopman Liberty Dairy Storage Facility LOCATION Randolph County, North Carolina PHONE NUMBER home 704-929-0659 EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS: Ambulance, Fire, Sheriff 911 Fire Dept. Poison Control_1-900-672-1.697 or 343-704.6 Fires in chemical storage facilities can be dangerous and the possibility of poisoning must be considered in addition to the usual fire hazards. Special consideration should be given to providing the local fire department with relevant information iNADVANCE as to anticipated quantities, locations and types of hazardous materials. The use of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs), which are available from manufacturers, is encouraged. FACILITY MANAGER Ard Koo man HOSPITAL PHONE NUMBER 336-625-5151 Other Phone Numbers EPA Hazardous Waste Hotine 1-800-42479346 EPA Safe Drinking Water Hotline 1-800-426-4791 EPA Regional Office 404-347-3004 National Pesticides Telecommunications Network 1-800-858-7378 National Agricultural Chemicals.. Association 202-296-1585 Disposal of Hazardous Pesticides 703-557-740077 Chemicals Referral Center 1-800-2624200. CHEMTREC (Chemical Transportation Emergency Center)2-800-424-9300 Most chemical manufacturers are equipped to provide emergency information on their products. Manufacturers may be contacted through CHEMTREC. 4 EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION: List the names and telephone numbers of agencies that need to be notified should a spill or fire involving pesticides or fertilizers occur. Include railroads if rails may be blocked. NAME PHONE NUMBER Duke Regional Poison Control Center 1-800-672-1697 NC Pesticide Emergency Reaction Team 1-800-662-7956 Pesticide Accident Hotline (CHEMTREC 1-800-424-9300 Nat'l. Response Center Toxic Chemical Spills) 1-800-424-8802 LOCATION OF EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES: Available 24 hours a day. Include phone numbers. Self-contained breathing apparatus Emergency Medical - 911 Spare compressed breathing air tanks. EmeMencyr Medical -911 Earth moving equipment__. on site Portable water pumps on site Street barriers FIRE DEPT. - 911 Sand bags _ FIRE DEPT. - 911 Other 5 Emergency Phone Numbers: Ambulance, Fire, Sheriff: 911 Poison Control:1-800-672-1697 or 343-7046 EPA Hazardous Waste:1-800-424-9346 Hotline Facility Name: Chemical Storage Facility Location: 4105 Meredell Farm Road, Liberty Randolph County, NC 8 EMERGENCY TREATMENT FOR CHEMICAL ACCIDENTS ALL ACCIDENTS: REMOVE ALL CONTAMINATED CLOTHING AND PROPERLY CLEAN OR DISPOSE. USE EXTREME CAUTION WHILE ASSISTING ACCIDENT VICTIMS TO PREVENT CONTAMINATING YOURSELF. ON SKIN: 1 BRUSH CHEMICAL OFF SKIN BEFORE APPLYING WATER 2 FLUSH AREA WITH WATER 3 WASH AREA WITH SOAP AND WATER 4 CONTACT PHYSICIAN IF IRRITATION PERSISTS 5 CONTACT PHYSICIAN IMMEDIATELY IN EYES: 1 FLUSH EYES WITH PLENTY OF WATER 2 CONTACT PHYSICIAN IF IRRITATION PERSISTS 3 CONTACT PHYSICIAN IMMEDIATELY IF SWALLOWED check MSDS sheets and/or Precautionary Statement on label for recommendation: Example statements on label may include. See labels attached or on stored product. 1 INDUCE VOMITING 2 DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING 3 GIVE ACTIVATED CHARCOAL 4 GIVE MILK 5 CONTACT PHYSICIAN IMMEDIATELY NEVER GIVE ANYTHING BY MOUTH TO AN UNCONSCIOUS PERSON! 9 it lrw..r../ q/L/.M.i'1+Mi XNi Yd 17n ty .:1 �• }il4� W r' '�.� 1••V^rY+. W.IAX•rp �[ I wyr+rr HycYn�ir.a [Y1W �•• IIM •. al.�W .i:��rM fM.riwf�rl li•MlV fir N �1k151Nq.4 rV{ 1F1 i Is�rp If, rNr wn.rrr* 4 tlm n.X �r fy.�l 1.w1 Y R'•ki r h r4r 4r I Mh f. 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T .+rH• mltnr •Mrlfr F V w•rXiSl.+� ' ruuu rllNr. � r X I,f 1 rYe n] , [I.-..I..i1..Mf .1.✓.,. ,.nr.la..l Nr. s..., Iwl. f•'n 11 W- {"*...r.rlw ' '� IwM.�...wr�rrorrw"w; rr...rrt.••.w...l. Imrs.n . ' �,,g: gMi'Y � rn..•iI1.Wur1 ry 7.r,r 3n+'.■ � 1 G', � I � � NOtaruel[+Mnydltah Ig.um....... ? 0. �. fa. t POFS t11101 i'l0 IQ Lil On T NOI ftt(LILAITO, y-h�t "'er h GantaEAs i� �tr.}tahrt IY�d+nL' - 1 L.�i�i�panY CnnWln% LM CandItit) ner5 (La nulln.A 6 v ver;t ;Tnd 7%GIyr-fgir+) txcel Final Oxy 11 Ir11r UFAt s f r P p J11.i109IJkA)W ffr l [t.4rl•� .. .. .. .. .. .. :: 1flootmolft AC wxJ Of klrr 89.11s`+la[ • kt 1•}li NH fi 1A 11 Sf l dA[uprr{ h1�Ojgo, Ml1PtIllA(t11pt1)by .n►{liArjli]4Y . . 'S .-VAT NA'iAlrfs.}TA�I/AfM .. .. - ""-..."- .-•—_ ... _ w+l.• nF frkl t I,Ii 1041 �4,.1 trueirtinl f "Frl 1I1t I t n 'WtAU7P'^41f1�•Ifi Rr' :i Mt•w ., e•Wy r+. •1�! V1 +fM Rlfis J.. 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M tires. v..w ,.. w i..�..a� !r.lhy EiMr ri, �+V►r 4+r•pq 1 .+ .. .. filf..riJ—,4dA�lnr•R11 f [.rMr.. ..v..v /•i l•�4 ' Ir if M +G b.l..,,y 1•.11itf17.! �. �3j W. i'+�r IF � T4 i at•cher Company .,,._.._. . .. .. i "•rfa•rty Sn.rR.rie Aui1, fi�dr+�Nn +'�rf?iii4 �/����. tI WT p T-Prox HE FAI AW PMT #An tM APP; K A I rkwowr uj"wmy now hovo4 r ruovas* of Rft T(wk cart wgkafnk)n, my w4kambDo, Hy C-wrms,w Ernoilwwzy GDO-42"30V U# Numble lof-myw M"O*'kw# 090 10115f2ols Fwpu"w om* 4/201.5, QU-44Y 260 4GAUON$ Thatcher Company PAMW pb—wjf.,.rrMe A—W Now ft =7= mlow 6p w WAft % � .1k bw, mkw� =N"W~ qp"m 0 ECMUIM i&UK ACid Rod 11% &ftwkrft iw% Q"ml C. Waste Production A maximum of 5,000 milk cows will be located in freestall barns on the Liberty dairy farm at full capacity. All cows will be milked. Cows are confined to freestall barns. Freestalls are bedded with sand. Manure, runoff and milking parlor wash water are stored in five (5) waste storage ponds. Manure is tank hauled, hard hose spread or irrigated. Manure and sand are scraped to flush collection ditches from all freestall barns. Wastewater from waste storage ponds is used to flush collection ditch located at lower end of each freestall barn. Maximum Number Cattle in Waste Management System Milk Cows - 5,000 D. Waste Management Overview The waste management system will economically as possible handle all the waste production described above in a manner that does not degrade air, soil or water resources. The system will prevent discharge of pollutants to surface and ground water by recycling waste through soil and plants. The waste management system includes the following components: a. Five Waste Storage Ponds Waste ponds #1, #2, #3, #4 and #s will be used for liquid storage and 25 year-24 hour rainfall storage. The liquid waste storage ponds will store the following volumes: 1) Runoff from unroofed concrete areas at freestall barns 2) Runoff from separated manure solids storage area 3) Runoff @ sand lanes and sand storage areas 4) Runoff from all vegetated areas that could not be diverted 5) Rainfall minus evaporation on all waste ponds 6) 25 year— 24 hour runoff from all drainage areas and 25 year — 24 hour rainfall on waste ponds NOTE: The waste pond storage period is computed on the winter storage period. Another waste source considered is cooling sprinklers in freestall barns and cow holding areas. It is anticipated that evaporation from concrete slabs in barns and from waste pond surfaces during the summer will offset cooling sprinkler additions. b. Collection Ditch Flushing At the freestall barns, manure and sand is scraped to a flush collection ditch. Manure and sand are hydraulically flushed at approximately 2,000 gallons per minute to transfer manure and sand to sand lane. c. Sand Settling Lanes & Storage Sand lanes are designed to settle sand by reducing flow to low enough velocity to settle sand. Dropping velocity of waste stream to approximately 1 fps will settle sand. d. Manure Transfer @ Waste Storage Ponds @ Freestall barns Transfer pipes are used to transfer liquid waste from waste pond to waste pond. The pipe inlet at each pond is designed with the intake 2' to 4' below surface. Typically, a water zone is located above settled solids and below the floating solids in the waste pond. The exception is pond #2 in which liquid waste and the 25 year storm are pumped to waste pond #3: The 25 year storage for ponds #1, #2, #3 and #4 is located in waste pond #4. e. Manure Solids Manure solids will be removed from waste stream near the sand lane and sand storage area. Manure solids will be removed using mechanical methods. It is estimated that 3090 of the collected manure and urine volume will be removed from the waste stream by solids separation. The solids will be stored uphill of waste storage pond #1 in an existing structure and areas adjacent to the structure. Solids will be spread on farm or removed from farm by a Manure Hauler. f. Other Cattle groups on farm No other cattle groups are planned on the. farm. Dry cows and heifer groups maybe located on farm prior to reaching full milk cow capacity. Cattle numbers will not exceed number of milk cows planned in the system. This plan only addresses the confined cattle groups. g. Control of Silo Leachate and Runoff Runoff from trench silos next to commodity sheds flows into a vegetated filter. Silo runoff is recognized as a serious, pollutant and seepage and:runoff is best handled in waste storage ponds, however, present guidance allows this pollutant to be filtered. h. Clean Water Exclusion Clean water from 25 year storm will be excluded from. all waste storage ponds to the fullest extent possible. Grass waterways, diversions, culverts and guttering are used. Plant Available Nutrients for Waste Utilization Plan Estimate of Plant Available Nitrogen to collect and spread each year will be determined. j. Operation and Maintenance Plan The owner shall be responsible for operating and maintaining the system. See plan attached. k. Emergency Action Plan The emergency action plan describes emergency conditions and immediate steps to take to gain control. E. Waste Storage Ponds 1. Size of Waste Storage Ponds Waste Storage Pond #1 Dimensions shown below from "As Built" information found in Randolph County NRCS office. 8" ESW overflow —104.9 12" Overflow to pond #2 —103.6 Bottom — 93.0 Top of Dam —106.0 106.0 — 103.6 = 2.4' 24.9' X 83.9' Volume=10.6/6[24.9x83.9 + 88.Sx147.5 + 4(56.7x115.7)l = 73,111 cu ft = 547,000 gallons Waste Storage Pond #2 Dimensions shown below from "As Built" information found in Randolph County MRCS office. Outlet — 93.5 ESW — 95.0 Bottom — 86.0 Top of Dam — 96.0 96.0 — 93.5 = 2.5' 78.5'X201.5' 3: 7.5' �3:1 3:1 / 3:1 I 33.5'X156.5' Volume = 7.5/6[33.5x156.5 + 78.5x201.5 + 4(56x179)j = 76,446 cu ft = 572,000 gallons Waste Storage Pond #3 Dimensions shown below from "As Built" information found in Randolph County NRCS office and modifications made for manure transfer during waste pond #4 construction. `rap of Dam — 667.6 Overflow and ESW to Pond 4 — 665.6 Upper Spillway — 666.6 Bottom ~ 658.2 268.3 x 297.4 W below Upper Spillway) 3.2: 7.4 r 2.5: 3.7: ASA 226.1 x 244.1 Volume = 7.4/6[226.1x244.1 + 268.3x297.4 + 4(247.2x270.8)] = 496,726 cu ft = 3,715,000 gallons ELEV. VOLUME gal. 663 TOP OF DAM 662 6,868,471 661 6,174,456 660 5,509,765 659 4,874,399 658 4,265,099 657 3,678,607 656 3,118,182 655 2,577 306 654 2 062,496 653 1567 306 652 1098 043 651 651,658 650 286,729 68,424 0 649 648 Waste Storage Pond #4 Pond #4 will store the 25 year 24 hour rainfall for runoff area and direct rainfall into ponds #1, #2, #3 and #4. See sections 4, 5 and 6 below for volumes of storage for 25 year storm. a. 25 year - 24 hour runoff 70,792 cu ft b. 25 yr-24 hr rainfall #1, #2 & #3 61,746 cu ft c. 25 yr- 24 hr rainfall on pond surface #4 0.50 ft d. Freeboard & ESW flow depth #4 1.50 ft TOTAL 132,538 cu ft 991,384 gallons 252' X 402' 2.0' -- Freeboard and 25 yr direct Elev. 661.0 -- 6,174,456 gallons 25 yr Storage hev. 659.49 — 5,183,072 gallons 3: Waste Storage Pond #4 As -Built Volumes (9/23/2014) :1 It is estimated that bottom 2' of pond is unpumpable or full of sediment. Normal storage is the volume between top 3.5' (25 yr storage and freeboard) and bottom 2'. This volume is 5,183,772 gallon minus 286,729 gallon or 4,897,000 gallons or 654,684 cu ft. Top of Dam Volume is 1,011,027 cu ft. Volume @ ESW Level (1.5' below TOD) is 871,853 cu ft. The waste storage pond should be hauled or drag hosed before the water level reaches the 25 yr - 24 hr storage volume in pond #4. This elevation is 3.5 ft below the top of dam or 2.0' below the ESW. Waste Storage Pond #5 Pond #5 will store the 25 year-24 hour direct rainfall. See section 5) below for information, Freeboard is 1.0'. Emergency spillway is 10' with no flow depth anticipated since drainage area is 0 acres for this pond. Freeboard and 25 yr direct 1.5' - 192' x4401 (0.5' below Spillway) 10, -132x380' Normal Storage Volume at Pump Out Marker Volume = 4,570,000 gallons Top of Dam Volume - Volume = 5,520,000 gallons or 737,968 cu ft ESW Storage Volume Volume = 4,886,000 gallons or 653,208 cu ft 3:1 A transfer pipe maybe installed uphill of waste pond #5 to allow transfer trucks to dump waste in drop inlet at top of hill and transfer waste by gravity to waste pond. See drawing for installation detail. Waste Storage Pond #5 As -Built Volumes (10/31/2018) ELEV. VOLUME al. 607.5 Top of Dam. 605.5 4,886,0.00, 606 4,570,000 605 3,972,000 604 3;40%000 603 2,866,000 602 2,355,000 601 1,869,000 600 1408,000 599 975,000 598 583,000 597 258,000 596 52,636 595.2 0 2. Normal Runoff and Rainfall Storage for 4-month period Use average runoff values in Agricultural Waste Management Field Manual. Rainfall minus evaporation and the 25 yr rainfall from waste storage ponds #1, #2 and #3 will be transferred to waste storage pond #4. A satellite waste Pond #5 will be used to store additional waste from ponds #1, #2, #3 and #4. Drainage areas for design The drainage around the sand lane and barns is 152,000 sq ft. The drainage area around waste storage ponds is 5,912 sq ft from previous design. Concrete around Milk Cow freestall barns, sand lane and sand storage - surface-152,000 sq ft Around waste ponds - unsurface - 5,912 sq ft Drainage Area=157,912 sq ft Waste Storage Pond #1- Surface-16,660 sq ft Waste Storage Pond #2 - surface - 20,243 sq ft Waste Storage Pond #3 - surface - 87,210 sq ft Waste Storage Pond #4 - surface-101,304 sq ft Waste Storage Pond #5 - surface - 90,249 sq ft Total Pond Surface Area #1, #2, #3, #4 & #5 = 315,666 sq ft SURFACE UNSURFACE NORMAL RUNOFF RUNOFF MONTH RAINFALL % DEPTH % DEPTH NORMAL EVAP. JAN. 3.68 50 1.84 20 0.74 1.5 FEB. 3.70 55 2.04 20 0.74 1.8 MAR. 4.08 52 2.12 24 0.98 3.0 APR. 3.47 56 1.94 25 0.87 4.0 MAY 3.91 57 2.23 25 0.98 4.6 JUN. 3.92 60 2.35 28 1.10 4.8 JUL. 5.00 60 3.00 30 1.50 5.2 AUG. 4.87 63 3.07 33 1.61 4.6 SEP. 3.64 67 2.44 34 1.24 3.6 OCT. 3.20 63 2.02 32 1.02 2..6 NOV. 2.87 55 1.58 25 0.72 1.7 DEC. 3.19 57 1.82 23 0.73 1.5 Try 4 months: Nov. -Feb. Surface Runoff Depth = 7.28" Unsurface Runoff Depth = 2.93" Surface Runoff = 7.28"* 152,000 sq ft = 92,213 cu ft 12 in/ft Unsurface Runoff = 2.93"* 5,912 sq ft =1,444 cu ft 12 in/ft 3. Rainfall minus evaporation on all waste ponds 13.44 — 6.5 = 6.94"/4 months 6.9.4"/12"./ft/4 months x 315,666 sq ft = 182,560 cu ft/4 month 4. 25 yr - 24 hr runoff CN=95 Rainfall = 5.97 Runoff = 5.38" 25yr-24hr runoff = 5.38" * 157,912 sq ft = 70,792 cu ft 12"/ft 5. 25 yr -.24 hr rainfall on pond surface #4 and #5 Rainfall = 5.97" _ .5 ft 6. 25 yr- 24 hr rainfall on waste ponds #1, #2 and #3 Volume = 5.97712inch/foot x 124,113 sq ft = 61,746 cu ft 7. Milking Parlor Wash Water Volume = 5,000.cows x 5 gal/day/cow * 120 days 7.48 gal/cu ft = 401,069 cu ft 8. Sand Accumulation Sand is settled in sand lanes. If any sand escapes, waste pond ##1 will be cleaned out as needed. No sand storage is needed in waste storage ponds. 9. Manure Liquid waste and water from sand separation and manure separation systems will be diverted into waste storage pond #1 by pipe. Once pond #1 is full of waste, the liquid waste will be transferred to the ponds #3 and #4 by gravity. Wastewater will be pumped from. waste ponds to freestall barns for flushing barns. All waste in waste storage ponds will be applied to cropland. Transfer pipes move liquid waste to storage ponds #2,.#3 and. #4. The 'Dairy Manure Characteristics table in NRCS AgricuFtural Waste -Management Field Handbook indicate that a milk cow producing 75 lb per day of milk will produce 18:ga1/day/cow of manure and urine. The collected manure will contain approximately 20% TS (wet weight). The wet moisture wet of manure collected is approximately 87%. Total solids contain dissolved solids and suspended solids. The suspended solids portion will be removed from waste stream with solids separation. The volume of dissolved solids removed will depend on. moisture retained in separated solids. The CRC Livestock Waste Management Handbook indicate a removal rate of between 30 and 60% of Total Solids for various types of screen separators. It is estimate that 30% of the manure and urine volume will be removed from the waste stream and handled as separated manure solids. The moisture content should be low enough that the separated solids will stack. The intent of above discussion is to show variables that will affect the actual volume of solids separated. Variables that will affect actual quantity of manure solids separated are volume of waste collected, amount of dissolved solids, amount of suspended solids, moisture content of collected manure and urine, moisture content of separated solids and the percent of suspended solids removed by the separator. A 30% volume reduction for the manure and urine collected appears to be a reasonable assumption for solids removal. Manure and urine volume in waste ponds Volume =5,000 cows x 18 gal/day/7.48 gal/cu ft x 70% = 8,422 cu ft/day Volume for 4 months = 8,422 cu ft/day x 120 days = 1,010,640 cu ft/120 days See section 12 for Separated manure solids detail 10. Normal Storage & Dilution Volume for Sand Recovery System The normal liquid Storage capacity in waste system computed using volumes for 4 months of storage. Normal Storage Required for 4 months of storage Surface Runoff 92,213 cu ft Unsurface Ruf 1,444 cu ft Rainfall — Evap. 182,560 cu ft Parlor Water 401,069 cu ft Waste 1,010,640 cu ft TOTAL 1,687,926 cu ft =1,687,926 cu ft/120 days = 5,134,108 cu ft/365 days = 38,403,000 gallons/year — 38,403,000 gal/5000 cows/yr — 21.0 gallons/cow/day The storage volume available for 4 months below the 25 year storage volume is shown below: Waste Pond #1-- 547,000 gallons Waste Pond #2 — 572,000 gallons Waste Pond #3 — 3,715,000 gallons Waste Pond #4 — 4,897,000 gallons Waste Pond #5 — 4,570,000 gallons Total-14,301,000 gallons =1,911,898 cu ft Estimated Storage for flush water to leave in system at total cleanout 1,911,898 cu ft —1,687,926 cu ft or 223,972 cu ft or 1,675,000 gallons. 11. Waste Storage Period The storage period will increase or decrease depending on stocking rate of milk caws and how effective solid separator removes manure solids. At full capacity, the storage period for waste storage ponds #1, #2, #3, #4 and #5 is approximately 4.0 months. F: Manure Solids Separation and Storage Solids will be stored between road and sand separation. area. It is estimated that 30% of collected manure and urine volume from cows will be separated solids. Runoff from the manure solids storage area will be stored in waste storage ponds. Manure and urine volume in solids separated Volume = 5,000 cows x 18 gal/day/7.48 gal/cu ft x 30% = 3,610 cu .ft/day The storage period for manure solids is-2 months. Volume for 2 months = 3,610 cu ft/day x 60 days = 216,600 cu ft/60 days = 140' x 140' x 11' Capacity = 216,600 cu ft @ 62.4 lb/cu ft x 1 ton/2000 lb = 6,758 ton/60 days Capacity per Yr 6,758 ton/60 days x 365 days = 41,111 ton Koopman Dairies are planning on selling manure solids. The storage period needed will be relatively short if these plans are successful. The area shown for separated manure solids on plan view drawing is approximately 150'x150', Currently a 120'x75'roofed structure is located in the area. Mr. Koopman understands that as the dairy increases cow numbers, the storage area will need to be modified to handle the separated solids without increasing the size of drainage area. into waste storage ponds. Since the sand storage area shown is likelylarger than needed, part of this area could be converted to separated solids storage area. Since a contract has not been signed with a Manure Hauler to remove solids from the farm, this source of manure will also be included in Waste Utilization Plan. Until the solids separation facility is installed, manure solids will be stored in waste. storage ponds. The additional. volume in waste ponds is 216,600 cu ft/60 days or 1,317,650 cu ft per year or 9,856,000 ga. icons/year G. Sand Lanes and Sand Storage Freestalls are bedded with sand. Manure and sand are scraped into concrete collection ditches. The literature indicates that cows waste about 40 Ibs of sand per day per stall. Mr. Koopman indicates that sand is recycled through barns about once a month. Sand storage requirement = (5,000 cows @ 40 lbs/cow/day x 30 days)/2000 Ibs/ton = 3,000 ton per 30 days At 100 lbs/cu ft, 60,000 cu ft of storage area will be needed if 1 month of sand is accumulated. The sand storage area will be approximately 60' x 400' x 5' or 120,000 cu ft. Sand will need removed daily from the sand lanes. Dirty sand in the lower leg may be moved to the upper leg to rewash. Sand will be stored next to sand lane. All runoff from sand lane and storage is stored in waste ponds. Some sand will need to be removed from waste storage pond #1 periodically. H. Clean Water Exclusion A. Diversions & Waterways Clean water diversions and waterways are located around the waste storage ponds and freestall barns. Diversions and waterways shall carry the 25 year - 24 hour runoff plus capacity to store some sediment. Typical diversion is 1.0 feet deep on 0.5% slope for small drainage areas. B. Guttering Clean water is excluded to the fullest extent possible by guttering. C. Culverts Clean water culverts divert clean water under driveways, gutter outlets from freestall barns, etc. Pipes shall carry the 25 year - 24 hour runoff. Pipeline Design and Installation, USDA -MRCS Waste Transfer (Code 634) Gra-Mac Distributing, (2310 NC Hwy 801N, Mocksville, NC 27028-855-829-4766), designed and installed a 6" SDR 21, PR 200 PVC pipeline around 1998 for slurry waste application. A drag hose application system uses the installed pipeline and hydrant system to apply slurry waste to application fields on Tract 4471. Waste Pond #5 was constructed in 2018 on Tract 11814. HWY 421 separates this tract from the farm. Farm access road crosses under Hwy 421 at Sandy Creek. Due to safety hazard of trucking waste to pond #5 across Hwy 421 via state roads, the existing pipeline will be extended to the waste pond #5. Waste in pond #5 will be spread on cropland on the east side of Hwy 421. The existing pipeline shall be extended to waste pond #5 in order to transfer slurry waste from waste ponds at freestall barns. Pipeline will be lengthened by extending the underground line approximately 2,500 feet and using 3,960 feet of Sludge hose (All -American Hose TSX60, 6"). At end of underground pipeline, a sludge hose will be used to pipe wastewater under Hwy 421 bridge on farm road and then across Sandy Creek at culvert crossing near waste pond #5. See proposed mainline to waste pond #5 drawing in section L below. Additional information about TSX60 sludge hose can be found at all-americanhose.com. See specification sheet in Section L below. Mr. Koopman indicates he will contact Gra-Mac (irrigation Specialist) or equal to provide documentation of design and installation showing that the pipeline meets the requirements of Natural Resources Conservation Service Practice Standard Waste Transfer (Code 634). See the plans and specifications section of standard for minimum requirements of design is Section L below. Designer of pipeline shall provide Operation and Maintenance plan. The plan should document needed actions to ensure that pipeline for waste transfer performs adequately throughout its expected life. For additional O&M information, see the Operation and Maintenance plan for Pipeline and Hose Drag in Operation & Maintenance section of CNMP- J. Waste Nutrient Volumes a. Waste Volumes The table below shows the total storage to spread each year. The estimated storage period is also shown for the source. Also, the capacity of pond at pump -out level is shown for each pond. All the waste storage ponds will be combined into one nutrient source in waste utilization plan. Waste Capacity Volume to Estimated Number Percent 25 Year Pump Storage of Pond Spread each Storage of Collection Level Pond i @ Pump- Year Period Animals of manure & Feet Below Out in urine volume Top of Dam Level Source Gallons In Sec 38,403;000 All ponds :51000 700A gallons 120 days Cows #1 547,000 Maximum Pump #2 572,000 - - Level 2.5` below top of dam #3 3,715,000 #4 4,897,000 3.5' #5 4,990,000 is Total Source 1 38,403,000 gal lons T Source 2 f 6,758 toes 41,111 ton 60 days S,OOa 30% Solid or or Cows Storage 1,62Q,000 9,1356,000 gallons gallons Total all 49,259,000 -120 days 5000 100% Sources gallons Cows Note: The combined storage of all the ponds is approximately 4 months. K. Nutrient computations Manure application shall be based on actual soil test and manure analysis. 1. Source 1- Waste Storage Pond #1, #2, #3, #4 and #5 The estimated nutrient content per year is shown below for a broadcast application system. Nutrient values are from the NC Agricultural Chemicals Manual. It is estimated that 80% of nutrients will be in liquids and 20% of nutrients will be in solids. Until manure solids are separated, the total source will be used for the nutrient management plan. Estimates below are for planning. Actual test results shall be used for land application. TOTAL NUTRIENTS DISPOSAL LOSSES AVAILABLE NUTRIENT (Nutrient availability) N 517,633lb 0.40 207,053lb P205 282,064lb 1.00 282,064lb K20 477,338lb 1.00 477,338lb 5.4 lb N PAN per 1000 gal & 7.4 lb P205 PAN per 1000 gal 2. Source 2 — Solids The estimated nutrient content per year is shown below for a broadcast application system. TOTAL NUTRIENTS DISPOSAL LOSSES AVAILABLE NUTRIENT (Nutrient availability) N 129,4081b 0.40 51,763lb P205 70,516lb 1.00 70516lb K20 1.19,335 lb 1.00 119,335 lb 1.2 lb N PAN per ton & 1.7 lb P205 PAN per ton 3. Total all Sources - Waste Storage Pond #1, #2, #3, #4 and #5 The estimated nutrient content per year is shown below for a broadcast application system. Nutrient values are from the NC Agricultural Chemicals Manual. Until manure solids are separated, the total source will be used for the nutrient management plan. Estimates below are for planning. Actual test results shall be used for land application. TOTAL NUTRIENTS DISPOSAL LOSSES AVAILABLE NUTRIENT (Nutrient availability) ~" N 647,041lb 0.40 258,816lb P205 352,580lb 1.00 352,580lb K20 596,673Ib 1.00 596,6731b 5.4 lb N PAN per 1000 gal & 7.3 lb P205 PAN per 1000 gal Note: See section (E. Waste Nutrient Analyses) for current nutrient test results of waste. Current nutrient values on Koopman's farm are from milking 2500 cows in lieu of 5000. In future, no more dilution water will be added to system, therefor, manure concentrations will increase as cow numbers are increased. The waste tests show a very consistently trend of P205 being 88% of the value of nitrogen.. L. Information for Existing, Designed and Planned Practices Five waste storage ponds, sand lane and storage, clean water diversions/waterways, gutters and downspouts, conduits, etc. are existing practices. Solid manure separation and storage are planned. Manure separation when completed will gray the wastewater stream and improve quality of sand harvested to be reused in the freestall barns. The following shows more information supporting existing and planned practices on the farm: Waste Storage Pond #4 As Built Drawings Waste Storage Pond #5 As Built Drawings Proposed Mainline to Waste Pond #5 Drawing Specification sheet for sludge pipe USDA-NRCS standard Waste Transfer (Code 634) Vegetation Establishment Archived information See Nutrient Management Plan for Animal Waste Utilization (9/19/17) previously submitted to DWR (Completed by NRCS Field Office) See Waste Management System plans submitted to DWR on 10/7/2013, 3/10/2016 and 10/2512017 for other documentation See Older Waste Management Plans prior to 10/7/2013 in Randolph County NRCS Office I Waste Pond #3 (Existing Dam) Construct ESW at Elevation 666.3 ESW width - 10' Pipe Inverts Pond #3 Inlet - 665.3 Pond #4 Outlet - 660.0� Pates shall loe 12' PVC Pipe. shall be 5,3' from one end to other. Top of Dam - 667.3 � Concrete Dollar 1'x3'x3' Slab shall be reinforced with No, 4 reloar 1' O.c, In both dlrectionS Concrete shalt be 3000 PST, Notes, The Bridge for pipe and catwalk Is constructed with 2 rows of poles approximately on 2' centers at the location shown. Concrete needed to offset flotation Forces, Rebar shall be located through pale in footing to hold concrete securely, All poles and lumber shall be ground pressure treated. 0,6 ibs .treatment is recommended; All Lumber for hangers shall be 2'x8' boards bolted to pates, Catwalk material sho.li be 2" thick, Steel Beams of equal or greater strength maybe used in lieu of wood pate construction. Securely attach riser at Inlet to pole or metal structure. Pipe maybe extended Into waste pond #4 using using similar detail as Inlet sectlor Concrete chute or Equlvalent �Ghute length - Approx, 38' •q � � Waste pond I Tqn of bar+ I r ESW - 6065 t ' i Pur,p ❑ut Ma - er, 1 � • ..p ' - tin. •c'. � .,• / ,� . 4�- '3 anura Separation FACE{!t Manure Storage Area Y and *1 f ESW - .1' Below TOD ao Overfl w 2.4' Below T6b ! A. %Ste and 112 ESV S' Below TOD [ r/ n. P{pe 2.5' Below TOD and Lane' and S6nd• ♦ __ Storage Area 1 f 1Ya5te Pond TOD 657.jr 21. -r� 4#� I SPIRWay - 666.P3 1 . r x o Overflow and ESV to Pqn - Waste Pond 414 ._'F 8 - Boo S 6 d 4 0 Tap off' Dan - 663.4 ESW - 661.5 orr)er of [ Pump Out Marker 659.E f �/ at W Eiev 67 1Koopman-1 MoLr gs, Y1C. I er .Y y) _� — I _ ..uc, . "UTX,, ,,,,,R,, j KoopMan Dairies, Ing, - Waste Manac e ent v tPr, View «� "rc°'° . � ; ,61" - �- Koopman Liberty Dairy 01 1 Waste Storage Pond#6 Concrete Chute to Bottom TOD - 6075 Of Waste Pond . x TOD Width - 16' tl All Sides Slopes - al or flatter Clean Water Diversion around ESW Elevatim - 600.6 the Waste Pond \% ESW Width - i W Slope Bottoni1fron one end to other 7- Bottom - 697.0 to 8M0 Clay Liner Detail Installed as Recommended !*Z N�w In Soll Me0hanios. Report Waste Pond #S Storage Volumes "As DWIt" B'N ev, Gallons $95.2 0 596 52,636 597 258,900 Soo 50.000 599 076,000 600 1,408,000 601 1,889,000 V6 602 2,365,a0o 603 2,868,000 604 3,405.000 411; 605 3,972,000 1z, BOB 4,570,000 26-*.MrurV19 Ar, X 806,5 4,686,00 49WR /*34 40*1 post Wth 0 loot markers Top Of Post 08.2 -Maximum PU Ou bottom of 3ecbnd Rung front Top 4— A ill lAr-t— MC54A) amottog TBM - \N W Note; As -Built eury Additional detail ad fla spillway and top of I low -4 -+"A4 A41 4X V + 4om Y 1. at emergancey spill ind a! 0 7 Ko"rrm Dalfts, + [in t Ili.jBiberty Dairy Mate F7ond "AS BUILT" Pipe at Unloading Area on North End o� Pond maybe Installed Later -Pipe outlets on Chute rChute length M 33' Typical Outtet into Waste Pond Concrete Chute Two Chutes installed #4 Bars on 1' centers each direction One on North end of Pond and Second one or Welded Wire 6x6, 10/10 at Emergency Spillway, Chutes to be used to Load Waste into Pond.. Kuoprlan Dairies, Inc. (Liberty Dairy) lKoopman Dairies, Inc. (Liberty Dairy) VAM MMI4"W S"UN +r. Merei. ovwao maa 1 Concrete Chutes 5 Built" _�� i, Randolph County, North 14 V"" sp rMm M+ew e.+o eeaiwie a _ ocmom a 4 SaT ku 4 or 4 tP 17 T 7 s levatia Approximately 3,960' of lay flat sludge hose ,. . P#ar te�,Oydrant, } y; 4 Approximately �5i@' ' - '- ry r }, new underground ipeline . End Hydrant ` 5 6 . ,r1 2 5tR 21 €'R00 m8inline - _ Walled by Gra-Mac pistributin around T S98 y U 8 //�� •1.. 1112 'DRAFT if's ps) a Koopmar, Dnirle�, Inc. (Gbe11y Dairy) Koopman Dairies, Inc. gIgM�Yt — GNE .b701F '�° I Proposed Mainline to Waste Pond #5 .,_ AL AMERICAN HClSV 217 Titusville Rd. Union City, PA 16438 TS]X - Agricultural Products - Sludge Hose All -American Hose is a world class distributor of Lay Flat Hose Hose Construction - 100% high tenacity yarn, extruded with thru-the-weave polyurethane construction. _ Chemical Resistance - Hose must be capable of withstanding exposure to most hydro -carbons, gasoline, oils, alkalis and grease with no effect on the performance of the hose. Ozone Resistance - The hose shall show no visible signs of cracking of the liner or cover when subjected to testing in accordance with ASTM D1149-64, 100 PPHM11220F/70 hours Abrasion Resistance - Abrasion resistance shall be 5X that of conventional rubber hose, 300,000 cycles on a Taber abrasion tester without exposure of the jacket. Designed for maximum service life and low operating cost. Fast deployment and retrieval - saving time and money Easy to store and transport Standard length - 660' (200M), shorter lengths available Color - Brown, Blaze Orange Manufactured within our I30a9001: 2015 certified quality assurance system Performance Chart - Product inside Diameter Wall Thickness Weight 1lVei g Lbs../Ft Burst Pressure, PSI 500 Tensile Strength, Lbs. TSX50 5" .200 1.42 35,100 TSX55 5.5" .200 1.50 500 44,000 TSX60 6" .220 1.90 900 42,500 TSX70 7" .210 2.15 750 52,398 TSX72 1 7.250 .210 2.20 750 52,398 06/18 AAH Acquisition, LLC dba AEI -American Rose ISO 9002: 2015 Certified Quality Management System 63a -1 NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE CONSERVATION PRACTICE STANDARD WASTE TRANSFER (Number) CODE 634 DEFINITION A system using structures, pipes or conduits installed to convey wastes or waste byproducts from the agricultural production site to storage/treatment or application. PURPOSE To transfer agricultural waste material associated with production, processing, and harvesting to: • a storage facility, • a treatment facility, • a handling or loading area, • agricultural land for agronomic application. CONDITIONS INHERE PRACTICE APPLIES The waste transfer system is included as an element of the agricultural production area, storage/treatment facility and/or land application areas of the agricultural operation. The practice applies where: it is necessary to. transferwaste material generated by li . estock production or agricultural product processing from: • the generation site to the application area., • the generation site to a storagettreatment facility; • the storage/treatment facility to land for agronomic application. This practice does not apply to hauling waste material with equipment or vehicles. CRITERIA General Criteria Applicable to All Purposes Permits, Notify landowner and/or contractor of responsibility to locate all buried utilities in the project area, including drainage tile and other structural measures. The landowner is also required to obtain all necessary permits for project installation prior to construction. Structures. Structures including concrete pits, tanks; hoppers, manholes, and channels used for waste transfer, prefabricated or cast in place, must meet the criteria in NRCS Conservation Practice Standard (CPS) Waste Storage Facility (Code 313) for liquid tightness and structural strength, regardless of materials used for construction. Design all structures, including those that provide a work area around pumps to withstand the design static and dynamic loading. Design structures to withstand earth and hydrostatic loading as specified for comparable. structural criteria in NRCS CPS Waste Storage Facility (Code 31,3). In locating structures, utilize existing topography to the greatest extent possible to generate head on effluent flow and reduce pumping requirements. Investigate the subsurface conditions (i.e., depth to bedrock, soil classification, water table, etc.) when coca#ing and designing structures. Size:reception pits .(area$ established to temporarily accumulate effluent flow) to contain a minimum volume of one full days waste production. Provide additional storage for reception pits receiving storrnwater runoff to contain the volume of precipitation and runoff from the 25-year, 24hour storm plus any required freeboard and emergency storage. Conseivation practice standards are reviewed periodically and updated if needed. To obtain the current version of this:stanclard; contact your Natural Resources Conservation.5emoe State Office orvAsk the Field'0ffite Technical Guide.. , NRCS, NC April 2015 634 - 2 Where an intermediate station along a pipeline is needed for transition of direction or lift in elevation, and no additional flow will be added to the pipe at that station, size the direction transition station or lift station to accommodate the peak flow, taking into account the designed outflow. Design floor openings with structures that receive manure from alley scrape collection, with a minimum of 9 square feet, having one dimension of that opening 4 feet or larger. Equip floor grate with openings wide enough to pass the waste and engineered to support the anticipated live loads. Provide safety features to prevent accidental entry to the waste reception pit. Construct curbs in conjunction with structures that meet the purpose of this standard and design criteria in MRCS CPS Waste Storage Facility (Code 313). Design curbs to be anchored to withstand working loads. Construct curbs of sufficient height to ensure all waste flows into the transfer structure. Use the NRCS CPS Roofs and Covers (Code 367) to design covers where needed for structures. Pipelines/Conduits-General. Design transfer pipeline/conduits in accordance with sound engineering principles, taking into account the waste material properties, management operations, pipe exposure, static and dynamic loads on the pipe, working pressure, transfer system pressure rating, required capacity and all applicable design factors. Pipe pressure rating required may need adjustment based on effluent temperatures and consistency. Use water tight or sewer grade pipelines and connection devices for waste transfer pipelines. The type of liquid waste material and total solids content will determine the transfer pipe designs to convey the required flow without plugging. The minimum pipeline/conduit design capacity from collection facilities to a storageltreatment facility is the maximum anticipated peak flow. Design the pipeline capacity from the storageltreatment facility to the land application area, to empty the facility within the time as outlined in NRCS CPS Nutrient Management (Code 590) or a Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan (CNMP). NRCS, NC April 2015 Protect pipes exposed to sunlight from ultraviolet radiation by selecting UV resistant pipe materials or by painting the pipe exterior to withstand UV damage throughout the intended life of the pipe. Install pipe properly at all locations to accommodate any traffic crossing, farming operations, frost depth, subsurface saturation, or bedrock elevations. Protect pipe from uplift if subjected to hydrostatic forces. Separate pipe installed near bedrock with at least 6 inches of bedding. Excavation of bedrock is acceptable to provide bedding depth. Provide thrust control designed in accordance with National Engineering Handbook (NEH) Part 636, Chapter 52 for all buried pressure pipe 4 inches and larger in diameter and all angled fittings and valves. Maintain the integrity of a wall or liner at pipe penetrations of waste storage structures, reception tanks, and channels. The section of pipe that penetrates the liner of a waste storage facility wall will have a minimum length of 10 feet and will be supported with a cast -in -place concrete restraint. Provide a mechanical joint restraint, concrete thrust block or concrete restraint for all joints within 25 feet of the waste storage facility wall (measured along the length of the pipe). Protect storage structure liners from hydrostatic pressures that may be caused by preferential flow paths along installed pipe. If cold weather pipeline operation is planned, design transfer pipe to be: insulated, heated, buried below anticipated frost depth, constructed of freeze resistant material, or installed such that it can be drained after each use by gravity or compressed air. Provide clean -out access for all pipelines transferring waste material to allow for removal of settled solids or obstructions. For transferring waste to storagettreatment facilities, space clean -outs for pipelines at a maximum interval of 150 feet along the pipe length, or a maximum interval of 300 feet along the pipe length if bi- directional clean -outs are used. For pipes that are transferring low solid content wastewater to cropland for application, incorporate a method to clean plugged pipes into the design. Install pipelines with appropriate backflow prevention devices to prevent return siphoning of waste. Wrlml Install air vents and vacuum relief valves. where necessary to eliminate air locks, as well as to protect the pipe against negative pressures. Pipelines -Pressure: Select.pipe and appurtenance material that meets the design working pressure criteria of the system which also includes air and water pressures used to clear the pipe. The pipeline working pressure must not exceed 72% of the pipe rating. For a pumped system use design velocities between 3 to 6 feet per second. Limit the waste stream velocity to 5 feet per second or less if transfer pipe is not buried or tightly secured. Fluid velocities in a buried or secured pipelines may exceed 5 feet per second only if the pipeline is installed without gates or valves; and discharges freely to a tank or pond. The 3. feet per second lower limit does not apply to a system that is powered by a pump such as a ram plunger or piston type pump that operates by pushing semi -solid waste material in a periodic stroke cycle. Install a check valve near the outlet of each pump except where backflow is incorporated into the design. Provide a pressure relief valve near the pump(s) to protect the pipe against any pumpshut-off head due to a blockage (unless the pump shut- off head is less than the working pressure of the transfer system). Provide a pressure relief valve or properly sized water hammer arrestor on the pressure side of shut-off valves to protect against water hammer due to the sudden closing of a valve: Size pressure relief valves to be no smaller than Y4 inch for each inch of the pipe diameter. Set pressure relief valves to open at a pressure no greater than 5 psi above the transfer system: working pressure. Pipeline -Gravity. In a gravity flow pipe system; a minimum head is required, depending upon the consistency of the material. Minimum feet of hydraulic head - consistency 4 feet - heavily bedded undiluted manure 2 feet - slurry or semi -liquid manure <1 foot - liquids and 1:1 dilute liquid manure For a dilute manure gravity pipeline over 100 feet in length increase minimum feet of head by an additional 1 % of the transfer pipe length exceeding 100 feet. Ensure that the design flow velocity is at least 3 feet per second. Minimum diameter of gravity pipe is 24 inches for ,heavily bedded high solids content manure. Convey waste into and through the pipeline to minimize ponding in the production area Design the gravity pipe to follow as direct a route as possible. Horizontal curves or bends in the pipe joints of a gravity pipeline require special design considerations except for minor deflections of less than 10 degrees. In a gravity flow design that transfers diluted sand laden manure.; account for the process of sand settling out of the waste stream. See: CONSIDERATIONS Transfer Operations section below. The minimum gravity pipe flow velocity for dilute manure with sand is 5 feet per second. .For a pipeline designed to gravity discharge liquid waste from a waste storage or treatment facility; install a manually operated in -line valve as close to the storage facility as practical. If an automatic valve is used for a gravity loading or transfer system on the pipeline, the automatic valve will be in addition to the manually operated in -line valve. Other Conduits. The minimum design velocity for waste transfer in open ditches and channels is 1.5 feet per second. A reinforced cast -in -place concrete lined ditch or channel for waste transfer will have a minimum concrete thickness of 5 inches. Concrete used for conduits must be proportioned so that it is plastic enough for thorough consolidation and stiff enough to stay in place. A dense durable product is required. Contraction joints in..a concrete conduit, if required, must beformedtransversely to a depth of about one-third the thickness of`the lining at a uniform spacing in the range of 8 to 15 feet. Provide steel reinforcement or other uniform support to the joint to prevent unequal settlement. Pumps. Use the NRCS CPS Pumping Plant (Code 533) for a waste transfer pump where needed. Select the pump to transfer the waste material at the. system pressure head and volume (rate) required. The type of pump will be determined NRCS, NC April 2015 634 - 4 by the consistency of the material and the type of solids. Use pump manufacturer's recommendations for the installation requirements. Correct the total dynamic head for viscosity and specific gravity of the liquid waste used in pump selection. Reference AWMFH, Chapter 11, Waste Utilization, for increased friction losses caused by higher fluid viscosity and Chapter 12, Waste Management Equipment, for pump selection guidance. Solid/liquid waste separation. Use NRCS CPS Waste Separation Facility (Code 632) to design a filtration or screening device, settling tank, settling basin, or settling channel to separate a portion of the solids from the manure or liquid waste stream, as needed. Safety. Include ventilation provisions for an enclosed structure. Provide warning signs as necessary to warn of the danger of entry and to reduce the risk of explosion, poisoning, or asphyxiation possible with the waste transfer system. Include a water -sealed trap and vent or similar devices where necessary to control gases from a pipeline entering an enclosed building or reception pit. Reducing a reception pit design volume by flood routing the design storm runoff storage may be used only when there is dependable back-up power supply for pumps and where no impact to surface water can occur, should the reception pit pump fail. Prevent tractors and other equipment from slipping into waste collection, storage, or treatment facilities by placing barriers on push - off ramps. Provide covers or barriers, such as gates, fences, grates, etc., across openings to a manure storage structure. Identify pipe at risk to being damaged by equipment or livestock by placing fences or markers along the pipeline. Provide a secure cover or otherwise restrict access to any manually operated in -line valves of a discharge pipe from a waste storage structure to prevent unauthorized release of effluent. NRCS, NC April 2015 CONSIDERATIONS General. Consider economics (including design life), overall nutrient management system plans, and health and safety factors. Consider the timing and location of agitation and transfer activities to minimize odor formation and the breeding of insects within the material. Consider covering and/or minimizing the amount or number of times the material is disturbed to reduce the likelihood of air emissions formation and release of particulate matter, volatile organic compounds, methane, and ammonia. Consider abandonment, relocation, or additional floodproofing for existing reception structures located in flood prone areas. For additional information on floodproofing structures, see "Floodproofing Non -Residential Structures," FEMA 102, May 1986, Federal Emergency Management Agency. Transfer Operations. Consider installation of permanent above -ground or buried pipe to replace hoses and temporary pipe that is used on a regular basis to transfer waste. Consider potential loss of loss of pipe integrity due to internal erosion by the materials being transported for a flow velocity exceeding 6 feet per second. Consider designing the maximum flow area of a gravity pipe, for a flume system with dilute manure, at 50% of the pipe depth to maintain the scouring effect of the flow. Positive displacement pumps should be considered for liquid waste with total solids exceeding 8%. Consider increasing the total dynamic head up to 30% for pumping manure slurries with 3-8% total solids (wet basis). Consider the use of a wet sump and agitation pump to reduce solids separation within the gravity reception structure. Consider pump selection with a low RPM for manure slurries which contain abrasives such as sand. Consider a semi -open impeller pump to handle manure slurry with straw, twine, hair and sludge. Pumps with cutting knives and re -circulation agitation capacity also reduce plugging. Consider installing a clean -out or vent riser within 10feet of the reception structure on 634 - 5 gravity transfer systems in order to reduce the risk of air lock in the pipe. Consider using pre -manufactured manholes as risers at stations to change direction for needed transitions. Consider the operating space requirements of loading and unloading of equipment in the vicinity of the transfer components. When applicable and compatible, consider the dual use of waste transfer pipelines for irrigation water delivery. Consider installing a locator wire in the trench with transfer pipelines. Chemistry of waste material may need consideration for corrosion resistance and water tightness in the selection of pipe material and joints. Consider the potential for struvite phosphate (magnesium ammonium phosphate), mineral deposition in smaller diameter pipes. Preventative measures may be needed, such as acid washing the pipe to prevent deposits. Consider the need for additional check valves, clean -outs, vent risers, knife valves, anti -siphon protection, vacuum relief valves and open air breaks, as appropriate, on all transfer pipe systems. Consider the use of leak detection methods and equipment for monitoring and periodic pressure testing of waste transfer systems installed in sensitive areas, having large daily flow volumes, long flow lengths or high flow pressures. Consider installing a manually operated shut off valve for isolation purposes for gravity discharge pipe used for transferring waste from one structure to another. Consider posting a warning sign on all risers indicating the transfer system pressure rating. For solid waste material only, exported off farm, consider NRCS CPS Waste Recycling (Code 633). PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Prepare plans and specifications for constructing a waste transfer system that describe the requirements for applying this practice to achieve its intended use. Construction plans and specifications must include a location map, plan view, profiles, cross sections, details and specifications of all structures, etc., to ensure that the project can be properly constructed. Pipeline construction and installation specifications may be taken from the National Engineering Handbook sections listed in the References, MRCS acceptance requires pressure testing of a pressure pipe system prior to waste transfer service. Include the test protocol and results in the as -built documentation. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE Prepare an O&M Plan for review with the landowner or operator responsible for the application of this practice. Provide specific instructions in the O&M Plan for proper operation and maintenance of each component of this practice and any detail needed for the level of repairs to maintain the effectiveness over the useful life of the practice. Evaluate the overall functionality of the waste transfer system for possible malfunctions that could lead to a spill or release of waste material. Address the identified potential failures in the inspection procedures of the operation and. maintenance plan. Prepare an emergency response plan to be implemented in the event of such a failure. For the purpose of .land application, adequately agitate Liquid or slurry waste material prior to transfer. Flush pipelines used for transferring waste material with clean water after use, to reduce the risk of gas build up and pipeline explosion. Make provisions for removing solids from conveyance conduits such as concrete lined ditches, ;grates, etc., during management operations. Biosecurity. Handle waste products according to the state veterinarian guidance on biosecurity for animal waste material. Sanitize equipment leaving the farm as appropriate to prevent the spread of disease. REFERENCES NRCS National Engineering Handbook, Title 210, Part 651, Agricultural Waste Management Field Handbook, Chapter 10, Agricultural Waste Management System Component Design NRCS, NC April .2015 634 - 6 MRCS National Engineering Handbook, Title 216, Part 651, Agricultural Waste Management Field Handbook, Chapter 11, Waste Utilization MRCS National Engineering Handbook, Tkle 210, Part 651, Agricultural Waste Management Field Handbook, Chapter 12, Waste Management Equipment NRCS, NC April 2015 MRCS National Engineering Manual, Title 210, Part 536.20, Design Criteria for Reinforced Concrete MRCS National Engineering Handbook Title 210, Part 642, Chapter 2, National Standard Construction Specifications NRCS National Engineering Handbook Title 210, Part 642, Chapter 3, National Standard Material Specifications VEGETATION ESTABLISHMENT Grading and Shaping Construct diversions above waste management system components to prevent runoff from draining into the area. Engineer will make final construction inspection before seedbed is prepared. Seedbed Preparation Rip and disk all disturbed areas 6" deep. Incorporate 2 tons of lime, 1000 lbs. of 10-10- 10 and 500 lbs of 0-20-0 into the soil. Uniformly apply 50 lbs. tall fescue per acre. Seeding should be completed as soon as possible after construction. Immediately (same day) mulch with 100 bales of small grain straw per acre. Reseed any rilled or gullied areas that may develop. A nurse crop should be seeded with fescue. Engineer will determine whether cool season (25 lbs. rye grainfacre) or warm season (sudex sedan) nurse crop is needed.. Crop and Pasture Land Treatment Content Plan maps Conservation Practices for Application Fields Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan Nutrient Management Conservation Crop Rotation Cover Crop Grass Waterways Field Borders See the following Job Sheets for Practices NC 590 -Nutrient Management Plan Job Sheet 328 — Conservation Crop Rotation Job Sheet 340 — Cover Crop Job Sheet 412 — Grass Waterway 386 — Field Border See the following O&M information about manure application in "Farmstead (Dairy Production Area on Tract 4471)" section B. Emergency Action Plan (Hose Drag System) Operation and Maintenance (Hose Drag System) Application .Guide Hose Drag Field Calibration Procedure for Hose Drag Application System Field Calibration Procedure for Semi -Solid Animal Waste Application Equipment RUM Tract 10 Application Fields Leased Farm if Buffers Houses- 200 feet Webs - 1.0D feet Surface Water with permanent Cover Buffer - A Surface Water without .Permanent Cover Buffer i 100' ,i' Map UpdatediSeptember 2018 U able Acres - Tract Field Acres Useable ' ¢` Acres •t � i J�f�_ '701 A I 111 � � 444 l 1 • ��.-ate i t . 0 O _ x CL a id 0 ' Tract 11 Buffers Map Updated September 2018 Applica 'an Fields Peter Patrick FarWells - 100 feet "Farm.�Ar. Useable Acres Surface Water wiz ` F �. Permanent Clover Buffer - 35'. �+ Useable Surface Water without � Tract Field Acres ,acres Permanent Cover Buffer - 100' %OW� Y ' P T11 a i t #�fA+o r Tract 12 Application Fields "Larry" Lessed Farm Buffers Houses - 200 feet Wells - 100 feet Surface Water with Permanent Cover Buffer - 35' Surface Water without Permanent Cover Buffer - 100' _x Map Updated September 2018 Useable Acres Tract Field Acres Useable Acres I ract 13 application Fields Larry" Leased Farm hF Rosh , i�r x � Buffers Houses - 200 feet Wells - 100 feet Surface Water with Permanent Cover Buffer - 35' Surface Water without Pefmanent Cover Buffer -100' Mao Updated September 2018 Useable Acres Tract Field Acres Useable Acres Application Fields "Larry" Leased Farm Buffers Houses - 200 feet Wells - 100 feet Surface Water with Permanent Cover Buffer - 35' rrent Cover Buffer -10( ir 4 ram. g _y= l L t Ct T.7 1 rF i Map Updated Useable Tract 15 Buffers Map Updated September 2018 Application Fields Houses - 200 Beet Leased Farm Wells - 100 feet Surface Water with Useak$e Acres Permanent Cover Buffer - 35' Useable Surface Water without Tract Field lXcres Acres Permanent Cover Buffer - 100' Ilk- ^�-' 4 �• 4 say ti - - - - T15 ALk 4. Tract 16 Application Fields Jr. Gilmore Farm I Buffers Houses - 200 feet Wells - 100 feet Surface Water with Permanent Cover Buffer - 35' Surface Water without Permanent Cover Buffer - 100' T16 Map Updated September 2018 Useable Acres Tract Field Acres Useable Acres ru_"•r��+- Tract 17 Application Fields Leased Farm Buffers Houses - 200 feet Wells - 100 feet Surface Water with Permanent Cover Buffer - 35' Surface Water without Permanent Cover Buffer - 100' P T17 a �Lr T17. 2 ap Updated September 2018 Tf Useable Acres Tract Field Acres Useable Acres 1 y L Tract 18 Application Fields Roberson Farm or Buffers Houses - 200 feet Wells - 100 feet Surface Water with Permanent Cover Buffer - 35' Surface Water without Permanent CovaKB&fW - 101 Map Updated September 2018 Tract I Field Acres I Useable A i Eka ---WA I Tract 554 Application Fields Fire Department Farm Buffers Houses — 200 feet Wells — 100 feet Surface Water with Permanent Cover Buffer — 35' Surface Water without Permanent Cover Buffer — 100' V Map Updated September 2018 Useable Acres Tract Field Acres Useable Acres k, -sp- ...� - Trg �,.77 Application Fields Chad Cable Farm i f; �I Ilk Y• F r n Buffers ouses — 200 feet Wells — 1 0 feet Surface ater with Permane t Cover Buffer — 35'. Surface ater without Permc. ent Cover Buffer — 100' T577 low S1 R� T577 r 2 T577 3 Map Updated September 2018 -Useable Acres Tract Field Acres Useable Acres T �4 k A0f A IL A * 0 6 Tract 1043 Application Fields Dorothy Law Farm Buffers Houses — 200 feet Wells — 100 feet Surface Water with Permanent Cover Buffer — 35' Surface Water without Permanent Cover Buffer — 100' Map Updated September 2018 Useable Acres Tract Field Acres Useable Acres r � , q, -1043 7 1. A• `- •,JAIr Him aw-fte ' ._ Tract 1050 Buffers Application Fields Houses — 200 feet Littlemel Farm Surfoce Water with Permanent Cover Buffer — 35' Surface Water witho;�t Permanent Cover Buffer,- 100' r1050 s ti rioso 2 —.ter-- + ;�` - ► '. _'_ r- Staley Stare Road i Y _ v A Tract 1057 Application Fields Edwards Wppd Products Farm Buffers Houses — 200 feet Wells — 100 feet Surface Water with Permanent Cover Buffer — 35' Surface Water without Permanent Cover Buffer — 100' s •�� ` �"tsar al � .s s� T1057 1 � .tip• • •AD Y � � 1• i�r ''� ' 1 A �"'++ ` �. �� �_ -.. k t � /� R Oad Map Updated September 2018 Useable Acres Tract Field Acres Useable Acres { I Tract 3505 Application Fields Kenneth Coble Farm Buffers Houses - 200 feet Wells - 100 feet Surface Water with Permanent Cover Buffer - 35' Surface Water without Permanent Cover Buffer -100' em r 4 1' R O.eeson Stay Road f. 0 N Z A T3505 1 Map Updated September 2018 _ Useable Acres Tract Field Acres Useable Acres a. Ir L. , Tract 3515 Buffers Application Fields Houses - 200 feet Ritchie Dabbs Farm Wells - 100 feet Surface Water with Permanent Cover Buffer - 35' Surface Water without Permanent Cover Buffer - 100'. T351,5 j 1 4 '' Map Updated September 2018 Useable Acres Tract Field Acres I Useable Acres Tract 3580 Application Fields George Moore Farm Buffers Houses - 200 feet Wells - 100 feet Surface Water with Permanent Cover Buffer - 35' Surface Water without Permanent Cover Buffer - 100' Map Updated September 2018 Useable Acres Field Acres Useable Acres 583 Jon Fields kaedm Farm Buffers Houses — 200 feet Wells — 100 feet Surface Water with Permanent Cover Buffer — 35' Surface Water without Permanent Cover Buffer — 100' •� 1 � �' 1. r i ��' ��,` ..,�� •� ;1 S. • �' , Map Updated September 2018 Useable Acres Tract Field Acres Useable Acres y �. IL ,,- � r r ` T3583 4\ T3583 Tract 3602 Application Fields Ricky Underwood Farm k- Buffers Houses — 200 feet Wells — 100 feet Surface Water with Permanent Cover Buffer — 35' Surface Water without Permanent Cover Buffer — 100' Y- r v t� T3602 3 Map Updated September 2018 UseableAcres Tract Field Acres Useable Acres �.o r * N - -- . fry+ d , ;14 ■ {,� rr T3602 1 T3602 4 Tract 3607 Application Fields Clarence Hemphill Farm Buffers Houses — 200 feet Wells — 100 feet Surface Water with Permanent Cover Buffer — 35' Surface Water without Permanent Cover Buffer — 100' Map Updated September 2018 Useable Acr-ps --_ Tract Field Acres Useable - - - Acres �--�' L Ilk +i[1 i ■ a tt M22 Buffers Houses -- '�a0 fee- iliaatlon' Fields Wells — 100 feet Dime Farmer Life,. Estate Farm Surface Water with Permanent Cover Buffer — 35' ASurface Water without T3622 Permanent Cover Buffer — 1 GO' T3622 2 Bin ry LineberryRoad Welt rt 4 Map Updated 'Jeptember 2018 i---�� Useable Acres Tract Field Acres Useable ,Acres �'�► 'r'''y. At - �:� . ..t�l• ` ' 1. • Yr , X� 1. Tract 3624 Application Fields Johnny Underwood Farm Buffers Houses — 200 feet Wells — 100 feed. Surface Water with Permanent Covpr Bu fLer j#5' Surface Water witho Permane ;.t CoverIU — .110 1 Map Updated September 2018 s- - Useable Acres Tract Field Acres Usephi A res Tract 3637 Application Fields Johnny Underwood F . - Buffers + # ' Map Updated September 2018 Houses - 200 feet, ,� Wells - 100 feet `',:• Surface Water with - Useable Acres Use Permanent Cover Buffer - 3�' 1- Surface Water without Tract Fileto Acres e Acre Permanent Cover Buffer - 10V Acres 27,5 T3637� A". :, -, �; _ 1�•y�f:�'� 'r 1�n � 1 Tract 4365 Application Flm|dm Nathan Smith Form .0~�� Wmber Useable Permanent Cover -3.5, Tract �Fl eld Acres Surface Water wit Acres 49 Tract 4371 I-Uf#ers Map Updated �'epitember 20j8 Application Fiefop Houses — 200 feet :lames Rogers Farm Wells — 100, feet Surface Water with "Usoobl.e "Acres Permanent Cover Buffer -- �' Tract Field Acres Useable Surface Water without ' }e" y sse - Acres - Permanent Cover Buffer — 10D' f, any O'1` -,T�i. }.^1i •�4 :-. .. J.%Ap At 4 ;�► f _ . T4371 lei T4371 n,; J. Ry, , wt r- - Buffers Map Updated September 2018 Houses - 200 feet Wells - 100 feet Surface Water with Useable Acres Permanent Cover Buffer - 35' Useable Surface Water without Tract Field Acres Acres Permanent Cover Buffer - 10 of f Ir KF 'A&-� :43 I � �* K 24 t xt41. 1 T4376 3 Tract 4401 Application Fields Lynda Williams Farm Buffers Houses Wells — 100 Surface Wate Permanent Cover Bu Surface Water without Permanent Cover Buffer Map Updated September 2018 Useable Acres Tract Field Acres Useable Acres ♦ / -a �f�,s _ ��' !� "U.A.r ems. °tms � �• �� w ^*� r •� !c x T4401 -- - ���� �. Tract 4404 Application Fields' Garry Mu?phy A.. Map Up dated September 2018 Buf �, Houses — 200 feet Wells — 100 feet Useable Acres Surface Water with Tract Field Acres Useable Permanent Cover Buffer 3 5' A6res Surface Water without 44U4 --4TF'97- Permanent Cover Buffer 100' --7— --27.-5-- --27.-U-- T4404 .41 .4 Tract 4427 Buffers Application Fields Houses Howfimldo Lirniied Partnership 2 Form VVe|hm — 100 feet Surface YVofer with Permanent Cover uffer — 35` ' Surface VVotmr wkiuut Permanent Cove Buffer 100 OeA ~~ ~ Usebble Acres Tr a c-t Fiel(d � Acres Useable ^ Tract 4442 Application Fields Koopman Dairies, Inc. Farm Buffers Houses — 200 feet Wells - 100 feet Surface Water with Permanent Cover Buffer — 35' Surface Water without Permanent Cover Buffer 100 Gress WaterN,ay, 0, T4442 � 7 �e� Grp e env. �A AA�4 Y� Gs Waterwa Map Updated :Septembe Useable Acres 4 Tract :I i Useable 0 r e s Tract 4457 Application Fields George Parrish Farm Buffers Houses — 200 feet Wells — 100 feet Surface Water with Permanent Cover Buffer — 35' Surface Water without Permanent Cover Buffer — 100' Map Updated September 2018 Useable Acres Tract Field Acres Useable Acres Tract 4461'i__ 4 Map Updated September 2018 Buffers Appiication `Fields Houses — 200 feet Roy Raider Farris Wells — 100' feet �. Surface Water with �4� UsepbleAcres• . Y Permanent Cover Buffer — 35'%� Usat�bi Surface Water without aka Tract Field Acres Acres -j * Cover Buffer — 100, r T4461 % • T4461 R� T446'% NI- r T4461 r} + �} 3 Tract 4462 Buffers Map Updated eptember 2018 Application Fields Houses — 200 feet Fox Farms, LL arm Wells — 100 feet Us ble Acres Surface Water with Permanent Cover Buffer — 35'PTIA"62 Tract Fie Acres Useable Surface Water without Acres Permanent Cover Buffer — 100' . T4462 J. Z �r - T4462 "r 3.' Alp., .� *7 yeas #. T4462► *� 4 Tract 4468 Application Fields Lydia Craven Farm offers. ses —. 20Cf feet We — IOD feet Surfo Water wfth Permane Laver 'Buffer — 35' Surface W r without Permanent C r Buffer — 100' -, T4468 1 o elf Map Updated September 2018 ... Useable Acres Trect Field I Acres Useable Acres Tract 4469 Application Fields Monard, LLC Farm 0--aft T4469 3 T4469 4 T4469 1 Buffers . Houses 20 feet Wells — 100 fe Surface Water with Permanent Cover Buffer - 35' Surface Water without r1scmonent Cover Buker — 100' Updated September 2018 Useclale Acres Tract Field Acres Useable Acres r� r r � ++'IL �r, ^� I Tract 4 471 Applico Jon Fields Koopnl n Dairies, ne ffers ouses — 200 feet ells- — 100 feet u e Water with Perm ent Cover Huffer — 35' Sur ce Water without P. rrrzanent Cover Buffer — 100' A T4471 3 T447 4 e ~ass a.\4p a T4471 C �Q 2 000 Grass Ware MARgiypdated Se tember 2018 i Useable Acres Tract "Field Acres Useable Acres cll 5.t Tract 4536 Application Field Michael Fields F d- Buffers Houses — 200 feet Wells — 100 feet Surface Water with Permanent Cover Buffer — 35' Surface Water without Permanent Cover Buffer — 100' T4536 1 a S, T4536 2 Map Updated September 2018 Useable Acres Tract Field Acres Useable Acres A •� A A #AA A �� Tract A 539 Application Fields Kivett Family Trust Farm T 4539 Buffers Houses - 200 feet Wells - 100 feet Surface Water with Permanent Cover Buffer - 35' Surface Water without Permanent Cover Buffer - 100' Map Updated September 2018 Useable Acres TractI I P Field Acres Useable Acres Sandy Creek Churcf Reed ' x •L 539 Tract 4543 Buffers Map Updated Septemb - Application Fields Houses — 200 feet Phil Key Farm f Wells — 100 feet l Surface Water with Useable Acres _ Permanent Cover Buffer — 35' Useable Surface Water without Tract Field Acres Acres Permanent Cover Buffer — 100' . candy Creek 0 l T4543 �7 A Tract 4625 Application Fields Koopman Dairies, Inc. Farm Buffers Houses — 200 feet Wells — 100 feet Surface Water with Permanent Cover Buffer — 35' Surface Water without Permanent Cover Buffer — 100' d OF 14 + 1 .- T4625 —6 Gt Grass waterway dg� R .. ova' , Map Updated September 2018 Useable Acres Tract Field Acres Useable Acres Tracts 4679, 10686, & 12086 Application Fields y. Leased Farms ►� �,, X� lox r aad Goldfield R k T4679 V �I T?0 86 T12086 1 1 Buffers Houses - 200 feet Wells - 100 feet Surface Water with Permanent Cover Buffer - 35' Surface Water WlthOLIt Permanent Caper Buffer - 100' Map Updated September 2018 Useable Acres Tract Field Acres Useable Acres Tract 4680 Application Fields Leased Farm Ir Buffers Houses - 200 feet Wells - 100 feet Surface Water with Perhiane6t Cover Buffer - 35' Surface Water without PRrmnnRnf rnVRr Ri Rpr - 1 n(V Map Updated September 2018 Useable Acres TractI T � Field Acres Useable Acres Tract - 5474. Application Fields Troy Farms, Inc. T5474 I N� I Buffers Houses — 200 feet s Wells — 100 feet Surface Water with Permanent Cover Buffer — 55' Surface Water without Permanent Cover Buffer. — 400' K Map Updated September 2U18 Useable Acres Tract Field Acres Useable Acres 54/4 L 0 /AA/ra'.4.1 Tract 5573 Application Fields Ceder Ridge F fn d r•� tr s� Ilk ! � L Buffers Houses - 200 feet Wells - 100 feet Surface Water with Permanent Cover Buffer - 35' Surface Water without Perri anent Cover Buffer - 100 T5573 ■ argpre ape t%l Map Updated :September 2018. Tract 56M Application R Travis Pugh Form Buffers Houses — 200 feet Wells — 100 feet Surface Water with Permanent Cover Buffer 35' Surface Water without -40 LIK"M90 t ri SPIE-4 1 Map Updated S ptember 2018 Useable cres Tract Field Acres Useable Acres Iret ape t 41V lit 40- Tracts 5620 Application Fields Leased Farms Buffers 19 Houses - 200 feet Wells - 100 feet Surface Water with Permanent Cover Buffer - 35' Surface Water without Permanent Cover Buffer - 100' T5620 r �` 2 r • Tract 5638 -qV Application Fields Leased Farm Buffers Map Houses - 200 feet Wells - 100 feet Surface Water with U s Permanent Cover Buffer - 35' Surface Water without Tract F• Gres Permanent Cover Buffer - 100' -38 ■ 11 • •ice ''� - Tract 5724 Application Fields Leased Farm irk Buffers Houses - 200 feet Wells - 100 feet Surface Water with Permanent Cover Buffer - 35' Surface Water without Permanent Cover Buffer - 100' Map Updated September 2018 Useable Acres Tract Field Acres Useable Acres T5724 . tT't' �•y S 1 1� �� ��r� �y •1 --e "too — Y Tract .5744_5z97 Application Fields Cox Farm i Buffers Houses — 200 feet ` Wells — 100 feet Surface Water with Permanent Cover Buffer Surface Water withoiut Permanent Cover Buffer - 100' Mop Updated September 2018 Useable Acres Trdtt Field Acres Ui ieable Acres x I! Tract 9062 Application Fields A.C.E. Inc. Farm Buffers Houses — 200 feet Wells — 100 feet: Surface Water with Permanent Cover Buffer — 35' Surface Water r4`ithout Permanent Cover Buffer — 1001/ r' r' i � Ir �i T9062 2 T9062 5 T9062 3 W fill T9062 4 Map Updated September 2018 Useable Acres Tract T I Field Acres Useable Acres 79062 7 A� 04", t { V ract 9251 kpplication Fields roy Farms, Inc. Farm r� T9251 1C Buffers Houses — 200 feet Wells — 100 feet Surface Water with Permanent Cover Buffer — 35` Surface Water without Permanent Cover Buffer — 100' Map Updated September 2018 Useable Acres Tract Field Acres Useable Acres 71, Crutch fe"d r Ceahe' Road�� �R ` Tract 9347 Application Fields Geneva Staley Life Estate Farm Buffers Houses — 200 feet Wells — 100 feet Surface Water with Permanent Cover Buffer — 35' e Water without ent Cover Buffer � 1 Q. Useable Acres Field Acres Useable Acres d Tract 9532 Map Updated September 2018 Application Fields Buffers Gary, Smith Farm Houses — 200 feet V Useabl6 Acres Wells — IQO feet r ?'- Surface Water wy Tract Fielld Acres Acrese Permanent CofVpr Buffer - =35' _ 46 Surface Water without Permanent Cover Buffer — 100' 170, r Qa, AtJ ez ■ s'- ^; T9532 SAj M, ;Ar. �:. �' Tract 9562 r _ Appilcation Field y" Melvin Dunn Far • y WFI Suffers Map Updated September 2018 Houses — 200 feet _ Wells --- 100 feet ,� Useable Acres Surface Water With Useable Permanent Cover Buffer — 35` Tract;- Field Acrers Acres Surface Water without w ��I _ . •ti ' . T9562 T9562 2 T956 3 z Tract 9633 ;� � _ '�` x�t '' is Suffers Map Llpcatgd September 201$ Application Fields . �' A Houses,- NO feet ,�°� �' " Leased Farm Welts - 100 feet 1f Surface Water with Useabie Acre` r� . •" A. Permanent Cover Buffer - 35' Useable ! 4 _ •f Tract Field Acres Suliae Water without Acres -Permanent Cover Buffer - 100' A. ' ■ z 1 1, - �? �, 1 •Ry L 4 wM 4 ° 4 T9633 tow ALI- 11 'tee • y, ,re R".r . - •; �� "� �. �I Tract 9810 Application Fields Joesph Foust Farm Buffers Houses - 200 feet Wells - 100 feet Surface Water with Permanent Cover Buffer - 35' Surface Water without Permanent Cover Buffer - 100' ak , 14 Foust Roa�f - ----�, ��'x T98�� - s Map Updated September 2018 Useable Ames Tract Field Acres Useable, ,M�; I I I Acres . err1 Trraots 9844,E 9845 Application Melds Leased Fauns BuffeZfeet �{ Houst ��rWells��SurfathPermBuffer - 35'SurfathoutPerm Buffer - 100' Map Updated September 2018 Useable Acres Tract I Field I Acres UseB 0 IN lA T9844 • +� T9845 v44 T9845 R T9845 3 1 i Burgess Kivett Road Tract 10085 Application Fields Leased Farm woo -G ag Buffers Map Updated September 2018 4, Houses - 200 feet Wells.:- 100 feet:. Useable Acres Surfer Water with Useable Permanent Cover Buffer - 35'� Tract Field Acres Surface Water withoutAcres 45.9 Permanent 4Tg7- Cover Buffer - 100' Or T10085 I �4 N Tracts 10683, 10684 & 12550 Buffers Map Updated September 2018 Application Fieldq - `"' i:' Houses - 200 feet Leased Farms Wens - 100 feet Surface Water with4 'h �= Useable Acres r { Permanent Cover Buffer - 35' �' - '' Surface Water without _ Tract Field Acres oV-.•.. Permanent Cover Buffer - 100' Ilk T12550 t. r T10683 ;1 M T10684 Useable Acres Tract 10730 & 10731 Application Fields Randy Garner Farm A M+► � t. Y r I Buffers Houses — 200 feet Wells — 100 feet Surface Water with 35' Surface Water without Permanent Cover Buffer /100, T10730 1 T10731 s T10731 3 Mop jUd%September 2018 Ue7 Tract Field Acre$ Useable Acres 7 v A �• �� y Tract 10732 Buffers Applicetion Field Houses -- 200 feet Koopman Dairies Farm Wells — 100 feet Surface Water with Permanent Cover Buffer — 35' Surface Water without " *'{ Permanent Cover Buffer 100' Useable Acres Tract Field Acres Useable Acres — Map Updated September 018 1 RCIa6. 10732 2 wQ moray Gags T10732 3 w �t m rS f T i i Tract NBuffers Appl'tc �,'N' Rand r Houses = 200 feet Wells — 100 feet Surface Water .with ' Y Perm•pnent Cover Buffer — 35' *� ' Surf e Water without itor Pe F nen# Cover Buffer - TOD' . /I' _ ♦' oe 0A �s 4%.04 Map Updated September 2018 Useable Acres Tract Field Acres Useable Acres Tract 11136 Buffers Map Updated September 2018 Application Fields Houses — 200 feet Pearl Key Farm Wells — 100 feet Surface Water with Useable Acres Permanent Cover Buffer — 35' Useable Surface Water without Tract Field Acres Acres Permanent Cover Buffer — 100' ''0 I T11136 Sandy CreeP urcRoad: Tract 11323 Application Fields Jeanie Eastman Farm Buffers Houses — 200 feet Wells — 100 feet Surface Water with Permanent Cover Buffer — 35' Surface Water without Permanent Cover Buffer — 100' Map Updated September 2018 Useable Acres Tract Field I Acres Useable Acres A. W,- T11323 2 T11323 0 r T11323 4 f Tracts 11495. 12037, 1203, 12041,.& 12043 _AV Buffers Applicaflon Plialds fork'!, h�rHouses - 200 feet Welts - 100 feet Leased Fauns C NO Surface Water with Permanent.Cyver Buffer - 36' Surface Water without # Permanent Caper Buffer - 10V 16.�E� T12O37 1 T11495 1 T12O41 7 T1 1_ Map -Updated September2018 Useable Acres Tract Field Acres Useable Acres 12037 T12O431 1 Tract t i 0 Applicaticr� s Eric Christenburg Farm Buffers Houses — 200 feet Wells — 100 feet Surface Water with Permanent Cover Buffer — 35' Surface Water without Permanent Cover Buffer — 100' Map Updated September 2018 Useable Acres Tract Field Acres Useable Acres old $Wey Road - ... yy --� r T17s3 ,. 2� a rJl� Tract 11814 -� Buffers Map Updated September 2018 Application Fields Houses - 200 feet Koopman Dairies, I c. Farm Wells - 100 feet Surface Water with Useabte Acres '�'errnonent Cover Buffer - 35' Useable Tract .Field Acres �urface Water without Acres 11314 Perm an en t Cover Buffer 100' '! sfaan f Ro Y � 4d T11814` z ,i F . . , ► fit$ �Ole _! U C w T11814 � 2 T11814 j►_ 3'�'� 9 t Tract 12030 Buffers Application Fields Houses — 200 feet William Priddy Farm Wells — 100 feet Surface Water With Permanent Cover Buffer 35' Surface Water without rt Permanen4 Cover Buffer" 10 10 Map Updated September 2018 Useable Acres `- ct Field Acres Useable I I Adres A 4r, V . T� r 12031 Buffers' plication Fields r.- Houses — 200 ft-at Jay Boyles Farm f,wells — 100 feet Surface Water wi-th Permanent Cover Buffer — 35' r - Surface Water without ,16 Permanent Cover Buffer — 100' fps N. 40 It,4 40 f Ma Uppat d September 201$ Useable Avres Tract I Field Acre Useable Acres T12031- 2 its C .M j V'r. hry74�10 _. Tract 12033 Suffers Application Fields Houses — 200 feet Richard Williams Farm Wells -- 100 feet Surface Water with Permanent Cover Suffer — 35' Surface Water without Permanent Cover Buffer — 10.0' Map Updated September 20T8- Useable Acres Tract Field Acres Useable A;res h�, Tracts 12036 Application Fields Leased Farms :aL! ati Buffers Houses - 200 feet Wells - 100 feet Surface Water with Permanent Cover Buffer - 35' Surface Water without Permanent Cover Buffer - 100' Map Updated September 2018 Useable Acres Tract Field Acres Useable Acres Tract 12658 Application Flel.da' jgers Friendly F, s LLC. Farm 7 Buffers Houses — 200 feet Wells — 100 feet Surface Water with Permanent Cover Buffer — 35' Surface Water without Permanent Cover Buffer — 100' iLL t Map Updated Sep'kemb'er 2018 Useable Acres Tract Field Acres Useable Acres f Tract 1 549 Buffers ' E M p ated September 20018 Applic,flon Fields Houses — 200 feet %J� Travis 'ugh Farm Wells — 100 feet Useable Acres Surface Water with // __ +� Use Permanent Cover Buffer — 3 `'." }' rTrgI A Field Acres Surface Water without'�v A Permanent Cover Buffer — 1 ��,� i T12549 � f Mte r ' Ir by T12549 2 f Y Tract 12572 Buffers Application Fields Houses -- 200 feet Koopman Dairies, Inc Farm � ' Wells -- 100 feet Surface�ater with ;; Permanent Cover Bu er = 35' Surface Water without i Permanent Cover Buffe — 100' Map Upda a September 2t18 Useable cres Trac FieldAcres, useable Acres I r } T12572 Tfact 125 3 P�p licati Field "$�h berry arm 4 tjutters Houses -- 200 feet s' Wells -- 100 feet Surface Water with Permanent Cover Buffer — --45' ' Surface Water without Permanent Cover Buffer — 100' T'12573 i ❑ Updated September- 201 •� �°:" Useable Acres Tract I Field Acres Acres Us - t Tract 12623 Application Fields Koopman Dairies, Inc Farm t Buffers Houses — 200 feet Wells — 10D feet Surface Water with Permanent Cover Buffer — 35' Surface Water without Permanent Cover Buffer — 100` M p Updated September 2018. j Useable Acres �T act Field Acres Useable Acres _ 1Fr'►- Tract 12769 '`#a'��t _ Buffers _-.5 Application Fields Houses ��0 meet Long Farm _ WeilsQp feet,� r _ Ufface Water wfth ' Permanent Cove• -Buffer — 35' HWY 64,Surface Water without, *� Permanent Cover Buffer — 160' T12769 i 4 y Map Updated September 2018 ' Useable Acres k Useable Tract Field Acres acres 3. ti ti tract 1297Y Application Fields Leased Farm low A.- 4W -4K� 4f A Buffers Houses - 200 feet Wells - 100 feel Surface Water with Permanent Cover Buffer - 35' Surface Water without Permanent Cover Huffer - tOO' T12977 1 Map Updated September 201.8 Useable Acres Traci Field Acres Useable Acres it Tract 13522 Application- Fields _ Koopman Dairies, Inc Farm Buffers Houses — 200 feet Wells — 100 feet Surface Water with Permanent Cover Buffer — 35' Surface Water without Permanent Cover Buffer — 100' T13522 1 Mrsp Updated September 2018 Useable Acres Tract Field Acres UXea Acresres Tract 1001541 Application Meids Ronald L. Roberson Farm a Map Updated September 2018 Useable Acres bfe Tract Field Acres UseAcres Buffers Houses — 200 feet Wells - __ 100 feet Surface Water with Permanent Cover Bufier 35' Surface Water with put Permanent Cover Buffer, 100' • ,. .fir. • .. s r ,- T1001541 11 Tract 1001542 Application Fields Edward A. Roberson Farm tsurrers Houses — 200 feet Wells — 100 feet Surface Water with Permanent Cover Buffer — 35' Surface Water without Permanent Cover Buffer — 100' T1001542 7 Map Updated September 2018 Tract 0 UBeable Acres 'Field Acres UsegbCe Acres . ti t Conservation Practices for Application Fields Koopman Dairies, Inc. have worked with Randolph Soil and Water District and Natural Resource Conservation Service to reduce erosion and water quality issues at the Liberty Dairy and on cropland, hay and pasture production areas. PLAT computations in 2017 Nutrient Management Plan for Animal Waste Utilization by MRCS indicate that conservation tillage with minimum residue was used on the farm for corn silage and small grain silage. The conservation planning provided in past years by the Randolph Soil and Water District and Natural Resource Conservation Service is the background for conservation practices utilized by the farm today. Practices have been or will be adapted to all acreage were animal waste is applied. Three primary multiyear rotations are used on the farm. Corn silage and small grain silage are removed annually from numerous fields. Some years a sorghum grain silage is planted after corn silage prior to sowing small grain silage in a few fields. A few fields have a corn silage and small grain cover crop to further reduce erosion. Numerous fields are used for fescue hay and pasture. Farmers have approached the dairy requesting manure in lieu of buying commercial fertilizer. The dairy purchases a significant amount of corn silage from these farmers. Also, farmers have hay fields and pasture needing manure. These fields are in the nutrient management plan but crop production is controlled by the other farmer. The farmers use the same conservation practices used by Koopman Dairies, Inc. Koopman Diary applies the waste to the fields and keeps record of all nutrient applications of dairy waste and commercial fertilizer. Animal waste utilization agreements for leased land can be found in Randolph County field office. No other agreements are likely needed since the dairy owns and has lease agreements on enough land to spread all waste. Job Sheets are attached for practice 328 — Conservation Crop Rotation, 340 — Cover Crop, 386 — Field Border, 412 — Grass Waterway and NC590 — Nutrient Management Plan Supplemental Information. The practices were evaluated and it was determined that when they are applied to application fields, soil erosion and water quality issues will be within the necessary limits to apply animal waste. Crop Production Conservation Practices — Record of Decisions Objective —To manage animal waste to protect water quality on the farm by controlling erosion and animal waste application. Setbacks or field borders from water conveyances will also reduce likelihood animal waste leaving the farm. This plan supplements work completed by NRCS and Randolph County Soil and Water Conservation District. The Conservation Plan shows conservation practices that meet the resource concerns at the farmstead (Crop Production Area) determined in this Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan. and job sheets for the various conservation practices for recommendations for installing and maintaining practices. Also, see Operation and Maintenance Plans for application equipment in the Farmstead (Dairy Production Area). Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan — Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan covers all fields were animal waste nutrients are applied and will meet the planning criteria described in the USDA-NRCS Field Technical Guide. Nutrient Management (Code 590) - Utilize animal waste as nutrient support for hay, pasture and crop production. Soil test every three years and obtain waste analyses prior to each application. Animal waste application shall be based on realistic yield expectation of crop or other limitations identified in the plan. Refer to nutrient management plan and plan maps for each tract for specific land application infnrmatinn Tract Land Unit Planned Amount Planned Date Applied Amount Applied Date 10 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 11 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 12 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 13 j 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 14 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 15 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 16 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 17 1,2 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 18 1,2 1 Job 12/2018 1 Job 12/2018 19 1,2 1 Job 12/2018 1 Job 12/2018 554 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 577 1, 2, 3 1 Job 12/2018 1 Job 12/2018 1043 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2028 1050 1,2 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 1057 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 3505 1, 2, 3 1 Job 12/2018 1 Job 12/2018 3580 1, 2, 3 1 Job 12/2018 1 Job 12/2018 3583 1,2 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 3602 1, 2, 3, 4 1 Job 12/2018 1 Job 12/2018 3622 1,2 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 3624 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 3637 1, 2, 3 1 Job 12/2018 1 Job 12/2018 4365 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 4371 1,2 1Job 12/2018 1Job 1212018 4376 1, 2, 3 1 Job 12/2018 1 Job 12/2018 4401 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 4404 1,2 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 4427 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 4442 1, 2, 3 1 Job 12/2018 1 Job 12/2018 4457 1,2 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 4461 1, 2, 3, 4 1 Job 12/2018 1 Job 12/2018 4462 1, 2, 3, 4 1 Job 12/2018 1 Job 12/2018 4468 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 4469 1, 2, 3, 4 1 Job 12/2018 1 Job 12/2018 4471 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 1 Job 12/2018 1 Job 12/2018 4536 1, 2, 3, 4 1 Job 12/2018 1 Job 12/2018 4539 1, 2, 3, 4 1 Job 12/2018 1 Job 12/2018 4543 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 4625 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job 1212018 4679 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 4680 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 5474 112, 3 1 Job 12/2018 1 Job 12/2018 5573 1 1Job 12/2018 -1 Job 12/2018 5606 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 5620 5638 1,2 1 1Job 1Job 12/2018 12/2018 1Job 1Job 12/2018 12/2018 5724 5744-6297 9062 9251 1, 2, 3 1, 2, 3 1, 2 ,3, 4, 5 1,2 1 Job 1 Job 1 Job 1Job 12/2018 12/2018 12/2018 1 12/2018 1 Job 1 Job 1 Job 1Job 12/2018 12/2018 12/2018 12/2018 9347 9532 1,2 1 1 Job 1Job 12/2018 12/2018 1 Job 1Job 12/2018 12/2018 9562 9633 9810 1, 2, 3 1 1 1 Job 1Job 1Job 12/2018 12/2018 12/2018 1 Job 1Job 1Job 12/2018 12/2018 12/2018 9844 9845 10085 1 1, 2, 3 1 1Job 1 Job 1Job 12/2018 12/2018 12/2018 1Job 1 Job 1Job 12/2018 12/2018 12/2018 10693 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 10684 10686 1 1 1Job 1Job 12/2018 12/2018 1Job 1Job 12/2018 12/2018 10730 10731 1,2 1, 2, 3 1Job 1 Job 12/2018 12/2018 1Job 1 Job 12/2018 12/2018 10732 10734 11136 1, 2, 3, 4 1 1 1 Job 1Job 1Job 12/2018 12/2019 12/2018 1 Job 1Job 1Job 12/2018 12/2018 12/2018 11323 1, 2, 3, 4 1 Job 12/2018 1 Job 12/2018 12/2018 11495 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job 11630 1, 2, 3 1 Job 1212018 1 Job 12/2018 11813 1,2 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 11814 1, 2, 3 1 Job 12/2018 1 Job 12/2018 12030 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 12031 1,2 1 Job 12/2018 1 Job 12/2018 12033 1,2 1 Job 12/2018 1 Job 12/2018 12036 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 12037 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 12038 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 12041 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 12043 1 2Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 12058 1, 2, 3 1 Job 12/2018 1 Job 12/2018 12086 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 12549 1,2 1 Job 12/2018 1 Job 12/2018 12550 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 12572 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 12573 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 12623 1,2 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 12769 1,2 1Job 12/2018 1Job 22/2018 12977 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 13522 1 1Job E 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 1001541 1 1Job 12/2019 1Job 12/2018 1001542 1,2 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 Conservation Crop Rotation (Code 329) - This practice is for all crops rotations with corn silage. Corn silage and small grain silage or corn silage and small cover crop are used by the farmer. No tillage is used on these fields except to correct rutting problem at access to fields occasionally. Corn and small grain will be no -till planted or drilled. On all cropland, manure solids from slurry waste will be applied to provi ie nuirlenLS wr uuN anu amv Nivviuc u am% S.Wuc <.. •����� - Tract Land Land Unit Planned Amount Planned Date Amount Applied Date 17 1,2 1 Job 12/2018 EJob 12/2018 18 1,2 1 Job 12/2018 12/2018 554 1 1Job 12/2018 12/2018 577 1,3 1 Job 12/2018 1 Job 1212018 1043 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 1050 1,2 1 Job 12/2018 1 Job 12/2018 1057 1 lJob 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 3583 1,2 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 3602 1, 2, 3, 4 1 Job 12/2018 1 Job 12/2018 3622 1,2 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 3624 1 1'Jo b 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 4401 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 4427-1 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 4442 1, 2, 3 1 Job 12/2018 1 Job 12/2018 4457 1,2 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 4462 1, 3, 4 1 Job 12/2018 1 Job 12/2018 4-68 1 l-job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 4469 1, 2, 3, 4 1 Job 12/2018 1 Job 12/2018 4471 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 1 Job 12/2018 1 Job 12/2018 4536 2, 3, 4 1 Job 12/2018 1 Job 12/2018 4539 1, 2, 3, 4 1 Job 12/2018 1 Job 12/2018 4543 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 4625 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 5474 1, 2, 3 1 Job 12/2018 1 Job 12/2018 5573 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 5606 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 5744-6297 1, 2, 3 1 Job 12/2018 11ob 12/2018 9062 1, 2 ,3, 4, 5 lJob 12/2018 lJob 12/2018 9532 1 lJob 12/2018 iJob 12/2018 9562 2 1Job 12/2018 lJob 12/2018 9844 1 lJob 12/2018 iJob 12/2018 9845 1 1Job 12/2018 11ob 12/2019 10730 1,2 1Job 12/2018 lJob 12/2018 10731 1, 2, 3 lJob 12/2018 1 Job 12/2018 10732 1, 2, 3, 4 -!Job 12/2018 1 Job 12/2018 10734 1 1Job 12/2018 lJob 12/2018 11136 1 lJob 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 11630 1, 2,3 lJob 12/2018 1 Job 12/2018 11813 1,2 lJob 12/2018 lJob 12/2018 11814 1, 2, 3 lJob 12/2018 lJob 12/2018 12030 1 lJob 12/2018 lJob 12/2018- 12031 1,2 1 Job 12/2018 lJob 12/2018 12033 1,2 lJob 12/2018 lJob 12/2018 12037 1 1Job 12/2018 lJob 12/2018 12038 1 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 12043 1 1, 2, 3 EJob 1 Job 12/2018 12/2018 1Job 1 Job 12/2018 12/2018 12058 12549 1,2 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 12572 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 12573 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 12623 1,2 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 12769 1, 2 1 Job 12/2018 1 Job 12/2018 13522 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 1001541 1 slob 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 1001542 1,2 1 Job 12/2018 1 Job 12/2018 Cover Crop (Code 340) — Cover Crop — Close -growing grasses, legumes, or small grain will be grown for seasonal protection, soil improvement and nutrient management. If animal waste is applied to these fields, cover crop is required to reduce erosion to a tolerable level. Small grain is planted after silage harvest and chemically burn down before no -till planting corn. Tract Land Unit Planned Amount Planned Date Applied Amount I Applied Date 4442 1, 2, 3 1 Job 12/2018 1 Job 12/2018 4536 3 1Job 12/2018 10732 _ 4 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 Grass Waterway (Code 412) — Grass waterways are located in draws in cropped fields that will sustain grass in flow channel. A typical grass waterway has 5 to 10 acres of watershed and is parabolic shape with about 1' of depth and 30' of width. Grass waterway is needed when no -till cropping system will not prevent rill from developing in the draw. Waste shall not be applied next to surface water, wetlands or conduits to surface water or wetlands. A 35' setback is allowed for permanent vegetated buffers. A 100' setback is required with no permanent vegetated buffer. The exception is grass waterways that are designed and maintained according to MRCS standards. Until grass waterway is established, the 35' or 100' buffer shall apply. Tract Land Unit Planned.Amount Planned Date Applied Amount Rppliied Date 577 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job ? _ 1057 1 1 Job 12/2018 4427 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job ? 4442 1, 2, 3 1 Job 12/2018 4457 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job ? 4469 2,3 1 Job 12/2018 4471 1, 2, 3 1 Job 12/2018 4625 1 1Job 12/2018 5606 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job ? 9062 14 1Job 12/2018 10732 1,3 1Job 12/2018 10734 1 1Job 12/2018 11813 1 1Job 12/2018 11814 1,3 1Job 12/2018 12033 1 1Job 12/2018 12549 2 1Job 12/2019 1Job ? 12573 I 1 1 1 Job 1001541 1 1 1Job 12/2018 11Job Field Border (Code 386) -A 35' strip of permanent vegetation established and/or maintained at the downhill edge of all cropland, hayfields and pasture. The buffer must be maintained above all perennial streams and conduits to streams (including field ditches or gullies). Vegetation in buffer includes wooded areas and grass. Waste shall not be applied next to surface water, wetlands or conduits to surface water or wetlands. A 35' setback is allowed for vegetated buffers. A 100' setback is required with less than 35' vegetated buffer. Vegetated buffer is measured from top of ditch toward the field. Note: The Field border setback for waste application applies at grass waterways until grass waterway is t es blih d with no visible gully or wash a s a Tract Land Unit Planned Amount Planned Date Applied Amount Applied Date 10 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 11 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 12 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 13 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 14 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 15 1 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 16 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 17 gllob 1,2Job 12/2018 18 1,2Job 1 12/2018 1 Job 12/2018 19 1,2 1 Job 12/2018 1 Job 12/2018 554 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 577 1, 2, 3 1 Job 12/2018 1 Job 12/2018 1043 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 1050 1,2 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 1057 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 3505 1, 2, 3 1 Job 12/2018 1 Job 12/2018 3580 1, 2, 3 1 Job 12/2018 1 Job 12/2018 3583 1,2 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 3602 1, 2, 3, 4 1 Job 12/2018 3622 1,2 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 3624 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2028 3637 1, 2, 3 1 Job 12/2018 1 Job 12/2018 4365 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 4371 1,2 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 4376 1, 2, 3 1 Job 12/2018AlJob 12/2018 4401 1 1Job 12/2018 12/2018 4404 1,2 slob 12/2018 12/2018 4427 1 1Job 12/2018 12/2018 4442 1, 2, 3 1 Job 12/2018 4457 1,2 1 Job 12/2018 4461 1, 2, 3, 4 1 Job 12/2018 1 Job 12/2018 4462 1, 2, 3, 4 1 Job 12/2018 1 Job 12/2018 4468 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 4469 1, 2, 3, 4 1 Job 12/2018 4471 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 1 Job 12/2018 1 Job 12/2018 4536 1, 2, 3, 4 1 Job 12/2018 4539 1, 2, 3, 4 1 Job 12/2018 4543 1 1lob 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 4625 4679 4680 5474 1 1 1 1, 2, 3 1Job 1Job 1Job 1 Job 12/2018 12/2018 12/2018 12/2018 1Job 1Job IJob 1 Job 12/2018 12/2018 12/2018 12/2018 5573 5606 5620 5638 1 1 1,2 1 1Job 1Job 1Job 1Job 12/2018 12/2018 12/2018 12/2018 1Job 1Job 1Job 1Job 12/2018 12/2018 12/2018 12/2018 5724 5744-6297 9062 1, 2, 3 1, 2, 3 1, 2 ,3, 4, 5 1 Job 1 Job 1 Job 12/2018 12/2018 12/2018 1 Job 1 Job 1 Job 12/2018 12/2018 12/2018 9251 1,2 1Job 12/2018 IJob 12/2018 9347 1,2 1Job 12/2018 IJob 12/2018 9532 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 9562 1, 2, 3 1 Job 12/2028 1 Job 12/2018 9633 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 9810 9844 1 1 1Job 1Job 12/2018 12/2018 IJob 1Job 12/2018 12/2018 9845 1, 2, 3 1 Job 12/2018 1 Job 12/2018 10085 1 1Job 12/2018 IJob 12/2018 10683 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 10684 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 10686 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 10730 1,2 1Job 12/2018 IJob 12/2018 10731 1, 2, 3 1 Job 12/2018 10732 1, 2, 3, 4 1 Job 12/2018 10734 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 11136 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 11323 1, 2, 3, 4 1 Job 12/2018 1 Job 12/2018 11495 1 1Job 12/2018 IJob 12/2018 11630 1, 2, 3 lJob 12/2018 11813 1,2 lJob 12/2018 11814 A2,3 lJob 12/2018 12030 1 lJob 12/2018 lJob 12/2018 12031 1,2 lJob 12/2018 lJob 12/2018 12033 1,2 lJob 12/2018 lJob 12/2018 12036 1 lJob 12/2018 lJob 12/2018 12037 1 lJob 12/2018 lJob 12/2018 12038 1 lJob 1212018 lJob 12/2018 12041 1 lJob 12/2018 lJob 12/2018 12043 1 lJob 12/2018 lJob 12/2018 12058 1, 2, 3 lJob 12/2018 lJob 12/2019 12086 1 lJob 12/2018 lJob 12/2018 12549 1,2 lJob 1212018 ljob 12/2018 12550 1 lJob 12/2018 lJob 12/2018 12572 1 lJob 12/2018 lJob 12/2018 12573 1 lJob 12/2018 lJob 12/2018 12623 1,2 lJob 12/2018 lJob 12/2018 12769 1;2 lJob 12/2018 lJob 12/2018 12977 1 lJob 12/2018 lJob 12/2018 13522 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 1001541 1 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 1001542 1,2 1Job 12/2018 1Job 12/2018 All NRCS conservation practices shall be installed, operated and maintained according to NRCS conservation practice standards and associated technical specifications. M 4NRCS Nowsl P&MV.8ces conservation Se*vice NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT PLAN SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION N.C. Practice Job Sheet: NC-590 Prepared for: Koopman Dairies, Inc. By. Sam Bingham Farm WHAT IS NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT? Nutrient Management is applying nutrients from all sources with the right placement, in the right amount, at the right time, and from the right source to minimize nutrient losses to surface and groundwater. This practice is accomplished through development and implementation of a Nutrient Mana ement Plan, which can be part of a broader Conservation Plan or CLAMP that addresses multiple resource concerns. PURPOSE OF NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT A nutrient management plan is intended to accomplish one or more of the following objectives: • To budget, supply, and conserve nutrients for plant production. • To minimize agricultural nonpoint source pollution of surface and groundwater resources. • To properly utilize manure or organic by- products as a plant nutrient source. To protect air quality by reducing odors, nitrogen emissions (ammonia, oxides of nitrogen), and the formation of atmospheric particulates. • To maintain or improve the physical, chemical, and biological condition of soil. CONTENTS OF THE NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT PLAN The following components are included in nutrient management plan specifications typical of more `traditional' See Maps in Plan 12 Tract(s):. ___ Date: fertilizer and manure application methods. When precision ag/variable rate application technology is utilized, see the next section of this Job Sheet for additional guidance on plan requirements. • aerial site photograph(s)limagery or site map(s), and a soil survey map of the site, • Sufficient soils information —such as dominant soil map until for each planned field —needed to apply nutrients at RYE and Soil Test Report determined rates as appropriate; and to not exceed rates determined by nutrient risk assessment planning criteria. • location of designated sensitive areas and the associated nutrient application restrictions and setbacks, • results of approved risk assessment tools for any necessary evaluations for nitrogen, phosphorus, and erosion losses. • current and/or planned plant production sequence or rotation, • soil, water, compost, manure, organic by- product, and plant tissue sample analyses applicable to the plan. Where non-NCDA soil testing labs are used, nutrient recommendations must be made using NCDA- similar guidelines and methodologies. Note: high levels of soil copper and zinc may be toxic to production crops. Land application of these nutrients must be accordance with NCSU/NCDA crop toxicity guidelines. • Realistic yield goals for the crops planned for nutrient application, NC-590 Job Sheet May 2015 page 1 • Planned nitrogen application rates based on NC Realistic Yield Expectations (RYES) or sufficiently,documented yield records, • The Nitrogen Leaching Index for planned fields, • Planned P & K application rates based on soil test results (see next section where P & K applied through variable rate technology). • listing and quantification of all nutrient sources and form, including starter fertilizer applications and legume -based cover crop mixes. • in accordance with the nitrogen and phosphorus risk assessment tool(s), specify the recommended nutrient application source, timing, amount (except for precision/variable rate applications specify method used to determine rate), and placement of plant nutrients for each field or management unit, and • guidance for implementation, operation and maintenance, and recordkeeping as specified by the CNMP or applicable NC DWQ or NDPES permit. Where recision/variable rate nutrient application applications are planned and made, some required planning components of the preceding section may be provided by the overall conservation plan. In addition, the following components are required in nutrient management planning. • The geo-referenced field boundary and data collected that was processed and analyzed as a GIS layer or layers to generate nutrient or soil amendment recommendations. • Planned nitrogen application rates based on NC RYEs or sufficiently documented yield records • The Nitrogen Leaching Index for planned fields. • The nutrient recommendation guidance and recommendation equations used to convert the GIS base data layer or layers to a nutrient source material recommendation GIS layer or layers. • Soil testing documentation that crop Phosphorus (P205) and Potassium (K20) nutrient or soil amendment application will be made per soil test results similar to NCDA guidelines. Where P & K will not be applied via variable rate application technology, but by basic GPS guidance, recommended P & K NC-590 Job Sheet May 2015 rates must be provided as specifications prior to application. • Note —where Diammonium phosphate (18-46- 0) is the primary variable rate P fertilizer source applied on legume crops, additional N will likely be needed to achieve RYEs. The plan was developed based on the current NRCS 590 standard and Federal, state, or local regulations or policies. Changes in laws or regulations may require a plan modification. This Job Sheet is a required supplement to the Nutrient Management Plan. NC Permitted Animal Operations: For NC DENR-DWR or NPDES permitted animal operations, the waste utilization portion of the Certified Animal Waste Management Plan (CAWMP) must meet requirements specified by the Permit. The NC 1217 Interagency Group provides guidance on the required minimum elements of a CAWMP. This guidance is found in Sec 1.1 of the latest 1217 Guidance Document, located at: htt4 //www.ncar. i, ov/SWC/tech/quidancedocumen ts. html. Nitrogen Leaching Index Values Nitrogen Leaching Index values obtained through use of current Soil Hydrologic Group SHG -based LI index maps in Sec II of the NC FOTG or RUSLE 2 field -specific soil loss calculations are included in the Nutrient Management Plan. SHGs per soil map unit are available through selection of the Soil Data Explorer and Soil Properties and Qualities (then select "Soil Qualities and Features") tabs once an Area of Interest has been defined in NRCS Web Soil Survey. If the Nitrogen Leaching Index > 10 for planned fields, appropriate conservation practices must be included in a conservation plan to prevent nitrogen from leaving the field via surface or subsurface runoff. Below are conservation crop management techniques and practices recommended for mitigation of nitrate losses (practices also documented in conservation plan): Nutrient Management Conservation Crop Rotation Cover Crop, & Field Border page 2 NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT PLAN DEVELOPMENT The nutrient management plan has been developed to meet nutrient application rate criteria for all sources of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium as specified by NRCS 590 Nutrient Management standard criteria. In addition to NCDA Agronomic Division soil test recommendations, or soil test recommendations made through similar guidelines, the plan is based on NC INMC approved values for realistic yield goals, nitrogen factors, phosphorus removal rates, default nutrient values for animal waste, plant availability coefficients for N, P, and K, and animal waste generation volumes where applicable. Approved values are found at: hip 3.Anutdents. soil. ncsu. edufindex. htm Where manure is applied, farm records may also be used through a procedure provided in SB 1217 Interagency Group guidance, available at: hi# .1Avww.nca r. govISWCAechll217committee.ht ml For NC permitted animal operations, planning requirements for Plan "Amendments" (minor modifications) and `Revisions" (Major Modifications) are clarified by SB 1217 Interagency Group Guidance. ADDITIONAL PHOSPHORUS -RELATED PLAN INFORMATION (Applicable icable when increases in Soil Test P are expected on the planned area In NC, a field -specific Phosphorus Loss Assessment Tool (PLAT) evaluation is completed in accordance with 590 Nutrient Management standard General Criteria requirements, and phosphorus must be applied in accordance with 590 standard Manure Phosphorus Application Rates. In addition to the basic plan components, plan information on PLAT categorical ratings, P drawdown strategies, and conservation practices to reduce P loss risk is required when increases in Soil Test P are exoected on the planned area. Typically, this could occur when manure is consistently applied at Nitrogen -based rates. High levels of phosphorus in the surface soil layer have been linked to increasing risk of P loss through surface runoff and leaching. ❑ Increases in Soil Test P are expected on the planned area (not typical if P application made per soil test results). NC-590 Job Sheet May 2015 PLAT Categorical Ratings Information When soil test phosphorus continues to increase on a long term basis, PLAT may produce results that require P-based manure application planning and planning for no additional manure P. Conditions that will require P-based or no-P planning will be based on site specific resource conditions, which will facilitate data input into PLAT. PLAT categorical ratings that will require enhanced P application planning are: HIGH: P-based manure application is required (limited to P uptake in harvested crop biomass) VERY HIGH: No additional manure P or starter P application to be specked in nutrient management plan. Phosphorus Drawdown Strate y Information: Implementation of a phosphorus'drawdown' strategy may be a consequence of PLAT results, or may be requested in order to lower soil test phosphorus levels. Should a reduction in soil test P be desired or necessary, the only currently proven method of substantial P 'drawdown' is to not apply manure - based P and to plant and harvest crops that utilize P currently present in the soil surface. Crop specific estimated annual P removal amounts are available on the NCSU Nutrient Management in NC website: hft-,l://nutrients.soil.ncsu.edu/vields/index.ph Conservation Practices and Management Techniques to Reduce P Loss Potential: Conservation practices, especially those that prevent soil particle detachment and trap sediment at field edges are effective in preventing phosphorus movement from the planned site. Manure application techniques can also be applied to reduce P loss risk. These practices must be included in the conservation plan where determined PLAT risk = HIGH for planned fields. Consult the conservation plan developed in conjunction with the nutrient management plan for information on practices recommended to reduce phosphorus AND noo2en loss risks. Application management techniques to reduce nutrient loss risk may be prescribed below: page 3 Long Term Strategy for Reduction of Soil P Levels: As noted in the P drawdown strategy section, the only currently proven method for reducing high levels of soil P is not applying P, paired with producing crops on the planned site that use existing soil P. Where soil P and PLAT evaluations indicate an increasing risk to water quality, substantially reducing soil P levels through crop uptake can take many years of implementation. When P is not applied, and existing soil P is used by crops, eventually, soil will become P deficient. Consult CES or NCDA Regional Agronomy specialists for additional information soil test P reduction timelines. Manure P produced in excess of crop requirements: Consult the nutrient management plan for a quantification of manure generated by the animal feeding operation that may exceed crop P requirements. "Manure Hauler" Information All manure waste applied on land owned by or controlled by the Animal Feeding Operation (AFO) owner or operator must be included in the nutrient management plan. The volume difference in total manure waste generated by the AFO and waste applied to land not owned or controlled by the producer must be accounted for in a nutrient management plan. General information on manure waste generated by an AFO to be applied to land not owned or controlled by the AFO owner or operator may be recorded as specified in the NC CNMP Certification Sheet and Documentation Checklist or other supplemental documentation to the nutrient management plan. NRCS CNMP technical criteria require documentation of manure exports off the farm this can be done below . The AFO owner/operator should provide the third party applicator with a current waste analysis in order to facilitate agronomic crop application of the facility's generated waste. Should land not owned or controlled by the AFO owner or operator be included in a nutrient management plan, the complete plan must meet 590 criteria. Type and Quantity of Animal Feeding Operation (AFO) manure generated by the facility: Dairy Waste Solids and Liquids - See Plan Quantity of AFO manure generated to be exported off the farm for third party application: NC-590 Job Sheet May 2015 RECORDKEEPING Waste reports from the NCDA & CS Agronomic Division, or equivalent, are acceptable sources of information for determining applied manure nutrient amounts for recordkeeping or crop budgeting purposes. Records must be maintained for at least 5 years, or for time and manner required by Permit for animal operations to document plan implementation and maintenance. As applicable, records include: • soil, plant tissue, water, manure, and organic by-product analyses resulting in recommendations for nutrient application, • quantities, analyses and sources of nutrients applied, • dates, and method(s) of nutrient applications, source of nutrients, and rates of application, • weather conditions and soil moisture at the time of application; lapsed time to manure incorporation; rainfall or irrigation event, • crops planted, planting and harvest dates, yields, nutrient analyses of harvested biomass, and crop residues removed, • dates of plan review, name of reviewer, and recommended changes resulting from the review, and • all enhanced efficiency fertilizer products used. Additional records for precision/variable rate sites must include: • maps identifying the variable application source, timing, amount, and placement of all plant nutrients applied, and • GPS-based yield maps for crops where yields can be digitally collected. • Documentation per field nitrogen application rates do not exceed RYE - based recommended rates • Documentation that applied phosphorus and potassium recommendations do not exceed recommended rates specked by soil tests. • For non -variable rate application of P & K, provide applied map with field boundaries indicating source, timing, method, and rate of all applications. • Where `chlorophyll reader' technology is utilized, application records that nitrogen rates match RYE -based N rates as closely as possible. page 4 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE The producer is responsible for safe operation and maintenance of this practice, including all equipment_ Review the plan periodically to determine if adjustments or modifications to the plan are needed. In NC, animal operations permitting provisions may specify more frequent review periods. Adhere to the following operation and maintenance provisions: • Protect fertilizer and organic by-product storage facilities from weather and accidental leakage or spillage. • Properly calibrate application equipment to ensure uniform distribution of material at planned rates. • Workers should be protected from and avoid unnecessary contact with inorganic fertilizers and organic by-products. Extra caution must be taken when handling ammonia sources of nutrients, or when dealing with organic wastes stored in unventilated enclosures. • The disposal of material generated by the cleaning of nutrient application equipment should be accomplished properly. Excess material should be collected and stored or field applied in an appropriate manner. Excess material should not be applied on areas of high potential risk for runoff or leaching. • Disposal or recycling of nutrient containers should be done according to state and local guidelines or regulations. NC-590 Job Sheet May 2015 page 5 usDA "" o N RCS United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service Producer: Ard Koopman Location: Application Fields shown in plan Farm Name: Koopman Dairies, Inc. Project or Contract: Waste Management Plan County: Randolph Tract Number: All Application Tracts Practice Location Map (showing detailed aerial view of where practice is to be installed on farm/site, showing all major components, stationing, relative location to any landmarks, and survey benchmarks) i Index Cover Sheet i Specifications / RUSLE2 or WEPS Y Printouts Operation & Maintenance Utility Safety / One -Call System Information Description of work: No -Till Planted Corn Silage and Small Grain Silage or Cover. Manure Residue applied after harvest of corn silage and after harvest of small grain Silage or burn down of Cover Crop. See Application Field Maps. See Conservation Plan for table of tracts and fields using Conservation Crop Rotation. MRCS Review Only Designed By: Sam Bingham Checked By: Sam.Bingham Approved -By MRCS January 2013 Page 1 of 3 Date: December 2018 Date: December 2018 Date: 328 - Conservation Crop Rotation Implementation Requirements The Practice Purpose(s): ✓ Reduce erosion from wind and water. ✓ Improve soil health. ✓ Manage the balance of plant nutrients. ✓ Supply nitrogen through biological nitrogen fixation to reduce energy use. _ Manage saline seeps. V Manage plant pests (weeds, insects, and diseases). ✓ Conserve water. ✓ Provide feed for domestic livestock. Provide annual crops for bioenergy feedstocks. Provide food and cover for wildlife, including pollinator forage, cover, and nesting. Complete the following table displaying the crop rotation design - or, attach a RUSLE2 or WEPS printout that shows rotation sequence by field. ./ Printouts Attached Page 2 of 3 NRCS January 2013 328 - Conservation Crop Rotation Implementation Requirements If tillage is used, specify time and type of primary tillage for each crop - OR, attach a RUSLE2 or WEPS printout that shows rotation sequence by field. ,/ Printouts Attached OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE Rotations shall provide for acceptable substitute crops in case of crop failure or shift in planting ✓ intentions for weather -related or economic reasons. Acceptable substitutes are crops having similar properties that will accomplish the purpose of the original crop. corn sila sorghum silage I I ✓ Evaluate the rotation and the crop sequence to determine if the planned system is meeting the planned purposes. MRCS January 2013 Page 3 of 3 usDA �" O N RCS United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service Producer: Ard Koopman Location: Fields shown in Conservation Plan Farm Name: Koopman Dairies, Inc. Pra a Location Map Projector Contract: Nutrient Management Pb County: Randolph Tract Number: All fields with Cover Crop (showing detailed aerial view of where practice is to be installed on farm/site, showing all major components, stationing relative location to any landmarks, and survey benchmarks) Index Cover Sheet Specifications Cost Estimate and Project Bid Form Operation & Maintenance Utility Safety / One -Call System Information Description of work: Cover crop planned on a few fields used for corn silage. The small grain is planted after corn silage is harvested and burned down prior to no -till planting corn. Small grain maybe rolled down or cripped just prior to corn planting. NRCS Review Only Designed -By: Sam Bingham Checked By: f Sam Bingham Approved -By: MRCS Febmary 2013 Page 1 of 3 Date: December 2018 bate: December 2018' Date - 340 - Cover Crop Implementation Requirements The Practice Purpose(s): ✓ Reduce erosion from wind and water. ✓ Increase soil organic matter content. ✓ Capture and recycle or redistribute nutrients in the soil profile. Promote biological nitrogen fixation and reduce energy use. ✓ Increase biodiversity. ✓ Suppress weeds. ✓ Manage soil moisture. ✓ Minimize and reduce soil compaction. Seeding and Management: Fill in the following table with the appropriate cover crop information for each field. �T Seeding I Seeding Termination Field # rate Seeding Termination Acres Species (Ibs/ac date method date or method PLS*) range stage t or Other 1=1 F Chemical Small Grain WheatWhea Other Small Grain rr - Wheat or Other Small Grain - i i Mimi --- *To figure Pure Live Seed (PLS) rates, multiply the percent purity by the percent germination. Divide the seeding rate by the percent PLS to find the bulk seed needed per acre. For example: 98% purity X 60% germination = 0.588% PLS 10 lbs/acre X 0.588% PLS =17 Ibs/acre. NRCS February 2013 Page 2 of 3 340 - Cover Crop Implementation Requirements Soil Amendments, if needed. Apply soil amendments prior to seedbed preparation or before seeding if a no -till drill is used. Field N fertilizer needed Ibs/acre K20 fertilizer needed Ibs/acre P205 fertilizer needed Ibs/acre T4442 25 Manure est. 50 est. 25 T 4536 25 Manure est. 50 est. 25 T10732 25 Manure F est. 50 est. 25 L__1 L Additional specifications: OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE ✓ Control growth of the cover crop to reduce competition from volunteer plants and shading. ✓ Control weeds in cover crops by mowing or by using other pest management techniques. ✓ Control soil moisture depletion by selecting water efficient plant species and terminating the cover crop before excessive transpiration. ✓ Evaluate the cover crop to determine if the cover crop is meeting the planned purpose(s). If the cover crop is not meeting the purpose(s) adjust the management, change the species of cover crop, or choose a different technology. NRCS February 2013 Page 3 of 3 4.j N K S Natural Resources Conservation Service DEFINITION Grassed waterway North Carolina Practice Job Sheet 412 Prepared for: KOOPman Dairies, Inc. Prepared by: Sam Bingham Farm: Tract: See conservation Plan Date: 12/2018 A shaped or graded channel that is established with suitable vegetation to carry surface water at a non - erosive velocity using a broad and shallow cross section to a stable outlet. PURPOSE FM', Convey runoff from terraces, diversions, or other water concentrations without causing erosion or flooding ❑■ Prevent gully formation ❑■ Protect/improve water quality CRITERIA All grassed waterways will have a stable outlet with adequate capacity to prevent ponding or flooding damages. The outlet can be another vegetated channel, earthen ditch, grade stabilization structure, filter strip, or other suitable outlet. Use subsurface drains, underground outlets, or stone center waterways to keep vegetation established on sites having high water tables, prolonged flows, or seepage problems. Establish vegetation as soon as possible using the site specific guidance below. Use mulch anchoring, nurse crop, rock or straw or hay bale dikes, fabric or rock checks, filter fences, or runoff diversion to protect the vegetation until it is established. Planting of a close growing crop, e.g. small grains or millet, on the contributing watershed prior to construction of the grassed waterway can also significantly reduce the flow through the waterway during establishment. Provide livestock and vehicular crossings as necessary to prevent damage to the waterway and its vegetation. Job Sheet — Grassed Waterway (412) May 2015 Page 1 of 4 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE • Establish a maintenance program to maintain waterway capacity, vegetative cover, and outlet stability. Vegetation damaged by machinery, herbicides, or erosion must be repaired promptly. • Protect waterway from concentrated flow by using diversion of runoff or mechanical means of stabilization (such as silt fences, mulching, and hay bale barriers, etc.) during vegetation establishment. • Minimize damage to vegetation by excluding livestock whenever possible, especially during wet periods_ Permit grazing in the waterway only when a controlled grazing system is being implemented. inspect grassed waterways regularly, especially following heavy rains. Fill, compact, and reseed damaged areas immediately. Remove sediment deposits to maintain capacity of grassed waterway. • Avoid use of herbicides that would be harmful to the vegetation or pollinating insects in and adjacent to the waterway area. • Avoid using waterways as turn -rows during tillage and cultivation operations. Do not use waterways as a field road. Avoid crossing with heavy equipment when wet. Lift tillage equipment off the waterway when crossing and turn off chemical application equipment. • Mow or periodically graze vegetation to maintain capacity and reduce sediment deposition. Mowing may be appropriate to enhance wildlife values, but must be conducted to avoid peak nesting seasons and reduced winter cover. • Apply supplemental nutrients as needed to maintain the desired species composition and stand density of the waterway. • Control noxious weeds. waterway — Seeding width -- — - �I Seeding width ---- �I �F T— -mil T --►� ----i -- --- - D D i l— Z b .i Trapezoidal shape cross section Parabolic shape cross section Typical Cross-section A grassed waterway can have a cross-section configuration that is trapezoidal or parabolic. Side slopes are constructed to be no steeper than a ratio of two horizontal to one vertical. The intent is to accommodate maintenance and tillagetharvesting equipment that will cross the waterway. Keep the bottom width of trapezoidal waterways less than 100 feet unless multiple or divided waterways or other means are provided to control meandering of low flows. Job Sheet- Grassed Waterway (412) May 2015 Page 2 of 4 SPECIFICATIONS Ard Koopman Landowner/Operator See Conservation Plan Field number Other (specify): Grassed Waterway 1 2 3 Waterway number Typical See Table attached for Reach number other waterway slope detail Grade % 8% Depth - D (ft) 0.6 Top width - T ft >24' Bottom width-b (ft)* Side slopes Z:1 * Length ft As Needed Seeding width ft 2N plus Seeding area acres As Needed *Trapezoidal only. Vegetation establishment S ecies"* Fescue & Common Bermuda Grass Seeding rate PLS I c so Lime tons/acre 2 N(lb/acre) 100 P2O5 lb/acre 200 K2O(lb/acre) 100 ""For multiple species separate with a !' (e. g., species 1/Species 2ispecies 3) Vegetated Filter waterway number Strip width ft Strip len th ft Area of filter strip ac Sloe �%) _E���_ __ S ecies"* Seeding rate PLS Ib/ac Lime(lb/acre) N lb/acre P2O5 Ib/acre K2O (lblacre "For multiple species separate with a T (e.g., species 1/speces uspecies s) Site Preparation Prepare firm, weed -free seedbed. Additional requirements: Job Sheet - Grassed Waterway (412) May 2015 Page 3 of 4 Planting Methods — Establish stand of vegetation according to specified seeding rate. Drill grass and legume seed 1 inches deep uniformly over area. If necessary, mulch newly seeded area with 2 tons per acre of mulch material (Mulch Material=100 (40 lb balesiacre) i. Drill and seed small grain as a companion crop, as necessary, at the rate of 25 pounds per acre, but clip or harvest before plants head out. Additional requirements: It maybe worth investing in mulch blanket for the center section of parabolic grass waterway. Operation and Maintenance Maintain original width and depth of the grassed waterway area. Regularly remove debris and sediment from waterway and filter area. Harvest, mow, reseed, and fertilize to maintain vigorous vegetation, as needed. Inspect periodically and, after major storms, repair eroding or bare areas. Additional requirements: LANDOWNER/OPERATOR'S ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: Landowner/operator acknowledges that: a. He/she has received a copy of the drawings, design, and specifications, and that he/she has an understanding of all contents and requirements. b. He/she has obtained any and all necessary permits. (IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE OWNER TO OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY PERMITS AND /OR RIGHTS AND TO COMPLY WITH ALL ORDINANCES AND LAWS PERTAINING TO THIS INSTALLATION.) c. No changes will be made in the installation of the job without prior concurrence of the NRCS. d. Maintenance of the installed work is necessary for proper performance during the project life. I have reviewed this plan and agree to install as designed. Cooperator PRACTICE COMPLETION: Date I have made an on site inspection of the grassed waterway (or I am accepting owner/contractor documentation) and have determined that the job as installed does conform to the drawings, design, and practice specifications. Completion Certification by: Planner Date See attached note containing waterway dimensions for different waterway slopes. Seeding specifications also included in attachment. Job Sheet— Grassed Waterway (412) May 2015 Page 4 of 4 Koopman Diaries, Inc. Randolph County, North Carolina Grass Waterway Design By: Sam Bingham, Engineer, 12/1/18 See Chapter 7, Grass Waterways, Part 650, Engineering Field Handbook, USDA-NRCS for Design Criteria. Typical grass waterway on Koopman's farm has a drainage area between 5 and 10 acres with maximum 10-year Flowrate, Q, of around 30 cfs. WW WW WW WW Tc 0.2 hr 0.2 hr 0.2 hr 0.2 hr CN 78 78 78 78 Q10 30 cfs 30 cfs 30 cfs 30 cfs WW slope 5% 6% 8% 101YO Retardance C-D C-D C-D C-D Cover factor .87 .87 .87 .87 Allowable Stress .03 .03 .03 .03 WW Depth 0.8ft 0.7ft 0.6ft 0.5ft WW Top Width >18' >20' >24' >28' Allowable Stress is for an erodible soil type. Cover factor is for a bermuda grass or fescue grass mix or something similar. Grading and Shaping Construct waterway in natural draw. Grass waterway should end in a vegetated area that can withstand the'erosive flow. See depth and top width of parabolic waterway design in table above for typical waterway slopes found on Koopmans farm. Seedbed Preparation Rip and disk all disturbed areas 6" deep. Incorporate 2 tons of lime, 1000 lbs. of 10-10-10 and 500 lbs of 0-20-0 into the soil. Uniformly apply 50 lbs. tall fescue per acre. Seeding should be completed as soon as possible after construction. Immediately (same day) mulch with 100 bales of small grain straw per acre. Reseed any rilled or gullied areas that may develop. A nurse crop should be seeded with fescue. Engineer will determine whether cool season (25 lbs. rye grain/acre) or warm season (sudex sedan) nurse crop is needed. See page 7-23 in chapter 7, Grass Waterways for information about fabric barrier that may help stabilize WW during establishment. Mulch and netting plus fabric barrier. USDA United States ��— Department of Agriculture Producer: Ard Koopman Project or Contract: Waste Management Plan Randolph,Guilford, Location: Near Liberty, North Carolina County: Alamance & Chatham Farm Name: Koopman Dairies, Inc. Tract Number: All waste application fields Practice Location Map Index (showing detailed aerial view of where practice is to be installed on farm/site, showing all major components, stationing, relative location to any ® Cover Sheet landmarks, and survey benchmarks) See application field maps showing all application fields. Grass and/or ® Specifications woody buffer are maintained between all water conveyances and waste application areas in cropland, hayland and pasture. A 35' ® Drawings minimum vegetated buffer shall be maintained between surface to surface water or wetlands when Cost Estimate and water, wetlands or conveyances Projected Bid Form waste is applied to afield. A minimum 100' minimum row crop buffer shall be maintained if less than 35' of vegetated'buffer is available ® Operation & when waste is applied to cropland. On application field maps, 35' Maintenance f Utility Safety/ setback is shown when wooded buffer is less than 35' wide. One -Call System Information Click here to enter text. Description of work: A 35' strip of permanent vegetation established and/or maintained at the downhill edge of all cropland, hayfields and pasture. The buffer must be maintained above all perennial streams and conduits to streams (including field ditches or gullies). Vegetation in buffer includes wooded areas and grass. Waste shall not be applied next to surface water, wetlands or conduits to surface water or wetlands. A 35' setback is allowed for vegetated buffers. A 100' setback is required with less than 35' vegetated buffer. Vegetated buffer is measured from top of ditch toward the field. Note: The Field border setback for waste application applies at grass waterways until grass waterway is established with no visible gully or wash. NRCS Review Only Designed By: Sam Bingham Checked By: Click here to enter text. Approved By: Sam Bingham Page 1 of 3 Date 12/1/2018 Date Click here to enter a date. Date 12/1/2018 NRCS, NC November 2017 386 — Field Border Implementation Requirements Practice Purpose(s): (check all that apply) ® Reduce erosion from wind and water. ® Protect soil and water quality. ® Provide wildlife food, cover, and pollinator habitat. ® Increase carbon storage. ® Improve air quality. All cropland, hayfields and Field number/location: pasture Greaterthan 35' from top of water Minimum Average Width: Conveyances Width: See Acres installed: Maps Seeding date: 3/20/2019 Downhill side of all application 35' Field Border Length fields Site preparation: Smooth any rilled areas. Chemically kill weeds if no rills present. Planting method: No —Till Drill Planting Description (e.g., shrubs established on outside edge of area, etc.): Fescue seed with a nurse crop such as rye grain or sudan grass. Seeding Rates and Species (woody species units are plants/linear ft) Plant species 1 See vegetation establishment specification in Total lbs of seed for lbs/acre of seed (PLS) ------- Farmstead (Dairy Production Area) 2 fescue 3 Rye Grain 4 or Sudex sedan 5 plant species f lbs/acre seed total lbs seed 50 lbs/acre total lbs seed 25 lbs/acre total lbs seed 25 lbs/acre total lbs seed lbs/acre seed total Ibs seed 6 plant species lbs/acre seed total lbsseed 7 plant species lbs/acre seed total lbs seed 8 plant species lbs/acre seed total lbs seed 9 plant species lbs/acre seed total lbs seed 10 plant species lbs/acre seed total lbs seed TOTALS = 0 0 'To figure pure live seed (PLS) rates, multiply the percent purity by the percent germination. Divide the seeding rate by the percent PLS to find the bulk seed needed per acre. For example: 981Y. purity X 60% germination = 0.588% PLS 10 lbs/acre X 0.588% PLS = 17 lbs/acre. Fertilizers and Amendments Fertilizer Element N I e.g., DAP P K 5 _ Lime Fertilizer Form Fertilizer Amount (lbs/acre) 100 e.g., DAP 200 as P205 e.g., K2SO4 100 as K20 e.g., K2SO4 lbs/acre as 5 form 400_0 4 _ form lbs/acre Page 2 of 3 NRCS, NC November 2017 386 — Field Border Implementation Requirements Operation and Maintenance. (check all that apply) ® Repair storm damage. ® Remove sediment from above or within the field border when accumulated sediment either alters the function of the field border or threatens the degradation of the planted species' survival. ® Shut off sprayers and raise tillage equipment to avoid damage to field borders. ® Shape and reseed border areas damaged by animals, chemicals, tillage, or equipment traffic. ® Maintain desired _vegetative communities and plant vigor by liming, fertilizing, mowing, disking, or burning and controlling noxious weeds to sustain effectiveness of the border. ® Repair and reseed ephemeral gullies and rills that develop in the border. Minimally invasive tillage (e.g., paraplowing) may be performed in rare cases where compaction and N vehicle traffic have degraded the field border function. The purpose of the tillage is strictly to decrease bulk density and increase infiltration rates so as to provide a better media for reestablishment of vegetation and field border function. ® Maintenance activities that result in disturbance of vegetation should not be conducted during the nesting season of grass -nesting birds ® Avoid vehicle traffic when soil moisture conditions are saturated Certification Statement: I certify that implementation of this conservation practice is complete, meets criteria for the stated purpose(s), and meets the NRCS conservation practice standard and specifications. X Plannerfrechnical Service Provider Page 3 of 3 NRCS, NC November 2017