HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW3230701_Property Deed_20230706 BK 8514 PG 0345 FILED ELECTRONICALLY UNION COUNTY NC CRYSTAL D. GILLIARD FILED Jun 30, 2022 AT 10:48:00 AM BOOK 08514 START PAGE 0345 END PAGE 0347 INSTRUMENT # 23446 EXCISE TAX $590.00 GENERAL WARRANTY DEED THIS INSTRUMENT PREPARED BY: Michelle Stinnett, Esq. Lorenz&Creed Law Firm, PLLC 230 N.Bennett Street Southern Pines,NC 28387 TO BE RECORDED IN THE DEED RECORDS OF UNION COUNTY,NC Excise Tax: $590.00 PIN: 09-060-002 & 09-025-033 THiS DEED made this 4 ' t day of (lull e 2022,by and between: GRANTOR GRANTEE • TOWN OF WINGATE,a North Carolina SOUTHBURY DEVELOPMENT, LLC,a North municipal corporation Carolina limited liability company Tax address: 20 Cochrane Castle Circle Pinehurst,NC 28374 WITNESSETH: The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs, successors,and assigns,and shall include singular,plural, masculine, feminine or neuter as required by context. WITNESSETH,the Grantor,for valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantee in fee simple, all that certain lot or parcel of land (referred to in the singular, whether one or more) situated in Monroe Township, Union County,North Carolina,and more particularly described as follows: Tract Otte: BEING all of that 15.839 acre tract as shown on that plat entitled "Annexation Map for The Town of Wingate" drawn by Carroll L. Rushing, NCRLS, dated January 23, 1996 and recorded in Plat Cabinet E at File Number 223,Union County Register of Deeds,to which plat reference is hereby made for a more complete description. Submitted electronically by "Lorenz & Creed Law Firm PLLC" in compliance with North Carolina statutes governing recordable documents and the terms of the submitter agreement with the union County Register of Deeds. BK 8514 PG 0346 Subject to that Deed of Easement for Access Recorded in Deed Book 1517 at Page 716,Union County Register of Deeds. LESS AND EXCEPT: All of that 6,985 square foot tract conveyed to Gregory R. Daugherty and wife,Sherry Daugherty on June 9,2008 as shown in Deed Book 4912 at Page 217, Union County Register of Deeds, to which instrument is hereby made for a more complete description. BEING the identical property described in Deed Book 5566 at Page 210, Union County Register of Deeds, reference to which is hereby made for a more complete description. Tract Two: BEING in Monroe Township, Union County, North Carolina, and BEGINNING at a point in center of asphalt of Witmore Road, also known as South Main Street of the Town of Wingate,said point being common corner with the northeast corner of the Edwin Jeffrey Webb and wife, Lisa R.Webb property(Deed Book 1887,pg. 181, Tax#09-060-001), now or formerly,and runs thence with the north line of the Webb property, N. 78-05-53 W. passing iron found on North line of the Webb property (common boundary with the southern line of the property herein described ) at 29.95 ft. and continuing 409.73 ft. farther, for total distance of 439.68 ft. to iron found on East line of the Max W. Edwards and wife, Christine G. Edwards land (Tax #09-060-002, Plat Cabinet E, File 223), also common corner with northwest corner of the Webb property as hereinbefore identified; thence running with East line of the Edwards land, N. 19-54-31 E. 272.84 ft. to iron found, common corner with the southwest corner of other property owned by Jeffrey T. Pucek(Deed Book 3454, Pg. 792, Tax # 09-025-034, 0.88 acre); thence running with southern line of said 0.88 acre owned by Pucek, S. 83-38-00 E. 394.66 ft to point in center of asphalt of Witmore Road (a/k/a South Main Street), passing iron set on the common boundary of said 0.88 acre and the herein described property back up and in the same line at 30.07 ft.; thence running with center of asphalt of said road,S. 10-75-23 W. 308.38 ft. to the BEGINNING and containing 120,108 sq. ft., being 2.76 acres, according to boundary survey and map dated 06/02/08 by F. Donald Lawrence, P.L.S., FDL& Assoc. BEING the identical property described in Deed Book 4936 at Page 227, Union County Registry. This property herein described does not include the primary residence of the Grantor. The attorney preparing this instrument has not searched the title to the real property hereby conveyed and makes no opinion relative to the status of the title to the real property hereby conveyed. This conveyance is made subject to(i) the lien of the County of Union for taxes and other assessments for the current year and which Grantee by acceptance of this deed expressly agrees to pay;(ii)utility easements of record; and (iii) unviolated restrictive covenants of record that do not materially affect the value of the property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid lot or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the Grantee in fee simple. And Grantor covenants with the Grantee, that Grantor is seized of the premises in fee simple,has the right to convey the same in fee simple, that title is marketable and free and clear of all encumbrances, and that Grantor will warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever except for the exceptions noted herein. BK 8514 PG 0347 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Town of Wingate has caused this instrument to be executed as of the day and year first above written. Town of Wingate,a North Carolina m unicipal corporation By: i .s (SEAL) 0ry Ha II,Mayor,Town of Wingate ATTEST: ��oi' 111111111. f±f (SEAL) �° �14 OF roe Karen M. Wingo,Towne- Jerk,Town of Wingate Z'.e ••°y °o �o PORgiF:��.. (TOWN s 1L) SEAL a STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA d` L "•"" 190i . COUNTY OF UNION r,1� .....•�" %e� pp/� f/ �if, SATE: ti` / Gr-t � a Notary Public of said county and state, certify that Karen M. Wingo, personally came before me this day and acknowledged that she is the Town Clerk of the Town of Wingate,a North Carolina municipal corporation,and that by authority duly given as to act of said corporation, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its Mayor(duly elected), sealed with its corporate seal, all attested by her as its Town Clerk, all by order of the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Wingate. Date: '�.`� wC Notary Public i is N. 6-rtfErit Printed or typed name of Notary Public [SEAL] My commission expires: �2.U' 0011ttttff 00 �. •••......, r,, ,; • r.) I 0 +p I�%'tttttttts►►1►;`