HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000452_Fact sheet binder_20230707 DEQ / DEMLR
Basic Information for Permit Issuance and Renewals:
Permit Writer/Date Brianna Young 6/21/2023
Permit Number NCS000452
Owner/Facility Name Culpeper of Ramseur,LLC/Culpeper of Ramseur,
SIC AICS Code/Category 2491 321114 /Wood Preserving
Basin Name/Sub-basin number Cape Fear/03-06-09
Receiving Stream/HUC Deep River/0303000302
Stream Classification/Stream Segment C/ 17-(10.5)
Is the stream impaired on 303 d list]? Yes
Any TMDLs? No
Any threatened and/or endangered species? Yes
Any compliance concerns? See Section 2 below
Any permit mods since lastpermit? No
New expiration date 9/30/2028
Comments on Draft Permit? See Section 6 below
Section 1. Facility Activities and Process:
Culpeper of Ramseur, LLC is a wood preservation facility. Lumber is treated using a copper based
(micronized) amine formula. The facility previously used chromated copper arsenate (CCA; ceased in
2003) and copper azole (ceased in 2008). All freshly treated lumber is kept under cover on a drip pad
until drippage has ceased. Water accumulated inside containment areas is used back in the process and
all chemicals used in the treatment process are kept inside containment areas. Storage sheds store as
much of the treated lumber as possible (around 75%), and any remaining lumber is kept on the yard until
sold. Chemicals used onsite include micronized copper, diesel fuel, gasoline, motor oil, and hydraulic
oil. Oil-contaminated water is shipped for recycling or the oil removed prior to releasing.
The facility previously had two (2) outfalls, however,per the 2018 inspection report, the outfall near the
office was removed following new grading and would flow to the existing outfall.
Outfall SW001:
Drainage area consists of untreated and treated lumber storage areas, treating plant, six(6) storage sheds,
maintenance building, fuel storage,propane, kiln, and two (2) stackers. Hazardous waste is stored at the
treating plant and oils are stored in the maintenance shop.
Why Industrial Sites with Stormwater are Subject to a Permit: Federal NPDES regulations define
stormwater discharge associated with industrial activity in 40 CFR §122.26 (b)(14) as: "the discharge
from any conveyance that is used for collecting and conveying storm water and that is directly related to
manufacturing,processing or raw materials storage areas at an industrial plant. The term does not
include discharges from facilities or activities excluded from the NPDES program under this part 122.
For the categories of industries identified in this section, the term includes, but is not limited to, storm
water [sic] discharges from industrial plant yards; immediate access roads and rail lines used or traveled
by carriers of raw materials, manufactured products, waste material, or byproducts used or created by
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the facility; material handling sites; refuse sites; sites used for the application or disposal of process
waste waters (as defined at part 401 of this chapter); sites used for the storage and maintenance of
material handling equipment; sites used for residual treatment, storage, or disposal; shipping and
receiving areas; manufacturing buildings; storage areas (including tank farms) for raw materials, and
intermediate and final products; and areas where industrial activity has taken place in the past and
significant materials remain and are exposed to storm water. For the purposes of this paragraph, material
handling activities include storage, loading and unloading, transportation, or conveyance of any raw
material, intermediate product, final product, byproduct or waste product. The term excludes areas
located on plant lands separate from the plant's industrial activities, such as office buildings and
accompanying parking lots as long as the drainage from the excluded areas is not mixed with storm
water [sic] drained from the above described areas."
Section 2. Monitoring Information and Compliance History:
• April 2017 to July 2022,benchmarks exceeded for:
o Copper Ix
o pH min not reached 6x
PEEP RIVER 7-�10.5]d2 18_ F Miles
1297 Frorn Gahriels Creek to gush Creek
pper(7 pd.A4 FM 0111*medim Cri ie Legacy Category 5 Total Met.N Fo08
Threatened/Endangered Species:
Triangle Floater(Alasmidonta undulata;NC status: T) and Canby's Bulrush(Schoenoplectus
etuberculatus;NC status: SR-P).
Federal and/or state listed species that occur over 1.5 miles from the Culpeper of Ramseur outfall:
federal and state endangered Cape Fear shiner(Notropis mekistocholas), state endangered yellow
lampmussel (Lampsilis cariosa) and brook floater(Alasmidonta varicosa), and state threatened triangle
floater(Alasmidonta undulata) and creeper(Strophitus undulatus).
Section 3. Proposed Monitoring for Stormwater Discharges:
The Division considered potential pollutants from past and present industrial activities and data was
submitted for April 2017 to July 2022. Quantitative sampling included pH, TSS, copper, COD, BOD,
and hardness.
Parameters are based on potential pollutants in the drainage area, sampling results, and in some cases,
dependent upon future activities (e.g., ash removal through the drainage area). Below is a table of the
proposed monitoring for each outfall at the Culpeper Ramseur site.
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Outfall SW001
Quarterly monitoring
Total Suspended Solids BASIS: Potential pollutant from drainage area and BMP effectiveness
(TSS) indicator.
Quarterly monitoring
H BASIS: Pollutant indicator and important to interpreting toxicity potential
p of metals.
Quarterly monitoring
Total Rainfall BASIS: Discharge potential indicator
Quarterly monitoring
Non-Polar Oil &Grease BASIS: Potential pollutant from lubricants; Method 1664 SGT-HEM
targets petroleum-based O&G
Quarterly monitoring
Monthly Oil Usage BASIS: Potential pollutant from drainage area
Quarterly monitoring
BOD BASIS: Discharge potential indicator
Quarterly monitoring
COD BASIS: Discharge potential indicator
Quarterly monitoring
Total Copper BASIS: Potential pollutant from drainage area
Quarterly monitoring
Total Hardness BASIS: Monitoring for hardness dependent metals required
Stormwater Benchmarks and Tiered Response: Rather than limits,North Carolina NPDES
Stormwater permits contain benchmark concentrations. Stormwater benchmarks are numerical action
levels for stormwater monitoring. Benchmarks are not effluent limits, and benchmark exceedances are
not permit violations. Benchmarks provide facilities a tool for assessing the significance of pollutants in
stormwater discharges and the effectiveness of best management practices (BMPs). Benchmark
concentrations are intended as guidelines for the facility's development and implementation of the
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP).
Benchmark exceedances require the permittee to increase monitoring, increase management actions,
increase record keeping, and/or install stormwater BMPs in a tiered program. The permit establishes a
tiered approach to specify actions the permittee must take in response to analytical results above
benchmark concentrations. The tiered structure of the permit provides the permittee and DEMLR wide
flexibility to address issues that may arise with one or more parameters and/or outfalls.
Metals benchmarks are calculated to mimic acute water quality standards and with the guidance of
DWR. NC DWR follows established federal procedures for calculating acute standards when developing
the benchmarks. Just like the acute standards, metals benchmarks normally reflect one half of the
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calculated Final Acute Value (the "1/2 FAV"). In most cases, translation into total recoverable values is
based on an assumed hardness of 25 mg/L and a total suspended solids (TSS) concentration of 10 mg/L.
Acute standards protect aquatic life from negative impacts of short-term exposure to higher levels of
chemicals where the discharge enters a waterbody. The Stormwater Permitting Program applies this
approach because of the ephemeral nature of rainfall events.
The Division may evaluate results to determine if a smaller suite of parameters for some outfalls is
adequate to characterize potential pollution or BMP effectiveness. For example, one or more metals or
other parameters may serve as an adequate tracer for the presence of ash pollution during disturbance or
ash removal in specific drainage areas at this site. For parameters that do not have a stormwater
benchmark, the Division may develop a benchmark value if appropriate toxicity data become available
or if rising trends in concentrations suggest a persistent source.
A summary of the benchmarks in the draft permit, and their basis, is below:
Parameter Benchmark Basis
Total Suspended 100 mg/L National Urban Runoff Program(NURP) Study, 1983
Solids TSS
H 6 s.u. —9 s.u. NC Water Quality Standard(Range)
Non-Polar Oil & Review of other state's daily maximum benchmark
Grease 15 mg/L concentration for this more targeted O&G;NC WQS that
EPA Method 1664 does not allow oil sheen in waters
BOD 30 mg/L BPJ; Based on Secondary Treatment Regulation(40 CFR
COD 120 mg/L BPJ; Generally found at levels 4x BOD5 in domestic
Copper Total 10 /L Acute Aquatic Criterion, '/2 FAV
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan: The proposed permit conditions reflect the EPA and NC's
pollution prevention approach to stormwater permitting. The Division's maintains that implementation
of Best Management Practices (BMPs) and traditional stormwater management practices that control the
source of pollutants meets the definition of Best Available Technology (BAT) and Best Conventional
Pollutant Control Technology(BCT). The permit conditions are not numeric effluent limitations but are
designed to be flexible requirements for implementing site-specific plans to minimize and control
pollutants in stormwater discharges associated with the industrial activity. Title 40 Code of Federal
Regulations (CFR) §122.44(k)(2) authorizes the use of BMPs in lieu of numeric effluent limitations in
NPDES permits when the agency finds numeric effluent limitations to be infeasible. The agency may
also impose BMP requirements which are "reasonably necessary" to carry out the purposes of the Act
under the authority of 40 CFR 122.44(k)(3). The conditions proposed in this draft permit are included
under the authority of both of these regulatory provisions. In essence, the pollution prevention and BMP
requirements operate as limitations on effluent discharges that reflect the application of BAT/BCT.
Flexibility in Tier Responses: Tier Two actions provide an opportunity for the permittee to propose an
alternative monitoring plan for approval by the Region:
• Alternatively, in lieu of steps 2 and 3, the permittee may, after two consecutive exceedances,
exercise the option of contacting the DEMLR Regional Engineer as provided below in Tier
Three. The Regional Engineer may direct the response actions on the part of the permittee as
provided in Tier Three, including reduced or additional sampling parameters or frequency.
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• If pursuing the alternative above after two consecutive exceedances, the permittee may propose
an alternative monitoring plan for approval by the Regional Engineer.
The permit therefore allows the permittee to petition the Regional Office for monitoring changes sooner
than Tier Three (upon any four benchmark exceedances) and gives guidance on one option to take. For
example, the permittee may request that mercury only be monitored semi-annually under the tiers, or
that only parameters over the benchmark be monitored more frequently. In this way, changes to the
monitoring scheme for any outfall could be handled outside of a permit modification.
Other Proposed Requirements:
• It is standard for Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan(SWPPP)requirements to include an
annual certification that stormwater outfalls have been evaluated for the presence of non-
stormwater discharges, and if any are identified, how those discharges are permitted or otherwise
• Requirement to submit a request for permit modification if the facility identifies or creates any
new outfalls, removes outfalls, or alters any drainage area that changes potential pollutants.
• The Division expects the permittee to apply best professional judgment and consider the safety
of its personnel in fulfilling sampling obligations under the permit.
• Federal regulations require electronic submittal of all discharge monitoring reports (DMRs). If a
state does not establish a system to receive such submittals, then permittees must submit DMRs
electronically to the EPA.
• Quarterly QualitativeNisual Monitoring to assure regular observation of outfalls throughout
Section 4. Changes from previous permit to draft:
• Monitoring increased from semi-annually to quarterly for all parameters (qualitative and
• "No discharge" clarifications made
• Feasibility study requirement removed per updated stormwater program requirements
• eDMR requirement added
• Boilerplate language moved into body of the permit; boilerplate no longer attached
• Outfall-specific monitoring been implemented to reflect industrial activity and potential
pollutants specific to each discharge area
• Monitoring for BOD and COD added for SW001
o Monitoring was removed in the previous permit as all values were below benchmark
o Monitoring being added back as BOD and COD are useful parameters for indicating
issues with discharge for this type of industry
• Monitoring for total hardness added for outfalls where monitoring for hardness dependent metals
is required
• Benchmarks updated for parameters per guidance from DWR Standards group on stormwater
Section 5. Changes from draft to final:
• None
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Section 6. Discussions with the Facility and Regional Office:
• Initial contact with facility: 4/20/2023
• Initial contact with Regional Office: 4/20/2023
• Draft sent to CO peer review: N/A
• Draft sent to Regional Office: 5/18/2023
• Final permit sent for supervisor signature: 6/23/2023
Section 7. Comments received on draft permit:
• Olivia Munzer(NCWRC; via email 6/21/2023): Here is the list of federal and/or state listed
species that occur over 1.5 miles from the Culpeper of Ramseur outfall: federal and state
endangered Cape Fear shiner(Notropis mekistocholas), state endangered yellow lampmussel
(Lampsilis cariosa) and brook floater(Alasmidonta varicosa), and state threatened triangle
floater(Alasmidonta undulata) and creeper(Strophitus undulatus). Although we have no
comments on this draft permit, WRC would like it to be noted in the file that these listed species
occur downstream of the site.
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Young, Brianna A
From: Adkins,Josh <jadkins@culpeperwood.com>
Sent: Friday, July 7, 2023 8:32 AM
To: Young, Brianna A
Subject: RE: [External] RE: Issued NPDES stormwater permit NCS000452
CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Report suspicious emails with the Report Message
button located on your Outlook menu bar on the Home tab.
Permit received. I was able to open the document and print a copy for our records.
Josh Adkins
Director of Environmental and Safety
CWP - Orangeburg I www.culpeperwood.com
P: (803) 534-7467 x4224 I M: (803)-566-3270 1 F: (803)-585-1367
�0, o0o�_
The Trusted Brand in Pressure Treated Lumber
From:Young, Brianna A<Brianna.Young@deq.nc.gov>
Sent: Friday,July 7, 2023 8:26 AM
Subject: RE: [External] RE: Issued NPDES stormwater permit NCS000452
CAUTION!- [EXTERNAL]-This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you
recognize the sender and know the content is safe!!!
Good morning,
Attached is the issued NPDES stormwater permit for Culpeper of Ramseur, LLC(NCS000452). Please respond to this
email confirming that you received the attached document, were able to open and view the document, and have
saved/printed a copy for your records.
Thank you,
Brianna Young, MS(she/her)
Industrial Individual Permits Coordinator
Stormwater Permitting Program
NC DEQ/Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources (DEMLR)
Brianna.Young@deq.nc.gov(e-mail preferred)PLEASE NOTE NEW EMAIL ADDRESS
**DEQ is updating its email addresses to @deq.nc.gov in phases from May 1st to June 9th. Employee email addresses may look
different, but email performance will not be impacted.
919-707-3647 (office)
Mailing address: 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1612
Physical address: 512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27604
Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina
Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.
The Department of Environmental Quality has adjusted operations to protect the health and safety of the staff and public. Please
check with the appropriate staff before visiting our offices, as we may be able to handle your requests by phone or email.
Sent:Thursday,July 6, 2023 12:33 PM
To:Young, Brianna A<Brianna.Young@deq.nc.gov>
Subject: [External] RE: Issued NPDES stormwater permit NCS000452
CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Report suspicious emails with the Report Message
button located on your Outlook menu bar on the Home tab.
Electronic format for all documents will be fine for NCS000452.
Josh Adkins
Director of Environmental and Safety
CWP - Orangeburg I www.culpeperwood.com
P: (803) 534-7467 x4224 I M: (803)-566-3270 1 F: (803)-585-1367
The Trusted Brand in Pressure Treated Lumber
From:Young, Brianna A<13rianna.Young@deq.nc.gov>
Sent:Thursday,July 6, 2023 12:24 PM
Subject: Issued NPDES stormwater permit NCS000452
CAUTION!- [EXTERNAL]-This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you
recognize the sender and know the content is safe!!!
Good afternoon,
In order to provide more convenience, control, and security to our permittees and assist them in processing their
transactions,the Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources, is currently transitioning towards electronic
correspondence.This will hopefully provide more efficient service to our permittees and other partners and will allow us
to more effectively process and track documents. We are writing to ask you for your approval of the transmittal of
documents related to your permitting and related activities with the Division in an electronic format. Documents will be
emailed to the appropriate contact person(s) in your organization in a PDF format.
Please respond to me through email with verification that transmittal of your documents in an electronic manner is
acceptable to you. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Thank you,
Brianna Young, MS(she/her)
Industrial Individual Permits Coordinator
Stormwater Permitting Program
INC DEQ/Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources (DEMLR)
Brianna.Young@deg.nc.sov(e-mail preferred)PLEASE NOTE NEW EMAIL ADDRESS
**DEQ is updating its email addresses to @deq.nc.gov in phases from May 1st to June 9th. Employee email addresses may look
different, but email performance will not be impacted.
919-707-3647 (office)
Mailing address: 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1612
Physical address:S12 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27604
Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina
Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.
The Department of Environmental Quality has adjusted operations to protect the health and safety of the staff and public. Please
check with the appropriate staff before visiting our offices, as we may be able to handle your requests by phone or email.
Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties by an authorized
state official.
Winston-Salem Journal
Advertising Affidavit Account Number
May 21,2023
RALEIGH,NC 27699-1612
PO Number Order Category Description
Publisher of the
Winston-Salem Journal
Before the undersigned,a Notary Public duly commissioned,qualified, and
authorized by law to administer oaths, personally appeared the Publisher's
Representative who by being duly sworn deposes and says:that he/she is
authorized to make this affidavit and sworn statement;that the notice or
other legal advertisement, a copy of which is attached hereto,was
published in the Winston-Salem Journal on the following dates:
Y p
and that the said newspaper in which such notice, paper document,or legal
„ \ advertisement was published,was at the time of each and every such
publication, a newspaper meeting all the requirements and qualifications of
Section 1-597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina.
(signature of person making affidavit)
Sworn to and subscribed before me the 2 t st y of ay,202 .
(Notary Pub c)
State of Virginia Kimberly Kay Harris
County of Hanover NOTARY PUBLIC
My commission expires: Commonwealth of Virginia
Commission Exp.Jan.31,2025
Management Commission proposes to
issue NPDES stormwater discharge permit(s)to the person(s)listed be-
low.Public comment or objection to the draft permits is invited. Written
comments regarding the proposed permit will be accepted until 30 days
after the publish date of this notice and considered in the final determina-
tion regarding permit issuance and permit provisions.The Director of the
NC Division of Energy,Mineral,and Land Resources(DEMLR)may hold
public hearing should there be a significant degree of public Interest.
Please mail comments and/or information requests to DEMLR at 1612
Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1612.
•Culpeper of Ramseur,LLC[4034 NC Hwy 22 S,Ramseur,NC]has re-
quested renewal of permit NCS000452 for the Culpeper of Ramseur,LLC
facility In Randolph County.This facility discharges to Deep River in the
Cape Fear River Basin.
Interested persons may visit DEMLR at 512 N.Salisbury Street,Raleigh,
NC 27604 to review information on file.Additional information on NPDES
permits and this notice may be found on our website: https*//den.nc.aov/
resources/stormwater/stormwater-program/stormwater-Qublic-notices ,
or by contacting Brianna Young at
brlanna.vounQ ncdenr.a0v or 919-707-3647.
WSJ:May 21,2023.
Young, Brianna A
From: Munzer, Olivia
Sent: Wednesday,June 21, 2023 3:43 PM
To: Young, Brianna A
Cc: Jones, Brena K.
Subject: RE: Draft stormwater permit NCS000452
Thank you for the time to talk about this project. Here is the list of federal and/or state listed species that occur over 1.5
miles from the Culpeper of Ramseur outfall:federal and state endangered Cape Fear shiner(Notropis mekistocholas),
state endangered yellow lampmussel (Lampsilis cariosa) and brook floater(Alasmidonta varicosa), and state threatened
triangle floater(Alasmidonta undulata) and creeper(Strophitus undulatus).Although we have no comments on this draft
permit, WRC would like it to be noted in the file that these listed species occur downstream of the site.
Thank you,
Olivia Munzer
NC Wildlife Resources Commission
From:Young, Brianna A<Brianna.Young@ncdenr.gov>
Sent: Friday, May 19, 2023 8:47 AM
To: Munzer, Olivia <olivia.munzer@ncwildlife.org>
Subject: Draft stormwater permit NCS000452
Good morning,
The draft stormwater permit NCS000452 for Culpeper of Ramseur, LLC has been submitted for public notice.The facility
discharges in the vicinity of an area with a threatened species. Please provide any comments by June 19, 2023.
Thank you,
Brianna Young, MS(she/her/hers)
Industrial Individual Permits Coordinator
Stormwater Permitting Program
NC DEQ/Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources (DEMLR)
Brianna.Young@ncdenr.gov(e-mail preferred)
919-707-3647 (office)
Mailing address: 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1612
Physical address: 512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27604
D- E-
cl ;
Department of Environmental Quality
Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North
Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.
Based on the current guidance to minimize the spread of COVID-19,the Department of Environmental Quality has adjusted
operations to protect the health and safety of the staff and public. Please check with the appropriate staff before visiting our offices,
as we may be able to handle your requests by phone or email.We appreciate your patience as we continue to serve the public
during this challenging time.
Email correspondence to and from this sender is subject to the N.C.Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.
Compliance Inspection Report
Permit:NCS000452 Effective: 10/09/18 Expiration: 09/30/21 Owner: Culpeper of Ramseur LLC
SOC: Effective: Expiration: Facility: Culpeper of Ramseur, LLC
County: Randolph 4034 NC Hwy 22s
Region: Winston-Salem
Ramseur NC 27316
Contact Person:Josh Adkins Title: Phone: 803-566-3270
Directions to Facility:
System Classifications: SWNC,
Primary ORC: Certification: Phone:
Secondary ORC(s):
On-Site Representative(s):
Related Permits:
Inspection Date: 05/04/2023 Entry Time 10:OOAM Exit Time: 11:OOAM
Primary Inspector:Lily C Kay Phone: 704-663-1699
Secondary Inspector(s):
Reason for Inspection: Routine Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation
Permit Inspection Type: Stormwater Discharge, Individual
Facility Status: Compliant ❑ Not Compliant
Question Areas:
Storm Water
(See attachment summary)
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Permit: NCS000452 Owner-Facility:Culpeper of Ramseur LLC
Inspection Date: 05/04/2023 Inspection Type:Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine
Inspection Summary:
The Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and related documentation was complete except the employee training
documentation. The facility appeared well operated and maintained and no issues were observed at the outfalls. If you have
questions, contact me at Lily.Kay@ncdenr.gov or by phone at(336) 776-9655.
Page 2 of 3
Permit: NCS000452 Owner-Facility:Culpeper of Ramseur LLC
Inspection Date: 05/04/2023 Inspection Type:Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Yes No NA NE
Does the site have a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan? ❑ ❑ ❑
#Does the Plan include a General Location (USGS) map? ❑ ❑ ❑
#Does the Plan include a"Narrative Description of Practices"? ❑ ❑ ❑
#Does the Plan include a detailed site map including outfall locations and drainage areas? ❑ ❑ ❑
#Does the Plan include a list of significant spills occurring during the past 3 years? ❑ ❑ ❑
#Has the facility evaluated feasible alternatives to current practices? ❑ ❑ ❑
#Does the facility provide all necessary secondary containment? ❑ ❑ ❑
#Does the Plan include a BMP summary? ❑ ❑ ❑
#Does the Plan include a Spill Prevention and Response Plan (SPRP)? ❑ ❑ ❑
#Does the Plan include a Preventative Maintenance and Good Housekeeping Plan? ❑ ❑ ❑
#Does the facility provide and document Employee Training? ❑ 0 ❑ ❑
#Does the Plan include a list of Responsible Party(s)? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
# Is the Plan reviewed and updated annually? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
#Does the Plan include a Stormwater Facility Inspection Program? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
Has the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan been implemented? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
Comment: The Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and related documentation was complete
except the employee training documentation.
Qualitative Monitoring Yes No NA NE
Has the facility conducted its Qualitative Monitoring? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
Comment: Qualitative monitoring records were available and complete.
Analytical Monitoring Yes No NA NE
Has the facility conducted its Analytical monitoring? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
#Has the facility conducted its Analytical monitoring from Vehicle Maintenance areas? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑
Comment: Analytical monitoring records were available and complete, and all results were below the
benchmark limitations except for three nonconsecutive Copper exceedances during this permit
Permit and Outfalls Yes No NA NE
# Is a copy of the Permit and the Certificate of Coverage available at the site? ❑ ❑ ❑
#Were all outfalls observed during the inspection? ❑ ❑ ❑
# If the facility has representative outfall status, is it properly documented by the Division? ❑ ❑ ❑
#Has the facility evaluated all illicit(non stormwater)discharges? ❑ ❑ 0 ❑
Comment: The facility appeared well operated and maintained and no issues were observed at the
Page 3 of 3
4/20/23,8:05 AM North Carolina Secretary of State Search Results
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an Amended a Annual Report form
Limited Liability Company
Legal Name
Culpeper of Ramseur, LLC
Sosld: 1668583
Status: Current-Active O
Date Formed: 2/20/2018
Citizenship: Foreign
State of Incorporation: VA
Annual Report Due Date: April 15th
Currentgnnual Report Status:
Registered Agent: Corporation Service Company
Reg Office Reg Mailing Mailing
2626 Glenwood Ave Ste 550 2626 Glenwood Ave Ste 550 501 N Main Street
Raleigh, NC 27608 Raleigh, NC 27608 Culpeper, VA 22701
Principal Office
501 N Main Street
Culpeper, VA 22701
Company Officials
All LLCs are managed by their managers pursuant to N.C.G.S. 57D-3-20.
Secretary Chief Executive Officer President
Doris S Batiste Joseph R. Daniel Joseph R Daniel Jr
501 N Main Street 501 N Main Street 501 N Main Street
Culpeper VA 22701 Culpeper VA 22701 Culpeper VA 22701
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Young, Brianna A
From: Adkins,Josh <jadkins@culpeperwood.com>
Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2023 9:56 AM
To: Young, Brianna A
Subject: [External] RE: Culpeper of Ramseur, LLC (NCS000542)
Attachments: Ramseur Stormwater.xls
CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Report suspicious emails with the Report Message
button located on your Outlook menu bar on the Home tab.
Good morning,
See below in red. Please let me know if you have any other questions. Also please note that the permit number
referenced in your email is incorrect.The correct permit number for Culpeper of Ramseur, LLC is: NCS000452
• Description of industrial activity occurring onsite and chemicals used/stored;
Activity: Wood Preservation. Untreated lumber is brought on site for treatment using a copper based
(micronized) amine formula. All chemicals used in the treatment process are kept inside containment
areas. Waters accumulated inside these containment areas are used back in theprocess. All freshly treated
lumber is kept under cover, on a RCRA Subpart W drip pad until drippage has ceased. There are several
storage sheds where we store as much of the treated lumber as possible (around 7501o). Any remaining lumber
is kept on the yard until sold.
Chemicals used: Micronized Copper,Diesel Fuel, Gasoline,Motor Oil, Hydraulic Oil.
Any oil or chemicals used at the maintenance department are kept inside the maintenance building or under
cover. All bulk oil tanks have secondary containment along with drip pans under the nozzles. Any water
accumulated within this containment, if contaminated with oil, is shipped for recycling or the oil removed prior
to releasing.
• Confirmation on the number of outfalls and associated coordinates;
Number of outfalls: 1
• Description of industrial activity in each drainage area;
Activity at Drainage area: Lumber storage
• SIC (NAICS) code;
NAICS: 321114
• An electronic spreadsheet summarizing all of the monitoring data that has been collected since the
effective date of the current permit;
See attached spreadsheet
• Verification that the information in the renewal application is still complete and correct;
Everything is still complete and correct.
• An explanation of any operational changes since the renewal application was submitted.
No operational changes since renewal application was submitted.
Josh Adkins
Director of Environmental and Safety
CWP - Orangeburg I www.culpeperwood.com
P: (803) 534-7467 x4224 I M: (803)-566-3270 1 F: (803)-585-1367
The Trusted Brand in Pressure Treated Lumber
From:Young, Brianna A<Brianna.Young@ncdenr.gov>
Sent:Thursday,April 20, 2023 8:52 AM
To:Adkins,Josh <jadkins@culpeperwood.com>
Subject: Culpeper of Ramseur, LLC(NCS000542)
Good morning,
I am working on renewing the individual stormwater permit for the Culpeper of Ramseur, LLC (NCS000542). I
need additional information in order to 1) confirm that the information I have is correct and 2) make sure the
permit adequately serves the needs of the facility. Please provide the following:
• Description of industrial activity occurring onsite and chemicals used/stored;
• Confirmation on the number of outfalls and associated coordinates;
• Description of industrial activity in each drainage area;
• SIC (NAICS) code;
• An electronic spreadsheet summarizing all of the monitoring data that has been collected since the
effective date of the current permit;
• Verification that the information in the renewal application is still complete and correct; and
• An explanation of any operational changes since the renewal application was submitted.
Enter your stormwater permit number into the Stormwater Permit Summary Report and you will see a form that
includes the address of the facility, contact information for the permit, and the regulated stormwater outfall(s)for the
facility. Please review the facility information to make sure it is correct. Information can be updated using the links
provided below,where applicable:
• Facility/Company name or ownership: Name/Ownership Change Form
• Owner Affiliation (Legally responsible person; i.e., someone with the company who is designated to
represent the company per signatory requirements or another authorized representative): Permit Contact
Update Request Form
• Delegation of Signature Authority (DOSA): Permit Contact Update Request Form
• Billing contact: Permit Contact Update Request Form
• Permit contact: Permit Contact Update Request Form
• Facility contact: Permit Contact Update Request Form
• Facility address only: Email Bethanyy og ulias
• Stormwater outfall information: Email Bethany Georgoulias
• Visit the eDMR Six Steps website and complete Steps 1 and 2.
• Pay outstanding permit fees: Stormwater ePgMent website
Once I have the above listed information, I can continue my review. You will receive a draft permit for a 30-day
comment period. During this time we will be able to address any comments or concerns you have. During the
same 30-day period, the draft will be sent to a Regional Office staff member for review as well as out to public
notice. Once all comments and concerns are addressed, you may be issued a final permit.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Thank you,
Brianna Young, MS (she/her/hers)
Industrial Individual Permits Coordinator
Stormwater Permitting Program
NC DEQ/ Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources (DEMLR)
Brianna.Young@ncdenr.gov(e-mail preferred)
919-707-3647 (office)
Mailing address: 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1612
Physical address: 512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27604
1I0Rrlmmlof uArmw"n"I4uai.iy
Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North
Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.
Based on the current guidance to minimize the spread of COVID-19,the Department of Environmental Quality has adjusted
operations to protect the health and safety of the staff and public. Please check with the appropriate staff before visiting our offices,
as we may be able to handle your requests by phone or email.We appreciate your patience as we continue to serve the public
during this challenging time.
Ramseur Outfall 001 NCS000452
i L G N
0 Q
p N VCL ? O Q
n U ; U m
mg/I I mg/I mg/I mg/I mg/I mg/I I mg/I I su mg/I
Apr-17 1.2 100 BDL 0.007 11 120 BDL 30 5.43 BDL
Nov-17 11 100 BDL 0.007 21 120 3.1 30 5.97
May-19 1.1 100 BDL 0.01 BDL 0.007 BDL 30 6.60 2
Oct-19 BDL 100 BDL 0.01 BDL 0.007 BDL 30 5.60 1 BDL
May-20 BDL 100 BDL 0.01 BDL 0.007 BDL 30 5.50 2
Dec-20 1.6 loo BDL 0.01 BDL 0.007 BDL 30 5.40 2
Jun-21 BDL 100 BDL 0.01 BDL 0.007 BDL 30 5.40 2
Dec-21 3.5 100 0.004 0.01 BDL 0.007 BDL 30 6.30 6.1 BDL = Below detectable level
Jul-22 28 100 0.033 0.0i 87 0.007 16 3o 6.20 4
Young, Brianna A
From: Young, Brianna A
Sent: Monday, April 10, 2023 2:14 PM
To: jadkins@culpeperwood.com
Subject: Culpepper of Ramseur(NCS000452) and Culpepper of Cove City(NCS000456)
Good afternoon,
The Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources (DEMLR) Stormwater Permitting Program
acknowledges receipt of your renewal applications for coverage under NPDES Permit Number NCS000452 and
NCS000456. Please continue to comply with all conditions and monitoring requirements in your current
NPDES stormwater permits. As long as you have submitted a complete renewal request package and maintain
compliance with those permit conditions, stormwater discharges from these facilities are authorized by that
permit until the Division issues a renewal permit or notifies you of an alternative action. Please let me know if
you have any questions in the interim.
Thank you,
Brianna Young, MS(she/her/hers)
Industrial Individual Permits Coordinator
Stormwater Permitting Program
NC DEQ/Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources (DEMLR)
Brianna.Young@ncdenr.gov(e-mail preferred)
919-707-3647 (office)
Mailing address: 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1612
Physical address: 512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27604
z_..-���D_ E '�&'�
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Department of Environmental Quality
Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North
Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.
Based on the current guidance to minimize the spread of COVID-19,the Department of Environmental Quality has adjusted
operations to protect the health and safety of the staff and public. Please check with the appropriate staff before visiting our offices,
as we may be able to handle your requests by phone or email.We appreciate your patience as we continue to serve the public
during this challenging time.
Permit Coverage
Renewal Application Form
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System NP NC Permit Number
Stormwater Individual Permit S 000asz
Please provide your permit number in box in the upper right hand corner, complete the information in the space provided
below and return the completed renewal form along with the required supplemental information to the address indicated.
Owner Information * Address to which permit correspondence will be mailed
Owner/Organization Name: Culpeper of Ramseur,LLC
Owner Contact: Josh Adkins I
Mailing Address: 4034 NC Hwy 22 S,Ramseur,NC 27316 Z E ,f F' ` r-IC n
4034 NC Hwy 22 S,Ramseur,NC 27316
Phone Number: 803-566-3270 kAR 10 2021 WS
Fax Number:
E-mail address: jadkins@culpeperwood.com DENR-LAID QUALITY
Facility Information
Facility Name: Culpeper of Ramseur,LLC
Facility Physical Address: 4034 NC Hwy 22 S,Ramseur,NC 27316
Facility Contact: Josh Adkins
Mailing Address: 4034 NC Hwy 22 S,Ramseur,NC 27316
Phone Number: 803-566-3270
Fax Number:
E-mail address: jadkins@culpeperwood.com
Permit Information
Permit Contact: Josh Adkins
Mailing Address: 4034 NC Hwy 22 S,Ramseur,NC 27316
Phone Number: 803-566-3270
Fax Number:
E-mail address: jadkins@culpeperwood.com
Discharge Information
Receiving Stream: Deep River
Stream Class: C
Basin: Cape Fear
Sub-Basin: 03-06-09
Number of Outfalls: 1
Facility/Activity Changes Please describe below any changes to your facility or activities since issuance of your permit. Attached a
separate sheet if necessary.
No significant changes.
I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in the application and that to the best of my knowledge and belief
such information is true, complete a accurate.
Signature Date 03/03/2021
Josh Adkins E&S Director
Print or type name of person signing above Title
Please return this completed application form DEMLR- Stormwater ProgramDept. of Environmental Quality
and requested supplemental information to: 1612 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1612
Two copies of each of the following shall accompany this submittal in order for the application
to be considered complete:
(Do not submit the site Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan)
JA 1. A current Site Map from the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. The location of
industrial activities (including storage of materials,disposal areas,process areas and
loading and unloading areas), drainage structures, drainage areas for each outfall,
building locations and impervious surfaces should be clearly noted.
JA 2 A summary of Analytical Monitoring results during the term of the existing permit
(if your permit required analytical sampling). Do not submit individual lab reports.
The summary can consist of a table including such items as outfall number,
parameters sampled, lab results, date sampled, and storm event data.
JA 3. A summary of the Visual Monitoring results. Do not submit individual monitoring
reports. The summary can consist of a table including such items as outfall number,
parameters surveyed, observations, and date monitoring conducted.
J A 4. A summary of the Best Management Practices utilized at the permitted facility.
Summary should consist of a short narrative description of each BMP's in place at
the facility. If the implementation of any BMP's is planned, please include
information on these BMP's.
JA 5. A short narrative describing any significant changes in industrial activities at the
permitted facility. Significant changes could include the addition or deletion of
work processes,changes in material handling practices, changes in material storage
practices,and/or changes in the raw materials used by the facility.
JA 6. Certification of the development and implementation of a Stormwater Pollution
Prevention Plan for the permitted facility(Sign and return attached form).
If the final year analytical monitoring of the existing permit term has not been completed
prior to filing the renewal submittal,then the last years monitoring results should be submitted
within 30 days of receipt of the laboratory reports. (i.e. do not withhold renewal submittal
waiting on lab results)
S=Stacker F= Fuel Storage P= Propane
K= Kiln :fib "�-{
Untreated and treated lumber is handled ' .•
throughout the yard area
Hazardous Waste is stored at Treating Plant
Oils stored at Maintenance Shop
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Ramseur Visual Inspections
Outfall 01 Permit# NCS000452
Floating Suspended Obvious
Color Odor Clarity Solids Solids Foam Oil Sheen Indicators
05/13/19 None None Clear No No No No None
10/31/19 None None Clear No No No No None
05/27/20 None None Clear No No No No None
12/16/201 None None I Clear No—I No No No None
There have been no significant changes to our process or chemicals.
The purpose of the SWPPP is to identify potential sources of pollution or contamination that originate at
this facility,and to select and implement actions which prevent or minimize the release of pollutants
into the storm water. The storm water management controls included in the SWPPP focus on providing
adequate control of pollutant discharges with practical approaches that utilize readily available
techniques, expertise, material and equipment.
The SWPPP is intended to be a flexible, active operations plan to allow incorporation of changes and
management practices. As the plan is implemented and methods to improve the plan are found, or as
regulations change, revisions to the plan must be made. Revisions to the plan must be approved by
management and recorded in all copies of the plan in order to meet the requirements of the storm
water permit.
This is a wood preservation facility. Untreated lumber is brought on site for treatment using a copper
based (micronized)amine formula. All chemicals used in the treatment process are kept inside
containment areas. Waters accumulated inside these containment areas are used back in the process.
All freshly treated lumber is kept under cover, on a RCRA Subpart W drip pad until drippage has ceased.
There are several storage sheds where we store as much of the treated lumber as possible. Any
remaining lumber is kept on the yard until sold.
Forklifts and other vehicles are regularly inspected and maintained by an outside contractor. All
maintenance work is done under cover, if possible. Now work is performed outdoors during a rain
event. Any oil or chemicals used at the maintenance department are kept inside the maintenance
building or under cover. All bulk oil tanks have secondary containment along with drip pans under the
nozzles. Any water accumulated within this containment, if contaminated with oil, is shipped for
recycling or the oil removed prior to releasing.
At this time, based upon a review of our current procedures for reducing or eliminating exposure of
materials to storm water,we have determined that it is not economically feasible to modify our
program. We have our maintenance area inside a building, all oil tanks under cover and in secondary
containment, all chemicals in secondary containment or under cover and numerous sheds to store
treated lumber in. The lumber stored outdoors is dry,stacked to minimize exposure and inventory
controlled to reduce potential exposure to a rain event. Housekeeping procedures are in place to
regularly remove debris in the yard and inspect around our maintenance and treating plant for chemical
The results of a site assessment indicate that controls are either in place or need to be added to
minimize contaminant releases to storm water runoff. Housekeeping is one area that can be readily
controlled to limit the discharge of wood debris and minimize the generation of dust.
Best Management Practices (BMPs)as well as other controls are used to reduce potential contaminant
releases. Some of our controls areas simple as ensuring that we maintain vegetation, such as grass on
slopes to prevent soil erosion and keeping outfall areas clean and free of debris.
All chemical bulk storage tanks are within secondary containment. None of our secondary containment
structures have any type of drainage system. Only personnel placing a pump into the diesel and
gasoline containment area can remove liquid. This method prevents any release of oil from our
containment system due to rain. Our chemical storage containment areas that are not located inside a
building have automatic pumps that will pick up liquid and place it into a bulk storage tank located
within a containment area. This liquid is then used in our treating processes.
Most hose connections at the tanks for bulk loading or unloading are inside the bulk storage
containment area. Any tank or hose connections outside the contained area have buckets underneath
to catch drips and minor leaks. A qualified employee with access to the proper safety equipment
approves the hook up to our tank prior to unloading and monitors the loading and unloading process.
All non-bulk containers,such as drums, are stored either indoors or within a contained area.
Finished lumber products are stored under sheds or in the yard until shipment. The trucks are loaded
over asphalt areas. Prior to storing any treated lumber outdoors,verification that there is no drippage
has been documented (see drip pad logs).
The drip pad is under roof and bermed/sloped to prevent any release. Any liquid generated from
drippage or a rain event flows to a sump and then is automatically picked up and place into an effluent
tank. Visual, as well as some documented Inspections are regularly performed on the drip pad and
maintenance,such as sealing or cracks and coating replacement, is performed as needed.
All cutting of lumber on site is performed under roof. The sawdust and particles are then loaded into a
drum or onto the dump truck. The truck is kept under roof unless loading.
Various types of equipment associated with this wood preserving facility include but are not limited to
pressure retorts, mechanical pumps,fueling trucks, maintenance equipment,freight transfer vehicles,
construction equipment and fork lifts.
Trucks,trailers,and forklifts are cleaned in an enclosed, roofed area designed for this purpose. The
water is reclaimed through an oil water separator.
It is recognized that maintenance of vehicles can be a significant source of storm water pollutants.
Materials associated with vehicle maintenance include waste oil,solvents and other degreasers, brake
fluid, anti-freeze, battery acids, radiator flush, and sludge. The following vehicle maintenance practices
are utilized:
- Maintenance is completed in an enclosed area protected from runoff and precipitation
whenever possible. If maintenance has to be performed outside of the enclosed area, all
possible means are used to prevent spillage and approved cleaning methods (oil dry, etc)
are used if any spillage occurs.
- All used products are properly stored until they are sent for recycling or disposal.
- Batteries, used tired,and used solvents are collected and recycled through the appropriate
vendors(Typically batteries are recycled immediately,so there is minimal to no storage).
A feasibility review to determine if there is a way to modify or change our operating procedures or
install controls to further reduce chemical exposure indicates the following:
o Bulk Chemical containment(Including Diesel)—All bulk chemicals are currently stored in
secondary containment systems and some are under roof. We do not have any secondary
containment systems that can release without manual pumping.
o Non-bulk chemical containment—All non-bulk chemicals are currently stored in secondary
containment areas or under roof.
o Particulate containment—Generation of sawdust is currently performed under roof in the saw
area. There is a general cleanup performed after the cutting is complete.
o Diesel/Gasoline storage—The diesel/gasoline tanks used to fuel the lifts and trucks are located
within a secondary containment system that cannot release without manual pumping. Filling
the tank and fueling procedures are performed just outside the containment area, but under
roof. Maintenance personnel or supervisors are the only employees that fuel the lifts.
o Treated wood storage—Treated lumber is stored in sheds or outdoors. Prior to placing the
treated lumber outdoors,the material is documented that all drippage has ceased. This
procedure should ensure that there is minimal release of chemicals during a rain event from the
treated lumber. The lumber is also not placed directly on the ground, but stored 2-6" above to
prevent contact.
o Chemical unloading—Chemical unloading is performed on paved areas. Most hose connections
at the tanks for bulk loading or unloading are inside the bulk storage containment area. Any
tank or hose connections outside the contained area have buckets underneath to catch drips
and minor leaks. A qualified employee with access to the proper safety equipment approves the
hook up to our tank prior to unloading and monitors the loading and unloading process. In the
future, as monies permit,we will review the installation of containment areas for the bulk
chemical trucks to be located during unloading.
To ensure that the BMPs and other controls are in use and working, employees are taught about
controls in use and periodic inspections are performed.
The measures currently in use or to be implemented at our facility to control contaminant releases are
found under section 4.a.
4.a. Effective Pollutant Control Options for Timber Product Facilities
Activity Associated BMPs In Use Remarks
Log, Lumber, and Divert Storm water around storage areas with ditches,swales X
other Wood and/or berms
Product Storage
Areas Locate storage areas on stable,well-drained soils with slope of X
2-5 percent
Line storage areas with crushed rock,gravel or porous X
pavement to promote infiltration, minimize discharge and
provide sediment and erosion control
Stack materials to minimize surface area of materials exposed X
to precipitation
Frequent removal of debris X
Use of silt fence and rip rap check dams in drainage ways X
Activity Associated BMPs In Use Remarks
Residue Storage Divert Storm water around storage areas with ditches,swales X
Areas and/or berms
(such as Locate storage residues away from drainage pathways and X
untreated surface waters
Avoid contamination of residues with oil, solvents,chemically X
treated wood,trash,etc.
Assemble piles to minimize surface area of materials exposed X
to precipitation
Limit storage time of residues to prevent degradation and X
generation of leachates
Cover and/or enclose stored residues to prevent contact with X
precipitation using silos,van trailers,sheds, roofs,buildings or
Limit slopes of storage areas to minimize velocities of runoff X
which may transport residues
Activity Associated BMPs In Use Remarks
Loading and Provide diversion berms and dikes to limit runon X
Material Cover loading and unloading areas(chemicals,diesel,gasoline, X Only small gas
Handling Areas etc) and diesel tanks
Enclose material handling systems for wood wastes X
Cover materials entering and leaving areas X
Provide good housekeeping measures to limit debris and to X
provide dust control
Provide paved areas to enable easy collection of spilled X
Activity Associated BMPs In Use IRemarks
Wood Extend drip time on drip pad (process area) before moving to X
Preservation storage
Pave and berm areas used by equipment that has come in X
contact with treatment chemicals
Locate treatment chemical loading and unloading areas away X
from high traffic areas where tracking of the chemical may
Provide frequent visual inspections of loading and unloading X
areas during and after activities occur to identify any spills or
leaks needing clean-up
Cover and/or enclose treatment areas X
Cover storage areas to prevent contact of treated wood X Partially done with
products with precipitation sheds available
Elevate stored,treated wood products to prevent contact with X
Activity Associated BMPs In Use Remarks
Chemical Provide secondary containment around chemical storage areas X
Storage Areas
Provide level gages X
Inventory fluids to identify leakage X
Locate storage areas away from high traffic areas and surface waters X
Cover and/or enclose chemical storage areas X
Provide containment to allow for recycling of spill and leaks X
Activity Associated BMPs In Use Remarks
Equipment Provide diversion berms and dikes to limit run on X
and/or vehicle
Preventative maintenance program (cleaning oil/water separators, X
maintenance catch basins,vehicle mounted drip containment devices)
and cleaning Minimizing storm water runon and runoff at fueling areas. X
Perform all maintenance activities indoors X
Cover and/or enclose chemical storage areas(used oil,oil filters, X
used solvents,etc.)
Locate storage areas away from high traffic areas x
Provide containment to allow for recycling of spill and leaks X
Oil/water separator used on water from cleaning equipment X
Activity Associated BMPs In Use Remarks
Erosion and Grassed areas to prevent soil erosion X
Controls Shubbery/brush/tree areas to prevent soil erosion X
Use of vegetation on sloped areas to prevent sediment run-off X
Use of earth dikes,etc.to prevent water run on to your X
Sediment Trap(Such as rock,vegetation,etc.) X
This facility is still operating with no significant changes from the previous
permit application. They are still using the same wood preservative and have
not added any new equipment.
North Carolina Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources— Stormwater Program
Facility Name: Culpeper of Ramseur,LLC
Permit Number: NCS000452
Location Address: 4034 NC Hwy 22 S,Ramseur,NC 27316
"I certify, under penalty of law, that the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SPPP) document and all
attachments were developed and implemented under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system
designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information required by the SPPP.
Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible
for gathering the information, the information gathered is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true,
accurate and complete."
"I certify that the SPPP has been developed, signed and retained at the named facility location, and the SPPP
has been fully implemented at this facility location in accordance with the terms and conditions of the
stormwater discharge permit."
"I am aware that there are significant penalties for falsifying information, including the possibility of fines and
imprisonment for knowing violations."
Sign (according to permit signatory requirements) and return this Certification. DO NOT
Signature Date 03/03/2021
Josh Adkins E&S Director
Print or type name of person signing above Title
SPPP Certification 10/13