HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW1230602_Property Deed_20230705 Page 1 of ,
Recorded: 1/25/2021 11:58:37 AM
Fee Amt: $546.00 Page 1 of 9
Revenue Tax: $520.00
Rutherford County, NC
Rachel Thomas Register of Deeds
BK 2041 PG 3895 - 3903
Excise Tax: 520.00
Tax Parcel ID No. 1625729 Verified by County
on the day of ,20 By:
Mail/Box to: Law Offices of Richard P. Williams, PLLC, Post Office Box 550, Rutherfordton, NC 28139
This instrument was prepared by: Richard P.Williams,a licensed North Carolina attorney. Delinquent taxes, if
any,to be paid by the closing attorney to the county tax collector upon disbursement of closing proceeds.
Brief description for the Index: 520 Piney Ridge Road, Forest City, NC 28043
THIS DEED, made this the 2t day of January, 2021, by and between
GRANTOR: Moss Family, LLC, a North Carolina limited liability company
whose mailing address is 10 Hackamore Drive, Bluffton, SC 29910
Joined by
Mary Corwin Moss(widow)and Timothy K. Moss and Molly Moss, married to each other
do 10 Hackamore Drive, Bluffton, SC 29910
(herein referred to collectively as Grantor)
GRANTEE: RHI Legacy Foundation, Inc., a North Carolina non-profit corporation
whose mailing address is 431 S. Main Street, Suite 3, Rutherfordton, NC 28139
(herein referred to collectively as Grantee)
For valuable consideration from Grantee to Grantor,the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged,Grantor
hereby gives,grants,bargains, sells and conveys unto Grantee in fee simple, subject to the Exceptions and Reservations
hereinafter provided,if any,the following described property located in the Township of Cool Springs,County of Rutherford,
State of North Carolina, more particularly described as follows:
Moss Family, LLC, is a North Carolina limited liability company that has been formally dissolved at the North
Carolina Secretary of State. This transaction is being conducted in furtherance of the winding up and dissolution
of the company pursuant to Chapter 570,Article 6 of the North Carolina General Statutes.
All or a portion of the property herein conveyed does not include the primary residence of a Grantor.
submitted electronically by "Law offices of Richard P Williams, PLLC"
in compliance with North Carolina statutes governing recordable documents
and the terms of the submitter agreement with the Rutherford County Register of Deeds.
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C) TO HAVE AND TO HOLD unto Grantee,together with all privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging,in fee simple,
subject to the Exceptions and Reservations hereinafter and hereinabove provided, if any.
And Grantor hereby warrants that Grantor is seized of the premises in fee and has the right to convey same in fee simple,
that title is marketable and is free and clear of encumbrances other than as set forth herein,and that Grantor will forever
warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims of all persons or entities whomsoever.
This conveyance is made subject to the following Exceptions and Reservations:
1. Ad valorum taxes for future years.
2. Any utility easements of public record.
3. Any restrictions of public record.
All references to Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include the parties as well as their heirs, successors and
assigns, and shall include the singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter as required by context.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has duly executed the foregoing as of the day and year first above written.
A North Carolina limited liability company
By: v ti]� Vt
Mary Corwin Info s, Manager
State of o G,.. C c<ro 1:„ (Offcial/Notar( t, eal)
County of a ,:L o r ,, ,,
U •
I certify that Mary Corwin Moss personally came before me this day and t�,.••' •., -
acknowledged that she is Manager of Moss Family, LLC, a North Carolina ®�]
limited liability company, and that by authority duly given and as the act of = *; �1 [1 t ,:
such entity, she signed the forgoing instrument in its name on its behalf as its - •
act and deed. t Q1 VJ.O L
Date: /g I Lr/ • •.
. s,,,jY...•rig r;
Notary Public •,,, H
Notary's Printed or Typed Name ""`��
John Hales
My Commi 9sion Expires:
1� I 0/ 3 Notary Public,Beaufort Cot-c;.:
Commission Expires: Dec
Book: 2041 Page: 3895 Seq: 2
Page 3 of ,
By:Timothy l�. Mos Manager
Statpof r r vF� '1 i
,County of r;�-H1 I f`►� [ (Official/Notarial Seal)
w - .
I certify that Timothy K. Moss personally came before me this day and
acknowledged that he is Manager of Moss Family, LLC, a North Carolina
limited liability company, and that by authority duly given and as the act of
such entity, he signed the forg -n instrument in its name on its behalf as its
act and deed.
,l ( z (
--��,v kill ` r`` e Notary Public ma er
Notary's Printed or Typed Name 'poll'PuTablio,ikt]istrict Frasof Calumtaia
MyrCo/immiisiongxpires: � Y Commission Ex{Nres DECEMBER 15,2425
04 } �.. A'
- f slA!mote. 5
By: k Timothytt7Lf
oss, Trustee of the P' O't' µ -Tillmanoss, Sr-, Family GST Irrevocable Trust LEND 6/26/2003 +��_rj,:" Q ` �"-
`, i Ci '
t .- cr GiState of k {DfciallNoaitgiSea1
Ceunty of
I certify that Timothy K. Moss,Trustee of the Tillman K. Moss, Sr., Family
GST Irrevocable Trust U/AID 6/26/2003 personally came before me this day
and acknowledged that, in his capacity of Trustee, is Manager of Moss Family,
LLC, a North Carolina limited liability company,and that by authority duly given
and as the act of such entity, he 'gned th orgoing instrument in its name on
its behalf
f as its a and deed.
Date: Li�''11
Tam ika Fraser
'V. Notary Public Notary Public,District of Colombia
N tary's Printed or Typed Name My Commission Expires DECEMBER 15,2i025
My Co ml ion xpires:
Book: 2041 Page: 3895 Seq: 3
Page 4 of ,
CPMary Corwin Moss widow and TimothyK. Moss an
d}, Molly Moss(married to each other),join in the execution of this
instrument as all the heirs and beneficiaries at law of Tillman K. Moss,Jr.,who died March 9,2016,in Jasper County,South
olina, for th c G urpose of includi g any and all interest they may have in the property described herein.
ilt erw ! , , fu (SEAL)
Mary Co in Moss
State of 5c,4.,+1,4 C i r d Ii a (Official/NRtarfg ' eaI) .•
County of ; .eawf,.r3- ;���Cw i. ..,,..
I certify that the following person(s)personally appeared before me this day, ,;..
each acknowledging to me that he or she signed the foregoing document: _ +:'n f l Q�]
Mary Corwin Moss - •
�. d �
Date l gri�r 11 - ` •: b'1ott
1 of®il en / A le S Notary Public �+•''•.,.....•• C
/Notary's Printed or Typed Name I t'H tyrrlQ
My Commission Expires: John Hales .,,,,,,,,.�
/c2 iD / Notary Public,Beaufort County,vC
Commission Expires.. Dec. 10.2o7'•
Timothy K. Moss
State of (Official/Notarial Seal)
County of
I certify that the following person(s) personally appeared before me this day,
each acknowledging to me that he or she signed the foregoing document:
Timothy K. Moss
Notary Public
Notary's Printed or Typed Name
My Commission Expires:
Molly Moss
State of (Official/Notarial Seal)
County of
I certify that the following person(s)personally appeared before me this day,
each acknowledging to me that he or she signed the foregoing document:
Molly Moss
Notary Public
Notary's Printed or Typed Name
My Commission Expires:
Book: 2041 Page: 3895 Seq: 4
Page 5 of ,
Mary Corwin Moss widow and TimothyK. Moss and MollyMo
ss(widow), (married to each other),join in the execution of this
instrument as all the heirs and beneficiaries at law of Tillman K.Moss,Jr.,who died March 9,2016,in Jasper County,South
Carolina, for the purpose of including any and all interest they may have in the property described herein.
Mary Corwin Moss
State of (Official/Notarial Seal)
County of
I certify that the following person(s)personally appeared before me this day,
each acknowledging to me that he or she signed the foregoing document:
Mary Corwin Moss
Notary Public
Notary's Printed or Typed Name
My Commission Expires:
r 1 fr (SEAL)
Ti thy K. Moss
State of ? 0 `\,r;{C (Official/Notarial Seal)
County of r S Ur" 6iu
I certify that the followingTamika Fraser
fY person(s)personally appeared before me this day, Nofaryp�,bl;�0 ��
each acknowledging to me th he she signed the foregoing document: MY Commission Expires SEC fBER iS,2025
Timothy K. Moss
Date:le-11 1
� o
11 4'(k VYC<'-er- Notary Public
Notary's Printed or Typed Name .'r { �.> >,
My Co mission Expires: ,,,,,4 Avk,, ... k?$ 3=..
Mk,/ (JL -
(SEAL) L7...., , 1S ,,`
Molly Moss
t t,o of - 1 - l UV / (Official/Notarial Seal)
I certify that the following person(s)personally appeared before me this day,
each acknowledging to me thatthe or sh signed the foregoing document:
Molly Moss Tarnika Fraser
i 4_1 , Notary Public,Dlstrictof Columbia
Date: My Commission moires DECEMBER 15,2025
. 4 =` ( Notary Public
Notary's P inted or Typed Name
My Commission Expires:
Book: 2041 Page: 3895 Seq: 5
Page 6 of ,
Description of Property
Being the same property as described in deed from B. G. Moore and wife, Katie
McDaniel Moore to Tillman K. Moss and wife, Gertrude Gahagan Moss dated March 20,
1951 and recorded in Deed Book 213 on Page 370, Rutherford County Registry, the
property hereby conveyed being described according to said deed as follows:
BEGINNING on the old beginning corner at iron pin in center of the Frog Level Road,
said iron pin being on South bank of said road and runs with the old line South 13-1/2
deg. West 73 poles to iron pin on East bank of deep gulley black gum; thence a new
line South 75 deg. East 63.06 poles to iron pin at the old line a wire fence; thence with
this old line to center of the Frog Level Road North 18 deg. East 75 poles 14 links;
thence a new line North 77-3/4 degrees West 70 poles to the place of BEGINNING.
Being the same property as described as TRACT ONE in deed from B. G. Moore and
wife, Katie McDaniel Moore to Tillman K. Moss and wife, Gertrude Gahagan Moss
dated July 15, 1952 and recorded in Deed Book 220 on Page 75, Rutherford County
Registry, the property hereby conveyed being described according to said deed as
Situate, lying and being in Cool Springs Township, Rutherford County, North Carolina,
and adjoining the lands on the East by Sam Price and Kate Moore, on the South by B.
G. Moore, on the West by Mrs. D. M. Carver and on the North by Tillman Moss and
being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows:
BEGINNING at an iron pin in Sam Price's line and being the Southeast corner of
Tillman Moss's former purchase from B. G. Moore and wife, and runs thence with Sam
Price's line South 18 degrees West 52 poles to an iron pin; thence with Kate Moore's
line North 80-1/2 degrees West 30 poles and 8 links to an iron pin; thence South 41-1/2
degrees West 55 poles to an iron pin; thence North 52-1/2 degrees West 27 poles to an
iron pin; thence with Mrs. D. M. Carver's line North 43 degrees East 12 poles and 16
links to an iron pin; thence North 31-1/2 degrees East 24 poles and 6 links to an iron
pin; thence North 14-1/2 degrees East 49 poles and 5 links to an iron pin; thence with
line of Tillman Moss' former purchase South 77-3/4 degrees East 71-1/2 poles to the
BEGINNING, containing 28-1/2 acres, more or less, according to survey made by I. T.
Wise, Surveyor, July 11, 1952.
TRACT THREE: Being the same property as described as SECOND TRACT in deed
from B. G. Moore and wife, Katie McDaniel Moore to Tillman K. Moss and wife,
Gertrude Gahagan Moss dated July 15, 1952 and recorded in Deed Book 220 on Page
75, Rutherford County Registry, the property hereby conveyed being described
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according to said deed as follows:
Lying and being on the North side of the Oakland-Forest City Road and beginning at an
iron pin, said iron pin being Shelley Ezell's Northwest corner and runs thence with the
line of S. L. Lawing North 78-3/4 degrees West 678 feet to an iron pin; thence with
Sloan Grose's line South 7-1/4 degrees West 300 feet to an iron pin ; thence with the
Oakland-Forest City Road South 78 degrees East 657 feet and six inches to an iron pin
in the center of said road; thence with Shelley Ezell's line North 11 degrees East 304
feet to the place of BEGINNING, containing 4-1/2 acres, more or less, according to
survey made by I. T. Wise, Surveyor, .July 11, 1952.
Deed from Tillman K. Moss and wife, Gertrude Gahagan Moss to Southern Assisted
Living, Inc., recorded in Deed Book 0698 on Page 0777, Rutherford County Registry,
and containing 4.623 acres, more or less.
Being the same and identical property described as Parcel Two in that deed to Moss
Family, LLC, by deed recorded in Deed Book 793 at Page 134, Rutherford County
Tax Map 246-1-104, Tax PIN 1625729
520 Piney Ridge Road, Forest City, NC 28043
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Resolution of Moss Family, LLC
A North Carolina Limited Liability Company
Pursuant to the Agreement of Moss Family, LLC, a North Carolina limited liability company,
(hereinafter "Company"), and applicable laws, the members of the Company d hereby agree
and resolve as follows:
WHEREAS, the Company desires to sell certain real property in which Company resently owns
interest to RHI Legacy Foundation, Inc., a North Carolina non-profit corporation (Buyer") which
said certain real property is shown in Offer to Purchase and Contract--Vacant L tlLand
between the parties hereto, and is showing as 520 Piney Ridge Road, Forest Cite, NC 28043,
and being Parcel Two on that certain deed recorded in Deed Book 793 at Page 134, Rutherford
County Registry, reference being made for full metes and bounds description, and being
Rutherford County Revenue Department Tax PIN 1625729 (hereinafter"Property°); and
WHEREAS, the Members and Managers desire to provide assurances as to the authorization of
Managers to act on behalf of Company.
NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the following resolutions:
(1) That Mary Corwin Moss, Timothy K. Moss and Timothy K. Moss as Trustele of the Moss
Family GST Irrevocable Trust L UAlD 6/26/2003 are all the Members and all the Managers of
Company, and do hereby state that each or all of them are authorized signatory for Company
(hereinafter"Authorized Signatory"), and each is properly appointed to act on all matters on
behalf of the Company,with or without joinder of any others, related to the sale oil Property from
Company to Buyer without the necessity of obtaining any further vote or authorization from
(2) That the Authorized Signatory is hereby authorized to enter into contracts and
agreements on behalf of the Company, and to sign and execute general warranty deeds,
settlement statements, affidavits and such other documents related to Contract for the sale of
Property from Company to Buyer without joinder of any others.
This resolution may be executed in several counterparts.
Member and Manager
Mary Corwin ss, g
STATE OF Sat Cti re,),'n
COUNTY OF ?e r4-a
Sworn to and subscribed before me by Mary Corwin Moss, Member and Manager of Moss
Family, LLC, a North Carolina limited liability company, this /St day of January, 2021.
ittaca-- o
Notary Public . .•'• �- ? _<
My commission expires: 1,1 0/02. [seal/stamp] r . ry J 0
co L.11
917ri Hales a l
kary Pudic,Beaufort County, "s 0'• i— Q ,a".
1 SC
1r'trn c on Expires' Dec.1Q,2028 r
Book: 2041 Page: 3895 Seq: 8
Page 9 of ,
BY fli
Timot K. Moss, Member and Manager
S E'OF PI - 1 a (- m 1G
C TY OF G �-Ir i /" oV
Sworn to and subscribed before me by Timothy K. M , Member and Manager of Moss Family,
LLC, a orth rolina limited liability company, this day of January, 2021.
Notary Pu lic
My commission expires:\i'fl 17 (7 5 [seallstampl
Tamika Fraser
Notary Public,District of Columbia
My Commission Expires DECEMBER 15,2025
BY kv.
Timot y K. Moss,Trustee of the
Moss Family GST Irrevocable Trust U/AID 6/26/2003, Member and Manager
4 #
� ', r `
STATE OFP � V °- cc1V ' 11 4 ' ¢ \
1NTY OF . lt(lu t0-ftN x
Sworn to and subscribed before me by Timothy K. Moss, Trustee of the %O . , a ;,.
irrevocable Trust U/AI❑ 6/26/2003, Me ber and Manager of Moss Fami� �
day January, art ` ,, (
Carolina}' ited liability company, this �� of 2D21. {' F'�.,'
Nota P is
My c mmiission expires: 1 2-P 1 12 5 [seal/stamp]
Tamika Fraser
Notary public,District of Columbia
My Commission Expires DECEMBER 15,2025
Book: 2041 Page: 3895 Seq: 9