HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW1230602_Plansheet - Existing Conditions/Survey_20230705 -82:1547A.7;36893Ao-)A/,!'$&$-A&&""A$"'%A+.&+Ai+#% "'('$! N Notes: N - All distances are horizontal ground feet unless otherwise noted. 00 m - Areas were determined by coordinate computations. cu u1 r- - All coordinates and distantances are in US Survey Feet. z z o 0 - This surveydoes not certify to title or ownership. 8" DUCTILE O �' z o Y P IRON WATER LINE - No title search was provided for this survey. DEED POINT OF 0 __ BEGINNING - TRACT ONE - The survey that the information of reted cordnash noted herelon on. of this plat used only Tp pAKLgND RD Q c„ ssHM X- ��1 SSHM F� O °_ 4 \ RIM ELEV = 1051.86' Q - Property is subject to any and all easements, rights of way, and �F° ca RIM ELEV = 1055.30' � INV = 1042.56 restrictive covenants of record. �G F�FO S _-D INV = 1042.92' ` �. SEE GAS LINE EASEMENT - No location of underground utilities was performed during this F _ 76.3573» a h \ TO PSNC ENERGY PER �p \. DB 2000 PG 667 (20') survey other than those shown. ,� E�_ °- °�4 72' E - Watershed classification None. 4" PIE _F0_ S 77. 7 55 S 76.30 N - Town of Forest City Zoning District : R-8 (Per GIS) AT 117s.zs' 444 E 6 00' I �' - Flood Zone Category : Zone X. a / / =�_ _ ~ 3F S 7 776.60 S PINEY RIDGE as per FIRM Index Map No. : 3710153800J. = MADaHs4olPc b3sIIN I /r - 1755'3j„ E / 792652 79" E I � a RD Community Panels Numbers: 1538J. Q PB 6 PG 145 l �� 1�E 26' FIRM Panel Effective Date : July 2, 2008. / �f �f fr r f� s 364RO/}@ - Contour Interval as Shown is 1'. m Q e_ j f ��f % //� �I tlR�/w tE S � PER NCDT F° 16" DUCTILE WANDA D. MATHENY V I �� f� �_ �� \ �u -N 0 DB 11O1 PG 652 / / ��f ���� \ �� �� IRON WATER LINE SITE 0 I / �� �� f � / L� ` �E SEM NT \-9 1 F (EAST OF DANIEL RD) Q PB 6 PG >45 1 1 Fa V `GRAVED l A 139105' F° F° F C� G 0 F0 N ��� �Al \� ) o / i REBAR � F0�7F° _ v �v v �� \ / c F O � C �� \ \� A �\\\\� ( \ /c� / AT 30.08' _ ° Po � � Z YAVONNE BUCKNER 1" PIPE & CAP C\ V \ WELL N � f ` v A �\\ V\ \ \ � i / / � r ca U�TERRY D. BUCKNER AT 840.79' \ DB 529 PG 46 0.7T WEST OF LINE 1 �� \ �� C / \\ ��� \ A�� A T, �� � c�y� �A �� V �� \\ i ��j JEAN J. SMITH, TRUSTEE -c_ TD HVVY �PB 6 PG 145 THREADED ROD & CAP f V I \\ V \ V ei ��� ESTATE FILE 18E PG 392 7 U� � \ V\ V / c,/ REBAR 4 � O 1 1 1 I 1 °� v\V1 7g�0 -� / DB 1044 PG 842 �- Z AT 740.75' i / \ V V �� �� AT 200.00' 8) 1.26' WEST OF LINE - / �� _ c�/ 0.51, WEST OF LINE PB 12 PG 93 t L � ta� v� co I JEJOHN SSICADL.WWEEKS i ROJ�FCT BENCH ARK I I I I `I I �\ V\� Q CD W CD DB 950 PG 83 REBAR R SPIKE IN 6" \�� �/� Z U CD Z AT 640.00' RED OAK f _�_ �\ v _ t _ G/ . 2 PIPE ANTON BIRRER 2.12' WEST OF LINE L ELEV 10687' I I Vim\ \ \�� ��� - � 0 L i / AT 350.34' VERENA BIRRER '0.32 WEST OF LINE DB 944 PC 771 \ t� PB 12 PG 93 CATHY D. SKIPPER \ DB 759 Pc 198 L �I \ � \ w \\\ V / PB6PG >45 AT 540.85„ REBAR /X t 4�� \ �� � � I I�� � �� �jl / f / ��� � - - � �\ ' \ \ \ / .49' WEST OF LIN rh I \� \ \ ��\� C 1 �i _ VICINITY MAP - NO SCALE \ �� V�\ �� \� A�� ��� 2" PIPE - _ - - - - \ _ _ / ,�, A�� �\��� �� \\\���\ \ ���� �� i AT 500.54' DEREK G. SMITH i 4" PIPE W� ELBOW1� � � �� \ \�� ® �� c 0.28' WEST OF LINE DB 983 PG 599 I f f I I PB 12 PG 93 \ AT 437.76' if / ��\ / 1.39' EAST OF LINE INSET �� - 1 p I f/ � k / JAMES E. MCCLELLAN � � / „ , LILLIAN L. MCCLELLAN I l V I V / t\ ���� I (�\ \�� TERRY M. RAMSEY = 50 DB 858 PG 23 , A V� II��I I \, i _ EASEMENT DENA R. RAMSEY 3„ A PBSPG145 / r � \\� F � � � � / III I � G - -- 4 PIPE \ / ILL \ 1 �� �I�� \ �� r �� DB 1 121 PG 490 EP2 r AT 597.81' PB 12 PG 93 AT 800.00 \ JAMES E. MCCLELLAN t / \ LILLIAN L. MCCLELLAN �/ \ PB2s2PCG14s 1 >" PIPE.62' �� V A 0.94'A EAST iOF LINE�� �� \ \ / ��� ��f���1 J�I �� I�I�. + �� \ f \ -� 4„ PIPE � \ AT 800.00' JAMES E. MCCLELLAN \ ff V V\ / ��F I I � I I Sf1 M \ PAULINE C. HENSON PUBLIC, VIC � � � � � I � DB 575 PG 212 � LILLIAN L. MCCLELLAN ' � /' � � �� 0 � ��� � � � � � AT 140.43' \ \ _ ��� \��� �� �� A PB 12 PG 93 DB 2046 PG 960 PIPE ��� A� �� ` --OF Nl'R H CA. 0.67' WEST OF LINE1 - 0 U�1�LI Y VICKIE J. WILLIAMS I \ \\ \ \ l PE/R fDB 0 DB 514 Pc 75svim' v - - \ V A \ \ \\ \ T, v I _ / PB 12 PC 93 1" PIPE \ �� � �� - I \ �\ �� � ��\ �' ,/.- - AXLE AT 41.34' ` \ \ �� \ _ AT 925.32' VICKIE J. WILLIAMS / SHEDS 0.72' WEST OF LINE �/ V' V\ V \ �� V v �� �� �I 'n 1 ✓,. � DB 514 PG 756 I / 4" PIPV� \ ��� �� �. PB 12 PG 93 GREENE RENTALS, LLC �A WITHIN 0. 10 DB 2042 PG 500 /i - �\ \ \ \ ` \ 1 1 I`` ! PIPE DWAYNE A. HARRIS PB 6 PG 145 \ ��� V 1 \ \ �� AT 1o4s.s3' AXLE OF PROPERTY LINE / 6 1 / �v � \� ��tl ���� SHERRY H. HARRIS SURVEYORS CERTIFICATION \ _ DD 649 PG 462 AT 925.32, \ � � \ ' \ \ \ , PB 12 PG 93 \ 7 AT 644.86' /!� w�� ��� V\ V /A �, �� � ��l Y� `� " PIPE I, Matthew T. Cornwell certify that this plat was drawn under my supervision from an actual •' AT 1174.84' survey performed under m supervision (Deed Book 2041 Page 3895 that the boundaries not RANDY C. MCMELLION Y P Y p l 9 �� _ v� �� ���A �� _ �� ///// A� V / 0.23' EAST of LINE SHERRI D. MCMELLION surveyed are clearly indicated as dashed lines drawn from information found as shown hereon; / �� C\ \ \ \ < DB 652 PG 447 \ GARLAND BRIDGES \� \ \ �� - � r I / C �� � �\ \\ VA �� - �� r \�' \ , PB 12 PG 93 that the ratio of precision as calculated exceeds 1: 10,000; and that this plat meets the � DB 507 PG 39 � � � A\ \� _ , , / PB s PG 145 r /fib \ \� ` / / I I requirements of The Standards of Practice for Lane Surveying in North Carolina 21 NCAC / / \ V\ \ \�� e'hi /mil\ REBAR g Y g AT 1224.92' 56.1600). Witness my original signature and seal this the 21 st day of February, A.D., 2022. � /f �� f� o 0.24' EAST OF LINE / C �\v v - GEORGE F. scHAEFER I, Matthew T. Cornwell certify that this project was completed under my direct and responsible T 444.89' VGA TERRY A. SCHAEFER f ��INNINAIC 0.70' WEST of LINE �r / V� \\1\ \ V\� \ C - Q - - �� DB 1073 PG 3s7 charge from an actual survey made under my supervision; that this ground survey ws performed �� �� \/� PB 17 PG 92 at the 95 percent confidence level to meet Federal Geographic Data Committee Standards; that ORR & RASH, LLC ( � A \ �\\ PIPE DB 2017 S 1950 1 / 2 _ ���\�\�vA�� ��������� v � this survey was performed to meet the requirements for a to o ra hic lanimetric survey to the PB 6 PG 146V\ \ l\ EASEMENT AT 1248.11' Y p g p g p �p Y AT 1285.28' \ 7.63' WEST OF LINE accuracy of Class AA and vertical accuracy when applicable to the Class A standard, and that the original data was obtained from July 7-28, 2021; that the survey was completed on February 21, 2022; that contours shown as broken lines may not meet the stated standard; and all _ � � � \ "/ / \ coordinates are based on NAD83(NSRS2011� and all elevations are based on NAVD88/GEOID18. 2" PIPE f I �� �� �� �A\�V \� �\ - - r 0 �/ RANDY C. CURTIS GENE P. FITE AT 238.50' '� IA \ \ \ \ - I I ✓ i MARY K. CURTIS JOYCE B. FITE 1 �.� Y �\ A \�� \ \ �� DB 697 PG 312 f � �11 V A 1 �� j PB 17 PG 92 ��`` CAR ��'�0 1qt qie DB 557 PG 693 PB s PG 14s �� �� 1' \\ v \ I / v 8" REBAR ,•' �� �� •• f � I l r v e/\ AT 1s41.8z' �.•v�O�oFEssio 70,•• Docusigredby: 66vraw01 EBD36F11473E475... \1� EAL 4 5 SURVEYOR PAOLA A. BUITRAGo 2" PIPE IT, C \\� `��'�� AT 8.63' o I � � C � � � ��\ \ \ � � DB 2038 PG 3415 40 PB 41 PG 14 I���� \ I C ��l�l v - � t \\� s 1 / L •.z' 'y L-4775 „ PIPE I �� I \ � � Z� /-Y �i��� SUR�� REBARF17i N.C. P.L.S. LICENSE NUMBER T. KENNETH R. DOTSON AT 308.51' $fuus�N�� 212112022 DB 831 PG 197 \��� / 1/ / / \ c w 1 REBAR AC v /�� l�r�Il�� � C� A� - " fI � l/ �27��� %�i �'�. � �/ /i�i� /v f S AT 297.02' `� ��f f �/,� �f� 17 �i LEGEND REBAR O�t - - �j /� / /CI //v/�� V v� AT 208.58 / f � / BOLT 4 ��� / c /� A i TOTAL) JAMES R. MORGAN / / MAGNAIL • IRON FOUND AS INDICATED / �/ / r DB 443 PG 303 y / V / - -®_ \j 7 /17 \� - EASEMENT IN STONE ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL POINT TABLE STONE AS INDICATED PB 6 PG 145 ,�� � �� /f� AT 50.36' AT HICKORY • UNMARKED POINT �� v �/ //� // j POINT NORTHING EASTING ELEVATION ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL POINT 1�" PIPE ��� vv I �'� ������/ // EP1 588307.667 1132777.577 1030.30 UTILITY POLE EP2 587958.508 1132986.992 1011 .73 O GUY ANCHOR FIRE HYDRANT 04' �� �� � 1��\� �V� \� //�1� 1s/f X WATER VALVE �`l �v®�� ��A �T f�! � ►� WATER METER �� � vv�v �1�� ® GAS VALVE OR TEST STATION ®� �\44�\� �\l �\\\ � 1 /4�0 �� 0' 150' 300' 450' �� TELEPHONE PEDESTAL OR HANDHOLE z PIP �� \VVA VAAV ��� i� OLD WELL �\ - VV\ \�\ FF -��� o PROJECT BENCHMARK (SEE NOTE) 'Yv�� wv�v SCALE I "=150' BOUNDARY LINE (SURVEYED) A � JAMES A. MOSS SHEET > ®F > � J�� ��� ELLEN J. MOSS _�� �� - - - - - - OLD TRACT LINE (SURVEYED) cg, �� v� DB 416 PG 592 , - - ADJ. PROP. LINE (NOT SURVEYED) FLOYD'S CREEK ROAD EDGE OF PAVING (SURVEYED) �� BOUNDARY & TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY OF PROPERTY OWNED BY: STREAM OR BRANCH (SURVEYED) -E -E -E -E - OVERHEAD UTILITY LINE (SURVEYED) JUDITH M. POWELL RHI Legacy Foundation, Inc. DB 1027 PG 643 1" SOLID Parcel Address: -x-x-x-x- FENCE LINE (SURVEYED) / ENGINEERS 520 Piney Ridge Road BUILDING OUTLINE (SURVEYED) / .•`����OKE ,����i Forest City, NC 28043 - - - - - EASEMENT LINE •�� S � ••••Nr'�iL��i Deed Reference: DB 2041 PG 3895 NCDOT RIGHT OF WAY LINE / ;4• G� R,q'X Parcel No.: 1538274772; Map/Blk/Lot: 246111104 Located in: Forest City, Rutherford County, NC (Cool Springs Twp) -T-T-T-T- UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE LINE t D EA o? -Fo-Fo-Fo-Fo- UNDERGROUND FIBER OPTIC LINE / / TGS - TV- TV- TV-TV- Z �O; Engineers s UNDERGROUND TV CABLE LINE ••� ..,.1 9 g.,..��• sHELBY, NC 28150 •,� : � 804C N. 2AEAYETTE ST. -W -W -W -W - UNDERGROUND WATER LINE '• N. • - G - G - G - G - UNDERGROUND GAS LINE �•,��,,/;,;,',O�•�� PH. (To4) 4T6-0003 DRAWN BY: M.T. Cornwell, P2S, PE SURVEYED BY: M. T. McSwain MAJOR CONTOUR Firm License # w MINOR CONTOUR Date of Survey: Map Date: REVISED 212112022 TO SHOW ADDITIONAL TOPO ALONG DANIEL ROAD C-02'75 July 2021 July 29, 2021 CHECKED BY: M.T. Cornwell, PTs, PE