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SWA000214_Soils/Geotechnical Report_20230705
REPORT OF GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION PROPOSED NAPA AND MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING DEVELOPMENT LOWES BOULEVARD AND SPARKS XING FOREST CITY, NORTH CAROLINA Prepared For: Maxus Construction 700 Southgate Drive Pelham, Alabama 35124 BLE Project Number J23-19494-02 March 14,2023 II I BUNNELL II LAMMONS ENGINEERING 5004 Ponders Court I Greenville,SC 29615 854,288.1255 a 854288.4330 PAg info©blecorp.com BLECORP.COM I � ' '• BUNNELL � LAMMONS ENGINEERING March 14, 2023 Maxus Construction Company 700 Southgate Drive Pelham,Alabama 35124 Attention: Mr.Darren Scotch darrenscotch@maxusinc.com Subject: Report of Geotechnical Exploration Proposed NAPA and Medical Office Building Development Lowes Blvd and Sparks Xing Forest City,North Carolina BLE Project No.J23-19494-02 Dear Mr. Scotch: Bunnell-Lammons Engineering, Incorporated (BLE) is pleased to present this report of geotechnical exploration for the proposed NAPA retail and Medical Office Building (MOB) development located southeast of the intersection of Lowes Boulevard and Sparks Xing in Forest City, North Carolina. This exploration was performed generally as described in Bunnell-Lammons Engineering (BLE) Proposal No. P23-0158R2 dated February 7,2023. The exploration was authorized on February 8,2023 by the signature of Mr. Scotch on our Proposal Acceptance Sheet. Sincerely, BUNNELL-LAMMONS ENGINEERING,INC. \�\\��N�CA����ii� BLE NC License No. C-1538 \� ••••••• O �', �0 •FESSio �'L�': I _ o , __ ¢ SEAL 9< _laid cillaze-ite:t i @ 0 4 5811 ' 'il Irv2 .... Fti eq.... Engineering Associate Senior Engineer % /v. ' ..oiNE .••#Qi \� Registered,North Carolina#045811 �'", IMF• F SO\-' \\\`� l'/IIIIIII\\\\ I 6004 Ponders Court,Greenville,SC 29615 1.864.2E1E1265 61864.288.4430 Minfo@hlecorp.com BLECORP.COM Report of Geotechnical Exploration March 14, 2023 Proposed NAPA and MOB—Forest City,NC BLE Project No.J23-19494-02 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 AUTHORIZATION 1 2.0 SCOPE OF EXPLORATION 1 3.0 PROJECT INFORMATION 1 4.0 FIELD EXPLORATION 2 5.0 SITE GEOLOGY 2 6.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 2 7.0 ANALYSIS AND DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS 3 7.1 Foundations 3 7.2 Settlement 4 7.3 Lateral Earth Pressure 4 7.4 Grade Slabs 5 7.5 Pavement 5 7.6 Secondary Design Considerations 6 8.0 CONSTRUCTION RECOMMENDATIONS 6 8.1 Clearing and Grubbing 6 8.2 Drainage 6 8.3 Proofrolling 7 8.4 Engineered Fill 7 8.5 Slopes 8 9.0 SPECIFICATIONS REVIEW 8 10.0 BASIS OF RECOMMENDATIONS 8 Appendix Appendix A Figures Appendix B Field Exploration Procedures Appendix C Boring Logs Appendix D A Key to Soil Classifications Appendix E Important Information About This Geotechnical Report i of i Report of Geotechnical Exploration March 14,2023 Proposed NAPA and MOB—Forest City,NC BLE Project No.J23-19494-02 1.0 AUTHORIZATION A geotechnical exploration for the proposed NAPA retail and Medical Office Building(MOB)development in Forest City, North Carolina was performed generally as described in Bunnell-Lammons Engineering (BLE)Proposal No. P23-0158R2 dated February 7, 2023. The exploration was authorized on February 8, 2023 by the signature of Mr. Scotch on our Proposal Acceptance Sheet. 2.0 SCOPE OF EXPLORATION This report presents the findings of the geotechnical exploration performed for the proposed NAPA retail and MOB development in Forest City,North Carolina(reference Figure 1 in Appendix A). The intent of this exploration was to evaluate the subsurface soil and groundwater conditions at the site and provide geotechnical recommendations for design of the foundations, floor slabs and associated project elements. We have also included a discussion of secondary design considerations and provided geotechnical related construction recommendations. 3.0 PROJECT INFORMATION The following project information was provided in a request for proposal (RFP) from Mr. Ralph Dickson IV of Dickson Auto Parts to our Mr. Prescott May. Included with the RFP was a preliminary site plan of the proposed development. The original proposal dated January 27, 2023 was revised based on a January 30, 2023 conversation between Mr. Scotch of Maxus Construction Company and our Mrs. Gwen Sollenberger. The site is located southeast of the intersection of Lowes Boulevard and Sparks Xing in Forest City,NC. Based on the provided preliminary site plan, it is proposed to construct a new retail building(NAPA Auto Parts) and a Medical Office Building (MOB) on the property. The retail building is proposed to be approximately±12,495 square-feet (SF) and located in the western portion of the property. The medical office building is proposed to be 12,865 SF and located in the southeastern portion of the property. We assume that these structures will be one story tall and supported by conventional shallow foundations with a concrete slab on grade. There will be associated parking and access drives on the property connecting to Lowes Boulevard. In addition, it is also proposed to construct a pond of approximately±9,500 cubic-feet (CF)in the southernmost portion of the property. The project area consists of a relatively level maintained grass lot with various existing utility lines running through the property. A small retaining wall exists on the northwest corner,protecting the grades around the existing powerline tower and power poll. The marked utilities included an overhead power line that runs along the western portion of the property,another overhead line running east to west on the north end of the property that turns into a ground line on the property, and sewer manholes at the corners of the property. Based on a review of available historical aerial imagery,the site was mass graded prior to 1993 and has otherwise remained essentially undeveloped for the last 25 years. Structural information was not provided as of the date of this report. Based on our experience with similar projects, we anticipate maximum individual column and continuous wall loads of approximately 100 kips and 3 kips per linear foot,respectively. Final grading information was not available at this time. However, we assume minimal(less than 5 feet)of earthwork cut and fill be required for construction of the proposed 1 of 8 Report of Geotechnical Exploration March 14,2023 Proposed NAPA and MOB—Forest City,NC BLE Project No.J23-19494-02 development and up to 15 feet of earthwork cut will be required for construction of the proposed detention pond. 4.0 FIELD EXPLORATION The site was explored by drilling the thirteen (13) requested soil test borings (ASTM D1586) at the approximate locations shown on the attached Boring Location Plan (reference Figure 2 in Appendix A). Boring Logs are presented in Appendix C. The borings were located in the field by our Mr.Harold Cameron by referencing the provided site plan and identifiable site landmarks. The boring locations shown in Appendix A should be considered approximate. A description of our field procedures is also included as Appendix B. 5.0 SITE GEOLOGY The project site is located in the Piedmont Physiographic Province, an area underlain by ancient igneous and metamorphic rocks. The virgin soils encountered in this area are the residual product of in-place chemical weathering of the rock. In areas not altered by erosion, previous construction or other human activities,the typical residual soil profile consists of clayey soils near the surface where soil weathering is more advanced. The near surface clayey soils are typically underlain by sandy silts and silty sands. The boundary between soil and rock is not sharply defined. This transitional zone is termed partially weathered rock (PWR) and is normally found overlying the parent bedrock. For engineering purposes, partially weathered rock is defined as residual material with a standard penetration resistance of at least 100 blows per foot. Weathering is facilitated by fractures,joints, and the presence of less resistant rock types. As a result,the profile of the partially weathered rock and hard rock is quite irregular and erratic,even over short horizontal distances. Also, it is not unusual to find lenses and boulders of hard rock and zones of partially weathered rock within the soil mantle,well above the general bedrock level. 6.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Beneath a surficial layer of approximately 2 to 4 inches of topsoil, the borings drilled for this exploration encountered fill/possible fill, residual soils, and partially weathered rock. Fill/possible fill soils were encountered in borings B-1,B-6,B-7,D-1, and P-4 extending to depths ranging from approximately 3 feet to 6 feet below the ground surface. The fill soils were noted to consist generally of firm to very stiff sandy lean clay(CL) and dense silty sand(SM). Residual soils were encountered below the fill/possible fill in the borings noted above and below the topsoil in the remaining borings. The residual soils were noted to consist generally of firm to very stiff sandy lean clay(CL),very stiff to very hard sandy silt(ML), and firm to very dense silty sand(SM). The soils were noted to be generally micaceous. The letters in parentheses represent a visual classification of the soils in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System. A key to symbols and classification is included as Appendix D. Partially weathered rock was encountered in Boring B-5 at a depth of 18 feet below the ground surface. Boring B-5 was terminated at its proposed depth of 20 feet below the ground surface. 2 of 8 Report of Geotechnical Exploration March 14,2023 Proposed NAPA and MOB—Forest City,NC BLE Project No.J23-19494-02 Groundwater was not encountered in borings at the time of drilling. It should be noted that groundwater levels may fluctuate several feet with seasonal and rainfall variations and with changes in the water level in adjacent drainage features. Normally,the highest groundwater levels occur in late winter and spring and the lowest levels occur in late summer and fall. The above descriptions provide a general summary of the subsurface conditions encountered. The Boring Logs included in Appendix C contain detailed information recorded at each boring location. The Boring Logs represent our interpretation of the field logs based on engineering examination of the field samples. The lines designating the interfaces between various strata represent approximate boundaries and the transition between strata may be gradual. It should be noted that the soil conditions will vary between boring locations. 7.0 ANALYSIS AND DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS 7.1 Foundations Based on the boring data and our experience with similar soil conditions, the existing fill and residual soils are suitable for shallow foundation support of the proposed construction. Satisfactory performance of the shallow foundations is subject to the criteria and site preparation recommendations contained in this report. Foundations bearing in the fill and residual soils may be sized for an allowable bearing pressure of 3,000 pounds per square foot(psf). Foundations bearing on new engineered fill that is placed on approved soil and compacted to at least 95 percent of the standard Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D698), as recommended later in this report,may also be sized for an allowable bearing pressure of 3,000 psf. We recommend that the minimum widths for individual column and continuous wall footings be 24 inches and 18 inches,respectfully. The minimum widths will provide a margin of safety against a local or punching shear failure of the foundation soils. Footings should bear at least 18 inches below final grade to provide frost protection and protective embedment. We recommend that walls be provided with movement joints to accommodate some possible differential settlement. Exposure to the environment may weaken the soils at the foundation bearing level if the foundation excavations remain open for long periods of time. Therefore, we recommend that once each foundation excavation is extended to final grade, the foundation be constructed as soon as possible to minimize the potential damage to bearing soils. The foundation bearing area should be level or benched and free of loose soil,ponded water and debris. Foundation concrete should not be placed on soils that have been disturbed by seepage. If the bearing soils are softened by surface water intrusion or exposure, the softened soils must be removed from the foundation excavation bottom prior to placement of concrete. If the excavation must remain open overnight or if rainfall becomes imminent while the bearing soils are exposed, we recommend that a 2 to 4-inch thick"mud-mat"of"lean"(2,000 psi)concrete be placed on the bearing soils for protection before the placement of reinforcing steel. To verify that the soils encountered in footing excavations are similar to those encountered by the soil test borings, we recommend that foundation excavations be examined. Part of this examination should include checking the foundation bearing soils with a dynamic cone penetrometer performed by an experienced engineering technician working under the direction of the geotechnical engineer. 3 of 8 Report of Geotechnical Exploration March 14,2023 Proposed NAPA and MOB—Forest City,NC BLE Project No.J23-19494-02 7.2 Settlement We conducted settlement estimates assuming conventional shallow foundations were used to support the structures. The settlement estimates are based on the maximum estimated column load of 100 kips. Assuming foundations are designed and constructed in accordance with the recommendations presented in this report, we estimate the total foundation settlement to be less than 1 inch. Maximum differential settlement between adjacent similarly loaded foundations is estimated to be less than 3/4 inch. 7.3 Lateral Earth Pressure Retaining walls must be capable of resisting the lateral earth pressures that will be imposed on them. Walls which will be permitted to rotate at the top, such as cantilever retaining walls,may be designed to resist the active earth pressure. The active earth pressure coefficient is designated as Ka. Typically, a top rotation of about 1 inch per 10 feet height of wall is sufficient to develop active pressure conditions in soils similar to those encountered at the site. We recommend a Ka value of 0.33 for the soils encountered at this site when placed in accordance with the requirements for engineered fill. Walls which will be prevented from rotating such as laterally braced retaining walls should be designed to resist the at-rest lateral earth pressure. The at-rest earth pressure coefficient is designated as Ko. We recommend a Ko value of 0.5 for the soils encountered at this site when placed in accordance with the requirements for engineered fill. The passive earth pressure may be considered as the pressure exerted on the side of a foundation which aids in resisting sliding of the foundation. The passive earth pressure coefficient is designated as Kp. Friction resistance along the base of the foundation may also be used to resist sliding. The coefficient of frictional resistance is designated as fs. We recommend a fs value of 0.4 and a Kp value of 3.0 for the soils encountered at this site. Consideration should be given to dividing the passive earth pressure coefficient by a safety factor of 2 to limit the amount of lateral deformation required to mobilize the passive resistance. Published documentation' indicates that very little horizontal compression (approximately 0.5% relative to wall height)is required to develop one-half of the available passive resistance,hence the suggested safety factor of 2. However,depending on soil type and relative density it may take 2 to 15%horizontal compression to develop the full passive resistance. The values presented above assume that the ground surface is level. Sloping backfill(or sloping soil surfaces in front of a footing when considering passive resistance) will dramatically influence the earth pressure coefficients. Bunnell-Lammons Engineering should be consulted concerning applicable earth pressure coefficients where sloping soil surfaces may be present. The compacted mass unit weight of the backfill soil,which we estimate to be approximately 125 pcf, should be used with the earth pressure coefficients to calculate lateral earth pressures. Lateral pressure arising from surcharge loading, earthquake loading, and groundwater should be added to the above soil earth pressures to determine the total lateral pressures which the walls must resist. Where practical, we recommend that retaining walls and other below grade walls incorporate filtered gravity drainage systems to prevent the buildup of excess hydrostatic pressures behind the walls. In addition,transient loads imposed on the walls by construction equipment during backfilling should be taken into consideration during design and construction. Excessively heavy grading equipment should not be allowed within about 5 feet horizontally of the walls. 'Soil Mechanics by T.William Lambe and Robert V.Whitman;Massachusetts Institute of Technology; 1969; p.165. 4 of 8 Report of Geotechnical Exploration March 14,2023 Proposed NAPA and MOB—Forest City,NC BLE Project No.J23-19494-02 7.4 Grade Slabs The grade slab may be soil supported assuming that the site is prepared in accordance with the recommendations in this report. The grade slab should be jointed around columns and along footing supported walls so that the slab and foundations can settle differentially without damage. This jointing is not required when slabs and foundations are cast as a monolithic unit(i.e.,thickened edge foundations). If slab thickness permits,joints containing dowels or keys may be used in the slab to permit movement between parts of the slab without cracking or sharp vertical displacements. Floor slabs supported on grade which will be carpeted, tiled, painted or receive some other covering or sealant should incorporate a vapor barrier. The vapor barrier should be installed in accordance with the requirements of ACI 302 and per the manufacturer's recommendations. 7.5 Pavement A site-specific pavement design requires detailed information about projected traffic frequency and intensity, acceptable service limits,life expectancy and other factors which are not currently available. It also requires site specific laboratory testing which was not part of the scope of this exploration. However,presented below are recommended pavement sections based on our experience on similar projects in this region. These pavement sections have demonstrated acceptable performance with subsurface conditions similar to this site. Assuming the site is prepared in accordance with the recommendations of this report,the pavement sections presented below could be expected to provide adequate performance considering a 15 to 20-year service life. For the purpose of this report,light duty pavement is considered to be subject to automobile traffic,such as a car parking lot. Medium duty pavement is considered to be subject to a heavy concentration of automobiles and occasional loaded trucks, such as drive lanes. Pavement 1P Thickness(Inches) Layers Material Type Light-Duty Medium Duty Flexible a. Asphaltic concrete surface course 2 3 b. Aggregate base course 6 8 Rigid a. Concrete 6 6 The asphaltic concrete should conform to the South Carolina Department of Transportation Supplemental Technical Specification for Hot-Mix Asphalt Material Properties (SCDOT Designation: SC-M-402)Type C HMA Surface Course. The stone base course should meet the requirements of Section 305 of SCDOT Standard Specifications for Macadam base. The base course should be compacted to 100 percent of the modified Proctor(ASTM D1557)maximum dry density. The concrete for rigid pavement should be air-entrained and have a minimum flexural strength (third point loading)of 550 psi which could likely be achieved by a concrete mix having a compressive strength of at least 4,000 psi at 28 days. Recommended air contents from the Portland Cement Association(PCA)are as follows: Maximum Aggregate Size Percent Air 11/2 inches 5 percent plus or minus 11/2 percent 3/4 to 1-inch 6 percent plus or minus 11/2 percent In addition,we recommend a maximum slump of 4 inches for plastic concrete. 5 of 8 Report of Geotechnical Exploration March 14,2023 Proposed NAPA and MOB—Forest City,NC BLE Project No.J23-19494-02 Joint spacing for the recommended concrete thickness should be on the order of 12 to 15 feet. Control joints should be sawed as soon as the cut can be made, without raveling (aggregate pulling out of the concrete matrix) or cracks forming ahead of the saw blade. Joints should be sawed consecutively so that the joints commence working together. The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) suggests that transverse contraction joints should be one quarter of the slab thickness and longitudinal joints should be one third of the slab thickness. All joints should be filled with flexible joint filler. Curing of the concrete slab should begin as soon as the slab has been finished and the joints sawed. Moist curing by fog spray nozzles or wet burlap is the most dependable curing procedure. Other methods of curing could consist of spray applied curing compounds or covering the slab with waterproof paper or heavy plastic. If paper or plastic is used for curing, the edges of the cover should be anchored and joints between sheets should be taped or sealed. Related civil design factors such as subgrade drainage, shoulder support, cross-sectional configurations, surface elevations,and environmental factors which will significantly affect the service life must be included in the preparation of the construction drawings and specifications. Normal periodic maintenance will be required. 7.6 Secondary Design Considerations The following items are presented for your consideration. These items are known to generally enhance performance of structural and pavement systems. • Roof drainage should be collected by a system of gutters and downspouts and directed away from all structures. • Sidewalks should be sloped so that water drains away from the structures. • Site grading and paving should result in positive drainage away from the structures. Water should not be allowed to pond around the structures or in such locations that would lead to saturation of pavement subgrade materials. A minimum slope of approximately 1/4 to 1/2-inch per foot should provide adequate drainage. • Backfill for utility lines should be placed in accordance with the requirements for engineered fill to minimize the potential for differential settlement. 8.0 CONSTRUCTION RECOMMENDATIONS 8.1 Clearing and Grubbing All existing topsoil, vegetation, trees, roots, asphalt, gravel, disturbed soils, unsuitable soils and surface soils containing organic matter or other deleterious materials should be stripped from within the proposed building and pavement areas. Topsoil and organic soils may be stockpiled for later use in areas to be landscaped. Other deleterious material should be disposed of offsite or in areas of the site that will not be developed. 8.2 Drainage Groundwater was not encountered within the expected excavation depths. However, it should be noted that groundwater levels may fluctuate several feet with seasonal and rainfall variations and with changes in the water level in adjacent drainage features. Normally,the highest groundwater levels occur in late winter and spring and the lowest levels occur in late summer and fall. The contractor should be prepared to promptly 6 of 8 Report of Geotechnical Exploration March 14,2023 Proposed NAPA and MOB—Forest City,NC BLE Project No.J23-19494-02 remove any surface water or groundwater from the construction area. This has been done effectively on past jobs by means of gravity ditches and pumping from filtered sumps. 8.3 Proofrolling After stripping and rough excavation grading, we recommend that areas to provide support for the foundations, floor slab, engineered fill and pavement be carefully inspected for soft surficial soils and proofrolled with a 25 to 35-ton, four-wheeled, rubber-tired roller or similar approved equipment. This will assist in identifying any very soft soils within the building and pavement areas that may be present. The proofroller should make at least four passes over each location,with the last two passes perpendicular to the first two where practical. Any areas which wave,rut,or deflect excessively and continue to do so after several passes of the proofroller should be excavated to firmer soils. The excavated areas should be backfilled in thin lifts with engineered fill. The proofrolling and excavating operations should be carefully monitored by an experienced engineering technician working under the direction of the geotechnical engineer. Proofrolling should not be performed when the ground is frozen or wet from recent precipitation. 8.4 Engineered Fill All fill used for raising site grade or for replacement of material that is undercut should be uniformly compacted in thin lifts to at least 95 percent of the standard Proctor maximum dry density(ASTM D698). In addition,at least the upper 12 inches of subgrade fill beneath pavements and floor slabs should be compacted to at least 98 percent of the maximum dry density. We recommend that the fill be placed and compacted at a moisture content within three percent of the standard Proctor optimum moisture content. Based on our visual examination and experience with similar soil types,the on-site soil appears to be suitable for use as engineered fill with proper moisture adjustment. In general, soils having a Plasticity Index (PI) greater than 30(less than 15 is preferable)should not be used for fill. Soils used for engineered fill should be reasonably free from organics (less than 3% organics by weight) and should exhibit a standard Proctor maximum dry density greater than 90 pcf. Before filling operations begin,representative samples of each proposed fill material should be collected and tested to determine the compaction and classification characteristics. The maximum dry density and optimum moisture content should be determined. Once compaction begins,a sufficient number of density tests should be performed by an experienced engineering technician working under the direction of the geotechnical engineer to measure the degree of compaction being obtained. Existing slopes steeper than 6:1 (horizontal:vertical) should be benched prior to placement of engineered fill such that the fill is placed in horizontal layers and keyed into the existing slopes. The edge of engineered fill extending above surrounding grade should extend horizontally beyond the outside edge of the building foundations at least 10 feet or a distance equivalent to the height of fill to be placed, whichever is greater,before sloping. Fill slope surfaces should be protected from erosion by grassing or some other means. The surface of compacted subgrade soils can deteriorate and lose its support capabilities when exposed to environmental changes and construction activity. Deterioration can occur in the form of freezing, formation of erosion gullies, extreme drying, exposure for a long period of time or rutting by construction traffic. We recommend that the surfaces of floor slab and pavement subgrades that have deteriorated or softened be recompacted prior to construction of the floor slab or pavement. Additionally, any excavations through the 7 of 8 Report of Geotechnical Exploration March 14,2023 Proposed NAPA and MOB—Forest City,NC BLE Project No.J23-19494-02 subgrade soils (such as utility trenches) should be properly backfilled in compacted lifts. Recompaction of subgrade surfaces and compaction of backfill should be checked with a sufficient number of density tests to determine if adequate compaction is being achieved. 8.5 Slopes Confined temporary excavations such as for utility installation or below-grade wall construction should conform to OSHA regulations. For permanent slopes which are not confined, our experience suggests that excavation side slopes through the existing soil overburden at the site should be laid back at a 2H:1 V (horizontal to vertical) slope or flatter. Permanent fill slopes placed on a suitable foundation should be constructed at 2.5:1,or flatter. Fill slopes should be adequately compacted. Cut and fill slope surfaces should be protected from erosion by grassing or other means. Permanent slopes of 3:1 or flatter may be desirable for mowing. 9.0 SPECIFICATIONS REVIEW It is recommended that Bunnell-Lammons Engineering be retained to make a general review of the foundation and earthwork plans and specifications prepared from the recommendations presented in this report. We would then suggest any modifications so that our recommendations are properly interpreted and implemented. 10.0 BASIS OF RECOMMENDATIONS Our evaluation of foundation support conditions has been based on our understanding of the project information and data obtained in our exploration as well as our experience on similar projects. The generalized subsurface conditions utilized in our foundation evaluation have been based on interpolation of the subsurface data between the widely spaced borings. Subsurface conditions between the borings may differ. If the project information is incorrect or the structure location(horizontal or vertical)and/or dimensions are changed,please contact us so that our recommendations can be reviewed. The discovery of any site or subsurface conditions during construction which deviate from the data obtained in this exploration should be reported to us for our evaluation. The assessment of site environmental conditions for presence of pollutants in the soil,rock and groundwater of the site was beyond the scope of this exploration. Soil cuttings used as backfill in boreholes will settle over time resulting in a depression at the surface. It is beyond the scope of our services to return to the site to repair boreholes that have exhibited settlement of the backfill soils. 8 of 8 APPENDIX A Figures r - If 2E ST t \ \o- J4 g /‹ v.. ,. u 0 r 1 4 I 000'61, Forest Lake ' .-: lle Z 0 o ya • c CP Hear 33 . e�\ IDA A`V p .� \�. �S� • E+t, W MILLER sr \ �0 ��� 20 / Vj O z A . Z rpA/LM s WAY 4 ¢SF /.. AN .0 ‘ �J /•' r. 0 J2 CAB(•E 7 4'E 411% -•,, Q o RRaJ 0� QO o �E MAIN ST 3 W MAIN ST `` oOJCL 0{ •_ Bus :em nn 74 0 �P ❑ o kin- S` 7 i- �10 Off. 0 - �c z 1 Cr o-- ROBERSON RD o z o \. vA C1- O \ 5 7,41K e� t" WlTHROW RD \000 \o' SURtyER Fraternal Order ii `/ of Eals Lake '�1 41.64...E is it. Isothermal COrninunitylei College Lake leg -- _ DAN\� ',FOREST CITY o Isothermal Community 1D�~ A• `94, I I^ College 1146-119 �pR ,oC1A R `I }l'\ ,racketts Gr ♦ t.tmCO,-MtR r Oo 1iali lFrog Level 4 --- ���� I /b —daville Baptist-Church e�—Cem 1 ` .� ,� XOOAK sr ivocb- Z k, k o ti9Nir QO R O� OO ,tiF� CO � / t * • h Q 'Pi0 '$ �4,420 • ,.. 41\ 1\ 21'a .9. r3 0 \ro � l f NA `� J •,f \Cj'- . l \- Si IIIr 4+O 000 a P 0 �_ \ Q FRANKLIN DR o Sunset EC t 0� I S./ L 9 Memorial soles \ see- \ cp n Park / S O r� iip '-------c Y z I/ \Jt 0,0�1 DR 2000 1000 0 2000 4000 REFERENCE: I I I I USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP, 7.5 MINUTE SERIES, APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET RUTHERFORDTON SOUTH, N.C. QUADRANGLE, 2022. DRAWN: DATE: FIGURE ACE 03-06-23 II Imig CANNONS BUNNELL SITE LOCATION MAP CHECKED:GFSCAD: ENGINEERING NAPA AND MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING MAPAAMOB-SLM LOWES BOULEVARD AND SPARKS XING 6004 Ponders Court,Greenville,SC 29615 FOREST CITY, NORTH CAROLINA APPROVED: JOB NO: Phone:(864)288-1265 Fax:(864)288-4430 WAM J23-19494-02 t. 4_ 1 i k. . - % / ���-�,-`-,�1 It/ i _ LOINS 0�(EVq�� R +. ill . I._,-• .1• 4. ..7.,,,,,„: - . 0' r ft• •,1(.I,) z B-1 !�'`�� ` 'f P7-,..1 -�'' 2 ,t\_A_ -1L----_ib *-.4 \litt. .i., i _ - • . 1.(:* ii. . 35.6. • • Or , 171 f. r • e / /� 7All OV4p DWG •RI "1 l3. , 211�S8F -- k, .FI 11 1111111V- 1 .--, li "f:. - .!.ffigro _ _ _.. i 0/ i r P-5 P-4 B-4 '�7 s �t e rikit .s�i / B-5 Q �'p.'� 1 ok-�` D-1 B-7 . 1 e t7,MS:SF LEGEND 50 25 0 50 100 APPROXIMATE LOCATION I I I I I � REFERENCE: APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET OF SOIL TEST BORING DRAWING PROVIDED BY MAXUS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. DRAWN: FIGURE ACE DATE. 03-06-23 BUNNELL N N E L L li ' ' PLAN CANNONS NAPA AND MEDICAL OFFICE BUILDING CHECKED: GFS CAD: NAPAAMOB-BLP BORING LOCATION PLAN LOWES BOULEVARD AND SPARTS XING 2 APPROVED: JOB N0: WAM6004 Ponders Court,Greenville,Sc 29615 FOREST CITY, NORTH CAROLINA J23-19494-02 Phone:(864)288-1265 Fax:(864)288-4430 APPENDIX B Field Exploration Procedures Field Exploration Procedures Soil Test Borings The soil test borings were made by mechanically twisting a continuous flight steel auger into the soil. Soil sampling and penetration testing were performed in general accordance with ASTM D 1586. At assigned intervals, soil samples were obtained with a standard 1.4-inch I.D.,2-inch O. D., split-tube sampler. The sampler was first seated 6 inches to penetrate any loose cuttings, and then driven an additional 12 inches with blows of a 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches. The number of hammer blows required to drive the sampler the final 12 inches was recorded and is designated the "standard penetration resistance." The penetration resistance, when properly evaluated, is an index to the strength of the soil and foundation supporting capability. Representative portions of the soil samples,thus obtained,were placed in glass jars and transported to the laboratory. In the laboratory,the samples were examined by a geotechnical engineer to verify the field classifications of the driller. Test Boring Records are attached, showing the soil descriptions and penetration resistance. APPENDIX C Boring Logs I '� SOIL TEST BORING NO. B-1 ZINC. PROJECT: Napa and Medical Office Building PROJECT NO.: J23-19494-02 BUNNELL-LAMMONS CLIENT: Maxus Construction Company START: 2-16-23 END: 2-16-23 ENGINEERING, INC. LOCATION: Forest City,North Carolina ELEVATION: DRILLER: Metro Drill,Inc.,T.Brown LOGGED BY: S.Interlicchia GEOTECHNICALANDENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS DRILLING METHOD: CME 45;2-1/4 inch hollow stem auger DEPTH TO-WATER> INITIAL: AFTER 24 HOURS: 1 CAVING>3 w ELEVATION/ SOIL DESCRIPTION SOIL a STANDARD PENETRATION RESULTS DEPTH(FT) TYPE 2 BLOWS/FOOT a 2 5 10 20 30 40 50 70 90 -\3-inches of TOPSOIL ' ' - Stiff to very stiff,red and brown,micaceous,fine to medium sandy,lean j 4 CLAY-(fill) / 5 ' ' with hairlike roots • _ 9 10 • 12 — • —5 . • . . . . . Very stiff,dusky red and tan,micaceous,fine to medium sandy SILT- 9 • • - (residuum) X 9 :.: : ...: X 9 9 • —10 9 — • Dense,dusky red and brown,micaceous,silty,fine to medium SAND 13 • ;C.,:: 14 :.. —15 18 _ . . Hard,dusky red and brown,micaceous,fine to medium sandy SILT 13 18 , � • —20 20 — . . . • Boring terminated at 20.0 feet. No groundwater encountered at time of , , , - drilling. —25 — . . . —30 — . . . • N : • M a C7 tV 01 - J W O F' SOIL TEST BORING NO. B-1 Sheet 1 of 1 I '� SOIL TEST BORING NO. B-2 ZINC. PROJECT: Napa and Medical Office Building PROJECT NO.: J23-19494-02 BUNNELL-LAMMONS CLIENT: Maxus Construction Company START: 2-16-23 END: 2-16-23 ENGINEERING, INC. LOCATION: Forest City,North Carolina ELEVATION: DRILLER: Metro Drill,Inc.,T.Brown LOGGED BY: S.Interlicchia GEOTECHNICALANDENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS DRILLING METHOD: CME 45;2-1/4 inch hollow stem auger DEPTH TO-WATER> INITIAL: AFTER 24 HOURS: 1 CAVING>3 w ELEVATION/ SOIL DESCRIPTION SOIL a STANDARD PENETRATION RESULTS DEPTH(FT) TYPE 2 BLOWS/FOOT a 2 5 10 20 30 40 50 70 90 -\3-inches of TOPSOIL /��j��' - Firm to very stiff,red and brown,moist,micaceous,fine to medium 3 sandy,lean CLAY-(residuum) / 4 7 9 • 13 • • • • Very stiff,dusky red and tan,micaceous,fine to medium sandy SILT X 9 • 12 +.. • X 9 . . : • 12 —10 15 — • . Dense,red and brown,micaceous,silty,fine to medium SAND — 11 . . . • —15 20 — . . : •« Very hard,dusky red and brown,micaceous,fine to medium sandy SILT 12 24 :0. —20 32 — • Boring terminated at 20.0 feet. No groundwater encountered at time of , , • • - drilling. —25 — . . . —30 — . . . N : M a C7 tV 01 - J W O F' SOIL TEST BORING NO. B-2 Sheet 1 of 1 I '� SOIL TEST BORING NO. B-3 ZINC. PROJECT: Napa and Medical Office Building PROJECT NO.: J23-19494-02 BUNNELL-LAMMONS CLIENT: Maxus Construction Company START: 2-16-23 END: 2-16-23 ENGINEERING, INC. LOCATION: Forest City,North Carolina ELEVATION: DRILLER: Metro Drill,Inc.,T.Brown LOGGED BY: S.Interlicchia GEOTECHNICALANDENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS DRILLING METHOD: CME 45;2-1/4 inch hollow stem auger DEPTH TO-WATER> INITIAL: AFTER 24 HOURS: 1 CAVING>3 w ELEVATION/ SOIL DESCRIPTION SOIL a STANDARD PENETRATION RESULTS DEPTH(FT) TYPE 2 BLOWS/FOOT a 2 5 10 20 30 40 50 70 90 -\4-inches of TOPSOIL ',A 7 `/, - Firm,red and brown,micaceous,silty,fine to medium SAND with trace " '`''' clay-(residuum)- :.:.: 9 ' • Hard,tan and brown,micaceous,fine to medium sandy SILT X9 15 :..: 25 ' —5 — . .. . Dense to very dense,red and brown,micaceous,silty,fine to medium : 12 : - SAND . r.+..' 20 • • : i.: 22 fine sand .••..,.••••.••• 10 . . • 0 —10 ;•:�:::'.': 21 . . . 18 —15 42 — . . . • Very hard,red and brown,micaceous,fine to medium sandy SILT 16 • 25 :.. —20 37 — . Boring terminated at 20.0 feet. No groundwater encountered at time of • - drilling. —25 — . . . —30 — . . . N : •: M a C7 tV 9 . 01 _ J . W O F' SOIL TEST BORING NO. B-3 Sheet 1 of 1 I '� SOIL TEST BORING NO. B-4 ZINC. PROJECT: Napa and Medical Office Building PROJECT NO.: J23-19494-02 BUNNELL-LAMMONS CLIENT: Maxus Construction Company START: 2-16-23 END: 2-16-23 ENGINEERING, INC. LOCATION: Forest City,North Carolina ELEVATION: DRILLER: Metro Drill,Inc.,T.Brown LOGGED BY: S.Interlicchia GEOTECHNICALANDENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS DRILLING METHOD: CME 45;2-1/4 inch hollow stem auger DEPTH TO-WATER> INITIAL: AFTER 24 HOURS: 1 CAVING>3 w ELEVATION/ SOIL DESCRIPTION SOIL a STANDARD PENETRATION RESULTS DEPTH(FT) TYPE 2 BLOWS/FOOT a 2 5 10 20 30 40 50 70 90 -\4-inches of TOPSOIL ' 1.- Very stiff,red and brown,micaceous,fine to medium sandy,lean CLAY- / 7 . (residuum) j s : : • Very stiff,tan and brown,micaceous,fine to medium sandy SILT X 10 . . . • 15 —5 15 . Dense to very firm,red and brown,micaceous,silty,fine to medium 15 - SAND •'"';:;:' 19 ' ' Y•....Y 10 —10 15 — . . �. .• Very hard to hard,red and brown,micaceous,fine to medium sandy SILT X 20 • • 22 —15 29 _ 11 ] . tan and brown ""' " „ " 19 20 ._.._. ._. .. —20 20 . . Boring terminated at 20.0 feet. No groundwater encountered at time of , , , - drilling. —25 — . . . —30 — . . . • N : • M a C7 tV 01 - J . W O F' SOIL TEST BORING NO. B-4 Sheet 1 of 1 I '� SOIL TEST BORING NO. B-5 ZINC. PROJECT: Napa and Medical Office Building PROJECT NO.: J23-19494-02 BUNNELL-LAMMONS CLIENT: Maxus Construction Company START: 2-16-23 END: 2-16-23 ENGINEERING, INC. LOCATION: Forest City,North Carolina ELEVATION: DRILLER: Metro Drill,Inc.,T.Brown LOGGED BY: S.Interlicchia GEOTECHNICALANDENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS DRILLING METHOD: CME 45;2-1/4 inch hollow stem auger DEPTH TO-WATER> INITIAL: AFTER 24 HOURS: 1 CAVING>377 w ELEVATION/ SOIL DESCRIPTION SOIL a STANDARD PENETRATION RESULTS DEPTH(FT) TYPE 2 BLOWS/FOOT a 2 5 10 20 30 40 50 70 90 -\4-inches of TOPSOIL / ;%i. - Very stiff to stiff,red and brown,micaceous,fine to medium sandy,lean j 9 CLAY with trace silt-(residuum) j 12 15 5 5 — • —5 6 • Dense to very firm,red and brown,micaceous,silty,fine to medium :: 10 • • • . :•..•.. 15 : : : - SAND :�•... . . .0. .. .. .... 18 - tan and brown .; . 7 , , •• 9 • —10 ;•:�.:::. 12 — . • • • —15 • 16 — • • PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK which sampled as red and brown, • - micaceous,fine to medium sandy SILT re 25 . 50 5" soi5• —20 — . . . Boring terminated at 20.0 feet. No groundwater encountered at time of , , • • - drilling. • —25 — : • —30 — : • • N : M a C7 tV 9 01 J W O • F' SOIL TEST BORING NO. B-5 Sheet 1 of 1 I '� SOIL TEST BORING NO. B-6 ZINC. PROJECT: Napa and Medical Office Building PROJECT NO.: J23-19494-02 BUNNELL-LAMMONS CLIENT: Maxus Construction Company START: 2-16-23 END: 2-16-23 ENGINEERING, INC. LOCATION: Forest City,North Carolina ELEVATION: DRILLER: Metro Drill,Inc.,T.Brown LOGGED BY: S.Interlicchia GEOTECHNICALANDENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS DRILLING METHOD: CME 45;2-1/4 inch hollow stem auger DEPTH TO-WATER> INITIAL: AFTER 24 HOURS: 1 CAVING>3 w ELEVATION/ SOIL DESCRIPTION SOIL a STANDARD PENETRATION RESULTS DEPTH(FT) TYPE 2 BLOWS/FOOT a 2 5 10 20 30 40 50 70 90 3 inches of TOPSOIL i.,' "!•' - Dense,red and brown,micaceous,silty,fine to medium SAND with trace ::::\•::.:: 10 • clay and rock fragments-(possible fill) y 10:: 21 Stiff,red and brown,slightly micaceous,fine to medium sandy,lean r*- 6 : : :- CLAY-(residuum) —5 / 6 — •. Firm to very dense,red and brown,micaceous,silty,fine to medium 12 . - SAND :'.. .▪:: 12 : : •�....... - •.••••••:•X8 —10 •:\.:.:*:'• 8 — . • • gray,tan and brown,moist ▪ 9 —15 ▪ 9 — . • - red and brown • 25 • n 35 0 —20 42 — . . . Boring terminated at 20.0 feet. No groundwater encountered at time of , , • • - drilling. —25 — : . . —30 — : . . N : M a C7 tV V • 01 - J F' SOIL TEST BORING•NO. B-6 Sheet 1 of 1 I '� SOIL TEST BORING NO. B-7 ZINC. PROJECT: Napa and Medical Office Building PROJECT NO.: J23-19494-02 BUNNELL-LAMMONS CLIENT: Maxus Construction Company START: 2-16-23 END: 2-16-23 ENGINEERING, INC. LOCATION: Forest City,North Carolina ELEVATION: DRILLER: Metro Drill,Inc.,T.Brown LOGGED BY: S.Interlicchia GEOTECHNICALANDENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS DRILLING METHOD: CME 45;2-1/4 inch hollow stem auger DEPTH TO-WATER> INITIAL: AFTER 24 HOURS: 1 CAVING>3 w ELEVATION/ SOIL DESCRIPTION SOIL a STANDARD PENETRATION RESULTS DEPTH(FT) TYPE 2 BLOWS/FOOT a 2 5 10 20 30 40 50 70 90 -\4-inches of TOPSOIL _/ •"• "' • - Very stiff,red and brown,slightly micaceous,fine to medium sandy,lean . 7 CLAY with trace rock fragments-(fill) 11 9 12 - Very stiff,red and brown,slightly micaceous,fine to medium sandy,lean . 8 • - CLAY-(residuum) 10 —5 A 15 — . . • • - with trace silt ' 10 1 4 • - Hard,red and brown,micaceous,fine to medium sandy SILT ' 16 • . . 18 —10 II 18 — • • - Very dense to very firm,tan and brown,micaceous,silty,fine to medium •' . . - SAND ..... 23 30 •:..: '.;' 36 « —15 — . . . • • fine sand _..... ... .... . - . ..• •.• 14 -..... ... .... .. .:.. .... ...... —20 ••:•.;11 14 — Boring terminated at 20.0 feet. No groundwater encountered at time of • • • • • - drilling. • • • —25 — : • • • —30 — : N M a C7 • tV V . 01 - J . W O . F' SOIL TEST BORING NO. B-7 Sheet 1 of 1 I '� SOIL TEST BORING NO. D-1 ZINC. PROJECT: Napa and Medical Office Building PROJECT NO.: J23-19494-02 BUNNELL-LAMMONS CLIENT: Maxus Construction Company START: 2-16-23 END: 2-16-23 ENGINEERING, INC. LOCATION: Forest City,North Carolina ELEVATION: DRILLER: Metro Drill,Inc.,RC LOGGED BY: S.Interlicchia GEOTECHNICALAND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS DRILLING METHOD: Acker Soil Sentry;2-1/4 inch holloe stem auger DEPTH TO-WATER> INITIAL: AFTER 24 HOURS: 1 CAVING>3 w ELEVATION/ SOIL DESCRIPTION SOIL a STANDARD PENETRATION RESULTS DEPTH(FT) TYPE 2 BLOWS/FOOT a 2 5 10 20 30 40 50 70 90 -\3-inches of TOPSOIL j* ' . : : - Firm,red and brown,slightly micaceous,fine to medium sandy,lean 9 CLAY-(fill) / 10 •,,,• 9 Stiff,red and brown,micaceous,fine to medium sandy,lean CLAY- • 8 • - (residuum) 7 • —5 • - with trace hairlike roots $ • 8 Firm to dense,dusky red and brown,micaceous,silty,fine SAND ••;.• 6 v� g • • —10 — • • - tan and brown .;r :'.X22 28 � —15 _ . . . Boring terminated at 15.0 feet. No groundwater encountered at time of , , , • - drilling. • • —20 — : • —25 — • • • —30 — : N : M a C7 tV 9 J W O • z1 SOIL TEST BORING NO. D-1 Sheet 1 of 1 I '� SOIL TEST BORING NO. P-1 ZINC. PROJECT: Napa and Medical Office Building PROJECT NO.: J23-19494-02 BUNNELL-LAMMONS CLIENT: Maxus Construction Company START: 2-16-23 END: 2-16-23 ENGINEERING, INC. LOCATION: Forest City,North Carolina ELEVATION: DRILLER: Metro Drill,Inc.,RC LOGGED BY: S.Interlicchia GEOTECHNICALAND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS DRILLING METHOD: Acker Soil Sentry;2-1/4 inch holloe stem auger DEPTH TO-WATER> INITIAL: AFTER 24 HOURS: 1 CAVING>3 w ELEVATION/ SOIL DESCRIPTION SOIL a STANDARD PENETRATION RESULTS DEPTH(FT) TYPE 2 BLOWS/FOOT a 2 5 10 20 30 40 50 70 90 -\3-inches of TOPSOIL / j��' . : : - Stiff,red and brown,slightly micaceous,fine to medium sandy,lean 5 CLAY-(residuum) / 6 .„ 7 6 7 7 • —5 — /X • 5 Very firm,tan and brown,micaceous,silty,fine to medium SAND ••: •' 10 • . • —10 Boring terminated at 10.0 feet. No groundwater encountered at time of - drilling. • • • —15 — : • • • —20 — : • • • —25 — : • • —30 — : N : M a C7 tV 9 J W O • F' SOIL TEST BORING NO. P-1 Sheet 1 of 1 I '� SOIL TEST BORING NO. P-2 ZINC. PROJECT: Napa and Medical Office Building PROJECT NO.: J23-19494-02 BUNNELL-LAMMONS CLIENT: Maxus Construction Company START: 2-16-23 END: 2-16-23 ENGINEERING, INC. LOCATION: Forest City,North Carolina ELEVATION: DRILLER: Metro Drill,Inc.,RC LOGGED BY: S.Interlicchia GEOTECHNICALAND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS DRILLING METHOD: Acker Soil Sentry;2-1/4 inch holloe stem auger DEPTH TO-WATER> INITIAL: AFTER 24 HOURS: 1 CAVING>3 w ELEVATION/ SOIL DESCRIPTION SOIL a STANDARD PENETRATION RESULTS DEPTH(FT) TYPE 2 BLOWS/FOOT a 2 5 10 20 30 40 50 70 90 \2-inches of TOPSOIL / j - Stiff,red and brown,slightly micaceous,fine to medium sandy,lean 5 CLAY-(residuum) 5 • • . 5 —5 6 — Firm to very firm,red and brown,micaceous,silty,fine to medium SAND '•'"' 7 ' ' : • - •:.*:•••:•::::.)( 12 • }.::r''•: 12 • —10 — Boring terminated at 10.0 feet. No groundwater encountered at time of • • • • - drilling. —15 — : —20 — : —25 — : —30 — : N : M a C7 tV 9 - V . J . W O • F' SOIL TEST BORING NO. P-2 Sheet 1 of 1 I '� SOIL TEST BORING NO. P-3 ZINC. PROJECT: Napa and Medical Office Building PROJECT NO.: J23-19494-02 BUNNELL-LAMMONS CLIENT: Maxus Construction Company START: 2-16-23 END: 2-16-23 ENGINEERING, INC. LOCATION: Forest City,North Carolina ELEVATION: DRILLER: Metro Drill,Inc.,RC LOGGED BY: S.Interlicchia GEOTECHNICALAND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS DRILLING METHOD: Acker Soil Sentry;2-1/4 inch holloe stem auger DEPTH TO-WATER> INITIAL: AFTER 24 HOURS: 1 CAVING>3 w ELEVATION/ SOIL DESCRIPTION SOIL a STANDARD PENETRATION RESULTS DEPTH(FT) TYPE 2 BLOWS/FOOT a 2 5 10 20 30 40 50 70 90 -\2-inches of TOPSOIL / j - Stiff,red and brown,slightly micaceous,fine to medium sandy,lean 5 CLAY-(residuum) 6 8 7 « —5 6 _ . 7 . . - 6 •..: :......./ Hard,dusky red and brown,micaceous,fine to medium sandy SILT 12 . . . • X 16 —10 20 _ Boring terminated at 10.0 feet. No groundwater encountered at time of - drilling. • • • • —15 — : • • —20 — : • • • • • —25 — : —30 — : el N : M a C7 tV 9 - V . J . O F' SOIL TEST BORING'NO. P-3 Sheet 1 of 1 I '� SOIL TEST BORING NO. P-4 ZINC. PROJECT: Napa and Medical Office Building PROJECT NO.: J23-19494-02 BUNNELL-LAMMONS CLIENT: Maxus Construction Company START: 2-16-23 END: 2-16-23 ENGINEERING, INC. LOCATION: Forest City,North Carolina ELEVATION: DRILLER: Metro Drill,Inc.,RC LOGGED BY: S.Interlicchia GEOTECHNICALAND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS DRILLING METHOD: Acker Soil Sentry;2-1/4 inch holloe stem auger DEPTH TO-WATER> INITIAL: AFTER 24 HOURS: 1 CAVING>3 w ELEVATION/ SOIL DESCRIPTION SOIL a STANDARD PENETRATION RESULTS DEPTH(FT) TYPE 2 BLOWS/FOOT a 2 5 10 20 30 40 50 70 90 -\3-inches of TOPSOIL / j - Stiff,red and brown,slightly micaceous,fine to medium sandy,lean 5 CLAY-(possible fill) 5 Stiff,red and brown,slightly micaceous,fine to medium sandy,lean 5 - CLAY-(residuum) / Firm,red and brown,micaceous,silty,fine to medium SAND with trace 6 - clay :,�::... s ....: _ ..._ .. .. .... Very stiff,dusky red and brown,micaceous,fine to medium sandy SILT 7 , , . • 10 —10 12 — . Boring terminated at 10.0 feet. No groundwater encountered at time of • • • • • - drilling. • • —15 — : • • • —20 — : • • —25 — : • • • —30 — : N : M a C7 tV 9 01 J W O • �' SOIL TEST BORING NO. P-4 Lii Sheet 1 of 1 I '� SOIL TEST BORING NO. P-5 ZINC. PROJECT: Napa and Medical Office Building PROJECT NO.: J23-19494-02 BUNNELL-LAMMONS CLIENT: Maxus Construction Company START: 2-16-23 END: 2-16-23 ENGINEERING, INC. LOCATION: Forest City,North Carolina ELEVATION: DRILLER: Metro Drill,Inc.,RC LOGGED BY: S.Interlicchia GEOTECHNICALAND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS DRILLING METHOD: Acker Soil Sentry;2-1/4 inch holloe stem auger DEPTH TO-WATER> INITIAL: AFTER 24 HOURS: 1 CAVING>3 w ELEVATION/ SOIL DESCRIPTION SOIL a STANDARD PENETRATION RESULTS DEPTH(FT) TYPE 2 BLOWS/FOOT a 2 5 10 20 30 40 50 70 90 \2-inches of TOPSOIL / - Stiff,red and brown,slightly micaceous,fine to medium sandy,lean 6 : : CLAY-(residuum) 6 5 . 5 7 « —5 — Firm,red and brown,micaceous,silty,fine to medium SAND 5 ' ' ' • Hard,dusky red and tan,micaceous,fine to medium sandy SILT — 16 . . . • 20 0: —10 1 _ 24 — Boring terminated at 10.0 feet. No groundwater encountered at time of - drilling. • • • • —15 — : • • —20 — : • • • • • —25 — : —30 — : N M a C7 tV 9 - V . J . W O • F' SOIL TEST BORING NO. P-5 Sheet 1 of 1 APPENDIX D A Key to Soil Classification KEY TO SOIL CLASSIFICATIONS AND CONSISTENCY DESCRIPTIONS BUNNELL-LAMMONS ENGINEERING, INC. GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA Penetration Resistance* Relative Blows per Foot Density Particle Size Identification SANDS Boulder: Greater than 300 mm Cobble: 75 to 300 mm 0 to 4 Very Loose Gravel: 5 to 10 Loose Coarse-19 to 75 mm 11 to 20 Firm Fine-4.75 to 19 mm 21 to 30 Very Firm Sand: 31 to 50 Dense Coarse-2 to 4.75 mm over 50 Very Dense Medium-0.425 to 2 mm Fine-0.075 to 0.425 mm Silt&Clay:Less than 0.075 mm Penetration Resistance* Consistency Blows per Foot SILTS and CLAYS 0 to 2 Very Soft 3 to 4 Soft 5 to 8 Firm 9 to 15 Stiff 16 to 30 Very Stiff 31 to 50 Hard over 50 Very Hard *ASTM D 1586 KEY TO DRILLING SYMBOLS SGrab Sample X NR=No reaction to HCL Groundwater Table at Time of Drilling Split Spoon Sample NA=Not applicable INS=No sample . Undisturbed Sample Groundwater Table 24 Hours after Completion of Drilling KEY TO SOIL CLASSIFICATIONS iTionwio .▪,��� Well-graded Gravel / Low Plasticity Clay Clayey Silt Silty Sand es.4 GW / CL MH .% :':`:.•.%• SM 0• bcDc Poorly-graded Gravel Sandy Clay Sandy Silt '_,•>'/y••>'/% Topsoil 00 0 of GP CLS MLS :\kr,.;T1).:�‘ TOPSOIL •mi S •' ////////// i.. ,4116. Partially Weathered Rock IIIIIIIIII Silty Clay Sand — E Liquid Sludge •e 1 BLDRCBBL ��1������� CL-ML —SW �� SLUDGE S ////////// High PlasticityClaySilt %i . Cla e Sand ififif �i Y Y Fill CH ML SC i FILL Poorly Graded Sand Bedrock Waste SP BEDROCK WOOD APPENDIX E Important Information About This Geotechnical Report Important Information about This Geotecbnical-[ngineering Subsurface problems are a principal cause of construction delays, cost overruns, claims, and disputes. While you cannot eliminate all such risks, you can manage them. The following information is provided to help. The Geoprofessional Business Association (GBA) will not likely meet the needs of a civil-works constructor or even a has prepared this advisory to help you—assumedly different civil engineer.Because each geotechnical-engineering study a client representative—interpret and apply this is unique,each geotechnical-engineering report is unique,prepared geotechnical-engineering report as effectively as solely for the client. possible. In that way, you can benefit from a lowered Likewise,geotechnical-engineering services are performed for a specific exposure to problems associated with subsurface project and purpose.For example,it is unlikely that a geotechnical conditions at project sites and development of engineering study for a refrigerated warehouse will be the same as them that,for decades, have been a principal cause one prepared for a parking garage;and a few borings drilled during of construction delays, cost overruns, claims, a preliminary study to evaluate site feasibility will not be adequate to and disputes. If you have questions or want more develop geotechnical design recommendations for the project. information about any of the issues discussed herein, contact your GBA-member geotechnical engineer. Do not rely on this report if your geotechnical engineer prepared it: Active engagement in GBA exposes geotechnical . for a different client; engineers to a wide array of risk-confrontation • for a different project or purpose; techniques that can be of genuine benefit for • for a different site(that may or may not include all or a portion of everyone involved with a construction project. the original site);or • before important events occurred at the site or adjacent to it; e.g.,man-made events like construction or environmental Understand the Geotechnical-Engineering Services remediation,or natural events like floods,droughts,earthquakes, Provided for this Report or groundwater fluctuations. Geotechnical-engineering services typically include the planning, collection,interpretation,and analysis of exploratory data from Note,too,the reliability of a geotechnical-engineering report can widely spaced borings and/or test pits.Field data are combined be affected by the passage of time,because of factors like changed with results from laboratory tests of soil and rock samples obtained subsurface conditions;new or modified codes,standards,or from field exploration(if applicable),observations made during site regulations;or new techniques or tools.If you are the least bit uncertain reconnaissance,and historical information to form one or more models about the continued reliability of this report,contact your geotechnical of the expected subsurface conditions beneath the site.Local geology engineer before applying the recommendations in it.A minor amount and alterations of the site surface and subsurface by previous and of additional testing or analysis after the passage of time-if any is proposed construction are also important considerations.Geotechnical required at all-could prevent major problems. engineers apply their engineering training,experience,and judgment to adapt the requirements of the prospective project to the subsurface Read this Report in Full model(s). Estimates are made of the subsurface conditions that Costly problems have occurred because those relying on a geotechnical- will likely be exposed during construction as well as the expected engineering report did not read the report in its entirety.Do not rely on performance of foundations and other structures being planned and/or an executive summary.Do not read selective elements only.Read and affected by construction activities. refer to the report in full. The culmination of these geotechnical-engineering services is typically a You Need to Inform Your Geotechnical Engineer geotechnical-engineering report providing the data obtained,a discussion About Change of the subsurface model(s),the engineering and geologic engineering Your geotechnical engineer considered unique,project-specific factors assessments and analyses made,and the recommendations developed when developing the scope of study behind this report and developing to satisfy the given requirements of the project.These reports may be the confirmation-dependent recommendations the report conveys. titled investigations,explorations,studies,assessments,or evaluations. Typical changes that could erode the reliability of this report include Regardless of the title used,the geotechnical-engineering report is an those that affect: engineering interpretation of the subsurface conditions within the context • the site's size or shape; of the project and does not represent a close examination,systematic inquiry,or thorough investigation of all site and subsurface conditions. • the elevation,configuration,location,orientation, function or weight of the proposed structure and Geotechnical-Engineering Services are Performed the desired performance criteria; • the composition of the design team;or for Specific Purposes, Persons, and Projects, • project ownership. and At Specific Times Geotechnical engineers structure their services to meet the specific As a general rule,always inform your geotechnical engineer of project needs,goals,and risk management preferences of their clients.A or site changes-even minor ones-and request an assessment of their eotechnical-engineering study conducted for a given civil engineer impact.The geotechnical engineer who prepared this report cannot accept -, responsibility or liability for problems that arise because the geotechnical conspicuously that you've included the material for information purposes engineer was not informed about developments the engineer otherwise only.To avoid misunderstanding,you may also want to note that would have considered. "informational purposes"means constructors have no right to rely on the interpretations,opinions,conclusions,or recommendations in the Most of the "Findings" Related in This Report report.Be certain that constructors know they may learn about specific Are Professional Opinions project requirements,including options selected from the report,only Before construction begins,geotechnical engineers explore a site's from the design drawings and specifications.Remind constructors subsurface using various sampling and testing procedures.Geotechnical that they may perform their own studies if they want to,and be sure to engineers can observe actual subsurface conditions only at those specific allow enough time to permit them to do so.Only then might you be in locations where sampling and testing is performed.The data derived from a position to give constructors the information available to you,while that sampling and testing were reviewed by your geotechnical engineer, requiring them to at least share some of the financial responsibilities who then applied professional judgement to form opinions about stemming from unanticipated conditions.Conducting prebid and subsurface conditions throughout the site.Actual sitewide-subsurface preconstruction conferences can also be valuable in this respect. conditions may differ-maybe significantly-from those indicated in this report.Confront that risk by retaining your geotechnical engineer Read Responsibility Provisions Closely to serve on the design team through project completion to obtain Some client representatives,design professionals,and constructors do informed guidance quickly,whenever needed. not realize that geotechnical engineering is far less exact than other engineering disciplines.This happens in part because soil and rock on This Report's Recommendations Are project sites are typically heterogeneous and not manufactured materials Confirmation-Dependent with well-defined engineering properties like steel and concrete.That The recommendations included in this report-including any options or lack of understanding has nurtured unrealistic expectations that have resulted in disappointments,delays,cost overruns,claims,and disputes. alternatives-are confirmation-dependent.In other words,they are not final,because the geotechnical engineer who developed them relied heavily To confront that risk,geotechnical engineers commonly include on judgement and opinion to do so.Your geotechnical engineer can finalize explanatory provisions in their reports.Sometimes labeled"limitations:' the recommendations only after observing actual subsurface conditions many of these provisions indicate where geotechnical engineers' exposed during construction.If through observation your geotechnical responsibilities begin and end,to help others recognize their own responsibilities and risks.Read these provisions closely.Ask questions. engineer confirms that the conditions assumed to exist actually do exist, the recommendations can be relied upon,assuming no other changes have Your geotechnical engineer should respond fully and frankly. occurred.The geotechnical engineer who prepared this report cannot assume responsibility or liability for confirmation-dependent recommendations if you Geoenvironmental Concerns Are Not Covered fail to retain that engineer to perform construction observation. The personnel,equipment,and techniques used to perform an environmental study-e.g.,a"phase-one"or"phase-two"environmental This Report Could Be Misinterpreted site assessment-differ significantly from those used to perform a geotechnical-engineering study.For that reason,a geotechnical-engineering Other design professionals'misinterpretation of geotechnical engineering reports has resulted in costly problems.Confront that risk report does not usually provide environmental findings,conclusions,or recommendations;e.g.,about the likelihood of encountering underground by having your geotechnical engineer serve as a continuing member of the design team,to: storage tanks or regulated contaminants.Unanticipated subsurface • confer with other design-team members; environmental problems have led to project failures.If you have not • help develop specifications; obtained your own environmental information about the project site, • review pertinent elements of other design professionals'plans and ask your geotechnical consultant for a recommendation on how to find specifications;and environmental risk-management guidance. • be available whenever geotechnical-engineering guidance is needed. Obtain Professional Assistance to Deal with You should also confront the risk of constructors misinterpreting this Moisture Infiltration and Mold report.Do so by retaining your geotechnical engineer to participate in While your geotechnical engineer may have addressed groundwater, prebid and preconstruction conferences and to perform construction- water infiltration,or similar issues in this report,the engineer's phase observations. services were not designed,conducted,or intended to prevent migration of moisture-including water vapor-from the soil Give Constructors a Complete Report and Guidance through building slabs and walls and into the building interior,where Some owners and design professionals mistakenly believe they can shift it can cause mold growth and material-performance deficiencies. unanticipated-subsurface-conditions liability to constructors by limiting Accordingly,proper implementation of the geotechnical engineer's the information they provide for bid preparation.To help prevent recommendations will not of itself be sufficient to prevent the costly,contentious problems this practice has caused,include the moisture infiltration.Confront the risk of moisture infiltration by complete geotechnical-engineering report,along with any attachments including building-envelope or mold specialists on the design team. or appendices,with your contract documents,but be certain to note Geotechnical engineers are not building-envelope or mold specialists. GEArtGEOPROFESSIONAL BUSINESS a ASSOCIATION Telephone:301/565-2733 e-mail:info@geoprofessional.org www.geoprofessional.org Copyright 2019 by Geoprofessional Business Association(GBA).Duplication,reproduction,or copying of this document,in whole or in part,by any means whatsoever,is strictly prohibited,except with GBAs specific written permission.Excerpting,quoting,or otherwise extracting wording from this document is permitted only with the express written permission of GBA,and only for purposes of scholarly research or book review.Only members of GBA may use this document or its wording as a complement to or as an element of a report of any kind. Any other firm,individual,or other entity that so uses this document without being a GBA member could be committing negligent or intentional(fraudulent)misrepresentation. J