HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8220604_Historical File_20220715Burd, Tina J From: Burd, Tina J Sent: Friday, July 15, 2022 1:45 PM To: BryantSpencer@HuffFamilyOffice.com;jbland@ntengineers.com Subject: SW8 220604 Saucepan Bay Estates Attachments: SW8 220604 - Saucepan Bay Estates.pdf The Wilmington Regional Office of the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources (Stormwater Section) completed their review of the Express Stormwater Permit Application for the subject project. Attached is the cover letter and permit issued on July 15, 2022 that will be mailed separately, along with any other supporting documents. Please direct any questions to your reviewer. Best Regards, Tina Burd Administrative Associate II Wilmington Regional Office Division of Environmental Assistance & Customer Service Phone 910-796-7215 NCDEQ Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject. ii', the NnrM Caroor?a Public Records Lave and may be discfose(:f to third Pall Website: http://deg.nc.eov/about/divisions/enerev-mineral-land-resources/stormwater Based on the current guidance to minimize the spread of COVID-ig, the Department of Environmental Quality has adjusted operations to protect the, health and safety of the staff and public. Many employees are working remotely or are on staggered shifts. To accommodate these staffing changes, all DEQoffice locations are limiting public access to appointments only. Please check with the appropriate staff before visiting our offices, as we may be able to handle your requests by phone or email. We appreciate your patience as we continue to serve the public during this challenging time. NOR RIS & TUNSTALL CONSULTING ENGINEERS EC. 2602 Iron Cute Dr. Suite 102 Wilmington, NC 28412 (910) 343-9653 (910) 343-9604 Fax John S. Tunstall, P.E. T.Jason Clark, P.E. Robbie P. Hennelly, E.I. July 12, 2022 Ms. Jessie Edmonds, Environmental Engineer NC DEQ — State Stormwater Program 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 Re: Request for Additional Information Project: Saucepan Bay Estates Brunswick County, NC N&T Project No. 20163 Dear Ms. Edmonds, JUL 12 202. In response to your comments dated July 11, 2022 please see below: 1429 Ash -Little River Road Ash, NC 28420 (910) 287-5900 (910) 287-5902 Fax J. Phillip Norris, P.E. Joseph K Bland, P.E. Thomas J. Scheetz, P.E. 1. Your understanding of the easement is correct. See the revised plans, application page 3, & supplement attached which exclude the unimproved area within the easement. 2. The narrative has been revised to match the application. See attached. 3. The emergency spillway has been revised to be at elevation 14.80, see the plans & supplement attached. 4. The temporary sediment basins have been removed from the grading plans. See attached. 5. Rows 5-7 on the revised supplement are completed. 6. Row 6 was revised accordingly. There is not a retaining wall for SF#2. NCBELS License C-3641 Re: Request for Additional Information Project: Saucepan Bay Estates N&T Project No. 20163 Page 2 of 2 Please review this information for approval and contact us with any questions or comments you may have. Thank you for your assistance on this project. Sincerely, NORRIS & TUNSTALL CONSULTING ENGINEERS, P.C. Thomas J. Sc eetz, P.E. TJS/ttw cc: Bryant Spencer 20163 07-12-22 s-sw-resp-Itr express NCBELS License C-3641 STORMWATER SYSTEM & EROSION CONTROL NARRATIVE SAUCEPAN BAY ESTATES Brunswick County, North Carolina For RHH Land Investors, LLC 2919 Breezewood Ave., Suite 100 Fayetteville, NC 28303 (910) 486-4864 May 2022,;y Prepared by: NORRIS & TUNSTALL CONSULTING ENGINEERS, P.C. 1429- Ash — Little River Road Ash, North Carolina 28420 (910) 287-5900 (910) 287-5902 (Fax) License # C-3641 N&T Project No. 20163 ECEIVER BY NARRATIVE SAUCEPAN BAY ESTATES River Basin: Lumber Receiving Stream Name: Saucepan Creek Stream Class: SA;HQW Stream Index Number: 15-25-2-16 DESCRIPTION: The project site is a 76 +/- AC tract located at the intersection of Beach Dr (NC 179) & Brick Landing Rd (SR 1143) in Brunswick County. The soils of the site consist of a mixture of moderately well & poorly drained soils with grades ranging from 1 % to 10%. Approximately 61 AC will be graded to allow construction of a residential subdivision with a section being designated as townhomes. The runoff from the site is estimated using the rational method 10-year design storm and rainfall data for the area. Construction is scheduled to begin as soon as all permits and approvals are obtained. EROSION CONTROL MEASURES: The attached plans and specifications outline the requirements for erosion control measures. Silt fencing will be provided along each side of the entrance drive where stormwater would be expected to sheet flow from disturbed areas directly to adjacent property. Gravel check dams will not be provided unless the Contractor has to temporarily discharge into an open ditch instead of the proposed storm drain outfall. The stormwater basins will be used as a silt basins during construction and restored to the design contours prior to completion. All temporary outlet pipes in the infiltration basins will be capped or removed prior to the installation of any impervious surfaces within the specific drainage area. A gravel construction entrance will be constructed at the entrance off NC 179. Maintenance will be provided by the grading contractor and developer. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT MEASURES: The project site is located in Brunswick County. Land disturbing on the site will exceed one acre, which requires the site to comply with county and state regulations. The stormwater runoff from the development will be directed to 2 wet ponds, 1 infiltration basin, & 2 sand filters as shown on the plans. The site was designed to accommodate approximately 23% impervious area coverage. The site does contain coastal wetlands and therefore a 50 ft vegetated buffer is shown on the plans. Approximately 7,800 sf of offsite BUA within the NCDOT right of way associated with the driveway connections will not be collected due to inability to route the drainage to the internal SCMs. The justification for each SCM type is as follows: for DA#1 & DA#5 wet ponds were chosen due to the infiltration rates being inadequate & the proximity to the seasonal high water table, for DA#2 & DA#4 sand filters were chosen due to the infiltration rates being inadequate, for DA#3 a infiltration basin was chosen due to the adequate infiltration rates of the natural soil. 2 EROSION CONTROL NOTES AND MAINTENANCE PLAN 1. All erosion and sediment control measures will be checked for stability and operation following every runoff -producing rainfall, but in no case, less than once every week and within 24 hours of every half -inch rainfall. 2. All points of egress will have construction entrances that will be periodically top - dressed with an additional 2 inches of ##4 stone to maintain proper depth. They will be maintained in a condition to prevent mud or sediment from leaving the site. Immediately remove objectionable material spilled washed or tracked onto the construction entrance or roadways. 3. Sediment will be removed from hardware cloth and gravel inlet protection, block and gravel inlet protection, rock doughnut inlet protection and rock pipe inlet protection when the designed storage capacity has been half filled with sediment. Rock will be cleaned or replaced when the sediment pool no longer drains as designed. Debris will be removed from the rock and hardware cloth to allow proper drainage. Silt sacks will be emptied once a week and after every rain event. Sediment will be removed from around beaver dams, dandy sacks and socks once a week and after every rain event. 4. Diversion ditches will be cleaned out immediately to remove sediment or obstructions from the flow area. The diversion ridges will also be repaired. Swales must be temporarily stabilized within 21 calendar days of cease of any phase of activity associated with a swale. 5. Sediment will be removed from behind the sediment fence when it becomes half filled. The sediment fence will be repaired as necessary to maintain a barrier. Stakes must be steel. Stake spacing will be 6 feet max. with the use of extra strength fabric, without wire backing. Stake spacing will be 8 feet max. when standard strength fabric and wire backing are used. If rock filters are designed at low points in the sediment fence, the rock will be repaired or replaced if it becomes half -full of sediment, no longer drains as designed or is damaged. 6. Sediment will be removed from sediment traps when the designed storage capacity has been half filled with sediment. The rock will be cleaned or replaced when the sediment pool no longer drains or when the rock is dislodged. Baffles will be repaired or replaced if they collapse, tear, decompose or become ineffective. They will be replaced promptly. Sediment will be removed when deposits reach half the height of the 18t baffle. Floating skimmers will be inspected and kept clean weekly. 7. Sediment will be removed from the sediment basin when the design storage capacity has been half filled with sediment. Rock will be cleaned or replaced when the sediment pool no longer drains or if the rock is dislodged. Baffles will be repaired or replaced if they collapse, tear, decompose or become ineffective. They will be replaced promptly. Sediment will be removed from baffles when deposits M reach half the height of the 1st baffle. Floating skimmers will be inspected weekly and will be kept clean. Land Quality Requires: 8. All seeded areas will be fertilized, reseeded as necessary and mulched according to specifications in the vegetative plan to maintain a vigorous, dense vegetative cover. All slopes will be stabilized within 21 calendar days. All other areas will be stabilized within 15 working days. Water Quality Requires: 9. All seeded areas will be fertilized, reseeded as necessary and mulched according to specifications in the vegetative plan to maintain a vigorous, dense vegetative cover. All perimeter dikes, swales, ditches, perimeter slopes, all slopes steeper than 3' horizontal to 1' vertical (3:1) and all high quality water (HQW) zones shall be provided temporary or permanent stabilization with ground cover as soon as practicable but in any event within seven (7) calendar days from the last land - disturbing activity. All other disturbed areas shall be provided temporary or permanent stabilization with ground cover as soon as practicable but in any event within fourteen (14) calendar days from the last land -disturbing activity. 10. Flocculants will be used to address turbidity issues. The pumps, tanks, hoses and inject systems will be checked for problems or turbid discharges daily. 11. Refer to new NPDES rules regarding basin outlet structures and skimmers shall withdraw water from the surface. 4 SECTION 02920 SOIL EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL 1. GENERAL 1.1 Contractor shall take every reasonable precaution throughout construction to prevent the erosion of soil and the sedimentation of streams, lakes, reservoirs, other water impoundments, ground surfaces, or other property as required by State and Local regulations. 1.2 The Contractor shall install all required silt fences, and construction entrances at the initiation of work, and have these measures reviewed and approved by the local permit authority prior to clearing and grading operations. 1.3 The Contractor shall, within 21 days of suspension or completion of land disturbing activities, provide permanent protective covering for disturbed areas. Temporary and permanent erosion control measures shall be coordinated to assure economical, effective, and continuous erosion and siltation control throughout the construction and post -construction period. Use the specified seed for both temporary and permanent seeding. 2. PRODUCTS 2.1 Asphalt for anchoring mulch shall be Type SS-1 Emulsion. 2.2 Fertilizer shall be 10-10-10 grade or equivalent. 2.3 Lime shall be dolomitic agricultural ground limestone containing not less than 10 percent magnesium oxide. 2.4 Mulch shall be small grain straw, hay, wood chips, asphalt emulsion, jute or other suitable material free of undesirable weed seed. 2.5 Phosphate shall be 20 percent superphosphate or equivalent. 2.6 Seed shall be 20% carpet grass, 24% Bermuda, 20% turf Fescue, 10% Creeping Red Fescue, and 24% Annual Rye grain. Bermuda seed shall be hulled for warm weather planting and unhulled for cool weather planting. Purity of seed shall be a minimum of 98 percent and germination shall be a minimum of 85 percent. 2.7 Silt fence shall consist of NCDOT Class A fabric supported by metal posts spaced not more than 6 feet on center. The bottom of the fabric shall be buried a minimum of 6 inches. 2.8 Gravel for check dams shall be #57 washed stone. 2.9 Aggregate for construction entrance shall be #4 washed stone. 5 2.10 Stone rip rap for check dams and erosion control shall be NCDOT Class A or B as shown. 3. EXECUTION 3.1 General: Take every practicable measure during construction or suspension to work to minimize erosion and siltation. Measures should include good construction practices, temporary physical barriers to sediment travel, settling basins for new ditches, and establishment of vegetative cover. 3.2 Construction Practices 3.2.1 Avoid dumping soil or sediment into any wetland or watercourse. 3.2.2 Maintain an undisturbed vegetative buffer where possible between a natural watercourse and trenching and grading operations. 3.2.3 Avoid equipment crossings of streams, creeks, and ditches where practicable. 3.2.4 Grade all cut, fill and ditch slopes to minimum slope of 3:1, unless otherwise shown or directed. 3.3 Temporary Physical Barriers are required where sedimentation on offsite property or excessive erosion is a problem. 3.3.1 Mulch shall be used for temporary stabilization of areas subject to excessive erosion and for protection of seedbeds after planting where required. 1. Apply grain straw and hay at a rate of 75 to 100 pounds per 1,000 square feet and wood chips at a rate of 500 pounds per 1,000 square feet. Jute and mesh should be installed as per manufacturer's instructions. 2. Asphalt emulsion for slope stabilization should be applied at a rate of 1,000 gallons per acre. Asphalt emulsion used for anchoring straw should be applied at a rate of 150 gallons per ton of straw. 3.3.2 Silt Fences shall be used at the base of slopes to restrict movement of sediment from the site. Clean silt fence of accumulated sediment after each rainfall event or when it exceeds a depth of 0.5 feet above natural grade. 3.3.3 Stone Check Dams, placed at the discharges of creeks, ditches, and swales, shall consist of Class A or Class B erosion control stone at minimum two feet high and three feet thick across the watercourse, with a one foot thick layer of gravel on upstream side. Remove sediment if accumulated to a depth of 1.0 feet at upstream face. 0 3.4 Vegetative Cover: Establish and maintain permanent vegetative cover on all unpaved areas disturbed by the work. 3.4.1 Preparation of Seedbed: Areas to be seeded shall be scarified to a depth of 4 inches and until a firm, well pulverized, uniform seedbed is prepared. Lime, phosphorous and fertilizer shall be applied during the scarification process in accordance with the following rates: Lime: 45 pounds per 1000 square feet Phosphorous: 20 pounds per 1,000 square feet Fertilizer: 17 pounds per 1000 square feet 3.4:2 Seeding: Disturbed areas shall be seeded with 2 to 3 pounds per 1000 square feet of the specified seed mixture. Seed shall be worked into the bed to a depth of 1/4 inch. Regrade and seed eroded areas immediately 3.4.3 Mulch all areas immediately after seeding. Mulch shall be applied and anchored as specified hereinbefore. Reapply as necessary to retain cover until grass is established. 3.5 Construction Entrance: Provide an aggregate drive, 20 feet wide by 50 feet long by 6 inches thick at each entrance to the site used by construction vehicles, until such time as the permanent roadway is constructed. Remove soil if accumulated to a depth greater than 0.5 inches. 3.6 Maintenance: The Owner and Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining all temporary and permanent erosion control measures. Temporary structures shall be maintained until such time as vegetation is firmly established in the area protected by the structure. Permanent streambank protection and grassed areas I hall be maintained until completion of the project. Areas that fail to show a suitable stand of grass or which are damaged by erosion shall be immediately repaired. END OF SECTION 7 Edmonds, Jessica From: Edmonds, Jessica Sent: Monday, July 11, 2022 4:58 PM To: Bryant Spencer, Jody Bland; Thomas Scheetz; Tammy Watson Cc: Weaver, Cameron Subject: Second request for additional info - Saucepan Bay Estates - SW8 220604 (NT#20163) All, I have reviewed the submittal and almost everything looks good. With that said there are just a couple administrative items that need to be addressed. Due to the potentially minor nature of these items, I am sending this request via email in lieu of a formal letter. 1. Thank you for clarifying that there is an agreement in place giving the applicant the right to upfit and maintain a portion of the Log Landing easement. It is my understanding that the portion of the road proposed to be improved, collected, and treated is this same portion under the agreement. The stormwater boundary currently encompasses all of the Log Landing easement. However, the stormwater boundary should only include that portion which is under the agreement and proposed to be improved, collected, and treated under this permit. Please update the plan sheets and section IV.4-3 and the cover page of the supplement to ensure this information is presented consistently across all application documents. 2. NCDOT BUA bypass is reported as 7,800 sf in the narrative and 23,416 sf in the application. Please confirm the BUA that must bypass and ensure it is presented consistently across the application documents, including on the DA map (it does not appear that 23,416 sf will be bypassed based on the plans). 3. The temporary pool elevation for SF#2 is reported as 14.80 in the calculations and C2.8, however, the emergency spillway is reported as 15.50 on C2.8 and the supplement. The temporary pool elevation is considered to be the next available outlet. Please ensure the temporary pool elevation is consistent with the next available outlet and this is consistent across all application documents. 4. Thank you for clarifying that the temporary sediment basins will be filled in after construction. However, the plans still show the basins and therefore do not represent the final condition. Please update the plans to remove these basins so the post construction conditions can be reviewed and approved. 5. Please complete rows 5-7 on the drainage area supplement. 6. Row 6 of the sand filter supplement reports 'yes.' Please clarify if there is a retaining wall in sand filter #2. While these items are being addressed, I will begin to draft the permit. Please ensure all the requested information is returned by July 18, 2022. Please let me know any questions or concerns. Thanks! Jessica Edmonds, El Environmental Engineer Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources — State Stormwater Program North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Office: 910 796 7215 Direct: 910 796 7344 Email: iessica.edmonds0-ncdenr.aov Address: 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 =W-V 4g;L�QQ1-or --- CONSULTING ENGINEERS P.C. 2602 Iron Gate Dr. Suite 102 Wilmington, NC 28412 (910) 343-9653 (910) 343-9604 Fax John S. Tunstall, P.E. T. Jason Clark, P.E. Robbie P. Henne7ly, E.I. July 8, 2022 Ms. Jessie Edmonds, Environmental Engineer NC DEQ — State Stormwater Program 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 Re: Request for Additional Information Project: Saucepan Bay Estates Brunswick County, NC N&T Project No. 20163 Dear Ms. Edmonds, 1429 Ash -Little River Road Ash, NC 28420 (910) 287-5900 (910) 287-5902 Fax J. Phillip Norris, P.E. Joseph K Bland, P.E. Thomas J. Scheetz, P.E. JUL a 8 2022 gY. In response to your comments dated July 6, 2022 please see below: 1. See below: a. All spots have been turned on for roadway grades etc. additional spots were added at the phase 1 stub outs. Some grading was edited in proximity of the pump station to ensure that runoff from the pump station sheet flows to the roadway. b. The upstream bypass pipe routes upstream flow from the adjacent properties around the SD system for the property. The adjacent lots are required to route their stormwater to the rear yard drainage system via sheet flow or roof drains. Note #9 states that "all impervious surfaces must be routed to the SD system. No bypass of any impervious surfaces is allowed." We have added an additional yard inlet adjacent to lot #13 so that rear yard drainage can be diverted into the SD system & avoid the bypass. Lot 12 will be graded towards the roadway. c. Additional drainage has been added at the rears of townhomes 269-284 to collect, any additional runoff from patios etc. d. The bypass swale has been adjusted back to provide further separation from the rear yard drains & the bypass swale. See note #9 above. NCBELS License C-3641 l Re: Request for Additional Information Project: Saucepan Bay Estates N&T Project No. 20163 Page 2 off e. The grading & rear yard drainage behind townhomes 174-185 have been adjusted to provide additional spacing between the bypass swale & rear yard drainage. See note #9 above. f. All runoff is required to be collected and routed to the SD system. See note #9 above & new note #11 stating "if runoff from impervious surfaces cannot be routed via sheetflow to provided drainage then the builders must collect runoff from any homesite in question and pipe runoff to the nearest yard inlet, SD system, etc. This includes roofs, driveways, patios, e0ht is the developers/HOA's responsibility to verify that the builders provide adequate site -specific drainage for each lot so that all impervious surface is routed to the SD system & BMP's. g. The yard inlet elevations have been updated as requested for lots 16-17, 25-27, 30-31, 70-71, & 72-87. h. The rear yard inlets have been adjusted so that any rear drainage from lots 56-65 is captured and routed to the DA#1 BMP. Additional grading (rear swale) ' is shown to clarify the rear drainage for lots 103-117. The swale diverts drainage to rear yard inlets for DA#4 with the last remaining drainage discharging at grade into the curb & eventually into the curb inlet within the roadway of the DA#4 SD system. 2. See below: a. The intent is to honor the original agreement. The adjacent owners will access their property through the proposed roadway network up to the amenity area where the improved roadway will end and the existing gravel road will be connected to the improved roadway. Also see email from Jody Bland dated 717122. b. Sheet C2.1 has been revised to show the entire entrance. See attached. c. The temporary sediment basins will be filled after construction, See new note on plans. 3. These inverts have been revised accordingly. See revised plans attached. 4. The most recent supplement has been filled out with all the revised information as requested. See attached. 5. See the attached soils report summary. 6. For sand filter #1, both chambers are approximately equal (47% & 53%). Please ensure you are reviewing the revised pages 6, 7, 9, 10, & 11 of the calculations dated 6/6/22. 7. The supplement has been revised to show that a pipe distribution system is being used. The distribution pipes are shown on the revised plans. See sheets C2, C2.2. C2.3, & C2.8 attached. 8. See new note #2 on the Sand Filter Detail on sheet C2.8 regarding the clean out caps. See attached. NCBELS License C-3641 Re: Request for Additional Information Project: Saucepan Bay Estates N&T Project No. 20163 Page $ of i 9. The temporary pool elevations have been confirmed. 10.The inlet upstream of the infiltration basin has been revised to show a 12" sump. This is depicted as "B:12.8" meaning the bottom of the inlet. The invert in & out is shown as "M 3.8". See sheet C2.3 attached. 11. Sheets C2.2 & C2.3 have been revised to include blind swales after the sand filters and before the LS-FS. See attached. 12.The rates have been revised to correct the typo, see the supplement attached. 13. Row 23 has been revised on the supplement. 14. Sheet C1 has been revised to show all of the 50' setback. See attached. 15.This typo has been revised. See page 4 of the application attached. 16. The offsite NCDOT roadway improvements have been added to the application & supplement as DA#6 and will not be collected due to elevation constraints. See attached. 17.All proposed townhomes have been accounted for In the impervious not on lots. 18. The electronic copy of the supplement has been emailed. 19. Noted. 20. Noted, thank you. Please review this information for approval and contact us with any questions or comments you may have. Thank you for your assistance on this project. Sincerely, NORRIS & TUNSTALL CONSULTING ENGINEERS, P.C. Thomas J. S kheetz, P.E. TJS cc: Bryant Spencer 20163 07-08-22 s-sw-resp-Itr express NCBELS License C-3641 Soils Report Summary Saucepan Bay Estates NT#20163 Dralna a Area SCM Location Existing Ground Elevation (ft) SHWT Elevation (ft) Infiltration Rate (In/hr) Tested by 1 fond 1 1-1 15.0 1.3.75 <0.001 ECS 1-2 15.0 13.50 0.013 ECS 2 Sand Filter 1 iNF-5 12.5 7.30 <0.06 RFTS 3 Infiltration Basin INF-3 13.0 7.00 2.0 RFTS 4 ISand Filter 2 INF-2 13.5 8.80 0.6 RFTS INF-10 25.0 21.58 5.0 RFTS 5 Pond 2 IINF-10S INF-10A N/A N/A 1.6 RFTS 25.01 22.00 2.0 RFTS EcL= VE BY .� ROY COOPER cave►vrrr EUZABETH S. BISER secretary BRIAN WREINN Director July 6, 2022 NORTH CA€tOLINA 0t4orteu XW QuuiilY. Via email only: brvantspencei(ahufffamilvoffice.com Saucepan Creek, LLC Attn: Denver Ralph Huff, III, Manager c/o Bryant Spencer, Authorized Signatory 2919 Breezewood Ave, Suite 100 Fayetteville, NC 28303 Subject: Request for Additional Information Stormwater Project No. SW8 220604 Saucepan Bay Estates Brunswick County Dear Mr. Spencer: The Wilmington Regional Office received and accepted a Express State Stormwater Management Permit Application for the subject project on June 17, 2022. A preliminary in-depth review of that information has determined that the application is not complete and that additional information is needed. To continue the review, please provide the following additional information in a single, hard copy submittal package: 15A NCAC 0211.1042(2)(g)(iv): a. Please provide spot elevations along all road stub outs/ends of roads, amenities, pump stations, sidewalks, etc. to support that all of the proposed built -upon area is being collected and treated. b. The `upstream bypass runoff pipe' labeled on C2 appears to direct BUA runoff from lots to bypass the SCMs. Please clarify the purpose of this pipe and provide grading information to support that all built -upon area is being collected and treated. c. R appears that there are patios proposed behind town homes 269-284. Please clarify how this BUA will be collected and treated on the plans. d. Behind lots 37-42 it appears that the offsite runoff is being collected in a swale and then directed to a yard inlet behind lot 37 to be collected and treated. Please update the grading information to support the drainage area divide in that the offsite runoff will be bypassed from the SCM. e- It appears that top elevations of the yard inlets behind lots 174-185 should be lowered, otherwise it appears that the runoff may flow past the contour at 22 and to the bypass pipe yard inlet currently proposed at elevation 21.50. Please provide updated yard inlet information to ensure all BUA will be directed to the SCM. f. Please provide additional grading information to support that all BUA from all lots will be collected and treated, including lots 31, 36 and 102. g. The top elevation of some yard inlets in relation to the surrounding grading does not support that the BUA will be collected and treated. Please confirm the top elevation for all the yard inlets, including between lots: 16-17, 25-27, 30-31, 70-71, and 72-87. h. The grading plan does not appear to support the drainage area limits shown on C2.40 between DA 1 and DA 4 with the drop inlet proposed between lots 117 and 116 and the grading infarmation/yard inlet elevations behind lots 103-113 and 65-116. Please either provide additional grading details/updated yard inlet elevations to support this drainage divide or reconsider the drainage divide between these two drainage areas. 2. 15A NCAC 02H .1042(2)(g)(v): a. Please clarify how the easement has been incorporated into the project. b. The drive entrance on C2.1 is not fully shown. Please delineate the entirety of the proposed. road to confirm proposed built -upon area and confirm grading/drainage area divides. c. Please clarify whether the temporary sediment basins will remain as permanent features or be filled in. Please ensure that the plans accurately depict the final proposed design so the plans can be reviewed and approved for the post construction conditions. north CwoKna arM nt at Ew roweMal . Mism d ` � � fttergy. Mrineral and Laaui Resw,v ces Wd"un9WftRM0naJ0ff1ce I3i7Ca�diitalDnWExtwwonI W11MMM,NanhCaro 28405 910.7%-IMS State Stormwater Permit No. SW8 220604 Page 2 of 3 3. 15A NCAC 02H.1042(2)(g)(vii): Please confirm the invert elevations of the piped collection system behind lots: 69-70, 80-87. 4. 15A NCAC 02H.1042(3)(b): It appears an older version of the supplement was submitted. Please use the most recent version of the supplement available on the Division's website: a. httns://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/energy-mineral-land-resources/energy-mineral-land-permit- b. When filling out the new supplement, please ensure to list the minimum required treatment volume in Row 2 for all SCMs. c. Please provide information about the sheet pile forebay walls in the additional information box of the supplement. d. Row 13 of the wet pond, infiltration, sand filter, and level spreader supplements were left blank. Please update this row. 5. 15A NCAC 02H.1051(2) and .1056(1)(a): Please provide the existing ground elevation at the locations of the soil borings to support the identified seasonal high water table (SHWT) elevations. 6. 15A NCAC 02H .1056(2): For sand filter 1, the sand chamber is 12.7% larger than the sediment chamber. The volume in each chamber shall be equivalent. Please clarify how this rule is being met. 7. 15A NCAC 02H .1056(5) Row 37 of the sand filter supplement lists the flow distribution as gravel/stone, however, in review of the design a pipe distribution system appears to be proposed. The Design Manual lists the possible options for flow distribution as a level spreader, a pipe distribution system, or a series of weir In order to evenly distribute the flow over the sand, please confirm the pipe distribution system design by indicating on the plans how many pipes are proposed to outlet onto the sand chamber. Additionally, please update Row 37 of the sand filter supplement. 8. 15A NCAC 02H .1056(5): Clean out pipes shall be capped Please updated the plans to indicate that the clean out pipes are proposed to be capped or provide a reference of where this is located. 9. 15A NCAC 02H.1003(3)(a): Please confirm the temporary pool elevation reported for sand filter 2 on C2 8. 10. 15A NCAC 02H.1051(4) Row 20 and the additional information box of the infiltration basin section of the supplement reports that inlet sumps are provided. Plan sheet C2 3 show that curb inlets are directed to the infiltration basin. Plan sheet C5 has a detail of the typical curb inlet which does not show an inlet sump Please confirm that inlet sumps will be provided and provide a citation of where on the plans this information can be located. 11. 15A NCAC 02H.1051(4) In review of the sand filters, it appears that the energy dissipator pad is directly before the level spreader, however, the level spreader detail shows a blind swale is proposed before the level spreader. Blind swales upslope of the level spreader are required to provide uniform overtopping of the level spreader. Please confirm the design. 12. 15A NCAC 02H.1059(1) Please confirm the rates listed in Row 20 of the level spreader -filter strip supnlement are consistent with the calculations. 13. 15A NCAC 02H 1059(2) and 1059(3) It appears the level spreader has been designed with a flow bypass and not to handle the 10 year storm event. Please confirm Row the response to Row 23. 14. 15A NCAC 02H.1042(2)(g)(iii): The 50-foot vegetated setback is not consistent between C1 and C2 towards the north of the property Please ensure the vegetated shelf is presented consistently. 15. 15A NCAC 02.1042(2)(a)(iv), .1003, and 1050(1): The sum of the impervious areas listed in Section IV.10 of the application for DA2 (117,585 sfl do not match the total impervious area listed (71,989 sf). Please confirm the final site layout and associated impervious areas is presented consistently throughout the application documents. NwTh Carolina Department of Eme mnmental Qpa%ty I Diviwn of Energy. Mineral and land Resources WOmington Roponalofftee I 127 C.ar+dmal Drive Extrusion I Wilmingtem,North Carolina 29405 914.7%.7815 State Stormwater Permit No. SW8 220604 Page 3 of 3 16. 15A NCAC 02H.1042(2)(a)(iv), .1001(1)(c), and .1002(8)- Any right-of-way improvements proposed for the development of this site are considered part of the common plan of development must be included and accounted for in this project. Please quantify the right-of-way built -upon area in a separate drainage area in Section IV.10 of the application to document these improvements and to be consistent with the information presented in the narrative. 17, 15A NCAC 02H.1003(7) and .1042(2),k): Deed restrictions have been provided for the 121 lots- Please confirrn whether deed restrictions are needed for the townhomes. 18. 15A NCAC 02H 1042(2)� In addition to mailing a hard copy of the revised Supplement-EZ, please email a pdf of the supplement form to the email address provided below so that it can be preserved electronically per the regulatory requirements. 19. N.0 G S. 143-214(c3): If the project is within 5 statute miles of a public airport. the Division cannot require the use of a BMP with a permanent pool of water. A copy of the permit will be forwarded to the airport's director who may elect to adjudicate the permit if the applicant has chosen to use a BMP with a permanent pool of water. 20. Due to the potentially minor nature of these comments, the express additional information review fee has been waived Please remember to confirm that any revised information is presented consistently throughout the application documents including calculations, supplements, narrative, and plans. Please also remember to provide two hard copies of any updated documents per 15A NCAC 02H.1042(2). All of the requested information listed above should be received in this Office by July 13, 2022, or the application will be returned as incomplete. If additional time is needed to submit the requested information, please email your extension request prior to this due date to the email address provided below with a justification and a date of when the requested information will be submitted, which shall be no later than 5 business days past the original due date. Please remember that extension requests delay the issuance of the final permit. Also, please note that only two letters requesting additional information is allowed in the State Stormwater Program. If the information is not satisfactorily provided after the second request, the project will be returned. If the project is returned and you wish to re -submit to the Express Program, you will need to reschedule the project through the Express Coordinator for the next available review date and will need to resubmit all required items at that time, including the application fee. The construction of any impervious surfaces, other than a construction entrance under an approved Sedimentation Erosion Control Plan, is a violation of NCGS 143-215.1 and is subject to enforcement action pursuant to NCGS 143-215.6A. Please label all packages and cover letters as "Express" and reference the State assigned project number on all correspondence. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please feel free to call me at (910) 796-7215 or email me at jessica.edmonds@ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, Jessie Edmonds Environmental Engineer DFSijme: %StormwaterTermits & Projects120221220604 HDi2022 07 addinfo 220604 cc. Joseph K Bland. PE- via email: jhland@ntengineers.com Wilmington Regional Office Stormwater Pile North CaroUna Department of linvh omnental Qpaty l Division of energy. Mmeral and land Resources FWArnington Reganal office 1127 Cardim] Drive Extension I Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 91071%. 7215 Edmonds, Jessica From: Edmonds, Jessica Sent: Wednesday, July 6, 2022 5:18 PM To: Bryant Spencer; Jody Bland; Tammy Watson. Cc: Weaver, Cameron Subject: Request for additional info - Saucepan Bay Estates - SW8 220604 Attachments: 2022 07 addinfo 220604.pdf All, Attached is a pdf of the request for additional information for the subject project. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Please also remember to label any packages submitted with "EXPRESS". Thanks! Jessica Edmonds, El Environmental Engineer Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources — State Stormwater Program North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Office: 910 796 7215 Direct: 910 796 7344 Email: iessica.edmonds(@ncdenr.00v Address: 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 Email corn spondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. NORRIS & TUNSTAL,L. CONSULTING ENGINEERS P.C. 2602 Iron Gate Drive, Suite #102 Wilmington, NC 28412 (910) 343-9653 (910) 343-9604 Fax John S. Tunstall, P.E. T. Jason Clark, P.E. Robbie P. Hennelly, E.I. May 31, 2022 NC DEQ — State Stormwater Program 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 Re: State Stormwater Permit Submittal Express Review Date: June 2, 2022 Project: Saucepan Bay Estates Brunswick County, NC N&T Project No. 20163 Dear Express Reviewer, 1429 Ash -Little River Road Ash, NC 28420 (910) 287-5900 (910) 287-5902 Fax J. Phillip Norris, P.E. Joseph K. Bland, P.E. Thomas J. Scheetz, E.I. In connection with the subject project, please find enclosed the $4,000.00 express processing fee (Norris Check No. 2320), Two (2) sets of plans, and the following: Original and One (1) Copy One (1) Copy • Stormwater Management . Detailed Narrative Permit Application • Supplement . USGS Site Location Map • SW O&M Agreement . Calculations • Deed Restrictions • Property Deed & Utility Easement • Signature Authorization . NC Secretary of State Documentation • RFTS - Infiltration Testing & Seasonal High Water Table Report Please review this information for approval and contact us with any questions or comments you may have. Thank you for your assistance on this project. Sincerely, NORRIS & TUNSTALL CONSULTING ENGINEERS, P.C. JL xAJ_1 Thomas J. Sch tz, E.I. JPN/ttvv cc: Bryant Spencer 20163 05-3i-22 s-sw-Itr express NCBELS License C-3641 NORRIS & TUNSTALL CONSULTING ENGINEERS P.C. — — 2602 Iron Gate Dr. Suite 102 Wilmington, NC 28412 (910) 343-9653 (910) 343-9604 Fax John S. Tunstall, P.E. T. Jason Clark, P.E. Robbie P. Hennelly, E.I. June 6, 2022 Ms. Jessie Edmonds, Environmental Engineer NC DEQ — State Stormwater Program 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 Re: Express Meeting Comments Project: Saucepan Bay Estates Brunswick County, NC N&T Project No. 20163 Dear Ms. Edmonds, 1429 Ash -Little River Road Ash, NC 28420 (910) 287-5900 (910) 287-5902 Fax J. Phillip Norris, P.E. Joseph K. Bland, P.E. Thomas J. Scheetz, P.E. �iE�'�1VED JUN 0 6 2022 r;, ... NCDEQ W1LMINGTON r� 1 By. — In response to your comments from the express meeting on June 2, 2022 please see below- 1 . The $500 fee check is being submitted under separate cover by the Applicant. 2. Original recission form is being submitted under separate cover by the Applicant. 3. The narrative has been revised to include more detail on how & why the specific SCM's were chosen. See attached. 4. All meets & bounds have been added to the plans, see sheets C1 & C1.1 attached. 5. It has been verified that according to the survey, there are no surface waters located on this site. 6. Invert callouts have been added to the equalizer pipes. See sheets C2.4 & C2.5 attached. 7. The locations of the equalizer pipes have been revised. 8. The road between lots 66 & 88 has been revised to stop at the drainage area line. See sheets C2.3 & C2.10 attached. 9. See above. 10. The narrative has been revised to include information about the NCDOT BUA. 11. The soils report for wet pond area 1 is attached. 12. The supplement & O&M has been revised and is attached. 13. The NOAA data is included in the revised calculations attached. 14. Sheet C2.8 has been revised to include the sheet piie detail. See attached. NCBELS License C-3641 Express Meeting Comments Project: Saucepan Bay Estates N&T Project No. 20163 Page 2 of 2 15. The sand filters have been revised for the volumes to be equivalent. See the revised calculations attached. 16. Pond 2 has been revised to not short circuit via rerouting the equalizer pipes. See the revised plans attached. Please review this information for approval and contact us with any questions or comments you may have. Thank you for your assistance on this project. Sincerely, NORRIS & TUNSTALL CONSULTING ENGINEERS, P.C. J 9. �I� l lJ(J Thomas J. Sc eetz, P.E. TJS/ttw cc: Bryant Spencer 20163 06-06-22 s-sw-resp-Itr express NCBELS License C-3641 t'mavI � 3 2919 Breezewood Avenue, Suite 100 Fayetteville, North Carolina 28303 NC General Contractor #31554 SC General Contractor #118119 May 11, 2021 Norris & Tunstall Consulting Engineers, PC ATTN: Mr. Jody Bland 1429 Ash Little River Road Ash, NC 28420 Re: Saucepan Creek, LLC — Signature Authority Mr. Bland, Please take this letter as authorization for Mr. Bryant Spencer, the Director of Land Development for RHH Land Investors, LLC, to sign permit applications related to our project known as Saucepan Creek located in Brunswick County. D. Ralph duff, III Owner/Manager 2'oi�3 • File an Annual Report/Amend an Annual Report - Upload a PDF Filing - Order a Document Online - Add Entity to My Email Notification List - View Filings • Print a Pre -Populated Annual Report form • Print an Amended a Annual Report form Limited Liability Company Legal Name Saucepan Creek, LLC Information Sosld: 2194987 Status: Current -Active O Date Formed: 5/18/2021 Citizenship: Domestic Annual Report Due Date: April 15th CurrentAnnual Report Status: Registered Agent: Huff, Denver Ralph, III Addresses Mailing 2919 Breezewood Ave, Ste 100 Fayetteville, NC 28303-5283 Reg Mailing 2919 Breezewood Ave, Ste 100 Fayetteville, NC 28303-5283 Principal Office 2919 Breezewood Ave, Ste 100 Fayetteville, NC 28303-5283 Y BY.• Reg Office 2919 Breezewood Ave, Ste 100 Fayetteville, NC 28303-5283 Company Officials All LLCs are managed by their managers pursuant to N.C.G.S. 57D-3-20. Manager Manager Denver Ralph Huff , III David Vannoy 2919 Breezewood Ave, Ste 100 2919 Breezewood Ave, Ste 100 Fayetteville NC 28303-5283 Fayetteville NC 28303-5283 SOSID: 2194987 Date Filed: 5/18/2021 12:21:00 PM State of North Carolina Elaine F. Marshall Department of the Secretary OfState North Carolina Secretary of State C2021 138 02270 Limited Liability Company ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION Pursuant to §57D-2-20 of the General Statutes of North Carolina, the undersigned does hereby submit these Articles of Organization for the purpose of forming a limited liability company. 1. The name of the limited liability company is: Saucepan Creek, LLC (See Item Iof the Instructions for appropriate entity designation) 2. The name and address of each person executing these articles of organization is as follows: (State whether each person is executing these articles of organization in the capacity of a member, organizer or both by checking all applicable boxes.) Note: This document must be signed by all persons listed. Name Business Address Capacity Denver Ralph Huff III - 2919 Breezewood Ave, Ste 100 Fayetteville NC, 28303-5283 United States OMember ❑' Organizer 4. W ❑Member ❑Organizer ❑Member ❑Organizer The name of the initial registered agent is: Denver Ralph Huff III The street address and county of the initial registered agent office of the limited liability company is: Number and Street 2919 Breezewood Ave, Ste 100 City Fayetteville State: NC ZipCode: 28303-5283County: Cumberland The mailing address, if different from the street address, of the initial registered agent office is: Number and Street City State: NC Zip Code: County: Principal office information: (Select either a or b.) a. ElThe limited liability company has a principal office. The principal office telephone number: (910) 723-6516 The street address and county of the principal office of the limited liability company is: Number and Street: 2919 Breezewood Ave, Ste 100 City: Fayetteville State: NC Zip Code:28303-5283 Count,: Cumberland BUSINESS REGISTRATION DIVISION P.O. BOX 29622 Raleigh, NC 27626-0622 (Revised August. 2017) Form L-01 The mailing address, if different from the street address, of the principal office of the company is: Number and Street: City: _ State: Zip Code: County: b. ❑ The limited liability company does not have a principal office. 7. Any other provisions which the limited liability company elects to include (e.g., the purpose of the entity) are attached. (Optional): Listing of Company Officials (See instructions on the importance of listing the company officials in the creation document. Name Title Business Address Denver Ralph Huff III Manager 2919 Breezewood Ave, Ste 100 David Vannoy Manager 2919 Breezewood Ave, Ste 100 9. (Optional): Please provide a business e-mail address: Privacy Redaction The Secretary of State's Office will e-mail the business automatically at the address provided above at no cost when a document is filed. The e-mail provided will not be viewable on the website. For more information on why this service is offered, please see the instructions for this document. 10. These articles will be effective upon filing, unless a future date is specified: This is the 18th day of May 32021 Denver Ralph Huff III Signature _Denver Ralph Huff IIIMember/Organizer Type or Print Name and Title The below space to be used if more than one organizer or member is listed in Item #2 above. Signature Type or Print Name and Title Signature Type or Print Name and Title NOTE: 1. Filing fee is $125. This document must be filed with the Secretary of State. BUSINESS REGISTRATION DMSION P.O. BOX 29622 Raleigh, NC 27626-0622 (Revised August 2017) Form L-01 RAkMLr S�S O.S. DEP5S'M ENAWCAj U VEY�� y�fL/�1l��'R�aY GVIOlM4aJR�l01ri m tkaebffl y{rd af� o f(%Q Ssxaufcafra hoGxMfffGY.tgflfp.6rnryk.lfwwf ••-• SLAIE Itb10W Y Nfa U,18JCplfa ..u� •�•W •au_y �_aasio:.v fa . uenM f.ntr.m — L9.i •Kmf pf � 'f..efe.ty � �.�. rv..fw•Y.ea�..rLA✓Ve ul. '� � _ _A. .y .—�nf •q —r_.� �i m.Yfntp. f�i i.t�Lw pt.�.ieryM tt �_yR Ok. f�.ea:.� nm asi EHALLOTM YC maygrw.a 'loft STATE STORMWATER CALCULATIONS SAUCEPAN BAY ESTATES Brunswick County, North Caroiina For RHH Land Investors, LLC 2919 Breezewood Ave., Suite 100 Fayetteville, NC 28303 1• 9 -:.m� May 2022 l W. 0610&12-Z Prepared by: NORRIS & TUNSTALL CONSULTING ENGINEERS, P.C. 1429- Ash — Little River Road Ash, North Carolina 28420 (910) 287-5900 (910) 287-5902 (Fax) License # C-3841 N&T Project No. 20163 �6/3/22, 10:41 AM Precipitation Frequency Data Server NOAA Atlas 14, Volume 2, Version 3 Location name: Shallotte, North Carolina, USA'' Latitude: 33.91840, Longitude:-78.40560 e Elevation: 28.02 ft** ��-� • source: ESRI Maps kry ffc " source: USGS POINT PRECIPITATION FREQUENCY ESTIMATES G.M. Bonin, D. Martin, B. Lin. T. Parzybok, M.Yekta, and D. Riley NOAA, Natlonai Weather Service, Sliver Spring, Maryland -F tabular I f aragbjQt I Mapj & aerials PF tabular PDS-based point precipitation frequency estimates with 90% confidence intervals (in Inches)l Average recurrence interval (years) Duration 1 2 5 10 25 50 100 ���� 200 500 1000 5-min 0.478-0 55 (0.5fi3 0 657 DS 5Q 0.759 O7 26A.849 0.8�40 955 0.883-1 04) (0.948-1.12) 1.01 1 21 (1. 9-11..32 (1: 6-1.41) 10-min 2.06 0. 60--08 0. 0191 05 1.04-1.22 1. 6-21 36 1.30-41.52 1.41-11..66 1.51-11..79 1.60- 91 1.73 2.08 1.82 2.23 15-min 1.02 1.22 1.42 1.59 1.79 1.95 2.10 2.24 2.43 2.58 0.949-1.10 1.13-1.32 1.32-1.54) 1 (1.47-1.72) 1.64-1.93) (1.78-2.10)11(1.90-2.26) 2.02-2.42 2.17-2.62) (2.29-2.79 30-min 1.40 1.30 511.56-821.87619 2?192. 3 2149 2.44- 86 2.68�162.92-3 46 8 3.15� 3.46-4.17 3.70-4.52 60-min 1.75 1. 2 1 89 1.962 29 2.40-2..80) 2. 7 3.4 324 3 81 : 3-4 28) (4.02� 6) 1(4.42 5 2 4.96 5 99 5.41 6.60 2-hr 2.09 2.54 3.19 3.77 4.55 5.22 5.93 6.70 7.81 8.76 (1.93-2.28) (2.34-2.78) 1 (2.94-3.49) (4.15-4.96) (4.745.69) (5.3&6.46) 16.00-7.30 (6.92-8.51)1(7.71-9.58) 3-hr 2.24 2.73 3.45 4.10 5.02 5.82 6.69 7.65 917 10.3 2.50-3.01) 3.15-3.79) 1 3.73-4.51 (4.54-5.50) 1(5.24-6.39 5.97-7.34) 6.77-8.37 (7.92-9.93) 8.91-11.3) B-hr 2.54 05 1 3.08-3.72 3: 8-4.70 4.615.60 5.62 86 6.49 7.97 2 B619 8.43 0.5 9.91- 2.6 (11 2-14.4 2-hr 29 5-3.62 (3.58-440 4.55-5.61 5.43-8 71 686 28 7.75 8.68) (8.90- 1.2) 10.2- 3.0) 1 1415.6) (13.1617.9 3.77A 33.3(12 24-hr 4.17- 5 06) 5.38-6.54 6. 17 81 79 3 9.73) (9: 3-11.4 10 7- 2 5.5) 14.5- 8.9) 16.5-22.0) 2-day 4.01 4 84 4: 65.8 6.217 52 7.5-8 93 9.01--11.0 1 .4- 2.9) 11.9- 5.0 (13.6-167A)11(181a21.0 18.1724.2 F-T 3-day 42 6-5 09 5: 5-6.15 6.54 83) (7.70-9.26) 1 (93 9- 1.4) l(10.8- 3.2) (12 3- 5.3)11(14.0- g .6)1(16A-21.1 (1 4-24.3 5.89 7.4B 8.78 10.7 12.4 14.2 16.2 19.2 21.8[�jj]F-4189--j 4,515.33) 5.44-6.43) (6.87-8.14) 8.0&9.59) 11 (9.77-11.7) (11.2-13.5) (12.7-15.5) 14.3-17.8 16.721.3 1&7-24.3 7-day 519-6.06) 6.27 7.32 (7.85-9.18) 11 (914- 0.7 11.0- 3.0) (12.5 4.8) 1(14.0-16.9 15.7- 9.1 (1 0022.4)11(19.9 5.3 10-aay 5.88 6.79 7.046.15 8.68-0.1 10.0-111.7 11 9� 3.9 (3.4-5.8 15.0-17.9 16.182.1 1 .0-23.3 20�26.1 8.46 10.1 12.3 14.0 16.5 18.6 20.7 22.9 26.1 28.7 20-day (7.93-9.05) (9.45-10.8) 1 (11.5-13.1) 1 (13.1-15.0) (15.4-17.7) 11T.2-19.9 19.0-22.2) (20.924.8) (23.5-28A) 25.6-31.4) 10.5 12.5 14.9 16.9 19.6 21.7 23.9 26.1 29.2 31.7 30-day 9.87-11.2) 11.7-13.3 14.0-15.9 15.8-18.0 18.3-20.8 20.2-23.2 22.1-25.5 24.0-28.0 26.6-31.5 28.&34,3 3.1 1 8.2 4 -day (12.313.9) (14.6- 6.4 (17.2- 9.3 1 �21.7 22 24.9 4. -27.5 26.3- 0.1) 28.4-32.8) 3132-36.6 (334-39.6 15.7 18.5 21.6 24.0 27.2 29.7 32.1 34.6 37.9 40.3 60-day 14.9-16.6) (17.5-19.6) 20.4-22.8 (22.7-25.4 (25.7-28.8) (27.951.5 (3D1-34.1) (32.2-36.8) 35.0-40.5) EA-43.4) Precipitation frequency (PF) estimates in this table are based on frequency analysis of partial duration series (PDS). Numbers in parenthesis are PF estimates at lower and upper bounds of the 90% confidence interval. The probability that precipitation frequency estimates (for a given duration and average recurrence interval) will be greater than the upper bound (or less than the lower bound) is 5%. Estimates lat upper bounds are not checked against probable maximum precipitation (PMP) estimates and may be higher than currently valid PMP values. Please refer to NOAA Ades 14 document for more information. Bade to Toq PF graphical https://hdsc.nws.noaa.govlhdsctpfdsfpfds_printpage.html?lat=33.9184&ion=-78.4O50&data=depth&units=english&series=pds 1/4 .6/3/22, 10:41 AM Precipitation Frequency Data Server 45 40 35 5 0 45 40 35 30 ti 25 C 20 y 15 lL rL i0 5 0 1 PDS-based depth -duration -frequency (D:DF) cranes Latitude: 33.91W, Longftude: 78.40560 --- sue• � ,� ,__�_�-• � � _r i i i i i i i i i i i i i -0 'v 'O Y�o! '0 -Y a -G 'b Lj p �I N A A .t r5 C7 O O v1 0 � Yr3 w rl N fn V W Duration 2 5 10 25 50 100 200 500 1000 Average rectirrence interval (years) NOAA Atlas 14, Volume 2, Version 3 Created (GMT): Fri JAin. 314:41:30 2022 B c op_ Maps & aerials Small scale terrain Average recurrence interval Iyears) 10 2$ 50 i00 200 EDO Duration 5-min — .2-day t0-min — 3-day 15-min — 4-day 30-min 7-day 6"in — 10-day 2-hr — 20-day — 3-hr — 30-day — $fir — 45 day e 12 hr — tits -day — 24-hr https://hdsc.nws.noaa.gov/hdsc/pfdsipfdsLp intpage.htmi?lat=33.9184&Ion=78.4056&data=depth&units=english&series=pds 2/4 6/3/22, 1,p:41 AM Precipitation Frequency Data Server r. w.tr rYl�fc€ €RAf.Et TL Ocean Isle Bench _ 3km 2mi Large scale terrain !r Iarl6tte Fayetteville la&mnvillk L. Z .N A wilming" L _ �I t 0. 100km 6 mi Large scale map Fayetteville 1. Jacksonville Wilrningtort North Chart 100km char Oml Large scale aerial https:/lhdsc.nws.noaa.gov/hdselpfdstpfds p intpage.html?lat=33.9184&ion=-78.4056&data=depth&units=english&series=pds 3/4 6/3122, 10:41 AM Precipitation Frequency Data Server Back to Top US Department of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Weather Service National Water Center 1325 Fast West Highway Silver Spring, MD 20910 Questions?: HDSC.Questions@noaa.gov Disclaimer https://hdsc.nws.noaa.govlhdsc/pfds/pfds_printpage.html?lat=33.9184&Ion=-78.4056&dnta=depth&units=english&series=pds 4/4 DA#1: Wet Pond #1 0 DA#2: Sand Filter #1 DA#3: Infiltration Basin #1 o DA#4: Sand Filter #2 DA#5: Wet Pond #2 Table of Contents Sheets 1-4 Sheets 5-7 Sheet 8 Sheets 9-11 Sheets 12-15 Date: Design: Norris & Tunstall Wilmington, NC Sheet: 5/25/2022 TJS Consulting Engineers, P.C. Brunswick County, NC 1 Check: Job: For: Job #: JKB State SW Calculations Saucepan Bav Estates 20163 Pond 1(DA#1) DA: Impervious Area: Pervious Area: Imp. % Foreba 560531 sf 12.87 ac 354026 sf 8.13 ac 206505 sf 4.74 ac 63.16 % Elev ftAreas Vol 2.5 7946 0 3.5 8791 8364 4.5 9671 9227 5.5 10582 10122 Total 27713 Forebay % = 16.6 % Main Pond Elev ft Areas Vol c 1.5 38169 0 2.5 39983 39069 3.5 41829 40898 4.5 43706 42760 5.5 45615 44653 Total 167380 Ave. Depth = 3.7 ft Date: Design: Norris & Tunstall Wilmington, NC Sheet: 5/25/2022 TJS Consulting Engineers, P.C. Brunswick County, NC 2 Check: Job: For: Job #: JKB State SW Calculations Saucepan Bay Estates 20163 (SAIDA & Average Depth Method) Req. Main Pond Area = (SA/DA)/100 x DA = 21713 sf SA/DA = 3.87 DA = 560531 sf (Simple Method) Des. Vol. = 3630 x Rd x Rv x DA = 108906 cf Rv = 0.05 + 0.9 x la = 0.6184 la = 0.6316 Rd = 3.77 in DA = 12.9 ac Elev ft Areas Vol c Veg. Shelf Bottom & Normal Pool 5.5 56197 0 Veg. Shelf Top 6.5 63977 60039 Temporary Pool 7.25 66390 48880 Total 108919 Provided Main Pond Area = 56197 sf Provided Volume = 108919 cf Orifice Size = 5 in Q2 = Provided Vol. / 172,800 sec = 0.630 cfs Q5 = Provided Vol. / 432,000 sec = 0.252 cfs Q = 0.6 x A (64.4 x h)^0.5 = 0.501 cfs A = 0.136 sf h = 0.58 ft Drawdown time = Provided Vol. / Q 217296 sec 60.36 hrs 2.51 days Date: Design: 1TJS Norris & Tunstall Wilmington, NC Sheet: 5/25/2022 Consulting Engineers, P.C. County, NC 3 Check: Job: --Brunswick For: Job #: JKB IState SW Calculations Saucepan Bay Estates 20161 Inlet Pioe - East Size = 18 in Q = CiA = 5.7 cfs C = 0.6 i = 7.2 in/hr A = 1.31 ac Vel. = Q / A pipe = 3.21 ft sec A pipe = 1.77 sf Inlet Pipe - West Size = 36 in Q = CiA = 13.4 cfs C = 0.6 i= 7.2 in/hr A = 3.10 ac Vel. = Q / A pipe = A pipe = 7.07 sf Forebay Berm Qw = Cw L H"(3/2) Cw = 3.0 L = 210 ft Qw = 5.67 cfs Vel. = Qw/(H x L) _ Outlet Pipe - State 1.89 ft sec 0.62 ftsec Size = 24 in Q = 0.9 cfs Vel. = Q / A pipe = 0.28 ft sec A pipe = 3.14 sf Outlet Pipe - Count Size = 18 in Q = 13.7 cfs Vel. = Q / A pipe = 7.73 ft sec A pipe = 1.77 sf Vel. > 2.0 ft/sec use 10'x10'x1' Rip Rap Energy Dissipater Use Anyway 10'x10'x1' Rip Rap Energy Dissipater H = 0.04 ft Vel. > 2.0 ft/sec use 10'x10'x1' Rip Rap Energy Dissipater Vel. > 2.0 ft/sec use 10'x10'x1' Rip Rap Energy Dissipater Date: Design: Norris & TUnstaIIW� Wilmington, NC Sheet: ECheck: 5/25/2022 TJS Consulting Engineers, P.C. Brunswick County, NC 4 Job: For: Job M JKB State SW Calculations Saucepan Bay Estates 20163 Level Spreader - Filter Strip Design Volume = 108919 cf Drawdown = 217296 sec Q = Vol / time = 0.50 cfs L=10ftxQ= 5.0ft Qw = CwLh^(3/2) = 0.50 cfs Cw = 3 h = 0.07 ft Vel = Q/A = 0.77 ft/sec **minimum length =10 ft Date: rDesign: Norris & Tunstall Wilmington, NC sheet: 6/6/2022JS Consulting Engineers, P.C. Brunswick County, NC 5 Check: Job: For: Job #: JKB State SW Calculations Saucepan Bay Estates 20163 Sand Filter 1(DA#2 DA: 117585 sf 2.70 ac Impervious Area: 71989 sf 1.65 ac Pervious Area: 45596 sf 1.05 ac Imp. % 61.22 % (Simple Method) Des. Vol. = ((3630 x Rd x Rv x DA)post - (3630 x Rd x Rv x DA)pre) x 0.75 = Rv = 0.05 + 0.9 x la = 0.6010 la = 0.6122 Rd = 3.77 in DA = 2.7 ac SHWT Elevation = 7.3 ft Sediment Chamber Sand Filter 15266 cf Elev ft Areas Vol Areas Vol cf 11 938 0 1282 0 12 1377 1150 1688 1480 13 1898 1630 2138 1908 14 2501 2192 2632 2380 14.5 3090 1395 3487 1525 Total 6367 Sand Filter Volume = 7293 cf Sand Filter Vol % = 50 % + - Temporary Pool Total 7293 Elev ft Areas Vol c 11 2220 0 12 3065 2630 13 4036 3538 14 5133 4572 14.5 6577 2920 14.75 7413 1751 Total 15411 Provided Volume = 15411 cf Date: Design: Norris & Tunstall Wilmington, NC Sheet: 6/6/2022 TJS Consulting Engineers, P.C. Brunswick County, NC 6 Check: Job: For: � Job M JKB IState SW Calculations Saucepan Bay Estates 1 20163 K = 2.0 in/hr 4.0 ft/day Drawdown time = Des. Vol. / ( K x bottom area) _ Inlet Pipe 3.01 days 72.1 hrs 259655 sec Size = 24 in Q = CIA = 10.7 cfs C = 0.6 i = 7.2 in/hr A = 2.47 ac Vel. Q / A pipe = A pipe = 3.14 sf Sheet Pile Wall Qw = Cw L H^(3/2) Cw = 3.0 L = 65 ft Qw = 10.67 cfs Vel. = Qw/(H x L) Outlet Pipe Size = 6 in Q = 0.9 cfs Vel. =Q/Apipe = A pipe = 0.20 sf 3.40 ftsec Vel. > 2.0 ft/sec use 10'x10'x1' Rip Rap Energy Dissipater H = 0.14 ft 1.14 ft sec 4.65 ftsec Vel. > 2.0 ft/sec use 10'x10'x1' Rip Rap Energy Dissipater Date: Design: Norris & Tunstall Wilmington, NC Sheet: 6/6/2022 TJS Consulting Engineers, P.C. Brunswick County, NC 7 Check: Job: For: Job #: JKB IState SW Calculations Saucepan Bay Estates 1 201631 Level Spreader - Filter Stri Design Volume = 15411 cf Drawdown = 259655 sec Q = Vol / time = 0.06 cfs L=10ftxQ= 0.6ft Qw = CwLh^(3/2) = 0.06 cfs Cw = 3 h = 0.02 ft Vel = Q/A = 0.38 ft/sec **minimum length =10 ft Date: Design: I Norris & Tunstall Wilmington, NC Sheet: i En P.C. Brunswick County, NC 8 5/25/2022 TJSwsu t ng Engineers, , : �_�.�� Check: Job: For: Job #: JKB State SW Calculations Saucepan Bay Estates 20163 Infiltration Basin 1(DA#3) DA: 102961 sf 2.36 ac Impervious Area: 67359 sf 1.55 ac Pervious Area: 35602 sf 0.82 ac Imp. % 65.42 % (Simple Method) Req. Vol. = 3630 x Rd x Rv x DA = 20663 cf Rv = 0.05 + 0.9 x la = 0.6388 la = 0.6542 Rd = 3.77 in DA = 2.4 ac Req. Area = 2 x (Des. Vol. x 12) / (K x 72) = 3445 sf Des. Vol. = 20671.00 cf K = 2.0 in/hr Elev ft Area sf Vol c 9 5939 0 10 6940 6432 11 8013 7469 11.8 8921 6770 Provided Area = 5939 sf Provided Volume = 20671 cf Inlet Pipe Size = 24 in Q = CiA = 9.3 cfs C = 0.6 i = 7.2 in/hr A _ 2.15 ac Vel. Q / A pipe = A pipe = 3.14 sf Total 20671 2.96 ft sec Vel. > 2.0 ft/sec use 10'x10'x1' Rip Rap Energy Dissipater Date: Design: - -----_--,- Norris & Tulnstall Wilmington, NC - ­ 4 Sheet: 6/6/2022 TJS Consulting Engineers, P.C. Brunswick County, NC 9 Check: Job: , For: Job #: JKB State SW Calculations Saucepan Bay Estates 20163 Sand Filter 2 (DA#4 DA: 226765 sf 5.21 ac Impervious Area: 139712 sf 3.21 ac Pervious Area: 87053 sf 2.00 ac Imp. % 61.61 % (Simple Method) Des. Vol. = ((3630 x Rd x Rv x DA)post - (3630 x Rd x Rv x DA)pre) x 0.75 = 29628 cf Rv = 0.05 + 0.9 x la = 0.6045 la = 0.6161 Rd = 3.77 in DA = 5.2 ac SHWT Elevation = 8.8 ft Sediment Chamber Sand Filter Elev ftAreas Vol c Areas Vol 12.5 4972 0 4986 0 13 5555 2630 5643 2655 14 6816 6174 7016 6316 Total 8804 Total 8971 Sand Filter Volume = 8971 cf Sand Filter Vol % = 50 % + - Temporary Pool Elev ftAreas Vol cf 12.5 9958 0 13 11198 5285 14 13832 12490 14.8 16099 11947 Total 29722 Provided Volume = 29722 cf Date: Design: Norris & Tunstall Wilmington, NC Sheet: 6/6/2022 TJS Consulting Engineers, P.C. Brunswick County, NC 10 Check: Job: For: Job #: JKB State SW Calculations Saucepan Bay Estates 20163 K 2.0 in/hr 4.0 ft/day Drawdown time = Des. Vol. / ( K x bottom area) _ Inlet Plpe North 1.49 days 35.8 hrs 128760 sec Size = 24 in Q = CiA = 10.4 cfs C = 0.6 i = 7.2 in/hr A = 2.40 ac Vel. = Q / A pipe = A pipe = 3.14 sf Inlet Pipe South Size = 24 in Q = CiA = 10.0 cfs C = 0.6 i = 7.2 in/hr A = 2.31 ac Vel. = Q / A pipe = A pipe = 3.14 sf Forebay Berm Qw = Cw L H^(3/2) Cw 3.0 L = 70 ft Qw = 10.36 cfs Vel. = Qw/(H x Q = Outlet Pipe Size = 6 in Q = 0.7 cfs Vel. = Q / A pipe = A pipe = 0.20 sf Vel. > 2.0 ft/sec use 3.30 ftsec 10'x10'x1' Rip Rap Energy Dissipater Vel. > 2.0 ft/sec use 3.18 ft sec 10'x10'x1' Rip Rap Energy Dissipater H = 0.13 ft 1.10 ftsec 3.44 ft sec Vel. > 2.0 ft/sec use 10'x10'x1' Rip Rap Energy Dissipater Date: `Design: Norris & Tunstall Wilmington, NC Sheet: 6/6/2022 US Consulting Engineers, P.C. Brunswick County, NC 11 Check: Job: For: Job M JKB State SW Calculations Saucepan Bay Estates 20163 Level Spreader - Filter Strip Design Volume = 29722 cf Drawdown = 128760 sec Q = Vol / time = 0.23 cfs L=10ftxQ= 2.3ft Qw = CwLh"(3/2) = 0.23 cfs Cw = 3 h = 0.04 ft Vel = Q/A = 0.59 ft/sec **minimum length =10 ft Date: Design: Norris & Tunstall Wilmington, NC sheet: 5/25/2022 TJS Consulting Engineers, P.C. Brunswick County, NC 12 Check: Job: For: Job #: 20163 JKB iState SW Calculations Saucepan Bay Estates :# �1 Pond 2 (DA#5) DA: 117697 sf 2.70 ac Impervious Area: 75969 sf 1.74 ac Pervious Area: 41728 sf 0.96 ac Imp. % 64.55 % Forebay Elev ft Areas Vol c 17 517 0 18 759 634 19 1047 899 20 1381 1210 Total 2743 Forebay % = 15.4 % Main Pond Elev ft Areas Vol 13 675 0 14 1025 844 15 1426 1220 16 1884 1646 17 2458 2154 18 3333 2865 19 4499 3890 20 5882 5168 Total 17787 Ave. Depth = 3.0 ft Date: Design: Norris & Tunstall Wilmington, NC Sheet: 5/25/2022 TJS Consulting Engineers, P.C. Brunswick County, NC 13 Check: Job: For: Job #: JKB IState SW Calculations Saucepan Bay Estates 20163 (SAIDA & Average Depth Method) Req. Main Pond Area = (SA/DA)/100 x DA = 5553 sf SA/DA = 4.72 DA = 117697 sf (Simple Method) Des. Vol. = 3630 x Rd x Rv x DA = 23329 cf Rv = 0.05 + 0.9 x la = 0.6309 la = 0.6455 Rd = 3.77 in DA = 2.7 a Elev ft Areas Vol cf Veg. Shelf Bottom & Normal Pool 20 7263 0 Veg. Shelf Top 21 12897 10004 Temporary Pool 21.9 16832 13337 Total 23341 Provided Main Pond Area = 7263 sf Provided Volume = 23341 cf Orifice Size = 2.5 in Q2 = Provided Vol. / 172,800 sec = 0.135 cfs Q5 = Provided Vol. / 432,000 sec = 0.054 cfs Q=0.6xA(64.4xh)^0.5= 0.131 cfs A = 0.034 sf h = 0.63 ft Drawdown time = Provided Vol. / Q = 178690 sec = 49.64 hrs = 2.07 days )ate: Design: Norris & Tunstall 5/25/2022 TJS Consulting Engineers, P.C. :heck: Job: � Tr: KB State SW Calculations uc Inlet Pipe Wilmington, NC Shei Brunswick County, NC Job M n Bay Estates 1 20163 Size = 18 in Q = CiA = 9.7 cfs C = 0.6 i = 7.2 in/hr A = 2.25 ac Vel. = Q / A pipe = A pipe = 1.77 sf Forebav Berm (Sheet Pile Wall Qw = Cw L H^(3/2) Cw = 3.0 L = 70 ft Qw = 9.72 cfs Ve I. = Qw/(H x Q = Outlet Pipe - State Size = 15 in Q = 0.2 cfs Vel. = Q/A pipe = A pipe = 1.23 sf Outlet Pige - Count Size = 12 in Q = 4.1 cfs Vel. - Q / A pipe = A pipe = 0.79 sf 5.51 ftsec Vel. > 2.0 ft/sec use 10'x10'x1' Rip Rap Energy Dissipater H = 0.13 ft 1.08 ftsec 0.19 ft sec Use Anyway 10'x10'x1' Rip Rap Energy Dissipater 5.26 ftsec Vel. > 2.0 ft/sec use 10'x10'x1' Rip Rap Energy Dissipater a „�—� Norris & 1"unstall � � � Wilmington NC sheet: �� Date: Design: g , 5/25/2022 TJS Consulting Engineers, P.C. Brunswick County, NC 15 Check: lob: For: �.�� Job #: JKB State SW Calculations Saucepan Bay Estates 20163 Level Spreader - Filter Stri Design Volume = 23341 cf Drawdown = 178690 sec Q = Vol / time = 0.13 cfs L=10ftxQ= 1.3ft Qw = CwLh^(3/2) = 0.13 cfs Cw = 3 h = 0.03 ft Vel = Q/A = 0.49 ft/sec "minimum length =10 ft d y � r ♦��%' - wed.. � � _�•�:.- }� i Mrs Celebrating 23 years of Service November 11, 2021 Norris & Tunstall Consulting Engineers, P.C. 2602 Iron Gate Drive, Suite 102 Wilmington, North Carolina 28412 Attention: Mr. Jody Bland, P.E. W4 0-101�3 RefCe: Infiltration Testing and Seasonal High Watertable Estimate Saucepan Bay Development Brick Landing Road Holden Beach, North Carolina RFTS Project No. 2430-21 Dear Mr. Bland: RFTS is pleased to provide testing services during the design phase of the proposed Saucepan Bay residential development located off Brick Landing Road near Holden Beach, North Carolina. Specific site grading plans had not been provided to us at the time this report was prepared. DESCRIPTION OF FIELD WORK Our staff visited the site during the period of September 18 through October 28, 2021, and performed the following work: L Hand auger borings were advanced at fifteen locations to depths ranging from 4 to 6 feet below the existing ground surface in the areas proposed by the civil designer for an infiltration structure. The encountered soils were logged and visually classified by depth and a Munsell Soil Color Chart was used to determine the hue, value, and chroma of the visually distinct soil layers. This data was used to estimate the depth to the seasonal high water table. Our soil logs are presented in Table 1. 2. Bag samples of the soils occurring 2 feet above the estimated seasonal high water table level were taken at each location for laboratory grain -size analysis. 3. Two field infiltration tests were conducted at locations INF-2 and INF-10A. Due to the dense growth across the site, field infiltration testing was impracticable at most locations, particularly in the interior of the property. Infiltration testing was performed using a model 2800 Guelph Permeameter which is a constant -head device which operates on the Mariotte siphon principle and is FiiSop c Point lane 761 Sloop Soils Engineering and Testing Services Phone: 910-470-7450 7i3t Kure Beach. North carolina 28449 Email: rftsdavid@imaii.com Norris & Tunstall Consulting Engineers, P.C. RFTS Project No. 2430-21 November 11, 2021 referenced in ASTM D-5126. The permeameter is used to determine field saturated hydraulic conductivity in centimeters per second for soil at a specified depth. This testing involves advancing a borehole to the desired infiltration depth and introducing water at a constant head to determine the steady state flow rate from which the hydraulic conductivity can be calculated. The results of this testing are shown in Table 2. LABORATORY TESTING The soil samples recovered in the field were delivered to our laboratory in Kure Beach, North Carolina. The samples were tested in accordance with the American Standard for Testing Materials ASTM D-422, "Standard Test Method for Particle -Size Analysis of Soils". The purpose of this testing was to estimate the hydraulic conductivity of the soil using an empirical approximation developed by Alan Hazen. The results of our laboratory grain -size testing are shown in Table 3. USDA SOIL SURVEY DATA In order to provide a basis of comparison between our field data and published soils information, we consulted the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Soil Service Survey and ordered a site -specific survey (attached). DISCUSSION OF FINDINGS The logs of our hand auger borings, the results of our field infiltration testing, and the results of our laboratory testing are attached as Tables 1, 2, and 3. The table below summarizes these and the data from the USDA Soils report: Table 4 Summary of Data Saucepan Bay Development Brunswick County, North Carolina RIFTS Project No. 2430-21 Location USDA H C. Sample Depth to Hazen %Pass' Map unit Range Depth SHWT Estimate #200 Sieve (idhr) (inches) (inches) (in/hr) 12 22 'Sail t=ure not suitable for Hazen apptoximW- Tield results do not match USDA mapping unit. 2 62 Field Result (hr) Recommended Preliminary Design Rate inches/hour 3 0.6 0.6 2 2 <0.06 2 <0.06 <0.06 3 1.6 1.6 2 2 <0.06 5 Norris & Tunstall Consulting Engineers, P.C. RFTS Project No. 2430-21 November 11, 2021 With regard to the correspondence between the USDA survey and the conditions in the field, we note that three of the seven locations that mapped within the Pactolus fine sand (PaA) or Leon fine sand CLO) contained significant amounts of clay in the soil profile and do not therefore coincide with these units, which consist entirely of clean sands. It may be that the mapping is inaccurate or that there are small areas of differing soils within the site that are not identified at the scale shown. In any case, the amount of site -specific data we can obtain from the USDA report is limited by the broad range of infiltration rates associated with each mapping unit and by discrepancies between the encountered conditions and the mapping. The Hazen approximation provides a rough estimate of the infiltration rate based on grain -size distribution. There are other factors influencing the infiltration rate as well, such as degree of compaction, and the Hazen approximation is therefore not reliable for obtaining design values of the infiltration rate. Moreover, the Hazen approximation is not suited to estimating rates of hydraulic conductivity for soils with substantial amounts of clay fines such as we encountered at Locations INF-5, INF-7, INF-8, and INF-12. With that said, the infiltration rates we derived from the grain -size analyses of the sandy soils on site can be used to provide preliminary data if substantial allowance is made for the tendency of the Hazen approximation to overestimate the values obtained in the field. RECOAEWENDATIONS We recommend that the preliminary infiltration values shown in the last column of Table 4 be used for a preliminary assessment of the infiltration rates in the areas chosen for infiltration structures. As the property is cleared and the locations of the proposed infiltration features become accessible to testing, we recommend that in -place field infiltration testing be conducted to arrive at final design values. CLOSURE Please find attached our field data and a sketch showing the approximate test locations. If you have any questions after reviewing this letter, please do not hesitate to contact us at your convenience. Sincerely, RFTS,PLLC David L. Winstead Field Operations Manager DLW:SDK/dlw AttwhmenU Steven D. Kel]yN q Senior Engi fssio�<iy'�; NC Regist&tiQi' Vo. 176h..� SEAL - N 17638 = Norris & Tunstall Consulting Engineers, P.C. RFTS Project No. 2430-21 November 11, 2021 Table 1 Munsell Soil Classifications Saucepan Bay Development Holden Beach, North Carolina RFTS Project No. 2430-21 Loc Soil Description Hue Value Chroma Depth Comments INF-1 To soil m' Black fine SAND IOYR 2 1 0-5 5-12 V-- ery Dark Brown fine SAND IOYR 2 2 12-15 Dark Yellowish Brown fine SAND 10YR 4 4 15-40 SH T@15" Brown fine SAND IOYR 5 3 40-50 H2O 43" INF-2 To soil V Dark Brown fine SAND - 7.5YR 2.5 - 2 0-6 6-16 Pinkish gmCla a SAND 7.5YR 6 2 16-33 Brownish Yellow and Light IOYR 6/7 611 33-44 Gray fine SAND Brownish Yellow fine SAND IOYR 6 8 44-56 GraV fine SAND Dark Gra Cla a SAND IOYR 6 2.5Y 1 56-68 SDVVT 6" 4 1 68-76 INF-3 To soil Brownish Yellow fine SAND IOYR 6 - 6 0-6 6-16 Yellowish Brown Clayey IOYR 5 8.- 16-28 SAND Yellowish Brown fine SAND 1 OYR 5 8 28-37 with Cla Very Pale Brown fine SAND IOYR 8 4 37-51 Reddish Yellow fine SAND, 7.5YR 6 8 51-60 trace of Cla Brownish Yellow fine SAND 1 OYR 6 6 60-72 Brownish Yellow fine SAND 1 OYR 6 72-76 SHWT@72" some Clay6 Norris & Tunstall Consulting Engineers, P.C. RFTS Project No. 2430-21 November 11, 2021 Table 1 continued Munsell Soil Classifications Saucepan Bay Holden Beach, North Carolina RFTS Project No. 2430-21 oc Soil Description P Hue Value Chroma -D epth Comments INF4C in. Gray ND IOYR 6 1 0-10 10-22 rown fine SAND 1OYR 3 4 22-29 rown fine SAND 1 OYR 7 3 2-34 Grayfine SAND IOYR 6 1 34-47 SHWT 4" INF-5 To soil Brownish Yellow fine SAND _IOYR 6 - 6 0-6 6-14 Yellowish Brown Clayey 1 OYR S 8 14-20 SAND Brownish Yellow fine SAND 1 OYR 6 6 20-31 with C Yellow fine SAND with ClayIOYR 7 6 31-3 8 Brownish Yellow fine SAND IOYR 6 8 38-51 with Cla. Brownish Yellow CLAY with 10YR 6 8 51-63 Sand Greenish Gra CLAY GLEY2 6 1OG 63-68 SHWT 53" INF-6 To soil Dark Yellowish Brown fine lOYR - 0-6 6-12 SAND Brownish Yellow fine SAND IOYR12-21 Yellow fine SAND IOYR 21-31 Yellowish Brown fine SAND IOYR 31-40 Ve Pale Brown fine SAND _IOYR 40-50 SHWT 0" White fine SAND IOYR 8"50-55 Norris & Tunstall Consulting Engineers, P.C. RFTS Project No. 2430-21 November 11, 2021 j Table 1 continued Mansell Soil Classifications Saucepan Bay Holden Beach, North Carolina RFTS Project No. 2430 21 Loc Soil Description Hue Value Chroma Depth Comments W-7 To soil m' V Pale Brown fine SAND IOYR 7 - 3 l V Fale Brown fine SAND IOYR 8 3 - 1124 Yellowish Brown fine SAND IOyR 5 8 24-28 with Clay 28-38 Yellowish Brown Clayey IOYR 5 6 SAND 38-45 Brownish Yellow Clayey IOYR 6 6 SAND 45-60 Gra CLAY with SAND l OYR 6 1 60-69 SHWT 60" INF-8 To soil Yellowish brown fine SAND IOYR 5 6 V Pale Brown fine SAND IOYR 8 3 10-2-21 21-29 Brownish Yellow Clayey 1 OYR 6 8 29-41 SAND Yellowish Brown Clayey IOYR 5 8 41-47 SAND Brownish Yellow Clayey SAND IOYR 6 8 47-53 SHWT@47" INF-9 To soil Black fine SAND l0YR 2 - 2 0-9 8-21 Dark Brown fine SAND 7.5YR 3 4 21-29 Brown fine SAND 7.SYR 4 3 29-34 Light Brownish Gray fine 1 OYR 6 2 SAND some 3a 34-40 SHWT cr 34" INF-10 Topsoil Street V ery Dark Brown fine SAND 7.5YR 2.5 3 0-5 5-13 Area Yellowish Brown fine SAND IOYR 5 4 some Clay 13-25 Yellowish Brown fine SAND IOYR 5 6 25-36 Light gray fine SAND IOYR ? 1 36,-44 1SHWT 6, Norris & Tunstall Consulting Engineers, P.C. RFTS Project No. 2430-21 Table 1 continued Mansell Soil Classifications Saucepan Bay Holden Beacb, North Carolina RM Project No. 2430 21 7 November 11, 2021 alue Depth in. Comments - - 0-6 6 1 6-13 3 4 13-26 5 6 26-35 7 3 35-41 6 1 41-50 SHWT 41" - - 0-6 5 .5 1 2 6-25 25-29 SHWT 5" > H2O 1" t2E35-41 - 1 0-6 6-14 4 4 3 14-24 24-36 36-50 SHWT@36"/ H2O 49" - 0-6 !L8J5W7-66ESHWT(.ff-)57- J__ Norris & Tunstall Consulting Engineers, P.C. RFTS Project No. 2430-21 Table 1 continued Munsell Soil Classifications Saucepan Bay Holden Beach, North Carolina RFTS Project No. 2430-21 Loc Soil Description Vah INF-13 To soil Brownish Yellow fine SANDjjHue YR 6 V Pale Brown fine SAND 10YR 7 Brownish Yellow fine SAND lOYR 6 some Cla Yellow fine SAND l OYR 7 Brownish Yellow fine SAND l OYR 6 some Clay III Brownish Yellow fine SAND I IOW—6 Definition of Terms November 11, 2021 ie Chroma Depth Comments in. - 0-6 6 6-25 4 25-32 6 32-38 6 38-46 8 46-51 SHWT@46" 6 51-56 Table 2 Guelph Permeameter Test Results Saucepan Bay Holden Beach, North Carolina RFTS Project No. 2430-21 Ria — Established 3 or more constant rate of water level change (cm/min) Ris, 2s — Calculated steady state flow rates (cm/sec) Hi,z — Maintained Head of Hen (cm) Kfs — Calculated field saturated hydraulic conductivity (cm/sec) Depth — Depth of well hole (in.) 8 Norris & Tunstall Consulting Engineers, P.C. RFTS Project No. 2430-21 Table 3 Grain -Size Analyses Saucepan Bay Holden Beach, North Carolina RFTS Project No. 2430-21 November 11, 2021 T a n ca z z 00 Z { z 0 ❑ IL i H c s wgzd wait 5CL z m z wW�z� 3wa cncnco V�TDo IG3 BY.- of Deeds pagem 1 y14 26 m01 B4647 P0840g l"Aketurn Ty � F-- t I g&� Rey ME, Lk$ Ck ash $ -afund Cash $ Finance I Portions of document are Illegible due to condition of original. IDohUM ttcuntalns$salsvet9fiedbyoriginal ::1stg14190th9PIRV4FRBd WBF0I6i: Prepared by and return to Burns, Day & Presnell, PA, PO Box 10867, Raleigh, NC 27605 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTYOF BRUNSWICK ACCESS AND UTU= EASEMENT AGREEMENT THIS ACCESS AND UTILITY EASMv NT AGRMAR ff (the "Agreement") made this _ day of June, 2021 by Landis D. Stanley and spouse, Linda F. Stanley ( the "Owner"), Ray Eric Stanley, Clint Wens Stanley and spouse, Beadier Stanley (the "Beneficiaries" Saucepan Creek, LLC (the "Grantee"). RECITALS: A. Grantee owns or will own that certain parcel of real property located in Brunswick County, North Carolina and more particularly described on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference (the "Grantee property'D. B. Owner is the owner of the certain parcel of real property located in Brunswick County, North Carolina and more particularly described on Exhbit B (the "Owner Property'D which is a sixty (60) foot wide private road known as Log Landing Road, also -known as Odessa Drive or Proposed Odessa Drive, over a portion of which Owner provides access easements to the Stanley Properties as defined herein and is fronted by and adjacent to the Grantee Property on two sides. C. Owner and the Beneficiaries are the owner of the certain parcels of real property located in Brunswick County, North Carolina and more particularly described on Exhibit C: (the Stanley Properties") which are served by the Owner Property. D. Owner, Beneficiaries and Grantee's predecessor in title, T&J Development of NUB, LLC, entered into the Agreement to Gate Proposed Odessa Drive recorded in Book 2595, Page 190, Brunswick County Registry (the "Gate Agreement"). F. Owner was granted a twenty (20D foot wide access over Grantee Property in Book 512, Page 761 and Map Cabinet N. Page 136 (the "Old Owner Basement"). G. Grantee, intends to develop a residential development (the "Project") on the Grantee Property and desires to use a portion of the Owner Property as access to the Grantee Property and to construct and maintain a paved drive of approximately twenty (20') feet in width over said Owner Property as further described on attached Exhibit D. {IBrunswick lCounty, llllllllRegister 8rond of Deeds P0841 m H. As a condition to the improvement of the Owner Property, and the termination of the Gate Agreement, the Old Owner Easement and any other easements benefitting the Stanley Properties across the Grantee Property, Owner shall grant to Grantee, its successors and assigns, and the Beneficiaries and their assigns, a non-exclusive easement for pedestrian and vehicular access and utilities over a portion of the Owner Property shown as the Easement as described herein, on the term and conditions set forth herein. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual premises herein contained, the sum of Ten Dollars and other valuable consideration ($10.00), the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, Owner, Beneficiaries, Grantee and Contract Purchaser hereby agree as follows: 1. Recitals. The above recitals are true and correct and form a material part of this Agreement upon which the parties hereto have relied. 2. Grant of Easement Owner hereby grants to Grantee, its successors and assigns, and Beneficiaries and their assigns, a permanent and perpetual non-exclusive access for ingress, egress and regress over the Easement for pedestrian and vehicular traffic and for the construction, use, operation and maintenance of utilities over, across and under such Easement described on Exhibit D attached hereto, in order to provide ingress, egress and regress for and utilities to the Grantee Property. The Easement shall be appurtenant to the Grantee Property, Owner Property and the Stanley Properties, and shall run with the title to the Grantee Properly, the Owner Property and the Stanley Properties and shall bind and inure to the Grantee and its successors and assigns, and with the Owner and Beneficiaries. 3. Effective Date of Ameemem. Conshnrction. Maintenance and Use of the Easement, (a) This Agreement shall be effective as of the date that the governing municipality gives final unappealable site plan approval, water and sewer plan approval (including utility connections), construction drawings plan approval authorizing the development of the Property consistent with Grantee's and/or its assigns' development plans for the development and subdivision improvements, both on -site and off -site, for a residential subdivision and establishing the right to conned to and receive public water and sewer service for the lots thereon (the :Approvals"). In the event the Approvals are not granted nor waived by Grantee and/or its assigns, in their discretion, on or before December 31, 2022, then this Agreement shall be deemed terminated as if never entered. (b) The Grantee and/or its assigns will establish a homeowner's association to maintain the common area of its development, which homeowner's association will take over the duties of collection and maintenance from Grantee of the Easement and Insurance as defined herein. The Grantee and/or its assigns shall construct, operate, maiitain and/or repair the Easement, as necessary, until such time as it conveys such obligation to a homeowners association managing the common area and expenses of the Grantee Property, The Grantee and/or its assigns at all times shall maintain said Easement in a good and fit manner and in all events in accordance with applicable law (any such work, which shall include driveway maintenance within the Easement, rental costs of any light poles within the Easement, electric costs to light the light proles within the Easement and maintenance and repairs associated with the grass and the erosion control devices located within the Easement, (collectively, the'Tmement Maintenance"). The costs for any Easement Maintenance shall be solely on the Grantee and/or its assigns. (c) Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 3 (a) of this Agreement; in the event that the Easement Maintenance required is the result of the activities of Owner or Beneficiaries using the Easement, such party shall be fully and solely responsible for all costs of the Easement Maintenance. (d) Use of the Easement shall be non-exclusive and for the use of Grantee and/or its assigns, as the case may be, and well as for the Owner, the Beneficiaries and their assigns forever. 4. Indemnification. Each party entitled to use the Easement shall protect, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Owner from and against, any and all liabilities, losses, damages, expenses, causes of action, suits, claims or judgments arising from or related to personal injury, death or property damage relating to the use of the Easement by Grantee and/or its assigns, or their licensees, tenants and invitees, except to the extent caused by the negligence or willful misconduct of the Owner. IIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlI111 B4 ? M' Cl ors PROP Brunswick County, NC Register of Deeds page 3 of 13 5. Insurance, The Grantee and/or its assigns, as the case may be, will at all tunes maintain or cause to be maintained with respect to the Easement, commercial general liability insurance (including contractual liability coverage) against claims for bodily injury, death or property damage occurring on, in or about the Easement. Such insurance shall have a minimum limit of not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) per occurrence and Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000.00) general aggregate. All insurance required pursuant to this section shall be written on an occurrence form utilizing the most current ISO policy form (or equivalent) and may be provided with umbrella_ policies. This provision shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. 6. Gate Agreement and Other Easements. The Gate Agreement, the Old Owner Easement and any other easements across the Grantee Property which benefit the Owner and Beneficiaries are hereby ternunated, Notice Any notice to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and deemed to have been given: (a) when delivered by Federal Express, UPS or other commonly recognized overnight delivery service, or (b) within three business days of deposit in the United States mail as certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, and addressed to the person or entity being notified at the address given below (or such other address which any ply may designate for itself from time to time hereafter by written notice to the other owner: OWNER Landis D. Stanley and Linda F. Stanley 4796 Log Landing Rd. SW Sballotte, NC 28470 Beneficiaries: Clint Wess Stanley and Heather Stanley 2633 Scarecrow Way Myrtle Beach, SC 29579 Ray Eric Stanley 4791 LcgLandingRd. SW Shallotte, NC 28470 With copy to: Baxley Smithwick PLLC 5060 X R Rourke Drive Sbakrtte, NC 28470 Attn; Doug Baxley GRANTEE: Saucepan Creek, LLC 2919 Breezewood Drive, Ste 100 Fayetteville, NC 28303 Attn: Rebecca Treadaway With a copy to: Bums, Day 8c Presnell, PA 2626 Glenwood Ave., Ste 560 Raleigh, NC 27608 Attn: Greg L. Hinshaw 7. No Obstruction. Neither party shall do anything, or permit or suffer anything to be one, to interfere with the other parry's use of the Easement, and no curbs, barriers (excluding speed bumps or speed barriers), fences, dividers, IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111111III 1464t p0s43m �s zIPROP Brunswick County, NC Regxster of Deeds page 4 of 13 or other obstructions shall be constructed on or across any of the Easement to prevent, prohibit, or discourage vehicular and pedestrian passage, ingress and egress and the installation of utilities. 8. No Dedication. Nothing contained herein shall be construed or deemed to constitute a dedication, express or implied, of any real property to or for any public use or purpose whatsoever, except as expressly stated to the contrary herein. 9. Liens. Each party shall promptly discharge (or cause to be discharged) all liens arising out of or connected with either parry's use, maintenance, repair or replacement of any improvements by such party on the Easement, and shall indemnify the other party from any costs, expenses, loss or damage such party suffers as a result of such liens. 10. Relationship. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed to make any party hereto partners or joint ventures, or to render any of the parties liable for the debts or obligations of any other party hereto. 11 _ Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of North Carolina If any provision of this Agreement or the application thereof to any party or circumstance shall to any extent be invalid or enforceable, the remaining provisions of this Agreement and the application of such provision to any other party or circumstance shall not be affected thereby. Each provision of this Agreement shall be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law. 12. Amendment This Agreement may not be amended, modified, or terminated except by written inshvment duly executed by the Owner, the Grantee and/or its assigns (or the homeowners association, if the maintenance hereof is assigned to such homeowners association) and the Beneficiaries. 13. Entire Agreement This Agreement contains the complete understanding and agreement of the parties hereto with respect to all matters referred to herein, and any and all prior representations, negotiations and/or understandings are superseded hereby, and the temps of this Agreement are contractually binding upon all parties, their successors and assigns. 14. Jrg,_m. The easements granted and agreements made hereunder shall constitute covenants running with the land and shall be perpetual. The easements granted herein are intended to be and shall be appurtenant to, transferable with and binding upon the Grantee Property and the Owner Property. 15. Severab' ' . All provisions of this Agreement are deemed severable, and if any one or more provision is deemed unenforceable for any reason, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect. 16. Grantee's Representations. Grantee represents and warrants that it is the owner of the Grantee Property or will be prior to or simultaneous with the recordation of this Agreement and has full and complete authority to enter into this Agreement Grantee further represents and warrants that it has taken all actions necessary as a prerequisite for the execution of this Agreement and that upon the execution of this Agreement the obligations of Grantee hereunder shall be valid and binding. 17. Owner's Representations. Owner represents and warrants that it is the owner of the Owner Property and has full and complete authority to eater into this Agreement Owner further represents and warrants that it has taken all actions necessary as a prerequisite for the execution of this Agreement and that upon the execution of this Agreement the obligations of Owner hereunder shall be valid and binding. [SIGNATURE PAGES TO FOLLOW] 06-23-2021 {{riutsWty{`NC{Re�`isiie� Of B 647dP�8 4 5ns RO61 State of North Carolina County off 1n1►C,{� I, the undersigned Notary Public, certify that the following persons) personally appeared before me this day, and I have seen satisfactory evidence of the principals' identity, by (choose one) ( ) a current state or federal identification with the principals' photograph m the form of a driver's license, or( ) I have personal knowledge of the identity of the principals, or ( ) a credible witness has sworn to the identity of the principals, each acknowledging to me that he or sbe voluntarily signed the foregoing document for the purpose stated therein and in the capacity indicated: Landis D. Stanley and Linda F. Stanley. Date: 0 1 -72-M I U _ Notary Public Notary Name: �Ytn EMELIA VENTURA My Commission expaes: a o Notary Public Brumr Wckb.o., North Caroft My-Conirnissicn Expire Aug. 23, 9M 111111111111111111111111111!1111111r H5 t9 �6n f 03ROP of Deeds GRANTEE: Sauc Creek, LLC, limited 1' i ity company (Seal) its Manager State of WA-0 Caw uf1 a County of 4 'hW&Ka-r cJ I, the undersigned Notary Public, certify that the following person(s) personally appeared before me this day, and I have seen satisfactory evidence of the principals' identity, by (choose one) ( ) a current state or federal identification with the principals' photograph in the form of a driver's license, or ( ) I have personal knowledge of the identity of the principals, or ( ) a credible witness has sworn to the identity of the principals, each acknowledging to me that he or she voluntarily signed the foregoing document for the purpose stated therein and in the capacity indicated: Q. Rg,5pr, 1."fc JU Manager Date: JJA C 11, 2 0 2 N Public ` NotaryName: );It My Commission expires: (3- 3,20A( 20:20-001 ns PROP County, NC Regiot*P 84641aP0846 7 Of Dee B page of 13 State ofNarth Carolina County of ]5VLA--%Svv., ck L the undersigned Notary Public, certify that the following person(s) personally appeared before me this day, and I have seen satisfactory evidence of the principals' identity, by (choose one) ( ) a current state or federal identification with the principals' photograph in the fain of a drivees license; or ( ) I have personal Imowledge of the identity of the principalk or ( ) a credible witness has sworn to the identity of the principals, each acknowledging to me that he or sbe voluntarily signed the foregoing document for the purpose stated therein and in the capacity indicated: Ray Eric Stanley Date: &11'7)7,V Notary h"c: Notary Name: 2(YV- I CC - my commission Owes: Ayw&4 EMEUA VENiURA t4owv North cadh's grunbvick co-, A231vSy CAS . ZW Q Ilof 13 llllj11111111111rUnSW 11111111111111i111� jftj t�kQ16 20. S.M. 0, of Deeds Pegs 0 BENEFICIARY_ Clint Wess Stanley &,4911AA QWAL,,�, -- (Seal) ' _'' // / L Stanley State of &VAC County of 77DY n�. L the undersigned Notary Pnbtiq certify that the following person(s) personally before me this day, and I have seen satisfactory evidence of the principals' identity, by (choose one) a current state or federal identification with the principals' photograph in the form of a driver's license, or ( ) I have personal knowledge of the identity of the principals, or ( ) a credible witness has swom to the identity of $re principals, each acknowledging to me that he or she voluntarily signed the foregoing document for the purpose stated therein and m the capacity indicated: Clint Wess Stanley and Heather Stanley Date: TU" - - , Mary Public Notary Name: :Dalim rn MY C,ammissien expken s m'- A&SLIC 11111111I1II1111111oun[1111l111111111egis111� jfsj P" 8 .. nsof Deeds page 9 { 03ROP EMMIT A Grantee Ptnoerty All those tracts or parcels of land lying and being in Brunswick County, North Carolina being more particularly described as follows: Being all of that real property as shown on plat entitled "Boundary Survey Jericho All Weather Opportunity Fund LP" recorded in Plat Cabinet 52, Page 13, Brunswick County Registry, plus that portion of Proposed Odessa Drive shown on said plat as "0.07 acre of cul-de-sac radius is to be cut out of the T & J Developers Property." Being Rather shown as Parcel lD #2290007704 and PIN #108617024324. IIIIII INIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIII?s4srys ��aP Brunswick County, NC Register of Deeds page 10 of 13 FIAT B OwnerProperly All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Brunswick County. North Carolina more particularly described as follows: Being all of that Proposed Odessa Drive (]mown as Log Landing Road) as shown on plat entitled " A Minor Subdivision showing Lots 1 & 2 Saucepan View" as recorded in Map Cabinet 35, Page 509, Brunswick County Registry, less and except that portion of Proposed Odessa Drive shown on said plat as "0.07 acre of cul-de-sac radius is to be cut out of the T & J Developers Property." IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllIIl�lllllllllI� W7 P0856m, 25=�� oP Brunswlok County, C Reglater of Deeds page 11 of 13 EKOB1T C Shiley Properties Being all oflat real property described as: 1. Shown in Book 512, Page 761 and Map Cabinet N, Page 136 Brunswick County Registry and containing 4.0 acres. 2. Shown as Tract 1 on plat entitled " ,4 Minor Subdivision showing Lots 1 da 2 Saucepan View" as recorded in Map Cabinet 35, Page 509, Brunswick County Registry, 3. Shown in Book 1824, Page 333, Brunswick County Registry. Being further shown as Parcel ID #2290007736 and PIN # 108617115961. 4. Shown in Book 1300, Page 1373, Brunswick County Registry. Being further shown as Parcel ID #2290007735 and PIN #108617117761. 1111111111 Jill 11111111111114647 P0851 �0 0-� PROP Brunswick County, NC Register of Deeds page 12 of 13 EXHOU D Easement Beginning at apoint marked by an iron pipe found in the intersection ofthe nas$lea-Mm line of Bricklanding Road(NCSR 1143 aad scanedmes rtfinvrito as Brick Landing Road) and the southeastern corner ofTraa 1 Property of Jericho All Weather opportunity Fund LP as shown on that certain map entitled "BOUNDARY SURVEY CONSOLIDATING PARCELS TIViS# 22940-07-703, -704, -715, -731 & -737, PREPARED FOR JERICHO ALL WEATHER OPPORTUNITY FUND LP, LOCATED IN SHALLOTTE TOWNSHIP, BRUNSWICK COUNTY, NC", dated April 25, 2009, prepared by George C. Spencer, PLS, and recorded July 14, 2008 in Map Cabinet 52 at Page 13, in the records of Brunswick County, North Carolina; running thence with the northeastern line ofl3 ickianding Road, S 47 deg. 28' 25" E 60.48 feet to a point in the northwestern line of Tract 2 of said recorded map, thence along fire northwestern line of said Tract 2N 48 deg. 2113911 E 501.57 feet to a point marked by a rebar found; thence anew line N 38 deg. 54' 44" W 60.06 feet to a point in the southeastern line of said Tract 1; thence with said southeastern line of Tract IS 48 deg. 22' 45" W 510.47 feet to the point and place ofBeginning, and being shown on the attached survey as the "Proposed Ingress & Egress Easement" on survey by Norris & Ward Land Surveyors, PA entiided 'Basement Map for Saucepan Creek" dated June 14th, 2021 and is over a portion ofLog Landing Road. 06.23 2021- iiBiiiiiiiCo�iiyiiiiiiiir Brenda P0852 of Deeds pagm3of 1ROP THIS MAP MAY NOT BE A CERTIFIED SURVEY AND HAS NOT BEEN REVIEWED BY A LOCAL GOVERNMENT AGENCY FOR COMPLIANCE WITH ANY APPLICABLE LAND DEVELOPMENT ZEGULATIONS AND HAS NOT BEEN REVIEWED k un Ppe F '. Jmat!c.WF•Nr - 1i. fro Fa10 it 47'i" 1Y Adc 5E, FG [3 7swnel+� -�vieew�eCaungr,'t�.$.. - , O 100,M., 90043 4?. 5 4 W.O. Ito ueyar, PA 3ecQkiyn Row r s P ass , nw�rb� iu .. ,. NTaoI�3 Illl{IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIli IIIIII{III B s4z P08slm cns'2 PROP Brunswick County, NC Register of Deeds page 1 of 3 Brenda R. Clemmons Register of Deeds 06-16-2021 14:21:16.000 Brunswick County, NC Nc REVENUE STAMP: $3200.00 msissa) 3 Return to t1iUZ20�Gt 'total Rev 3a�r� Int. BY' Ck$3a:X( Ckii D$'q1 Gash$ Refund Cash $ Finance 13 Portions of document are illegible due to condition of original. 13 Documerd contains seals verified by original Instrument that cannot be reproduced or copied. Prepared by: Robert S. Guyton, P.C., 4605 B Oleander Drive, Suite 202, Myrtle Beach, SC 29577 Delinquent taxes, if any, to be paid by the closing attorney to the county and/or town tax collector upon disbursement of closing proceeds. Return to Grantee after recording to Grantee. LIMITED WARRANTY DEED STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK TAIL PARCEL: 229-00-07-704 THIS LIMITED WARRANTY DEED, made this M day of June, 2021 by and between LYNX JERICHO SAUCEPAN LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, called GRANTOR, and SAUCEPAN CREEK, LLC, a North Carolina limited liability company, whose mailing address is 2919 Breezewood Avenue, Suite 100, Fayetteville, North Carolina 28303-5283, herein, whether one or more, called GRANTEE. WITNESSETH THAT: THE GRANTOR, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other valuable considerations to it in hand paid by the GRANTEE, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have bargained and sold, and by these presents do hereby bargain, sell and convey unto GRANTEE, its successors and assigns forever, that certain real property located in Brunswick County, North Carolina, described as follows: ®6-16�2021 Illll l I11111111 1111 Jill IIII 1111111111 aasa? P088 m ons 18 PROP Brunswick County, NC Register of Deeds page 2 of 3 ALL that certain piece, parcel or tract of land, lying and being in Shallotte Township, Brunswick County, North Carolina designated as PROPERTY OF JERICHO ALL WEATHER OPPORTUNITY FUND LP, 3,247,577 SF, 74.55 AC, more or less, as shown on that certain map entitled "BOUNDARY SURVEY CONSOLIDATING PARCELS TMS# 229-00-07-703, -704, -715, -731 & -737, PREPARED FOR JERICHO ALL WEATHER OPPORTUNITY FUND LP, LOCATED IN SHALLOTTE TOWNSHIP, BRUNSWICK COUNTY, NC", dated April 25, 2008, prepared by George C. Spencer; PLS, and recorded July 14, 2008 in Map Cabinet 52 at Page 13, in the records of Brunswick County, North Carolina, which map is referenced for a more complete and accurate description of said property. PIN No.: 108617024324 This conveyance is made subject to matters of record. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the property described above, together with all and singular, the rights, privileges, easements, tenements and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in anywise appertaining unto the said GRANTEE, its successors and assigns, in fee simple, forever. AND THE GRANTOR, does hereby bind itself and its successors and assigns, to warrant and forever defend all and singular the said premises unto the said Grantee, its successors and assigns, against them, but no other. [Signatures appear on the following page] 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 L ?esss mans-iB2PROP Brunswick County, NC Register of Geed. page 3 of 3 IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the said GRANTOR has hereunto set their hand as of the day and year first above written. LYNX JERICHO SAUCEPAN LLC, a Delaware limited liability com anyp By: Seth Huberm , its anger STATE OF I.4It, COUNTY OF a Notary Public in and for the State and County aforesaid, do certify that Seth Huberman as Manager of LYNX JERICHO SAUCEPAN LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument, by authority duly given, as his or her act and deed and as the act and deed of the limited liability company. WITNESS my hand and official seal this � -lday of June, 2021. � UK �, Notary Public My Commission Expires: [NOTARIAL SEAL] ,01*-j' TARAMNOSE .,. ., MYCOMMISSION#GG356861 MORES; JNy 21, 2023 °P Bonded 7ftNdmyPodkUnden to Edmonds, Jessica From: Edmonds, Jessica Sent: Thursday, June 2, 2022 4:11 PM To: Thomas Scheetz; Bryant Spencer, Jody Bland Cc: Weaver, Cameron Subject: Saucepan Bay Estates Subdivision All, I am following -up from our meeting this morning. Please note the following items that need to be addressed in the resubmittal package and please reach out with any questions. Please also note I will be out of the office tomorrow, and I will return Monday June 6'd'. 1. Please provide a detail for the proposed sheet pile within the sand filter. 2. In discussion with Christine, the storage volume contained in each chamber of the sand filter shall be equivalent (.1056(2)). Please reconsider the design of the sand filters and note that variations in accordance with .1003(6) are not allowed in the express program and would have to be submitted to the regular program. 3. Upon another look, Pond 2 appears to be short circuiting. Possible solutions include: a. Demonstrate that the SCM will be able to handle the water quality requirements within only the two main pool sections that are currently connected via an equalization pipe. The third area could be used as a detention area and the grading between the two could be left as is. This third section of the main pool would not be connected to others by an equalization pipe and would be written as a non -enforceable feature in the permit. b. Another solution could be removing the current equalization pipe and instead proposing to route the stormwater from the first main pool section through the east most section and then to the section with the outlet to lengthen the flow path. Thanks! Jessica Edmonds, El Environmental Engineer Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources — State Stormwater Program North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Office: 910 796 7215 Direct: 910 796 7344 Email: iessica.edmonds(a)ncdenr.00v Address: 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 __nre%- ,92i. QP Email correspondence F.rom this address is subject to the North- Cc.rolipa Public Rocords Lai! and may be disc; used to tt!ird parties. ECS SOUTHEAST, LLP 'Sef ing the Standard for Service vice' Geotechnical - Construction Materials - Environmental Facilities N. F _,stereo r=' = r4m F::ZN:?� Ali: r ::stored :-:.xycya Zirm a460 St' f4glsta->A Emiiiwenng H-- 3238 June 1, 2022 Mr. Jody Bland, PE Norris & Tunstall 1429 Ash -Little River Road Ash, North Carolina 28420 Reference: Report of Seasonal High Water Table Estimation and Infiltration Testing Saucepan Creek Shallotte, Brunswick County, North Carolina ECS Project No. 49.17458 Dear Mr. Bland: ECS Southeast, LLP (ECS) recently conducted a seasonal high water table (SHWT) estimation and infiltration testing within the stormwater control measure (SCM) area(s) off of Bricklanding Road in Shallotte, Brunswick County, North Carolina. This letter, with attachments, is the report of our testing. Field Testing On May 31, 2022, ECS conducted an exploration of the subsurface soil and groundwater conditions, in accordance with the NCDEQ Stormwater Design Manual section A-2, at two requested locations shown on the attached Boring Location Plan (Figure 1). ECS used GPS equipment in order to determine the boring locations. The purpose of this exploration was to obtain subsurface information of the in situ soils for the SCM area(s). ECS explored the subsurface soil and groundwater conditions by advancing one hand auger boring into the existing ground surface at each of the requested boring locations. ECS visually classified the subsurface soils and obtained representative samples of each soil type encountered. ECS also recorded the SHWT and groundwater elevation observed at the time of the hand auger borings. The attached Infiltration Testing Form provides a summary of the subsurface conditions encountered at the hand auger boring locations. The SHWT and groundwater elevation was estimated at the boring locations below the existing grade elevation. A summary of the findings are as follows: SHWT Groundwater -1 15 inches 28 inches 1-2 18 inches 30 inches ECS has conducted two infiltration tests utilizing a compact constant head permeameter near the hand auger borings in order to estimate the infiltration rate for the subsurface soils. Infiltration tests are typically conducted at two feet above the SHWT or in the most restrictive soil horizon Tests in clayey conditions are conducted for durations of up to 30 minutes. If a more precise hydraulic conductivity value is desired for these locations, then ECS recommends collecting samples and performing laboratory permeability testing. ECS Capitol Smicen— Pu.0 • ECv Rarida, I:'.,C • ECS lv A Atlantc. LLC • ECS Nixtnr .1.LG - ECS ScxA)ea-i, UP - ECS Texas. L- P %4, vv.ecsUmited.cum Report of SHWT Estimation and Infiltration Testing Saucepan Creek Shallotte, Brunswick County, North Carolina ECS Project No. 49.17458 June 1, 2022 Field Test Results Below is a summary of the infiltration test results: Location Di _ r Depth Inched hour ' 1-1 Tan/orange/gray sandy CLAY 20 inches <0.001 1-2 Tan/orange/gray clayey SAND 12 inches 0.013 Infiltration rates and SHWT may vary within the proposed site due to changes in elevation, soil classification and subsurface conditions. According to the National Engineering Handbook Part 630, Chapter 7, these soils are classified as Hydrologic Soils Group C and Group D. ECS recommends that a licensed surveyor provide the elevations of the boring locations. Closure ECS's analysis of the site has been based on our understanding of the site, the project information provided to us, and the data obtained during our exploration. If the project information provided to us is changed, please contact us so that our recommendations can be reviewed and appropriate revisions provided, if necessary. The discovery of any site or subsurface conditions during construction which deviate from the data outlined in this exploration should be reported to us for our review, analysis and revision of our recommendations, if necessary. The assessment of site environmental conditions for the presence of pollutants in the soil and groundwater of the site is beyond the scope of this geotechnical exploration. ECS appreciates the opportunity to provide our services to you on this project. If you have any questions concerning this report or this project, please contact us. Respectfully, ECS SOUTHEAST, LLP 4 C;> 000- ll;leoel K. Brooks Wall Project Manager bwall()-ecslimited.com 910-686-9114 Attachments: Figure 1 - Boring Location Plan Infiltration Testing Form GBA Document tjrj V W. Brandon Fulton, PSC,` PWS, LSS Environmental Department Manager bfulton(a)ecslimited.com 704-525-5152 2 Infiltration Testing Form Saucepan Creek Shallotte, Brunswick County, North Carolina ECS Project No. 49.17458 May 31, 2022 Location Depth USCS 1-1 0-101, SC 10"-36" CL Soil Description Tan/orange/gray clayey SAND Tan/orange/gray sandy CLAY Seasonal High Water Table was estimated to be at 15 inches below the existing grade elevation. Groundwater was observed to be at 28 inches below the existing grade elevation. Test was conducted at 20 inches below existing grade elevation Infiltration Rate: <0.001 inches per hour Location Depth USCS Soil Description 1-2 0-36" Sc Tan/orange/gray clayey SAND Seasonal High Water Table was estimated to be at 18 inches below the existing grade elevation. Groundwater was observed to be at 30 inches below the existing grade elevation. Test was conducted at 12 inches below existing grade elevation Infiltration Rate: 0.013 inches per hour � Geolechnicel-Engineeping depo rt � The Geoprofessional Business Association (GBA) has prepared this advisory to help you — assumedly a client representative — interpret and apply this geotechnical-engineering report as effectively as possible. In that way, clients can benefit from a lowered exposure to the subsurface problems that, for decades, have been a principal cause of construction delays, cost overruns, claims, and disputes. If you have questions or want more information about any of the Issues discussed below, contact your GBA-member geotechnical engineer. Active Involvement in the Geoprofessional Business Association exposes geotechnical engineers to a wide array of risk -confrontation techniques that can be of genuine benefit for everyone involved with a construction project. Geotechnical-Engineering Services Are Performed for Specific Purposes, Persons, and Projects Geotechnical engineers structure their services to meet the specific needs of their clients. A geotechnical-engineering study conducted for a given civil engineer will not likely meet the needs of a civil - works constructor or even a different civil engineer. Because each geotechnical-engineering study is unique, each geotechnical- engineering report is unique, prepared solely for the client. Those who rely on a geotechnical-engineering report prepared for a different client can be seriously misled. No one except authorized client representatives should rely on this geotechnical-engineering report without first conferring with the geotechnical engineer who prepared it. And no one - not even you - should apply this report for any purpose or project except the one originally contemplated. Read this Report in Full Costly problems have occurred because those relying on a geotechnical- engineering report did not read it in its entirety. Do not rely on an executive summary. Do not read selected elements only. Read this report in full. You Need to Inform Your Geotechnical Engineer about Change Your geotechnical engineer considered unique, project -specific factors when designing the study behind this report and developing the confirmation -dependent recommendations the report conveys. A few typical factors include: • the clients goals, objectives, budget, schedule, and risk -management preferences; • the general nature of the structure involved, its size, configuration, and performance criteria; • the structure's location and orientation on. the site; and • other planned or existing site improvements, such as retaining walls, access roads, parking lots, and underground utilities. Typical changes that could erode the reliability of this report include those that affect: • the site's size or shape; • the function of the proposed structure, as when it's changed from a parking garage to an office building, or from a light -industrial plant to a refrigerated warehouse; • the elevation, configuration, location, orientation, or weight of the proposed structure; • the composition of the design team; or • project ownership. As a general rule, always inform your geotechnical engineer of project changes - even minor ones - and request an assessment of their impact. The geotechnical engineer who prepared this report cannot accept responsibility or liability far problems that arise because the geotechnical engineer was not informed about developments the engineer otherwise would have considered. This Report May Not Be Reliable Do not rely on this report if your geotechnical engineer prepared it: • for a different client; • for a different project; • for a different site (that may or may not include all or a portion of the original site); or • before important events occurred at the site or adjacent to it; e.g., man-made events like construction or environmental remediation, or natural events like floods, droughts, earthquakes, or groundwater fluctuations. Note, too, that it could be unwise to rely on a geotechnical-engineering report whose reliability may have been affected by the passage of time, because of factors like changed subsurface conditions; new or modified codes, standards, or regulations; or new techniques or tools. 7f your geotechnical engineer has not indicated an apply -by" date on the report, ask what it should be, and, in general, if you are the least bit uncertain about the continued reliability of this report, contact your geotechnical engineer before applying it. A minor amount of additional testing or analysis - if any is required at all - could prevent major problems. Most of the "Findings" Related In This Report Are Professional Opinions Before construction begins, geotechnical engineers explore a sites subsurface through various sampling and testing procedures. Geotechnical engineers can observe actual subsurface conditions only at those specific, locations where sampling and testing were performed. The data derived from that sampling and testing were reviewed by your geotechnical engineer, who then applied professional judgment to form opinions about subsurface conditions throughout the site. Actual sitewide-subsurface conditions may differ - maybe significantly - from those indicated in this report. Confront that risk by retaining your geotechnical engineer to serve on the design team from project start to project finish, so the individual can provide informed guidance quickly, whenever needed. This Report's Recommendations Are Confirmation -Dependent The recommendations included in this report - including any options or alternatives - are confirmation -dependent. In other words, they are not final, because the geotechnical engineer who developed them relied heavily on judgment and opinion to do so. Your geotechnical engineer can finalize the recommendations only after observing actual subsurface conditions revealed during construction. If through observation your geotechnical engineer confirms that the conditions assumed to exist actually do exist, the recommendations can be relied upon, assuming no other changes have occurred. The geotechnical engineer who prepared this report cannot assume responsibility or liability for confinnation- dependent recommendations if you fail to retain that engineer to perform construction observation. This Report Could Be Misinterpreted Other design professionals misinterpretation of geotechnical- engineering reports has resulted in costly problems. Confront that risk by having your geotechnical engineer serve as a full-time member of the design team, to: • confer with other design -team members, help develop specifications, • review pertinent elements of other design professionals' plans and specifications, and be on hand quickly whenever geotechnical-engineering guidance is needed. You should also confront the risk of constructors misinterpreting this report. Do so by retaining your geotechnical engineer to participate in prebid and preconstruction conferences and to perform construction observation. Give Constructors a Complete Report and Guidance Some owners and design professionals mistakenly believe they can shift unanticipated -subsurface -conditions liability to constructors by limiting the information they provide for bid preparation. To help prevent the costly, contentious problems this practice has caused, include the complete geotechnical-engineering report, along with any attachments or appendices, with your contract documents, but be certain to note conspicuously that you've included the material for informational purposes only. To avoid misunderstanding, you may also want to note that "informational purposes" means constructors have no right to rely on the interpretations, opinions, conclusions, or recommendations in the report, but they may rely on the factual data relative to the specific times, locations, and depths/elevations referenced. Be certain that constructors know they may learn about specific project requirements, including options selected from the report, only from the design drawings and specifications. Remind constructors that they may perform their own studies if they want to, and be sure to allow enough time to permit theta to do so. Only then might you be in a position to give constructors the information available to you, while requiring them to at least share some of the financial responsibilities stemming from unanticipated conditions. Conducting prebid and preconstruction conferences can also be valuable in this respect. Read Responsibility Provisions Closely Some client representatives, design professionals, and constructors do not realize that geotechnical engineering is far less exact than other engineering disciplines. That lack of understanding has nurtured unrealistic expectations that have resulted in disappointments, delays, cost overruns, claims, and disputes. To confront that risk, geotechnical engineers commonly include explanatory provisions in their reports. Sometimes labeled `limitations; many of these provisions indicate where geotechnical engineers' responsibilities begin and end, to help others recognize their own responsibilities and risks. Read these provisions closely. Ask questions. Your geotechnical engineer should respond fully and frankly. Geoenvironmental Concerns Are Not Covered The personnel, equipment, and techniques used to perform an environmental study - e.g., a "phase -one" or "phase -two" environmental site assessment - differ significantly from those used to perform a geotechnical-engineering study. For that reason, a geotechnical- engineering report does not usually relate any environmental findings, conclusions, or recommendations; e.g., about the likelihood of encountering underground storage tanks or regulated contaminants. Unanticipated subsurface environmental problems have led to project failures. If you have not yet obtained your own environmental information, ask your geotechnical consultant for risk -management guidance. As a general rule, do not rely on an environmental report prepared for a different client, site, or project, or that is more than six months old. Obtain Professional Assistance to Deal with Moisture Infiltration and Mold While your geotechnical engineer may have addressed groundwater, water infiltration, or similar issues in this report, none of the engineer's services were designed, conducted, or intended to prevent uncontrolled migration of moisture - including water vapor - from the soil through building slabs and walls and into the building interior, where it can cause mold growth and material -performance deficiencies. Accordingly, proper implementation of the geotechnical engineer's recommendations will not of itself be sufficient to prevent moisture infiltration. Confront the risk of moisture infiltration by including building -envelope or mold specialists on the design team. Geotechnical engineers are not building - envelope or mold specialists. ASEYAGEOPROFESSIONAL AtiSll�l ASSOCIATION Telephone: 301 /565-2733 e-mail: info@geoprofessional.org wwwgeoprofessional.org Copyright 2016 by Geoprofessional Business Association (GBA). Duplication, reproduction, or copying of this document, in whole or in part, by any means whatsoever, is strictly prohibited, except with GBAs specific written permission. Excerpting, quoting, or otherwise extracting wording from this document is permitted only with the express written permission of GBA, and only for purposes of scholarly research or book review. Only members of GBA may use this document or its wording as a complement to or as an element of a report of any kind Any other firm, individual, or other entity that so uses this document without being a GBA member could be committing negligent Norris, Kellie E From: Jody Bland <jbland@ntengineers.com> Sent: Thursday, March 3, 2022 4:08 PM To: Norris, Kellie E, Bryant Spencer Cc: Hall, Christine; Weaver, Cameron Subject: [External] Re: Saucepan Bay Estates Express Request 'CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Hi Kellie We'll send them over in the morning. We were under the impression that the rescission from was needed to proceed. Sorry for the confusion Thanks, Joseph Bland, PE &NORMS �'�, NST�lU �, ODNSULTING ENGCOM RC- -- 1429 Ash -Little River Road Ash, NC 28420 910-287-5900 (phone) 910-512-8148 (mobile) 910-287-5902 (fax) ibland@ntengineers.com It is the professional opinion of Norris & Tunstall Consulting Engineers, P.C. that this electronic information provides design information current as of the date of its release. It shall be the responsibility of the party receiving the data to examine it to see that it contains the necessary files and information requested. In transferring the files in electronic media format, Norris & Tunstall Consulting Engineers, P.C. makes no representations as to the useability or readability of documents resulting from the use of software application packages, operating systems, or computer hardware differing from those used by Norris & Tunstall Consulting engineers, P.C. in the preparation of such data. From: Norris, Kellie E <kellie.norris@ncdenr.gov> Date: Thursday, March 3, 2022 at 4:04 PM To: Jody Bland <jbland@ntengineers.com>, Bryant Spencer<BryantSpencer@Huff FamilyOffice.com> Cc: Hall, Christine <Christine.Hall@ncdenr.gov>, Weaver, Cameron <cameron.weaver@ncdenr.gov> Subject: FW: Saucepan Bay Estates Express Request Jody - I just wanted to follow up. All I need currently is 2 new express requests (and narratives), one for the rescission and one for the new permit. The rescission form attached is only required at the time of the express meeting. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you- V—&Ui.& 130-k, NorrLIv, EIT Environmental Engineer NC Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Stormwater Permitting 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 Phone: 910.796.7345 '''1R'tithing Compares .. 4_. E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Norris, Kellie E Sent: Monday, February 28, 2022 11:58 AM To: Jody Bland <jbland@ntengineers.com>; Bryant Spencer<BryantSpencer@HuffFamilyOffice.com> Cc: Hall, Christine <Christine.HaII@ncdenr.gov>; Weaver, Cameron <cameron.weaver@ncdenr.gov>; Phil Norris <pnorris@ntengineers.com>; Thomas Scheetz <tscheetz@ntengineers.com> Subject: Saucepan Bay Estates Express Request Mr. Bland - After speaking on the phone with you today, attached is the rescission form as requested. The original permittee (the person who is rescinding) does not need to attend the meeting. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thanks- K.&U.i,e. l3e0t. Norris% EIT Environmental Engineer NC Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Stormwater Permitting 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 Phone: 910.796.7345 ,>'Nothing Corn s .,,.. E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Jody Bland <ibland@ntengineers.com> Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2022 2:32 PM To: Norris, Kellie E <kellie.norris@ncdenr.gov>; Bryant Spencer<BryantSpencer@HuffFamilvOffice.com> Cc: Hall, Christine <Christine.Hall@ncdenr.gov>; Weaver, Cameron <cameron.weaver@ncdenr.aov>; Phil Norris <pnorris@ntengineers.com>; Thomas Scheetz <tscheetz@nteneinee rs.com> Subject: [External] Re: Saucepan Bay Estates Express Request tvAUMN: txternai email. Do not click ifn➢cs or+cVen Auchments unless you verify_ Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report 5��ns. Thanks Kellie Is there any issue modifying this permit from low density to high density assuming we can get a transfer document signed from the original permittee? Thanks, Joseph Bland, PE NORRIS & TUNSTALL CONSULTING ENGINEERS PC 1429 Ash -Little River Road Ash, NC 28420 910-287-5900 (phone) 910-512-8148 (mobile) 910-287-5902 (fax) ibland@nteneineers.com It is the professional opinion of Norris & Tunstall Consulting Engineers, P.C. that this electronic information provides design information current as of the date of its release. It shall be the responsibility of the party receiving the data to examine it to see that it contains the necessary files and information requested. In transferring the files in electronic media format, Norris & Tunstall Consulting Engineers, P.C. makes no representations as to the useability or readability of documents resulting from the use of software application packages, operating systems, or computer hardware differing from those used by Norris & Tunstall Consulting engineers, P.C. in the preparation of such data. From: Norris, Kellie E <kellie.norris@ncdenr.gov> Date: Thursday, February 24, 2022 at 2:27 PM To: Jody Bland <ibland@ntengineers.com>, Bryant Spencer <BrvantSpencer@HuffFamilyOffice.com> Cc: Hall, Christine <Christine.Hall@ncdenr.gov>, Weaver, Cameron <cameron.weaver@ncdenr.gov>, Phil Norris <pnorris@ntengineers.com>, Thomas Scheetz <tscheetz@ntengineers.com> Subject: Saucepan Bay Estates Express Request Jody - The permit is attached. Let me when you would like a file review. Thanks- V—&Uiv Oe4. Norris,,, EIT Environmental Engineer NC Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Stormwater Permitting 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, INC 28405-3845 Phone: 910.796.7345 ..: "'N'tothtng Compares :.., E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Jody Bland <ibland@ntengineers.com> Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2022 1:24 PM To: Norris, Kellie E <kellie.norris@ncdenr.gov>; Bryant Spencer <BrvantSpencer@ Huff FamilyOffice.com> Cc: Hall, Christine <Christine.HaII@ncdenr.gov>; Weaver, Cameron <cameron.weaver@ncdenr.gov>; Phil Norris <pnorris@ntengineers.com>; Thomas Scheetz <tscheetz@ntengineers.com> Subject: [External] Re: Saucepan Bay Estates Express Request CALMON: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to � jiort Sr�am. Kellie Can you send us a copy of the existing permit? Also, we may want to schedule a file review to review the current design as well Thanks, Joseph Bland, PE --- cow1lnNG imuarus m A 1429 Ash -Little River Road Ash, NC 28420 910-287-5900 (phone) 910-512-8148 (mobile) 910-287-5902 (fax) ibland@nteneineers.com It is the professional opinion of Norris & Tunstall Consulting Engineers, P.C. that this electronic information provides design information current as of the date of its release. It shall be the responsibility of the party receiving the data to examine it to see that it contains the necessary files and information requested. In transferring the files in electronic media format, Norris & Tunstall Consulting Engineers, P.C. makes no representations as to the useability or readability of documents resulting from the use of software application packages, operating systems, or computer hardware differing from those used by Norris & Tunstall Consulting engineers, P.C. in the preparation of such data. From: Jody Bland <ibland@nteneineers.com> Date: Thursday, February 24, 2022 at 12:50 PM To: Norris, Kellie E <kellie.norris@ncdenr.eov>, Bryant Spencer<BryantSpencer@HuffFamilyOffice.com> Cc: Hall, Christine <Christine.Hall@ncdenr.gov>, Weaver, Cameron <cameron.weaver@ncdenr.eov>, Phil Norris <pnorris@ntengineers.com>, Thomas Scheetz <tscheetz@ntengineers.com> Subject: Re: Saucepan Bay Estates Express Request Kellie We were not aware of an issued permit for this property. How should we proceed if the current permittee is not available for signature? Our client has purchased the project and is now the deeded owner. It is my understanding that previous permittee never completed closing of the property. Please advise Thanks, Joseph Bland, PE NORRIS & TUNSTALL -r- CONSUMNG ENGINEERS P.C. - 1429 Ash -Little River Road Ash, NC 28420 910-287-5900 (phone) 910-512-8148 (mobile) 910-287-5902 (fax) ibland(@ntengineers.com It is the professional opinion of Norris & Tunstall Consulting Engineers, P.C. that this electronic information provides design information current as of the date of its release. It shall be the responsibility of the party receiving the data to examine it to see that it contains the necessary files and information requested. In transferring the files in electronic media format, Norris & Tunstall Consulting Engineers, P.C. makes no representations as to the useability or readability of documents resulting from the use of software application packages, operating systems, or computer hardware differing from those used by Norris & Tunstall Consulting engineers, P.C. in the preparation of such data. From: Norris, Kellie E <kellie.norris@ncdenr.gov> Date: Thursday, February 24, 2022 at 12:32 PM To: Bryant Spencer <Bryant5pencer@Huff FamilyOffice.com>, Jody Bland <0bland@ntengineers.com> Cc: Hall, Christine <Christine.Hall@ncdenr.gov>, Weaver, Cameron <cameron.weaver@ncdenr.gov> Subject: Saucepan Bay Estates Express Request "T IM Thank you for the express request for the subject project. Currently, this proposed project area is is already under an active permit, SW8 140509, Saucepan Bay Estates. The permittee of this permit is Jericho All Weather Opportunity Fund, LP. The applicant on the express request is Saucepan Creek, LLC. Since this project area is under a permit, a new permit cannot be issued at this time. In order to proceed with this project, one of the following 3 options will need to be taken. 1. Submit the transfer application to the regular program. The modification can then either be submitted to the standard program or the express request can be resubmitted for scheduling in express once the transfer is approved. 2. The current permittee can submit the modification to Express but the transfer paperwork and fee must be submitted at the same time. Once the modification is approved in Express, the transfer would be logged in and processed in the Standard program. 3. A second express request is submitted by the original permittee to have SW8 140509 rescinded at the same time as the revisions are reviewed under a new permit number for the new applicant. Rescissions in Express have a $500 fee. Once the above is addressed, please provide the below in a revised express request packet. a. 1. Please on the site plan provide the extent of the surface waters and a 50-foot vegetated setback measured from the top of bank of Saucepan Creek. 2. Because this site is within 1/2 mile of SA waters and wet ponds are proposed, please in the narrative address 15A NCAC 02H .1019(7)(i) of the stormwater rules and explain why infiltration is not possible. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns, as I am happy to help! Thank you- K& Li,& f3ev Novri k, EIT Environmental Engineer NC Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Stormwater Permitting 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 Phone: 910.796.7345 D7 E QtA*o0 --�Nothhiq Compares .�.� . E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Norris, Kellie E From: Tammy Watson <twatson@ntengineers.com> Sent: Friday, March 4, 2022 8:58 AM To: Norris, Kellie E Cc: Jody Bland; Weaver, Cameron; Hall, Christine; ByantSpencer@HuffFamily0ffice.com Subject: [External] Saucepan Bay Estates SW8140509 (NT20163) Express Request for Permit Rescission Attachments: 20162 03-04-22 Saucepan Bay Estates Narrative.pdf; 20162 03-04-22 SW8140509 Express Request - Rescission.pdf CAUTION: Externai email. Do not click finks or open attachments unless you verify. Send ail suspicious email as an attachment to ;�e�ort Spam. Good Morning Kellie Please find attached the express request for review of the SW8140509 Permit Rescission for Saucepan Bay Estates. Respectfully, Tammy T. Watson Office Manager NORRIS & TUNS'] ALL CONSULTING ENGINEERS F.C. 1429 Ash Little River Road Ash, NC 28420 910-287-5900 (Phone) 910-287-5902 (Fax) twatson@ntengineers.com It is the professional opinion of Norris & Tunstall Consulting Engineers, P.C. and Norris, Kuske & Tunstall Consulting Engineers, Inc. that this electronic information provides design information current as of the date of its release. It shall be the responsibility of the party receiving the data to examine it to see that it contains the necessary files and information requested. In transferring the files in electronic media format, Norris & Tunstall Consulting Engineers, P.C. and Norris, Kuske & Tunstall Consulting Engineers, Inc. makes no representations as to the usability or readability of documents resulting from the use of software application packages, operating systems, or computer hardware differing from those used by Norris & Tunstall Consulting Engineers P.C. and Norris, Kuske & Tunstall Consulting Engineerings, Inc. in the preparation of such data. Lambe, Brian From: Lambe, Brian Sent: Tuesday, January 4, 2022 2:17 PM To: Haynes, Matthew Cc: Lanier, Corey, White, Paul; Sams, Dan; Georgoulias, Bethany, Morman, Alaina; Carson, Brittany Subject: RE: [External] Fwd: Emailing: Storm Water compliance evaluation inspection 12-29-21.pdf Attachments: sampling data.xlsx Valley Proteins submitted an action plan to this office December 29, 2021 in a Tier III response for sampling results from July 2021 to November 2021. The permit cycle began 7/1/2021. The facility submitted a DMR for 7/2/2021 documenting that they are in Tier II response. However, tier responses do not reset from previous permit terms. Preliminary data review reveals that Outfall 3 had 4 TSS exceedances from 12/13/2016 to 12/14/2020. Outfall 3 is consistently exceeding benchmarks for COD (lowest is 117 on 2/16/2019). Outfall 4 has exceeded the benchmark for TSS 4 times in the previous permit term, and is consistently exceeding the COD benchmark. Outfall 3 and 4 must be in Tier III for COD and TSS dating back to the previous permit. Provide this office with previous Tier III action plan if available. If not, submit Tier II responses to this office. On a side note, in review of the data, often in 2018 and 2017, no flow was documented for Outfall 3 and 4, possibly from sampling protocols. Outfall 4 is inundated by the adjacent swamp. The proposed action plan outlines BMPs for outfall 3 including periodic pumping of the settling chambers, street sweeping, pressure washing, and frequent inspection of raw material trailer staging area to identify leaking containers. The action plan proposes to increase frequency of pumping chambers, street sweeping, inspections, and with an renewed focus on employee training. Outfall 4 is similar in increased frequency at key locations including raw material staging areas, raw material ramp, containment areas and roof drains. The proposed increases in frequency must be measurable. Documentation of the proposed actions should be recorded in the SPPP. Submit the blank inspection forms to this office. Submit a map of inspection areas. There is a lack of mechanical barriers for reduction of pollutants in the submitted action plan. The concrete settling chambers are a good pretreatment for Outfall 3, and increased maintenance may be the answer, but Outfall 4 does not have the same benefit of the outfall 3 (Outfall 3 is a stormwater basin). Outfall 4 is a ditch with multiple inputs. Describe pretreatment for the ditch in greater detail and possible improvements. In response to the cover letter included with the action plan, disagreement in the analytical sampling requirements were put forth. The reason the monitoring was out of compliance with the permit is the Tier classification and responses. You say in the letter that the response form has been updated. Please submit tier response inspection form to this office for review. In the letter, you argue that the facility is not required to sample for fecal coliform, providing a memo that tries to clarify the definition of facilities that process meats. This definition is a source of constant debate. However, I am not calling for any changes in protocols or permits. During the inspection, I proposed the fecal sampling a way to identify differences between the swamp and the facility discharge. Valley Proteins offered that the swamp may be contributing to the high numbers in outfall 4. COD is a good indicator of pollution, but fecal coliform may help indicate if the cause is from the plant. I also requested additional downstream sampling in the swamp, but you did not include that plan in the action plan. If there are better ways to identify pollutants coming from the site, please propose in the action plan. I am still requesting that you fill out the ROS form again, and you should include proposal to eliminate outfall 1. At this time, the action plan is insufficient to adequately reduce pollution in the stormwater at the Valley Proteins Rose Hill plant. Please revise and submit by January 31, 2022. Please include any actions already taken. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call, email, or set up a meeting onsite. Brian Lambe Environmental Specialist 910-796-7313 919-268-1678 cell State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Energy, Mineral and Land Resources 127 Cardinal Drive Extension I Wilmington, NC 28405 910 796 7215 T 1 910 350 2004 F I http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/ir/ -----Original Message ----- From: Haynes, Matthew [mailto:mhaynes@valleyproteins.com] Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2021 9:55 AM To: Lambe, Brian <brian.lambe@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Lanier, Corey <CLanier@valleyproteins.com>; White, Paul <pwhite@valleyproteins.com> Subject: [External] Fwd: Emailing: Storm Water compliance evaluation inspection 12-29-21.pdf CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam.<mailto:report.spam@nc.gov> Mr. Lambe, The attached document has been mailed to the Wilmington Regional Office in response to your recent inspection report. Thanks. Matt Begin forwarded message: From: "White, Paul" <pwhite@valleyproteins.com> Date: December 29, 2021 at 4:20:27 PM EST To: "Haynes, Matthew" <mhaynes@valleyproteins.com> Cc: "Lanier, Corey" <CLanier@valleyproteins.com>, "Ortiz, Ashley" <AOrtiz@valleyproteins.com> Subject: Emailing: Storm Water compliance evaluation inspection 12-29-21.pdf We will get it in the mail for overnight delivery tomorrow. thanks The information transmitted herewith is confidential, proprietary information for use only by the addressee to whom it was supplied. This information is not to be disclosed to any person or entity not employed by the addressee company, and requiring the information to perform their job without the express written consent of Valley Proteins, Inc. ,- 9 C North id of &wlrowmw QUOINY Request for Exp m ftM ftvbw SuLft Etta. d #re #*vmfto how&W CHM ft ftrawN Im No ibr* ravift Cm and i It wWWd fm to ft ftm# t adgr kiiwiist a mmaWfiffAAWMgft sfa #ft gEftod *kwmapmm am aid tlrt of Ift parr d kaiift. P o ft liQrlrl In fhb *W . ► ierlft DAvt1 afupn.davinfson�ncdenr.aav • L'l a SM R~ ft#bn-&W Lft M791-4204; da vid Leganc+derrr.gov • AbOnNRft and 1ifteftP&AW Refilamftif 01llia►rrs 336-776.9631; pauLa. w!!!lambAncar'enr.stov ■ wmhmgw Rat-Lp t� Yea s8di or .hardisggj2ctieEQov MOON WW141111111111111111W KWW9ff-7W7265 or eameromweav"wCenr.Qov N07F.• P ,40> roceW Aw 12noon wdl be :*npsdin ! J6h*tV tack &W prowNaw, CotstV.. miwmlC Ap it; AN CPAEEK Imo: ATTN:BRY-ANTS CW"W ft L&Q iWESTORS. 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(Ibr DEQ tee)) SECTION THREES-rPLEASE CHECK ALL THAT IS APPLICABLE: �'O YOUR PROJECT (for both scopinng and express meeting request] we#9lmds aft Si :&J Yes ij No Wetlands Dohneabm No beat cmpketl: �S'Cj No US AWE Appt of DdaWim txettptetet Yes 0 No Raelved tm US ACOE ZYOS ❑ No WW IMPO le: �No ❑ YES **sj wW& d on RDPWY 0 Yes ONO 404 AppWft in Iftims wl US A+COE; ► Yes r-1 No Pam .._. —raft-, —-- - - - -.-•.- -- — - - — -'- Far OEQ use OWY ---..-- -- - -- ... _ sUBm'wrTAL lie t;lMN17AL D&TM Fat CAM... e aft $ sw to Ltd 3. $ rtGi i s P ro pc-r al rcxo y � z z p err►,; -E-- 1fic- p e r ry-, i i-- h �WS d6 -M&K- er ml fl;-�& i .5i e Pi �)k n rid 5o ' ,b Upper. :! nWo 1405D9 .Wan ';LpOs �JA Of Z'S415 +�Ln 11 ln — 0�il lkf Weed 114 cam`? V-e �o {oVrdho- slip (,(;A alr �• '561, � �^2,(ks(i Vie✓ IV* r(a vlar0hv, k 3 aococ qu- wm AFL p A'OWIYIL� 'F off e r 36s nv\ 5u,.�A 1x, ,4 LS L s_F5 ;,kl 5(s l P s' i �rt�LQae %fs � ��r�S 1,u11� Pam' a �1� � ��� (tad �� -`� v riz��.cu a � r � � � ` '� Cave 06Sv�c, Y1�1 An cad -eq U �'� kAfirkls') Pat 1 Lc a5 wcA t r 7 C�,C V�� u f 1f 6AA j aa2J ✓/,iovg--Ccaltoc�s fat ` d hZL ((V _Mx Vq dnUt eM r VCre PA pe STC3RWMTER SYSMM NARPATWE SAUCEPAN BAY ESTATES' SnxwmM CotltK Now Cwoft For RHH Lard L.LC 2919 Brwwood Am., Sum IW Fr/eftvlk W 28M a3104lz169- z NORRIS & TLINSTALL CONSULTING ENGINEERS, P.C. (910) 287-5900 (910) 287-M (Fax) L � L#i C-Wl N&T ProjWt No. 20163 NARRATIVE SAUCEPAN BAY ESTATES Diver Basin: Lumber Receiving Stream Narne: Saucepan Creek Stream Class- SA4HQ1 Smarm Index Number: 15 -2-16 STORAllWATER MANAGEMENT 1SURES. The pr*d site is a 76 +1-- AC tract loll at the Intersection of Bich Dr (NC 176) & Brick Landing Rd (SR 1143) in Brunswick County. Larud disturbirsg on the site will exceed one acre, which requires the site to comply with the Smote Regulations. There is an existng low density stomwvater permit (SM 140509) which will be rmcinded. This dress request is for a new high density permit and will consist of only phase I of the development. Phase 1 will min 5 SCWs on approxirnately 36 acres. The skr[nwaW runoff from the development will be directed to the 5 SCM's. r k I SAUCEPAN BAY ESTATES i (910) 488-4884 I ii","Z- =- NORRIS & rUNSTALL CONSULTING ENGINEERS, P.C. 1429- Ash — Little Rimer Road Ash, North Carolina 28420 (910) 287-5900 (910) 287-M2 (Fax) Lmense # C-3641 N&T F-ro eci Now. 20163 NARRATIVE SAUCEPAN BAIL ESTATES River Bacon: Lumber Receiving Stream Name: Saucepan Creek Strearn Class: SA;HQW Strewn index Number. 15-25-2-16 STORakll�'ATER MANIA SEMEN 10 ZURM— The praect site is a 76 +l- AC tract located at the. inter on of Beach Dr (NC 179) & Brick Landing Rd (SR 11+43) in Brunswick County.. Land disturbing on the site will exceed one acre, which requires the site to comply with the State regulations. This express request will consist of only phase 1 of the development. Phase 1 will contain 5 SCM's on approximately 36 acres. The stormwater runoff from the development will be directed to the 5 SCM's. �b'MFWS a 'MYt .:A:,+t•4My. `V ti'� 3N94n,Fi�A•,kt;SMON 'h�y,t} WrAl "Im I1Yi D con e wi - . Weaver, Cameron From: Thomas Scheetz <tscheetz@ntengineers.com> Sent: Thursday, December 23, 2021 10:45 AM To: Weaver, Cameron Cc: Hall, Christine; Jody Bland; Tammy Watson Subject: [External] SW Express Request - Saucepan Bay Estates (NT#20163) Attachments: 20163 USGS.pdf, 20163 12-23-21 SW Express App.pdf, 20163 12-23-21 SW Express Narrative.pdf; SAUCEPAN BAY - 12-23-21 - CO.pdf Categories: pending? CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to amar[ sp—am. Cameron, Please see the attached request for express review of phase 1 of this project which contains 5 SCM's. Please let us know if you need anything else. Merry Christmas! Thanks, Tommy Scheetz, E.I. �-- COMUMMG ENGMEER5 P.C. 1429 Ash -Little River Road Ash, NC 28420 910-287-5900 (phone) 910-287-5902 (fax) tscheetz@ntengineers.com It is the professional opinion of Norris & Tunstall Consulting Engineers, P.C. and Norris, Kuske & Tunstall Consulting Engineers, Inc. that this electronic information provides design information current as of the date of its release. It shall be the responsibility of the party receiving the data to examine it to see that it contains the necessary files and information requested. In transferring the files in electronic media format, Norris & Tunstall Consulting Engineers, P.C. and Norris, Kuske & Tunstall Consulting Engineers, Inc. makes no representations as to the useability or readablility of documents resulting from the use of software application packages, operating systems, or computer hardware differing from those used by Norris & Tunstall Consulting engineers, P.C. and Norris, Kuske & Tunstall Consulting Engineers, Inc. in the preparation of such data.