HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--03982_Well Construction - GW1_20230612 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD(GW-I) For hitemal Use 01AV: 1.Well Contra I I f ornktluon.• 14.WATER ZONES ""ell Cmitmewr Name FImNl TO DesC lirm),li ri Z�—o ft. ft. ft. NCI Wefl Cotlirmt 'Certification Number 15.OLMER CASING(for d I'v9s)OR J. (if dp_Rcdbw) FROM ITO T 1`51 L&exlE'R.R I 'MICKNESS MATERIAL ft. /5V ft, I ✓ 144-NINPR CASING ORT CASUBINC lti2aliter 2.Well Construction Permit ii:%M— 4 FROM —To I DIAMETER rRICINNEss MATERIAL List all applicable wett construction Tenpils(i.e.UJC,Coitizi-v.State,Vilriarive,etc.) ft. fL in. 3.Well Use(checli well use): Et. ft.. --ill. Water Supply Well: 17.S C R E UN FRON'l- TO DIAMETER SLOTSIU THICKNF.ss I "I;%TFRmJ. JV 5C_ ___F :lGeollierilial(I leating/Coolin.Supply) k Ka.t1'1C11',111'1"ial Water Supply(single) ___ Ind list]ial/Com Illptrial [31tesidential waler Supply(shared) M GROUT rao'm _J�K) NIATERIAL FNIFIACEMENI'MM101)&AMOUNT Non-Water Supply Well: L)_2 AlonituringnpLcovelv ft. ft. 64;"g_s injection Well: ft. ft. Aquifer Recharge Remediatioll 19.SAND/GR AVEL VACK lAquifer Storage and Recoveiv osalilljty Barder FROM .11, MATFRIAL mPi.AcFmF.,4'r NiF.,mrso Aquifer Test L)raivage lExperiniental Technology [)Subsidence Control ft. ft. Geolliernial(Closed Loop) FROM To DE.SCRIMION(Lular,itarth—,saTr rain sits.ere.) Geothermal(IlLating/Coolimp-Murn) n0fllpr(cXplain under V21 Remarks) ft.- ft. 3" olir.g 4.Date Well(s)Completed: Well ID4 ft 17 'o ft- 5'a' c Lot. t. a.I let) a i 15�r I /A ft ft. X.v f ft. It. Zip ft. UmIm 21.REMARKS County Ideptifici,ti,)II Nu. 5b.Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes1seconds or dedinal degrees: (if Wel"field, au 1,101flag is%tiffidelit) 22,Certification: N W G.ls(om)the well(s)dPor-oanent or [3,1'emporary Sigllvattlte of CNI11)(ml Well CrillLnictur, fate/ By signing this ftxm I h,rehy certi,51 butt rite wells)was(were)construe led in accordance 7.Is this a repair to all existing welt: [Dyes, or CL71/No u.,Rh IFANCAC 02C.010 I),,;15A'VC IC 172C.0-100 tI-VI Comirixtion Standards aiyelrdwt(I It[III,is a relish,!ill mit ka"'wn M;'W"IrImtior,1111"InIal"on'u'd expl.in file nature ofthe rof v of this record hm firm pruvio'cd to the weli nu*ncr. rrp it under ?J romarkv.scclivn of of,the back ofthis form. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: B.For Geoprolie/DPT or Closed-Lurlp,Geothermal Wells having die same Yoll May use die back of this page to provide additional well site details or well construction,only I GW-1 is needed. indicate TOTAL NUNIBER of%yells construction derail::, You may also amicl)additional p,,-Ls if riccessaty. drilled:__ SUBIMITTAL INSTRUC rIONS 9.'rotal-well deptli below land surface: M2 -1. Ta r or Ali Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well Forplultipf"wells list oil depths itd[rj?rent(avurnple-j 6 y' gl construction to the following: 10.Static water level below tot)of Casing: Division of Water Resources.Information Processing Unit, If water level Is above casb,y'im,",/" IIS17 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 2709-1617 11.Bol-elloje tfijituel or,. 24b.For Injection Wells: in addition to sending the form to the address in 240 above• also submit one copy of this forthwithin 30 days of completion of well 12,Well Construction Illethod, construction to all,followilig: Ox.mjger'FCAaty.Cable,tutect pi"I",VW.) Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, 17(311 WAXER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail&,rvilce Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-I636 13a.Yield(Cpm) 1 Metliod of test: J T 24c.For Water Surinly&Injection Wells: In addition to scildilli the forl"I to Ow addresses) above, also submit one cop), of this fonn .-Jthfti 30 &vs of 13b.Disinfection type. v 0 7 Amount: Completion of well construction to file County health department of the. county vdieiv constructed. Folln C'W-I 'Nulift Carolina f?"ImIlvietit of Envir,,timental QuaRy-Division of lVater Rcw,uice, Revised 2-22-201C,