HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--03964_Well Construction - GW1_20230612 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW-1) ForIntemal Use Only. ZZI I.Well Coarmctur Information: Russell Taylor , 14.WATEBZONES Wen Conna=Na= FROhr `` TO I DESCIUMQN 2187-A !IC Well cmmwar Cert[ECtdoa Number I fL , L3.OtTlERCASIISG multteasedwdls 08LIIVElt Madden Brothers Well DdIring, Inc I FROM I To TMOCMS bkMTi1WL Company Name I I&INNER CASING OR Tt1811t'G(nothcanal el4ted L Well COMMCdOn Permit: aDaS-J464`7- 9-' I.Z9[,p i FRosr TO nruatEtER Tsrcrcv�s MtATtRWL Un di appikdIe-it cv=nt MGon paarru(c.e I71G County,State;Yatdenee,etc) R ln. 3.WOU Un(check wa me): % [oim 1 1.48 TEE L , [AquifaTest ppiy Wen: 17.SCREEN FROMi TO DIA.1tEm Mars ZE TfOCrp1fF55 MtATERfAL E3Municipa)1Pablic ft fr. in. i (H-Iing/Coaliag Supply) MResideatW Wata Supply(single) ft. ft im I aUCoInguce I OResideatial Water Supply(shared) I&GROL7T brimation FROM TO I Nr►;EFur. I LNsrtaCM, 11 MEraoa s A3ro rSupplywelb ft I ap ft. I �._,�.� Otanoed ring DReeovery i m ft ell: Rcchatgc E2Cnnuadw&=RcmcdizdQnSronge and Reco 19.SAND/GRAVELPACKff Iel�Y Saliniry Barrier MA i to sTt:RrwLT� MSto=waterDrainageental Technology Subsidence Controlmal(Closed Lo ap) FDRlLL1:-GLOG nuacbaddidonalsheetsifn FROIaESCRIMMNlooter.hardamsoMN"Tt.MIDsuLetGlrmal Mcatin Colin Rattan) M09=(explain under 21 Rama=) O I tL I clay a sand 4.Date WcU(s)CQmpleced: 3 well ID;= ra 6a.Wall Location: i 90o, mO LLC I i 1 � , °adliq/Owaa Vaple Facitiry IDd(r.-applieablei ff: I ft. �W QJM 1^nreA- Tai 1 I�ulln_ �..ka�7 .�87ir.'s ItlfOfr'13�'i;;1 PrccR22i. !J z. mysfeal Addnem City:and Zip .5 I e"ael Ca 03::y 7 5 43—35- 10.41 cdvnry Parcel Idcndfieseoc No.(P Dept W LU —So-f+t Secant,J�T145 5b.Latitude and longitude in degrees/ralautes/seconds or decimal degrees: (if WCQ field,ene 12149ag is suflleleat) SL Certification: 35' 08-939 .r 08�3° 08 .412 w 5 6.Is(are)the vreil(s) Permaneat or OTemporary Sig=E=ofCatifiedNvcllCon==. dl sgrrirg:i isJornr !irereer arrify teat ite11�SI��(SlYR)caaattacied in aeeardm 7.Is this a repair to as esistiag welt: [3Yes or No tv W1 JIM:rCAC 0ZC.0100 or 15.4 NCRC OZC.0200 kill Caaarredoa Smrdardr and lla Yfh&It a repair,fdl out lmot.tr ivrll eaestrueriaa tafarmatioa'PKplaih ree r ",=of tier cope Creels rresrd itas been provided ro rF.e r.Ytl aLxer. repair raider#271 remar a$nation or as the back offlur fame. a.Site diagram or additional Well details: S.For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use the back of this page to provide additional Well site details or a stra conctic0. G only I W-I is needed. Indicate TOTAL NI TUMBER of ells consuuccon details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. drilled: I SUB M.- lTTAI lNSTRUCTIQNS 9.Total well depth below land surface: I Et) (ft.) rqa Fer -Am A ells: Subrait this fo.-et within 30 days of completion of v For muldpleuvl&rat all depdaifdorererrlCe=o7k-3QZ00-=d2 1001 consmuctionto the following: 10.Static water level below top of casing: (tit.) Division ofl'rater Resources,Information Processing Unit, lftmurlawl it above easing,tar'•=- 1617 Mall Service Center,Raleigh,VC 17699-1617 11.Borehole dla nmr. L a (La.) 34b.For Wection li'eiisa In addition to sending the form m the address in Lit 1 IU�C above,also so the following: one copy of this farces s�id+in SO drys of eemplaaon aF t IL Well construction method; wnstnreSaa to the C—auger,rotary,ablc,rinser push.etc) �--� Division of water Resources,Underground Iijectlon Control Program FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS MNLY: 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh.VC 2709-1636 13a.Yield(PM) O Niethad of test GYM itA.J 7rrc.For��, er Suaal_v_8 Infection�4elr� In additionto SeadlLg the fart ;ire addresses) above, also submit one copy of this form Within 34 dry 136.Disinfection type. �t � amount: � compic3on o:wall cansauction to the county health departateat of the CO- where constmc=d. Form ONNI-i ONt Caroiml DC7aRTLSit Of T�TO�T:nI 1 Q<i:�'•�I"•'SlOr.O'.�:_.v`r Rr�CfLC� ItSl7ttd -��-