HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--03963_Well Construction - GW1_20230612 W :-- •'P.riRt:i ELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW-Il For Inremal Use'OnIy: i 1.Well Contactor Information: Russefl Taylor 14.WATERZCNES I FROM I TO I I 1 DESCRIPI40N Well ConasciarNs= 2'167-A ! XC Well Cana&=CatMci&o.Nataber I 15,Q7p CASII+IG or maltt ested wells ORLIl�iEIt Hadden Brothers Well Drilling, 1nG 1 FRONT TO Dsu►iErER Txiatvrss iusstwa tt: fr tn. Company Name 116.LYNER CASING OR TUM--G closed L Well Construction Permit .4Q3/-9— 1.6n 1 FROM I TO i Dsa..tE= I TBICXN s MATMUL LW all appitrable trait ratrrnalan permit:(i.a,UIC,Cowtty,State Variance,ar.) I tL 138 R /„ In. 3.Wen Use(check wen use); 1..3a M 1 40 � u� 1 � o ICMWxmal tpply WW L- 17.SCREE:C FRoai 1 Ta DrnatErER siarstzs slact�ss M1iTz;RUL MmI •)MtmiicipaYFublic ft. ft. ia. ermal(Hearin&/Cooling Supply) MResdential Water Supply(single) ft. ft, aiaVCttmamrcial Residential Water Supply(shared) IL GROUT ion e'RO�f TO I MA.IERLtL I n1PLAMt11TdEEfHODi,l�i0 ater Supply FVefI: it. I m - I �.rc ram 'toring ORccovery ;I tr tt- 1 n Yell:mrRcehargc DcmoundwatcrRcm19.SAND/GRAVEL PACK if Irsable) Storage and Reeovcty M-Sailaity Barrier FROM TDerTest M-SW=WatcrDraiaagc I tt. Iimetu l Technology Subsidence Control I fr. I t£ermal(Closed Loop) M.Tmccr 20.DR=N.GLOG aMeiraddrdoaatsheetsif FROMTo IDESCFtIermal(Hratin olio R'ea,, )), Other(explain undo=21 Remad-s) I—O I 30 I clay F.sand 4.Date Wells)Completed:y51�boon ES`eil M I ft: I — Sa.Well Location: M.Q6.L Ne I fM I fL i FMMty/0W=-,4=ac raeiliry IDS(ii apptieabiei { fL I fti I . 4ri7.'%+ern AII2d syova o�8r179 . ._ — M 1 ft. i fL f te, nR .. Physical Address.City.and Zip /f4 U 8�1 a �L RiFlflil3 + J taC iLSoNI Ce.taT�1 /5a -6907 21-REM4.RIC4 County Parcel Idcadficadon\ 1 o.En u,rr pc1gm Lbuw Sb.Latitade and Ioagitnde in degrees/miautesiseconds or decitaal degrees: (ifwca Sou one tat/long is sufficient) 22.Certifr:cation: 3 ° 19.o?I2 N 083° 1 b. !o? W 6.Ware)theweli(s) Permanent or OTemporar}' si�turc ofCctificd�vet[coaaaCtor 3y-s.'gnirg:it's fornr,1 herrgr certify rhal r ttr,7(r/ Orem)cmvmcfed in amnh 7.Is this a repair to an misting well: C2Yes orP.I=Plair ND ;+stir!Sd rGIC 03C.0100 ar 1S.4,VCAC 02C.0200 Well Corrnaetlw+Sandmds endd lt/tir Et a repair fell oat krsoua mlI ewrsaatrdiors irsfarm¢:iars the rerun;q;the %3'arid;rr=rd irar beer proWdrd to the+cell ouaer. repair wrdfr 921 Mmarkrj=oa or err rre baal-ofrlurform. 23.Site diagram or 3dditioasl well details: S.For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal WeIIs having the s�aie :ou may use the back of this page to provide additional Well site details or' eonsnction,only I GW--I is needed- Indicate TOTAL\VNIBER of wells co�m'�0a details. You Winn also attach additional gages if necessary. drilled: I SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIQ•S 9.Total mil depth below land surface. 700 (ft-) Z4a. Fnr .411 Wells: Submit this fotat.vithfa 30 da}3 of completion of For multipir uTtIr Irtt all depthr ifditferml(esaarplr-3Q¢200'arrd 1Q/001 construction to the following: 10.Static water keel below top of casing: 100 %ft.) Derision of Nvater Resource;,Information Processing Unit, .. lfwattrlevr!frabowearcrZ are'=" 161-1 Mail Service Center,Raleth,TIC 2769961617 11.Borehole diameter: (ra.) 14b.For Iaiection Weil s: In addition to sending the form m the addrts h �� jL. above,r also to the Otte rogy of this form r9thirs 30 days of eomplatiott of SZ.Weil coastrncIIori method: h 1�t1 1 rons�txuctiaa to tha following: CU.ate,rotary,cable,direct ptuis etc) Division of'waterResources,Undergrnund IDjeetiva Contra Ptvgrat FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail sery ice Center,Ralefgb,NC 27699-3,06 132.Yldd fgpm} 112 Nlethcd of test: d,ii"uw 3+c For Wate:Suaolr Z.Inieetion Wells: 1n addition to sending thQ f0 rrSS I the address(es) above.'also submit one copy of this faun within 30 di Lab.Disinfection taper T1 3monnt 1 I Completion of l const:trctfon to the county health department of tbe_c .veil Waere aonstrucMd. Form G1tir-1 VoRlt Carolina Depar-cnLog:..,i:on s�;z Q=iia_Di=s or.o:V:s:.rR�oac RLtised2-?