HomeMy WebLinkAboutSite Inspection 6.21.23 A9Wetland Inspection Report Inspection Type: Reason for Inspection: Inspection Date: Site Owner Name: Latitude: County: Project Name: Project Num: Location: SW Plan Location: 20201371 TPB NCDOT - Improvements to NC 129 and NC 143 (A-0009C)Graham TPB NCDOT - Improvements to NC 129 and NC 143 (A-0009C) NC DOT Division 14 - Sylva 6/21/2023 Routine Site Inspection (DOT) Version: 1 Status:Issued Project Type:New Road/Highway Region:Asheville Longitude: Inspection Contact Person:Title:Phone: On-Site Representative(s): Secondary Inspector(s): Primary Inspector:Phone:Robert K Mitchell Facility Compliance Status:Compliant Not Compliant Question Areas: Program Areas:401 (includes isolated/non-404) Permit (401 WQC) Inspection Summary: page:1 Inspection Date: Site Number: Inspection Type: Owner: Reason for Visit: 20201371 6/21/2023 Blazer, Keith Site Inspection (DOT)Routine Site inspection was conducted on June 21, 2023 by Kevin Mitchell with the Asheville Regional Office. Mark Davis, Crystal Amschler, and Reid Whitehead were present during the inspection. The following are items that need attention: Section CA - Station 108+00 (Site 9 Slay Bacon) - Box culvert is being installed. Some of the backfill material in the box culvert contains red clay. Recommend having a plan to deal with fine material that moves downstream after live water is turned into the culvert. We discussed leaving the impervious dike in place and using water to move fine material downstream and then pumping sediment laden water through the silt bag. Section CB - Station 271+00 LT (Site 12) - Rip rap was removed and keyed in to form a more defined channel. - Station 279+00 - 281+00 LT (Site 15) - Need additional erosion control measures to prevent sediment from entering JS. Recommend native seed mix in channel change. Section CC - Station 51+00 - 53+00 LT (Site 11)- Recommend adding another measure at the beginning of the diverted (dry) channel to prevent sediment from moving downstream after rain events. Channel is currently being diverted through the basin. - Station 48+00 - 50+00 RT (Site 11)- Middle section of channel change is piping. Recommend monitoring after rain events or choking this area with more native substrate to get the water to the surface. The SDO at station 50+00 RT needs maintenance. The slope drain also needs to be reinstalled. Slope is rilling. - Station 67+00 RT (Site 14) - Sediment was observed in JS. This was removed on 6/22/23 with photo documentation received on 6/22/23. Additioanl measures have been added to prevent future loss. page:2 Inspection Date: Site Number: Inspection Type: Owner: Reason for Visit: 20201371 6/21/2023 Blazer, Keith Site Inspection (DOT)Routine Permit (401 WQC)Yes No NA NE Does the impact(s) match what was approved in the 401 WQC or non 404 permit? Are the culverts and/or filled areas installed properly? Is the site compliant with additional conditions of the 401 WQC or non 404 permit? Comment: page:3