HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0013676_Monitoring - 01-2023_20230428Monitoring Report Submittal ..................................................... Permit Number#* WQ0013676 Name of Facility:* Beacon's Reach Month: * January Report Information Type * NDMR, NDAR-1, NDAR-2, NDMLR Confirmation Email Address: * Name of Submitter: * Signature: Date of submittal: Initial Review Year:* 2023 Upload Document* SEQU 1371423042816220.pdf 406.59KB PDF Only Please upload one PDF containing all applicable monitoring reports (i.e., NDMR, NDAR-1, NDAR-2, NDMLR, GW-59). grady@beaconsreach.net Grady Fulcher �taa„q %%�i�lafPt Reviewer: Wanda.Gerald 4/28/2023 This will be filled in automatically Is the project number correct?* WQ0013676 Is the monitoring report accepted?* Yes No Regional Office* Wilmington Reviewer: _anonymous Review Date: 6/22/2023 Non -Discharge Monitoring Report (NDMR) Permit No.: W00013676 1 Facility Name: Beacons Reach county: carteret Month: January I Year: 2023 PPI: 001 Flow Measuring Point: Effluent Parameter Monkori Point: Effluent Parameter code 50050 1 00400 06310 00610 0053a 31616 00620 OOM DOM 00609 00640 702951-- 00076 a65 Day O V � ii $ F °$� e O�Z �_ 5 24hr M s GPI)su m !L mWL sHDO mL m9fl. WL ,L m l 1 9-40 02 17M 022 2 935 0.2 63000 M30 3 9:16 0.4 26500 8.40 2.00 0.10 250 1.00 0.4a 125 0.40 1.71 3DO 0,12 129 4 8735 0.4 175DO 8.50 3.50 0.04 5 8:36 0.4 24500 SAO 3.00 0.14 6 8:30 0.5 22500 8.10 4.00 0.16 7 8.39 02 la500 0.14 a 8 35 0.3 19000 0.14 9 8:40 0.4 16500 8.20 3.50 0.14 10 am 0.5 15" 8.10 3.00 0.14 17 8:43 0.4 15000 8.10 420 0.14 12 8:44 0.5 10D00 8.40 200 0.07 750 1.00 0.77 0.94 0.77 1.71 1 350 0.13 1.35 13 750 CIA 1700 820 &W 0.19 14 11:49 02 175W 0.21 15 9:43 0.2 23500 024 16 11.48 0.3 225W 8.00 350 0.26 17 a:19 0.4 14000 820 a.00 DM la 821 OS 13000 8.30 6.00 0.28 19 t2:38 CIA 1250D 8.10 4.50 0.23 20 8:00 CIA WOOD 8.10 5.00 0.22 21 11:14 0.3 150W 0.21 22 929 0.3 13000 0.28 23 824 f OA 19500 8.10 4.40 0.27 24 0.4 13600 7.90 120 0.23 25 gOO 7:59 OA am 8.40 350 020 26 10:58 0.4 12500 6.20 3.00 0.28 27 10:18 0.4 14WO 8.00 3.50 0.22 2a 10:75 025 11500 0.2229 9:15 0.3 145M 0.22 30 9:15 025 17000�jn ' 00 3.12 025 77 9:34 0.3 12DOO 214 1 0.21 AwmsQs: 16781 8.17 200 0.09 250 1.OD 0.62 1.10 0.62 1.71 3.65 020 1,32 0goy Maximum; 53000 8.50 200 CIAO 250 1.00 0.77 125 0.77 1.71 0.00 Ox 6.00 0.30 1.35 0.00 0 Davy tAk mum: 1700 7.80 70D 0.07 250 1.00 0.46 DD4 0.46 1.71 0.00 0.00 120 0.04 129 0.00 0 Sernpli 7 : wontny L4niC 135000 10 4 5 14 10 Dsi Limit• Sample Frequency. FORW NDMR 0&11 --go, 14MINNOW NON -DISCHARGE MONITORMNG REPORT (NDUR) ssnPWw Pef"s) Cw~ taboramrNs NW.". Kanie OnMa Nafns: Envlrofr(lent 1, INC "New Naww Does all monitoring date and sampling f uluencleass meet the requirements In Attachment A of your permit? ®'m"e"t ❑ ftww"M "''` If the fKay is nonmmpeart pisese explain in the space below the mamm(s) the be ty was not in eomplarm. Pmwids in your e7piawMan ft dates) of the non-COm� and descbe the oortedi" action(,) taken. AQadf addkWul stoats if nsoesawy. Operator In F asponsUft ChwW (ORC) Cwt1 katlon Pana tl.e cordoc don One: Don ornate Pamtttee: u,,; S FL< a� c�. i�1 cz L eJ tQ sst�� pie. ' eWwWation No.: 7904 Skpbv ottkw: G,,%`-1 L,3. F1 Q4, Gmdr 3 Phone Number. 252-725-2129 sw tg omciars Tits, C- .rah me"r'g— ► w the ORC ehwwd shwa- the prevfaa ND#Mt? ❑ re E) no Ptlorle Ntrrlbar: ��. 2`l'7' `t O 1, Pers. Eqi *Mon: swam" Date s4nah" Dabs ey eta dprn 1 o.sy Mt w nparf r soourra wd aw g to M but of M bwawapa. 1 aw*. udw pwwly of i@w air sfa do , wd wd r aw pnpwad udr wry dtaaon or supin soaordwiosarh a sI t, dw In to aqua aid r awMW , . PWwb 0 - I wd evoke d M t/ornr/on wbtnftd. 0aard an wy h*ft of M perm a pwwm aho a wwpe M spbm, or Itcw pwww dearly M@PwM1A* for pdwrYq M Yrwn+rawt M YMamnaan ubmM d Y, loft bar of my boadrdpa and brut, too, aoarafa, and eon $ I 1 1 wn awwe am eiws sm MOM— prr- far �q bw a ft., YKwft M vocxbb of fAw wd In1P1@Mwf for bawke vwm&r Man Or%ftal and Two copka to: Divkloe Ot"ft r Quality IMornatlon Prod Unit 1617 URN Sarvke Canter Raktph, North Carolina 2MI1.1517 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT Page of SPRAY IRRIGATION SITE(S) THERE ARE TWO APPLICATION FIELDS PER PAGE. USE ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NEEDED. PERMITNUMBER: is(_%, MONTH: YEAR: FACILITY NAME: COUNTY: Formulas: Daily Loading (inches) _ [Volume Applied (gallons)a 0.1336 (curt het/gallon)a 12 (incneshoolu r (Area Sprayed (acres) x e3.660 (square teellacregit = volume Applied (wuonsp )Area Sprayed (acres) a 27,152 (pporhyaere-inch" Maximum Hourly Loading (inches) -Daily Loading (inehes)1 [rime irrigated (minusesp60 (minutesmo A Monthly Loading (inches) • Sumd Daiy Leadim9S (inches) 12 Month floating Total (inches) - Sum o1 ars monlll's Monthly loading 111W10a) 0" Previous 11 moMh's Monthly Loedinps (inches) Did Irrigation occur At This Weakiv inofinches) = rMentsv. Yes: El, No: ❑ 'Did valtiDn Occur Thisaws on un Field: "Oran f Oe ��,' • • w- Yes: No: ❑ Did Irrigation Occur On This Field: Yes: [] No: ❑ FIELD NUMBER: I I FIELD NUMBER: AREA SPRAYED acres : -12. AREA SPRAYED sues COVER CROP:1 COVER CROP: " PERMITTED HOURLY RATE (inches): PERMITTED HOURLY RATE finehesl: D A T E WEATHER CONDITIONS TOnrperah ���,ar et Preclpna• appre:atian lion Storage Lagoon Free.Yoar PERMITTED YEARLY RATE(inchas):1 (inches): PERMITTED YEARLY RATE inches : Volume Time led Irr' ated Daily Loadin Maximum Hourly Loading Volume Applied Time lffbgated Daily Load Maximum Hourly Loading Inches ('F) Neches teat 9a minutes inches Neches gallons minutes inches 2 C S 3 e . CIct.t IS r 36 s 1 G 3 • `I o �' 6 C. SS- 7 Ct SCt 9 3 14 1►S > .o .3G 9 Cr I� Spray Irrigation Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC): �•.S Or,� Phone: ORC Certification Number: 'IP,b-_ Check Box if ORC Has Changed: ❑ Mail ORIGINAL and TWO COPIES to: ATTN: Non -Discharge Compliance Unit DENR , Division of Water Quality (SIGNATLIE OF OPERATOR IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE) 1617 Mail Service Center BY THIS SIGNATURE, 1 CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS ACCURATE AND COMPLETE RALEIGH, NC 27699-1617 TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT Page _±L of SPRAY IRRIGATION SITE(S) Facility Status: Please indicate ( by inserting Y(es) or 14(o) in the appropriate box ) whether the facility has beenompliant with the following permit requirements: (Vote: it a requirement does not apply to your facility put CIA) in the compliant box. ) 1. The application rate(s) did not exceed the limit(s) specified in the permit. Cc m 11 2. Addquate measures were taken to prevent wastewater runoff from the site(s). 4 3. A suitable vegetative cover was maintained on the site(s) in accordance with the permit. 4 4. All buffer zones as specified in the permit were maintained during each application. 5. The freeboard in the treatment and/or storage lagoon(s) was not less than the limit(s) 4 specified in the permit. If the facility is non -compliant please explain in the space below the reason(s) the facility was not in compliance with its permit. Provide in:your explanation the date(s) of the non-compliance and describe the corrective action(s) taken. Attach additional sheets if necessary. '1 certify. under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that all qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations." Jac, &J • < C zl 116h.3 (Signatude of Pelmittee)' Date al o• Q..r , to !-, (Permittee-Please print or type) ',o-b114 S. g t4i�1 . , , _ & �, , iJ,C., 216 is t 2 (Permittee Address) a L3. (Name of Signing Official -Please print or type) (Position or Title) �s 2-2ti'2-�-lot'1 (Phone Number) (Permit Exp. Date) 1f signed by other than the permittee, delegation of signatory authority must be on file with the state per 15A NCAC 28.0506 1b)(2)(1)).